Experiment: - 1: Resistors and Ohms Law Objective

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Experiment–1: Resistors and Ohms law

1. To determine the value of a selection of resistors using three different methods.

a) Using the color codes (to give the nominal value)

b) Using the digital ohm meter

c) Using ohm’s law

2. To determine qualitatively the effect of increased power dissipation on carbon resistor.

Equipments used

No Equipment Total No of Equipment

1 Multimeter 1
2 Source 1
3 Digital ammeter 1

Component used

No Component Value Total No of Component

1 Resistor 1. 1MΩ 5
2. 2200Ω
3. 3300Ω
4. 330Ω
5. 10Ω
2 Connecting Wires Different thickness 6
1. The basic relationship between voltage, current, and resistors is determined by Ohm’s law:

V = IR………………………………………………………… (1)

Where V= Voltage across the resistors (in volts)

I= Current through the resistor (in amperes)

R= Resistor of the resistance (in ohms)

2. Given any resistor, its resistance can be found by one of the three methods.

a. Using the color codes. This value is called the nominal value, and it is only approximate.

b. Direct measurement using an Ohmmeter.

c. Measuring the voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor, then applying
Ohm’s law.

3. The product of the voltage across a resistor and the current through the resistors gives power P
(in watts), namely:


Where equation (1) has been used to express P in terms of I2 and in terms of V2

The power absorbed by the resistor appears in the form of heat. The physical size of the resistor
determines the amount of power that it can safely dissipate. This amount is referred to as the
power rating. The dissipation of power that exceeds the power rating can damage the resistor

When the resistor gets heated due to excessive power dissipation, its resistance changes. It will
either increase or decrease depending on the temperature coefficient. A carbon resistance is
expected to decrease as the temperature increases.

Resistance that is operated over the power rating will deviate from the straight line relationship
between V and I. the resistor in this case is operating in the non-linear region. In such a case, the
resistance is no longer equal the slope of the V versus I graphs. It may however, be calculated
using the ratio V/I.
We have started with having five resistors which have different value indicated in the above table

1. We find the nominal value and the tolerance of each resistance using the color codes. Then,

2. We measure the resistance value of each resistor using a multimeter. Next,

3. We construct a circuit as shown below for R = 100Ω and perform the following:

a. We set the source voltage VS to 12 V

b. We measure V and I

c. We do the same thing for all the resistors. And finally

d. We record this data on the following table as follows:

Vs = 12V, I = V/R

I1= V/R1 = 12/1000000 = 0.000012A

I2= V/R2 = 12/2200 = 0.0054A

I3= V/R3 = 12/3300 = 0.0036A

I4= V/R4 = 12/330 = 0.036A

I5= V/R5 = 1.2A

Resistors R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Nominal values 1MΩ±5% 2.2KΩ±5% 3.3KΩ±5% 330Ω±5% 10Ω±5%

Ohmmeter 1.007MΩ 2.170KΩ 3.270KΩ 327Ω 10.5Ω


Deviation from +0.7% -1.36% -0.91% -0.91% +5%

nominal value

Actual value 1.007MΩ 2.170KΩ 3.270KΩ 327Ω 10.5Ω

within tolerance
±0.7% ±1.36% ±0,91% ±0.91% ±5%

From the above table we can conclude that we can obtain the values of a resistors either by using
color code to determine the nominal value, by using Multimeter to compute the ohmmeter
reading, and ohm’s law if we were given the current and resistor.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to compute the experimental values of the voltages and the
currents applied to the resistors due to instrumental difficulties. Therefore we couldn’t finish all
the procedures, but if it’s any consolation we could see from the above table that there isn’t much
difference between the nominal values and the ohmmeter reading.

The maximum percent the resistor deviated is R5 with a value of 5%.we would like to add out
that the tolerance of all our given resistors is expected to be ±5%.

Deviation from the nominal values is caused due to the consideration that the conducting wire has
some resistance or other environmental factors such as temperature.

From the above experiment we can conclude that we can find the values of resistors using color
coding method and an ohmmeter reading device and expect to get a valid and relatively accurate

End of report
Fundamentals of Electrical circuit’s laboratory report-1
Group members
1. Sarem Alemu ……………………... ETS1042/10
2. Zeyede Yesheber …………………. ETS1338/10
3. Natanim Yadesa ………………….. ETS0922/10
4. Yared Hailu ………………………. ETS1233/10

Submission date: January 27/2019 G.C Submitted to: Instructor Lidya


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