XPR225DR RM en 30419844D

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Reference Manual Analytical Balances and Comparators

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 7
1.1 Further documents and information................................................................................ 7
1.2 Explanation of conventions and symbols used ................................................................ 7
1.3 Acronyms and abbreviations ......................................................................................... 8
1.4 Product range.............................................................................................................. 8
1.4.1 XPR analytical balances, full-height draft shield................................................ 8
1.4.2 XPR analytical balances, half-height draft shield............................................... 9
1.4.3 XPR analytical comparators ........................................................................... 9
1.5 Compliance information................................................................................................ 9

2 Safety Information 10
2.1 Definitions of signal words and warning symbols ............................................................ 10
2.2 Product-specific safety information................................................................................. 10

3 Design and Function 12

3.1 Function description ..................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Overview balance ........................................................................................................ 13
3.3 Components description ............................................................................................... 14
3.4 Overview terminal ........................................................................................................ 17
3.5 Overview type plate ...................................................................................................... 18
3.6 User interface .............................................................................................................. 18
3.6.1 Main sections at a glance .............................................................................. 18
3.6.2 Main weighing screen.................................................................................... 19
3.6.3 Work screen "Balance menu" ......................................................................... 20
3.6.4 Work screen "Methods".................................................................................. 20
3.6.5 Work screen "Protocol" .................................................................................. 21
3.6.6 Icons and symbols........................................................................................ 22 System status icons................................................................................. 22 Weighing status icons ............................................................................. 22

4 Installation and Putting into Operation 24

4.1 Selecting the location ................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Unpacking the balance ................................................................................................. 24
4.3 Scope of delivery ......................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Installation .................................................................................................................. 26
4.4.1 Attaching the terminal .................................................................................... 26
4.4.2 Assembling the balance................................................................................. 27
4.5 Putting into operation ................................................................................................... 29
4.5.1 Connecting the balance ................................................................................. 29
4.5.2 Switching on the balance ............................................................................... 29
4.5.3 Logging in.................................................................................................... 30
4.5.4 Leveling the balance...................................................................................... 30
4.5.5 Performing an internal adjustment................................................................... 30
4.5.6 Setting the balance to standby mode ............................................................... 31
4.5.7 Switching off the balance ............................................................................... 31
4.6 Performing a simple weighing ....................................................................................... 31
4.6.1 Opening and closing the draft shield doors ...................................................... 31
4.6.2 Zeroing the balance....................................................................................... 31
4.6.3 Taring the balance ........................................................................................ 32
4.6.4 Performing a weighing................................................................................... 32
4.6.5 Completing the weighing................................................................................ 32
4.7 Transporting, packing and storing.................................................................................. 32
4.7.1 Transporting the balance over short distances .................................................. 32
4.7.2 Transporting the balance over long distances ................................................... 33
4.7.3 Packing and storing ...................................................................................... 33

Analytical Balances and Comparators Table of Contents 1

4.8 Installing devices ......................................................................................................... 33
4.8.1 Connecting a printer via USB .......................................................................... 33
4.8.2 Connecting a printer via Bluetooth................................................................... 34
4.8.3 Connecting a USB device ............................................................................... 35
4.9 Weighing below the balance ......................................................................................... 36

5 Operation 37
5.1 Touch screen............................................................................................................... 37
5.1.1 Selecting or activating an item ........................................................................ 37
5.1.2 Scrolling ...................................................................................................... 37
5.1.3 Using the drawers ......................................................................................... 37
5.1.4 Entering characters and numbers.................................................................... 38
5.1.5 Changing the date and time ........................................................................... 38
5.2 Methods ..................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.1 Methods overview ......................................................................................... 39
5.2.2 Method "General weighing" ............................................................................ 39 Creating a method "General weighing"....................................................... 40 Performing a "General weighing"............................................................... 40
5.2.3 Method "Simple formulation" .......................................................................... 41 Creating a method "Simple formulation"..................................................... 41 Performing a "Simple formulation"............................................................. 42
5.2.4 Method "Interval weighing"............................................................................. 43 Creating a method "Interval weighing" ....................................................... 43 Performing an "Interval Weighing"............................................................. 43
5.2.5 Method "Titration".......................................................................................... 44 Creating a method "Titration" .................................................................... 44 Performing a "Titration" ............................................................................ 45
5.2.6 Method "Density determination" ...................................................................... 45 Creating a method "Density determination"................................................. 46 Performing a "Density determination"......................................................... 46
5.2.7 Method "SQC"............................................................................................... 47 Creating a method "SQC" ......................................................................... 47 Performing a "SQC" on packaged goods .................................................... 48 Performing a "SQC" with automatic feeder .................................................. 49
5.2.8 Method "Piece counting" ................................................................................ 51 Creating a method "Piece counting"........................................................... 51 Performing a "Piece counting" .................................................................. 52
5.2.9 Editing a method........................................................................................... 53
5.2.10 Cloning a method ......................................................................................... 53
5.2.11 Deleting a method......................................................................................... 53
5.2.12 Deleting a task.............................................................................................. 53
5.2.13 Using method templates ................................................................................ 54 Defining a template during the method-defining process .............................. 54 Defining a template in a current task.......................................................... 54 Working with templates............................................................................ 55
5.3 Test weights ................................................................................................................ 55
5.3.1 Defining an individual test weight.................................................................... 55
5.3.2 Defining a combined test weight ..................................................................... 55
5.4 Tests .......................................................................................................................... 56
5.4.1 Overview routine tests.................................................................................... 56 Eccentricity test ....................................................................................... 56 Repeatability test ..................................................................................... 56 Sensitivity test ......................................................................................... 56
5.4.2 Creating a new test........................................................................................ 57
5.4.3 Performing a test........................................................................................... 57 Performing an eccentricity test .................................................................. 57 Performing a repeatability test................................................................... 59 Performing a sensitivity test ...................................................................... 61

2 Table of Contents Analytical Balances and Comparators

5.4.4 Editing a test ................................................................................................ 63
5.4.5 Printing test results........................................................................................ 63
5.4.6 Deleting a test............................................................................................... 63
5.4.7 Consulting the test history .............................................................................. 64
5.5 Adjustments ................................................................................................................ 64
5.5.1 Internal adjustment........................................................................................ 64 Editing an internal adjustment................................................................... 64 Performing an internal adjustment............................................................. 64
5.5.2 External adjustment....................................................................................... 65 Editing an external adjustment .................................................................. 65 Performing an external adjustment ............................................................ 65
5.5.3 Consulting the adjustment history ................................................................... 66
5.6 External devices........................................................................................................... 66
5.6.1 Adding a device ............................................................................................ 66
5.6.2 Deleting a device .......................................................................................... 66
5.6.3 Editing device settings ................................................................................... 66
5.6.4 Printing a test page ....................................................................................... 67
5.6.5 Using an RFID reader..................................................................................... 67 Testing an RFID reader............................................................................. 67
5.7 User management........................................................................................................ 68
5.7.1 Activating the user management ..................................................................... 68
5.7.2 Disabling the user management ..................................................................... 68
5.7.3 Managing users and user groups.................................................................... 68 Creating a new user................................................................................. 68 Creating a new group .............................................................................. 69 Deleting users or user groups ................................................................... 69
5.8 Tolerance profiles......................................................................................................... 69
5.9 Data management ....................................................................................................... 70
5.9.1 Exporting data and settings ............................................................................ 70
5.9.2 Importing data and settings............................................................................ 70
5.10 Password protection and balance reset .......................................................................... 71
5.10.1 Password protection...................................................................................... 71 Changing a password.............................................................................. 71 Requesting a reset password .................................................................... 71 Creating an unblocking password ............................................................. 72
5.10.2 Logging in and logging out ............................................................................ 72 Logging in.............................................................................................. 72 Logging out ............................................................................................ 72
5.10.3 Blocking and unblocking the balance .............................................................. 72 Blocking the balance ............................................................................... 72 Unblocking the balance............................................................................ 72
5.10.4 Resetting the balance .................................................................................... 73

6 Software Description 74
6.1 Balance menu settings ................................................................................................. 74
6.1.1 Leveling aid.................................................................................................. 74
6.1.2 History......................................................................................................... 74 Adjustments ........................................................................................... 74 Tests ..................................................................................................... 75 Alibi memory .......................................................................................... 75 Service................................................................................................... 76 Changes ................................................................................................ 76
6.1.3 Balance info ................................................................................................. 77
6.1.4 Users........................................................................................................... 77 General .................................................................................................. 77 Users ..................................................................................................... 78 Groups .................................................................................................. 78
6.1.5 Settings........................................................................................................ 79

Analytical Balances and Comparators Table of Contents 3 Balance ................................................................................................. 79 Interfaces ............................................................................................... 86 Devices / Printers .................................................................................... 87 LabX / Services ....................................................................................... 88 Printing the settings ................................................................................. 88
6.1.6 Maintenance................................................................................................. 89 Service menu.......................................................................................... 89
6.2 Weighing methods settings ........................................................................................... 89
6.2.1 Settings: method "General weighing" ............................................................... 89 General .................................................................................................. 90 ID format................................................................................................ 90 Weighing ............................................................................................... 91 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 93 Templates .............................................................................................. 94 Automation............................................................................................. 95 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 97
6.2.2 Settings: method "Simple formulation" ............................................................. 101 General .................................................................................................. 101 Formulation ............................................................................................ 102 ID format................................................................................................ 103 Weighing ............................................................................................... 104 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 104 Templates .............................................................................................. 105 Automation............................................................................................. 106 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 107
6.2.3 Settings: method "Interval weighing"................................................................ 111 General .................................................................................................. 111 Interval .................................................................................................. 111 ID format................................................................................................ 112 Weighing ............................................................................................... 112 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 113 Automation............................................................................................. 113 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 113
6.2.4 Settings: method "Titration" ............................................................................ 114 General .................................................................................................. 114 Titration ................................................................................................. 114 ID format................................................................................................ 115 Weighing ............................................................................................... 116 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 117 Automation............................................................................................. 117 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 118
6.2.5 Settings: method "Density determination" ......................................................... 123 General .................................................................................................. 123 Density .................................................................................................. 124 ID format................................................................................................ 124 Weighing ............................................................................................... 125 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 126 Automation............................................................................................. 127 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 128
6.2.6 Settings: method "SQC".................................................................................. 130 General .................................................................................................. 130 ID format................................................................................................ 130 Weighing ............................................................................................... 131 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 133 Automation............................................................................................. 134 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 136
6.2.7 Settings: method "Piece counting"................................................................... 138

4 Table of Contents Analytical Balances and Comparators General .................................................................................................. 138 ID format................................................................................................ 139 Weighing ............................................................................................... 139 Weighing item ........................................................................................ 141 Automation............................................................................................. 141 Print / Export .......................................................................................... 143
6.3 Test weights settings .................................................................................................... 147
6.3.1 Settings: individual test weight........................................................................ 147
6.3.2 Settings: combined test weight........................................................................ 147
6.4 Tests settings .............................................................................................................. 148
6.4.1 Settings: eccentricity test ................................................................................ 148
6.4.2 Settings: repeatability test............................................................................... 150
6.4.3 Settings: sensitivity test .................................................................................. 153
6.5 Adjustments settings .................................................................................................... 156

7 Maintenance 158
7.1 Maintenance tasks ....................................................................................................... 158
7.2 Cleaning ..................................................................................................................... 158
7.2.1 Disassembling for cleaning ............................................................................ 158
7.2.2 Cleaning agents............................................................................................ 160
7.2.3 Cleaning the balance..................................................................................... 161
7.2.4 Putting into operation after cleaning ................................................................ 161
7.3 Software update........................................................................................................... 162
7.3.1 Updating the software .................................................................................... 162
7.3.2 Restoring the software to the previous version .................................................. 162
7.3.3 Putting into operation after software update ...................................................... 162

8 Troubleshooting 163
8.1 Error messages ........................................................................................................... 163
8.2 Error symptoms ........................................................................................................... 163
8.3 Putting into operation after fixing an error........................................................................ 165

9 Technical Data 166

9.1 General data ............................................................................................................... 166
9.2 Explanatory notes for the METTLER TOLEDO AC/DC adapter .............................................. 167
9.3 Model-specific data...................................................................................................... 168
9.4 Dimensions................................................................................................................. 172
9.4.1 XPR analytical balances, full-height draft shield................................................ 172
9.4.2 XPR analytical balances, half-height draft shield............................................... 173

10 Disposal 174

11 Accessories and Spare Parts 175

11.1 Accessories................................................................................................................. 175
11.1.1 XPR analytical balance, full-height draft shield ................................................. 175
11.1.2 XPR analytical balance, half-height draft shield ................................................ 182
11.2 Spare parts ................................................................................................................. 187
11.2.1 Weighing chamber, full-height draft shield ....................................................... 187
11.2.2 Weighing chamber, half-height draft shield ...................................................... 188
11.2.3 Packaging.................................................................................................... 189

Index 191

Analytical Balances and Comparators Table of Contents 5

6 Table of Contents Analytical Balances and Comparators
1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing a METTLER TOLEDO balance. The balance combines high performance with ease of
This document is based on the software version V 2.0.301.
Disclaimer for comparators
In this document, the term "balance" is used to describe both balances and comparators.
Comparators are characterized by their higher resolution compared to balances and are mainly used for differ-
ential weighing application, such as the calibration of standard weights. Beside standard balance tests,
comparators have also been tested with differential repeatability (ABA repeatability) during production.
The software in this product is licensed under the METTLER TOLEDO End
User License Agreement (EULA) for Software. u www.mt.com/EULA
When using this product you agree to the terms of the EULA.

1.1 Further documents and information

u www.mt.com/xpr-analytical

This document is available in other languages online.

u www.mt.com/XPR-analytical-RM

Instructions for cleaning a balance: "8 Steps to a Clean Balance"

u www.mt.com/lab-cleaning-guide

Search for software downloads u www.mt.com/labweighing-software-download

Search for documents u www.mt.com/library

For further questions, please contact your authorized METTLER TOLEDO dealer or service representative.
u www.mt.com/contact

1.2 Explanation of conventions and symbols used

Conventions and symbols
Key and/or button designations and display texts are shown in graphic or bold text, e.g., , Edit.
Note For useful information about the product.
Refers to an external document.

Elements of instructions
In this manual, step-by-step instructions are presented as follows. The action steps are numbered and can
contain prerequisites, intermediate results and results, as shown in the example. Sequences with less than two
steps are not numbered.
§ Prerequisites that must be fulfilled before the individual steps can be executed.
1 Step 1
ð Intermediate result
2 Step 2
ð Result

Analytical Balances and Comparators Introduction​​ 7

1.3 Acronyms and abbreviations
Original term Explanation
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
FCC Federal Communications Commission
GWP Good Weighing Practice
ID Identification
LPS Limited Power Source
MT-SICS METTLER TOLEDO Standard Interface Command Set
NA Not Applicable
OIML Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (International Organization of Legal
RFID Radio-frequency identification
RM Reference Manual
sd Standard deviation
SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SQC Statistical Quality Control
UM User Manual
USB Universal Serial Bus
USP United States Pharmacopeia

1.4 Product range

1.4.1 XPR analytical balances, full-height draft shield

Balance Models designation
Readability: 0.005 mg
• XPR226DR
Readability: 0.01 mg
• XPR105DR
• XPR205
• XPR205DU
• XPR225DU
• XPR225DR
Readability: 0.05 mg
• XPR205D5
• XPR305D5
Readability: 0.1 mg
• XPR204

8 Introduction​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

1.4.2 XPR analytical balances, half-height draft shield
Balance Models designation
Readability: 0.002 mg

1.4.3 XPR analytical comparators

Balance Models designation
Readability: 0.005 mg

1.5 Compliance information

National approval documents, e.g., the FCC Supplier Declaration of Conformity, are available online and/or
included in the packaging.
u http://www.mt.com/ComplianceSearch

Contact METTLER TOLEDO for questions about the country-specific compliance of your instrument.
u www.mt.com/contact

United States of America

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inter-
ference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Introduction​​ 9

2 Safety Information
Two documents named "User Manual" and "Reference Manual" are available for this instrument.
• The User Manual is printed and delivered with the instrument.
• The electronic Reference Manual contains a full description of the instrument and its use.
• Keep both documents for future reference.
• Include both documents if you transfer the instrument to other parties.
Only use the instrument according to the User Manual and the Reference Manual. If you do not use the
instrument according to these documents or if the instrument is modified, the safety of the instrument may be
impaired and Mettler-Toledo GmbH assumes no liability.

2.1 Definitions of signal words and warning symbols

Safety notes contain important information on safety issues. Ignoring the safety notes may lead to personal
injury, damage to the instrument, malfunctions and false results. Safety notes are marked with the following
signal words and warning symbols:
Signal words
DANGER A hazardous situation with high risk, resulting in death or severe injury if not avoided.

WARNING A hazardous situation with medium risk, possibly resulting in death or severe injury if
not avoided.

CAUTION A hazardous situation with low risk, resulting in minor or moderate injury if not avoided.

NOTICE A hazardous situation with low risk, resulting in damage to the instrument, other
material damage, malfunctions and erroneous results, or loss of data.

Warning symbols
General hazard: read the User Manual or the Reference Manual for information about the hazards
and the resulting measures.

Electrical shock Notice

2.2 Product-specific safety information

Intended use
This instrument is designed to be used by trained staff. The instrument is intended for weighing purposes.
Any other type of use and operation beyond the limits of use stated by Mettler-Toledo GmbH without consent
from Mettler-Toledo GmbH is considered as not intended.
Responsibilities of the instrument owner
The instrument owner is the person holding the legal title to the instrument and who uses the instrument or
authorizes any person to use it, or the person who is deemed by law to be the operator of the instrument. The
instrument owner is responsible for the safety of all users of the instrument and third parties.
Mettler-Toledo GmbH assumes that the instrument owner trains users to safely use the instrument in their
workplace and deal with potential hazards. Mettler-Toledo GmbH assumes that the instrument owner provides
the necessary protective gear.

10 Safety Information​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Safety notes

Death or serious injury due to electric shock
Contact with parts that carry a live current can lead to death or injury.
1 Only use the METTLER TOLEDO power cable and AC/DC adapter designed for your
2 Connect the power cable to a grounded power outlet.
3 Keep all electrical cables and connections away from liquids and moisture.
4 Check the cables and the power plug for damage and replace them if damaged.

Damage to the instrument or malfunction due to the use of unsuitable parts
− Only use parts from METTLER TOLEDO that are intended to be used with your

Analytical Balances and Comparators Safety Information​​ 11

3 Design and Function
3.1 Function description
The XPR line comprises a range of balances that differ from each other due to their weighing range and
resolution. The balances of the XPR line combine a large number of weighing and adjustment possibilities with
a simple operation handling.
The following features are common to all models of the XPR analytical line:
• Fully automatic adjustment using internal weights.
• Built-in level sensor and leveling aid for fast and easy leveling.
• 7-inch capacitive color TFT-touch screen.
• Various methods that can be defined individually.
• Various routine tests that can be defined individually.
• Functions to manage user groups and user rights.
• History about performed tests and adjustments, as well as changes applied to the balance settings.
• Motor driven side doors and also top door.
• Easily removable draft shield elements.
• Built-in SmartSens optical sensors for touchless door operation.
• Integrated StaticDetect functionality for the detection of electrostatic charges inside the draft shield .

12 Design and Function​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

3.2 Overview balance

1 Terminal 12 Drip tray

2 Front panel draft shield 13 Leveling feet
3 Top door draft shield 14 Removable clips
4 Handle for top door 15 Side door release lever
5 Side door draft shield (right/left) 16 Status light
6 Cooling unit 17 Ethernet port
7 Slot for the installation of an internal module 18 USB-A ports (to device)
e.g. Ionizer module
8 Balance type designation plate 19 Service seal
9 Optical sensor SmartSens 20 Socket for terminal connection cable
10 Weighing pan 21 USB-B port (to host)
11 Door handle 22 Socket for power adapter

Analytical Balances and Comparators Design and Function​​ 13

3.3 Components description

Draft shield
The draft shield is a housing device that protects the
weighing area against environmental impacts like
drafts or moisture. The side doors and the top door
can be opened manually or automatically with a
touchless sensor.

Weighing pan
The weighing pan is the load receptor that serves
directly to accommodate the weighing item.

Drip tray
The drip tray is positioned below the weighing pan on
the weighing chamber base plate. The primary
purpose of a drip tray is that of a dirt trap to ensure
quick cleaning of the balance. Furthermore static
detection drip pan detects static charges..

14 Design and Function​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Removable clips
The removable clips help to insert cables or
measurement devices like sensors or an Ionizer into
the weighing chamber without opening the doors of
the draft shield.

Door handle
The door handles are mounted on the door slides and
are used to open the side and top doors of the draft
shield manually.

Leveling feet
The balance stands on two height-adjustable feet.
These feet are used to level the balance.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Design and Function​​ 15

The 7-inch balance terminal has a touch sensitive
display. Further, on the front side of the terminal is a
StatusLight LED strip that indicates the current status
of the balance.

Module cover
The module cover is a removable cover that covers a
plug in slot. The latter can be used to connect various
accessories like an Ionizer.

Optical sensors
The optical sensors SmartSens are located on the
weighing unit behind the doors and provide a
touchless door handling. When the optical sensors
are activated, the doors can be opened without
touching them by moving the hand over the sensor.

16 Design and Function​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Side door release lever
The side door release lever is located on the back side
of the partition panel and locks/unlocks the draft
shield side door.

3.4 Overview terminal

Name Description
ON/OFF Switches the balance on/off.
By tapping the balance is not completely switched off but goes into standby
mode. To switch the balance completely off, it must be unplugged from the power
Do not disconnect the balance from the power supply unless the balance is not
used for an extended period of time.
Tare Tares the balance.
This function is used when the weighing process involves containers. After taring
the balance, the screen shows which indicates that all displayed weights are
Zero Zeroes the balance.
The balance must always be zeroed before starting the weighing process. After
zeroing, the balance sets a new zero point.
Home To return from any menu level to the main weighing screen.

Open/close door Opens the weighing chamber door to the left or to the right (default value).

Analytical Balances and Comparators Design and Function​​ 17

3.5 Overview type plate
The information on the type plate helps to identify the balance and terminal.
Terminal type plate
The terminal type plate is located on the terminal and contains the following information:
1. Terminal type
2. Terminal serial number

Weighing unit type plate

The balance type plate is located on the side of the weighing unit and contains the following information:
1. Designation of balance model
2. Year of manufacture
3. Readability
4. Maximum capacity
5. Manufacturer
6. Balance type
7. Serial number
8. Power supply

3.6 User interface

3.6.1 Main sections at a glance

The main weighing screen (1) is the central navigation point where all the menus and settings can be found.
The Balance menu (2), Methods (3) and Protocol (4) open when tapping the drawers along the sides of the
main weighing screen.

2 4

See also
2 Main weighing screen } Page 19
2 Work screen "Balance menu" } Page 20
2 Work screen "Methods" } Page 20
2 Work screen "Protocol" } Page 21

18 Design and Function​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

3.6.2 Main weighing screen
1 2 3 4 5 6

Administrator Methods
Protocol 7
17 my general weighing
Info Sample 1
16 weight 8
Sample 2
Excluded 9
Sample 3
15 Sample 4

14 Sample ID Enter here

Task ID Enter here

12 11
Cancel task Edit Complete More Add to protocol

Name Description
1 User name Shows the name of the current user.
2 Weighing value field Shows the current weighing value.
3 Level indicator Indicates if the balance is leveled (green) or not (red).
4 Methods menu Accesses the user-defined list of methods, tests, and alignments.
5 Info weight Shows the current weighing value in another unit.
6 Warning and error Shows current warning and/or error messages.
message area
7 Drawer Protocol Shows the recent weighing results.
8 Sample status OK Result status indicator green: indicates that the result fulfills a set of criteria. For
• The balance is in level.
• The internal adjustment was performed and ok.
• The weighing result is within the defined tolerance range (only if tolerance is
9 Sample status Result status indicator black: indicates that the result was excluded from the
Excluded protocol.
10 Sample status Not Result status indicator red: indicates that the result criteria are not fulfilled, e.g.,
OK "The weighing result was out of the defined tolerances".
11 Button Add to Adds the result to the protocol.
protocol Depending on the selected method, the button can have different functions.
12 Weighing action field Contains actions referring to the current task.
13 Balance menu Accesses the balance properties.
14 Method information Contains information about the sample, method or task IDs.
15 SmartTrac Used as a weighing aid to define a target weight with upper and lower tolerances.
16 Weighing value area Shows the results of the current weighing process.
17 Method name Shows the name of the current method.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Design and Function​​ 19

3.6.3 Work screen "Balance menu"
Balance menu Protocol
1 Leveling aid weight

2 History

3 Balance info

4 Users

5 Settings Enter here

6 Maintenance Enter here

7 Blocking Complete More Add to protocol

Name Description
1 Leveling aid Opens the leveling dialog.
2 History Opens the history dialog.
3 Balance info Shows Balance information.
4 Users Opens the user management.
5 Settings Opens the complete settings dialog.
6 Maintenance Opens the balance maintenance dialog.
7 Exit / Block balance Opens the logout / block balance dialog.

3.6.4 Work screen "Methods"


1 Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

2 Tasks my interval weighing 06/24/2020

3 Tests my simple formulation 06/24/2020


Delete Clone Edit New Print Continue task

Name Description
1 Methods list Lists the methods already defined by the user.
Methods can be created, edited, cloned, started, or deleted.
2 Tasks A method/task can be started and then a task is associated with this method.
There can be up to one task for each method.
3 Tests Lists the tests already defined by the user.
• Sensitivity tests
• Repeatability tests
• Eccentricity tests
Routine tests can be created, edited, started, or deleted.
A list of the tests previously performed is available in the History.
4 Adjustments Shows the currently selected internal or external adjustment. The adjustment can
be edited or started.
A list of the adjustments previously performed is available in the History.

20 Design and Function​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

See also
2 History } Page 74

3.6.5 Work screen "Protocol"

Protocol my general weighing

Sample 1
Result State Not OK
Sample 2
Sample ID 2
Sample 3
Gross weight 3
Sample 4
Timestamp 4
Sample 5
Level state OK
MinWeigh state No MinWeigh defined
Test and adjustment state OK
Tolerance state Outside tolerance

Cancel task Exclude result More Complete

9 8 7 6

Name Description
1 Result state Shows the state of the weighing process.
2 Sample ID Shows the Sample ID of the weighing.
3 Gross weight Shows the gross weight.
D: indicates that the value was unstable.
*: indicates that the value was calculated.
4 Timestamp Shows the individual timestamp of each weighing item.
5 Balance status Shows stability, level state of the balance, minimum weight, tolerance state and
test and adjustment state.
6 Complete Opens the dialog Complete task.
• Print task label manually
• Print protocol manually
• Export protocol manually
7 More Opens the dialog More.
• Start adjustment
• Change display unit
• Configure tare
• Configure zero
• Save as method with templates (only available for methods with the option
8 Exclude result Excludes the current protocol result. A comment can be added to the excluded
result, e.g., to describe the reason of the exclusion.
Depending on the format of the protocol printout, the excluded result can be
printed or not.
9 Cancel task Cancels the current running task.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Design and Function​​ 21

3.6.6 Icons and symbols System status icons

System messages can appear due to a user action, a user input or a system process. Some messages leave it
up to the user to choose upon acting, they will disappear after acknowledging. Other messages remain
persistent, so the user can defer them but eventually has to handle them. These messages can be seen in the
main status bar on the upper right-hand side of the display.
Icon Name Description
The balance is out of level. The balance must be leveled. Information about leveling the
balance can be found in the section [Leveling the
balance } Page 30]. When the balance is leveled the symbol
Information Information messages appear due to user actions or system
processes and offer opportunities that are related to the current
action or process.
Warning Warning messages appear due to user actions or system
processes that could lead to a problem that can be prevented.

Error Error messages appear due to user actions or system processes

that have failed. It is mostly still possible to handle such a
problem. Weighing status icons

Weighing status icons appear due to the weight value matching certain quality criteria. The information on the
status can be looked by tapping on any of the visible weighing status icons.
Icon Name Description
Stability indicator When the stability indicator appears, the balance is not stable.
Make sure that the balance is placed at an adequate location.
Information about the adequate location can be found in the
section Selecting the location.
Net indicator Appears when the tare key has been pressed and the tare weight
has been subtracted.

Calculated value The current weight value is calculated. This symbol only appears
in the weighing value area when a container has been used with
the function Preset tare.
Minimum weight violation The current weight value is smaller than the defined minimum
weight. Make sure that the weight is larger than the minimum

GWP Balance invalid The current balance configuration is invalid or quality criteria have
not been fulfilled according to the GWP approved definition.

GWP Weight not ready The current weight measurement is not ready according to the
GWP approved definition. This can be caused an overload, an
underload, or a minimum weight violation.
GWP Weight ready The current weight measurement is ready according to the GWP
approved definition. It can be added to the protocol.

StaticDetect ongoing The electrostatic detection (StaticDetect) test is currently ongoing.

22 Design and Function​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

StaticDetect detected charges The electrostatic detection (StaticDetect) test detected more
charges than the specified threshold.

StaticDetect passed The electrostatic detection (StaticDetect) test detected less charges
than the specified threshold.

StaticDetect failed The electrostatic detection (StaticDetect) test could not be


External ionizer discharging The external ionizer is currently discharging.

Internal ionizer discharging The internal ionizer is currently discharging.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Design and Function​​ 23

4 Installation and Putting into Operation
4.1 Selecting the location
A balance is a sensitive precision instrument. The location where it is placed will have a profound effect on the
accuracy of the weighing results.
Requirements of the location
Place indoors on stable Ensure sufficient spacing Level the instrument Provide adequate lighting

Avoid direct sunlight Avoid vibrations Avoid strong drafts Avoid temperature fluctu-

Sufficient spacing for balances: > 15 cm all around the instrument

Take into account the environmental conditions. See "Technical Data".

4.2 Unpacking the balance

Check the package, the packaging elements and the delivered components for damages. If any components
are damaged, please contact your METTLER TOLEDO service representative.
Depending on the balance model, the components may look different. The procedure is always the same.

1 Open the box and lift the package out using the lifting
strap (1).



% & 



24 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

2 Open the lifting strap (1) and remove the User Manual



% & 



3 Remove the upper part of the package and remove the

set with the AC adapter and power cable (3), the box 4
containing several accessories (4), and the weighing
pan (5). 3

4 Carefully remove the terminal (6).

5 Carefully remove the package set with the draft shield

doors and the display holder (7).

6 Carefully remove the weighing unit (8) from the bottom

7 Remove the protective bag. 8
8 Store all parts of packaging in a safe place for future
ð The weighing unit is ready for assembling.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Installation and Putting into Operation​​ 25

4.3 Scope of delivery
• Weighing unit • Terminal with terminal holder and terminal
• Draft shield connection cable
• Drip tray and weighing pan • AC/DC adapter with country-specific power cable
• MC Link Software (only comparators)

• User Manual • Declaration of Conformity
• Production certificate

• ErgoClip basket • Brush
• SmartPrep, 2 pcs

4.4 Installation

4.4.1 Attaching the terminal

Damage to the cables due to careless handling
− Do not kink or twist the cables.

1 Insert the slides of the display holder (1) into the front
of the weighing unit (2).

2 Connect the terminal cable (3) with the terminal (4).

Consider the pin assignment.

26 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

3 Place the terminal (5) onto the display holder (6).

4 Carefully tilt the balance to its side.

5 Lead the cable (7) through the cable channel (8).
6 Carefully put the balance back on its feet.

7 Insert the terminal cable (9) into the socket of the

balance (10). Consider the pin assignment.
ð The terminal is ready.

4.4.2 Assembling the balance

Injury due to sharp objects or broken glass
Instrument components, e.g., glass, can break and lead to injuries.
− Always proceed with focus and care.

Depending on the balance model, the components may look different. The procedure is always the same.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Installation and Putting into Operation​​ 27

1 Insert the drip tray (1).
2 Carefully mount the weighing pan (2).

3 Place the side doors (3) into the grooves of the door
slides (4) and tilt them up until they engage with the
door lever (5). Consider the marks on the bottom
frames (L = left / R = right).
3 5

4 Insert the front panel (6) into the grooves (7) and tilt it
up until it engages.
5 Open the side doors.

28 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6 Fit the top door (8) along the top frame of the side
doors and into the rails of the back wall (9). 8
7 Push the top door (8) towards the front.
8 Close the side doors. 9
ð The balance is assembled and ready to be put into
operation. 9

4.5 Putting into operation

4.5.1 Connecting the balance

Death or serious injury due to electric shock
Contact with parts that carry a live current can lead to death or injury.
1 Only use the METTLER TOLEDO power cable and AC/DC adapter designed for your
2 Connect the power cable to a grounded power outlet.
3 Keep all electrical cables and connections away from liquids and moisture.
4 Check the cables and the power plug for damage and replace them if damaged.

1 Install the cables in such a way that they cannot be

damaged or interfere with operation.
2 Insert the plug of the AC/DC adapter (1) in the power
inlet of the instrument.
3 Secure the plug by firmly tightening the knurled nut. 1
4 Insert the plug of the power cable into a grounded
power outlet that is easily accessible.
ð After connecting the balance to power, the side doors
open and close slowly for initialization.

Do not connect the instrument to a power outlet controlled by a switch. After switching on the instrument, it
must warm up before giving accurate results.

4.5.2 Switching on the balance

EULA (End User License Agreement)
When the balance is switched on the first time, the EULA (End User License Agreement) appears on the screen.
1 Read the conditions.
2 Tap I accept the terms in the license agreement. and confirm with OK.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Installation and Putting into Operation​​ 29

Warming up
Before the balance gives reliable results, it must warm up. This takes at least 120 minutes after connecting the
balance. When the balance is switched on from standby, it is ready immediately.
§ The balance has warmed up.
− Press .
ð The main weighing screen appears.
When the balance is switched on, the main weighing screen appears. The display will always show the screen
of the method last used before switching it off.

4.5.3 Logging in
If the user management is activated, you have to log in with your user ID before performing a weighing. When
the balance starts, the login dialog opens automatically.
1 Select a user or tap User name.
2 Tap Password.
ð The input dialog opens.
3 Enter your password and tap OK.
4 Tap Login.
ð The login dialog closes and you are logged in. Your user ID is shown on the main screen.
The user management can be activated through the balance menu:
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > > Balance > General > User management
See also
2 Activating the user management } Page 68
2 Users } Page 77

4.5.4 Leveling the balance

Exact horizontal and stable positioning are essential for repeatable and accurate weighing results.
If the message Balance is out of level appears:
1 Tap Level the balance.
ð The Leveling aid opens.
2 Turn both leveling feet (1) as instructed on the display
until the dot is in the center of the level indicator
The leveling aid can also be accessed through the balance
Navigation: Balance menu > Leveling aid

4.5.5 Performing an internal adjustment

§ The adjustment Strategy is set to Internal adjustment.
1 Open the Methods section, tap , select the adjustment, and tap Start
- or -
from the main weighing screen, tap More and tap Start adjustment.
ð Internal adjustment is being executed.
ð When the adjustment has been completed, an overview of the adjustment results appears.
2 Tap Print if you want to print the results.

30 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

3 Tap Finish adjustment.
ð The balance is ready.

4.5.6 Setting the balance to standby mode

The balance can be set to standby mode by holding . The standby mode can be finished by holding

4.5.7 Switching off the balance

To completely switch off the balance it must be disconnected from the mains. By holding the balance goes
only into standby mode.

When the balance was completely switched off for some time, it must warm up before it can be used.

See also
2 Switching on the balance } Page 29

4.6 Performing a simple weighing

4.6.1 Opening and closing the draft shield doors

− Open the door manually with the door handle (1) or
touch the key on the terminal (2).
The doors can be configured to open and close in different

See also
2 Doors } Page 84

4.6.2 Zeroing the balance

1 Open the draft shield.
2 Clear the weighing pan.
3 Close the draft shield.
4 Press to zero the balance.
ð The balance is zeroed.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Installation and Putting into Operation​​ 31

4.6.3 Taring the balance
If a sample vessel is used, the balance must be tared.
1 Open the draft shield.
2 Clear the weighing pan.
3 Close the draft shield.
4 Press to zero the balance.
5 Open the draft shield.
6 Place the sample vessel (1) on the weighing pan (2).
7 Close the draft shield.
8 Press to tare the balance. 1
ð The balance is tared. The icon appears.

4.6.4 Performing a weighing

1 Open the draft shield.
2 Place the weighing object into the sample vessel.
3 Close the draft shield.
4 Tap Add to protocol if you want to report the weighing result.
ð The weight value is listed in the Protocol.

4.6.5 Completing the weighing

1 To save the weighing protocol, tap Complete.
ð The window Complete task opens.
2 Select an option to save or print the protocol.
ð The respective menu window opens.
3 Follow the instructions of the wizard.
4 Tap Complete
ð The Protocol is saved/printed and then cleared.

4.7 Transporting, packing and storing

4.7.1 Transporting the balance over short distances

1 Disconnect the AC/DC adapter and unplug all interface
2 Hold the weighing platform with both hands and carry
the balance in horizontal position to the target location.
Consider the requirements of the location.
If you want the balance put into operation, proceed as
1 Connect in reverse order.
2 Level the balance.
3 Perform an internal adjustment.

32 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

4.7.2 Transporting the balance over long distances
METTLER TOLEDO recommends using the original packaging for transportation or shipment of the balance or
balance components over long distances. The elements of the original packaging are developed specifically for
the balance and its components and ensure maximum protection during transportation.

See also
2 Unpacking the balance } Page 24

4.7.3 Packing and storing

Packing the balance
Store all parts of packaging in a safe place. The elements of the original packaging are developed specifically
for the balance and its components, and ensures maximum protection during transportation and storage.
Storing the balance
Only store the balance under the following conditions:
• Indoor and in the original packaging
• According to the environmental conditions, see "Technical Data"

When storing for longer than 6 months, the rechargeable battery may become empty (only date and time get

See also
2 Technical Data } Page 166

4.8 Installing devices

4.8.1 Connecting a printer via USB

Damage to the device from not following the instructions of the printer's
− To use the printer, consult its User Manual.

§ The USB cable is connected to the printer.

§ The printer is connected to the power outlet and switched on.
§ The main weighing screen is shown on the balance terminal.
1 Connect the USB cable (1) to one of the USB-A ports
(2) of the balance. 2
ð The balance detects the printer automatically and
the dialog Add device appears.
ð A message, e.g., "System has found a device of
type: Printer P-XX" appears.
2 Set a name for the printer, then tap Next.
ð The message "The connection to the device is
configured and is now ready to use" appears.
3 Tap OK to close the dialog.
ð The printer is connected and saved to the system.
ð The dialog Printer settings opens.
4 If needed, configure the printer or print a test page.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Installation and Putting into Operation​​ 33

Adding a printer via the balance settings
Another way to add a printer is through the balance settings.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers
§ The USB cable is connected to the printer.
§ The printer is connected to the power outlet and switched on.
1 Tap Add device.
ð The message "Please connect the device via USB." appears.
2 Connect the device to one of the USB-A ports of the balance.
3 Follow the instructions from the wizard.

See also
2 Devices / Printers } Page 87

4.8.2 Connecting a printer via Bluetooth

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers
§ The printer is connected to the power outlet and
switched on.
1 Connect the Bluetooth USB adapter (1) to one of the 2
USB-A ports (2) of the balance.

2 Connect the Bluetooth RS adaptor (3) to the printer

3 Tap Add device.
ð The dialog Add device opens.
4 Select Bluetooth connection and tap Next. 4
ð The dialog "Searching for devices" opens and a list
of possible Bluetooth devices is displayed.
5 Check the bottom of the Bluetooth RS adaptor (3) at
the printer for the MAC address (unique device
address), select this one in the list and tap Next
6 The dialog Authentication activated opens and the
PIN Code is displayed.
7 Tap Next to confirm the Bluetooth connection.
ð The dialog closes, the printer is connected to the balance via Bluetooth.
ð The dialog Printer settings opens.
8 If needed, configure the printer or print a test page.

If the USB adapter is removed from the balance and plugged in again, the Bluetooth connection will be detected
automatically. This may take up to 30 seconds.

34 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

The balance always pairs with the Bluetooth RS adaptor, but not with the printer that is attached to it. As soon
as the user re-uses a Bluetooth RS adaptor for another printer, the user must remove the configured printer in
the balance software and add the new one.

See also
2 Bluetooth } Page 87
2 Devices / Printers } Page 87

4.8.3 Connecting a USB device

This section describes how to connect USB devices without an own power adapter, e.g., an EasyScan USB
(RFID reader), a foot switch or an ErgoSens. The connection procedure is the same for all USB devices.

Damage to the device from not following the instructions of the USB device's
− To use the USB device, consult its User Manual.

§ The USB cable is connected to the USB device.

§ The main weighing screen is shown on the balance
terminal. 2
1 Connect the USB cable (1) to one of the USB-A ports
(2) of the balance. 1
ð The balance detects the USB device automatically
and the dialog Add device with a message, e.g.,
"System has found a device of type: XXX" appears.
2 Set a name for the USB device, then tap Next.
ð The message "The connection to the device is
configured and is now ready to use" appears.
3 Tap OK to close the dialog.
ð The USB device is connected and saved to the

See also
2 Devices / Printers } Page 87

Analytical Balances and Comparators Installation and Putting into Operation​​ 35

4.9 Weighing below the balance
Your balance is equipped with a weighing hook for performing weighing operations below the work surface
(weighing below the balance).
§ A weighing table or workbench is available, through
which the weighing hook can be accessed.
1 Disconnect the balance from the AC/DC adapter.
2 Disconnect all interface cables.
3 Carefully tilt the balance to its side.
4 Loosen the screw (1) of the weighing hook cover (2). 2
ð The hook (3) is accessible.
5 Rotate the cover 90°.
6 Tighten the screw to secure the cover. 3
7 Carefully put the balance back on its feet.
8 Reconnect the AC/DC adapter and the interface cables.
ð The weighing hook is accessible and can be used for
below-the-balance weighing.

See also
2 Dimensions } Page 172

36 Installation and Putting into Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5 Operation
5.1 Touch screen

5.1.1 Selecting or activating an item

− Tap the item or function to be selected or activated.

5.1.2 Scrolling
− Move the list up/down.

5.1.3 Using the drawers

The drawers are placed along the sides of the main weighing screen.

1 Place the finger on one drawer along one side of the

screen, e.g., .

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 37

2 Keep the finger on the drawer and slide it in the
direction towards which the arrow is pointing.

The drawers can also be opened or closed by tapping the drawer symbol.

5.1.4 Entering characters and numbers

Name Description
1 Input field Shows the data that has been entered.
2 Delete Deletes the character left of the current curser position. The curser can be
positioned by using the touch screen.
3 Discard Closes the keyboard dialog.
4 Confirm Confirms the entered data.
5 Numbers and special Switches into the special character mode.
6 Shift Switches between lower or upper case letters.
7 Menu section title Shows the title of the current setting section.

5.1.5 Changing the date and time

38 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Name Explanation
1 Plus button Increment
2 Display field Shows the defined time or date.
3 Minus button Decrement

The format of date and time can be defined in the settings via the options Date format and Time format.

See also
2 Date / Time / Language / Format } Page 84

5.2 Methods
A weighing method is an application for carrying out specific weighing tasks. The balance offers the method
"General Weighing" with default parameters. You have the possibility to create a maximum of 50 methods and
edit the methods. You can use these methods for your weighing task or edit them according to your
requirements. Methods can also be deleted or cloned.
To support you while configuring new methods, a configuration wizard leads you through the whole process.
The changes performed to a method are recorded in the change history (if activated).

5.2.1 Methods overview

The section Methods list provides an overview of all methods already created on the balance. In this section,
new methods can be defined and existing methods can be edited, cloned or deleted. It is also the starting point
for using any method in a weighing procedure.
Navigation: Methods > Methods list
The following methods are available:
• General weighing (see [Method "General weighing" } Page 39])
• Interval weighing (see [Method "Interval weighing" } Page 43])
• Piece Counting (see [Method "Piece counting" } Page 51])
• Simple formulation (see [Method "Simple formulation" } Page 41])
• Titration (see [Method "Titration" } Page 44])
• Density determination (see [Method "Density determination" } Page 45])

5.2.2 Method "General weighing"

The method General weighing offers the basic weighing functions (zeroing, taring, weighing). The method is
used for simple weighing tasks or to perform a series of check weighing or dosing.
The parameters of the weighing item, e.g., sample ID and target weight, can either be entered manually or by
using a template. Therefore two different methods exist:
• General weighing: Select this method if you want to work without pre-defined templates.
• General weighing with templates: Select this method if you want to use a template to define the
parameters individually for each single weighing item. Templates are particularly useful when the weighing
task consists of a series of weighings, each with its own individual parameters, such as target weight,
tolerances, etc. For further information, see [Using method templates } Page 54].

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 39


Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my interval weighing 06/24/2020

Tests my simple formulation 06/24/2020


Delete Clone Edit New Print Continue task

You have the possibility to start with method factory setting parameter or to create a new method with changed
method parameter.
For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "General weighing" } Page 89 Creating a method "General weighing"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list

1 Tap New in the action bar.

ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type General weighing or General weighing with templates.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name and Result description and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.
5 Select a Tolerance profile and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Save.
ð When selected General weighing with templates, the wizard opens the optional section 4. Templates.
6 Select a template from the list and define the Sample ID, Unit, Target weight,  -tolerance, and  +tolerance.
Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 5. Save.
7 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list. Performing a "General weighing"

This section describes a General weighing example step by step. Depending on the defined settings and
weighing objects, the procedure can be different from this example.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select a method from the Methods list or define a new method.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.
4 Press to zero the balance.

40 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5 Open the door and place the weighing object (1) on
the weighing pan (2).
6 Close the door and wait until the weight stabilizes.
ð The weighing starts with Capturing weight....
7 Tap Add to protocol.
ð The weighing result is saved to the Protocol.
8 When the weighing process is finished, tap
Complete in the action bar.
ð The window Complete task opens. The task-
specific information can be printed on a label
printer, the protocol can be printed manually or
automatically (depending on the method settings),
and the result can be exported to an external storage device.
ð The task General weighing was successfully completed.

It is possible to exclude a weighing results from the protocol by opening the Protocol and tapping on Exclude
The window Complete task always appears after completing the task, even if the results are saved automat-

5.2.3 Method "Simple formulation"

With the method Simple formulation the concentration of a substance can automatically be calculated.
The parameters of the weighing item, e.g., sample ID and target weight, can either be entered manually or by
using a template. Therefore two different methods exist:
• Simple formulation: Select this method if you want to weigh a single component in a volumetric flask and
have the concentration calculated automatically.
• Simple formulation with templates: Select this method if you want to follow a predefined solution recipe of
one or several components. Templates are particularly useful when the weighing task consists of a series of
weighings, each with its own individual parameters, such as target weight, tolerances, etc. For further infor-
mation, see [Using method templates } Page 54].


Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my interval weighing 06/24/2020

Tests my simple formulation 06/24/2020


Delete Clone Edit New Print Start method

For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "Simple formulation" } Page 101 Creating a method "Simple formulation"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list
1 Tap New in the action bar.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 41

ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type Simple formulation or Simple formulation with templates.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name and Result description and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.
5 Select the options for Calculate concentration per component, Calculate amount of component and set a
Tolerance profile.
6 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Save.
ð When selected Simple formulation with templates, the wizard opens the optional creating section 4.
7 Select a template from the list and define the Sample ID, Unit, Target weight,  -tolerance, and  +tolerance.
Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 5. Save.
8 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list. Performing a "Simple formulation"

This example describes how to perform a simple formulation with two different components. It explains the
basic functions of the method without the use of any templates. Advanced functions such as the calculation of
the concentration of a component can be defined in the method settings.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select a method from the Methods list or define a new method.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.
4 Define the target weight and the tolerance limits for the first component.
5 Select Component ID to define the first component.
6 Select Task ID to define the whole task.
7 Press to zero the balance.
8 Open the door and place the sample vessel on the weighing pan.
9 Press to tare the balance.
10 Open the door and add the first component in the sample vessel.
ð The measurement starts.
11 Tap Add to protocol.
ð The weighing result is saved to the Protocol.
12 Define the target weight and the tolerance limits for the second component.
13 Select Component ID to define the second component.
14 Open the door and add the second component in the sample vessel.
15 Tap Add to protocol.
ð The weighing result is saved to the Protocol.
16 Tap Complete and select if you want to print or export the task protocol.
ð The weight task is completed and the balance returns to the main weighing screen.

42 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5.2.4 Method "Interval weighing"
With the method Interval weighing, the number of measurements and the time interval for each measurement
can be defined.

Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my interval weighing 06/24/2020

Tests my simple formulation 06/24/2020


Delete Clone Edit New Print Start method

For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "Interval weighing" } Page 111 Creating a method "Interval weighing"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list
1 Tap New in the action bar.
ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type Interval weighing.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.
5 Select a Approximate interval, the number of Measurements, select a Tolerance profile and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Weighing item.
6 Select a Unit for the weighing and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 5. Save.
7 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list. Performing an "Interval Weighing"

This section describes how the method Interval weighing is being used in a task example. In this example we
are weighing one single weight with a tare container.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select a method from the Methods list or define a new method.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.
4 Press to zero the balance.
5 Open the door.
6 If a container is used, place the container on the weighing pan.
7 Press to tare the balance.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 43

ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings)
ð The tare-measurement starts with Taring....
ð When taring is finished, the door opens automatically (depending on the door settings).
8 Place the weighing object into the sample vessel.
9 Close the door.
10 Tap Start.
ð The defined method is being executed. The Protocol section shows the current counter.
11 Wait until the process is finished.
ð The Protocol opens and shows a summary of the weighing results.
12 Tap Complete to open the export options.
ð The dialog Complete task appears.
13 Tap Export protocol manually to export the weighing results to an external USB storage device or tap
Complete to finish the task.
ð After completing the task, the results are deleted from the Protocol.

The current weighing process can be stopped by tapping Stop.

5.2.5 Method "Titration"

The method Titration enables the interaction between the balance and the titrator via MT-SICS or RFID tag. The
optional RFID reader enables data to be read from and written to an RFID tag. The RFID tag serves as a data
carrier between the balance and titrator. The RFID tag placed on the base of a titrating beaker easily and reliably
transfers the sample data, e.g., sample ID and weight. For available RFID readers, see "Accessories".

Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my titration 06/24/2020



Titration 06/24/2020

Delete Clone Edit New Print Start method

For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "Titration" } Page 114 Creating a method "Titration"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list
1 Tap New in the action bar.
ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type Titration.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name and Result description and tap Next.

44 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.
5 Select a RFID option, a Tolerance profile and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Save.
6 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list.

The maximum text length of the Sample ID is 32 characters. If the RFID option activated, only the first 20
characters are transferred to the RFID tag. Performing a "Titration"

This example describes how to prepare a sample for titration and to store the information on the RFID tag of the
container using an external RFID reader such as the EasyScan USB. For more information about how to perform
the titration, consult the manual of the titrator.
§ An RFID tag is fixed under the weighing container.
§ The RFID reader is connected to the balance.
§ A titration method exists in the Methods list with the RFID option set to Read and write.
§ A METTLER TOLEDO titrator is connected to the balance via USB.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select the desired titration method from the Methods list.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.
ð The wizard indicates the steps to follow to perform the method.
4 Place the container with RFID tag on the RFID reader.
ð The RFID reader reads the information from the RFID tag
ð The available data, if any, are included to the running task.
5 If necessary, edit the sample information.
6 Press to zero the balance.
7 Open the door and place the sample vessel on the weighing pan.
8 Close the door and wait until the weight stabilizes.
9 Press to tare the balance.
10 Open the door and place the sample in the sample vessel.
11 Close the door and wait until the weight stabilizes.
12 Tap OK to accept the measurement.
ð The result is automatically added to the Protocol.
ð The weighing result is saved to the Protocol.
13 Take the container and place it on the RFID reader.
14 Remove the sample vessel.
ð The task Titration gets completed automatically and the RFID-tag information is updated.
15 Continue your workflow on the titrator.

5.2.6 Method "Density determination"

The method Density determination is used for determining the density of solids and liquids. Density determi-
nation is carried out based on Archimedes' principle according to which a body immersed in a fluid
undergoes an apparent loss in weight that is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. Furthermore the
density method also supports the pycnometer method, which does not rely on Archimedes' principle. The
method Density determination includes three method types:
Solid: determines the density of a solid with the help of a density kit

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 45

Liquid (sinker): determines the density of a liquid with the help of a density kit and a sinker
Liquid (pycnometer): determines the density of a liquid in a glass vessel, e.g. pycnometer


Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my density 06/24/2020



Delete Clone Edit New Print Continue task

For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "Density determination" } Page 123 Creating a method "Density determination"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list
1 Tap New in the action bar.
ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type Density.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the next creating section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name and Result description and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.
5 Select the Determination type and define the corresponding settings, e.g., Density unit and Weighing
6 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Weighing item
7 Define Initial values for weighing and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the last section 5. Save.
8 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list.

The Determination type can only be selected as part of a new created method. If another Determination type
(solid, liquid) is required, a new method must be created. Performing a "Density determination"

This example describes how to determine the density of a solid using a density kit.
§ A density kit is available for the balance.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select a method from the Methods list or define a new method.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.

46 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

4 Tap Start.
5 Specify the Temperature and the Aux. liquid.
6 Tap OK.
7 Follow the instructions from the wizard.
ð The Protocol opens and shows a summary of the weighing results.
8 Tap Complete to open the printing options.
ð The dialog Complete task appears.
9 Tap Complete.
ð The task Density determination was successfully completed.

5.2.7 Method "SQC"

The method SQC (statistical quality control) is used to gather statistical data about samples to, ultimately,
control their quality. This method offers advanced statistical capabilities and can be highly automatized.
The SQC method requires a specific license in order to be available on your balance. Contact your METTLER
TOLEDO sales representative to purchase the SQC license. After you get your personal license key, sign in to the
Software Portal (https://activation.mt.com/), and activate your license key. For more details, consult the
instructions provided with your license key.

Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my interval weighing 06/24/2020

Tests my SQC 06/24/2020


Delete Clone Edit New Print Continue task

For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "SQC" } Page 130 Creating a method "SQC"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list
§ The SQC license key is activated for the balance.
1 Tap New in the action bar.
ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type SQC.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name.
5 Define Number of task IDs and their respective settings.
6 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.
7 Select a Tolerance profile.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 47

8 If using an automatic feeder LV12 for this method, activate the Automatic feeder support and specify the
Number of weighing items, Discharge feeder at the end, and the Feed rate.
9 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Weighing item.
10 If using a liquid of known density, the results on the weighing screen can be shown in units of volume. If
desired, activate the setting Liquid and specify the Liquid density.
11 Specify the Nominal weight or volume of an individual weighing item. Alternatively, activate Use measured
average as nominal and define a Plausibility reference.
12 Define the tolerance above ( +tolerance T1) and below ( -tolerance T1).
13 If using a second band of tolerances, activate T2 tolerances and define  +tolerance T2 and  -tolerance T2.
ð The method wizard opens the section 5. Save.
14 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list. Performing a "SQC" on packaged goods

The SQC method can be used on samples of a production line for packaged goods. This is illustrated here
using the example of vials containing a medicinal solution. The specific settings that are appropriate to your
application depend on your products, your industry, the regulations of your country, etc.

Setting up the method

§ The SQC license key is activated for the balance.
§ An SQC method has been created.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select an SQC method from the Methods list.
3 Tap Edit.
Editing ID format
1 Tap ID format.
2 Set the Number of task IDs to 2.
3 To use the Task ID 1 to identify the batch ID, do not change its Task description.
4 To use the Task ID 2 to identify the product number, edit its Task description. For example, type in "Product
Editing Weighing
1 Tap Weighing.
2 Enable the option Custom time span statistics 1.
3 To gather statistics for a single batch, tap Statistics 1 - Name and type in "Single batch".
4 Leave the Electrostatic settings disabled to reduce the time required to weigh each item.
The time span of the custom statistics is controlled by the user. The label is given in the method as an
indication to the user, but the statistics must be reset by the user manually when the time span has elapsed.
Editing Weighing item
1 Tap Weighing item.
2 Enable the option Liquid.
3 Specify the density of the liquid, for example 1 g/ml for water.
4 Enable Calculate net weight excl. packaging.
5 Specify the weight of the Packaging, in this case, a single empty vial.
6 Specify the Nominal volume of the liquid, e.g., 5 ml.
7 Set the  +tolerance T1 and the  -tolerance T1 to 7%.
8 Enable the T2 tolerances.

48 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

9 Set the  +tolerance T2 and the  -tolerance T2 to 14%.
Editing Automation
1 Tap Automation.
2 Enable Automatic zero and leave Automatic zero threshold to its default value.
3 Set Automatic result to Without sample tare. Leave Automatic result threshold to its default value and
Weight trigger to Exceeding.
Editing Print / Export
1 Keep the default Print / Export settings.
2 Tap Save.
Running the method
1 Select the method from the Methods list.
2 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.
3 Fill in the user-specific task IDs: "Batch ID" and "Product ID".
4 Press to zero the balance.
5 Add one item on the weighing pan. In this example, that is one filled vial.
ð As soon as the weight is stable, the result is automatically added to the protocol.
ð For each individual result, the status indicator shows the status of the result: OK, Not OK, or Excluded.
ð If the result is within the Plausibility limits, the value is added to the statistics.
6 Remove the item from the weighing pan.
ð The balance starts an automatic zeroing.
7 Repeat until the desired number of items is reached.
8 Tap Complete to open the printing options.
ð The dialog Complete task appears.
9 Print or export the results if needed.
10 Tap Complete.
ð The individual results are deleted from the Protocol, but are still included in the time span statistics.
11 To print the time span statistics, select the statistics in the Protocol and tap Print.
Resetting the statistics
When the time span of the custom statistics has elapsed, the user needs to reset the statistics manually.
1 Open the Protocol.
2 Tap the time span statistics that you want to reset.
3 Tap Reset. Performing a "SQC" with automatic feeder

In this particular example, the SQC method is used to test medical pills. The pills are dispensed one by one on
the weighing pan by the automatic feeder LV12. The specific settings that are appropriate to your application
depend on your products, your industry, the regulations of your country, etc.

Setting up the method

§ The SQC license key is activated for the balance.
§ An SQC method has been created.
§ An automatic feeder LV12 is installed on the balance.
§ The door automation is switched off on the side where the automatic feeder LV12 is installed.
§ Optionally, the LV12 door is installed on the side where the automatic feeder LV12 is installed.
1 Open the Methods section.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 49

2 Select an SQC method from the Methods list.
3 Tap Edit.
Editing ID format
1 Tap ID format.
2 Set the Number of task IDs to 3.
3 To use the Task ID 1 to identify the batch ID, do not change its Task description.
4 To use the Task ID 2 to identify the product number, edit its Task description. For example, type in "Product
5 To use the Task ID 3 to identify the production line, edit its Task description. For example, type in
"Production line".
Editing Weighing
1 Tap Weighing.
2 Enable the option Custom time span statistics 1.
3 To gather daily statistics, tap Statistics 1 - Name and type in "Daily".
4 Enable the option Custom time span statistics 2.
5 To gather weekly statistics, tap Statistics 2 - Name and type in "Weekly".
6 Leave the Electrostatic settings disabled to reduce the time required to weigh each item.
The time span of the custom statistics is controlled by the user. The label is given in the method as an
indication to the user, but the statistics must be reset by the user manually when the time span has elapsed.
Editing Weighing item
1 Tap Weighing item.
2 Enable Use measured average as nominal.
3 Set the Plausibility reference to the approximate weight of a single pill, e.g., 280 mg.
4 Set the Plausibility limits to 20% .
5 Set the  +tolerance T1 and the  -tolerance T1 to 5%.
6 Enable the T2 tolerances.
7 Set the  +tolerance T2 and the  -tolerance T2 to 10%.
Editing Automation
1 Tap Automation.
2 If not already done while creating the method, enable the Automatic feeder support.
3 Set the Number of weighing items to 20.
4 Set the Tare Mode to Automatic tare.
Editing Print / Export
1 Keep the default Print / Export settings.
2 Tap Save.
Running the method
1 Select the method from the Methods list.
2 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen appears with the selected method.
3 Fill in the user-specific task IDs: "Batch ID", "Product name", and "Production line".
4 Press to zero the balance.
5 Place a sample vessel on the weighing pan, big enough to collect all the pills that will be dispensed by the
automatic feeder. Make sure that there is no contact between the sample vessel and the automatic feeder.
6 Tap Start to start the weighing process.
ð Due to the method configuration, the balance tares automatically before it starts dispensing the pills.

50 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

ð The automatic feeder dispenses the pills one by one.
ð As soon as the weight is stable, the result is automatically added to the protocol.
ð For each individual result, the status indicator shows the status of the result: OK, Not OK, or Excluded.
ð If the result is within the Plausibility limits, the value is added to the statistics.
ð When the number of items passing the plausibility check is reached, the Protocol opens.
7 Tap Complete to open the printing options.
ð The dialog Complete task appears.
8 Print or export the results if needed.
9 Tap Complete.
ð The individual results are deleted from the Protocol, but are still included in the time span statistics.
10 To print the time span statistics, select the statistics in the Protocol and tap Print.
Resetting the statistics
When the time span of the custom statistics has elapsed, the user needs to reset the statistics manually.
1 Open the Protocol.
2 Tap the time span statistics that you want to reset.
3 Tap Reset.

5.2.8 Method "Piece counting"

The method Piece Counting allows you to determine the number of pieces put on the weighing pan. It is
advantageous if all pieces are of approximately equal weight, since the unit quantity is determined on the basis
of the average weight of a single piece.

Methods list my general weighing 06/24/2020

Tasks my piece counting 06/24/2020



Delete Clone Edit New Print Start method

For details about method settings:

See also
2 Settings: method "Piece counting" } Page 138 Creating a method "Piece counting"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list
1 Tap New in the action bar.
ð The method wizard opens, starting at 1. Method type.
2 Tap Method type and select the method type Piece Counting.
3 Tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 2. Identification.
4 Define the Method name and Result description and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 3. Configuration.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 51

5 Select a Tolerance profile and tap Next.
ð The method wizard opens the section 4. Weighing item.
6 Define a reference for pieces Reference PCS, a Reference average weight, Target weight and tap
ð The method wizard opens the section 5. Save.
7 Tap Finish to save the new method .
ð The method has been created and appears in the list. Performing a "Piece counting"

This section describes how the method Piece Counting is being used in a task example. In this example we
are weighing pieces in a sample vessel.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select a method from the Methods list or define a new method.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen with the selected method opens. The balance displays the defined target
value, the tolerance and the current average weight of one piece.
4 Press to zero the balance.
If a container is used, place the container (1) on the
weighing pan (2) and press to tare the
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings)
ð The tare-measurement starts with Taring....
ð When taring is finished, the door opens automat-
ically (depending on the door settings).
5 If not yet done, enter the average weight for a known
number of pieces in the method settings. This serves
as reference for the piece counting. Tap to capture the weight of the items on the weighing pan and use it
as reference weight.
6 Place the pieces in the sample vessel.
7 Close the door and wait until the weight stabilizes.
8 Tap Add to protocol.
ð The weighing result is saved to the Protocol.
9 When the weighing process is finished, tap
Complete in the action bar.
ð The window Complete task opens. The task-
specific information can be printed on a label
printer, the protocol can be printed manually or
automatically (depending on the method settings),
and the result can be exported to an external
storage device.
ð The task Piece Counting was successfully completed.

It is possible to exclude a weighing results from the protocol by opening the Protocol and tapping on Exclude
The window Complete task always appears after completing the task, even if the results are saved automat-

52 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5.2.9 Editing a method
To clone a method proceed as follows:
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select the method that you want to edit.
ð The line color of the selected method becomes blue.
3 Tap Edit.
For details about method settings:

See also
2 Weighing methods settings } Page 89

5.2.10 Cloning a method

To simplify the process to create a method, an existing method can be cloned one or several times. The cloned
method will have the same parameter values as the original one. If weighing item templates exist, those will be
cloned as well.
To clone a method proceed as follows:
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap the method that you want to clone.
ð The line color of the selected method becomes blue.
3 Tap Clone.
ð A copy of the selected method appears in the list. The cloned method has the same settings as the
original method.

A method can be cloned several times. The name of the cloned method is always based on its original name,
to which is appended a number.

5.2.11 Deleting a method

Both factory defined methods and user defined methods can be deleted if they are not needed. For this purpose
proceed as follows:
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap the method that you want to delete.
ð The line color of the selected method becomes blue.
3 Tap Delete.
ð The message Delete method and cancel tasks? appears on the screen.
4 Tap OK to delete the selected method.
ð The system returns to the method list. The method has been deleted and does not appear on the list

There is always a method activated in the background. This method can not be directly deleted. To delete the
method, another method must be started instead. Now the method is not activated anymore and can be

5.2.12 Deleting a task

A method will be held as a task in the task section of the methods menu. It will be paused as a task if any other
method is launched without the current method being completed. The method can be paused if it contains one
or more weighing results, or has had certain method settings changed.
Navigation: Methods > Tasks

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 53

A task can only be deleted when not in use. The method that is currently used in the background is labeled with
the symbol in the tasks lists. To cancel the task, another task must be activated.
1 Select the task to be deleted and tap Cancel.
ð The dialog Cancel task? opens.
2 To delete the task tap OK, to cancel the delete procedure tap Cancel.

5.2.13 Using method templates

Working with templates can simplify the workflow, especially when several weighings with different predefined
target weights have to be carried out one after the other. Characteristic information such as a target weight and
tolerances can be defined in a template and must not be defined for every single weighing task. This may save
time, especially when the weighing process consists of multiple steps.
The methods General weighing with templates and Simple formulation with templates use templates.
Before a template can be used in the weighing process, it must be defined. There are two ways to define
• The templates can be defined directly in the method creating process.
• The templates can be defined during the execution of a task within a method of the same type, without
templates. Defining a template during the method-defining process

This example describes how to define a template for the method General weighing with templates.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap New method.
3 Select Method type General weighing with templates.
4 Step through the method wizard until step 4. Templates.
ð The dialog screen 4. Templates appears, the sample 1 can be defined.
5 Tap Unit to select the template unit.
6 Tap Target weight to define the target weight.
ð The options  -tolerance and  +tolerance appear.
7 Tap  -tolerance to define the lower tolerance.
8 Tap  +tolerance to define the upper tolerance.
9 Tap Next.
10 Tap Finish.
ð The method has been created and appears in the method list.

This example only describes how to create templates for the method General weighing with templates. For the
other methods there might be several other options that can be defined. Defining a template in a current task

It is also possible to create templates while performing a method without predefined templates, providing that
the method type allows it.. This example describes how to create templates for the method General weighing,
respectively for the method General weighing with templates. Templales can also be used for Simple formu-
lation methods.
1 Start a method General weighing.
2 Perform three weighings and add the results to the protocol by tapping Add to protocol.
ð The results are saved to the Protocol.
3 Tap More.
4 Tap Save as method with templates.

54 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5 Define a Method name.
6 Tap OK.
ð A method General weighing with templates including three templates is created and added to the Methods
list with the name defined by the user. Working with templates

After the template has been created within a method, it can be used in a task.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Select a method from the Methods list or define a new method.
3 Tap Start method.
ð The main weighing screen opens. The target weight and the tolerance limits that have been defined in
the template appear.

5.3 Test weights

5.3.1 Defining an individual test weight

The user should enter data related to each test weight based on the corresponding certificate. This enables each
external test weight to be clearly assigned to a specific certificate. Up to 12 external test weights can be
configured. These test weights can be used to carry out external tests and adjustments.
Navigation: Methods > Tests > Test weights

An external test weight for an external adjustment has to weigh at least 10% of the balance capacity. External
test weights under 10% of the balance capacity are not displayed on the balance.
§ The dialog Test weights is open.
1 Tap Test weight.
2 Define the test weight settings and confirm with Finish.
ð The test weight is defined and will be available later in the test procedure.

5.3.2 Defining a combined test weight

The user can combine test weights to achieve a test weight capacity that is not available as a single standard
weight. For example, a weight of 10 g and a weight of 20 g can be combined and used as a test weight of
30 g. Each combined test weight can include two or three test weights. The class of a specific combined weight
can only be as good as the worst class of the individual test weights it contains. As for any other test weight,
combined test weight can be used to carry out external tests and adjustments.
Navigation: Methods > Tests > Test weights
§ The dialog Test weights is open.
§ At least two individual test weights are defined.
1 Tap Combined weight.
2 Enter a Test weight name.
3 Select the Minimal weight class for the combined weight.
4 Tap Weights
ð The individual weights of at least Minimal weight class are shown.
5 Select the weights to include in the combined weight.
6 Tap OK.
ð The Nominal weight is calculated as the sum of the selected individual weights.
7 Tap Save.
ð The combined test weight is defined and will be available later in the test procedure.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 55

5.4 Tests
Routine tests can be performed to ensure accurate weighing results according to GWP® or other QM systems.
Therefore the tests should be performed in fixed, regular intervals depending on your QM system and the results
should be documented in a traceable way.
Navigation: Methods > Tests

5.4.1 Overview routine tests

METTLER TOLEDO can help you to define the routine tests to be performed based on your process requirements.
Please contact your local METTLER TOLEDO representative for additional information. Eccentricity test

The purpose of the eccentricity test is to check if every eccentric
load deviation (corner load deviation) is within the user SOP
tolerances. The corner load is the deviation of the measurement
value through off-center (eccentric) loading. The corner load
increases with the weight of the load and its distance from the
center of the weighing pan support. If the display remains
2 1 4
consistent, even when the same load is placed on different parts
of the weighing pan, the balance does not have corner load
The result corresponds to the highest of the four determined
eccentric load deviations (2 to 5). Repeatability test

The repeatability test calculates the standard deviation of a series of measurements with a single test weight in
order to determine the repeatability of the balance.
Repeatability is a measure of the ability of a balance to supply the same result in repetitive weighings with one
and the same load under the same measurement conditions. During the test, the same load is placed and
measured in different parts of the weighing pan. Afterwards, the difference between the measured weight values
is calculated. The spread of the measured results leads to the repeatability.
Repeatability is highly affected by the ambient conditions (drafts, temperature fluctuations and vibrations) and
also by the skill of the person performing the weighing. Therefore, the series of measurements must be carried
out by the same operator, in the same location, under constant ambient conditions and without interruption.
The following test types are available:
• Repeatab. - 1 TP: To test repeatability of the balance without tare weight.
• Repeatab. - Tare - 1 TP: To test repeatability of the balance with tare weight. The first test weight (tare
weight) is used to simulate a tare container. Sensitivity test

The sensitivity of the balance defines the deviation between the balance reading and the actual load. The sensi-
tivity test allows you to measure the sensitivity using one or two test points.
The following test types are available:
• Sensitivity - 1 TP: To test sensitivity of the balance with one test weight.
• Sensitivity - 2 TP: To test sensitivity of the balance with two test weights.
• Sensitivity - Tare - 1 TP: To test sensitivity of the balance with two test weights. The first test weight (tare
weight) is used to simulate a tare container.
• Sensitivity - Tare - 2 TP: To test sensitivity of the balance with three test weights. The first test weight (tare
weight) is used to simulate a tare container.

56 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5.4.2 Creating a new test
Before a test can be performed, the test settings have to be defined. A test wizard is leading you step-by-step
through the process.
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
3 Tap New.
ð The wizard Create new test starts.
4 Select the test type.
5 Work through the process by using the button Next to go to the next step or the button Back to go
back to the previous step.
For details about test settings:

See also
2 Tests settings } Page 148

5.4.3 Performing a test

Measurement errors due to deficient handling of the test weights.
Deficient handling of the test weights can lead to incorrect result.
− Only handle test weights with gloves or forks.

You can perform an eccentricity test, a repeatability test or a sensitivity test. Which test you have to perform and
when depends on the respective weighing processes. Mettler-Toledo GmbH can help you to define the routine
tests to be performed based on your process requirements. Please contact your local METTLER TOLEDO repre-
sentative for additional information.
Moments when tests could be performed:
• After cleaning
• After a software update
• Daily before putting into operation
• Depending on own SOP
• At least one test weight is defined.
• At least one sensitivity, one repeatability or one eccentricity test is created.
All of the following pictured test weights or vessels are examples. Actual test weights or vessels may look

See also
2 Defining an individual test weight } Page 55
2 Defining a combined test weight } Page 55
2 Tests settings } Page 148 Performing an eccentricity test

1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test(s) previously defined appear on the list.
3 Select the eccentricity test you wish to perform and tap Start.
ð The test sequence starts.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 57

4 Ensure that the weighing pan is empty and clear, the test weight is prepared, and weighing forks or gloves
are ready.
5 When all requirements are fulfilled tap OK.
6 Make sure that the weighing pan is empty and tap OK.
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
7 Choose an available test weight
- or -
add a new test weight and tap OK.
8 Open the door and place the test weight (1) carefully in
position 1, in the middle of the weighing pan (2).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the first measurement is placed in the
Protocol as Position 1.

9 Lift the test weight and move to position 2 (front left

corner of the weighing pan).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the second measurement is placed in
the Protocol as Position 2.

10 Lift the test weight and move to position 3 (back left

corner of the weighing pan).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the third measurement is placed in the
Protocol as Position 3.

58 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

11 Lift the test weight and move to position 4 (back right
corner of the weighing pan).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the fourth measurement is placed in
the Protocol as Position 4.

12 Lift the test weight and move to position 5 (front right

corner of the weighing pan).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the fifth measurement is placed in the
Protocol as Position 5.
ð The eccentricity test is finished.
13 Remove the test weight carefully and tap OK
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
14 When the test procedure is finished, tap Finish.
ð The result dialog opens.
15 To print the results tap Print, to finish the test tap Finish.
Test result
If the test failed, see "Troubleshooting", search the error, remedy it and test again. If the test fails again, contact
a METTLER TOLEDO representative.

See also
2 Settings: eccentricity test } Page 148
2 Troubleshooting } Page 163 Performing a repeatability test

In this section, both repeatability tests are described. Which test you use depends on the respective test target.

Repeatability - 1 test point

1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test(s) previously defined appear on the list.
3 Select the repeatability test you wish to perform and tap Start.
ð The test sequence starts.
4 Ensure that the weighing pan is empty and clear, the test weight is prepared, and weighing forks or gloves
are ready.
5 When all requirements are fulfilled tap OK.
6 Make sure that the weighing pan is empty and tap OK.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 59

ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
7 Choose an available test weight
- or -
add a new test weight and tap OK.
8 Open the door and place the test weight (1) carefully
on the weighing pan (2).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the measurement is saved to the
9 Remove the test weight carefully and tap OK
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
ð Depending on the specified Number of repetitions you have to repeat the last two steps a certain
number of times.
10 When the test procedure is finished, tap Finish.
ð The result dialog opens.
11 To print the results tap Print, to finish the test tap Finish.
Repeatability - Tare - 1 test point
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test(s) previously defined appear on the list.
3 Select the repeatability test you wish to perform and tap Start.
ð The test sequence starts.
4 Ensure that the weighing pan is empty and clear, the test weight is prepared, and weighing forks or gloves
are ready.
5 When all requirements are fulfilled tap OK.
6 Make sure that the weighing pan is empty and tap OK.
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
7 Choose an available test weight/test container
- or -
add a new test weight/test container (1) and tap OK
and put it on the weighing pan (2).
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings) and the measurement starts with
ð When the tare is finished, the door opens automat-
ically (depending on the door settings).
ð The tare result is saved in the Protocol.

60 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

8 Carefully place the test weight (3) onto the weighing
pan or into the tare container (4).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the measurement is saved to the

9 Remove the test weight, leave the container on the

weighing pan.
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings) and the measurement starts with
ð When the tare is finished, the door opens automat-
ically (depending on the door settings).
ð The tare result is saved in the Protocol.
10 Carefully place the test weight (3) onto the weighing
pan or into the tare container (4).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the measurement is saved to the Protocol.
ð Depending on the specified Number of repetitions you have to repeat the last two steps a certain
number of times.
11 When the test procedure is finished, tap Finish.
ð The result dialog opens.
12 To print the results tap Print, to finish the test tap Finish.
Test result
If the test failed, see "Troubleshooting", search the error, remedy it and test again. If the test fails again, contact
a METTLER TOLEDO representative.

See also
2 Settings: repeatability test } Page 150
2 Troubleshooting } Page 163 Performing a sensitivity test

In this section, two of four possible sensitivity tests are described. Which test you use depends on the
respective test target. The procedure for the tests with two test points is similar, but additional test weights and
test containers are necessary.
Sensitivity - 1 test point
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test(s) previously defined appear on the list.
3 Select the sensitivity test you wish to perform and tap Start.
ð The test sequence starts.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 61

4 Ensure that the weighing pan is empty and clear, the test weight is prepared, and weighing forks or gloves
are ready.
5 When all requirements are fulfilled tap OK.
6 Make sure that the weighing pan is empty and tap OK.
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
7 Choose an available test weight
- or -
add a new test weight and tap OK.
8 Open the door and place the test weight (1) carefully
on the weighing pan (2).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the measurement is saved to the
9 When the test procedure is finished, tap Finish.
ð The result dialog opens.
10 To print the results tap Print, to finish the test tap Finish.
Sensitivity - Tare - 1 test point
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test(s) previously defined appear on the list.
3 Select the sensitivity test you wish to perform and tap Start.
ð The test sequence starts.
4 Ensure that the weighing pan is empty and clear, the test weight is prepared, and weighing forks or gloves
are ready.
5 When all requirements are fulfilled tap OK.
6 Make sure that the weighing pan is empty and tap OK.
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the door settings) and the balance starts an automatic
7 Choose an available test weight/test container
- or -
add a new test weight/test container (1) and tap OK
and put it on the weighing pan (2).
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings) and the measurement starts with
ð When the tare is finished, the door opens automat-
ically (depending on the door settings).
ð The tare result is saved in the Protocol.

62 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

8 Carefully place the test weight (3) onto the weighing
pan or into the tare container (4).
ð The measurement starts with Capturing weight...
ð The door closes automatically (depending on the
door settings).
ð When the measurement is finished, the door opens
automatically (depending on the door settings).
ð The result of the measurement is saved to the
9 When the test procedure is finished, tap Finish.
ð The result dialog opens.
10 To print the results tap Print, to finish the test tap Finish.
Test result
If the test failed, see "Troubleshooting", search the error, remedy it and test again. If the test fails again, contact
a METTLER TOLEDO representative.

See also
2 Settings: sensitivity test } Page 153
2 Troubleshooting } Page 163

5.4.4 Editing a test

A test can only be edited when it is not running.
Navigation: Methods > Tests
1 Select the test to be edited from the list and tap Edit.
ð The test settings open.
2 Edit the test settings.

See also
2 Tests settings } Page 148

5.4.5 Printing test results

You can print a test manually, whether the parameter Automatic print in the test settings is activated or
deactivated. For this purpose proceed as follows:
1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test list opens.
3 Select the test to print and tap Print all
ð The test is printed.

5.4.6 Deleting a test

1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Tests.
ð The test list opens.
3 Select the test to delete.
4 Tap Delete.
ð The section Delete routine test opens. The message Do you really want to delete the selected routine
test? appears.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 63

5 Tap Yes to delete the test. Tap No to cancel the deleting process.
ð After deleting the test, the system returns to the test list. The test has been deleted and does not appear on
the list anymore.
Running tests are labeled with the symbol and cannot be deleted. To delete a test, it must be finished or
another test must be activated. To delete a test, proceed as follows:

5.4.7 Consulting the test history

Navigation: Balance menu > History > Tests
− Select a test.
ð The test history opens. Specific data are displayed for each test, such as the date and time, type of test,
temperature, level state, test weight ID, and weight deviation.

See also
2 History } Page 74

5.5 Adjustments
This section describes how internal and external adjustments can be defined and performed. Which type of
adjustment is performed depends on the defined adjustment Strategy.
Navigation: Methods > Adjustments

See also
2 Adjustments settings } Page 156

5.5.1 Internal adjustment Editing an internal adjustment

1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Adjustments.
3 Tap Edit.
4 Set the Strategy to Internal adjustment.
5 Define the adjustment parameters.
6 Tap Save.
ð Your internal adjustment has been edited.
For details about adjustment settings:

See also
2 Adjustments settings } Page 156 Performing an internal adjustment

§ The adjustment Strategy is set to Internal adjustment.
1 Open the Methods section, tap , select the adjustment, and tap Start
- or -
from the main weighing screen, tap More and tap Start adjustment.
ð Internal adjustment is being executed.
ð When the adjustment has been completed, an overview of the adjustment results appears.
2 Tap Print if you want to print the results.
3 Tap Finish adjustment.
ð The balance is ready.

64 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5.5.2 External adjustment Editing an external adjustment

1 Open the Methods section.
2 Tap Adjustments.
3 Tap Edit.
4 Set the Strategy to External adjustment.
5 Tap Test weights - Edit test weight.
ð The dialog Test weights - Edit test weight opens.
6 Select a test weight from the list and tap OK
- or -
tap Test weight to define a new test weight.
7 Define the test weight settings and confirm with OK.
8 Tap Save.
ð Your external adjustment has been edited.
For details about adjustment settings:

See also
2 Adjustments settings } Page 156 Performing an external adjustment

After the external weights have been defined, the function External adjustment can be performed.
§ The adjustment Strategy is set to External adjustment.
1 Open the Methods section, tap , select the adjustment, and tap Start
- or -
from the main weighing screen, tap More and tap Start adjustment.
ð The adjustment process starts.
2 Ensure that the weighing pan is empty and clear, the test weight is prepared, and weighing forks or gloves
are ready.
3 When all requirements are fulfilled tap OK.
4 Make sure that the weighing pan is empty and tap OK.
5 Choose an available test weight
- or -
add a new test weight and tap OK.
6 Open the door and place the test weight (1) carefully
on the weighing pan (2).
ð The door closes and the adjustment starts.
ð After a few seconds the door opens.
7 Remove the test weight from the weighing pan and tap
ð The door closes and opens. The adjustment is
finishing and the adjustment results appear.
8 To print the results tap Print, to finish the test tap

See also
2 Defining an individual test weight } Page 55
2 Defining a combined test weight } Page 55

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 65

5.5.3 Consulting the adjustment history
Navigation: Balance menu > History > Adjustments
− Select an adjustment.
ð The adjustment history opens. Specific data are displayed for each adjustment such as the date and time,
type of adjustment, temperature, level state, adjustment trigger, and correction.

See also
2 History } Page 74

5.6 External devices

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers

5.6.1 Adding a device

Adding a new device
1 To add a new device, tap Add device
ð The Add device dialog opens.
2 Connect the device to one of the USB-A ports of the balance.
3 Follow the instructions from the wizard.

A label printer and a strip printer can be connected simultaneously to the balance. However, only one printer of
a specific type can be active at any given time. When connecting a new printer or the same type, the printer of
the same type that was previously active is deactivated automatically. After connecting a new printer, verify the
status of all other printers.
Example: adding a barcode reader
1 To add a new device, tap Add device
ð The Add device dialog opens.
2 Connect the device to one of the USB-A ports of the balance.
3 If you are installing a barcode reader you can scan the barcode displayed on the balance terminal. Tap
Tools and tap Next.
ð The barcode of the device is shown.
4 Scan the barcode from the device.
ð The barcode is identified from the balance and the new device is connected.
5 To cancel the dialog, tap Cancel.

See also
2 Installing devices } Page 33

5.6.2 Deleting a device

1 Select the device from the list of devices and printers.
2 Tap Delete device.
ð The message of the type "Are you sure you would like to delete the selected device?" is shown.
3 To delete, tap OK. To cancel the delete dialog, tap Cancel.
ð The device is deleted.

5.6.3 Editing device settings

1 Select the device from the list of devices and printers.
ð Device type, name, status and settings are shown.

66 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

2 To change the name of the device, tap Name, enter the name and tap .
3 Some devices, e.g., printers, have additional editable settings. To edit those settings, tap Printer
ð The dialog printer settings opens.

5.6.4 Printing a test page

If you have installed a printer, a test page can be printed.
1 Select the printer in the list of devices.
2 Tap Print test page

5.6.5 Using an RFID reader Testing an RFID reader

1 Select the device from the list of devices and printers.
2 Tap Test device.
ð The dialog Test device opens.
3 Place a RFID tag on the RFID reader.
ð If the RFID reader works correctly the message:
"RFID reader has successfully read the RFID tag."
is shown.
ð The RFID reader has been tested.

Formatting an RFID tag

Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance > Format RFID
1 Tap Format RFID.
ð The dialog Format RFID tag opens.
2 Place the RFID tag on the RFID reader.
ð The dialog "Do you want to format the RFID tag and delete all data?" opens.
3 To delete the RFID tag tap Format.
ð The RFID tag was formatted.

Reading data from an RFID tag

Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance > Format RFID
1 Tap Format RFID.
ð The dialog Format RFID tag opens.
2 Place the RFID tag on the RFID reader.
ð The dialog "Do you want to format the RFID tag and delete all data?" opens.
ð In the dialog you can read all written data.
3 To delete the RFID tag tap Format. To cancel the format dialog tap Cancel

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 67

5.7 User management

Loss of data due to missing password or ID
Protected menu areas cannot be accessed without ID or password.
− Note ID and password and keep them in a safe place.

5.7.1 Activating the user management

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > > Balance > General > User management
The user management is disabled in the factory settings. To activate the user management follow:
1 Tap and select Active.
ð The dialog Activate user management opens.
2 Tap Next.
ð The dialog Set administrator password (optional) opens.
3 Tap New password and enter the new password.
4 Confirm the new password again and tap OK.
ð The dialog closes.
5 Confirm the activated user management in the section General, tap OK
ð The User management is active. The login dialog opens at every system start.

5.7.2 Disabling the user management

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > > Balance > General > User management
1 Tap and select Inactive.
ð The dialog Deactivate user management opens.
2 Tap Next.
ð The dialog Set unblocking password opens.
3 Tap New password and enter the new password.
4 Confirm the new password again and tap .
ð The dialog closes.
5 Tap OK to confirm.
ð The user management is inactive.

5.7.3 Managing users and user groups

The Users settings are only visible when the User management is set to Active.
Navigation: Balance menu > Users
Printing user list
An overview of all users and user groups can be printed by tapping Print all.

See also
2 Activating the user management } Page 68 Creating a new user

Navigation: Balance menu > Users > Users
1 Tap New user in the action bar.
2 Define the values for the new user.

68 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

3 To define a user profile password, tap Change password in the action bar.
4 Tap New password.
ð The keyboard dialogue opens.
5 Define the password.
6 Tap Confirm new password and fill in the defined password.
7 Tap to close the keyboard dialogue.
8 Tap OK to confirm the defined password.
ð The dialogue User name opens.
9 Tap OK to confirm the defined user profile.
ð The user has been created. The new user profile appears in the list. Creating a new group

Navigation: Balance menu > Users > Groups

This area is only accessible for users with the appropriate rights.
1 Tap New group.
ð The dialog opens.
2 Define the group properties.
3 Tap OK.
ð The group has been created, the system returns to the list of defined groups. Deleting users or user groups

Requirements for deleting:
• You logged in as administrator.

Navigation: Balance menu > Users > Users

1 Select your User ID.
ð The user management dialog opens.
2 Tap Delete in the action bar.
ð The dialog Delete user opens.
3 To delete the user tap OK.
ð The user is deleted irreversibly.

5.8 Tolerance profiles

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance > Weighing / Quality > Tolerance
Creating a Tolerance profile
1 Tap New to create a new profile.
2 Define the profile settings.
3 When all the settings have been defined, tap OK.
ð The system returns to the profile list and the new profile appears on the list.
By tapping an existing profile, its settings can be changed, the profile can be deleted or it can be set as default
value. Several profiles can be created. A default profile must be selected.
If changes are made to the default tolerance profile, the status of the routine tests will be set to Never executed.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 69

5.9 Data management
Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance > Import / Export
The import or export of data can be used to save or transfer data from one balance to another.
The following data can be imported or exported:
• Balance settings
• User management
• Methods
• Tests and weights

5.9.1 Exporting data and settings

1 Select Export data and settings.
ð The dialog Export data and settings opens.
2 Select Export and tap Next
ð The window Export data and settings appears.
3 Select the data type(s) you want to export.
4 Plug in the USB storage device to one of the USB-A ports of the balance.
5 Tap Export.
ð A list of available USB storage devices opens.
6 Select the target USB storage device to store the data.
7 Tap Next.
ð The system exports the data to the USB storage device. If the export was successful, the screen shows
with the file name and its target folder.
8 Tap Close to finish the process.

5.9.2 Importing data and settings

With the function Import data and settings, settings from other balances can be imported to this balance. It is
also possible to re-import settings that have been exported.
1 Select Import data and settings.
2 Plug in the USB storage device with the data to import.
3 Tap Next.
ð A list of available USB storage devices opens.
4 Select the USB storage device with the data to import.
5 Tap Next.
6 Select the data file you want to import.
7 Tap Next.
8 Select the data type(s) you want to import.
ð When importing methods, you can select if all methods or a selection of methods will be imported.
Methods of the same name will be overwritten.
9 Tap Import.
ð The message Import of data and settings has been executed. appears. The import was successful. Tap
Close to return to the main weighing screen.

70 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

5.10 Password protection and balance reset

5.10.1 Password protection

If user management is active, each user has an individual password.
• Any logged in user can change his own password. See [Changing a password } Page 71].
• Users with permission to configure user management can change the password of any user. See [Changing
a password } Page 71].
• If a user with permission to configure user management has forgotten his password (and no other user can
change it), a password reset can be requested. See [Requesting a reset password } Page 71]
If the parameter Password reset is set to Not allowed, the balance needs to be reset by a service
If user management is inactive, a password can be generated to block the whole balance. See [Creating an
unblocking password } Page 72]. Changing a password

Any user can change its own password. Additionally, users with permission to configure user management can
change the password of other users.
Navigation: Balance menu > Users > Users
1 Select the User name for which the password should be changed.
ð The user management dialog opens.
2 Tap Change password in the action bar.
ð The dialog Change password opens.
3 Enter a new password and confirm it.
Any password is valid.
4 Tap OK.
ð The password has been changed. Requesting a reset password

If a user with the permission to configure user management has forgotten his password, a reset password can
be requested.
§ The balance login dialog is open.
1 Select the user who needs a password reset. That user needs to have the permission to configure user
2 Tap More.
ð The dialog More opens.
3 Tap Request reset password.
4 The dialog Request reset password opens.
5 Note the service code and tap Service request.
ð Information about your METTLER TOLEDO service representative appears.
6 Contact your METTLER TOLEDO service representative via phone or email.
ð You get an 8-character reset password with which you can log in once.
7 Log in with your reset password and select a new password.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 71 Creating an unblocking password
If the user management is inactive, the balance can still be blocked with a unique password, called the
unblocking password. This password first need to be generated and needs to be provided to block and unblock
the balance.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance > General
1 To create an unblocking password, tap Unblocking password in the action bar.
ð The dialog Set unblocking password opens.
2 Set a new password, confirm it, and tap OK.
3 In the dialog General, tap Save and OK.
ð The unblocking password is created.

5.10.2 Logging in and logging out

If the user management is active, users need to log in to use the balance. Logging in
§ The balance login dialog is open.
1 Select a user and enter the password.
2 Tap Login.
ð You are logged in and your user name is displayed on the main weighing screen. Logging out

Navigation: Balance menu > Exit/ Block balance
− Tap Logout.
ð You are logged out.

5.10.3 Blocking and unblocking the balance

A blocking means closedown of the balance. A reason for such "full blocking" can have a serious background.
If the balance has a defect or a loss of the weighing quality, the user can block the balance completely.
If user management is active, users can block the balance if they have the related permission.
If user management is inactive, the balance can still be blocked to prevent any further usage of the balance. If
no unblocking password has been set, the balance can get blocked and unblocked without a password. If an
unblocking password has been set, the balance can only get blocked and unblocked using this password. See
[Creating an unblocking password } Page 72]. Blocking the balance

Navigation: Balance menu > Blocking
1 To block the balance tap Block balance.
ð The dialog Block balance opens.
2 Tap Next.
3 Enter your unblocking password and tap Block balance.
ð The balance is blocked and the blocking screen appears. Unblocking the balance

§ The balance is blocked and the blocking screen is open.
§ The unblocking password is available.
1 To unblock the balance, type the unblocking password in the password field.

72 Operation​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

2 Tap Unblock balance.
3 Tap Unblock balance to confirm.
By tapping Cancel instead, the main weighing screen appears, but the balance is still blocked and only
a limited number of settings can be edited.
ð The balance is unblocked and the main weighing screen appears.

5.10.4 Resetting the balance

When user management is active, only users with the appropriate permissions can reset the balance.
Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance > Reset

Reset causes data loss
Resetting the balance will delete user application data and set the user configuration back to
factory state.

1 To delete the change history data and the data for test history and adjustment history, activate the option
Also delete change, test and adjustment history.
2 Tap Next.
ð The window Reset balance opens and warns that some data will be lost by resetting the balance.
3 Tap Reset balance.
ð The balance software restarts in factory state. The alibi memory settings and alibi entries remain

Analytical Balances and Comparators Operation​​ 73

6 Software Description
6.1 Balance menu settings
The Balance menu contains general settings and information. To open the section Balance menu tap the
drawer symbol on the left side of the screen.
The section Balance menu is divided into the following subsections.
• Leveling aid, see [Leveling aid } Page 74]
• History, see [History } Page 74]
• Balance info, see [Balance info } Page 77]
• Users (only appears when user management is activated), see [Users } Page 77]
• Settings, see [Settings } Page 79]
• Maintenance, see [Maintenance } Page 89]

6.1.1 Leveling aid

Exact horizontal positioning and stable installation is essential for repeatable and accurate weighing results.
With the Leveling aid the balance can be leveled.
Navigation: Balance menu > Leveling aid

After leveling the balance an internal adjustment must be performed.

See also
2 Leveling the balance } Page 30

6.1.2 History
The balance permanently records the tests and adjustments that are performed in the section History
Navigation: Balance menu > History
The section History is divided into the following subsections.
• Adjustments
• Tests
• Alibi memory (only available for specific balance models)
• Service
• Changes (only appears when change history is activated) Adjustments
Navigation: Balance menu > History > Adjustments
A maximum of 500 entries can be stored in the adjustments history.
Symbol Description Procedure
Filter Tap to Filter the adjustment history by a defined date range or by a user ID.

Print Tap to print the adjustment history list.

Close Tap to return to the section History

74 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators Tests
Navigation: Balance menu > History > Tests
A maximum of 500 entries can be stored in the test history.
Symbol Description Procedure
Filter Tap to Filter the test history by a defined date range or by a user ID.

Print Tap to print the test history list.

Close Tap to return to the section History. Alibi memory

The alibi memory is a tamper-proof data storage device on which weighing data subject to legal control is
automatically stored and accessible for a period of time. An alibi memory device operates according to the
principle of a "ring" memory: when the capacity limit of the data records and the retention period are reached,
the oldest data record in the memory is automatically overwritten by the new data record.
As soon as a result is generated by the balance, it will be stored in the alibi memory of the balance, if the
feature is activated. Access to the alibi memory on the balance is provided in stand-alone mode only.
The combination of Alibi record ID and Bridge serial number ensures the uniqueness of an alibi memory
entry. The balance also defines a retention period describing the minimum amount of time during which the
results must be stored in the alibi memory. As soon as the retention period for specific alibi entries is exceeded,
the balance can reuse these memory slots for new entries.
The alibi memory is only available for specific balance models and needs to be activated by a service
technician. Contact your METTLER TOLEDO representative for more details.
When the alibi memory is activated, an alibi record is generated for each result added to the Protocol. Each
alibi record contains the following information:
• Bridge serial number
• Alibi record ID
• Date/time
• Net weight
• Tare weight
• Tare weight status
• Verification

When the Capture mode is set to Immediate, alibi records are only created for stable results.
Navigation: Balance menu > History > Alibi memory
A maximum of 500'000 entries can be stored in the alibi memory. When the maximum number of entries is
reached and no entries are older than the retention period, no new result can be added to the Protocol. This
can be fixed in service mode, where alibi records can be deleted or the retention period can be shortened.
Symbol Description Procedure
Filter Tap to Filter the alibi memory by a defined date range or by a record ID

Export Tap to Export the content of the alibi memory.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 75

Symbol Description Procedure
Show alibi Tap to show information about the alibi memory status: Used memory,
memory status Number of remaining records, Retention period, Oldest records, and
Newest records.
Alibi memory The retention period is the minimum period during which the alibi records are
retention stored in the alibi memory. The retention period can range from 1 to
period 365 days, with a default value of 100 days.
Print Tap to print the content of the alibi memory.

Close Tap to return to the section History. Service
Navigation: Balance menu > History > Service
A maximum of 500 entries can be stored in the service history.
Symbol Description Procedure
Filter Tap to Filter the service history by a defined date range or by technician.

Print Tap to print the service history list.

Close Tap to return to the section History. Changes
The function Change history is an administration tool to improve the traceability of the weighing process. Infor-
mation such as added methods or settings changes are being listed. Tap into the list to display detailed infor-
mation about the data.
Navigation: Balance menu > History > Changes
Change history is deactivated in the factory settings. To activate Change history, see [Weighing /
Quality } Page 80].
A maximum of 5000 entries can be stored in the change history.
Symbol Description Procedure
Filter Tap to Filter the adjustment history by a defined date range or by a user ID.

Print Tap to print the adjustment history list.

Close Tap to return to the section History

76 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6.1.3 Balance info
Navigation: Balance menu > Balance info
The section Balance info shows numerous information about the specific balance such as:
• Identification
• Hardware
• Software
• Maintenance
Symbol Description Procedure
License Tap to open the licence agreement.

Close Tap to return to the section History.

6.1.4 Users
In the section Users, rights for users and user groups can be defined. Users can be assigned to user groups.
When the user management is active, the login dialog opens at every system start.
The Users settings are only visible when the User management is set to Active.
Navigation: Balance menu > Users
The section User management is divided into the following subsections:
• General Settings for all users.
• Users Settings for all single users.
• Groups Settings for user groups.
An unlimited number of users can be created. A user is always a part of a user group and has the permissions
of the group in which he is. Which user has which permissions can be defined or changed by users with the
appropriate permission rights.

See also
2 Activating the user management } Page 68 General
Navigation: Balance menu > Users > General

Parameter Description Values

Automatic logout With the option Automatic logout activated, the balance will Active* | Inactive
automatically log off after a predefined time.
Wait time With the option Wait time the time until the balance automatically Numeric (15 minutes* |
logs off can be defined. 1...60 minutes)
The option Wait time only appears when the option Automatic
logout is activated.
User proposals The option User proposals defines if a list of users will appear on Active* | Inactive
the login screen.
Password reset Defines if the password can be reset from the login screen. Allowed* | Not allowed
If set to Not allowed and the password is lost, a new password
cannot be requested. The balance needs to be reset and all data
and settings will be lost.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 77 Users
Navigation: Balance menu > Users > Users
Parameter Description Values
User name Defines the user ID. Text (1...22 characters)
When the user profile has been defined, the value for User name
will be fixed and cannot be changed afterwards.
Last name Defines the last name of the user. Text (0...22 characters)
First name Defines the first name of the user. Text (0...22 characters)
Active Activates or deactivates the current user. Active* | Inactive
Assigned groups Assigns user to user groups. List of defined groups
User language Defines the language of the user profile. Available languages
* Factory setting
An unlimited number of users can be created. A user is always a part of a user group and has the permissions
of the group in which he is. Which user has which permissions can be defined or changed by users with the
appropriate permission rights. Groups
Navigation: Balance menu > Users > Groups

This area is only accessible for users with the appropriate rights.
Parameter Description Values
Group name Defines the name of the group. Text (1 ... 22
General permissions
Block / unblock Defines if the group is allowed to block or unblock the balance. Active | Inactive
Configure Defines if the group is allowed to: Active | Inactive
methods • create new methods
• edit methods
• delete methods
• lock or unlock methods
• import or export methods
Execute service Defines if the group is allowed to: Active | Inactive
commands • access service function
• block/unblock the balance
• view adjustment state
• generate support files
Configure system Defines if the group is allowed to: Active | Inactive
• modify system settings
• import system settings
• configure peripherals
• perform software updates
• perform application or factory settings

78 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Configure user Defines if the group is allowed to: Active | Inactive
management • print or export/import user management settings
• modify user management settings
• enable or disable user management
Cancel task Defines if the group is allowed to cancel a task during the Active | Inactive
execution of a method.
Exclude / Defines if the group is allowed to exclude or overwrite results in Active | Inactive
Overwrite result the Protocol.
Reset the time Defines if the group is allowed to: Active | Inactive
span statistics • reset the time span statistics when using the method SQC

Quality management permissions

Parameter Description Values

Start external Defines if the group is allowed to perform external adjustments. Active | Inactive
Show change Defines if the group is allowed to see the option Change history. Active | Inactive
Configure routine Defines if the group is allowed to: Active | Inactive
tests / GWP • configure routine tests
• import or export routine tests
• configure and import test weights
• configure tolerance profiles
• activate/deactivate the GWP approval mode
Start routine tests Defines if the group is allowed to perform routine tests. Active | Inactive
The settings related to the screen brightness and the sound can be edited by all users and changes are applied
to all users. Any user can set a user-specific language for the balance interface without influencing the settings
of other users.

6.1.5 Settings
This section describes the procedure for adapting the balance to suit specific requirements. The system settings
apply to the entire weighing system and therefore to all user profiles and applications.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings
The section Settings is divided into the following subsections:
• Balance
• Interfaces
• Devices / Printers
• LabX / Services Balance
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance
The section Balance is divided into the following subsections:
• Weighing / Quality
• Doors
• Date / Time / Language / Format
• Screen / StatusLight / Sound
• General

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 79

Weighing / Quality
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance > Weighing / Quality
Parameter Description Values
Leveling warning Defines the behaviour of the option Leveling warning. Inactive | Optional
When the option Forced leveling is selected and the balance is leveling* | Forced
out of level, a weighing value cannot be added to the protocol leveling
(green button disabled).
Electrostatic Defines the condition of the environment for the electrostatic Standard environment* |
detection detection. Unstable environment
Standard environment: Choose this option if operating in a
stable environment.
Unstable environment Choose this option if operating in an
unstable environment, i.e. where Standard environment setting is
not enough for the balance to determine the electrostatic weighing
Tolerance profiles A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods.
This option has several subsections and is described later in this
Automatic weight Defines if and in which manner (MT-SICS and/or HID) the
value output weighing values should be exported.
This option has several subsections and is described later in this
GWP Approved Good Weighing Practice (GWP®) is a program started by Active | Inactive*
mode METTLER TOLEDO to help customers operate their weighing
equipment in a safe and efficient way. It covers every relevant
step in the life cycle of the instrument and provides clear guidance
on how to specify, calibrate and operate weighing instruments.
The GWP Approved mode observes if the following conditions are
• Use of an appropriate tolerance profile.
• The internal adjustment was successful.
• Required tests were successful.
• Setting up of enforced leveling.
• No MinWeigh violation.
If all conditions are given, the balance adds the GWP Approved
sign behind every weighing result.
The GWP Approved mode can only be enabled by a METTLER
TOLEDO service technician.
Change history Activates/Deactivates the option Change history. Active | Inactive*
The change history is used to log changes to system settings,
user management and methods as well as other settings and
configurations. The following information is stored:
• User ID and timestamp
• Object identifier
• Old values and new values of attributes
A maximum of 5000 entries can be stored in the change history.
For more information see section Change History.

80 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Balance recalib. Defines whether the user is reminded about the upcoming exipry Active* | Inactive
reminder date of the calibration.
Days in advance Defines the number of days before the reminder informs about the 0...365
upcoming due date.
Action when Defines the action when the calibration has expired. None* | Block
calib. expired Block: The balance will be blocked. In this case, the balance
cannot be used anymore until a user with the appropriate right
unblocks the balance.
Days before Defines the number of days before the reminder informs about the Days (30 days* |
blocking upcoming expiry date. 0...400 days)
Weight recalib. Defines whether the user is reminded about the upcoming expiry Active | Inactive*
reminder date of the test weight calibration.
Service reminder Defines whether the user is reminded about the upcoming due Active | Inactive*
date of the service.
* Factory setting

Tolerance profiles
Settings relating to weighing performance and data from balance calibration can be stored in a tolerance
For more information about creating tolerance profiles, see [Tolerance profiles } Page 69]
Parameter Description Values
Name Defines the name of the profile. Text (0...22 characters)
Indicator Defines the color of the indicator icon for the tolerance profile. The None* I Neutral I White I
icon will appear above the weighing value unit. When a color is Yellow I Red I Blue I
selected, a description of max. 3 characters can be added. Green | Black
Indicator text Defines the text of the indicator icon. Text (0...3 characters)
Calibration Selects a calibration certificate from a drop-down list of certificates Calibration certificate |
certificate available on the balance. New certificates can only be created by None*
a service technician based on a performed balance calibration.
Environment Defines the environmental conditions of the balance. Very stable | Stable |
Very stable: For an environment that is free from any drafts and Standard* | Unstable |
vibrations. Very unstable
Stable: For an environment that is practically free from drafts and
Standard: For an average working environment subject to
moderate variations in the ambient conditions.
Unstable: For an environment where the conditions are from time
to time changing.
Very unstable: For an environment where the conditions are
continuously changing.
Weighing mode Defines the weighing mode of the balance. Universal* | Sensor
Universal: For all standard weighing applications. mode
Sensor mode: Depending on the setting of the ambient
conditions, this setting delivers a filtered weighing signal of
varying strength. The filter has a linear characteristic in relation to
time (not adaptive) and is suitable for continuous measured
value processing.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 81

Value release Defines the speed at which the balance regards the measured Very fast | Fast* | Fast
value as stable and releases it. and reliable | Reliable |
Very fast: recommended if you require fast results and repeata- Very reliable
bility is not very important.
Very reliable: provides very good repeatability of the measured
results but prolongs the stabilization time.
Some intermediate settings can also be choose from.
Display Determines the readability [d] of the balance display. 1d* | 2d | 5d | 10d |
readability 1d: Shows the maximum resolution 100d | 1000d
2d: Shows the final digit in increments of 2
5d: Shows the final digit in increments of 5
10d: 10x smaller resolution
100d: 100x smaller resolution
1000d: 1000x smaller resolution
Zero drift The function Zero drift compensation performs ongoing Active* | Inactive
compensation corrections of deviations from zero which may occur, for
example, as a result of small amounts of dirt on the weighing
Allowed units Defines the units that are allowed in this tolerance profile. The available values are
* Factory setting

Automatic weight value output

The balance can be connected to a computer with a USB cable. Weighing results can then be directly trans-
ferred to a target application, e.g., Microsoft Excel.
Parameter Description Values
Output mode Defines which weighing values are transferred via the communi- Protocol* | Continuous
cation interface, e.g., USB, Ethernet.
Protocol: The weighing values are transferred only when they are
added to the Protocol.
Continuous: The weighing values are transferred continuously via
the interface defined under LabX / Services > MT-SICS.
Additional fields are available, depending on the chosen option.
Target Defines the way the weighing values are transferred. HID* | HID / MT-SICS |
HID (Human Interaction Device): Transfers simple character MT-SICS | MT-SICS
streams (e.g. weight values) to a desktop computer without configurable
installing additional drivers (comparable to a keyboard). The
format of a transferred weighing value can be configured.
MT-SICS: The data is transferred in MT-SICS format (METTLER
TOLEDO Standard Interface Command Set). MT-SICS operates
bidirectional, i.e. usually balance sends the confirmations to the
host and receives commands. A separate reference manual is
available for MT-SICS.
HID / MT-SICS: The data is transferred in HID and MT-SICS
format in parallel.
MT-SICS configurable: The data is transferred in a user-defined
MT-SICS format.
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to

82 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Weight field Defines the number of digits that will be transferred into the appli- Numeric (1* | 0...20)
length cation on the computer, e.g., into an Excel field.
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Sign Defines if the weighing result is displayed with an algebraic sign. For all values | For
For all values: Each weighing result is preceded by a plus or negative values*
minus sign.
For negative values: Only negative values are preceded by a
minus sign. Positive values are transferred without algebraic sign.
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Sign position Defines if the algebraic sign is positioned at the first place of the Left of weight field | Left
weight field or directly in front of the weight digits. of weight digits*
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Decimal delimiter Defines the character used to separate the whole and fractional , | .*
part of a numeric value.
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Net indicator In the standard output format, net weights are not specially Active | Inactive*
marked. To place an N in front of net weights, this function can
be activated. The net symbol is left-justified in the field.
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Net indicator field Defines the field length of the Net indicator. Numeric (2* | 1 ... 2)
length This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to Protocol
and Net indicator is set to Active.
Unit Defines if a weighing unit is being shown in the weighing field. Active* | Inactive
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Unit field length Defines the field length of the weighing unit. Numeric (1* | 1...6)
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to Protocol
and Unit is set to Active.
Field delimiter Defines a character or sequence of characters to separate data None | Space* | TAB | ,
fields. |;
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
End of line Defines a character or sequence of characters signifying the end CRLF* | CR | LF | TAB |
character of a line. Outside | Enter
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Updates/sec. Defines the rate at which data is transferred. 2 | 5 | 6* | 10
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
Format Defines the format of the transferred data. MT-SICS* | PM | AT/MT
This parameter is only available if Output mode is set to
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 83

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance > Doors
Each of the following doors can be managed separately:
• Door left
• Door right
• Door top

If user management is active, individual door settings can be configured for each user.
Parameter Description Values
Door drive mode Defines the mode to open/close the door. Motorized* | Manual
Door opening Defines how far the door open. Numeric (1...100%)
The following options appears only when Motorized is selected
as the door drive mode.
Enter the value manually or capture it by tapping on . The door
will be open with the configured value.
Door key left Defines the automation of the left door key on the Terminal. Active | Inactive*
Door key right Defines the automation of the right door key on the Terminal. Active | Inactive*
SmartSens left Defines the touchless door function of the left optical sensor. Active | Inactive*
SmartSens right Defines the touchless door function of the right optical sensor. Active | Inactive*
Devices Defines the door opening or closing via an external device, such Active | Inactive*
an ErgoSens or a footswitch.
Automatic (Tare / Automatic (Tare / Zero / Result): Closes the door automatically Active | Inactive*
Zero / Result) when taring, zeroing the balance or adding to protocol.
Automatic (Tare / Automatic (Tare / Zero / Result): Closes the door automatically Active | Inactive*
Zero / Result) when taring, zeroing the balance or adding to protocol.
* Factory setting for the right door / for the left door reverse

Date / Time / Language / Format

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance > Date / Time / Language / Format
Parameter Description Values
Date Defines the current date. Use the pick buttons Increment/ Date
Decrement to define the date.
Time Defines the current time. Time
Use the pick buttons Increment/Decrement to define the time.
Language Defines the language of the interface navigation. English | Deutsch |
Français | 日本語 | 中
文 | Español | Italiano |
Русский | Português |
Polski | Magyar |
Time zone Selects a time zone. When the time zone is set, the balance see list on the screen
changes automatically between summer and winter time
Date format Selects the date format. D.MMM.YYYY* | MMM D

84 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Time format Selects the time format. 24:MM* | 12:MM |
24.MM | 12.MM
Keyboard layout Defines the language of the keyboard layout. English | German |
French | Spanish |
Japanese | Simplified
Chinese | Russian |
Czech | Polish |
* Factory setting

Screen / StatusLight / Sound

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Balance > Screen / StatusLight / Sound
Parameter Description Values
Screen brightness Defines the brightness of the display. 20 % | 40 % | 60 % |
80 %* | 100 %
Sound volume Defines the volume of the terminal sound. Inactive | 20 % | 40 % |
60 %* | 80 % | 100 %
Sound on key Defines if there is a sound when a key is pressed. Active* | Inactive
Sound on info Defines if there is a sound when an information appears on the Active* | Inactive
Sound on Defines is there is a sound when a warning appears on the Active* | Inactive
warning screen.
Sound on error Defines is there is a sound in case of an error. Active* | Inactive
StatusLight Activates/deactivates the StatusLight. Active* | Active (without
Active (without green light): All current status of the balance are green light) | Inactive
monitored, the red/yellow lights will turn on if needed, but the
green light will stay turned off.
• StatusLight is red: Error. The balance must not be used until
the error is corrected.
• StatusLight is yellow: Warning. For example, the test
manager has pushed a test to the balance or you are
operating the balance between the date of the calibration
reminder and the scheduled date of the next calibration. The
balance can still be used.
• StatusLight is green or off: Ok. No problems detected and the
balance is ready to weigh.
StatusLight Defines the brightness of the activated status light. 20 % | 40 % | 60 %* |
brightness This option appears only when the option StatusLight is set to 80 % | 100 %
Active or Active (without green light).
* Factory setting

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > > Balance > General
Parameter Description Values
Balance ID Defines the ID of the balance. This name could be used to Text (0...22 characters)
communicate with the balance over a network.
No space or special characters are allowed.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 85

Standby Activates/deactivates the automatic standby mode. Active* | Inactive
Active: The standby mode becomes active after a configurable
time period the balance was not used.
Inactive: The standby mode has to be activated manually by
tapping the ON/OFF button.
Wait time With the option Wait time the time until the balance automatically Numeric (15 minutes* |
logs off can be defined. 1...60 minutes)
The option Wait time only appears when the option Automatic
logout is activated.
Software update With this option activated, software update can be performed from Active* | Inactive
on system start- a USB storage device on startup.
Automatic export Defines the target directory for the automatic export. USB storage device* |
directory The possibility to export to File server is only available if a File File server
server is configured (see [LabX / Services } Page 88]).
User Activates/Deactivates the option User management. Active | Inactive*
management Interfaces
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Interfaces
The section Interfaces has the following subsection:
• Ethernet
• Bluetooth

With the option DHCP activated, the parameters for the ethernet connection will be automatically set. With the
option Manual activated, the options for the ethernet connection must be set manually by the user.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Interfaces > Ethernet
Parameter Description Values
Host name Defines the balance host name. Numeric (22* | 0 ... 22)
MAC address Information on the MAC address (Media Access Control) that is -
used to uniquely identify the balance in the network.
Network configu- DHCP: The parameters for the ethernet connection will be DHCP* | Manual
ration automatically set.
Manual: The options for the ethernet connection must be set
manually by the user.
IP address If the IP is not to be automatically obtained, you can enter it here. …
Subnet mask Defines the subnet mask that is used by the TCP/IP protocol to …
determine whether a host is on the local subnet or on a remote
DNS server Defines the domain name server address of the primary server. …
DNS server Defines the domain name server address of the secondary DNS …
(secondary) server.
Default gateway Defines the address of the default gateway that links the host's …
subnet to other networks.
* Factory setting

86 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Interfaces > Bluetooth
Bluetooth identification
Parameter Description Values
Activation With the option Bluetooth you have the possibility to commu- Inactive* | Active
nicate with a printer via Bluetooth. Devices / Printers

In this section optional external devices such as printers, barcode scanners, etc. can be added and configured.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers
This section is divided into the following subsections:
• Label printer
• Strip printer
• Barcode reader
• RFID reader
• ErgoSens
• Foot switch
Some types of devices are associated with specific settings:
Label printer
Label printers allow printing weighing results on label stickers.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers > Label printer
Parameter Description Values
Printer category Defines the type of the printer. Strip printer | Label
Strip printer allows the printing of weighing results on strip paper. printer*
Device Allows to activate or deactivate the device. Activated* | Deactivated
* Factory setting

Strip printer
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers > Strip printer
Parameter Description Values
Printer category Defines the type of the printer. Strip printer | Label
Strip printer allows the printing of weighing results on strip paper. printer*
* Factory setting
Parameter Description Values
Device Allows to activate or deactivate the device. Activated* | Deactivated
Line end Defines the line end character for printing. The values ​set here <CR> <LF>* | <CR> |
have to match the printer settings. <LF>
Character set Defines the communication specific character code. The values ​ ANSI/WIN | IBM/DOS |
set here have to match the printer settings. UTF8*

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 87

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers > ErgoSens
Parameter Description Values
Function Defines the function of hands-free operating that can be used to None* | Doors | Zero |
execute certain weighing functions. Tare | Add result

Foot switch
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > Devices / Printers > Foot switch
Parameter Description Values
Function Defines the function be used to execute certain weighing None* | Doors | Zero |
functions. Tare | Add result LabX / Services

Several services are available to communicate with the balance: LabX service, MT-SICS service, or Web
service. Note that only one service can be enabled at any given time.
To enable communication between LabX and instruments, the appropriate settings in the instruments must
correspond with the settings in LabX. LabX synchronizes the date and time on the instruments with the LabX
Server each time a connection is made and each time a task is started. When an instrument is connected, the
user interface language on the connected instrument is changed to the language currently installed on the LabX
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > LabX / Services
Parameter Description Values
LabX service Inactive: No connection to LabX will be established. Inactive* | Network |
Network: A network connection to LabX will be established on USB
startup. The Port must be specified.
USB: A USB connection to LabX will be established on startup.
MT-SICS service Inactive: No MT-SICS port will be opened. Inactive* | Network |
Network: An MT-SICS network port will be opened on startup. The USB
Port must be specified.
USB: An MT-SICS USB port will be opened on startup.
Web service If set to Active, a network port will be opened on startup. Use the Inactive* | Active
menu Web service configuration to configure the service.
The complete Web service documentation is available online
File server Allows to define a file server to import/export data. Inactive* | Active
If set to Active, use the menu File server configuration to
configure the server.
* Factory setting Printing the settings

When all the balance settings are configured, you can print the complete list to archive the information.
− To print the balance settings, tap Print the settings
ð The complete balance settings are printed.
Navigation: Balance menu > Settings

88 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6.1.6 Maintenance
Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance
The option Maintenance only appears if the user has the appropriate user rights.
The section Maintenance is divided into the following subsections:
• Import / Export
• Format RFID
• Software update
• Reset
• Service menu

See also
2 Data management } Page 70
2 Using an RFID reader } Page 67
2 Software update } Page 162
2 Resetting the balance } Page 73 Service menu

Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance > Service menu
Symbol Description Procedure
Show Tap to open information about:
adjustment - Temperature correction
- Production and user linearization
- User, production and standard calibration
Save support Tap to save support files (all relevant information to an error) on a USB
files storage device like an USB stick to send it to a METTLER TOLEDO represen-
Import log A log configuration file can be provided by METTLER TOLEDO to allow a
configuration more comprehensive collection of balance parameters to be stored in the
support file. This is only used for troubleshooting purposes.
Tap to import the log configuration from a USB storage device so that the
enhanced list of parameters can be exported and sent to a METTLER TOLEDO

6.2 Weighing methods settings

6.2.1 Settings: method "General weighing"

In this section, the settings of the methods General weighing and General weighing with templates are
described. Settings can be edited for a newly created method or an already existing method.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 89

Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my general weighing > Edit
Edit method - my general weighing

General Method type General weighing

ID format Method name my general weighing

Weighing Comment Enter here

Weighing item

Automation Lock method

Print / Export


The settings of the method General weighing are grouped as follows:

• General
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item (only available for the method General weighing)
• Templates (only available for the method General weighing with templates)
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "General weighing" } Page 40
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.

90 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Task description Allows to define a label for each task ID field. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting

Result IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of result Defines the number of result IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of result IDs is larger than 0,
the options Result ID, Result description and Prefix/Default
value appear for every single result ID.
Result ID 1 Defines the naming type of the result ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the result ID can be entered Automatic counter
manually at method execution time.
Automatic counter: The system provides a value created from a
prefix with an unique number (counter) appended.
Result description Allows to define a label for each result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the result ID. The value of the result ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Manual with default.
Prefix Defines a prefix for the result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Automatic counter.
* Factory setting Weighing
Parameter Description Values
Show info weight With this option activated a secondary info weight appears on the Active | Inactive*
weighing screen on top of the weighing result.
Info unit Defines the unit of the info weight. The available units
This option only appears when the option Show info weight is depend on the balance
activated. model.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 91

Custom unit
When the parameter Define custom unit is activated, additional parameters can be defined.
Parameter Description Values
Define custom With this option activated, a specific weighing unit can be Active | Inactive*
unit defined. This allows calculations, e.g., surfaces or volumes, to be
carried out directly during the determination of the weighing
The custom units are available in all menus and input fields in
which weighing units can be selected.
Name Defines the name of the custom unit. Text (0...6 characters)
Formula Defines how subsequently defined value for Factor is calculated. Multiplicative* | Divisive
There are 2 formulae available:
Multiplicative: Multiplies the net weight by the factor.
Divisive: The factor is divided by the net weight.
The formula can be used, for example, to simultaneously take
into account a known error factor while weighing.
Factor Defines the factor with which the effective weighing result (net Numeric
weight) is calculated via the previously selected Formula.
Display Defines the formatting for the weighing result. Numeric
readability Example: A setting of "0.05" defines two places after the decimal
point with rounding to 5. A determined result of 123.4777 is
consequently displayed as 123.50.
This function can only be used to reduce the resolution of the
weighing result. No value must therefore be entered that exceeds
the maximum balance resolution. Values that are too small are
automatically rounded off.
* Factory setting

Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.
Weight capture Defines the behavior when the button to add the result was Stable* | Immediate
mode tapped or the add result was triggered by the automatic weighing
result creation.
Stable: The system waits for a stable weight.
Immediate: The system doesn’t wait for a stable weight. The
system waits for the defined amount of seconds (Weight capture
delay). After the weight capture delay, the weight value from the
weight stream is captured.
Weight capture Defines the time in seconds the balance waits for capturing the Numeric (5 seconds* |
delay weight after the button to add the result was tapped or the add 0...60 seconds)
result was triggered by the automatic weighing result creation.
This option only appears when the Weight capture mode is set to
* Factory setting

92 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Parameter Description Values
Activate statistics If Activate statistics is set to Active, the following statistics will Active | Inactive*
be calculated:
Count: Number of items used for the statistics
Sum: Sum of all value (decimal places and unit according to the
method settings)
Minimum: Smallest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method settings)
Maximum: Largest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method setting)
Range: Difference between the largest and smallest values
(decimal places and unit according to the method settings)
Average: The values are summed up and divided by the number
of values, rounded to 1 digit more than the configured decimal
places in the associated tolerance profile (unit according to the
method settings)
Standard deviation: Standard deviation rounded to 1 digit more
than the configured decimal places in the associated tolerance
profile (unit according to the method settings)
Relative standard deviation: Relative standard deviation
(rounded to 2 decimal places, in %)
The statistical values are calculated and displayed as soon as a
result is added or updated.
* Factory setting

Parameter Description Values
Ionizer Defines whether the ionizer is activated/deactivated. Active | Inactive*
Detection Activates or deactivates electrostatic detection (StaticDetect). Active | Inactive*
Threshold Defines a limit (mg) at which StaticDetect threshold fails. Numeric (0.40 mg* |
If the measured approximate weighing error is smaller or equal to 0.01.....10 mg)
the detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is OK
If the measured approximate weighing error is larger than the
detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is Not OK
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
Show weighing Displays the weighing error or not. Active* | Inactive
error If the StaticDetect value is above the threshold, this parameter will
display the effective approximate weighing error.
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "General weighing" } Page 40 Weighing item

A target weight with tolerance limits can be defined for the method. The method General weighing includes a
single item in Weighing item, whereas several items can be defined for the method General weighing with
templates in Templates.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 93

Initial values for weighing
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit of the primary weighing result. The available units
depend on the balance
Target weight Defines the target weight. The target weight will be shown in the Numeric
weighing-in aid of the balance (SmartTrac). When a target weight
including tolerances is defined, the SmartTrac indicates if the
current display weight is in tolerance or not.
 -tolerance Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
+tolerance Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is

See also
2 Creating a method "General weighing" } Page 40 Templates
This section is only available for the method General weighing with templates.
Parameter Description Values
Sample ID Defines the name of the sample. Text (0...32 characters)
Unit Defines the unit of the primary weighing result. The available units
depend on the balance
Target weight Defines the target weight. The target weight will be shown in the Numeric
weighing-in aid of the balance (SmartTrac). When a target weight
including tolerances is defined, the SmartTrac indicates if the
current display weight is in tolerance or not.
 -tolerance Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
+tolerance Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is

See also
2 Creating a method "General weighing" } Page 40
2 Using method templates } Page 54

94 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Target
target defines how the data is to be processed. weight value | Task ID 1
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input | Result ID 1 | ...
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Target weight value: The barcode data is interpreted as a value
for the target weight.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
Result ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this result ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs and Number of result IDs specified for the
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
Automatic feeder support
When the parameter Automatic feeder support is activated, additional parameters can be defined to set up the
automatic feeder LV12.
Automatic feeder Enables or disables the automatic feeder support. Active | Inactive*
support To use the automatic feeder support, the automatic feeder has to
be connected to the balance by USB and has to be configured
Number of Defines the number of items the automatic feeder will deliver to Numeric | 20* (1...100)
weighing items the balance.
Plausibility limits Defines the plausibility limit for measured values. Numeric (30%* |
The plausibility limit relates to the defined target weight. 0...100%)
Example: With a plausibility limit of 30%, all weight values that
are within ±30% of the target weight are regarded as plausible
and are transferred into the statistics. All other weight values are
being ignored and excluded from the statistics.
Discharge feeder Discharge is used to empty the automatic feeder of all objects. Active | Inactive*
at the end Active: The automatic feeder feeds at the configured discharge
feed rate and stops 90 seconds after the last object has passed
the light barrier.
Inactive: No automatic emptying.
Feed rate Defines the rate at which the automatic feeder delivers the items to Slow | Normal* | Fast |
the balance. Very fast
Slow: Lowest feed rate
Normal: Lower intermediate feed rate
Fast: Upper intermediate feed rate
Very fast: Highest feed rate
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 95

Weighing automation
Parameter Description Values
Automatic zero If Automatic zero is set to Active, the balance automatically Active | Inactive*
zeros the balance when the weight falls below a predefined
Automatic zero Defines the threshold of the option Automatic zero. Numeric
threshold This option only appears when the option Automatic zero is
Tare Mode Defines the tare mode. None* | Automatic tare |
None: No automatic tare. Preset tare
Automatic tare: The balance stores automatically the first stable
weight as the tare weight.
Preset tare: Allows you to enter manually a numerical entry of a
fixed tare weight.
Automatic tare Defines the threshold of the option Tare Mode. Numeric
threshold This value defines the minimum weight that must be applied to
the weighing pan so that it is automatically stored as the tare
weight. If the weight is below the limits, it is not automatically
transferred to the tare memory.
Instead of entering the weight, the lightest tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The applied weight is directly taken over as a limit.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Automatic tare.
Preset tare value Defines a weight value for the pretare function. Numeric
Instead of entering the value, the respective tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The weight is directly taken over as pretare value.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Preset tare.
Automatic result Automatically generates a weighing result after a threshold is None | With sample
reached. tare* | Without sample
None: No automatic result will be generated. tare
With sample tare: After a weight value that reached the threshold
is being removed from the weighing pan, the balance is being
Without sample tare: After a weight value that reached the
threshold is being removed from the weighing pan, the balance is
not being tared.
If Automatic feeder support is activated, the setting Automatic
result is automatically set to Without sample tare and cannot be
Automatic result Defines the threshold of the option Automatic result. Numeric
threshold The result is automatically added to the protocol only if the weight
of the sample is larger than this threshold.
This option only appears when the option Automatic result is

96 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Weight trigger Defines the behaviour of the option Automatic result threshold. Exceeding* | Falling
Exceeding: The weighing result is generated when the weight below
exceeds the defined threshold.
Falling below: The weighing result is generated when the weight
falls below the defined threshold.
This setting is only available if Automatic result is set to Without
sample tare.
If Automatic feeder support is activated, the setting Weight
trigger is automatically set to Exceeding and cannot be edited.
Automatic tare If set to Active, the balance is automatically tared when a result is Active | Inactive*
after result added to the Protocol.
Automatic task If Automatic task completion is set to Active, the balance Active | Inactive*
completion automatically completes a running task after the last template has
been added to the Protocol.
This option is only available if the method is using templates.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "General weighing" } Page 40 Print / Export

This section is divided into the following subsections:
• Protocol printout and data export
• Label printout for task
• Label printout for weighing item

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Strip printer Activates/Deactivates automatic printing of the protocol on a strip Active | Inactive*
printer when the Complete button is tapped. The data to be trans-
mitted to the printer can be defined in the section Template
Protocol export Activates/Deactivates the automatic data export to a file server or Active | Inactive*
USB storage device when the Complete button is tapped.
Weight value Activates/Deactivates the option to automatically send the Active | Inactive*
weighing value over USB or Ethernet when tapping Add to
* Factory setting

Protocol template for printout

This menu item can be used to define information to appear in the Protocol. The extensive menu is divided into
six submenus in which options for the printout can be defined. Information can be enabled or disabled by
activating or deactivating the corresponding checkbox.
Each individual parameter can set to Inactive or Active via the corresponding check box. To enable or disable
all parameters at once, proceed as follows:
1 To deselect all check boxes at once, tap Deselect all
ð All parameters are set to Inactive.
2 To select all check boxes at once, tap Select all
ð All parameters are set to Active.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 97

Template settings
Parameter Description Values
Header and Defines the header (with title, date and time) and/or footer (with Header* | Title* | Date/
Footer signature and end line) to be printed/exported. time | User | Signature* |
Separating lines* |
Group titles
Balance infor- Defines which information about the balance is being printed/ Balance type | Balance
mation exported. ID* | Balance serial
number | Software
Quality infor- Defines which quality information is being printed/exported. Tolerance profile |
mation Adjustment date/time |
Routine test name |
Routine test last
execution date | Routine
test result | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state
Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name | Method
comment | Task IDs |
Custom unit settings |
Automatic result settings
| Count | Sum | Average |
Minimum | Maximum |
Range | Standard
deviation | Relative
standard deviation
Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State | Result IDs* |
GWP Approved state |
Electrostatic charge |
Level state | MinWeigh
state | Tolerance state |
Target and tolerances
Result detail Defines which information related to the result of the Weight* | Tare weight |
information measurement is being printed/exported. Gross weight | Info
weight | Date/time* |
* Factory setting

Label printout for task

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the task label is automatically printed when Active | Inactive*
printout for task tapping Complete.
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

98 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.
Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Label printout for weighing items

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the weighing item label is automatically Active | Inactive*
printout for printed when tapping Add to protocol.
weighing item
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.
Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Available labels
The following label layouts can be selected:

5 large fields 5 small fields

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 99

10 small fields 1D barcode with 3 large fields

1D barcode with 3 small fields 1D barcode with 6 small fields

2D barcode with 5 large fields 2D barcode with 5 small fields

2D barcode with 2 large fields and 6 small fields 2D barcode with 8 small fields

100 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6.2.2 Settings: method "Simple formulation"
Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my simple formulation > Edit
Edit method - my simple formulation

General Method type Simple formulation

Formulation Method name my simple formulation

ID format Comment Enter here


Weighing item Lock method


Print / Export


The settings of the method Simple formulation are grouped as follows:

• General
• Formulation
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item (only available for the method Simple formulation)
• Templates (only available for the method Simple formulation with templates)
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "Simple formulation" } Page 41
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 101 Formulation
Parameter Description Values
Calculate target In this section the flask volume and the concentration of the target None* | Flask volume |
can be defined. Target concentration
Flask volume: Calculates the target weight according to the
reference flask volume and the actual flask volume.
Target concentration: Calculates the target weight according to
the desired target concentration.
This option only appears for the method Simple formulation with
Calculate concen- Calculates the concentration of the substance based on the Active | Inactive*
tration per molecular weight, purity volume and dosed amount of substance,
component e.g. mmol/l.
If this option is activated, the sub-options Reference weight
(100%) and Concentration unit appear in the list.
Calculate amount Calculates the effective amount of a component based on the Active | Inactive*
of component current weighing value.
Concentration Defines the concentration unit. mol/l* l mmol/l l mg/ml
unit l mg/l l µg/ml l g/ml l g/l
Reference flask Defines the volume of the reference flask. Numeric (1 ml* |
volume This parameter is only available if the Concentration unit is not 1...999999 ml)
set to %.
Reference weight Defines the reference weight. Depending on the
(100%) Instead of entering the reference weight manually, press subse- capacity of the balance.
quently the button . The applied weight is directly taken over as
a reference weight.
This parameter is only available if the Concentration unit is set to
* Factory setting

Production and expiry date

Parameter Description Values
Production date Defines the production date. None | Current date* |
Current date: The production date is set automatically to the date Manual input
when starting the weighing task.
Manual input: The production date can be entered manually
when starting the weighing task.
Expiry date Defines the expiry date of the substance. None* | Period | Manual
Period: The expiry date is set automatically when starting the input
weighing task (expiry date = date when starting the weighing task
+ number of days defined in the field Period.
Manual input: The expiry date can be entered manually when
starting the weighing task.
Period Defines the period of the expiry date. Numeric (1 day* |
This option only appears when the option Expiry date is set to 1...9999 days)
* Factory setting

102 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

See also
2 Creating a method "Simple formulation" } Page 41 ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.
Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Task description Allows to define a label for each task ID field. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting

Result IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of result Defines the number of result IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of result IDs is larger than 0,
the options Result ID, Result description and Prefix/Default
value appear for every single result ID.
Result ID 1 Defines the naming type of the result ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the result ID can be entered Automatic counter
manually at method execution time.
Automatic counter: The system provides a value created from a
prefix with an unique number (counter) appended.
Result description Allows to define a label for each result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the result ID. The value of the result ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Manual with default.
Prefix Defines a prefix for the result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Automatic counter.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 103 Weighing
Parameter Description Values
Show info weight With this option activated a secondary info weight appears on the Active | Inactive*
weighing screen on top of the weighing result.
Info unit Defines the unit of the info weight. The available units
This option only appears when the option Show info weight is depend on the balance
activated. model.
* Factory setting

Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.
Parameter Description Values
Ionizer Defines whether the ionizer is activated/deactivated. Active | Inactive*
Detection Activates or deactivates electrostatic detection (StaticDetect). Active | Inactive*
Threshold Defines a limit (mg) at which StaticDetect threshold fails. Numeric (0.40 mg* |
If the measured approximate weighing error is smaller or equal to 0.01.....10 mg)
the detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is OK
If the measured approximate weighing error is larger than the
detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is Not OK
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
Show weighing Displays the weighing error or not. Active* | Inactive
error If the StaticDetect value is above the threshold, this parameter will
display the effective approximate weighing error.
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Simple formulation" } Page 41 Weighing item

A target weight with tolerance limits can be defined for the method. The method Simple formulation includes a
single item in Weighing item, whereas several items can be defined for the method Simple formulation with
templates in Templates.
Initial values for weighing
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit of the primary weighing result. The available units
depend on the balance
Target weight Defines the target weight. The target weight will be shown in the Numeric
weighing-in aid of the balance (SmartTrac). When a target weight
including tolerances is defined, the SmartTrac indicates if the
current display weight is in tolerance or not.

104 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

 -tolerance Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
+tolerance Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is

See also
2 Creating a method "Simple formulation" } Page 41 Templates
This section is only available for the method Simple formulation with templates.
Parameter Description Values
Component ID Assigns a name to the component ID Text (0...32 characters)
Purity To define the purity of the component. Numeric
This parameter is only accessible if Calculate amount of (0.001...100%)
component is set to Active.
Unit Defines the unit of the primary weighing result. The available units
depend on the balance
Target weight Defines the target weight. The target weight will be shown in the Numeric
weighing-in aid of the balance (SmartTrac). When a target weight
including tolerances is defined, the SmartTrac indicates if the
current display weight is in tolerance or not.
Target concen- To define the concentration of the component. Numeric
tration (0.001...100%)
 -tolerance Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
+tolerance Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is

See also
2 Creating a method "Simple formulation" } Page 41
2 Using method templates } Page 54

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 105 Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Target
target defines how the data is to be processed. weight value | Task ID 1
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input | Result ID 1 | ...
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Target weight value: The barcode data is interpreted as a value
for the target weight.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
Result ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this result ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs and Number of result IDs specified for the
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
* Factory setting

Weighing automation
Parameter Description Values
Automatic zero If Automatic zero is set to Active, the balance automatically Active | Inactive*
zeros the balance when the weight falls below a predefined
Automatic zero Defines the threshold of the option Automatic zero. Numeric
threshold This option only appears when the option Automatic zero is
Tare Mode Defines the tare mode. None* | Automatic tare |
None: No automatic tare. Preset tare
Automatic tare: The balance stores automatically the first stable
weight as the tare weight.
Preset tare: Allows you to enter manually a numerical entry of a
fixed tare weight.
Automatic tare Defines the threshold of the option Tare Mode. Numeric
threshold This value defines the minimum weight that must be applied to
the weighing pan so that it is automatically stored as the tare
weight. If the weight is below the limits, it is not automatically
transferred to the tare memory.
Instead of entering the weight, the lightest tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The applied weight is directly taken over as a limit.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Automatic tare.
Preset tare value Defines a weight value for the pretare function. Numeric
Instead of entering the value, the respective tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The weight is directly taken over as pretare value.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Preset tare.

106 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Automatic tare If set to Active, the balance is automatically tared when a result is Active | Inactive*
after result added to the Protocol.
Automatic task If Automatic task completion is set to Active, the balance Active | Inactive*
completion automatically completes a running task after the last template has
been added to the Protocol.
This option is only available if the method is using templates.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Simple formulation" } Page 41 Print / Export

This section is divided into the following subsections:
• Protocol printout and data export
• Label printout for task
• Label printout for weighing item

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Strip printer Activates/Deactivates automatic printing of the protocol on a strip Active | Inactive*
printer when the Complete button is tapped. The data to be trans-
mitted to the printer can be defined in the section Template
Protocol export Activates/Deactivates the automatic data export to a file server or Active | Inactive*
USB storage device when the Complete button is tapped.
Weight value Activates/Deactivates the option to automatically send the Active | Inactive*
weighing value over USB or Ethernet when tapping Add to
* Factory setting

Protocol template for printout

This menu item can be used to define information to appear in the Protocol. The extensive menu is divided into
six submenus in which options for the printout can be defined. Information can be enabled or disabled by
activating or deactivating the corresponding checkbox.
Each individual parameter can set to Inactive or Active via the corresponding check box. To enable or disable
all parameters at once, proceed as follows:
1 To deselect all check boxes at once, tap Deselect all
ð All parameters are set to Inactive.
2 To select all check boxes at once, tap Select all
ð All parameters are set to Active.
Template settings
Parameter Description Values
Header and Defines the header (with title, date and time) and/or footer (with Header* | Title* | Date/
Footer signature and end line) to be printed/exported. time | User | Signature* |
Separating lines* |
Group titles

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 107

Balance infor- Defines which information about the balance is being printed/ Balance type | Balance
mation exported. ID* | Balance serial
number | Software
Quality infor- Defines which quality information is being printed/exported. Tolerance profile |
mation Adjustment date/time |
Routine test name |
Routine test last
execution date | Routine
test result | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state
Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name | Method
comment | Task ID |
Flask volume* |
Reference weight* |
Expiry date* |
Production date*
Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State* | Result IDs* |
Molar mass | Purity |
Amount of substance* |
Concentration* | GWP
Approved state | Level
state* | MinWeigh state |
Tolerance state* | Target
and tolerances state*
Result detail Defines which information related to the result of the Weight* | Tare weight |
information measurement is being printed/exported. Gross weight | Info
weight | Date/time* |
* Factory setting

Label printout for task

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the task label is automatically printed when Active | Inactive*
printout for task tapping Complete.
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

108 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Label printout for weighing items

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the weighing item label is automatically Active | Inactive*
printout for printed when tapping Add to protocol.
weighing item
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.
Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Availlable Labels
The following label layouts can be selected:

5 large fields 5 small fields

10 small fields 1D barcode with 3 large fields

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 109

1D barcode with 3 small fields 1D barcode with 6 small fields

2D barcode with 5 large fields 2D barcode with 5 small fields

2D barcode with 2 large fields and 6 small fields 2D barcode with 8 small fields

110 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6.2.3 Settings: method "Interval weighing"
Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my interval weighing > Edit

Edit method - my interval weighing

General Method type Interval weighing

Interval Method name my interval weighing

ID format Comment Enter here


Weighing item Lock method


Print / Export


The settings of the method Interval weighing are grouped as follows:

• General
• Interval
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "Interval weighing" } Page 43
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting Interval
Parameter Description Values
Approximate Defines the duration of a single weighing interval Numeric (1 s* |
interval 0.5...60 s)
Measurements Defines the total number of measurements. Numeric (3600* |
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 111

The parameter Duration shows the duration of the method based on the values defined for the parameters
Approximate interval and Measurements.

See also
2 Creating a method "Interval weighing" } Page 43 ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.
Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Task description Allows to define a label for each task ID field. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting Weighing
Parameter Description Values
Show info weight With this option activated a secondary info weight appears on the Active | Inactive*
weighing screen on top of the weighing result.
Info unit Defines the unit of the info weight. The available units
This option only appears when the option Show info weight is depend on the balance
activated. model.
* Factory setting

Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.

See also
2 Creating a method "Interval weighing" } Page 43

112 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators Weighing item
Initial values for weighing
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit of the primary weighing result. The available units
depend on the balance

See also
2 Creating a method "Interval weighing" } Page 43 Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Task
target defines how the data is to be processed. ID 1 | ...
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs specified for the method.
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Interval weighing" } Page 43 Print / Export

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Protocol export Activates/Deactivates the automatic data export to a file server or Active | Inactive*
USB storage device when the Complete button is tapped.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 113

6.2.4 Settings: method "Titration"
Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my titration > Edit
Edit method - my titration

General Method type Titration

Titration Method name my titration

ID format Comment Enter here


Weighing item Lock method


Print / Export


The settings of the method Titration are grouped as follows:

• General
• Titration
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "Titration" } Page 44
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting Titration
Parameter Description Values
RFID option Defines the behaviour of the RFID Reader. Inactive* | Write only |
Write only: The Reader only can write content of the RFID tag. Read and write
Read and write:The Reader can read the content of the RFID tag
and write data on the RFID tag.
Density Defines the density. This option only appears when the option Numeric (1.0000g/ml* |
Write only or Read and write is activated. 0....100m/mg)

114 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Parameter Description Values
Correction factor Defines the titration correction factor. This option only appears Numeric (1.0000* |
when the option Write only or Read and write is activated. 0....1000000)
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Titration" } Page 44 ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.
Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting

Result IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of result Defines the number of result IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of result IDs is larger than 0,
the options Result ID, Result description and Prefix/Default
value appear for every single result ID.
Result ID 1 Defines the naming type of the result ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the result ID can be entered Automatic counter
manually at method execution time.
Automatic counter: The system provides a value created from a
prefix with an unique number (counter) appended.
Result description Allows to define a label for each result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the result ID. The value of the result ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Manual with default.
Prefix Defines a prefix for the result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Automatic counter.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 115

The maximum text length of the Sample ID is 32 characters. If the RFID option activated, only the first 20
characters are transferred to the RFID tag. Weighing
Parameter Description Values
Show info weight With this option activated a secondary info weight appears on the Active | Inactive*
weighing screen on top of the weighing result.
Info unit Defines the unit of the info weight. The available units
This option only appears when the option Show info weight is depend on the balance
activated. model.
* Factory setting

Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.
Weight capture Defines the behavior when the button to add the result was Stable* | Immediate
mode tapped or the add result was triggered by the automatic weighing
result creation.
Stable: The system waits for a stable weight.
Immediate: The system doesn’t wait for a stable weight. The
system waits for the defined amount of seconds (Weight capture
delay). After the weight capture delay, the weight value from the
weight stream is captured.
Weight capture Defines the time in seconds the balance waits for capturing the Numeric (5 seconds* |
delay weight after the button to add the result was tapped or the add 0...60 seconds)
result was triggered by the automatic weighing result creation.
This option only appears when the Weight capture mode is set to
* Factory setting

Parameter Description Values
Ionizer Defines whether the ionizer is activated/deactivated. Active | Inactive*
Detection Activates or deactivates electrostatic detection (StaticDetect). Active | Inactive*
Threshold Defines a limit (mg) at which StaticDetect threshold fails. Numeric (0.40 mg* |
If the measured approximate weighing error is smaller or equal to 0.01.....10 mg)
the detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is OK
If the measured approximate weighing error is larger than the
detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is Not OK
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
Show weighing Displays the weighing error or not. Active* | Inactive
error If the StaticDetect value is above the threshold, this parameter will
display the effective approximate weighing error.
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
* Factory setting

116 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

See also
2 Creating a method "Titration" } Page 44 Weighing item

Initial values for weighing
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit of the primary weighing result. The available units
depend on the balance
Target weight Defines the target weight. The target weight will be shown in the Numeric
weighing-in aid of the balance (SmartTrac). When a target weight
including tolerances is defined, the SmartTrac indicates if the
current display weight is in tolerance or not.
 -tolerance Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
+tolerance Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
activated. Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Target
target defines how the data is to be processed. weight value | Task ID 1
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input | Result ID 1 | ...
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Target weight value: The barcode data is interpreted as a value
for the target weight.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
Result ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this result ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs and Number of result IDs specified for the
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
Weighing automation
Automatic zero If Automatic zero is set to Active, the balance automatically Active | Inactive*
zeros the balance when the weight falls below a predefined
Automatic zero Defines the threshold of the option Automatic zero. Numeric
threshold This option only appears when the option Automatic zero is

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 117

Tare Mode Defines the tare mode. None* | Automatic tare |
None: No automatic tare. Preset tare
Automatic tare: The balance stores automatically the first stable
weight as the tare weight.
Preset tare: Allows you to enter manually a numerical entry of a
fixed tare weight.
Automatic tare Defines the threshold of the option Tare Mode. Numeric
threshold This value defines the minimum weight that must be applied to
the weighing pan so that it is automatically stored as the tare
weight. If the weight is below the limits, it is not automatically
transferred to the tare memory.
Instead of entering the weight, the lightest tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The applied weight is directly taken over as a limit.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Automatic tare.
Preset tare value Defines a weight value for the pretare function. Numeric
Instead of entering the value, the respective tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The weight is directly taken over as pretare value.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Preset tare.
Automatic result Automatically generates a weighing result after a threshold is None* | Without sample
reached. tare
None: No automatic result will be generated.
Without sample tare: After a weight value that reached the
threshold is being removed from the weighing pan, the balance is
not being tared.
Automatic result Defines the threshold of the option Automatic result. Numeric
threshold The result is automatically added to the protocol only if the weight
of the sample is larger than this threshold.
This option only appears when the option Automatic result is
Weight trigger Defines the behaviour of the option Automatic result threshold. Exceeding* | Falling
Exceeding: The weighing result is generated when the weight below
exceeds the defined threshold.
Falling below: The weighing result is generated when the weight
falls below the defined threshold.
This parameter is only available if Automatic result is set to
Without sample tare.
Automatic tare If set to Active, the balance is automatically tared when a result is Active | Inactive*
after result added to the Protocol.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Titration" } Page 44 Print / Export

This section is divided into the following subsections:
• Protocol printout and data export

118 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

• Label printout for task
• Label printout for weighing item

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Strip printer Activates/Deactivates automatic printing of the protocol on a strip Active | Inactive*
printer when the Complete button is tapped. The data to be trans-
mitted to the printer can be defined in the section Template
Protocol export Activates/Deactivates the automatic data export to a file server or Active | Inactive*
USB storage device when the Complete button is tapped.
Weight value Activates/Deactivates the option to automatically send the Active | Inactive*
weighing value over USB or Ethernet when tapping Add to
* Factory setting

Protocol template for printout

This menu item can be used to define information to appear in the Protocol. The extensive menu is divided into
six submenus in which options for the printout can be defined. Information can be enabled or disabled by
activating or deactivating the corresponding checkbox.
Each individual parameter can set to Inactive or Active via the corresponding check box. To enable or disable
all parameters at once, proceed as follows:
1 To deselect all check boxes at once, tap Deselect all
ð All parameters are set to Inactive.
2 To select all check boxes at once, tap Select all
ð All parameters are set to Active.
Template settings
Parameter Description Values
Header and Defines the header (with title, date and time) and/or footer (with Header* | Title* | Date/
Footer signature and end line) to be printed/exported. time | User | Signature* |
Separating lines* |
Group titles
Balance infor- Defines which information about the balance is being printed/ Balance type | Balance
mation exported. ID* | Balance serial
number | Software
Quality infor- Defines which quality information is being printed/exported. Tolerance profile |
mation Adjustment date/time |
Routine test name |
Routine test last
execution date | Routine
test result | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 119

Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name | Method
comment | Task IDs |
Custom unit settings |
Automatic result settings
| Count | Sum | Average |
Minimum | Maximum |
Range | Standard
deviation | Relative
standard deviation
Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State | Result IDs* |
GWP Approved state |
Electrostatic charge |
Level state | MinWeigh
state | Tolerance state |
Target and tolerances
Result detail Defines which information related to the result of the Weight* | Tare weight |
information measurement is being printed/exported. Gross weight | Info
weight | Date/time* |
* Factory setting

Parameter Description Values

Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State* | Result IDs* |
Density | Correction
factor | GWP Approved
state | Level state* |
MinWeigh state |
Tolerance state* | Target
and tolerances state* |
Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name | Method
comment | Task IDs |
Automatic result settings

Label printout for task

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the task label is automatically printed when Active | Inactive*
printout for task tapping Complete.
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

120 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Label printout for weighing items

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the weighing item label is automatically Active | Inactive*
printout for printed when tapping Add to protocol.
weighing item
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.
Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Available Labels
The following label layouts can be selected:

5 large fields 5 small fields

10 small fields 1D barcode with 3 large fields

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 121

1D barcode with 3 small fields 1D barcode with 6 small fields

2D barcode with 5 large fields 2D barcode with 5 small fields

2D barcode with 2 large fields and 6 small fields 2D barcode with 8 small fields

122 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6.2.5 Settings: method "Density determination"
Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my density > Edit

Edit method - my density

General Method type Density determination

Density Method name my density

ID format Comment Enter here


Weighing item Lock method


Print / Export


The settings of the method Density determination are grouped as follows:

• General
• Density
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "Density determination" } Page 46
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 123 Density
The Determination type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed. If another
Determination type is required, a new method must be created. All settings for all types of density determi-
nation are described here.
Parameter Description Values
Determination Defines the type of density determination measurement. Liquid (pycnometer) |
type Solid determines the density of a solid with the help of a density Liquid (sinker) | Solid*
Liquid (sinker): determines the density of a liquid.
Liquid (pycnometer): determines the density of a liquid in a
glass vessel like a pycnometer.
Density unit Defines the unit to be used for density determination. g/cm3* | kg/m3 | g/l
g/cm3 = grams per cm3.
kg/m3 = kilograms per m3.
g/l = grams per liter.
Density value Defines the number of decimal places. 1 | 2 | 3* | 4 | 5
decimal places The density determination result can be displayed and recorded
with 1 to 5 decimal places.
Air density Defines the correction factor for force calibration. Active* | Inactive
compensation Active = the density determination result is corrected by the force
calibration correction factor and mean air density.
Inactive = no correction takes place.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Density determination" } Page 46 ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.
Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Task description Allows to define a label for each task ID field. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting

124 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Result IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of result Defines the number of result IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of result IDs is larger than 0,
the options Result ID, Result description and Prefix/Default
value appear for every single result ID.
Result ID 1 Defines the naming type of the result ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the result ID can be entered Automatic counter
manually at method execution time.
Automatic counter: The system provides a value created from a
prefix with an unique number (counter) appended.
Result description Allows to define a label for each result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the result ID. The value of the result ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Manual with default.
Prefix Defines a prefix for the result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Automatic counter.
* Factory setting Weighing
Parameter Description Values
Show info weight With this option activated a secondary info weight appears on the Active | Inactive*
weighing screen on top of the weighing result.
Info unit Defines the unit of the info weight. The available units
This option only appears when the option Show info weight is depend on the balance
activated. model.
* Factory setting

Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.
Weight capture Defines the behavior when the button to add the result was Stable* | Immediate
mode tapped or the add result was triggered by the automatic weighing
result creation.
Stable: The system waits for a stable weight.
Immediate: The system doesn’t wait for a stable weight. The
system waits for the defined amount of seconds (Weight capture
delay). After the weight capture delay, the weight value from the
weight stream is captured.
Weight capture Defines the time in seconds the balance waits for capturing the Numeric (5 seconds* |
delay weight after the button to add the result was tapped or the add 0...60 seconds)
result was triggered by the automatic weighing result creation.
This option only appears when the Weight capture mode is set to
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 125

Parameter Description Values
Activate statistics If Activate statistics is set to Active, the following statistics will Active | Inactive*
be calculated:
Count: Number of items used for the statistics
Sum: Sum of all value (decimal places and unit according to the
method settings)
Minimum: Smallest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method settings)
Maximum: Largest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method setting)
Range: Difference between the largest and smallest values
(decimal places and unit according to the method settings)
Average: The values are summed up and divided by the number
of values, rounded to 1 digit more than the configured decimal
places in the associated tolerance profile (unit according to the
method settings)
Standard deviation: Standard deviation rounded to 1 digit more
than the configured decimal places in the associated tolerance
profile (unit according to the method settings)
Relative standard deviation: Relative standard deviation
(rounded to 2 decimal places, in %)
The statistical values are calculated and displayed as soon as a
result is added or updated.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Density determination" } Page 46 Weighing item

The weighing item settings are different between the three types of density determination. The settings for Initial
values for weighing are presented for each type individually.
Initial values for weighing (Determination Type: Solid)
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit. The available units
depend on the balance
Temperature Defines the temperature of the solid. Numeric
( 10°C.....30.9°C)
Aux. liquid Defines the type of auxiliary liquid used for the determination of Distilled water* | Custom
the density of a solid.
Aux. liquid name Defines the name of the custom liquid. Text (0....32 character)
This option only appears when Aux. liquid is set to Custom.
Aux. liquid Defines the liquid density of the custom liquid. Numeric | 1.00000 g/
density This option only appears when Aux. liquid is set to Custom. cm3* (0.00001.....100
* Factory setting

126 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Initial values for weighing (Determination Type: Sinker)
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit. The available units
depend on the balance
Temperature Defines the temperature of the auxiliary liquid (distilled water or Numeric
custom). ( 10°C.....30.9°C)
Sinker volume Defines the volume of the sinker in cm3. Numeric
(0.0001.....500 cm3)
Initial values for weighing (Determination Type: Pycnometer)
Parameter Description Values
Unit Defines the unit. The available units
depend on the balance
Temperature Defines the temperature of the auxiliary liquid (distilled water or Numeric
custom). ( 10°C.....30.9°C)
Pycnometer Defines volume of the pycnometer in cm3. Numeric
volume (0.0001....10000
Pycnometer Defines the weight of the pycnometer. Numeric
weight (0.00001....222.009

See also
2 Creating a method "Density determination" } Page 46 Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Task
target defines how the data is to be processed. ID 1 | Result ID 1 | ...
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
Result ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this result ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs and Number of result IDs specified for the
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Density determination" } Page 46

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 127 Print / Export

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Strip printer Activates/Deactivates automatic printing of the protocol on a strip Active | Inactive*
printer when the Complete button is tapped. The data to be trans-
mitted to the printer can be defined in the section Template
* Factory setting

Protocol template for printout

This menu item can be used to define information to appear in the Protocol. The extensive menu is divided into
six submenus in which options for the printout can be defined. Information can be enabled or disabled by
activating or deactivating the corresponding checkbox.
Each individual parameter can set to Inactive or Active via the corresponding check box. To enable or disable
all parameters at once, proceed as follows:
1 To deselect all check boxes at once, tap Deselect all
ð All parameters are set to Inactive.
2 To select all check boxes at once, tap Select all
ð All parameters are set to Active.
Template settings
Parameter Description Values
Header and Defines the header (with title, date and time) and/or footer (with Header* | Title* | Date/
Footer signature and end line) to be printed/exported. time | User | Signature* |
Separating lines* |
Group titles
Balance infor- Defines which information about the balance is being printed/ Balance type | Balance
mation exported. ID* | Balance serial
number | Software
Quality infor- Defines which quality information is being printed/exported. Tolerance profile |
mation Adjustment date/time |
Routine test name |
Routine test last
execution date | Routine
test result | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state
Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name | Method
comment | Task IDs |
Count | Average |
Minimum | Maximum|
Standard deviation |
Relative standard
deviation | Type of
density determination |
Decimal places for
density weighing results
| Include air density
compensation in calcu-
lation of density

128 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State | Result IDs | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state |
Temperature | Auxiliary
liquid name and density
| Volume of sample |
Weight of sample in air |
Weight of sample in
Result detail Defines which information related to the result of the Weight* | Tare weight |
information measurement is being printed/exported. Gross weight | Info
weight | Date/time* |
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 129

6.2.6 Settings: method "SQC"
Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my SQC > Edit
Edit method - my SQC

General Method type SQC

Titration Method name my SQC

ID format Comment Enter here

Weighing item

Weighing Lock method


Print / Export


The settings of the method SQC are grouped as follows:

• General
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "SQC" } Page 47
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.

130 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Task description Allows to define a label for each task ID field. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting

Result IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of result Defines the number of result IDs. 0* | 1 | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of result IDs is larger than 0,
the options Result ID, Result description and Prefix/Default
value appear for every single result ID.
Result ID 1 Defines the naming type of the result ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the result ID can be entered Automatic counter
manually at method execution time.
Automatic counter: The system provides a value created from a
prefix with an unique number (counter) appended.
Result description Allows to define a label for each result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the result ID. The value of the result ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Manual with default.
Prefix Defines a prefix for the result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Automatic counter.
* Factory setting Weighing
Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 131

Parameter Description Values
Custom time Allows the user to define a custom time span for the calculation of Active | Inactive*
span statistics 1 statistics. If activated, the weighing information of each new item
is added to the batch statistics until the statistics are Reset
manually by the user.
If Custom time span statistics 1 is set to Active, the following
statistics will be calculated:
Count: Number of items used for the statistics
Sum: Sum of all value (decimal places and unit according to the
method settings)
Minimum: Smallest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method settings)
Maximum: Largest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method setting)
Range: Difference between the largest and smallest values
(decimal places and unit according to the method settings)
Average: The values are summed up and divided by the number
of values, rounded to 1 digit more than the configured decimal
places in the associated tolerance profile (unit according to the
method settings)
Standard deviation: Standard deviation rounded to 1 digit more
than the configured decimal places in the associated tolerance
profile (unit according to the method settings)
Relative standard deviation: Relative standard deviation
(rounded to 2 decimal places, in %)
The statistical values are calculated and displayed as soon as a
result is added or updated.
Statistics 1 - Defines the name of the custom time span statistics. Text (1...22 characters)
Name This setting is only available if Custom time span statistics 1 is
set to Active.
Custom time Allows the user to define a second custom time span for the Active | Inactive*
span statistics 2 calculation of the statistics. Refer to the description of Custom
time span statistics 1 for more details.
Statistics 2 - Defines the name of the custom time span statistics. Text (1...22 characters)
Name This setting is only available if Custom time span statistics 2 is
set to Active.
* Factory setting

Parameter Description Values
Ionizer Defines whether the ionizer is activated/deactivated. Active | Inactive*
Detection Activates or deactivates electrostatic detection (StaticDetect). Active | Inactive*
Threshold Defines a limit (mg) at which StaticDetect threshold fails. Numeric (0.40 mg* |
If the measured approximate weighing error is smaller or equal to 0.01.....10 mg)
the detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is OK
If the measured approximate weighing error is larger than the
detection threshold, the StaticDetect state is Not OK
This option only appears when Detection is Active.

132 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Show weighing Displays the weighing error or not. Active* | Inactive
error If the StaticDetect value is above the threshold, this parameter will
display the effective approximate weighing error.
This option only appears when Detection is Active.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "SQC" } Page 47 Weighing item

Parameter Description Values
Liquid If the weighing item is a liquid, the Nominal value is specified as Active | Inactive*
a volume instead of a weight.
If Liquid is set to Active, the Liquid density must be provided.
Unit Defines the unit of the Nominal weight or volume. The available units
depend on other method
Liquid density Defines the density of the liquid. This density is used to convert Numeric
the weighing result to a volume.
This setting is only available if Liquid is set to Active.
Calculate net Defines if the net weight excluding the packaging should be Active | Inactive*
weight excl. calculated for each item.
packaging If set to Active, a defined Packaging is subtracted from each
Packaging Defines the reference weight of the packaging. Depending on the
Instead of entering the reference weight manually, place the capacity of the balance.
empty packaging on the weighing pan and tap the button . The
applied weight is directly taken over as a reference weight.
This setting is only available if Calculate net weight excl.
packaging is set to Active.
Use measured Allows the nominal value to be calculated from the average of all Active | Inactive*
average as items.
Plausibility Defines a reference nominal value for plausibility check, only if Numeric
reference the nominal value is calculated from the average of all items.
This setting is only available if Use measured average as
nominal is set to Active.
Nominal weight Defines the value for the nominal weight. The nominal weight is Numeric
defined as the expected weight of the measured object.
Plausibility limits Defines the plausibility limit for measured values. Numeric (30%* |
The plausibility limit relates to the defined target weight. 0...100%)
Example: With a plausibility limit of 30%, all weight values that
are within ±30% of the target weight are regarded as plausible
and are transferred into the statistics. All other weight values are
being ignored and excluded from the statistics.
 -tolerance T1 Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
+tolerance T1 Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 133

T2 tolerances Defines if a second set of tolerances is used. Active | Inactive*
The T2 tolerances must be bigger than the T1 tolerances.
If set to Active, the statistics will report the number of counts as
• Count above +T2
• Count between +T1 and +T2
• Count between -T1 and +T1
• Count between -T2 and -T1
• Count below -T2
 -tolerance T2 Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This setting is only available if T2 tolerances is set to Active
+tolerance T2 Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This setting is only available if T2 tolerances is set to Active

See also
2 Creating a method "SQC" } Page 47 Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Task
target defines how the data is to be processed. ID 1 | ...
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs specified for the method.
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
Automatic feeder support
When the parameter Automatic feeder support is activated, additional parameters can be defined to set up the
automatic feeder LV12.
Automatic feeder Enables or disables the automatic feeder support. Active | Inactive*
support To use the automatic feeder support, the automatic feeder has to
be connected to the balance by USB and has to be configured
Number of Defines the number of items the automatic feeder will deliver to Numeric | 20* (1...100)
weighing items the balance.
Discharge feeder Discharge is used to empty the automatic feeder of all objects. Active | Inactive*
at the end Active: The automatic feeder feeds at the configured discharge
feed rate and stops 90 seconds after the last object has passed
the light barrier.
Inactive: No automatic emptying.

134 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Feed rate Defines the rate at which the automatic feeder delivers the items to Slow | Normal* | Fast |
the balance. Very fast
Slow: Lowest feed rate
Normal: Lower intermediate feed rate
Fast: Upper intermediate feed rate
Very fast: Highest feed rate
* Factory setting

Weighing automation
Parameter Description Values
Automatic zero If Automatic zero is set to Active, the balance automatically Active | Inactive*
zeros the balance when the weight falls below a predefined
Automatic zero Defines the threshold of the option Automatic zero. Numeric
threshold This option only appears when the option Automatic zero is
Tare Mode Defines the tare mode. None* | Automatic tare |
None: No automatic tare. Preset tare
Automatic tare: The balance stores automatically the first stable
weight as the tare weight.
Preset tare: Allows you to enter manually a numerical entry of a
fixed tare weight.
Automatic tare Defines the threshold of the option Tare Mode. Numeric
threshold This value defines the minimum weight that must be applied to
the weighing pan so that it is automatically stored as the tare
weight. If the weight is below the limits, it is not automatically
transferred to the tare memory.
Instead of entering the weight, the lightest tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The applied weight is directly taken over as a limit.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Automatic tare.
Preset tare value Defines a weight value for the pretare function. Numeric
Instead of entering the value, the respective tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The weight is directly taken over as pretare value.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Preset tare.
Automatic result Automatically generates a weighing result after a threshold is None* | Without sample
reached. tare
None: No automatic result will be generated.
Without sample tare: After a weight value that reached the
threshold is being removed from the weighing pan, the balance is
not being tared.
If Automatic feeder support is activated, the setting Automatic
result is automatically set to Without sample tare and cannot be

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 135

Automatic result Defines the threshold of the option Automatic result. Numeric
threshold The result is automatically added to the protocol only if the weight
of the sample is larger than this threshold.
This option only appears when the option Automatic result is
Weight trigger Defines the behaviour of the option Automatic result threshold. Exceeding* | Falling
Exceeding: The weighing result is generated when the weight below
exceeds the defined threshold.
Falling below: The weighing result is generated when the weight
falls below the defined threshold.
This setting is only available if Automatic result is set to Without
sample tare.
If Automatic feeder support is activated, the setting Weight
trigger is automatically set to Exceeding and cannot be edited.
Automatic tare If set to Active, the balance is automatically tared when a result is Active | Inactive*
after result added to the Protocol.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "SQC" } Page 47 Print / Export

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Strip printer Activates/Deactivates automatic printing of the protocol on a strip Active | Inactive*
printer when the Complete button is tapped. The data to be trans-
mitted to the printer can be defined in the section Template
Protocol export Activates/Deactivates the automatic data export to a file server or Active | Inactive*
USB storage device when the Complete button is tapped.
Weight value Activates/Deactivates the option to automatically send the Active | Inactive*
weighing value over USB or Ethernet when tapping Add to
* Factory setting

Protocol template for printout

This menu item can be used to define information to appear in the Protocol. The extensive menu is divided into
six submenus in which options for the printout can be defined. Information can be enabled or disabled by
activating or deactivating the corresponding checkbox.
Each individual parameter can set to Inactive or Active via the corresponding check box. To enable or disable
all parameters at once, proceed as follows:
1 To deselect all check boxes at once, tap Deselect all
ð All parameters are set to Inactive.
2 To select all check boxes at once, tap Select all
ð All parameters are set to Active.

136 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Template settings
Parameter Description Values
Header and Defines the header (with title, date and time) and/or footer (with Header* | Title* | Date/
Footer signature and end line) to be printed/exported. time | User | Signature* |
Separating lines* |
Group titles
Balance infor- Defines which information about the balance is being printed/ Balance type* | Balance
mation exported. ID* | Balance serial
number* | Software
Quality infor- Defines which quality information is being printed/exported. Tolerance profile |
mation Adjustment date/time |
Routine test name |
Routine test last
execution date | Routine
test result | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state
Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name* | Method
comment | Task IDs* |
Start and end date/time |
Automatic result settings
| In tolerance chart* |
Count* | Average* |
Minimum* | Maximum*
| Range* | Standard
deviation* | Relative
standard deviation* |
Count above +T2* |
Count between +T1 and
+T2* | Count between -
T1 and +T1* | Count
between -T2 and -T1* |
Count below -T2*
Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State | Result IDs* |
Liquid density* |
Calculate net weight
excl. packaging* |
Packaging* | Use
measured average as
nominal* | GWP
Approved state | Electro-
static charge | Level
state | MinWeigh state |
Tolerance state |
Nominal and
tolerances* | Plausibility
reference and
tolerances* | Plausibility

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 137

Result detail Defines which information related to the result of the Weight* | Tare weight |
information measurement is being printed/exported. Gross weight | Info
weight | Date/time* |
* Factory setting

6.2.7 Settings: method "Piece counting"

Navigation: Methods > Methods list > my piece counting > Edit

Edit method - my piece counting

General Method type Piece Counting

ID format Method name my piece counting

Weighing Comment Enter here

Weighing item

Automation Lock method

Print / Export


The settings of the method Piece Counting are grouped as follows:

• General
• ID format
• Weighing
• Weighing item
• Automation
• Print / Export

See also
2 Creating a method "Piece counting" } Page 51
2 Editing a method } Page 53 General
The Method type is defined in the wizard while creating the method and cannot be changed.
Parameter Description Values
Method name Defines the name of the method. The system copies the method Text (1...22 characters)
name that has been defined with the function Method wizard.
Comment The method can be described with a comment. Text (0...128
Lock method Locks the method for other users and from further editing while Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting

138 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators ID format
Task IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of task Defines the number of task IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of task IDs is larger than 0, the
options Task ID, Task description and Prefix/Default value
appear for every single task ID.
Task ID 1 Defines the naming type of the task ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the task ID can be entered Automatic timestamp
manually at method execution time.
Automatic timestamp: The system provides a value created from
a prefix with the current date and time appended.
Task description Allows to define a label for each task ID field. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the task ID. The value of the task ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the option Manual with default is
Prefix Defines a prefix for the task ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the option Automatic timestamp
is activated.
* Factory setting

Result IDs
Parameter Description Values
Number of result Defines the number of result IDs. 0 | 1* | 2 | 3
IDs If the value of the option Number of result IDs is larger than 0,
the options Result ID, Result description and Prefix/Default
value appear for every single result ID.
Result ID 1 Defines the naming type of the result ID. Manual with default* |
Manual with default: The value of the result ID can be entered Automatic counter
manually at method execution time.
Automatic counter: The system provides a value created from a
prefix with an unique number (counter) appended.
Result description Allows to define a label for each result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
Default value Defines a default value for the result ID. The value of the result ID Text (0...32 characters)
can be changed manually while executing the method.
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Manual with default.
Prefix Defines a prefix for the result ID. Text (0...32 characters)
This option only appears when the corresponding result ID is set
to Automatic counter.
* Factory setting Weighing
Parameter Description Values
Show info weight With this option activated a secondary info weight appears on the Active | Inactive*
weighing screen on top of the weighing result.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 139

Info unit Defines the unit of the info weight. The available units
This option only appears when the option Show info weight is depend on the balance
activated. model.
* Factory setting

Weighing settings
Parameter Description Values
Tolerance profile A tolerance profile stores all the necessary balance settings Available tolerance
needed for a certain weighing method. It is possible to create profiles are model-
different tolerance profiles for different weighing methods. specific.
Weight capture Defines the behavior when the button to add the result was Stable* | Immediate
mode tapped or the add result was triggered by the automatic weighing
result creation.
Stable: The system waits for a stable weight.
Immediate: The system doesn’t wait for a stable weight. The
system waits for the defined amount of seconds (Weight capture
delay). After the weight capture delay, the weight value from the
weight stream is captured.
Weight capture Defines the time in seconds the balance waits for capturing the Numeric (5 seconds* |
delay weight after the button to add the result was tapped or the add 0...60 seconds)
result was triggered by the automatic weighing result creation.
This option only appears when the Weight capture mode is set to
* Factory setting

Parameter Description Values
Activate statistics If Activate statistics is set to Active, the following statistics will Active | Inactive*
be calculated:
Count: Number of items used for the statistics
Sum: Sum of all value (decimal places and unit according to the
method settings)
Minimum: Smallest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method settings)
Maximum: Largest value (decimal places and unit according to
the method setting)
Range: Difference between the largest and smallest values
(decimal places and unit according to the method settings)
Average: The values are summed up and divided by the number
of values, rounded to 1 digit more than the configured decimal
places in the associated tolerance profile (unit according to the
method settings)
Standard deviation: Standard deviation rounded to 1 digit more
than the configured decimal places in the associated tolerance
profile (unit according to the method settings)
Relative standard deviation: Relative standard deviation
(rounded to 2 decimal places, in %)
The statistical values are calculated and displayed as soon as a
result is added or updated.
* Factory setting

140 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

See also
2 Creating a method "Piece counting" } Page 51 Weighing item

Initial values for weighing
Parameter Description Values
Reference PCS Defines a reference unit quantity. This allows you to determine the Numeric (10* |
reference unit weight with a defined, fixed number of pieces. 1...10000)
Reference Defines the average weight for one piece. The average weight of Numeric
average weight one piece serves as basis for the piece counting. During task
execution, the balance calculates the actual number of pieces on
the weighing pan based on the measured weight and the average
weight of one piece.
Target weight Defines the target weight. The target weight will be shown in the Numeric
weighing-in aid of the balance (SmartTrac). When a target weight
including tolerances is defined, the SmartTrac indicates if the
current display weight is in tolerance or not.
 -tolerance Defines the lower tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
+tolerance Defines the upper tolerance limit. Numeric
This option only appears when the option Target weight is
* Factory setting

See also
2 Creating a method "Piece counting" } Page 51 Automation
Parameter Description Values
Barcode data If a barcode reader is connected to the balance, this option Keyboard Input* | Target
target defines how the data is to be processed. weight value | Task ID 1
Keyboard Input: The data is written in the currently open input | Result ID 1 | ...
window. If no input window is open, the data is ignored.
Target weight value: The barcode data is interpreted as a value
for the target weight.
Task ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this task ID.
Result ID 1: The received barcode data is treated as identification
text for this result ID.
The available items in the drop-down menu depend on the
Number of task IDs and Number of result IDs specified for the
Make sure that the characters of the scanned barcode are
compatible with the format of the field where they should be
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 141

Weighing automation
Parameter Description Values
Automatic zero If Automatic zero is set to Active, the balance automatically Active | Inactive*
zeros the balance when the weight falls below a predefined
Automatic zero Defines the threshold of the option Automatic zero. Numeric
threshold This option only appears when the option Automatic zero is
Tare Mode Defines the tare mode. None* | Automatic tare |
None: No automatic tare. Preset tare
Automatic tare: The balance stores automatically the first stable
weight as the tare weight.
Preset tare: Allows you to enter manually a numerical entry of a
fixed tare weight.
Automatic tare Defines the threshold of the option Tare Mode. Numeric
threshold This value defines the minimum weight that must be applied to
the weighing pan so that it is automatically stored as the tare
weight. If the weight is below the limits, it is not automatically
transferred to the tare memory.
Instead of entering the weight, the lightest tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The applied weight is directly taken over as a limit.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Automatic tare.
Preset tare value Defines a weight value for the pretare function. Numeric
Instead of entering the value, the respective tare container can be
placed on the weighing pan and the button subsequently
pressed. The weight is directly taken over as pretare value.
This option only appears when the option Tare Mode is set to
Preset tare.
Automatic result Automatically generates a weighing result after a threshold is None* | Without sample
reached. tare
None: No automatic result will be generated.
Without sample tare: After a weight value that reached the
threshold is being removed from the weighing pan, the balance is
not being tared.
Automatic result Defines the threshold of the option Automatic result. Numeric
threshold The result is automatically added to the protocol only if the weight
of the sample is larger than this threshold.
This option only appears when the option Automatic result is
Weight trigger Defines the behaviour of the option Automatic result threshold. Exceeding* | Falling
Exceeding: The weighing result is generated when the weight below
exceeds the defined threshold.
Falling below: The weighing result is generated when the weight
falls below the defined threshold.
This parameter is only available if Automatic result is set to
Without sample tare.

142 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Automatic tare If set to Active, the balance is automatically tared when a result is Active | Inactive*
after result added to the Protocol.
* Factory setting
When using Automatic result, make sure that the Reference average weight of one piece is larger than the
Automatic result threshold.

See also
2 Creating a method "Piece counting" } Page 51 Print / Export

This section is divided into the following subsections:
• Protocol printout and data export
• Label printout for task
• Label printout for weighing item

Protocol printout and data export

Automatic data output
Parameter Description Values
Strip printer Activates/Deactivates automatic printing of the protocol on a strip Active | Inactive*
printer when the Complete button is tapped. The data to be trans-
mitted to the printer can be defined in the section Template
Protocol export Activates/Deactivates the automatic data export to a file server or Active | Inactive*
USB storage device when the Complete button is tapped.
Weight value Activates/Deactivates the option to automatically send the Active | Inactive*
weighing value over USB or Ethernet when tapping Add to
* Factory setting

Protocol template for printout

This menu item can be used to define information to appear in the Protocol. The extensive menu is divided into
six submenus in which options for the printout can be defined. Information can be enabled or disabled by
activating or deactivating the corresponding checkbox.
Each individual parameter can set to Inactive or Active via the corresponding check box. To enable or disable
all parameters at once, proceed as follows:
1 To deselect all check boxes at once, tap Deselect all
ð All parameters are set to Inactive.
2 To select all check boxes at once, tap Select all
ð All parameters are set to Active.
Template settings
Parameter Description Values
Header and Defines the header (with title, date and time) and/or footer (with Header* | Title* | Date/
Footer signature and end line) to be printed/exported. time | User | Signature* |
Separating lines* |
Group titles
Balance infor- Defines which information about the balance is being printed/ Balance type | Balance
mation exported. ID* | Balance serial
number | Software

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 143

Quality infor- Defines which quality information is being printed/exported. Tolerance profile |
mation Adjustment date/time |
Routine test name |
Routine test last
execution date | Routine
test result | GWP
Approved state | Level
state | MinWeigh state
Task information Defines which information about the task is being printed/export. Method name | Method
comment | Task IDs |
Automatic result
settings| Count | Sum |
Average | Minimum |
Maximum | Standard
deviation | Relative
standard deviation | PCS
below -Tolerance | PCS
above +Tolerance
Weighing item Defines which information about the weighing items is being Show excluded
information printed/exported. weighing items | Result
State* | Result IDs* |
GWP Approved state |
Level state* | MinWeigh
state | Tolerance state* |
Target and tolerances
state* | Reference PCS |
Reference average
Result detail Defines which information related to the result of the Weight* | Tare weight |
information measurement is being printed/exported. Gross weight | Info
weight | Date/time* |
* Factory setting

Label printout for task

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the task label is automatically printed when Active | Inactive*
printout for task tapping Complete.
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

144 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Label printout for weighing items

Parameter Description Values
Automatic label When set to Active, the weighing item label is automatically Active | Inactive*
printout for printed when tapping Add to protocol.
weighing item
Used template Chooses the label template. Available labels are
shown below.
* Factory setting

Field settings
The content of each label field can be defined individually.
Parameter Description Values
Label field 1 Defines which information appears in each label field. The Available entries depend
number of label fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.
Barcode settings
The content of each barcode field can be defined individually. This section is only available when the selected
Used template contains at least one 2D code.
Parameter Description Values
Delimiter Defines the delimiter between the barcode entries. TAB | Form feed |
The option 2D barcode delimiter appears only when the selected Carriage return | Space |
Used template contains several 2D codes. User defined
Barcode field 1 Defines which information appears in each barcode. The number Available entries depend
of the barcode fields depends on the selected template. on the method settings.

Available Labels
The following label layouts can be selected:

5 large fields 5 small fields

10 small fields 1D barcode with 3 large fields

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 145

1D barcode with 3 small fields 1D barcode with 6 small fields

2D barcode with 5 large fields 2D barcode with 5 small fields

2D barcode with 2 large fields and 6 small fields 2D barcode with 8 small fields

146 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

6.3 Test weights settings

6.3.1 Settings: individual test weight

Navigation: Methods > Tests > Test weights > my weight 1 > Edit
Parameter Description Values
Test weight name Defines the name of the test weight. Text (1...22 characters)
Test weight ID Defines the test weight ID. Text (1...22 characters)
Nominal weight Defines the approximate, rounded value of the Actual weight. Numeric
Weight class Defines the weight class according to OIML or ASTM. Alternatively, E1 | E2 | F1 | F2 | M1 |
a customized tolerance class can be created with Own. M2 | M3 | ASTM000 |
ASTM00 | ASTM0 |
ASTM6 | ASTM7 | Own*
Actual weight Defines the actual weight. The actual weight is a specific weight Numeric
with a specific Conventional Mass Value (CMV) from the weight
calibration certificate.
Next calibration Defines the next date for calibration. Numeric
Certificate If the certificate of the test weight is available, set to Active and fill Active | Inactive*
in the additional parameters related to the certificate information
(see below).
Certificate ID Defines the certificate ID. Text (1...22 characters)
This option only appears when the option Certificate ID is set to
Certificate date Defines the certificate date. Date
This option only appears when the option Certificate ID is set to
Weight set ID Defines the weight set ID. Text (1...22 characters)

6.3.2 Settings: combined test weight

Navigation: Methods > Tests > Test weights > my weight 1+2 > Edit
Parameter Description Values
Test weight name Defines the name of the test weight. Text (1...22 characters)
Nominal weight Shows the sum of the nominal weights of all the individual Numeric
weights included in this combined weight.
Minimal weight Defines the minimum weight class according to OIML or ASTM. E1 | E2 | F1 | F2 | M1 |
class The customized tolerance class Own can also be selected. M2 | M3 | ASTM000 |
When choosing the weights that compose the combined weight, ASTM00 | ASTM0 |
only the individual weights with a class better or equal to the ASTM0 | ASTM1 |
selected Minimal weight class are shown. ASTM2 | ASTM3 |
ASTM6 | ASTM7 | Own*
Weights Displays a list of the available individual test weights. A total of List of individual test
two or three individual test weights can be selected. weights
Only the individual weights with a class better or equal to the
selected Minimal weight class are shown.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 147

6.4 Tests settings

6.4.1 Settings: eccentricity test

Navigation: Methods > Tests > my eccentricity test > Edit
1. Name and type
Parameter Description Values
Test type The test type has been pre-defined and cannot be changed in this Available test types
Name Defines the name of the test. Text (1...22 characters)
Test activated Enables/disables the test. Active* | Inactive
Show preparation If activated, a predefined preparatory instruction is displayed in Active* | Inactive
instructions the test sequence.
Automatic print When activated test results are immediately printed after the test Active | Inactive*
result has been calculated on the enabled printer.
* Factory setting

2. Test specification
Parameter Description Values
Result calculation Select whether the nominal weight or the conventional mass On nominal weight* |
value (CMV) is used for the result calculation. On actual weight (CMV)
On nominal weight: Nominal value of a weight with a specific
weight class.
On actual weight (CMV): Conventional mass value (CMV) of a
weight from the weight calibration certificate.
* Factory setting

Test point
Parameter Description Values
Nominal weight Defines the nominal value of the weight that will be used for the Numeric
Weight class Defines the weight class according to OIML or ASTM. Alternatively, E1 | E2 | F1 | F2 | M1 |
a customized tolerance class can be created with Own. M2 | M3 | ASTM000 |
ASTM00 | ASTM0 |
ASTM6 | ASTM7 | Own*
* Factory setting

Eccentricity limits
Parameter Description Values
Control limit Defines the control limit. Numeric | 0.2 %*
The control limit is the error tolerance of a process with respect to (0.001 ... 100%)
its set value. Exceeding the control limit is a violation of quality
requirements and therefore requires a correction of the process.
Result if the control limit is exceeded: The test failed, the balance
is out of specification.

148 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Warning limit Defines the warning limit. Numeric | (0.001 ...
The warning limit is an upper or lower limit, which if exceeded or 100%)
not reached, makes more stringent process monitoring
necessary. The warning limit has to be smaller than the control
Result if the warning limit is exceeded: The test is passed, but the
difference is higher than expected.
* Factory setting

3. Test weights
A configured test weight can be selected. For information on test weights definition and settings, see [Test
weights } Page 55] and [Test weights settings } Page 147].
4. Error management
Parameter Description Values
Block balance Defines the behavior of the balance if a test has failed. Active | Inactive*
Active: The balance will be blocked after a specified amount of
failed tests. In this case, the balance cannot be used anymore
until a user with the appropriate right unblocks the balance.
Inactive: Blocking is not activated.
Allowed number Defines the maximum allowed retries until the balance will be Numeric (3* | 0...9)
of retries blocked.
* Factory setting

5. Test planning
Parameter Description Values
Planning type Specifies the schedule for the test to be performed. Manually* | Daily |
Manually: The test must be performed manually. Weekly | Monthly |
Quarterly | Annually
Daily: The test will be performed automatically every day at the
specified time.
Weekly: The test is performed automatically at least once a week.
Additional days can be selected if required.
Monthly: The test will be performed automatically every month at
the specified day and time.
Quarterly: The test will be performed automatically every three
months at the specified time.
Annually: The test will be performed automatically once a year at
the specified time.
Start time Defines the start time for executing the task. Time
This parameter is only available if XXXX
* Factory setting

This section does not appear when the option Planning type is set to Manually.
Parameter Description Values
(x) hours before Defines the time period before the notification informs about the Different values
test upcoming expiry date. depending on the
selected frequency
(Planning type).

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 149

Notification every Defines the time interval before the next notification is issued. Different values
(x) hours depending on the
selected frequency
(Planning type).
Preferred days
This option only appears when the option Planning type is set to Weekly.
Parameter Description Values
Preferred days Defines the preferred weekday for the execution of the test. Monday* | Tuesday* |
Wednesday* |
Thursday* | Friday* |
Saturday | Sunday
* Factory setting

Preferred day for execution

This section only appears when the option Planning type is set to Monthly.
Parameter Description Values
Day Defines the preferred day for execution of the test. None* | Monday |
Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday |
Saturday | Sunday
Occurrence of Defines the occurrence of a given day of week within a month. First* | Second | Third |
day Fourth
This setting is only
available if Day is not
set to None.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Defining an individual test weight } Page 55
2 Defining a combined test weight } Page 55
2 Creating a new test } Page 57

6.4.2 Settings: repeatability test

Navigation: Methods > Tests > my repeatability test > Edit
1. Name and type
Parameter Description Values
Test type The test type has been pre-defined and cannot be changed in this Available test types
Name Defines the name of the test. Text (1...22 characters)
Test activated Enables/disables the test. Active* | Inactive
Show preparation If activated, a predefined preparatory instruction is displayed in Active* | Inactive
instructions the test sequence.
Automatic print When activated test results are immediately printed after the test Active | Inactive*
result has been calculated on the enabled printer.
* Factory setting

150 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

2. Test specification
Parameter Description Values
Result calculation Select whether the nominal weight or the conventional mass On nominal weight* |
value (CMV) is used for the result calculation. On actual weight (CMV)
On nominal weight: Nominal value of a weight with a specific
weight class.
On actual weight (CMV): Conventional mass value (CMV) of a
weight from the weight calibration certificate.
Number of Defines the number of weight measurements of a series. Numeric 10* | (2...15)
* Factory setting

This section only appears when Test type is set to Repeatab. - Tare - 1 TP.
Parameter Description Values
Tare name Defines a name for the tare weight. Text (1...22 characters)
Minimum tare Defines the minimum weight for the tare container. The test is Numeric
weight only continued if a tare container with at least this weight is
placed on the balance.
* Factory setting

Test point
Parameter Description Values
Nominal weight Defines the nominal value of the weight that will be used for the Numeric
Weight class Defines the weight class according to OIML or ASTM. Alternatively, E1 | E2 | F1 | F2 | M1 |
a customized tolerance class can be created with Own. M2 | M3 | ASTM000 |
ASTM00 | ASTM0 |
ASTM6 | ASTM7 | Own*
* Factory setting

Test limits
Parameter Description Values
Control limit Defines the control limit. Numeric
The control limit is the error tolerance of a process with respect to
its set value. Exceeding the control limit is a violation of quality
requirements and therefore requires a correction of the process.
The minimum value is 40% of the balance readability.
Result if the control limit is exceeded: The test failed, the balance
is out of specification.
Warning limit Defines the warning limit. Numeric
The warning limit is an upper or lower limit, which if exceeded or
not reached, makes more stringent process monitoring
necessary. The warning limit has to be smaller than the control
Result if the warning limit is exceeded: The test is passed, but the
difference is higher than expected.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 151

3. Test weights
A configured test weight can be selected. For information on test weights definition and settings, see [Test
weights } Page 55] and [Test weights settings } Page 147].
4. Error management
Parameter Description Values
Block balance Defines the behavior of the balance if a test has failed. Active | Inactive*
Active: The balance will be blocked after a specified amount of
failed tests. In this case, the balance cannot be used anymore
until a user with the appropriate right unblocks the balance.
Inactive: Blocking is not activated.
Allowed number Defines the maximum allowed retries until the balance will be Numeric (3* | 0...9)
of retries blocked.
* Factory setting

5. Test planning
Parameter Description Values
Planning type Specifies the schedule for the test to be performed. Manually* | Daily |
Manually: The test must be performed manually. Weekly | Monthly |
Quarterly | Annually
Daily: The test will be performed automatically every day at the
specified time.
Weekly: The test is performed automatically at least once a week.
Additional days can be selected if required.
Monthly: The test will be performed automatically every month at
the specified day and time.
Quarterly: The test will be performed automatically every three
months at the specified time.
Annually: The test will be performed automatically once a year at
the specified time.
Start time Defines the start time for executing the task. Time
This parameter is only available if XXXX
* Factory setting

This section does not appear when the option Planning type is set to Manually.
Parameter Description Values
(x) hours before Defines the time period before the notification informs about the Different values
test upcoming expiry date. depending on the
selected frequency
(Planning type).
Notification every Defines the time interval before the next notification is issued. Different values
(x) hours depending on the
selected frequency
(Planning type).

152 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Preferred days
This option only appears when the option Planning type is set to Weekly.
Parameter Description Values
Preferred days Defines the preferred weekday for the execution of the test. Monday* | Tuesday* |
Wednesday* |
Thursday* | Friday* |
Saturday | Sunday
* Factory setting

Preferred day for execution

This section only appears when the option Planning type is set to Monthly.
Parameter Description Values
Day Defines the preferred day for execution of the test. None* | Monday |
Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday |
Saturday | Sunday
Occurrence of Defines the occurrence of a given day of week within a month. First* | Second | Third |
day Fourth
This setting is only
available if Day is not
set to None.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Defining an individual test weight } Page 55
2 Defining a combined test weight } Page 55
2 Creating a new test } Page 57

6.4.3 Settings: sensitivity test

Navigation: Methods > Tests > my sensitivity test > Edit
1. Name and type
Parameter Description Values
Test type The test type has been pre-defined and cannot be changed in this Available test types
Name Defines the name of the test. Text (1...22 characters)
Test activated Enables/disables the test. Active* | Inactive
Show preparation If activated, a predefined preparatory instruction is displayed in Active* | Inactive
instructions the test sequence.
Automatic print When activated test results are immediately printed after the test Active | Inactive*
result has been calculated on the enabled printer.
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 153

2. Test specification
Parameter Description Values
Result calculation Select whether the nominal weight or the conventional mass On nominal weight* |
value (CMV) is used for the result calculation. On actual weight (CMV)
On nominal weight: Nominal value of a weight with a specific
weight class.
On actual weight (CMV): Conventional mass value (CMV) of a
weight from the weight calibration certificate.
* Factory setting

This section only appears when the option Test type is set to Sensitivity - Tare - 1 TP or Sensitivity - Tare -
2 TP.
Parameter Description Values
Tare name Defines a name for the tare weight. Text (1...22 characters)
Minimum tare Defines the minimum weight for the tare container. The test is Numeric
weight only continued if a tare container with at least this weight is
placed on the balance.
Test point
Depending on the selected test, the following options can be defined for one or two test points:
Parameter Description Values
Nominal weight Defines the nominal value of the weight that will be used for the Numeric
Weight class Defines the weight class according to OIML or ASTM. Alternatively, E1 | E2 | F1 | F2 | M1 |
a customized tolerance class can be created with Own. M2 | M3 | ASTM000 |
ASTM00 | ASTM0 |
ASTM6 | ASTM7 | Own*
Control limit Defines the control limit. Numeric | 0.2 %*
The control limit is the error tolerance of a process with respect to (0.001 ... 100%)
its set value. Exceeding the control limit is a violation of quality
requirements and therefore requires a correction of the process.
Result if the control limit is exceeded: The test failed, the balance
is out of specification.
Warning limit Defines the warning limit. Numeric | (0.001 ...
The warning limit is an upper or lower limit, which if exceeded or 100%)
not reached, makes more stringent process monitoring
necessary. The warning limit has to be smaller than the control
Result if the warning limit is exceeded: The test is passed, but the
difference is higher than expected.
* Factory setting

3. Test weights
A configured test weight can be selected. For information on test weights definition and settings, see [Test
weights } Page 55] and [Test weights settings } Page 147].

154 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

4. Error management
Parameter Description Values
Block balance Defines the behavior of the balance if a test has failed. Active | Inactive*
Active: The balance will be blocked after a specified amount of
failed tests. In this case, the balance cannot be used anymore
until a user with the appropriate right unblocks the balance.
Inactive: Blocking is not activated.
Allowed number Defines the maximum allowed retries until the balance will be Numeric (3* | 0...9)
of retries blocked.
* Factory setting

5. Test planning
Parameter Description Values
Planning type Specifies the schedule for the test to be performed. Manually* | Daily |
Manually: The test must be performed manually. Weekly | Monthly |
Quarterly | Annually
Daily: The test will be performed automatically every day at the
specified time.
Weekly: The test is performed automatically at least once a week.
Additional days can be selected if required.
Monthly: The test will be performed automatically every month at
the specified day and time.
Quarterly: The test will be performed automatically every three
months at the specified time.
Annually: The test will be performed automatically once a year at
the specified time.
Start time Defines the start time for executing the task. Time
This parameter is only available if XXXX
* Factory setting

This section does not appear when the option Planning type is set to Manually.
Parameter Description Values
(x) hours before Defines the time period before the notification informs about the Different values
test upcoming expiry date. depending on the
selected frequency
(Planning type).
Notification every Defines the time interval before the next notification is issued. Different values
(x) hours depending on the
selected frequency
(Planning type).
Preferred days
This option only appears when the option Planning type is set to Weekly.
Parameter Description Values
Preferred days Defines the preferred weekday for the execution of the test. Monday* | Tuesday* |
Wednesday* |
Thursday* | Friday* |
Saturday | Sunday
* Factory setting

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 155

Preferred day for execution
This section only appears when the option Planning type is set to Monthly.
Parameter Description Values
Day Defines the preferred day for execution of the test. None* | Monday |
Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday |
Saturday | Sunday
Occurrence of Defines the occurrence of a given day of week within a month. First* | Second | Third |
day Fourth
This setting is only
available if Day is not
set to None.
* Factory setting

See also
2 Defining an individual test weight } Page 55
2 Defining a combined test weight } Page 55
2 Creating a new test } Page 57

6.5 Adjustments settings

Navigation: Methods > Adjustments > my internal adjustment > Edit
1. Strategy
Parameter Description Values
Strategy Defines the adjustment method. Internal adjustment* |
When the options No adjustment or External adjustment are External adjustment | No
activated other options are not available. adjustment
Automatic print When activated adjustment results are immediately printed after Active | Inactive*
the result has been calculated on the enabled strip printer.
* Factory setting

2. Specification
Parameter Description Values
'As found' test At the start of the adjustment sequence, an internal test (sensi- Active | Inactive*
tivity) is performed to ascertain the current status. The input test
has automatically started when the adjustment sequence is
activated and the result is displayed and recorded.
'As left' test When the adjustment is complete, an internal test (sensitivity) is Active | Inactive*
* Factory setting

These settings only appear when one of the options 'As found' test or 'As left' test is activated.
Parameter Description Values
Control limit Defines the control limit. Numeric | 0.1 %*
The control limit is the error tolerance of a process with respect to (0.001 ... 100%)
its set value. Exceeding the control limit is a violation of quality
requirements and therefore requires a correction of the process.
Result if the control limit is exceeded: The adjustment failed, the
balance is out of specification.

156 Software Description​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Warning limit Defines the warning limit. Numeric
The warning limit is an upper or lower limit, which if exceeded or (0.001...100%)
not reached, makes more stringent process monitoring
necessary. The warning limit has to be smaller than the control
Result if the warning limit is exceeded: The adjustment is passed,
but the difference is higher than expected.
* Factory setting

3. Error management
Parameter Description Values
Block balance Defines the behavior of the balance if the adjustment has failed. Active | Inactive*
Active: The balance will be blocked after the adjustment has
failed. In this case, the balance can not be used anymore until a
user with the appropriate right unblocks the balance.
Inactive: The balance will not be blocked.
* Factory setting

4. Planning
Parameter Description Values
Start after leveling Defines if the internal adjustment starts after leveling. Active | Inactive*
Start after Defines if the internal adjustment starts automatically after a Active | Inactive*
temperature temperature change of 1°C.
Schedule Defines when the adjustment is being performed. It is possible to Inactive | 1 start time | 2
define several start times (1-3) per day. It can also be defined on start times* | 3 start
what day/s the adjustment is being performed. times
Start time 1 Defines the start time for execution of the task. Time
Start time 2 Defines the start time for second execution of the task.. Time
Preferred days Defines the days for the scheduled adjustments. Monday | Tuesday |
This section only appears with a defined start time. Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday | Saturday |
* Factory setting

See also
2 Defining an individual test weight } Page 55
2 Defining a combined test weight } Page 55
2 Editing an internal adjustment } Page 64
2 Editing an external adjustment } Page 65

Analytical Balances and Comparators Software Description​​ 157

7 Maintenance
To guarantee the functionality of the balance and the accuracy of the weighing results, a number of
maintenance actions must be performed by the user.

7.1 Maintenance tasks

Maintenance action Recommended interval Remarks
Performing an internal • Daily see "Adjustments"
adjustment • After cleaning
• After leveling
• After changing the location
Performing routine tests • After cleaning see "Tests"
(eccentricity test, repeata- • After assembling the balance
bility test, sensitivity test).
• After a software update
• Depending on your internal regulations
recommends to at least
perform a sensitivity test.
Cleaning • After every use see "Cleaning"
• After changing the substance
• Depending on the degree of pollution
• Depending on your internal regulations
Updating the software • Depending on your internal regulations see "Software update"
• After a new software release.

See also
2 Adjustments } Page 64
2 Tests } Page 56
2 Cleaning } Page 158
2 Software update } Page 162

7.2 Cleaning

7.2.1 Disassembling for cleaning

Injury due to sharp objects or broken glass
Instrument components, e.g., glass, can break and lead to injuries.
− Always proceed with focus and care.

158 Maintenance​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

1 Open the top door (1) and pull it all the way back,
outside of the rails of the side doors. Shortly before the
top panel drops out, you can feel a slight resistance.
Just keep pulling a little bit tighter.

2 Hold the side doors (2) and push down the lever (3)
to release them.
3 Carefully remove both side doors (2).

4 Tilt the front panel (4) to the front and remove it.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Maintenance​​ 159

5 Carefully lift the weighing pan (5) to unhook it and pull
it out.
6 Remove the drip tray (6).
7 Store all removed components in a safe place.
ð The balance is ready for cleaning.

7.2.2 Cleaning agents

In the following table, cleaning tool and cleaning agents recommended by METTLER TOLEDO are listed. Pay
attention to the concentration of the agents specified in the table.
Tools Cleaning agents

Sodium hydroxide
Hydrochloric acid
Ethanol (70%)

Peracetic acid
Paper tissue

(0.2-1.0 M)



Around the Balance R — R — R R R R

balance housing
Feet R — R — R R R R
Balance Terminal R — PR R R R R R
terminal Display — — PR R R R R R
Terminal R — — R R R PR PR
Balance Glass R R R PR R R R
draft shield panels
Non- R — R PR R R R
handles and
Weighing Weighing R R R R R R R
area pan
Drip tray R R R R — — R
Best recommendation by METTLER TOLEDO; can be used without limitation.
R Recommended by METTLER TOLEDO; can be used without limitation.
PR Partially recommended by METTLER TOLEDO: individual resistance to acid and alkali must be
evaluated, including dependence to the time exposure.
— Not recommend. High risk for damage.

160 Maintenance​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

7.2.3 Cleaning the balance

Damage to the instrument due to inappropriate cleaning methods
If liquid enters the housing, it can damage the instrument. The surface of the instrument can
be damaged by certain cleaning agents, solvents, or abrasives.
1 Do not spray or pour liquid on the instrument.
2 Only use the cleaning agents specified in the Reference Manual (RM) of the instrument
or the guide "8 Steps to a Clean Balance".
3 Only use a lightly moistened, lint-free cloth or a tissue to clean the instrument.
4 Wipe off any spills immediately.

For further information on cleaning a balance, consult "8 Steps to a Clean Balance".

u www.mt.com/lab-cleaning-guide

Cleaning around the balance

− Remove any dirt or dust around the balance and avoid further contaminations.
Cleaning the terminal
− Clean the terminal with a damp cloth or a tissue and a mild cleaning agent.
Cleaning the removable parts
− Clean the removed part with a damp cloth or a tissue and a mild cleaning agent or clean in a dishwasher
up to 80 °C.
Cleaning the weighing unit
1 Disconnect the balance from the AC/DC adapter.
2 Use a lint-free cloth moistened with a mild cleaning agent to clean the surface of the balance.
3 Remove powder or dust with a disposable tissue first.
4 Remove sticky substances with a damp lint-free cloth and a mild solvent, e.g., isopropanol or ethanol

7.2.4 Putting into operation after cleaning

1 Reassemble the balance.
2 Check that the draft shield doors (top, sides) open and close normally.
3 Check if the terminal is connected to the balance.
4 Reconnect the balance to the AC/DC adapter.
5 Check the level status, level the balance if necessary.
6 Respect the warm-up time specified in the "Technical Data".
7 Perform an internal adjustment.
8 Perform a routine test according to the internal regulations of your company. METTLER TOLEDO
recommends to perform a sensitivity test after cleaning the balance.
9 Press to zero the balance.
ð The balance is ready to be used.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Maintenance​​ 161

See also
2 Leveling the balance } Page 30
2 Performing an internal adjustment } Page 30
2 Performing a sensitivity test } Page 61
2 Technical Data } Page 166

7.3 Software update

Search for software downloads u www.mt.com/labweighing-software-download

Please contact a METTLER TOLEDO service representative if you need support updating the software.
METTLER TOLEDO recommends saving the data on a storage device before updating the software.
Navigation: Balance menu > Maintenance > Software update
See also
2 Exporting data and settings } Page 70

7.3.1 Updating the software

§ A USB storage device containing the software installer (zip file format) is connected to the balance.
1 Tap Balance menu > Maintenance > Software update
2 Select Update software and tap Next.
ð An update wizard opens and will lead you step-by-step through the procedure.

7.3.2 Restoring the software to the previous version

The current software version can be rolled back to the previous software version.
1 Tap Balance menu > Maintenance > Software update
2 Select Restore the software to the previous version. and tap Next
ð An update wizard opens and will lead you step-by-step through the procedure.

7.3.3 Putting into operation after software update

1 Press to switch on the balance.
2 Check the level status, level the balance if necessary.
3 Perform an internal adjustment.
4 Perform a routine test according to the internal regulations of your company.
5 Press to zero the balance.
ð The balance is ready to be used.

See also
2 Leveling the balance } Page 30
2 Performing an internal adjustment } Page 30

162 Maintenance​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

8 Troubleshooting
Possible errors with their cause and remedy are described in the following chapter. If there are errors that
cannot be corrected through these instructions, contact METTLER TOLEDO.

8.1 Error messages

Error message Possible cause Diagnostic Remedy
Balance reset failed Communication failure – Disconnect the power
cable and reconnect after
a few seconds.
The system has no valid Low battery – Connect to the power
date and time set outlet and let the battery
charge for two to three
Weight cannot be Data signal problems of – Disconnect the power
determined electronics. cable and reconnect after
a few seconds.
Bad connection between Check the cable for Replace the terminal
the terminal and the damage (kinked, twisted cable.
weighing unit. or broken pins).
Cannot start adjustment Initial zero was not – Disconnect the power
reached when the balance cable and reconnect after
was switched on. a few seconds.
Preventive performance The balance memory – Complete the current task.
optimization (RAM) is too ful. Disconnect the power
cable and reconnect after
a few seconds.

8.2 Error symptoms

Error symptom Possible cause Diagnostic Remedy
The display is dark. The instrument is on – Switch on the instrument.
There is no power Check the connection to Connect the weighing unit
the AC/DC adapter and the to the power outlet. See
power outlet. "Connecting the balance"
The terminal is not Check the terminal cable Connect the terminal cable
connected to the connection. to the instrument.
The terminal cable is Check the cable for Replace the terminal
defective. damage (kinked, twisted cable.
or broken pins).
The wrong AC/DC adapter Check it, see "Technical Use the correct AC/DC
is connected to the Data". adapter.
The AC/DC adapter is The LED on the AC/DC Replace the AC/DC
defective. adapter does not turn on. adapter.
The value on the display Vibrations on the weighing Place a beaker with water Protect the weighing
oscillates. bench, e.g., building on the weighing bench. location against
vibrations, foot traffic Vibrations cause ripples vibrations, e.g. with an
on the water surface. absorber.
Find a different weighing

Analytical Balances and Comparators Troubleshooting​​ 163

Error symptom Possible cause Diagnostic Remedy
Draft due to untight draft Check the draft shield for Fix the draft shield.
shield and/or open gaps. Close the window.
The weighing sample is Check if the weighing Increase the air humidity
electrostatically charged. result is stable when using in the weighing chamber.
a test weight. Use an ionizer. See
The location is not suitable – Follow the requirements for
for weighing. the location. See "Selecting
the location".
Something is touching the Check for touching parts or Remove touching parts.
weighing pan. dirt. Clean the balance.
The value on the display is The weighing sample Check if the weighing Cover the weighing
drifting towards plus or absorbs moisture or result is stable when using sample.
minus. evaporates moisture. a test weight.
The weighing sample is Check if the weighing Increase the air humidity
electrostatically charged. result is stable when using in the weighing chamber.
a test weight. Use an ionizer. See
The weighing sample is Check if the weighing Bring the sample to room
warmer or colder than the result is stable when using temperature.
air in the weighing an acclimatized test
chamber. weight.
The balance has not yet – Let the balance warm up.
warmed up. Adequate warm up time is
specified in the "General
The display shows The wrong weighing pan Slightly lift or press the Install the proper weighing
overload or underload. is installed. weighing pan to see if the pan.
weight appears on the
No weighing pan is – Install the proper weighing
installed. pan.
Incorrect zero point at – Disconnect the power
power on. cable and reconnect after
a few seconds.
The balance is not – Perform a internal
adjusted. adjustment. See "Internal
The draft shield front panel The draft shield front panel – Contact METTLER TOLEDO
is not exactly 90° from the is not perfectly adjusted. representative to adjust the
weighing platform front panel.
The draft shield side doors The draft shield side doors – Contact METTLER TOLEDO
are not exactly closed. are not perfectly adjusted. representative to adjust the
side doors.
The user interface Too many results are Check the Protocol of Complete all tasks: For
responds slowly. included in the Protocol of every running and pending each task in the list of
a task. task. Tasks, select the task, tap
Continue task, and tap

164 Troubleshooting​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

8.3 Putting into operation after fixing an error
After fixing an error, perform the following steps to put the balance into operation:
• Ensure that the balance is completely reassembled and cleaned.
• Reconnect the balance to the AC/DC adapter.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Troubleshooting​​ 165

9 Technical Data
9.1 General data
Power supply
AC/DC adapter: Primary: 100 – 240 V~ ± 10%, 50/60 Hz
Secondary: 12 V DC, 5 A, LPS, SELV
Cable for AC/DC adapter: 3-core, with country-specific plug
Balance power consumption: 12 V DC ± 10%, 2.25 A

Protection and standards

Overvoltage category: II
Degree of pollution: 2
Standards for safety and EMC: See Declaration of Conformity
Range of application: Use only indoors in dry locations

Environmental conditions
The limit values apply when the balance is used under the following environmental conditions:
Height above mean sea level: Up to 5000 m
Ambient temperature: +10 − +30 °C
Temperature change, max.: 5 °C/h
Relative air humidity: 30 − 70%, non-condensing
Warm-up time: At least 120 minutes after connecting the balance to the power
supply. When switched on from standby, the instrument is ready
for operation immediately.

The balance can be used under the following environmental conditions. However, the weighing performances of
the balance may be outside the limit values:
Ambient temperature: +5 °C – +40 °C

Relative air humidity: 20% to max. 80% at 31 °C, decreasing linearly to 50% at
40 °C, non-condensing

The balance can be disconnected and stored in its packaging under the following conditions:
Ambient temperature: -25 − +70 °C
Relative air humidity: 10 − 90%, non-condensing

Environmental conditions for comparators

Comparators need to be used under the following environmental conditions to reach the specified perfor-
Air speed, max.: 0.15 m/s

166 Technical Data​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

9.2 Explanatory notes for the METTLER TOLEDO AC/DC adapter
The certified external AC/DC adapter complies to the requirements for Class II double insulated equipment. It is
not provided with a protective earth connection but with a functional earth connection for EMC purposes. This
earth connection is not a safety feature. Further information about the compliance of our products can be found
in the "Declaration of Conformity" delivered with every product.
In case of testing with regard to the European Directive 2001/95/EC, the AC/DC adapter and the instrument
have to be handled as Class II double insulated equipment.
Consequently, a grounding test is not required. It is Plastic housing
not necessary to carry out a grounding test between
the earth connector of the power plug and any Double insulation
exposed part of the metallic housing of the
Because the instrument is sensitive to static charges,
Input Output
a leakage resistor of 10 kΩ is connected between the
earth connector (1) and the negative pole (2) of the 2
AC/DC adapter. The arrangement is shown in the
equivalent circuit diagram. This resistor is not part of 10 kΩ coupling resistor for
electrostatic discharge
the electrical safety arrangement and does not require 1
testing at regular intervals.

Analytical Balances and Comparators Technical Data​​ 167

9.3 Model-specific data
Limit values
Capacity 120 g 220 g 220 g
Nominal load 100 g 200 g 200 g
Readability 0.005 mg 0.01 mg 0.01 mg
Capacity of fine range 41 g 121 g 121 g
Readability in fine range 0.002 mg 0.005 mg 0.005 mg
Repeatability (at nominal load) 0.02 mg 0.03 mg 0.025 mg
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.005 mg 0.01 mg 0.01 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – – 0.02 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – – 0.005 mg
Linearity deviation 0.1 mg 0.1 mg 0.1 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.12 mg (50 g) 0.2 mg (100 g) 0.2 mg (100 g)
Eccentricity deviation with LEVEL-MATIC or – – 0 µg (100 g)
hanging pan (at test load)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.3 mg 0.4 mg 0.4 mg
Sensitivity temperature drift 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C
Typical values
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.003 mg 0.005 mg 0.004 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – – 0.012 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – – 0.003 mg
Linearity deviation 0.03 mg 0.03 mg 0.03 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.04 mg (50 g) 0.06 mg (100 g) 0.06 mg (100 g)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.15 mg 0.25 mg 0.25 mg
Minimum weight (USP, tolerance = 0.10%) ▼ 6 mg 10 mg 8 mg
Minimum weight (tolerance = 1%) ▼ 0.6 mg 1 mg 0.8 mg
Settling time 2.5 s 2 s 5 s
Dimensions and other specifications
Balance dimensions (W × D × H) 195 × 485 × 215 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm
Weighing pan dimensions (W × D) 64 × 56 mm 78 × 73 mm 78 × 73 mm
Usable height of draft shield 159 mm 235 mm 235 mm
Balance weight 9.4 kg 9.4 kg 9.4 kg
Weights for routine testing
Weights (OIML class) 100 g (F2) / 5 g (F2) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2)
Weights (ASTM class) 100 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) /
5 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1)
▲ after adjustment with internal weight
▼ determined at 5% load, k = 2

168 Technical Data​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Limit values
Capacity 120 g 220 g 220 g
Nominal load 100 g 200 g 200 g
Readability 0.1 mg 0.01 mg 0.1 mg
Capacity of fine range 41 g – 81 g
Readability in fine range 0.01 mg – 0.01 mg
Repeatability (at nominal load) 0.06 mg 0.03 mg 0.07 mg
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.015 mg 0.015 mg 0.015 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – – –
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – – –
Linearity deviation 0.15 mg 0.1 mg 0.2 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.2 mg (50 g) 0.2 mg (100 g) 0.3 mg (100 g)
Eccentricity deviation with LEVEL-MATIC or – – –
hanging pan (at test load)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.4 mg 0.4 mg 0.6 mg
Sensitivity temperature drift 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C
Typical values
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.007 mg 0.007 mg 0.01 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – – –
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – – –
Linearity deviation 0.05 mg 0.03 mg 0.06 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.06 mg (50 g) 0.06 mg (100 g) 0.1 mg (100 g)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.25 mg 0.25 mg 0.4 mg
Minimum weight (USP, tolerance = 0.10%) ▼ 14 mg 14 mg 20 mg
Minimum weight (tolerance = 1%) ▼ 1.4 mg 1.4 mg 2 mg
Settling time 1.5 s 2 s 1.5 s
Dimensions and other specifications
Balance dimensions (W × D × H) 195 × 485 × 292 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm
Weighing pan dimensions (W × D) 78 × 73 mm 78 × 73 mm 78 × 73 mm
Usable height of draft shield 235 mm 235 mm 235 mm
Balance weight 9.4 kg 9.4 kg 9.4 kg
Weights for routine testing
Weights (OIML class) 100 g (F2) / 5 g (F2) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2) 200 g (F1) / 10 g (F1)
Weights (ASTM class) 100 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) /
5 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1)
▲ after adjustment with internal weight
▼ determined at 5% load, k = 2

Analytical Balances and Comparators Technical Data​​ 169

Limit values
Capacity 220 g 220 g 220 g
Nominal load 200 g 200 g 200 g
Readability 0.05 mg 0.1 mg 0.1 mg
Capacity of fine range – 121 g 121 g
Readability in fine range – 0.01 mg 0.01 mg
Repeatability (at nominal load) 0.06 mg 0.07 mg 0.06 mg
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.04 mg 0.015 mg 0.015 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – – –
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – – –
Linearity deviation 0.2 mg 0.2 mg 0.15 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.25 mg (100 g) 0.3 mg (100 g) 0.25 mg (100 g)
Eccentricity deviation with LEVEL-MATIC or – – –
hanging pan (at test load)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.6 mg 0.6 mg 0.5 mg
Sensitivity temperature drift 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C
Typical values
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.02 mg 0.007 mg 0.007 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – – –
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – – –
Linearity deviation 0.06 mg 0.05 mg 0.03 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.08 mg (100 g) 0.1 mg (100 g) 0.08 mg (100 g)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.4 mg 0.4 mg 0.3 mg
Minimum weight (USP, tolerance = 0.10%) ▼ 41 mg 14 mg 14 mg
Minimum weight (tolerance = 1%) ▼ 4.1 mg 1.4 mg 1.4 mg
Settling time 1.5 s 1.5 s 1.5 s
Dimensions and other specifications
Balance dimensions (W × D × H) 195 × 485 × 292 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm
Weighing pan dimensions (W × D) 78 × 73 mm 78 × 73 mm 78 × 73 mm
Usable height of draft shield 235 mm 235 mm 235 mm
Balance weight 9.4 kg 9.4 kg 9.4 kg
Weights for routine testing
Weights (OIML class) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2) 200 g (F1) / 10 g (F1) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2)
Weights (ASTM class) 200 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) /
10 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1)
▲ after adjustment with internal weight
▼ determined at 5% load, k = 2

170 Technical Data​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

XPR305D5 XPR204
Limit values
Capacity 320 g 220 g
Nominal load 300 g 200 g
Readability 0.05 mg 0.1 mg
Capacity of fine range – –
Readability in fine range – –
Repeatability (at nominal load) 0.08 mg 0.07 mg
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.06 mg 0.05 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – –
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – –
Linearity deviation 0.3 mg 0.2 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.25 mg (100 g) 0.3 mg (100 g)
Eccentricity deviation with LEVEL-MATIC or – –
hanging pan (at test load)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 1 mg 0.6 mg
Sensitivity temperature drift 0.0001%/°C 0.0001%/°C
Typical values
Repeatability (at 5% load) 0.02 mg 0.04 mg
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at nominal load) – –
Repeatability ABA (5 cycles at 5% load) – –
Linearity deviation 0.1 mg 0.06 mg
Eccentricity deviation (at test load) 0.08 mg (100 g) 0.1 mg (100 g)
Sensitivity offset (at nominal load) ▲ 0.6 mg 0.4 mg
Minimum weight (USP, tolerance = 0.10%) ▼ 41 mg 82 mg
Minimum weight (tolerance = 1%) ▼ 4.1 mg 8.2 mg
Settling time 1.5 s 1.5 s
Dimensions and other specifications
Balance dimensions (W × D × H) 195 × 485 × 292 mm 195 × 485 × 292 mm
Weighing pan dimensions (W × D) 78 × 73 mm 78 × 73 mm
Usable height of draft shield 235 mm 235 mm
Balance weight 9.4 kg 9.4 kg
Weights for routine testing
Weights (OIML class) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2) 200 g (F2) / 10 g (F2)
Weights (ASTM class) 200 g (ASTM 1) / 200 g (ASTM 1) /
10 g (ASTM 1) 10 g (ASTM 1)
▲ after adjustment with internal weight
▼ determined at 5% load, k = 2

Analytical Balances and Comparators Technical Data​​ 171

9.4 Dimensions

9.4.1 XPR analytical balances, full-height draft shield

Models: XPR226DR, XPR226CDR, XPR105DR, XPR205, XPR205DU, XPR205D5, XPR225DU, XPR305D5,
165.5 170.5

150 20


134 160


80.5 65
39 265 32 130
150 336





Outer dimensions [mm]

Clear dimensions [mm]
Position of the weighing hook axle

172 Technical Data​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

9.4.2 XPR analytical balances, half-height draft shield
Models: XPR106DUH
165.5 170.5


134 160


80.5 65
39 265 32 130
150 336





Outer dimensions [mm]

Clear dimensions [mm]
Position of the weighing hook axle

Analytical Balances and Comparators Technical Data​​ 173

10 Disposal
In conformance with the European Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) this device may not be disposed of in domestic waste. This also applies
to countries outside the EU, per their specific requirements.

Please dispose of this product in accordance with local regulations at the collecting point specified for electrical
and electronic equipment. If you have any questions, please contact the responsible authority or the distributor
from which you purchased this device. Should this device be passed on to other parties, the content of this
regulation must also be related.

174 Disposal​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

11 Accessories and Spare Parts
11.1 Accessories
Accessories are additional components that could help you in your workflow.
Some accessories are not compatible with all balances. For more information about accessory compatibility,
please contact your METTLER TOLEDO sales representative.

11.1.1 XPR analytical balance, full-height draft shield

Description Part No.
Weighing pans
SmartGrid cover 11106709

Single-use aluminium weighing pans, 10 units 11106711

ErgoClip Stand 11140170

ErgoClip filter holder 30460844

ErgoClip flask, small 30460854

ErgoClip flask 30460842

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 175

ErgoClip syringe 30460859

ErgoClip tube 30460853

SmartPrep, single-use funnel for quick and easy sample prepa- 30061260
ration. For flask sizes 10/19, 12/21, 14/23. 50 pcs

ErgoClip Titration Basket 11106883

ErgoClip Basket 11106747

ErgoClip Weighing Boat 11106748

ErgoClip Round-Bottom Flask 11106746

Pipette calibration
SmartCheck Trap 50 ml, > 20 - 2000 µl 30215436

Evaporation trap 100 ml 30460847

176 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Evaporation trap 6/20 ml 30460843

Antistatic kits
Ionizer module 30460823

Compact ionizer (USB) with mounting adapter 30499860

Compact ionizer with stand (USB) 30499859

Additional compact ionizer (USB) for Compact ionizer with 30496446

stand (30499859)

Filling-process control
LV12 automatic feeder 30374389

Door left draft shield LV1x 30460841

Door right draft shield LV1x 30460840

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 177

Filter kits
Filter kit 30460857

Density determination
Density kit 30460852

Sinker 10 mL 210260

Calibrated Sinker 10mL 210672

Calibrated Thermometer 11132685

P-52RUE dot matrix printer RS232C, USB and Ethernet 30237290
connections, simple print-outs
Paper roll (length: 20 m), set of 5 pcs 00072456
Paper roll (length: 13 m), self-adhesive, set of 11600388
3 pcs
Ribbon cartridge, black, set of 2 pcs 00065975

P-56RUE thermal printer with RS232C, USB and Ethernet 30094673

connections, simple print-outs, date and time
Paper roll, white (length: 27 m), set of 10 pcs 30094723
Paper roll, white, self-adhesive (length: 13 m), set 30094724
of 10 pcs

178 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

P-58RUE thermal printer with RS232C, USB and Ethernet 30094674
connections, simple print-outs, date and time, label printing,
balance applications, e.g., statistics, formulation, totaling
Paper roll, white (length: 27 m), set of 10 pcs 30094723
Paper roll, white, self-adhesive (length: 13 m), set 30094724
of 10 pcs
Paper roll, white, self-adhesive labels (550 labels), 30094725
set of 6 pcs
Dimension of the label 56×18 mm

Anti-theft devices
Anti-theft cable with lock 11600361

RFID readers / writers / cards

EasyScan USB 30416173
Reads and writes RFID tags.

SmartScan 30459915
Note To be installed by a METTLER TOLEDO service
technician only.

Smart Tag
Set of 50 pieces 30101517
Set of 200 pieces 30101518

Hands-free accessories
Foot switch, optional switch for remote operation (USB 30312558

ErgoSens, optical sensor for remote operation (USB 30300915


Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 179

Barcode readers
Corded USB barcode reader 30417466

Cables for RS232C interfaces

USB-RS232 cable (to connect a balance via RS232C to a USB 64088427

USB-RS232 cable with integrated null modem to connect 30576241

peripherals and computers via RS232C to an XPR/XSR

Wireless interfaces
Bluetooth RS232C serial adapter ADP-BT-S for wireless 30086494
connection between:
• Balance and PC (depending on the balance model)
• Printer and balance

Bluetooth USB adapter for wireless connection to P-5x printer 30416089

(additional Bluetooth RS232 serial adapter 30086494

Weighing tables
Weighing table 11138042

Power supplies
AC/DC adapter (without power cable) 100–240 V AC, 0.8 A, 30388323
50/60 Hz, 12 V DC 2.5 A

180 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Country-specific 3-Pin power cable with grounding conductor.
Power cable AU 00088751
Power cable BR 30015268
Power cable CH 00087920
Power cable CN 30047293
Power cable DK 00087452
Power cable EU 00087925
Power cable GB 00089405
Power cable IL 00225297
Power cable IN 11600569
Power cable IT 00087457
Power cable JP 11107881
Power cable TH, PE 11107880
Power cable US 00088668
Power cable ZA 00089728

LabX Balance Express 11153120
Stand-alone system, includes one balance license.

LabX Balance Server 11153121

Client server system, includes one balance license.

LabX Balance single (additional) instrument license 11153220

SQC license 30539260

MC Link mass calibration software
MC Link license – 1 Instrument 30208285
MCLink MC Link Upgrade Multi Place 30208289
MC Link Option – Barcode Package 30212767
MC Link Option – Audit Trail 30208283
MC Link Validation Handbook 30212634
MC Link Remote Installation Service 30212635

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 181

Drip pan, gray 30460856

Terminal cable, extended, length: 4.5 m 30300920

11.1.2 XPR analytical balance, half-height draft shield

Description Part No.
Antistatic kits
Compact ionizer (USB) with mounting adapter 30499860

Compact ionizer with stand (USB) 30499859

Additional compact ionizer (USB) for Compact ionizer with 30496446

stand (30499859)

P-52RUE dot matrix printer RS232C, USB and Ethernet 30237290
connections, simple print-outs
Paper roll (length: 20 m), set of 5 pcs 00072456
Paper roll (length: 13 m), self-adhesive, set of 11600388
3 pcs
Ribbon cartridge, black, set of 2 pcs 00065975

P-56RUE thermal printer with RS232C, USB and Ethernet 30094673

connections, simple print-outs, date and time
Paper roll, white (length: 27 m), set of 10 pcs 30094723
Paper roll, white, self-adhesive (length: 13 m), set 30094724
of 10 pcs

182 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

P-58RUE thermal printer with RS232C, USB and Ethernet 30094674
connections, simple print-outs, date and time, label printing,
balance applications, e.g., statistics, formulation, totaling
Paper roll, white (length: 27 m), set of 10 pcs 30094723
Paper roll, white, self-adhesive (length: 13 m), set 30094724
of 10 pcs
Paper roll, white, self-adhesive labels (550 labels), 30094725
set of 6 pcs
Dimension of the label 56×18 mm

Anti-theft devices
Anti-theft cable with lock 11600361

RFID readers / writers / cards

EasyScan USB 30416173
Reads and writes RFID tags.

Smart Tag
Set of 50 pieces 30101517
Set of 200 pieces 30101518

Hands-free accessories
Foot switch, optional switch for remote operation (USB 30312558

ErgoSens, optical sensor for remote operation (USB 30300915


Barcode readers
Corded USB barcode reader 30417466

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 183

Cables for RS232C interfaces
USB-RS232 cable (to connect a balance via RS232C to a USB 64088427

USB-RS232 cable with integrated null modem to connect 30576241

peripherals and computers via RS232C to an XPR/XSR

Wireless interfaces
Bluetooth RS232C serial adapter ADP-BT-S for wireless 30086494
connection between:
• Balance and PC (depending on the balance model)
• Printer and balance

Bluetooth USB adapter for wireless connection to P-5x printer 30416089

(additional Bluetooth RS232 serial adapter 30086494

Weighing tables
Weighing table 11138042

Power supplies
AC/DC adapter (without power cable) 100–240 V AC, 0.8 A, 30388323
50/60 Hz, 12 V DC 2.5 A

184 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Country-specific 3-Pin power cable with grounding conductor.
Power cable AU 00088751
Power cable BR 30015268
Power cable CH 00087920
Power cable CN 30047293
Power cable DK 00087452
Power cable EU 00087925
Power cable GB 00089405
Power cable IL 00225297
Power cable IN 11600569
Power cable IT 00087457
Power cable JP 11107881
Power cable TH, PE 11107880
Power cable US 00088668
Power cable ZA 00089728

LabX Balance Express 11153120
Stand-alone system, includes one balance license.

LabX Balance Server 11153121

Client server system, includes one balance license.

LabX Balance single (additional) instrument license 11153220

SQC license 30539260

MC Link mass calibration software
MC Link license – 1 Instrument 30208285
MCLink MC Link Upgrade Multi Place 30208289
MC Link Option – Barcode Package 30212767
MC Link Option – Audit Trail 30208283
MC Link Validation Handbook 30212634
MC Link Remote Installation Service 30212635

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 185

SmartPrep, single-use funnel for quick and easy sample prepa- 30061260
ration. For flask sizes 10/19, 12/21, 14/23. 50 pcs

Terminal cable, extended, length: 4.5 m 30300920

186 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

11.2 Spare parts
Spare parts are parts that are delivered with the original instrument but that can be replaced, if needed, without
the help of a service technician.

11.2.1 Weighing chamber, full-height draft shield


Order no. Designation Remarks

1 30416123 Cable terminal –
2 30459875 Door right high draft shield –
3 30460287 Leveling feet, set Including: 2 leveling feet
4 30459877 Panel front high draft shield –
5 30460281 Drip tray static detection XPR –
6 30460285 Weighing pan SmartGrid XPR XSR –
7 30459874 Door left high draft shield –
8 30459876 Door top draft shield –

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 187

11.2.2 Weighing chamber, half-height draft shield


Order no. Designation Remarks

1 30416123 Cable terminal –
2 30459909 Door right low draft shield –
3 30460287 Leveling feet, set Including: 2 leveling feet
4 30459910 Panel front low draft shield –
5 30542016 Drip tray static detection XPR106 –
6 30460284 Weighing pan SmartGrid XPR –
7 30459908 Door left low draft shield –
8 30459876 Door top draft shield –

188 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

11.2.3 Packaging

Order no. Designation Remarks

1 30460297 Packaging Including: Export box, inner protection
2 30460298 Export box Excluding: Inner protection material

Analytical Balances and Comparators Accessories and Spare Parts​​ 189

190 Accessories and Spare Parts​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators
A Calculate concentration per component   102
Calculate target   102
AC/DC adapter   166, 167
Calibration Certificate   81
Accessories   26
Certificate   147
Action when calibration expired   81
Certificate date   147
Active   78
Certificate ID   147
Actual weight   147
Change history   76, 80
Adding a device   66
Cloning a method   53
Adjustment   20, 64
combined test weight   55
External   65
Comment   90, 101, 111, 114, 123, 130, 138
internal   64
Concentration unit   102
setting   156
Configure method   78
Alibi memory   75
Configure routine tests / GWP   79
Allowed number of errors until blocking   149, 152, 155
Configure system   78
Allowed units   82
Configure user management   79
As found test   156
Control limit   148, 154, 156
As left test   156
Conventions and symbols   7
Assigned groups   78
Cover module   16
automatic feeder   49, 95, 134
Automatic feeder support   95, 134
eccentricity test   57
Automatic label printout for task   98, 108, 120, 144
repeatability test   57
Automatic log off   77
sensitivity test   57
Automatic print   148, 150, 153, 156
Creating new user   68
Automatic result   118, 142
Custom units   92
Automatic tare after result   97, 107, 118, 136, 143
Automatic task completion   97, 107 D
Automatic zero   96, 106, 117, 135, 142 Date   84
B Date format   84
Days before expiration   81
Balance   26
Decimal delimiter   83
Balance info   77
Default gateway   86
Balance information   98, 108, 119, 128, 143
Defining templates   54
Balance menu   20, 74
Deleting a method   53
Balance recalibration reminder   81
density determination
Balance settings   79
create   46
Barcode data target   95, 106, 113, 117, 127, 141
perform   46
Barcode reader   87
setting   123
Adding   66
Density unit   124
Barcode settings   99, 109, 121, 145
Devices   87
Below-the-balance weighing   36
Discharge feeder at the end   95, 134
Block balance   149, 152, 155, 157
Display brightness   85
Block/unblock balance   78
Display readability   82, 92
Blocking the balance   72
Disposal   174
C DNS server (primary)   86
Calculate amount of component   102 DNS server (secondary)   86

Analytical Balances and Comparators Index​​ 191

Documentation   26 Assembling the balance   27
Door handle   15 Attaching the terminal   26
Door open   17 internal adjustment   64
Draft shield   14 interval weighing
Drip tray   14 create   43
perform   43
setting   111
eccentricity test   57
Introduction   7
create   57
IP address   86
setting   148
Editing a method   53 K
End of line character   83 Keyboard Layout   85
Environment   81
Environmental conditions   166
Label printer   87
Ergosens   87
LabX   88
Ethernet   86
Language   84
EULA   29
Last name   78
Execute external adjustment   79
Level indicator   19
Execute routine tests   79
Leveling aid   30
Execute service commands   78
Leveling feed   15
Expiry date   102
Leveling the balance   30
external adjustment   65
Leveling warning   80
F Location   24
Factor   92 Lock method   90, 101, 111, 114, 123, 130, 138
Field settings   99, 108, 109, 120, 121, 144, 145 Login   30, 72
Firmware update on system start-up   86 Logoff   72
First name   78 Logout   72
Foot switch   87 LV12   49, 95, 134
Format   83
Formula   92
MAC address   86
G Main weighing screen   19
general weighing method   20
create   40 Method name   124
perform   40 Methods
setting   90 Cloning   53
GWP Approved mode   80 Deleting   53
Editing   53
Methods list   39
History   74
Minimum tare weight   151, 154
Home   17
MT-SICS   88
Host name   86, 87
Net indicator   83
Indicator   81
Net indicator field length   83
Info unit   91, 104, 112, 116, 125, 140
Network configuration   86
Nominal weight   133

192 Index​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Notification all (x) hours   150, 152, 155 Reset password   71
Number of items to feed   95, 134 Result calculation   148, 151, 154
Number of repetitions   151 Result ID   91, 103, 115, 125, 131, 139
RFID reader   44, 87
RFID tag   44
Optical sensors
Smart sense   16 S
Output mode   82 Safety information
Overview Signal words   10
Balance   13 Warning symbols   10
Terminal   13 Sample ID   94
Schedule   157
Selecting the location   24
Packing the balance   33
sensitivity test   61
Password   30
create   57
Password reset   77
setting   153
perform a method
density determination   46
LabX   88
general weighing   40
MT-SICS   88
interval weighing   43
web   88
piece counting   52
Service date reminder   81
simple formulation   42
SQC   48, 49
adjustment   156
titration   45
density determination   123
Period   102
eccentricity test   148
piece counting
general weighing   90
create   51
interval weighing   111
perform   52
piece counting   138
setting   138
repeatability test   150
Planning type   149, 152, 155
sensitivity test   153
Power supply   166
simple formulation   101
Pretare value   96, 106, 118, 135, 142
SQC   130
titration   114
Adding   66
Show change history   79
Printers   87
Show info weight   91, 104, 112, 116, 125, 139
Production date   102
Show preparation instructions   148, 150, 153
Protection and standards   166
Side door release lever   17
Protocol   21
Sign   83
R Sign position   83
Reference   141 Signal words   10
Reference average weight   141 simple formulation
Reference flask volume   102 create   41
Reference weight (100%)   102 perform   42
Removable clips   15 setting   101
repeatability test   59 Simple weighing
create   57 Perform a simple weighing   31
setting   150

Analytical Balances and Comparators Index​​ 193

software version   7 Test activated   148, 150, 153
Sound Test type   148, 150, 153
on error   85 test weight   55
on info   85 setting   147
on key press   85 Test weight ID   147
on warning   85 Test weight name   147
Sound volume   85 Test weight recalibration reminder   81
SQC Time   84
create   47 Time format   85
perform   48, 49 Time zone   84
setting   130 titration
Standby   86 create   44
Standby mode   17, 31 perform   45
Start after leveling   157 setting   114
Start after temperature change   157 Tolerance profile   92, 104, 112, 116, 125, 131, 140
Start time   157 Tolerance profiles   80
Status light   85 Transport
Status light brightness   85 Carrying the Balance over short distances   32
Storing the balance   33 Transport over long distances   33
Strategy   156 Type plate   18
Strip printer   87, 97, 107, 119, 128, 136, 143
Subnet mask   86
Unblocking the balance   72
Switch on   29
Unit   83, 94, 104, 105, 113, 117
Switching off the balance   31
Unit field length   83
Symbols and conventions   7
Unpacking   24
T Updates/sec.   83
Tare   17 USB device
Tare mode   96, 106, 118, 135, 142 Adding   66
Tare name   151, 154 Used template   98, 99, 108, 109, 120, 121, 144, 145
Target   82 User ID   30, 78
Target weight   94, 104, 105, 117, 141 User language   78
Taring the balance   32 user management   86
Task   53 activate   68
Task ID   91, 103, 112, 115, 124, 131, 139 disable   68
Technical data   166 User proposals   77
defining ad-hoc   54
Value release   82
defining in Method   54
Templates   54 W
Terminal   16 Wait time   77, 86
Terminal keys   17 Warning limit   149, 154, 157
test   20, 56 Warning symbols   10
create   57 web service   88
eccentricity   57 Weighing data export   97, 107, 113, 119, 136, 143
repeatability   59 Weighing mode   81
sensitivity   61

194 Index​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators

Weighing pan   14
test weight   55
Weight capture delay   92, 116, 125, 140
Weight capture mode   92, 116, 125, 140
Weight class   147, 148, 151, 154
Weight field length   83
Weight set ID   147
Weight trigger   118, 142
Work screen
Balance menu   18, 20
Methods   18
Protocol   18, 21
x hours before test   149, 152, 155
Zero   17
Zero drift compensation   82
Zeroing the balance   31

Analytical Balances and Comparators Index​​ 195

196 Index​​ Analytical Balances and Comparators
For more information

Mettler-Toledo GmbH
Im Langacher 44
8606 Greifensee, Switzerland

Subject to technical changes.

© Mettler-Toledo GmbH  06/2020
30419844D en

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