Small Group Results Report

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Classroom and Small-Group Results Report

School Name Suburban Park Elementary

Results Report for:  Small Group

Grade Level 3-5th Grade

Topic Anger Management

M&B# M&B Statement: Belief in development of whole self,
M1 including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional
ASCA Student and physical well-being
1–2 mindsets or M&B# M&B Statement: Effective coping skills
behaviors per lesson SMS 7

M&B# M&B Statement: Social Maturity and behaviors appropriate to

B-SS 9 the situation and environment

Likert Scale- (1-Always False; 2-Mostly False; 3-Not Sure; 4-Mostly True; 5-
Always True)
ASCA Student
1. I think it is important to control my anger
Standards Pre/-
Post- 2. I am good at controlling my anger
Assessment Items 3. I don’t usually get in trouble for my anger
Two per mindset and 4. I know what makes me angry
behavior 5. I can tell when I’m starting to get angry
6. I know how to calm down when I am angry
Participation Data Number of students 5
Length of lessons/sessions 30 minutes
Number of lessons/sessions 6
Pre-Assessment Data: Post-Assessment Data:
(calculate average student response to (calculate average student response to
each item) each item)
Mindsets & 1. Not sure (3) 1. Mostly True (4)
Behaviors Data 2. Mostly False (2) 2. Mostly True (4)
3. Not sure (3) 3. Mostly False (2)
4. Not sure (3) 4. Mostly True (4)
5. Mostly True (4)
5. Not sure (3)
6. Mostly True (4)
6. Mostly false (3)
Outcome Data Baseline Data: 90% Disciplines Report Final Data: 40% Discipline Report in
(Achievement, in one day one day
Attendance and/or
Discipline Data) Percent Change: 50% decrease

Updated, June 2021

Reflection • How did the instruction/small group facilitate the attainment of identified
ASCA Student Standards?
The small group was created around the mindsets and behaviors and the
instruction taught the students healthy ways to cope and manage anger.
• How could the lesson/unit/small group be improved (e.g., consider timing,
number and type of services, student access, and identified barriers)?
I think the lesson could be improved by length, it would be interesting to see
how the discipline would change from the beginning of the semester to the
end of the semester

Updated, June 2021

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