Google UX Design Certificate - Portfolio Project 1 - Case Study Slide Deck (Template)
Google UX Design Certificate - Portfolio Project 1 - Case Study Slide Deck (Template)
Google UX Design Certificate - Portfolio Project 1 - Case Study Slide Deck (Template)
The product:
I am aiming to design an app for a food truck where the
users can see the menu, order and pay using just one
app. The target user will be mostly people from age Preview of selected
polished designs.
18-44 years old.
Project duration:
Insert the time that you worked on this design
project - e.g., Month Year to Month Year
Project overview
My role: Responsibilities:
Identify your role in the project - e.g., lead UX List the responsibilities you had throughout
designer, UX researcher, etc. the project - e.g., user research, wireframing,
prototyping, etc.
● User research
Understanding ● Personas
This can include the type of research you conducted, assumptions that you made going into the
research, and how your assumptions changed after conducting research.
User research: pain points
1 2 3 4
Pain point Pain point Pain point Pain point
Write one to two Write one to two Write one to two Write one to two
sentences reflecting sentences reflecting sentences reflecting sentences reflecting
on the pain point listed on the pain point listed on the pain point listed on the pain point listed
above and how it above and how it above and how it above and how it
will guide designs will guide designs will guide designs will guide designs
moving forward. moving forward. moving forward. moving forward.
Persona: Name
Problem statement:
[User name] is a [user
who needs [user need]
because [insight].
User journey map
Image of user
journey map
● Paper wireframes
Starting ● Digital wireframes
Image of Image of
selected selected
screen before screen after
usability study usability study
Before usability study After usability study
Image of Image of
selected selected
screen before screen after
usability study usability study
[Link to high-fidelity
prototype] Screenshot of
prototype with
connections or
prototype GIF
Accessibility considerations
1 2 3
Insert one to two Insert one to two Insert one to two
sentence summaries sentence summaries sentence summaries
describing each describing each describing each
accessibility consideration accessibility consideration accessibility consideration
applied in your designs. applied in your designs. applied in your designs.
● Takeaways
Going forward ● Next steps
1 2 3
Insert a brief sentence or two about contacting you and/or reviewing more of your work.
Provide your contact information here. This might include your email address, phone number, and
website or link to other professional platforms.