STI History: Aim High With STI!
STI History: Aim High With STI!
STI History: Aim High With STI!
STI History
About STI
From its humble beginnings on August 21, 1983 as a computer
training center with only two campuses, STI now has campuses
all over the Philippines and has diversified into ICT-enhanced
programs in Information Technology, Business and Management,
Tourism and Hospitality Management, Engineering, and Arts and
It all started when four visionaries conceptualized setting up a training center to fill very
specific manpower needs.
The first two schools were inaugurated in August 21, 1983 in Buendia, Makati and in
España, Manila, and offered basic computer programming courses. With a unique and
superior product on their hands, it was not difficult to expand the franchise through the
founders’ business contacts. A year after the first two schools opened, the franchise
grew to include STI Binondo, Cubao, and Taft.
A unique value proposition spelled the difference for the STI brand then: “First We’ll
Teach You, Then We’ll Hire You.” Through its unique Guaranteed Hire Program (GHP),
all qualified graduates were offered jobs by one of the founders’ companies, or through
their contacts in the industry.
The schools’ 1st batch of graduates, all 11 of them, were hired by Systems Resources
Incorporated. And through GHP, more qualified STI graduates found themselves
working in their field of interest straight out of school.
No one among the four founders imagined that the Systems Technology Institute would
become a college, or would grow to have over 100 schools across the country. But it
did, all because of its unique value proposition, the synergy between the founders and
their personnel, and the management’s faithfulness to quality.
A long way since its birth, STI’s thrust has permeated right into the core of the globally
competitive market — it has transcended beyond ICT and beyond education,
addressing the need for job-ready graduates.
To be the leader in innovative and relevant education that nurtures individuals to
become competent and responsible members of society.
We are an institution committed to provide knowledge through the development and
delivery of superior learning systems.
We strive to provide optimum value to all our stakeholders – our students, our faculty
members, our employees, our partners, our shareholders, and our community.
We will pursue this mission with utmost integrity, dedication, transparency, and