Detection of Driving Fatigue Based On Grip Force On Steering Wheel With Wavelet Transformation and Support Vector Machine

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Detection of Driving Fatigue Based on Grip

Force on Steering Wheel with Wavelet

Transformation and Support Vector Machine

Fan Li1 , Xiao-Wei Wang1 , and Bao-Liang Lu1,2

Center for Brain-like Computing and Machine Intelligence
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MOE-Microsoft Key Lab. for Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, P.R. China
[email protected]

Abstract. This paper proposes an unobtrusive way to detect fatigue

for drivers through grip forces on steering wheel. Simulated driving ex-
periments are conducted in a refitted passenger car, during which grip
forces of both hands are collected. Wavelet transformation is introduced
to extract fatigue-related features from wavelet coefficients. We compare
the performance of k-nearest neighbours, linear discriminant analysis,
and support vector machine (SVM) on the task of discriminating drowsy
and awake states. SVM with radial basis function reaches the best accu-
racy, 75% on average. The results show that variation in grip forces on
steering wheel can be used to effectively detect drivers’ fatigue.

Keywords: fatigue detection, grip force, wavelet transformation.

1 Introduction
The world vehicle population was reported to have surpassed the 1 billion-unit
mark in 2010 (240 million in U.S. and 78 million in China) [1]. Automobile has
been becoming the most important necessity for travel. However, accompanied
with it is that more and more traffic accidents have happened. Driving fatigue
has long been identified as one of the major causes of traffic accidents. It was
founded that the crash risk was fourteen time higher for drives who had almost
fallen behind the wheel [2]. According to National Highway Traffic and Safety
Administration (NHTSA) report, driver fatigue and drowsiness causes 100,00
crashes annually, resulting in more than 40,000 injuries. If we can determine the
onset of driving fatigue, such accidents can be avoided.
Most of the existing driving fatigue detection methods can be divided into
three categories [3]:
1) Physical and physiological data of drivers are used to detect their driving
fatigue. These include the Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrooculogra-
phy (EOG) and eye patterns and head movement by video [4]. PERCLOS

M. Lee et al. (Eds.): ICONIP 2013, Part III, LNCS 8228, pp. 141–148, 2013.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
142 F. Li, X.-W. Wang, and B.-L. Lu

(PERcent eyelid CLOSure), put forward by Carnegie Melon Driving Research

Center, is one of the most effective measure for driving fatigue detection [5].
2) Driving performance is indirectly assessed by raw rate, lateral position and
longitude speed. Daimler Chrysler [6] has developed a detection algorithm
that jointly analyzed these signals to detect drivers’ fatigue.
3) Drivers in drowsy status would handle steering wheel and tread pedals (gas,
brake and clutch) more slowly and improperly than in sober state [3,7,8].
Drivers would diminish grip force when falling into drowsy, even loosen the
steering wheel fully, which could easily lead to accident. Thum Chia Chieh [7]
proposed a statistical method to accumulate the logarithm of probability ratio
of staying in drowsy or awake state. But the model was too simple to work
well. Eskandarian and Mortazavi [8] trained an artificial neural network to
detect drivers’ fatigue, based on the hypothesis that under a drowsy state, the
steering wheel movements become less precise and larger in amplitude. The
proposed method had a big default that he did not fully consider time-order
of steering wheel angle, which would lower detection accuracy.

Vigilance, the ability to maintain attention and alertness over prolonged periods
of time, is an effect measurement of fatigue. In this paper, a simulated driving
system was designed and subjects were asked to finish driving task in a real
car. We collected drivers’ grip force and response time to an audio signal which
was used to measure drivers’ vigilance while driving. We proposed an effective
feature extraction method to extract features from time domain and wavelet
coefficients through wavelet transformation. We compared the performance of
three classifiers — support vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis
(LDA) and k-nearest neighbours (KNN), on the task of discriminating drowsy
and awake states.

2 Experiment

2.1 Platform

Grip Force Detection

The setup for grip force detection is shown in Fig. 1. The wheel is fully covered
by two pieces of force sensors to detect drivers’ force of left and right hands. The
force sensitive resistor (FSR) was available from Interlink Electronics, which is
a very thin polymer thick film (PTR) device and will give little influence on
driving. When force applied to its active surface, its resistance decreases. The
resistance is converted to voltage through a simple resistance to voltage converter
circuit. The output voltage Vout characterizes the force exerted on the wheel, and
is collected by a commercial USB collection card with a multi-channel AD chip
to PC for analysis. The sampling rate is 100 Hz for each hand’s force.

Simulated Driving System

A car has been refitted for experiment. The car’s driving operational devices
(wheel and pedals) were replaced with Logitech’s simulated controllers, whose

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