Applied Math - 1
Applied Math - 1
Applied Math - 1
Applied Mathematics I
by: Eleni S.
June, 2020
Unit One: Vectors and Vector Spaces
Unit description: This unit covers basic elements of vectors, lines and planes and vector space.
This unit will be delivered through brain storming, group discussion, interactive lecture and
students’ achievement will be assessed through continuous assessment and final examination.
1.4 Cross product
Brain storming: what comes to your mind when you hear the term vector product?
Definition: the cross product of vectors U and V is U x V = (| || |sin ) ̂
Question: find cross product ofgiven vectors.
1.5 Lines and planes
Brain storming: what comes to your mind when you hear the terms lines and planes?
Vector equation for a line
A vector equation for the line L through P0 (xo,yo,zo) parallel to V isr(t) = r0 + tv ,-
Were r is the position vector of a point P (x, y, z) on L and ro is the position vector of
po( x0,y0zo) .
Parametric equations for a line
The standard parameterization of the line through po(x0,y0,z0)Parallel to V = v1i +v2j +v3k is
X = x0 + tv1, Y =y0 + tv2,Z = to + tv3,- .
Equation for a plane
The plane through P0 (x0,y0,z0) normal to n = Ai +Bj +Ck has
Vector equation: n ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = 0
Component equation: A (x-x0) + B (y – y0) + C(z –z0) = 0
Component equation simplified: Ax + By + Cz = D, where D= Ax0 + By0 + Cz0 .
Question: prove that an equation for the plane passes through P0 (x0, y0, z0)
perpendicular to normal vector n=Ai+Bj+Ck.
1.6 Vector space; subspaces
Brain storming: what comes to your mind when you hear the term vector space?
Definition: Let K be afield. A vector space over the field K consists of asset Von which is
defined an operation of addition (usually denoted by+), associating to elements u and v in Van
element u+v of V, and an operation of multiplication by scalars, associating to each element a
in K and to each element v in V an element av of V, where the following axioms are satisfied:
1. for any vectors u, v,w V, (u+v) +w=u+(v +w);
2. there is a vector in V, denoted by0 and called the zero
vector, for whichu+0 =u for any vector u V;
3. for each vector u V there is a vector in V, denoted by–
u, for which u+(-u) =0;
4. for any vectors u, v V, u+v =v +u;
5. for any scalar a K and any vectors u, v V,
6. a (u+v) = au+av; [M2]
7. for any scalars a,b K and any vector u V,(a+b)u=au+bu;
8. for any scalars a,b K and any vector u V, (ab)u=a(bu)
9. for the unit scalar1 K, 1u=u for any vector u V.
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick: calculus with analytic geometry, 5 th ed.,
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, publishers, 5th ed., 1993
George B. Thomas Jr.Thomas Calculus, 11th ed., 2009
A Hand book of Applied Mathematics I
Gilbert Strang: Linear Algebra and its applications, 4th ed., 2006
Unit Description: This unit covers matrices and its determinants with their own operations and
properties, solving system of linear equations and the Eigen values and Eigen vectors. It will be
delivered by brainstorming, peer teaching, interactive lecture, group discussion and students
achievement will be assessed by questioning and answering, home work, class work, quiz and
group assignment.
Definition: Let K be afield and m,n N, are rectangular array of numbers or variables in k
A= ( ) is called a matrix in k.
1) Addition of matrices
2) Subtraction of matrices:
3) Equality of matrices
4) Additive inverse of a matrix:
5) Scalar multiplication of a matrix:
+ , the addition to the element of ith row of A and scalar times thecorresponding
elements of jth row.
2.5 Determinant
Definition: Let A be an n n matrix, we define determinants for n n matrices:
A= is given by =∑ ,1 i n.
( )
Question: explain about properties of matrices and solve problems related with
in n variable.
Question : solve different problems of the systems of linear equation
2.7 Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix
Suppose that A is a square matrix of orde rn, x is a non-zero vector in and is a scalar in a
field F. Then we say that x is an Eigen vector of A with Eigen value if .
A =( )
A=( ) B=( )
A= ( )
Unit Three: Limits and continuity
Unit description: - This unit focuses on limit and continuity. Interactive lecture, brain
storming, reading assignment and group discussion will be the mode of delivery. Students
will be assessed by questioning and answering, homework and test
Brain storming: Brain storming: what comes to your mind when you think about limit?
Definition: Let f(x) is defined on an open interval about Xo, except possibility at Xo itself. we say
that the limit of f(x) as X approaches Xo is the number L, and write =L
If for every number > 0, there exists a corresponding number > 0 such that for all x,
0 <| |<| |<
Question: give practical examples of limit.
If , then =0
If =
If ,then > 0 such that
0 <| |<| |> | |
Questions: discuss on properties of limits and evaluate limits of functions using
properties of limit
if given any positive number M, we can find a number > 0 Such that f(x)
satisfies f(x) > M if 0 <| |<
2) Let f(x) be defined for all x in some open interval containing a, except that f(x)
need not be defined at a. we will write f(x) = -
if given any negative number M,we can find a number > 0 such that f(x) satisfies
f(x) < M if 0 <| |<.
Limit at infinity
2. Oblique Asymptotes: If the degree of the number of a rational function is one greater
than the denominator, the graph has an oblique asymptotes.
3. Vertical Asymptote: A line x= a is a vertical asymptote of the graph of function Y = f(x)
if either
= or =
Question: evaluate infinite limits and limits at infinity of your practical examples.
3.5 Continuity
Brain Storming: Describe continuity?
A function f is said to be continuous at x = c provided the following conditions are satisfied :
f (c ) is defined.
= f(c )
Question: explain continuity of functions
3.6 Intermediate Value Theorem: Suppose f is continuous in the closed interval [a, b] and f (a)
≠ f (b). Then for every y0 between f (a) and f (b) there exists an x0 [a, b] such that f(x0) =y0.
Text Book:
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick: calculus with analytic geometry, 5th ed., Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, publishers, 1993.
Howard Anton: Calculus, 8thed.
George B. Thomas Jr.: Thomas Calculus, 11th ed., 2009
Begashaw Moltot: A Hand Book of Applied Mathematics I, Revised
Edition, 2005.
1. Define Limit.
2. Using the limit rule or law evaluate
a. ( x3+4x2-3 )
3. Describe the following functions are continuous everywhere on their respective domains.
a) √ b)
4. Show that a) b)
Unit Four: Derivatives and Application of Derivatives
Unit description: - This unit covers basic rules of derivatives, derivatives of inverse
function, higher order derivatives, implicit differentiation and applications of derivatives.
This will be delivered through brainstorming, interactive lecture, group discussion and the
achievement will be assessed by questioning and answering, class work, home work,
individual and group assignment and quiz.
Brain storming:
Question: What comes on your mind when you hear about derivative and rate of change?
4.1 Derivative
Brain storming:
Define derivative?
The derivative of the function f(x) with respect to the variable x is the functions f ' whose values
at x is
Therefore f has an inverse for x є ( ) and the inverse is called arc sine function we denoted
its value by arc sin x = sin x
2. The arc tangent function: Suppose the tangent function is restricted to the domain
( ) .Then an inverse for the tangent function can be obtained and it is called the arc
tangent function its values is denoted by arc tan x = tan-1x .
arccos = cos-1 x
arc cot x = cot -1 x
arc sec x = sec-1 x &
arccsc x = cse-1 x
Assessment: Find the inverse trigonometric functional value of
Solution: Let sin 3/4 = t t = =y
Then arc sin (t) = arc sin =y
siny = yє( )
y= .
Hyperbolic function
Definition: - Hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine functions denoted by sinhx and coshx
respectively are defined as;
= , x
= , x
The other hyperbolic functions are tanhx, cschx, sechx & cothx defined from the above given
sinnhx and conhx
Since = =
f is strictly increasing .
f has an inverse function
But = = =
Then X= = - 2x -1=0
So, = = x +√
Y= √
Therefore = √ ), x
The derivative of
= ( √ )) = √
. √
= √
.( 1 + )
There fore =
Possible Solution: .
, we say the function y is given explicitly in case the two variables are combined to given an
equation like etc, we say that function is given implicitly.
( )+ (4)
2x + 2y =0
2y = -2x =-
4.5 Application of derivatives
4.5.1 Extreme values of functions
Brain storming:
Question: What does it mean extreme values of a function?
Definition :( Absolute Maximum, Absolute Minimum)
Let f be a function with domain D. Then f has an absolute maximum value on D at a point c
if f(x) < f (c) ; for all x in D.
And f has an absolute minimum value on D at c if f(x) > f(c), for all x in D.
Theorem (Extreme Value)
If f is continuous on a closed interval [a, b ] , then f attains both an absolute maximum value M and an
absolute minimum m in [ a, b ] . That is, there are numbers x1 and x2 in [a, b] with f(x1) = m, and m <
f(x) <M for every other x in [a , b].
4.5.2 Mean Value Theorem:
Suppose is continuous on a closed interval [a , b] and differentiable in the interior (a ,b ). Then
there is at least one point c in at which
f '(c)
. Then
The graph of a differentiable function is
a) Concave up on an open interval I if is increasing on I .
b) Concave down on an open interval I if is decreasing on I.
A point where the graph of a function has a tangent line and the concavity changes is called inflection
4.5.5 Curve sketching
Strategy for graphing a function, .
1. Identify the domain of f and any symmetries the curve may have
2. Find y' and y''
3. Find the critical point of f, and identify the function’s behavior at each one
4. Find where the curve is increasing and where it is decreasing
5. Find the points of inflection, if any occur, and determine the concavity of the curve
6. Identify any asymptotes
7. Plot key points, such as the intercepts and the points found in steps 3 – 5, and sketch the curve
4.6 Velocity, acceleration and rate of change
Brain storming:
Explain velocity, acceleration and rate of change.
Interactive lecture
1. Velocity (instantaneous velocity) is the derivative of position with respect to time. If a
body’s position at time t is s = f (t), then the body velocity at time t is
2. Acceleration is the derivatives of velocity with respect to time. If a body’s position at
time t is
, then the body’s acceleration at time t is = .
3. The rate of change of f with respect to x at x0 is the derivative
, provided the limit exists.
Assessment: Explain velocity, acceleration and rate of change.
The possible answers are from the above notes.
4.7 Indeterminate form (L’ H pital's Rule)
Indeterminate Form ⁄
Theorem: L’ Hopital’s Rule (Stronger Form)
Suppose that f (a) = g (a) = 0, that f and g are differentiable on an open interval I containing a, and that
g'(x) 0 on I if x 0 , Then
…………. ⁄ forms
⁄ ⁄ ⁄
= , but still ⁄ ; differentiation again
⁄ ⁄
= = , not ⁄ ; limit is found.
Indeterminate form ( ⁄ , , . )
Some times when we try to evaluate a lime as x a by substituting x = a we get an ambiguous
expression like ⁄ , , . ) Instead of ⁄ .we first consider the form ⁄ ..
The L’ Hopitali’s rule applies to the indeterminate form ⁄ as well as to ⁄ . If f (x) + &
g (x) + as x a, then ,
, ⁄ forms
Solution: = = =
Text Book:
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick: calculus with analytic geometry, 5th ed., Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, publishers, 1993.
Howard Anton: Calculus, 8thed.
George B. Thomas Jr.: Thomas Calculus, 11th ed., 2009
Begashaw Moltot: A Hand Book of Applied Mathematics I, Revised
Edition, 2005.
Unit description: Indefinite and definite integral, techniques of integration and improper
integrals are the focus area of this unit. It will be delivered by brainstorming, interactive
lecture and group discussion. Students will be assessed by questioning and answering,
home work, quiz and individual assignment.
Question: What comes on your mind when you hear the word antiderivative?
1. Integration by substitution
It is useful for integrals involving expressions containing one of the following forms.
√ √ √ √
2. Integration by parts
Theorem: Let F and G be differentiable on [a, b] and assume that F and G are continuous on
[a,b], Then
∫ = G(x) - ∫ dx
3. Integration by partial fraction
5.2.3Integration by trigonometric substitution
Trigonometric substitution can be effective in transforming integrals’ involving √ ,
√ and √ in to integrals we can evaluate directly.
Then ∫ dx –∫ dx = -∫ = –
b) ∫ dx = ∫[ ]dx , because
= ∫[ ]dx = ( )+c
= + +c
c) we set 2 d , ,
Then ∫ √ =∫ =∫ ,√ =| |
√ | |
= ∫ , 0 for
= | |+c= | |+c= |√ | + c.
Remark:1) To evaluate ∫ dt,it suffices to find an anti derivative Fof f. But then ∫ dx =
F(x) + c.
Therefore ∫ dt – –
Thus if the indefinite integrals of f is known then the definite integral can be computed.
∫ , ∫ dx,∫
∫ ,∫ ,∫ dx
∫ ,∫ ,∫ dx
Possible Answer∫ = + = .
Text Book:
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick: calculus with analytic geometry, 5th ed., Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, publishers, 1993.
Howard Anton: Calculus, 8thed.
George B. Thomas Jr.: Thomas Calculus, 11th ed., 2009
Begashaw Moltot: A Hand Book of Applied Mathematics I, Revised
Edition, 2005.
Unit description: The focus area of this unit is application of integrals. Brainstorming,
interactive lecture, peer teaching and group discussion will be the mode of delivery.
Questioning and answering, group assignment, home work and quiz will help us to assess
the achievement of students.
6.1 Area a region bounded by given functions
Area of the parallelogram and triangle
Brain storming:
Define area of parallelogram and triangle?
Area of a parallelogram with a & b as adjacent sides and an included angle is | | .| |.sin .
Area of the triangle is equal to | || |.sin .
6.2 Volume of solid figures
Brain storming:
Question: What does volume of a solid figure refer?
In our first application we will use the integral to find a formula for the volume of a solid region
in space.
The Cross – Sectional method
Consider a solid region D having the following description. For every x in an interval [a,b], the
plan perpendicular to the x axis at x intersects D on plane region having area A(x). Our aim is to
define the volume of D.
If the cross sectional area is constant, that is,
A(x) = for a x
Then we define the volume to be the product of the constant cross sectional area
and the length of the interval [a, b]. This is consistent with the formula for the volume of a
rectangular parallelepiped.
Thus if a solid region D has cross sectional area A(x) for a x , and if A is continuous on
[a,b], then we define the volume V of D by the formula
V=∫ dx …………………(1)
Example: Find the volume V of the solid D. whose cross sectional at is semicircular with
radius x2, for .
Solution: Recall that the area of semicircular region with radius r is r2. Thus the cross
sectional area A(x) at is given by
2 2 4
A(x) = ) =
Therefore we conclude from (1) that
V=∫ dx = ∫ = | =
Disc Method: When the graph of a continues, nonnegative function f on an interval [a,b] is
revolved the x-axis, it generates a solid region having circular cross sections. Since the radius of
the cross section at is , it follows that
A(x) = [ ]
Thus from (1) we obtain a formula for the volume V of the solid that is generated:
Because the cross sections are discs, the use of (2) to compute volume is called the disc method.
If we let √ for –r x r
= (r2x - x3)| = r3
The volume V of the solid generated by revolving the region between the graphs of f and g on
the interval [a, b] is given by
When g is different from 0, the method of finding volumes by (3) is sometimes called the
washer method because the cross sections resemble washers.
Example: Let and let R be the region between the graphs of f and g
on [0, 3]. Find the volume V of the solid obtained by revolving R about the x-axis.
Group discussion: Determine the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region
bounded by y = √ and the lines y = 1, x= 4 about the line y = 1.
V =∫ = | =
L =∫ √ dx = ∫ √ dx
=∫ √ dx = ∫ √ dx
=∫ dx = ( | = +
Assessment: Let f(x) = + 2 for 0 x . Determine the arc length L of the graph of f.
Possible Answer L = .
Surface Area
Definition: Let f be nonnegative and continuously differentiable on [a, b]. The surface area of
the surface obtained by revolving the graph of f about the x axis is defined by
S=∫ √ [ ] dx ………………… (**)
Example: Let f(x) = √ for 0 x . Solve area S of the portion of the sphere obtained by
revolving the graph of f about the x axis.
Solution: Since (x) = √ it follows from(**) that
S=∫ √ √ dx
= ∫ √ √ √
= ∫ √ √
= ∫ = x| =
Assessment: Show that the surface area of a sphere of radius r is 4 r2.
Text book
Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick: calculus with analytic geometry, 3th ed., Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, publishers, 5th ed., 1993.
Gilbert Strang: Linear Algebra and its applications, 4th ed., 2006
Howard Anton: Calculus, 8thed.
George B. Thomas Jr.: Thomas Calculus, 11th ed., 2009
Berresford Rocket: Applied Calculus, 2004
Begashaw Moltot: A Hand Book of Applied Mathematics I, Revised Edition, 2005.