Project Report On How To Attract New Customer: Prepared By: Sunny Gupta Pcl-I

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Project Report


How to attract new


Prepared by:
Sunny Gupta
“Attracting New Customer”

How to Attract New Customers:-

A business dies every two
hours. It breaks my heart to go shopping sometimes. There's the "Going out of
business sale!", the pride saving "Lost our lease sale!", and the cardboard
headstone "Space For Rent". They are all a result of the same problem... not
enough customers.

It's nice when you can open a business and attract new customers the next
day. It's great when a web site guarantees your profitability. But none of
those things happen without good planning. Without a good plan, and the
proper execution, businesses die very quickly.

3-Rules to Attract New Customers:-

 Let people know you exist - Advertise yourself. If people
don't know where you are and what you do, they can't buy from you.
Advertising greatly increases your chances of success.
 Don't scare the customer - Make the customer feel
comfortable with your product or service. Provide an environment
that they will feel safe in. Make them feel good about spending their
money. Don't scare the customer.
 Look the parts - Businessmen wear suits. Policemen carry guns.
You are reading this article because we look the part. We effectively
display our ability to attract new customers. You can do the same
when you look the part.

You be surprised at how many people break these simple rules.

Sometimes I go exploring around my city and I find little out of the way
businesses that I would have never known about before. They are good
businesses with absolutely no exposure. So when I go back a few
months later to see them again, they are out of business. It's very sad.
They don't go out of business because they are bad at business, it's just
that no one knew where they were so they never made enough money
to stay open. You can't attract new customers when they don't know
you exist.

Different approaches to attract new customer

Networking. Networking is perhaps the most commonly used approach by small
business owners. However, it is often poorly executed. Many people attend a
networking function and take the wrong approach by trying to meet as many people as
they can. They bounce from person to person, handing out business cards like it is an
Olympic event and they are vying for the gold medal. They fail to realize that the most
effective way to network is to cultivate relationships and give referrals to other members

Referrals. This marketing strategy places a close second in preferred methods of

generating new business leads. The key here is to ensure that you take a proactive
approach rather than a passive one. Instead of assuming that a satisfied client will refer
someone to you, tell people who your ideal client is and ask for their help in finding
these types of clients. The real estate agent who represented the seller when we bought
our house sends us a card every year and reminds us that she loves referrals. It is not
pushy, does not sound like she’s begging, and I’m confident it helps generate new

Writing. This often under-utilized marketing strategy is an excellent way to become

recognized as an industry expert. Every industry has trade magazines and most are
hungry for good content. The Internet is also filled with websites and e-zines looking for
material to send to their subscribers and customers. I now write at least one article
every month and send it to more than two hundred publications. This marketing strategy
alone has helped drive more traffic to my website more than anything else. It is
sometimes challenging to come up with ideas and to write an 800 word article but the
investment of time and effort is definitely worth it.

Newsletters. This is another powerful marketing strategy to keep your name in front of

your customers and prospects. Provide key insight into business challenges and offer
solutions to them. In other words, help your prospects and customers solve problems.
Some newsletters are nothing more than advertising so be sure to provide valuable
information to your customer. Although it is less expensive to send a newsletter
electronically, you can issue it in paper format. A local real estate agent regularly sends
out a one-page update of the housing market in our neighborhood.

Cold calling. Without a doubt, this is usually the most challenging way to market a
business - I know very few people who actually enjoy cold calling. However, it can be a
good way to uncover qualified prospects in a relatively short period of time. Be sure to
start your conversation with a good opening to capture the other person's attention.

Give free information. At the marketing workshop I attended, the facilitator suggested
giving information to interested prospects. Using this marketing strategy on my website,
I have quadrupled the number of subscribers to my newsletter in the last year. You do
not need to give away all the information relevant to your product or service. Instead,
offer information that will help your target market with their problems. For example,
when people sign up to my e-zine, they receive a report that outlines 100 tips they can
use to increase their sales.

Offer a guarantee. A concern many people have when changing suppliers is the risk
associated with the change. They may not be completely satisfied with their existing
supplier but the risk of choosing a supplier who may be worse can prevent them from
changing. Eliminate this concern and offer a guarantee.

Advertising. This can be a great marketing strategy if you know how to create a good
ad. The best marketers know that great sales copy is what makes the difference; I have
experienced this first-hand. When I began selling my book on my website, I generated
mediocre results for the first two years. I eventually changed the copy on my site and
sales have soared every since. Glance through the ads in your trade magazine and you
will quickly notice that most ads focus on the company's product features instead of on
the customer's problem. Create a great ad by concentrating on the problem you can

There are many other ways to market your business and generate new business leads.
However, the marketing strategies I mention in this article are effective low- or no-cost

7 Quick Strategies to attract customer

1. Reduce your customers’ risk. Give them 100% satisfaction guaranteed, because
do you really deserve to keep their money if your product or services hasn't
delivered what you promised?

2. Give them free samples, free 10 day trials, free, no risk 'pay me when you are
satisfied' periods.

3. Give a FREE Seminar, but remember to give it plenty of advertising via postcard
invitations, radio maybe, and don't forget that cable TV advertising can be very
reasonably priced for local events.

4. Invite your existing base to give you referrals or introductions.

5. CROSS PROMOTIONS / Cross Endorsements: Find another product or service

you believe in, and offer to endorse them, in exchange for them endorsing your

6. Throw a party, brat/hamburger/hot dogs or something of a picnic, where you

invite others to tour your operation and learn more about you, while getting free
How can we increase our share of the
market ?:-
What is market share: Percentage of total sales volume in a market
captured a brand, product, or firm.

The firm's performance relative to competitors can be measured by the proportion of the
market that the firm is able to capture. This proportion is referred to as the firm'smarket
share and is calculated as follows:

Market Share    =    Firm's Sales / Total Market Sales

Sales may be determined on a value basis (sales price multiplied by volume) or on a

unit basis (number of units shipped or number of customers served)

Reasons to Increase Market Share

Market share often is associated with profitability and thus many firms seek to increase
their sales relative to competitors. Here are some specific reasons that a firm may seek
to increase its market share:

1. Economies of scale - higher volume can be instrumental in developing a cost

2. Sales growth in a stagnant industry - when the industry is not growing, the firm
still can grow its sales by increasing its market share.

3. Reputation - market leaders have clout that they can use to their advantage.

4. Increased bargaining power - a larger player has an advantage in negotiations

with suppliers and channel members.

Ways to Increase Market Share

The market share of a product can be modeled as:

Share of Market =  Share of Preference  x  Share of Voice  x  Share of Distribution

According to this model, there are three drivers of market share:

 Share of preference - can be increased through product, pricing, and

promotional changes.

 Share of voice - the firm's proportion of total promotional expenditures in the

market. Thus, share of voice can be increased by increasing advertising

 Share of distribution - can be increased through more intensive distribution.

From these drivers we see that market share can be increased by changing the
variables of the marketing mix.

 Product - the product attributes can be changed to provide more value to the
customer, for example, by improving product quality.

 Price - if the price elasticity of demand is elastic (that is, > 1), a decrease in price
will increase sales revenue. This tactic may not succeed if competitors are willing
and able to meet any price cuts.

 Distribution - add new distribution channels or increase the intensity of

distribution in each channel.

 Promotion - increasing advertising expenditures can increase market share,

unless competitors respond with similar increases.
Reasons Not to Increase Market Share
An increase in market share is not always desirable. For example:

 If the firm is near its production capacity, an increase in market share might
necessitate investment in additional capacity. If this capacity is underutilized,
higher costs will result.

 Overall profits may decline if market share is gained by increasing promotional

expenditures or by decreasing prices.

 A price war might be provoked if competitors attempt to regain their share by

lowering prices.

 A small niche player may be tolerated if it captures only a small share of the
market. If that share increases, a larger, more capable competitor may decide to
enter the niche.

 Antitrust issues may arise if a firm dominates its market.

In some cases it may be advantageous to decrease market share. For example, if a firm is able
to identify certain customers that are unprofitable, it may drop those customers and lose market
share while improving profitability

Increase Sales and Profits by Attracting

More and new Consumers

How to Win and Retain Customers

Winning and retaining customers are essential for business success. This article explains
how businesses can win and retain customers to increase sales and make profits.

Successful businesses are usually those that are able to maximize profits even when global
conditions for doing business are not looking positive. Business managers and
leaders need to always have in mind that making high profits is only possible through high
sales which in turn depend on having a large pool of active customers.
In the face of current fierce marketing competition, how to win and retain customers
should be a priority in all marketing efforts of business organizations. The following tips
are essential for keeping existing customers while attracting new ones.
Good Market Research to Identify Consumer Needs and
The first and perhaps the most essential step is doing a market research study to learn
more about the needs of potential consumers. The market research study should be aimed
at finding out the views of potential consumers on what kind of service delivery and
customer care practices they appreciate and enjoy.

In addition, potential consumers may share their experiences on customer satisfaction and
disappointments in their previous dealings with service providers and assign brief reasons
in either case.

The ultimate aim should be that market research findings provide the needed information
for effective advertising and public relations activities as well as helping to have the best
marketing strategies in place.
Good Advertising, PR and Marketing
Through market research, the needs and opinions of existing customers and potential ones
are known. The next step in the consumer attraction and retention strategy is the use of the
research for putting out good ads, good public relations campaigns and effective marketing

Read on 
 Best Marketing Strategies for Maximum Sales
 The Value of Direct Marketing Campaigns
 Benefits of Sales Promotions

The use of different advertising channels is highly recommended as a solution to meeting

the challenges of modern marketing. A good PR and/or advertising agency can be
recruited for the job.

Key messages in promotional ads should be focused on what consumers say they want and
how they would want to be treated. The ads should covey to prospective customers that
the right products or services they need are now being offered and under a business
environment of quality customer care they deserve. All the ads and marketing campaigns
should be guided by the findings of the market research study.
Good Customer Relations for High Sales
The ads and PR campaigns may draw more existing and prospective customers to business
offices and shops. However, what is required for business success is not the mere presence
of thousands of window shoppers a day but those who will buy a product or patronize a
service. This is the time to make use of all the essential information acquired from the
market research, for ensuring excellent customer service and care.

Having well-trained marketers is thus essential. The key marketing maxim says: it is always
easy to keep an old customer than win a new one and easy to lose a customer than to gain
one. Once good customer relations are used to get customers satisfied, efforts should be
made to keep them active. Customers can be kept active by listening to their concerns and
providing appropriate feedback.

Offering promotions is also a good way of engaging customers and keeping them active.
Effective promotional activities may include the use of discount cards, coupons, discounts
and sweepstakes, among others.

The use of suggestion boxes may also be useful for gauging customer feelings and
perceptions. Data on customer perceptions can be used for modifying marketing
techniques in order to meet the needs of customers.

The fundamental principles for attracting and retaining customers for high profits and
business success include good market research, effective advertising and marketing
activities, and excellent customer relations. When these are done, the ultimate goal of
business success can be achieved.

What do potential customer want ?

Customers want a
more services.

Building brand loyalty by enhancing the customer/company relationship is

key to keeping your customers coming back for more. Your social media
marketing strategy needs to reflect this. Engaging your customer’s means
more than simply posting a standard status update or tweet. Engaging means
using strategic language that encourages a positive customer response and
encourages customer interaction.
Interaction makes your customers feel part of a community and they
appreciate the opportunity to interact with others who have similar interests,
including brands and products.

Getting the right first impression to new potential customers can mean a lot to
your business. It reflects to your business and to the care that you have for
your customers. Here are some tips on how to get the first good impression to
your visitors with your website.

Explain how you are unique

People don’t like to work with shadows and with the unknown, so make sure
you have highlighted who stands behind that company and what can the
company offer more and better from their competitors.

Contact Information’s

To gain customers trust you need to show them that you are there for them,
when they need you, at any time or any place. Give as much options for your
customers to get in touch with you for assistance or simple sales questions.


A customer who wants to buy your product would like to know about your
company and the people you deal with. Adding customer testimonials, client
lists, recognition, awards etc on the website not only adds to your standing
but also makes it easier for the customers to trust you.

Take care of customers privacy

Many customers fear to do business online for security reasons and fear that
their information’s might be spread on the net. Assure your clients how you
treat personal data, show them that you have encrypted data and that they are
safe with your company.

Organize site for ease of navigation

A big turn off for a new visitor and potential customer is when they can’t find
what they are looking for easily in your site. Happens often that visitors might
just hit the back button instead of the order button just because they get so
frustrated that they need to spend more then what they should to find the
information’s they are looking for.

Efficient order process

An efficient order process is one that takes as less time as possible to potential
customers, outlines the most important data and gets customers to the “pay”
button as fast as possible. The trick of this is to keep the order form clean, not
saturated with useless data and straight forward.

Not to miss offers

People do like free stuff as well as great deals, offering them a great promotion
for a very limited time will incentivize customers to hit the order button as
fast as possible. Make a good use of this, and make sure it is worth to clients

How effective are our current methods

of marketing our product ?
There are different methods when it comes to marketing. This includes direct
marketing, relationship marketing, advertising, public relations, and
positioning. Use these resources to find out which method will work best for

A marketing strategy is a vital part of a business plan when you are starting
out.But not if it site dormant and dusty on some forgotten shelf. To be
effective, a marketing plan must be a living document, a responsive strategy
that provide the fuel and direction that drives a company forward. To survive
in these turbulent times, business owners must constantly track their
customers, competitions, pricing distribution and market share.

A marketing plan is not written in concrete. You need to continually examine

your market and resources to stay viable, he explains. But he do that, you
must begin with a sound program. A good marketing plan establishes a
demand for product or service and can forecast the business’s potential to
grow and develop simply put, developing a marketing plan involve identifying
a niche summarizing, objective , preparing a strategy and monitoring its

How can we improve advertising and

communications approaches?:-

1. Communication approaches:
 Things like establishing a brand, marketing your products and services, advertising,
working on things like public relations, media management and even businesses
dealings with customers or other firms fall in the category of external

 As for internal communication, things like building up the ideals of your company,
setting certain guidelines that you expect to follow in your business, carving out
strategy and goals to ensure success, keeping your employees inspired and egging
on all those involved in your business falls into the category of internal

 All the things mentioned above contribute to the betterment of your business
prospects. Be it internal communication or external communication, it ultimately
contributes to the growth of your business. Thus, business communication is an
integral aspect that will help you go ahead and establish yourself.

 When it comes to business communication, or for that matter, any aspect, the most
important thing is the customer. You need to ensure that you deliver what the
customer wants. Even when it comes to things like marketing or advertising, you
need to show what the customer appreciates and likes. Different customers accept
different kinds of marketing. It all depends on you to ensure that via business
communication, you are able to cater to the choices of a wide range of people. If you
are able to master the art of impressing many people by various means, you will be
able to take your business to the top.

 However, merely enticing your customer by showing them certain things is not good
business. Good business means getting a quality product together and then
marketing for it wisely so that people accept it. Just promising your customers a lot
and then delivering nothing will only get your business into a soup. So gauge your
products and services and then embark upon advertising and marketing. Internal
business communication is the key to get all your people together and then inspiring
them to deliver the best.

 If you want to create a world class product, the first thing that you need to do is
believe in yourself. This is where internal business communication comes in. It helps
you get all your employees together and tell them that you can pull it off with élan. If
there is a lot of positive thinking and bursting enthusiasm in your camp, the good
spirit will show in your product. Your employees are an integral part of the
company, so keeping them happy and making them believe in the company and
themselves is very important.

 Business communication is a very important aspect of your business and you need
to take great care in improving your communication strategy so that your business
keeps booming!

2. Advertising Approaches:
Today's topic - the many keys to successful advertising based on research for my
book Brand Aid.
Effective general advertising techniques:
•    A good ad will always dramatize your brand’s most important benefit. 
•    Simpler ads are usually more powerful.  
•    Create copy in smaller chunks – sentences, paragraphs, etc.   
•    Natural and “real life” writing or dialog
•    subtly tapping into peoples’ fears and anxieties

Here are some print advertising techniques that have proven to be effective:
•    Try to evoke the reader’s curiosity. Begin by asking a provocative question and/or
feature an image that piques the reader’s curiosity.
•    Put quotes around your headlines.
•    Romance/dramatize your product or service.
•    Try to trigger multiple senses – use words that help people feel, hear, smell and taste
your product
•    Tell a story.
•    Communicate “news.”
•    Provide information that is useful to the reader.
•    Always write in the present tense.
•    Be as specific as possible.
•    Include customer testimonials (they should seem natural, not scripted or polished).
•    Know how readers read (from right to left top to bottom in the U.S.) and place your
headlines, illustrations, captions and copy accordingly.
•    Use white space to focus the reader’s attention on something important
•    In his book Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads, Roy H. Williams indicates that savvy
photographers and graphic artists have known for some time that there is a spot on a piece
of artwork to which the eye is irresistibly drawn, roughly between the middle and upper
right corner of the artwork.
•    Use words that sell: at last, now, new, introducing, announcing, finally, limited, save,
free, win, easy, guarantee, breakthrough, wanted, etc.  (Keep in mind that as consumers
become more sophisticated and savvy, there may be instances where these words might be
cliché or overused and, thus, may not be as effective.)
•    Avoid metaphors, analogies, puns, double entendres, “insider” references, and other
non-straightforward language.  Alliteration is sometimes effective.
•    Avoid jargon, dialect, acronyms and model numbers, especially in the headline.
Here are some successful approaches to television advertisements:
•    Company leader as brand spokesperson (examples: Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic,
Dave Thomas of Wendy’s, Lee Iacocca of Chrysler, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben &
•    Interesting character as brand spokesperson (Mr. Whipple of Charmin)
•    Customer testimonial
•    Visualization of the brand benefit and/or the “reason why”
•    Product demonstration (demonstrate product usage and show brand benefit)
•    Torture test
•    Problem-solution
•    Before-after.  To some large degree, advertising sells the hope of an improved future
with the use of a particular brand of product or service.  Before-after advertising reinforces
this hope.
•    Competitive comparison, although it is usually not wise to identify the competitive
brand by name
•    Special case: comparison to premium brand(s), although this can lead to greater
category price sensitivity 
•    Slice-of-life vignette (tells a story about the benefits of the brand)

When building the brand, the best advertising vehicles to use tend to be radio, television,
and with the widespread emergence of broadband, the Internet, due to the auditory
elements.  These vehicles create a slower build but are more effective in the long run. 
Trade magazines and shows and direct marketing (mail, e-mail, etc.) are effective for
business-to-business marketing because the target audiences typically are geographically
dispersed but highly targeted.  Newspapers and the radio are often used to promote brand-
building events as they can efficiently and effectively deliver a more immediate message.
Radio advertising should be scheduled for immediate effect, and radio ads should be
scheduled to run just before or during a sale or other event.

Here are the 10 most important things

that customers want to know:
1. How your business is unique
Answer the question "Who are you?" as interestingly and compellingly (and honestly)
as possible. This includes writing management bios that mention your expertise, years
of experience and any unique attributes or details that may set you apart from others.

You need to answer, Bredin says, "What is unique about your business? Why should I
buy from you?" This is missing from many business sites because the owners haven't
done the strategic thinking necessary to figure that out, she says.

Be concise, too, Cutler adds. "You don't need to write a novel."

2. A clear sense of what your company offers

"It's incredible how many sites you visit and you're not sure what the company offers,"
Bredin says. Make it a priority on your home page to provide at least general information
about your products and/or services, with links to specifics on a Products page.

Many service-oriented companies, Cutler says, are concerned about divulging too much
information about their offerings, for competitive reasons. Some also feel that consumers
will have no reason to contact them by phone if they get all they need from the website.
"There's a balance that needs to be reached" in giving the potential customer enough info
to make a buying decision, she says. More often than not, consumers will not contact a
company for the missing product information--they'll just move on to a competitor.

3. Contact information, including a phone number and physical location

This may seem like a no-brainer, but many companies are purposely vague about their
location. Some prefer to do all of their business online and see no need to publish an
address or phone number. Others are home-based or they worry that giving a street
address or hometown will somehow hinder them.
"This is a must, and it's one small way of building credibility and trust" with the
consumer, says Wayne Porter, co-founder of ReveNews, an online marketing
publication, and former senior director of research at Face Time, a business security
solutions provider. "A phone number, a street address and even pictures go a long way
toward building credibility."

Showing a physical location, even one that no one will ever visit, comforts a customer
that your business is real and legitimate, Bredin says. Provide a phone number that
maps to that location, rather than just an 800 number, she advises.

4. Third-party validation
This means customer testimonials, client lists, case studies, awards and recognition
you've received, positive news clippings and the like. Potential customers indeed want
to know who you do business with, and what current customers have to say about their
experiences. Such items "forge the underpinnings of trust," Porter says.

Client lists are especially important if your customers are businesses. "If you've got
some big-name customers, people like to see that," Cutler says. But make sure you get
approval from those you list as clients, she adds.

Porter adds that having a presence on social networking sites and blogs, especially
those serving your industry, is an increasingly popular form of validation among
customers. "Social networking now has strong validation," he says.
5. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
SSL is an encryption system that helps protect the privacy of data exchanged between a
customer and a website. If you have an e-commerce site that takes credit card
information, customers want to know that their sensitive data is encrypted. Get SSL if
you don't have it. If you do, let customers know that and about any other safeguards
you proactively take.

6. Ease of use and navigation

If people can't find it, they can't buy it. Porter advises keeping sites "crisp, clean, and
easy to navigate," but also for site owners to study traffic and usage patterns to adjust
their sites based on what visitors are coming for. "The ability to search a site is very
important," he says. "Businesses should study their search data to see if there are
trends and what to make front and center."

7. Clear guidance on your processes

Let customers know, step-by-step, important things such as how to order--and where
to go and what to do should something happen out of the ordinary. Customers also
want to know your shipping costs and procedures and how they can get status reports.
(Don't list your shipping costs and procedures after people enter their credit card
information, Cutler urges.) Last but not least, customers want to know how you handle
complaints and problems, return procedures and whether you have a money-back

Your processes can be described in a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page or

separate "how to order," shipping and/or confirmation pages. Include a way customers
can contact your business or fulfillment agency for more information.

8. An ability to give feedback

Encourage feedback about your products and services, your ordering process and your
site in general, by providing a feedback mechanism--either feedback forms or e-mail
links. Not every small business prefers to offer this, in some cases because of resource
constraints. "You definitely want to look at how and what feedback to gather, and you
should consider offering an incentive or perk [to the customer]," Porter says. "You
might get some good stories to feature on your site or in your blog."

9. Clear calls to action

Customers want signs or buttons in order to act, be it "Buy now" or "Sign up for
our newsletter" or "Click here for more information." But many small-business sites
don't provide calls to action or they don't present them clearly enough, Cutler says.
"This is one of the biggest things that nags me," she says. "If you have a captive
audience, this is the time to grab them!"
10. Special offers and personalization
by personalizing a sale with a special offer, incentive or coupon, small businesses can
gain an edge on their bigger counterparts, Porter says. "This can be as simple as a hand-
written thank-you note, free gift wrap services or a special offer for repeat business.

Effective Marketing Methods to Promote your


Irrespective of the industry you come from, every business has the prime purpose of
earning profit. When it comes to financial benefits, there are several factors that
influence the amount of profit or loss a company experiences in a given period of
time. Factors such as instability in the market, your countries’ trade laws, economic
recession, etc, influence the functioning of your business is more than one way.
However, there are some factors you can easily administer to optimize your
company’s income, and one of them is the marketing front.
There is no doubt that efficient marketing is the foundation of every business and is
equally important when it comes to making the business survive in its league.
Without cost effective and efficient marketing strategies, no company can sustain in
today’s highly competitive world. This is the reason every company spends a
significant part of its revenue in making sure their products and services are being
marketed in the best possible way.
Even though most companies have been using various conventional marketing
methods to promote their products and services; an extremely cost effective way to
market your company’s offering is direct marketing. The USP of direct marketing is
its cost effectiveness. Unlike conventional marketing methods, direct marketing does
not burn a hole in your pocket. It is a simple methodology of promoting a product or
service to only those individuals who may actually be interested in the product or
service being offered. The prospects are contacted using extremely inexpensive
means of communication.
The prospects are listed in address lists especially generated for promoting a
specific product or service. The contacts are chosen after considering various factors
such as line of business, geographical location, credit rating, purchase history, online
surveys, etc. If your company’s financial allow, you can generate these lists in-house
using web based lead generation methods or buy mailing lists from a reputed
address lists company. These companies have a team of lead generation
professionals specializing in generating leads for every industry domains. However,
before you buy mailing lists from any of the companies, always ensure that you read
customer reviews before you buy mailing lists.

Who is our most effective target?:-

Customer relationship
management is based on principles of effective data exchange the purpose of
which is to manage the total customer. By analyzing trend and buying
patterns, it should be possible to predict changes in behavior more rapidly
and to respond with new or adapted offers it should also be possible to
maintain consistent updated data on customer facilitate communication
between the customer and range of customer employees. The employee has a
full recorded of customer interactions on the screen.

Getting close to customer – Attracting new customer is all about getting

close to them and understanding their motivations and their complaints.

Standards of services- Clarity of purpose both employees and customer is

paramount in the battle to balance perception and expectations.

Responding to post.

Attending to callers.

Customer relations.

Training- training is a fundamental tool to develop employee capability and

understanding about what the customer is looking for and what they value.

Reward structure- reward has been traditionally given for sales against
targets and in the form of communication or bonuses.
Complaint analysis-dealing with complaints – analyzing and dealing with
the complaint of customer may seem a very obvious technique for improving
customer satisfaction.

What are their identifying character-

-istics and how can we best market to
Firstly you see who are your target customer?:-

When you come up with an idea for a business one of the first question you
need to consider is whether there are enough potential customer to support
the business.

Defining your target customer and learning about your market can be a
circular process. Typically you’ll start by identifying your best customer
prospect based on your observation and intuition about your market.

Next you’ll to do research to learn more about your market, such as what your
target customer buying habits are what your competitions is doing or whether
there are important industry trends.

Target market means identifying specific characteristics of the people or

businesses who you believe are most likely to actually buy your product or
services. These characteristics are sometime called a demographic profile.

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