4-22-22 Student Teaching Biweekly Form 1

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Wilkes University

Student Teaching Biweekly Form – to be completed by Cooperating Teacher AND Supervisor

Madison Goodrich 4-22-22

Student Teacher: ________________________________________________Date: _________________________
Taylor Stair
Cooperating Teacher or Supervisor: ________________________Class/Subject/Grade: 6th Grade LS

0 = Unsatisfactory 3 = Good
1 = Needs Improvement/Growth 4 = Superior
2 = Satisfactory 5 = Exemplary
NA = Not Applicable or not observed yet

A. Instructional Planning / Planning and Preparation:

1. States instructional purpose/goal(s) clearly in written plan
2. References instructional purpose/goal(s) to Pennsylvania Academic Standards or Common Core
4 Standards
3. Specifies content to be learned in written plan; content is valid for instructional purpose/goal(s)
4. States instructional objective (conditions, performance, quality); objective is valid for instructional
4 purpose/goal(s)
5. Describes teaching/learning activities in sufficient detail
6. Describes strategies for differentiating instruction and accommodating individual learner needs
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
Madison is currently teaching Measures of Central Tendency which is a 6th grade
standard. Her lessons are detailed and differentiated to meets the needs of diverse

B. Pre-Instructional Phase (Anticipatory Set):

1. Activates and directs learner attention
2. Establishes learner expectancy; communicates instructional purpose/goal(s) meaningfully to
4 learners

3. Activates learner motivation and interest for learning goals

4. Stimulates recall of relevant prior knowledge
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
Madison connects each lesson to students' prior knowledge or lessons she has instructed
the students.
C. Instructional Phase/Delivery:
1. Makes learners aware of content to be learned – communication of procedures and clear
4 explanations of content
2. Helps learners think meaningfully about the content to be learned
3. Provides multiple examples and illustrations that are meaningful to learners
4. Uses instructional supports (audio, visual, technology, etc.) to enhance learner understanding
5. Checks frequently for learner understanding
6. Provides sufficient repetition of major ideas to be learned
7. Provides opportunities for guided practice, consistent with instructional purpose/goal(s)
8. Elicits frequent overt responses from all learners (formative assessment)
9. Monitors guided practice and provides informative feedback
10. Flexibility and responsiveness in meeting the learning needs of students
11. Use of questioning and discussion strategies that encourage students to participate
12. Engagement of students in learning and adequate pacing of instruction
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
Madison is very aware of student engagement and understanding during the lessons she
teaches. She navigates around the classroom and involves each student in the lesson to
ensure the students understand the concepts.

D. Post-Instructional Phase:
1. Provides opportunities for independent practice (e.g., homework, seatwork), consistent with
4 instructional purpose/goal(s)
2. Provides multiple practice opportunities in varied contexts
3. Provides practice opportunities that require learners to retrieve the content to be learned
4. Provides informative feedback to learners
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
Madison allows all students to work independently to practice the skills being taught. She
checks in with students to ensure mastery of content before moving on.
E. Assessment:
1. Collects summative assessment data for all individual learners
2. Summative assessment data are valid for instructional purpose/goal(s)
3. Formative assessment data are valid for instructional purpose/goal(s)
4. Progress monitoring and benchmarking of student progress
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
Before the unit, Madison did a pre-assessment to gather what students already know and
what they need to learn. She also did a post assessment to gauge mastery before
moving on to new concepts.

F. Classroom Management/Classroom Environment:

1. Prepares and organizes all supporting materials and equipment in advance
2. Manages transitions efficiently
3. Maintains appropriate sequence, flow, and pace
4. Actively monitors the entire classroom while teaching and during independent seatwork
5. Enforces clear rules and procedures consistently
6. Anticipates potential problem behaviors and attempts to prevent them
7. Reacts to inappropriate behavior swiftly and nondisruptively
8. Gives clear directions to learners
9. Facilitates meaningful and positive learner response to instruction
10. Attention to equitable learning opportunities for all students
11. Ability to establish and maintain rapport with students
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
Small group math at the end of the day is very challenging. Behaviors and effort are big
challenge at this time in the day. Madison does an excellent job motivating students and
has great classroom management. She has gotten to know the students with her time
here and knows their strengths and weaknesses. She has established a great rapport.
G. Professionalism:
1. Exhibits professional language, dress, and behavior
2. Interacts appropriately with cooperating teacher and other school personnel
3. Demonstrates high expectations for all learners
4. Demonstrates mastery of content
5. Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching
6. Knowledge of school and district procedures and regulations related to attendance and punctuality
7. Knowledge of school and district requirements for maintaining accurate records and communicating
with families
8. Integrity and ethical behavior, professional conduct as stated in Pennsylvania Code of Professional
5 Practice and Conduct for Educators: and local, state, and federal laws and regulations
9. Knowledge of Commonwealth requirements for continuing professional development and licensure
Comments/Sources of Evidence:
I could not have asked for a better student teacher. Madison is professional in every way.
She dresses professional and interacts with the staff on a professional level. She has
passed her state testing requirements and is ready to have a classroom of her own!

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