Technical Engineering College Energy Department Course:: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Class
Technical Engineering College Energy Department Course:: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Class
Technical Engineering College Energy Department Course:: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Class
Energy Department
Course: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
Name of Experiment:
Measuring Temperature By
Using Different Types of Thermometers.
Submitted by:
Experiment No: 2
Date of experiment: 15/ 4/2022
Date of submission: 17/ 4/2022
Overall Mark
Name of evaluator
QUASTION 1: Define the thermometers and explain the objective
of the thermometers.
1-Since alcohol is colourless, it is dyed, 1-It is clearly visible with light silvery
which gives it a bright colour. colour.
2-It generally ethanol, toluene, kerosene or 2-The temperature range that it can measure
other liquid, depending on the manufacturers falls between -37 degree Celsius (low
and range of temperature required. freezing point) and 356 degree Celsius (high
boiling point).
3-The temperature range it can measure falls
between -112 degree Celsius (low freezing
temperature) and 78 degree Celsius (high
boiling point).
1-It is suitable to measure low temperatures 1-It is a good conductor of heat and hence,
because of its freezing point is low. can measure even high temperatures.
2-It is less toxic than mercury thermometer 2-It gives results quickly – has a fast
and hence high on safety factor for human response time.
and environment.
3-It expands linearly and less than alcohol
3-It has a greater value of temperature and any other liquid.
coefficient of expansion than a mercury
thermometer. 4-It is more durable than alcohol
thermometer because mercury does not
4-It is less expensive than a mercury evaporate easily.
thermometer. It is smaller in size as compared to alcohol
2-It cannot measure high temperature because of a low 2-Mercury is difficult to clean, and it can contaminate the
boiling point. surface on which it leaked.
3-It wets the walls of the thermometer, which can 3-It cannot measure cold temperatures.
adversely impact the accuracy of readings It has low thermal co-efficient.
QUASTION 4 : For expected temperature of -200 oC and 500 oC,
which thermometer is better to use?
1-The metal has the property of thermal expansion, i.e., the metal
expand and contract concerning the temperature.
QUASTION 7 : Define thermocouple and explain its work
What is a Thermocouple?
He observed that due to the magnetic field the voltage is induced by the
thermoelectric effect. However, this voltage is very small (in terms of
mV) and depends on the type of metal used in the thermocouple.
How does a Thermocouple Work?
If the circuit is closed, a very small amount of current will flow through
the circuit. A voltmeter is connected to the circuit. The voltage
measured by the voltmeter is a function of a temperature difference
between two junctions.
QUASTION 8 : Write some advantages and disadvantages of
1. Cheap to manufacture.
2. The simplicity, ruggedness, low cost, small size and wide
temperature range of thermocouples make them the most
common type of temperature sensor in industrial use.
3. Low heat capacities making it capable of measuring rapid
temperature changes.
Sensitivity reduces accuracy.