Early Childhood Education Management Components of Private Schools, Chonburi

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Docens Series in Education

ISSN 2583-1054

Jaisue, et al., 2022

Volume 2, pp. 36-50
Date of Publication: 15th March 2022
This paper can be cited as: Jaisue, J., Anannawee, P. & Sittisomboon, M. (2022). Early Childhood Education
Management Components of Private Schools, Chonburi. Docens Series in Education, 2, 36-50.
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Jindapach Jaisue
Graduate School, North Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]

Dr. Paradee Anannawee

Associate. Professor, Graduate School, North Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]

Dr. Monasit Sittisomboon

Associate. Professor, Department Of Education, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand
[email protected]

This research aims to study the components of early childhood education management in the 21st
century of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand. Using mixed-method research by doing
3 steps: To investigate the components of early childhood education management of private
schools by analyzing and synthesis from the theoretical concepts of relevant documents and
research. To investigate the present status of early childhood of private schools from 201 samples.
To investigate the management process of early childhood education management of private
schools by interviewing 9 experts and approved by 5 experts. The statistics for quantitative data
analysis were mean and derivation and qualitative data were content analysis. The results were
as follows: The components of early childhood education management in the 21st century of private
schools includes all 4 components: academic affairs management, budget management, personnel

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

management, and general management. The present status of early childhood education
management overall was at the highest level, in descending order: academic affairs management,
general management, budget management, and personnel management, respectively. Each
component has 4 steps in the management process to success: planning, organizing, leading and
Components, Management, Early Childhood Education, Private School
1. Introduction
According to the master plan under the National Strategy 2018 – 2037 of Thailand and the
National Education Reform Plan, children must be developed from early childhood to have good
performance and character by age. That all aspects by reforming the learning process in response
to changes in the 21st century, striving to develop basic education into “Basic education new way,
the quality way” (Office of the Basic Education Commission, 2020).
The Early Childhood Development Act B.E. 2562 focuses on policies and practices in
education and learning management for early childhood for school and teachers have basic
guidelines for driving education and learning for early childhood appropriately and by the national
strategy and national reform plan. Education, quality development of children in early childhood
by adhering to the main principle is holistic child development to develop all children’s physical,
emotional, social, and cognitive development with quality and continuous, as well as self-
development and of Executive Function: EF to make children feel valued, self-confident, self-
esteem and rational, and controlling (Ministry of Education, 2020)
At present, although research confirms the importance of early childhood development.
Everyone involved in early childhood has attempted to study and research to provide early
childhood teachers with guidelines for learning management to promote child development but in
fact, it was found that the management of early childhood education in Thailand still has a lot of
problems in the learning process of classroom management for early childhood. Early childhood
teachers have to study and understand the nature of children. The learning management process
for early childhood children who rely on the knowledge of classroom management is an important
element, so the problem will be solved in a better way (Chatayapa, 2020)

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

As the world of learning has entered the 21st century, the focus is on teaching and learning
to provide learners with 21st-century skills to acquire both the knowledge and skills for occupation.
The problem that affects the era of learning that has changed in education is education personnel
still lack skills and abilities that are not yet reached in the 21st century and influence children
lacking skills and learning that are appropriate for their age. Therefore, teachers must be aware
and consider lifelong learning that is a learning process that is inserted into the way of life. Early
childhood is the age with the best learning development (Sakcharoen. 2015).
Schools in Chonburi province, Thailand have 1,212 early childhood teachers, 101 private
schools in early childhood, 24,903 early childhood children and found that the problem of a
continuous decline in the school-age population. As a result, there are more small schools,
affecting management and not controlling capital, resulting in reduced efficiency and
effectiveness. (Chonburi Provincial Education Office, 2020). The management of early childhood
education in Chonburi Primary Education Area 1 has the problem of early childhood teachers who
did not graduate in the major of early childhood. Causing problems in educational management
due to insufficient knowledge and understanding (Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area
Office 1, 2563: 65)
For the reason and necessity mentioned above the researcher, therefore, is interested and
wants to study Early Childhood Education Management Components of Private Schools, Chonburi
Province to use as a guideline for strengthening competencies for school administrators in line
with national development directions and to lead the organization towards the goal of success in
teaching and learning management further.
2. Literature review
This chapter provides a review of relevant literature in relation to early childhood
curricula. How the curriculum is defined and shaped by its framework in a broader context is
examined. A review of dominant theories and philosophies that have underpinned and influenced
early childhood curriculum development in Thailand is then explored. The theoretical framework
for this thesis is presented at the end of the chapter. To conduct the literature review, several library
online databases were used, including A+ Education, Education Source, Education Information
Centre (ERIC), Google Scholar, ProQuest Education, Wiley Online Library and PsycINFO. The
library database of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand was also used. The databases were
searched using the following keywords “early childhood curriculum”, “early childhood education

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

in Thailand”, “Thainess”, “a cultivation of Thainess”, “Thai nationalism”, “Thai culture and

society”, “Thai culture and identity”, “learning theories” and “sociocultural theory”. The search
was specifically aimed to target research-based texts, peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles,
empirical studies, and official Government documents. However, this search was not limited to
theoretical or research papers published within a selected timeframe.

3. Research of Objective
1. To study the components of early childhood education management of private schools,
Chonburi province in Thailand.
2. To study the state of early childhood education management of private schools, Chonburi
province in Thailand.
3. To study the management process of components of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand.
3.1. Scope of Research
The study uses a quantitative and qualitative research methodology with a 3-step research
1. Study of the components of early childhood education management of private schools
2. Study of the state of early childhood education management of private schools, Chonburi
province in Thailand.
3. Study of the management process of components of early childhood education
management y of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand.

4. Methodology
Step 1: Study of the components of early childhood education management of private
Study of the components by analyzing and synthesis from the theoretical concepts of
relevant documents and research.
Step 2: To investigate the state of early childhood education management of private
schools, Chonburi province in Thailand.
An empirical study using questionnaires.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

The population is 259 school administrators and 161 early childhood teachers at private
schools in Chonburi province in Thailand, a total of 420 people.
The samples used in this research there are 77 school administrators and 124 early
childhood teachers at private schools in Chonburi province in Thailand, a total of 201 people.
The researcher determined the sample size using the tables of Krejcie and Mogan (Krejcie
and Mogan, 1970: 607 - 610) by Stratified Random Sampling of Schools. The statistics for
quantitative data analysis were mean and Standard Derivation.
Creating research tools. There are steps to proceed as follows.
2.1 Take the information obtained from the synthetic analysis. From the relevant
documents and from step 1 to guidelines for creating questionnaires.
2.2 Create questionnaires in 2 parts.
Part 1- Information of respondents by Check List
Part 2- Questionnaires about early childhood education management of private schools,
Chonburi province in Thailand Components 5-level estimation scale Likert.
2.3 By bringing the draft the present status of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand 5 experts for check and confirm
for content validity and find Index of Item-Objective Congruence: IOC between the question and
the purpose according to Lawchi's formula (Lawshe. 1975: 568) by using a criterion that has an
IOC of 0.50 or higher, it is considered content validity and is used to create a questionnaire. The
questions have an IOC value between 0.60 -1.
2.4 The questionnaire was used to check the quality of Reliability by try-out with
40 school administrators and early childhood teachers and analyzed for confidence using the
Cronbach method (Cronbach. 1970: 161) using the Alpha Coefficient method. The questionnaire
has reliability for the whole version is 0.92.
2.5 Publish a complete questionnaire to be used for further data collection.
Step 3: Study of the management process of components of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand.
Study of the management process by using interviews 9 experts.
The statistics for qualitative data were content analysis. The population are the 3 school
administrators of private schools Chonburi province in Thailand, 2 education administrators of
Chonburi Provincial Education Office, 1 education administrator of Ministry Education and 3

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

lecturers in the major of early childhood, Faculty of Education at Burapa University in Chonburi
province, Thailand, total 9 people. The researcher determined the sample size using the Purposive
Sampling only for those who have the qualifications as specified. The total number of sample
groups is 9 people.

5. Research results
The results of the research were as follows: The result of the components of early childhood
education management in the 21st century of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand
includes 4 components: academic affairs management, budget management, personnel
management, and general management.

1.1 Academic affairs administration has 6 sub-components as follows: 1) Private school

curriculum must do the Early Childhood Education Curriculum B.E. 2560 aims to develop
children’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development by age. 2) Organizing activities
to enhance early childhood experiences by age. 3) The preparation of early childhood teaching
materials by age. 4) Arranging evaluation of early childhood development by age. 5) Creating an
environment, materials and learning resources to promote academic work by age. 6) Supervising,
directing, and monitoring early childhood academic work.

1.2 Budget administration has 5 sub-components as follows: 1) Budget management. 2)

Budget allocation adequate and worth. 3) Financial management. 4) Account management. 5)
Supplies and assets management.

1.3 Personnel management has 6 sub-components as follows: 1) Selection of professional

early childhood personnel/teachers to have expertise and experience in private school. 2) School
Administrators/ CEO/Director of private schools is a professional qualification. 3) Childhood
teacher graduated bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and professional
qualifications/morality/spirit/love and generosity of children. 4) Early childhood personnel are
educational qualifications/morality/love and generosity of children. 5) Encourage early childhood
teachers and personnel to higher education, training, work visits, regular field trips and ethics
training and use of psychology for childhood. 6) Support and motivation of early childhood
personnel/teachers could improve their morale.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

1.4 General administration has 6 sub-components as follows: 1) Place is safe and stable. 2)
The relationship between school and community/parents. 3) Balanced early childhood
administration structure. 4) Building interactions between early childhood personnel/teachers with
children and parents 5) Modern environment management in time current conditions, as well as
promoting the development of learning resources to suit appropriate age and needs. 6) Using
modern media, materials, equipment, and high technology in private schools.

The result of the state of early childhood education management of private schools,
Chonburi province in Thailand using questionnaires the research results are as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: The result of the study of the state of early childhood education management of private
schools, Chonburi province in Thailand.

The present state of early childhood education

management of private schools, Chonburi province in  S.D. Results
1. Academic affairs management 4.72 0.57 The Most
2. Budget management 4.60 0.69 The Most
3. Personnel management 4.51 0.77 The Most
4. General management 4.70 0.53 The Most
Total average 4.63 0.64 The Most

(Source: Self)

From table 1. The empirical study of the state of early childhood education management

of private schools in overall was at a highest level (  = 4.63, S.D. = 0.64), in descending order:

an academic affairs management (  = 4.72, S.D. = 0.57), general management (  = 4.70, S.D. =

0.53), budget management (  = 4.60, S.D. = 0.69), personnel management (  = 4.51, S.D. =
0.79), respectively.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by Academic affairs

Academic affairs management  S.D. Results

1. Private school has to do the Early Childhood Education
Curriculum B.E. 2560 aims to develop children’s
4.84 0.34 The Most
physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development
by age
2. Organizing activities to enhance early childhood
4.73 0.49 The Most
experiences by age
3. The preparation of early childhood teaching materials
4.70 0.58 The Most
by the age
4. Arranging evaluation of early childhood development
4.59 0.70 The Most
by age
5. Creating environments, materials and learning
4.81 0.40 The Most
resources to promote academic work by age
6. Supervising, directing, and monitoring early childhood
4.65 0.89 The Most
academic work
Total average 4.72 0.57 The Most

(Source: Self)

From table 2. Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood
education management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by Academic affairs
management. I found that operating conditions at present, the sub-component with the highest
average score is Private school has to do the Early Childhood Education Curriculum B.E. 2560
aims to develop children’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development by age and sub-
component with the lowest average score is arranging evaluation of early childhood development
by age.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

Table 3: Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by Budget management.

Budget management  S.D. Results

1. Budget Management 4.59 0.66 The Most
2. Budget Allocation Adequate And Worth 4.61 0.78 The Most
3. Financial Management 4.64 0.61 The Most
4. Account Management 4.60 0.68 The Most
5. Supplies And Assets Management 4.55 0.72 The Most
Total average 4.60 0.69 The Most

(Source: Self)

From table 3. Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood
education management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by Budget management.
I found that operating conditions at present, the sub-component with the highest average score is
financial management and the sub-component with the lowest average score is Supplies and assets

Table 4: Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by Personnel management.

Personnel management  S.D. Results

1.Selection of professional early childhood
personnel/teachers to have expertise and experience in 4.64 0.67 The Most
private school
2. School Administrators/ CEO/Director of private school
4.46 0.84 More
is a professional qualification
3. Childhood teacher graduated bachelor’s degree in early
childhood education and professional qualifications 4.66 0.47 The Most
/morality/ spirit/love and generosity of children

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

4. Early childhood personnel are educational

4.38 0.98 More
qualifications/morality/love and generosity of children
5. Encourage early childhood teachers and personnel to
higher education, training, work visits, regular field
4.43 0.98 More
trips and ethics training and use of psychology for
6. Support and motivation of early childhood
4.48 0.66 More
personnel/teachers could improve their morale.
Total average 4.51 0.77 The Most

(Source: Self)

From table 4. Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood
Education management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by personnel
management. I found that operating conditions at present, the sub-component with the highest
average score is childhood teacher graduated bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and
professional qualifications /morality/ spirit/love and generosity of children and sub-component
with the lowest average score is Early childhood personnel is educational
qualifications/morality/love and generosity of children.

Table 5: Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood education
management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by General management.

General management  S.D. Results

1. Place is safe and stable 4.74 0.41 The Most
2. The relationship between school and community/parents 4.80 0.32 The Most
3. Balanced early childhood administration structure 4.58 0.66 The Most
4. Building interactions between early childhood
personnel/teachers with children and parents 4.74 0.51 The Most
5. Modern environment management in time current
conditions, as well as promoting the development of
learning resources to suit appropriate age and needs 4.64 0.53 The Most

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

6. Using modern media, materials, equipment, and high

technology in private schools. 4.69 0.71 The Most
Total average 4.72 0.53 The Most

(Source: Self)

From table 5. Mean and Standard Deviation of components of the state of early childhood
Education management of private schools, Chonburi province in Thailand by general management.
I found that operating conditions at present, the sub-component with the highest average score is
the relationship between school and community/parents and sub-component with the lowest
average score is early childhood personnel is balanced early childhood administration structure.
The Management processes of early childhood education in the 21st century of private schools in
Chonburi Thailand found that there are 4 steps; planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
2.1. Academic affairs management operated by process of 4 steps: 1) Planning by setting
goals objectives and guidelines for the implementation of academic affairs aspect to be successful.
2) Organizing academic affairs aspect by structuring assigned duties and responsibilities clear
missions. 3) Leading of academic aspect navigation by command and directing work for personnel
and support work coordinate as well as to motivation and encouragement. 4) Controlling academic
aspects by conducting audits, monitoring, and evaluating management results by stipulating that
the performance is consistent with the objective.
2.2. Budget management operated by process of 4 steps: 1) Planning by setting goals
objectives and guidelines for the implementation of budget aspect to be successful. 2) Organizing
budget aspect by structuring assigned duties and responsibilities clear missions. 3) Leading of
budget aspect navigation by command and directing work for personnel and support work
coordinate as well as to motivation and encouragement. 4) Controlling budget aspect by
conducting audits, monitoring, and evaluating management results by stipulating that the
performance is consistent with the objective.
2.3. Personnel management operated by process of 4 steps: 1) Planning by setting Goals
objectives and guidelines for the implementation of personnel aspect to be successful. 2)
Organizing personnel aspect by structuring assign duties and responsibilities clear missions. 3)
Leading of personnel aspect navigation by command and directing work for personnel and support
work coordinate as well as to motivation and encouragement. 4) Controlling personnel aspect by

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

conducting audits, monitoring, and evaluating management results by stipulating that the
performance is consistent with the objective.
2.4. General management operated by process of 4 steps: 1) Planning by setting Goals
objectives and guidelines for the implementation of general aspects to be successful. 2) Organizing
general aspects by structuring assigned duties and responsibilities clear missions. 3) Leading of
general aspect navigation by command and directing work for personnel and support work
coordinate as well as to motivation and encouragement. 4) Controlling general aspects by
conducting audits, monitoring, and evaluating management results by stipulating that the
performance is consistent with the objective.
The results of the study, the relationship between the components and processes of
educational administration of early childhood education management of private schools, Chonburi
province in Thailand, with the format shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: The Relationship between the Components and Processes of Educational

Administration of Early Childhood Education Management in Of Private Schools, Chonburi
Province in Thailand

(Source: Self)

6. Discussion of Results

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

The components of early childhood education management of private schools, Chonburi

province in Thailand includes all 4 components: academic affairs management, budget
management, personnel management, and general management that accord with National
Education Act B.E. 2542 on Revising and Supplement (no.2) B.E. 2545 and Supplement (no.3)
B.E. 2553 (Office of the National Education Commission. 1999) and consistent with the concept
of Dechakhup (1999) that found early childhood education management includes all 6 components
as follow: 1) Academic affairs management 2) Personnel management 3) Student affairs
administration 4) Administrative management, finance management 5) Place management and 6)
School-Community Relationship.
The present status of early childhood education management in the 21st century of private
schools, Chonburi province in Thailand in overall was at the highest level that this may be because
the school administrators focus on the continuous development of the educational institution.
There are communication guidelines for personnel to know and understand as a result, the
operation of educational institutions achieves the objectives set. In addition, the policy of the
Chonburi Provincial Education Office has supervision to have an effective early childhood
education management (Chonburi Provincial Education Office, 2020) the result of such research
is consistent with the concept of Burana (2014) Administrative Excellence in A Prototype Pre-
Primary School in Primary Education Service Area Office 1, Chonburi, showing indicates that
overall, the needs were rated at the highest level.
Each component has 4 steps in the management process to success: planning, organizing,
leading that, and controlling that this process is driven to make the management to successful,
effective, and efficient as well as Ketwong (2000: 8 -10) who said that planning and important
guidelines plan practitioners can learn how-to steps. Therefore, it greatly facilitates the operation
of the school to cause efficiency, moreover the effectiveness of the implementation of operators
and schools.

6.1. Scope of Future Research

Study of factors influencing for the management of early childhood education in the 21st
century in private schools.

7. Research Limitation

Docens Series in Education
ISSN 2583-1054

1. The components of early childhood education management in the 21st century of private
schools, Chonburi province in Thailand includes all 4 components: academic affairs management,
budget management, personnel management, and general management.
2. The present state of early childhood education management in the 21st century of private
schools, Chonburi province in Thailand in overall was at the highest level, in descending order:
academic affairs management, general management, budget management, and personnel
management, respectively.
3. Each component has 4 steps in the management process to success: planning, organizing,
Leading and controlling.

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of the Education Council Ministry of Education. Retrieved from
Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. (2020). Basic educational development
Plan 2020 – 2022. Chonburi. Office of the Education Council Ministry of Education.
Cronbach, L. J. (1970). Essentials of Psychological Test. 5th ed., New York: Harper Collins.
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28(4): 563-575. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6570.1975.tb01393.x
Ministry of Education. (2020). Education Management Policy and early childhood learning.
Retrieve from https://moe360.blog/2020/09/23/early-childhood/.
Office of the Basic Education Commission, 2020. National Strategy 2018 – 2037. Retrieve

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ISSN 2583-1054

From http://obec.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2020. National Strategy 2018 –

2037. Pdf.
Office of the National Education Commission. (1999). National Education Act B.E. 2542 on
Revising and Supplement (no.2) B.E.2545 and Supplement (no.3) B.E. 2553. Bangkok:
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