Kinship-Based Scholarship Form..

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Degree Title / Program: ____________________________________________

1. Applicant’s Name: __________________________________________

2. Father’s Name: ____________________________________________

3. Gender: Male Female

4. Roll Number:_______________________________________________

5. Contact No.: _____________________ Email: ________________________

Brothers/Sisters studying in UoG Sialkot Campus/USKT

S.No Name Roll Number Program

Check list of the documents:

Copy of Student ID card of Siblings
Copy of Form B/ NIC of Siblings

The information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that
any incorrect information will result in the cancellation of this application. If any information given
in this application is found incorrect or false after grant of financial assistance, the institution has
the right to stop further assistance and the student will have to refund all payment received and/or
penalty equal to total scholarship amount.

Applicant’s Signature and Date:__________________________

For Office Use Only
Signature of the Head of Department: _________________________

Signature of the Dean/Director of Faculty: _________________________


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