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ETE 22628 Question Bank-UT1: Sr. No. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Oprtion 4 Answer Key

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ETE 22628 Question Bank- UT1

Sr. Answer
No. Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Oprtion 4 Key Marks
Internet of things
is natural
extension of ------ . Smart
1 --------- Factory b. Computer c. SCADA d. I3.0 C 1
Data speed in 5G
2 is_________ a. 10Gbps b. 64Kbps c. 700 Mbps d. 2.4 Kbps C 2
IOT is evolved
from -------------
3 communication a. B2B b. M2B c. M2H d. M2M D 1
c. Enabled
The Objective of a. Increase b. Reduce selfcontrolling d. All of the
4 Industry 4.0 is efficiency complexity above D 1
IoT, Cyber
Systems, AI and
learning are
characterized by a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth
5 . Revolution Revolution Revolution Revolution D 2
Electrical power
and locomotives
are the a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth
6 inventions of revolution revolution Revolution revolution B 2
Sequence of a. b. Things c. Things Data Center/
devices in IoT Sensosrs>things- >Sensosrs >Sensosrs -> Cloud-> Edge
architecture >IoTgateway- >IoTgatway- Edge IT -
from bottom >Edge IT-> >Edge IT-> IT>IoTgatway- >IoTgatway-
layer to top Data Center/ Data Center/ > Data >Sensosrs-
7 layer is Cloud Cloud Center/ Cloud >Things B 2
Top First layer in b. c.
IOT architecture a. Sensors Application Management d. Network
8 is Connectivity Layer Service Layer B 1
Electrical Energy
is related to b. Industry c. Industry d. Industry
which industry a. Industry Revolution Revolution Revolution
9 revolution Revolution 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 B 2
b. Central d. Cyber
a. Central Physical c. Cyber Physical
10 CPS means Power System System Power System system D 2
Following is the a. d. All of the
11 feature of IoT Connectivity b. Analyzin c. Sensing above D 1

a. Supervisory b. Smart c. Sensors

Control And Control And Control And d. Smart
SCADA is Data Data Data Control And
12 abbreviation of Acquisition Acquisition Acquired Data Acquired A 1
c Hands on
E-learning helps a. Increases b. Improves technological d. All of the
13 in: Effectiveness. productivity tools. above D 1
The following
applications are c. Smart flash
included under b.Smart mount d. All of the
14 smart lighting: a. Smart bulbs dimmers. lighting. above C 1
b. Cloud c. Cloud
a. Cloud Making Fix Making Fix d. Cone
15 CMfg means Manufacturing Gadgeting gateway Manufacturing A 2
Data speed in 4G
16 is________. a. 10Mbps b. 64Kbps c. 2 Mbps d. 2.4 Kbps A 1
Identify which is
not an element of
17 IoT? a. People. b. Process. c. Security. d. Things. A 1
a. Information b. Industrial c. Innovative d. Itemized
Internet of Internet of Internet of Internet of
18 IIoT means . .. things things things things. B 1
Who invented the
term Internet of b. Kevin
19 things a. Bill gates ashton c Steve jobs d. mcDonald B 1
Which of the
following is first and
most commonly
used smart,
interactive IoT a. Smart c. Health d. Video
20 device? Watch b. ATM Tracker Game. B 1
RSUs are
connected to the d. None of
21 Internet by: a. Relays b. Routers c. Gateway these C 1
b. Internet d. Industrial
lst Industrial a. Mass evolution and c. Mechanized Internet of
22 Revolution was production automation production Things (IIoT) C 2
a. Automated b. Alternate c. Advanced
Metering Metering Metering d. Advanced
23 AMI means Instrument Instrument Infrastructure Metering C 1

a. Smart b. Best c. optimum

utilization of all utilization of all utilization of all
Objective of Smart the available the available the available d. all of the
1 grid is… resources. resources resources above D 1

d. Multiple
a. Multiple b. Conventional c. Multiple generation
generation generation generation plants,
plants and plants and plants and transmission
Electric grid is a transmission transmission distribution and distribution
2 single entity with …. network network network network D 1
Following are b. Generation c. Generation, d. distribution
subdomains of and transmission and
Grid domain of a. Generation transmission and distribution transmission
3 smart Grid domain domain only domain domain C 1
Self-healing is the
significant feature of a. Conventional
4 …… grid b. Smart grid c. Micro grid d. Micro grid B 2
Classification of a. types of
micro grid is based controlling b. types of c. Types of d. number of
5 on apparatus supply(AC/DC) load generating units B 1
Which of following a. Preserving b. Promoting
is features of a and developing Rapid Transit c. Providing
6 smart city? open spaces system Online services d. All of above D 1
A key feature of a
micro-grid is its
ability------from the c. not to
utility seamlessly a. not to b. to separate separate but d. to separate
during grid separate and and isolate not to isolate and not to
7 disturbance isolate itself itself itself isolate itself B 2
generation plays a. increasing b. increasing d. increasing
significant role in the power the c. increasing the cost of
macro grid to demand on the transmission the reliability power
8 improve grid line losses factor of supply generation C 1
1. A micro-grid is
designed for a
usually for a certain
community whiles
the smart grid is
designed for the a. small scale, b. medium c. large scale d. small scale,
9 electrical system. whole scale, whole ,whole partial A 2
Function of the
network in Smart a. Energy b. Control and d. Optimum use
10 grid is… Generation connectivity c. Applications of energy B 1
A key feature of a
micro-grid is its
the utility a. not to b. to separate c. to separate d. not to
seamlessly during separate and and isolate but not to separate and
11 grid disturbance isolate itself itself isolate itself isolate itself B 2
Micro Grid can be
operated said to be
in islanded mode a. it function b. it functions c. it function d. it stops
12 when…… synchronously autonomously. asynchronously functioning. B 2

_____________is a a. Oil c. Motor

stakeholders of manufacturing b. Utility manufacturing d. Political
13 smart grid. companies companies companies Parties B 1
b. International
a. India Smart Scout And c. International d. India
ISGTF abbreviation Grid Task Guide Smart Grid Standard Grid
14 stands for …. Force Fellowship Task Force Task Force A 2
India Smart Grid
Task Force (ISGTF)
of pilot projects in
different distribution
15 companies. a. 20 b. 18 c. 14 d. 16 C 2
Third stage in d. Post
evolution of Smart a. Preliminary b. Elementary c. Evolutionary evolutionary
16 Grid is…. stage stage stage stage C 1
b. International
a. India Smart Scout And c. International d. India
ISGTF abbreviation Grid Task Guide Smart Grid Standard Grid
17 stands for …. Force Fellowship Task Force Task Force A 1
Technologies for
Distributed a. Micro- b. Micro –hydro c. Macro – d. Macro-
18 Generation includes compressors turbines hydro turbines turbines B 2
What is the full form
of DR in the
perspective of a. Divide and b. Demand and c. Delivery d. Data
19 Smart Grids? Rule Response Rate Reduction B 1
“Transform the
Indian power sector
into a secure,
sustainable and
digitally enabled
ecosystem that
provides reliable
and quality energy
for all with active c. Smart Grid
participation of a. Micro Grid b. Smart Grid Mission for d. Smart Grid
20 stakeholders.” Vision for India Vision for USA India Vision for India D 2
c. Both
distributed and
a. Distributed b. Centralized centralized
Smart grid enables energy energy energy d. None of
21 – management management management these A 1
Challenge faced by
Energy Storage a. Complex
System of smart design and c. Consumer d. Stability of
22 grid is…. network b. Security awareness Power flow A 1
Home power b. Rooftop
generation is a term a. Power solar electric c. Small wind
23 associated with: generation systems turbines d. All of these D 1
system at

No. Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Oprtion 4 Marks
Which of following a) Preserving b) Promoting
is features of a and developing Rapid Transit c) Providing
1 smart city? open spaces system Online services d) All of above D 2
Which of following
is not included in
2 Smart City Mission? a) Mumbai b) Nashik c) Kolhapur d) Aurangabad C 1
Electronic service
delivery is
___________ part of a) E b) Water c) Energy d) Urban
3 smart solutions. governance management management mobility A 2

Bhendi Bazar
Project in Mumbai
is an example of b) c) Greenfield d) Pan city
4 __________. a) Retrofitting Redevelopment development development B 1
Pan city
development is
related to provide a) Existing b) New
smart solutions for infrastructure of infrastructure of c) Outside of
5 ____ city city city d) New city A 1
Greenfield c. Implemented
Development a. Implementing b. Implemented around city d. None of
6 means greenery in city in city area area above C 1
Smart metering is a) Water b)Energy d) None of
7 part of _______. management management c) A and B above B 2
Smart meter a) electric
8 records energy b) voltage level c) current d) All of above D 1
Smart Parking is a) Urban b)Energy c) Water d) waste
9 part of ----- Mobility management management management A 1
The role of Electric
Vehicles in Energy c)Reduce
transition is a) Reduce oil b) Increase carbon
10 _______ consumption Energy security emission d) All of above D 1

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