2ndyearwoodtech Lessonplan Lesson6
2ndyearwoodtech Lessonplan Lesson6
2ndyearwoodtech Lessonplan Lesson6
In my previous lesson with this class we went through the process of relief carving , some students
have made very good progress on this and all students that were present have got a demonstration
on the process of relief carving which will help them all in this class.
Also we have carried out the parts of a lathe and the tools for wood turning. This will help the
students that will be using the lathe in this class
Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson KEY*
In this lesson I will begin with a recap demonstration for the carving that we completed in RL
the previous class. Along with this demonstration I will complete a demonstration for the NL
next step in the carving process of the project.
Following the demonstrations, the students will continue at the wood carving of their
workpiece. NL
When the students have moved off to complete the wood carving 4 students will go down to
the back of the classroom to work on the woodturning lathe, 2 students will observe, and
two students will work on the lathe. My co-operating teacher will be with these students
helping them set up and use the lathe this lathe work is for a future project with my co-
operating teacher, and he has asked could he use my class time to start woodturning with
the class to avoid queues for the lathe.
Learning outcome
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be
enabled to: Students will be using
Begin relief carving and Relief carving Visual assessment the correct technique
deep into the workpiece Forms quiz to out relief carving
Learning outcome
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be Students will have a
enabled to Forms quiz finish that the are
Ge to a nice smooth finish on the carved Self-assessment happy with on their
surface of the workpiece work piece
Learning outcome
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be
enabled to: Visual assessment
Carry out faceplate turning.
0-5 mins Welcome the students to the Students will be entering the class
classroom, allow them to sit down and taking their seats and
and take the roll call. completing the roll call.
5-8 min Get two / three students to hand Assigned students will put on
out the workpieces to all students gloves and hand out the wood to all
the students.
students will need to put on gloves
before handing out the workpieces Other students will wait at their
desk and wait till all wood is
handed out to the students
8-12 min get students to gather around the Students will gather around the GI
desk at the top of the room, use desk and observe the
gender neutral terms ( class / folks) demonstration.
12- 20 min Carry out a demonstration of the Students will answer questions on O
next step in the project. – more the carving that we are completing.
relief carving a technique on how
to get deep into the wood.
20-53 min Get students to move back to their Students will go back to their own CL
desks to work on their own piece. desk to work at their own piece,
students can help those around MA
Give students part complete pieces them if they are able to
if they have missed multiple classes
to catch up My co-operating teacher will pick 4
students to work on the lathe with
4 students will go to work on the him for the class.
lathe with my co-operating teacher
for their next project.
53-60 min Tell the class to begin to tidy up. Students will start to tidy up their GI
use terms to include everyone own area and return their work
piece to the storage box.
Remind the students to have their
names on their piece Chosen students will sweep the
floor both around the benches and
Get students to sweep up the floor. at the lathes.
*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.
Sample project
Two part done projects for demonstrations (different stages the students are at)
Forms quiz