Part 1 Bidding Procedure

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PART - 1



APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender

PART 1 Bidding Procedures
Section - I Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section - II Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section - III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria(EQC)
Section – IV A Bidding Forms
Section - IV-B Pricing Document
Section - V Eligible Source Countries
PART 2 Employer’s Requirements
Section - VI.
Sub - Section A. General
Sub - Section B. Functional
Sub - Section C. Design
Sub - Section D. Construction
Sub - Section E. Appendices
Section - VI A – OHS&E Requirements
Volume 1. Control
Volume 2. Safety Manual
Volume 3. Environment
Section - VII. Outline Construction Specifications
Sub - Section 1. Civil and Structural Works
Sub - Section 2. Architectural Works
Sub - Section 3. Finishes
Sub - Section 4. Signages
Sub - Section 5. Plumbing and Drainage Works
Section - VIII. Employer’s Drawings
PART 3 Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
Section - IX. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section - X. Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
Section - XI. Annex to PCC Forms
PART 4 Reference Documents
A. Geotechnical Investigation Record
B. Temporary Traffic Diversion Plans
C. Existing Utilities Drawings
D. Proposed TNRDC Flyovers along OMR Drawings
E. Environment Management Plan Matrix and Environmental Impact



PART - 1
APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be
read as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)


A. General................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Scope of Bid .......................................................................................................................................3
2. Source of Funds ................................................................................................................................3
3. Fraud and Corruption.......................................................................................................................3
4. Eligible Bidders .................................................................................................................................7
5 Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services ..............................................................................9
B. Contents of Bidding Document .................................................................................................... 9
6 Sections of Bidding Documents ...................................................................................................9
7 Clarification of Bidding Documents, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting .......................................10
8 Amendment of Bidding Document .............................................................................................11
C. Preparation of Bids........................................................................................................................ 11
9 Cost of Bidding................................................................................................................................11
10 Language of Bid ..........................................................................................................................11
11 Documents Comprising the Bid..............................................................................................12
12 Letter of Bid and Schedules.....................................................................................................12
13 Alternative Bids ...........................................................................................................................13
14 Bid Prices and Discounts .........................................................................................................13
15 Currencies of Bid and Payment ..............................................................................................14
16 Documents comprising the Technical proposal.................................................................16
17 Documents Establishing the Qualification of the Bidder.................................................16
18 Period of Validity of Bids ..........................................................................................................16
19 Bid Security/ Bid-Securing Declaration ................................................................................16
20 Format and Signing of Bid........................................................................................................18
D. Submission and Opening of Bids .............................................................................................. 19
21 Sealing and Marking of Bids ....................................................................................................19
22 Deadline for Submission of Bids ............................................................................................20
23 Late Bids........................................................................................................................................20
24 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids ..........................................................20
25 Bid Opening..................................................................................................................................20
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids.......................................................................................... 23

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

26 Confidentiality..............................................................................................................................23
27 Clarification of Bids....................................................................................................................23
28 Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions ...........................................................................24
29 Examination of Technical Bids................................................................................................24
30 Responsiveness of Technical Bid ..........................................................................................24
31 Nonmaterial Nonconformities..................................................................................................25
32 Qualification of the Bidder........................................................................................................25
33 Subcontractors ............................................................................................................................26
34 Correction of Arithmetical Errors ...........................................................................................26
35 Conversion to Single Currency ...............................................................................................27
36 Domestic Preference..................................................................................................................27
37 Evaluation and comparison of Price Bids............................................................................27
38 Abnormally Low bids .................................................................................................................28
39 Unbalanced or Front-Loaded Bids .........................................................................................29
40 Employer’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to reject any or All Bids ..............................29
41 Notice of Intention for Award of Contract ............................................................................29
F. Award of Contract .......................................................................................................................... 29
42 Award Criteria ..............................................................................................................................29
43 Notification of Award .................................................................................................................30
44 Signing of Contract.....................................................................................................................30
45 Performance Security ................................................................................................................30
46 Bidding-Related Complaints ....................................................................................................31

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)


A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids (IFB) indicated in the
Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Employer, as indicated in the BDS,
issues this Bidding Document for the procurement of Works as
specified in Section 6 (Employer’s Requirements). The name,
identification, and number of contracts of the open competitive
bidding (OCB) are provided in the BDS.

1.2 Throughout this Bidding Document:

(a) the term “in writing” means communicated in written form
and delivered against receipt;
(b) except where the context requires otherwise, words
indicating the singular also include the plural and words
indicating the plural also include the singular;
(c) “day” means calendar day;

2. Source of 2.1 The Borrower or Recipient (hereinafter called “Borrower”)

Funds indicated in the BDS has applied for or received financing
(hereinafter called “funds”) from the Asian Development Bank
(hereinafter called “ADB”) towards the cost of the project named
in the BDS. The Borrower intends to apply a portion of the funds
to eligible payments under the contract(s) for which this Bidding
Document is issued.
2.2 Payments by the ADB will be made only at the request of the
Borrower and upon approval by ADB in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement between the
Borrower and ADB (hereinafter called “Financing Agreement”),
and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of
that Financing Agreement. No party other than the Borrower
shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have
any claim to the funds.
3. Fraud and
3.1 ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date)
requires Borrowers (including beneficiaries of ADB-financed
activity), as well as Bidders, Suppliers, and Contractors under
ADB-financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics
during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In
pursuance of this policy, ADB

(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 3 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

below as follows:

(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving,

or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to
influence improperly the actions of another party;

(ii) “fraudulent practice” means any act or omission,

including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or
recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to
obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an

(iii) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or

threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any
party or the property of the party to influence
improperly the actions of a party;

(iv) “collusive practice” means an arrangement between

two or more parties designed to achieve an improper
purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of
another party;

(v) “abuse” means theft, waste, or improper use of assets

related to ADB-related activity, either committed
intentionally or through reckless disregard;

(vi) “conflict of interest” means any situation in which a

party has interests that could improperly influence that
party’s performance of official duties or responsibilities,
contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable
laws and regulations;

(vii) “obstructive practice” means (a) deliberately

destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of
evidence material to an ADB investigation, or
deliberately making false statements to investigators,
with the intent to impede an ADB investigation; (b)
threatening, harassing, or intimidating any party to
prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters
relevant to a Bank investigation or from pursuing the
investigation; or (c) deliberate acts intended to impede
the exercise of ADB’s contractual rights of audit or
inspection or access to information; and

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

(viii) “integrity violation" is any act, as defined under ADB’s

Integrity Principles and Guidelines (2015, as amended
from time to time), which violates ADB’s Anticorruption
Policy, including (i) to (vii) above and the following:
violations of ADB sanctions, retaliation against
whistleblowers or witnesses, and other violations of
ADB's Anticorruption Policy, including failure to adhere
to the highest ethical standard.

(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the

Bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an
agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or
obstructive practices or other integrity violations in
competing for the Contract;

(c) will cancel the portion of the financing allocated to a contract

if it determines at any time that representatives of the
Borrower or of a beneficiary of ADB-financing engaged in
corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices or other integrity violations during the procurement
or the execution of that contract, without the Borrower
having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to
ADB to remedy the situation;

(d) will impose remedial actions on a firm or an individual, at any

time, in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy and
Integrity Principles and Guidelines, including declaring
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to
participate in ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported
activities or to benefit from an ADB-financed, -administered,
or -supported contract, financially or otherwise, if it at any
time determines that the firm or individual has, directly or
through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity violations;

(e) will have the right to require that a provision be included in

bidding documents and in contracts financed by ADB,
requiring Bidders, suppliers and contractors to permit ADB
or its representative to inspect their accounts and records
and other documents relating to the bid submission and
contract performance and to have them audited by auditors
appointed by ADB.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

3.2 All Bidders, consultants, contractors, suppliers, and other third

parties engaged or involved in ADB-related activities have a
duty to cooperate fully in any screening or investigation when
requested by ADB to do so. Such cooperation includes, but is
not limited to, the following:

(a) being available to be interviewed and replying fully and

truthfully to all questions asked;

(b) providing ADB with any items requested that are within the
party’s control including, but not limited to, documents and
other physical objects;

(c) upon written request by ADB, authorizing other related

entities to release directly to ADB such information that is
specifically and materially related, directly or indirectly, to
the said entities or issues which are the subject of the

(d) cooperating with all reasonable requests to search or

physically inspect their person and/or work areas, including
files, electronic databases, and personal property used on
ADB activities, or that utilizes ADB’s Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) resources or systems
(including mobile phones, personal electronic devices, and
electronic storage devices such as external disk drives);

(e) cooperating in any testing requested by ADB, including but

not limited to, fingerprint identification, handwriting analysis,
and physical examination and analysis; and

(f) preserving and protecting confidentiality of all information

discussed with, and as required by, ADB.

3.3 All Bidders, consultants, contractors and suppliers shall ensure

that, in its contract with its sub-consultants, Subcontractors, and
other third parties engaged or involved in ADB-related activities,
such sub-consultants, Subcontractors, and other third parties
similarly undertake the foregoing duty to cooperate fully in any
screening or investigation when requested by ADB to do so.

3.4 The Employer hereby puts the Bidder on notice that the Bidder
or any Joint Venture partner of the Bidder (if any) may not be
able to receive any payments under the Contract if the Bidder or
any of its Joint Venture partners, as appropriate, is, or is owned

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

(in whole or in part) by a person or entity subject to applicable


3.5 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in

Subclause 1.15 and 15.6 of the Conditions of Contract.
4. Eligible 4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, or government-
Bidders owned enterprise subject to ITB 4.5—or any combination of
them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an
existing agreement in the form of a Joint Venture. In the case of
a Joint Venture,

(a) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable; and

(b) the Joint Venture shall nominate a Representative who shall

have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf
of any and all the parties of the Joint Venture during the
bidding process and, in the event the Joint Venture is
awarded the Contract, during contract execution (a) all
members shall be jointly and severally liable for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract
4.2 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the
nationality of an eligible country, in accordance with Section 5
(Eligible Countries). A Bidder shall be deemed to have the
nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen or is
constituted, incorporated, or registered, and operates in
conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country. This
criterion shall also apply to the determination of the nationality
of proposed Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
Contract including related services.
4.3 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. All Bidders found to
have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be
considered to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties
in the bidding process if any of, including but not limited to, the
following apply:
(a) they have controlling shareholders in common; or

(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy

from any of them; or

(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this
bid; or

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

(d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through

common third parties, that puts them in a position to have
access to material information about or improperly influence
the bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the
Employer regarding this bidding process; or

(e) a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding

process, either individually or as a partner in a Joint Venture,
except for alternative offers permitted under ITB 13 of the
Bidding Document. This will result in the disqualification of all
Bids in which it is involved. However, subject to any finding of
a conflict of interest in terms of ITB 4.3(a)-(d) above, this
does not limit the participation of a Bidder as a Subcontractor
in another Bid or of a firm as a Subcontractor in more than
one Bid; or
(f) a Bidder, Joint Venture partner, associates, parent company,
or any affiliated entity, participated as a Consultant in the
preparation of the design or technical specifications of the
works that are the subject of the Bid; or

(g) a Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired
(or is proposed to be hired) by the Employer or Borrower as
Engineer for the contract; or
(h) a Bidder would be providing goods, works, or non-consulting
services resulting from or directly related to consulting
services for the preparation or implementation of the project
specified in the BDS ITB 2.1 that it provided or were
provided by any affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with that firm.
4.4 A firm shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement
activities under an ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported
project while under temporary suspension or debarment by ADB
pursuant to its Anticorruption Policy (see ITB 3), whether such
debarment was directly imposed by ADB, or enforced by ADB
pursuant to the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment
Decisions. A bid from a temporary suspended or debarred firm will
be rejected.

4.5 Government-owned enterprises in the Employer’s country shall be

eligible only if they can establish that they (i) are legally and
financially autonomous, (ii) operate under commercial law, and (iii)
are not a dependent agency of the Employer.

4.6 A Bidder shall not be under suspension from bidding by the

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

Employer as the result of the execution of a Bid–Securing


4.7 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility

satisfactory to the Employer, as the Employer shall reasonably

4.8 Firms shall be excluded if by an act of compliance with a decision

of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of
the Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s country prohibits
any import of goods or contracting of works or services from that
country or any payments to persons or entities in that country.

4.9 In case a prequalification process has been conducted prior to the

bidding process, this bidding is open only to prequalified Bidders.

5 Eligible 5.1 The materials, equipment, and services to be supplied under the
Materials, Contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries as
Equipment and defined in ITB 4.2, and all expenditures under the Contract will be
Services limited to such materials, equipment, and services. At the
Employer’s request, Bidders may be required to provide evidence
of the origin of materials, equipment, and services.

5.2 For purposes of ITB 5.1 above, “origin” means the place where
the materials and equipment are mined, grown, produced, or
manufactured, and from which the services are provided.
Materials and equipment are produced when, through
manufacturing, processing, or substantial or major assembling of
components, a commercially recognized product results that
differs substantially in its basic characteristics or in purpose or
utility from its components.

B. Contents of Bidding Document

6 Sections of 6.1 The Bidding Document consist of Parts I, II, and III, which include
Bidding all the sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction
Documents with any addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8.

PART I Bidding Procedures

Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)
Section 4 - Bidding Forms (BDF)
Section 5 - Eligible Countries (ELC)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

PART II Requirements
Section 6 - Employer’s Requirements (ERQ)

PART III Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms

Section 7 - General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section 8 - Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
Section 9 - Contract Forms (COF)

6.2 The IFB issued by the Employer is not part of the Bidding

6.3 The Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the

Bidding Document and their addenda, if they were not obtained
directly from the source stated by the Employer in the IFB.

6.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms,

and specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure to furnish all
information or documentation required by the Bidding Document
may result in the rejection of the bid.

7 Clarification of 7.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on the Bidding

Bidding Document shall contact the Employer in writing at the Employer’s
Documents, address indicated in the BDS or raise his inquiries during the
Site Visit, Pre- pre-bid meeting if provided for in accordance with ITB 7.4. The
Bid Meeting Employer will respond in writing to any request for clarification,
provided that such request is received no later than 21 days prior
to the deadline for submission of bids. The Employer shall
forward copies of its response to all Bidders who have acquired
the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB 6.3, including a
description of the inquiry but without identifying its source. Should
the Employer deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document
as a result of a request for clarification, it shall do so following the
procedure under ITB 8 and ITB 22.2.
7.2 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and
its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all
information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and
entering into a contract for construction of the Works. The costs
of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
7.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted
permission by the Employer to enter its premises and lands for
the purpose of such visit, but only upon the express condition
that the Bidder, its personnel, and agents will release and
indemnify the Employer and its personnel and agents from and
against all liability in respect thereof, and will be responsible for

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any

other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of
the inspection.
7.4 The Bidder’s designated representative is invited to attend a pre-
bid meeting, if provided for in the BDS. The purpose of the
meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any
matter that may be raised at that stage.
7.5 The Bidder is requested to submit any questions in writing, to
reach the Employer not later than 1 week before the meeting.
7.6 Minutes of the pre-bid meeting, including the text of the questions
raised, without identifying the source, and the responses given,
together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be
transmitted promptly to all Bidders who have acquired the
Bidding Document in accordance with ITB 6.3. Any modification
to the Bidding Document that may become necessary as a result
of the pre-bid meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively
through the issue of an addendum pursuant to ITB 8 and not
through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting.
7.7 Nonattendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for
disqualification of a Bidder.

8 Amendment of 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the
Bidding Employer may amend the Bidding Document by issuing
Document addenda.
8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and
shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the
Bidding Document from the Employer in accordance with ITB 6.3.
8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an
addendum into account in preparing their Bids, the Employer
may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of
Bids, pursuant to ITB 22.2

C. Preparation of Bids

9 Cost of 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
Bidding and submission of its Bid, and the Employer shall in no case be
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.

10 Language of 10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to
Bid the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer, shall be
written in the language specified in the BDS. Supporting
documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

in another language provided they are accompanied by an

accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language
specified in the BDS, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

11 Documents 11.1 The Bid shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously,
Comprising the one called the Technical Bid containing the documents listed in
Bid ITB 11.2 and the other the Price Bid containing the documents
listed in ITB 11.3, both envelopes enclosed together in an outer
single envelope.
11.2 The Technical Bid shall comprise the following:
(a) Letter of Technical Bid;
(b) Bid Security or Bid-Securing Declaration, in accordance with
ITB 19;
(c) alternative Bids, if permissible, in accordance with ITB 13;
(d) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to
commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB 20.2;
(e) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB 17, establishing
the Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract;
(f) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16; and
(g) any other document required in the BDS.
11.3 The Price Bid shall comprise the following:

(a) Letter of Price Bid;

(b) completed Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB 12 and
ITB 14;
(c) alternative price Bids, at Bidder’s option and if permissible, in
accordance with ITB 13; and
(d) any other document required in the BDS.
11.4 In addition to the requirements under ITB 11.2, Bids submitted by
a Joint Venture shall include a copy of the Joint Venture
Agreement entered into by all partners. Alternatively, a Letter of
Intent to execute a Joint Venture Agreement in the event of a
successful Bid shall be signed by all partners and submitted with
the Bid, together with a copy of the proposed agreement.

12 Letter of Bid 12.1 The Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, and the Schedules,
and Schedules including the Bill of Quantities, shall be prepared using the
relevant forms furnished in Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The
forms must be completed without any alterations to the text, and
no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled
in with the information requested and as required in the BDS.

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

13 Alternative 13.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not
Bids be considered.
13.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a
statement to that effect will be included in the BDS, as will the
method of evaluating different times for completion.
13.3 Except as provided under ITB 13.4 below, Bidders wishing to
offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the Bidding
Document must first price the Employer’s design as described in
the Bidding Document and shall further provide all information
necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative by the
Employer, including drawings, design calculations, technical
specifications, breakdown of prices, and proposed construction
methodology and other relevant details. Only the technical
alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated Bidder conforming to
the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the
13.4 When specified in the BDS, Bidders are permitted to submit
alternative technical solutions for specified parts of the Works.
Such parts will be identified in the BDS and described in Section
6 (Employer’s Requirements). The method for their evaluation
will be stipulated in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification

14 Bid Prices and 14.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Letter of
Discounts Price Bid and in the Bill of Quantities shall conform to the
requirements specified below.
14.2 The Bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works
described in the Bill of Quantities. Items against which no rate or
price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the
Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the
rates for other items and prices in the Bill of Quantities.
14.3 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance
with ITB 12.1, shall be the total price of the Bid, excluding any
discounts offered. Absence of the total bid price in the Letter of
Price Bid may result in the rejection of the Bid.
14.4 The Bidder shall quote any discounts and the methodology for
their application in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance with
ITB 12.1.
14.5 The prices shall be either fixed or adjustable as specified in the
(a) In the case of Fixed Price, prices quoted by the Bidder shall

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 13 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and

not subject to variation on any account. A Bid submitted with
an adjustable price will be treated as nonresponsive and
(b) In the case of Adjustable Price, prices quoted by the Bidder
shall be subject to adjustment during performance of the
contract to reflect changes in the cost elements such as
labor, material, transport, and contractor’s equipment in
accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract.
A Bid submitted with a fixed price will be treated as
nonresponsive and be rejected. The Bidder shall furnish the
indexes and weightings for the price adjustment formulas in
the Tables of Adjustment Data included in Section 4 (Bidding
Forms) and the Employer may require the Bidder to justify its
proposed indexes and weightings. Any bid that omits
indexes and weightings shall be subject to clarification with
the Bidder.
14.6 If so indicated in ITB 1.1, bids are being invited for individual
contracts or for any combination of contracts (packages).
Bidders wishing to offer any price reduction for the award of
more than one Contract shall specify in their bid the price
reductions applicable to each package, or alternatively, to
individual Contracts within the package. Price reductions or
discounts shall be submitted in accordance with ITB 14.4,
provided the Bids for all contracts are submitted and opened at
the same time.

14.7 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor
under the Contract, or for any other cause, as of the date 28
days prior to the deadline for submission of bids, shall be
included in the rates and prices and the total Bid Price submitted
by the Bidder.

15 Currencies of 15.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder
Bid and entirely in the currency specified in the BDS.
15.2 Bidders shall indicate the portion of the bid price that
corresponds to expenditures incurred in the currency of the
Employer’s country in the Schedule of Payment Currencies
included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).
15.3 Bidders expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for
inputs to the Works supplied from outside the Employer’s
country and wishing to be paid accordingly may indicate the
other currencies in the Schedule of Payment Currencies

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 14 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).

15.4 The rates of exchange to be used by the Bidder for currency
conversion during bid preparation shall be the selling rates for
similar transactions prevailing on the date 28 days prior to the
deadline for submission of bids published by the source
specified in the BDS. If exchange rates are not so published for
certain currencies, the Bidder shall state the rates used and the
source. Bidders should note that for the purpose of payments,
the exchange rates confirmed by the source specified in the
BDS as the selling rates prevailing 28 days prior to the deadline
for submission of Bids shall apply for the duration of the
Contract so that no currency exchange risk is borne by the
15.5 Foreign currency requirements indicated by the Bidders in the
Schedule of Payment Currencies shall include but not limited to
the specific requirements for
(a) expatriate staff and labor employed directly on the Works;
(b) social, insurance, medical and other charges relating to such
expatriate staff and labor, and foreign travel expenses;
(c) imported materials, both temporary and permanent,
including fuels, oil and lubricants required for the Works;
(d) depreciation and usage of imported Plant and Contractor's
Equipment, including spare parts, required for the Works;
(e) foreign insurance and freight charges for imported materials,
Plant and Contractor's Equipment, including spare parts;
(f) overhead expenses, fees, profit, and financial charges
arising outside the Employer's country in connection with the

15.6 Bidders may be required by the Employer to clarify their foreign

currency requirements, and to substantiate that the amounts
included in the unit rates and prices and shown in the Schedule
of Payment Currencies are reasonable and responsive to ITB
15.3 above, in which case a detailed breakdown of its foreign
currency requirements shall be provided by the Bidder.

15.7 Bidders should note that during the progress of the Works, the
foreign currency requirements of the outstanding balance of the
Contract Price may be adjusted by agreement between the
Employer and the Contractor in order to reflect any changes in
foreign currency requirements for the Contract, in accordance
with Subclause 14.15 of the Conditions of Contract. Any such
adjustment shall be effected by comparing the percentages

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 15 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

quoted in the bid with the amounts already used in the Works
and the Contractor's future needs for imported items.

16 Documents 16.1 The Bidder shall furnish a Technical Proposal including a

comprising the statement of work methods, equipment, personnel, schedule,
Technical and any other information as stipulated in Section 4 (Bidding
proposal Forms), in sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy of the
Bidders’ proposal to meet the work requirements and the
completion time.

17 Documents 17.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract in

Establishing accordance with Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria)
the the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the
Qualification of corresponding information sheets included in Section 4 (Bidding
the Bidder Forms).if the prequalification process was not conducted prior to
the bidding process, the Bidder shall provide the information
requested in the corresponding information sheets included in
Section IV, Bidding Forms.
17.2 Domestic Bidders, individually or in Joint Ventures, applying for
eligibility for domestic preference shall supply all information
required to satisfy the criteria for eligibility as described in ITB 36.

18 Period of 18.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS after
Validity of Bids the bid submission deadline date prescribed by the Employer. A
bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Employer
as nonresponsive.
18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid
validity period, the Employer may request Bidders to extend the
period of validity of their Bids. The request and the responses
shall be made in writing. If a bid security is requested in
accordance with ITB 19, it shall also be extended 28 days
beyond the deadline of the extended validity period. A Bidder
may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A
Bidder granting the request shall not be required or permitted to
modify its Bid.

19 Bid Security/ 19.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish
Bid-Securing as part of its Bid, in original form, either a Bid-Securing
Declaration Declaration or a bid security as specified in the BDS.
19.2 If a Bid-Securing Declaration is required pursuant to ITB 19.1, it
shall use the form included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms). The
Employer will declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a
Contract for a specified period of time, as indicated in the BDS,
if the Bid-Securing Declaration is executed.

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 16 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

19.3 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the bid

security shall be, at the Bidder’s option, in any of the following
(a) an unconditional bank guarantee,
(b) an irrevocable letter of credit,
(c) a cashier’s or certified check, or
(d) SWIFT message in the form of MT760.

all from a reputable source from an eligible country as described

in Section 5 (Eligible Countries). In the case of a bank
guarantee, the bid security shall be submitted either using the
Bid Security Form included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms) or
another form acceptable to the Employer. The form must include
the complete name of the Bidder. The bid security shall be valid
for 28 days beyond the original validity period of the bid, or
beyond any period of extension if requested under ITB 18.2.
19.4 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, any Bid not
accompanied by a substantially compliant bid security or Bid-
Securing Declaration, if one is required in accordance with ITB
19.1, shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive.

19.5 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the bid

security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned promptly
upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of the performance
security pursuant to ITB 45.

19.6 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the bid

security of the successful Bidder shall be returned promptly
once the successful Bidder has signed the Contract and
furnished the required performance security.

19.7 The bid security may be forfeited or the Bid Securing

Declaration executed, if
(a) notwithstanding ITB 24.3, a Bidder withdraws its bid during
the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the
Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, except as provided in
ITB 18.2; or
(b) the successful Bidder fails to
(i) sign the Contract in accordance with ITB 44;
(ii) furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB 45;
(iii) accept the arithmetical correction of its Bid in accordance
with ITB 34; or

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 17 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

(iv) furnish a domestic preference security, if so required.

19.8 If the bid security is required as per ITB 19.1, the bid security of
a Joint Venture shall be in the name of the Joint Venture that
submits the Bid. If the Joint Venture has not been legally
constituted at the time of bidding, the bid security shall be in the
name of any or all of the Joint Venture partners. If the Bid-
Securing Declaration is required as per ITB 19.1, the Bid-
Securing Declaration of a Joint Venture shall be in the name of
the Joint Venture that submits the Bid. If the Joint Venture has
not been legally constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid-
Securing Declaration shall be in the names of all future partners
as named in the letter of intent mentioned in ITB 4.1.

20 Format and 20.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original set of the Technical Bid
Signing of Bid and one original set of the Price Bid comprising the Bid as
described in ITB 11 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL -
Bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB 13, shall be clearly
marked “ALTERNATIVE.” In addition, the Bidder shall submit
copies of the Technical and Price Bids, in the number specified
in the BDS, and clearly mark each of them “COPY.” In the event
of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the
original shall prevail. The original of the Bid shall be typed or
written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly
authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. This authorization
shall be in the form of a Power of Attorney included in the
Technical Bid. All pages of the Bid where entries or
amendments have been made shall be signed or initialed by the
person signing the Bid.
20.2 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in
indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to
sign on behalf of the Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a
written confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be
attached to the bid. The name and position held by each person
signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the
signature. If a Bidder submits a deficient authorization, the Bid
shall not be rejected in the first instance. The Employer shall
request the Bidder to submit an acceptable authorization within
the number of days as specified in the BDS. Failure to provide
an acceptable authorization within the period as stated in the
Employer’s request shall cause the rejection of the Bid. If either
the Letter of Technical Bid or Letter of Price Bid or Bid-Securing
Declaration (if applicable) is not signed, the Bid shall be

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 18 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

20.3 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or

overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by
the person signing the Bid.

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

21 Sealing and 21.1 Bidders may always submit their Bids by mail or by hand. When
Marking of so specified in the BDS, Bidders shall have the option of
Bids submitting their Bids electronically. Procedures for submission,
sealing, and marking are as follows:
(a) Bidders submitting Bids by mail or by hand shall enclose the
original of the Technical Bid, the original of the Price Bid, and
each copy of the Technical Bid and each copy of the Price Bid,
in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as
PRICE BID.” These envelopes, the first containing the
originals and the others containing copies, shall then be
enclosed in one single envelope per set. If permitted in
accordance with ITB 13, alternative Bids shall be similarly
sealed, marked and included in the sets. The rest of the
procedure shall be in accordance with ITB 21.2 and ITB 21.5.

(b) Bidders submitting Bids electronically shall follow the

electronic bid submission procedures specified in the BDS.

21.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall

(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;
(b) be addressed to the Employer in accordance with BDS
22.1; and
(c) bear the specific identification of this bidding process
indicated in the BDS 1.1.

21.3 The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the
Technical Bid shall bear a warning not to open before the time
and date for the opening of Technical Bid, in accordance with
ITB 25.1.
21.4 The inner envelopes containing the Price Bid shall bear a
warning not to open until advised by the Employer in
accordance with ITB 25.7.

21.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the
Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or
premature opening of the Bid.

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 19 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

22 Deadline for 22.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address and no
Submission of later than the date and time indicated in the BDS.
22.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of Bids by amending the Bidding Document in
accordance with ITB 8, in which case all rights and obligations of
the Employer and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

23 Late Bids 23.1 The Employer shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the
deadline for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 22. Any
bid received by the Employer after the deadline for submission of
Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to
the Bidder.
24.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid – Technical
24 Withdrawal,
or Price – after it has been submitted by sending a written notice,
duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a
copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB 20.2 (except for
Modification of
withdrawal notices, which do not require copies). The
corresponding substitution or modification of the Bid must
accompany the respective written notice. All notices must be

(a) prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 20 and ITB

21 (except for withdrawal notices, which do not require
copies), and in addition, the respective envelopes shall be
clearly marked “WITHDRAWAL,” “SUBSTITUTION,”
“MODIFICATION”; and received by the Employer prior to the
deadline prescribed for submission of Bids, in accordance
with ITB 22.
(b) received by the Employer no later than the deadline
prescribed for submission of Bids, in accordance with ITB 22.
24.2 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB 24.1 shall
be returned unopened to the Bidders.

24.3 No Bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval

between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration of
the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letters of
Technical Bid and Price Bid or any extension thereof.
25 Bid Opening 25.1 The Employer shall open the Technical Bids in public at the
address, on the date and time specified in the BDS in the
presence of Bidders` designated representatives and anyone who
chooses to attend. Any specific electronic bid opening procedures
required if electronic bidding is permitted in accordance with ITB

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 20 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

21.1, shall be as specified in the BDS. The Price Bids will remain
unopened and will be held in custody of the Employer until the
specified time of their opening. If the Technical Bid and the Price
Bid are submitted together in one envelope, the Employer may
reject the entire Bid. Alternatively, the Price Bid may be
immediately resealed for later evaluation.

25.2 First, envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and

read out and the envelope with the corresponding Bid shall not be
opened, but returned to the Bidder. No bid withdrawal shall be
permitted unless the corresponding withdrawal notice contains a
valid authorization to request the withdrawal and is read out at bid

25.3 Second, outer envelopes marked “SUBSTITUTION” shall be

opened. The inner envelopes containing the Substitution
Technical Bid and/or Substitution Price Bid shall be exchanged
for the corresponding envelopes being substituted, which are to
be returned to the Bidder unopened. Only the Substitution
Technical Bid, if any, shall be opened, read out, and recorded.
Substitution Price Bid will remain unopened in accordance with
ITB 25.1. No envelope shall be substituted unless the
corresponding substitution notice contains a valid authorization to
request the substitution and is read out and recorded at bid

25.4 Next, outer envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall be opened.

No Technical Bid and/or Price Bid shall be modified unless the
corresponding modification notice contains a valid authorization
to request the modification and is read out and recorded at the
opening of Technical Bids. Only the Technical Bids, both Original
as well as Modification, are to be opened, read out, and recorded
at the opening. Price Bids, both Original as well as Modification,
will remain unopened in accordance with ITB 25.1.
25.5 All other envelopes holding the Technical Bids shall be opened
one at a time, and the following read out and recorded:

(a) the name of the Bidder;

(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;
(c) the presence of a bid security or Bid-Securing Declaration, if
required; and
(d) any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate.

Only Technical Bids and alternative Technical Bids read out and
recorded at bid opening shall be considered for evaluation.

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 21 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, all pages of the Letter of

Technical Bid are to be initialed by at least three representatives
of the Employer attending bid opening. No Bid shall be rejected at
the opening of Technical Bids except for late bids, in accordance
with ITB 23.1.

25.6 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical

Bids that shall include, as a minimum, the name of the Bidder and
whether there is a withdrawal, substitution, or modification;
alternative proposals; and the presence or absence of a bid
security or Bid-Securing Declaration, if one was required. The
Bidders’ representatives who are present shall be requested to
sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the
record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A
copy of the record shall be distributed to all Bidders who
submitted Bids on time and posted online when electronic bidding
is permitted.

25.7 At the end of the evaluation of the Technical Bids, the Employer
will invite bidders who have submitted substantially responsive
Technical Bids and who have been determined as being qualified
for award to attend the opening of the Price Bids. The date, time,
and location of the opening of Price Bids will be advised in writing
by the Employer. Bidders shall be given reasonable notice of the
opening of Price Bids.

25.8 The Employer will notify Bidders in writing who have been
rejected on the grounds of their Technical Bids being substantially
nonresponsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document and
return their Price Bids unopened.

25.9 The Employer shall conduct the opening of Price Bids of all
Bidders who submitted substantially responsive Technical Bids, in
the presence of Bidders` representatives who choose to attend at
the address, on the date, and time specified by the Employer.
The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall be requested
to sign a register evidencing their attendance.

25.10 All envelopes containing Price Bids shall be opened one at a time
and the following read out and recorded:
(a) the name of the Bidder;
(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;
(c) the Bid Prices, including any discounts and alternative offers;
(d) any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate.

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 22 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

Only Price Bids discounts, and alternative offers read out and
recorded during the opening of Price Bids shall be considered for
evaluation. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, all pages of
the Letter of Price Bid and Bill of Quantities are to be initialed by
at least three representatives of the Employer attending bid
opening. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of Price Bids.

25.11 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Price Bids
that shall include, as a minimum, the name of the Bidder, the Bid
Price (per lot if applicable), any discounts, and alternative offers.
The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall be requested
to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the
record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A
copy of the record shall be distributed to all Bidders who
submitted Bids on time, and posted online when electronic
bidding is permitted.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

26 Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison,
and postqualification of Bids and recommendation of contract
award, shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not
officially concerned with such process until information on the
Contract award is communicated to all Bidders.

26.2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Employer in the

evaluation of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in
the rejection of its Bid.

26.3 Notwithstanding ITB 26.2, from the time of bid opening to the time
of Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Employer
on any matter related to the bidding process, it may do so in
27 Clarification of 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the
Bids Technical and Price Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask
any Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. Any clarification submitted
by a Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Employer
shall not be considered. The Employer’s request for clarification
and the response shall be in writing. No change in the substance
of the Technical Bid or prices in the Price Bid shall be sought,
offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of
arithmetic errors discovered by the Employer in the evaluation of
the Price Bids, in accordance with ITB 34.

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 23 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

27.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its Bid by the date
and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its Bid may
be rejected.
28.1 During the evaluation of Bids, the following definitions apply:
28 Deviations,
(a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in
and Omissions
the Bidding Document;
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or
withholding from complete acceptance of the requirements
specified in the Bidding Document; and
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information
or documentation required in the Bidding Document.
29 Examination of 29.1 The Employer shall examine the Technical Bid to confirm that all
Technical Bids documents and technical documentation requested in ITB 11.2
have been provided, and to determine the completeness of each
document submitted.

29.2 The Employer shall confirm that the following documents and
information have been provided in the Technical Bid. If any of
these documents or information is missing, the offer shall be
(a) Letter of Technical Bid;
(b) written confirmation of authorization to commit the Bidder;
(c) Bid Security or Bid-Securing Declaration, if applicable; and
(d) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16.

30 Responsiveness 30.1 The Employer’s determination of a Bid’s responsiveness is to be

of Technical Bid based on the contents of the bid itself, as defined in ITB11.

30.2 A substantially responsive Technical Bid is one that meets the

requirements of the Bidding Document without material deviation,
reservation, or omission. A material deviation, reservation, or
omission is one that,

(a) if accepted, would:

(i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or

performance of the Works specified in the Contract; or

(ii) limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding

Document, the Employer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations
under the proposed Contract; or

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 24 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of

other Bidders presenting substantially responsive Bids.

30.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid
submitted in accordance with ITB 16, Technical Proposal, in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of Section 6
(Employer’s Requirements) have been met without any material
deviation, reservation, or omission.

30.4 If a Bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the

Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the Employer and may
not subsequently be made responsive by correction of the
material deviation, reservation, or omission.
31 Nonmaterial 31.1 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer may
Nonconformities waive any nonconformities in the Bid that do not constitute a
material deviation, reservation, or omission.

31.2 Provided that a Technical Bid is substantially responsive, the

Employer may request that the Bidder submit the necessary
information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time,
to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities in the Technical Bid related
to documentation requirements. Requesting information or
documentation on such nonconformities shall not be related to
any aspect of the Price Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with
the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.

31.3 Provided that a Technical Bid is substantially responsive, the

Employer shall rectify quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities
related to the Bid Price. To this effect, the Bid Price shall be
adjusted, for comparison purposes only, to reflect the price of a
missing or non-conforming item or component. The adjustment
shall be made using the method indicated in Section 3
(Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).
32 Qualification of 32.1 The Employer shall determine to its satisfaction during the
the Bidder evaluation of Technical Bids whether Bidders meet the qualifying
criteria specified in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification

32.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the

documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by
the Bidder, pursuant to ITB 17.1. Unless permitted in the BDS,
the determination shall not take into consideration the
qualifications of other firms such as the Bidder’s subsidiaries,

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 25 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

parent entities, affiliates, Subcontractors (other than Specialist

Subcontractors if permitted in ITB 33.2 of the Bidding document),
or any other firm(s) different from the Bidder.

32.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for the

opening and evaluation of a Bidder’s Price Bid. The Employer
reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder found to be in
circumstances described in GCC 15.2(e). A negative
determination shall result into the disqualification of the Bid, in
which event the Employer shall return the unopened Price Bid to
the Bidder.
33 Subcontractors 33.1 Unless otherwise stated in the BDS, the Employer does not
intend for the contractor to execute any specific elements of the
Works through nominated subcontractors.

33.2 If subcontractors are proposed for any of the key activities listed
in Section 3 (Evaluation and Qualification) Criteria 2.4.2, they
shall be considered as “Specialist Subcontractors” and shall meet
qualification requirements for the relevant key activities.

34 Correction of 34.1 During the evaluation of Price Bids, the Employer shall correct
Arithmetical arithmetical errors on the following basis:
(a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be
corrected, unless in the opinion of the Employer there is an
obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in
which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit
price shall be corrected.

(b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or

subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the
total shall be corrected.

(c) If there is a discrepancy between the bid price in the

Summary of Bill of Quantities and the bid amount in item (c)
of the Letter of Price Bid, the bid price in the Summary of Bill
of Quantities will prevail and the bid amount in item (c) of the
Letter of Price Bid will be corrected.

(d) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the

amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed
in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 26 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

amount in figures shall prevail subject to (a), (b) and (c)


34.2 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not
accept the correction of errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and its
bid security may be forfeited or its Bid-Securing Declaration

35 Conversion to 35.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the currency(ies) of the
Single Bid shall be converted into a single currency as specified in the
Currency BDS.
36 Domestic 36.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, domestic preference shall
Preference not apply.
37 Evaluation and 37.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in
comparison of this Clause. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be
Price Bids permitted.

37.2 To evaluate a Price Bid, the Employer shall consider the following:
(a) the bid price, excluding Provisional Sums and the provision,
if any, for contingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities,
but including Daywork items, where priced competitively;
(b) price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in
accordance with ITB 34.1;
(c) price adjustment due to discounts offered in accordance
with ITB 14.4;
(d) converting the amount resulting from applying (a) to (c)
above, if relevant, to a single currency in accordance with
ITB 35;
(e) adjustment for nonmaterial nonconformities in accordance
with ITB 31.3;
(f) assessment whether the bid is abnormally low in
accordance with ITB 38; and
(g) application of all the evaluation factors indicated in Section
3 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).
37.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the
Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the
Contract, shall not be taken into account in bid evaluation.

37.4 If this Bidding Document allows Bidders to quote separate prices

for different contracts, and the award to a single Bidder of multiple
contracts, the methodology to determine the lowest evaluated

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 27 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

price of the contract combinations, including any discounts

offered in the Letter of Price Bid, is specified in Section 3
(Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

37.5 The Employer shall compare all substantially responsive Bids to

determine the lowest evaluated Bid price, in accordance with ITB

38 Abnormally 38.1 An abnormally low bid is one where the bid price, in combination
Low bids with other elements of the bid, appears to be so low that it raises
concerns as to the capability of the Bidder to perform the contract
for the offered bid price.

38.2 When the offered bid price appears to be abnormally low, the
Employer shall undertake a three-step review process as follows:

(a) identify abnormally low costs and unit rates by comparing

them with the engineer’s estimates, other substantially
responsive bids, or recently awarded similar contracts;
(b) clarify and analyze the bidder’s resource inputs and pricing,
including overheads, contingencies and profit margins; and
(c) decide whether to accept or reject the bid.

38.3 With regard to ITB 38.2 (b) above, the Employer will seek a
written explanation from the bidder of the reasons for the offered
bid price, including a detailed analysis of costs and unit prices, by
reference to the scope, proposed methodology, schedule, and
allocation of risks and responsibilities. This may also include
information regarding the economy of the manufacturing process;
the services to be provided, or the construction method to be
used; the technical solutions to be adopted; and any exceptionally
favorable conditions available to the bidder for the works,
equipment or services proposed.

38.4 After examining the explanation given and the detailed price
analyses presented by the bidder, the Employer may:

(a) accept the bid, if the evidence provided satisfactorily

accounts for the low bid price and costs, in which case
the bid is not considered abnormally low;

(b) accept the bid, but require that the amount of the
performance security be increased at the expense of the
bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against
financial loss. The amount of the performance security

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 28 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

shall generally be not more than 20% of the contract

price; or

(c) reject the bid if the evidence provided does not

satisfactorily account for the low bid price, and make a
similar determination for the next ranked bid, if required.

39 Unbalanced or 39.1 If the Bid, which results in the lowest evaluated Bid Price, is
Front-Loaded seriously unbalanced or front-loaded in the opinion of the
Bids Employer, the Employer may require the Bidder to produce
detailed price analyses for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities,
to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the
construction methods and schedule proposed, as well as the
pricing and sources of materials, equipment and labor.

39.2 After the evaluation of the information and detailed price

analyses presented by the Bidder, the Employer may as
(a) accept the Bid; or
(b) accept the Bid, but require that the total amount of the
Performance Security be increased at the expense of the
Bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against
financial loss in the event of default of the successful
Bidder under the Contract subject to ITB 45.2; or
(c) reject the Bid and make a similar determination for the
next ranked bid.

40 Employer’s 40.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and
Right to Accept to annul the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior
Any Bid, and to to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to
reject any or All Bidders. In case of annulment, all Bids submitted and specifically,
Bids bid securities, shall be promptly returned to the Bidders.

41 Notice of 41.1 If Standstill provisions apply as specified in the BDS, the standstill
Intention for period shall be defined in the BDS to specify the duration
Award of subsequent to notification of intention for award of contract
Contract (before making the actual contract award) within which any
unsuccessful bidder can challenge the proposed award.

F. Award of Contract
42 Award Criteria 42.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer
has been determined in line with ITB 37 to ITB 39 above to be the
lowest evaluated Bid and is substantially responsive to the
Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder is determined

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 29 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

43 Notification of 43.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity and upon expiry
Award of the standstill period specified in ITB 41.1, or upon satisfactory
resolution of a complaint filed within standstill period, if applicable,
the Employer shall transmit the Notification of Award using the
form included in Section 9 (Contract Forms) to the successful
Bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted.

43.2 Unless standstill period applies, upon notification of award,

unsuccessful Bidders may request in writing to the Employer for
a debriefing seeking explanations on the grounds on which their
Bids were not selected. The Employer shall promptly respond in
writing and/or in a debriefing meeting to any unsuccessful Bidder
who, after publication of contract award, requests a debriefing.

43.3 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the notification

of award shall constitute a binding Contract.

43.4 Within 2 weeks of the award of contract or expiry of the standstill

period, where such period applies, or, if a complaint has been
filed within the standstill period, upon receipt of ADB’s
confirmation of satisfactory resolution of the complaint, the
borrower shall publish in an English language newspaper or
widely known and freely accessible website the results identifying
the bid and lot or package numbers, as applicable and the
following information:

(a) name of each Bidder who submitted a Bid;

(b) bid prices as read out at bid opening;
(c) name and evaluated prices of each Bid that was evaluated;
(d) name of Bidders whose bids were rejected and the reasons
for their rejection; and
(e) name of the winning Bidder, and the price it offered, as well
as the duration and summary scope of the contract awarded.

44 Signing of 44.1 Promptly upon notification, the Employer shall send the
Contract successful Bidder the Contract Agreement.

44.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the Contract

Agreement, the successful Bidder shall sign, date, and return it to the
45 Performance 45.1 Within 28 days of the receipt of notification of award from the
Security Employer, the successful Bidder shall furnish the performance

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 30 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – I
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

security in accordance with the conditions of contract, subject to

ITB 38 and ITB 39, using for that purpose the Performance
Security Form included in Section 9 (Contract Forms), or another
form acceptable to the Employer. If the institution issuing the
performance security is located outside the country of the
employer, it shall have a correspondent financial institution
located in the country of the employer to make it enforceable.

45.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the abovementioned

Performance Security or to sign the Contract Agreement shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the bid security or execution of the Bid-Securing
Declaration. In that event, the Employer may award the Contract
to the next lowest evaluated Bidder whose offer is substantially
responsive and is determined by the Employer to be qualified to
perform the Contract satisfactorily.

45.3 The above provision shall also apply to the furnishing of a

domestic preference security if so required.
46 Bidding-Related 46.1 The procedures for dealing with Bidding-Related Complaints
Complaints arising out of this bidding process are specified in the BDS.

CMRL / Rev. C ITB - 31 April 2022




PART - 1





APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be
read as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and
tender drawings.
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)


The following specific data for the Works to be procured shall complement,
supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB).
Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.

For Procedure and guidelines for e-tendering, reference shall be made to E-

tendering toolkit (Annexure to BDS).

A. General
ITB 1.1 The number of the Invitation for Bids (IFB) is:

The Employer is: Chennai Metro Rail Limited

The name of the open competitive bidding (OCB) is:


The number and identification of lots comprising this OCB is:

Not Applicable.
ITB 1.2 (a) Add the following at the end of ITB 1.2 (a):
The Employer shall use the e-procurement module of the Central
Public Procurement Portal at
The electronic-procurement system shall be used to manage the
following aspects of the bidding process:
 Publishing of Bid document
 Publishing of Responses to Prebid queries.
 Publishing of Addendum/Corrigendum
 Submission of Bids
 Opening of Bids
 Evaluation of Technical Bid
 Evaluation of Financial Bid
 Selection of Lowest Evaluated Bidder
 Issue of Notice of Award of Contract
ITB 2.1 The Borrower is: The Government of India
The name of the project is: Chennai Metro Rail Project, Phase 2,
Corridor 3.
ITB 4.1 Add the following at the end of ITB 4.1
The Bidder should be either:
a) An Indian Company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956
b) A foreign entity registered under relevant legislation in its

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 1 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

country of origin.
c) A Joint Venture of no more than three companies of (a) and or
(b) above.
In case of a JV, the lead member shall have maximum share in the
A copy of MOU or JV agreement signed by all the members shall
be submitted with the tender. Change in constitution or percentage
participation of JV shall not be permitted at any stage after their
submission of Tender and thereafter.
The authorized representative from the JV shall be signatory of the
The authorized representative of the JV shall be authorized to
receive instructions for and on behalf of any or all members of the
Joint Venture.
All members of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally
responsible for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Contract.
The Letter of Technical Bid and the Letter of Price Bid and other
forms wherever required shall be stamped & signed by the
authorized representative of the JV and shall be legally binding on
all the Members of the JV.
Throughout the Bidding Documents, including under Section 1,
Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4, the expressions ‘’Joint
Venture’’ or ‘’JV’’ shall have the same meaning as stipulated under
the Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause; and ‘’JV
undertaking’’ as stipulated in PCC Sub-Clause
Similarly, in the context of Joint Venture, throughout the Bidding
documents, the word ‘’ leader’’, as stipulated under the Conditions
of Contract Sub-Clause 1.14, is synonymous with the word
‘’Representative’’ and with the words ‘’lead partner’’ and with ‘’Lead
Partner’’; the word ‘’member’’ is synonymous with the word
‘’partner’’ and with ‘’Partner’’; and the word ‘’members’’ is
synonymous with ‘’partners’’ and with ‘’Partners’’.
ITB 4.10 Add a new ITB 4.10
(a) Indian Bidder(s), or Indian Members of a JV shall submit, a copy
of the Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by the Income
Tax Authorities and a certified copy of the last 3 years (including
the latest Financial Year) income tax return, duly acknowledged
by Income Tax department with their Bid and the Technical
Package. In case the Indian member of a JV is a wholly owned
100% subsidiary of their foreign member in the said JV and this
Indian company has been formed less than 3 years ago, the
certified copy of the latest Financial Year income tax return
(applicable only if company was formed more than a year ago),
duly acknowledged by Income Tax department shall be
submitted in the Technical Package.
(b) Foreign Bidder(s) should be covered under the grant of general
permission to establish project offices in India (as per RBI

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 2 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Master Circular No. 10/2015-16 updated up to the deadline for

submission of bids) on securing the subject project if have not
already opened project office in India. In case of award of
contract to a foreign bidder such foreign bidder has to submit
proof of having opened project office in India before submitting
any interim payment application, failing which no payment shall
be made till such time.
Particulars to be noted by foreign bidders (non-residents as
per Income Tax Act, 1961):
Foreign bidders should be aware of the following particulars. Upon
award of the work these particulars of the successful contractor are
required to be furnished by the Employer to Income Tax
Department for complying with the requirements for making
remittances to non-residents as per Income Tax Act, 1961 (as
amended from time to time):
(i) Whether the non-resident has a Fixed Place Permanent
Establishment (PE) or a Dependent Agency PE in India, in
terms of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)
between India and his country of tax residence through which
the non-resident carries on business activities in relation to its
engagement by the Employer and if, yes, address of the Fixed
Place PE or name & address of the Dependent Agent?
(ii) Whether by carrying on activities in relation to its engagement
by the Employer, the non-resident constitutes an
Installation/Construction PE or a Service PE in India in terms
of the DTAA between India and his country of tax residence?
(iii) If the non-resident has PE in India, whether the remittances to
be made to him under his engagement by the Employer are
attributable to such PE?
(iv) If the remittances to be made to the non-resident under his
engagement by the Employer are attributable to a PE which it
has in India, what quantum of the profits resulting to the non-
resident from his engagement by the Employer, can be said to
be attributable to the role played by the PE, and the basis of
arriving at such quantum?
(v) If no part of the remittances to be made to the non-resident
under his engagement by the Employer is attributable to a PE
which it has in India, what are the reasons for the same?
(vi) Non-resident’s complete address (not necessarily in India).
(vii) If the non-resident has an Indian Income Tax Permanent
Account Number (PAN).
(viii) Country of tax residence of the non-resident supported by a
Tax Residency Certificate from the tax authorities of that
country or the non-resident’s own certificate (only if it is not
possible for the nonresident to obtain & submit Tax Residency
Certificate to the Employer within a reasonable time).
(ix) Country which can be called the non-resident’s principal place
of business. This could be the same as his country of tax
residence or different depending on facts.

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 3 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

(x) Non-resident’s e-mail address.

(xi) Non-resident’s phone number with International Dialing code.
(xii) Whether the non-resident is constituted as a company, a
partnership firm, or any other form of business organization.
In addition to above particulars, the bidder should also be
required to provide upon award of work any other information
as may be required later for determining the taxability of the
amount to be remitted to the non-resident.
B. Bidding Document
ITB 6.1 Replace ITB 6.1 with the following
The Bidding Documents consist of Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 which include
all the Sections indicated below and should be read in conjunction
with any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8.
PART 1 - Bidding Procedures
Section – I Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section – II Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section – III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)
Section – IV A Bidding Forms
Section – IV-B Pricing Schedule
Section – V Eligible Source Countries
PART 2 - Employer’s Requirements
Section - VI.
Sub - Section A. General
Sub - Section B. Functional
Sub - Section C. Design
Sub - Section D. Construction
Sub - Section E. Appendices
Section - VI A – OHS&E Requirements
Volume 1. Control
Volume 2. Safety Manual
Volume 3. Environment
Section - VII. Outline Construction Specifications
Sub - Section 1. Civil and Structural Works
Sub - Section 2. Architectural Works
Sub - Section 3. Finishes
Sub - Section 4. Signages
Sub – Section 5. Plumbing and Drainage Works
Section - VIII. Employer’s Drawings
PART 3 - Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
Section - IX. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section - X. Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
Section - XI. Annex to PCC Forms
PART 4 – Reference Documents

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 4 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section - XII. Geotechnical Investigation Records

Section - XIII. Temporary Traffic Diversion Plans
Section - XIV. Existing Utilities Drawings
The Bidder shall check the pages of all documents against page
numbers given in the Contents Page and in the event of discovery of
any discrepancy, the Bidder shall inform the Employer forthwith.
ITB 6.3 Replace ITB 6.3 with the following:
Unless obtained directly by the Bidder from the CPP E-Tender portal,
the Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding
Documents, responses to requests for clarification, the minutes of the
pre-Bid meeting (if any), or Addenda/Corrigenda to the Bidding
Documents in accordance with ITB 8. In case of any contradiction,
documents available on CPP E-tender portal shall prevail.
Failure to comply with the requirements of the Bidding Documents
and to furnish all information required by the Bidding Documents or
submission of a Bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding
Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result
in rejection of its Bid.
ITB 7.1 For clarification purposes and for any update/ addendum/
corrigendum/ pre-bid queries the Employer’s address is:
Attention: Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement)
Address: Conference Room, 1st Floor, CMRL Admin Building,
CMRL Depot, Poonamallee High Road, Koyambedu,
City: Chennai
ZIP Code: 600107
Country: India
Telephone: +91-44-23792300 Extn. - 22347
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Web page:
E-tendering portal:
Should the Bidder for any reason whatsoever, be in doubt about the
meaning of anything contained in the Bid Documents or the extent
of detail in the Employer’s Requirements and the Employer’s
Drawings, the Bidder shall seek clarification from the Employer,
not later than 18 - 04 -2022 up to 18:00 hrs, after which the queries
shall not be acknowledged.
Bidders are advised to use the format attached in Section IV A:
Bidding Forms (“Form For Seeking clarifications on Bidding
Documents”) while seeking clarifications.
NOTE: Post COVID’19 if restriction continues pre-bid meeting may be on
Virtual meeting.
ITB 7.2 Add the following to the end of ITB 7.2
The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site where the
Viaduct and stations are to be constructed and its surroundings and
obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may
be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract. The
cost of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 5 April 2022
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

The Bidder shall note the existence of aboveground, at grade and

underground structures, utilities, heritage buildings and
infrastructure in the near vicinity of the Works to be constructed.
The Bidder’s attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 4.10 of Part-3 –
General Conditions of Contract.
ITB 7.4 A Pre-bid meeting will take place on 15-04 -2022, 11:00 Hrs and at
the address mentioned in ITB 7.1. Interested bidders can attend the
Pre-bid meeting.
CMRL will organize a site visit immediately after Pre-bid meeting.
One of the officials of CMRL shall accompany the bidder for site
visit. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the bidder’s own
ITB 7.5 Replace ITB 7.5 with the following
The Bidder is requested to upload the pre-bid queries on the e-
procurement portal not later than 18-04-2022 up to 18:00 Hrs and
as per the standard proforma provided in Section IV A – Bidding
ITB 7.6 Replace ITB 7.6 with the following
Pre-bid replies, including the text of the questions asked by
Bidders, without identifying the source, and the responses given,
together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be
published in the CPP portal
Any modification to the Bidding Documents that may become
necessary as a result of the pre- bid meeting shall be made by the
Employer exclusively through the issue of an addendum /
corrigendum pursuant to ITB 8 and shall be published on the CPP
portal and the same shall also
be part and parcel of the Bid Document.
ITB 8.2 Replace ITB 8.2 with the following
Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Documents and
shall be promptly published in the E-procurement portal in
accordance with ITB 7.1.
The onus is on the Bidders to visit the CPP portal regularly to see
the addenda/corrigenda published by the Employer. Accordingly,
the validity of Bid Security Bank Guarantee shall be extended.
ITB 9.1 Add the following at the end of ITB 9.1:
A non-refundable Bid submission Fee of INR 33,500/- (Rupees
Thirty Three Thousand Five Hundred only) inclusive of GST, or
US $440 shall be paid through a demand draft /
NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT in the name of "Chennai Metro Rail Limited”
payable at Chennai.
Bank account details for payment;
a) Beneficiary name: M/s Chennai Metro Rail Limited
b) Beneficiary bank: Canara Bank, Teynampet Branch, Chennai-
600 018
c) Current Account No: 0416214000030
d) IFSC Code: CNRB0000416

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 6 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 10.1 The Language of the bid is: English
All correspondence exchange shall be in English language.
Language for translation of supporting documents and printed
literature is English.
Supporting documents related to Qualification criteria enclosed with
the bid, other than English Language, should be translated in to
English and each such translated page will have to be
notarized/registered with appropriate statutory authority in the
jurisdiction where the supporting document is being issued and
should be endorsed by Indian Embassy.
The bidder should provide the relevant contact number & E-Mail ID
along with the postal address, in English, of issuing authority /
agency of such documents for verification purpose.
ITB 11.1 Replace ITB 11.1 with the following
The Bidder shall, on or before 10-05-2022, 15:00 hrs, upload his Bid
(Technical +Financial) on e-tendering portal of CPP in accordance with provisions
of ITB 21
The Bid shall comprise two parts submitted simultaneously, one
called the Technical bid containing the documents listed in ITB 11.2
and the other the Financial Bid containing the documents listed in
ITB 11.3.
The Bidder shall also submit the following originals to the office of
Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement), CMRL at the
address mentioned in ITB 7.1 within Bid submission due date by
person / Post / Courier failing which the bid shall be rejected.
(a) Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT towards cost of Tender
(b) Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT towards Bid
Security. In case of BG with validity as mentioned in ITB 19.3
In case of NEFT /RTGS/SWIFT /DD, Name of the Bidder and Bid
Number is to be written on the backside.
ITB 11.2(b) Replace ITB 11.2 (b) with the following
The original Bid Security document (in the form of BG/DD) in
accordance with ITB 19.1 and ITB 19.3 shall be submitted by the Bidder
at the Employer’s address indicated in the BDS 7.1 by or before the
date and time specified in the e-tendering portal as an initial filter for
opening of the Bid. Bidder shall upload a scanned copy of the Bid
Security on the CPP portal along
with Bid submission.
ITB 11.2(g) Add the following to Para (g):
The bidder shall submit the following additional documents in their
(a) Outline Quality Plan:
The Bidder shall submit as part of its Bid an Outline Quality Plan
illustrating the intended means of compliance with the, Section
VI, Employer’s Requirements, and setting out in summary form

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 7 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

an adequate basis for the development of the more detailed

document required under specifications of the Bid. The Outline
Quality Plan shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate
clearly the proposed method of achieving the Bidder’s quality
objectives with regard to the requirement of the Contract.
(b) Outline Safety Plan / OHSE Plan:
The Bidder shall submit as part of its Bid an Outline Safety Plan
which shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate clearly
the Bidder’s proposals for achieving effective and efficient safety
procedures in the manufacture, testing and commissioning of
the Works. The Outline Safety Plan should include an outline of
the safety procedures and regulations to be developed and the
mechanism by which they will be implemented for ensuring
safety including Hazard Analysis, Fire Control, Electro Magnetic
Compatibility/Electro-magnetic Interference control, reliability,
availability and maintainability requirements as given in the
Employer’s Requirements and Conditions of Contract.
The Outline Safety Plan shall be headed with a formal statement
of policy in relation to safety and shall be sufficiently informative
to define the Bidder’s Safety Plans and set out in summary an
adequate basis for the development of the Site Safety and
Safety in transportation to be submitted in accordance with
Employer’s Requirements and Conditions of Contract. The
Bidder may be requested by CMRL in writing to amplify, explain
or develop its Outline Safety Plan prior to the date of acceptance
of the Bid and to provide more details with a view to reaching
provisional acceptance of such a Plan.
The Bidder shall submit as part of its Bid an Outline
Environmental Plan setting out in summary form its intended
means of complying with the Employer’s Safety, Health and
Environment Manual and noise standards for the Works. This
shall be an adequate basis for the development of the more
detailed document to be submitted under Employer’s
Requirements. This shall form the basis for the submission of a
detailed and comprehensive Environmental Plan to be submitted
in accordance with Employer’s Requirement.
The Bidder may be requested by the Employer in writing to
amplify, explain or develop its Outline Environmental Plan prior
to the date of acceptance of the Bid and to provide more detail
with a view to reaching provisional acceptance of such a Plan.
c) Outline COVID-19 Health and Safety Management Plan
As a part of the technical proposal, the bidder shall submit a
reasonably responsive Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)
Health and Safety system Management Plan.
ITB 11.3 (d) The Bidder shall submit with its Price Bid the following additional
documents: None
ITB 13.1 Alternative bids shall not be permitted.
ITB 13.2 Alternative times for completion shall not be considered.

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

ITB 13.3 Technical alternatives shall not be permitted.

ITB 13.4 Alternate technical solutions shall not be permitted.
ITB 14.4 Replace ITB 14.4 with the following:
The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts and the
methodology for their application (the discounts, and the
methodology of their application, should be quoted on amount
quoted in the bid so that the discounts can be evaluated by simple
arithmetic calculation during financial evaluation of the tenders, to
arrive at the net total amount of the tender. If the net total price
cannot be calculated after application of the methodology of the
discount(s) quoted, the discounts will be ignored and the bid shall
be evaluated without considering the discounts.
ITB 14.5 The rates and prices quoted by the Bidder are subject to
adjustment during the performance of the Contract in accordance
with Clause 13.8 of Particular Conditions of Contract.
ITB 14.7 Add the following at the end of ITB 14.7:
The rates and prices and the total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder
shall exclude Goods and Services Tax (GST), which shall be
reimbursed as applicable in accordance with the prevailing rules of
Government of India on submission of proof of discharge of
bidder’s obligation.
ITB 15.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the bidder in
Indian Rupees (INR) and up to any three freely convertible
Foreign currencies.
ITB 15.4 The rates of exchange shall be the selling rates 28 days prior to the
deadline for submission of bids published by: Reserve Bank of
India (RBI)/ Financial Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd., (FBIL).
ITB 18.1 The Bid validity Period shall be: 120 days
ITB 19.1 The Bidder shall furnish a Bid security for an amount of INR.9.6
Crores or US $12,56,050, for which the applicable exchange rate
shall be as stipulated in ITB 15.4.
ITB 19.2 Bid-securing Declaration shall not be permitted.
ITB 19.3 Replace last para of ITB 19.3 with the following:
Bid Security can be submitted in the form of
(a) Unconditional Bank Guarantee or
(b) Demand draft or
If submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee, it shall be as per the BG
format given in the Bid, from a Scheduled Commercial Bank as
defined in Section 2(e) of RBI Act 1934, or from a foreign bank
having a correspondent financial institution located in India or having
a tie up with Indian banks.
ITB 20.1 Replace ITB 20.1 with the following
The e-Tender consisting of Technical Bid (comprising of documents
specified in ITB 11.2) and Financial Bid (comprising of documents

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

specified in ITB 11.3) shall be submitted online on e-procurement

portal only in accordance with
the requirements of the Bid Documents
ITB 20.2 Replace ITB 20.2 with the following
The entire Bid Document available on e-tender portal of CPP with
all Corrigendum and Addendum and Response to Tender queries
issued from time to time and requisite enclosures described and
directed in the bid documents shall be downloaded. Only Technical
proposal, EQC and Financial proposal shall be filled and uploaded
on the E-tender portal by the authorized signatory on behalf of the
Bidder with his digital signature certificate (DSC). The Bidder who
fails to submit as mentioned aforesaid, his Bids shall be treated as
non-responsive and not considered for evaluation.
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
ITB 21 Replace ITB 21 with the following:
(a) It is the directive of Govt. of India to process tendering online to
ensure transparency, and fairness in the process and security of
documents. Hence, the bidder has to submit the bids online in the
system available at the above referred portal. The bidder has to
agree to the online user portal agreement. Then only, the system
will permit the bidder to proceed further in the system. Bidder has
to fill all mandatory fields indicated by an asterisk (*).
(b) All bids are to be submitted online on the website
(c) It is the bidder’s responsibility to comply with the system
requirement i.e. hardware, software and internet connectivity at
bidder’s premises to access the e-tender website. Under any
circumstances, CMRL shall not be liable to the bidders for any
direct/indirect loss or damages incurred by them arising out of
incorrect use of the e-tender system or internet connectivity
(d) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required Bidding
documents one by one as indicated in the Bidding document.
(e) The bidder shall upload copy of Bid security, proof of payment of
Cost of Bidding Documents (NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT receipts or
scanned copies of DD) and Technical documents and financial
documents in Bid submission page of CPP. After uploading
successfully, the system shall generate tick marks against the
“Technical” and “Finance” folders icons. The uploaded documents
can be viewed by the bidder. After uploading all the required
documents bidder can press “Freeze Bid” button to mark
completion of tender uploading and shall take print out of the
acknowledgement which shows the details of the uploaded
(f) Bidder should log into the Central Public Procurement Portal
(CPP Portal) site with USER ID and Password well in advance for
tender submission so that they can upload the bid in time i.e. on
or before 10-05-2022, 15-00 hrs. Bidder shall have a valid DSC to
CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 10 April 2022
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

digitally sign the documents. Attempting to upload the bid in the

last minute, may result in JAVA or other related software failures
and internet connectivity failures. Bidder will be solely responsible
for any delay due to such issues or other related issues and
CMRL does not take any responsibility/liability towards bid
submission failure in such circumstances.
ITB 22.1 Replace ITB 22.1 with the following
The Tender Documents comprising Technical part and Financial part
shall be uploaded in the E-procurement portal of CPP on or before
the date and time for submission as specified herein or as amended
by Corrigendum.
The deadline for tender submission - online (ITB 21) and supporting
documents is:
Date: 10-05-2022,
Time: 15-00 hrs.

The deadline for submission of original tender security Physically

(ITB 21) is:
Date: 10-05-2022 ,
Time: 15-00 hrs

ITB 23.1 Add at the end of ITB 23.1 with the following
In case of E-Procurement, the Bidder shall submit his Bid through
E-tender portal of CPP before 10-05-2022, 15-00 hrs or as
amended in Corrigendum in accordance with ITB 8.2. Submission
of Bids shall be closed on CPP portal at the date & time of
submission as prescribed in ITB 22.1 after which no tender can be
ITB 24.1 Replace ITB 24.1 with the following
Bidder may withdraw their bid, before the bid submission date and
time using their DSC by logging into the e-tendering portal with their
Login ID and Password.
ITB 24.2 Bids withdrawn in accordance with ITB 24.1 shall not be opened.
ITB 25.1 Replace ITB 25.1 with the following
The e-tender opening shall take place at 10-05-2022, 17-00 hrs
(IST) and at the address as mentioned in ITB 7.1. The Technical
bids will be decrypted and opened online. Till such time, the bids
will be only in the encrypted form. After the scheduled time, the bids
will be opened by stipulated bid openers with their Digital Signature
Certificates (DSC) key.
ITB 25.2 to Add at the end of each ITB from 25.2 to 25.6 with the following:
ITB 25.6 In case of E-Procurement, please refer to Annexure to BDS.
ITB 25.7 Add at the end of ITB 25.7 with the following
In case of E-Procurement, after evaluation of Technical bids, all the
bidders who participated in the bid will get an information regarding
their acceptance or otherwise rejection of their technical bid.
Thereafter, a system generated email confirmation will be sent to all
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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Technically qualified bidders.

ITB 25.8 Not Applicable

ITB 25.9 Add at the end of the ITB 25.9 with the following
In case of E-Procurement, a system generated e-mail confirmation
will be sent to all Technically qualified bidders communicating the
date and time of opening of price-bid to their registered e-mail ID
and registered mobile number.
ITB 25.10 Replace ITB 25.10 with the following:
The Employer shall conduct the electronic opening of Financial
parts on e- Tendering portal. The opening of Financial bids and
subsequent details can be viewed by the tenderers by logging on
the e-tendering portal.
On opening the Financial bid, the e-procurement system will
automatically generate the Comparative Statement of total prices
quoted by the bidders and the same can be viewed by bidders.
ITB 25.11 Add at the end of the ITB 25.11 with the following
In case of E-tendering, the bids are opened electronically with the
DSC key of bid opening authorities which can be viewed by all the
bidders by logging into the CPP portal.
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
ITB 32.2 The qualifications of other firms such as the Bidder’s subsidiaries,
parent entities, affiliates, Subcontractors shall not be permitted.
ITB 34.1 & Add at the end of the ITB 34.1& 34.2 with the following:
ITB 34.2 In case of E-Tendering, e-procurement procedure will be followed.
ITB 35.1 The currency that shall be used for Bid evaluation and comparison
purposes to convert all Bid Prices expressed in various currencies
into a single currency is: Indian Rupees (INR)
The source of selling exchange rate shall be: Financial
Benchmarks India Pvt Ltd (FBIL) as delegated by the Reserve
Bank of India vide their order no. RBI/2018-19/34 DBR.Ret.BC No.
01/12.01.001/2018-19 dated August 02, 2018.
The date for the selling exchange rate shall be: 28 days prior to
the stipulated date of submission of the Bid.
ITB 36.1 Domestic preference shall not apply
ITB37.2 (a) Replace ITB 37.2 (a) with the following
To evaluate a Price Bid, the Employer shall consider the following:
(a) The Bid Price including discounts if any, uploaded in e-
procurement portal but excluding Provisional Sum and GST;
ITB 37.4 Replace ITB 37.4 with the following
Refer to EQC 1.8

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

ITB 41.1 Standstill provision shall not apply

F. Award of Contract
ITB 43.1 Notification of award of Contract shall be intimated to the successful
bidder by sending scanned copy of the letter through e-mail and
hardcopy of the letter by post.

ITB 44.2 Replace ITB 44.2 with the following:

Within Twenty Eight (28) days from the date of receipt of Letter of
Acceptance (LOA) , the successful Bidder shall submit performance
guarantee and execute/sign the Contract agreement with the
Employer. In case of JV, all members are required to sign and seal
all the pages of the Contract Agreement & Documents.
ITB 46.1 The procedures for Bidding-Related Complaints are referenced in
the Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (Appendix 7). If
the Bidder wishes to make a Bidding-Related Complaint, The
Bidder shall submit its complaint following these procedures, in
writing (by the quickest means available, such as by email or fax),
For the attention: Additional General Manager (Contract
Employer: Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Email address: [email protected]
Fax No.044-2379 2200

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 13 April 2022

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)




The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal,
using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the
bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the
requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:


a) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: by clicking on the
link “Online bidder Enrollment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.

b) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.

c) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of
the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP

d) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying
Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their

e) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to

2. Procedure for Obtaining Digital Signature by Foreign Bidders

a) “Certifying Authorities” under CCA are issuing Digital Signature to Foreign bidders.
Below are the names of the vendors issuing DSC to Foreign bidders?
i. Capricorn Identity Services Pvt. Ltd.( )
ii. eMudhra ( )

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 14 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

iii. Sify Technologies Limited ( )

iv. VSIGN ( )
b) Following documents are required to be submitted by Foreign bidders towards DSC
I. Email id, mobile number, photo, scanned copy of proof of identity and
scanned copy of proof of address are required to be submitted.
II. Foreign Individual:
 For identity proof, the scanned copy of Passport/Local Govt issued
identity/PAN/OCI passport can be submitted.
 For the address proof the scanned copy of passport/OCI passport/local
government issued id having address/bank details having address/any
utility bills in the name of applicant issued within three months, or
document issued from embassy with residential address can be provided.
III. Foreign Organization:
 Scanned copy of organisational id, organisational email id, mobile number,
organizational address and letter of authorization from organization are
 Scanned copy of registration/incorporation document.
 If the organization is already registered/ empanelled in government
organizations of India, then the scanned copy of the letter of request issued
from Indian government organization with the details of DSC applicant
can be accepted as address proof/existence of organisation for DSC
c) Once registration process is completed, bidder then logs in to the site through the
secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the password of the DSC / e-
d) Please visit respective CA’s websites for detailed and latest information on
procurement of DSC.


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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

a) A non-refundable Bid submission fee as mentioned in NIT/Corrigendums shall be

paid as a Demand Draft/ NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT in the name of "Chennai Metro Rail
Limited” payable at Chennai.
b) The scanned copy of Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT has to be uploaded
along with the submission of Bid.
c) The Original Demand Draft of Tender Fees need to be submitted in
person/post/courier on or before the bid submission due date to the office of
Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement). The delay attributed to
submission by courier/postal delays of EMD, BG & Tender fees will be on the
liability of the bidder and CMRL is in no way accountable/ liable to receive
delayed/late original DD along with Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security.
d) In case of DD, Name of the Bidder and tender id/tender reference number need
to be written on the backside. In case of NEFT /RTGS/SWIFT bidders shall
write tender id/tender reference number in the purpose/comment section while
making payments.
e) Acknowledgement of the receipt of DD for Tender fees will be given by office of
Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement).
f) Indian bidders are to provide their GST registration details. However, if the
foreign bidders or JV turn out to be successful bidders, they shall obtain the
GST registration details and submit to the Engineer before getting any


1. There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters
such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to
search for a tender published on the CPP Portal.

2. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the
respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the
bidders through SMS/e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

3. The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in
case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

4. For CMRL tenders funded by AIIB/NDB/GoTN/JICA ,tender documents shall be

viewed under the section heading “Tender by organization>Chennai Metro Rail
Limited>” .In case of ADB funded tenders, tender documents shall be viewed under
the section heading “Tender by organization>Chennai Metro Rail Limited-Funded by


1. Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their bids.

2. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the
number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of
documents - including the names and content of each of the document that need to be
submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.

Bidder, in advance, should get ready with the required documents to be submitted as
indicated in the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS /
RAR / DWF/JPG formats. Documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and
white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document.

3. To ease with CPP Portal bid submission checklist for documents/form submission is
enclosed in every tender. Bidders at their own interest shall arrange the
documents/forms as per the checklist and upload the same at the time of the bid

4. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading
such standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates
etc.) has been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other
Important Documents’’ area available to them to upload such documents. These
documents may be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a
bid, and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the
time required for bid submission process.

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Note: My Documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the
uploading process. If Bidder has uploaded his Documents in My Documents space, this
does not automatically ensure these Documents being part of Technical Bid.


(a) Bidder should log into the CPP Portal site well in advance for bid submission so that
they can upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the last date and time of bid
submission. Attempting to upload the bid in the last minute, may result in JAVA or
other related software failures and internet connectivity failures. Bidder will be solely
responsible for any delay due to such issues or other related issues and CMRL does
not take any responsibility towards bid submission failure in such circumstances.

(b) It is the directive of Govt. of India to process tendering on line to ensure transparency,
and fairness in the process and security of documents. Hence, the bidder has to submit
the bids on line in the system available at the above referred portal. The bidder has to
agree to the online user portal agreement. Then only, the system will permit the bidder
to proceed further in the system. He has to fill all mandatory fields indicated by an
asterisk (*).

(c) All bids are to be submitted on-line on the website

(d) It is the bidder’s responsibility to comply with the system requirement i.e. hardware,
software and internet connectivity at bidder’s premises to access the e-tender website.
Under any circumstances, CMRL shall not be liable to the bidders for any
direct/indirect loss or damages incurred by them arising out of incorrect use of the e-
tender system or internet connectivity failures.

(e) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document and as per the checklist.

(f) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as
applicable and enter details of the instrument.


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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

i. The EMD/Bid Security shall be submitted in the form of

NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT/Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft.
ii. The scanned copy of Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS/SWIFT has to be
uploaded along with the submission of Bid. The originals of BG/DD shall
be submitted through post/courier/in-person to the office of Additional
General Manager (Contract Procurement) on or before bid submission
due date. The delay attributed to courier/postal delays will be on the
liability of the bidder.
iii. The details of the NEFT/RTGS/Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft, originals sent
should tally with the details available in the scanned copy available in the data
entered during bid submission time. If there is any discrepancy found in the
originals and Scanned copy submitted in online bid submission, then the
bidder will be disqualified and its bid will not be qualified for further
evaluation. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
iv. In case of DD, Name of the Bidder and tender id/tender reference number
need to be written on the backside. In case of NEFT /RTGS/SWIFT bidders
shall write tender id/tender reference number in the purpose/comment section
while making payments.
v. Acknowledgement of the receipt of DD/BG for Tender fees and EMD will be
given by office of Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement).
vi. The Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned as promptly as
possible within 28 Days after award of work to successful bidder.
vii. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder shall be returned as promptly as
possible once the successful Bidder has signed the Contract and furnished the
required Performance Security.
viii. The Bid Security may be forfeited if a Bidder:
a. withdraws its Bid during the period of Bid submission deadline and
Bid validity period or any extension thereto be provided by the Bidder.
b. Revokes or cancel their tender after submission or vary any terms
thereof without the consent of the CMRL.
c. Changes/varies any terms and conditions mentioned in Letter of
Acceptance (LOA) thereof without the consent of the CMRL.

(h) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as
the standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid

(i) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of
the bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology.
Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded
to the server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated
symmetric key. Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using
buyers/bid opener’s public keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become
readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid openers.

(j) The uploaded bids become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
bid openers of CMRL.

(k) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message &
a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of
the bid with all other relevant details.

(l) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the
submission of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any
bid opening meetings.


a) The Technical bids will be decrypted and opened online, on or after the scheduled
date and time. Till such time, the bids will be only in the encrypted form. After the
scheduled time, the bids will be opened by stipulated Bid Openers with their Digital
Signature Certificates (DSC).

b) After evaluation of technical bids, evaluation report will be published by CMRL there
after all the bidders who participated in the tender will get information regarding their
acceptance or otherwise of their technical bid. Thereafter, a system generated e-mail
confirmation will be sent to all Technically qualified bidders communicating the date
and time of opening of price-bid, in case of TWO BID SYSTEM ONLY.

c) Incase of ADB tenders bids will be opened on the same day and after the 2 hours of

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

bid submission time


Any order resulting from this tender enquiry, shall be governed by the terms &
conditions of the tender, and the tenderer quoting against this enquiry, shall be
deemed to have read and understood the same.


The tenderer shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of
its offer, and CMRL will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless
of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process including cancellation of this
tender process.


a) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the
relevant contact person indicated in the tender.

b) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP
Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.

c) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk
Number +91 0120-4200462, +91 0120-4001002, +91 0120-4001005 and
a. E-Mail : support- eproc[at]nic[dot]in
b. Note- Bidders are requested to kindly mention the URL of the Portal and
Tender Id in the subject while emailing any issue along with the Contact
c. For any Policy related matter / Clarifications Please contact Dept of
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance E-Mail : cppp-doe[at]nic[dot]in
d. For any Issues / Clarifications relating to the published tender(s) Kindly
contact the respective Tender Inviting Authority/CMRL.

11. Price Bid: Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their
financial bids in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

has been given as a standard BoQ format with the tender document, then the same is
to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download
the BoQ file, open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their
respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other
cells should be changed.. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid
will be rejected. The bidders should not rename the file or modify the format
while uploading in the system. The file name should be the same as the file name
given in the tender. The filled price bid shall be uploaded and submitted ONLY
in the e-procurement portal. The bidders may modify and resubmit the bid on-line,
if he wishes before the bid submission date and time. The system will accept only the
last submitted bid. Bidder can find out the status of his tender on line, any time after
opening the bids. Upon opening of financial bids, the system will generate a
comparative statement indicating ranking of bidders as per their quoted price.
12. Withdrawal of Bid: Bidder may withdraw a bid submitted already before the bid
submission date and time. Bidders can withdraw the bid on CPP Portal using DSC.


The tender must be valid for a minimum period of 90/120180 days from the stipulated
date of the tender opening as indicated in Tender Document. In exceptional
circumstances, CMRL may request for extending the period of validity for a specified
additional period. CMRL request and tenderer response shall be made in writing.

14. Any special conditions mentioned in any document by the bidder will not be
acceptable to CMRL. Conditional Bids will be rejected.

15. Any other means of tender submission will not be accepted by CMRL.

16. CMRL Bank account & GST Details:

To facilitate payment of tender fee and bid security through RTGS, NEFT &
IMPS/SWIFT, the details of bank account & GST Number of CMRL are mentioned

Beneficiary Name Chennai Metro Rail Limited

Name of the Bank Canara Bank

Branch Address Teynampet, Chennai 600018

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 22 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Beneficiary Account No 0416214000030

Type of Account Current Account

IFSC Code CNRB0000416

MICR 600017014

CMRL GST Number 33AADCC2233K1Z0


Corporate Identity Number U60100TN2007SGC065596

17. The Name and Designation of Officer and Place submission of Bid Security & Bid
document Cost, Pre-bid Meeting and for clarification Purposes is

“Additional General Manager (Contract Procurement)

Room No. 507,5th Floor
Chennai Metro Rail Limited
Admin Building, CMRL Depot
PH Road, Koyambedu
Chennai – 107
Telephone: 044 2379 2000, Extn- 22347.
Email: [email protected]
18. It shall be the responsibility of the bidders to ensure that his tender is submitted on
time before the deadline of submission through CPP portal.

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 23 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - II
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

NOTE: Procedure for Obtaining Digital Signature by Foreign Vendors

This document gives the procedure to be followed by bidders who are resident of
countries other than India for participating in Online Tendering Activity.

As per the IT ACT 2000, all bidders who participate in the online bidding process in
this site should possess a valid Digital Signature issued by any of the Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) vendors approved by CCA, India ( The
following document gives the procedure that is generally followed by various

Generally, the documents that are required to be submitted by Foreign Nationals are
as follows:
1. Identity Proof (ID Proof) of the person in whose name DSC has to be issued
(E.g. Passport copy).
2. Bank account statement in country of residence, duly attested by Indian
Embassy / High Commission / Consulate / Apostille in the country where the
applicant is currently located. (At least 6 months of Bank transactions) with the
proof indicating the account is owned by the Individual.
3. Copy of the Trade license attested by any one of the authorities as specified in
Point 2 above.
4. As the Individual is representing the company, an Authorization on company’s
letter head as given in the form
5. Copy of the Authorization letter or invitation letter from department
for the participation in the tender by any one of the tender inviting authority.

As of now, it is learnt that GNFC, issue DSCs with the above procedure. The copy of
the nCodes and eMudhra Format is enclosed as Annexure; the Copies of other
vendors will be made available on receipt of information from these vendors.

Note: The Information given by the vendors is attached for facilitating the Foreign
Nationals to procure DSCs from the Indian CA authorized vendors for information
purpose only as shared by the respective CA's.

Please find below the details of various vendors and application form for obtaining
b) eMudhra

CMRL / Rev. C BDS - 24 April 2022




PART - 1





APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase -2, Corridor-3 Part-1, Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 37.2 (a) – (f), other relevant factors are as
1.1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal

Evaluation of the Bidder's Technical Proposal will include an assessment of the Bidder's
technical capacity to mobilize key equipment and personnel for the contract consistent with
its proposal regarding work methods, scheduling, and material sourcing in sufficient detail
and fully in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Part 2, Employer’s

Noncompliance with equipment and personnel requirements described in this Section or in

Employer’s Requirements shall not normally be a ground for bid rejection, and such
noncompliance will be subject to clarification during bid evaluation and rectification prior to
contract award.

1.2 Completion time

Alternate completion times are not permitted.

1.3 Technical Alternatives

Alternate technical solutions are not permitted.

1.4 Specialist Subcontractors

Only the specific experience of Specialist Subcontractors for key activities specified in
criterion 2.4.2 Construction Experience in Key Activities will be considered. The experience
of Specialist Subcontractors in contracts of similar size and nature, and their financial
resources shall not be added to those of the Bidder for purposes of qualification of the

1.5 Quantifiable Nonconformities and Omissions

Pursuant to ITB 31.3 the cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities or
omissions (minor omissions or missing items) shall be evaluated. The Employer will
make its own assessment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformities and
omissions for the purpose of ensuring fair comparison of Bids.

1.6 Domestic preference

Domestic Preference shall not apply.

1.7 Other Criteria

Not applicable

1.8 Multiple Contracts

CMRL, the Employer, has floated many tenders for various packages in respect of
Phase-II of Chennai Metro Rail Project for different corridors and the tenders are at
different stages from invitation to evaluation.

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 1 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase -2, Corridor-3 Part-1, Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

In case, the bidder has already been awarded any of the other packages and
intends to participate in the present bid, then the bidder's annual turnover will be
subjected to the combined requirement of annual turnover asked against any
awarded package(s) to the bidder, and the bid under consideration as on the date
of evaluation of the technical package.

2. Qualification
i) Exchange Rate for Qualification Criteria:
Wherever a Form in Section IV A, Bidding Forms, requires a Bidder to state a monetary
amount, Bidders should indicate the INR equivalent using the rate of exchange determined
as follows:
(a) For turnover or financial data required for each year - Exchange rate (Selling rate)
prevailing on the last day of the respective calendar year.
(b) Value of Contract - Exchange rate (Selling rate) prevailing on the date of completion of
the Contract / date given in substantial completion certificate as applicable.
Exchange rates shall be taken from the publicly available source identified in ITB 35.1 or,
in case such rates are not available in the source identified above, any other publicly
available source acceptable to the Employer. Any error in determining the exchange rates
may be corrected by the Employer.

ii) JV Participation:
In case of a JV, The Lead member shall have majority share of participation in the proposed
JV/ consortium for this work.

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 2 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner

2.1 Eligibility
Forms ELI-1
Must meet Must meet Must meet and ELI-2, with
2.1.1 Nationality Nationality in accordance with ITB 4.2 N/A attachments
requirement requirement requirement

Conflict of No conflicts of interest in accordance Must meet Must meet Must meet Letter of
2.1.2 N/A
Interest with ITB 4.3 requirement requirement requirement Technical Bid

(i) Not having been declared

ineligible by ADB, as described in Must meet Must meet Must meet Letter of
2.1.3 ADB Eligibility N/A
ITB 4.4 requirement requirement requirement Technical Bid

Bidder required to meet conditions of Forms ELI-1

Government Must meet Must meet Must meet
2.1.4 ITB 4.5. N/A and ELI-2, with
owned Entity requirement requirement requirement
Not having been excluded by an act
United Nations of compliance with a United Nations Must meet Must meet Must meet Letter of
2.1.5 N/A
Eligibility Security Council resolution in requirement requirement requirement Technical Bid
accordance with ITB 4.8.
2.2 Historical Contract Non-Performance
2.2.1 History of Non- Non-performance (i) of a contract did Must meet
Must meet Must meet
Performing not occur as a result of contractor’s requirement N/A FORM CON-1
requirement requirement
Contracts default since 1st January 2015. (ii)

2.2.2 Suspension Not under suspension based on

Must meet Must meet Must meet Letter of
Based on execution of a Bid-Securing N/A
requirement requirement requirement Technical Bid
Execution of Declaration pursuant to ITB 4.6.

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 3 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.2.3 Pending NOT USED
Litigation and
Notes for the Bidder
(i) Non-performance, as decided by the Employer, shall include all contracts
a) where non-performance was not challenged by the contractor, including through referral to the dispute resolution mechanism under
the respective contract, and
b) contracts that were so challenged but fully settled against the contractor.

Non-performance shall not include contracts where Employer’s decision was overruled by the dispute resolution mechanism. Non-
performance must be based on all information on fully settled disputes or litigation, i.e. dispute or litigation that has been resolved in
accordance with the dispute resolution mechanism under the respective contract and where all appeal instances to the Bidder have been

(ii) This requirement also applies to contracts executed by the Bidder as a JV Member.

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 4 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.3 Financial Situation
2.3.1 Historical Submission of audited financial
Financial statements/balance sheets or, if not
Performance required by the laws of the Bidder’s
country, other financial statements
acceptable to the Employer, for the
last five years to demonstrate the FORM FIN-1
Must meet Must meet
current soundness of the Bidder’s N/A N/A with
requirement requirement
financial position. attachments
As a minimum, the Bidder’s Net worth
for the last year calculated as the
difference between total assets and
total liabilities should be positive.
2.3.2 Average Annual Minimum average annual
Construction construction turnover of INR 480 Must meet Must meet
Turnover Crores, calculated as total certified Must meet Must meet minimum minimum
payments received for contracts in requirement requirement 25 % of the 40 % of the
progress and/or completed, within requirement requirement
the last 3 years divided by 3 years.
2.3.3 Financial The Bidder must demonstrate that its
Resources financial resources defined in FIN-3,
less its financial obligations for its Must meet Must meet
current contract commitments Must meet Must meet minimum minimum Form FIN-3 &
defined in FIN-4, meet or exceed the requirement requirement 25 % of the 40 % of the FIN-4
total requirements for the subject requirement requirement
contract of INR 80 Crores

2.4 Construction Experience

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 5 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.4.1 Contracts of Participation as a contractor or Joint
Similar Size and Venture Partner in contracts in an
Nature urban environment, that have been
successfully or substantially#
completed between 01st January
2010) and bid submission deadline
shall meet the following eligibility
A minimum number of
(a) One contract of value INR. 766
Crores or above
Must meet
(b) Two contracts of value each INR. Must meet Must meet minimum Form EXP-1
478 Crores or above N/A
requirement requirement 50% of the
OR requirement
(c) Three contracts of value each
INR. 383 Crores or above

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 6 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
No. Factor Requirement All Partners Each
Entity One Partner Requirements
Combined Partner
2.4.2 Construction For the works stated in 2.4.1 above or
Experience in other contracts completed or under
Key Activities implementation as a contractor
(single entity or JV Member)
between 01st January 2010 and bid
submission deadline , a minimum
construction experience in the
following key activities shall be
satisfied: N/A
Must meet Must meet Must meet
(i) Successful/Substantial Form EXP-2
requirement requirement requirement
completion of minimum 3 Kms
Elevated corridor
Highways/Flyovers / Railway
Bridges .

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 7 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

Notes for the Bidder

i) For contracts under which the Bidder participated as a JV member, only the Bidder’s share, by value, shall be considered to meet this requirement.
ii) A JV entity, if bids for this work with the same arrangement as that of its any previous Work, shall be evaluated as a single entity with respect to the Eligibility
and Qualification Criteria
iii) For projects executed outside India, all documents including Completion Certificates or Performance Certificates, or Implementation Completion Reports
shall be translated to unambiguous English language and endorsed as stated in ITB 10.
# Substantial completion shall be based on 80% or more of the works completed as on one month prior to the date of submission of the Bid. Client certificates
shall be submitted clearly indicating all details required to demonstrate substantial completion. In determining substantial completion, calculation of the
work progress shall be done based on the cumulative certified progress payment and the Accepted Contract Amount.
## In case of JV, the value of Works (contracts) completed by its members shall not be aggregated to determine the requirement of the minimum value of a
single contract. In determining whether the JV meets the requirement of total number of contracts, only the number of contracts completed by all members,
each of value or more than the minimum value required, shall be aggregated.

CMRL / Rev. C EQC - 8 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3 Part-1,Section - III
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)

3. Price levelling:

A weightage of 5% (Compounded annually from the date of completion of the works to the
date of bid submission) shall be given for equating the works of the previous years to the
current year executed under INR portion of the contract Foreign currency component shall
be converted into INR equivalent by applying respective exchange rate on date of
completion / substantial completion as applicable. Upon converting into INR, 5% inflation
per year (annual compounding) shall be applied for completed projects only for updating
to the current price level.

The above is applicable for all the financial and work experience calculations.

CMRL/Rev. C April 2022

EQC - 9



PART - 1




APRIL 2022
Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Table of Forms

1. LETTER OF TECHNICAL BID .................................................................................................... 3

2. LETTER OF PRICE BID .............................................................................................................. 7
3. BID SECURITY ............................................................................................................................ 9
4. BID-SECURING DECLARATION.............................................................................................. 10
5. AFFILIATE COMPANY GUARANTEE...................................................................................... 11
6. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ......................................................................................................... 12
6.1 (A) FORM PER-1: PROPOSED PERSONNEL ......................................................................... 13
6.1 (B) FORM PER-2: RESUME OF PROPOSED PERSONNEL...................................................... 14
6.2 FORM EQU: EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................ 16
6.3 STAFFING SCHEDULE AND SITE ORGANIZATION.............................................................. 17
6.4 METHOD STATEMENT ............................................................................................................. 18
6.5 MOBILISATION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 19
6.6 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE.................................................................................................. 20
6.7 OUTLINE QUALITY PLAN ........................................................................................................ 22
6.8 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PLAN ....................................... 23
7. BIDDER’S QUALIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 24
FORM ELI-1: BIDDER’S INFORMATION SHEET .............................................................................. 25
FORM ELI-2: JOINT VENTURE INFORMATION SHEET................................................................... 26
FORM CON-1: HISTORICAL CONTRACT NON-PEFORMANCE ..................................................... 27
FORM FIN-1: HISTORICAL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ............................................................... 29
FORM FIN-2: AVERAGE ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION TURNOVER ................................................. 30
FORM FIN -3: AVAILABILITY OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES .......................................................... 31
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 34
FORM EXP-1: CONTRACTS OF SIMILAR SIZE AND NATURE ....................................................... 35
FORM EXP-2: CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE IN KEY ACTIVITIES .............................................. 37
8. SCHEDULES ............................................................................................................................. 39
9. BILL OF QUANTITIES............................................................................................................... 42
10. BID INDEX SHEET ................................................................................................................... 43
.................................................................................................................................................... 45
13. SAMPLE FORMAT FOR BANKING REFERNCE LIQUIDITY.............................................. 46
PACKAGE ................................................................................................................................. 47
BID DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................................... 48
INTERMEDIARY ....................................................................................................................... 49

CMRL / Rev.C BF-1 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms


LABOUR LAWS........................................................................................................................ 50
ADJUSTMENT OF AMOUNTS FROM BALANCE DUE ....................................................... 51
(JV)............................................................................................................................................. 52

CMRL / Rev.C BF-2 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

1. Letter of Technical Bid

The Bidder must accomplish the Letter of Technical Bid on its letterhead clearly showing the Bidder’s
complete name and address.

Date : ……………….
Invitation for Bid No.: C3/ECV-01/RT01

Director Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents,

including Addenda issued in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 8.

(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following
Works: “Insert Name of the work”

(c) Our Bid consisting of the Technical Bid and the Price Bid shall be valid for a
period of 120 days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in
accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us
and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.

(d) Our firm, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
Contract, have nationalities from eligible countries in accordance with ITB 4.2.

(e) We, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the contract, do
not have any conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 4.3.

(f) We are not participating, as a Bidder, either individually or as partner in a Joint

Venture, in more than one Bid in this bidding process in accordance with ITB

(g) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, its affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
contract, are not subject to, or not controlled by any entity or individual that is
subject to, a temporary suspension or a debarment imposed by the Asian
Development Bank or a debarment imposed by the Asian Development Bank

CMRL / Rev.C BF-3 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment

Decisions between the Asian Development Bank and other development

(h) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the
Contract, are not, or have never been, temporarily suspended, debarred,
declared ineligible, or blacklisted by the Employer’s country, any international
organization, and other donor agency.

If so debarred, declared ineligible, temporarily suspended, or blacklisted,

please state details (as applicable to each Joint Venture partner, associate,
parent company, affiliate, subsidiaries, Subcontractors, and/or Suppliers):

(i) Name of Institution: __________________

(ii) Period of debarment, ineligibility, or blacklisting [start and end date]:
(iii) Reason for the debarment, ineligibility, or blacklisting:

(i) Our firm’s, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company’s affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers key officers and
directors have not been [charged or convicted] of any criminal offense
(including felonies and misdemeanours) or infractions/violations of ordinance
which carry the penalty of imprisonment.

If so charged or convicted, please state details:

(i) Nature of the offense/violation: __________________

(ii) Court and/or area of jurisdiction: __________________
(iii) Resolution [i.e. dismissed; settled; convicted/duration of penalty]:
(iv) Other relevant details [please specify]:

These institutions include African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD), Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and the World Bank Group. According to paragraph 9 of the
Agreement, other international financial institutions may join upon the consent of all Participating Institutions
and signature of a Letter of Adherence by the international financial institution substantially in the form
provided (Annex B to the Agreement). Upon adherence, such international financial institution shall become a
Participating Institution for purposes of the Agreement. Bidders are advised to check for

CMRL / Rev.C BF-4 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

(j) We understand that it is our obligation to notify ADB should our firm, Joint
Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries,
including any Subcontractors or Suppliers, be temporarily suspended,
debarred or become ineligible to work with ADB or any other MDBs, the
Employer’s country, international organizations, and other donor agencies, or
any of our key officers and directors be charged or convicted of any criminal
offense or infractions/violations of ordinance which carry the penalty of

(k) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or
subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers, are not from a country
which is prohibited to export goods to or receive any payments from the
Employer’s country by an act of compliance with a decision of the United
Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United

(l) [We are not a government-owned enterprise] / [We are a government-owned

enterprise but meet the requirements of ITB 4.5]2.

(m) We have not been suspended nor declared ineligible by the Employer based
on execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration in accordance with ITB 4.6.

(n) We agree to permit ADB or its representative to inspect our accounts and
records and other documents relating to the bid submission and to have them
audited by auditors appointed by ADB.

(o) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to mobilizing key equipment and personnel
in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 6 (Employer’s
Requirements) and our technical proposal, or as otherwise agreed with the

(p) We understand that any misrepresentation that knowingly or recklessly

misleads, or attempts to mislead may lead to the automatic rejection of the Bid
or cancellation of the contract, if awarded; and may result in remedial actions,
in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date)
and Integrity Principles and Guidelines (2015, as amended from time to time).

Use one of the two options as appropriate

CMRL / Rev.C BF-5 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Name ………………………………………………………………………………………
In the capacity of …………………………………………………………………………
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of ………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………………………………………..

CMRL / Rev.C BF-6 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

2. Letter of Price Bid

The Bidder must accomplish the Letter of Technical Bid on its letterhead clearly showing the Bidder’s
complete name and address.

Date : ……………….
Invitation for Bid No.: C3/ECV-01/RT01
Director Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents,

including Addenda issued in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 8.

(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents and the Technical
Bid submitted for the following Works, “Insert Name of the work”

(c) The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is:
[amount of foreign currency in words], [amount in figures], and [amount of local
currency in words], [amount in figures]

The total bid price from the Summary of Bill of Quantities should be entered by the bidder inside
this box. Absence of the total bid price in the Letter of Price Bid may result in the rejection of
the bid.

(d) The discounts offered (if any): [insert discounts if any]

(e) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for the bid
submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period.

(f) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in

accordance with the Bidding Documents.

(g) We have paid, or will pay the following commissions, gratuities, or fees with
respect to the bidding process or execution of the Contract. *

CMRL / Rev.C BF-7 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

.................................... ................................... ........................... .................

.................................... ................................... ........................... ................ .

(h) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof
included in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract
between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed.

(i) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid
or any other bid that you may receive.

(j) We agree to permit ADB or its representative to inspect our accounts and
records and other documents relating to the bid submission and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by ADB.

Name ………………………………………………………………………………………
In the capacity of …………………………………………………………………………
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of ………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………………………………………..

* If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “None”.

CMRL / Rev.C BF-8 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

3. Bid Security
Bank Guarantee
[Bank’s name, and address of issuing branch or office] *
Beneficiary: [Name and address of the Employer]
Bid Security No.: ...........................................................................................................................................................................

We have been informed that [name of the Bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has
submitted to you its bid dated [please specify] (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the
execution of [name of contract] under Invitation for Bids No. [please specify] (“the IFB”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be
supported by a bid guarantee.
At the request of the Bidder, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay
you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in words] [amount in
figures] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written
statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid
conditions, because the Bidder
(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder
in the Letters of Technical and Price Bid; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions
to Bidders (hereinafter “the ITB”); or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer during the
period of bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement,
or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with
the ITB, or (iii) fails or refuses to furnish a domestic preference security, if
This guarantee will expire (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt
of copies of the Contract Agreement signed by the Bidder and the Performance
Security issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not
the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification
to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder, or (ii) 28 days after the expiration
of the Bidder’s bid.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by
us at the office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC
Publication No. 458.#
[Authorized signature(s) and bank’s seal (where appropriate)]
* All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final document.
# Or 758 as applicable.

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4. Bid-Securing Declaration


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6. Technical Proposal

- 6.1 Personnel – Forms PER-1 and PER-2

- 6.2 Equipment - Form EQU
- 6.3 Staffing Schedule and Site Organization
- 6.4 Method Statement
- 6.5 Mobilization Schedule
- 6.6 Construction Schedule
- 6.7 Outline Quality Plan
- 6.8 Outline Safety Assurance Plan/OHS&E Plan

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6.1 (a) Form PER-1: Proposed Personnel

Date: [insert date of Bid Submission]

Bidder’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]

[The Bidder shall provide the names of suitably qualified personnel to meet the
specified requirements stated in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria,
Clause 1.1.1.]

1. Title of position*
2. Title of position*
3. Title of position*
4. Title of position*
5. Title of position*
etc., Title of position*

*As listed in Section III - EQC.

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6.1 (b) Form PER-2: Resume of Proposed Personnel

Date: [insert date of Bid Submission]

Bidder’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
IFB No: C3/ECV-01
Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]

[The Bidder shall provide the data on the experience of the personnel indicated in Form PER-
1, in the form below. Use one form for each position.]

Name of the Bidder

Personnel Name Date of Birth

Professional Qualifications

Present Name of the Employer

Address of Employer

Telephone Contact (manager/personnel


Fax E-mail

Job Title Years with present employer

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[Summarize professional experience in the reverse chronological order. Indicate

particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project.]

Company/Project/Position/Relevant technical and management

From To

Key Personnel
I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that:
(i) This CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experience;
(ii) I am committed to undertake the assignment within the validity of Proposal;
(iii) I am, pursuant to Clauses 1.1.1 of Part 1 - Section III, and Part 2 - Section VI of this
document, eligible for engagement.

I understand that any incorrect information given above may lead to my disqualification or
dismissal, if engaged.


[Signature of Key Personnel]


Certified that I have verified the credentials of Mr………………… proposed for the key position
of ………………….

Authorized Signatory

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Date: [insert day, month, year]
Bidder’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]

[The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability
to meet the requirements for the key equipment listed in Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria, Clause 1.1.2. A separate Form shall be prepared for each item of
equipment listed, or for alternative equipment proposed by the Bidder.]

Item of Equipment

Equipment Name of manufacturer Model and power rating


Capacity Year of manufacture

Current status Current Location

Details of current commitments

Source Indicate source of the Equipment

Owned Rented Leased Specially manufactured

Omit the following information if the equipment is owned by the Bidder.

Owner Name of Owner

Address of owner

Telephone Contact name and title

Fax Telex
Agreements Details of rental/lease/manufacture agreements specific to the project.

For the major equipment’s proposed to be hired by the Bidder, the Bidder shall submit
the consent of the Vendor/Supplier who is providing the equipment to the Bidder.

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The Bidder shall provide with the Bid a complete Schedule and Organization Chart as

1. The name, background and professional experience of each key staff member to
be assigned to this project, with particular reference to his experience of a nature
similar to that of the proposed assignment.

2. An organization chart with assignment of each key staff member (identified by

name), duration & timing together with clear description of the responsibilities of
each key staff member within the overall work programme.

We hereby confirm to deploy the minimum manpower as per “Key personnel”

under Section - III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria with prescribed
qualifications and experiences as detailed.

We also confirm to deploy manpower required for safety as per OHS& E

Requirements attached with the Bidding Documents


Note: The Bidder shall provide a complete Staffing Schedule and Organization Chart he
proposes for the work, which has to satisfy the requirement above.

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Each Bidder shall set out details of the Method Statement for the Works to demonstrate how
it will meet the Employer’s Requirements. As a minimum, the Method Statement shall address
the following:

i. Details of the arrangements and methods which the Bidder proposes to implement for
the construction of the Works, in sufficient detail to demonstrate their adequacy to
achieve the requirements of the Contract including completion within the Time for
Completion stated in the Particular Conditions of the Contract.

ii. Outline of the arrangements of the Bidder to manage co-ordination of Site access.

iii. Comments on the geotechnical and subsurface aspects of the Works including
materials, material sources.

iv. Comments on any offshore or waterfront aspects; e.g. Schedule of components to be

manufactured off-shore and description of plants to be imported etc.

v. Comments on logistics and traffic management [as may be appropriate].

vi. Outline of the arrangements and organization of the Bidder to ensure compliance with
the Works requirements.

vii. Outline of the arrangements of the Bidder to carry out testing upon completion as
specified in the Works Requirements.

viii. [Insert other information, as may be appropriate.]

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Requirements for proposed Mobilization Schedule:

1. The Bidder shall submit a mobilization Plan as a part of the Bid which shall contain the
Proposed mobilization Programme.

2. The Bidder’s proposed mobilization Programme shall indicate how the Bidder intends
to organize and carry out the mobilization of all the Plants, equipments, staffs, and
Initial Establishment in Stages and complete the whole of the mobilization in
compliance with the appropriate Key Dates. The Programme shall be prepared in
terms of weeks from the Commencement Date of Works.

3. The mobilization Programme shall include details as stipulated in scope of Work, work
Requirements, for review by the Engineer.

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Requirements for proposed Construction Schedule/Works Programme:

1. The Bidder shall submit a Work Plan as a part of the Bid which shall contain the
Proposed Works Programme.

2. The Bidder’s proposed Works Programme shall indicate how the Bidder intends to
organize and carry out the Works and achieve Stages and complete the whole of the
Works by the appropriate Key Dates. The Works Programme shall be prepared in
terms of weeks from the Commencement Date of Works.

3. The Works Programme shall include details as stipulated in Work Requirements, for
review by the Engineer.

4. The proposed Works Programme shall show how the Bidder proposes to organize and
carry out the Works and to achieve Stages and complete the whole of the Works by
the given Key Dates.

5. The proposed Works Programme or Programmes shall be developed as a critical path

network using the Precedence Diagramming Method and be presented in bar chart
and time scaled logic network format and shall clearly show the division of the Works
into the Cost Centers, the start and completion dates for each activity and their inter-
relationships, Milestones, and Key Dates. The network must be fully resourced and
show the co-ordination with Designated Contractors.

6. The proposed Works Programme shall show achievement of all Key Dates, but the
Key dates shall not be taken as imposing any constraints that in any way affect the
logic or limit any other dates in the Programme.

7. The proposed Works Programme shall take account of the Designs which would be
provided by the Employer and should indicate, wherever possible, dates and periods
relating to interfaces with and between other interfacing contractors including dates for
submission of further documents required by the Contract and periods for their

8. The proposed Works Programme shall contain sufficient detail to assure the Employer
of the feasibility of the plan and approach proposed by the Bidder.

9. The Bidder should have regard to the possibility, that during the Bid evaluation period,
should CMRL require in writing for the Bidder to amplify / explain for clarification
purposes, the proposed Works Programme may be developed into a Programme
which, in the event of award of the Contract, would be the submission of the

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Preliminary Works Programme. To facilitate this process the Bidder shall, in the
preparation of the proposed Works Programme, take due account of the provisions

10. The proposed Works Programme shall be accompanied by a narrative statement that
shall describe Programme activities, assumptions and logic, and highlight the Bidder’s
perception of the major critical areas of concern in the organization,
construction/installation, supply and transport of materials, testing and commissioning
of various sections. This narrative statement shall also indicate which elements of the
Works the Bidder intends to carry out offshore and/or in India with details of the
proposed locations of where any such work is to be carried out, the facilities available
and or proposed to be set up. In particular the Bidder must state the assumptions
made in respect of the interfaces with the Employer, other contractors and third parties
both in detail and time, and any requirements for information on matters which would
affect his works.

11. The Bidder’s attention is drawn to the Key dates specified in Employer’s
Requirement Part-2. The Bidder shall prepare logic diagrams providing the
philosophy for interface with other designated contractors & availability of track,
electrification and signaling system to be available and submitted as part of its Bid.
These logic diagrams shall be developed and submitted along with the Works
Programmes as submitted during the course of the Works. All programmes shall
include procurement periods of major materials, off-shore production, production in
India, dispatch, transport, interface periods for system wide, and adjacent contractors,
testing and commissioning (including integrated testing & commissioning) along with
any other training and service trial running information.

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6.7 Outline Quality Plan

The contractor shall establish and maintain a Quality Assurance System in

construction procedures and the interfaces between them. This Quality Assurance
system shall be applied without prejudice to, or without in any way limiting, any Quality
Assurance Systems that the Contractor already maintains.

The Bidder shall submit with the bid their corporate quality policy document duly
signed by managing director/whole-time director/director/chief executive officer or any
other officer duly authorized by its board of directors (in case of company)/governing
body (in case of any entity other than a company).

The Bidder shall submit as part of its Bid an Outline Quality Plan which shall contain
sufficient information to demonstrate clearly the Bidder’s proposals for achieving
effective and efficient Quality Assurance System. The Outline Quality Plan should
include an outline of the procedures and regulations to be developed and the
mechanism by which they will be implemented for ensuring Quality as indicated in the
Employer’s Requirements (Part 2).

The Bidder may be requested to amplify, explain or develop its Outline Quality plan
prior to the date of acceptance of the Bid and to provide more detail with a view to
reaching provisional acceptance of such a plan.

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6.8 Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Plan

The Bidder shall submit as part of his Bid, an Occupational Safety, Health &
Environment Plan which shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate clearly the
Bidder’s proposals for achieving effective and efficient compliance to the conditions of
contract on SHE and SHE manual. The Outline Plan should include an outline of the
procedures and regulations to be developed and the mechanism by which they will be
implemented for ensuring safety as required by Clause 4.8, 4.18 & 6.7 of the GCC
and section VI-A of the Employer’s Requirements.

The Outline Plan shall be headed with a formal statement of policy in relation to Safety,
Health & Environment protection and shall be sufficiently informative to define the
Bidder’s plans and set out in summary an adequate basis for the development of the
Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan to be submitted in accordance with Clause
4.8, 4.18 & 6.7 of the GCC and section VI-A of the Employer’s Requirements. The
Outline Plan shall also include the methods and procedures for the Environmental
Impact Assessment to be performed under the Contract.

The Bidder may be requested to amplify, explain or develop his Outline Safety, Health
& Environment Plan prior to the date of acceptance of the Bid and to provide more
details with a view to reaching provisional acceptance of such a plan.

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7. Bidder’s Qualification

To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, the Bidder shall provide the information requested
in the corresponding Forms included hereunder:

Form ELI -1 : Bidder’s Information Sheet

Form ELI -2 : Joint Venture Information Sheet
Form CON -1 : Historical Contract Non-Performance and Litigation
Form FIN -1 : Historical Financial Performance
Form FIN -2 : Average Annual Construction Turnover
Form FIN -3 : Availability of Financial Resources
Form FIN -4 : Financial Requirement for Current Contract Commitments
Form FIN -5 : Self-Assessment tool for Bidder’s compliance to Financial Resources
Form EXP -1 : Contracts of Similar Size and Nature
Form EXP -2 : Construction Experience in Key Activities

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Date: [insert day, month, year]

Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]

[Bidders shall provide the following information:]

Bidder’s legal name
[insert full name]
In case of a Joint Venture, legal name of each partner.
[insert full name of each member in the JV and specify the representative member]
Bidder’s actual or intended country of constitution:
[insert country of constitution]

Bidder’s year of constitution:

[insert year of constitution]

Bidder’s legal address in country of constitution:

[insert street/number/town or city/country]

Bidder’s authorized representative information

Name:[insert full name]
Address: [insert street/number/town or city/country]
Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city codes]
E-mail address: [insert E-mail address]

Attached are copies of original documents

 1. In case of a single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named
above, in accordance with ITB 4.1 and ITB 4.2.

 2. Authorization to represent the firm or Joint Venture named above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.

 3. In case of a Joint Venture, a letter of intent to form a Joint Venture or Joint Venture agreement,
in accordance with ITB 4.1.

 4. In case of a government-owned enterprise, any additional documents not covered under 1 above
required to comply with ITB 4.5.

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Date: [insert day, month, year]

Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]

[The following form is additional to Form ELI-1, and shall be completed to provide
information relating to each JV member, in case if the Bidder is a JV. The documents
listed /stated as required shall be submitted as attachments hereto.]

Bidder’s legal name

[insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s legal name:
[insert full name of JV Partners]
Joint Venture Partner’s country of constitution:
[insert country of constitution]
Joint Venture Partner’s year of constitution:
[insert year of constitution]
Joint Venture Partner’s legal address in country of constitution:
[insert street/number/town or city/country]

Joint Venture Partner’s authorized representative information

Name:[insert full name]
Address: [insert street/number/town or city/country]
Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city codes]
E-mail address: [insert E-mail address]

1. Attached are copies of original documents

 1. Articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in
accordance with ITB 4.1 and ITB 4.2.
 2. Authorization to represent the firm named above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.
 3. In the case of a government-owned enterprise, documents establishing legal and
financial autonomy and compliance with commercial law, in accordance with ITB

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Each Bidder must fill this form in accordance with Criteria 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 of Section III (Evaluation
and Qualification Criteria) to describe any history of nonperforming contracts and pending litigation
or arbitration formally commenced against it.

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill this form separately and provide the
Joint Venture Partner’s name.

Date: [insert day, month, year]

Bidder’s Legal name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

1. History of Non-Performing Contracts

Non-Performing Contracts

Choose one of the following,

No Non-Performing contracts.

Below is a description of nonperforming contracts involving the Bidder (or each Joint
Venture member if Bidder is a Joint Venture).
Amount of
performed Total Contract
Year Description portion of Amount
contract (INR equivalent)
[insert Contract identification: [insert complete contract [insert [insert amount]
year] name, number, and any other identification] amount]

Name of the Employer: [insert full name]

Address of the Employer: [insert street/city/country]

Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert telephone/fax

numbers, including country and city codes]

Email address: [insert email address]

Reason(s) for non-performance: [indicate main


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Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

2. Pending Litigation and Arbitration - (NOT USED)

Pending Litigation and Arbitration

Choose one of the following,

No Pending litigation and Arbitration.

Below is a description of all pending litigation and Arbitration involving the Bidder (or each
Joint Venture member if Bidder is a Joint Venture).
Value of
Value of pending claims
Year Matter in Dispute pending claim in as a
INR equivalent percentage of
Net Worth
[insert Contract identification: [insert complete [insert amount] [insert
year] contract name/ number, and any other percentage]

Name of the Employer: [insert full


Address of the Employer: [insert


Matter of dispute: [indicate full

description of dispute]

Party who initiated the dispute:

[indicate “Employer” or “Contractor”]

Status of Dispute: [indicate status of


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Each Bidder must fill out this form.

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and
provide the Joint Venture Partner’s name:

Date: [insert day, month, year]

Bidder’s Legal name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]
1. Financial Data

Description Financial Data for previous Five (5) years

(INR equivalent)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Information from Balance Sheet
Total Assets (TA)

Total Liabilities (TL)

Net Worth (NW) = TA-TL

Current Assets (CA)

Current Liabilities (CL)

Working Capital (WC) =

Most recent working To be obtained for most recent year and carried forward to
capital FIN - 3 Line 1; in case of Joint Ventures, to the
corresponding Joint Venture Partner’s FIN – 3.
Information from Income Statement
Total Revenue (TR)

Profits Before Taxes(PBT)

Profits After Taxes (PAT)

 Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets including all related notes and income
statements) for the last five (5) years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions:
 Unless otherwise required by Section 3 of the Bidding Document, all such documents reflect
the financial situation of the legal entity or entities comprising the Bidder and not the Bidder’s
parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates.
 Historical financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.
 Historical financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.
 Historical financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and
audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

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Each Bidder must fill out this form.

The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder or each member of
a Joint Venture in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress
or completed, converted to INR Equivalent at the rate of exchange at the end of the period

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and
provide the Joint Venture Partner’s name:

Date: [insert day, month, year]

Bidder’s Legal name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
Page [insert page number] of [insert page number]

Annual Turnover Data for the last Three (3) years (Construction only)

Year Amount and Currency Exchange rate INR Equivalent

[indicate [insert amount and [insert applicable [insert amount in INR
year] indicate currency] exchange rate] equivalent]

Average Annual Construction Turnover*

* Total INR equivalent for all years divided by the total number of years, in accordance with
Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.3.2 as appropriate.

Note: A weightage of 5% (Compounded annually from the date of completion of the works to
the date of bid submission) shall be given for equating the works of the previous years to the
current year executed under INR portion of the contract. In case of foreign currency , such
currency value will be converted to INR adapting the conversion rate prevailing on the date
of completion of such work and weightage of 5% shall be given thereafter to bring it to current
year level

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Form FIN -3: Availability of Financial Resources

Bidders must demonstrate sufficient financial resources, comprising of Working Capital supplemented by
credit line statements or overdraft facilities to meet the Bidder’s financial requirements for

(a) its current contract commitments, and

(b) the subject contract.

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide the
Joint Venture Partner’s name:

Joint Venture Partner: ___________________

Financial Resources
No. Source of financing Amount ($ equivalent)

1 Working Capital (to be taken from FIN - 1)

2 Credit Line (must be substantiated by FIN - 3A) a

Total Available Financial Resources

To be considered, Credit Line must be substantiated by a letter from the bank issuing the line of credit, specific
for the subject contract, as prescribed in Form FIN-3A. Any letter or document not complying with this requirement
shall not be considered as supplementary financial resources.

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Form FIN – 3A: Evidence of Availability of Credit Line Financial

[Each Bidder must fill out this form to demonstrate financial resources comprising credit line statements or overdraft
facilities, as stated in form FIN-3.]

Project Name:

Bidding Package Name and Identification Number: …… (to be filled in as indicated in ITB 1.1) …


This is to certify that M/s ...................... is a reputed company with a good financial standing.

If the contract for the work, namely...................... is awarded to the above firm, we shall be able to
provide overdraft / credit facilities to the extent of Rs ...................... to meet their working capital
requirements for executing the above contract.


Name of Bank: __________

Senior Bank Manager_____________

Address of the Bank_______________

[In case of Joint Venture, change the text as follows:]

This is to certify that M/s ...................... who has formed a Joint Venture with M/s ...................... and
M/s ...................... for participating in this bid, is a reputed company with a good financial standing.

If the contract for the work, namely...................... is awarded to the above joint venture, we shall be
able to provide overdraft / credit facilities to the extent of Rs...................... to M/s ...................... to meet
their working capital requirements for executing the above contract.

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Form FIN -4: Financial Requirements for Current Contract Commitments

Bidders (or each Joint Venture partner) should provide information on their current commitments on
all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received,
or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has
yet to be issued.

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide the
Joint Venture Partner’s name:

Date: [insert day, month, year]

Bidder’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s Legal Name: [insert full name]
IFB No. [insert number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] page

Current Contract Commitments

No. Name of Employer’s Contract Outstanding Remaining Monthly Financial
Contract Contact Completion Contract Value Contract Resources
(Address, Date (X) a(X) Period in Requirements
Tel, Fax) Months (X / Y)
(Y) b

Total Monthly Financial Requirement for Current Contract Commitments INR _____________
Remaining outstanding contract values to be calculated from 28 days prior to the bid submission
deadline (INR equivalent based on the foreign exchange rate as of the same date).

Remaining contract period to be calculated from 28 days prior to bid submission deadline.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Form FIN - 5: Self-Assessment Tool for Bidder’s Compliance to Financial


(Criterion 2.3.3 of Section III - EQC)

This form requires the same information submitted in Forms FIN - 3 and FIN - 4. All conditions
of “Available Financial Resources Net of CCC ≥ Requirement for the Subject Contract” must
be satisfied to qualify.

Form FIN - 5A: For Single Entities

Total Monthly Financial Results:
Total Available Available Requirement
Requirement for Yes or No
For Single Financial Financial for the
Current Contract [D must be
Entities: Resources Resources Net Subject
Commitments (CCC) greater than or
(A) from FIN – 3 of CCC Contract equal to E]
from FIN – 4
(B) D = (B - C) (E)
(C) (F)
_________ (Refer EQC)
(Name of Bidder) ...........

Form FIN - 5B: For Joint Ventures

Total Total Monthly Financial Yes or No
Available Requirement for Available for the
For Joint Financial Current Contract Financial Subject [D must be greater
Ventures: Resources Commitments (CCC) Resources Net Contract than or equal to E]
from FIN – 3 from FIN – 4 of CCC
(A) (B) (C) D = (B - C) (E) (F)

One Partner:

____________ ...........
(Name of Partner)
Each Partner:

_____________ ...........
(Name of Partner 1)

_____________ ...........
(Name of Partner 2)

_____________ ...........
(Name of Partner 3)

All partners ∑ D = Sum of available financial resources ∑ D = _______ ...........

combined net of current contract commitments for all

- Note -
Form FIN – 5 is made available for use by the bidder as a self-assessment tool, and by the Employer as an evaluation
work sheet, to determine compliance with the financial resources requirement as stated in 2.3.3. Failure to submit
Form FIN - 5 by the Bidder shall not lead to bid rejection.

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Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Form EXP-1: Contracts of Similar Size and Nature

Fill out one (1) form per contract.

The exchange rate to be used to calculate the value of the contract for conversion to a
specific currency shall be the selling rate of the Borrower’s national bank on the date of the

Date: [insert day, month, year]

Bidder’s Legal name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Similar Contract No.
[insert number] of [insert number Information
of similar contracts required]

[insert contract name and reference identification

Contract Identification
number, if applicable]

Award Date [insert day, month, year; e.g., 15 March,2015]

Completion Date [insert day, month, year; e.g., 15 July ,2017]

Prime Contractor
Role in Contract
[check in appropriate box] Single entity JV Member

[(Contract value, currency, [(Contract value,

exchange rate as at the currency, exchange
Total Contract Amount (INR
date of signed contract, rate as at the date of
and INR equivalent)] signed contract and
INR equivalent)]
If member in a JV, specify [insert a [insert total [(Contract value,
participation in total Contract percentage contract currency, exchange
amount amount] amount and rate as at the date of
currency(ies)] signed contract and
INR equivalent)]
Employer’s Name: [insert full name]

Address: [indicate street/number/town or city/country]

[indicate telephone/fax number, including country
Telephone/fax number and city area codes]

E-mail: [insert E-mail address, if available]

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Similar Contract No.
[insert number] of [insert number Information
of similar contracts required]
Description of the similarity in accordance with Sub-Factor 2.4.1 of Section III
(Evaluation and Qualification Criteria)
1. Physical size of required [insert physical size of items]
works items
2. Complexity [insert description of complexity]

3. Methods/Technology [insert specific aspects of the methods/ technology

involved in the contract]
4. Other characteristics [insert other characteristics as described in Section
VI, Works Requirements]

Note: A weightage of 5% (Compounded annually from the date of completion of the works to
the date of bid submission) shall be given for equating the works of the previous years to the
current year executed under INR portion of the contract Foreign currency component shall be
converted into INR equivalent by applying respective exchange rate on date of completion /
substantial completion as applicable. Upon converting into INR, 5% inflation per year (annual
compounding) shall be applied for completed projects only for updating to the current price

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms


Fill out one (1) form per contract.

Each Bidder must fill out this form.

Date: [insert day, month, year]

Bidder’s Legal name: [insert full name]
Joint Venture Partner’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

1. Key Activity No(1): _________________:[insert brief description of the Activity,

emphasizing its specificity]

Total Quantity of Activity under the contract: ___________________________

Contract with Similar Key Activities

Item Information

Contract Identification [insert contract name and number, if applicable]

Award Date [insert day, month, year; e.g., 15 March,2015]

Completion Date [insert day, month, year; e.g., 15 July ,2017]

Role in Contract
[check in appropriate box] Single entity JV Member

[insert total contract [(Contract value, currency, exchange

Total Contract Amount (INR
amount and rate as at the date of signed contract
currency(ies)] and INR equivalent)]
Quantity (Volume, number or Total Quantity on Percentage Actual Quantity
rate of production, as the Contract participation Performed
applicable) performed under (i) (ii) (i) x (ii)
the contract per year or part of
the year
[Insert extent of participation
indicating actual quantity of key
activity successfully completed
in the role performed]

Year 1

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Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Contract with Similar Key Activities

Item Information

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Employer’s Name: [insert full name]

Address: [indicate street/number/town or city/country]

Telephone/fax number: [indicate telephone/fax numbers, including country and city

area codes]

E-mail: [insert E-mail address, if available]

2. Activity No.(2)_________
3. Activity No.(3)_________

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8. Schedules

Schedule of Payment Currencies:


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Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

Tables of Adjustment Data:

A. Local Currency
Base Value
Index Code Index Description Source of Index Weightages
and Date

a. Nonadjustable — — 0.15

Labour Bureau b.Labour CPI Numbers for Industrial 28 days prior to 0.20
(Govt of India) Workers for Chennai Region date of bid
RBI Bulletin/ c. Steel RBI/EA-WPI-Mild Steel long 0.25
Office of products
advisor (EA) d.Cement RBI/EA-WPI-Manufacture of 0.17
Cement, Lime and Plaster

e. Fuel RBI/EA-WPI- Fuel & Power 0.05

f. Plant & RBI/EA-WPI-Manufacture of 0.18

Machinery Machinery for mining, quarrying
and construction

Total 1.00

RBI – Reserve Bank of India
CPI – Consumer Price Index
WPI – Wholesale Price Index
EA – Office of Economic advisor

Price escalation shall be calculated as per the above table and as per subclause 13.8
(adjustment for changes in cost) of Section X – Particular conditions.

Payment shall be made in local or foreign currency or in combination as quoted by the


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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

B. Foreign Currency

Foreign currency payment shall be converted into equivalent INR using the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) / Financial Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd (FBIL) Exchange Rate (applicable 28 days
prior to billing date). Price escalation shall be calculated as per the above table (Table A) and
as per subclause 13.8 (adjustment for changes in cost) of Section X – Particular conditions.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

9. Bill of Quantities

(Refer to Part 1- Section IV B - Pricing Schedule)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms


The Bidder shall include with its Bid an index sheet which cross refers all of the
Employer’s Requirements elaborated in the documents of all the individual sections
within Technical Package and Financial Package which the Bidder intends to be the
responses to each and every one of those requirements.

The Technical and Financial Packages submitted must be clearly presented, all pages
numbered and laid out in a logical sequence with main and subheadings to facilitate

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms



(Editable copy shall also be submitted along with the signed PDF copy)

Name of the Bidder:

Sl No. Clause No. Bid Condition Bidder’s Queries


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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms



[This document is to be prepared by the Bidder and submitted on Bidder’s letterhead

as part of Technical Package]

Date: [DD/MM/YYYY]

Director, Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India

Sub: “[Insert Name of the Work]” - Regarding Confidentiality of Bid


Tender No. [“Insert Contract No.’’]

We [Insert name of Bidder/JV/Consortium] hereby undertake that the Bid drawings, in

digitized format(CPP Portal), and the Bidding documents as a necessary part of our
preparation of this Bid shall be used solely for the preparation of the Bid and that if the
Bid is successful, shall be used solely for the execution of Works.

We further undertake that the aforesaid Bid drawings and documents prepared by the
Employer, shall not be used in whole, in part or in any altered form on any other
project, scheme or proposal that the Bidder/JV/Consortium/Members of Consortium
or its/their parent companies or sub-contractors of the Bidder/JV/Consortium are, or
will be involved with either in India or in any other Country.

Signed: ……………………….

For and on behalf of

(Name of Bidder / Joint Venture / Consortium)
(To be signed by each member of the Joint Venture / Consortium, as applicable)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms


[ To be submitted on the letter head of the Bank with Contact Details, Address,
Phone Number, E-mail ID etc.]


This is to certify that M/s ……………….…….. is a reputed company with a good

financial standing.

If the contract for the work, namely ……………………………………………………… is

awarded to the above firm, we shall provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of
Rs. ……………………………… to meet their working capital requirements for
executing the above contract.

Signature: ________
Name of the Bank: _________
Bank Manager: _______
Address of the Bank: ________

Change the text as follows for Joint Venture/Consortium

[This should be given by the JV Members in proportion to their percentage


This is to certify that M/s ……………….……..who has formed a JV/Consortium with

M/s ………………………. And M/s ………………………….for participating in this Bid,
is a reputed company with a good financial standing.

If the contract for the work, namely ……………………………………………………… is

awarded to the above joint venture/consortium, we shall provide overdraft/credit
facilities to the extent of Rs. ……………………………… to meet their working capital
requirements for executing the above contract.

Signature: ________
Name of the Bank: _________
Bank Manager: _______
Address of the Bank: ________

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms



1. This to certify that the copy of all the documents of Technical Package
submitted herewith is a true copy of the Technical package.

2. It is certified that there are no additional comments, remarks, deviations, terms

and conditions in our Financial Package and even if it is there, it shall be
treated as NULL and VOID and stand withdrawn.


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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms


This is to certify that we, M/s [Insert name of the Bidder]* have downloaded all Corrigenda,
Clarifications and Addenda for Contract No. [Insert Contract No.] as listed below:

1. Addendum No…………..
2. …………………………………..
3. ………………………………..…
4. ………………………………………

This is to certify that we, M/s [Insert name of the company/Consortium] have carefully
examined all the contents of the Bidding Documents including Addenda (if any) and all the
pages of our proposal have been signed and stamped by our authorized signatory.@


@In case of a Consortium, to be submitted by the Authorized representative of the
Lead Member.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms



[We hereby / We hereby jointly and severally]@ declare that the submission of this Bid
confirms that no agent, middleman or any intermediary has been, or will be engaged
to provide any services, or any other item or work related to the award and
performance of this Contract. We further confirm and declare that no agency
commission or any payment, which may be construed as an agency commission, has
been, or will be paid and that the Bid price does not include any such amount. We
acknowledge the right of the Employer, if it finds to the contrary, to declare our Bid to
be non-compliant and if the Contract has been awarded to declare the Contract NULL
and VOID.


(In case of JV/Consortium, this form is to be submitted by each constituent member)

Strike out whichever is not applicable.

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Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms



(To be submitted on Bidder’s letter head, in case of JV/Consortium, this form is to be

submitted by each constituent member))

Date: ________

Letter of Undertaking

Tender No. [“Insert Tender No.’’]

[‘’Insert Name of the Work’’]

I [Insert Name of Director/Partner/Karta/Authorized Person] in capacity of

___________ of [Insert name of the undertaking organization] here by undertake to
get registered under [state the type of registration to be obtained] before [state time
line] (preferably immediately after award of the Contract).

I also undertake to indemnify CMRL in case of any loss caused due to non-registration.

I state that everything declared by me is true and correct to my belief.

Signature …………………
For and on behalf of
(Name of the Bidder/JV/Consortium Member)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms


(To be submitted on Bidder’s Letter head, in case of JV/Consortium, this form is to be
submitted by each constituent member)

Letter of Undertaking
Tender No. [“Insert Tender No.”]

[“Insert Name of the Work.”]

I _________ (State Name of Director/Partner/ Karta/Authorized Person) in capacity of
_______ of__________(State name of the undertaking organization) here by
undertake to reimburse / pass on benefit of any duty draw back / export, import
incentive / exemption / concession / benefit etc. obtained for the CMRL project to
CMRL. I will maintain proper records as required by CMRL and relevant statute. I will
furnish such records to CMRL as and when required by them.

I agree to adjustment of any benefits/ duty draw back / export, import incentive /
exemptions / concessions to be made from the balance due to me without any

I also undertake to indemnify CMRL in case of any loss caused due to non-
reimbursement/ passing on the benefit of duty draw back / export, import incentive /
exemption/concession etc.

For on behalf of
(Name of Bidder/JV/Consortium)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part 1, Section IV A
Tender No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Bidding Forms

19. Pro-Forma Letter of Participation from Each Member of Joint

Venture (JV)
(On each Firm’s Letterhead)
Dated ………..

Director, Projects
Chennai Metro Rail Limited,
Poonamalle High Road,
Chennai- 600107,
Tamil Nadu, India

*Insert the Name of Work as per Tender Document/Corrigenda*

Ref: Your notice for Invitation for Tender (NIT) ………………………………..……………..

We wish to confirm that our company/firm (delete as appropriate) has formed a Joint
Venture with and for the purposes associated with IFB referred to above.
(Member(s) who are not the lead partner of the JV/consortium should add the following
‘This JV is led by ……. whom we hereby authorize to act on our behalf for the purpose of
submission of Bid for …….. and authorize to incur liabilities and receive instructions for an
on behalf of any and all the partners or constituents of the Joint Venture.’
(Member being the lead member of the group should add the following paragraph)*
‘In this group we act as leader and, for the purposes of applying for qualification, represent
the Joint Venture.’
In the event of our group being awarded the contract, we agree to be jointly with………
(Names of other members of our JV)……… and severally liable to CMRL, its successors and
assigns for all obligations, duties and responsibilities arising from or imposed by the contract
subsequently entered into between CMRL and our JV.

*I/We, further agree that entire execution of the contract shall be carried out exclusively
through the lead partner.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of Signatory)………………….
(Capacity of Signatory)…………………
* Delete as applicable

CMRL / Rev.C BF-52 April 2022




PART - 1

APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

The pricing document shall be read in conjunction with Notice of invitation to Bidders,
Instruction to Bidders and all Bidding Documents, Specification and Drawings as listed
in Contents of Bidding Documents.
The pricing of this contract will be governed by the Conditions of the Contract.
a) The Work shall be carried out all as per the Employer’s Drawings and as per the
Employer’s Requirements. The quantification for progress payments will be based
on Employer’s drawings only. Progress Payments shall be made as per respective
items of Price Centres A to G.
b) The Contract Price shall be adjusted in accordance with the Price Variation
Formula detailed in PCC Clause 13.8 of Part 3. The works are divided into Price
Centre’s each representing one or more groups of inter-related works forming part
of the Works. The detailed scope of works is given in Part-2, Employer’s
c) The individual item descriptions within each Price Centre are indicative only of the
work included in this Contract and shall not be taken as defining the full scope of
work to be executed under the Price Centre of the Contract. The detailed scope of
works is given in Part-2, Employer’s Requirements, Drawings and Specifications.
d) The item descriptions given, are general summaries only, therefore no omission
from, or error in item descriptions within this Pricing Document shall warrant an
adjustment of the Contract Price nor entitle the Contractor to seek an extension of
time under the Contract.
e) The rate/price quoted against individual items of Price Centres of the Pricing
Document are for finished items of work 100% complete in all respects and shall
include all waste on materials, duties, landing charges, shipping costs for transport
by air, sea or land (or any combination thereof), insurance, import taxes and
duties, unloading, storage, getting into position, hoisting, lowering, erection,
distributing to positions, fixing, temporary works including false-work, removal of
debris, labour, materials, scaffolding and staging, plant, supervision, maintenance,
Bidder’s profit and establishment/overheads, all general risks, insurance liabilities,
compliance of labour laws and taxes/duties etc. as per statutory obligations set
out or implied in the Contract excluding GST, making good prior to handing over
to the Employer and anything reasonably to be inferred from the description of the
item and indispensably necessary thereto, and all other requirements of the
f) The Bidder shall also consider the credit and all associated costs including
taxes and royalty as per statutory requirements for utilization/disposal of
excavated material.
g) The activity descriptions for items within Price centers shall be deemed to cover
all aspects of the relevant item scope, irrespective of the fact that the Bidder may
not have inserted an amount against any item description. The rates quoted
against individual items of each price centre shall be deemed inclusive of all the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 1 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bidder’s obligations to execute the scope of works covered in item description and
specifications of the respective item.
h) The total sum of Price Centre ‘’A’’, Preliminaries shall be equal to 5% of sum of
Price Centres B to G as executed under respective IPC after adjusting the
Discount (if any) offered by the successful bidder and excluding GST & Provisional
i) Each items of Price Centres B to G shall be paid at 95% of the quoted rates against
individual items, after adjusting the discount (if any) for the work executed under
respective IPC. Balance 5% amount (5% of SumTotal of the quoted amount
against individual items of Price Centre B to G) will be allocated to Preliminaries
and will be paid under Price Centre A items as specified under S. No. (g) above.
j) All the documents submitted by the Contractor, shall be copied to the Employer.
k) In Part -2, works requirements, wherever it is written as “contractor shall submit
his proposal to the engineer for a notice” shall be read as “contractor shall obtain
approval from the engineer”.
a) The total of all Price Centres B to G as shown in the Pricing Summary, after adjusting
the Discount (if any) offered by the successful bidder excluding GST and provisional
sum constitutes the ‘’Contract Price’’.
The GST shall be reimbursed to the Contractor against the submission of proof of
discharge of his liability. The Provisional Sum shall be paid as executed.
b) The Price Centre totals and the Contract Price shall not be subjected to adjustment by
the Bidder in respect of any error or oversight in the preparation of the Pricing
Document, and they represent the full extent of the Bidders entitlement to receive
payment in respect of such Price Centres.
c) Payment of the Contract Price shall be made in the currency or currencies in which the
Bid Price is expressed in the Bid of the successful Bidder.
a) The Pricing Documents comprise Price Centre ‘’A’’, which represents ‘’Preliminaries
and General Requirements’’ associated with Price Centres B to G, which are quoted
based on Detailed design drawings of the works.
b) The Provisional Sum will be operated for specific works as listed below:
1. Provisional Sum for shifting/diversion of all chartered and unchartered
i. The scope for shifting/diversion includes all miscellaneous items such as cut-open
and reinstating of roads, foot paths etc. associated to utility diversion works.
ii. The contractor shall carry out the works relating to the utilities in consultation with
the utility agencies / Departments, through the approved contractors of the
respective utility agencies (CMWSSB, TNEB, BSNL etc.).
The Contractor shall be paid as per the actual executed quantities, based on the
approved estimate of the respective Department / as per current Schedule of
Rates (SoR) or Market rates, in case the rates are not available in the SoR. The

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 2 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Contractor shall also be paid 10% towards overhead charges and profit over the
This 10% fee is not applicable for any Departmental Supervision Charges &
Connection charges to be paid to the utility agencies for the diverted utilities and
for the utilitiy connection charges for the new metro stations.

Any other associated miscellaneous works under Provisional Sum shall be

operated from the

1) Central Public Works Department- Delhi Schedule of Rates-2018 (excluding

GST) escalated @ 2% per year to the year of the execution.
2) Indian Railways Unified Standard Schedule of Rates-2019 (excluding GST)
escalated @ 2% per year to the year of the execution.
3) Tamilnadu Public Works Department Schedule of Rates 2020-21 (excluding
GST) escalated @ 2% per year to the year of the execution.
4) In case, the item is not available under the three SoRs mentioned above, then
market rate shall be used for analysis of rates using DAR or MORTH DATA
BOOK analysis with CPOH in line with DAR @ 15%.

(Any new SoR released after the year mentioned above shall not be considered)

GST on items paid under provisional sums shall be reimbursed to the Contractor
against the submission of proof of discharge of his Liability.

2. Provisional Sum for services such as payment towards invoices and

expenses of Dispute Board (DAB) etc.
The cost/charges towards DAB shall be borne equally by the Employer and the
Contractor. The provisional sum towards the cost of DAB specified in this contract is
only for 50% share of the Employer. The Contractor shall produce the DAB invoices
and satisfactory evidence of having paid 100% of such invoices as part of the
substantiation of those Statements, which contain requests for payment of 50% of DAB
invoices towards Employer’s share of DAB. The Engineer’s certification of such
statements shall be based upon such invoices and such evidence of payment by the
Contractor. Contractor’s overhead, profit, etc. shall not be included for the cost of the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 3 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule


Price Centre A is not priced as it is deemed to be included in the total amount inserted
into the Pricing Summary for Price Centres ‘’B to G’’ and is included in this document for
payment purposes only. Price Centre A is dedicated to Preliminaries and General
Requirements as stated in the Schedule of Payments, including, but not limited to the
following, as per the requirements and other details given in the Employer’s
Requirements, Drawings and Specifications:
a) Initial Works Programme
b) Three Month Rolling Programme
c) Detailed Works Programme
d) Monthly Progress Report
e) Deleted
f) Deleted
g) Interface Management Plan
h) Interface matrix and specific contract interface sheets
i) Deleted
j) Project Management Information System
k) Building Information Modelling System
l) Contractor’s Staff Organization Plan
m) Occupational Safety, Health & Environmental Plan
n) OHS&E Manual requirements submission
o) Environmental Management Plan
p) Dust Control Plan
q) Temporary Traffic and Control Plan
r) Contractor’s Manufacturing/ Procurement Management Plan
s) Testing and Commissioning programme
t) Utility Diversion Plan
u) All interfacing works within the Project and other interfacing Contractors, and
v) Deleted
w) As-built records and Drawings
The Bidder is to note that some of the items are payable as a portion of the indicated
percentage on a monthly or quarterly basis or are paid proportionately using the
percentages of the items of works as noted in the brackets (-- %) in the Price Centre A.
1.3.3 PRICE CENTRES ‘B, C, D, E, F & G’
Price Centres ‘B, C, D, E, F & G’ are dedicated to construction of elevated viaduct
including precast and In-situ structures, Lifting and Erection of all Precast Elements,
Construction of Elevated metro stations with all concrete structures, masonry works for
station construction and Traffic Management works etc., in all respects as specified and
as stated in the Schedule of Payments, as per the requirements and the details given in
the Employer’s Requirements, Drawings and Specifications, all as specified in Part-2 of
this tender document.
The overall price for construction of all the permanent works, shall include all kinds of
temporary works required as per Employer’s Requirements, Drawings and specifications
in Part-2 of this document.
The Bidder shall carry out the works relating to the utilities in consultation with the utility

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

agencies. The utility diversion works shall be carried out by the approved contractors of
the utility departments.

PRICE/COST BREAKDOWN The totals for each Price Centres B, C, D, E, F & G of this Pricing Document shall be
deemed to include for all costs associated with the “Construction of Elevated Viaduct
(Approximate Length of 10.00 km, Nine Elevated Metro Stations at Sholinganallur Lake,
Sri Ponniamman Temple, Sathyabama University, Semmancheri, Gandhi Nagar,
Navalur, Siruseri, Sipcot 1, Sipcot 2 and Stabling Viaduct at Sipcot” The rates quoted for each of the items in the Price Centres B, C, D, E, F & G of this
Pricing Document is for 100% completion of works in all respects as stated in the
Preamble, Clause 1.1 of this Pricing Document. Variations will only be considered on written instruction of the Engineer, if there is any
additional work required beyond the scope given in the Drawings, Specifications and
Employer’s Requirements. Payments to the Contractor will be made on a monthly basis in accordance with Clause
14 of the Particular Conditions of Contract, [Application for IPCs, unless otherwise
stipulated. All items will be paid at 100% completion or at percentage of progress as
certified by the Engineer].


1.4.1 The total sum of Price Centre ‘’A’’, Preliminaries shall be equal to 5% of Price Centres
B to H after adjusting the discounts if any quoted by the Bidder. Payments under Price
Centre A will be made on a monthly, quarterly, or percentage basis as indicated in
Price Centre A.

1.4.2 The Schedule of Payments (refer to Sub-Clause 14.4 of GCC Part-3) for a Price Centre
shows the amount payable to the Contractor for work carried out in that Price Centre
subject to conditions stated in this contract and shall be used to determine the amounts
of the interim payments in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.4 of GCC Part-3.

1.4.3 As part of the first Monthly Progress Report provided in accordance with Sub-Clause
4.21 of GCC Part-3, the Contractor shall convert the time scale of the SOPs included
as part of the Contractor’s Submission from ‘’months after Commencement Date’’ to
months and years on the Gregorian Calendar.
Payment will be calculated using the Schedule of Payments/Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
provided below, subject to the Engineer certifying that the works for each item is actually
completed, as per Drawings, Specifications and Employer’s Requirements. Payment will
be based on the Tenderer’s submission of a monthly statement, in accordance with Sub-
Clause 14.3 of GCC Part-3.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Subject to the Bidder’s Monthly Statement meeting the minimum billing value criteria as
specified in PCC – Contract Data, and after the Engineer’s assessment, an Interim
Payment Certificate calculated on actual work done under each item for Respective
Price Centres will be issued.


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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT-01 Pricing Schedule


The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination
of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:

Amount in Amount in Amount in Amount in

S. Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)

1 Price Centre B: General

2 Price Centre C: Viaduct

3 Price Centre D: Stations - Structural Works



4 Price Centre E: Stations -Architectural Works

5 Price Centre F: Stations - Plumbing Works

Price Centre G: Stations - Miscellaneous

6 Works (MEP)
Price Centre Total = B+C+D+E+F+G
Discount (if any)
Tender Sub-Total (including Discount)
Conversion Factor for converting Foreign
Currency to INR as per Reserve Bank of
India exchange rate /FBIL reference rates
28 days prior to submission of the Bid

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 7 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Amount in Amount in Amount in Amount in

S. Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Foreign Currencies)

Provisional Sum 599,645,560 - - -

Total Amount including GST & Provisional

Sum (In Figures)
Total Amount including GST & Provisional
Sum (In Words)

Legend: FC= Foreign Currency;

(i) Payment of the Contract Price shall be made in the currency or currencies in which the Bid Price is expressed in the Bid of the successful
Bidder. Bidders shall quote for the Price Centres B to G including all taxes and duties including Customs Duty# and fees but excluding
GST. Price Centre A has not been priced but will be 5% of the price center totals of Price Centres B to G quoted.
This project is eligible for Project Import Scheme under the heading 98.01 under Customs Tariff Act 1975. The Employer will provide
necessary certificate for the eligibility of this Project under this Act.
(ii) The quoted rate shall be inclusive of all taxes excluding GST. The GST shall be reimbursed to the Contractor against the submission of
proof of discharge of his liability.
(iii) The Tender subtotal (Contract Price) mentioned above, shall be converted into Indian Rupees if other currencies are used and the
exchange rates(s) shall be as published by the Reserve Bank of India selling rates of exchange at the close of business hours of RBI, 28

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TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

days prior to submission of the Bid. The Tender Sub Total (Contract Price) mentioned above shall be considered in INR for tender
(iv) Provisional Sum and GST shall not be considered during evaluation.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT-01 Pricing Schedule


Price Centre A is not priced as it is deemed to be included in the total amount inserted into
the Pricing Summary for Price Centres ‘’B to H’’ and is included in this document for payment
purposes only.
The total sum of Price Centre ‘’A’’, Preliminaries shall be equal to 5% of Contract Price after
adjusting the Discount if any offered by the successful bidder excluding GST and Provisional
Item No. % of
Item Description Sub-

A Preliminaries (5%)

A1 Contractual Submissions (Submission of Bond, Insurances, etc.)

A1.1 Submission of Bond, Insurances, etc.

A1.1 a Submission of Performance BG
A1.1 b Deleted
A1.1 c ‘’CAR’’ policy (Insurance)
Submission of Employer’s Liability Insurance Certificate BOCWR registration,
A1.1 d interstate migrant workers license, Contract labour license, Any other statuary
requirements as per the union and state act.

A2 General Items

A2.1 2%*
Submission of Initial Works Program

A2.2 Submission of Detailed Works Program, Updates, revisions 5%

A2.3 Submission of Monthly Progress Report 4%

A2.4 Submission of Three Months Rolling Program 7%

Submission of Traffic management plan and coordination, including

arrangements for traffic diversions and deploying traffic marshals at barricade
A2.5 board openings & all other site access openings during construction. Providing 10%
of Traffic signages, Traffic cones, Delineators & other aids as per IRC
A2.6 Submission of Quality Assurance & Quality Control Plans & Quarterly Audits 5%

Submission of Interface management plan and all interface management and

A2.7 coordination, including provision of services for interfacing Contractors and 12%
quarterly audits etc.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Co-ordination and Liasoning with local and Government Authorities for

A2.8 6%
permissions and clearances (Traffic, TNEB, CMWSSB, GCC, CMDA,BSNL etc.)

Project Management Information Systems

(The contractor to manage the system for their contract package as required
A2.9 5%
and share the cost of Cloud, Primavera and any other software required to
manage the information other than PMIS basic software)
Contractor’s Staff and Organization Plan & Key Staff (Refer to Part 2, Sub- 5%
section A, Clause A14(8))
Minimum Equipment to be deployed by the contractor as per project
A2.11 5%
requirement. (Refer to Part 2, Sub- section A, Clause A14(0))

OH&SE Posters (refer GSAF :15 of Part 2 Section VIA OHS&E

A2.12 Requirements – Vol.2 Safety Manual) 2%
 Install and Maintenance of OH&SE Poster:50%
 Health and Safety Promotion :50%
Submission of Construction Phase Safety Plan etc. (refer clause No:
of Part 2 Section VI A OHS&E – Vol.1 Control) 1%
 Submission of ESHS Plan etc.: 20%
Compliance of ESHS Plan etc.: 80%
Audit (refer the clause No: 4.5.5) ISO Certifications refer
clause No: of OHS&E Employer’s Requirements
A2.14 9%
 Monthly Audit report (MARS): 90%
 Renewal of International Certification to ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 1%
14001:2015 standard: 10%
OHS&E Training (refer the clause No: and Quarterly OHS&E Audit
(refer clause No: of Part 2 Section VI A OHS&E – Vol.1 Control)
A2.15 Training Implementation: 50% 1%

Quarterly Audit: 50% 1%

Submission of Environmental Management Plan & Audits to include Spoils

A2.16 Management, Diesel Emission Mitigation and Dust control Plans & audits 4%
Quarterly & Monthly
Updating BIM model regularly till completion of work and submission of As-Built 7%
BIM model.
Submission of “As-Built drawings” in 3 sets of hard copies (A1 size), 3sets (A3 2.5%*
Size), 3 sets (A4 size) and two sets of soft copies on CD.
A2.19 Submission of measured camber after super imposed dead loads (SIDL). 0.5%*

Total Percentage 100%

*Note 1. Payment against items A.2.1, A.2.18 and A2.19 alone will be released at the
respective percentages, on the 5% of the quoted price, with any discounts if
applicable (Refer Pricing schedule 1.1 h & i) as one time payments on their

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

submission. However, this will be adjusted to the final executed contract price at final
bill stage.
Note 2. Payment for other sub-items in price Centre-A (Preliminaries) will be released
at the respective percentages on the 5% of the certified IPCs. (Refer Pricing schedule
1.1 h & i).
Note 3. All the submissions shall be to the satisfaction of Engineer.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 12 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule


The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
B1.1 Surveying:-
Note: During the Contract period
including the extended contract period
till the final completion of the works the
contractor shall provide the following:
i) Conducting GPS Surveying for
verifying and fixing the alignment by
establishing DGPS Control points and
TBM's, marking pier locations, vertical
and horizontal clearances,along the
alignment including station locations as
per drawings and other details in KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
consultation with the Employer’s
Representative including modifications / AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
corrections if any.
ii) Establishing GPS stations at an
interval not more than 140m with one
pair at the interval of not more than 150
m. The GPS station shall be located on
permanent structure or providing and
fixing concrete pillar 600 mm × 600 mm
× 1000 mm or on building roof free from
any displacement disturbance.
Stainless Steel (SS) Plate 100 mm ×
100 mm × 4 mm with center punch shall
be fixed on the top of the station. GPS

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 13 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
instrument accuracy shall be minimum
horizontal 5 mm + 0.5 ppm and vertical
10 mm + 0.5 ppm in static observation.
iii) No extra amount will be paid to redo
or to re-establish any of the survey
points. The work shall be maintained
during the Contract Period including the
extended contract period till the
completion of the work.
Note :- Quoted Rate to include all
survey work including preparation of
revised GAD in consultation with the
Engineer. However, physical
verification of utilities and Geotechnical AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
investigations if necessary will be paid
separately under relevant Schedules KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
a. Payment as 30% of total cost of the
item on checking and verification of all
control points and submission of
b. Payment as 60% of total cost of the
item equally distributed over the
duration of the contract and will be paid
on pro-rata basis.
c. Payment as 10% of total cost of the
item on satisfactory completion of work
along with the final bill.
B 1.2 Providing temporary barricade
including all road safety devices on both
sides of viaduct/stations and
arrangement for traffic diversion such
as traffic signals, traffic marshals during

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 14 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
construction at site, for day and night as
per technical specifications and
drawings. Temporary barricade shall be
of plain MS sheet 16 Gauge fixed with
steel frame as per drawing, painting
(including primer of approved quality)
with synthetic enamel paint of approved
color, quality and brand, writing lettering
and logo of Metro including
maintenance of the same duly cleaning
the same on fortnightly basis and
painting if required, arrangement for
blinkers and serial lights on barricades
during night as per requirement and as AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
per the instruction of the Engineer-in-
charge. Barricading should be rugged. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
During the construction, barricading has
to be kept continuously.
Nothing extra will be paid for
dismantling and re-erecting the
barricades at the same place /along the
stretch throught the project period
There should not be any opening at the
end of barricade except at locations
approved by Engineer in-charge. The
Contractor shall get the approval of
Engineer for painting colour,pattern and
logo on the barricade.
1. Once the barricade is provided,
removal of barrricade is not permitted
till completion of works without prior

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 15 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
approval of Engineer incharge.
2. Adequate blinkers/ Serial lights on
barricading during night time must be
ensured. The cost of this item should
include necessary provision for power
pack/Generator set Etc.' so as to
ensure Blinking of blinkers and serial
lights during night.
3. Barricading may be required to be
shifted laterally number of times but the
same will be paid only once
4. If the cleaning is not done including
removal of posters regularly, a
recovery shall be made at the rate of AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
0.1% of the accepted rate of the item
per fortnight on Pro-rata basis of length KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
not cleaned.
5. After completion of the entire work,
the barricades will be the property of
the contractor and he is also
responsible for shifting all such release
materials away from the site.
6. Payment shall be made at 70% on
erection of barricade and 30% on
removal of barricade as per the
instructions of Engineer in-charge
B1.2 i)2.00 mt Height metre 25,864.00
B1.2 ii)1.00 mt Height Nos 380.00
B 1.3 Submit digital photographs and
video of 60 minutes duration of the
Per set 36.00
works in pendrives as directed by the
Engineer at monthly intervals showing

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 16 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
the progress of the work during the
contract period and also extended
period of contract or as instructed by the
Note:- One set shall comprise of at least
50 photographs and 60 minutes video
or as instructed by Engineer.
B 1.4 Providing and maintaining fully
furnished Site office for the use of
Engineer in Charge and his supporting
staff along the Viaduct alignment
approximately of 300 sqm and portable
office container at each station location
and 60 m² for casting yard) as per AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
specifications & Employers
1) One office at site for viaduct and one
office at casting yard shall be provided. Per month 36.00
2) At every station location one portable
office container (30 ft * 10 ft) shall be
3) The details of site office and furniture,
computer equipment, software etc., to
be provided by the Tenderer, should be
as per " Employers requirement"
4) This furnished accomodation shall be
provided and maintained by the
Tenderer till the completion of contract
period and also extended period of the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 17 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
B1.5 Clearing and grubbing including
uprooting of rank vegetation, grass,
bushes,shrubs, wood, cutting of trees
and saplings of all girth and sizes and
Sq.m 26,975.00
disposal of all unservicebale material /
rubbish to designated dump yard,
complete with all leads & lifts by
mechanical means or any other means
B 1.6 Felling trees of the girth
(measured at a height of 1 m above
ground level), including cutting of trunks
and branches, removing the roots and
stacking of serviceable material and
disposal of unserviceable material. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
B1.6(i) Beyond 30 cm girth upto and
including 60 cm girth
B1.6(ii) Beyond 60 cm girth upto and
including 120 cm girth
B1.6(iii) Beyond 120 cm girth upto and
Nos. 50.00
including 240 cm girth
B1.6(iv) Above 240 cm girth Nos. 50.00
B 1.7 Transplanting the marked trees
of various species and girth to the
placeshown by Engineer/Engineer's
representative within a lead of 1.5 Km*
with alt tools, plants man & machinary
and necessary preperation such as (i)
Preperation of earth ball of tree roots of
desired depth & diametersii) Dislogging,
lifting, transportation and transplanting
tree from original place to the new

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 18 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
place including all arrangement, T&P
labour etc. for sucessfully completing
the work iii) Excavating pits of
adequate size.arranging loose soil,
mixing of manure, fertilizer, insecticides
etc to ensure survival of the trees being
transplantediv) Maintenance of tree i.e.
watering, soil heaping, spray of
insectisides for six months, all above
operations shall be executed as per
specification.*In case the Lead is more
that 1.5km, the additional lead shall be
payable as per measured distance by
shortest route to the destination as AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
approved by the engineer
B1.7(i) Beyond 60 CM. Girth up to and KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Nos. 25.00
including 120 CM. Girth
B1.7(ii) Beyond 120 cm girth upto and
Nos. 25.00
including 240 cm girth
B1.7(iii) Above 240 cm girth Nos. 9.00
B 1.8 Diagonal Cross trenching works
for identifying underground utility at
every Pier locations to the required
length, width and depth, as per drawing,
which includes excavation in all types of
soil, hard soil, rock, footpath, bitumen
Cum 51,960.00
road, concrete road, medians, etc.
cutting of all types road surfaces and
backfilling the same with available
excavated earth. Disposal / utilization of
the surplus excavated soil is as per
contractors own arrangements / choice

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 19 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
including loading , transportation,
unloading to any lead with all
necessary safety / environmental
compliances measures as defined in
the relevant section of the contract
document . The rate includes surveying
and taking coordinates of the existing
utility and submitting the reports (hard &
soft copy) of the same as per the
directions of the Engineer.

All the associated costs including taxes

and royalty applicable as per State
Government guidelines etc. for AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
utilization/disposal of excavated
material shall be borne by the KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Contractor. The Contractor shall
consider the said requirement and
potential commercial utilization in his
B 1.9 Dismantling of existing concrete
(RCC/PCC) structures like culverts,
bridges, retaining walls, foundations
and other structure comprising of
cement concrete, prestressed/
reinforced cement concrete, cement
Cum 7,519.00
concrete pavements, cement mortar
including removal of all types of hume
pipes, kerb stones, B.S. Slabs/ precast
slabs of drain/ footpath, paver blocks of
footpath, removal of silt or slit mixed
with sand, etc. including T&P and

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 20 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting
the dismantling material and stacking
the serviceable material and disposal of
un-serviceable material with all lead and
lifts including all labour, hire charges all
machineries etc., complete by
mechanical means or any other means
as directed by the Engineer.
Joint Measurement Record (JMR) shall
be taken prior to dismantling works and
the payment will be made upon
satisfactory completion of dismantling
works and as certified in RFI/JMR by
B 1.10 Dismantling of structural steel
works of all types of sections including KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
dismembering, dismantling of guard
rails including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the
dismantled material, stacking the
serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material with all lead and
lifts including all labour, hire charges of
MT 400.00
all machineries etc., complete by
mechanical means or any other means
as directed by the Engineer.
'Joint Weighment Record' (JWR) of
dismantled steel after satisfactory
completion of dismantling works shall
be undertaken and the payment will be
made as per certified RFI/JWR by the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 21 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Maintenance of Road Infrastructure
during Construction
B 2.1 Supply, fitting, and fixing in
position, true to line and level of Noise
Barrier above the girder parapet
complete with all accessories
sqm 600.00
(polycarbonate sheets, structural
galvanised steelwork, rubber gasket all
round etc.) as per the Technical
B 2.2 Supplying, providing and
construction of bus stop passenger
shelters with steel tubular truss and
angular sections supports with brick AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
masonry and granite slab sitting bench
and corrugated GI sheet roof and CC Nos 20.00
flooring including all material HOM and
labour with all leads and lifts and as
directed by Engineer. (As per Drawing
No. xxxx of Part 2 – Employer’s
B 2.3 i) Providing and fixing of retro-
reflective traffic sign boards using high
intensity Retro Reflective Sheeting
(encapsulated lens type) as
recommended by IRC and MORTH on
2mm Aluminium Substrate properly Sqmt 1,399.00
processed on front side of Aluminium
substrsted with pressure sensitive Heat
Vaccume applicator. Logos and
Borders may be out of cut-sheet or
screen printing with appropriate ink

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 22 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
which should also have 7 years
warranty. The Retro Reflective traffic
sign boards using high intensity Tape
should have MS angle support of size
25 x 25 x 3 mm or 35 x 35 x 4 mm
depending upon the size.
B 2.3 ii) 'Road delinator - Supply of
Rectangular Metal Delineator (Black
colour Rectangular Delineator with high
intensity Reflective Sheet)

Height: 1200 mm approx Nos 450.00

Size: 100 x 40 mm rectangular
Reflective: 1 no. Band of 120 mm High AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Intensity Grade Red
Colour Reflective tape and 3 Nos. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Bande of 150 mm white colour paint.
B 2.3 iii) ' 'Traffic Cones with following
a) Square Base Cone with heavy base
b) Height : 770 mm
c) Base : sqaure 390 mm x 390 mm X
d) Cone Colour : Red Flurescent with Nos 1,400.00
white reflective sleeves (UV stabilised)
e) Body Materia : Low Density Poly
f) Reflective Part : 1 No. White colour
Reflective band of 125 mm width all
B 2.4 Deployment of adequate
manpower for 8 hrs shift for day & night

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 23 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
management of traffic at intensection,
roadway influenced by contractor &
traffic diversions at various levels and
as directed by Engineer
B 2.4 i) In-charge Man Day 6,570.00
B 2.4 ii) Supervisor Man Day 17,520.00
B 2.4 iii) Traffic Guards Man Day 65,700.00
B3) Road Works:
B3.1 Excavation:- Earthwork
excavation by using mechanical or any
other means as directed by engineer in
all types of Soil and Rock, including
removal and disposal of all materials as
necessary for the construction of road AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
way in accordance with specifications
and lines,grade and cross section/ level
as shown in the drawing or as indicated
by the engineer incharge. Disposal /
utilization of the excavated soil as per
contractors own arrangements / choice
including loading , transportation,
unloading to any lead with all
necessary safety / environmental
compliances measures as defined in
the relevant section of the contract
B3.2 Scarifying existing bituminous
road surface/ granular road surface
such as WMM, WBM, to a min depth of
sqm 63,522.00
50mm without disturbing the base,
including disposal of scarified material /
rubbish, with all lifts, leads including all

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 24 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
labour, hire charges of all machineries
etc., to complete the works.
B3.3 Preparation and consolidation
of sub grade with power road roller of
8 to 12 tonne capacity including
excavating earth to an average of 22.5
cm depth, dressing to camber and
compacting and consolidating by
sqm 15,907.00
mechanical means / road roller
including making good the undulations
etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and
disposal of surplus earth with all leads
and lifts. Work should be carried out as
B3.4 Granular Sub base with close
graded materials by Plant Mix Method KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
(Table:- 400-1 - MORTH specification) :
Construction of granular sub base by
supplying, laying, spreading &
compacting of close graded material,
mixing in a wet mix plant of 75 ton
capacity at OMC, carriage of mixed
material to work site, spreading in
CUM 15,000.00
uniform layers with motor grader on
prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes to achieve
the desired density of 98% including
protection of edges of GSB layer, cost
of all materials, labour, hire charges of
machinery, lighting, guarding,
barricading, maintenance of diversion
road, loading & unloading, with all lead

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 25 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
& lifts etc., complete to achieve
minimum CBR value of 30%
(Compacted thickness) - Grading-I.
MORTH specification: 401.
B3.5 Wet Mix Macadam by plant mix
method: Construction of Wet Mix
Macadam by supplying, laying,
spreading & compacting of graded
stone aggregates as per table 400-13
(MORTH specification), mixing in Wet
mix plant of 75 ton capacity at OMC,
carriage of mixed materials to work site
in tipper to paver, laid over a previously
prepared surface to the required grade, AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
level & alignment, compacting with CUM 15,000.00
Vibratory roller 8-10 ton to achieve the KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
desired density of 98% including
protection of edges of WMM layers, cost
of all materials, labours, hire charges of
machinery, lighting, guarding,
barricading, maintenance of diversion
road, loading & unloading, all lead & lifts
etc., complete - By Using Mechanical
Paver Finisher. MORTH specification:
B3.6 Prime Coat: Supplying and
applying primer coat with slow setting
bitumen emulsion (SS1) complying with
IS 8887 of approved quality and make Sqm 90,000.00
on prepared surface of granular base
such as WBM, WMM including cleaning
of road surface by

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 26 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Mechanical broom and dusting by air
compressor and spraying using bitumen
pressure distributor, uniformly at rate
0.80kg/sqm as table 500-3 (MORTH
specification), including cost of all
Materials, labour, hire charges of
machinery, all lead for emulsion,
loading & unloading etc., complete.
MORTH specification: 502.
B3.7 'Supplying and applying tack coat
as per table 500-2 (MoRTH
specification) on prepared surface using
Rapid setting bituminous emulsion
(RS1) complying with IS 8887 of AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
approved quality and make including
cleaning of road surface by mechanical KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
broom and dusting by air compressor
and spraying by bitumen distributer Sqm 90,000.00
including cost of all materials, labour,
hire charges of machinery, loading,
unloading, stacking, etc. complete with
all leads and lifts granular base such as
WMM surface treated with primer (dry
and hungry) @ min 2.5 kg/10 sqm and
on black topped surface @ min 2.0
kg/10 sqm as directed.
B3.8 Dense Graded Bituminous
Macadam: Supplying & laying Dense
Graded Bituminous Macadam using
Cum 13,000.00
crushed aggregates as per table 500-10
(MORTH specification) of specified
graded aggregates & filler (Cement) at

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 27 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
2 % by weight of aggregates, premixed
with minimum bituminous binder VG-30
grade Paving bitumen (60/70 grade)
complying IS 73 in Hot Mix Plant,
loading of aggregates with F.E loader,
transported to site in tipper to paver, laid
over a previously prepared surface with
hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor
control to the required grade, level,
alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled
roller 8-10 tonnes, vibratory roller 8
tonnes, smooth wheeled tandem roller
6-8 tonnes as per clauses 501.6 &
501.7 (MORTH specification) to achieve AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
the desired compaction, including cost
of all materials, labour, hire charges of KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
machinery, all lead, lifts, loading,
unloading, stacking, transporting and
including lead for bitumen and mixed
materials etc., complete. excluding cost
of primer/tack coat (Compacted
thickness) - Using 100-120 TPH Batch
type Hot Mix Plant, 80-100mm
compacted thickness (Grading -I) with 4
% bitumen. MORTH specification: 505.
B3.9 Bituminous Concrete: Supplying
& laying Bituminous Concrete using
crushed stone aggregates as per table
500-17 (MORTH specification) of Cum 5,500.00
specified graded aggregates & filler
(Cement) at 2 % by weight of
aggregates premixed with minimum

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 28 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
bituminous binder VG -30 grade paving
bitumen (60/70 grade) complying with
IS 73 / IS 15462 (IRS SP-53) in Hot Mix
Plant, loading of aggregates with F.E
loader, transported to site in tipper to
paver, laid over a previously prepared
surface with hydrostatic paver finisher
with sensor control to the required
grade, level, alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes,
vibratory roller 8 tonnes, smooth
wheeled tandem roller 6-8 tonnes as
per clauses 501.6 & 501.7 (MORTH
specification) to achieve the desired AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
compaction including cost of all
materials, labour, hire charges of KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
machinery, lead, lifts, loading,
unloading, stacking, transporting and
including lead for bitumen, cement and
mixed materials etc., complete,
excluding cost of primer/tack coat
(Compacted thickness). Using 40-60
TPH Hot Mix Plant, grading 2 with 5.4 %
bitumen (30-40mm) Compacted
thickness, using VG- 30 grade Paving
Bitumen (60/70) grade. MORTH
specification: 508.
Note: If mechanical paver finisher is
used deduction at Rs. 197.00/cum from
the above mentioned rate.
B3.10 Providing and laying design mix
cum 15,500.00
cement concrete of M-30 grade, in

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 29 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
roads/ taxi tracks/ runways, using
cement content as per design mix,
using coarse sand and graded stone
aggregate of 40 mm nominal size in
appropriate proportions as per
approved & specified design criteria,
providing dowel bars with sleeve/ tie
bars wherever required, laying at site,
spreading and compacting
mechanically by using needle and
surface vibrators, levelling to required
slope/ camber, finishing with required
texture, including steel form work with
sturdy M.S. channel sections, curing, AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
making provision for contraction/
expansion, construction & longitudinal KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
joints (10 mm wide x 50 mm deep) by
groove cutting machine, providing and
filling joints with approved joint filler and
sealants, complete all as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge (Item of joint fillers,
sealants, dowel bars with sleeve/ tie
bars to be paid separately).
Reinforcement shall be paid separately
B4) Storm Water Drain & Footpath
B 4.1 Providing and laying 60mm thick
factory made cement concrete
interlocking paver block of M -35 grade
made by block making machine with sqm 5,276.00
strong vibratory compaction, of
approved size, design & shape, laid in
required colour and pattern over and

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 30 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
including 50mm thick compacted bed of
fine sand, filling the joints with fine sand
etc. all complete as per the direction of
B 4.2 Providing and laying at or near
ground level factory made kerb stone
(100mm thk) of M-35 grade cement
concrete in position to the required line,
level and curvature, jointed with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand)
including making joints with or without
grooves (thickness of joints except at
metre 23,200.00
sharp curve shall not to more than
5mm), including making drainage AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
opening wherever required complete
etc. as per direction of Engineer-in- KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
charge (length of finished kerb edging
shall be measured for payment).
(Precast C.C. kerb stone shall be
approved by Engineer-in-charge).
B 4.3 Providing & Laying gang saw cut
40mm thick, rough finish granite like
Sadharali & Jet Black but not limited to,
of required size and shape of approved
shade, colour and texture in footpath, in
road side plazas and similar locations,
sqm 15,828.00
laid over 20mm thick base of cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
including grouting the joints with white
cement mixed with matching pigment,
epoxy touch ups etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 31 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
B 4.4 Precasting and placing in position
125 mm dia Bollards 600 mm high of
required shape including providing M.S.
Pipe Sleeve 50 mm dia 300 mm long in
the Bollard and M.S. Pipes 40 mm dia
and 450mm long with 150x150x6mm
M.S. plate welded at bottom and
embedded 150mm in cement concrete Each 1,500.00
1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-
III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size), including necessary
excavation of size 250x250x450mm
deep for the same in bitumen/
concrete pavement at specified AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
B 4.5 'M30/20 concreting of the Storm KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Water drain, Utilityduct including
provision for manhole openings at
every 5m center to center or as per site
condition, excavation through existing
all kinds of soil and water bound
macadam road /bituminous road /
cement road of all thicknesses including
dismantling of existing structures, dead cum 9,311.00
utilities etc. and soil including
dewatering, pumping and bailing out
water, strutting and shoring etc. This
item also includes formwork and
backfilling including watering,
compacting with a vibratory plate
compactor and disposal / utilization of
the surplus excavated soil as per

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 32 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
contractors own arrangements / choice
including loading , transportation,
unloading to any lead with all
necessary safety / environmental
compliances measures as defined in
the relevant section of the contract.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
B5) Steel works
B 5.1 'Reinforcing Steel :- 'Providing
Thermo-Mechanically Treated (TMT)
reinforcement steel of Fe-500D
grade,conforming to IS1786 (latest)
from approved list of supplier/s,
including straightening, cutting, AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
bending, tying, lapping of bars/ butt
welding, placing including couplers, 18 KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
gauge G.I. twin binding wire, after
placing in position tying, lapping and /or
welding wherever required and
anchoring to the adjoining members
MT 1,397.00
including cost of all materials, bar
bending charges, labour, lead & lifts etc.
wherever necessary as per drawings
complete as per specifications and as
directed including welding involved
towards stray current protection effects
as per the system approved by

1. The cost quoted shall include, cover
providing mechanical couplers, all types

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 33 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
of laps, standard laps, chair, spacers,
bend deduction as SP 34 etc., as
required and nothing extra is payable on
this account. (Laps , Hooks, and
Wastages shall not be paid seperately).
2. The rate includes anti corrosive
coating with Cement + Inhibitor solution
as per Technical specifications.
B.5.2 Re-erection of dismantled FOB,
railing and other structural steel works
by altering the dismantled structural
steel to the required size and shape,
transporting, erecting and fixing in
position at all levels of steel work AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
conforming to IS 2062:2011 of Grade
grades of bolts, nuts & washer,
fasteners, fabrication, joining, welding,
threading, sleeves etc.Allowance for all
types of wastage's, straightening,
MT 400.00
cutting, bending of section wherever
specified, drilling holes, bolting
provision of necessary tools, testing etc.
The rate shall also include required
surface preparation (Sand Blasting) for
application of Zinc Epilux or equivalent
primers, and two coats of PU paint as
per specifications. The rate shall also
include provision and installation of
base plate, anchor bolts (measured in
tonnes) etc. as per the directions of
engineer. Using standard plate

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 34 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
sections, rolled sections, angles,
channels, I sections, T sections, C
sections, H sections, hollow
round/square/rectangle sec etc.,
welded and built.,
B6) B6)Special Items
Note: For the following items variation of
+-25% is not applicable.
B6.1 Upgrading the grade of concrete
as per approved design mix suiting the
site conditions as per approved GFC
B 6.1 i) 'Extra over and above for
upgrading concrete grade from M35 to RO 100.00 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
M40 grade concrete
B 6.1 ii) 'Extra over and above for
upgrading concrete grade from M40 to
M45 grade concrete
B 6.1 iii) 'Extra over and above for
upgrading concrete grade from M50 to RO 100.00
M55 grade concrete
B 6.1 iv) 'Extra over and above for
upgrading concrete grade from M50 to RO 100.00
M60 grade concrete
B 6.2 Providing and laying at or near
ground level semi polished granite kerb
stone of size 100 × 400 mm.The Kerb
metre 1,400.00
stone shall be fixed in position with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) including the cost of required

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 35 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
centring, shuttering and finishing as
directed by the Engineer.
B 6.3 Dismantling / Slicing with
Strengthening / utility reinstatement /
relevant rectifications as necessary of
existing buildings and structures with
Mechanical / Manual means including
strutting / scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the dismantled
material, stacking the serviceable
material, disposal of un serviceable Cum 150.00
material to the dumping yard with all
lead and lifts including all labour and
hire charges of all machineries etc., AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
complete by mechanical means or any
other means as per the specification, KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
drawings and as directed by Engineer.
The sliced volume of the structure shall
be measured for payment.
B 6.4 'Filling pot holes and patch
repairs with bituminous concrete,
40mm thick: Removal of all failed
material, trimming of completed
excavation to provide firm vertical faces,
cleaning of surface, painting of tack coat
on the sides and base of excavation as cum 1,830.00
per Cl.503 (MORTH specification),
backfilling the pot holes with hot
bituminous material as per Cl.509
(MORTH specification), compacting,
trimming & finishing the surface to form
a smooth continuous surface, all as per

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 36 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center B - General

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
cl.3004.2 (MORTH specification),
including cost of all material, labour, hire
charges of machinery, lead, lifts,
loading , unloading, stacking,
transporting, including all lead for
bitumen and emulsion etc., complete,
using Grading-I material. MORTH
specification: 3004.2.
B 6.5 Providing M30 grade concrete for
precast reinforced cement concrete
drain / drain cover slab and fixing in
position including the cost of
transportation, hoisting, centering and
shuttering including excavation through AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
existing all kinds of soil and rock water
bound macadam road /bituminous road KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
/ cement road of all thicknesses
including dismantling of existing
structures, dead utilities etc. and soil
including dewatering, pumping and
Cum 4,655.00
bailing out water, strutting and shoring
etc.This item also includes formwork
and backfilling with brought out material
including watering, compacting with a
vibratory plate compactor and loading,
leading and disposal of surplus
excavated material using lockable and
covered trucks so as to ensure that
during transportation the carried
material does not spill out. Max lead to
dumping ground will be all leads.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 37 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre B (Cl. 1.7.3) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance
5% of Total of Price Centre B is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2).

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 38 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule


The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:
Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct
Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C.1.1 Piles:- Providing and installing cast-in-
situ vertical bored piles of required depth as per
approved GFC drawing with M40/20 grade of
reinforced cement concrete using Portland slag
cement including all operations such as
mobilization, installation and shifting of piling
rig etc., in all soil strata, road, footpath,
including boulders and kankar and soft rock /
weathered rock (other than rock grade GI and
The disposal of earth, muck, slush released
from piles, top cut portion of pile is as per AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
contractors own arrangements / choice KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
including loading , transportation, unloading to
any lead with all necessary safety / AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
environmental compliances measures as
defined in the relevant section of the contract
document as directed by Engineerat as per
the approved methods & specifications.
The rate shall include all operations required
for installation of pile such as installation of rig,
shifting of hydraulic rig, construction of
approach temporary road / bridge for pilling rig
etc.The cost shall also include the cost of
empty boring with MS temporary liner as per
site requirement. The Cost shall also include
cutting/chipping of pile up to cut off level or up

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 39 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
to good concrete and built up of pile up to
required level( as per drawing). Rate shall
include cost of using required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability as per approval of Engineer in
Charge. Cost for temporary casing shall be
included in the rate. Reinforcement shall be
measured and paid under C.4.1
Piling / Drilling shall be done by use of
hydraulic rotary rigs using temporary casing till
required depth(Min 4.5 Mtr ).
Bentonite/polymer slurry to be used as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge. The item shall also
include the cost of bentonite/Polymer to be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
used for stabilisation of bore.
Bentonite/Polymer shall be allowed with the KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
specific approval of Engineer based on the soil
strata. Socketing shall be as per specification
and the decision of Engineer shall be final.
Note: Pile measurement shall be from cut-off
level to founding level as shown in the drawing.
C.1.1 i) For 1000mm dia pile metre 19,950.00
C.1.1 ii) For 1200mm dia pile metre 4,060.00
C.1.2 Additional over and above item C.1.1 for
drilling and socketing in rock grade GI and GII
as per specification and as directed by the
Note: Socket depth shall be paid as per the
drawing or actual as recorded whichever is
lesser and certified by Engineer at site.
C.1.2 i) For 1000mm dia pile metre 1,168.00
C.1.2 ii) For 1200mm dia pile metre 244.00

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 40 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C 1.1 iii) Extra for providing permanent liner 10
MT 180.00
mm thick MS wherever required
C 1.3 Carrying out initial vertical load tests
as per relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV)
including all arrangements for measuring
settlements and submitting reports in 3 sets.
Making of pile head ready including building up
in concrete, if required for testing at the desired
level, supporting / reaction arrangement
(including reaction piles / soil / rock anchors, if
any) for the kentledge i. e. test load. 3.0 times
the design vertical load. The test arrangements
to be designed for additional 25% of the test
C 1.3 i) 1000mm dia pile (Design Vertical Load
380 MT)
C 1.4 Carrying out initial lateral load tests as
per relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV)
including all arrangements for measuring
deflections and submitting reports in 3 sets.
Making of pile head ready including building up
in concrete, if required for testing at the desired
level, supporting / reaction arrangement
(include reaction piles/ soil / rock anchors, if
any) for the kentledge load i. e. test load . 2.5
times the design lateral load. The test
arrangements to be designed for additional
25% of the test load.
C 1.4 i) 1000mm dia pile (Design Lateral Load
Nos. 3.00
10 MT)
C 1.5 Carrying out routine vertical load tests
as per relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV)

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 41 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
including all arrangements for measuring
settlements and submitting reports in 3 sets.
Rate to include Making of pile head ready
including building up in concrete, if required for
testing at the desired level, supporting /
reaction arrangement (including reaction piles /
soil / rock anchors, if any) for the kentledge i.e.
test load is 1.5 times the design vertical load .
The test arrangements to be designed for
additional 25% of the test load.
C.1.5 i) 1000mm dia pile (Max Design Vertical
Nos. 5.00
Load 380 MT)
C.1.5 ii) 1200mm dia pile (Max Design Vertical
Load 550 MT)
C 1.6 Carrying out routine lateral load tests
as per relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV)
including all arrangements for measuring
deflections and submitting reports in 3 sets.
Rate to include making of pile head ready
including building up in concrete, if required for
testing at the desired level, supporting /
reaction arrangement (including reaction piles /
soil / rock anchors, if any) for the kentledge i.e.
test load. is 1.0 times the design lateral load.
The test arrangements to be designed for
additional 25% of the test load.
C.1.6 i) 1000mm dia pile (Max Design Lateral
Nos. 5.00
Load 10 MT)
C.1.6 ii) 1200mm dia pile (Max Design Lateral
Nos. 3.00
Load 10 MT)

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 42 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C.1.7 'Carrying out Initial Pull out test (Small
scale 1200mm dia, 3m rock socketed). Rate to
include making of pile head ready including
building up in concrete, if required for testing at
the desired level, supporting / reaction
arrangement (including reaction piles / soil /
rock anchors, if any) for the test setup for a test
load which is 3.0 times the design load. The
test arrangements to be designed for additional
25% of the test load.
C.1.7 i) 1000mm dia pile (Design Load 313
Nos 2.00
C 1.8 Non destructive integrity testing of cast in
situ piles as per specifications, and submitting AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
reports. Performing and carrying out Pile
Integrity Test (low strain) on vertical pile of any
dia as per specifications. The test shall be
carried out by agency approved by engineer in
charge and as per requirement of IRC 78 :
2014 Appendix-7.The item shall include
bending of reinforcing bars, preparation of pile
head ready for testing at desire level, all
Nos. 1,412.00
necessary arrangements required for the test
including testing with pile driving analyzer or
approved equivalent. To be carried out at least
15 days after concreting of piles. The item is
including complete testing with approved
apparatus, analysis of results and conclusions
including submission of test reports in three
hard copies with soft copy in CD. All as per
specification and as directed by the Engineer-

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 43 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C.1.9 Providing instrumentation for the
measurement of Noise and Vibrations around
the piling rig at each pier location and Per Pier 150.00
monitoring of the same as per Employer's
drawings and specifications.
C 1.10 PCC:- Providing and laying plain
cement concrete, M 15 grade as per approved
design mix for required thick PCC for levelling
course below pile cap & open foundation
extending all round beyond pile cap & open
foundation. Rate shall include the cost of
shoring, strutting, centering, shuttering,
scaffolding, with necessary dewatering,
formwork, compacting, curing arrangements as AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
required etc. complete using required dosage
of admixture in concrete for obtaining required KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
workability as per approval of Engineer.Note:-
Disposal / utilization of the excavated soilis as cum 870.00
per contractors own arrangements / choice
including loading , transportation, unloading to
any lead with all necessary safety /
environmental compliances, measures as
defined in the relevant section of the contract
document and as per environmental and local
government regulations as directed by
Engineer. Rate shall include preparing surface
to receive PCC, and required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability as per specifications and approval
of Engineer-in-charge.
C 1.11 PILE CAP:- 'Providing M 35 grade
cum 12,750.00
concrete (using Portland slag cement) as per

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 44 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
approved design mix for Pile cap including
excavation upto required depth through
existing concrete and water bound macadam
road /bituminous road / cement road of all
thicknesses including dismantling other
structures, dead utilities etc., in all kinds of soil
and rock including dewatering, pumping and
bailing out water, strutting and shoring etc. This
item also includes centering and shuttering and
backfilling with graded soil in foundation
including watering, compacting with a vibratory
plate compactor.Disposal / utilization of the
excavated soil as per contractors own
arrangements / choice including loading , AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
transportation, unloading to any lead with all
necessary safety / environmental compliances KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
measures as defined in the relevant section of
the contract document.All the associated costs
including taxes and royalty applicable as per
State Government guidelines etc. for
utilization/disposal of excavated material shall
be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor
shall consider the said requirement and
potential commercial utilization in his quote.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately. The
Cost shall also include cutting/chipping of pile
up to cut off level or up to good concrete and
built up of pile up to required level( as per
drawing).Rate shall include cost of using
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability, curing, curing

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 45 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
compound and all related works as per drawing
and specifications.
C 1.12 'Drilling of 150mm nominal diameter
bore holes to a depth of either 40m or till 5m
drilling in rock with ROD > 50%, whichever is
earlier, at various locations in all types of
soils/Rocks using suitable method of boring,
cleaning, providing casing pipe if required (As
per IS 1892), performing Standard Penetration
Tests (As per IS:2131) at every 1.5m intervals
when there is no cohesive soil or at every 3.0m
interval when there is cohesive soil, and at
change of strata and collecting of disturbed soil
samples, observations such as ground water AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
etc., collection of undisturbed soil samples at
every 3.0m intervals and at change of strata KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
(As per IS 2132), collection of all rock cores
and storing them in core boxes ;transportation
Nos 15.00
of all the collected samples to the laboratory
and performing the index tests (Sp.gty, Bulk
density, Atterberg limits & Grain size analysis)
on all soil samples (at 3m intervals), performing
the shear strength tests on UDS (cohesive) soil
samples (at 3m intervals), performing
compressive strength tests, Point load index
tests, specific gravity tests on rock samples (at
3m intervals) (all as per relevant IS codes),
back filling of bore holes on completion of the
same, completing all the lab tests and
submission of the Factual report as per
specification and instructions of the engineer

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 46 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Rates Quoted for items under C2 shall
include the following:
i) The rate shall be inclusive of the cost of
centering, shuttering, scaffolding, staging
providing cutouts where specified, curing
arrangements as required, steam curing
arrangement if deemed necessary, all handling
etc. complete.
ii) The work will include placing in position of
necessary sleeves for various purposes,
anchors, shear connectors, fixtures, inserts
etc. complete as per technical specifications
and drawings and as directed by the Engineer
iii) The rate shall also include preparation of AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
construction joints as per technical
specifications and provided approved wire
mesh/ weld mesh at such location as approved
by the Employer's Representative or as shown
in drawings.
iv) Rate shall include cost of using required
dosage of admixture in concrete for obtaining
required temperature, workability and
retardation as per approval of the Engineer
v) Rate shall include cost of using necessary
tools, plants, machinery and all related
operations etc. for all heights as per approval
of the Employer's Representative.
vi) Rate shall include cost of vibration of
concrete, curing, protecting from damage,
bailing/pumping out water if required as
directed by the Engineer

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 47 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
vii) Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
viii) Cost of providing grooves,inserts,
chamfers, molding, cutout etc. in formwork.
C 2.1 Medians / Crash Barriers:- Providing and
laying M35 grade concrete as per approved
mix design for Median/crash barriers for piers
at road level including excavation through all
types of soils/rocks, Centering & shuttering,
curing etc.and all related operations as
required to complete the work. Reinforcement cum 2,750.00
shall be paid separately. Rate shall include
cost of using required dosage of admixture in
concrete for obtaining required temperature,
workability, retardation and curing compound AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
as per specification and approval of the
C 2.2 'Viaduct Piers:- Providing and Laying
M50/20 concrete as per the approved design
mix for Reinforced Concrete for Viaduct Piers
of all heights & shapes (standard pier, portal
pier, cantilever piers, piers for extended pier
caps, piers for cross-over structures & Piers at
stations,shear key & pedestal at top) including
steel shuttering, steel props, scaffolding,
cum 10,850.00
positioning of inserts, curing, necessary tools,
plants, machinery and all related operations
etc., as required to complete the work as per
drawing & specifications. Rate shall include
cost of using required dosage of admixture in
concrete for obtaining required workability,
curing compound as per specification &
approval of Engineer-in-charge.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 48 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Form work to be designed in a such way that
traffic on road is allowed during the work at all
times. Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
(i)At the junction of "Pile cap - Pier" and at the
top surface of the starter of Pier (which is
normally less than 2m length), where cold
joints are unavoidable,the old concrete
surface should have adequate shear keys
depressions, reinforced dowels and a layer of
concrete bonding compound. The rate is
inclusive of all above bonding
C 2.3 'Portal Beams:- Providing M45/20
concrete as per the approved design mix for
Reinforced Concrete Portal Girders (integral
to pier) at all heights including shear key & AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
pedestal at top, centering, steel shuttering,
steel props, scaffolding, positioning of inserts,,
curing, necessary tools, plants, machinery and
all related operations as required to complete
the work as per drawing & specifications. Rate
cum 2,990.00
shall include cost of using required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability, curing compound as per
specification & approval of Engineer-in-charge.
Form work to be designed in a such way that
traffic on road is allowed during the work at all
times. Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
The rate is inclusive of all above bonding
agents/methods to be applied if any.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 49 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C 2.4 'Cantilever Pier Caps :- Providing
M45/20 concrete as per the approved design
mix for Reinforced Concrete for Cantilever
Pier Caps at all heights including shear key &
pedestal at top, centering, steel shuttering,
steel props, scaffolding, curing, necessary
tools, plants, machinery, positioning of inserts
and all related operations as required to
complete the work as per drawing &
specifications. Rate shall include cost of using cum 2,875.00
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability, curing
compound as per specification & approval of
Engineer-in-charge.Form work to be designed AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
in a such way that traffic on road is allowed
during the work at all times. Reinforcement KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
shall be paid separately. The rate is inclusive
of all above bonding agents/methods to be
applied if any.
C 2.5 'Cast in situ Deck Slab & cross-girder
:- Providing M45/20 grade of concrete as per
approved design mix for Reinforced Concrete
for Cast in situ Deck Slabs, I beams & cross-
girder at all heights including centering, steel
shuttering, scaffolding, positioning of inserts,
providing neseccary cut outs, curing and all Cum 4,869.00
related operations as required to complete the
work as per drawing & specifications. Rate
shall include cost of using required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability,curing compound as per approval of
Engineer-in-charge. Reinforcement will be paid

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 50 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(Note: Rate includes provision of sacrificial
formwork for casting of slab).
'Rates Quoted for items under C3 shall
include the following:
1. Establishment of casting yard including all
infrastructure with concrete batching plants,
Gantry cranes, Moulds, shuttering, Casting
beds, mobile cranes/hydra, establishing of
quality labs, Site office, stores, etc., all
handling etc. complete as required in casting
2. Necessary curing / steam curing KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
arrangement if deemed necessary for precast
3. Necessary concrete bulkheads, end block
arrangements for carrying out pretension / post
tension stressing activities etc. to complete the
works as per approval of engineer incharge.
4. As per the drawing, necessary fixtures for
pre-stressing system are to be embedded in
concrete while casting of Pier caps / Pier Arm,
U and I girders.
5. Some inserts fabricated by other agencies
which have to be incorporated in the precast
spans would be handed over to the contractor
for placement and fixing in the reinforcement
cage / shuttering before concreting. No extra
payment will be made for such inserts.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 51 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C 3.1 'Providing and laying M45/20 Grade
PSC/RCC for Precast Pier Cap / Pier Arm in
the casting yard, including provision of shear
connector for secondary pour concrete for rail
plinths,providing cutouts as specified,
providing bolt holes for LG erection, providing
additional bars for earthing, bars/ strands/
hooks for lifting of lifting the Pier Cap segments
from the mould and shifting the same to the
stacking yard and provision for future external
Pre-Stressing arrangement such as cones,
sheathing materials. Rate shall include the cost
of required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability and anti- AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
corrosive paints for lifting hooks, insert plates
and exposed steel surfaces and all other KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
cum 9,504.00
related operations as required to complete the
work as per drawings and specifications
Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages,
sheathing, vent pipe etc.) and Reinforcement
shall be paid separately under respective BOQ

(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted
rate on casting and balance 20% on
completion of erection, stitch concrete,
stressing and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 52 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C 3.2 'Providing and laying M60/20 Grade
PSC/RCC for Precast Pier Cap / Pier Arm in
the casting yard, including provision of shear
connector for secondary pour concrete for rail
plinths,providing cutouts as specified,
providing bolt holes for LG erection, providing
additional bars for earthing, bars/ strands/
hooks for lifting of lifting the Pier Cap segments
from the mould and shifting the same to the
stacking yard and provision for future external
Pre-Stressing arrangement such as cones,
sheathing materials. Rate shall include the cost
of required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability and anti- AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
corrosive paints for lifting hooks, insert plates
and exposed steel surfaces and all other KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
cum 1,465.00
related operations as required to complete the
work as per drawings and specifications
Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages,
sheathing, vent pipe etc.) and Reinforcement
shall be paid separately under respective BOQ

(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted
rate on casting and balance 20% on
completion of erection, stitch concrete,
stressing and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 53 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C 3.3 'Loading ,Transporting Precast Pier Cap
/ Pier Arm / Portal Beam from the casting yard
/ storage yard to the work site, erection in
position including the cost of all temporary
supports, Collars, erection equipment, lifting
cranes, transporting etc, positioning and
fixing(Stitch) on pier with cement concrete of MT 27,423.00
M55/20 grade. The weight shall be calculated
assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³. Shifting
within the site/ yard is the responsibility of the
contractor and shall not be paid separately.
Cast insitu connection concrete shall be paid
C 3.4 Providing and laying M55 Grade AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
reinforced cement concrete for precast
Pretensioned U-Girders(Straight or curved) in KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
the casting yard, including provision of shear
connector for secondary pour concrete for rail
plinths, providing cutouts as specified,
additional bars for earthing, bars/ strands/
hooks for lifting of U_Girder, cutting of bars/
strands/ hooks after transportation and sealing
of lifting recess as specified in drawings, cum 44,411.00
providing bolt holes for LG erection as
specified in GFC drawings, lifting the segments
from the mould and shifting the same to the
stacking yard. Rate shall include the cost of
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability and anti-
corrosive paints for lifting hooks, insert plates
and exposed steel surfaces and all other
related operations as required to complete the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 54 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
work as per drawings and specifications
Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages,
sheathing, vent pipe etc.) and Reinforcement
shall be paid separately under respective BOQ

(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted
rate on casting and balance 20% on
completion of erection, and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.
(iii)The removal of inside shutters must be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
carried out using semi automatic hydraulic
C 3.5 'Loading, Transporting precast U-Girder
of simply supported span from the casting yard
to work site, erection in position including the
cost of all temporary supports, erection
equipment, lifting cranes, Launching Girder,
transporting etc, and positioning on bearings
etc for viaduct and stations into completed
MT 1,11,028.00
structures conforming to required lines, grades
and dimensions complete as per drawings and
specifications. The weight shall be calculated
assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³. Shifting
within the site / yard is the responsibility of the
contractor and shall not be included for
C 3.6 Static Load Test of U-girder span –
Each 3.00
Load testing of full span U-girder on site,

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
erected in position, including arrangements for
applications of serviceable vertical load for
measuring deflection and rotations and
submitting a report (Payment as per MT of
applied test load). The sequence of placement,
position of loading, means of loadings to be
applied on structure during test, additional
measures to be carried out (such as
temperature measures) shall be as directed by
the Engineer.
C 3.7 'Providing and laying M55/20 Grade
reinforced cement concrete for prestressed
concrete I Girders / Beams etc. (Post-
Tensioned) in casting yard, including provision AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
of shear connector for secondary pour
concrete for deck slabs, rail plinths, for simply KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
supported standard/special spans of all types
(straight or curved) including provision of
lifting the girders / beams from the mould and
shifting the same to the stacking yard. Rate
shall include cost of lifting hooks, inserts, bars/
Cum 7,144.00
strands/ hooks for lifting, cutting of bars/
strands/ hooks after transportation and sealing
of lifting recess as specified in drawings, and
using required dosage of admixture in
concrete for obtaining required workability as
per approval of Engineer.

Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages,

sheathing, vent pipe, etc.) and Reinforcement
shall be paid separately under respective
BOQ items.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
1. The item includes provision of holes for
lifting and filling of holes after erection using
non-shrink grout.
C 3.8 'Loading, Transporting precast I-Beams
from the casting yard to work site, erection in
position including the cost of all temporary
supports, erection equipment, lifting cranes,
transporting etc, and positioning on bearings
etc for viaduct into completed structures
conforming to required lines, grades and MT 17,860.00
dimensions complete as per drawings and
specifications. The weight shall be calculated
assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³. Shifting AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
within the site / yard is the responsibility of the
contractor and shall not be included for KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
C 3.9 'Providing and laying M45/20 grade as
per approved design mix for precast concrete
Parapet for cross-over/stabling structures
including moulds,steel shuttering, centering,
scaffolding, positioning of inserts, lifting hooks,
stitch concrete and all related operations as
Cum 1,867.00
required to complete the work as per drawings
and specifications. Reinforcement shall be
paid separately. Rate shall include cost of
using required dosage of admixture in concrete
for obtaining required workability as per
approval of Engineer.
C 3.10 'Loading, Transporting precast
parapets from the casting yard to work site, MT 4,668.00
erection in position including the cost of all

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
connections, temporary supports, erection
equipment, lifting cranes, transporting etc, and
positioning on bearings etc for viaduct into
completed structures conforming to required
lines, grades and dimensions complete as per
drawings and specifications. The weight shall
be calculated assuming concrete density of 2.5
t/m³. Shifting within the site / yard is the
responsibility of the contractor and shall not be
included for payment
C 4.1 Reinforcing Steel :- 'Providing Thermo-
Mechanically Treated (TMT) reinforcement
steel of Fe-500D grade,conforming to IS1786 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
(latest) from approved list of supplier/s,
including straightening, cutting, bending, tying,
lapping of bars/ butt welding, placing including
couplers, 18 gauge G.I. twin binding wire, after
placing in position tying, lapping and /or
welding wherever required and anchoring to
the adjoining members including cost of all
materials, bar bending charges, labour, lead & MT 20,437.00
lifts etc. wherever necessary as per drawings
complete as per specifications and as directed
including welding involved towards stray
current protection effects as per the system
approved by Engineer.

1. The cost quoted shall include, cover
providing mechanical couplers, all types of
laps, standard laps, chair, spacers, bend

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
deduction as SP 34 etc., as required and
nothing extra is payable on this account.
(Laps,chairs, Hooks, and Wastages shall not
be paid seperately).
2. The rate includes anti corrosive coating with
Cement + Inhibitor solution as per Technical
High Tensile Prestressing Steel -
C4.2 Supplying and threading uncoated stress-
relieved low relaxation steel conforming to IS
:14268, class -2 in precast post tensioned
girders, Providing corrugated 2.3 mm
(Tolerances + 0.3 mm) thick HDPE duct for
27K15,22K15,19K15,12K15 & 12K13 with AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
couplers & vent pipes, Spacers, anchorages,
stressing using 27K15,22K15,19K15,12K15 &
12K13 system or any other approved
prestressing system and grouting as per
approved methodology including water testing,
epoxy protection of anchorages with anti-
MT 1,087.00
corrosive paint, and all related operations to
complete the work, with all lead and lift and as
per specifications. This item shall include
Providing and fixing all Strands, Corrugated
HDPE Duct (including blister portion) for Laying
the Strands, Required Anchorages for live,
dead and at blister portion for future
prestressing, Stressing upto required level
using all tools and equipment's &
consumables. After stressing is completed, the
voids in all ducts are to be grouted with non-
shrink cement grout, and filling of all recess

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
with concrete with adequate reinforcement as
per drawing & specifications, all complete, as
directed by the engineer.
(i) The details shown in the tender drawing are
for reference purpose only and may change
and nothing extra will be paid to the contractor
on this account.
(ii) The length of strands for payment shall be
the measured length within the pre-stressed
member only.
C4.3 Supplying of uncoated stress-relieved low
relaxation steel strands conforming to IS:
14268, class-2 for pretension of precast AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
concrete including spacers, stressing of
strands, protection of exposed cutstrands, anti- KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
corrosive paints, HDPE debonding tubes at
ends of strands if required, and all related
MT 2,363.00
operations to complete the work for viaduct.
The length of strands for payment shall be the
measured length within the prestressed
member onlyNote:(i) The details shown in the
tender drawing are for reference purpose only
and may change and nothing extra will be paid
to the contractor on this account.
C 5.1 Providing, fabricating and erecting
structural steel members for steel covering
plate between two U-girder inner flanges
MT 5.00
and for covering plate above shear keys on
pier cap top. The item consists of plates
profiled to required shape, inserts, plates with

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
welded hold fasts, insert plates with welded
hold-fasts, internal threaded sleeves including
HSFG bolts tightened by torque wrench and
painting as mentioned above to complete the
wrks as per approved GFC drawings and
C6) -
C 6.1 'Bearings below superstructure:-
Providing , fitting and fixing in position true in
line and level elastomeric bearings, complete
in all respect with all components incl grouting
with non-shrink cementitious grout as per
drawing and technical specifications and as AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Cucm 8,15,44,320.00
directed by the engineer. The rate is inclusive
of testing of all bearings to the satisfaction of
Engineer. Entire installation is to be carried out
strictly in the presence of Manufacture's
representative at all times for viaduct and
station structures.
C 6.3 Drainage Work in Viaduct -
C 6.3 i)'Drainage :- '
Viaduct portion – Providing & fixing of HDPE
corrugated double wall rain water pipe
metre 4,026.00
200mm dia., in pier cap and down take pipes,
bends, couplers, upper receiving cap etc. upto
bottom of pier as specified in drawings.
C 6.3 ii) 'Providing and fixing GI Grating (
upper receiving cap) for 200 mm dia HDPE
Nos. 1,188.00
down take pipe ( hot dipped galvanised@650
gm/sqmt) for 200mm dia pipe as per drawings.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center C - Viaduct

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
C 6.3 iii) 'Providing and laying 110 mm HDPE,
DWC pipe in true line and level for conduits for
electrification and services including fixtures, metre 3,894.00
specials, etc. complete as per specifications
and as directed by engineer.
C 6.3 iv) 'Providing & fixing OD 200 mm dia.
UPVC pipes 6.00kg/Sq cm working pressure
with pipe fittings, (door bend, door tee, plain
tee, plain bend, end cap, reducer, collar etc.)
clips, including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM of equipment and testing KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
complete as per specifications. cost includes
all fixing arrangement as shown in the drawing. AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
C 6.4 'Proving and installation of Earthing
arrangements at every pier as per the
Each 297.00
specifications and drawings.The cost includes
the necessary conneting plates.
C 6.5 'Omega (Ώ) joint –
Providing and installing Omega joint
conforming to IRC 83 - part II. The rate shall
metret 3,361.00
include casting of cast-in-situ plinth at edge of
deck for fixing joint. Gap for expansion joint:
The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre C (Cl. 1.7.4) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre C is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule


The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)


D 1.1 Piles:- Providing and installing cast-in-situ
vertical bored piles of required depth as per approved
GFC drawing with M40/20 grade of reinforced
cement concrete using Portland slag cement
including all operations such as mobilization,
installation and shifting of piling rig etc., in all soil
strata, road, footpath, including boulders and kankar
and soft rock / weathered rock (other than rock grade
GI and GII).
The disposal of earth, muck, slush released from
piles, top cut portion of pile is as per contractors own
arrangements / choice including loading ,
transportation, unloading to any lead with all
necessary safety / environmental compliances
measures as defined in the relevant section of the
contract document as directed by Engineerat as per
the approved methods & specifications.
The rate shall include all operations required for
installation of pile such as installation of rig, shifting
of hydraulic rig, construction of approach temporary
road / bridge for pilling rig etc.The cost shall also
include the cost of empty boring with MS temporary
liner as per site requirement. The Cost shall also
include cutting/chipping of pile up to cut off level or
up to good concrete and built up of pile up to required

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
level( as per drawing). Rate shall include cost of
using required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability as per approval of
Engineer in Charge. Cost for temporary casing shall
be included in the rate. Reinforcement shall be
measured and paid under D.4.1
Piling / Drilling shall be done by use of hydraulic
rotary rigs using temporary casing till required
depth(Min 4.5 Mtr ). Bentonite/polymer slurry to be
used as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The
item shall also include the cost of bentonite/Polymer
to be used for stabilisation of bore.
Bentonite/Polymer shall be allowed with the specific AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
approval of Engineer based on the soil strata.
Socketing shall be as per specification and the KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
decision of Engineer shall be final.
Note: Pile measurement shall be from cut-off level to
founding level as shown in the drawing
D 1.1 i) 'For 800mm dia pile metre 2,330.00
D 1.1 ii) For 1200 mm dia pile metre 8,070.00
D 1.2) Additional over and above item D.1.1 for
drilling and socketing in rock grade GI and GII as per
specification and as directed by the engineer.
Note: Socket depth shall be paid as per the drawing
or actual as recorded whichever is lesser and
certified by Engineer at site.
D 1.2 i) 'For 800mm dia pile metre 140.00
D 1.2 ii) For 1200 mm dia pile metre 500.00
D 1.3Extra for providing permanent liner 10 mm thick
MT 120.00
MS wherever required in piles

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
D 1.4 Carrying out initial vertical load tests as per
relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV) including all
arrangements for measuring settlements and
submitting reports in 3 sets. Making of pile head
ready including building up in concrete, if required for
testing at the desired level, supporting / reaction
arrangement (including reaction piles / soil / rock
anchors, if any) for the kentledge i. e. test load. 3.0
times the design vertical load. The test arrangements
to be designed for additional 25% of the test load.
1200mm dia pile (Design Vertical Load 550 MT) Nos. 2.00
D 1.5 Carrying out initial lateral load tests as per
relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV) including all
arrangements for measuring deflections and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
submitting reports in 3 sets. Making of pile head
ready including building up in concrete, if required for KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
testing at the desired level, supporting / reaction
arrangement (include reaction piles/ soil / rock
anchors, if any) for the kentledge load i. e. test load .
2.5 times the design lateral load. The test
arrangements to be designed for additional 25% of
the test load.
D 1.5 i) 1200mm dia pile (Design Lateral Load 14
Nos. 2.00
D 1.6 Carrying out routine vertical load tests as per
relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV) including all
arrangements for measuring settlements and
submitting reports in 3 sets. Rate to include Making
of pile head ready including building up in concrete,
if required for testing at the desired level, supporting
/ reaction arrangement (including reaction piles / soil
/ rock anchors, if any) for the kentledge i.e. test load

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
is 1.5 times the design vertical load . The test
arrangements to be designed for additional 25% of
the test load.
D 1.6 i) 1200mm dia pile (Design Vertical Load 550
Nos. 5.00
D 1.7 Carrying out routine lateral load tests as per
relevant IS Code (IS: 2911, Part IV) including all
arrangements for measuring deflections and
submitting reports in 3 sets. Rate to include making
of pile head ready including building up in concrete,
if required for testing at the desired level, supporting
/ reaction arrangement (including reaction piles / soil
/ rock anchors, if any) for the kentledge i.e. test load.
is 1.0 times the design lateral load. The test AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
arrangements to be designed for additional 25% of
D 1.7 i) 1200mm dia pile (Design Lateral Load 14
D 1.8 'Carrying out Initial Pull out test (Small scale
1200mm dia, 3m rock socketed). Rate to include
making of pile head ready including building up in
concrete, if required for testing at the desired level,
supporting / reaction arrangement (including reaction Nos 2.00
piles / soil / rock anchors, if any) for the test setup for
a test load which is 3.0 times the design load. The
test arrangements to be designed for additional 25%
of the test load.
D 1.9 Non destructive integrity testing of cast in
situ piles of any dia and as per specifications, and
submitting reports. Nos. 642.00
Performing and carrying out Pile Integrity Test (low
strain) on vertical pile of any dia as per specifications.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
The test shall be carried out by agency approved by
engineer in charge and as per requirement of IRC 78
: 2014 Appendix-7.The item shall include bending of
reinforcing bars, preparation of pile head ready for
testing at desire level, all necessary arrangements
required for the test including testing with pile driving
analyzer or approved equivalent. To be carried out at
least 15 days after concreting of piles. The item is
including complete testing with approved apparatus,
analysis of results and conclusions including
submission of test reports in three hard copies with
soft copy in CD. All as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
D 1.10 Providing instrumentation for the per AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
measurement of Noise and Vibrations around the pier
piling rig at each pier location and monitoring of the locatio
same as per Employer's drawings and specifications. n
D 1.11 PCC:- Providing and laying plain cement
concrete, M 15 grade as per approved design mix for
required thick PCC for levelling course below pile cap
& open foundation extending all round beyond pile
cap & open foundation. Rate shall include the cost of
shoring, strutting, centering, shuttering, scaffolding,
with necessary dewatering, formwork, compacting,
curing arrangements as required etc. complete using cum 340.00
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability as per approval of
Engineer.Note:-Disposal / utilization of the excavated
soilis as per contractors own arrangements / choice
including loading , transportation, unloading to any
lead with all necessary safety / environmental
compliances, measures as defined in the relevant

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
section of the contract document and as per
environmental and local government regulations as
directed by Engineer. Rate shall include preparing
surface to receive PCC, and required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability as per specifications and approval of
D 1.12 PILE CAP:- 'Providing M 40 grade concrete
(using Portland slag cement) as per approved
design mix for Pile cap including excavation upto
required depth through existing concrete and water
bound macadam road /bituminous road / cement
road of all thicknesses including dismantling other
structures, dead utilities etc., in all kinds of soil and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
rock including dewatering, pumping and bailing out
water, strutting and shoring etc. This item also KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
includes centering and shuttering and backfilling
with graded soil in foundation including watering,
compacting with a vibratory plate
compactor.Disposal / utilization of the excavated cum 5,500.00
soil as per contractors own arrangements / choice
including loading , transportation, unloading to any
lead with all necessary safety / environmental
compliances measures as defined in the relevant
section of the contract document.All the associated
costs including taxes and royalty applicable as per
State Government guidelines etc. for
utilization/disposal of excavated material shall be
borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall
consider the said requirement and potential
commercial utilization in his quote. Reinforcement
shall be paid separately. The Cost shall also include

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
cutting/chipping of pile up to cut off level or up to
good concrete and built up of pile up to required
level( as per drawing).Rate shall include cost of
using required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability, curing, curing
compound and all related works as per drawing and
D 1.13 'Drilling of 150mm nominal diameter bore
holes to a depth of either 40m or till 5m drilling in
rock with ROD > 50%, whichever is earlier, at
various locations in all types of soils/Rocks using
suitable method of boring, cleaning, providing
casing pipe if required (As per IS 1892), performing
Standard Penetration Tests (As per IS:2131) at AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
every 1.5m intervals when there is no cohesive soil
or at every 3.0m interval when there is cohesive KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
soil, and at change of strata and collecting of
disturbed soil samples, observations such as
ground water etc., collection of undisturbed soil
samples at every 3.0m intervals and at change of Nos 15.00
strata (As per IS 2132), collection of all rock cores
and storing them in core boxes ;transportation of all
the collected samples to the laboratory and
performing the index tests (Sp.gty, Bulk density,
Atterberg limits & Grain size analysis) on all soil
samples (at 3m intervals), performing the shear
strength tests on UDS (cohesive) soil samples (at
3m intervals), performing compressive strength
tests, Point load index tests, specific gravity tests on
rock samples (at 3m intervals) (all as per relevant IS
codes), back filling of bore holes on completion of
the same, completing all the lab tests and

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
submission of the Factual report as per specification
and instructions of the engineer
Rates Quoted for items under Schedule D-2 shall
include the following:
i) Cost of providing grooves,inserts, chamfers,
molding, cutout etc. in formwork.
ii) The work will include placing in position of
necessary sleeves for various purposes, anchors,
shear connectors, fixtures, inserts etc. complete as
per technical specifications and drawings and as
directed by the Engineer
iii) The rate shall also include preparation of
construction joints as per technical specifications and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
provided approved wire mesh/ weld mesh at such
location as approved by the Employer's
Representative or as shown in drawings.
iv) Rate shall include cost of using required dosage
of admixture in concrete for obtaining required
temperature, workability and retardation as per
approval of the Engineer
v) Rate shall include cost of using necessary tools,
plants, machinery and all related operations etc. for
all heights as per approval of the Employer's
vi) Rate shall include cost of vibration of concrete,
curing, protecting from damage, bailing/pumping out
water if required as directed by the Engineer
vii) Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
viii) The cost shall be inclusive of the cost of
centering, shuttering, scaffolding, providing cutouts

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
where specified, curing arrangements as required,
steam curing arrangement if deemed necessary, all
handling etc. complete
D 2.1 Station Piers:- Providing and Laying M40/20
concrete as per the approved design mix for
Reinforced Concrete for Station Piers of all heights &
shapes (standard pier, portal pier, cantilever piers,
piers for extended pier caps, piers for cross-over
structures & Piers at stations,shear key & pedestal at
top) including steel shuttering, steel props,
scaffolding, positioning of inserts, curing, necessary
tools, plants, machinery and all related operations
etc., as required to complete the work as per drawing
& specifications. Rate shall include cost of using AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability, curing compound as Cum 390.00 KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
per specification & approval of Engineer-in-charge.
Form work to be designed in a such way that traffic
on road is allowed during the work at all times.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
(i)At the junction of "Pile cap - Pier" and at the top
surface of the starter of Pier (which is normally less
than 2m length), where cold joints are
unavoidable,the old concrete surface should have
adequate shear keys depressions, reinforced dowels
and a layer of concrete bonding compound. The rate
is inclusive of all above bonding agents/methods.
D 2.2 Station Piers:- Providing and Laying M45/20
concrete as per the approved design mix for
Cum 1,610.00
Reinforced Concrete for Station Piers of all heights &
shapes (standard pier, portal pier, cantilever piers,

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 71 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
piers for extended pier caps, piers for cross-over
structures & Piers at stations,shear key & pedestal at
top) including steel shuttering, steel props,
scaffolding, positioning of inserts, curing, necessary
tools, plants, machinery and all related operations
etc., as required to complete the work as per drawing
& specifications. Rate shall include cost of using
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability, curing compound as
per specification & approval of Engineer-in-charge.
Form work to be designed in a such way that traffic
on road is allowed during the work at all times.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately.
(i)At the junction of "Pile cap - Pier" and at the top
surface of the starter of Pier (which is normally less KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
than 2m length), where cold joints are
unavoidable,the old concrete surface should have AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
adequate shear keys depressions, reinforced dowels
and a layer of concrete bonding compound. The rate
is inclusive of all above bonding agents/methods.
D 2.3 Station Piers:- Providing and Laying M50/20
concrete as per the approved design mix for
Reinforced Concrete for Station Piers of all heights &
shapes (standard pier, portal pier, cantilever piers,
piers for extended pier caps, piers for cross-over
structures & Piers at stations,shear key & pedestal at Cum 2,330.00
top) including steel shuttering, steel props,
scaffolding, positioning of inserts, curing, necessary
tools, plants, machinery and all related operations
etc., as required to complete the work as per drawing
& specifications. Rate shall include cost of using

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 72 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability, curing compound as
per specification & approval of Engineer-in-
charge.Form work to be designed in a such way that
traffic on road is allowed during the work at all times.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately. Note:(i)At
the junction of "Pile cap - Pier" and at the top surface
of the starter of Pier (which is normally less than 2m
length), where cold joints are unavoidable,the old
concrete surface should have adequate shear keys
depressions, reinforced dowels and a layer of
concrete bonding compound. The rate is inclusive of
all above bonding agents/methods.
D 2.4 'Cast in situ Deck Slab, I beams & cross- AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
girder :- Providing M40/20 grade of concrete as per
approved design mix for Reinforced Concrete for KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Cast in situ Deck Slabs, I beams & cross-girder at all
heights including centering, steel shuttering,
scaffolding, positioning of inserts, providing
neseccary cut outs, curing and all related operations
as required to complete the work as per drawing & Cum 3,800.00
specifications. Rate shall include cost of using
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability,curing compound as
per approval of Engineer-in-charge. Reinforcement
will be paid separately.
(Note: Rate includes provision of sacrificial formwork
for casting of slab).
D 2.5 'Cast in situ Pier Caps / Pier Arm:-
Providing M60/20 concrete as per the approved
Cum 1,750.00
design mix for Reinforced Concrete Cast in situ
Pier Caps of Stations at all heights including Stitch

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
concrete, shear key & pedestal at top, centering,
steel shuttering, steel props, scaffolding, curing,
necessary tools, plants, machinery, positioning of
inserts and all related operations as required to
complete the work as per drawing & specifications.
Rate shall include cost of using required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability, curing compound, provision for future
external Pre-Stressing arrangement as per
specification & approval of Engineer-in-charge.
Form work to be designed in a such way that traffic
on road is allowed during the work at all times.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately. The rate is
inclusive of all above bonding agents/methods to be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
applied if any.
D 2.6 Providing and laying in position M40/20 grade KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
reinforced cement concrete for Entry-Exit structures
including columns, beams, lift walls, staircase,
landing slab, roof slab, Sky walk flooring..etc.
including centering, shuttering, propping, staging,
scaffolding, curing, sacrificial shuttering as required,
necessary tools, plants, machinery and all related
operations etc. for all heights using steel material for
shuttering & steel props. Rate shall include cost of
providing grooves, chamfers, moulding, cutout etc. in
formwork/scaffolding & using required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability as per approval of Engineer. Rate shall
include for vibration of concrete, curing, protecting
from damage, making site good and placing in
position of necessary fixtures, insert plates, sleeves
for various purposes, shear connectors etc. complete

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
as per drawings, specifications and as directed by
the Engineer. The rate shall also include preparation
of construction joints as per specification and
providing approved wire mesh/weld mesh at such
location as approved by Engineer or as shown in
drawings. Reinforcement/shear connectors, insert
plates wire mesh/weld mesh shall be paid separately.
D 2.6 i) Using M40 grade RCC Cum 2,350.00
D 2.7 'Medians / Crash Barriers:- Providing M40/20
grade concrete as per approved mix design for
Median/crash barriers for piers at road level including
excavation through all types of soils/rocks, Centering
& shuttering, curing etc.and all related operations as
required to complete the work. Reinforcement shall
be paid separately. Rate shall include cost of using
required dosage of admixture in concrete for KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
obtaining required temperature, workability and
retardation as per approval of the Engineer
D 2.8 Sump & Pump room works
D 2.8 i) Excavation for pump room(including all
machinery and equipment shoring, strutting, sheet
piling)through existing concrete and water bound
macadam road / bituminous road / concrete road
/soil/morrum/ hardrock /soft rock old structures below
ground as encountered of all thicknesses including
dismantling other structures, dead utilities , including Cum 10,500.00
dewatering, pumping and bailing out water, strutting
and shoring, curing etc.,by using mechanical or any
other means as directed by engineer in all types of
Soil and Rock, including removal and disposal of all
materials as necessary in accordance with
specifications and lines,grade and cross section/

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
level as shown in the drawing or as indicated by the
engineer incharge.

Rate shall include backfilling in foundation with good

earth/quarry dust/sand in layers including watering,
compacting with a vibratory plate compactor. All the
associated costs including taxes and royalty
applicable as per State Government guidelines etc.
for utilization/disposal of excavated material shall be
borne by the Contractor.The Contractor shall
consider the said requirement and potential
commercial utilization in his quote.
D 2.8 ii) PCC:- Providing and laying plain cement
concrete, M 15 grade as per approved design mix for AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
required thick PCC for levelling course below open Cum 205.00
foundation extending all round beyond open KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
D 2.8 iii) Providing reinforced cement concrete
including excavation through existing concrete and
water bound macadam road / bituminous road /
concrete road /soil/morrum/ hardrock /soft rock old
structures below ground as encountered of all
thicknesses including dismantling other structures,
dead utilities , including dewatering, pumping and
bailing out water, strutting and shoring, curing etc.
This item also includes formwork and backfilling in
foundation with good earth/quarry dust/sand
including watering, compacting with a vibratory plate
compactor. The contractor has to ensure that during
transportation the carried material does not spill out.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately. Rate shall
include cost of using required dosage of admixture

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
in concrete for obtaining required workability as per
approval of Engineer-in-charge.
For Concrete Grade M35/20 RCC for Sump and
Pump Room(Bottom slab, wall, column of any shape, Cum 3,300.00
top slab, beam, etc.)
'Rates Quoted for items under D-3 shall include
the following:
1. Establishment of casting yard including all
infrastructure with concrete batching plants, Gantry
cranes, Moulds, shuttering, Casting beds, mobile
cranes/hydra, establishing of quality labs, Site office,
stores, etc., all handling etc. complete as required in
2. Necessary curing / steam curing arrangement if
deemed necessary for precast members.
3. Necessary concrete bulkheads, end block
arrangements for carrying out pretension / post
tension stressing activities etc. to complete the works
as per approval of engineer incharge.
4. As per the drawing, necessary fixtures for pre-
stressing system are to be embedded in concrete
while casting of Pier caps / Pier Arm, U and I girders.
5. Some inserts fabricated by other agencies which
have to be incorporated in the precast spans would
be handed over to the contractor for placement and
fixing in the reinforcement cage / shuttering before
concreting. No extra payment will be made for such
D 3.1 Providing and laying M50/20 Grade reinforced
cement concrete for precast Reinforced Concrete Cum 3,400.00
Beams in the casting yard, including provision of

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
shear connector for secondary pour concrete for rail
plinths, for simply supported standard/special spans
of all types (straight or curved) including provision of
lifting the girders / beams from the mould and shifting
the same to the stacking yard. Rate shall include cost
of lifting hooks, inserts, bars/ strands/ hooks for
lifting, cutting of bars/ strands/ hooks after
transportation and sealing of lifting recess and shall
also include Stainless steel SS316 grade conforming
to IS:6911 plates and pins below precast girders as
specified in drawings and using required dosage of
admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability as per approval of Engineer.
Reinforcement shall be paid separately under AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
respective BOQ items. Note:(i) Payment will be
released at 80 % of quoted rate on casting and KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
balance 20% on completion of erection, stitch
concrete, stressing and recess filling. (ii) The item AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
includes provision of holes for lifting and filling of
holes after erection using non-shrink grout.
D 3.2 Providing and laying M40/20 Grade reinforced
cement concrete for precast Reinforced Concrete
Slabs in the casting yard, including provision of
shear connector for secondary pour concrete for rail
plinths, for simply supported standard/special spans
of all types (straight or curved) including provision of
Cum 3,500.00
lifting the slabs from the mould and shifting the same
to the stacking yard. Rate shall include cost of lifting
hooks, inserts, bars/ strands/ hooks for lifting, cutting
of bars/ strands/ hooks after transportation and
sealing of lifting recess as specified in drawings and
using required dosage of admixture in concrete for

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 78 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
obtaining required workability as per approval of
Reinforcement shall be paid separately under
respective BOQ items.
1. The item includes provision of holes for lifting and
filling of holes after erection using non-shrink grout.
D 3.3 Loading, Transporting precast Beams from the
casting yard to work site, erection in position
including the cost of all temporary supports, erection
equipment, lifting cranes, transporting etc, and
positioning on bearings etc for station into completed
structures conforming to required lines, grades and MT 17,250.00
dimensions complete as per drawings and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
specifications. The weight shall be calculated
assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³. Shifting within KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
the site / yard is the responsibility of the contractor
and shall not be included for payment
D 3.4 Providing and laying M55 Grade reinforced
cement concrete for precast Pretensioned U-
Girders(Straight or curved) in the casting yard,
including provision of shear connector for secondary
pour concrete for rail plinths, providing cutouts as
specified, additional bars for earthing, bars/ strands/
hooks for lifting of U_Girder, cutting of bars/ strands/
Cum 5,600.00
hooks after transportation and sealing of lifting
recess as specified in drawings, providing bolt holes
for LG erection as specified in GFC drawings, lifting
the segments from the mould and shifting the same
to the stacking yard. Rate shall include the cost of
required dosage of admixture in concrete for
obtaining required workability and anti-corrosive

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 79 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
paints for lifting hooks, insert plates and exposed
steel surfaces and all other related operations as
required to complete the work as per drawings and
Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages,
sheathing, vent pipe etc.) and Reinforcement shall be
paid separately under respective BOQ items.

(i) Payment will be released at 80 % of quoted rate
on casting and balance 20% on completion of
erection, and recess filling.
(ii) The item includes provision of holes for lifting and
filling of holes after erection using non-shrink grout. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
(iii)The removal of inside shutters must be carried out
using semi automatic hydraulic equipment. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
D 3.5 Loading, Transporting precast U-Girder of
simply supported span from the casting yard to work
site, erection in position including the cost of all
temporary supports, erection equipment, lifting
cranes, Launching Girder, transporting etc, and
positioning on bearings etc for viaduct and stations
MT 14,000.00
into completed structures conforming to required
lines, grades and dimensions complete as per
drawings and specifications. The weight shall be
calculated assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³.
Shifting within the site / yard is the responsibility of
the contractor and shall not be included for payment
D 3.6 Providing and laying M50/20 Grade reinforced
cement concrete for Precast PSC I Girders / Beams
Cum 2,500.00
etc. (Post-Tensioned / Pre-Tensioned) in casting
yard, including provision of shear connector for

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 80 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
secondary pour concrete for rail plinths, for simply
supported standard/special spans of all types
(straight or curved) including provision of lifting the
girders / beams from the mould and shifting the same
to the stacking yard. Rate shall include cost of lifting
hooks, inserts, bars/ strands/ hooks for lifting, cutting
of bars/ strands/ hooks after transportation and
sealing of lifting recess and shall also include
Stainless steel SS316 grade conforming to IS:6911
plates and pins below precast girders as specified in
drawings and using required dosage of admixture in
concrete for obtaining required workability as per
approval of Engineer.
Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages,
sheathing, vent pipe, etc.) and Reinforcement shall KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
be paid separately under respective BOQ items.
1. The item includes provision of holes for lifting and
filling of holes after erection using non-shrink grout.
D 3.7 Loading, Transporting precast I-Beams from
the casting yard to work site, erection in position
including the cost of all temporary supports, erection
equipment, lifting cranes, transporting etc, and
positioning on bearings etc for station into completed
structures conforming to required lines, grades and MT 6,250.00
dimensions complete as per drawings and
specifications. The weight shall be calculated
assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³. Shifting within
the site / yard is the responsibility of the contractor
and shall not be included for payment

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 81 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
D 3.8 'Providing and laying M60/20 Grade PSC/RCC
for Precast Pier Cap / Pier Arm in the casting yard,
providing bolt holes for erection, providing additional
bars for earthing, bars/ strands/ hooks for lifting of the
Pier Cap segments from the mould and shifting the
same to the stacking yard and provision for future
external Pre-Stressing arrangement. Rate shall
include the cost of required dosage of admixture in
concrete for obtaining required workability and anti-
corrosive paints for lifting hooks, insert plates and Cum 8,630.00
exposed steel surfaces and all other related
operations as required to complete the work as per
drawings and specifications
Pre-stressing system (Strands, Anchorages, vent
pipe etc.) and Reinforcement shall be paid separately
under respective BOQ items.
The item includes provision of holes for lifting and
filling of holes after erection using non-shrink grout.
D 3.9 'Loading ,Transporting Precast Pier Cap / Pier
Arm from the casting yard / storage yard to the work
site, erection in position including the cost of all
temporary supports, staging, Collars, erection
equipment, lifting cranes, transporting etc,
positioning and fixing(Stitch) on pier with cement MT 21,600.00
concrete of M60/20 grade. The weight shall be
calculated assuming concrete density of 2.5 t/m³.
Shifting within the site/ yard is the responsibility of the
contractor and shall not be paid separately. Cast
insitu connection concrete shall be paid seperately.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 82 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
D 4.1 Reinforcing Steel :- 'Providing Thermo-
Mechanically Treated (TMT) reinforcement steel of
Fe-500D grade,conforming to IS1786 (latest) from
approved list of supplier/s, including straightening,
cutting, bending, tying, lapping of bars/ butt welding,
placing including couplers, 18 gauge G.I. twin binding
wire, after placing in position tying, lapping and /or
welding wherever required and anchoring to the
adjoining members including cost of all materials,
bar bending charges, labour, lead & lifts etc.
wherever necessary as per drawings complete as
per specifications and as directed including welding
involved towards stray current protection effects as MT 9,300.00
per the system approved by Engineer. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
1. The cost quoted shall include, cover providing
mechanical couplers, all types of laps, standard laps, AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
chair, spacers, bend deduction as SP 34 etc., as
required and nothing extra is payable on this
account. (Laps , Hooks, and Wastages shall not be
paid seperately).
2. The rate includes anti corrosive coating with
Cement + Inhibitor solution as per Technical
D 4.2 Supplying and threading uncoated stress-
relieved low relaxation steel conforming to IS :14268,
class -2 in precast post tensioned girders, Providing
corrugated 2.3 mm (Tolerances + 0.3 mm) thick MT 600.00
HDPE duct for 27K15,22K15,19K15,12K15 & 12K13
with couplers & vent pipes, Spacers, anchorages,
stressing using 27K15,22K15,19K15,12K15 &

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 83 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
12K13 system or any other approved prestressing
system and grouting as per approved methodology
including water testing, epoxy protection of
anchorages with anti-corrosive paint, and all related
operations to complete the work, with all lead and lift
and as per specifications. This item shall include
Providing and fixing all Strands, Corrugated HDPE
Duct (including blister portion) for Laying the Strands,
Required Anchorages for live, dead and at blister
portion for future prestressing, Stressing upto
required level using all tools and equipment's &
consumables. After stressing is completed, the voids
in all ducts are to be grouted with non-shrink cement
grout, and filling of all recess with concrete with AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
adequate reinforcement as per drawing &
specifications, all complete, as directed by the KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
(i) The details shown in the tender drawing are for
reference purpose only and may change and nothing
extra will be paid to the contractor on this account.
(ii) The length of strands for payment shall be the
measured length within the pre-stressed member
D 4.3 Supplying of uncoated stress-relieved low
relaxation steel strands conforming to IS: 14268,
class-2 for pretension of precast concrete including
spacers, stressing of strands, protection of exposed
MT 380.00
cutstrands, anti-corrosive paints, HDPE debonding
tubes at ends of strands if required, and all related
operations to complete the work for viaduct. The
length of strands for payment shall be the measured

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
length within the prestressed member only
(i) The details shown in the tender drawing are for
reference purpose only and may change and nothing
extra will be paid to the contractor on this account.
The rate shall also include surface preparationlike
sand blasting, application of one coat of Zinc Silicate
(DFT 75m) and epoxy Zinc Phosphate (DFT 35m)
primet and one coat of Epoxy Zinc phosphate (DFT
35m) paint ,Epoxy high build micaceous iron oxide
coating polyamide cured DFT -90m and two coats
of Acrylic polyurethane finish alphatic,isocyanate
cred DFT -30 m as per technical specfications.
D 5.1 Providing, fabricating to required profile and
shape, transporting, erecting and fixing in position at
all levels of steel work conforming to IS 2062:2011 of AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
Grade E410 BR / B0 including procurement & testing
of all raw steel materials, HSFG all grades of bolts,
nuts & washer, fasteners, fabrication, joining,
welding, threading, sleeves etc.Allowance for all
types of wastage's, straightening, cutting, bending of
section wherever specified, drilling holes, bolting MT 3,600.00
provision of necessary tools, testing etc. The rate
shall also include required surface preparation (Sand
Blasting) for application of Zinc Epilux or equivalent
primers, and two coats of PU paint as per
specifications. The rate shall also include supplying
and providing of detailed fabrication drawings based
on the GFC drawings, required for all permanent and
temporary structures and their approval from

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
Engineer in charge's prior to execution. The rate
shall also include provision and installation of base
plate, anchor bolts (measured in tonnes) etc. all as
per relevant drawings, specifications and directions
of engineer. Using standard plate sections, rolled
sections, angles, channels, I sections, T sections, C
sections, H sections, hollow round/square/rectangle
sec etc., welded and built.,
D 5.2 Providing, fabricating tubular rolled sections
transporting, erecting and fixing in position at all
levels of steel work conforming to IS 4923 of Grade
Yst 310/Yst 240 including procurement & testing of
all raw steel materials, all grades of bolts, nuts &
washer, fasteners, fabrication, joining, welding, AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
threading, sleeves etc.Allowance for all types of
wastage's, straightening, cutting, bending of section KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
wherever specified, drilling holes, bolting provision of
necessary tools, testing etc. The rate shall also
include required surface preparation (Sand Blasting)
MT 520.00
for application of Zinc Epilux or equivalent primers,
and two coats of PU paint as per specifications. The
rate shall also include supplying and providing of
detailed fabrication drawings based on the GFC
drawings, required for all permanent and temporary
structures and their approval from Engineer in
charge's prior to execution. The rate shall also
include provision and installation of base plate,
anchor bolts (measured in tonnes) etc all as per
relevant drawings, specifications and directions of
D.5.3 Providing, fabricating MS Z Purlins
MT 220.00
transporting, erecting and fixing in position at all

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
levels of steel work conforming to IS 801 - 1975 of
Grade Yst410/Yst 450 cold formed sections including
procurement & testing of all raw steel materials, all
grades of bolts, nuts & washer, fasteners, fabrication,
joining, welding, etc.Allowance for all types of
wastage's, straightening, cutting, bending of section
wherever specified, drilling holes, bolting provision of
necessary tools, testing etc. The rate shall also
include required surface preparation (Sand Blasting)
for application of Zinc Epilux or equivalent primers,
and two coats of PU paint as per specifications. The
rate shall also include supplying and providing of
detailed fabrication drawings based on the GFC
drawings, required for all permanent and temporary AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
structures and their approval from Engineer in
charge's prior to execution. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Galvalume Roof Sheet - Supply and Fixing of colour
coated profile sheet / Transparent profile sheet (10%
to 20% of the quantity) of nominal 1015 mm effective
cover width and nominal 28 mm deep ribs with subtle
square fluting in the five pan at nominal 203 mm
centre-to-centre. The end rib shall be designed for
anticapillary action, to avoid any seepage of water
through the lateral overlap. The feed material shall
be of 0.45 mm BMT (0.50mm TCT excluding paint
thickness) steel- High tensile with min 550 MPa yield
strength, metallic hot-dipped coated with Al-Zn alloy
(55% Aluminium,43.5% Zinc, 1.5% Si ) as per
AS1397 / IS15961 (min. 150 g/m2 total on both
sides) with Super Durable Polyester steel XRW
quality paint system of approved color, suitable for

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
exterior application conforming to AS/NZS 2728
type-4 / IS15965 class 3. The sheet shall have a
total coating thickness of 35 microns, super durable
polyester quality paint system of 20 microns on
exposed surface and 5 micron reverse polyester coat
on back surface over 5 micron primer coat on both
surfaces. The paint system should have stable resin
& inorganic pigments for paint durability and Lead
free for water harvesting. The steel sheet shall have
brand marking of coated steel manufacturer (product
details, date, mfg name, etc) on back side at regular
interval confirming genuineness of the material.
The steel sheet shall be fastened with nominal 40 pm
zinc coated or nominal 25 p.m Zinc-Tin alloy coated,
Hex head, self-drilling screw as per AS 3566-2002
Class 3 fasteners with EPDM washer and also as per
the requirement considering the profile shape and AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
design load. The profile sheet, fastener size etc. shall
be approved by the Engineer. All the accessories like
gutter/ flashing/ capping shall be made from the
same material which is used for main cladding
application. The measurement shall be based on
finished/ covered surface area.
D 6.1 'For roof sheeting and side cladding including
Sqm 42,850.00
perimeter flashing
D 6.2 'Providing and fixing precoated mild steel sheet
roofing gutters 600mm wide in girth 0.5mm total
coated thickness,Zinc coating 120 gms per sqm as
metre 3,350.00
per IS 277 in 240 Mpa steel grade 5-7 micron epoxy
on both sides and polyster top coat 15-18 microns
using self drilling screws

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
D 7.1 Bearings
D 7.1 i) 'Bearings below superstructure:-
Providing , fitting and fixing in position true in line and
level elastomeric bearings, complete in all respect
with all components incl grouting with non-shrink
cementitious grout as per drawing and technical
specifications and as directed by the engineer. The Cucm
rate is inclusive of testing of all bearings to the
satisfaction of Engineer. Entire installation is to be
carried out strictly in the presence of Manufacture's
representative at all times for viaduct and station AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
D 7.2.1 Drainage
Viaduct portion – Providing & fixing of HDPE
:- '
corrugated double wall rain water pipe 200mm
metre 300.00
dia., in pier cap and down take pipes, bends,
couplers, upper receiving cap etc. upto bottom of pier
as specified in drawings.
D 7.2.2 Providing and fixing GI Grating ( upper
receiving cap) for 200 mm dia HDPE down take pipe
Nos. 400.00
( hot dipped galvanised@650 gm/sqmt) for 200mm
dia pipe as per drawings.
D 7.2.3 'Providing & fixing OD 200 mm dia. UPVC
pipes 6.00kg/Sq cm working pressure with pipe
fittings, (door bend, door tee, plain tee, plain bend, metre 470.00
end cap, reducer, collar etc.) clips, including cost of
all materials, labour charges, HOM of equipment and

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
testing complete as per specifications. cost includes
all fixing arrangement as shown in the drawing.
D 7.3 Omega (Ώ) joint or equivalent–
Providing and installing Omega joint or equivalent
conforming to IRC 83 - part II. The rate shall include metre 780.00
casting of cast-in-situ plinth at edge of deck for fixing
joint. Gap for expansion joint: 100mm.
D 7.4 Providing and installation of Earthing
arrangements at every pier as per the specifications E 120.00
and drawings.
D 7.5 Providing and fixing of expansion joint system
related with floor location as per drawings and
direction of Engineer-In-Charge. The joints system
will be of extruded aluminum base members, self AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
aligning / self centering arrangement and support
plates etc. as per ASTM B221-02. The system shall KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
be such that it provides floor to floor /floor to wall
expansion control system for various vertical
localtion in load application areas that
accommodates multi directional seismic movement
without stress to it's components. System shall
consist of metal profiles with a universal aluminum
base member designed to accommodate various
project conditions and finish floor treatments. The
cover plate shall be designed of width and thickness
required to satisfy projects movement and loading
requirements and secured to base members by
utilizing manufacturer’s pre-engineered self-
centering arrangement that freely rotates / moves in
all directions. The Self - centering arrangement shall
exhibit circular sphere ends that lock and slide inside
the corresponding aluminum extrusion cavity to allow

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center D - Stations Structural Works

Basic Basic
Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(FC2) (FC3)
freedom of movement and flexure in all directions
including vertical displacement. Provision of Moisture
Barrier Membrane in the Joint System to have
watertight joint is mandatory requirement all as per
the manufactures design and as approved by
Engineer -in- Charge. (Material shall confirm to AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
ASTM 6063).for joint of 100 mm gap
D 7.5 i) For longitudinal /transverse expansion joint KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
between floor/roof beams and beams ,beams and
slabs,between lift wall and floor beams/slabs or at
location as directed by Engineer at all levels.
D 7.5 ii) For longitudinal expansion joint between
platform girder and RCC beams of main station
metre 550.00
building or at location directed by Engineer at all

The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre D (Cl. 1.7.5) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre D is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule


The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 1.1 Ready mixed M-20 grade concrete
for reinforced cement concrete work in
chajjas, lintels, bends, plain window sills
etc in superstructure including the cost of
Cum 20.00
centering, shuttering, finishing etc
complete (graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size). Reinforcement shall be
measured separately.
E 1.2 Providing and Laying Autoclaved
aerated cement block masonry (ACC
blocks) of strength not less than AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
40kg/sq.cms with cement mortar 1:4,
including cost of materials, labour KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
charges, scaffolding, curing etc., to AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
complete at all levels and heights and as
per specifications, drawings. Rate shall
include providing and placing in position 2
Nos 8mm dia M.S. bars at every third
course of masonry work. Rates shall be
inclusive of mullion columns, fire stops, fire
sealants, transom, angles,wall
ties,clamps,cleats,etc., with all labour,
material, tools and plants, all leads & lifts,
etc and proper completiion of work as per
instruction of Engineer.
E 1.2 i) 200mm thick Cum 4,264.00

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 1.2 ii) 100mm thick Cum 100.00
E2 Plastering Works
E 2.1 Providing and applying 12mm thick
plaster in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
fine sand); to internal surfaces of concrete
and masonry works ,keeping the surface
rough (with sponge) to receive finishing
work or as required to receive specified
architectural finish, to correct line, plumb
and level to external faces of walls,
including rounding off corners wherever
required smooth rendering, including
raking out joints, hacking concrete
surfaces, preparing junctions of concrete / AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
masonry by neat cleaning, pointing /
grouting using non-shrink mortar and
SqM 34,049.00
further grouting junctions by pressing
square crush aggregate; preparing jambs,
sills, grooves, pattas, wattas, rounding of
corners, etc.including provision of corner
beads to prevent accidental damage at all
levels, heights, locations with all lifts and
all leads, including scaffolding, cost of
materials, labour, cleaning of surfaces,
curing, etc. to complete as per
specifications and as directed by the
E 2.2 Providing and applying minimum 18
mm thick external sand faced cement
sand plaster in two coats, first coat to be SqM 14,017.00
12 mm thick cement sand mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) and second coat

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
to be 6 mm thick in cement sand mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand), including
mixing approved pure acrylic based water
proofing compound in the proportion
recommended by the manufacturer in both
the layers, keeping the surface of the base
coat rough to receive sand faced
treatment, finishing the surface, by taking
out grains or keeping the surface rough
(with sponge) to receive finishing work or
as required to receive specified
architectural external finish, to correct line,
plumb and level to external faces of walls,
soffits/ceiling if any, including preparing AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
junctions of concrete / masonry by neat
cleaning, pointing / grouting, raking out KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
junctions of masonry and concrete and
other dissimilar materials, hacking closely
concrete surfaces, doing curing, cleaning, all levels, heights, locations with all
lifts and all leads, including scaffolding,
cost of materials, labour, cleaning of
surfaces, curing, etc. to complete as per
specifications and as directed by the
E 2.3 Providing and fixing Plaster mesh
100 mm wide manufactured out of hot
dipped galvinised iron of nominal
thickness 0.35mm with zinc coating of 120 SqM 6,000.00
gms per SqM width along route of walls
chipped for services, junctions between
RCC and block wall, at all at all levels,

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
heights & locations etc. with all lifts and all
leads, including scaffolding, cost of
materials, labour, cleaning of surfaces, all
complete as directed by the Engineer.(
length of mesh only be measured for
E 3.1 Providing and applying colour
washing such as green, blue or buff to give
an even shade with two or more coats with
a base coat of white washing with lime
SqM 23,090.00
including all necessary scaffolding cost of
materials, labour, lead and lift at all levels
and for all heights and location as AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
approved by the engineer in charge
E 3.2 Providing and applying Premium
acrylic emulsion paint of interior grade of
approved brand in two or more coats with
acrylic primer, and two coats of putty with
water thinnable cement primer on wall
surface after throughly brushing the
surface, free from mortar drops and other
SqM 8,381.00
foreign matter including preparing the
surface even and sand paper smooth, to
give an even approved shade as per
specification including all necessary
scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, lead
and lift at all levels and for all heights as
approved by the engineer.
E 3.3 Providing and Applying two coats
(maximun 8 sqm/litre per coat with SqM 9,211.00
minimum 25 micron wet film thickness per

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
coat) of two-part, high build, solvency free,
water emulsified epoxy resin based anti-
dust concrete sealer coating on fair faced
over primer coat / intial coat as per
manufacrurer’s recommendation- all
complete to give an even approved shade
as per specification including all necessary
scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, lead
and lift at all levels and for all heights as
approved by the engineer. Rate shall
include cost of primer also.
E 3.4 Providing and applying Premium
acrylic smooth exterior paint (Water
resistant) with silicon addditives of AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
approved brand in three or more coats
with water thinnable cement primer, to KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
give an even shade after throughly
brooming the surface to remove all dirt and SqM 6,740.00
loose powdered material, free from mortar
drops and other foreign materials, as per
specification including all necessary
scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, lead
and lift at all levels and for all heights and
location as approved by the engineer.
E 3.5 Providing and applying decorative
thick Texture wall finish (exterior/interior
grade) of approved brand including two
coats of water repellent over texture finish
SqM 5,300.00
for protection to the wall surface as per
specification including all necessary
scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, lead
and lift at all levels and for all heights and

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 96 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
location as approved by the
engineer.Rates shall be inclusive for all
types of pattern & Design
E 3.6 Providing and applying wall with
Concrete Finish Texture paint.It is a
modern concert system comprising
cement, hardest earthen material,
polymers and special additives, modern
technology and special tools and
SqM 855.00
workmanship.three coats need to be
applied. First coat is base coat and Coarse
material applied by Steel Trowel. Second
coat is top coat Fine material applied by
Steel Trowel. Third Coat: Met or Glossy AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
protective coat applied by roller / spray.
E4.1 Providing and laying in position (
1:2:4) Cement concrete as screed
concrete as a base for flooring works cum 745.00
including any shuttering incidental to such
E 4.2 Providing and sprinkling hardonite
powder evenly a shake on a ready mixed
non metallic monolithic floor hardening
compound with very hard ganulates of
mineral orign over required thick
RCC/PCC floor when the concrete in Sqm 5,420.00
green and touch dry condition at the rate
of 3.5 kgs/Sqm shall posses the following
properties, hardonite powder standard
shall posses a compressive stregth of 50
N/mm2, abrasion resistance 0.35 mm at

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
60 min as per ASTMC 779 Mohr's scale
hardness 8 as per specification and
instructions of the manufacturer including
levelling ,smoothening by power float,
finishing, curing etc all complete.Note:
Rate shall also include 1:2:4 Plain cement
concrete as screed concrete.
E 4.3 Providing and laying 20 mm thick
Polished gang saw cut Granite stone
flooring of approved colour in required
size, design and patterns, in linear as well
as curvilinear portions of the building all
complete as per the architectural
drawings, over 20 mm (average) thick AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
slurry and pointing with white cement
slurry admixed with pigment of matching
Sqm 14,500.00
shade including rubbing,curing and
polishing etc. all complete as specified and
directed by the Engineer. Rate shall
include protection of laid grainte by
providing minimum 10 mm thick POP over
tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete.
E 4.4 Providing and fixing gang saw cut
Flamed finish Granite Stone (bull nosed)
of size 1200x600x50mm at platorm edge
Sqm 1,596.00
level using 5 mm adhesive over a
prepared base of 50mm thick Cement
Mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 98 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
and jointing with white cement with
matching pigment all complete in levelling
course laid to proper slope over screed
base, all complete as specified and
directed by the Engineer.
E 4.5 Providing and laying 30mm thick
polished gang saw cut Granite stone
flooring of approved colour in required
size, design and patterns, in Treads and
Landings of steps (including bull nosing,
making anti slip grooves and filling with
epoxy material ) over 30mm thick base
Cement mortar (1:4) laid and jointed with
neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Sqm 2,149.00
match the shade of garnite stone,
including lead and lift at all levels and for KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
all heights and location complete as per
specifications and drawings as approved
by the engineer. Rate shall include
protection of laid grainte by providing
minimum 10 mm thick POP over tarpaulin
sheet, all as required, as per specifications
and drawings and as directed complete.
E 4.6 Providing and fixing machine cut,
mirror polished 10mm thick Granite stone
for skirting ,risers of steps of approved
colour in required size, design and
patterns, all complete as per the Sqm 770.00
architectural drawings, over 12mm thick
base Cement mortar (1:3) laid and jointed
with neat cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade of garnite

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
stone including lead and lift at all levels
and for all heights and location complete
as per specifications and drawings as
approved by the engineer
E 4.7 Supply and laying of gang saw cut
20mm thick granite of approved colour in
required size, design and patterns, all
complete as per the architectural drawings
for Floor drain cover including providing
holes, rubbing and polishing of cut edges
etc. at all levels and to complete as Sqm 740.00
specified and directed by the Engineer.
Rate shall include protection of laid grainte
by providing minimum 10 mm thick POP AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
over tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per
specifications and drawings and as KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
directed complete.
E 4.8 Providing and Fixing Gang saw cut
Polished Granite of 20mm thick of
approved colour in required size, design
and patterns, all complete as per the
architectural drawings for counter slabs,
laid over 16mm thick external grade ply
with all necessary frame work work, Sqm 141.00
fastners etc., including making provisions
for fixing fittings etc., including edge
moulding and polishing to edges to give
gloss finish all complete as specified and
directed by the Engineer. (EFO, SCR,
Ticketing rooms and similar locations)
E 4.9 Providing and Fixing Gang saw cut
Sqm 180.00
Polished Granite of 20mm thick of

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 100 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
approved colour in required size, design
and patterns, all complete as per the
architectural drawings for window sills,
facias,similar locations of required size,
approved shade, colour,texture laid over
20mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed
with cement slurry and pointing with white
cement slurry admixed with pigment of
matching shade including rubbing,curing
and polishing etc including edge moulding
and polishing to edges to give gloss finish
all complete as specified and directed by
E 4.10 Laying and Supplying Counter Slab
in washrooms made of 20 mm thick KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
manufactured Quartz of approved colour
in required size, design and patterns, all
complete as per the architectural
drawings, laid over 20mm thick base
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
Sqm 104.00
sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry
and pointing with white cement slurry
admixed with pigment of matching shade
including rubbing,curing and polishing etc
including edge moulding and polishing to
edges to give gloss finish . all complete as
specified and directed by the Engineer.
E 4.11 Extra for providing opening of
required size & shape for wash basin/
Sqm 225.00
kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity
counter and similar location in marble/

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 101 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Granite/Quartz stone work, including
necessary holes for pillar taps etc.
including moulding, rubbing and polishing
of cut edges etc. complete.
E 4.12 Providing and fixing 20 mm thick
granite stone slab with table rubbed,
edges rounded and polished, of required
size fixed in urinal partitions by cutting a
chase of appropriate width with chase
cutter and embedding the stone in the
Sqm 219.00
chase with epoxy grout , Adhesive or with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6
mm nominal size) as per architectural AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
drawings and direction of Engineer-in-
E 4.13 Supply and laying of 20 mm thick
Manufactured Quartz of approved colour
as warning strip yellow colour - 100mm
wide at platform level on 20mm thick
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse
sand), sprinkled with white cement and
jointed with white cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade of the slabs Sqm 1,481.00
including rubbing and polishing complete.
Rates include coordination with other
agencies for cutouts, holes and finishing of
the same as directed by the Engineer.
Rate shall include protection of laid grainte
by providing minimum 10 mm thick POP
over tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 102 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete.
E 4.14 Supply and laying of 20 mm thick
Manufactured Quartz of approved colour
in required size, design and patterns, all
complete as per the architectural drawings
used for Passenger queing marking, floor
Markings in Paid and Unpaid areas at all
Levels on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement: 4 coarse sand), sprinkled with
white cement and jointed with white
cement slurry mixed with pigment to match
Sqm 1,481.00
the shade of the slabs including rubbing
and polishing complete. Rates include AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
coordination with other agencies for
cutouts, holes and finishing of the same as KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
directed by the Engineer. Rate shall
include protection of laid grainte by
providing minimum 10 mm thick POP over
tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete.
E 4.15 Providing and Fixing of 10mm thick
Glazed Vitrified wall tiles of approved size,
approved quality, make, shade, as shown
in the drawing for dadoing laid over
plastered surface with minimum 3mm thick
SqM 19,490.00
of adhesive, including grouting the joints
with epoxy grout matching the colour of
tile, including cost of material, labour,
complete as per specification. of 10mm
thickness, rates includes all labour,

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 103 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
material, tools and plants, for all lead and
lifts etc and proper completion of work as
per drawing and engineers instruction.
E 4.16 Providing and Fixing of 10mm thick
Glazed ceramic wall tiles of approved size,
approved quality, make, shade, as shown
in the drawing for dadoing laid over
plastered surface with minimum 3mm thick
of adhesive, including grouting the joints
with epoxy grout matching the colour of SqM 950.00
tile, including cost of material, labour,
complete as per specification. of 10mm
thickness, rates includes all labour,
material, tools and plants, for all lead and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
lifts etc and proper completion of work as
per drawing and engineers instruction. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
E 4.17 Providing and Fixing of 10mm thick
Anti skid Floor tiles of approved size,
approved quality, make, shade, as shown
in the drawing laid over 10mm thick
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse
sand), and jointed with white cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of
the tiles complete including all labour,
Sqm 151.00
material, tools and plants, for all lead and
lifts etc and proper completion of work as
per drawing and engineers instruction.
Rate shall include protection of laid grainte
by providing minimum 10 mm thick POP
over tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 104 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 4.18 Providing and fixing dry cladding
upto 10 mtrs height with 18 mm thick
engineered marble stone of approved
colour in required shape making the
required one side full /half nosing, design
and patterns, fixed to structural steel frame
and or with the help of steel clamps /
cramps, pins etc., and sealing the joints Sqm 1,297.00
with approved weather sealant as per
approved drawing and direction of
engineer. Rates to be inclusive of all
clamps, cramps, pins etc.,

Note:- Structural steel frame shall be paid AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
separately under E8.1
E 4.19 Providing and fixing of 10 mm thick KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Tactile tile both (warning & Directional) of
300 x 300 mm or approved size ,approved
quality make ,shade,size, laid on bed of
cement mortar 1:3 mix , flush point with
white cement using colour pigment Rmt 1,297.00
including material cost ,labour complete
as per specification, Rate includes all
labour material tools and plants lead, lifts
etc in proper completion of work as per
drawing and engineer instructions.
E 4.20 Providing and fixing removable 450
mm height Raised / False access flooring
with system and its components of
Sqm 3,120.00
approved make for different plenum height
with possible height adjustment upto 50
mm, comprising of modular load bearing

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 105 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
floor panels supported on G.I. rectangular
stinger frame work and G.I. Pedestal etc.
all complete, as per the architectural
drawings, as specified and as directed by
Engineer-in-charge consisting of:
Providing and fixing Access Floor panel of
600x600x32 mm medium grade Filled
Steel anti static high pressure Lamination
of 800H grade (FS800H). Access Floor
panel shall be steel welded construction
with an enclosed bottom pan with uniform
pattern of 64 hemispherical cones. The top
and bottom plates of Steel Gauges: top 0.6
mm and bottom 0.7 mm fused spot welded AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
together (minimum 64 welds in each dome
and 20 welds along each flange). The KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
panel should be Corroresist epoxy coated
for lifetime rust protection and cavity
formed by the top and bottom plate is filled
with Pyrogrip noncombustible Portland
cementitious core mixed with lightweight
foaming compound. The access floor shall
be factory finished with Anti-static High
Pressure laminate with Non Warp
technology upto 1mm thickness for
superior adhesion and Surface flatness
within 0.75mm.The panel is to withstand a
Concentrated Load of 363 kgs applied on
area 25mm x 25mm without collapse in the
centre of the panel which is placed on four
steel blocks. The panel will withstand and
Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 106 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
minimum 1500 kg/sqm and an impact load
of 50kg all complete as per the approved
manufacturers specification and as per the
direction of Engineer-in-charge. All
specification must be printed on the side of
the panel to ensure the quality of the
E 5.1 Supplying and fixing of aluminium
work for Doors, windows with 6mm thick
float glass fixed to aluminium frames and
sub frames (Aluminium anodised to 50
microns) of approved make and colour,
fixing with dash fasteners of required dia AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
and size, including necessary filling up the
gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and
sides with required EPDM rubber/
neoprene gasket / sealant all round the
frame and the masonry opening, along Kgs 750.00
with required hardware etc to complete as
per architectural drawings and the
directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust
free, straight, mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required including
cleat angle. Rate shall include Door
handle, lock and stopper. Rate shall
include labour, machinery and all leads &
E 5.1 (i)Supplying and fixing of Float glass
panes of 6.0 mm thickness (weight not sqm 14.00
less than 15 kg/sqm) in aluminium/SS/ MS

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
frames including necessary filling up the
gaps at the junctions with required EPDM
rubber/ neoprene gasket. Rate shall
include labour, machinery, plants and all
complete with all leads & lifts as instructed
by the engineer.
E 5.1.1 Providing and fixing 12mm thick
prelaminated particle board with
decorative lamination on one side and
balancing lamination on other side flat
pressed three layer or graded wood
particle board conforming to IS:12823
Sqm 100.00
Grade I Type II, in panelling fixed in
aluminum doors, windows shutters and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
partition frames with C.P.brass /Stainless
steel screws etc.complete as per KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
architectural drawings and directions of
E 5.2 Providing and fixing glazing with float
glass panes of 5 mm thickness to 50
microns aluminium anodised subframe
and frame sections for VENTILATOR of
approved make and colour, conforming to
IS 733 and IS 1285 fixed with
hinges/pivots / raw plugs and stainless
SqM 32.00
steel screws or with expansion hold
fasteners including necessary fittings &
filling up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom
and sides with required PVC / EPDM
Rubber/ neoprene gasket / sealant all
round the frame and the masonry opening,
along with required hardware etc to

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 108 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
complete in all respects as per drawing
with required. Aluminium sections shall be
smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and
jointed mechanically wherever required
including cleat aluminium window
and ventilator shutters with EPDM rubber
/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per
the architectural drawings and the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
E 5.3 Providing and fixing of toilet mirror
with 6mm thick Clear float glass with
bevelled and polished at edge fixed with
6mm thick hard board backing, clamping
on both sides by stainless steel clamps, Sqm 50.00 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
fixed to wall with SS studs as required with
frame to complete as per the architectural KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
drawings and the directions of the
E 5.4 Supplying, fabricating and installing
in position frameless fully glazed partitions
with 12mm thick (6mm thick toughened
glass + 1.52 PVB + 6mm thick toughened
glass) laminated glass of approved make
with counter opening as shown in the
drawings, glass shall be held and
Sqm 285.00
supported with the help of SS patch fittings
including sealants, gaskets, pivots, all
visible edges of glass shall be machine
polished, providing concealed fixing
arrangements to the main structure,
accessories, making provision for light
fixtures, scaffolding / staging etc.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 109 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
complete all as per drawings, as per
approved shop drawings and as directed
by the Engineer. All SS shall conform to
E 5.5 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick
(6mm thick toughened glass + 1.52 PVB +
6mm thick toughened glass) 2 hrs fire
rated laminated glass framelesss door
shutter of approved brand and
manufacture, including providing and
fixing top & bottom pivot & double action Sqm 210.00
hydraulic floor spring type fixing
arrangement and making necessary holes AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
etc. for fixing required door fittings, all
complete as per direction of Engineer- KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
incharge. Rate shall include Door handle,
lock and stopper.
E 5.6.i Supplying and fixing motarised
rolling shutter with manual switch ,chain
and crank operation of approved make,
made of required size M.S. laths,
interlocked together through their entire
length and jointed together at the end by
end locks, mounted on specially designed
Sqm 150.00
pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and
arrangements for inside and outside
locking with push and pull operation
complete, including the cost of providing
and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire
springs manufactured from high tensile
steel wire of adequate strength conforming

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 110 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of
required thickness for rolling shutters with
80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick
top cover , ball bearings and 2 Nos
Remote Control. Rate shall include all
labour, tools and tackles to complte the
work as per drawings and as directed by
Engineer in charge
E 5.6.ii Extra for providing grills in the
rolling shutters manufactured out of 8mm
dia. MS bar instead of laths as per design Sqm 70.00
approved by Engineer (area of grill to be
measured) and paid over item E 5.7
E 5.7 Supply and Installation of metal fire AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
rated doors of 120 minutes fire rating at all
levels from ISO 9001-2000 certified
Manufacturer. Fire door should be as per
IS 3614 part-1 & part-2 and BS 476 part 2
or EN 1634 as per detailed specification
along with complete accessories like EVM
Lock, vision panel (6mm thick toughened
glass), SS concealed tower bolts &
Hinges, heavy duty door closer, ball
bearing hinges, SS handles, panic bar,
hold fasteners, breaking and making wall
good, etc., as per NFPA 80 and tested as
per NFPA 252, tempreture increase on the
un-exposed surface not exceeding an
average of 2320C (4500F) during first 30
minutes of test. Rubber door silencers
should be provided on the striking jamb.
Frames should be provided with back

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 111 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
plate bracket and anchor fasteners for
installation on a finished plastered
masonry wall opening. Once frame
installed should be grouted with cement &
sand slurry necessary for fire doors on the
clear masonry opening. All doors and
frames shall be finished with polyurethane
aliphatic grade paint of approved colour.
Providing & fixing of Hollow metal Fire
door All doors and frames shall be finished
with polyurethane aliphatic grade paint of
approved colour.
E 5.7 (a) Single leaf Sqm 242.00
E 5.7 (b) Double leaf Sqm 272.00 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
E6 Stainless Steel works:
E 6.1 Providing and fixing stainless steel
railing made of Hollow tubes, channels,
plates etc., including welding, grinding,
buffing, polishing and making curvature
(wherever required) and fitting the same
with necessary stainless steel nuts and
bolts complete, including fixing the railing
with necessary accessories & stainless
steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts
etc., of required size, on the top of the floor
or the side of waist slab with suitable
arrangement as per approval of Engineer-
in-charge, (for payment purpose only
weight of stainless steel members shall be
considered excluding fixing accessories
such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.). All

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 112 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
stainless steel materials shall conform to
grade 304.
E6.1 i) For Railing Kg 17,579.00
E 6.2 Design, supply & installation of
frameless glass railing system for a height
of 1100mm from finished floor. The glass
panel shall be of 12mm thick clear
toughened glass connected to slab/beam
by means of 304 grade stainless steel U-
Channel at bottom with non staining
weather sealant of approved make.On top,
glass shall be held together by stainless
steel round top U- channel of 25.4mm dia.,
all complete to perform as per approved AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
detail drawings. The complete system to
be designed to accomodate thermal
expansion.The joint between glass panels
& gaps at the perimeter & U – channel of rmt 1,500.00
the assembly to be filled with non-staining
weather sealant, so as to make the entire
system fully water proof and dust
proof.Setting block to be inserted inside U-
channel at bottom for proper alignment of
glass. The rate shall include all design,
engineering & shop drawings including
approval from structural design, labour,
T&P, other incidental charges, SS
Channel, laminated glass etc. All
complete. For the purpose of payment,
actual elevation area of glazing including
thickness of joints and portion of glass
inside the SS channel shall be measured

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 113 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 6.3 S.S grating of 304 grade Square slit
grating on the drains in platform of 5mm
sqm 4,812.00
thick 50mm flat with a spacing of 75mm
with not less than 65 Kg/sqm
E 6.4 Providing and fixing three seater
stainless steel chairs of approved size and
Nos 120.00
shape as directed by the Engineer-In-
E 6.5 Providing and fixing stain less steel
304 grade sliding and foldable gates
made of hollow tubes chaneels, plates
etc., including welding grinding , buffing ,
polishing and fitting the same with
necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts Kg 5,000.00 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
complete and fixing the gate
necessary accessories and and stainless
steel pullyes complete with bolt and nuts
lockig arrangemnets , stoppers handles
etc., as dirrectd by Engineer
E 6.6 Supplying, fabricating, errection of
1100mm high Matte Finish SS Wicket
Gate as per design, consisting of 50mm
dia, 3.15mm thick, Stainless Steel pipe
framing, Grade 304 in between paid & Kg 20,000.00
unpaid area complete in all respect as per
Specifications and relevant Architectural
Drawings. Measurement will be taken from
finished surface to Top/Edge of Handrail.
E 6.7 Design, supply & installation of SS
perforated sheet panel system for a height
Sqm 4330.54
of 1100mm from finished floor. The 304
grade SS perforated sheet panels shall be

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 114 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
of 8mm thick connected to slab/beam by
means of 304 grade stainless steel U-
Channel at bottom with non staining
weather sealant of approved make.On top,
SS sheet panels shall be held together by
stainless steel round top U- channel of
25.4mm dia., all complete to perform as
per approved detail drawings. The
complete system to be designed to
accomodate thermal expansion.The joint
between Sheet panels & gaps at the
perimeter & U – channel of the assembly
to be filled with non-staining weather
sealant, so as to make the entire system AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
fully water proof and dust proof.Setting
block to be inserted inside U-channel at KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
bottom for proper alignment of Sheet
panels. The rate shall include all design,
engineering & shop drawings including
approval from structural design, labour,
T&P, other incidental charges, SS
Channel, Perforated sheet etc. All
complete. For the purpose of payment,
actual elevation area of SS sheets
including thickness of joints and portion of
sheet panels inside the SS channel shall
be measured.
S.S grating of 304 grade Square slit
grating on the drains in platform of 5mm
thick 50mm flat with a spacing of 75mm
with not less than 65 Kg/sqmt

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 115 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 7.1 Providing and laying water proofing
treatment in to the RCC structures like
retaining walls of the basement, Sump and
Pump rooms, water tanks, roof slabs,
vertical and horizontal surfaces as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge as per
specifications and like consisting of:

(a) Ist course of applying cement slurry @

4.4 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing
compound conforming to IS 2645 in
recommended proportions including
rounding off junction of vertical and
horizontal surface. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
(b) IInd course of 20 mm cement plaster
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed with
water proofing compound in
recommended proportion including
rounding off junction of vertical and
horizontal surface.

(c) IIIrd course of applying blown or

residual bitumen applied hot at 1.7 kg. per
sqm of area.

(d) IVth course of 400 micron thick PVC

sheet. (Overlaps at joints of PVC sheet
should be 100 mm wide and pasted to
each other with bitumen @ 1.7 kg/sqm).
E 7.2 Providing and laying water proofing
Sqm 100.00
treatment in to the RCC structures like

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 116 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
retaining walls of the basement, Sump and
Pump rooms, water tanks, roof slabs,
vertical and horizontal surfaces as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge as per
specifications and like consisting of 3
layers: External :- Over PCC below Raft :-
Providing and laying 1.2 mm thick HDPE
membrane of approved manufacturer.Wall
Surface :- Providing and laying 1.5mm
thick self adhesive membrane of approved
make over a coat with bituminous primer
after necessary surface preparation,
groove filling, grouting
etc.,completeProtection :- Providing AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
protection over the membrane using 8mm
Dimple Board of approved make using KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
necessary adhesive complete (8 mm
thick)Finishing:- The vertical membrane
application shall be extended to the total
height of the retaining wall and sealed at
the horizontal surface of the wall after
fixing 1 mm thick aluminium termination
bar of average 100 mm wide and bent to
45 degree on the top portion. The bent
portions shall be sealed with single
component polyurethane sealant of
approved make as specified to complete
the works including all necessary
scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, lead
and lift at all levels and for all heights as
approved by the engineer.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 117 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 7.3 Providing and laying water proofing
treatment in to the RCC structures like
retaining walls of the basement, Sump and
Pump rooms, water tanks, roof slabs,
vertical and horizontal surfaces as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge as per
specifications and like consisting of:
Internal :- Providing and laying elastomeric
cementitious water proofing coating using
Brushbond RFX (Make Sqm 100.00
FOSROC,SIKA,CERA) after necessary
surface preparation, groove filling
grouting, and plastering with Cement
mortar 1:4 admixed with Conplast WL etc., AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
to complete as per specification and
directed by engineer including all KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
necessary scaffolding, cost of materials,
labour, lead and lift at all levels and for all
heights as approved by the engineer.
E 8.1 Steel work welded in builtup section
framed work or MS tubular sections
including cutting, housing ,fixing in position
and applying a primary coat of approved
steel primer including synthetic enamel
paint as required for frames, guard MT 1,725.90
bars,ladders, railings ,brackets, gates,
lighting frames, grills, cable tray supports
and similar works.( Shop drawings to be
submitted before execution for approval of

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 118 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 8.2 Providing and fixing G.I. chain link
fabric fencing of required width in mesh
size 50x50 mm including strengthening
with 2 mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and
washers manufactured out of hot dipped
galvinised with 2" dia pipe for support from
Block masonary with necessary fixing
Rmt 1,200.00
arrangement as per drawing and door with
necassary fitting like handle, lock need to
be provided as per drawing. Rates
inclusive of all labour, material, tools and
plants, lead lifts, etc and proper
completion of work as per engineer
E 8.3 Providing, fabricating, assembling
and installing in position, BOM /TOM / KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Booth Counters of required size (as shown
in the drawings) in approved shape,
quality, design and finish comprising of
19mm thick MDF board backing and
enamel painted MS supporting system
comprising of brackets, plates etc. &
19mm thick pre- laminated MDF paneled
SqM 51.00
facia verticals, cash box drawer fronts &
sides using 19 mm MDF boards all
around, exposed & internal MDF surfaces
finished in approved laminate, provision &
making cut-outs for cables & wiring, locks,
providing and fixing polished 50mm thick
granite fins including rounded edge nosing
/ moulding supported on SS sections,
appropriate arrangements for fixing the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 119 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
counter to the floor. The front facia and top
of the pedestal are to be finished with
19mm thick pre-laminated particle board
with locking system. The base should
have levelers for adjustment of any
unevenness of the floor. providing
grooves, teakwood edge lippings,
providing cutouts of required size in glass
panels, machine polishing to exposed
edges of glass etc. complete all as per
approved shop drawings, technical
specifications and as directed by the
Engineer. Cash Box drawer & storage
cabinates to be fabricated using 0.8mm AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
thk CRCS Steel duly powder coated up to
40-60 microns and as per manufacturer’s KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
specifications and installed in position with
all acccessories pins,hinges, clamps,
angles etc.
(Refer Drg. Note : (a) Plan area of counter
worktop shall be measured for payment.
(b) Masonry, plastering, concrete for sills,
painting, tile cladding etc. Shall be
measured and paid separately under
relevant items.
SqM 51.00
E 8.4 Providing, fabricating, assembling
SqM 30.00
and installing in position, EFO Counters of
required size (as shown in the drawings) in
approved shape, quality, design and finish
with 19mm thick MDF board backing and
enamel painted MS supporting system
comprising of brackets, plates etc. &

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 120 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
19mm thick pre- laminated MDF paneled
facia verticals, Cash Box drawer & storage
cabinates to be fabricated using 0.8mm
thk CRCS Steel duly powder coated up to
40-60 microns and as per manufacturer’s
specifications and installed in position with
all acccessories pins,hinges, clamps,
angles etc. including all accessories, pins,
hinges, clamps, angles etc., provision &
making cut-outs for cables & wiring, locks,
appropriate arrangements for fixing the
counter to the floor, providing grooves,
teakwood edge lippings, providing cutouts
of required size in glass panels, machine AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
polishing to exposed edges of glass etc.
complete all as per approved shop KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
drawings, technical specifications and as
directed by the Engineer.
(Refer Drg. Note : (a) Plan area of counter
worktop shall be measured for payment.
(b) Masonry, plastering, concrete for sills,
painting, tile cladding etc. Shall be
measured and paid separately under
relevant items.
Supply & Installation of Restroom cubicle Sqm 40.00
system that includes intermediate panel,
pilaster & door made of compact laminates
of single colour. The solid compact
laminate to be based on thermosetting
resins, homogeneously reinforced with
cellulose fibres and to be manufactured as

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 121 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
per relevant quality standards. Top
surface on both sides to be melamine
coated which should be scratch & impact
resistant. All intermediate panels, pilaster
& doors shall be 12mm thick with edges
chamfered. (Door width: 600mm). All
inclusive with SS accessories like Gravity
hinges, Coat hook with door stopper, Door
knob, Lockset with indicator, Adjustable
leg, U-channel, Top rail, Screws & Wall
Size - 1000mm (W) x 1550 mm (D) x
2100mm (H)
E 8.6 Terrace water proofing AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Providing and laying Brick bat water
proofing treatment for terrace with the Sqm 2000
following including cleaning the RCC slab
top surface.
Providing on top of slab surface cement
slurry mixed with water proofing
compound thereafter providing cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
20mm thick with polymer based water
proofing compound and layer of new half
broken bricks (coba) giving gaps of 15- Sqm 2000
20mm between broken bricks, providing Rmt 500.00
necessary gradient for proper flow of
water and providing cement slurry with
water proofing compound spread over
brick bat coba in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) with water
proofing compound filled in gaps of

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 122 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
broken bricks and 20mm plaster in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) mixed with polymer based water
proofing compound, top finished smooth
with neat cement and providing rope
chequers including extending the water
proof plaster 300mm on vertical surfaces
with necessary chasing / treating of walls
including providing and making gola as
per drawing etc. Average thickness of the
brick bat coba to be 125mm.
The item also include providing and
making khurrahs 450mm x 450mm/
300mm x 300mm with average minimum AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
thickness of 50mm cement concrete 1:2:4
(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) finished
with aluminum foil and 12mm cement
plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and
a coat of neat cement rounding the edges
and making and finishing the outlet
complete. (Plan area will be measured and
E 8.7 Mild steel Railing
Providing and fixing M.S. steel hand railing
as per the design and drawings and
specifications to staircase approximately
1200 mm high comprising of 32 mm dia 10
Gauge MS hollow tube vertically fixed to
every fourth step welded to 50 mm dia 10
gauge MS pipe on top for handrail and 20
mm dia MS pipe vertically in between

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 123 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
welded to 2 Nos of 20 mm dia M.S. Pipe
all as per the drawings, the vertical
balusters are fixed in position with molten
lead poured into 40 mm dia GI sleeve with
80 x 80 x 3mm GI Plate and embedded in
RCC including necessary steel cover and
completed as shown in the drawings or
any other method of fixing as approved by
the Engineer in charge like epoxy grout
fixing etc., complete. All M.S. members will
be painted with two coats of synthetic
enamel paint of approved make and colour
over one coat of primer all as per
manufacturer's instructions and with the AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
engineer's approval.
E 8.8 Aluminium Extruded Louvers KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Providing and fixing PVDF aluminum
extruded single bank louvers with AMCA
certification complete. The louvers should
have hidden mullions and an insect screen
and should be equivalent to C/S louver
model RS-1605. All work to be complete
with extruded aluminum sub frame
extruded built up standard elliptical section Sqm 1,350.00
conforming to IS 733 and IS 1285 fixed
with raw plugs and stainless steel screws
or with fixing clip or with expansion hold
fasteners including necessary filling up of
gaps at junctions at top bottom and sides
with required PVC/neoprene felt complete
in all respect.Alumnium sections shall be
smooth rust free, straight as per

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 124 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
architectural drawings and the direction of
Engineer-in-charge etc. All structural steel
support frame work shall be paid
E 8.9 Providing, laying and maintaing
Landscape work as per approved drawing
and as directed by the Engineer-In-
E 8.9.1 Red Soil Mixture:
Filling up of a layer of 300mm thick of
Mixture of good sand, Red earth, Organic
manure and in the ratio of 1:1:1 over the Cum 5,000.00
existing soil surface in the median. Rate
Shall include cost of transportation, AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
loading, unloading, and laying charges.
E 8.9.2 Hedges and shrubs:
Planting in the median with the perineal
shrubs and forming hedges. It includes
cost of plant transportation, loading and
unloading, de-silting bottom, planting,
watering and providing stacks (Sample
Plant list attached). Rate shall include 250
Gms of Organic manure bush as Vermi
compost / Poultry manure once in 3
months to each plant till the completion of
DLP. Rate shall include replacement of
dead plants and plant new plants as
directed / instructed by engineer incharge
till the completion of DLP.
i. Duranda cold Each 6,000.00
ii. Cleodenrom Each 6,000.00

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 125 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
iii. Allamanda yellow Each 6,000.00
iv.Nerium Oleander Each 6,000.00
E 8.9.3 Specimen Plants and palms
Decorative Plants planted in the median
with Plants Specimen plants for decretory
median plants such as ficus, palms Cycus
at regular intervals. It includes cost of
Each 1,500.00
plant transportation, loading, unloading,
watering and planting. Rate shall include
replacement of dead plants and plant new
plants as directed / instructed by engineer
E 8.9.4
Supplying of good quality bermuda grass AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
from approved supplier and plugging the
bermuda grass in rows 50mm apart in
Sqm 300.00
either direction, to be firmly entrenched
into the soil as directed by the engineer
and maintenance of the same till the
completion of DLP.
E 8.9.5
Supplying of good quality Korean grass
from approved supplier and plugging the
Korean grass in rows 50mm apart in
Sqm 300.00
either direction, to be firmly entrenched
into the soil as directed by the engineer
and maintenance of the same till the
completion of DLP.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 126 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)


E 9.1.1 Providing and fixing suspended
single sided non-illuminated signs
including all operations from fabrication to
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings, technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
Sqm 27.00
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Back
covering sheet should be 4mm thick ACP.
Internal signs shall be IP52 and external
signs shall be IP65 certified as per
approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy
mechanism of removing the content/
Information for inspection and access of
the services.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 127 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 9.2.1 Providing and fixing suspended
single sided illuminated signs including all
operations from fabrication to installation
all complete as per relevant drawings,
technical specification, signage schedule
and to the satisfaction of CMRL
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally
Sqm 72.00
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing
angle. Back covering sheet should be
4mm thick ACP. Internal signs shall be
IP52 and external signs shall be IP65
certified as per approved graphics and
fabrication drawing. The Signage shall
have an easy mechanism of removing the
content/Information for inspection and
access of the services

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 128 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 9.3.1 Providing and fixing suspended
double sided non-illuminated signs
including all operations from fabrication to
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings, technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL.
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internal signs
shall be IP52 and external signs shall be
IP65 certified as per approved graphics
and fabrication drawing. The Signage
shall have an easy mechanism of
removing the content/ lnformation for
inspection and access of the services.
E 9.4.1 Providing and fixing suspended
single sided illuminated signs including all
operations from fabrication to installation
all complete as per relevant drawings,
technical specification, signage schedule
and to the satisfaction of CMRL.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 129 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally Sqm 141.00
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
angle. Internal signs shall be IP52 and
external signs shall be IP65 certified as
per approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy
mechanism of removing the
conten/lnformationfor inspection and
access of the services.
E 9.5.1 Providing and fixing cantilever
single sided illuminated signs including all
operations from fabrication to installation
all complete as per relevant drawings,
technical specification, signage schedule
and to the satisfaction of CMRL

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 130 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally
Sqm 45.00
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
angle. Back covering sheet should be
4mm thick ACP. Internal signs shall be
IP52 and external signs shall be IP65
certified as per approved graphics and
fabrication drawing. The Signage shall
have an easy mechanism of removing the
content/Information for inspection and
access of the services.
E 9.6.1 Providing and fixing cantilever
double sided illuminated signs including
all operations from fabrication to
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings, technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 131 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally Sqm 45.00
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
angle. Internal signs shall be IP52 and
external signs shall be IP65 certified as
per approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy
mechanism of removing the
conten/lnformationfor inspection and
access of the services.
E 9.7.1 Providing and Fabrication of Steel
work in built up round, square or
rectangular hollow tubes etc. with end
sealed with plate with attached SS head
bolt for Signage's suspender, post with all
necessary base plates, stiffeners and
anchor rods and applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer, including welding

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 132 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
and bolted. Hot finished seamless type
tubes complete
Note:- All MS Components to be powder
coated after completion of all fabrication
including drilling of hole, galvaisation etc.
Any other sections other than the
mentioned below will be paid on actual
weight (in Kg's) of section installed).
E 9.7.1 i) 33mm Dia MS HOLLOW PIPE
Kgs 200.00
E 9.7.1 ii) 72mm Dia MS SHS 3MM
Kgs 200.00
E 9.7.1 iii) 50mm Dia MS SHS 3MM
E 9.7.1 iv) 100mm Dia MS SHS 4MM
E 9.7.1 v) 150mm Dia MS SHS 4MM
E 9.7.1 vi) 200mm Dia MS SHS 6MM
Kgs 400.00
E 9.7.1 vii) 6 mm thk MS plate Kgs 200.00
E 9.7.1 vii) 8mm/ 6 mm thk SS rope Kgs 200.00
E 9.8.1 Providing and fixing Wall/Face
mounted non-illuminated signs including
all operations from fabrication to
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings, technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 133 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
Sqm 172.00
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Back
covering sheet should be 4mm thick ACP.
Internal signs shall be IP52 and external AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
signs shall be IP65 certified as per
approved graphics and fabrication KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy
mechanism of removing the content/
Information for inspection and access of
the services.
E 9.9.1 Providing and fixing Wall/Face
mounted illuminated signs including all
operations from fabrication to installation
all complete as per relevant drawings,
technical specification, signage schedule
and to the satisfaction of CMRL
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
Sqm 27.00
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 134 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing
angle. Back covering sheet should be
4mm thick ACP. Internal signs shall be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
IP52 and external signs shall be IP65
certified as per approved graphics and KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
fabrication drawing. The Signage shall
have an easy mechanism of removing the
content/Information for inspection and
access of the services.
E 9.10.1 Providing and fixing Post
mounted single sided non-illuminated
signs including all operations from
fabrication to installation all complete as
per relevant drawings, technical
specification, signage schedule and to the
satisfaction of CMRL.
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized Sqm 277.00
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 135 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Back covering
sheet should be 4mm thick ACP. Internal
signs shall be IP52 and externa! signs
shall be IP65 certified as per approved
graphics and fabrication drawing. The
Signage shall have an easy mechanism of AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
removing the content/ Information for
inspection and access of the services. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Note: Inclusive of fixing post along with
mounting plates welded to Mounting
frame, provided with anchor bars welded
to bottom for embedding in
PARKING SIGN (Reflective Signage)
E 9.11.1 Providing and fixing Post
mounted single sided Retro reflective
signs including all operations from
fabrication to installation all complete as
per relevant drawings, technical
specification, signage schedule and to the
satisfaction of CMRL.
50mm deep Sign box made from
Sqm 25.00
Aluminium modular system with anodized

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 136 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick ACP decorated with
approved colour 3M cast Retro Reflective
vinyl, design electro cut and pasted on it.
Back covering sheet should be 4mm thick
ACP. Internal signs shall be IP52 and
external signs shall be IP65 certified as
per approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
mechanism of removing the content/
Information for inspection and access of KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
the services.
Note: Inclusive of fixing post along with
mounting plates welded to Mounting
frame, provided with anchor bars welded
to bottom for embedding in
E 9.12.1 Providing and fixing Post
mounted double sided non-illuminated
signs including all operations from
fabrication to installation all complete as
per relevant drawings, technical
specification, signage schedule and to the
satisfaction of CMRL

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 137 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
Sqm 42.00
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it.
Internal signs shall be IP52 and external
signs shall be IP65 certified as per AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
mechanism of removing the content
lnformation for inspection and access of
the services.
Note: Inclusive of fixing post along with
mounting plates welded to Mounting
frame, provided with anchor bars welded
to bottom for embedding in
E 9.13.1 Providing and fixing Post
mounted double sided illuminated signs
including all operations from fabricationto
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings.technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 138 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally Sqm 10.00
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
angle. Internal signs shall be IP52 and
external signs shall be IP65 certified as
per approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy
mechanism of removing the content/
lnformation for inspection and access of
the services.
Multi line display - Providing and fixing of
LED Module Based Outdoor Display
Board with day visible Super Bright Red
Led capable of displaying dynamic moving
and stable data with image in multiple
effects in approved font in a windows PC
deployed using advanced 16, 32 , 64 bit
microcontrollers. The unit should be able
Save and Display Multiple Messages,Multi

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 139 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Line Display with Tamil and English fonts
,Continuous Move Left, Scroll, Jump,
Open, Cover, Immediate, Random - up to
40 modes ·Different Display Speeds (
Speed Adjustable),Brightness
Adjustable,Built in clock function,
Schedule Function like Year, Month and
Week. Support Up & Down Counter,
Temperature & Humidity.Should be user
friendly software using Windows platform /
opertating from remote location.
Note: Inclusive of fixing post along with
mounting plates welded to Mounting
frame, provided with anchor bars welded AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
to bottom for embedding in
(Pillar type)
E 9.14.1 Providing and fixing floor
mounted double sided illuminated Totem
signs including all operations from
fabrication to installation all complete as
per relevant drawings, technical
specification, signage schedule and to the
satisfaction of CMRL
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
Sqm 210.00
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 140 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
per drawing and guideline Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree
viewing angle . Internal signs shall be IP52
and external signs shall be IP65 certified
as per approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The Signage shall have an easy AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
mechanism of removing the content /
lnformation for inspection and access of KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
the services.
Multi line display - Providing and fixing of
LED Module Based Outdoor Display
Board with day visible Super Bright Red
Led capable of displaying dynamic moving
and stable data with image in multiple
effects in approved font in a windows PC
deployed using advanced 16, 32 , 64 bit
microcontrollers. The unit should be able
Save and Display Multiple Messages,Multi
Line Display with Tamil and English fonts
,Continuous Move Left, Scroll, Jump,
Open, Cover, Immediate, Random - up to
40 modes ·Different Display Speeds (
Speed Adjustable),Brightness
Adjustable,Built in clock function,

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 141 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Schedule Function like Year, Month and
Week. Support Up & Down Counter,
Temperature & Humidity.Should be user
friendly software using Windows platform /
opertating from remote location.
The floor mounted Totem shall have
internal structure and a concrete
foundation designed to withstand the
imposed loads
E 9.15.1 Providing and fixing Statutory
name Signs in 1.6mm thick Stainless
Steel Plate of grade 304, brushed finish
of 16 gauge, content and text chemical AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
etched and color filling as per approved
design and artwork, fixed to surface using
Sqm 136.00
SS studs , with necessary hardware,
transportation and installation at site
E 9.16.1 Providing and fixing Door name
Signs in 1.6mm thick Stainless Steel Plate
of grade 304, brushed finish of 16 gauge,
content and text chemical etched and
color filling as per approved design and Nos 330.00
artwork, fixed to surface using SS studs ,
with necessary hardware, transportation
and installation at site complete-300 mm x
225 mm
E 9.16.2 Providing and fixing anodised
Sqm 110.00
aluminium profile plates with HP vinyl print

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 142 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
pasted on reverse of clear 3mm thk acrylic
sheet , mounted on wall with SS screws.
The Signage shall have an easy
mechanism of removing the
content/lnformation for inspection and
access of the services. Size:(300x150)
E 9.17.1 Supply of 75mm wide floor
marking premium quality Reflective PVC
tape, which uses an rubber -based
The material shall be antislip,
fade,abrasion resistance and mechanical Rm 15.00
resistance with excellent conformability AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
for use in lane marking and flooring
application.Suitable for indoor and
protected outdoor
E 9.18.1 Providing and fixing Wall/Face
mounted Single sided illuminated
STATION NAME signs including all
operations from fabrication to installation
all complete as per relevant drawings,
technical specification, signage schedule
and to the satisfaction of CMRL
50mm deep Sign box made from
Aluminium modular system with anodized
finish of AO 01250/AO 6037 or equivalent
Sqm 144.00
of 250mm mill finish complete. Sign box
including channel supports are to be
anodised coated to match the colour as

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 143 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
per drawing and guideline. Front facia,
pictograms and its grapichs are to be
made up of 4mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet
decorated with 3M block out vinyl and
approved colour 3M cast vinyl design
electro cut and pasted on it. Internally
illuminated by using LED module of GE
tetra mini max or equivalent (minimum
50000 hours usage period warrenty is
must for lighting) with 140 degree viewing
angle. Back covering sheet should be
4mm thick ACP. Internal signs shall be
IP52 and external signs shall be IP65
certified as per approved graphics and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
fabrication drawing. The Signage shall
have an easy mechanism of removing the KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
content/lnformation for inspection and
access of the services.
The sign shall comprises of CMRL logo of
required size and channel letters in
required fonts of Tamil and English in
specified font height depicting the station
name fixed on either side of the logo
supported on a rigid supporting system in
steel. The logo and the channel letters
shall be fabricated to required shape and
size & to be made out of mild steel plate(s)
of required thickness(es), drilling
necessary holes of required dia. at
appropriate places in the back plate for
fixing purpose and in peripheral plate for
drainage purpose. Providing necessary

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 144 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
supporting system comprising of mild steel
angle members of required size and
lengths including LED module as per
drawings. Polyurethane painting of the MS
angles , MS tubes , and to required color,
mounting at the required locations on the
station building.
Providing and fixing of Trim caps letters
with individual aluminum channel letters
mentioning Station name board in Tamil
and English and the CMRL logo as per
the dimensions of approved drawing.
Front facia and its grapichs are to be AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
made up of 3mm thick 040 Acrylic sheet.
Internally illuminated by using LED
module of samsung chip or equivalent
(minimum 50000 hours usage period
Sqm 144.00
warranty is must for lighting) with 140
degree viewing angle.
Back covering sheet should be 3mm thick
ACP. Internal signs shall be IP52 and
external signs shall be IP65 certified as
per approved graphics and fabrication
drawing. The side covering is trim cap
aluminum CNC machine bended and
encapsulated with acrylic and ACP sheet
as per the letters dimension.
The Power Supply to the LED board is of
Switched Mode Power Supply.
Inter connections of LED’s made by 0.2 wires and Main supply cable (AC)

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 145 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
made by 1 core wires.
The Power supply should have high
efficiency and highly reliable from reputed
make E-power. The leakage current of
power supply should be less than
0.5mA.Input working voltage range is from
140V to 300V AC Single Phase and the
Output should be ± 2% of the rated
The switching frequency should be 100
The Signage letters shall be fixed on the
site by 4 inch achor bolt screw 4 to 6nos
depending on the letter size. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Transparent silicon shall be applied
equally on the letters rear side to fix it on KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
the wall rigidly
Providing and fixing of aluminium framed
LED Module Based Outdoor Led Display
Board with day visible Super Bright Red
Led capable of displaying dynamic
moving and stable data with image in
multiple effects in approved font in a
windows PC deployed using advanced
Sqm 450.00
16, 32 , 64 bit microcontrollers. The unit
should be able Save and Display Multiple
Messages,Multi Line Display with Tamil
and English fonts ,Continuous Move Left,
Scroll, Jump, Open, Cover, Immediate,
Random - up to 40 modes ·Different
Display Speeds ( Speed

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 146 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Adjustable),Brightness Adjustable,Built in
clock function, Schedule Function like
Year, Month and Week. Support Up &
Down Counter, Temperature &
Humidity.Should be user friendly software
using Windows platform / opertating from
remote location.
Providing and fixing of 3M block out Vinyl
self adhesive sticker sheet of approved
colour 3M cast vinyl design electrocut and Sqm 225.00
pasted on top of 4mm thick ACP.Mounted
on wall with 3M double sided tape. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Providing and fixing of 3M block out Vinyl
self adhesive sticker sheet of approved
colour 3M cast vinyl design electrocut
fixed on wall / glass/metal.
Providing and fixing 25mm anodised
aluminium frame with HP vinyl print
pasted on 3mm thk ACP and clear 3mm
thk acrylic sheet in front, mounted on wall
Sqm 297.00
with SS screws. The Signage shall have
an easy mechanism of removing the
content/lnformation for inspection and
access of the services.
E 9.24

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 147 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Supply & Installation of Led emergency
signage with Aluminium box+PMMA board
(Size: 450*250mm) with Overcharge
protectionLight source: 3W led lightsLight
color: White ledVoltage: AC90-260V
Sqm 180.00
Cd1.2VDuration time: 90Mins Charging
time: 24hourAutomatically Power
switchFinish: Double-side side printing
E 9.25 QR CODE (SS post mounted)
Providing and fixing of SS 304 grade
mirror finished post with 6mm base plate
anchored to floor and mounting frame for AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
QR code sticker.
Post dimension 50mm dia pipe ,1.2m
Kgs 225.00
Including all operations from fabrication to
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings, technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL.
E 9.26 QR CODE (Acrylic with Vinyl)
Providing and fixing of HP Vinyl print self
adhesive sticker sheet of approved colour
pasted on top of 4mm thick clear acrylic
mounted with 3M double sided tape.
Sqm 90.00
Including all operations from fabrication to
installation all complete as per relevant
drawings, technical specification, signage
schedule and to the satisfaction of CMRL.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Note: for the following items, variation of +-
25% is not applicable.
E 10.1 Providing and applying white
cement based putty of average thickness
2 mm, of approved brand and
SqM 7,700.00
manufacturer, over the plastered wall
surface to prepare the surface even and
smooth complete.
E 10.2 Laying 20 mm thick Polished gang
saw cut Granite stone flooring of approved
colour in required size, design and
patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear
portions of the building all complete as per
the architectural drawings, over 20 mm AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
(average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed
with cement slurry and pointing with white
cement slurry admixed with pigment of
matching shade including rubbing,curing
and polishing etc. all complete as specified
Sqm 500.00
and directed by the Engineer. Rate shall
include protection of laid grainte by
providing minimum 10 mm thick POP over
tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete.

Note:- Granite will be supplied by CMRL

through TAMIN. Rate to include labour
charges for unloading the recieved granite
and placing them in position at all levels
including lead and lift at all levels and for

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
all heights and location as approved by the
E 10.3 Laying 30 mm thick Polished gang
saw cut Granite stone in Treads and
landings of steps (including bull nosing,
making anti slip grooves and filling with
epoxy material) of approved colour in
required size, design and patterns, all
complete as per the architectural
drawings, over 30 mm (average) thick
base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement
slurry and pointing with white cement
slurry admixed with pigment of matching AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
shade including rubbing,curing and
polishing etc. all complete as specified and KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Sqm 300.00
directed by the Engineer. Rate shall
include protection of laid grainte by
providing minimum 10 mm thick POP over
tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete.

Note:- Granite will be supplied by CMRL

through TAMIN. Rate to include labour
charges for unloading the recieved granite
and placing them in position at all levels
including lead and lift at all levels and for
all heights and location as approved by the
E 10.4 Providing and laying 16 mm thick
Sqm 102.00
Full body Vitrified tiles flooring of approved

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
colour in required size, design and
patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear
portions of the building all complete as per
the architectural drawings, over 20 mm
(average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed
with cement slurry and pointing with white
cement slurry admixed with pigment of
matching shade including rubbing,curing
and polishing etc. all complete as specified
and directed by the Engineer. Rate shall
include protection of laid flooring by
providing minimum 10 mm thick POP over
tarpaulin sheet, all as required, as per AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
specifications and drawings and as
directed complete. 10mm thick KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
E 10.5 Perforated Ceiling: providing and
fixing GI Metal False Ceiling Lay in
perforated Tegular edge global white color
tiles of approved make and size make of
GI sheet having galvanizing of
100gms/sqm (both sides inclusive) and
20% perforation area with 1.8 mm dia
holes and having NRC (Noise Reduction Sqm. 250.00
Coefficient) of 0.5, electro statically
polyester powder coated of thickness 60
microns (minimum), including factory
painted after bending and perforation, and
backed with a black Glass fiber acoustical
fleece to complete the works as per

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 151 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 10.6 Supplying and fixing of aluminium
(anodised to 50 microns) framed fixed
glazing with counter opening clear
laminated Toughened Glass of approved
make including necessary fittings & filling
up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and
sides with required PVC / EPDM Rubber/
neoprene gasket / sealant all round the
Sqm 140.00
frame and the masonry opening, along
with required hardware etc to complete in
all respects as per drawing as per
approved shop drawings and as directed
by the Engineer. (EFO/TOM/TVM/SCR
rooms).Aluminium sections: Global no- AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
8813 - 45*50*1.50mm thick section
no.8814 - 29.26*25*29*1.10mm thick KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
E 10.7 Providing and fixing 6mm thick
opaque Laquered glass for wall panelling
and coloumn cladding. Laquered glass
shall be fixed to back panel with suitable
adhesive with structual steel frame.
Sqm 4,000.00
Corner beaading shall be fixed with SS
material to complete with all hardwares as
per approved drawings and direction of
Engineer. Note:- Structural steel frame will
be paid seperately.
E 10.8 Designing, fabricating, testing,
installing and fixing in position Aluminium
Composite Panel Cladding, with open
sqm 469.00
grooves for linear as well as curvilinear
portions of the building, for all heights and
all levels etc. to complete the works as per

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
the drawings and direction of engineer in
charge. Rate shall include all fixing
accessories, fastners, scaffolding, staging
etc., to complete the work
E 10.9 Stainless steel sheet cladding
Providing , Fabricating, Polishing &
Erection of Required Height, Shape and
Designing Comprising of 2 mm thick SS
Grade 304 Sheet Cladding Over RCC
Column on mild steel frame of
25x35x5mm and 5mm thk & 450 mm width
Perforated (6mm perforations @ 12mm
c/c) SS Grade 304 Matte Finished Sheet
fixed on Frame 2 nos of 50 mm SS Grade
304 Dia Concentric Pipe, Bracing of 2
rings with 12 nos of 50 mm SS Grade 304 KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Dia pipe fixed on to the RCC Column with
3 nos. of 20 mm thick Arched shape Plate
to support the Frame As / Drawing (for
payment purpose only SS item shall be
measured. Mild steel base frame shall be
paid under item F 8.1).
E 10.10 Drilling holes of appropriate
diameter in reinforced or plain cement
concreteas per manufacture
reccomendation, with power driven drill
machine to a depth of 250 mm in RCC
beams, lintels, columns and slabs at all
heights and levels to introduce steel
reinforcement bars including cleaning the
holes with water and air blower to make
sure that there is no fine particles and

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 153 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
fixing of the rebars and curing including
carrying out pullout test for 10% of the
anchored rebars in position using
Chemical Anchor / Epoxy resin anchor
grout of approved make in the cleaned
holes to a minimum depth of 2/3 rd of the
hole, all complete as per direction of
Engineer-In-Charge. The cost to include
all materials, scaffolding, staging, labour,
machinery, tools, tackles and
consumables complete with all by-works
as per drawings, specifications,
manufacturer’s recommendation.Note:
The rebars shall be separately AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
measured and paid as per relevant item
in the schedule of quantities. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
E 10.10 i) 10 mm dia
E 10.10 ii) 12 mm dia
E 10.10 iii)16 mm dia No's 1,500.00
E 10.10 iii) 20 mm dia No's 1,000.00
E 10.10 iv) 25 mm dia No's 500.00
E 10.10 v) 32 mm dia No's 500.00
E 10.11 Providing and making Core
cutting of holes of appropraite diameter in
RCC floors/Columns/Beams/Slabs/Walls
etc (including cutting of reinforcement bars
/plates) to the depth of 250 mm, at all
levels and heights including all labour
machinery tools tackles,Scaffolding &
staging accessories, for all leads and lift

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 154 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
etc strictly as per design & drawing
requirement and as directed by Engineer.
E 10.11 i) 100 mm No's 300.00
E 10.11 ii) 150 mm No's 200.00
E 10.11 iii) 200 mm No's 100.00
E 10.11 iv) 250 mm No's 50.00
E 10.12 Drilling holes of appropriate
diameter in reinforced or plain cement
concreteas per manufacture
reccomendation, at all heights & levels
with power driven drill machine to a depth
of 250 mm in RCC beams, lintels, columns
and slabs to introduce steel bars including
cleaning the holes with water and air
blower to make sure that there is no fine
particles and fixing of Anchor
Fastners(8.8 CS Grade) in position using
Chemical Anchor / Epoxy resin anchor
grout of approved make in the cleaned
holes to a minimum depth of 2/3 rd of the
hole, all complete as per direction of
Engineer-In-Charge. The cost to include
all materials, scaffolding, staging, labour,
machinery, tools, tackles and
consumables,with all lead and lifts
complete with all by-works as per
drawings, specifications, manufacturer’s
Note: The Rate shall include cost of both
Anchor Fastners and Chemical
E 10.12 i) 12 mm dia No's 200.00

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 10.12 ii)16 mm dia No's 100.00
E 10.12 iii) 20mm dia No's 100.00
E 10.13 Providing and fixing of
Single/Double Leaf GI Door of approved
make at all levels,formed by 1.6 mm
galvanized steel for the Frame with
holdfasts provided for grouting and
installation.The shutter shall have overall
thickness of 46mm,framed out of two outer
skin panels of 0.9 mm galvanized Iron
Sqm 50.00
sheets and infill material of honey comb
craft core, including having lock seam
joints for locking ,with primer .The sheet
metal used for both the frames and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
shutters shall conform to IS 277:1992 all
complete as per Approved vendor shop
drawings ,specifications and direction of
the Engineer.
E 10.14 Providing and fabricating
structural glazing semi unitized system of
approved make as per design ,drawings
and specifications using aluminium
extrusions 63.5mm x 58 mm x 2.25 mm of
1.73 Kgs/m for vertical and horizontal
members and 63.5 mm x 38.1 mm x 1.33
Sqm 2,000.00
mm of 0.759 kgs/m as outer frame
,Powder coating to specfied thickness in
approved shade of approved make. Using
12.76 mm( 6mm + 0.76 pvb + 6 mm) thick
PVB laminated soft coated performance
glass( heat strengthened on the outer
outer reflective surface) of approved colur

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 156 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
and shade with all necessary accessories
like ultra glass silicon sealant of space
tape ,masking tape,galvinised anchor
bolts,machine screws ,rate includes
M.S.galvanised L brackets,structural
sealant selting clocks fasteners,wall
connection etc,complete. The structural
glazing is to be fabricated as per drawings
with partly fixed ,partly openable and partly
with aluminium louvers all as per the
detailed drawings.The openable window
shutters portion shall be fabricated with
aluminium sections and powder coated to
suit the other sections.The openable AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
portion shall be provided with necessary
heavy duty stainlee steel stag and locking KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
arrangements with necessary hinges.the
aluminium louvers are to be provided
wherever shown as per the drawings . All
the works should be completed as a whole
item of work for all heights including all
lead , lift,scaffolding etc.
complete.However ,nothing extra shall be
payable to the contractors for using larger
/heavier section than those given if found
inadequate as per specifications and
drawings .
Note: Steel structural work required for
structural glazing work which is the scope
of Contractor and payment will be made as
per F8-1

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
E 10.15 Providing and applying synthetic
enamel painting of approved brand ,colour
and shade 2 coats in new surfaces
(plaster,wood or metal ) to give an even
shade,cleaning the surface of all dirt ,dust
and foreign materials ,sand papering and
Sqm 100.00
application of putty. Rate includes cost of
all materials scaffolding ,labour ,hire
charges of machineries , will all leads & lift
at all levels complete as per drawings
,specifications and direction by the
E10.16 Providing and finishing two coats
with water proof cement paint of approved AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
brand and shade to give an even shade
after thoroghly brooming the surface to KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
remove all dirt and loose powedered
material ,free from mortar ,drops and other Sqm 3,000.00
foreign materials .Rate includes cost of all
materials , scaffolding ,curing,labour , hire
charges of machineries,scaffolding ,with
all leads & lifts at all levels complete as per
E10.17 Providing and Laying of 25 mm
thick terrazzo floor tiles (with graded
marble/granite chips upto 12 mm ) of
approved size, shade, design and
patterns,all complete as per the Sqm 200.00
architectural drawings, over 20mm
(average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4
(1cement :4 coarse sand) laid and jointed
with neat cement slurry admixed with

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 158 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
pigment of matching shade including
rubbing,curing and polishing etc. all
complete as specified and directed by the
Engineer. Rate shall include protection of
laid flooring by providing minimum 10 mm
thick POP over tarpaulin sheet, all as
required, as per specifications and
drawings and as directed complete. 10mm
E 10.18 Providing and fixing SL-4 Louvers
in 84R Plain Panel manufactured by
approved vendor of approved colour
consisting of panel 84mm wide * 16mm
deep * 0.6mm thick with round edged AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
panel length upto 6 mtrs coil coated on a
continuos paint line double baked and roll KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
from enameled
AA3105/AA3005 (Al.Mg.) for higher
strength and good roll forming
characteristics. Panel shall be clipped at a Sqm 500.00
distance of 86mm to baked enameled
ALuinium Alloy AA5050 (Al.Mg.) white to
hold the panelin a module of 86mm centre
to centre. The prongs on SL-4 stringers
shall be to accommodate an angle of
21.30 Degrees between two panels. SL-4
stringers shall be fixed at 150 mm from
panel ends and at a distance of maximum
1000mm center to center across the panel
span. The carrier shall be fixed to a
suitable structure by means of rigid fixing

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 159 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
details. All properties and specifications
shall comply with ECCA directives and
more, specifically with CEN standard EN
The Linear Aluminium ceiling system
should meet the required standards for
Green Pro certification and should qualify
as green product as per CII green
products and services council. The coated
coil is passed through Six Hi configuration
roller levelling process to ensure the
flatness of the coil.
Paint Finish:Panel shall be stove
enamelled and finished with three layer AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
coating (consisting of first a conversion
layer of thickness 800-2000 mg/sq mtr, a KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
polyurethane basecoat of 16-20 microns
and a special top coat of polyamide
particles of 8-12 microns thick to provide
excellent abrasion and damage
resistance) in a continuous coil coating
process of the approved colour on the
exposed side and the reverse side with
epoxy. Rate shall include all labour,
material, tools, and plants, lead lifts etc
and proper completion of work as per
drawing and engineers instruction.
E 10.19 Providing and fixing of Glass
Reinforced Concrete(G.R.C)Jalli 40mm
thick in approved Sqm 200.00
size,pattern,design,thickness and of
approved colour to be fixed on/between

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 160 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
RCC/block work column or structural steel
work with Dry fixing method with all
appropriate steel frame work, stainless
steel (SS-304) 'L' shaped clamps,dash
fasteners and pins including
anchoring,lifting,scaffolding etc. complete
as per architectural drawing and
manufacture specification. The screens
should be made from '53 grade' white
portland cement with super plasticizers
and UV resistant synthetic inorganic
pigments should be used for pigmentation.
The material casting should take place in
Synthetic rubber/FRP mould. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
E 10.20 Supply and fixing of Customized
laser cut 2D or 3D Aluminum Perforated KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Screen Panel Cladding fixed system. The
Screen panels of various sizes as per
design requirement shall be manufactured
from high corrosion resistant aluminium
aloy of 2.5-3.00mm thickness which shall
be fixed to a suitable and rigid
substructure which will be paid seperately.
Sqm 200.00
Screen panel shall have customized
perforation as per architects design and is
to be provided to suite the design panels.
Panels shall be coated on visible side with
Exterior Architectural highly durable
coating in approved color with minimum 10
years warranty through in-house high
precision powder coating unit. Panels shall
be bent from all four sides and shall have

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 161 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
extended flanges to accommodate
clamps. The Panels shall be fixed by
means of fixing side extrution fixed to the
panel at appropriate centers with metal
clamps as per the design taking in to
account the relevant live loads and a dead
load. There will be a provision for an
expansion joint of 20mm between two
adjacent panel ends. Installation shall be
carried out as per manufacturer
recommendation to obtain LEED
certification by Indian Green Building
Council (IGBC) and ISO 9001: 2008
Quality Management System Certification. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
E 10.21 Supplying, fabricating and
installing in position frameless fully glazed KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
partitions with 12mm thick PVB laminated
glass of approved make with counter
opening as shown in the drawings, glass
shall be held and supported with the help
of SS patch fittings including sealants,
gaskets, EPDM filler, pivots, all visible
edges of glass shall be machine polished, Sqm 200.00
providing concealed fixing arrangements
to the main structure, accessories, making
provision for light fixtures, scaffolding /
staging etc. complete all as per drawings,
as per approved shop drawings and as
directed by the Engineer. All SS shall
conform to AISI 304 Grade.
(EFO/TOM/TVM/SCR rooms.). Rate shall

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 162 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
also include labour, machinery, all leads &
E 10.22 Miniwave, Aluminium Facade
Cladding System:
Supply & Fixing of Miniwave, Aluminium
facade Cladding System including
50*25*1.5mm aluminium sub frame box
section, comprising of Miniwave of 270mm
Width, Length in linear Mtr as per the site
requirement (Max length 6Mtrs for Coil
coated and 4Mtrs for Powder coated) , 0.7
- 0.8mm thk. Aluminium Alloy 3105/3003,
Plain or Perforated with 2.5mm dia. at
5.5mm centre to centre pitch or Custom AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
perforated .The Miniwave Panel shall be
having several stages of Roll forming
process achieved thru Six Hi configuration
roller levelling process to ensure the
flatness of the coil. Any steel sub-structure
required shall be measured and paid extra
under structural steel item.
The Miniwave Panels shall be Exterior
powder coated / PVDF in approved
Colour. The Miniwave system
manufacturer should meet the required
standards for Green Pro certification and
should qualify as green product as per CII
green products and services council.
Paint Finish: The Miniwave will be pre-
treated in latest Nano technology process
and electro statically exterior powder

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 163 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
coated inhouse or PVDF coated from
continuous coil coating manufacturer.
E 10.23 Sun Louver System
Providing and fixing Plain Panel of
approved color consisting of panel 84 mm
wide x 16mm deep x 0.6mm thick with
round edges panel length up to 6mtrs coil
coated on a continuous paint line double
baked and roll formed from enameled
corrosion Resistance Aluminum Alloy
AA3005 (Al.Mg.) for higher strength and
good Roll forming characteristics. Panels
shall be clipped at a distance of 69 mm to
baked enameled Aluminum H3 panel AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
stringer 39mm wide and 65mm deep x
0.95 mm thick in a standard length of KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
5mtrs made of double baked enameled
Aluminum Alloy (Al.Mg.) white/black to
hold the panel in a module of 69mm center
to center . H3 Stringer shall be fixed at 150
mm from panel ends and at a distance of
maximum 900-1000 mm center to center
across the panel span. The carrier shall be
fixed to a suitable structure by means of
rigid fixing details. All properties and
specifications shall comply with ECCA
directives and more specifically with CEN
standard EN 1396:1996. Any steel sub-
structure required shall be measured and
paid extra under structural steel item.
The Linear Aluminium ceiling system
should meet the required standards for

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Green Pro certification and should qualify
as green product as per CII green
products and services council. The coated
coil is passed thru Six Hi configuration
roller levelling process to ensure the
flatness of the coil.
Paint Finish: Aluminum panels shall be
achromatized for maximum bond between
metal and paint, stove enameled twice
under high temperature on one side with
full primer on the rear side, The paint
system shall be PVDF finish to with stand
high UV and the external conditions, other
side (inner side) with a primer coat and AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
skin coat on a Continuous Paint Line.
E 10.24 Supply and instalation of Glass KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
shaft for lift, the Glass shaft be held with
spider fittings of SS-316 grade steel of
approved manufacturer with glass panel
having 12 mm thick clear toughened glass
held together with SS- 316 Grade
Stainless steel Spider & bolt assembly.
The glass shaft assembly shall be
connected to Slab/beams by means of SS- Sqm 1100.00
316 Grade stainless
steel brackets & Anchor bolts and at the
bottom using tructural steel using fastener
& anchor bolts, non staining weather
sealants of approved make all complete to
perform as per specification and approved
drawings. The rate shall include all design,
Engineering and shop drawing including

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
approval from structural designer, labour,
T&P, scaffolding, other incidental charges
including wastage, enabling temporary
services all fitting fixers nut bolts, washer,
Buffer plates, fastener, anchors, etc. all
Note: Steel structural work required for lift
shaft which is the scope of Contractor and
payment will be made as per E.8.1
E 10.25 Supply and instalation of Glass
Roof for lift, the Glass roof be held with
spider fittings of SS-316 grade steel of
approved manufacturer with 3 layer tinted
glass roof each of 6 mm thick tinted AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
toughened glass with 20 mm air gap held
together with SS- 316 Grade Stainless KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
steel Spider & bolt assembly. The glass
roof assembly shall be connected to
Slab/beams by means of SS- 316 Grade
stainless steel brackets & Anchor bolts
and at the bottom using structural steel Sqm 150.00
using fastener & anchor bolts, non
staining weather sealants of approved
make all complete to perform as per
specification and approved drawings. The
rate shall include all design, Engineering
and shop drawing including approval from
structural designer, labour, T&P,
scaffolding, other incidental charges
including wastage, enabling temporary
services all fitting fixers nut bolts, washer,
Buffer plates, fastener, anchors, etc. all

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center E - Stations Architectural Works

Basic Basic Basic Basic
Total Total Total Total
Rate in Rate in Rate in Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures Figures Figures Figures
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Note: Steel structural work required for lift
shaft which is the scope of Contractor and
payment will be made as per E.8.1
E 10.26 Stainless steel sheet cladding for
Providing , fabricating, polishing & erection
of required height, shape and designing
Comprising of 3 mm thick SS Grade 304
Sheet Cladding of 450 mm width
Perforated (6mm perforations @ 12mm
c/c) stainless steel Grade 304 matte /
polished finished sheet fixed on structural
steel frame as per the Drawing (for
payment purpose only SS item shall be
Note: Steel structural work required for lift
shaft which is the scope of Contractor and
payment will be made as per E.8.1

The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre E (Cl. 1.7.6) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre F is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule


The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 1.1 Providing and fixing Toilet paper
Each 36
C.P Brass
F 1.2 Providing & fixing PTMT liquid soap
container 109 mm wide ,125 mm high
and 112 mm distance from wall of
standard shape with bracket of the same Each 36
mateterials with snap fittings of approved
quality and color.weighing not less than AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
105 gms .
F 1.3 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per
IS:13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
steel plug 40 mm,including painting of
Each 9
fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the walls wherever required :Kitchen
sink with drain board SS
510x1040 mm, bowl depth 225 mm
F 1.4 Providing and fixing stone slab with
table rubbed, edges rounded and
polished, of size 75x50 cm deep and 1.8
cm thick, fixed in urinal partitions by
cutting a chase of appropriate width with sqm 9
chase cutter and embedding the stone in
the chase with epoxy grout or with cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand
: 4 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
size) as per direction of
Employer/Employer Representives and
finished smooth.Granite Stone of
approved shade
F 2.1 Providing laying, jointing and
testing double flanged ductile iron
pipes(Class K9) and fittings having
screwed flanges, conforming to IS: 8329,
including compresed neoprene washers,
galvanised steel fastners, complete
F 2.1 i)100 mm (D.I pipe) Rmts 450
F 2.2 Providing and fixing Chlorinated
Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having
thermal stability for hot & cold water AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
supply, including all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with
clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes
jointing of pipes & fittings with one step
CPVC solvent cement and the cost of
cutting chases and making good the
same including testing of joints complete
as per direction of Employer/Employer
Representives.Concealed work, including
cutting chases and making good the walls
F 2.2 i) 15 mm dia nominal bore Rmts 90
F 2.2 ii) 20 mm dia nominal bore Rmts 450
F 2.2 iii) 25 mm dia nominal bore Rmts 450
F 2.2 iv) 32 mm dia nominal bore Rmts 450
F 2.3 Providing and fixing Chlorinated
Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes,having
thermal stability for hot & cold water
supply, including all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This
includes jointing of pipes & fittings with
one step CPVC solvent cement and
testing of joints complete as per direction
of Engineer in Charge.
Internal Work exposed on wall
F 2.3 i) 15 mm Rmts 90
F 2.3 ii) 20 mm Rmts 90
F 2.3 iii) 25 mm Rmts 90
F 2.3 iv) 32 mm Rmts 90
F 2.3 v) 40 mm Rmts 450
F 2.3 vi) 50 mm Rmts 900
F 2.3 vii) 65 mm Rmts 900 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F 2.4 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes
complete with G.I. fittings including
trenching and refilling etc.(External area )
F 2.4 i) 15mm
F 2.4 ii) 20mm
F 2.4 iii) 50mm Rmts 450
F 2.4 iv) 65mm Rmts 450
F 2.4 v) 80mm Rmts 450
F 2.4 v) 100mm Rmts 450
F 2.5 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with
two coats of anti-corrosive bitumastic
paint of approved quality :
F 2.5 i) 15mm Rmts 90
F 2.5 ii) 20mm Rmts 90
F 2.5 iii) 50mm Rmts 450
F 2.5 iv) 65mm Rmts 450
F 2.5 v) 80mm Rmts 450
F 2.5 v) 100mm Rmts 450

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 2.6 Providing and filling sand of grading
Zone V or coarse grade alround the G.I.
pipes in extrenal work.
F 2.6 i) 15mm Rmts 90
F 2.6 ii) 20mm Rmts 90
F 2.6 ii) 50mm Rmts 450
F 2.6 iv) 65mm Rmts 450
F 2.6 iii) 80mm Rmts 450
F 2.6 iv) 100mm Rmts 450
F 3.1 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes
complete with G.I. fittings and clamps,
i/c cutting and making good the walls etc.
(Internal work - Exposed on wall)
F 3.1 i) 20 mm nominal bore Rmts 90
F 3.1 ii) 25 mm nominal bore
F 3.1 iii) 32 mm nominal bore
F 3.1 iv) 40 mm nominal bore Rmts 450
F 3.1 v) 50 mm nominal bore Rmts 450
F 3.1 vi) 65 mm nominal bore Rmts 450
F 3.2 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with
synthetic enamel white paintwith two
coats over a ready mixed priming coat,
both of approved
quality for new work :
F 3.2 i) 20 mm nominal bore Rmts 90
F 3.2 ii) 25 mm nominal bore Rmts 90
F 3.2 iii) 32 mm nominal bore Rmts 180
F 3.2 iv) 40 mm nominal bore Rmts 450
F 3.2 v) 50 mm nominal bore Rmts 450
F 3.2 vi) 65 mm nominal bore Rmts 450

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 3.3 Providing and fixing Wafer type
Double Plate Check Valves of the
following sizes conforming to API-594 ,
suitable for pressure rating of 10 kg I with cast iron body conforming to
BS 1452, rubber gasket, flanges, union,
nuts, bolts and washers including painting
complete as per Specifications.
F 3.3 i) 65 mm dia Each 9
F 3.3 ii) 80 mm dia Each 36
F 4.1 Boring/drilling bore well of required
dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable
method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I),
including collecting samples from
different strata, preparing and submitting
strata chart/ bore log, including hire &
Rmts 810
running charges of all equipments, tools,
plants & machineries required for the job,
all complete asper direction of
Employer/Employer Representives, Upto
90meters depth below ground level. (All
types of soil)300mm dia
F 4.2 Boring/drilling bore well of required
dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable
method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I),
including collecting samples from
different strata, preparing and submitting
strata chart/ bore log, including hire &
Rmts 405
running charges of all equipments, tools,
plants & machineries required for the job,
all complete asper direction of
Employer/Employer Representives,
beyond 90meters upto 150 metre depth
below ground level. (All types of soil)

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)

300mm dia
F 4.3 Supplying, assembling, lowering
and fixing plain casings pipe of 200 mm
dia uPVC pipe confirming to IS 12818/
Rmts 405
4985 Class III. All complete as per
specification and instruction of
Employer/Employer Representives.
F 4.4 Supplying , assembling, lowering
and fixing slotted pipes of 200mm dia
uPVC pipe confirming to IS 12818/4985
Class III. The slots shall be made by Rmts 405
machine/ blade cutting. All complete as
per specification and instruction of
Employer/Employer Representives. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F 4.5 Gravel packing in tubewell
construction in accordance with IS: 4097,
including providing gravel fine/ medium/
coarse, in required grading & sizes as per
actual requirement, all complete as per
Cum 45
direction of Employer/Employer
F 4.6 Development of tube well in
accordance with IS : 2800 (part I) and IS:
11189, to establish maximum rate of
usable water yield without sand content
(beyond permissible limit), with required
capacity air compressor, running the
compressor for required time till well is
Hours 180
fully developed, measuring yield of well by
“V” notch method or any other approved
method, measuring static level & draw
down etc. by step draw down method,
collecting water samples & getting tested
in approved laboratory, i/c disinfection of
tubewell, all complete, including hire &

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 173 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
labour charges of air compressor, tools &
accessories etc., all as per requirement
and direction of Employer/Employer
F 4.7 Providing and fixing suitable size
threaded mild steel cap or spot welded
plate to the top of bore well housing/
casing pipe, removable as per Each 9
requirement, all complete for borewell.

200mm dia
F 4.8 Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of
required dia to the top of casing/ housing
pipe of tubewell as per IS: 2800 (part I),
including necessary bolts & nuts of Each 9 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
required size complete.

200mm dia
F 4.9 Providing and fixing Bail plug/
Bottom plug of required dia to the bottom AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
of pipe assembly of tubewell as per
Each 9
IS:2800 (part I).

200mm dia
F 5.1 External Sewer Pipe after the
Pressure Break Chamber
F 5.1.1 Providing, laying and jointing
glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with
stiff mixture of cement mortar in the
proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand)
including testing of joints etc. complete
F 5.1.1 i) 200 mm Rmts 1800
F 5.2 Providing and laying non-pressure
NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C.pipes with

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement
mortar in theproportion of 1:2 (1 cement :
2 fine sand) including testing of jointsetc.
complete :
F 5.2 i) 300 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe Rmts 1350
F 5.3 Providing and laying Non Pressure
NP-3 class (Medium duty) R.C.C. pipes
includingcollars/spigot jointed with stiff
mixture of cement mortar in the proportion
of1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including
testing of joints etc. complete
F 5.3 i) 450 mm dia Rmts 450
F 5.3 ii) 600 mm dia Rmts 450
F6 ) Sewer and Waste Water Pipe
F 6.1 Providing and fixing soil, waste and
vent pipes: Centrifugally cast (spun) iron
socket & spigot (S&S) pipe as per IS:
F 6.1 i) 75 dia (C.I PIPE)
F 6.1 ii) 100 dia (C.I PIPE)
F 6.2 Providing and fixing plain bend of
required degree.Sand cast iron S&S as
per IS : 3989
F 6.2 i) 100mm dia Nos 180
F 6.2 ii) 75mm dia Nos 180
F 6.3 Providing and fixing single equal
plain junction of required degree : Sand
cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
F 6.3 i)100x100x100 mm Nos 180
F 6.3 ii) 75x75x75 mm Nos 180
F 6.4 Providing and fixing terminal guard
: Sand cast iron S&S as per IS 3989 (Vent
F 6.4 i) 100mm dia Nos 18

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 6.4 ii) 75mm dia Nos 18
F 6.5 Providing and fixing collar : Sand
cast iron S&S as per IS 3989
F 6.5 i) 100mm dia Nos 180
F 6.5 ii) 75mm dia Nos 180
F 6.6 Providing lead caulked joints to
sand cast iron/centrifugally cast
(spun) iron pipes and fittings of diameter :
F 6.6 i) 100mm Each 450
F 6.6 ii) 75mm Each 450
F 6.7 Providing and fixing M.S. stays and
clamps for sand cast iron/ centrifugally
cast (spun) iron pipes of diameter
F 6.7 i) 100mm dia Each 180 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F 6.7 ii) 75mm dia Each 180
F 6.8 Providing and fixing gun metal gate
valve with C.I. wheel of approved
/ station
quality (screwed end) :
F 6.8 ii) 25mm dia Each 45
F 6.8 iii) 32mm dia Each 45
F 6.8 iv) 40 mm dia Each 45
F 6.8 v) 50 mm dia Each 45
F 6.8 vi) 65 mm dia Each 45
F 6.8 vii) 80 mm dia Each 45
F 6.8 viii) 100 mm dia Each 45
F 6.9 Providing and fixing C.P brass
angle valve for wash basin and Health
faucet of approved quality confirming to
F 6.9 i) 15 mm each 45
F 6.10 Providing and fixing trap of self
cleansing design with screwed down
or hinged grating with or without vent arm

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
complete, including cost of
cutting and making good the walls and
floors : Sand cast iron S&S as per IS:
F 6.10 i) 100 mm inlet and 100 mm outlet each 90
F 7.1 Supplying, assembling, lowering
and fixing in vertical position in bore well
unplasticized PVC medium well screen
(RMS) pipes with ribs, conforming to IS:
12818, including hire & labour charges,
Rmts 180
fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for
all depths, as per direction of
Employer/Employer Representives.
150 mm nominal size dia
F 7.2 Supplying, filling, spreading &
leveling stone boulders of size range 5 cm
to 20 cm, in recharge pit, in the required
thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete
as per direction of Employer/Employer
F 7.3 Supplying, filling, spreading &
leveling gravels of size range 5 mm to 10
mm, in the recharge pit, over the existing
layer of boulders, in required thickness, Cum 13.5
for all leads & lifts, all complete as per
direction of Employer/Employer
F 7.4 Supplying, filling, spreading &
leveling coarse sand of size range 1.5 mm
to 2 mm in recharge pit, in required
Cum 13.5
thickness over gravel layer, for all leads &
lifts, all complete as per direction of
Employer/Employer Representives.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 177 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 7.5 Gravel packing in tubewell
construction in accordance with IS: 4097,
including providing gravel
fine/medium/coarse, in required grading Cum 13.5
& size as per actual requirement, all
complete as per direction of
Employer/Employer Representives
F8.1 Supplying, installing, testing and
commissioning of white colour glazed
Wall Hung European water closet with
32mm dia CP flush valve with necessary
bend, checknut, stopcock etc., matching
colour solid seat and cover with polythene
buffer and flap, CP flanges, CP bolts and
nuts, a pair of CI chair bracket with nuts
and bolts, wall flanges etc., complete. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
Flow Requirement (in LPF) of water
F 8.2
Providing and fixing P.V.C. WC connector
(straight or bend type) with rubber lip
ring. Including 110 mm dia PVC pipe / Each 36
bend of required length and proper
connection with M seal to C.I. pipe
complete as required
F 8.3 Supplying, installing, testing and
commissioning of white colour glazed
wash basin above/below counter, 15 mm
dia CP pillar cock with waste coupling, 32
mm dia with extension pipe, poly steel Each 36
supports for basin. 15 mm CP angle
valves with 450 mm long CP connection
pipe and CP wall flanges all of approved
make and as per drawings & Employer

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
requirements etc., complete.

Flow Requirement (in LPM) of wash hand

basins faucets shall be 6 LPM at design
water pressure 3.0 bar.
F 8.4 Supplying, installing, testing and
commissioning of Mechanical Flush bush
Each 36
button type system urinal with flush valve
and accessories.
F 8.5 Supplying, installing and testing
15mm Long body CP bib cock with CP
flanges including necessary fixing
materials, all of approved make and as
Each 27
per drawings & Employer requirements
etc, complete. Flow Requirement (in AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
LPM) shall be 6 LPM at design water
pressure 3.0 bar
F 8.6 Fixing at site in position C.P.
ablution spray health faucet with wall
hook , 1250mm long flexible tube angle AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
cock with wall flange all complete
including cutting and making good the
walls wherever required, and as per
direction of Engineer -In-charge and all of Each 36
approved make and as per drawings &
Employer requirements etc.

Flow Requirement (in LPM) of Health

faucets shall be 6 LPM at design water
pressure 3.0 bar.
F 8.7 Providing and fixing CP brass twin
coat hooks fixed to wooden cleats with CP
brass screws, hooks or approved Each 36
equivalent.all of approved make &
Employer requirements etc

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 8.8 Providing and fixing solid state, no
touch operating, fully hygienic hand drier
of approved shade as described in
Specification with double blower,
continuous repeat usage, time delay,
summer and winter control
Each 18
includingprovision of necessary brackets,
cable from drier to plug,plug to key and
lock etc. complete as required and all of
approved make and as per
Specification/drawings & Employer
requirements etc
F 8.9 Providing and fixing 15mm nominal
bore, CP Brass Connection (45cm length)
with CP brass Union, including nuts and Each 180 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
washers and making connection to
fixtures & fittings, complete as required
F 8.10 Providing & fixing C.P. brass towel
rail with C.P. brass wall brackets & C.P
brass screws complete as required and all
Each 36
of approved make and as per
Specification/drawings & Employer
requirements etc
F 8.11 Bottle trap 31mm SS, single piece
moulded with height of 270 mm, effective
length of tail pipe 260 mm from the centre
Each 90
of the waste coupling, 77 mm breadth with
25 mm minimum water seal, weighing not
less than 260 gms
F 8.12 Supply installation, testing and
commissioning of floor standing single
bottle filling station alcove with
mechanical + Sensor operation and with Each 9
two drinking station raddii stainless steel
drinking water fountain with mechanical
and sensor both operation, with

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
Antimicrobial MDCU29 surface in SS
brushed finish, operating between 50 to
120 PSI, non-chilling unit supply complete
with all accessories. Green building,
GRIHA,TUV And NSF Certified,
RO+UF+UV+TDS controller Water
Purifier, Storage Tank Material - ABS
Food Grade (Micro Block).Purification
Production Rate-50 lph @ 25 degree.
Storage Capacity (L) - 60 Litters. Filters-
Pre-Filter, Sediment, Pre-Carbon, RO
Membrane, Calcium Booster+ Post
Carbon, UF, UV. Filtration Stage-5 with
Pre Filter .TDS Reduction-
>=90%(approx.). Warranty-2 year on AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
product including RO membrane. All in
single enclosed SS-304, For Public Use
F 8.13 Supply installation, testing and
commissioning of Floor standing single AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
bottle filling alcove with Mechanical +
sensor both operation station ,SS-304
stainless steel Brushed finish body, bottle
filling alcove should be antimicrobial,
operating between 50 to 120 PSI, non-
chilling unit supply complete with all
accessories. Green building, GRIHA,TUV
Each 18
And NSF Certified, RO+UF+UV+TDS
controller in Water Purifier, Storage Tank
Material-ABS Food Grade (Micro
Block).Purification Production Rate-50
lph @ 25 degree. Storage Capacity (L) -
40 Litters . Filters-Pre-Filter, Sediment,
Pre-Carbon, RO Membrane, Calcium
Booster+ Post Carbon, UF, UV. Filtration
Stage-5 with Pre Filter .TDS Reduction-

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
>=90%(approx.).Warranty-2 year on
product including RO membrane. All in
single enclosed SS-304, For Staff Area.
F 9.1 Providing and fixing rain water pipes
- UV protected upvc pipe conforming to IS
4985 and 10kg/sqcm including fittings &
dome gratings
F 9.1 i) 160 mm nominal bore m 3000
F 9.1 ii) 250 mm nominal bore m 6000
F 9.2 Providing and fixing Roof outlet in
Cast iron body of approved make to the
inlet mouth of rain water pipe, including
necessary accessories like screw etc. all AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F 9.2 i)Providing and Fixing of KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
450mmx450 mm Khurra for rain water Each 36

F 10 ) Drainage
F 10.1 Supplying, laying/ fixing Testing &
commioning of UPVC drainage pipes of
class 10Kgf/ as per IS:15328-
2003 and specials such as tees,single or
double Y, offsets, flanges, couplers,
redusers, elbows & rubber rings /good
quility slovent cement, clamps etc..of as
per manufacturers specification including
cutting the pipes to the required lengths.
(Deck Level Drain)
F 10.1 i) 110mm dia Rmts 2250
F 10.2 Supplying, laying/ fixing Testing &
commioning of UPVC drainage pipes of
class 10Kgf/ as per IS:15328-
2003 and specials such as tees,single or

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
double Y, offsets, flanges, couplers,
redusers, elbows & rubber rings /good
quility slovent cement, clamps etc..of
approved make as per manufacturers
specification including cutting the pipes to
the required lengths (Condensate Drain)
F 10.2 i)25 mm Rmts 675
F 10.2 ii) 32 mm Rmts 675
F 10.3 Supplying, fixing, testing and
commissionig of approved make C.I vent
cowl with necessary accessories etc.,
complete for the following pipe sizes
F 10.3 i) 100mm dia Each 18

F 10 10.3 ii) 75mm dia
F 11 ) Floor Trap/Floor Drains
F 11.1 Providing and Fixing of 3mm
thickness cast Iron grating conform to IS
Each 90
3989 with 100mm x 100mm square type
for the drain .
F 11.2 Providing and fixing of 3mm thick
SS grating(SS 304 grade) over the floor
Each 90
trap with 100mm x 100mm square type for
the Public Area drain.
F 12.1 Providing and fixing of 300 mm
channel drain 6mm thickness,30mm
center to center with Stainless Steel
grating for the Public areas or as required
by Employer/Employer Representatives
and as per Drawing/Technical
F 12.1 i)150mm Wide channel Rmts 450
F 12.2 Providing and fixing of 300mm
wide channel drain cast Iron with Cast
Iron grating for the Pump Room as

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
required by Employer/Employer
Representatives and as per
Drawing/Technical specification.
F 12.2 i) 300mm Wide Rmts 450
F 13.1 External earth buried potable water
pipes shall be DI conforming to IS
8329,class k9 with flange type at street
level. Work complete including
excavation in any type of soil, trenching,
bedding including road cutting & Utility
diversion and surround backfilling,
compaction, disposal of surplus
excavated material, dewatering, warning
tape, all fittings such as bends and Y AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
joints etc. including all necessary
accessories, supports, pipe work finishes,
Pressure testing, cleaning and flushing.
F13.1 i) 100 mm
F 13.2 Providing & fixing G.I. suction &
Rmts 450
delivery headers / pipes for water supply
pumps(IS 1239 heavy class )with G.I.
& blank flanges etc ) and clamps and
jointing with teflon tape or hold tite
including required G.I. supports, chase
cutting and making good the walls , the
floors etc wherever required
F 13.2 i) 65 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.2 ii) 80 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.2 iii) 100 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.3 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with
synthetic enamel white paint with two

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
coats over a ready mixed priming coat,
both of approved quality for new work :
F 13.3 i) 65 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.3 ii) 80 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.3 iii) 100 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.4 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes
complete with G.I. fittings and clamps,
anchor fastner, stud rod, Angle, Channel
supports, i/c cutting and making good the
walls etc. (Internal work - Exposed on
F 13.4 i) 80 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.4 ii) 100 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.5 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with
synthetic enamel white paint with two
coats over a ready mixed priming coat,
both of approved quality for new work : KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
F 13.5 i) 80 mm nominal bore Rmts 270
F 13.5 ii) 100 mm nominal bore Rmts 270 AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
F 13.6 Supply and installation of coiled
HDPE PE- 100 water supply pipe as per
IS 4984-2016 with suitable couplers
including all fittings , flanges , clamps as
required for bore well pump conforming to
PE 100 and pressure rating PN 16 (From
the submersible pump up to water meter
F 13.6 i)40 mm Rmts 1215
F 13.7 Supply & Installation,Testing and
handover of Embedded pipes and fittings
in concrete / block work for soil and waste
applications shall be Galvanized iron
pipes and fittings as per IS 3989 ,all
fittings such as bends and Y joints etc.
including all necessary fixings,

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
accessories, supports, pipe work finishes,
Pressure testing, cleaning and
flushing.(Sewer Line)
F 13.7 i) 32 mm dia nominal bore (G.I
Rmts 270
F 13.7 ii) 40 mm dia nominal bore (G.I
Rmts 270
F14 F14) Puddle Flanges & Pipe Sleeves
F 14.1 Providing an fixing 600mm long
puddle flanges fabricated out of 6mm
thick hot dip galvanised Plates along with
flanges of suitable size properly fixed in
walls as per IS 4736 ,Pipes passing
through external diaphragm walls and RC
water tanks Puddle Flanges and pipe AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Sleeves shall confirm to IS 6392. For pipe
of 80mm diameter and above, the puddle
flange shall have a minimum diameter
twice that of the pipe.For pipe of 80mm
diameter below, all puddle flanges shall AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
have minimum diameter of 150mm.
F 14.1 less than or equal to 80 mm dia Each 27
F 14.2 Greater than 80 mm dia Each 27
F 14.2 Providing and fixing of blind flange
fabricated out of 6mm thick hot dip
galvanised plates shall conform to IS
F 14.2 i) 65 mm mm Dia Each 180
F 14.3 Providing and fixing in position the
Galvanised Iron Steel (GI) ‘C’ class pipes
as SLEEVES each to be embedded in
RCC walls / beams.
F 14.3 i) less than 80 mm dia Each 270
F 14.3 ii) Greater than 80 mm dia Each 90

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F15 ) Enclosed Type Water Meter
(Digital Type)
F15.1 Providing and fixing digital water
meter with wired data and power
connection complete with panel and
nesessery bolts, nuts, rubber insertions Each 18
suitable to moniter with SCADA/ BMS
complied CMWSSB approved meter.
100mm dia
F15.2 Supply and installation of water
meter conforming to IS 2373 and tested
by municipal board completely inclding Each RO
threading and fixing with bolts , nuts and
rubber insertions - 100 mm nominal bore.
F 15.3 Providing an fixing CI dirt box AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
strainer for Digital type water meter with
nuts, bolts, rubber insertion etc. complete
comfirming to IS: 2373
Each 18
F 15.4 Providing and fixing Cast Iron
Double Flanged 'Y' type Strainers of the AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
following sizes with nuts, bolts, gaskets
etc. complete in all respect as describedd
in Specifications.
F 15.4 i) 65 mm dia Each 9
F 15.5 Providing and fixing Brass air valve
of approved quality with bolts, nuts,
rubber insertions etc. complete
F 15.5 i) 20mm dia Each 45
F 15.6 Providing and Fixing Heavy Duty
SS GR 316 Float Valve consisiting of
brass valve, brass stem and SS float ball
suitable for the working pressure of the
feeding line, including all necessary
specials for connection to the GI pipes
including hydraulic testing etc. complete.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 15.6 i) 25mm Dia Each 36
F 15.7 Providing and fixing in position
Industrial type pressure gauge 100 mm
Each 9
dia 15 bar with gunmetal/brass valves
complete as required.
F 15.8 Supplying and fixing of G.I
fabrication works ,angle
brackets,hangers, supports as required
for supporting with suitable G.I U-
clamps,fasteners, bolts,nuts and washers Nos 9000
etc. complete. ( Note: This item shall be
used only when GI angle brackets ,
hangers and supports are not covered in
the line items being used).
F 15.9 Providing and fixing C.I. Water AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
Hammer Arrestor of rating PN 10
conforming to ASSE 1010 with screwed
end, including unions, nuts, bolts,
washers & painting complete as required
F 15.10 Supplying and fixing Pressure AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
reducing valve 50mm with all accessories Each 27
F 15.11 Magnetic water level indicator for
Domestic and Fire water tank as per Set 9
specifications with necessary cabling
F 15.12 Water level transmiter for
domestic water tanks as per Each 36
F 15.13 Providing and fixing Cast iron
Each 90
Flap Valve with all accessories complete
F 15.14 Providing and fixing sump pump
covers of G.I. Chequered plate 7 mm thick
Sqm 45
with openable handles on to M.S. Hot Dip
Galvanized angle frame.
F16 F 16) Bore Well Pump Each

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F16.1 Providing and fixing single /
multistage submersible tubewell pump
suitable for 150mm bore with stainless
steel casing , NORYL impeller , stainless
Each 9
steel shaft and built in non return valve
coupled with submersible squirrel cage
motors suitable for 415V +/- 10% volts ,3
phase, 50 cycles AC supply
Approx head - 120 mts.
G16 Flow rate - 60LPM
Supplying and Installing of 3C x 6
Copper Conductor submersible cable
from submersible pump to Panel Board Rmt 1000
with cable clips, glands, grommets etc
max distance 150m. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F17.1 Supplying, installing, testing & KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
commissioning of Horizontal centrifugal /
Vertical inlined,Packaged variable Hydro
pneumatic system with standby pump
having CI casing, SS Impeller, stainless
F17 steel shaft, SS Expansion bellow and
directly coupled to motor suitable for
operation on 400/440 volts, 3 phase 2900
RPM. TEFC electric motor 'mounted on a
common channel baseplate with coupling
guard, 150 mm dia pressure gauge,
isolation valve, microprocessor based
control panel with VFD, pressure
transmitter, pneumatic SS tanks, inter
connecting pipes,cabling, switchgear and
cement concrete foundation complete as
required as per specification.
F 17.1 i) Capacity 120 lpm & Head 45 m
Each 9
(1W+1S) (Location : Pump room )

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 17.2 Providing, fixing and
commissioning non clog type mono block
submersible drainage pumps suitable for
handling solids of 12 mm size, CI casing,
SS impeller and SS shaft with totally
water and dust proof motor as specified
complete with motor control panel with
working standby operation arrangement,
level Switch, Cable between Motor control
panel & pumps, etc, inclusive of all
necessary terminations and earthing
required all complete as per specifications
with solid handling capacity 40mm to
F 17.2 i) Capacity 150 lpm & Head 15 m
Each 9
(1W+1S) (Location : Pump room )
F 17.2 ii) Capacity 120 lpm & Head 10 m
(Location : Lift / Escalator pit )
F18.1 Providing and fixing Wafer type
Double Plate Check Valves of the
following sizes conforming to API-594 ,
suitable for pressure rating of 10 kg I with cast iron body conforming to
BS 1452, rubber gasket, flanges, union,
nuts, bolts and washers including painting
complete as per Specifications.
F18.1 i) 50 mm dia Each RO
F 18.2 Making connection of drain or
sewer line with existing manhole including
breaking into and making goods the walls
floors cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 coare sand: 4 graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) cement plastered on
both sides with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
cement : 3 coarse sand ) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement and making
necessary channels for the drain etc.
F 18.2 i) For pipes 250 to 300 mm
Each RO
F 18.2 ii) For pipes 350 to 450 mm
Each RO
F 18.3 Providing and laying Non Pressure
NP-2 class (Light duty) R.C.C. pipes
including collars/spigot jointed with stiff
mixture of cement mortar in the proportion
of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including
testing of joints etc. complete
F 18.3 i) 250 mm dia Rmts 1500 AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
F 18.4 Providing and laying Double
Flanged (Screwed/ Welded) Centrifugally
(Spun) Ductile Iron Pipes of Class K - 9
conforming to IS : 8329 :
F 18.4 i) 100 mm (D.I pipe) Rmts RO
F 18.4 ii) 150 mm (D.I pipe) Rmts RO
F 19.1 Providing and fixing channel drain
cast Iron with Cast Iron grating for the
Pump Room,Vent Shaft or as required by
Employer/Employer Representatives and
as per Technical specification.
F 19.1 i)150mm Wide RM 400
F 19.2 Providing and fixing Cast Iron
heavy duty grating for the catch basins as
required by Employer/Employer
Representatives and as per Technical
specification.(Parking Areas if provided)
F 19.2 i) 600x600mm each 40
F 19.2 ii) 900x800mm each 40

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
F 19.2 iii) 1200x900mm each 40
F 20) External Sewer Pipe after the
Pressure Break Chamber.
F 20.1 Supplying, installing and testing
15mm Short body CP bib cock with CP
flanges including necessary fixing
materials, all of approved make and as
per drawings & Employer requirements Each 36
etc, complete.

Flow Requirement (in LPM) shall be 6

LPM at design water pressure 3.0 bar
F21 F 21) Bore Well Pump
F 21.1 Providing and fixing single /
multistage submersible tubewell pump AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
suitable for 300mm bore with stainless
steel casing , NORYL impeller , stainless
steel shaft and built in non return valve
coupled with submersible squirrel cage
motors suitable for 415V +/- 10% volts ,3
Each 4
phase, 50 cycles AC supply, providing
and fixing 6 mm steel wire rope, wire rope
clamps for the safety of pump etc as
Approx head - 120 mts.
Flow rate - 120LPM
Supplying, fitting and fixing electric water
level guard with 2 pole electrodes.
Supply, Installation, testing and
commissioning of Electrical Panel Board
for Tubewell, duly internally wired, made
of 14 SWG sheet with 2 coats of finish
painting with powder coating, including
fixing the same in wall / floor on Angle Iron
Frame as per Site condition and copper

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center F - Plumbing Works

Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Total Total Total
Item Item Description Unit Quantity in Figures in Figures in Figures in Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
(INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
earthing from control panel to various
equipments like motor, starters, pump etc.
including making end termination etc and
fitted with the following:
40A TP MCCB - 1 No.
1 No Digital Voltmeter
1 No Digital Ammeter with Ct's AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE.
1 No. 32 A TP MCB with DOL starter
switch for 5 HP motor. Each compartment
shall contain CT operated ammeter with AVAILABLE IN E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL.
indicating lamp, ON/OFF status of motor,
level button and level cut off,R,Y,B
indication Lamp.
F 21.2 Supplying and Installing of 3C x 6 Copper Conductor submersible
cable from submersible pump to Panel Each 800
Board with cable clips, glands, grommets
etc max distance 150m.

`The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre F (Cl. 1.7.7) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of
Price Centre G is allocated to Preliminaries, which will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2).

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Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

The bidder may quote his offer in (Indian Rupees (INR)) and up to any three freely convertible Foreign currencies or in combination of these currencies.
The offer should be in the following proforma as given in the Price Bid Form of e-procurement portal:

Bill of Quantities - Price Center G - Miscellaneous works (MEP)

Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Total Total Total Total
Basic Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Figures Figures Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures (INR)
(FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
G 1.1 Making connection of drain or sewer line with Each 40
existing manhole including breaking into and making
goods the walls floors cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 coare sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) cement plastered on both sides with cement mortar
1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) finished with a floating
coat of neat cement and making necessary channels for
the drain etc. complete

For pipes 100 to 250 mm diameter

G 1.2 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes,
cables, etc including excavation for sockets, and dressing
of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m, including
getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil
as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth,
including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming,
watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as
directed, within a lead of 50 m :
G 1.2.1 All kinds of soil
G 1.2.1 i)Pipes, cables etc, not exceeding 80 mm dia. Rmts 1000
G 1.2.1 ii) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but
not exceeding 300 mm dia
G 1.2.1 iii) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300 mm dia but Rmts 1000
not exceeding 600 mm
G2 G 2 ) Manholes & Covers
G 2.1 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement
mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with R.C.C. top
slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation
concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering
12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and
making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete
as per standard design
G 2.1 i) Inside size 90x80 cm and 60 cm deep including Each 50
C.I. cover with frame (light duty) 455x610 mm internal
dimensions, total weight of cover and frame to be not less
than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15
kg) With F.P.S. of class designation 7.5

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 194 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center G - Miscellaneous works (MEP)

Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Total Total Total Total
Basic Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Figures Figures Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures (INR)
(FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
G 2.1 ii) Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including Each 100
C.I. cover with frame (heavy duty) 560 mm internal
diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less
than 208 kg (weight of cover 108 kg and weight of frame
100 kg) : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks of class designation 7.5
G 2.2 Extra for depth for manholes
G 2.2 i) Size 90x80 cm With common burnt clay F.P.S. Rmts 50
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
G 2.2 ii) Size 120x90 cm With common burnt clay F.P.S. Rmts 100
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
G3 G 3) Foot Rest
G 3.1 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum Each 500
6mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12mm
dia steel bar conforming to IS: 1786 having minimum
cross section as 23mm x 25m and over all minimum
length 263mm and width as 165mm with minimum
112mm space between protruded legs having 2mm tread
on top surface by ribbon or chequering besides necessary
and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on
138mm as per standard drawing and suitabloe to with
stand the bend test and chemical resistance test as per
specifications and having manufacture's permanent
identification mark to be visible even after fixing. Including
fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement concrete
block 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size ) complete as per design .
G 3.2 Providing and fixing in position precast R.C.C
manhole cover and frame of required shape and
approved quality
G 3.2 i) H D-20 Each 100

Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter

G 3.2 ii) EHD -35 Each 50

Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter

G4 G 4 Gully Trap
G 4.1 Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap Each 20
class SP-1 complete with C.I. grating brick masonry
chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300 x300
mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than
4.50 kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 kg as per
standard design:

150 x 100 mm size P Type with Sewer Bricks Conforming

to IS 4885

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 195 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center G - Miscellaneous works (MEP)

Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Total Total Total Total
Basic Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Figures Figures Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures (INR)
(FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
G 5.1 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.22
m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) insidecement
plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand)finished with a floating coat of neat cement
foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement:3 coarse sand : 6
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making
necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all
complete as per standard design :
G 5.2 1.68 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy
duty HD-20 grade designation)560 mm internal diameter
conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame
to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4
(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20
mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all
complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement
plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately)
G 5.2.1 i) With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks of class designation 7.5
G 5.2.2 (ii)Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22 m


internal dia (at bottom)
beyond 1.68 m to 2.29 m : With common burnt clay F.P.S.
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
G6 G6 Water Meter Chamber
G 6.1 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x600x100 cm Each 20
inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) for water meter complete with C.I. double
flap surface box 400x200x200 mm (inside) with locking
arrangement and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) , i/c necessary excavation, foundation concrete
1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand:10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick,
finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as
per standard design

G 6.2 Construction desilting chamber 1000mmx500mm Each 20

complete the requirement by Employer/Employer
Representatives and as per Drawing/Technical
G 6.3 Construction of Lift/Escalator pump pit of size 1 Each 40
mx1.m x 2m deep as per detailed dwg.
G 6.4 Construction of Catch Basin of size Each 40
1200mmx900mm deep as per detailed dwg.
G 6.5 Construction of RCC Masonary Oil Grease Trap to Each RO
be carried out with Appropreiate size as shown in the

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 196 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

Bill of Quantities - Price Center G - Miscellaneous works (MEP)

Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Basic Rate in Total Total Total Total
Basic Rate in
Item Item Description Unit Quantity Figures Figures Figures Amount Amount Amount Amount
Figures (INR)
(FC1) (FC2) (FC3) (INR) (FC1) (FC2) (FC3)
G 6.6 Supply,fixing of stainless steel screening, SS 304 Each 50
grade, 3mm thickness in the outlet of IC's and Manholes. AMOUNT NOT TO BE FILLED HERE. KINDLY FILL IN THE PRICE BID FORM
G 6.7 Providing and fixing CI manhole cover with Each 40
frame.560 mm diameter C.I. cover (heavy duty) the
weight of the cover to be not less than 108 kg


The rates quoted against individual items of this Price Centre G (Cl. 1.7.8) above, shall be paid by adopting 95% of the quoted rates against the respective items. Balance 5% of Total of Price Centre G is allocated to Preliminaries, which
will be payable under Price centre A items (Cl. 1.7.2).

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 197 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

1.7.9 RISKS

The Bidder shall also price for entire risks whatsoever it may be in the construction of elevated
metro viaduct and station structures i.e. Substructure and superstructure, demolition of
buildings, protection of buildings, protection of public assets such as roads, railway track,
utilities etc. Bidder shall also make allowances in his price bid for necessary measures
including traffic diversion, damage of roads, collapse of any structure and damages to public
utility or any other activity associated with the construction of viaduct and stations. Some of
these risks are mentioned below, but they are not exhaustive and are not limited to the items
in the list (Table-2).
SL Description of Item
Risk Item
1. Risk associated with selection The selection of piling rigs and its suitably for the
of Rotary drilling/piling rings ground condition will be Bidder’s responsibility. And
it should comply with the contract specification.
2. Ground Improvement The Bidder shall take the cost for any ground
improvement necessary for his construction
works/Building protection/utility protection/Railway
track crossing/demolition of buildings or any other
public assets which requires such measures.
3. Pre-casting of U/I girders The Bidder shall price for all the measures required
for the pre-casting of U/I girders such as preparation
of reinforcement cage, casting, stream curing,
demoulding, stacking in stages, curing etc. Any
damages or out of tolerance casting will be at
Bidders cost and time.
4. Transportation of U/I girders The Bidder shall price for all the measures required
for the safe transportation of U/I girders from casting
yard to the required launching locations. Any
damage to the structural element or any other public
asset during this activity will be at the Bidders cost
and time.
5. Launching of U/I girders The Bidder shall ensure a safe launching of Girders
with the tolerances specified in the Contract. Any
damages to precast girders shall be repaired by the
Bidder and in case the damage is beyond repair the
precast girders shall be replaced at Bidder’s cost and
6. Alignment The Bidder shall take cost of necessary measures to
follow the designated alignment. In case of any
deviation from the alignment beyond the specified
tolerances the necessary corrective measures shall
be on the account of Bidder’s cost and time.
7. Piling operation The Bidder shall take the cost of all the necessary
measures to operate the rigs and shall have enough
spares to operate rigs without any breakdown. He
should have all the contingency measures in case of
breakdown of rigs.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 198 April 2022

Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section – IV B
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Pricing Schedule

SL Description of Item
Risk Item
8. Equipment/Machinery break The Bidder shall make necessary allowances in his
down and its ancillary plants cost and programme for any Equipment/Machinery
and/or related ancillary plant break down.
9. Approvals from Public The Bidder shall make necessary provisions in their
Authority and other Statutory price to take into account any approval from public
requirement authority and statutory requirements.
10. Disposal of any muck, slurry, The Bidder shall make necessary allocation in their
untreated sewerage & water price proposal to dispose the muck, slurry and
or any material untreated sewerage & water as per statutory
requirement and acquire necessary clearances from
public utility authority. In case there is any choking of
drainage system due to disposal of construction
waste. The necessary remedial measures will be on
the account of the Bidder cost and time.
11. Public assets protection/ Public assets relocation such as Bus stop/Electrical
relocation/ Utility diversion/ wire/transformer & electrical substation/Panel,
protection/ demolition and Telephone cables/poles, electrical poles/lighting
reinstatement poles/traffic signal or any other similar activity, the
Contractor shall safely implement these activities in
accordance to statutory and public authority
guidelines and the Employer’s Requirements.
12. Traffic management and The Bidder shall make the necessary allowance in
traffic diversion his price for the implementation of traffic diversion,
and management of traffic during the construction
13. Ground water and Soil Bidder must take all precautions and shall make
contamination necessary provisions in his price to avoid Ground
water and Soil contamination
14. Ecology The Bidder shall make necessary allowance in their
price bid in order to not disturb the ecology.

CMRL / Rev. C PS - 199 April 2022








APRIL 2022
# Station name “Sri Ponniamman Temple” shall be read as
“Sholinganallur Lake-II” and “Sathyabama University” shall be read
as “Semmeancheri-I” in all the tender documents and tender
Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase 2, Corridor 3. Part-1, Section - V
TENDER No. C3/ECV-01/RT01 Eligible Source Countries











CMRL/Rev. C ESC - 1 April 2022

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