Strength Training Program

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Establish 3RM’s Back Squat_________ Bench Press ____________ Deadlift________________

Take a day off at least once every seven days.

Increase the rest periods in order to keep the percentages up.
Buy a blue reactive sling shot - www.howmuchyoubench,net

Day 1 – Biceps Circuit: five times through. 30s on 30s off. 90s between each rotation.
Pick challenging weights. Feel free to adjust the weights in order to keep moving for all 30seconds.
Barbell bicep curl
Standing banded or cable curl palm up
Cable hammer curl
Behind the head cable curl
DB hammer curls
Seated preachers curl

Day 2 – Chest – Perform as a superset with 1:00 rest in between each of six sets.
Superset first two exercises only.
Bench Press – Maximal reps at 80% of 3 rep max
Seated machine press @ 76% of 3 rep max for 16 reps each of six sets.
Chest dips. Reps to follow. Try to keep to an 18s rest period.
18, 12, 12, 12,12, 12, 10,10,10,10

Day 3 – Legs - Begin with front reps until movement becomes very slow and sluggish.
Complete the remains reps immediately with back squat. For example....First set athlete is able to perform
3 reps of front squat, rack the weight and immediately unpack and complete 5 reps of back squat. Rest
periods will be between 90s and 3 minutes.
Front Squat & Back Squat combo – 77% of Back Squat 3RM. 6 sets 8 reps
Belt squat or leg press – 100% of 3RM. 8 sets six reps
Rear elevated split squat – 58% of bodyweight
RDL – 6 sets 12 reps at 67% of Back Squat 3RM

Day 4 – Triceps Circuit – 30s on 30s rest for 5 rotations. 90s between each rotation.
Pick challenging weights. Feel free to adjust the weights in order to keep moving for all 30seconds.
Tricep press-down.
Tricep shallow dips
Seated bilateral banded press down
TRX prone tricep extension
Tricep overhead cable extension
Seated overhead DB extension @ 25-30% of bodyweight

Day 5 – Back - Rest period will begin at 90s between sets and exercises. Rest period can be pushed as far
out to 3 min as needed for recovery.
Deadlift – 6 sets 6 reps at 67% of 3RM
Pull ups – set of 30 reps. Cluster it as needed at just get it done
Bent over row – 5 sets 7 reps at 80-100% of bodyweight
Pull ups – set of 30 reps
Seated cable row – 5 sets 10 reps at 100% of bodyweight
Pull ups – 30 reps
Cable latisimus dorsi flexion– 5 sets for 30 seconds @ 52% of bodyweight
Pull ups – 30 reps

Day 6 – Shoulders
Barbell Push Press – 67% of bodyweight. Six sets of maximal quality reps
Barbell upright row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 58% of athletes body weight
Dumbell clean and press – 6 sets 12 reps @ 30% of bodyweight
Lateral band or DB raise – 27% of bodyweight. Max reps over five sets @30s. Seated or standing

Day 1 – Biceps Circuit: five times through. 30s on 30s off. 90s between each rotation.
Increase rest periods or cluster the reps to complete all the reps and sets.
Barbell bicep curl – 50% of bodyweight
Standing banded or cable curl palm up – 50% of bodyweight
Cable hammer curl – 60% of bodyweight
Behind the head cable curl – 30% of bodyweight
DB hammer curls – 35% of bodyweight
Seated preachers curl – 30% of bodyweight

Day 2 – Chest – Elongate rest period to complete all sets and reps.
Barbell bench press. 90% or 3RM. Use a sling-shot to complete the sets and reps. 6 sets with this rep
scheme. 12-10-10-10-10-10
Seated chest press. 76% of 3RM. 6 sets to failure
Chest dips. 7 sets of 12 reps

Day 3 – Legs
Front squat & Back squat combo. Begin with front reps until movement becomes very slow and
sluggish. Complete the remains reps immediately with back squat. For example....First set athlete is able
to perform 3 reps of front squat, rack the weight and immediately unpack and complete 5 reps of back
squat. Rest periods will be between 90s and 3 minutes.
- 6 sets 8 reps at 77% of back squat 3RM
Belt squat or Leg press. 8 sets 6 reps @ 100% of back squat 3RM
Rear elevated split squat. 4 sets 8 reps @ 58%
RDL. 6 sets 12 reps @ 67% of 3RM back squat

Day 4 – Triceps – not a circuit – percentages based off of bodyweight

Keep rest periods around 90seconds if possible.
Close grip bench press - 5 sets 8 reps @ 64% of bodyweight
Supine skull crushers - 5 sets 10 reps @46% of bodyweight
Overhead DB Tricep extensions - 5 sets 8 reps @ 30% of bodyweight
Tricep cable pressdown - 5 sets max reps in 30s @30-40% of bodyweight
Shallow tricep dips - 5 sets max reps in 30s
Banded bilateral tricep pressdown - 5 sets 15 reps

Day 5 – Back - Rest period will begin at 90s between sets and exercises. Rest period can be pushed as far
out to 3 min as needed for recovery.
Barbell deadlift - 6 sets 5 reps at 70% of 3RM
Pull ups – complete 25 reps
Bent over row – 5 sets 8 reps @80% of body weight
Pull ups – complete 20 reps
Seated cable row - 5 sets 12 reps at 100% of bodyweight
Pull ups – Complete 15 reps
Cable latissimus dorsi flexion – 5 sets for 30 seconds at 52% of bodyweight
Pull ups – complete 12 reps

Day 6 – Shoulders - Rest period is between 90s and 3 minutes. Adjust as needed. Goal is minimum
recovery time with maximum recovery effect. That is not to say rush from set to set and exercise to
Barbell push press – 4 sets maximal reps @65% of bodyweight
Muscle snatch – 5 sets 8 reps @ 41% of bodyweight. Use at least 27% of bodyweight
Barbell upright row / non dynamic high pull – 5 sets 12 reps @55% of bodyweight
Dumbell clean and press – 6 sets 12 reps @ 40% of bodyweight
Lateral band or DB raise – 5 sets maximal reps in 30seconds @27% of bodyweight

Day 1 – Bicep circuit for six rotations. 30s on 30s rest with 60s in between each rotation.
Barbell bicep curl @41% of bodyweight
Seated DB preacher curl @30% of bodyweight
Cable hammer curl @ 50% of bodyweight
Behind the head cable curl @ 30% of bodyweight
DB hammer curl @40% of bodyweight
Seated banded curl @ 30% of bodyweight

Day 2 – Chest - Use sling shot or a VERY VERY VERY competent spotter that will allow for such a
difficult load and rep scheme. There should be NO NO NO deviation in the quality of the movement patter.
Sling shots are ideal for such mechanical support. DO NOT do more reps and sets....NO additional
exercises between or after regardless of how you feel!!!
Bench press – 6 sets max reps @110% of 3RM – USE reactive sling shot - Rest period is up to 3 minutes
between sets. It is likely you will not need all 3 minutes after the first few sets, but be prepared to use all
three minutes as the sets progress.
Seated machine chest press – 6 sets maximal rest @ 80% or 3RM
Chest dips – 7 sets of max reps. Use at least 60s of rest between sets
Repeat seated machine chest press – 4 sets of 15 reps @ 76% of bodyweight. Do reps as fast as possible

Day 3 – Legs - Perform front squat first...complete up to but no more then 5 reps of front squat, rack, then
immediately complete remaining reps of back squat
Front squat & back squat combo – 6 sets 10 reps @ 63% of 3RM back squat.
Hatfield squat – 5 sets 12 reps @ 65% of 3RM back squat
Belt squat / leg press – 6 sets 12 reps @ 90% of 3RM of back squat
Barbell RDL – 6 sets 12 reps @ 40% of 3RM back squat

Day 4 – Full body circuit - Break up the work and be athletic. Keep percentages low in conjunction with
large athletic movements. Keep the heart rate up, but not a true High Intensity Interval Training session.
Move from one exercise to the other but not immediately. Give yourself just enough rest to be able to
perform the prescribed reps. Repeat these three exercises for one hour or the eight sets of each exercise.
Power clean w/ push press – 8 sets of 10 reps @ 67% of bodyweight
Pull ups – 8 sets max reps. 60s or rest between sets
DB hang clean and press – 8 sets of max reps in 30s. 30s of rest in between each set.

Day 5 – Triceps - Keep volume very high and intensity moderate. Perform as a circuit with only 30s in
between each exercise and 90s after each rotation. Complete rotations for one hour. Adjust percentages to
maintain max volume throughout training session. Try and keep percentages over 27% of stipulated scale
per exercise.
Close grip bench press – 55% of 3RM bench press
Supine skull crushers – 46% of bodyweight
DB overhead extension – 30% of bodyweight
Tricep cable press down – Pick a weight that can be completed for the entire 30s
Tricep dips
Seated banded press downs

Day 6 – Shoulders
Push press – 8 sets 8 reps at 72% of bodyweight
Barbell upright row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 55% of bodyweight
DB hang clean and press – 6 sets of 12 reps @58% of bodyweight
Lateral band / DB raise - 5 sets max reps over 30s timeframe
Seated military barbell press – 3 sets of 20 reps @ 41% of bodyweight

Day 1 – Biceps - Perform as a circuit. Adhere strictly with the time intervals. Adjustments to weight must
be made after each rotation. 30s on 30s rest.
Barbell bicep curl – 50% of bodyweight
DB hammer curls – 30% of bodyweight
Cable preacher curl – 50% of bodyweight
TRX bicep curl
Seated banded curl
Behind the head cable curl – 30% bodyweight

Day 2 – Chest
Barbell bench press - Max reps each set at 90% of 3 rep max bench press. Take rest periods ranging from
90 seconds all the way to two minutes depending on the level of recovery accomplished between sets.
Max reps @ 90% of 3RM
Seated machine chest press – max reps at 80% of load capable for the particular press apparatus
DB bench press - Perform one arm at a time with one arm remaining extended. Only one arm is moving at
a time. Percentage is 53% of a three rep max barbell bench press. Maximum possible reps without loosing
position. Max reps @ 55% of 3RM

Day 3 – Legs
Back squat – 6 sets 6 reps at 80% of 3RM
Front squat back squat combo - MOVE FAST – 6 sets 6 reps @35% of 3RM back squat
Belt squat / leg press – 8 sets 5 reps at 110% of 3RM of back squat
Glute ham raise – 6 sets 6 reps

Day 4 – Triceps - Circuit. 30s on 30s off. Adjust weight as needed throughout the circuit. Complete circuit
six times with 90s of rest after each rotation.
Tricep pushdown
Tricep dips
Seated or standing DB overhead extension - 30% of bodyweight
Seated bilateral band press down
TRX prone overhead tricep extension
Tricep overhead cable extension

Day 5 – Back
Deadlift – 8 sets 4 reps at 75% of 3RM deadlift
Sumo deadlift – 5 sets of 3 reps at 65% of 3RM of deadlift
Bent over row – 5 sets 8 reps @ 95% of bodyweight
Pull ups – set of 40 - get it done in clusters
Seated cable row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 110% of bodyweight
Cable latisimus dorsi flexion – 5 sets 15 reps at 50-60% of bodyweight

Day 6 – Shoulders - Rest period is between 90s and 3 minutes. Adjust as needed. Goal is minimum
recovery time with maximum recovery effect. That is not to say rush from set to set and exercise to
Push press – 5 sets 5 reps at 97% of bodyweight
Barbell upright row – 5 sets 8 reps @76% of bodyweight
Muscle snatch – 5 sets 8 reps @ 41% of bodyweight
DB hang clean and press – 5 sets 8 reps @ 55% of bodyweight
Lateral band or DB lateral raise – 5 sets max reps in 30s @ 27% of bodyweight

Day 1 – Biceps - First two exercises are completed as a standard rep and set combo with rest periods
between 90s and 2 minutes. Last three exercises are to be completed as a circuit. 40 seconds on 30
seconds rest to be completed for five rotations.
Barbell bicep curl – 5 sets 8 reps @ 60% of bodyweight
DB hammer curl – 5 sets 8 reps @ 55% of bodyweight
DB preacher curl – 30% of bodyweight
TRX bicep curl –
Seated behind the head cable curl – 30% bodyweight
Seated cable curl – 40% of bodyweight

Day 2 – Chest - Power is speed. Move the bar / weight / ball as FAST as possible.
Bench press – 8 sets 5 reps @ 64% of 3RM
Seated machine chest press – 6 sets 8 reps @ 76% of 3RM
Lying med ball power press – 6 sets 8 reps @ 12-16lbs med ball

Day 3 – Legs
Back squat – 6 sets 3 reps @ 110% of 3RM
Belt squat / leg press – 6 sets 5 reps @ 130% of 3RM
Hatfield squat – 6 sets 6 reps @ 100% of 3RM
Barbell RDL – 6 sets 8 reps @ 45% of 3RM

Day 4 – Triceps - Circuit. 30s on 30s off. Adjust weight as needed throughout the circuit. Complete circuit
six times with 90s of rest after each rotation
Tricep press-down
Tricep dips
Seated bilateral band press down
TRX prone tricep extension
Tricep overhead cable extension
Seated overhead DB extension

Day 5 – Back
Deadlift - 8 sets 6 reps at 85% of 3RM deadlift from 6-9” blocks
Pull ups – complete 40 reps
Seated cable row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 91% of bodyweight
Pull ups – complete 40 reps
Cable latissimus dorsi flexion – 5 sets 30 seconds @ 52% of bodyweight
Pull ups – complete 40 reps

Day 6 – Shoulders
Push press – 6 sets max reps @ 50% of bodyweight
Barbell upright row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 45% of bodyweight
DB hang clean and press – 6 sets 8 reps @ 43% of bodyweight
Lateral band or DB raise – 5 sets max reps in 30s @ 30% of bodyweight

Day 1 – Biceps - Circuit: six times through. 30s on 30s off. 90s between each rotation.
Barbell bicep curls - @ 55% of bodyweight
Seated preacher curl – @ 35% of bodyweight
Cable hammer curl - @ 55% of bodyweight
Behind head cable curl - @ 35% of bodyweight
DB hammer curls - @ 40% of bodyweight
Seated banded curl

Day 2 – Chest - Use sling shot or a VERY VERY competent spotter that will allow for such a difficult load
and rep scheme. There should be NO deviation in the quality of the movement patter. DO NOT do more
reps and sets....NO additional exercises between or after regardless of how you feel!!!
Bench press – 6 sets max reps at 100% of 3RM
DB press – 6 sets 12 reps @ 80% of 3RM
Seated machine chest press – 6 sets max reps @ 90% of 3RM
Chest dips – 5 sets max reps

Day 3 – Legs
Back squat – 10 sets 5 reps % 65% of 3RM
Belt squat / leg press – 8 sets 6 reps @ 90% of 3RM
Rear elevated split squat – 6 sets 6 reps each legs @ 50% of 3RM back squat
RDL – 6 sets 12 reps @ 67% of 3RM

Day 4 – Triceps - Circuit. First set is one minute on with 30 seconds of rest. Follow on rotations are 30s
on 30s rest. Adjust weight as needed throughout the circuit. Complete circuit five times with 60s of rest
after each rotation.
Tricep cable pressdown - @ 50% of bodyweight
Tricep dips
Seated double banded press down
TRX prone tricep extension
Tricep overhead cable extension - @ 40% of bodyweight
Close grip bench press @ 80% of bodyweight

Day 5 – Back - Keep rest periods between 90 seconds and three minutes. Adjust percentages down if
necessary, however do not increase percentages.
Perform 3 pull-ups after every set of the days training
Deadlift - 8 sets 5 reps at 85% of 3RM hex bar deadlift
Bent over row – 5 sets 3 reps @ 120% of bodyweight
Seated cable row – 5 sets 5 reps @ 120% bodyweight
Cable lat flexion – 5 sets 15 reps at 60% of bodyweight

Day 6 – Full body

Power clean / push press – 8 sets 10 reps @ 72% of bodyweight
DB clean and press – 8 sets for 30s @ 40% of bodyweight- A lot of glute action in the swing very much
like a Kettlebell swing and press.
Seated cable row – 8 sets 15 reps @ 100% of bodyweight
Overhead medicine ball throw – 8 sets 12 reps Use as heavy of a med ball available up to 100lbs. If the
med ball is only 20 or so pounds throw it as high as possible. If you are using a much heavier med ball,
execute a deadlift and throw it as forceful over alternating shoulders as possible.

Day 1 – Biceps - NOT to be completed as a circuit.

Barbell bicep curl – 5 sets 12 reps @ up to 63% of bodyweight
DB hammer curl - 5 sets 12 reps @ up to 60% of bodyweight
Seated preacher curl – 5 sets 12 reps @ 35% of bodyweight
TRX bicep curls – 5 sets 12 reps
Behind head cable curl – 5 sets 15 reps @ 30% of bodyweight

Day 2 – Chest
Bench press – 6 sets max reps @ 76 % or 3RM bench press – no sling shot
Seated machine chest press – 7 sets of 12 reps @ 80% of 3RM
Chest dips – 10 sets to failure

Day 3 – Legs
Front squat – 8 sets 3 reps @ 76% of 3RM of back squat
Belt squat / leg press – 5 sets 12 reps at 85% of 3RM
Barbell lunge – 5 sets 12 reps @ 31% of 3RM back squat
RDL – 6 sets 12 reps @ 67% or 3RM back squat

Day 4 – Triceps - First set is one minute on with 30 seconds of rest. Follow on rotations are 30s on 30s
rest. Adjust weight as needed throughout the circuit. Complete circuit five times with 60s of rest after each
Close grip bench press - @ 70% of 3RM of bench press
Skull crushers / French press - @46% of bodyweight
Overhead DB tricep extension - @ 55% of bodyweight
Tricep cable pressdown
Tricep dips

Day 5 – Back – perform 4 pull ups after every set during the days training
Deadlift – 5 sets of 12 reps at 65% of 3RM
Bent over DB row – 5 sets 8 reps @ 100% of bodyweight
Seated cable row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 100% of bodyweight
Cable latissimus dorsi flexion – 5 sets max reps in 1 minute sets

Day 6 – shoulders
Push press – 5 sets 10 reps @ 71% of bodyweight
Barbell upright row – 5 sets 12 reps @ 67% of bodyweight
Muscle snatch – 5 sets 8 reps at 51% of bodyweight
DB clean and press – 5 sets 12 reps @ 50% of bodyweight
Lateral band raise or DB raise – 5 sets max reps in 30s @ 27% of bodyweight

Day 1 – Biceps - Perform as a circuit except for the first exercise. Barbell bicep curl is done prior to
beginning circuit. Adhere strictly with the time intervals. Adjustments to weight must be made after each
Barbell bicep curl - @ 60% of bodyweight
DB hammer curl – @ 45% of bodyweight
Barbell preacher curl - @ 40% of bodyweight
TRX bicep curl
Band curls – attach a handle to the band and either stand on it or anchor the band to the ground somehow
Behind the head cable curl - @ 40% of bodyweight

Day 2 – Chest
Bench press – 6 sets max reps @ 82% of 3RM
DB bench press – 8 sets 8 reps @ 800% of 3RM
Seated machine chest press – 7 sets max reps @ 80% of 3RM
Chest dips – reps to follow – 20-20-15-15-15-12-12-10-10-10

Day 3 – Legs
Back squat - 6 sets 8 reps at 76% of 3RM
Belt squat / leg press – 8 sets 8 reps @ 110% of 3RM of back squat
Hatfield squat – 5 sets 8 reps FAST - @ 55 % of 3RM of back squat
Barbell RDL – 8 sets 8 reps fast @ 40% of 3RM of back squat

Day 4 – Triceps - Circuit. 30s on 30s off. Adjust weight as needed throughout the circuit. Circuit will be
completed in doubles. One circuit is two times through the six movements. Each exercise will be
completed six times in total, in this case two times through is one rotation do three rotations.
Tricep cable press down
Tricep dips
Seated bilateral band press down
Tricep DB overhead extension
Overhead cable extension

Day 5 – Total body

Power clean and push press – 8 sets 10 reps @ 75% of bodyweight
Pull ups - 8 sets max reps
DB hand clean and press - @ 40% of bodyweight max reps for 30s
Seated cable row – 8 sets 15 reps @ 10% of bodyweight

Day 6 – Shoulders
Push press – 5 sets 10 reps @ 76% of bodyweight
Muscle snatch - 6 sets 15 reps @ 45% of bodyweight
DB hang clean and press – 5 sets 12 reps @ 50% of bodyweight
DB high pull – 6 sets 12 reps @ 67% of bodyweight

After completing the program now find your 1RM’s.

Back squat_______________

Bench press______________


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