Bubble Deck Mini Project SEM V 2021-22
Bubble Deck Mini Project SEM V 2021-22
Bubble Deck Mini Project SEM V 2021-22
Submitted by
Conferred by
This is to certify that the Mini project titled “SPECIMEN OF BUBBLE DECK SLAB.” duly
submitted by the following students
has been completed under my supervision in a satisfactory manner in a partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Semester III - (Part-A) to be
conferred by the UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI. In my opinion, the work embodied in this report is
comprehensive and fit for evaluation.
The project titled ‘SPECIMEN OF BUBBLE DECK SLAB.’ submitted by students namely,
Internal Examiner
External Examiner
Date: ___________
Place: Mumbai
This is not included only to complete the formalities as per tradition because everything is
important in life, can be achieved only as a result of team work or collective efforts perseverance.
Inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in success of any venture.
It is great sense of accomplishment to express our sincere gratitude to our respected Project
Guide Prof. MAJEAD PATHAN for their constant interest, encouragement and valuable guidance
during completion of project.
We would like to extent our gratitude to PROF.AVINASH MORE, HOD Civil Engg. Dept.
and Dr. VARSHA SHAH, Principal who gave us valuable suggestion and all the required facilities
to perform our project and to everyone who in their own special way helped us in our project.
Finally we express our sincere thanks to all those people who offered valuable time,
suggestions and assistance directly or indirectly to us to achieve our aim.
7. RESULT 13
Housing all over the world majorly comprises of concrete structures. They provide
isolation and thermal comfort to the occupants. Majority of the concrete structures have
flooring/roofing of thick concrete to bear the design loads. Due to his, the complete volume
(eliminating the negligible volume of the reinforcement) of the roof slab comprises of
concrete. Due to this, production of concrete has increased. Concrete production is not
environment friendly. It is the primary producer of Carbon dioxide. In addition to this, the
problem of concrete waste is at rise. Concrete waste can be reduced by two ways: recycling
and using efficient volumes. Recycling is using the concrete waste in concrete generation
which is of course of lower quality. Efficient volume is the way of using concrete in the most
efficient way possible by substituting materials. In this paper, polyethylene balls are used in
the slab to reduce concrete volume while maintaining the structural properties of the
concrete. A comparison of strength of slab with the polyethylene balls and without them has
been done to show the effectiveness of the new method. Various other strength tests were
carried out and have been tabulated. At the end, cost effectiveness of the proposed slab has
also been given.
Index terms: Bubble deck slab, Polyethylene balls, recycling concrete, concrete slabs
Concrete is strong in compression and weak when under tension. While
considering a reinforced concrete slab, all the concrete above the neutral axis is subject
to compressive forces and all the concrete below the neutral axis is subject to tensile
forces. This supports the fact that concrete is the tension zone is of little use and
contributes to making the slab heavier and reducing its overall efficiency. Upon having
more slabs, it shall contribute to increased dead load of the structure. This dead load
which is additional in nature and does not serve any positive purpose can be removed.
This is done by introducing voids in the slab. Since voids cannot be made to form on
their own, hollow balls or low weight balls are placed in the concrete to reduce the
overall weight of the concrete. This concept bubble deck slab has hollow spheres made
from recycled plastic placed between two layers or meshes of reinforcement. In this
paper, we are going to study two-way slabs and design two ways slabs (both
conventional and bubble deck and its types).
If weight of slab is reduced, then dimensions of other supporting structural
members (such as beams and columns) shall also decrease. Since there is decrease
in both the slab and supporting member volumes, reduction in total load of the
structure and the volume of concrete used is evident.
A bubble deck slab reduces volume of concrete up to 33% in the slab itself and up to
18% reduction in the supporting structural members. This reduction is done by
removing the volume of concrete in the center portion where there is no need of
concrete structurally. Such a practice of removal of concrete from regions where there
is little or no structural requirement is a very old practice, but in this case the approach
is different due to use of recyclable plastic (polyethylene) balls. It also provides greater
insulation due to air trapped inside since air is a bad conductor of heat. The structure
shall retain the heat inside for a long period of time. This causes efficiency in energy
utilization to heat up the room or cool down the room depending on the region of
Time is also saved in laying a bubble deck slab as the amount of concrete
needed to be handled is far less than a conventional slab. The number of manual
labors involved in the task can also be reduced for the same area of the slab. It was
observed that a bubble deck slab is developed 20% fast that a conventional slab of
same area. All the previous statements show the savings done in terms of concrete
volume, time, manual effort and transport timings.
M.Surendar, et al. (2016), did a numerical and experimental Study on Bubble
Deck Slab with the sole aim of reducing the concrete in the center of the slab by
using recycled balls. Plastic hollow spheres balls were used to replace the in-
effective concrete in the center of the slab, thus decreasing the dead weight and
increasing the efficiency of the floor and to enhance the performance of the
bubble deck slab in moderate and severe seismic susceptibility areas. Finite
element analysis (FEA) was carried out by using the FEA software ANSYS to
study structural behaviour on the slab. The slab of Conventional and Bubble deck
slab were subjected to uniformly distributed load. The ultimate load, stress,
deformation were measured by analytically. Conventional slab carried the stress
of about 30.98MPa by applying the UDL load of about 340kN and causes
deflection of 12.822mm.The bubble deck slab carried the stress of about 30.8MPa
by applying the udl load of about 320kN and causes deflection of 14.303mm. The
bubble deck slab can withstand 80% of stress when compared with conventional
slab. Slight variation occurs in the deformation when compared to conventional
slab. The stress and deformation results of bubble deck slabs were evaluated and
compared with conventional slab, using finite element analysis. From the
evaluation of these results, Bubble Deck Slab gives better performance than that
of the conventional slab.
Bubble Deck-UK (2008) studied traditional Bubble Deck technology using
spheres made of recycled industrial plastic to create air voids while providing
strength through arch action. Results show a dramatic reduction of dead weight
by as much as 50% allowing much longer spans and less supporting structure
than traditional solutions. Therefore, the Bubble Deck has many advantages as
compare to traditional concrete slab, such as: lower total cost, reduced material
use, enhanced structural efficiency, decreased construction time, and is a green
technology. It gains much of attention from engineers and researchers from the
Polyethylene bubbles
Chemical properties:
Property Description
Marketing name of product HDPE
(High Density Poly-Ethene)
Chemical name Polyethylene
Chemical designation (-CH2-CH2-) n
Genus Polyolefin
Hazardous substance NO
Color desired color can be obtained
Odor feebly of paraffin
Relative Density 950 kg/m3
Melting point 135˚C
Softening point 123˚C
Solubility Insoluble in water
Concrete used for filling the slab should be more than M30. It is an added advantage if a
self-compacting concrete variant is used. This way, there will be proper compaction
ensured in every unreachable region inside the slab. Aggregate used in this concrete
should be less than 15mm.
Material Description
Concrete M30
Concrete mix design as pe IS 10262: 2009
Slump Value: 74mm
Cement Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 53
Grade Testing done as per IS 456: 2000
Fineness: 9.2%
Specific gravity: 3.14
Consistency: 31.06%
Coarse aggregate 10mm
Conforming to IS 383
Specific Gravity: 2.8
Fine aggregate River sand 4.75mm to 150 microns
Conforming to IS 383
Specific Gravity: 2.59
Sieve Analysis: Cc = 0.863, Cu = 9.702, D10
= 0.17
Water Potable water used for curing and mixing
Conforming to IS 456: 2000
Reinforcing bars:
This is an integral part of the whole assembly. The top and bottom slab of concrete have
one mesh each, which can be either tied or welded. Transverse ribs are used to keep these
meshes intact after the bubbles are placed in the allocated positions between the meshes.
Height difference between the bars is related to the bubble diameter. If the bubble
diameter is greater, the height difference is greater and vice versa.
For the experiment,
Fy = 500 N/mm2 were used.
Diameter of the bars used is as per the design.
1. This testing is done at 28-day age as described. The test slabs are simply supported
and load at a single point.
2. To ensure uniformity, the cover distances from the either sides of the loading frame
are checked and ensured that the load is acting at the center.
3. These specimens were placed on the Universal Testing Machine and load was made to
act at the centerline.
4. All gauges were kept in appropriate locations and initial readings were noted.
5. After every load increment made, the values on gauges were recorded for both middle
span deflection and cracks developed along with their propagation.
6. All deflections were measured at their middle-span. When the loading was advanced,
the increment of load was made smaller till failure was reached.
7. At failure, the load indicator stopped working and deflection increased very fast
without any increase in the load application.
8. All the values of load and deflection were noted for every 5KN interval.
7. Experimental Investigation
a. Design of concrete specimen
Design of concrete mix was carried out as per the IS 10262: 2009. Size of the specimen
is taken as 0.5m×0.5×0.1m for calculation purposes. Material required for the said
dimensions is given below in table
Cement 438 kg
Fine aggregate (Sand) 583 kg
Coarse aggregate 920 kg
Water (from water: cement ratio 198 liters
taken as 0.45)
b. Design of the reinforcement specimen Dimension of the specimen is
From the above equation, the compressive strength of the concrete slab is 25.6 N/mm2.
Compressive Ultimate
block =
Area of
From the above equation, the compressive strength of the concrete slab is 26.2 N/mm2.
The first observation is that the behavior of the bubble deck slab is very much dependent
on the ratio of bubble diameter to the thickness of the slab.
For M20 concrete
Graph 1: Displacement due to load in M20 Concrete slabs
Bubble deck slabs give greater flexural strength, stiffness and shear force capacity.
It was observed that when same quantity of concrete and reinforcement were used, the
said structural properties of the slab increased by at least 60% than that of a
conventional slab. The economy of construction increased by 40% when compared to a
conventional slab.
For various experimental cases, the bubble deck slab had had deflections equal to
that of conventional slabs under same loading conditions. Similarly, moments were 7-
10% reduced to that of a conventional slab. The base shear of the structure also reduced
(12-14%) due to decrease in loads by the concrete.
Economy in the corresponding structural members (such as beams and columns) was
also obtained. It is due to the decrease in dead load and achievability of longer spans
without increasing any dimension of the beams or columns.
12. Niraj Tewari, SaniaZaffar. (2016). Structural Behavior of Bubble Deck Slabs and Its
Application. International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD).
Volume 4. Issue 2. Pages 433-437.
10. Sonaal Nayak, DineyshJosi. (2017). A Voided Slab and Conventional Flat Slab- A
Comparative Study. International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering
(IJSTE). Volume 4. Issue 1. July 2017. Pages 44-50.
11. Surendhar, Ranjitam. (2016. Numerical and Experimental Study in Bubble Deck Slab.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC). Volume 6. Issue
5. Pages 5959-5962.