Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Used strategies for Established a learner- Establish a learner- - Attend LAC sessions and
providing timely, entered culture by centered culture by virtual trainings.
accurate and using teaching using teaching
constructive feedback to strategies that respond strategies that respond - make LAS and other Time, Financial &
improve learner to their linguistic, to their linguistic, learning materials that is Whole Human Resources
performance. (PPST cultural, socio- cultural, socio-economic child friendly and easy to Year and internet
Indicator 5.3.2) economic and religious and religious comprehend. connectivity
backgrounds. (PPST backgrounds.
Indicator 3.2.2)
"Set achievable and Planned and delivered Plan and deliver - Attend LAC sessions and
appropriate learning teaching strategies that teaching strategies that virtual trainings.
outcomes that are are responsive to the are responsive to the
aligned with learning special educational special educational - make LAS and other
competencies. needs of learners in needs of learners in learning materials with Time, Financial &
(PPST Indicator 4.2.2)" difficult circumstances, difficult circumstances, contextualization that are Human Resources
including: geographic including: geographic responsive to the special and internet
isolation; chronic isolation; chronic educational needs of connectivity
illness; displacement illness; displacement learners in difficult
due to armed conflict, due to armed conflict, situation.
urban resettlement or urban resettlement or
disasters; child abuse disasters; child abuse
and child labour and child labour
practices. (PPST practices.
Indicator 3.4.2)
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Promotes collaboration Prioritize work tasks Manage time efficiently - Set workable priorities in
and removes barrier to and schedules (through to prioritize work tasks terms of necessity and Whole
teamwork and goal Gantt charts, and schedules (through urgency. Year
accomplishment across checklists, etc.) to Gantt charts,
organization. achieve goals checklists, etc.) to - Seek mentoring
achieve goals assistance from Master
Teachers as to the use of
Gantt Charts, checklist.
Demonstrates the values Achieves results with Achieves results with - Make and submit reports
and behaviour enshrined optimal use of time and optimal use of time and and other assigned tasks
in the Norms and resources most of the resources most of the on time.
Conduct and Ethical time. time. Whole
Standards for public - Manage time efficiently. Year
officials and employees
(RA 6713).
Develops and adopts Demonstrates an ability Strive to demonstrate
service improvement to think “beyond the an ability to think - Be open to constructive
program through box”. Continuously “beyond the box”. criticisms.
simplified procedures focuses on improving Continuously focuses Whole
that will further enhance personal productivity to on improving personal - Optimize resources and Year
service delivery. create higher value and productivity to create maximize innovativeness
results. higher value and as a teacher in this new
results. normal context of
This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and
Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.