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Clean Room Testing Equipment -

the Lead in Competition


• Improved design for mobile use

• Straightforward to handle

• Rugged stainless steel casing

• Quick instrument setup

• Stable long-term operation

• Low-maintenance

• Rapid service for annual instrument

validation and calibration

Topas instrument package for clean room applications: :

aerosol generator ATM 226 and dilution system DIL 554(both to Laminar Air Flow Box
be connected to standard clean room particle counter) and
rectangular sampling probe SYS 529

More and more clean room equipment and facilities

are required by an increasing number of industrial Upstream
applications and research fields. This equipment tration SYS 529
must be tested and validated on a regular basis.
Apart from technical expertise, testing requires DIL ATM
suitable instrumentation, which is itself verified and
in compliance with existing standards and
Topas offers aerosol generators, dilution systems Particle counter Downstream scan
and rectangular sampling probes which have been
especially developed to comply with the Arrangement of Topas instruments for validation of a laminar
requirements as specified in current standards and air flow box
regulations. During the development phase, great
emphasis was put on the design of instruments to A liquid challenge aerosol is generated using an
make them suitable for mobile use. atomizer aerosol generator Series ATM upstream
of the laminar flow box. The required concentration
At the same time, all our various devices have
of this challenge aerosol is achieved by dilution
successfully been used worldwide for clean room
using a Topas Dilution System Model DIL.
validation and thus verified by this wide range of
applications. During manufacture each device has The filter is scanned downstream using the special
to pass a series of defined testing procedures. This Sampling Probe SYS 529. The sample air flow is
guarantees the consistently high quality of each forwarded to the particle counter for measurement.
unit which is documented by an official certificate of
instrument testing.
Atomizer Aerosol Generators
ATM 225/E and ATM 226

• Efficiency testing of HEPA and ULPA filter
• Validation of clean rooms and laminar air
flow boxes
• Generation of tracer particles for low flow
Atomizer aerosol generator Atomizer aerosol generator Advantages
ATM 225/E with adjustable ATM 226, with adjustable
particle production rate particle production rate, • Long-term stability of the generated aerosol
stainless steel casing and • Easy adjustment of particle concentration
integrated mains adapter and particle production rate
• Rugged design provides high reliability
Aerosol generators are used to reliably test the
performance of filter elements: They produce a • Designed for portable use with small
liquid aerosol at a sufficiently high concentration dimensions and low weight
with a peak particle size in the range of the most • Easy to use and low-maintenance
penetrating particle size (MPPS) of the filter. A TM 225/ES
A TM 225/E
ATM 226 Pump built in
Topas designed the ATM 226 especially for the ATM 220 Compressed air
clean room application. The patented injector A TM 210
A TM 230 .3
nozzle (GM 94 08 604) produces a special droplet ATM 230 .5

spray from a suitable aerosol substance. A TM 230

A TM 210/H
A TM 240
DEHS (Di-Ethyl-Hexyl-Sebacate DEHS, DES) has A TM 241
been widely introduced across Europe. When this ATM 242

colourless, low volatile liquid is nebulised by the 0 1 10 100 1000 10000

atomiser, the aerosol generator produces an Filter a rea [m²] te ste d w ith 1.000.000P/cf a t 0,45m /s

aerosol with an exceptionally long term stability. Operation ranges of atomizer aerosol generators ATM 210…242
The modal particle size has been found to be close
to MPPS which is why this material has been found Specifications ATM 225/E ATM 226
to be nearly ideal for HEPA and ULPA efficiency Flow rate 50...250l/h 50...300l/h
testing. Needless to say, other liquids such as DOP (0.8..4.2l/min) (0.8 5l/min)
(Di-Octyl-Phthalate), Emery 3004, or paraffin oils Mass flow rate approx. 2.5g/h
can also be nebulised with the Topas range of Aerosol liquid
atomizer aerosol generators. Max. counter 10kPa (0.1bar)
7E+6 Continuous max. 25h (without refilling)
Concentration, Particle/cm³

5E+6 operating time
Particle size Aerosol materials DEHS, DOP, Emery 3004,
2E+6 distribution of a Paraffins, Salt solutions,
1E+6 DEHS aerosol, PSL etc.
0 generated by an
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
aerosol generator
Power supply 12VDC 100...240VAC
Particle size, µm
series ATM Dimensions approx. 200 x 280 x 175mm
Weight 4.5kg 4.2kg
Dilution Systems
DIL 550 and DIL 554


• Testing and validation of clean room facilities

in combination with a clean room particle
• Determination of filter efficiency
• Aerosol resarch – measurement of highly
concentrated aerosols
Dilution system DIL 550 Dilution system DIL 554
(Dilution Ratio 1:100 or 1:10) (Dilution Ratio 1:100, adapted
to be connected to 1cfm for 28.3l/min or alternatively for Advantages
(28.3lpm) clean room particle 56.6l/min), power supply via
counter (alternatively 2.83lpm) battery, stainless steel casing
• Consistent and reproducible aerosol dilution
ratios even under varying operating
A reliable detection of filter leaks in clean room conditions (e.g. inlet pressure)
environments is only possible if the filter is • Simple control and indication of properly
challenged with a sufficiently high number of adjusted dilution ratio
particles on its upstream side. In VDI guideline • Designed for portable use (field application)
2083 this concentration is defined as 1million by avoiding exhaust air and no need for
particles/cf. As clean room particle counters are compressed air supplies
limited to a certain concentration range, the • Flexible and easy to use for many particle
challenge aerosol must be diluted in a controlled counters (reduced pressure drop in the
manner. In this way both upstream and DIL 554)
downstream concentrations can be measured with
only one particle counter. • Extended life time and high reliability with
minimal maintenance requirements
The Topas DIL 550 range of dilution systems is • Operation under positive and negative
supplied with a fixed dilution ratio of either 1:10 or pressure possible
1:100 adjusted to a particle counter flow rate of
• Customized dilution ratios and flow rates
0.1cfm (2.8lpm) or 1cfm (28.3lpm) respectively.
available on request
Dilution ratios of 10,000 or 100,000 can be
obtained by cascading two or more dilution units.
The DIL 554 system is adapted for 28.3l/min or for Specifications DIL 550 DIL 554
56.6l/min and a dilution ration 1:100. The pressure Total flow rate 0.1cfm (2.83lpm) 1cfm
drop of the DIL 554 is about 50 % reduced. *) or 1cfm (28.3lpm)
(28.3lpm) *) or 2 cfm
volume flow Dilution ratio 1:10, 1:100
1:100 *)
Tubing connector 8mm
Power supply 9...15VDC ; DC 9V
mains adapter battery
Incoming Capillary Diluted
aerosol volume flow aerosol Dimensions 160 x 300 x 110mm
Principle of
aerosol dilution
Weight 1.5kg 3.2kg
*) customized on request
Rectangular Sampling Probe
SYS 529

Tubing connector 8mm diameter
Materials Aluminium coated and
polished, stainless
steel polished
Design Complies with
ISO CD 14644-3
Cap Synthetic material,
tight fitting, with
connecting arm for
Dimensions Length 130mm (overall
Rectangular sampling probe with antistatic tubing to be length of 235mm with
connected to cleanroom particle counter tubing port)
Weight 170g
Until recently only circular scanning probes have
been manufactured and used for leak detection.
Because of isokinetic sampling requirements this Standard Probe
has been the shape preferred for many years but Average air velocity at 0.45m/s
now more and more users prefer rectangular sampling flowrate of
sampling probes because of the advantages they 1cfm( 28.3lpm)
offer compared with circular inlets. Topas probes Inlet cross section 1200mm²
are manufactured to rectangular inlets which
gradually lead into a cylindrical tube. The design of Inlet dimensions 15mm x 80mm
this special probe is based on ISO CD 14644 which
specifies a maximum width to length ratio of 1:6. The complete package has been developed in
The Topas manufacturing process guarantees accordance with the following standards:
high-quality, smooth internal surfaces throughout
• VDI 2083, VDI 3491 • EN 1822
the probe including all transition regions to
• DIN EN ISO 14644 • DIN EN 12469
minimise particle deposits.
• FED 209 (USA) • DIN 12980
Advantages of Rectangular Inlet Shape
• More accurate sampling than with a circular
inlet cross section
• Precise scanning at the edges of a filter As manufacturers of instruments in the
element field of particle technology and filter
testing Topas GmbH has been certified to
• Designed according to comply with the high requirements as
ISO CD 14644-3 (1998) specified in DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 (and
• Shorter scanning times its predecessors) since 1999.

For more information please visit our website at
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© Copyright 2009 Topas GmbH. All rights reserved.

Topas GmbH Phone +49 (351) 21 66 43 - 0

Technologie-orientierte Fax +49 (351) 21 66 43 55
Partikel-, Analysen- und Sensortechnik E-mail [email protected]
Oskar-Röder-Str. 12 · D-01237 Dresden Internet

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