Sd/- Sd/-
(Bhanu Pratap Singh) (Devendra Kumar Sharma)
Member Chairman
(5) ………xxxxxxxxxx……….. .
3. Categorization.-
The 2nd proviso of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 18 of RE Tariff
Regulations, 2017 provides that the Commission may, by order, categorize
the renewable energy technologies other than SHPs based on capacity of the
projects, the available subsidy scheme and such other factors as may be
considered appropriate by it. The Commission, after taking into account
various factors like geographical and topographical conditions in the State
and in order to promote smaller capacities of solar PV plants at different
locations across the State, categorized solar PV projects vide its previous
orders of solar PV tariff determination. The Commission proposes to retain
similar categorization, as mentioned in the table below, for the solar PV
generation capacity for the purposes of normative capital cost and
determination of levellised tariffs for FY 2020-21:-
project(s); or the inputs available from any other sources, as the Commission
may find appropriate.
The Central Commission has notified Renewable Energy Regulations, 2020
i.e. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for
Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020
(hereinafter referred as “CERC RE Tariff Regulations, 2020”. The Central
Commission has specified the technological parameters i.e. normative
Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) for solar PV projects as 21%. However, for
capital cost and O&M expenses, the CERC RE Tariff Regulations, 2020
provides that for these parameters, only project specific parameter(s), based
on prevailing market trends, shall be taken into consideration.
The CERC has not made any provision for determination of normative
(benchmark) capital cost for solar PV projects and its RE Tariff Regulations,
2020 do not envisage such a generic tariff determination. Accordingly, the
Commission proposes to evolve its own technology specific parameters after
taking into account the various available inputs, including those notified by
the CERC and considered by the HPERC in its previous solar PV tariff
determination orders.
As such the additional capital cost for these area specific solar PV
project(s) is proposed as Rs. 10.00 Lakhs per MW (for capacity above 1.00
MW and upto 5.00 MW) over and above the normative capital cost
considered for the project(s) to be set up in the areas other than Urban
and Industrial areas. This additional cost of Rs. 10.00 Lakhs per MW shall
however be further increased by 1.5% for plants upto 1.00 MW located in
the urban areas and industrial areas.
For the purpose of this tariff order-
(a) The “Urban Areas” mean the areas covered under a Municipal Corporation,
Municipal Council or a Nagar Panchayat set up by the State Government
under any law enacted by the State Legislative Assembly and shall also
include the area falling under the Cantonment Board constituted by the
Central Government under the Cantonment Act, 2006.
(b) The “Industrial areas” mean the areas notified as such by the State
Government through its Industries Department or through any such other
department/agency authorized by it.
(c) For this purpose, a solar PV project shall be considered to be situated in the
urban area or industrial area, as the case may be, if any one or both of the
main components of the project i.e. the generating plant and the
interconnection point fall in any such area(s) on the date of filing the
petition for approval of PPA.
The O&M expenses of Rs. 8.74 Lakh/MW are proposed to be considered for
FY 2020-21. These normative O&M charges shall also be escalated @ 3.84%
per annum over the tariff period as per the RE Tariff Regulations, 2017.
4.4 The other technology specific parameters viz. useful life of the project and
tariff period, have already been specified in the RE Tariff Regulations, 2017,
which are otherwise in line with the CERC Regulations also and the same
shall be followed accordingly.
Accordingly, single part generic levellised tariffs have been worked out for
the respective categories of solar PV projects by adopting the methodology,
discussed in succeeding paragraphs.
The normative parameters for capital cost, O&M charges, CUF, applicability
of tariff as discussed in para 4 above, have been followed.
In view of above, the interest rate has been worked out as 9.91% per
annum by adding 200 basis points above the average of Marginal Cost of
Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) (one year tenor) of State Bank of India
(SBI) prevalent during the last available six months preceding the date of
commencement of the RE Tariff Regulations, 2017 as shown in the table
5.7 Depreciation.-
(i)Regulation 25-B of the RE Tariff Regulations, 2017 provides as under:
“For the purpose of tariff determination, depreciation shall be computed in the
following manner, namely:-
(a) the value base for the purpose of depreciation shall be equal to sum total of
the debt and equity components as per the provisions of regulation 23-B;
(b) the salvage value shall be considered as 10% and depreciation shall be
allowed up to maximum of 90% of the value base as per clause (a) of this
Provided that no depreciation shall be allowed to the extent of
incentive, grant and capital subsidy available for the project.
Accordingly, the rate of depreciation for the first 15 years has been
considered as 4.67% and the rate of depreciation from the 16th year onwards
has been spread over the balance useful life as under:-
Details Solar PV Power Plant
Useful life (in years) 25
Rate of depreciation for 15 years (%) 4.67
Rate of depreciation after first 15 years (%) 1.995
5.8 Interest on working capital.-
(i) In accordance with the regulation 27-B of the RE Tariff Regulations,
2017, the working capital requirement of the Solar PV project has been
considered by including the following:-
“(a) operation and maintenance expenses for one month;
(b) receivables equivalent to 45 days of energy charges for sale of electricity
calculated on the net saleable energy corresponding to the CUF considered
for tariff determination on normative basis;
(c) maintenance spare @ 15% of operation and maintenance expenses.”
(ii) Interest rate on working capital has been worked out as 11.41 % per
annum by the adding 350 basis points above the average of Marginal
Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) (one year tenor) of State
Bank of India (SBI) prevalent during the last available six months prior
to the respective date(s) from which the generic tariff(s) are to be made
(3) The amount of subsidy shall be considered for each renewable source
as per the applicable policy of the MNRE/State Government/Central
Government and if the amount and/or mechanism of subsidy is changed by the
MNRE/State Government/ Central Government, consequent corrections in tariffs
may be carried out by the Commission in accordance with regulation 20.”
5.10 No adjustment of incentive and/or subsidy and/or grant is being made in the
tariff calculations being carried out in this order. However, adjustment to be
made in the rate on per million of subsidy for each MW capacity have been
worked out and mentioned in the attached calculation sheets for each
category of the project and adjustment, if any, on account of the same shall
be made at appropriate stage while applying the tariff after taking into
account the eligibility conditions in each case. Similarly, adjustment on
account of subsidy scheme(s) of Government (Central/State) shall also be
made at appropriate stage(s) after taking into account the extent of
subsidy(ies) available under such scheme(s). The adjustments on account of
subsidies, where available, are to be made at the rates indicated in the
calculation sheets on normative basis by considering the provisions of
regulations 20-B, 23-B, 24-B, 25-B and 26-B.
In accordance with sub-regulation (4) of regulation 12 of the RE Tariff
Regulations, 2017, the discount factor equivalent to the post tax weighted
average cost of capital has been considered for the purpose of levellised
tariff computation. The discount factor has been calculated on this basis
of the normative debt equity ratio (70:30) and weighed average of the post
tax rates for debt and equity component. For this purpose, the interest
rate on the loan component (i.e. 70%) of capital cost is 9.91%. For equity
component (i.e. 30%), rate of Return of Equity (RoE) is considered as post
tax rate of 14%. The discount factor has been calculated as 9.12%. The
Corporate tax has been taken as 29.12% (25% IT rate+ 12% Surcharge+
4% Health and Education cess).
B. These tariffs shall be subject to the RE Tariff Regulations, 2017 and the
orders as may be issued by the Commission thereunder from time to
C. These tariffs are applicable to solar photovoltaic (PV) power projects
which directly convert Solar Energy into Electricity, using the crystalline
silicon or thin film technology or any other technology as approved by
the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and are connected to the
D. These tariffs do not take into account any capital subsidy or any
incentive or grant/budgetary support etc. and the adjustment in this
regard shall be carried out in accordance with the RE Regulations, 2017.
The adjustments, if any, to be made at the rate per kWh by considering
Rs. 10.00 lacs per MW subsidy have however been indicated in the tariff
calculation sheets.
E. These tariffs shall be applicable in the following cases:-
(i) where the joint petition for approval of PPA has been submitted to the
Commission on or after 01.04.2020, but not later than 31.03.2021 and
such project is commissioned on or before 31.03.2022:
Provided that these rates shall not be applicable in cases
where the joint petition for the approval of PPA were filed from
01.04.2020 to 20.07.2020 in view of the relaxation allowed by the
Commission due to situation arising out of COVID-19;
for such capacities as are commissioned during the year
2020-21 for which the PPAs were approved on or before 31.03.2019 i.e.
for the capacities for which the generic levellised tariff for 2020-2021 is
applicable in accordance with the provisions of the PPAs, the applicable
Tariff Order(s) of previous years & the applicable RE Tariff Regulations.
7. The detailed computations for generic levellised tariffs for categories of solar
PV power projects, without considering any subsidies/incentives/grants, for
FY 2020-21 as well as illustrations thereof are attached as per Appendix – “I
& II” and “III & IV”.
Appendix - I
Levellised Tariff Rs/kWh 3.41 3.99 3.5881 3.22 2.89 2.60 2.33 2.09 1.88 1.68 1.51 1.35 1.21 1.09 0.98 0.88 0.64 0.60 0.56 0.52 0.48 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.39 0.36
Generic Levellised Tariff (without Subsidy) at Capital Cost of Rs 379.05 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.41 /kWh
Indicative Generic Levellised Tariff by considering Subsidy/Incentive/Grant of Rs 10 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.34 /kWh
Adjustment to be made per 10 Lac of Subsidy/Incentive/Grant per MW= Rs. 0.07/kWh
Appendix - II
Levellised Tariff Rs/kWh 3.37 3.94 3.5422 3.18 2.86 2.57 2.30 2.07 1.86 1.66 1.49 1.34 1.20 1.08 0.97 0.87 0.64 0.59 0.55 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.36
Generic Levellised Tariff (without Subsidy) at Capital Cost of Rs 373.45 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.37 /kWh
Indicative Generic Levellised Tariff by considering Subsidy/Incentive/Grant of Rs 10 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.30 /kWh
Adjustment to be made per 10 Lac of Subsidy/Incentive/Grant per MW= Rs. 0.07/kWh
Appendix - III
Levellised Tariff Rs/kWh 3.48 4.09 3.6714 3.30 2.96 2.66 2.38 2.14 1.92 1.72 1.54 1.38 1.24 1.11 1.00 0.89 0.66 0.61 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.49 0.45 0.42 0.39 0.37
Generic Levellised Tariff (without Subsidy) at Capital Cost of Rs 389.20 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.48 /kWh
Indicative Generic Levellised Tariff by considering Subsidy/Incentive/Grant of Rs 10 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.41 /kWh
Adjustment to be made per 10 Lac of Subsidy/Incentive/Grant per MW= Rs. 0.07/kWh
Appendix - IV
Levellised Tariff Rs/kWh 3.44 4.03 3.6242 3.25 2.92 2.62 2.35 2.11 1.90 1.70 1.52 1.37 1.23 1.10 0.98 0.88 0.65 0.60 0.56 0.52 0.49 0.48 0.45 0.42 0.39 0.36
Generic Levellised Tariff (without Subsidy) at Capital Cost of Rs 383.45 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.44 /kWh
Indicative Generic Levellised Tariff by considering Subsidy/Incentive/Grant of Rs 10 Lac/MW = Rs. 3.37 /kWh
Adjustment to be made per 10 Lac of Subsidy/Incentive/Grant per MW= Rs. 0.07/kWh