Part 1 Bidding Procedure
Part 1 Bidding Procedure
Part 1 Bidding Procedure
PART - 1
APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
PART 1 Bidding Procedures
Section - I Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section - II Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section - III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria(EQC)
Section – IV A Bidding Forms
Section - IV-B Pricing Document
Section - V Eligible Source Countries
PART 2 Employer’s Requirements
Section - VI.
Sub - Section A. General
Sub - Section B. Functional
Sub - Section C. Design
Sub - Section D. Construction
Sub - Section E. Appendices
Section - VI A – OHS&E Requirements
Volume 1. Control
Volume 2. Safety Manual
Volume 3. Environment
Section - VII. Outline Construction Specifications
Sub - Section 1. Civil and Structural Works
Sub - Section 2. Architectural Works
Sub - Section 3. Finishes
Sub - Section 4. Signages
Sub - Section 5. Plumbing and Drainage Works
Section - VIII. Employer’s Drawings
PART 3 Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
Section - IX. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section - X. Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
Section - XI. Annex to PCC Forms
PART 4 Reference Documents
A. Geotechnical Investigation Record
B. Temporary Traffic Diversion Plans
C. Existing Utilities Drawings
D. Proposed TNRDC Flyovers along OMR Drawings
E. Environment Management Plan Matrix and Environmental Impact
PART - 1
APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be
read as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
A. General................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Scope of Bid .......................................................................................................................................3
2. Source of Funds ................................................................................................................................3
3. Fraud and Corruption.......................................................................................................................3
4. Eligible Bidders .................................................................................................................................7
5 Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services ..............................................................................9
B. Contents of Bidding Document .................................................................................................... 9
6 Sections of Bidding Documents ...................................................................................................9
7 Clarification of Bidding Documents, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting .......................................10
8 Amendment of Bidding Document .............................................................................................11
C. Preparation of Bids........................................................................................................................ 11
9 Cost of Bidding................................................................................................................................11
10 Language of Bid ..........................................................................................................................11
11 Documents Comprising the Bid..............................................................................................12
12 Letter of Bid and Schedules.....................................................................................................12
13 Alternative Bids ...........................................................................................................................13
14 Bid Prices and Discounts .........................................................................................................13
15 Currencies of Bid and Payment ..............................................................................................14
16 Documents comprising the Technical proposal.................................................................16
17 Documents Establishing the Qualification of the Bidder.................................................16
18 Period of Validity of Bids ..........................................................................................................16
19 Bid Security/ Bid-Securing Declaration ................................................................................16
20 Format and Signing of Bid........................................................................................................18
D. Submission and Opening of Bids .............................................................................................. 19
21 Sealing and Marking of Bids ....................................................................................................19
22 Deadline for Submission of Bids ............................................................................................20
23 Late Bids........................................................................................................................................20
24 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids ..........................................................20
25 Bid Opening..................................................................................................................................20
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids.......................................................................................... 23
26 Confidentiality..............................................................................................................................23
27 Clarification of Bids....................................................................................................................23
28 Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions ...........................................................................24
29 Examination of Technical Bids................................................................................................24
30 Responsiveness of Technical Bid ..........................................................................................24
31 Nonmaterial Nonconformities..................................................................................................25
32 Qualification of the Bidder........................................................................................................25
33 Subcontractors ............................................................................................................................26
34 Correction of Arithmetical Errors ...........................................................................................26
35 Conversion to Single Currency ...............................................................................................27
36 Domestic Preference..................................................................................................................27
37 Evaluation and comparison of Price Bids............................................................................27
38 Abnormally Low bids .................................................................................................................28
39 Unbalanced or Front-Loaded Bids .........................................................................................29
40 Employer’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to reject any or All Bids ..............................29
41 Notice of Intention for Award of Contract ............................................................................29
F. Award of Contract .......................................................................................................................... 29
42 Award Criteria ..............................................................................................................................29
43 Notification of Award .................................................................................................................30
44 Signing of Contract.....................................................................................................................30
45 Performance Security ................................................................................................................30
46 Bidding-Related Complaints ....................................................................................................31
A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids (IFB) indicated in the
Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Employer, as indicated in the BDS,
issues this Bidding Document for the procurement of Works as
specified in Section 6 (Employer’s Requirements). The name,
identification, and number of contracts of the open competitive
bidding (OCB) are provided in the BDS.
(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth
below as follows:
(b) providing ADB with any items requested that are within the
party’s control including, but not limited to, documents and
other physical objects;
3.4 The Employer hereby puts the Bidder on notice that the Bidder
or any Joint Venture partner of the Bidder (if any) may not be
able to receive any payments under the Contract if the Bidder or
any of its Joint Venture partners, as appropriate, is, or is owned
(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this
bid; or
(g) a Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired
(or is proposed to be hired) by the Employer or Borrower as
Engineer for the contract; or
(h) a Bidder would be providing goods, works, or non-consulting
services resulting from or directly related to consulting
services for the preparation or implementation of the project
specified in the BDS ITB 2.1 that it provided or were
provided by any affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with that firm.
4.4 A firm shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement
activities under an ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported
project while under temporary suspension or debarment by ADB
pursuant to its Anticorruption Policy (see ITB 3), whether such
debarment was directly imposed by ADB, or enforced by ADB
pursuant to the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment
Decisions. A bid from a temporary suspended or debarred firm will
be rejected.
5 Eligible 5.1 The materials, equipment, and services to be supplied under the
Materials, Contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries as
Equipment and defined in ITB 4.2, and all expenditures under the Contract will be
Services limited to such materials, equipment, and services. At the
Employer’s request, Bidders may be required to provide evidence
of the origin of materials, equipment, and services.
5.2 For purposes of ITB 5.1 above, “origin” means the place where
the materials and equipment are mined, grown, produced, or
manufactured, and from which the services are provided.
Materials and equipment are produced when, through
manufacturing, processing, or substantial or major assembling of
components, a commercially recognized product results that
differs substantially in its basic characteristics or in purpose or
utility from its components.
PART II Requirements
Section 6 - Employer’s Requirements (ERQ)
6.2 The IFB issued by the Employer is not part of the Bidding
8 Amendment of 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the
Bidding Employer may amend the Bidding Document by issuing
Document addenda.
8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and
shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the
Bidding Document from the Employer in accordance with ITB 6.3.
8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an
addendum into account in preparing their Bids, the Employer
may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of
Bids, pursuant to ITB 22.2
C. Preparation of Bids
9 Cost of 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
Bidding and submission of its Bid, and the Employer shall in no case be
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.
10 Language of 10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to
Bid the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer, shall be
written in the language specified in the BDS. Supporting
documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be
11 Documents 11.1 The Bid shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously,
Comprising the one called the Technical Bid containing the documents listed in
Bid ITB 11.2 and the other the Price Bid containing the documents
listed in ITB 11.3, both envelopes enclosed together in an outer
single envelope.
11.2 The Technical Bid shall comprise the following:
(a) Letter of Technical Bid;
(b) Bid Security or Bid-Securing Declaration, in accordance with
ITB 19;
(c) alternative Bids, if permissible, in accordance with ITB 13;
(d) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to
commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB 20.2;
(e) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB 17, establishing
the Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract;
(f) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16; and
(g) any other document required in the BDS.
11.3 The Price Bid shall comprise the following:
12 Letter of Bid 12.1 The Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, and the Schedules,
and Schedules including the Bill of Quantities, shall be prepared using the
relevant forms furnished in Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The
forms must be completed without any alterations to the text, and
no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled
in with the information requested and as required in the BDS.
13 Alternative 13.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not
Bids be considered.
13.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a
statement to that effect will be included in the BDS, as will the
method of evaluating different times for completion.
13.3 Except as provided under ITB 13.4 below, Bidders wishing to
offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the Bidding
Document must first price the Employer’s design as described in
the Bidding Document and shall further provide all information
necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative by the
Employer, including drawings, design calculations, technical
specifications, breakdown of prices, and proposed construction
methodology and other relevant details. Only the technical
alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated Bidder conforming to
the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the
13.4 When specified in the BDS, Bidders are permitted to submit
alternative technical solutions for specified parts of the Works.
Such parts will be identified in the BDS and described in Section
6 (Employer’s Requirements). The method for their evaluation
will be stipulated in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification
14 Bid Prices and 14.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Letter of
Discounts Price Bid and in the Bill of Quantities shall conform to the
requirements specified below.
14.2 The Bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works
described in the Bill of Quantities. Items against which no rate or
price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the
Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the
rates for other items and prices in the Bill of Quantities.
14.3 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance
with ITB 12.1, shall be the total price of the Bid, excluding any
discounts offered. Absence of the total bid price in the Letter of
Price Bid may result in the rejection of the Bid.
14.4 The Bidder shall quote any discounts and the methodology for
their application in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance with
ITB 12.1.
14.5 The prices shall be either fixed or adjustable as specified in the
(a) In the case of Fixed Price, prices quoted by the Bidder shall
14.7 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor
under the Contract, or for any other cause, as of the date 28
days prior to the deadline for submission of bids, shall be
included in the rates and prices and the total Bid Price submitted
by the Bidder.
15 Currencies of 15.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder
Bid and entirely in the currency specified in the BDS.
15.2 Bidders shall indicate the portion of the bid price that
corresponds to expenditures incurred in the currency of the
Employer’s country in the Schedule of Payment Currencies
included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).
15.3 Bidders expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for
inputs to the Works supplied from outside the Employer’s
country and wishing to be paid accordingly may indicate the
other currencies in the Schedule of Payment Currencies
15.7 Bidders should note that during the progress of the Works, the
foreign currency requirements of the outstanding balance of the
Contract Price may be adjusted by agreement between the
Employer and the Contractor in order to reflect any changes in
foreign currency requirements for the Contract, in accordance
with Subclause 14.15 of the Conditions of Contract. Any such
adjustment shall be effected by comparing the percentages
quoted in the bid with the amounts already used in the Works
and the Contractor's future needs for imported items.
18 Period of 18.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS after
Validity of Bids the bid submission deadline date prescribed by the Employer. A
bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Employer
as nonresponsive.
18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid
validity period, the Employer may request Bidders to extend the
period of validity of their Bids. The request and the responses
shall be made in writing. If a bid security is requested in
accordance with ITB 19, it shall also be extended 28 days
beyond the deadline of the extended validity period. A Bidder
may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A
Bidder granting the request shall not be required or permitted to
modify its Bid.
19 Bid Security/ 19.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish
Bid-Securing as part of its Bid, in original form, either a Bid-Securing
Declaration Declaration or a bid security as specified in the BDS.
19.2 If a Bid-Securing Declaration is required pursuant to ITB 19.1, it
shall use the form included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The
Employer will declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a
Contract for a specified period of time, as indicated in the BDS,
if the Bid-Securing Declaration is executed.
20 Format and 20.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original set of the Technical Bid
Signing of Bid and one original set of the Price Bid comprising the Bid as
described in ITB 11 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL -
Bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB 13, shall be clearly
marked “ALTERNATIVE.” In addition, the Bidder shall submit
copies of the Technical and Price Bids, in the number specified
in the BDS, and clearly mark each of them “COPY.” In the event
of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the
original shall prevail. The original of the Bid shall be typed or
written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly
authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. This authorization
shall be in the form of a Power of Attorney included in the
Technical Bid. All pages of the Bid where entries or
amendments have been made shall be signed or initialed by the
person signing the Bid.
20.2 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in
indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to
sign on behalf of the Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a
written confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be
attached to the bid. The name and position held by each person
signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the
signature. If a Bidder submits a deficient authorization, the Bid
shall not be rejected in the first instance. The Employer shall
request the Bidder to submit an acceptable authorization within
the number of days as specified in the BDS. Failure to provide
an acceptable authorization within the period as stated in the
Employer’s request shall cause the rejection of the Bid. If either
the Letter of Technical Bid or Letter of Price Bid or Bid-Securing
Declaration (if applicable) is not signed, the Bid shall be
21.3 The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the
Technical Bid shall bear a warning not to open before the time
and date for the opening of Technical Bid, in accordance with
ITB 25.1.
21.4 The inner envelopes containing the Price Bid shall bear a
warning not to open until advised by the Employer in
accordance with ITB 25.7.
21.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the
Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or
premature opening of the Bid.
22 Deadline for 22.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address and no
Submission of later than the date and time indicated in the BDS.
22.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of Bids by amending the Bidding Document in
accordance with ITB 8, in which case all rights and obligations of
the Employer and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
23 Late Bids 23.1 The Employer shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the
deadline for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 22. Any
bid received by the Employer after the deadline for submission of
Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to
the Bidder.
24.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid – Technical
24 Withdrawal,
or Price – after it has been submitted by sending a written notice,
duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a
copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB 20.2 (except for
Modification of
withdrawal notices, which do not require copies). The
corresponding substitution or modification of the Bid must
accompany the respective written notice. All notices must be
21.1, shall be as specified in the BDS. The Price Bids will remain
unopened and will be held in custody of the Employer until the
specified time of their opening. If the Technical Bid and the Price
Bid are submitted together in one envelope, the Employer may
reject the entire Bid. Alternatively, the Price Bid may be
immediately resealed for later evaluation.
Only Technical Bids and alternative Technical Bids read out and
recorded at bid opening shall be considered for evaluation.
25.7 At the end of the evaluation of the Technical Bids, the Employer
will invite bidders who have submitted substantially responsive
Technical Bids and who have been determined as being qualified
for award to attend the opening of the Price Bids. The date, time,
and location of the opening of Price Bids will be advised in writing
by the Employer. Bidders shall be given reasonable notice of the
opening of Price Bids.
25.8 The Employer will notify Bidders in writing who have been
rejected on the grounds of their Technical Bids being substantially
nonresponsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document and
return their Price Bids unopened.
25.9 The Employer shall conduct the opening of Price Bids of all
Bidders who submitted substantially responsive Technical Bids, in
the presence of Bidders` representatives who choose to attend at
the address, on the date, and time specified by the Employer.
The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall be requested
to sign a register evidencing their attendance.
25.10 All envelopes containing Price Bids shall be opened one at a time
and the following read out and recorded:
(a) the name of the Bidder;
(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;
(c) the Bid Prices, including any discounts and alternative offers;
(d) any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate.
Only Price Bids discounts, and alternative offers read out and
recorded during the opening of Price Bids shall be considered for
evaluation. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, all pages of
the Letter of Price Bid and Bill of Quantities are to be initialed by
at least three representatives of the Employer attending bid
opening. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of Price Bids.
25.11 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Price Bids
that shall include, as a minimum, the name of the Bidder, the Bid
Price (per lot if applicable), any discounts, and alternative offers.
The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall be requested
to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the
record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A
copy of the record shall be distributed to all Bidders who
submitted Bids on time, and posted online when electronic
bidding is permitted.
26.3 Notwithstanding ITB 26.2, from the time of bid opening to the time
of Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Employer
on any matter related to the bidding process, it may do so in
27 Clarification of 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the
Bids Technical and Price Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask
any Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. Any clarification submitted
by a Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Employer
shall not be considered. The Employer’s request for clarification
and the response shall be in writing. No change in the substance
of the Technical Bid or prices in the Price Bid shall be sought,
offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of
arithmetic errors discovered by the Employer in the evaluation of
the Price Bids, in accordance with ITB 34.
27.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its Bid by the date
and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its Bid may
be rejected.
28.1 During the evaluation of Bids, the following definitions apply:
28 Deviations,
(a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in
and Omissions
the Bidding Document;
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or
withholding from complete acceptance of the requirements
specified in the Bidding Document; and
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information
or documentation required in the Bidding Document.
29 Examination of 29.1 The Employer shall examine the Technical Bid to confirm that all
Technical Bids documents and technical documentation requested in ITB 11.2
have been provided, and to determine the completeness of each
document submitted.
29.2 The Employer shall confirm that the following documents and
information have been provided in the Technical Bid. If any of
these documents or information is missing, the offer shall be
(a) Letter of Technical Bid;
(b) written confirmation of authorization to commit the Bidder;
(c) Bid Security or Bid-Securing Declaration, if applicable; and
(d) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16.
30.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid
submitted in accordance with ITB 16, Technical Proposal, in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of Section 6
(Employer’s Requirements) have been met without any material
deviation, reservation, or omission.
33.2 If subcontractors are proposed for any of the key activities listed
in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification) Criteria 2.4.2, they
shall be considered as “Specialist Subcontractors” and shall meet
qualification requirements for the relevant key activities.
34 Correction of 34.1 During the evaluation of Price Bids, the Employer shall correct
Arithmetical arithmetical errors on the following basis:
(a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be
corrected, unless in the opinion of the Employer there is an
obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in
which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit
price shall be corrected.
34.2 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not
accept the correction of errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and its
bid security may be forfeited or its Bid-Securing Declaration
35 Conversion to 35.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the currency(ies) of the
Single Bid shall be converted into a single currency as specified in the
Currency BDS.
36 Domestic 36.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, domestic preference shall
Preference not apply.
37 Evaluation and 37.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in
comparison of this Clause. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be
Price Bids permitted.
37.2 To evaluate a Price Bid, the Employer shall consider the following:
(a) the bid price, excluding Provisional Sums and the provision,
if any, for contingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities,
but including Daywork items, where priced competitively;
(b) price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in
accordance with ITB 34.1;
(c) price adjustment due to discounts offered in accordance
with ITB 14.4;
(d) converting the amount resulting from applying (a) to (c)
above, if relevant, to a single currency in accordance with
ITB 35;
(e) adjustment for nonmaterial nonconformities in accordance
with ITB 31.3;
(f) assessment whether the bid is abnormally low in
accordance with ITB 38; and
(g) application of all the evaluation factors indicated in Section
3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).
37.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the
Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the
Contract, shall not be taken into account in bid evaluation.
38 Abnormally 38.1 An abnormally low bid is one where the bid price, in combination
Low bids with other elements of the bid, appears to be so low that it raises
concerns as to the capability of the Bidder to perform the contract
for the offered bid price.
38.2 When the offered bid price appears to be abnormally low, the
Employer shall undertake a three-step review process as follows:
38.3 With regard to ITB 38.2 (b) above, the Employer will seek a
written explanation from the bidder of the reasons for the offered
bid price, including a detailed analysis of costs and unit prices, by
reference to the scope, proposed methodology, schedule, and
allocation of risks and responsibilities. This may also include
information regarding the economy of the manufacturing process;
the services to be provided, or the construction method to be
used; the technical solutions to be adopted; and any exceptionally
favorable conditions available to the bidder for the works,
equipment or services proposed.
38.4 After examining the explanation given and the detailed price
analyses presented by the bidder, the Employer may:
(b) accept the bid, but require that the amount of the
performance security be increased at the expense of the
bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against
financial loss. The amount of the performance security
39 Unbalanced or 39.1 If the Bid, which results in the lowest evaluated Bid Price, is
Front-Loaded seriously unbalanced or front-loaded in the opinion of the
Bids Employer, the Employer may require the Bidder to produce
detailed price analyses for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities,
to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the
construction methods and schedule proposed, as well as the
pricing and sources of materials, equipment and labor.
40 Employer’s 40.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and
Right to Accept to annul the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior
Any Bid, and to to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to
reject any or All Bidders. In case of annulment, all Bids submitted and specifically,
Bids bid securities, shall be promptly returned to the Bidders.
41 Notice of 41.1 If Standstill provisions apply as specified in the BDS, the standstill
Intention for period shall be defined in the BDS to specify the duration
Award of subsequent to notification of intention for award of contract
Contract (before making the actual contract award) within which any
unsuccessful bidder can challenge the proposed award.
F. Award of Contract
42 Award Criteria 42.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer
has been determined in line with ITB 37 to ITB 39 above to be the
lowest evaluated Bid and is substantially responsive to the
Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder is determined
43 Notification of 43.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity and upon expiry
Award of the standstill period specified in ITB 41.1, or upon satisfactory
resolution of a complaint filed within standstill period, if applicable,
the Employer shall transmit the Notification of Award using the
form included in Section 9 (Contract Forms) to the successful
Bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted.
44 Signing of 44.1 Promptly upon notification, the Employer shall send the
Contract successful Bidder the Contract Agreement.
PART - 1
APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be
read as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and
tender drawings.
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
A. General
ITB 1.1 The number of the Invitation for Bids (IFB) is:
country of origin.
c) A Joint Venture of no more than three companies of (a) and or
(b) above.
In case of a JV, the lead member shall have maximum share in the
A copy of MOU or JV agreement signed by all the members shall
be submitted with the tender. Change in constitution or percentage
participation of JV shall not be permitted at any stage after their
submission of Tender and thereafter.
The authorized representative from the JV shall be signatory of the
The authorized representative of the JV shall be authorized to
receive instructions for and on behalf of any or all members of the
Joint Venture.
All members of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally
responsible for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Contract.
The Letter of Technical Bid and the Letter of Price Bid and other
forms wherever required shall be stamped & signed by the
authorized representative of the JV and shall be legally binding on
all the Members of the JV.
Throughout the Bidding Documents, including under Section 1,
Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4, the expressions ‘’Joint
Venture’’ or ‘’JV’’ shall have the same meaning as stipulated under
the Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause; and ‘’JV
undertaking’’ as stipulated in PCC Sub-Clause
Similarly, in the context of Joint Venture, throughout the Bidding
documents, the word ‘’ leader’’, as stipulated under the Conditions
of Contract Sub-Clause 1.14, is synonymous with the word
‘’Representative’’ and with the words ‘’lead partner’’ and with ‘’Lead
Partner’’; the word ‘’member’’ is synonymous with the word
‘’partner’’ and with ‘’Partner’’; and the word ‘’members’’ is
synonymous with ‘’partners’’ and with ‘’Partners’’.
ITB 4.10 Add a new ITB 4.10
(a) Indian Bidder(s), or Indian Members of a JV shall submit, a copy
of the Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by the Income
Tax Authorities and a certified copy of the last 3 years (including
the latest Financial Year) income tax return, duly acknowledged
by Income Tax department with their Bid and the Technical
Package. In case the Indian member of a JV is a wholly owned
100% subsidiary of their foreign member in the said JV and this
Indian company has been formed less than 3 years ago, the
certified copy of the latest Financial Year income tax return
(applicable only if company was formed more than a year ago),
duly acknowledged by Income Tax department shall be
submitted in the Technical Package.
(b) Foreign Bidder(s) should be covered under the grant of general
permission to establish project offices in India (as per RBI
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 10.1 The Language of the bid is: English
All correspondence exchange shall be in English language.
Language for translation of supporting documents and printed
literature is English.
Supporting documents related to Qualification criteria enclosed with
the bid, other than English Language, should be translated in to
English and each such translated page will have to be
notarized/registered with appropriate statutory authority in the
jurisdiction where the supporting document is being issued and
should be endorsed by Indian Embassy.
The bidder should provide the relevant contact number & E-Mail ID
along with the postal address, in English, of issuing authority /
agency of such documents for verification purpose.
ITB 11.1 Replace ITB 11.1 with the following
The Bidder shall, on or before 10-05-2022, 15:00 hrs, upload his Bid
(Technical +Financial) on e-tendering portal of CPP in accordance with provisions
of ITB 21
The Bid shall comprise two parts submitted simultaneously, one
called the Technical bid containing the documents listed in ITB 11.2
and the other the Financial Bid containing the documents listed in
ITB 11.3.
The Bidder shall also submit the following originals to the office of
Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement), CMRL at the
address mentioned in ITB 7.1 within Bid submission due date by
person / Post / Courier failing which the bid shall be rejected.
(a) Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT towards cost of Tender
(b) Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT towards Bid
Security. In case of BG with validity as mentioned in ITB 19.3
In case of NEFT /RTGS/SWIFT /DD, Name of the Bidder and Bid
Number is to be written on the backside.
ITB 11.2(b) Replace ITB 11.2 (b) with the following
The original Bid Security document (in the form of BG/DD) in
accordance with ITB 19.1 and ITB 19.3 shall be submitted by the Bidder
at the Employer’s address indicated in the BDS 7.1 by or before the
date and time specified in the e-tendering portal as an initial filter for
opening of the Bid. Bidder shall upload a scanned copy of the Bid
Security on the CPP portal along
with Bid submission.
ITB 11.2(g) Add the following to Para (g):
The bidder shall submit the following additional documents in their
(a) Outline Quality Plan:
The Bidder shall submit as part of its Bid an Outline Quality Plan
illustrating the intended means of compliance with the, Section
VI, Employer’s Requirements, and setting out in summary form
ITB 23.1 Add at the end of ITB 23.1 with the following
In case of E-Procurement, the Bidder shall submit his Bid through
E-tender portal of CPP before 10-05-2022, 15-00 hrs or as
amended in Corrigendum in accordance with ITB 8.2. Submission
of Bids shall be closed on CPP portal at the date & time of
submission as prescribed in ITB 22.1 after which no tender can be
ITB 24.1 Replace ITB 24.1 with the following
Bidder may withdraw their bid, before the bid submission date and
time using their DSC by logging into the e-tendering portal with their
Login ID and Password.
ITB 24.2 Bids withdrawn in accordance with ITB 24.1 shall not be opened.
ITB 25.1 Replace ITB 25.1 with the following
The e-tender opening shall take place at 10-05-2022, 17-00 hrs
(IST) and at the address as mentioned in ITB 7.1. The Technical
bids will be decrypted and opened online. Till such time, the bids
will be only in the encrypted form. After the scheduled time, the bids
will be opened by stipulated bid openers with their Digital Signature
Certificates (DSC) key.
ITB 25.2 to Add at the end of each ITB from 25.2 to 25.6 with the following:
ITB 25.6 In case of E-Procurement, please refer to Annexure to BDS.
ITB 25.7 Add at the end of ITB 25.7 with the following
In case of E-Procurement, after evaluation of Technical bids, all the
bidders who participated in the bid will get an information regarding
their acceptance or otherwise rejection of their technical bid.
Thereafter, a system generated email confirmation will be sent to all
CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 11 April 2022
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
ITB 25.9 Add at the end of the ITB 25.9 with the following
In case of E-Procurement, a system generated e-mail confirmation
will be sent to all Technically qualified bidders communicating the
date and time of opening of price-bid to their registered e-mail ID
and registered mobile number.
ITB 25.10 Replace ITB 25.10 with the following:
The Employer shall conduct the electronic opening of Financial
parts on e- Tendering portal. The opening of Financial bids and
subsequent details can be viewed by the tenderers by logging on
the e-tendering portal.
On opening the Financial bid, the e-procurement system will
automatically generate the Comparative Statement of total prices
quoted by the bidders and the same can be viewed by bidders.
ITB 25.11 Add at the end of the ITB 25.11 with the following
In case of E-tendering, the bids are opened electronically with the
DSC key of bid opening authorities which can be viewed by all the
bidders by logging into the CPP portal.
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
ITB 32.2 The qualifications of other firms such as the Bidder’s subsidiaries,
parent entities, affiliates, Subcontractors shall not be permitted.
ITB 34.1 & Add at the end of the ITB 34.1& 34.2 with the following:
ITB 34.2 In case of E-Tendering, e-procurement procedure will be followed.
ITB 35.1 The currency that shall be used for Bid evaluation and comparison
purposes to convert all Bid Prices expressed in various currencies
into a single currency is: Indian Rupees (INR)
The source of selling exchange rate shall be: Financial
Benchmarks India Pvt Ltd (FBIL) as delegated by the Reserve
Bank of India vide their order no. RBI/2018-19/34 DBR.Ret.BC No.
01/12.01.001/2018-19 dated August 02, 2018.
The date for the selling exchange rate shall be: 28 days prior to
the stipulated date of submission of the Bid.
ITB 36.1 Domestic preference shall not apply
ITB37.2 (a) Replace ITB 37.2 (a) with the following
To evaluate a Price Bid, the Employer shall consider the following:
(a) The Bid Price including discounts if any, uploaded in e-
procurement portal but excluding Provisional Sum and GST;
ITB 37.4 Replace ITB 37.4 with the following
Refer to EQC 1.8
F. Award of Contract
ITB 43.1 Notification of award of Contract shall be intimated to the successful
bidder by sending scanned copy of the letter through e-mail and
hardcopy of the letter by post.
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal,
using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the
bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the
requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:
a) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: by clicking on the
link “Online bidder Enrollment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.
b) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
c) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of
the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP
d) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying
Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their
e) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to
a) “Certifying Authorities” under CCA are issuing Digital Signature to Foreign bidders.
Below are the names of the vendors issuing DSC to Foreign bidders?
i. Capricorn Identity Services Pvt. Ltd.( )
ii. eMudhra ( )
1. There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters
such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to
search for a tender published on the CPP Portal.
2. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the
respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the
bidders through SMS/e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender
3. The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in
case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.
1. Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their bids.
2. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the
number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of
documents - including the names and content of each of the document that need to be
submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
Bidder, in advance, should get ready with the required documents to be submitted as
indicated in the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS /
RAR / DWF/JPG formats. Documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and
white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document.
3. To ease with CPP Portal bid submission checklist for documents/form submission is
enclosed in every tender. Bidders at their own interest shall arrange the
documents/forms as per the checklist and upload the same at the time of the bid
4. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading
such standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates
etc.) has been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other
Important Documents’’ area available to them to upload such documents. These
documents may be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a
bid, and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the
time required for bid submission process.
Note: My Documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the
uploading process. If Bidder has uploaded his Documents in My Documents space, this
does not automatically ensure these Documents being part of Technical Bid.
(a) Bidder should log into the CPP Portal site well in advance for bid submission so that
they can upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the last date and time of bid
submission. Attempting to upload the bid in the last minute, may result in JAVA or
other related software failures and internet connectivity failures. Bidder will be solely
responsible for any delay due to such issues or other related issues and CMRL does
not take any responsibility towards bid submission failure in such circumstances.
(b) It is the directive of Govt. of India to process tendering on line to ensure transparency,
and fairness in the process and security of documents. Hence, the bidder has to submit
the bids on line in the system available at the above referred portal. The bidder has to
agree to the online user portal agreement. Then only, the system will permit the bidder
to proceed further in the system. He has to fill all mandatory fields indicated by an
asterisk (*).
(d) It is the bidder’s responsibility to comply with the system requirement i.e. hardware,
software and internet connectivity at bidder’s premises to access the e-tender website.
Under any circumstances, CMRL shall not be liable to the bidders for any
direct/indirect loss or damages incurred by them arising out of incorrect use of the e-
tender system or internet connectivity failures.
(e) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document and as per the checklist.
(f) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as
applicable and enter details of the instrument.
(h) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as
the standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the
bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid
(i) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of
the bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology.
Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded
to the server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated
symmetric key. Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using
buyers/bid opener’s public keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become
readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid openers.
(j) The uploaded bids become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
bid openers of CMRL.
(k) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message &
a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of
the bid with all other relevant details.
(l) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the
submission of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any
bid opening meetings.
a) The Technical bids will be decrypted and opened online, on or after the scheduled
date and time. Till such time, the bids will be only in the encrypted form. After the
scheduled time, the bids will be opened by stipulated Bid Openers with their Digital
Signature Certificates (DSC).
b) After evaluation of technical bids, evaluation report will be published by CMRL there
after all the bidders who participated in the tender will get information regarding their
acceptance or otherwise of their technical bid. Thereafter, a system generated e-mail
confirmation will be sent to all Technically qualified bidders communicating the date
and time of opening of price-bid, in case of TWO BID SYSTEM ONLY.
c) Incase of ADB tenders bids will be opened on the same day and after the 2 hours of
Any order resulting from this tender enquiry, shall be governed by the terms &
conditions of the tender, and the tenderer quoting against this enquiry, shall be
deemed to have read and understood the same.
The tenderer shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of
its offer, and CMRL will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless
of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process including cancellation of this
tender process.
a) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the
relevant contact person indicated in the tender.
b) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP
Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.
c) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk
Number +91 0120-4200462, +91 0120-4001002, +91 0120-4001005 and
a. E-Mail : support- eproc[at]nic[dot]in
b. Note- Bidders are requested to kindly mention the URL of the Portal and
Tender Id in the subject while emailing any issue along with the Contact
c. For any Policy related matter / Clarifications Please contact Dept of
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance E-Mail : cppp-doe[at]nic[dot]in
d. For any Issues / Clarifications relating to the published tender(s) Kindly
contact the respective Tender Inviting Authority/CMRL.
11. Price Bid: Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their
financial bids in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid
has been given as a standard BoQ format with the tender document, then the same is
to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download
the BoQ file, open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their
respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other
cells should be changed.. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid
will be rejected. The bidders should not rename the file or modify the format
while uploading in the system. The file name should be the same as the file name
given in the tender. The filled price bid shall be uploaded and submitted ONLY
in the e-procurement portal. The bidders may modify and resubmit the bid on-line,
if he wishes before the bid submission date and time. The system will accept only the
last submitted bid. Bidder can find out the status of his tender on line, any time after
opening the bids. Upon opening of financial bids, the system will generate a
comparative statement indicating ranking of bidders as per their quoted price.
12. Withdrawal of Bid: Bidder may withdraw a bid submitted already before the bid
submission date and time. Bidders can withdraw the bid on CPP Portal using DSC.
The tender must be valid for a minimum period of 90/120180 days from the stipulated
date of the tender opening as indicated in Tender Document. In exceptional
circumstances, CMRL may request for extending the period of validity for a specified
additional period. CMRL request and tenderer response shall be made in writing.
14. Any special conditions mentioned in any document by the bidder will not be
acceptable to CMRL. Conditional Bids will be rejected.
15. Any other means of tender submission will not be accepted by CMRL.
To facilitate payment of tender fee and bid security through RTGS, NEFT &
IMPS/SWIFT, the details of bank account & GST Number of CMRL are mentioned
MICR 600017014
17. The Name and Designation of Officer and Place submission of Bid Security & Bid
document Cost, Pre-bid Meeting and for clarification Purposes is
This document gives the procedure to be followed by bidders who are resident of
countries other than India for participating in Online Tendering Activity.
As per the IT ACT 2000, all bidders who participate in the online bidding process in
this site should possess a valid Digital Signature issued by any of the Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) vendors approved by CCA, India ( The
following document gives the procedure that is generally followed by various
Generally, the documents that are required to be submitted by Foreign Nationals are
as follows:
1. Identity Proof (ID Proof) of the person in whose name DSC has to be issued
(E.g. Passport copy).
2. Bank account statement in country of residence, duly attested by Indian
Embassy / High Commission / Consulate / Apostille in the country where the
applicant is currently located. (At least 6 months of Bank transactions) with the
proof indicating the account is owned by the Individual.
3. Copy of the Trade license attested by any one of the authorities as specified in
Point 2 above.
4. As the Individual is representing the company, an Authorization on company’s
letter head as given in the form
5. Copy of the Authorization letter or invitation letter from department
for the participation in the tender by any one of the tender inviting authority.
As of now, it is learnt that GNFC, issue DSCs with the above procedure. The copy of
the nCodes and eMudhra Format is enclosed as Annexure; the Copies of other
vendors will be made available on receipt of information from these vendors.
Note: The Information given by the vendors is attached for facilitating the Foreign
Nationals to procure DSCs from the Indian CA authorized vendors for information
purpose only as shared by the respective CA's.
Please find below the details of various vendors and application form for obtaining
b) eMudhra
PART - 1
APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase -2, Corridor-3 Part-1, Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 37.2 (a) – (f), other relevant factors are as
1.1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal
Evaluation of the Bidder's Technical Proposal will include an assessment of the Bidder's
technical capacity to mobilize key equipment and personnel for the contract consistent with
its proposal regarding work methods, scheduling, and material sourcing in sufficient detail
and fully in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Part 2, Employer’s
CMRL, the Employer, has floated many tenders for various packages in respect of
Phase-II of Chennai Metro Rail Project for different corridors and the tenders are at
different stages from invitation to evaluation.
In case, the bidder has already been awarded any of the other packages and
intends to participate in the present bid, then the bidder's annual turnover will be
subjected to the combined requirement of annual turnover asked against any
awarded package(s) to the bidder, and the bid under consideration as on the date
of evaluation of the technical package.
2. Qualification
i) Exchange Rate for Qualification Criteria:
Wherever a Form in Section IV A, Bidding Forms, requires a Bidder to state a monetary
amount, Bidders should indicate the INR equivalent using the rate of exchange determined
as follows:
(a) For turnover or financial data required for each year - Exchange rate (Selling rate)
prevailing on the last day of the respective calendar year.
(b) Value of Contract - Exchange rate (Selling rate) prevailing on the date of completion of
the Contract / date given in substantial completion certificate as applicable.
Exchange rates shall be taken from the publicly available source identified in ITB 35.1 or,
in case such rates are not available in the source identified above, any other publicly
available source acceptable to the Employer. Any error in determining the exchange rates
may be corrected by the Employer.
ii) JV Participation:
In case of a JV, The Lead member shall have majority share of participation in the proposed
JV/ consortium for this work.
Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.1 Eligibility
Forms ELI-1
Must meet Must meet Must meet and ELI-2, with
2.1.1 Nationality Nationality in accordance with ITB 4.2 N/A attachments
requirement requirement requirement
Conflict of No conflicts of interest in accordance Must meet Must meet Must meet Letter of
2.1.2 N/A
Interest with ITB 4.3 requirement requirement requirement Technical Bid
Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.2.3 Pending NOT USED
Litigation and
Notes for the Bidder
(i) Non-performance, as decided by the Employer, shall include all contracts
a) where non-performance was not challenged by the contractor, including through referral to the dispute resolution mechanism under
the respective contract, and
b) contracts that were so challenged but fully settled against the contractor.
Non-performance shall not include contracts where Employer’s decision was overruled by the dispute resolution mechanism. Non-
performance must be based on all information on fully settled disputes or litigation, i.e. dispute or litigation that has been resolved in
accordance with the dispute resolution mechanism under the respective contract and where all appeal instances to the Bidder have been
(ii) This requirement also applies to contracts executed by the Bidder as a JV Member.
Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.3 Financial Situation
2.3.1 Historical Submission of audited financial
Financial statements/balance sheets or, if not
Performance required by the laws of the Bidder’s
country, other financial statements
acceptable to the Employer, for the
last five years to demonstrate the FORM FIN-1
Must meet Must meet
current soundness of the Bidder’s N/A N/A with
requirement requirement
financial position. attachments
As a minimum, the Bidder’s Net worth
for the last year calculated as the
difference between total assets and
total liabilities should be positive.
2.3.2 Average Annual Minimum average annual
Construction construction turnover of INR 480 Must meet Must meet
Turnover Crores, calculated as total certified Must meet Must meet minimum minimum
payments received for contracts in requirement requirement 25 % of the 40 % of the
progress and/or completed, within requirement requirement
the last 3 years divided by 3 years.
2.3.3 Financial The Bidder must demonstrate that its
Resources financial resources defined in FIN-3,
less its financial obligations for its Must meet Must meet
current contract commitments Must meet Must meet minimum minimum Form FIN-3 &
defined in FIN-4, meet or exceed the requirement requirement 25 % of the 40 % of the FIN-4
total requirements for the subject requirement requirement
contract of INR 80 Crores
Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.4.1 Contracts of Participation as a contractor or Joint
Similar Size and Venture Partner in contracts in an
Nature urban environment, that have been
successfully or substantially#
completed between 01st January
2010) and bid submission deadline
shall meet the following eligibility
A minimum number of
(a) One contract of value INR. 766
Crores or above
Must meet
(b) Two contracts of value each INR. Must meet Must meet minimum Form EXP-1
478 Crores or above N/A
requirement requirement 50% of the
OR requirement
(c) Three contracts of value each
INR. 383 Crores or above
Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.4.2 Construction For the works stated in 2.4.1 above or
Experience in other contracts completed or under
Key Activities implementation as a contractor
(single entity or JV Member)
between 01st January 2010 and bid
submission deadline , a minimum
construction experience in the
following key activities shall be
satisfied: N/A
Must meet Must meet Must meet
(i) Successful/Substantial Form EXP-2
requirement requirement requirement
completion of minimum 3 Kms
Elevated corridor
Highways/Flyovers / Railway
Bridges .
3. Price levelling:
A weightage of 5% (Compounded annually from the date of completion of the works to the
date of bid submission) shall be given for equating the works of the previous years to the
current year executed under INR portion of the contract Foreign currency component shall
be converted into INR equivalent by applying respective exchange rate on date of
completion / substantial completion as applicable. Upon converting into INR, 5% inflation
per year (annual compounding) shall be applied for completed projects only for updating
to the current price level.
The above is applicable for all the financial and work experience calculations.
PART - 1
APRIL 2022
Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms
Table of Forms
Date : ……………….
Invitation for Bid No.: C3/ECV-01/RT01
Director Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India
(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following
Works: “Insert Name of the work”
(c) Our Bid consisting of the Technical Bid and the Price Bid shall be valid for a
period of 120 days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in
accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us
and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
(d) Our firm, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
Contract, have nationalities from eligible countries in accordance with ITB 4.2.
(e) We, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the contract, do
not have any conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 4.3.
(g) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, its affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
contract, are not subject to, or not controlled by any entity or individual that is
subject to, a temporary suspension or a debarment imposed by the Asian
Development Bank or a debarment imposed by the Asian Development Bank
(h) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
Contract, are not, or have never been, temporarily suspended, debarred,
declared ineligible, or blacklisted by the Employer’s country, any international
organization, and other donor agency.
(i) Our firm’s, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company’s affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers key officers and
directors have not been [charged or convicted] of any criminal offense
(including felonies and misdemeanours) or infractions/violations of ordinance
which carry the penalty of imprisonment.
These institutions include African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD), Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and the World Bank Group. According to paragraph 9 of the
Agreement, other international financial institutions may join upon the consent of all Participating Institutions
and signature of a Letter of Adherence by the international financial institution substantially in the form
provided (Annex B to the Agreement). Upon adherence, such international financial institution shall become a
Participating Institution for purposes of the Agreement. Bidders are advised to check for
(j) We understand that it is our obligation to notify ADB should our firm, Joint
Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries,
including any Subcontractors or Suppliers, be temporarily suspended,
debarred or become ineligible to work with ADB or any other MDBs, the
Employer’s country, international organizations, and other donor agencies, or
any of our key officers and directors be charged or convicted of any criminal
offense or infractions/violations of ordinance which carry the penalty of
(k) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers, are not from a country
which is prohibited to export goods to or receive any payments from the
Employer’s country by an act of compliance with a decision of the United
Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
(m) We have not been suspended nor declared ineligible by the Employer based
on execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration in accordance with ITB 4.6.
(n) We agree to permit ADB or its representative to inspect our accounts and
records and other documents relating to the bid submission and to have them
audited by auditors appointed by ADB.
(o) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to mobilizing key equipment and personnel
in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 6 (Employer’s
Requirements) and our technical proposal, or as otherwise agreed with the
Use one of the two options as appropriate
Name ………………………………………………………………………………………
In the capacity of …………………………………………………………………………
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of ………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date : ……………….
Invitation for Bid No.: C3/ECV-01/RT01
Director Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India
(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents and the Technical
Bid submitted for the following Works, “Insert Name of the work”
(c) The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is:
[amount of foreign currency in words], [amount in figures], and [amount of local
currency in words], [amount in figures]
The total bid price from the Summary of Bill of Quantities should be entered by the bidder inside
this box. Absence of the total bid price in the Letter of Price Bid may result in the rejection of
the bid.
(e) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for the bid
submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period.
(g) We have paid, or will pay the following commissions, gratuities, or fees with
respect to the bidding process or execution of the Contract. *
(h) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof
included in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract
between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed.
(i) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid
or any other bid that you may receive.
(j) We agree to permit ADB or its representative to inspect our accounts and
records and other documents relating to the bid submission and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by ADB.
Name ………………………………………………………………………………………
In the capacity of …………………………………………………………………………
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of ………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Bid Security
Bank Guarantee
[Bank’s name, and address of issuing branch or office] *
Beneficiary: [Name and address of the Employer]
Bid Security No.: ...........................................................................................................................................................................
We have been informed that [name of the Bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has
submitted to you its bid dated [please specify] (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the
execution of [name of contract] under Invitation for Bids No. [please specify] (“the IFB”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be
supported by a bid guarantee.
At the request of the Bidder, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay
you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in words] [amount in
figures] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written
statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid
conditions, because the Bidder
(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder
in the Letters of Technical and Price Bid; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions
to Bidders (hereinafter “the ITB”); or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer during the
period of bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement,
or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with
the ITB, or (iii) fails or refuses to furnish a domestic preference security, if
This guarantee will expire (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt
of copies of the Contract Agreement signed by the Bidder and the Performance
Security issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not
the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification
to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder, or (ii) 28 days after the expiration
of the Bidder’s bid.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by
us at the office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC
Publication No. 458.#
[Authorized signature(s) and bank’s seal (where appropriate)]
* All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final document.
# Or 758 as applicable.
4. Bid-Securing Declaration
6. Technical Proposal
[The Bidder shall provide the names of suitably qualified personnel to meet the
specified requirements stated in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria,
Clause 1.1.1.]
1. Title of position*
2. Title of position*
3. Title of position*
4. Title of position*
5. Title of position*
etc., Title of position*
[The Bidder shall provide the data on the experience of the personnel indicated in Form PER-
1, in the form below. Use one form for each position.]
Personnel Name Date of Birth
Professional Qualifications
Fax E-mail
Key Personnel
I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that:
(i) This CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experience;
(ii) I am committed to undertake the assignment within the validity of Proposal;
(iii) I am, pursuant to Clauses 1.1.1 of Part 1 - Section III, and Part 2 - Section VI of this
document, eligible for engagement.
I understand that any incorrect information given above may lead to my disqualification or
dismissal, if engaged.
Certified that I have verified the credentials of Mr………………… proposed for the key position
of ………………….
Authorized Signatory
[The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability
to meet the requirements for the key equipment listed in Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria, Clause 1.1.2. A separate Form shall be prepared for each item of
equipment listed, or for alternative equipment proposed by the Bidder.]
Item of Equipment
Address of owner
For the major equipment’s proposed to be hired by the Bidder, the Bidder shall submit
the consent of the Vendor/Supplier who is providing the equipment to the Bidder.
The Bidder shall provide with the Bid a complete Schedule and Organization Chart as
1. The name, background and professional experience of each key staff member to
be assigned to this project, with particular reference to his experience of a nature
similar to that of the proposed assignment.
Note: The Bidder shall provide a complete Staffing Schedule and Organization Chart he
proposes for the work, which has to satisfy the requirement above.
Each Bidder shall set out details of the Method Statement for the Works to demonstrate how
it will meet the Employer’s Requirements. As a minimum, the Method Statement shall address
the following:
i. Details of the arrangements and methods which the Bidder proposes to implement for
the construction of the Works, in sufficient detail to demonstrate their adequacy to
achieve the requirements of the Contract including completion within the Time for
Completion stated in the Particular Conditions of the Contract.
ii. Outline of the arrangements of the Bidder to manage co-ordination of Site access.
iii. Comments on the geotechnical and subsurface aspects of the Works including
materials, material sources.
vi. Outline of the arrangements and organization of the Bidder to ensure compliance with
the Works requirements.
vii. Outline of the arrangements of the Bidder to carry out testing upon completion as
specified in the Works Requirements.
1. The Bidder shall submit a mobilization Plan as a part of the Bid which shall contain the
Proposed mobilization Programme.
2. The Bidder’s proposed mobilization Programme shall indicate how the Bidder intends
to organize and carry out the mobilization of all the Plants, equipments, staffs, and
Initial Establishment in Stages and complete the whole of the mobilization in
compliance with the appropriate Key Dates. The Programme shall be prepared in
terms of weeks from the Commencement Date of Works.
3. The mobilization Programme shall include details as stipulated in scope of Work, work
Requirements, for review by the Engineer.
1. The Bidder shall submit a Work Plan as a part of the Bid which shall contain the
Proposed Works Programme.
2. The Bidder’s proposed Works Programme shall indicate how the Bidder intends to
organize and carry out the Works and achieve Stages and complete the whole of the
Works by the appropriate Key Dates. The Works Programme shall be prepared in
terms of weeks from the Commencement Date of Works.
3. The Works Programme shall include details as stipulated in Work Requirements, for
review by the Engineer.
4. The proposed Works Programme shall show how the Bidder proposes to organize and
carry out the Works and to achieve Stages and complete the whole of the Works by
the given Key Dates.
6. The proposed Works Programme shall show achievement of all Key Dates, but the
Key dates shall not be taken as imposing any constraints that in any way affect the
logic or limit any other dates in the Programme.
7. The proposed Works Programme shall take account of the Designs which would be
provided by the Employer and should indicate, wherever possible, dates and periods
relating to interfaces with and between other interfacing contractors including dates for
submission of further documents required by the Contract and periods for their
8. The proposed Works Programme shall contain sufficient detail to assure the Employer
of the feasibility of the plan and approach proposed by the Bidder.
9. The Bidder should have regard to the possibility, that during the Bid evaluation period,
should CMRL require in writing for the Bidder to amplify / explain for clarification
purposes, the proposed Works Programme may be developed into a Programme
which, in the event of award of the Contract, would be the submission of the
Preliminary Works Programme. To facilitate this process the Bidder shall, in the
preparation of the proposed Works Programme, take due account of the provisions
10. The proposed Works Programme shall be accompanied by a narrative statement that
shall describe Programme activities, assumptions and logic, and highlight the Bidder’s
perception of the major critical areas of concern in the organization,
construction/installation, supply and transport of materials, testing and commissioning
of various sections. This narrative statement shall also indicate which elements of the
Works the Bidder intends to carry out offshore and/or in India with details of the
proposed locations of where any such work is to be carried out, the facilities available
and or proposed to be set up. In particular the Bidder must state the assumptions
made in respect of the interfaces with the Employer, other contractors and third parties
both in detail and time, and any requirements for information on matters which would
affect his works.
11. The Bidder’s attention is drawn to the Key dates specified in Employer’s
Requirement Part-2. The Bidder shall prepare logic diagrams providing the
philosophy for interface with other designated contractors & availability of track,
electrification and signaling system to be available and submitted as part of its Bid.
These logic diagrams shall be developed and submitted along with the Works
Programmes as submitted during the course of the Works. All programmes shall
include procurement periods of major materials, off-shore production, production in
India, dispatch, transport, interface periods for system wide, and adjacent contractors,
testing and commissioning (including integrated testing & commissioning) along with
any other training and service trial running information.
The Bidder shall submit with the bid their corporate quality policy document duly
signed by managing director/whole-time director/director/chief executive officer or any
other officer duly authorized by its board of directors (in case of company)/governing
body (in case of any entity other than a company).
The Bidder shall submit as part of its Bid an Outline Quality Plan which shall contain
sufficient information to demonstrate clearly the Bidder’s proposals for achieving
effective and efficient Quality Assurance System. The Outline Quality Plan should
include an outline of the procedures and regulations to be developed and the
mechanism by which they will be implemented for ensuring Quality as indicated in the
Employer’s Requirements (Part 2).
The Bidder may be requested to amplify, explain or develop its Outline Quality plan
prior to the date of acceptance of the Bid and to provide more detail with a view to
reaching provisional acceptance of such a plan.
The Bidder shall submit as part of his Bid, an Occupational Safety, Health &
Environment Plan which shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate clearly the
Bidder’s proposals for achieving effective and efficient compliance to the conditions of
contract on SHE and SHE manual. The Outline Plan should include an outline of the
procedures and regulations to be developed and the mechanism by which they will be
implemented for ensuring safety as required by Clause 4.8, 4.18 & 6.7 of the GCC
and section VI-A of the Employer’s Requirements.
The Outline Plan shall be headed with a formal statement of policy in relation to Safety,
Health & Environment protection and shall be sufficiently informative to define the
Bidder’s plans and set out in summary an adequate basis for the development of the
Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan to be submitted in accordance with Clause
4.8, 4.18 & 6.7 of the GCC and section VI-A of the Employer’s Requirements. The
Outline Plan shall also include the methods and procedures for the Environmental
Impact Assessment to be performed under the Contract.
The Bidder may be requested to amplify, explain or develop his Outline Safety, Health
& Environment Plan prior to the date of acceptance of the Bid and to provide more
details with a view to reaching provisional acceptance of such a plan.
7. Bidder’s Qualification
To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, the Bidder shall provide the information requested
in the corresponding Forms included hereunder:
1. In case of a single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named
above, in accordance with ITB 4.1 and ITB 4.2.
2. Authorization to represent the firm or Joint Venture named above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.
3. In case of a Joint Venture, a letter of intent to form a Joint Venture or Joint Venture agreement,
in accordance with ITB 4.1.
4. In case of a government-owned enterprise, any additional documents not covered under 1 above
required to comply with ITB 4.5.
[The following form is additional to Form ELI-1, and shall be completed to provide
information relating to each JV member, in case if the Bidder is a JV. The documents
listed /stated as required shall be submitted as attachments hereto.]
In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill this form separately and provide the
Joint Venture Partner’s name.
No Non-Performing contracts.
Below is a description of nonperforming contracts involving the Bidder (or each Joint
Venture member if Bidder is a Joint Venture).
Amount of
performed Total Contract
Year Description portion of Amount
contract (INR equivalent)
[insert Contract identification: [insert complete contract [insert [insert amount]
year] name, number, and any other identification] amount]
Below is a description of all pending litigation and Arbitration involving the Bidder (or each
Joint Venture member if Bidder is a Joint Venture).
Value of
Value of pending claims
Year Matter in Dispute pending claim in as a
INR equivalent percentage of
Net Worth
[insert Contract identification: [insert complete [insert amount] [insert
year] contract name/ number, and any other percentage]
In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and
provide the Joint Venture Partner’s name:
Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets including all related notes and income
statements) for the last five (5) years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions:
Unless otherwise required by Section 3 of the Bidding Document, all such documents reflect
the financial situation of the legal entity or entities comprising the Bidder and not the Bidder’s
parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates.
Historical financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.
Historical financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.
Historical financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and
audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).
The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder or each member of
a Joint Venture in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress
or completed, converted to INR Equivalent at the rate of exchange at the end of the period
In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and
provide the Joint Venture Partner’s name:
Annual Turnover Data for the last Three (3) years (Construction only)
* Total INR equivalent for all years divided by the total number of years, in accordance with
Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.3.2 as appropriate.
Note: A weightage of 5% (Compounded annually from the date of completion of the works to
the date of bid submission) shall be given for equating the works of the previous years to the
current year executed under INR portion of the contract. In case of foreign currency , such
currency value will be converted to INR adapting the conversion rate prevailing on the date
of completion of such work and weightage of 5% shall be given thereafter to bring it to current
year level
Bidders must demonstrate sufficient financial resources, comprising of Working Capital supplemented by
credit line statements or overdraft facilities to meet the Bidder’s financial requirements for
In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide the
Joint Venture Partner’s name:
Financial Resources
No. Source of financing Amount ($ equivalent)
To be considered, Credit Line must be substantiated by a letter from the bank issuing the line of credit, specific
for the subject contract, as prescribed in Form FIN-3A. Any letter or document not complying with this requirement
shall not be considered as supplementary financial resources.
Project Name:
Bidding Package Name and Identification Number: …… (to be filled in as indicated in ITB 1.1) …
This is to certify that M/s ...................... is a reputed company with a good financial standing.
If the contract for the work, namely...................... is awarded to the above firm, we shall be able to
provide overdraft / credit facilities to the extent of Rs ...................... to meet their working capital
requirements for executing the above contract.
This is to certify that M/s ...................... who has formed a Joint Venture with M/s ...................... and
M/s ...................... for participating in this bid, is a reputed company with a good financial standing.
If the contract for the work, namely...................... is awarded to the above joint venture, we shall be
able to provide overdraft / credit facilities to the extent of Rs...................... to M/s ...................... to meet
their working capital requirements for executing the above contract.
In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide the
Joint Venture Partner’s name:
Total Monthly Financial Requirement for Current Contract Commitments INR _____________
Remaining outstanding contract values to be calculated from 28 days prior to the bid submission
deadline (INR equivalent based on the foreign exchange rate as of the same date).
Remaining contract period to be calculated from 28 days prior to bid submission deadline.
One Partner:
____________ ...........
(Name of Partner)
Each Partner:
_____________ ...........
(Name of Partner 1)
_____________ ...........
(Name of Partner 2)
_____________ ...........
(Name of Partner 3)
- Note -
Form FIN – 5 is made available for use by the bidder as a self-assessment tool, and by the Employer as an evaluation
work sheet, to determine compliance with the financial resources requirement as stated in 2.3.3. Failure to submit
Form FIN - 5 by the Bidder shall not lead to bid rejection.
The exchange rate to be used to calculate the value of the contract for conversion to a
specific currency shall be the selling rate of the Borrower’s national bank on the date of the
Prime Contractor
Role in Contract
[check in appropriate box] Single entity JV Member
Note: A weightage of 5% (Compounded annually from the date of completion of the works to
the date of bid submission) shall be given for equating the works of the previous years to the
current year executed under INR portion of the contract Foreign currency component shall be
converted into INR equivalent by applying respective exchange rate on date of completion /
substantial completion as applicable. Upon converting into INR, 5% inflation per year (annual
compounding) shall be applied for completed projects only for updating to the current price
Item Information
Role in Contract
[check in appropriate box] Single entity JV Member
Year 1
Item Information
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
2. Activity No.(2)_________
3. Activity No.(3)_________
8. Schedules
A. Local Currency
Base Value
Index Code Index Description Source of Index Weightages
and Date
a. Nonadjustable — — 0.15
Labour Bureau b.Labour CPI Numbers for Industrial 28 days prior to 0.20
(Govt of India) Workers for Chennai Region date of bid
RBI Bulletin/ c. Steel RBI/EA-WPI-Mild Steel long 0.25
Office of products
advisor (EA) d.Cement RBI/EA-WPI-Manufacture of 0.17
Cement, Lime and Plaster
Total 1.00
RBI – Reserve Bank of India
CPI – Consumer Price Index
WPI – Wholesale Price Index
EA – Office of Economic advisor
Price escalation shall be calculated as per the above table and as per subclause 13.8
(adjustment for changes in cost) of Section X – Particular conditions.
B. Foreign Currency
Foreign currency payment shall be converted into equivalent INR using the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) / Financial Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd (FBIL) Exchange Rate (applicable 28 days
prior to billing date). Price escalation shall be calculated as per the above table (Table A) and
as per subclause 13.8 (adjustment for changes in cost) of Section X – Particular conditions.
9. Bill of Quantities
The Bidder shall include with its Bid an index sheet which cross refers all of the
Employer’s Requirements elaborated in the documents of all the individual sections
within Technical Package and Financial Package which the Bidder intends to be the
responses to each and every one of those requirements.
The Technical and Financial Packages submitted must be clearly presented, all pages
numbered and laid out in a logical sequence with main and subheadings to facilitate
(Editable copy shall also be submitted along with the signed PDF copy)
Sl No. Clause No. Bid Condition Bidder’s Queries
Date: [DD/MM/YYYY]
Director, Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India
We further undertake that the aforesaid Bid drawings and documents prepared by the
Employer, shall not be used in whole, in part or in any altered form on any other
project, scheme or proposal that the Bidder/JV/Consortium/Members of Consortium
or its/their parent companies or sub-contractors of the Bidder/JV/Consortium are, or
will be involved with either in India or in any other Country.
Signed: ……………………….
Signature: ________
Name of the Bank: _________
Bank Manager: _______
Address of the Bank: ________
Signature: ________
Name of the Bank: _________
Bank Manager: _______
Address of the Bank: ________
1. This to certify that the copy of all the documents of Technical Package
submitted herewith is a true copy of the Technical package.
1. Addendum No…………..
2. …………………………………..
3. ………………………………..…
4. ………………………………………
This is to certify that we, M/s [Insert name of the company/Consortium] have carefully
examined all the contents of the Bidding Documents including Addenda (if any) and all the
pages of our proposal have been signed and stamped by our authorized signatory.@
@In case of a Consortium, to be submitted by the Authorized representative of the
Lead Member.
[We hereby / We hereby jointly and severally]@ declare that the submission of this Bid
confirms that no agent, middleman or any intermediary has been, or will be engaged
to provide any services, or any other item or work related to the award and
performance of this Contract. We further confirm and declare that no agency
commission or any payment, which may be construed as an agency commission, has
been, or will be paid and that the Bid price does not include any such amount. We
acknowledge the right of the Employer, if it finds to the contrary, to declare our Bid to
be non-compliant and if the Contract has been awarded to declare the Contract NULL
and VOID.
Date: ________
Letter of Undertaking
I also undertake to indemnify CMRL in case of any loss caused due to non-registration.
Signature …………………
For and on behalf of
(Name of the Bidder/JV/Consortium Member)
Letter of Undertaking
Tender No. [“Insert Tender No.”]
I agree to adjustment of any benefits/ duty draw back / export, import incentive /
exemptions / concessions to be made from the balance due to me without any
I also undertake to indemnify CMRL in case of any loss caused due to non-
reimbursement/ passing on the benefit of duty draw back / export, import incentive /
exemption/concession etc.
For on behalf of
(Name of Bidder/JV/Consortium)
Director, Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India
*Insert the Name of Work as per Tender Document/Corrigenda*
We wish to confirm that our company/firm (delete as appropriate) has formed a Joint
Venture with and for the purposes associated with IFB referred to above.
(Member(s) who are not the lead partner of the JV/consortium should add the following
‘This JV is led by ……. whom we hereby authorize to act on our behalf for the purpose of
submission of Bid for …….. and authorize to incur liabilities and receive instructions for an
on behalf of any and all the partners or constituents of the Joint Venture.’
(Member being the lead member of the group should add the following paragraph)*
‘In this group we act as leader and, for the purposes of applying for qualification, represent
the Joint Venture.’
In the event of our group being awarded the contract, we agree to be jointly with………
(Names of other members of our JV)……… and severally liable to CMRL, its successors and
assigns for all obligations, duties and responsibilities arising from or imposed by the contract
subsequently entered into between CMRL and our JV.
*I/We, further agree that entire execution of the contract shall be carried out exclusively
through the lead partner.
Yours faithfully,
(Name of Signatory)………………….
(Capacity of Signatory)…………………
* Delete as applicable
PART - 1
APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule
The pricing document shall be read in conjunction with Notice of invitation to Bidders,
Instruction to Bidders and all Bidding Documents, Specification and Drawings as listed
in Contents of Bidding Documents.
The pricing of this contract will be governed by the Conditions of the Contract.
a) The Work shall be carried out all as per the Employer’s Drawings and as per the
Employer’s Requirements. The quantification for progress payments will be based
on Employer’s drawings only. Progress Payments shall be made as per respective
items of Price Centres A to G.
b) The Contract Price shall be adjusted in accordance with the Price Variation
Formula detailed in PCC Clause 13.8 of Part 3. The works are divided into Price
Centre’s each representing one or more groups of inter-related works forming part
of the Works. The detailed scope of works is given in Part-2, Employer’s
c) The individual item descriptions within each Price Centre are indicative only of the
work included in this Contract and shall not be taken as defining the full scope of
work to be executed under the Price Centre of the Contract. The detailed scope of
works is given in Part-2, Employer’s Requirements, Drawings and Specifications.
d) The item descriptions given, are general summaries only, therefore no omission
from, or error in item descriptions within this Pricing Document shall warrant an
adjustment of the Contract Price nor entitle the Contractor to seek an extension of
time under the Contract.
e) The rate/price quoted against individual items of Price Centres of the Pricing
Document are for finished items of work 100% complete in all respects and shall
include all waste on materials, duties, landing charges, shipping costs for transport
by air, sea or land (or any combination thereof), insurance, import taxes and
duties, unloading, storage, getting into position, hoisting, lowering, erection,
distributing to positions, fixing, temporary works including false-work, removal of
debris, labour, materials, scaffolding and staging, plant, supervision, maintenance,
Bidder’s profit and establishment/overheads, all general risks, insurance liabilities,
compliance of labour laws and taxes/duties etc. as per statutory obligations set
out or implied in the Contract excluding GST, making good prior to handing over
to the Employer and anything reasonably to be inferred from the description of the
item and indispensably necessary thereto, and all other requirements of the
f) The Bidder shall also consider the credit and all associated costs including
taxes and royalty as per statutory requirements for utilization/disposal of
excavated material.
g) The activity descriptions for items within Price centers shall be deemed to cover
all aspects of the relevant item scope, irrespective of the fact that the Bidder may
not have inserted an amount against any item description. The rates quoted
against individual items of each price centre shall be deemed inclusive of all the
Bidder’s obligations to execute the scope of works covered in item description and
specifications of the respective item.
h) The total sum of Price Centre ‘’A’’, Preliminaries shall be equal to 5% of sum of
Price Centres B to G as executed under respective IPC after adjusting the
Discount (if any) offered by the successful bidder and excluding GST & Provisional
i) Each items of Price Centres B to G shall be paid at 95% of the quoted rates against
individual items, after adjusting the discount (if any) for the work executed under
respective IPC. Balance 5% amount (5% of SumTotal of the quoted amount
against individual items of Price Centre B to G) will be allocated to Preliminaries
and will be paid under Price Centre A items as specified under S. No. (g) above.
j) All the documents submitted by the Contractor, shall be copied to the Employer.
k) In Part -2, works requirements, wherever it is written as “contractor shall submit
his proposal to the engineer for a notice” shall be read as “contractor shall obtain
approval from the engineer”.
a) The total of all Price Centres B to G as shown in the Pricing Summary, after adjusting
the Discount (if any) offered by the successful bidder excluding GST and provisional
sum constitutes the ‘’Contract Price’’.
The GST shall be reimbursed to the Contractor against the submission of proof of
discharge of his liability. The Provisional Sum shall be paid as executed.
b) The Price Centre totals and the Contract Price shall not be subjected to adjustment by
the Bidder in respect of any error or oversight in the preparation of the Pricing
Document, and they represent the full extent of the Bidders entitlement to receive
payment in respect of such Price Centres.
c) Payment of the Contract Price shall be made in the currency or currencies in which the
Bid Price is expressed in the Bid of the successful Bidder.
a) The Pricing Documents comprise Price Centre ‘’A’’, which represents ‘’Preliminaries
and General Requirements’’ associated with Price Centres B to G, which are quoted
based on Detailed design drawings of the works.
b) The Provisional Sum will be operated for specific works as listed below:
1. Provisional Sum for shifting/diversion of all chartered and unchartered
i. The scope for shifting/diversion includes all miscellaneous items such as cut-open
and reinstating of roads, foot paths etc. associated to utility diversion works.
ii. The contractor shall carry out the works relating to the utilities in consultation with
the utility agencies / Departments, through the approved contractors of the
respective utility agencies (CMWSSB, TNEB, BSNL etc.).
The Contractor shall be paid as per the actual executed quantities, based on the
approved estimate of the respective Department / as per current Schedule of
Rates (SoR) or Market rates, in case the rates are not available in the SoR. The
Contractor shall also be paid 10% towards overhead charges and profit over the
This 10% fee is not applicable for any Departmental Supervision Charges &
Connection charges to be paid to the utility agencies for the diverted utilities and
for the utilitiy connection charges for the new metro stations.
(Any new SoR released after the year mentioned above shall not be considered)
GST on items paid under provisional sums shall be reimbursed to the Contractor
against the submission of proof of discharge of his Liability.
agencies. The utility diversion works shall be carried out by the approved contractors of
the utility departments.
PRICE/COST BREAKDOWN The totals for each Price Centres B, C, D, E, F & G of this Pricing Document shall be
deemed to include for all costs associated with the “Construction of Elevated Viaduct
(Approximate Length of 10.00 km, Nine Elevated Metro Stations at Sholinganallur Lake,
Sri Ponniamman Temple, Sathyabama University, Semmancheri, Gandhi Nagar,
Navalur, Siruseri, Sipcot 1, Sipcot 2 and Stabling Viaduct at Sipcot” The rates quoted for each of the items in the Price Centres B, C, D, E, F & G of this
Pricing Document is for 100% completion of works in all respects as stated in the
Preamble, Clause 1.1 of this Pricing Document. Variations will only be considered on written instruction of the Engineer, if there is any
additional work required beyond the scope given in the Drawings, Specifications and
Employer’s Requirements. Payments to the Contractor will be made on a monthly basis in accordance with Clause
14 of the Particular Conditions of Contract, [Application for IPCs, unless otherwise
stipulated. All items will be paid at 100% completion or at percentage of progress as
certified by the Engineer].
1.4.1 The total sum of Price Centre ‘’A’’, Preliminaries shall be equal to 5% of Price Centres
B to H after adjusting the discounts if any quoted by the Bidder. Payments under Price
Centre A will be made on a monthly, quarterly, or percentage basis as indicated in
Price Centre A.
1.4.2 The Schedule of Payments (refer to Sub-Clause 14.4 of GCC Part-3) for a Price Centre
shows the amount payable to the Contractor for work carried out in that Price Centre
subject to conditions stated in this contract and shall be used to determine the amounts
of the interim payments in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.4 of GCC Part-3.
1.4.3 As part of the first Monthly Progress Report provided in accordance with Sub-Clause
4.21 of GCC Part-3, the Contractor shall convert the time scale of the SOPs included
as part of the Contractor’s Submission from ‘’months after Commencement Date’’ to
months and years on the Gregorian Calendar.
Payment will be calculated using the Schedule of Payments/Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
provided below, subject to the Engineer certifying that the works for each item is actually
completed, as per Drawings, Specifications and Employer’s Requirements. Payment will
be based on the Tenderer’s submission of a monthly statement, in accordance with Sub-
Clause 14.3 of GCC Part-3.
Subject to the Bidder’s Monthly Statement meeting the minimum billing value criteria as
specified in PCC – Contract Data, and after the Engineer’s assessment, an Interim
Payment Certificate calculated on actual work done under each item for Respective
Price Centres will be issued.
(i) Payment of the Contract Price shall be made in the currency or currencies in which the Bid Price is expressed in the Bid of the successful
Bidder. Bidders shall quote for the Price Centres B to G including all taxes and duties including Customs Duty# and fees but excluding
GST. Price Centre A has not been priced but will be 5% of the price center totals of Price Centres B to G quoted.
This project is eligible for Project Import Scheme under the heading 98.01 under Customs Tariff Act 1975. The Employer will provide
necessary certificate for the eligibility of this Project under this Act.
(ii) The quoted rate shall be inclusive of all taxes excluding GST. The GST shall be reimbursed to the Contractor against the submission of
proof of discharge of his liability.
(iii) The Tender subtotal (Contract Price) mentioned above, shall be converted into Indian Rupees if other currencies are used and the
exchange rates(s) shall be as published by the Reserve Bank of India selling rates of exchange at the close of business hours of RBI, 28
days prior to submission of the Bid. The Tender Sub Total (Contract Price) mentioned above shall be considered in INR for tender
(iv) Provisional Sum and GST shall not be considered during evaluation.
A Preliminaries (5%)
A2 General Items
A2.1 2%*
Submission of Initial Works Program
*Note 1. Payment against items A.2.1, A.2.18 and A2.19 alone will be released at the
respective percentages, on the 5% of the quoted price, with any discounts if
applicable (Refer Pricing schedule 1.1 h & i) as one time payments on their
submission. However, this will be adjusted to the final executed contract price at final
bill stage.
Note 2. Payment for other sub-items in price Centre-A (Preliminaries) will be released
at the respective percentages on the 5% of the certified IPCs. (Refer Pricing schedule
1.1 h & i).
Note 3. All the submissions shall be to the satisfaction of Engineer.
1. The cost quoted shall include, cover
providing mechanical couplers, all types
The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre B (Cl. 1.7.3) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance
5% of Total of Price Centre B is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2).
(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted
rate on casting and balance 20% on
completion of erection, stitch concrete,
stressing and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.
(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted
rate on casting and balance 20% on
completion of erection, stitch concrete,
stressing and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.
(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted
rate on casting and balance 20% on
completion of erection, and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.
(iii)The removal of inside shutters must be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
carried out using semi automatic hydraulic
C 3.5 'Loading, Transporting precast U-Girder
of simply supported span from the casting yard
to work site, erection in position including the
cost of all temporary supports, erection
equipment, lifting cranes, Launching Girder,
transporting etc, and positioning on bearings
etc for viaduct and stations into completed
MT 1,11,028.00
structures conforming to required lines, grades
and dimensions complete as per drawings and
specifications. The weight shall be calculated
assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³. Shifting
within the site / yard is the responsibility of the
contractor and shall not be included for
C 3.6 Static Load Test of U-girder span –
Each 3.00
Load testing of full span U-girder on site,
1. The cost quoted shall include, cover
providing mechanical couplers, all types of
laps, standard laps, chair, spacers, bend
(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted rate
on casting and balance 20% on completion of
erection, and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for lifting and
filling of holes after erection using non-shrink grout. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
(iii)The removal of inside shutters must be carried out
using semi automatic hydraulic equipment. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
D 3.5 Loading, Transporting precast U-Girder of
simply supported span from the casting yard to work
site, erection in position including the cost of all
temporary supports, erection equipment, lifting
cranes, Launching Girder, transporting etc, and
positioning on bearings etc for viaduct and stations
MT 14,000.00
into completed structures conforming to required
lines, grades and dimensions complete as per
drawings and specifications. The weight shall be
calculated assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³.
Shifting within the site / yard is the responsibility of
the contractor and shall not be included for payment
D 3.6 Providing and laying M50/20 Grade reinforced
cement concrete for Precast PSC I Girders / Beams
Cum 2,500.00
etc. (Post-Tensioned / Pre-Tensioned) in casting
yard, including provision of shear connector for
The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre D (Cl. 1.7.5) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre D is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2)
Note:- Structural steel frame shall be paid AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
separately under E8.1
E 4.19 Providing and fixing of 10 mm thick KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Tactile tile both (warning & Directional) of
300 x 300 mm or approved size ,approved
quality make ,shade,size, laid on bed of
cement mortar 1:3 mix , flush point with
white cement using colour pigment Rmt 1,297.00
including material cost ,labour complete
as per specification, Rate includes all
labour material tools and plants lead, lifts
etc in proper completion of work as per
drawing and engineer instructions.
E 4.20 Providing and fixing removable 450
mm height Raised / False access flooring
with system and its components of
Sqm 3,120.00
approved make for different plenum height
with possible height adjustment upto 50
mm, comprising of modular load bearing
The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre E (Cl. 1.7.6) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre F is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2)
300mm dia
F 4.3 Supplying, assembling, lowering
and fixing plain casings pipe of 200 mm
dia uPVC pipe confirming to IS 12818/
Rmts 405
4985 Class III. All complete as per
specification and instruction of
Employer/Employer Representives.
F 4.4 Supplying , assembling, lowering
and fixing slotted pipes of 200mm dia
uPVC pipe confirming to IS 12818/4985
Class III. The slots shall be made by Rmts 405
machine/ blade cutting. All complete as
per specification and instruction of
Employer/Employer Representives. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F 4.5 Gravel packing in tubewell
construction in accordance with IS: 4097,
including providing gravel fine/ medium/
coarse, in required grading & sizes as per
actual requirement, all complete as per
Cum 45
direction of Employer/Employer
F 4.6 Development of tube well in
accordance with IS : 2800 (part I) and IS:
11189, to establish maximum rate of
usable water yield without sand content
(beyond permissible limit), with required
capacity air compressor, running the
compressor for required time till well is
Hours 180
fully developed, measuring yield of well by
“V” notch method or any other approved
method, measuring static level & draw
down etc. by step draw down method,
collecting water samples & getting tested
in approved laboratory, i/c disinfection of
tubewell, all complete, including hire &
200mm dia
F 4.8 Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of
required dia to the top of casing/ housing
pipe of tubewell as per IS: 2800 (part I),
including necessary bolts & nuts of Each 9 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
required size complete.
200mm dia
F 4.9 Providing and fixing Bail plug/
Bottom plug of required dia to the bottom AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
of pipe assembly of tubewell as per
Each 9
IS:2800 (part I).
200mm dia
F 5.1 External Sewer Pipe after the
Pressure Break Chamber
F 5.1.1 Providing, laying and jointing
glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with
stiff mixture of cement mortar in the
proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand)
including testing of joints etc. complete
F 5.1.1 i) 200 mm Rmts 1800
F 5.2 Providing and laying non-pressure
NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C.pipes with
F 10 ) Drainage
F 10.1 Supplying, laying/ fixing Testing &
commioning of UPVC drainage pipes of
class 10Kgf/ as per IS:15328-
2003 and specials such as tees,single or
double Y, offsets, flanges, couplers,
redusers, elbows & rubber rings /good
quility slovent cement, clamps etc..of as
per manufacturers specification including
cutting the pipes to the required lengths.
(Deck Level Drain)
F 10.1 i) 110mm dia Rmts 2250
F 10.2 Supplying, laying/ fixing Testing &
commioning of UPVC drainage pipes of
class 10Kgf/ as per IS:15328-
2003 and specials such as tees,single or
F 10 10.3 ii) 75mm dia
F 11 ) Floor Trap/Floor Drains
F 11.1 Providing and Fixing of 3mm
thickness cast Iron grating conform to IS
Each 90
3989 with 100mm x 100mm square type
for the drain .
F 11.2 Providing and fixing of 3mm thick
SS grating(SS 304 grade) over the floor
Each 90
trap with 100mm x 100mm square type for
the Public Area drain.
F 12.1 Providing and fixing of 300 mm
channel drain 6mm thickness,30mm
center to center with Stainless Steel
grating for the Public areas or as required
by Employer/Employer Representatives
and as per Drawing/Technical
F 12.1 i)150mm Wide channel Rmts 450
F 12.2 Providing and fixing of 300mm
wide channel drain cast Iron with Cast
Iron grating for the Pump Room as
`The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre F (Cl. 1.7.7) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre G is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2).
The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:
internal dia (at bottom)
beyond 1.68 m to 2.29 m : With common burnt clay F.P.S.
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
G6 G6 Water Meter Chamber
G 6.1 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x600x100 cm Each 20
inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) for water meter complete with C.I. double
flap surface box 400x200x200 mm (inside) with locking
arrangement and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) , i/c necessary excavation, foundation concrete
1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand:10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick,
finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as
per standard design
The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre G (Cl. 1.7.8) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of Price Centre G is allocated to Preliminaries, which
will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2).
1.7.9 RISKS
The Bidder shall also price for entire risks whatsoever it may be in the construction of elevated
metro viaduct and station structures i.e. Substructure and superstructure, demolition of
buildings, protection of buildings, protection of public assets such as roads, railway track,
utilities etc. Bidder shall also make allowances in his price bid for necessary measures
including traffic diversion, damage of roads, collapse of any structure and damages to public
utility or any other activity associated with the construction of viaduct and stations. Some of
these risks are mentioned below, but they are not exhaustive and are not limited to the items
in the list (Table-2).
SL Description of Item
Risk Item
1. Risk associated with selection The selection of piling rigs and its suitably for the
of Rotary drilling/piling rings ground condition will be Bidder’s responsibility. And
it should comply with the contract specification.
2. Ground Improvement The Bidder shall take the cost for any ground
improvement necessary for his construction
works/Building protection/utility protection/Railway
track crossing/demolition of buildings or any other
public assets which requires such measures.
3. Pre-casting of U/I girders The Bidder shall price for all the measures required
for the pre-casting of U/I girders such as preparation
of reinforcement cage, casting, stream curing,
demoulding, stacking in stages, curing etc. Any
damages or out of tolerance casting will be at
Bidders cost and time.
4. Transportation of U/I girders The Bidder shall price for all the measures required
for the safe transportation of U/I girders from casting
yard to the required launching locations. Any
damage to the structural element or any other public
asset during this activity will be at the Bidders cost
and time.
5. Launching of U/I girders The Bidder shall ensure a safe launching of Girders
with the tolerances specified in the Contract. Any
damages to precast girders shall be repaired by the
Bidder and in case the damage is beyond repair the
precast girders shall be replaced at Bidder’s cost and
6. Alignment The Bidder shall take cost of necessary measures to
follow the designated alignment. In case of any
deviation from the alignment beyond the specified
tolerances the necessary corrective measures shall
be on the account of Bidder’s cost and time.
7. Piling operation The Bidder shall take the cost of all the necessary
measures to operate the rigs and shall have enough
spares to operate rigs without any breakdown. He
should have all the contingency measures in case of
breakdown of rigs.
SL Description of Item
Risk Item
8. Equipment/Machinery break The Bidder shall make necessary allowances in his
down and its ancillary plants cost and programme for any Equipment/Machinery
and/or related ancillary plant break down.
9. Approvals from Public The Bidder shall make necessary provisions in their
Authority and other Statutory price to take into account any approval from public
requirement authority and statutory requirements.
10. Disposal of any muck, slurry, The Bidder shall make necessary allocation in their
untreated sewerage & water price proposal to dispose the muck, slurry and
or any material untreated sewerage & water as per statutory
requirement and acquire necessary clearances from
public utility authority. In case there is any choking of
drainage system due to disposal of construction
waste. The necessary remedial measures will be on
the account of the Bidder cost and time.
11. Public assets protection/ Public assets relocation such as Bus stop/Electrical
relocation/ Utility diversion/ wire/transformer & electrical substation/Panel,
protection/ demolition and Telephone cables/poles, electrical poles/lighting
reinstatement poles/traffic signal or any other similar activity, the
Contractor shall safely implement these activities in
accordance to statutory and public authority
guidelines and the Employer’s Requirements.
12. Traffic management and The Bidder shall make the necessary allowance in
traffic diversion his price for the implementation of traffic diversion,
and management of traffic during the construction
13. Ground water and Soil Bidder must take all precautions and shall make
contamination necessary provisions in his price to avoid Ground
water and Soil contamination
14. Ecology The Bidder shall make necessary allowance in their
price bid in order to not disturb the ecology.