408 Tax Case Brief
408 Tax Case Brief
408 Tax Case Brief
Department of Law
Submitted to:
Atty. Kim Aranas
Submitted by:
Block 408
Case Title Case Principle Summary of Facts Issue/s Ruling
1. Estate of the Notice must be sent to the administrator Philtrust manages the business affairs of Vda. De Whether or not the notice of No, the assessment is not binding on the Estate
Late Juliana Diez vda. of an estate when an estate is under Gabriel during her lifetime. Two days after her the assessment is binding on for lack of proper notice. When an estate is
De Gabriel v. CIR, G.R. administration, as representative of death, Philtrust filed her Income Tax Return for the Estate of Juliana Vda. De under administration, notice must be sent to the
No. 155541, January such, who has the legal obligation to pay 1978. BIR was not informed that she has died. A Gabriel administrator of the estate, since it is the said
27, 2004. and discharge all debts of the estate and petition for appointment as Special Administrator administrator, as representative of the estate,
to perform all orders of the court. was filed by Philtrust but RTC denied it. In the who has the legal obligation to pay and
meantime, the BIR found a deficiency income tax discharge all debts of the estate and to perform
for the year 1977. It sent by mail a demand letter all orders of the court. Philtrust was never
and Assessment Notice to the decedent through appointed as the administrator of the estate of
PhilTrust. No response was made by Philtrust. The the decedent. The relationship between the
BIR Commissioner issued warrants of distraint and decedent and Philtrust is one of agency which
levy to enforce collection of the deficient income tax was terminated upon the death of the
liability, served upon her heir, Francisco Gabriel. decedent. None of Philtrust’s acts or omissions
This was opposed by the heir on the ground that could bind the estate of the Taxpayer. In this
there was no proper service of the assessment. The case, the assessment was served not even on
BIR insists that the notice given to Philtrust served an heir of the Estate, but on a completely
as sufficient notice disinterested third party. This improper service
was clearly not binding on the petitioner.
2. CIR v. Pineda, G.R. Being an heir and a holder-transferee of Atanasio Pineda died and was survived by his wife Whether or not Pineda is liable Yes, Pineda is liable for the assessment as an
No. L-22734, the property belonging to the estate, an and 15 children who divided the estate among to pay the full amount of the heir and as a holder-transferee of property
September 15, 1967 heir is liable for the tax assessment to the them. Respondent Manuel Pineda’s share taxes assesse belonging to the estate. As an heir, he is
extent of the amount of the property in amounted to about P2,500.00. After the estate individually liable to the portion of the tax
his possession proceedings, the BIR investigated the income tax proportionate to his share from the inheritance.
liability of the estate for the period 1945 to 1948 and His liability cannot exceed the amount of his
found that income tax returns were not filed. The share. As a holder of property belonging to the
Commissioner held Pineda liable for the payment of estate, Pineda is liable for the tax up to the
all the taxes due from the estate in the amount of amount of the property in his possession. The
P760.28 and not for the taxes corresponding to his government has a lien on the P2,500.00 he
share in the estate received from the estate as his share in the
inheritance. By virtue of such lien, the
government has the right to subject the
property in Pineda's possession to satisfy the
unpaid income taxes for which said estate is
liable in the sum of P760.28 pursuant to the
Section 315 of the Tax Cod
3. CIR v. Prieto, G.R. Inheritance Tax should be based on the The Collector, in its examination to the estate of the Whether or not there was Yes, there was overpayment. The inheritance
No. L-11976, August value of the inheritance and should also deceased, yielded a higher assessment than what overpayment of the estate and consisted of several real properties which
29, 1961 consider the proper deductions made. the heirs had originally assessed and have paid. inheritance ta cannot be divided equally in accordance to the
The higher assessment onto the inheritance of the will of the testator. The 3 respondents remedied
respondent heirs resulted in a higher inheritance tax this by taking higher share then pay in cash the
liability. The heirs paid in protest and have difference to the other heirs in accordance with
contested this findings of the Collector. The Court the project of partition among the heirs. The
of Tax Appeals sided with the heirs. collector cannot use the partition as basis for
assessing the inheritance tax (resulting in the
first 3 heirs paying higher tax for receiving
higher net inheritance) without regarding the
cash payments paid to equal the share
received among the heirs. What is controlling is
the receipt of shares in accordance with the
will’s sharing scheme. Further, in all reality,
despite the receipt of higher inheritance, the
receiving heirs paid cash in difference to equal
what they received. The deduction of the cash
payment to the other heirs should be called for.
Hence, there was overpayment
4. CIR vs. Court of Expenses must be essential to the Pedro Pajonar, a soldier, was part of the Bataan Whether or not notarial fee Yes, notarial fee may be deducted from gross
Appeals, et al., G.R. proper settlement of the estate in order Death March which made him insane. His sis may be allowed as deductions estate. Judicial expenses are expenses of
No. 123206, March 22, to be deductible - expenses otherwise became the guardian over his person while PNB the from the gross estate of administration. Administration expenses shall
2000 incurred are not deductible guardian over his property (via guardianship deceden include all expenses “essential to the collection
proceedings wherein attorney’s fees were of the assets, payment of debts or the
incurred). He died. PNB instead of filing an estate distribution of the property to the persons
tax return, advised the heirs to execute an entitled to it. In other words, expenses must be
extrajudicial settlement (notarial fees incurred) and essential to the proper settlement of the estate.
to pay the taxes on his estate. BIR asserts that the Expenses for the sole benefit of the heirs,
notarial fees and attorney’s fees are not deductible devisees or legatees are not deductible. In the
from the gross estate. Only judicial expenses of the case at ar, notarial fees incurred in the
testamentary or intestate proceedings are allowed extrajudicial settlement is deductible since it
to be deducted resulted in a distribution of the estate to lawful
5. Pablo Lorenzo vs. Estate tax accrues upon transmission of Thomas Hanley died, leaving a will and a Whether or not there had The accrual of the inheritance tax (estate tax)
Juan Posadas, Jr., the property made effective by his death. considerable amount of real and personal been delinquency in the is distinct from the obligation to pay the same.
G.R. No. 43082, June properties. Proceedings for the probate of his will payment of inheritance tax Section 1536 of the Administrative Code,
18, 1937. and the settlement and distribution of his estate and Whether or not the imposes the tax upon "every transmission by
were begun in the CFI of Zamboanga. The will was inheritance tax be computed virtue of inheritance, devise, bequest, gift
admitted to probate. The CFI considered it proper based on the value of the mortis causa, or advance in anticipation of
for the best interests of the estate to appoint a estate at the time of the inheritance, devise, or bequest." The tax
trustee to administer the real properties which, testator's death therefore is upon transmission or transfer of
under the will, were to pass to his nephew ten years property of a decedent, made effective by his
after the two executors named in the will were death. It must be computed at the time of the
appointed trustees. Moore acted as trustee until he decedent's death. In this case, it was ruled that
resigned and the plaintiff Lorenzo was appointed in the mere fact that the estate of the deceased
his stead. Lorenzo, in his capacity as trustee of the was placed in trust did not remove it from the
estate of Thomas Hanley, brought an action against operation of our inheritance tax laws nor
the Collector of Internal Revenue Posadas for the exempt it from the punimayment of the
refund of P2,052.74 inheritance taxes. inheritance tax. The corresponding inheritance
tax should have been paid on or before March
10, 1924, to escape the penalties of the laws.
(2) Yes, the inheritance tax should be
computed based on the value of the estate at
the time of the death of the testator. Succession
takes place and the right of the estate to tax
vests instantly, the tax should be measured by
the value of the estate as it stood at the time of
the decedent’s death, regardless of any
subsequent contingency value of any
subsequent increase or decrease in value of
the property transmitted at that time regardless
of its appreciation or depreciation.
6. Carlos Moran Sison Expenses incurred by an executor or by "Carlos Moran Sison was appointed, without "Whether a judicial "No. The Court ruled that the expense incurred
vs. Narcisa F. an administrator in order to produce a compensation, as a judicial administrator of the administrator, by an executor or administrator to produce a
Teodoro, G.R. No. L- bond is not a proper charge against the estate of Margarita David. He filed a bond of serving without compensation, bond is not a proper charge against the estate.
9271, March 29, 1957. estate. Further, the ability to give bond is P5,000, the premium of which as well as the is entitled to charge as an The Court further commented in that case that
in the nature of a qualification for office. renewal fee he charged as disbursement items in expense of administration the the ability to give bond is in the nature of
The execution and the approval of the his accounting. After entering into his duties as premiums paid on his bond. qualification for office. The execution and the
bond constitute a condition precedent to administrator, he filed an accounting of his " approval of the bond constitute a condition
acceptance of the responsibilities of the administration which included items as an expense precedent to acceptance of the responsibilities
trust. of administration the premiums he paid on his bond. of the trust.
Narcisa F. Teodoro, one of the heirs, objected to the It is also intimated therein that ""If an individual
approval of the above-quoted items on the grounds does not desire to assume the position of
that they are not necessary expenses of executor or administrator, he may refuse to do
administration and should not be charged against so,"" and it is far-fetched to conclude that the
the estate. giving of a bond by an administrator is an
necessary expense in the care, management
The court approved the report of the administrator and settlement of the estate within the meaning
but disallowed the items objected to on the ground of the law, because these expenses are
that they cannot be considered as expenses of incurred ""after the executor or administrator
administration. The administrator filed a motion for has met the requirement of the law and has
reconsideration and when the same was denied, he entered upon the performance of his duties.""
took the present appeal. Of course, a person may accept the position of
" executor or administrator with all the incident
appertaining thereto having in mind the
compensation which the law allows for the
purpose, but he may waive this compensation
in the same manner as he may refuse to serve
without it. Appellant having waived
compensation, he cannot now be heard to
complain of the expenses incident to his
7. CIR vs. Court of All expenses incurred in relation to the "Pedro Pajonar, a member of the Philippine Scout, Whether the notarial fee paid "Yes.This Court adopts the view under
Appeals, et al., G.R. estate of the deceased will be deductible Bataan Contingent, during the second World War, for the extrajudicial settlement American jurisprudence that expenses incurred
No. 123206, March 22, for estate tax purposes provided these was a part of the infamous Death March by reason and the attorney's fees in the in the extrajudicial settlement of the estate
2000. are necessary and ordinary expenses for of which he suffered shock and became insane. guardianship proceedings should be allowed as a deduction from the
administration of the settlement of the may be allowed as deductions gross estate. ""There is no requirement of
estate. His sister Josefina Pajonar became the guardian from the gross estate of formal administration. It is sufficient that the
over his person, while his property was placed decedent expense be a necessary contribution toward
However, deduction is limited to such under the guardianship of PNB. the settlement of the case.""
administration expenses as are actually
and necessarily incurred in the collection The decedent’s sister, Josefina Pajonar, filed a Judicial expenses are expenses of
of the assets of the estate, payment of petition with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) administration. Administration expenses, as an
the debts, and distribution of the praying for a refund of the erroneously paid estate allowable deduction from the gross estate of
remainder among those entitled thereto. tax. CTA ordered the CIR to refund the amount the decedent for purposes of arriving at the
Such expenses may include executor's representing the erroneously paid estate tax. value of the net estate, have been construed to
or administrator's fees, attorney's fees, include all expenses ""essential to the
court fees and charges, appraiser's fees, Among the deductions from the gross estate collection of the assets, payment of debts or the
clerk hire, costs of preserving and allowed by the CTA were attorney’s fees incurred in distribution of the property to the persons
distributing the estate and storing or the case of a special proceeding for guardianship entitled to it.""
maintaining it, brokerage fees or and a notarial fee for the extrajudicial settlement.
commissions for selling or disposing of The CIR questioned the CTA Order, assailing that Although the Tax Code specifies ""judicial
the estate, and the like. Deductible attorney’s fees and the notarial fee are not expenses of the testamentary or intestate
attorney's fees are those incurred by the deductible expenses, as said fees were not proceedings,"" there is no reason why
executor or administrator in the expenses of testamentary or intestate expenses incurred in the administration and
settlement of the estate or in defending proceedings." settlement of an estate in extrajudicial
or prosecuting claims against or due the proceedings should not be allowed. However,
estate. deduction is limited to such administration
expenses as are actually and necessarily
incurred in the collection of the assets of the
estate, payment of the debts, and distribution of
the remainder among those entitled thereto
4. Lydia Sumipat, et al. Title to immovable property does not Lauro Sumipat executed a document denominated Whether the questioned deed NO. A perusal of the deed reveals that it is
vs. Brigido Banga, et pass from the donor to the donee by “DEED OF ABSOLUTE TRANSFER AND/OR by its terms or under the actually a gratuitous disposition of property —
al., G.R. No. 155810, virtue of a deed of donation until and QUIT-CLAIM OVER REAL PROPERTIES” (the surrounding circumstances a donation — although Lauro Sumipat
August 13, 2004. unless it has been accepted in a public assailed document) in favor of defendants- has validly transferred title to imposed upon the petitioners the condition
instrument and the donor duly notified appellees covering the three parcels of land (the the disputed properties to the that he and his wife, Placida, shall be entitled
thereof. properties). On the document appears the petitioners? to one-half (1/2) of all the fruits or produce of
signature of his wife Placida indicating her marital the parcels of land for their subsistence and
consent thereto. support.
It appears that when the assailed document was Title to immovable property does not pass
executed, Lauro Sumipat was already very sick and from the donor to the donee by virtue of a
bedridden; that upon defendant-appellee Lydia’s deed of donation until and unless it has been
request, their neighbor Benjamin Rivera lifted the accepted in a public instrument and the donor
body of Lauro Sumipat whereupon Lydia guided his duly notified thereof. The acceptance may be
(Lauro Sumipat’s) hand in affixing his signature on made in the very same instrument of
the assailed document which she had brought; that donation. If the acceptance does not appear
Lydia thereafter left but later returned on the same in the same document, it must be made in
day and requested Lauro’s unlettered wife Placida another. Where the deed of donation fails to
to sign on the assailed document, as she did in show the acceptance, or where the formal
haste, even without the latter getting a responsive notice of the acceptance, made in a separate
answer to her query on what it was all about. instrument, is either not given to the donor or
else not noted in the deed of donation and in
After Lauro Sumipat’s death, his wife Placida, the separate acceptance, the donation is null
hereinafter referred to as plaintiff-appellant, and and void.
defendants-appellees jointly administered the
properties 50% of the produce of which went to In this case, the donees’ acceptance of the
plaintiff-appellant. donation is not manifested either in the deed
itself or in a separate document. Hence, the
As plaintiff-appellant’s share in the produce of the deed as an instrument of donation is patently
properties dwindled until she no longer received void.
any and learning that the titles to the properties in
question were already transferred/made in favor of Neither can we give effect to the deed as a
the defendants-appellees, she filed a complaint for sale, barter or any other onerous conveyance,
declaration of nullity of titles, contracts, partition, in the absence of valid cause or consideration
recovery of ownership now the subject of the and consent competently and validly given.
present appeal.
5. Sps. Gestopa v. CA, In ascertaining the intention of the donor, Spouses Danlag own six parcels of land. To four Whether the (second) It was donation inter vivos. The spouses were
G.R. No. 111904, 5 all of the deed’s provisions parcels of land, they executed a donation mortis donation was inter vivos or aware of the difference between the two
October 2000. must be read together. causa in favor of respondent Mercedes Danlag- mortis causa donations, and that they needed to execute
Pilapil, reserving donor's rights to amend, cancel, another deed of donation inter vivos, since it
or revoke the donation and to sell or encumber has a different application to a donation mortis
such properties. Years later, they executed another causa. Also, the court stated four reasons to
donation, this time inter vivos, to six parcels of land the matter: (1) that the spouses donated the
in favor of respondents, reserving their rights to the parcels of land out of love and affection, a
fruits of the land during their lifetime and for clear indication of a donation inter vivos; (2)
prohibiting the donee to sell or dispose the the reservation of a lifetime usufruct; (3)
properties donated. Subsequently, the spouses reservation of sufficient properties for
sold 2 parcels to herein petitioners, spouses maintenance that shows the intention to part
Gestopa, and eventually revoking the donation. with their six lot; and (4) respondent's
Respondent filed a petition to quiet title, stating that acceptance, contained in the deed of
she had already become the owner of the parcels donation. Once a deed of donation has been
of land. Trial Court ruled in favor of petitioners, but accepted, it cannot be revoked, except for
CA reversed.
officiousness or ingratitude, which the
spouses failed to invoke
6. Rev/Atty. Tayoto v. The Bureau of Internal Revenue should On 1945, Atanasio Pineda died, leaving his wife whether or not the The Government can require Manuel B.
Heirs of Cabalo Kusop be given, in instances like the case at and 15 children his estate. One of the children, government can require Pineda to pay the full amount of the taxes
et. Al., G.R. No. 74203, bar, the necessary discretion to avail Manuel B. Pineda, had a share that amounted to manuel pineda to pay the full assessed.
April 17, 1990. itself of the most expeditious way to about P2,500.00. After the estate proceedings amount of taxes assessed Liability of Heir for Tax Due the Estate Pineda
collect the tax as may be envisioned in were closed, the BIR investigated the income is liable for the assessment as an heir and as
the particular provision of the Tax Code tax liability of the estate for the years 1945, 1946, a holder- transferee of property belonging to
above quoted, because taxes are the 1947 and 1948 to which amounted to a total of the estate/taxpayer. As an heir he is
lifeblood of Government and their P760.28 (the whole tax on the estate). Manuel B. individually answerable for the part of the tax
prompt and certain availability is an Pineda opposes on the ground that as an heir he is proportionate to the share he received from
imperious need. liable for unpaid income tax due the estate only up the inheritance. His liability however cannot
to the extent of and in proportion to any share he exceed the amount of his share. As a holder
received. He relies on Government of the Philippine of property belonging to the estate, Pineda is
Islands vs. Pamintuan, where We held that "after liable for the tax up to the amount of the
the partition of an estate, heirs and distributees are property in his possession. The reason is that
liable individually for the payment of all lawful the Government has a lien on the P2,500.00
outstanding claims against the estate in proportion received by him from the estate as his share
to the amount or value of the property they have in the inheritance, for unpaid income taxes for
respectively received from the estate. which said estate is liable, pursuant to the last
paragraph of Section 315 of the Tax Code. By
virtue of such lien, the Government has the
right to subject the property in Pineda's
possession, i.e., the P2,500.00, to satisfy the
income tax assessment in the sum of
P760.28. After such payment, Pineda will
have a right of contribution from his co-heirs,
to achieve an adjustment of the proper share
of each heir in the distributable estate.
2. CIR v. Filminera Sales made to a BOI-registered buyer Company C, a domestic corporation registered with
Resources are export sales subject to the zero the Board of Investments (BOI), entered into a Is the BOI Certification No, a BOI Certification presented was not a
Corporation, G.R. No. percent rate if the following conditions Sales and Purchase Agreement with Company D. presented a sufficient sufficient document to prove that sales were
236325, September 16, are met: (I) the buyer is a BOI-registered For the third and fourth quarters of the FY ending document to prove that sales exported.
2020. manufacturer/producer; (2) the buyer's June 30, 2010, Company D 's sales were all made were exported? Sales made to a BOI-registered buyer are
products are 100% exported; and (3) the to Company C. On March 30, 2012 and June 29, export sales subject to the zero percent rate if
BOI certified that the buyer exported 2012, Company D filed administrative claims for the following conditions are met: (I) the buyer
100% of its products. For this purpose, refund or issuance of Tax Credit Certificates of its is a BOI-registered manufacturer/producer;
the BOI Certification is vital for the seller- unutilized input VAT attributable to its zero-rated (2) the buyer's products are 100% exported;
taxpayer to avail of the benefits of zero- sales for the third and fourth quarters. Thereafter, and (3) the BOI certified that the buyer
rating. The certification is evidence that on August 16, 2012 and November 23, 2012, exported 100% of its products. For this
the buyer exported its entire products Company D filed separate petitions for review purpose, the BOI Certification is vital for the
and shall serve as authority for the seller before the CTA. seller-taxpayer to avail of the benefits of zero-
to claim for refund or tax credit. rating. The certification is evidence that the
buyer exported its entire products and shall
The CTA Division initially denied Company D’s serve as authority for the seller to claim for
petition on the ground of insufficiency of evidence. refund or tax credit.
In seeking reconsideration, Company D submitted A plain reading of the certification shows that
a certified true copy of a BOI Certification to Company C exported 100% of its total sales
establish that Company C was a BOI-registered volume/value, from January 1 to December
enterprise that exported its total sales volume from 31, 2009. However, nothing in the certification
July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. The CTA Division shows that Company C similarly exported its
amended its decision and granted the refund to entire products for the third and fourth quarters
Company D. The CTA En Banc adopted the CTA of FY 2010, or from January 1 to June 30,
Division’s decision. 2010. The validity period of the BOI
certification (January 01 to December 31,
2010) should not be confused with the period
identified in the certification when the buyer
actually exported 100% of its products.
In order for the sales made to Company C
during the third and fourth quarters of FY 2010
qualify as zero-rated sales, the BOI must still
certify that Company C actually exported its
entire product from January 1 to December
31, 2010. The BOI Certification failed to
ascertain this fact.
3. CIR v. Philex Mining The law does not require that subsidiary Company P filed its claims for refund on the excess Are tax declarations and No. There was nothing in the Tax Code or in
Corporation, G.R. No. journals where the sales and purchases input tax arising from its zero-rated sales with the subsidiary journals part of the RR No. 16-2005 that would suggest that the
230016, November 23, (and the output taxes and their Department of Finance (DOF)’s One-Stop Shop requirements of the law for the subsidiary journals and monthly VAT
2020. corresponding input taxes) were Center (OSS). Petitioner CIR alleged that grant declarations are part of the substantiation
recorded, are also kept. Indeed, courts Company P did not submit to the DOF-OSS the of tax credit or refund, and is it requirements that must be complied with to
may not, in the guise of interpretation, required checklist of documents, and Company P the obligation of respondent support a claim for tax refund or credit. The
enlarge the scope of a statute and failed to comply with the accounting requirements, to prove compliance thereto? language used in Section 110 of the Tax Code
include therein situations not provided specifically the keeping of subsidiary sales journal is plain, clear, and unambiguous. To be
nor intended by the lawmakers. To do so and subsidiary purchase journal, and the filing of creditable, the input taxes must be evidenced
would be to do violence to the language monthly VAT declarations as required by RR No. by validly issued invoices and/ or official
16-2005. The CTA in Division, as affirmed by the receipts containing the information
of the law and to invade the legislative CTA En Banc, ruled that Company P timely filed its enumerated in Sections 113 and 237. The law
sphere. administrative and judicial claims for refund and does not require that subsidiary journals
that properly it attached the required documents to where the sales and purchases (and the
support its claims. output taxes and their corresponding input
taxes) were recorded, are also kept. Indeed,
courts may not, in the guise of interpretation,
enlarge the scope of a statute and include
therein situations not provided nor intended by
the lawmakers. To do so would be to do
violence to the language of the law and to
invade the legislative sphere. In all, Company
P’s failure to maintain subsidiary sales and
purchase journals or to file the monthly VAT
declarations should not result in the outright
denial of its claim for refund or credit of
unutilized input VAT attributable to its zero.
4. CIR v. Federation of Membership fees, assessment dues, Federation of Golf Clubs of the Philippines, Inc. Is the issuance of RMC No. No, RMC No. 35-2012 is invalid. The
Golf Clubs of the and the like are neither income nor part (FEDGOLF) questioned the validity of Revenue 35-2012 valid? interpretation under RMC No. 35-2012 is
Philippines, Inc., G.R. of gross receipts of recreational clubs; Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 35-2012 issued erroneous as it effectively eradicated the
No. 226449, July 28, hence, they are not taxable insofar as by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) distinction between “income” and “capital”
2020 income tax and VAT are concerned. before the Regional Trial Court (RTC). when it classified membership dues,
RMC No. 35-2012 clarifies the taxability of clubs assessment fees, and the like as “income”
that are organized and operated exclusively for which are subject to income tax.
pleasure, recreation, and other non-profit purposes Income is the “amount of money coming to a
(recreational clubs), and provides that the income person or corporation within a specified time,
of such clubs from whatever source, including whether as payment for services, interest or
membership fees, assessment dues, rental profit from investment” while capital is the
income, and service fees are subject to income tax, “fund” or “wealth.”
and that the recreational club’s gross receipts Membership fees and the like are considered
including membership fees, assessment dues, as “capital” as they are intended for the
rental income and service fees are subject to value- upkeep of the facilities and operations of
added tax (VAT). recreational clubs, and not to generate
The CIR argues that a recreational club’s income revenue. Only the recreational club’s income
from whatever source is subject to income tax. is subject to income tax.
Moreover, the CIR maintained that the Tax Code RMC No. 35-2012 also erroneously included
provides that non-stock, non-profit organizations the membership dues and the like as part of
are subject to VAT on their sale of goods and gross receipts of recreational clubs which are
services. subject to VAT. In collecting such fees from
The RTC declared RMC No. 35-2012 invalid and members, recreational clubs are not selling
the CIR appealed to the Supreme Court. any kind of service, in the same way that
members are not procuring services from
them. Thus, there could be no “sale, barter, or
exchange of goods or services” that is subject
to VAT.
5. CIR v. Chevron RMO No. 53-98 is not a benchmark in Respondent Chevron is a corporation duly (1) Is the failure of the (1) No. RMO No. 53-98 is addressed to
Holdings, Inc. G.R. No. determining whether the documents organized and existing under the laws of the State taxpayer to submit all the internal revenue officers and employees, for
233301, February 17, submitted by a taxpayer are actually of Delaware, USA. It is licensed by the SEC to documents enumerated in purposes of equity and uniformity, to guide
2020. complete to support a claim for tax credit transact business in the Philippines as regional Revenue Memorandum Order them as to what documents they may require
or refund of excess unutilized input VAT. operating headquarters (ROHQ) and duly (RMO) No. 53-98 fatal to its taxpayers to present upon audit of their tax
RMO No. 53-98 assumes relevance only registered with the BIR as a Value-Added Tax judicial claim for VAT refund? liabilities. Nothing stated in the issuance would
on matters pertinent to an audit of tax (VAT) taxpayer. As ROHQ, it established a shared (2) Did Chevron timely file the show that it was intended to be a benchmark
liabilities, not for a claim of refund of input services center in the Philippines that provides application for tax credit or in determining whether the documents
tax. The law allows the taxpayer to file an finance, information technology, human resource, refund of excess unutilized submitted by a taxpayer are actually complete
administrative claim for refund with the procurement and customer interaction services to input VAT? to support a claim for tax credit or refund of
BIR within 2 years after the close of the its affiliates, subsidiaries or branches in the Asia excess unutilized input VAT.
taxable quarter when the purchase was Pacific and North America Regions. Further, RMO No. 53-98 assumes relevance
made (for the input tax paid on capital On November 2, 2010, Chevron filed with the BIR only on matters pertinent to an audit of tax
goods) or after the close of the taxable an Application for Tax Credits/Refunds (BIR Form liabilities. Thus, it finds no application in the
quarter when the zero-rated or effectively 1914) of its excess and unutilized input VAT credits present case since Chevron’s claim is one for
zero-rated sale was made (for input tax for the four taxable quarters of 2009. refund of its input tax. Chevron submitted all
attributable to zero-rated sale) Upon CIR’s failure to act on the refund claim, documents it deemed necessary for the grant
Chevron filed a Petition for Review before the Court of its refund claim and the CIR did not notify
of Tax Appeals (CTA) in Division on March 23, Chevron of the document it failed to submit, if
2011. The CTA in Division partially granted the any.
refund claim. Both Chevron and the CIR filed their
petitions before the CTA En Banc which affirmed (2) Yes. Section 112 (A) and (C) of the Tax
the decision of the CTA in Division. The CIR moved Code supplies the periods relative to the filing
for reconsideration but the same was denied. of a claim for VAT refunds.
Hence, this Petition for Review before the Supreme As such, the law allows the taxpayer to file an
Court (SC). administrative claim for refund with the BIR
within 2 years after the close of the taxable
quarter when the purchase was made (for the
input tax paid on capital goods) or after the
close of the taxable quarter when the zero-
rated or effectively zero-rated sale was made
(for input tax attributable to zero-rated sale).
The CIR must then act on the claim within 120
days from the submission of complete
documents in support of the application. In the
event of an adverse decision, the taxpayer
may elevate the matter to the CTA by way of
a petition for review within 30 days from the
receipt of the CIR’s decision. If, on the other
hand, the 120-day period lapse without any
action from the CIR, the taxpayer may validly
treat the inaction as denial and file a petition
for review before the CTA within 30 days from
the expiration of the 120-day period. An
appeal taken prior to the expiration of the 120-
day period without a decision or action of the
CIR is premature, without a cause of action,
and therefore, dismissible on the ground of
lack of jurisdiction.
6. CIR v. First E-Bank Condominium association dues, fees, The First E-Bank Tower Condominium Corp. (First Whether or not the No. Association dues, membership fees, and
Tower Condominium and other charges are not subject to E-Bank) filed a petition to declare as invalid BIR condominium dues and other assessments/charges collected by a
Corp., G.R. No. income tax, VAT, and withholding tax. Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 65-2012 membership fees collected by condominium corporation are not subject to
215801.218924, (RMC No. 65-2012). In its petition alleging that: a condominium corporation income tax, VAT, and withholding tax. The
January 15, 2020. 1. It is a non-stock non-profit condominium are taxable? expenditures incurred by the condominium
corporation; RMC No. 65-2012 burdened the corporation on behalf of the condominium
owners of the condominium units with income tax owners are not intended to generate revenue
and Value-Added Tax (VAT) on their own money nor equate to the cost of doing business. The
which they exclusively used for the maintenance association dues, fees, and other charges are
and preservation of the building and its premises; collected purely for the benefit of the
2. RMC No. 65-2012 was oppressive and condominium owners and are incidental to
confiscatory because it required condominium unit condominium corporation’s responsibility to
owners to produce additional amounts for the thirty- oversee, maintain, or even improve the
two percent (32%) income tax and twelve percent common areas of the condominium as well as
(12%) VAT. its governance.
7. CIR v. Bases Sale proceeds of certain properties Bases Conversion & Development Authority, a Whether or not Bases Yes. The Court ruled that the GOCC is exempt
Conversion & which are deemed appropriated by government-owned and controlled corporation Conversion & Development from CWT on the sale of the real properties in
Development Congress to specific recipients are (GOCC), sold real properties in Bonifacio Global Authority is exempt from Bonifacio Global City. Such exemption is
Authority, G.R. No. exempt from all kinds of fees and taxes. City to a joint venture (JV). After the GOCC failed Creditable Withholding Tax found on Section 8 of the Bases Conversion
217898, January 6, to obtain a certificate of tax exemption for the sale, on the sale of its Global City and Development Act. Under the said
2020 the JV withheld taxes and remitted the same to the properties. provision of the law, the sale proceeds of
BIR. Due to the Commissioner of Internal certain properties are deemed appropriated
Revenue’s (CIR) inaction on the claim for refund by Congress to specific recipients.
filed by the GOCC, the claim was elevated to the Consequently, the sale proceeds are not the
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA). The CTA, both in income of the GOCC but public funds subject
Division and En Banc, affirmed the claim for refund to the distribution scheme and purposes
of creditable withholding taxes (CWT) in provided in the law itself.Further, the said
connection with the sale of the aforementioned real provision expressly enjoins that the proceeds
properties. of the sale shall not be diminished by any item
or circumstance, including all forms of taxes
and fees.
In addition, Section 27 of the Tax Code, as
amended, did not repeal the tax exemption
under Section 8 of the Bases Conversion and
Development Act. The former is a general law
while the latter is a special law. As a rule, a
general law cannot impliedly repeal a special
8. Power Sector Asset Sale of the power plants by a GOCC not The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Are the sales of generating No, the sales are not subject to VAT.
and Liabilities “in the course of trade or business” as Management Corporation (PSALM), a assets (power plants) by This issue has been passed upon in the 2017
Management contemplated by the Tax Code is not government-owned and controlled corporation PSALM subject to VAT? case of PSALM vs. Commissioner of Internal
Corporation v. CIR, subject to VAT. created under the Electric Power Industry Reform Revenue, where the Court ruled that the BIR’s
G.R. No. 226556, July Act of 2001 (or EPIRA Law), is mandated to position is anchored on the wrong premise
3, 2019. manage the orderly sale, disposition, and that PSALM is a successor-in-interest of the
privatization of the National Power Corporation’s NPC.
(NPC’s) generation assets, real estate and other Under its charter, the NPC is mandated to
disposable assets, and Independent Power “undertake the development of hydroelectric
Producer contracts with the objective of liquidating generation of power and the production of
all NPC financial obligations and stranded contract electricity from nuclear, geothermal and other
costs in an optimal manner. sources, as well as the transmission of electric
The BIR assessed PSALM for deficiency VAT for power on a nationwide basis.” Under the
the year 2008, alleging that PSALM’s sales of EPIRA Law, which restructured the electric
generating assets (power plants), lease of the power industry into generation, transmission,
Naga Complex, collection of income and distribution, and supply sectors, the NPC is
receivables should be subject to the 12% VAT. now primarily mandated to perform missionary
PSALM filed its protest, arguing that the electrification functions. PSALM, on the other
privatization of the NPC’s assets is an original hand, was created to liquidate all of the NPC’s
mandate of PSALM and hence, the above financial obligations.
transactions are not subject to VAT. PSALM is not a successor-in-interest of the
Upon denial of the protest, PSALM appealed to the NPC and therefore, the repeal of the NPC’s
CTA, which ruled that the sale of generating assets VAT exemption does not affect PSALM.
of PSALM is subject to VAT since this was done in Even if PSALM is deemed a successor-in-
the course of PSALM’s trade or business, and that interest of the NPC, still the sale of the power
the Tax Code, as amended by Republic Act No. plants is not “in the course of trade or
9337, placed the electric power industry under the business” as contemplated by the Tax Code
VAT system. and, is therefore, not subject to VAT.
The sale of the power plants is not in pursuit
of a commercial or economic activity, but of a
governmental function mandated by law to
privatize NPC generation assets. The sale of
the power plants is clearly not the same as the
sale of electricity by generation, transmission,
and distribution companies, which is subject to
VAT under the Tax Code.
This is similar to the 2006 case of Magsaysay
Lines where the Court ruled that the sale of
vessels of the National Development
Company to Magsaysay Lines is not subject to
VAT since it was not made in the course of
trade or business, as it was involuntary and
made pursuant to the government’s policy of
PSALM is also not liable to pay VAT on the
following activities: a) lease of the Naga
Complex; b) collection of income from
participation fees, site visit fees, plant CDs,
photocopying charges and data room access
fees; and c) collection of receivables from
employees for the excess utilization of allowed
mobile phone services, inventory variance
receivables from the custodian, refunds from
a successor-generation company of the
insurance premiums paid by PSALM and
interest from mandatory dollar deposits.
Under the EPIRA Law, PSALM, as the
conservator of NPC assets, operated and
maintained NPC assets and manages its
liabilities in trust for the national government
until the NPC assets could be sold or disposed
of. Thus, during its corporate life, PSALM has
powers relating to the management of its
personnel and leasing of its properties as may
be necessary to discharge its mandate.
Since the lease of the NAGA Complex and the
collection of income and receivables are within
PSALM’s powers, which are necessary to
discharge its mandate under the law, and
likewise undertaken in the exercise of
PSALM’s governmental function, these
activities are not subject to VAT.
9. CIR v. Team Energy Requirements for special law must be Respondent is VAT registered taxpayer principally (1) WON the respondent’s (1) NO. Requirements of the EPIRA must be
Corporation (formerly complied only if the claim for refund is engaged in the business of power generation and failure to submit a Certificate complied with only if the claim for refund is
Mirant Pagbilao based on that special law. A written the subsequent sale to the National Power of Compliance required under based on EPIRA. However, respondents
Corporation), G.R. No. notice requiring the respondent to submit Corporation (NPC). Respondent filed for Effective Electric Power Industry anchored its claim for tax refund or tax credit
230412. March 27, additional documents is indispensable in ZeroRate for the supply of electricity to the NPC for Reform Act issued by the under Section 108(B)(3) of the Tax Code.
2019. computing the 120+30 day period. the period January 1, 2005, to December 31, 2005, Energy Regulatory Section 108(B)(3) of the Tax Code in relation
which was subsequently approved. Subsequently, Commission disqualifies it to Section 13 of the NPC Charter, clearly
the respondent filed an administrative claim for a from claiming a tax refund or provides that the sale of electricity to NPC is
cash refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate tax credit. (2) WON the effectively zero-rated for VAT purposes. Thus,
corresponding to the input VAT reported in its judicial claim was prematurely it cannot be required to comply with the
Quarterly VAT Returns for the first three quarters of filed for its failure to exhaust requirements under the EPIRA before its sale
2005 and Monthly VAT Declaration for October administrative remedies when of generated power to NPC should qualify for
2005 in the amount of P80,136,251.60. Due to the it failed to submit complete VAT zero-rating. (2) NO. There is no showing
petitioner's inaction on its claim, the respondent supporting documents for its that the CIR sent a written notice requiring the
filed a Petition for Review before the Court in administrative claim. respondent to submit additional documents —
Division. On July 13, 2010, the Court in Division a process that is indispensable in computing
issued a decision partially granting the the 120+30day period. The Rule is that from
respondent's petition in the amount of the date an administrative claim for excess
P79,185,617.33. However, upon petitioner's unutilized VAT is filed, a taxpayer has thirty
Motion for Reconsideration, it reversed and set (30) days within which to submit the
aside the Decision and dismissed the Petition for documentary requirements sufficient to
Review for having been filed prematurely. support his claim unless given a further
Respondent filed a "Petition for Review" before the extension by the CIR. Then, upon filing by the
Court En Banc however it was denied due course taxpayer of his complete documents to
for lack of merit. Eventually, the case was elevated support his application, or expiration of the
to the Supreme Court which issued a decision period given, the CIR has 120 days within
granting respondent's Petition for Review on which to decide the claim for tax credit or
Certiorari, reversing and setting aside the decision refund. Should the taxpayer, on the date of his
of CTA en banc and remanding the case to the CTA filing, manifest that he no longer wishes to
En Banc for the proper determination of the submit any other additional documents to
refundable amount. The CTA En Banc reinstated complete his administrative claim, the 120 day
the July 13, 2010 CTA Decision and ruled that the period allowed to the CIR begins to run from
judicial claim was not prematurely filed and the the date of filing. However, CIR, upon a written
failure of the respondent to present its Certificate of request, is not precluded from requiring
Compliance (COC) is not fatal to its claim for refund additional documents necessary to decide the
of unutilized input VAT. claim, or even denying the claim if the
taxpayer fails to submit the additional
documents requested. Thus, the petitioner
could no longer validly argue that the judicial
claim was premature on account of alleged
nonsubmission of complete documents as it is
the petitioner himself who fails to inform the
respondent about the need to submit
additional documents at the administrative
10. CIR v. Negros While the sale of raw sugar, by express Negros Consolidated Farmers Multi-Purpose WON COFA is VAT- exempt, YES. COFA is a VAT-exempt agricultural
Consolidated Farmers provision of law, is exempt from VAT, the Cooperative (COFA) is a multi-purpose agricultural at the time of the subject cooperative. Exemption from the payment of
Multi-Purpose sale of refined sugar, on the other hand, cooperative organized under RA 6938 which transactions (May 12, 2009 to VAT on sales made by the agricultural
Cooperative, G.R. No. is not exempted as refined sugar already delivers sugarcane produce to be milled and July 22, 2009) and therefore cooperatives to members or to non-members
212735, December 5, underwent several refining processes processed with the sugar mill/refinery. COFA's entitled to a tax refund for the necessarily includes exemption from the
2018. and as such, is no longer considered to farmer-members deliver the sugarcane produce to advance VAT it paid. payment of "advance VAT" upon the
be in its original state. However, if the be milled and processed in COFA's name with the withdrawal of the refined sugar from the sugar
sale of the sugar, whether raw or refined, sugar mill/refinery. Before the refined sugar is mill. VAT is a tax on transactions, imposed at
was made by an agricultural cooperative released by the sugar mill, however, an every stage of the distribution process on the
to its members or non-members, such Authorization Allowing the Release of Refined sale, barter, exchange of goods or property,
transaction is still VAT-exempt. Sugar (AARRS) from the Bureau of Internal and on the performance of services, even in
Revenue (BIR) is required from COFA. The BIR the absence of profit attributable thereto, so
has always issued the AARRS without requiring much so that even a non-stock, non-profit
COFA to pay advance VAT pursuant to COFA's tax organization or government entity, is liable to
exemption under RA 6938. However, in February pay VAT on the sale of goods or services.
2009, the BIR required as a condition for the There are, however, certain transactions
issuance of the AARRS the payment of "advance exempt from VAT such as the sale of
VAT" on the premise that COFA, as an agricultural agricultural products in their original state,
cooperative, does not fall under the term including those which underwent simple
"producer." COFA filed with the CIR a claim for processes of preparation or preservation for
refund of the advance VAT it paid. The CIR then the market, such as raw cane sugar. While the
raised COFA’s alleged failure to comply with the sale of raw sugar, by express provision of law,
requisite of a prior claim for refund or credit with the is exempt from VAT, the sale of refined sugar,
CIR and present a quedan of raw sugar as fatal to on the other hand, is not so exempted as
the refund claim. refined sugar already underwent several
refining processes and as such, is no longer
considered to be in its original state. However,
if the sale of the sugar, whether raw or refined,
was made by an agricultural cooperative to its
members or non-members, such transaction
is still VAT-exempt. However, withdrawal of
refined sugar is exempted from advance VAT
upon the concurrence of a two-pronged
criteria: First, the seller must be an agricultural
cooperative duly registered with the CDA. An
agricultural cooperative is "duly registered"
when it has been issued a certificate of
registration by the CDA. This certificate is
conclusive evidence of its registration.
Second, the cooperative must sell either: 1)
exclusively to its members; or 2) to both
members and non-members, its produce,
whether in its original state or processed form.
Having established that COFA is a
cooperative in good standing and duly
registered with the CDA and the producer of
the sugar, its sale of refined sugar whether
sold to members or non-members, following
the express provisions of Section 109(L) of RA
8424, as amended, is exempt from VAT. As a
logical and necessary consequence then of its
established VAT exemption, COFA is likewise
exempted from the payment of advance VAT
As regards the CIR's contention that COFA
failed to submit complete documentary
requirements fatal to its claim for a tax refund,
suffice it to say, that COFA was a recipient and
holder of certificates of tax exemption issued
by the BIR which presupposes that the
cooperative submitted to the BIR the complete
documentary requirements.
11. San Roque Power As a general rule, a taxpayer can file a San Roque Power Corporation (SPC) is a VAT- WON the CTA En Banc was NO. The Court had jurisdiction over the case
Corporation v. CIR, judicial claim only within thirty (30) days registered taxpayer which was granted by the BIR correct in ruling that the Court pursuant to the BIR Ruling No. DA-489- 03
G.R. No. 203249, July from the expiration of the 120-day period a zero-rating on its sales of electricity to NPC. In did not have jurisdiction over which is an exception to the mandatory and
23, 2018 if the Commissioner does not act within 2005 and 2006, SPC filed two separate the case on the ground of the jurisdictional nature of the 120-day and 30-
the 120-day period. This requirement is administrative claims for refund of its alleged premature filing of the same. day periods. BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03, which
mandatory and jurisdictional. By way of unutilized input tax for specific months in 2004. Due provides that a taxpayer-claimant need not
an exception, however, judicial claims to the inaction of respondent CIR, the petitioner wait for the lapse of the 120- day period before
filed during the window period from 10 filed petitions for review before the CTA in Mar. it could seek judicial relief with the CTA, can
December 2003 to 6 October 2010, need 2006 and in June 2006, respectively. The CTA be relied on by the taxpayers from the time of
not wait for the exhaustion of the 120-day Division granted the petitioner's petition but this its issuance on Dec. 10, 2003 until Oct. 6,
period pursuant to BIR Ruling No. DA- was overturned by the CTA En Banc ruling that the 2010 which is the promulgation of the Aichi
489-03. judicial claims of the petitioner were prematurely case (mandating for dismissal due to
filed in violation of the 120-day and 30-day periods premature filing). This is pursuant to the
prescribed in Section 112 (D) of the NIRC. The principle of equitable estoppel enshrined in
CTA bank held that by reason of prematurity of its Sec. 246 of the NIRC which decrees that a BIR
petitions for review, San Roque Power Corporation regulation or ruling cannot adversely prejudice
failed to exhaust administrative remedies which is a taxpayer who in good faith relied on the BIR
fatal to its invocation of the court's power of review. regulation or ruling prior to its reversal. In
effect, the 120+30-day period to seek judicial
relief by the CTA is generally mandatory and
jurisdictional from the effectivity of the 1997
NIRC on 1 January 1998, up to the present.
By way of an exception, however, judicial
claims filed during the window period from 10
December 2003 to 6 October 2010, need not
wait for the exhaustion of the 120-day period.
In this case, the two judicial claims filed by the
petitioner fell within the window period, thus,
the CTA can take cognizance over them.
12. Nippon Express A VAT invoice and a VAT receipt are Petitioner Nippon Express is a domestic WON sales invoices and NO. For sales of services, invoices other than
(Philippines) Corp. v. different. A VAT invoice is necessary for corporation registered with the Large Taxpayer documents other than official official receipts are not proper. A VAT invoice
CIR, G.R. No. 191495, every sale, barter or exchange of goods District Officeis as a VAT Taxpayer. As a claim for receipts are proper in and a VAT receipt are different. A VAT invoice
July 23, 2018. or properties while a VAT official receipt refund, Nippon applied for a tax credit certificate substantiating zero-rated is necessary for every sale, barter or
properly pertains to every lease of goods (TCC) of its excess input tax from its zero-rated sales of services for the exchange of goods or properties while a VAT
or properties, and for every sale, barter sales for all four taxable quarters of 2004, under purpose of tax refund. official receipt properly pertains to every lease
or exchange of services Hence, in a Sec 112 of the NIRC. As BIR did nothing, Nippon of goods or properties, and for every sale,
claim for refund under Section 112 of the filed a Petition for Review with the CTA. The CIR barter or exchange of services. A taxpayer
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), countered that Nippon’s excess input VAT was not claimant who seeks a refund his excess or
the claimant must show that: (1) it is fully substantiated by proper documents. The CTA unutilized creditable input VAT has the burden
engaged in zero-rated sales of goods or denied Nippon’s claim on the ground of failure to to prove (1) payment of input VAT to suppliers;
services; and (2) it paid input VAT that submit VAT official receipts as proof of zero-rated and (2) zero-rated sales to purchasers and (3)
are attributable to such zero-rated sales. sales, as required by Sec 113 of the NIRC as the Input VAT is attributable to his zero-rated
Otherwise stated, the claimant must amended for businesses that provide services. The sales. The CTA En Banc held the view that
prove that it made a purchase of taxable CTA En Banc Ruling affirmed the CTA. Nippon while Sections 113 and 237 used the
goods or services for which it paid VAT argued that the laws do not expressly limit the disjunctive term "or," it must not be interpreted
(input), and later on engaged in the sale acceptable evidence of sale of goods or properties as giving a taxpayer an unconfined choice to
of goods or services subject to VAT to be supported only by sales invoices, or the sale select between issuing an invoice or an official
(output) but at zero rate. There is a of services by official receipts only, thus sales receipt. To the court a quo, sales invoices
refundable sum when the amount of invoices and documents other than official receipts must support sales of goods or properties
input (VAT (attributable to zero-rated should be accepted. while official receipts must support sales of
sale) is higher than the claimant's output services. Irrefutably, when a VAT-taxpayer
VAT during one taxable period (quarter). claims to have zero-rated sales of services, it
must substantiate the same through valid VAT
official receipts, not any other document, not
even a sales invoice that properly pertains to
a sale of goods or properties. In this case, the
documentary proofs presented by Nippon
Express to substantiate its zero-rated sales of
services consisted of sales invoices and other
secondary evidence like transfer slips, credit
memos, cargo manifests, and credit notes. It
is very clear that these are inadequate to
support the petitioner's sales of services.
Consequently, the CTA, albeit without
jurisdiction, correctly ruled that Nippon
Express is not entitled to its claim. The CTA
did not acquire jurisdiction over Nippon
Express' judicial claim considering that its
petition was filed beyond the mandatory 30-
day period of appeal. Logically, there is no
reason to allow the petitioner to submit further
evidence by way of official receipts to
substantiate its zero-rated sales of services.
Likewise, there is no need to pass upon the
issue on whether sales invoices or documents
other than official receipts can support a sale
of service considering the CTA's lack of
jurisdiction. The mandatory and jurisdictional
period to appeal to the CTA from the CIR is 30
days counted from the receipt of the decision
or inaction by the CIR. The CIR has 120 days
to decide, counted from the submission of
documents for the tax refund or tax credit. An
application for a cash refund or issuance of
TCC for excess and unutilized creditable input
VAT attributable to zero-rated sales can be
filed within two (2) years after the close of the
taxable quarter when the sales were made. In
sum, VAT official receipts are indispensable to
prove sales of services by a VAT-registered
taxpayer. Consequently, the petitioner is not
entitled to the claimed refund or TCC.
13. CIR v. Euro- Failure to comply with invoicing Euro-Phil (respondent) is an exclusive passenger WON the transaction sale YES. Services rendered by Euro-Phil were to
Philippine Airline requirements, non-imprintment of the sales agent of British Airways, PLC, an off-line made by Euro-Phil is entitled a person engaged in international air-
Services Inc., G.R. No. word "zero-rated," as mandated by law international airline in the Philippines to service the to the benefit of zero-rated transport operations. Thus, by application,
222436, July 23, 2018. does not deem the transaction subject to latter's passengers in the Philippines. In this case, VAT despite its failure to Section 108 of the NIRC subjects the services
12% VAT. Euro-Phil received a Formal Assessment Notice comply with invoicing of Euro-Phil to British Airways PLC, to the rate
from petitioner CIR consisting of deficiency requirements as mandated by of zero percent VAT. Also, Section 113 of the
assessment of VAT for services rendered as law. NIRC nowhere states a presumption created
passenger sales agent of British Airways PLC. by law that the non-imprintment of the word
Euro-Phil filed a final protest arguing that the "zero-rated" deems the transaction subject to
receipts that are supposedly subject to 12% VAT 12% VAT. In addition, Section 4.113-4 of
actually pertained to "services rendered to persons Revenue Regulations 16-2005, also do not
engaged exclusively in international air transport" state that the non-imprintment of the word
hence, zero-rated. On the other hand, CIR said that "zero-rated" deems the transaction subject to
the presentation of VAT official receipts with the 12% VAT. Thus, failure to comply with
words "zero-rated" imprinted in it is indispensable invoicing requirements as mandated by law
to cancel the VAT assessment against Euro-Phil. does not deem the transaction subject to 12%
14. Power Sector The power plants, which were previously PSALM is a GOCC with a purpose under RA 9136 WON the sale of the power NO, PSALM is not liable to pay the deficiency
Asset and Liabilities owned by NPC were transferred to to manage the orderly sale, disposition, and plants or PSALM’s VAT. SEC 105. Persons Liable. - Any person
Management PSALM for the specific purpose of privatization of the National Power Corporation privatization of activities is who, in the course of trade or business, sells,
Corporation v. CIR, privatizing such assets. The sale of the (NPC) generation assets, real estate, and other subject to VAT. barters, exchanges, leases goods or
G.R. No. 198146, power plants cannot be considered as an disposable assets, and Independent Power properties, renders services, and any person
August 8, incidental transaction made in the course Producer contracts with the objective of liquidating who imports goods shall be subject to the
2017 of NPC's or PSALM's business. all NPC financial obligations and stranded contract value-added tax (VAT) imposed in Sections
Therefore, the sale of the power plants costs in an optimal manner. PSALM conducted 106 to 108 of this Code. xxx In the course of
should not be subject to VAT. Sec 108 of public biddings for the privatization of the trade or business means the regular conduct
NIRC is inapplicable to this case. Pantabangan-Masiway Hydroelectric Power Plant, or pursuit of commercial or economic activity,
which First Gen Hydropower Corporation with its including transactions incidental thereto, by
$129 Million bid, and SN Aboitiz Power Corporation any person regardless of whether or not the
with its $530 Million bid won respectively. NPC person engaged therein is a nonstock,
received a letter on Aug. 17, 2007 from BIR nonprofit private organization (irrespective of
demanding immediate payment of P3,813,080,472 the disposition of its net income and whether
deficiency of VAT for the Plants. BIR, NPC, and or not it sells exclusively to members or their
PSALM executed a Memorandum of Agreement. In guests), or government entity. Even if PSALM
compliance with the MOA, PSALM remitted the is deemed a successor-in-interest of NPC, still
P3,813,080,472 under protest to the BIR, the sale of the power plants is not "in the
representing the total basic VAT due. On course of trade or business" as contemplated
September 21, PSALM filed with the DOJ a petition under Section 105 of the NIRC, and thus, not
for the adjudication of the dispute with the BIR to subject to VAT. The sale of the power plants
resolve the issue of whether the sale of the power is not in pursuit of a commercial or economic
plants should be subject to VAT, which the DOJ activity but a governmental function mandated
ruled in favor of PSALM. BIR filed for a MR alleging by law to privatize NPC generation assets.
that the DOJ had no jurisdiction because the PSALM owned the power plants which were
dispute involved tax laws administered by the BIR sold. PSALM's ownership of the NPC assets
and thus within the jurisdiction of the Court of Tax is clearly stated under Sections 49, 51, and 55
Appeals. Further, the sale of the Plants by PSALM of the EPIRA law. Under the EPIRA law, the
to private entities is in the course of trade or ownership of the generation assets, real
business contemplated under Section 105 of the estate, IPP contracts, and other disposable
NIRC of 1997, which covers incidental assets of the NPC was transferred to PSALM.
transactions. Hence, the sale is subject to VAT. Clearly, PSALM is not a mere trustee of the
NPC assets but is the owner thereof.
Precisely, PSALM, as the owner of the NPC
assets, is the government entity tasked under
the EPIRA law to privatize such NPC assets.
The sale of the power plants cannot be
considered as an incidental transaction made
in the course of NPC's or PSALM's business.
Therefore, the sale of the power plants should
not be subject to VAT.
15. Medicard For purposes of determining the VAT Petitioner MEDICARD is a Health Maintenance Whether or not the amounts The Court rules that for purposes of
Philippines, Inc. v. liability of an HMO, the amounts Organization (HMO) that provides prepaid health that medicard earmarked and determining the VAT liability of an HMO, the
CIR, G.R. No. 222743, earmarked and actually spent for medical and medical insurance coverage to its clients. eventually paid to the medical amounts earmarked and actually spent for
April 5, 2017 utilization of its members should not be MEDICARD filed its First, Second, and Third service providers should still medical utilization of its members should not
included in the computation of its gross Quarterly VAT Returns through Electronic Filing form part of its gross receipts be included in the computation of its gross
receipts. and Payment System (EFPS) on April 20, 2006, for vat purposes. receipts.
July 25, 2006 And October 20, 2006, respectively, Since an HMO like MEDICARD is primarily
and its Fourth Quarterly VAT Return on January 25, engaged in arranging for coverage or
2007. Upon finding some discrepancies between designated managed care services that are
MEDICARD's Income Tax Returns (ITR) and VAT needed by plan holders/members for fixed
Returns, the CIR informed MEDICARD and issued prepaid membership fees and for a specified
a Letter Notice (LN). Subsequently, the CIR also period of time, then MEDICARD is principally
issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) engaged in the sale of services. Its VAT base
against MEDICARD for deficiency VAT. A and corresponding liability is, thus, determined
Memorandum dated December 10, 2007 was under Section 108 (A) of the Tax Code, as
likewise issued recommending the issuance of a amended by Republic Act No. 9337. Prior to
Formal Assessment Notice (FAN) against RR No. 16-2005, an HMO, like a pre-need
MEDICARD. company, is treated for VAT purposes as a
On January 4, 2008, MEDICARD received CIR's dealer in securities whose gross receipts is the
FAN dated December 10, 2007 for alleged amount actually received as contract price
deficiency VAT for taxable year 2006 in the total without allowing any deduction from the gross
amount of P196,614,476.69, inclusive of penalties. receipts.
According to the CIR, the taxable base of HMOs for The CTA en banc overlooked that the
VAT purposes is its gross receipts without any definition of gross receipts under RR No. 16-
deduction under Section 4.108.3 (k) of Revenue 2005 merely presumed that the amount
Regulations (RR) No. 16-2005. Citing received by an HMO as membership fee is the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Philippine HMO's compensation for their services. As a
Health Care Providers, Inc., the CIR argued that mere presumption, an HMO is, thus, allowed
since MEDICARD does not actually provide to establish that a portion of the amount it
medical and/or hospital services, but merely received as membership fee does NOT
arranges for the same, its services are not VAT actually compensate it but some other person,
exempt. which in this case are the medical service
On February 14, 2008, the CIR issued a Tax providers themselves. Absent a statutory
Verification Notice authorizing Revenue Officer definition, this Court has construed the term
Romualdo Plocios to verify the supporting gross receipts in its plain and ordinary
documents of MEDICARD's Protest. MEDICARD meaning, that is, gross receipts is understood
also submitted additional supporting documentary as comprising the entire receipts without any
evidence in aid of its Protest through a letter dated deduction.
March 18, 2008. 15 On June 19, 2009, MEDICARD As an HMO, MEDICARD primarily acts as an
received CIR's Final Decision on Disputed intermediary between the purchaser of
Assessment dated May 15, 2009, denying healthcare services (its members) and the
MEDICARD's protest healthcare providers (the doctors, hospitals
The CTA Division held that: (1) the determination and clinics) for a fee. By enrolling membership
of deficiency VAT is not limited to the issuance of with MEDICARD, its members will be able to
Letter of Authority (LOA) alone as the CIR is avail of the pre-arranged medical services
granted vast powers to perform examination and from its accredited healthcare providers
assessment functions; (2) in lieu of an LOA, an LN without the necessary protocol of posting cash
was issued to MEDICARD informing it of the bonds or deposits prior to being attended to or
discrepancies between its ITRs and VAT Returns admitted to hospitals or clinics, especially
and this procedure is authorized under Revenue during emergencies, at any given time. Apart
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 30-2003 and 42- from this, MEDICARD may also directly
2003; (3) MEDICARD is estopped from questioning provide medical, hospital and laboratory
the validity of the assessment on the ground of lack services, which depends upon its member's
of LOA since the assessment issued against choice. Thus, in the course of its business as
MEDICARD contained the requisite legal and such, MEDICARD members can either avail of
factual bases that put MEDICARD on notice of the medical services from MEDICARD's
deficiencies and it in fact availed of the remedies accredited healthcare providers or directly
provided by law without questioning the nullity of from MEDICARD. In the former, MEDICARD
the assessment; (4) the amounts that MEDICARD members obviously knew that beyond the
earmarked and eventually paid to doctors, agreement to pre-arrange the healthcare
hospitals and clinics cannot be excluded from the needs of its members, MEDICARD would not
computation of its gross receipts under the actually be providing the actual healthcare
provisions of RR No. 4-2007 because the act of service. Thus, based on industry practice,
earmarking or allocation is by itself an act of MEDICARD informs its would-be members
ownership and management over the funds by beforehand that 80% of the amount would be
MEDICARD which is beyond the contemplation of earmarked for medical utilization and only the
RR No. 4-2007; (5) MEDICARD's earnings from its remaining 20% comprises its service fee. In
clinics and laboratory facilities cannot be excluded the latter case, MEDICARD's sale of its
from its gross receipts because the operation of services is exempt from VAT under Section
these clinics and laboratory is merely an incident to 109 (G).
MEDICARD's main line of business as an HMO The CTA's ruling and CIR's Comment have
and there is no evidence that MEDICARD not pointed to any portion of Section 108 of the
segregated the amounts pertaining to this at the NIRC that would extend the definition of gross
time it received the premium from its members; and receipts even to amounts that do not only
(6) MEDICARD was not able to substantiate the pertain to the services to be performed by
amount pertaining to its January 2006 income and another person, other than the taxpayer, but
therefore has no basis to impose a 10% VAT rate. even to amounts that were indisputably
MEDICARD filed a Motion for Reconsideration but utilized not by MEDICARD itself but by the
it was denied. Hence, MEDICARD elevated the medical service providers.
matter to the CTA en banc. In a Decision 21 dated For this Court to subject the entire amount of
September 2, 2015, the CTA en banc partially MEDICARD's gross receipts without
granted the petition only insofar as the 10% VAT exclusion, the authority should have been
rate for January 2006 is concerned but sustained reasonably founded from the language of the
the findings of the CTA Division in all other matters. statute. In the scheme of judicial tax
Disagreeing with the CTA en banc's decision, administration, the need for certainty and
MEDICARD filed a motion for reconsideration but it predictability in the implementation of tax laws
was denied. Hence, this petition. is crucial. The CIR's interpretation of gross
receipts in the present case is patently
erroneous for lack of both textual and
nontextual support. As to the CIR's argument
that the act of earmarking or allocation is by
itself an act of ownership and management
over the funds, the Court does not agree. On
the contrary, it is MEDICARD's act of
earmarking or allocating 80% of the amount it
received as membership fee at the time of
payment that weakens the ownership imputed
to it. By earmarking or allocating 80% of the
amount, MEDICARD unequivocally
recognizes that its possession of the funds is
not in the concept of owner but as a mere
administrator of the same. For this reason, at
most, MEDICARD's right in relation to these
amounts is a mere inchoate owner which
would ripen into actual ownership if, and only
if, there is underutilization of the membership
fees at the end of the fiscal year. Prior to that,
MEDICARD is bound to pay from the amounts
it had allocated as an administrator once its
members avail of the medical services of
MEDICARD's healthcare providers. Before
the Court, the parties were one in submitting
the legal issue of whether the amounts
MEDICARD earmarked, corresponding to
80% of its enrollment fees, and paid to the
medical service providers should form part of
its gross receipt for VAT purposes, after
having paid the VAT on the amount
comprising the 20%.
It is significant to note in this regard that
MEDICARD established that upon receipt of
payment of membership fee it actually issued
two official receipts, one pertaining to the
VATable portion, representing compensation
for its services, and the other represents the
non-vatable portion pertaining to the amount
earmarked for medical utilization. Therefore,
the absence of an actual and physical
segregation of the amounts pertaining to two
different kinds of fees cannot arbitrarily
disqualify MEDICARD from rebutting the
presumption under the law and from proving
that indeed services were rendered by its
healthcare providers for which it paid the
amount it sought to be excluded from its gross
16. Aichi Forging Asia An appeal outside the 2-year period is Petitioner AICHI is a domestic corporation duly Whether or not AICHI availed No. On the judicial claim for refund or tax credit
v. CTA, G.R. No. not legally infirm for as long as it is taken organized and existing under the laws of the of the correct remedy and can of AICHI, the CTA did not validly acquire
193625. August 30, within 30 days from the decision or Philippines. It is duly registered with the Bureau of question the CTA ruling. jurisdiction over such judicial claim because
2017 inaction on the administrative claim that Internal Revenue (BIR) as a VAT taxpayer and with the appeal before the court was made
must have been initiated within the 2- the Board of Investments (BOI) as an expanding prematurely. When the CTA acts without
year prescriptive period. The appeal to producer of closed impression die steel forgings. jurisdiction, its decision is void. Consequently,
the CTA is always initiated within 30 days On 26 September 2002, AICHI filed with the BIR the answer to the second issue, i.e., whether
from decision or inaction regardless District Office in San Pedro, Laguna, a written claim AICHI can still question the CTA ruling,
whether the date of its filing is within or for refund and/or tax credit of its unutilized input becomes irrelevant.
outside the 2-year period of limitation. VAT credits for the third and fourth quarters of 2000 From the submission of the complete
and the four taxable quarters of 2001. AICHI documents to support the claim, the CIR has
sought the tax refund/credit of input VAT for the a period of one hundred twenty (120) days to
said taxable quarters representing VAT payments decide on the claim. If the CIR decides within
on importation of capital goods and domestic the 120-day period, the taxpayer may initiate
purchases of goods and services. As respondent a judicial claim by filing within 30 days an
CIR failed to act on the refund claim a petition for appeal before the CTA. If there is no decision
Review was filed before the CTA. within the 120-day period, the CIR's inaction
After finding that both the administrative and shall be deemed a denial of the application. In
judicial claims were filed within the statutory two- the latter case, the taxpayer may institute the
year prescriptive period, the CTA Division partially judicial claim, also by an appeal, within 30
granted the refund claim of AICHI. The CTA days before the CTA.
Division denied AICHI's refund claim with respect It is not disputed that AICHI had timely filed its
to its purchase of capital goods for the period 1 July administrative claim for refund or tax credit
2000 to 31 December 2001 because of the latter's before the BIR. The records show that the
failure to show that the goods purchased formed claim for refund/tax credit of input taxes
part of its Property, Plant and Equipment Account covering the six separate taxable periods from
and that they were subjected to depreciation the 3rd Quarter of 2000 up to the 4th Quarter
allowance. of 2001 was made on 26 September 2002.
The CIR questioned the partial grant of the refund Both the CTA Division and CTA En Banc
claim in favor of AICHI. It claimed that the court did correctly ruled that it fell within the two-year
not acquire jurisdiction over the refund claim in view statute of limitations. However, its judicial
of AICHI's failure to observe the 30-day period to claim was filed a mere four days later on 30
claim refund/tax credit as specified in Sec. 112 of September 2002, or before the window period
the Tax Code, i.e., appeal to the CTA may be filed when the taxpayers need not observe the 120-
within 30 days from receipt of the decision denying day mandatory and jurisdictional period.
the claim or after expiration of 120 days (denial by All that is required under the law is that the
inaction). With the filing of the administrative claim appeal to the CTA is brought within 30 days
on 26 September 2002, the CIR had until 20 from either decision or inaction. Under the
January 2003 to act on the matter; and if it failed to foregoing interpretation, there may be two
do so, AICHI had the right to elevate the case possible scenarios when an appeal to the CTA
before the CTA within 30 days from 20 January is considered fatally defective even when
2003, or on or before 20 February 2003. However, initiated within the two-year prescriptive
AICHI filed its Petition for Review on 30 September period: first, when there is no decision and the
2002, or before the 30-day period of appeal had appeal is taken prior to the lapse of the 120-
commenced. According to the CIR, this period is day mandatory period, 45 except only the
jurisdictional, thus, AICHI's failure to observe it appeal within the window period from 10
resulted in the CTA not acquiring jurisdiction over December 2003 to 6 October 2010; 46
its appeal. The CTA En Banc was not persuaded. second, the appeal is taken beyond 30 days
The court ruled that the law does not prohibit the from either decision or inaction "deemed a
simultaneous filing of the administrative and judicial denial."In contrast, an appeal outside the 2-
claims for refund. It further declared that what is year period is not legally infirm for as long as
controlling is that both claims for refund are filed it is taken within 30 days from the decision or
within the two-year prescriptive period. inaction on the administrative claim that must
Citing Section 1, Rule 15 of A.M. No. 05-11-07-CTA have been initiated within the 2-year
or the Revised Rules of the Court of Tax Appeals prescriptive period. In other words, the appeal
(Revised CTA Rules), AICHI claims that it has to the CTA is always initiated within 30 days
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the questioned from decision or inaction regardless whether
decision of the CTA En Banc within which to file a the date of its filing is within or outside the 2-
motion for reconsideration. Considering that it year period of limitation.
received the 18 February 2010 Decision of the CTA Considering our holding that the CTA did not
En Banc on 25 February 2010, and that it filed the acquire jurisdiction over the appeal of AICHI,
Motion for Reconsideration on 12 March 2010, the decision partially granting the refund claim
AICHI asserts that the filing of the said motion was must therefore be set aside as a void
made within the prescriptive period provided in the judgment. The rule is that where there is want
law. Hence, this petition. of jurisdiction over a subject matter, the
judgment is rendered null and void. A void
judgment is in legal effect no judgment, by
which no rights are divested, from which no
right can be obtained, which neither binds nor
bars anyone, and under which all acts
performed and all claims flowing out are void.
17. CIR v. PAGCOR, A special law must be interpreted to Respondent Philippine Amusement and Gaming Whether or not PAGCOR is Yes. The CIR insists that under VAT Ruling
G.R. No. 177387. constitute an exception to the general Corporation (PAGCOR) has operated under a exempt from VAT. No. 04-96 (dated May 14, 1996), VAT Ruling
November 9, 2016. law in the absence of special legislative franchise granted by Presidential No. 030-99 (dated March 18, 1999), and VAT
circumstances warranting a contrary Decree No. 1869 (P.D. No. 1869), its Charter, Ruling No. 067-01 (dated October 8, 2001),
conclusion. whose Section 13 (2) provides that: (2) Income and R.A. No. 7716 has expressly repealed,
other Taxes — (a) Franchise Holder: No tax of any amended, or withdrawn the 5% franchise tax
kind or form, income or otherwise, as well as fees, provision in PAGCOR's Charter; hence,
charges or levies of whatever nature, whether PAGCOR was liable for the 10% VAT. The
National or Local, shall be assessed and collected relevant provisions of R.A. No. 7716 on which
under this Franchise from the Corporation; nor the insistence has been anchored are the
shall any form of tax or charge attach in any way to following: Section 102 of the National Internal
the earnings of the Corporation, except a Franchise Revenue Code, as amended, is hereby further
Tax of five percent (5%) of the gross revenue or amended to read as follows: "SEC. 102.
earnings derived by the Corporation from its Value-added tax on sale of services and use
operation under this Franchise. or lease of properties. — (a) Rate and base of
Notwithstanding the aforesaid 5% franchise tax tax. — There shall be levied, assessed and
imposed, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) collected, a value-added tax equivalent to
issued several assessments against PAGCOR for 10% of gross receipts derived from the sale or
alleged deficiency value-added tax (VAT). exchange of services, including the use or
On December 18, 2002, PAGCOR filed a letter- lease of properties. "The phrase 'sale or
protest with the BIR against Assessment Notice exchange of services' means the performance
No. 33-1996/1997/1998 and Assessment Notice of all kinds of service in the Philippines for
No. 33-99. On March 31, 2003, PAGCOR filed a others for a fee, remuneration or
letter-protest against Assessment Notice No. 33- consideration, including x x x service of
2000, in which it reiterated the assertions made in franchise grantees of telephone and
its December 18, 2002 letter-protest. In reply to telegraph, radio and television broadcasting
both letters-protest, the BIR requested PAGCOR to and all other franchise grantees except those
submit additional documents to enable the conduct under Section 117 of this Code;"
of the reinvestigation. The CIR did not act on Section 117 of the National Internal Revenue
PAGCOR's letter-protest against Assessment Code, as amended, is hereby further
Notice No. 33-1996/1997/1998 and Assessment amended further to read as follows: "SEC.
Notice No. 33-99 within the 180-day period from 117. Tax on Franchises. — Any provision of
the latter's submission of additional documents. general or special law to the contrary
Hence, PAGCOR filed an appeal with the notwithstanding, there shall be levied,
Secretary of Justice on January 5, 2004 relative to assessed and collected in respect to all
Assessment Notice No. 33-1996/1997/1998 and franchises on electric, gas and water utilities a
Assessment Notice No. 33-99. Meanwhile, in tax of two percent (2%) on the gross receipts
response to PAGCOR's letter-protest dated March derived from the business covered by the law
31, 2003, BIR Regional Director Teodorica Arcega granting the franchise. x x x" SEC. 20.
issued a letter dated December 15, 2003 reiterating Repealing Clauses. — The provisions of any
the assessment for deficiency VAT for taxable year special law relative to the rate of franchise
2000. taxes are hereby expressly repealed. x x x
However, the BIR only recomputed the deficiency The CIR argues that PAGCOR's gambling
final withholding tax on fringe benefits and operations are embraced under the phrase
expanded withholding tax, and reduced the sale or exchange of services, including the
assessments to P12,212,199.85 and use or lease of properties; that such
P6,959,525.10, respectively. PAGCOR elevated its operations are not among those expressly
protest against Assessment Notice No. 33-2000 to exempted from the 10% VAT under Section 3
the CIR, but the 180-day period prescribed by law of R.A. No. 7716; and that the legislative
also lapsed without any action on the part of the purpose to withdraw PAGCOR's 5% franchise
CIR. Consequently, on August 4, 2004, PAGCOR tax was manifested by the language used in
brought another appeal to the Secretary of Justice Section 20 of R.A. No. 7716.
covering Assessment Notice No. 33-2000. The The CIR's arguments lack merit. Firstly, a
Secretary of Justice consolidated PAGCOR's two basic rule in statutory construction is that a
appeals. After the parties traded pleadings, the special law cannot be repealed or modified by
Secretary of Justice summoned them to a a subsequently enacted general law in the
preliminary conference to discuss, inter alia, any absence of any express provision in the latter
possible settlement or compromise. When no law to that effect. A special law must be
amicable settlement was reached, the consolidated interpreted to constitute an exception to the
appeals were considered submitted for resolution. general law in the absence of special
On December 22, 2006, Secretary of Justice Raul circumstances warranting a contrary
M. Gonzales rendered the first assailed resolution conclusion. R.A. No. 7716, a general law, did
declaring PAGCOR exempt from the payment of all not provide for the express repeal of
taxes except the 5% franchise tax provided in its PAGCOR's Charter, which is a special law;
Charter. On March 12, 2007, Secretary Gonzales hence, the general repealing clause under
issued the second assailed resolution denying the Section 20 of R.A. No. 7716 must pertain only
CIR's motion for reconsideration. Hence, this to franchises of electric, gas, and water
petition. utilities, while the term other franchises in
Section 102 of the NIRC should refer only to
transport, communications and utilities,
exclusive of PAGCOR's casino operations.
Secondly, R.A. No. 7716 indicates that
Congress has not intended to repeal
PAGCOR's privilege to enjoy the 5% franchise
tax in lieu of all other taxes. A contrary
construction would be unwarranted and
myopic nitpicking. In this regard, we should
follow the following apt reminder uttered in
Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation v.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue: A law
must not be read in truncated parts; its
provisions must be read in relation to the
whole law. Every part of the statute must be
interpreted with reference to the context, i.e.,
that every part of the statute must be
considered together with other parts of the
statute and kept subservient to the general
intent of the whole enactment. In construing a
statute, courts have to take the thought
conveyed by the statute as a whole. Although
Section 3 of R.A. No. 7716 imposes 10% VAT
on the sale or exchange of services, including
the use or lease of properties, the provision
also considers transactions that are subject to
0% VAT. On the other hand, Section 4 of R.A.
No. 7716 enumerates the transactions exempt
from VAT, viz.: SEC. 4. Section 103 of the
National Internal Revenue Code, as
amended, is hereby further amended to read
as follows: "SEC. 103. Exempt transactions.
— The following shall be exempt from the
value-added tax: xxx xxx xxx "(q) Transactions
which are exempt under special laws, except
those granted under Presidential Decree Nos.
66, 529, 972, 1491, and 1590, and nonelectric
cooperatives under republic Act No. 6938, or
international agreements to which the
Philippines is a signatory; xxx xxx xxx"
R.A. No. 7716 does not specifically exclude
PAGCOR's exemption under P.D. No. 1869
from the grant of exemptions from VAT;
hence, the petitioner's contention that R.A.
No. 7716 expressly amended PAGCOR's
franchise has no leg to stand on. Moreover,
PAGCOR's exemption from VAT, whether
under R.A. No. 7716 or its amendments, has
been settled in Philippine Amusement and
Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) v. The
Bureau of Internal Revenue, whereby the
Court, citing Commissioner of Internal
Revenue v. Acesite (Philippines) Hotel
Corporation, has declared: Petitioner is
exempt from the payment of VAT, because
PAGCORs charter, P.D. No. 1869, is a special
law that grants petitioner exemption from
The assessments for deficiency VAT issued
against PAGCOR should be canceled for lack
of legal basis. The Court also deems it
warranted to cancel the assessments for
deficiency withholding VAT pertaining to the
payments made by PAGCOR to its catering
service contractor. In two separate letters
dated December 12, 2003 41 and December
15, 2003, the BIR conceded that the
unmonetized meal allowances of PAGCOR's
employees were not subject to fringe benefits
tax (FBT).
However, the BIR held PAGCOR liable for
expanded withholding VAT for the payments
made to its catering service contractor who
provided the meals for its employees. The
payments made by PAGCOR to its catering
service contractor are subject to zero-rated
(0%) VAT in accordance with Section 13 (2) of
P.D. No. 1869 in relation to Section 3 of R.A.
No. 7716. SEC. 3. Section 102 of the National
Internal Revenue Code, as amended, is
hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 102. Value-added tax on sale of service
and use or lease of properties. — x x x "(b)
Transaction subject to zero-rate. — The
following services performed in the Philippines
by VAT-registered persons shall be subject to
0%: "xxx xxx xxx "(3) Services rendered to
persons or entities whose exemptions under
special laws or international agreements to
which the Philippines is a signatory effectively
subjects the supply of such services to zero
rate. As such, the catering service contractor,
who is presumably a VAT-registered person,
shall impose a zero rate (0%) output tax on its
sale or lease of goods, services or properties
to PAGCOR. Consequently, no withholding
tax is due on such a transaction.
18. Silicon Philippines The 120/30-day prescriptive periods Petitioner SPI, formerly known as Intel Philippines Whether or not the petition No. In San Roque: Section 112(C) expressly
v. CIR, G.R. No. under the NIRC are mandatory and Manufacturing, Inc., is a corporation duly organized before the CTA was timely grants the Commissioner 120 days within
173241, March 25, jurisdictional, and the matter of and existing under Philippine laws. It is registered filed and thus granted it which to decide the taxpayer's claim. The law
2015 jurisdiction cannot be waived because it with the BIR as a VAT taxpayer. SPI filed on May jurisdiction over the petition of is clear, plain, and unequivocal: ". . . the
is conferred by law and is not dependent 6, 1999 with the One-Stop Shop Inter-Agency Tax Petitioner. Commissioner shall grant a refund or issue the
on the consent or objection or the acts or Credit and Duty Drawback Center of the tax credit certificate for creditable input taxes
omissions of the parties or any one of Department of Finance an Application for Tax within one hundred twenty (120) days from the
them. Credit/Refund of Value-Added Tax Paid covering date of submission of complete
the Third Quarter of 1998. SPI sought the tax documents."Section 112(C) also expressly
credit/refund of input VAT for the said tax period in grants the taxpayer a 30-day period to appeal
the sum of P25,531,312.83, to the CTA the decision or inaction of the
When the Respondent Commissioner of Internal Commissioner, thus: . . . the taxpayer affected
Revenue (CIR) failed to act upon its Application for may, within thirty (30) days from the receipt of
Tax Credit/Refund, SPI filed on September 29, the decision denying the claim or after the
2000 a Petition for Review before the CTA Division. expiration of the one hundred twenty day-
The CTA Division rendered a Decision on period, appeal the decision or the unacted
November 24, 2003 partially granting the claim of claim with the Court of Tax Appeals.
SPI for tax credit/refund. The CTA Division
disallowed the claim of SPI for tax credit/refund of The taxpayer can file an appeal in one of two
input VAT in the amount of P23,105,548.83 for ways: (1) file the judicial claim within thirty
failure of SPI to properly substantiate the zero- days after the Commissioner denies the claim
rated sales to which it attributed said taxes. The within the 120-day period, or (2) file the judicial
CTA Division particularly pointed out the failure of claim within thirty days from the expiration of
SPI to comply with invoicing requirements under the 120-day period if the Commissioner does
Sections 113, 237, and 238 of the National Internal not act within the 120-day period. The 30-day
Revenue Code of 1997 (1997 Tax Code) and period always applies, whether there is a
Section 4.108-1 of Revenue Regulations No. 7-95, denial or inaction on the part of the CIR. As a
i.e., registration of receipts or sales or commercial general rule, the 30-day period to appeal is
invoices with the BIR; securing an authority to print both mandatory and jurisdictional. (Aichi and
receipts or sales or commercial invoices from the San Roque) As an exception to the general
BIR; and imprinting the words "zero-rated" on the rule, premature filing is allowed only if filed
invoices covering zero-rated sales. As for the claim between 10 December 2003 and 5 October
of SPI for tax credit/refund of input VAT on its 2010, when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 was
purchases of capital goods in the amount of still in force. (San Roque)Late filing is
P2,425,764.00, the CTA Division held that Section absolutely prohibited, even during the time
112 (B) of the 1997 Tax Code did not require that when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 was in force.
such a claim be attributable to zero-rated sales; (San Roque)
and that SPI was able to comply with all the SPI filed on May 6, 1999 its administrative
requirements under said provision. claim for tax credit/refund of the input VAT
SPI filed a Motion for Partial Reconsideration and attributable to its zero-rated sales and on its
Supplemental Motion for Partial Reconsideration of purchases of capital goods for the Third
the foregoing Decision dated November 24, 2003 Quarter of 1998. The two-year prescriptive
of the CTA Division. In a Resolution dated August period for filing an administrative claim,
10, 2004, the CTA Division additionally noted that reckoned from the close of the taxable quarter,
the claim of SPI covered the period of July 1, 1998 prescribed on September 30, 2000.
to September 30, 1998 and it was issued a permit Therefore, the herein administrative claim of
to generate computerized sales invoices and SPI was timely filed. Evidently, SPI belatedly
official receipts only on August 31, 2002. filed its judicial claim. It filed its Petition for
SPI sought recourse from the CTA en banc by filing Review with the CTA 391 days after the lapse
a Petition for Review assailing the Decision dated of the 120-day period without the CIR acting
November 24, 2003 and Resolution dated August on its application for tax credit/refund, way
10, 2004 of the CTA Division. In its Decision dated beyond the 30-day period under Section 112
January 27, 2006, the CTA en banc found no of the 1997 Tax Code.
cogent justification to disturb the conclusion spelled The inaction of the Commissioner on Philex's
out in the assailed Decision dated November 24, claim during the 120-day period is, by express
2003 and Resolution dated August 10, 2004 of the provision of law, "deemed a denial" of Philex's
CTA Division. claim. Philex had 30 days from the expiration
SPI filed a Motion for Reconsideration but said of the 120-day period to file its judicial claim
Motion was denied for lack of merit by the CTA en with the CTA. Philex's failure to do so
banc in a Resolution dated June 26, 2006. Hence, rendered the "deemed a denial" decision of
this petition. the Commissioner final and unappealable.
Because the 30-day period for filing its judicial
claim had already prescribed by the time SPI
filed its Petition for Review with the CTA
Division, the CTA Division never acquired
jurisdiction over the said Petition. The CTA
Division had absolutely no jurisdiction to act
upon, take cognizance of, and render
judgment upon the Petition for Review of SPI
in CTA Case No. 6170, regardless of the merit
of the claim of SPI. The Court stresses that the
120/30-day prescriptive periods are
mandatory and jurisdictional, and are not mere
technical requirements. The Court should not
establish the precedent that noncompliance
with mandatory and jurisdictional conditions
can be excused if the claim is otherwise
meritorious, particularly in claims for tax
refunds or credit. Such precedent will render
meaningless compliance with mandatory and
jurisdictional requirements.
It is not lost upon the Court that the
prescription of the judicial claim has not been
raised as an issue by any of the parties
whether before the CTA Division, CTA en
banc, or this Court. Nonetheless, the 120/30-
day prescriptive periods are mandatory and
jurisdictional, and the matter of jurisdiction
cannot be waived because it is conferred by
law and is not dependent on the consent or
objection or the acts or omissions of the
parties or any one of them. More importantly,
courts have the power to motu proprio dismiss
an action that already prescribed. According to
Rule 9, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of
19. Fort Bonifacio Act No. 7716 clarifies that it is the real This case revolves around three consolidated 1.) Whether or not the 1.) No. There is nothing in Section 105 of the
Development properties "held primarily for sale to petitions between Petitioner Fort Bonifacio transitional/presumptive input Old NIRC that prohibits the inclusion of real
Corporation v. CIR, et. customers or held for lease in the Development Corporation (FBDC) and the tax credit under Section 105 properties, together with the improvements
al., consolidated ordinary course of trade or business" that Respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue. of the NIRC may be claimed thereon, in the beginning inventory of goods,
cases of G.R. No. are subject to the VAT, and not when the The parties entered into a Stipulation of Facts, only on the "improvements" materials and supplies, based on which
175707, G.R. NO. real estate transactions are engaged in Documents, and Issue before the CTA for each on real properties. 2.) inventory the transitional input tax credit is
18003, G.R. No. by persons who do not sell or lease case. It was established before the CTA that the Whether or not there must computed. It can be conceded that when it
181092, November 19, properties in the ordinary course of trade petitioner is engaged in the development and sale have been previous payment was drafted Section 105 could not have
2014 or business. Prior payment of taxes is of real property. It is the owner of, and is developing of sales tax or value-added possibly contemplated concerns specific to
not required for a taxpayer to avail of the and selling, parcels of land within a "newtown" tax by petitioner on its land real properties, as real estate transactions
8% transitional input tax credit provided development area known as the Fort Bonifacio before petitioner may claim were not originally subject to VAT. At the same
in Section 105 of the old NIRC Global City (the Global City), located within the the input tax credit granted by time, when transactions on real properties
former military camp known as Fort Bonifacio, Section 105 (now Section 111 were finally made subject to VAT beginning
Taguig, Metro Manila. The National Government, [A]) of the NIRC. with Rep. Act No. 7716, no corresponding
by virtue of Republic Act No. 7227 and Executive amendment was adopted as regards Section
Order No. 40, was the one that conveyed to 105 to provide for a differentiated treatment in
petitioner these parcels of land on February 8, the application of the transitional input tax
1995. credit with respect to real properties or real
In May 1996, petitioner commenced developing the estate dealers. It was Section 100 of the Old
Global City, and since October 1996, had been NIRC, as amended by Rep. Act No. 7716,
selling lots to interested buyers. At the time of which made real estate transactions subject to
acquisition, value-added tax (VAT) was not yet VAT for the first time. Prior to the amendment,
imposed on the sale of real properties. Republic Section 100 had imposed the VAT "on every
Act No. 7716 (the Expanded Value-Added Tax [E- sale, barter or exchange of goods", without
VAT] Law), which took effect on January 1, 1996, however specifying the kind of properties that
restructured the VAT system by further amending fall within or under the generic class "goods"
pertinent provisions of the National Internal subject to the tax.
Revenue Code (NIRC). Section 100 of the old Rep. Act No. 7716, which significantly is also
NIRC was amended by including "real properties" known as the Expanded Value-Added Tax
in the definition of the term "goods or properties," (EVAT) law, expanded the coverage of the
thereby subjecting the sale of "real properties" to VAT by amending Section 100 of the Old
VAT. NIRC in several respects, some of which we
While prior to Republic Act No. 7716, real estate will enumerate. First, it made every sale,
transactions were not subject to VAT, they became barter or exchange of "goods or properties"
subject to VAT upon the effectivity of said law. subject to VAT. Second, it generally defined
Thus, the sale of the parcels of land by petitioner "goods or properties" as "all tangible and
became subject to a 10% VAT, and this was later intangible objects which are capable of
increased to 12%, pursuant to Republic Act No. pecuniary estimation." Third, it included a
9337. Petitioner afterwards became a VAT- nonexclusive enumeration of various objects
registered taxpayer. On September 19, 1996, in that fall under the class "goods or properties"
accordance with Revenue Regulations No. 7- 95 subject to VAT, including "[r]eal properties
(Consolidated VAT Regulations), petitioner held primarily for sale to customers or held for
submitted to respondent BIR, an inventory list of its lease in the ordinary course of trade or
properties as of February 29, 1996. The total book business." From these amendments to
value of the petitioner's land inventory amounted to Section 100, is there any differentiated VAT
P71,227,503,200.00. On the basis of Section 105 treatment on real properties or real estate
of the NIRC, petitioner claims a transitional or dealers that would justify the suggested
presumptive input tax credit of 8% of limitations on the application of the transitional
P71,227,503,200.00, the total value of the real input tax on them? We see none. Rep. Act No.
properties listed in its inventory, or a total input tax 7716 clarifies that it is the real properties "held
credit of P5,698,200,256.00. After the value of the primarily for sale to customers or held for
real properties was reduced due to a reconveyance lease in the ordinary course of trade or
by petitioner to BCDA of a parcel of land, petitioner business" that are subject to the VAT, and not
claims that it is entitled to input tax credit in the when the real estate transactions are engaged
reduced amount of P4,250,475,000.48. What in by persons who do not sell or lease
petitioner seeks to be refunded are the actual VAT properties in the ordinary course of trade or
payments made by it in cash, which it claims were business.
either erroneously paid by or illegally collected from 2.) No. Section 105 states that the transitional
it. Each Claim for Refund is based on petitioner's input tax credits become available either to (1)
position that it is entitled to a transitional input tax a person who becomes liable to VAT; or (2)
credit under Section 105 of the old NIRC, which any person who elects to be VATregistered.
more than offsets the aforesaid VAT payments. The clear language of the law entitles new
Hence, this petition. trades or businesses to avail of the tax credit
In G.R. No. 175707 is an appeal by certiorari once they become VATregistered. The
pursuant to Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil transitional input tax credit, whether under the
Procedure from (a) the Decision dated April 22, Old NIRC or the New NIRC, may be claimed
2003 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. by a newly-VAT registered person such as
61516 dismissing FBDC's Petition for Review with when a business as it commences
regard to the Decision of the Court of Tax Appeals operations. . . . [I]t is not always true that the
(CTA) dated October 13, 2000 in CTA Case No. acquisition of such goods, materials and
5885, and from (b) the Court of Appeals Resolution supplies entail the payment of taxes on the
dated November 30, 2006 denying its Motion for part of the new business. In fact, this could
Reconsideration. occur as a matter of course by virtue of the
In G.R. No. 180035 an appeal by certiorari operation of various provisions of the NIRC,
pursuant to Rule 45 was filed by Petitioner from (a) and not only on account of a specially
the Court of Appeals Decision dated April 30, 2007 legislated exemption.
in CA-G.R. SP No. 76540 denying FBDC's Petition The interpretation proffered by the CTA would
for Review with respect to the CTA Resolution exclude goods and properties which are
dated March 28, 2003 in CTA Case No. 6021, and acquired through sale not in the ordinary
from (b) the Court of Appeals Resolution dated course of trade or business, donation or
October 8, 2007 denying its Motion for through succession, from the beginning
Reconsideration. inventory on which the transitional input tax
In G.R. No. 181092 an appeal by certiorari was filed credit is based. Nothing in the Old NIRC (or
by Petitioner pursuant to Rule 45 from the Court of even the New NIRC) speaks of such a
Appeals Decision dated December 28, 2007 inCA- possibility or qualifies the previous payment of
G.R. SP No. 61158 dismissing FBDC's petition for VAT or any other taxes on the goods,
review with respect to the CTA Decision dated materials and supplies as a pre-requisite for
September 29, 2000 in CTA Case No. 5694. The inclusion in the beginning inventory. It is
aforesaid CTA Decision, which the Court of apparent that the transitional input tax credit
Appeals affirmed, denied petitioner's Claim for operates to benefit newly VAT-registered
Refund in the amount of P269,340,469.45, persons, whether or not they previously paid
representing "VAT erroneously paid by or illegally taxes in the acquisition of their beginning
collected from petitioner for the fourth quarter of inventory of foods, materials and supplies.
1996." Hence, this petition. During that period of transition from non-VAT
to VAT status, the transitional input tax credit
serves to alleviate the impact of the VAT on
the taxpayer. At the very beginning, the VAT-
registered taxpayer is obliged to remit a
significant portion of the income it derived from
its sales as output VAT. The transitional input
tax credit mitigates this initial diminution of the
taxpayer's income by affording the opportunity
to offset the losses incurred through the
remittance of the output VAT at a stage when
the person is yet unable to credit input VAT
Under Section 105 of the Old NIRC, the rate
of the transitional input tax credit is "8% of the
value of such inventory or the actual value-
added tax paid on such goods, materials and
supplies, whichever is higher." If indeed the
transitional input tax credit is premised on the
previous payment of VAT, then it does not
make sense to afford the taxpayer the benefit
of such credit based on "8% of the value of
such inventory" should the same prove higher
than the actual VAT paid. This intent that the
CTA alluded to could have been implemented
with ease had the legislature shared such
intent by providing the actual VAT paid as the
sole basis for the rate of the transitional input
tax credit.
The common standard for the application of
the transitional input tax credit, as enacted by
E.O. No. 273 and all subsequent tax laws
which reinforced or reintegrated the tax credit,
is simply that the taxpayer in question has
become liable to VAT or has elected to be a
VAT-registered person. E. O. No. 273 and the
subsequent tax laws are all decidedly neutral
and accommodating in ascertaining who
should be entitled to the tax credit, and it
behooves the CIR and the CTA to adopt a
similarly judicious perspective.
The Court has thus categorically ruled that
prior payment of taxes is not required for a
taxpayer to avail of the 8% transitional input
tax credit provided in Section 105 of the old
NIRC and that petitioner is entitled to it,
despite the fact that petitioner acquired the
Global City property under a tax-free
20. CIR vs. Team Sual Failure to comply with the 120-day On November 26, 1999, the petitioner CIR granted Whether or not the CTA en Yes. Any unutilized input VAT attributable to
Corporation (Formerly mandatory period under Section 112 (C) respondent TSC's application for zero rating from banc erred in holding that zero-rated or effectively zero rated sales may
Mirant Sual of the NIRC renders its petition for review its sale of power generation services to NPC for the TSC's petition for review with be claimed as a refund/tax credit. Initially,
Corporation), G.R. No. with the CTA is void because the 120- taxable year 2000. As a VAT-registered entity, TSC the CTA was not prematurely claims for refund/tax credit for unutilized input
194105. February 5, day mandatory period under the NIRC is filed its VAT returns for the first, second, third, and filed. VAT should be filed with the BIR, together with
2014 mandatory and jurisdictional. fourth quarters of taxable year 2000 on April 24, the complete documents in support of the
2000, July 25, 2000, October 25, 2000, and claim. Pursuant to Section 112 (A) of the
January 25, 2001, respectively. NIRC, the administrative claim for refund/tax
On March 11, 2002, TSC filed with the BIR an credit must be filed with the BIR within two
administrative claim for refund, claiming that it is years after the close of the taxable quarter
entitled to the unutilized input VAT in the amount of when the sales were made. Under Section
P179,314,926.56 arising from its zero-rated sales 112 (C) of the NIRC, the CIR is given 120 days
to NPC for the taxable year 2000. On April 1, 2002, from the submission of complete documents
without waiting for the CIR's resolution of its in support of the application for refund/tax
administrative claim for refund/tax credit, TSC filed credit within which to either grant or deny the
a petition for review with the CTA seeking the claim. In case of (1) full or partial denial of the
refund or the issuance of a tax credit certificate in claim or (2) the failure of the CIR to act on the
the amount of P179,314,926.56 for its unutilized claim within 120 days from the submission of
input VAT for the taxable year 2000. complete documents, the taxpayer-claimant
The CIR claimed that TSC's claim for refund/tax may, within 30 days from receipt of the CIR
credit should be denied, on the ground that TSC decision denying the claim or after the lapse of
failed to comply with the conditions precedent for the 120-day period, file a petition for review
claiming refund/tax credit of unutilized input VAT. with the CTA.
The CIR pointed out that TSC failed to submit In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. San
complete documents in support of its application for Roque Power Corporation, the Court
refund/tax credit contrary to Section 112 (C) of the emphasized that the 120-day period that is
NIRC. given to the CIR within which to decide claims
On January 26, 2009, the CTA First Division for refund/tax credit of unutilized input VAT is
rendered a Decision, which granted TSC's claim mandatory and jurisdictional. The Court
for refund/tax credit of input VAT. Nevertheless, the categorically held that the taxpayer-claimant
CTA First Division found that, from the total must wait for the 120-day period to lapse,
unutilized input VAT of P179,314,926.56 that it should there be no decision fully or partially
claimed, TSC was only able to substantiate the denying the claim, before a petition for review
amount of P173,265,261.30. may be filed with the CTA. Otherwise, the
The CIR sought a reconsideration of the CTA First petition would be rendered premature and
Division maintaining that TSC is not entitled to a without a cause of action. Consequently, the
refund/tax credit of its unutilized input VAT for the CTA does not have the jurisdiction to take
taxable year 2000 since it failed to submit all the cognizance of a petition for review filed by the
necessary and relevant documents in support of its taxpayer-claimant should there be no decision
administrative claim. The CIR further claimed that by the CIR on the claim for refund/tax credit or
TSC's petition for review was prematurely filed, the 120-day period had not yet lapsed.
alleging that under Section 112 (C) of the NIRC, the The two-year prescriptive period within which
CIR is given 120 days from the submission of to file a claim for refund/tax credit of unutilized
complete documents within which to either grant or input VAT under Section 112 (A) of the NIRC
deny TSC's application for refund/tax credit of its is about to lapse is inconsequential and would
unutilized input VAT. The CIR pointed out that TSC not justify the immediate filing of a petition for
filed its petition for review with the CTA sans any review with the CTA sans compliance with the
decision on its claim and without waiting for the 120-day mandatory period. To stress, under
120-day period to lapse. Section 112 (C) of the NIRC, a taxpayer may
On June 19, 2009, the CTA First Division issued a only file a petition for review with the CTA
Resolution, which denied the CIR's motion for within 30 days from either: (1) the receipt of
reconsideration. The CTA First Division found that the decision of the CIR denying, in full or in
TSC's petition for review was not prematurely filed part, the claim for refund/tax credit; or (2) the
notwithstanding that the 120-day period given to lapse of the 120-day period given to the CIR
the CIR under Section 112 (C) of the NIRC had not to decide the claim for refund/tax credit. The
yet lapsed. It ruled that, pursuant to Section 112 (A) 120-day mandatory period may extend
of the NIRC, claims for refund/tax credit of beyond the two-year prescriptive period for
unutilized input VAT should be filed within two filing a claim for refund/tax credit under
years after the close of the taxable quarter when Section 112 (A) of the NIRC.
the sales were made; that the 120-day period TSC's failure to comply with the 120-day
under Section 112 (C) of the NIRC is also covered mandatory period under Section 112 (C) of the
by the two year prescriptive period within which to NIRC renders its petition for review with the
claim the refund/tax credit of unutilized input VAT. CTA void. It is a mere scrap of paper from
Aggrieved by the foregoing disquisition of the CTA which TSC cannot derive or acquire any right
First Division, the CIR filed a Petition for Review notwithstanding the supposed failure on the
with the CTA en banc. The CTA en banc ruled that, part of the CIR to raise the issue of TSC's non-
pursuant to Section 112 (A) of the NIRC, both the compliance with the 120-day period in the
administrative and judicial remedies under Section proceedings before the CTA First Division.
112 (C) of the NIRC must be undertaken within the However, BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 provided
two-year period from the close of the taxable that the taxpayer-claimant may already file a
quarter when the relevant sales were made. judicial claim for refund/tax credit with the CTA
Hence, this petition. notwithstanding that the 120-day mandatory
period under Section 112 (C) of the NIRC had
not yet lapsed. Being a general interpretative
rule, the CIR is barred from questioning the
CTA's assumption of jurisdiction on the
ground that the 120-day mandatory period
under Section 112 (C) of the NIRC had not yet
lapsed since estoppel under Section 246 24 of
the NIRC had already set in. Nevertheless, the
Court clarified that taxpayers can only rely on
BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 from the time of its
issuance on December 10, 2003 up to its
reversal by this Court in Aichi on October 6,
2010, where it was held that the 120-day
period under Section 112 (C) of the NIRC is
mandatory and jurisdictional.
TSC filed its judicial claim for refund/tax credit
of its unutilized input VAT with the CTA on
April 1, 2002 — more than a year before the
issuance of BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03.
Accordingly, TSC cannot benefit from the
declaration laid down in BIR Ruling No. DA-
21. CBK Power Section 112 (D) further provides that the Petitioner is engaged, among others, in the Whether the petitioner’s claim It must be emphasized that this is not a case
Company Limited vs. CIR has to decide on an administrative operation, maintenance, and management of the for refund of unutilized input of premature filing of a judicial claim. Although
CIR, G.R. No. 198729- claim within one hundred twenty (120) Kalayaan II pumped-storage hydroelectric power VAT for the first to third petitioner did not file its judicial claim with the
30, January 15, 2014. days from the date of submission of plant, the new Caliraya Spillway, Caliraya, quarters of 2005. CTA prior to the expiration of the 120-day
complete documents in support thereof. Botocan; and the Kalayaan I hydroelectric power waiting period, it failed to observe the 30-day
Bearing in mind that the burden to prove plants and their related facilities located in the prescriptive period to appeal to the CTA
entitlement to a tax refund is on the Province of Laguna. counted from the lapse of the 120-day period.
taxpayer, it is presumed that in order to On 29 December 2004, petitioner filed an
discharge its burden, petitioner had Application for VAT Zero-Rate with the Bureau of As this Court enunciated in San Roque,
attached complete supporting Internal Revenue (BIR) in accordance with Section petitioner cannot rely on Atlas either, since the
documents necessary to prove its 108 (B) (3) of the National Internal Revenue Code latter case was promulgated only on 8 June
entitlement to a refund in its application, (NIRC) of 1997, as amended. The application was 2007. Moreover, the doctrine in Atlas which
absent any evidence to the contrary. duly approved by the BIR. Thus, petitioner's sale of reckons the two-year period from the date of
Thereafter, the taxpayer affected by the electricity to the NPC from 1 January 2005 to 31 filing of the return and payment of the tax,
CIR's decision or inaction may appeal to October 2005 was declared to be entitled to the does not interpret — expressly or impliedly —
the CTA within 30 days from the receipt benefit of effectively zero-rated value added tax the 120+30 day periods. Simply stated, Atlas
of the decision or from the expiration of (VAT). referred only to the reckoning of the
the 120-day period within which the claim prescriptive period for filing an administrative
has not been acted upon. Petitioner filed its administrative claims for the claim.
issuance of tax credit certificates for its alleged
unutilized input taxes on its purchase of capital For failure of petitioner to comply with the
goods and alleged unutilized input taxes on its local 120+30 day mandatory and jurisdictional
purchases and/or importation of goods and period, petitioner lost its right to claim a refund
services, other than capital goods, pursuant to or credit of its alleged excess input VAT.
Section 112 (A) and (B) of the NIRC of 1997, as With regard to petitioner's argument that Aichi
amended, with BIR Revenue District Office (RDO) should not be applied retroactively, we
Laguna. reiterate that even without that ruling, the law
There was alleged no action on the part of the CIR, is explicit on the mandatory and jurisdictional
thus the p Petition for Review with the CTA. nature of the 120+30 day period.
Accordingly, petitioner timely filed its administrative
claims for the three quarters of 2005. However,
considering that the judicial claim was filed on 18
April 2007, the CTA Division denied the claim for
the first quarter of 2005 for having been filed out of
time. The CTA 2nd division granted the claim and
ordered the issuance of a tax credit certificate in
favor of petitioner in the reduced amount of
22. CIR vs. Mindanao II It is only the administrative claim that Mindanao II is a partnership registered with the The resolution of this case The lessons of this case may be summed up
Geothermal must be filed within the two-year Securities and Exchange Commission. It is hinges on the question of as follows:
Partnership, G.R. No. prescriptive period; the judicial claim engaged in the business of power generation and compliance with the following A. Two-Year Prescriptive Period
191498, January 15, need not fall within the two-year sale of electricity to the National Power Corporation time requirements for the 1. It is only the administrative claim that must
2014 prescriptive period. (NAPOCOR) and is accredited by the Department grant of a claim for refund or be filed within the two-year prescriptive period.
Having disposed of this question, we of Energy. credit of unutilized input VAT: (Aichi)
proceed to the date for reckoning the (1) the two-year prescriptive 2. The proper reckoning date for the two-year
prescriptive period under Section 112 Mindanao II filed its Quarterly VAT Returns for the period for filing an application prescriptive period is the close of the taxable
(A). second, third and fourth quarters of taxable year for refund or credit of quarter when the relevant sales were made.
2004. unutilized input VAT; and (2) (San Roque) CHDAEc
On 6 October 2005, Mindanao II filed with the the 120+30 day period for 3. The only other rule is the Atlas ruling, which
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) an application for filing an appeal with the CTA. applied only from 8 June 2007 to 12
the refund or credit of accumulated unutilized September 2008. Atlas states that the two-
creditable input taxes. In support of the year prescriptive period for filing a claim for tax
administrative claim for refund or credit, Mindanao refund or credit of unutilized input VAT
II alleged, among others, that it is registered with payments should be counted from the date of
the BIR as a value-added taxpayer and all its sales filing of the VAT return and payment of the tax.
are zero-rated under the EPIRA law. It further (San Roque)
stated that for the second, third, and fourth quarters B. 120+30 Day Period
of taxable year 2004, it paid input VAT in the 1. The taxpayer can file an appeal in one of
aggregate amount of P7,167,005.84, which were two ways: (1) file the judicial claim within thirty
directly attributable to the zero-rated sales. The days after the Commissioner denies the claim
input taxes had not been applied against output within the 120-day period, or (2) file the judicial
tax. claim within thirty days from the expiration of
Pursuant to Section 112 (D) of the 1997 Tax Code, the 120-day period if the Commissioner does
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) had a not act within the 120-day period.
period of 120 days, or until 3 February 2006, to act 2. The 30-day period always applies, whether
on the claim. The administrative claim, however, there is a denial or inaction on the part of the
remained unresolved on 3 February 2006. CIR.
Under the same provision, Mindanao II could treat 3. As a general rule, the 30-day period to
the inaction of the CIR as a denial of its claim, in appeal is both mandatory and jurisdictional.
which case, the former would have 30 days to file (Aichi and San Roque)
an appeal to the CTA, that is, on 5 March 2006. 4. As an exception to the general rule,
Mindanao II, however, did not file an appeal within premature filing is allowed only if filed between
the 30-day period. 10 December 2003 and 5 October 2010, when
Apparently, Mindanao II believed that a judicial BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 was still in force.
claim must be filed within the two-year prescriptive (San Roque)
period provided under Section 112 (A) and that 5. Late filing is absolutely prohibited, even
such time frame was to be reckoned from the filing during the time when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-
of its Quarterly VAT Returns for the second, third, 03 was in force. (San Roque)
and fourth quarters of taxable year 2004, that is,
from 26 July 2004, 22 October 2004, and 25
January 2005, respectively. Thus, on 21 July 2006,
Mindanao II, claiming inaction on the part of the
CIR and that the two-year prescriptive period was
about to expire, filed a Petition for Review with the
CTA docketed as CTA.
23. Team Energy The theory that the 30-day period must Petitioner filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue Sole issue for our resolution is Yes. There are three compelling reasons why
Corporation (formerly fall within the two-year prescriptive (BIR) its first to fourth quarterly value-added tax whether the petitioner timely the 30-day period need not necessarily fall
Mirant Pagbilao Corp.) period adds a condition that is not found (VAT) returns for the calendar year 2002. filed its judicial claim for within the two-year prescriptive period, as long
vs. CIR, G.R. No. in the law. It results in truncating 120 Subsequently, on December 22, 2003, petitioner refund of input VAT for the as the administrative claim is filed within the
190928, January 13, days from the 730 days that the law filed an administrative claim for refund of unutilized first quarter of 2002. two-year prescriptive period.
2014. grants the taxpayer for filing his input VAT with RDO No. 60, Lucena City, in the
administrative claim with the total amount of P79,918,002.95 for calendar year First, Section 112 (A) clearly, plainly and
Commissioner. This Court cannot 2002. Due to the CIR’s inaction, petitioner elevated unequivocally provides that the taxpayer
interpret a law to defeat, wholly or even its claim before the CTA 1st division wherein the "may, within two (2) years after the close of the
partly, a remedy that the law expressly appellate court partially granted the refund of the taxable quarter when the sales were made,
grants in clear, plain and unequivocal tax credit but reduced the amount to P69, 618, apply for the issuance of a tax credit certificate
language. Section 112 (A) and (C) must 971.19. or refund of the creditable input tax due or paid
be interpreted according to its clear, plain Not satisfied, respondent filed his Motion for Partial to such sales." In short, the law states that the
and unequivocal language. The taxpayer Reconsideration against said decision, which the taxpayer may apply with the Commissioner for
can file his administrative claim for refund CTA First Division denied in a Resolution dated a refund or credit "within two (2) years," which
or credit at any time within the two-year September 8, 2008. means at anytime within two years. Thus, the
prescriptive period. If he files his claim on The CTA En Banc affirmed the CTA First Division’s application for refund or credit may be filed by
the last day of the two-year prescriptive decision with the modification that the refundable the taxpayer with the Commissioner on the
period, his claim is still filed on time. The amount be reduced to ₱51,134,951.40. last day of the two-year prescriptive period
Commissioner will have 120 days from and it will still strictly comply with the law. The
such filing to decide the claim. If the Hence, the present petition wherein petitioner two-year prescriptive period is a grace period
Commissioner decides the claim on the raises the following issues for our resolution: in favor of the taxpayer and he can avail of the
120th day, or does not decide it on that The CTA En Banc committed grave abuse of full period before his right to apply for a tax
day, the taxpayer still has 30 days to file discretion amounting to lack or excess of refund or credit is barred by prescription.
his judicial claim with the CTA. This is not jurisdiction when it disallowed petitioner’s input
only the plain meaning but also the only VAT for the first quarter amounting to Second, Section 112 (C) provides that the
logical interpretation of Section 112 (A) ₱18,484,019.79 based on prescription because: Commissioner shall decide the application for
and (C). petitioner filed its judicial claim for refund well within refund or credit "within one hundred twenty
the two-year prescriptive period reckoned from the (120) days from the date of submission of
date of filing of the quarterly VAT. complete documents in support of the
application filed in accordance with
Subsection (A)." The reference in Section 112
(C) of the submission of documents "in
support of the application filed in accordance
with Subsection (A)" means that the
application in Section 112 (A) is the
administrative claim that the Commissioner
must decide within the 120-day period. In
short, the two-year prescriptive period in
Section 112 (A) refers to the period within
which the taxpayer can file an administrative
claim for tax refund or credit. Stated otherwise,
the two-year prescriptive period does not refer
to the filing of the judicial claim with the CTA
but to the filing of the administrative claim with
the Commissioner. As held in Aichi, the
"phrase ‘within two years x x x apply for the
issuance of a tax credit or refund" refers to
applications for refund/credit with the CIR and
not to appeals made to the CTA."
24. Fort Bonifacio The law is clear: a transitional input tax, Petitioner Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation Whether petitioner is not Yes. Section 112 of the Tax Code does not
Development which is merely an assumed payment of (FBDC) is a duly registered domestic corporation entitled to any refund of input prohibit cash refund or tax credit of transitional
Corporation v. CIR, et. tax and not an actual payment of tax, engaged in the development and sale of real [Value-added tax] VAT, since input tax in the case of zero-rated or effectively
al., G.R. No. 173425, cannot give rise to a cash refund, or even property. The Bases Conversion Development the sale by the national zero-rated VAT registered taxpayers, who do
January 22, 2013. to a tax credit where the taxpayer has no Authority (BCDA), a wholly owned government government of the Global City not have any output VAT. The phrase "except
output tax. The reason is plain common corporation created under Republic Act (RA) No. land to petitioner was not transitional input tax" in Section 112 of the Tax
sense. A taxpayer who has not actually 7227, owns 45% of petitioner's issued and subject to any input VAT Code was inserted to distinguish creditable
paid a tax cannot ask for its refund or outstanding capital stock; while the Bonifacio Land input tax from transitional input tax credit.
credit. Likewise, a taxpayer who has no Corporation, a consortium of private domestic Transitional input tax credits are input taxes on
output tax to offset a tax credit arising corporations, owns the remaining 55%. On a taxpayer's beginning inventory of goods,
from an assumed tax payment cannot February 8, 1995, by virtue of RA 7227 and materials, and supplies equivalent to 8% (then
ask the government for a cash refund or Executive Order No. 40, dated December 8, 1992, 2%) or the actual VAT paid on such goods,
credit, for to do so will require the petitioner purchased from the national government materials and supplies, whichever is higher. It
government to actually pay out public a portion of the Fort Bonifacio reservation, now may only be availed of once by first-time VAT
funds for a private purpose. known as the Fort Bonifacio Global City (Global taxpayers. Creditable input taxes, on the other
City). On January 1, 1996, RA 7716 restructured hand, are input taxes of VAT taxpayers in the
the Value-Added Tax (VAT) system by amending course of their trade or business, which should
certain provisions of the old National Internal be applied within two years after the close of
Revenue Code (NIRC). RA 7716 extended the the taxable quarter when the sales were
coverage of VAT to real properties held primarily made. The transitional input tax is a tax
for sale to customers or held for lease in the assumed to have been paid, whether actually
ordinary course of trade or business. On paid or not. The Tax Code always requires
September 19, 1996, petitioner submitted to the substantiation for any refund or credit of a tax,
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Revenue District, that is, the taxpayer must prove that he
an inventory of all its real properties, the book value actually paid the tax. The only exception is the
of which aggregated P71,227,503,200. 10 Based transitional input tax, which is assumed to
on this value, petitioner claimed that it is entitled to have been paid, whether actually paid or not.
a transitional input tax credit of P5,698,200,256, The transitional input tax is credited against
pursuant to Section 105 of the old NIRC. In output tax in the concept of a reduction of tax
October 1996, petitioner started selling Global City liability, 2 either to minimize the tax burden or
lots to interested buyers. For the first quarter of as a tax incentive. However, the transitional
1997, petitioner generated a total amount of input tax cannot be refunded in cash because
P3,685,356,539.50 from its sales and lease of lots, such cash refund will be a use of public funds
on which the output VAT payable was for a private purpose. If the taxpayer has no
P368,535,653.95. Petitioner paid the output VAT output tax, the taxpayer cannot ask a tax credit
by making cash payments to the BIR totalling for the unused transitional input tax because
P359,652,009.47 and crediting its unutilized input the transitional input tax merely serves to
tax credit on purchases of goods and services of reduce the output tax, if there is any. Thus, the
P8,883,644.48. Realizing that its transitional input Tax Code expressly prohibits any cash refund
tax credit was not applied in computing its output or tax credit of transitional input tax in the case
VAT for the first quarter of 1997, petitioner on of zero-rated or effectively zero-rated VAT
November 17, 1998 filed with the BIR a claim for registered taxpayers, who do not have any
refund of the amount of P359,652,009.47 output VAT. Section 112 (A) of the Tax Code:
erroneously paid as output VAT for the said period. SEC. 112. Refunds or Tax Credits of Input
The CTA denied petitioner's claim for refund. Tax. ” (A) Zero-rated or Effectively Zero-rated
According to the CTA, "the benefit of transitional Sales. ” Any VAT-registered person, whose
input tax credit comes with the condition that sales are zero-rated or effectively zero-rated
business taxes should have been paid first." 19 In may, within two (2) years after the close of the
this case, since petitioner acquired the Global City taxable quarter when the sales were made,
property under a VAT-free sale transaction, it apply for the issuance of a tax credit certificate
cannot avail of the transitional input tax credit. The or refund of creditable input tax due or paid
CA affirmed the decision of the CTA. The CA attributable to such sales, except transitional
agreed that petitioner is not entitled to the 8% input tax, to the extent that such input tax has
transitional input tax credit since it did not pay any not been applied against output tax: . . . .
VAT when it purchased the Global City property. (Emphasis supplied) The law is clear: a
The CA opined that transitional input tax credit is transitional input tax, which is merely an
allowed only when business taxes have been paid assumed payment of tax and not an actual
and passed-on as part of the purchase price. payment of tax, cannot give rise to a cash
refund, or even to a tax credit where the
taxpayer has no output tax. The reason is
plain common sense. A taxpayer who has not
actually paid a tax cannot ask for its refund or
credit. Likewise, a taxpayer who has no output
tax to offset a tax credit arising from an
assumed tax payment cannot ask the
government for a cash refund or credit, for to
do so will require the government to actually
pay out public funds for a private purpose.
25. Accenture, Inc. vs. A taxpayer claiming a tax credit or refund Accenture, Inc. (Accenture) is a corporation Whether Accenture was No. The Court ruled that the recipient of the
CIR, G.R. No. 190102, has the burden of proof to establish the engaged in the business of providing management entitled to a refund or an service must be doing business outside the
July 11, 2012 factual basis of that claim. Tax refunds, consulting, business strategies development, and issuance of a TCC in the Philippines for the transaction to qualify for
like tax exemptions, are construed strictly selling and/or licensing of software. It is duly amount of P35,178,844.21 zero-rating under Section 108 (B) of the Tax
against the taxpayer. registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue because its sales of goods Code. Accenture claims that these
(BIR) as a Value Added Tax (VAT) taxpayer or and services are zero-rated documentary pieces of evidence are
enterprise in accordance with Section 236 of the for VAT purposes under supported by the Report of Emmanuel
NIRC. Accenture filed its Monthly VAT Returns. Section 108(B)(2)(3) of the Mendoza, the Court-commissioned
These VAT returns were ammended. The monthly 1997 Tax Code Independent Certified Public Accountant. He
and quarterly VAT returns of Accenture show that, ascertained that Accenture's gross billings
notwithstanding its application of the input VAT pertaining to zero-rated sales were all
credits earned from its zero-rated transactions supported by zero-rated Official Receipts and
against its output VAT liabilities, it still had excess Billing Statements. These documents show
or unutilized input VAT credits. These VAT credits that these zero-rated sales were paid in
are in the amounts of P9,355,809.80 for the 1st foreign exchange currency and duly
period and P27,682,459.38 for the 2nd period, or a accounted for in the rules and regulations of
total of P37,038,269.18. Out of the the BSP. In the CTA's opinion, however, the
P37,038,269.18, only P35,178,844.21 pertained to documents presented by Accenture merely
the allocated input VAT on Accenture's "domestic substantiate the existence of the sales, receipt
purchases of taxable goods which cannot be of foreign currency payments, and inward
directly attributed to its zero-rated sale of services." remittance of the proceeds of these sales duly
This allocated input VAT was broken down to accounted for in accordance with BSP rules.
P8,811,301.66 for the 1st period and Petitioner presented no evidence whatsoever
P26,367,542.55 for the 2nd period. The excess that these clients were doing business outside
input VAT was not applied to any output VAT that the Philippines. Accenture insists, however,
Accenture was liable for in the same quarter when that it was able to establish that it had
the amount was earned — or to any of the rendered services to foreign corporations
succeeding quarters. Instead, it was carried doing business outside the Philippines, unlike
forward to petitioner's 2nd Quarterly VAT Return for in Burmeister, which allegedly involved a
2003. Accenture filed with the Department of foreign corporation doing business in the
Finance (DoF) an administrative claim for the Philippines. A taxpayer claiming a tax credit
refund or the issuance of a Tax Credit Certificate or refund has the burden of proof to establish
(TCC). The DoF did not act on the claim of the factual basis of that claim. Tax refunds,
Accenture. Hence, Accenture filed a Petition for like tax exemptions, are construed strictly
Review with the First Division of the Court of Tax against the taxpayer. Accenture failed to
Appeals (Division), praying for the issuance of a discharge this burden. It alleged and
TCC in its favor in the amount of P35,178,844.21. presented evidence to prove only that its
clients were foreign entities. However, as
found by both the CTA Division and the CTA
En Banc, no evidence was presented by
Accenture to prove the fact that the foreign
clients to whom petitioner rendered its
services were clients doing business outside
the Philippines. As ruled by the CTA En Banc,
the Official Receipts, Intercompany Payment
Requests, Billing Statements, Memo Invoices-
Receivable, Memo Invoices-Payable, and
Bank Statements presented by Accenture
merely substantiated the existence of sales,
receipt of foreign currency payments, and
inward remittance of the proceeds of such
sales duly accounted for in accordance with
BSP rules, all of these were devoid of any
evidence that the clients were doing business
outside of the Philippines. In view of the
foregoing, the Court denied Accenture's
Petition for a tax refund.
26. Western Mindanao Under the NIRC, a creditable input tax Petitioner WMPC is a domestic corporation Whether the CTA En Banc No. Being a derogation of the sovereign
Power Corp. vs. CIR, should be evidenced by a VAT invoice or engaged in the production and sale of electricity. It seriously erred in dismissing authority, a statute granting tax exemption is
G.R. No. 181136, June official receipt, 17 which may only be is registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue the claim of petitioner for a strictly construed against the person or entity
13, 2012 considered as such when it complies with (BIR) as a VAT taxpayer. Petitioner alleges that it refund or tax credit on input claiming the exemption. When based on such
the requirements of R 7-95, particularly sells electricity solely to the National Power tax on the ground that the statute, a claim for tax refund partakes of the
Section 4.108-1. This section requires, Corporation (NPC), which is in turn exempt from latter's Official Receipts do nature of an exemption. Hence, the same rule
among others, that "(i)f the sale is subject the payment of all forms of taxes, duties, fees and not contain the phrase "zero- of strict interpretation against the taxpayer-
to zero percent (0%) value-added tax, imposts, pursuant to Section 13 of Republic Act rated claimant applies to the claim. 14 In the present
the term 'zero-rated sale' shall be written (R.A.) No. 6395 (An Act Revising the Charter of the case, petitioner's claim for a refund or tax
or printed prominently on the invoice or National Power Corporation). In view thereof and credit of input VAT is anchored on Section 112
receipt." pursuant to Section 108 (B) (3) of the National (A) of the NIRC, viz.: Section 112 .Refunds or
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), petitioner's power Tax Credits of Input Tax. — (A) Zero-rated or
generation services to NPC is zero-rated. Under Effectively Zero-rated Sales. — any VAT-
Section 112 (A) of the NIRC, 4 a VAT-registered registered person, whose sales are zero-rated
taxpayer may, within two years after the close of or effectively zero-rated may, within two (2)
the taxable quarter, apply for the issuance of a tax years after the close of the taxable quarter
credit or refund of creditable input tax due or paid when the sales were made, apply for the
and attributable to zero-rated or effectively zero- issuance of a tax credit certificate or refund of
rated sales. Hence, on 20 June 2000 and 13 June creditable input tax due or paid attributable to
2001, WMPC filed with the Commissioner of such sales, except transitional input tax, to the
Internal Revenue (CIR) applications for a tax credit extent that such input tax has not been applied
certificate of its input VAT covering the taxable 3rd against output tax: Provided, however, That in
and 4th quarters of 1999 (amounting to the case of zero-rated sales under Section
P3,675,026.67) 5 and all the taxable quarters of 106(A)(2)(a)(1), (2) and (B) and Section 108
2000 (amounting to P5,649,256.81). Noting that (B)(1) and (2), the acceptable foreign currency
the CIR was not acting on its application, and exchange proceeds thereof had been duly
fearing that its claim would soon be barred by accounted for in accordance with the rules and
prescription, WMPC on 28 September 2001 filed regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) in Division a (BSP): Provided, further, That where the
Petition for Review docketed, seeking refund/tax taxpayer is engaged in zero-rated or
credit certificates for the total amount of effectively zero-rated sale and also in taxable
P9,324,283.30. The CIR filed its Comment on the or exempt sale of goods of properties or
CTA Petition, arguing that WMPC was not entitled services, and the amount of creditable input
to the latter's claim for a tax refund in view of its tax due or paid cannot be directly and entirely
failure to comply with the invoicing requirements attributed to any one of the transactions, it
under Section 113 of the NIRC in relation to shall be allocated proportionately on the basis
invoicing requirments. On 1 September 2006, the of the volume of sales. A taxpayer engaged in
CTA Second Division dismissed ° the Petition. It zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sale may
held that while petitioner submitted in evidence its apply for the issuance of a tax credit
Quarterly VAT Returns for the periods applied for, certificate, or refund of creditable input tax due
"the same do not reflect any zero-rated or or paid, attributable to the sale. In a claim for
effectively zero-rated sales allegedly incurred tax refund or tax credit, the applicant must
during said periods. The spaces provided for such prove not only entitlement to the grant of the
amounts were left blank, which only shows that claim under substantive law. It must also show
there existed no zero- rated or effectively zero- satisfaction of all the documentary and
rated sales for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 1999 and evidentiary requirements for an administrative
the four quarters of 2000." Moreover, it found that claim for a refund or tax credit. Hence. the
petitioner's VAT Invoices and Official Receipts did mere fact that petitioner's application for zero-
not contain on their face the phrase "zero-rated," rating has been approved by the CIR does not,
contrary to Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95. by itself, justify the grant of a refund or tax
credit. The taxpayer claiming the refund must
further comply with the invoicing and
accounting requirements mandated by the
NIRC, as well as by revenue regulations
implementing them. Under the NIRC, a
creditable input tax should be evidenced by a
VAT invoice or official receipt, which may only
be considered as such when it complies with
the requirements of R 7-95, particularly
Section 4.108-1. This section requires, among
others, that "(i)f the sale is subject to zero
percent (0%) value-added tax, the term 'zero-
rated sale' shall be written or printed
prominently on the invoice or receipt.”
27. Silicon Phil., Inc. The burden of proving entitlement to a Silicon is engaged in the business of exporting WON it is required to indicate Yes, an Authority to Print and the word “zero-
vs. CIR, G.R. No. refund lies with the claimant since it is integrated circuit (IC’s) components. an Authority to Print and the rated” must be indicated.
172378, January 17, akin to an exemption from taxes. word “zerorated” in export
2011 It filed an application for credit/refund of unutilized sales invoices in order to There are two kinds of input VAT credits: one
input VAT in the amount of P31,902,507.50. claim for refund for unutilized is a credit of input VAT attributable to zero-
input VAT rated sales, and the other is a credit of input
However, BIR argues that Silicon’s failure to VAT on capital goods.
indicate their ATP and the words “zero-rated” in its
export sales invoices is fatal to its cause. While it is not required to indicate the ATP on
the invoices or receipts, securing an ATP prior
CTA only allowed the deduction of P9,898,867.00 to printing said invoices or receipts is required
because training, office supplies and other similar under the NIRC. Thus, it is required for a
items were not considered as input VAT on capital claimant of unutilized input VAT on zero-rated
goods sales to present proof that it has secured an
ATP from the BIR - failure to do so would be
fatal. In this case, there was non-presentation
of the ATP.
Failure to print the word “zero-rated” on the
sales invoices is fatal to a claim for refund as
it is required by RR 7-95.
28. Renato V. Diaz, et Tollway operators are franchise grantees Renato Diaz and Aurora Timbol filed a petition for WON the government is No, the government is not unlawfully
al. vs. Secretary of and they do not belong to exceptions (the declaratory relief assailing the validity of value- unlawfully expanding VAT expanding VAT.
Finance, et al., G.R. low-income radio and/or television added tax (VAT) on the collections of tollway coverage by including tollway
No. 193007, July 19, broadcasting companies with gross operators. Petitioners hold the view that Congress operators and tollway Tollway operators are franchise grantees and
2011 annual incomes of less than P10 million did not, when it enacted the NIRC, intend to include operations in the terms they do not belong to exceptions that Section
and gas and water utilities) that Section toll fees within the meaning of sale of services that franchise grantees and sale of 119 spares from the payment of value added
119 spares from the payment of VAT. are subject to VAT; that a toll fee is a users tax, not services tax (VAT); The word “franchise” broadly
The word “franchise” broadly covers a sale of services; that to impose VAT on toll fees covers government grants of a special right to
government grants of a special right to do would amount to a tax on public service; and that, do an act or series of acts of public concern.—
an act or series of acts of public concern. since VAT was never factored into the formula for And not only do tollway operators come under
computing toll fees, its imposition would violate the the broad term “all kinds of services,” they also
non-impairment clause of the constitution. The come under the specific class described in
government avers that the NIRC imposes VAT on Section 108 as “all other franchise grantees”
all kinds of services of franchise grantees, including who are subject to VAT, “except those under
tollway operations, except where the law provides Section 119 of this Code.” Tollway operators
otherwise. are franchise grantees and they do not belong
to exceptions (the low-income radio and/or
television broadcasting companies with gross
annual incomes of less than P10 million and
gas and water utilities) that Section 119
spares from the payment of VAT. The word
“franchise” broadly covers government grants
of a special right to do an act or series of acts
of public concern.
29. KEPCO Phils. V. For a VAT-registered taxpayer to claim a KEPCO is a domestic corporation, and a VAT- WON KEPCO’s failure to No, KEPCO is not entitled to the refund.
CIR, G.R. No. 179961, refund for unutilized input VAT for zero- registered taxpayer, engaged in the production and imprint the words "zero-rated"
31 January 2011 rated sales, it must duly prove its sale of electricity as an independent power on its official receipts issued Based on the Sec. 108 (b)(3) of the NIRC in
compliance to the requirements for tax producer. It sells electricity to the NPC. It filed an to NPC justifies an outright relation to Sec. 13 of the Revised NPC
exemption. One of these requirements is application for effective zero-rating of its sales of Charter, there is no doubt that NPC is an entity
electricty to the NPC at the CIR, claiming that it was with a special charter and exempt from
the imprinting of the words "zerorated" in entitled to refund of P10,527,202.54 for its reported denial of its claim for refund of payment of all forms of taxes, including VAT.
every invoice issued with each sale. unutilized input VAT for the four quarters of 1999. unutilized input tax credits As such, services rendered by any VAT-
registered person/entity, like KEPCO, to NPC
The CTA denied the claim for refund for KEPCO’s are effectively subject to 0% rate. However, for
failure to properly substantiate its effectively zero- effective zero rating, the VAT-registered
rated sales by noncompliance with the invoicing taxpayer must comply with invoicing
requirements. requirements under Secs. 113 and 237 of the
NIRC. Such provisions provide that a VAT-
registered person shall for every sale issue an
invoice or receipt wherein the word "zero-
rated" is imprinted therein.
30. CIR vs. Sony Phil., There must be a grant of authority before On November 1998, the CIR issued Letter of WON Sony is liable for The Court finds no merit in the petition, and
Inc., G.R. No. 178697, any revenue officer can conduct an Authority No. 000019734 (LOA 19734) authorizing deficiency VAT therefore the petition was denied.
November 17, 2010 examination or assessment. certain revenue officers to examine Sony’s books
of accounts and other accounting records The CIR insists that LOA 19734, although it
regarding revenue taxes for ―the period 1997 and states ―the period 1997 and unverified\ prior
unverified prior years. On December 1999, a years, should be understood to mean the
preliminary assessment for 1997 deficiency taxes fiscal year ending in March 31, 1998. The
and penalties was issued by the CIR which Court cannot agree.
Sony protested. Thereafter, acting on the protest, Based on Section 13 of the Tax Code, a Letter
the CIR issued final assessment notices, the formal of Authority or LOA is the authority given to the
letter of demand and the details of discrepancies, appropriate revenue officer assigned to
with a total of Php 15,895,632.65. Sony asked for perform assessment functions. There must be
re-evaluation of the aforementioned assessment a grant of authority before any revenue officer
on February 2000, and submitted relevant can conduct an examination or assessment.
documents in support of its protest On October Equally important is that the revenue officer so
2000, within 30 days after the lapse of 180 days authorized must not go beyond the authority
from submission of the said supporting documents given. In the absence of such an authority, the
to the CIR, Sony filed a petition for review before assessment or examination is a nullity.
the CTA.
The phrase ―and unverified prior years,‖
violated Section C of Revenue Memorandum
Order No. 43-90 dated September 20, 1990,
the pertinent portion of which reads:
31. Panasonic A taxpayer has to be VAT-registered and Panasonic is a registered value-added tax (VAT) WON the CTA en banc Yes, it was denied correctly.
Communications must comply with invoicing requirements enterprise. correctly denied petitioner
Imaging Corp. of the otherwise its claim for tax credit/refund of Panasonic’s claim for refund The VAT is a tax on consumption, an indirect
Phil. vs. CIR, G.R. No. VAT on its purchases shall be denied Believing its export sales were zerorated for VAT of the VAT it paid as a tax that the provider of goods or services may
178090, February 8, under Section 106(A)(2)(a)(1) of the 1997 NIRC, zerorated taxpayer on the pass on to his customers. Under the VAT
2010 Panasonic paid input VAT attributable to its zero- ground that its sales invoices method of taxation, which is invoice-based, an
rated sales and later asked for a refund or tax credit did not state on their faces entity can subtract from the VAT charged on
of what it paid which they believed were in excess that its sales were "zero- its sales or outputs the VAT it paid on its
or unapplied. When the BIR did not act on the rated." purchases, inputs and imports.The difference
same, Panasonic filed a petition for review with the in tax shown on invoices passed and invoices
CTA, averring the inaction of the respondent CIR. received is the tax paid to the government. In
case the tax on invoices received exceeds that
CTA’s First Division denied the petition and said on invoices passed, a tax refund may be
that while petitioner Panasonic’s export sales were claimed.
subject to 0% VAT the same did not qualify for
zero-rating because the word "zerorated" was not For the effective zero rating of such
printed on its export invoices which violates the transactions, however, the taxpayer has to be
invoicing requirements of Section 4.108-1 of VAT-registered and must comply with
Revenue Regulations (RR) 7-95. invoicing requirements otherwise its claim for
tax credit/refund of VAT on its purchases shall
Petitioner Panasonic points out, however, that in be denied considering that the invoice it is
requiring the printing on its sales invoices of the issuing to its customers does not depict its
word "zerorated," the Secretary of Finance unduly being a VAT-registered taxpayer whose sales
expanded, amended, and modified by a mere are classified as zero-rated sales.
regulation (Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95) the letter
and spirit of Sections 113 and 237 of the 1997 Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95 proceeds from the
NIRC, prior to their amendment by R.A. 9337 rule-making authority granted to the Secretary
of Finance under Section 245 of the 1977
NIRC (Presidential Decree 1158) for the
efficient enforcement of the tax code and of
course its amendments.The requirement is
reasonable and is in accord with the efficient
collection of VAT from the covered sales of
goods and services.
32. CIR v. SM Prime Operators of cinemas and theater The BIR sent a Preliminary Assessment Notice to WON SM Prime is subject to No, It is not subject to VAT.
Holdings, Inc., G.R. houses are not subject to VAT but the respondents for VAT deficiency on cinema VAT
No. 183505, 26 subject to local amusement tax imposed ticket sales in the amount of P119M for taxable Section 108 of the Tax Code provides that
February 2010 by the LGU. year 2000. After protest and appeal, the CTA First subject to VAT is the “sale or exchange of
Division however ruled that the activity of showing services including lessors or distributors of
cinematographic films is not a service covered by cinematographic films and other similar
VAT under the NIRC of 4. 1997, but an activity services does not include cinema”. However,
subject to amusement tax under RA 7160. in this case, the Supreme Court noted that the
words, “including” and “similar services”
CTA En Banc also had a different interpretation merely indicate that the enumeration is by way
and decided that Sec. 108 of the NIRC actually had of example only.
set forth an exhaustive enumeration of what
services are intended to be subject to VAT and What Section 108 contemplates is not the
therefore should subject the cinema-relative same as the showing or exhibition of motion
activities of SM Prime to VAT. picture films because “exhibition” means to
show or display while “lease” is defined as a
“contract by which the owner grants another
the right to possess, use, and enjoy it in a
specified period of time in exchange for a
stipulated price”.
33. Tambunting Pawnshops, being The Commissioner issued anv assessment for WON pawnshops are liable to NO. R.A. No. 9238 (2004) finally classified
Pawnshop, Inc. v. CIR, non-bank financial deficiency VAT against H. Tambunting Pawnshop pay VAT. pawnshops as Other Non-bank Financial
G.R. No. 179085, 21 intermediaries, are for the year 1999. Intermediaries. The Court finds that pawn
January 2010 exempted from VAT but liable to 0%-5% shops should have been treated as non-bank
percentage tax on grossvreceipts as the Petitioner protested the assessment. As the protest financial intermediaries from the very
case mayvbe. merited no response, it filed a Petition for Review beginning, subject to the appropriate taxes
with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) pursuant to provided by law.
Section 228 of the National Internal Revenue
Code, raising the argumentthat Pawnshops are not Since petitioner is a non-bank financial
subject to Value Added Tax pursuant to Section intermediary, it is subject to 10% VAT for the
108 of the National Internal Revenue tax years 1996 to 2002; however, with the
Code. levy, assessment and collection of VAT from
non-bank financial intermediaries being
The CTA ruled that the petitioner is liable for the specifically deferred by law, then petitioner is
deficiency VAT. The petitioner asserted that a not liable for VAT during these tax years.
pawnshop is not enumerated as one of those But with the full implementation of the VAT
engaged in "sale or exchange of services" in system on non-bank financial intermediaries
Section 108 starting January 1, 2003, petitioner is liable for
of the NIRC and cited the case of Commissioner of 10% VAT for said tax year.
Internal Revenue v. Michel J. Lhuillier Pawnshops,
Inc. And beginning 2004 up to the present, by
virtue of R.A. No. 9238, petitioner is no longer
liable for VAT but it is subject to percentage
tax on gross receipts from 0% to 5%, as
the case may be.
34. CIR vs. Burmeister In order for services to be subjected to Burmeister and Wain Scandinavian Contractor WON BWSCMI should be NO. Section 102 of the NIRC (Now Section
and Wain 0% VAT it must meet the following Mindanao Inc. (BWSCMI), a domestic company, ubject to 0% VAT as it is 108) provides the requirements in order for
Scandinavian requirements: was subcontracted by the Consortium to operate performing services for a services subjected to 0% VAT. In order for
Contractor Mindanao, and maintain power barges awarded by the person/company doing services to be subjected to 0% VAT it must
Inc., G.R. No. 153205, 1. Services should be NAPOCOR. business outside of the meet the following requirements:
January 22, 2007 other than “processing, manufacturing or BWSCMI asked for a ruling from BIR to ensure the Philippines.
repacking of goods.” tax implications on the services it will perform in 1. Services should be other than “processing,
favor of the Consortium. It was able to secure two manufacturing or repacking of goods.”
2. Services are paid in acceptable foreign BIR rulings stating that it shall be subject to zero- 2. Services are paid in acceptable foreign
currency and are accounted for in rated VAT. However, BWSCMI mistakenly paid for currency and are accounted for in accordance
accordance with the VAT. with the Bangko Sentral ng
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas rules. Pilipinas rules.
On the strength of the two rulings BWSCMI filed a
3. Recipient of such claim for the issuance of a tax credit in its favor. To 3. Recipients of such service are doing
service is doing business outside the stop the prescriptive period of the tax credit business outside the Philippines. In this case,
Philippines. BWSCMI filed a petition for review with the CTA. the recipient of the services of BWSCMI is the
consortium. While the Consortium’s principal
BIR claimed that in order for BWSCMI to enjoy the members are nonresident foreign
zerorating for VAT the services it performs should corporations, the Consortium itself is doing
be destined to be consumed abroad as stated in business in the Philippines.
Sec. 102 of the NIRC.
The Consortium’s contract with NAPOCOR is
for a term of 15 years. Considering the length
of time that the Consortium will operate and
maintain the power barges it cannot be
classified as a single or isolated transaction.
35. CIR v. American As a general rule, the Respondent, a VAT taxpayer, is the Philippine WON AMEX Philippines is YES. Section 102 (now Section 108) (B) (2)
Express International, VAT system uses the Branch of AMEX USA entitled to a refund. of the Tax Code provides for the services or
destination principle. tasked with servicing a unit of AMEX-Hongkong transactions subject to a 0% rate.
Inc., G.R. No. 152609, Branch. It facilitates the collection of the latter’s
29 June 2005 However, our VAT law itself provides for receivables from card members situated in the As a general rule, the VAT system uses the
a clear Philippines and payment to service establishments destination principle as a basis for the
exception, under which the supply of in the Philippines. jurisdictional reach of the tax.
service shall be zero-rated when the
following requirements are met: It filed with BIR a letter request for the refund of its In the present case, the services rendered by
1997 excess input taxes, citing as basis Section the respondent are performed upon its
1. The service is 110B of the 1997 Tax Code. sending to its foreign client the credit card
performed in the drafts and bills it has gathered from service
Philippines; In addition, the respondent relied on VAT Ruling establishments here, and are, therefore,
2. The service falls No. 080-89. Petitioner CIR claimed, among others, services also consumed in the Philippines.
under any of the that the claim for refund should be construed strictly
categories provided against the claimant as they partake of the nature Under the destination principle, such service
in Section 102(b) of of tax exemption. is subject to 10% VAT. However, the law
the Tax Code; and clearly provides for an exception to the
3. It is paid for in destination principle --- that is 0% VAT rate for
acceptable foreign services that are performed in the Philippines,
currency that is “paid for in acceptable foreign currency and
accounted for in accounted for in accordance with the rules and
accordance with regulations of BSP.” The respondent meets
the regulations of requirements for exemption, and
the Bangko Sentral thus should be zero-rated.
ng Pilipinas.
36. Contex Corp. vs. Only VAT-Registered Contex is an SMBA-registered firm which exempts WON the CA is correct in YES. Petitioner’s claim to VAT exemption in
Commissioner of entities can claim Input it from local and finding that the VAT the instant case for its purchases of supplies
Internal Revenue, G.R. VAT Credit/Refund. national internal revenue taxes, except for the exemption embodied in Rep. and raw materials is founded mainly on
No. 151135, July 2, preferential tax provided for in sec. 12 of RA 7227. Act No. 7227 does not apply Section 12 (b) and (c) of Rep. Act No. 7227,
2004 Petitioner is registered to the petitioner as a which basically exempts them from all national
as a NON-VAT taxpayer Cortext Corp. also registered with the BIR as a non- purchaser. and local internal revenue taxes, including
and thus, is exempt from VAT taxpayer. Context now is claiming a tax credit VAT and Section 4 (A)(a) of BIR Revenue
VAT. As an exempt VAT for 10% VAT passed by its suppliers to Contex Regulations No. 1-95.
taxpayer, it is not when Contex purchased materials from the said
allowed any tax credit on suppliers. Petitioner’s claim, however, for exemption
VAT (input tax) from VAT for its purchases of supplies and raw
previously paid. BIR asked the CTA to apply the rule that claims for materials is incongruous with its claim that it is
refund are strictly VAT-Exempt, for only VAT-Registered entities
construed against the taxpayer. Since the can claim Input VAT Credit/Refund.
petitioner failed to establish both its right to a tax
refund or tax credit and its compliance with the While it is true that the petitioner should not
rules on tax refund as provided for in Sections 204 have been liable for the VAT inadvertently
and 229 of the Tax Code, its claim should be passed on to it by its supplier since such is a
denied. zero-rated sale on the part of the supplier, the
petitioner is not the proper party to claim such
CTA partially granted the refund and held that the VAT refund. Since the transaction is deemed
petitioner is exempt from the imposition of input a zero-rated sale, the petitioner's supplier may
VAT on its purchases of supplies and materials. CA claim an Input VAT credit with no
then reversed CTA ruling and held that the corresponding Output VAT
exemption from duties and taxes on the importation liability.Congruently, no Output VAT may be
of raw materials, capital, and equipment of SBFZ- passed on to the petitioner.
registered enterprises under Rep. Act No. 7227
and its implementing rules covers only “the VAT
imposable under Section 107 of the [Tax Code],
which is a direct liability of the importer, and in no
way includes the value-added tax of the seller
exporter the burden of which was passed on to.
2. CIR vs. The Insular A registration for CDA is not necessary Whether Insular Life is required to pay the DST Whether Insular Life is No. The Supreme Court, in reference to its
Life Assurance Co. for a cooperative to be exempted from the assailed by Facts: Respondent Insular Life required to pay the DST pronouncement in Republic of the Philippines
payment of percentages. Assurance, a corporation duly organized and assailed by the CIR v. Sunlife Assurance Company of Canada
Ltd., G.R. No. 197192, existing under and by virtue of laws of the which states that “under the Tax Code
June 4, 2014. Philippines received an Assessment Notice with although respondent is a cooperative,
Formal letter of Demand both dated July 29, 2004, registration with the CDA is not necessary in
assessing respondent for deficiency DST on its order for it to be exempt from the payment of
premiums on direct/business sums assured for both percentage taxes on insurance
calendar 2002 amounting P93, 934,59.21. Hence, premiums, under Section 121, and
Insular Life filed its Protest Letter on November 4, documentary stamp taxes on policies of
2004 which was denied by the CIR for lack of insurance annuities it grants, under Section
factual and legal bases as Insular life received the 199. Applying the rule on stare decisis, the
Final Decision on Disputed Assessment (FDDA) CTA based on the doctrine enunciated in the
only on June 23, 2005. case of Sunlife as the factual circumstances of
both cases are substantially the same. The
On July 15, 2005, Insular Life filed a petition for Court ruled that Section 3 (e) of R.A. No. 6939
review before the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA). The does not impose registration with the CDA as
CTA rendered a Decision in favor of Insular Life as a condition precedent to claiming DST
it sufficiently established that it is a cooperative exemption. Even this law does not apply in this
company and therefore, it exempt from the DST on case.
the insurance policies it grants to its members. CIR
filed for a motion for reconsideration, but was The Court presented three justifications in
dismissed by the CTA. The subsequent Petition for Sunlife why registration with the CDA is not
Review before the CTA en banc was also denied. necessary for cooperatives to claim exemption
from DST.
3. CIR vs. Pilipinas The imposition of DST does not apply to Respondent Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation Whether the respondent is Yes. PSPC is entitled for refund. The Court
Shell Petroleum all conveyances of real propery, but only (PSPC) was incorporated to construct, operate and entitled to the refund of the found no merit in petitioner's contention that
Corporation, G.R. No. sales of real property. maintain petroleum refineries, works, plant DST paid with the BIR Section 196 covers all transfers and
192398, September machinery, equipment dock and harbor facilities conveyances of real property for a valuable
29, 2014. and auxiliary works and other facilities of all kinds consideration. A perusal of the subject
and used in or in connection with the manufacture provision would clearly show it pertains only to
of products of all kinds which are wholly or partly sale transactions where real property is
derived from crude oil. PSPC entered into a Plan of conveyed to a purchaser for a consideration.
Merger with its affiliate, Shell Philippine Petroleum The phrase "granted, assigned, transferred or
Corporation (SPPC). In the said Plan of Merger, it otherwise conveyed" is qualified by the word
was provided that the entire assets and liabilities of "sold" which means that documentary stamp
SPPC will be transferred to, and absorbed by, tax under Section 196 is imposed on the
respondent as the surviving entity. The Securities transfer of realty by way of sale and does not
and Exchange Commission approved the merger apply to all conveyances of real property.
on July 1, 1999. Hence, on August 10, 1999, Indeed, as correctly noted by the respondent,
respondent paid to the BIR documentary stamp the fact that Section 196 refers to words
taxes amounting to P524,316.00 on the original "sold", "purchaser" and "consideration"
issuance of shares of stock of respondent issued in undoubtedly leads to the conclusion that only
exchange for the surrendered SPPC shares sales of real property are contemplated
pursuant to Section 175 of the National Internal therein. PSPC and SPPC entered into a
Revenue Code (NIRC). merger which might have a dissolution of the
absorbed or merged corporations, but there
The BIR confirmed that the merger between PSPC was no winding up of their affairs or liquidation
and SPPC was tax-free in nature as there was no of assets because the surviving corporation
gain nor loss shall be recognized, if, in pursuance automatically acquires all their rights,
to a plan of merger or consolidation, a shareholder privileges, and powers as well as their
exchanges stock in a corporation which is a party liabilities. Here, SPPC ceased to have any
to the merger or consolidation solely for the stock legal personality and respondent PSPC
of another corporation which is also a party to the stepped into everything that was SPPC's,
merger or consolidation. This ruling is pursuant to pursuant to the law and the terms of their Plan
Section 40 (C) (2) and (6) (b) of the NIRC. The BIR of Merger.
ruled, among others, that no gain or loss shall be
recognized by the stockholders of SPPC on the In a merger, the real properties are not
exchange of their shares of stock of SPPC solely deemed "sold" to the surviving corporation
for shares of stock of respondent pursuant to the and the latter could not be considered as
Plan of Merger. However, the BIR stated that the "purchaser" of realty since the real properties
issuance by PSPC of its own shares of stock to the subject of the merger were merely absorbed
shareholders of SPPC in exchange for the by the surviving corporation by operation of
surrendered certificates of stock of SPPC shall be law and these properties are deemed
subject to the documentary stamp tax (DST). This automatically transferred to and vested in the
led to PSPC to pay the amount of P22,101,407.64 surviving corporation without further act or
to the BIR representing DST on the transfer of real deed. Therefore, the transfer of real properties
property from SPPC to respondent. to the surviving corporation in pursuance of a
PSPC believed that it erroneously paid DST on its merger is not subject to documentary stamp
absorption of real property owned by SPPC, the tax. As stated at the outset, documentary
former filed a formal claim for refund or tax credit of stamp tax is imposed only on all conveyances,
the DST it paid to BIR. No action was taken by the deeds, instruments or writing where realty sold
BIR, thus, PSPC filed a petition for review before shall be conveyed to a purchaser or
the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) in order to suspend purchasers. The transfer of SPPC's real
the running of the prescriptive period of two years. property to respondent was neither a sale nor
was it a conveyance of real property for a
Petitioner’s contention: PSPC is liable for the DST consideration contracted to be paid as
pursuant to BIR Ruling No. 2-2001 dated February contemplated under Section 196 of the Tax
2, 2001 which stated that, “tax-deferred exchange Code. Hence, Section 196 of the Tax Code is
of properties of a corporation, which is a party to a inapplicable and respondent is not liable for
merger or consolidation, solely for shares of stock documentary stamp tax.
in a corporation, which is also a party to the merger
or consolidation, is subject to the DST under
Section 176 if the properties to be transferred are
shares of stock or even certificates of obligations,
and also to the documentary stamp tax under
Section 196, if the properties to be transferred are
real properties.”
4. H. Tambunting In ruling for tax exemptions, strictissimi H. Tambunting Pawnshop appealed the adverse Whether Tambunting is No. Tambunting is not entitled to its claims of
Pawnshop, Inc. v. CIR, juris on claims of deduction should be decision promulgated on April 24, 2006 whereby entitled to its claim of deductions. The Court has agreed with the
G.R. No. 173373, July applied such that a taxpayer should be the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc (CTA En Banc) deductions CTA En Banc that because this case involved
29, 2013. able to prove that he is entitled for affirmed the decision of the CTA First Division assessments relating to transactions incurred
deduction under a specific provision of ordering the former to pay deficiency income taxes by Tambunting prior to the effectivity of
the statute amounting to P4,536,687.15 for the taxable year Republic Act No. 8424, (1997 NIRC), the
1997, plus 20% delinquency interest computed provisions governing the propriety of the
from August 29, 2000 until full payment, but deductions was Presidential Decree 1158
cancelling the compromise penalties for lack of (1977 NIRC). Following the rule on strictissimi
basis. The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) juris on tax exemptions, when the taxpayer
issued assessment notices and demand letters claims a deduction, he must point to some
assessing Tambunting for deficiency percentage specific provision of the statute in which that
tax, income tax and compromise penalties for deduction is authorized and must be able to
taxable year 1997. Hence, Tambunting instituted prove that he is entitled to the deduction which
an administrative protest against the assessment the law allows. An item of expenditure,
notices and demand letters with the Commissioner therefore, must fall squarely within the
of Internal Revenue (CIR). Due to the CIR’s language of the law in order to be deductible.
inaction within the 180-day period prescribed by A mere averment that the taxpayer has
law, Tambunting brought a petition for review incurred a loss does not automatically warrant
before the CTA and En banc which denied it, a deduction from its gross income.
As the CTA En Banc held, Tambunting did not
Petitioner’s contention: The CTA should have properly prove that it had incurred losses. The
allowed the deductions because it had been able to subasta books it presented were not the
point out the provisions of law authorizing the proper evidence of such losses from the
deductions; that it proved its entitlement to the auctions because they did not reflect the true
deductions through all the documentary and amounts of the proceeds of the auctions due
testimonial evidence presented in court. the to certain items having been left unsold after
provisions of Section 34 (A) (1) (b) of the 1997 the auctions. The rematado books did not also
NIRC, governing the types of evidence to prove a prove the amounts of capital because the
claim for deduction of expenses, were applicable figures reflected therein were only the
because the law took effect during the pendency of amounts given to the pawnees. It is interesting
the case in the CTA. They also incurred losses in to note, too, that the amounts received by the
its auction sales of which were shown in their pawnees were not the actual values of the
compliance of the requirements of Revenue pawned articles but were only fractions of the
Regulations No. 12-77 on the deductibility of its real values. Tambunting did not discharge its
losses. burden of substantiating its claim for
deductions due to the inadequacy of its
documentary support of its claim. Its reliance
on withholding tax returns, cash vouchers,
lessor's certifications, and the contracts of
lease was futile because such documents had
scant probative value. As the CTA En Banc
succinctly put it, the law required Tambunting
to support its claim for deductions with the
corresponding official receipts issued by the
service providers concerned. Failing to
support with substantial evidence on its
claims, the petition was denied.
5. Fort Bonifacio The payment of taxes is not a condition This is a resolution for the motion for (1) Whether the prior payment No on both issues. On the first issue, the Court
Development precedent before a taxpayer can avail of reconsideration raised by the respondents on the of tax is necessary before a already settled the rule that prior payment of
Corporation v. CIR, the transitional input tax following arguments: 1) Prior payment of tax is taxpayer can avail of the 8% taxes is not necessary before a taxpayer could
G.R. No. 173425, inherent in the nature and payment of the 8% transitional input tax credit; (2) avail of the 8% transitional input tax credit.
January 22, 2013 transitional input tax; 2) For failure to clearly prove Whether or not the petitioner Section 105 of the NIRC provides that for a
its entitlement to the transitional input tax credit, is entitled to transitional input taxpayer to avail of the 8% transitional input
petitioner's claim for tax refund must fail in light of tax credits or tax refund tax credit, all that is required from the taxpayer
the basic doctrine that tax refund partakes of the is to file a beginning inventory with the Bureau
nature of a tax exemption which should be of Internal Revenue (BIR). It was never
construed strictissimi juris against the taxpayer. mentioned in Section 105 that prior payment
of taxes is a requirement. On the second
issue, A transitional input tax credit is not a tax
refund per se but a tax credit. Logically, prior
payment of taxes is not required before a
taxpayer could avail of transitional input tax
credit. As the Court has declared on its
decision, "[t]ax credit is not synonymous to tax
refund. Tax refund is defined as the money
that a taxpayer overpaid and is thus returned
by the taxing authority. Tax credit, on the other
hand, is an amount subtracted directly from
one's total tax liability. It is any amount given
to a taxpayer as a subsidy, a refund, or an
incentive to encourage investment." It also
emphasized that a transitional input tax credit
can be claimed even if there is no actual
payment of VAT in the underlying transaction.
In such cases, the tax base used shall be the
value of the beginning inventory of goods,
materials and supplies.
6. PHILACOR Credit The issuance and assignment of Philacor is engaged in the business of retail Whether Philacor is liable for No. Philacor is not liable for the DST on the
Corporation v. CIR, promissory note will not be liable for the financing. It is a form of selling in which a the DST due on the issuance issuance of promissory notes. Section 173 of
G.R. No. 169899, payment of DST prospective buyer of a home appliance with neither and assignment of promissory the 1997 NIRC names those who are primarily
February 6, 2013 cash nor any credit card may purchase appliances notes liable for the DST: the person (1) making; (2)
on installment basis from an appliance dealer. After signing; (3) issuing; (4) accepting; or (5)
Philacor conducts a credit investigation and transferring the taxable documents,
approves the buyer's application, the buyer instruments or papers. Should these parties
executes a unilateral promissory note in favor of be exempted from paying tax, the other party
the appliance dealer. The same promissory note is who is not exempt would then be liable.
subsequently assigned by the appliance dealer to Philacor did not make, sign, issue, accept or
Philacor. Pursuant to a Letter of Authority, transfer the promissory notes. The acts of
Philacor’s books of account and other accounting making, signing, issuing and transferring are
record were examined by a Revenue Officer Mejia. unambiguous. The buyers of the appliances
Philacor received tentative computations of made, signed and issued the documents
deficiency taxes. RO Mejia sent a letter to Philaco subject to tax, while the appliance dealer
revising the preliminary assessments. Philacor transferred these documents to Philacor which
then received Pre-Assessment Notices (PANs), all likewise indisputably received or "accepted"
dated July 18, 1996, covering the alleged them. "Acceptance," however, is an act that is
deficiency income, percentage and DSTs, not even applicable to promissory notes, but
including increments. On February 3, 1998, only to bills of exchange. The Court clarified
Philacor received demand letters and the that a party to a taxable transaction who
corresponding assessment notices, all dated "accepts" any documents or instruments in the
January 28, 1998 totaling to P17,442,231.61. plain and ordinary meaning of the act (such as
Philacor protested the PANs with request of the shipper in the cited case) does not become
reconsideration and reinvestigation. It alleged that primarily liable for the tax.
the assessed deficiency income tax was
erroneously computed failing to consider the In the same way, Philacor cannot be made
reversing entries of the revenue re As for the primarily liable for the DST on the issuance of
deficiency DST, Philacor claims that the accredited the subject promissory notes, just because it
appliance dealers were required by law to affix the had "accepted" the promissory notes in the
documentary stamps on all promissory notes plain and ordinary meaning. In this regard,
purchased until the enactment of Republic Act No. Section 173 of the 1997 NIRC assumes
7660, otherwise known as An Act Rationalizing materiality as it determines liability should the
Further the Structure and Administration of the parties who are primarily liable turn out to be
Documentary Stamp Tax, 9 which took effect on exempted from paying tax; the other party to
January 15, 1994. In addition, Philacor filed, on the the transaction then becomes liable. In the
following day, a supplemental protest, arguing that same way, Philacor is not liable for the
the assessments were void for failure to state the assignment of promissory notes as there are
law and the facts on which they were based. no laws that specify such transfer and/or
assignment is to be taxed, there would be no
The CTA Division ruled that Philacor failed to basis to recognize an imposition. The settled
declare part of its income, making it liable for rule is that in case of doubt, tax laws must be
deficiency income tax and percentage tax. construed strictly against the State and
However, it also found that the Commissioner of liberally in favor of the taxpayer. The reason
Internal Revenue (CIR) erred in his analysis of the for this ruling is not hard to grasp: taxes, as
entries in Philacor's books thereby considerably burdens which must be endured by the
reducing Philacor's liability to a deficiency income taxpayer, should not be presumed to go
tax of P1,757,262.47 and a deficiency percentage beyond what the law expressly and clearly
tax of P613,987.86. The CTA also ruled that declare. The petition was granted.
Philacor is liable for the DST on the issuance of the
promissory notes and their subsequent transfer or
assignment. It failed to prove that the DST on its
promissory notes had been paid for these two
transactions. Hence, the CTA held Philacor to be
liable for deficiency DST.
Case Title Case Principle Summary of Facts Issue/s Ruling
1. CIR v. Yumex A company registered with the PEZA A Notice of Informal Conference was issued by the Whether the CTA Division YES. The payment by respondent of the other
Philippines and is under ITH is exempt from IAET. If Revenue District Officer (RDO) to Yumex informing can take cognizance of the items in the FLD/FAN, particularly, the basic
Corporation, G.R. No. the CIR issues an IAET assessment the latter that the investigation of its accounting issue of the invalidity of the deficiency income and fringe benefits taxes
222476, May 5, 2021. against it on the basis that only PEZA- records for the taxable year 2007 resulted in a assessment against and compromise penalty, preclude it from
registered companies under the 5% tax preliminary assessment of income tax, value- respondent for allegedly questioning the validity of the issuance of the
regime are exempt from IAET, the added tax, expanded withholding tax, fringe having been issued in assessment notices.
company may protest the assessment. benefits tax, IAET, and compromise penalty. violation of respondent's due
Additionally, Section 228 of the Tax Yumex then claimed that it is PEZA registered and process considering that it The manner by which the assessment is
Code clearly requires that the taxpayer should not be subject to IAET. had paid deficiency taxes issued is a distinct matter in itself from the
must first be informed that he is liable for which are uncontested. contents of the assessment. Respondent's
deficiency taxes through the sending of It was however just sent by mail and the BIR did not voluntary payment, while it may be viewed as
a PAN. offer any explanation for the verification of the an acknowledgment of its tax deficiencies for
details of the post office. BIR said that sending such some of the assessed items, is not necessarily
He must be informed of the facts and the mail already constitutes constructive notice for an outright waiver of its right to question the
law upon which the assessment is Yumex. CIR said that, according to the law, if no impropriety of the issuance of the assessment
made. The law imposes a substantive, response is received from the taxpayer within the notices, especially in this case wherein
not merely a formal, requirement. To prescribed period, the same shall be considered respondent consistently protested the IAET
proceed heedlessly with tax collection constructively received. It also added that because assessment against it.
without first establishing a valid Yumex was able to file a protest, then there is
assessment is evidently violative of the already knowledge to them about the assessments. The fact that respondent's right to due process
cardinal principle in administrative was violated because it was denied the
investigations — that taxpayers should opportunity to respond to the PAN remains
be able to present their case and glaringly evident and cannot be deemed
adduce supporting evidence. erased or cured by respondent's volitional
payment of other assessed items.
2. CIR v. Philex Mining The submission of subsidiary sales Philex is a domestic corporation engaged in the Whether CTA en banc erred No, the petition is denied. Records show that
Corporation, G.R. No. journal and subsidiary purchase journal mining business. In January 2010, Philex filed its in granting the tax refund. Philex filed its application for a tax refund,
218057, January 18, is not indispensable to support a claim original Quarterly VAT Return for the fourth quarter attaching therewith the necessary documents,
2021 for refund. of 2009. Subsequently, it filed an amended on September 28, 2011. As previously held, it
Quarterly VAT Return for its total zero-rated sales is Philex that determines the completeness of
of, importation of goods, and purchases of services the documents submitted for purposes of
along with their respective input taxes Philex filed counting the 120-day period. Within the period
its claim for refund/tax credit with the One-Stop- of 120 days from September 28, 2011, the CIR
Shop (OSS) Center of the Department of Finance could have notified Philex, by way of a request,
in the amount of P27,115,507.10, on September to submit additional documents which he/she
28, 2011. The CIR failed to act on Philex's deems necessary.
administrative claim for a refund which prompted
Philex to file a Petition for Review with the CTA. Considering that no notice was given by the
CIR or no other action was taken within the
said 120 days, Philex had 30 days from
January 26, 2012, the expiration of the 120-day
period, or until February 26, 2012, to appeal to
the CTA. Again, records show that Philex
properly and timely filed its judicial claim on
February 3, 2012.
3. CIR v. T Shuttle Section 228 of the National Internal CIR issued a Letter of Notice (LN) to T Shuttle Whether the CTA erred in NO. In this case, the CTA En Banc ruled in the
Services, Inc. G.R. No. Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as Services informing it of the discrepancy found after declaring the assessments negative; hence, it sustained the CTA
240729, August 24, amended, requires the assessment to comparing its tax returns. The LN was received and void for failure of the CIR to Division's finding that T Shuttle Services was
2020 inform the taxpayer in writing of the law signed by a certain Malou Bohol on July 24, 2009. not accorded due process and declared void
and the facts on which the assessment Due to T Shuttle Services inaction, the CIR issued the assessments made against respondent for
is made; otherwise, the assessment an (1) LN for the examination of its book of prove service to T Shuttle deficiency IT and VAT for CY 2007. The Court
shall be void. accounts and other accounting records and (2) a Services. recognizes that the CTA's findings can only be
Notice of Informal Conference (NIC). disturbed on appeal if they are not supported
by substantial evidence, or there is a showing
The CIR then issued a Preliminary Assessment of gross error or abuse on the part of the tax
Notice (PAN) with attached Details of court.
Discrepancies that found respondent liable for
deficiency income tax (IT) and value-added tax There is no such gross error or abuse in this
(VAT) in the total amount of P6,485,579.49. On July case. Section 228 of the National Internal
20, 2010, the CIR issued a Final Assessment Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended,
Notice (FAN), assessing respondent with requires the assessment to inform the taxpayer
deficiency VAT in the amount of P3,720,488.73 and in writing of the law and the facts on which the
deficiency IT in the amount of P5,305,486.50. On assessment is made; otherwise, the
November 28, 2012, the Revenue District Officer assessment shall be void. As ruled by the CTA
(RDO) issued a Preliminary Collection Letter En Banc, the CIR's mere presentation of
requesting T Shuttle Services to pay the assessed Registry Receipt Nos. 5187 and 2581 was
tax liability within 10 days from notice. insufficient to prove respondent's receipt of the
PAN and the FAN.
On January 23, 2013, the RDO issued a Final
Notice Before Seizure (FNBS) giving T Shuttle It held that the witnesses for the CIR failed to
Services the last opportunity to settle its tax liability identify and authenticate the signatures
within 10 days from notice. On April 2, 2013, the appearing on the registry receipts; thus, it
RDO denied the requested one-month grace cannot be ascertained whether the signatures
period. The CTA ruled in favor of T Shuttle appearing in the documents were those of
Services, holding that it was not accorded due respondent's authorized representatives. It
process in the issuance of the PAN and the FAN as further noted that Revenue Officer Joseph V.
there was a failure to prove that the notices were Galicia (Galicia), the CIR's witness, had in fact
properly and duly served upon and received by admitted during cross-examination that he was
them. Hence, it declared void the assessments uncertain whether the PAN and FAN were
made against T Shuttle Services for deficiency IT actually received by respondent.
and VAT.
The Court sees no reason to set aside the
findings of the CTA En Banc. "It is doctrinal that
the Court will not lightly set aside the
conclusions reached by the CTA which, by the
very nature of its functions, has accordingly
developed exclusive expertise on the
resolution unless there has been an abuse or
improvident exercise of authority." In any
event, the Court finds significant the fairly
recent issuance by no less than the CIR
himself of Revenue Memorandum Order No.
(RMO) 40-2019 which prescribes the
procedures for the proper service of
assessment notices.
4. CIR v. East Asia As the amendment in RR No. 11-2005 East Asia Utilities (EAU) is a domestic corporation Whether the enumeration of NO. Under Section 24 of RA No. 7916 53
Utilities Corporation, now stands, the enumeration of registered with the PEZA as an ECOZONE Utilities direct costs deductible from (PEZA Law), a PEZA-registered enterprise,
G.R. No. 225266, allowable deductions was only made by Enterprise at the Mactan Economic Zone and West a PEZA-registered such as East Asia Utilities, is entitled to the
November 16, 2020. way of example or illustration of the Cebu Industrial Park-Special Economic Zone. enterprise's gross income in special tax of 5% on gross income earned
nature and type of expenses that may Under PEZA Certificate of Board Resolution, EAU RR No. 11-2005 is exclusive. within the ECOZONE in lieu of all national and
be deducted from a PEZA-registered is entitled to the incentives under Sections 24 and local taxes.
enterprise's gross income for purposes 42 of (RA) No. 7916, as amended, such as
of computing the 5% GIT. As such, the payment of the special five percent (5%) tax on Gross income refers to "gross sales or gross
maxim expressio unius est exclusio gross income in lieu of national and local taxes. revenues derived from business activity within
alterius does not apply. the ECOZONE, net of sales discounts, sales
In 2009, EAU received a Preliminary Assessment returns and allowances and minus costs of
Notice (PAN) from the CIR assessing it for sales or direct costs but before any deduction
deficiency tax consisting of (a) income tax and (b) is made for administrative expenses or
expanded withholding tax (EWT) for the calendar incidental losses during a given taxable
year ending December 2006, plus interest to be period.''
computed upon payment. After trial, the CTA
Division rendered its Decision finding East Asia By using the phrase "shall consist only of the
Utilities liable for deficiency income tax in the following cost or expense item," RR No. 2-2005
reduced amount. restricted the allowable deductions from gross
income of a PEZA-registered enterprise to the
The CTA Division held that the amendment of enumerated cost and expenses.
Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 2-2005 by RR No.
11-2005 rendered the enumeration of allowable Later, the BIR issued RR No. 11-2005 56
deductions from gross income of a PEZA- revoking Section 7 of RR No. 2-2005 and
registered enterprise, such as East Asia Utilities, no removing the exclusivity of the enumeration of
longer exclusive. The criteria for determining the cost or expense that is allowed as a deduction
deductibility of an expense for computing the 5% from gross income. As the amendment in RR
Gross Income Tax (GIT) is the direct relation of the No. 11-2005 now stands, the enumeration of
item in the rendition of PEZA-registered services. allowable deductions was only made by way of
example or illustration of the nature and type of
East Asia Utilities and the CIR separately filed expenses that may be deducted from a PEZA-
motions for reconsideration but were denied by the registered enterprise's gross income for
CTA Division on August 6, 2014, for lack of merit. purposes of computing the 5% GIT.
The CTA Division held that the word "included" as
used in RR No. 11-2005 necessarily conveys the The maxim expressio unius est exclusio
idea of non-exclusivity of the enumeration of alterius does not apply. Besides, the BIR
allowable deductions and that the principle of should not have issued RR No. 11-2005 and
expressio unius est exclusio alterius does not deleted the phrase "shall consist only of the
apply. following cost or expense item" and changed it
to "the following direct costs are included in the
allowable deductions" if it did not intend to
remove the restriction on the expenses that
may be deducted.
5. Games & Klub is an organization whose members Klub is an organization whose members are Whether the RTC has NO. The case was correctly dismissed. The
Amusement Board/BIR are racehorse owners regularly racehorse owners regularly participating in horse jurisdiction to take issuance of an injunction against the collection
v. Klub Don Juan De participating in horse racing conducted racing conducted by different racing clubs. MJCI, cognizance of the complaint of internal revenue taxes is prohibited based
Manila et. al., G.R. No. by different racing clubs. MJCI, PRCI, PRCI, and MMTCI are grantees of legislative filed by Klub Don Juan. on the lifeblood theory. Whether the complaint
252189, November 3, and MMTCI are grantees of legislative franchises, allowing them to construct, maintain, filed by Klub Don Juan should be treated as an
2020 franchises, allowing them to construct, and operate horse racing tracks. Their legislative action for declaratory relief and not injunction
maintain, and operate horse racing franchises imposed upon the racing clubs the duty is of no moment.
tracks. Their legislative franchises to withhold and remit DST to the BIR.
imposed upon the racing clubs the duty Since the issue, in this case, is the validity of
to withhold and remit DST to the BIR. Klub filed a complaint for Injunction against BIR, the provision of the TRAIN Law on the higher
GAB, and the racing clubs. The three laws (RA DST rate, the RTC has no jurisdiction. No court
Klub filed a complaint for Injunction 8407, RA 9753, 7978) granting franchise to the shall have the authority to grant an injunction
against BIR, GAB, and the racing clubs. three racing clubs imposed 10 centavos of DST for to restrain the collection of any national internal
The three laws (RA 8407, RA 9753, every peso worth of horse racing ticket and in case revenue tax, fee, or charge imposed by this
7978) granting franchise to the three of forecast/quinella and trifecta bets, 5 centavos for Code.
racing clubs imposed 10 centavos of every peso worth of ticket. However, the TRAIN
DST for every peso worth of horse Law increased the DST to 20 centavos.
racing ticket and in case of
forecast/quinella and trifecta bets, 5 Klub alleged that there is a conflict between the
centavos for every peso worth of ticket. provisions of the franchises of the racing clubs
However, the TRAIN Law increased the being a special law and the provisions of the TRAIN
DST to 20 centavos. Law. Klub asserted that GAB and the BIR should
be restrained from enforcing the TRAIN provision
Klub alleged that there is a conflict as the franchise rates should continue to apply
between the provisions of the franchises since it was not specifically amended by the TRAIN
of the racing clubs being a special law Law. GAB and BIR argued that the RTC cannot
and the provisions of the TRAIN Law. restrain the collection of the DST under the TRAIN
Klub asserted that GAB and the BIR Law as it is outside the territorial jurisdiction of the
should be restrained from enforcing the RTC of Mandaluyong City, Branch 213 because
TRAIN provision as the franchise rates horse race tickets may be purchased all over the
should continue to apply since it was not country and not just in Metro Manila.
specifically amended by the TRAIN Law.
GAB and BIR argued that the RTC They added that Section 218 of the NIRC prohibits
cannot restrain the collection of the DST the grant of injunction to restrain the collection of
under the TRAIN Law as it is outside the national internal revenue taxes including DST. The
territorial jurisdiction of the RTC of RTC dismissed the case on the ground that it has
Mandaluyong City, Branch 213 because no jurisdiction to restrain the collection of the DST
horse race tickets may be purchased all under Section 218 of the NIRC. The CA treated the
over the country and not just in Metro complaint for injunction as one for declaratory relief
Manila. as there has been no breach of the TRAIN law yet
and there is a ripening judicial controversy. The CA
They added that Section 218 of the declared the RTC dismissal was premature.
NIRC prohibits the grant of injunction to
restrain the collection of national internal
revenue taxes including DST. The RTC
dismissed the case on the ground that it
has no jurisdiction to restrain the
collection of the DST under Section 218
of the NIRC. The CA treated the
complaint for injunction as one for
declaratory relief as there has been no
breach of the TRAIN law yet and there
is a ripening judicial controversy. The
CA declared the RTC dismissal was
6. Philippine Dream Final notice before seizure is considered a Petitioner Philippine Dream Company, Inc. filed a Whether or not a Final The decision of the CIR that may be appealed
Company v. CIR, G.R. denial of protest and court has no Petition for Review seeking reversal of the earlier NoticeBefore Seizure sent to the CTA may not always be in the form of a
NO. 216044, August 27, jurisdiction on petitions belatedly filed. decision of CTA dismissing the Petition for lack of by the BIR to a taxpayer is Final Decision on Disputed Assessment. It may
2020 jurisdiction. Petitioner argued that the Final Notice appealable to the CTA also come in other forms, such as a Final
Before Seizure is not a final decision of Respondent Notice Before Seizure.The determining factor
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) on its of whether the decision of the CIR may already
protest, therefore, cannot be the basis of appeal to be appealed to the CTA depends on the
the CTA. On the other hand, Respondent language used in, and tenor of, the CIR's
countered that the Final Notice Before Seizure is communication.
already a final decision denying the Petitioner’s
protest, and, as such, Petitioner had 30 days to In this case, the BIR issued a Final Notice
appeal from receipt thereof. In ruling, Section 228 Before Seizure while the taxpayer’s protest
of the 1997 Tax Code, as discussed in the case against a tax assessment was pending review
Lascona Land Co., Inc. vs. CIR, provides that a by the BIR. The Supreme Court ruled that a
taxpayer has two (2) options in case of the inaction Final Notice Before Seizure is considered a
of the CIR on the protested assessment. First, the final decision of the Commissioner of Internal
taxpayer has the option to file a Petition for Review Revenue (CIR) on a disputed assessment.
with the CTA within 30 days after the expiration of Accordingly, pursuant to Section 228 of the
the 180-day period. Second, the taxpayer may Tax Code, the taxpayer must file an appeal to
await the final decision of the CIR on the disputed question the Final Notice Before Seizure with
assessment and appeal such final decision to the the CTA within 30 days from its receipt of the
CTA within 30 days after the receipt of a copy of same. Being a court of special jurisdiction, the
such decision. CTA can only take cognizance of matters
which are within its jurisdiction. While the right
to appeal a decision of the CIR to the CTA is a
statutory remedy, the requirement that the
appeal must be brought within the prescribed
30-day period is jurisdictional.
12. CIR v. BPI, G.R. No. Waivers by the CIR of the statute of Through a letter dated May 6, 1991, the CIR sent The Court shall resolve three The petition lacks merit.
227049, September 16, limitations shall conform to statutory Assessment Notices 6 to Citytrust Banking issues:
2020. limitations Corporation (Citytrust) in connection with its The CTA properly exercised its
deficiency internal revenue taxes for the year 1986 (1) Did the CTA have jurisdiction over BPI's petition for
in the aggregate amount of P20,865,320.29 7: jurisdiction over BPI's review.
Second CTA Petition?
The assessments came after Citytrust's execution The OSG relies heavily on the letter dated
of three Waivers of the Statute of Limitations (2) Did the CIR timely issue February 5, 1992 — that it was a "final
(Waivers) under the National Internal Revenue assessments against decision" denying Citytrust's protest. 34
Code (NIRC) dated August 11, 1989, July 12, 1990, Citytrust for deficiency EWT, Citytrust's failure to appeal the "final decision"
and November 8, 1990 extending the prescriptive WTD, DFT, and WTC within 30 days from receipt thereof 35 rendered
period for the CIR to issue an assessment. 10 pertaining to the taxable year the tax assessment final, executory, and
1986? unappealable. 36 Thus, BPI's Second CTA
Citytrust protested the assessments on May 30, petition in 2011 was filed out of time, over
1991 and, again, on February 17, 1992. 11 In the (3) May the CIR still collect which the court below did not acquire
interim, through the Bureau of Internal Revenue the unpaid taxes? jurisdiction.
(BIR) Office of the Accounting Receivable/Billing
Section letter dated February 5, 1992, the CIR Petitioner's reasoning is specious and
demanded the payment of the subject deficiency misplaced.
taxes within 10 days from receipt thereof. 12
First, this was the CIR's same argument in the
At this juncture, two portions of the total 2018 Case. To recall, the Court did not give
assessment (P20,865,320.29) became the subject evidentiary weight to the letter dated February
of separate proceedings: first, the compromise and 5, 1992 due to the CIR's failure to prove
collection of the deficiency IT portion that led to Citytrust's receipt thereof. In the present case,
another Supreme Court case of the same title, not only is there still no proof of receipt. The
docketed as G.R. No. 224327 — the case was CIR did not even attach a copy of the letter
decided on November 16, 2018 (2018 Case); and relied upon to the present petition. Notably,
second, the collection of deficiency EWT, WTD, failure to append ''material portions of the
DFT, and WTC portion is the subject of the present record as would support the petition" is a
petition. ground for dismissal thereof. 37
A) Deficiency IT and G.R. No. 224327 Second, the aforementioned letter is irrelevant
in ascertaining whether or not the tax court
1. Compromise properly took cognizance of BPI's Second CTA
Petition. As the CTA correctly pointed out, BPI
The deficiency IT portion of the assessment did not come to question any final decision
became the subject of a compromise settlement, issued in connection with Citytrust's
pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Order No. assessments. They went before the CTA
(RMO) 45-93. 13 However, the parties tailed to primarily to assail the November 2011
reach an agreement. The CIR, which initially Warrant's issuance and implementation. To be
agreed to a settlement amount of P8,607,517.00, sure, the issue for the CTA to resolve was the
eventually denied Citytrust's application for propriety not of any assessment but of a tax
compromise settlement. On July 27, 1995, Citytrust collection measure implemented against BPI.
requested reconsideration. Accordingly, the CTA's disposition 38 was
distinctly for the cancellation of the warrant and
On October 4, 1996, Citytrust and BPI entered into nothing else.
a merger agreement, wherein the latter emerged as
the surviving corporation. 14 The law expressly vests the CTA the authority
to take cognizance of "other matters" arising
Subsequently, the CIR issued a Notice of Denial from the 1977 Tax Code and other laws
dated May 26, 2011 addressed to BPI and administered by the BIR 39 which necessarily
requested for the payment of Citytrust's deficiency includes rules, regulations, and measures on
IT for 1986 amounting to P19,202,589.97. CIR the collection of tax. Tax collection is part and
reiterated the request on July 28, 2011 in another parcel of the CIR's power to make
letter. assessments and prescribe additional
requirements for tax administration and
2. Collection enforcement. 40
The CIR sought to collect the above-mentioned Thus, the CTA properly exercised jurisdiction
amount and issued a Warrant of Distraint and/or over BPI's Second Petition.
Levy on September 21, 2011 (September 21, 2011
Warrant) against BPI. The CIR's right to assess has already
BPI questioned the warrant before the CTA (First
CTA Petition). The CTA Special Third Division The OSG insists that the CIR's right to assess
cancelled and set aside the September 21, 2011 the subject taxes did not prescribe because the
Warrant (CTA Case No. 8350) which the CTA En waivers of the statute of limitations were valid
Banc affirmed (CTA EB No. 1173). The CIR and binding. BPI is estopped from assailing the
appealed the case to the Court (G.R. No. 224327). documents' validity because they did not do so
15 in the administrative level. 41
In the 2018 Case, the CIR argued as follows: first, On the other hand, both the CTA Division and
the letter dated February 5, 1992 was a "final CTA EB carefully reviewed and examined the
decision" on the assessment. Under the law, records (i.e., tax returns for each tax type,
Citytrust had 30 days from the time of the letter's waivers of the statutes of limitations, etc.) to
issuance to appeal it to the CTA. However, BPI only precisely ascertain whether the period to
went to the CTA on October 7, 2011. Having been assess each tax type has prescribed. The court
filed out of time, CTA did not acquire jurisdiction a quo ultimately invalidated the waivers of the
over BPI's petition in CTA Case No. 8350. Second, statutes of limitations due to the absence of the
BPI's allegations on the waivers' defects were also CIR's signature and found that only the
made belatedly. Thus, they are estopped from assessments for EWT 42 and DFT have not
invoking the defense of prescription (i.e., CIR's right prescribed.
to assess) on the basis of these flaws. 16
The Court shall no longer disturb the afore-
However, in the Decision dated November 16, cited findings.
2018, the Court upheld the September 21, 2011
Warrant's cancellation. The Court explained that:
first, the CIR did not offer proof that Citytrust
received the letter dated February 5, 1992. This
failure "lead[s] to the conclusion that no
assessment was issued." 17 Second, estoppel
does not lie against BPI. It was the tax authorities
who had caused the aforementioned defects. The
flawed waivers did not extend the prescriptive
periods for assessment. 18 Thus, CIR's right to
assess Citytrust/BPI "already prescribed and [BPI]
is not liable to pay the deficiency tax assessment."
13. Imelda Sze et. al. v. Prescriptive Period for filing of suit for The respondent Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Whether or not the CA erred While this petition is pending, the petitioners
CIR, G.R. No. 210238, violations of the Tax Code shall be made issued Revenue Regulations 8-2001 or the in finding probable cause for manifested to the Court that pursuant to the
January 6, 2020 within 5 years Voluntary Assessment Program (VAP), granting violation of the NIRC.||| (Sze May 31, 2012 CA Decision, an Amended
taxpayers the privilege of last priority in the audit v. Bureau of Internal Information in Criminal Case Nos. O-385 to O-
and investigation of all internal revenue taxes for Revenue, G.R. No. 210238, 392 were filed against them in the Court of Tax
the taxable year December 31, 2000, and all prior [January 6, 2020]) Appeals (CTA).They moved to quash the
years under certain conditions. Chiat Sing Amended Information due to prescription and
Cardboard Corporation (Chiat Corp.) availed of the double jeopardy. On July 8, 2015, the CTA
VAP and was issued a certificate of qualification for issued a resolution dismissing all the cases on
1999 and 2000. The BIR clarified that availment of the ground of prescription. The CTA resolution
the VAP should not be construed to cover up any became final and executory, and an entry of
fraud or illegal acts that the taxpayer may commit judgment was later issued. The petitioners
as it is a mere privilege. 1 aver that with this development, the issues in
their petition have become moot and
On March 25, 2003, the BIR issued a Letter of academic. 14
Authority (LOA) for the examination of accounting
books and records of Chiat Corp. for all internal The BIR confirmed in its Manifestation and
revenue taxes for 1999 and 2000. Chiat Corp.'s Comment, that the DOJ complied with the CA's
Master Payroll, Beth Tugade (Tugade) received the decision and filed criminal Information against
LOA, but the required documents were not Sze, For, and Ng. On July 8, 2015, the CTA
presented. On May 5, 2003, Tugade received the promulgated a resolution dismissing Criminal
BIR's second notice and final notice, and still the Case Nos. O-385 to O-392 due to prescription.
records were not presented. 2 15
Due to Chiat Corp's. refusal to present its In its Reply, the petitioners reiterated that the
accounting records, the BIR conducted an propriety of the CA's decision in finding
investigation and discovered that Chiat Corp.:(1) probable cause was rendered moot and
underdeclared its sales amounting to academic by the CTA decision dismissing the
P160,588,321.63 and P113,578,182.69; (2) Amended Information against them. 16
underdeclared its income amounting to
P10,663,130.96 and P5,678,909.13 for 1999 and Section 281 of the Tax Reform Act of 1997 17
2000, respectively; (3) derived income from states that the prescriptive period for violation
undeclared importation of raw materials; (4) the of the law is five years.
underdeclared sales and income should have been
subjected to VAT and income tax; (5) deliberately SEC. 281. Prescription for Violations of any
and wilfully misdeclared its taxable base to evade Provision of this Code. — All violations of any
payment of correct internal revenue liabilities; (6) provision of this Code shall prescribe after five
failed to withhold taxes on labor cost it claimed (5) years.
amounting to P427,010,000.00; (7) failed to rectify
its income, value-added and withholding tax Prescription shall begin to run from the day of
returns, which should reflect the actual and correct the commission of the violation of the law, and
taxable base; and (8) understated the payment of if the same be not known at the time, from the
its correct tax liabilities by more than 30%.3 discovery thereof and the institution of judicial
proceedings for its investigation and
Thereafter, the BIR issued a Notice of Informal punishment.
Conference (NIC),Preliminary Assessment Notice
(PAN),Formal Letter of Demand (FLD),and Final The prescription shall be interrupted when
Assessment Notice (FAN).Despite these notices, proceedings are instituted against the guilty
Chiat Corp. failed to interpose any protest; thus, the persons and shall begin to run again if the
BIR's assessment for deficiency taxes for 1999 and proceedings are dismissed for reasons not
2000 amounting to P33,847,574.18 became final, constituting jeopardy.
executory and demandable. 4
xxx xxx xxx
On May 19, 2005, the BIR charged the officers of
Chiat Corp., petitioners Imelda T. Sze (Sze), Sze The CTA explained that Revenue
Kou For (For), and Teresita A. Ng (Ng), with tax Memorandum Circular 101-90 provides that an
evasion and/or tax fraud for violation of Sections 27 offense under the Tax Code is considered
(A), 31, 32, 56 (A) (1), 79 (A) (B), 80 (A), 81, 106, discovered only after the manner of
114 (A) (B), in relation to Sections 251, 253 (d), commission and the nature and extent of fraud
254, 255, and 256 of the National Internal Revenue has been definitely ascertained. This occurs
Code of 1997 (NIRC). 5 when the BIR renders its final decision and
requires the taxpayer to pay the deficiency tax.
Petitioners Sze, For, and Ng denied the 18
accusations against them and claimed, among
other allegations, that: (1) there was no factual and The CTA determined that the FLD and the FAN
legal basis for the charges; (2) the filing was for taxable years 1999 and 2000 were served
premature and violated their rights to due process; on Chiat Corp. on February 7, 2005. Chiat
(3) they did not receive the notices; (4) they were Corp. did not file a protest, resulting in the
not responsible for any underdeclaration, finality, demandability, and executory nature of
misdeclaration or importation; (5) they were not the assessment for deficiency taxes. Counting
responsible for the preparation and filing of tax 30 days from the service of the FLD and the
returns; (6) Chiat Corp. has no assets to satisfy the FAN, the violations were considered
assessed taxes; (7) Chiat Corp. notified the BIR of discovered on March 9, 2005. The BIR's
the termination of business as of December 2004; revenue officers filed their joint affidavit in the
and (8) the BIR presumed that Chiat Corp. DOJ for preliminary investigation on May 26,
manufactured the raw materials into final products 2005. However, the original Information was
and sold them. 6 only filed in court on April 23, 2014, which
exceeded the five-year prescriptive period.
The State Prosecutor dismissed the complaint on Therefore, the action had prescribed. 19
July 12, 2006. The BIR moved for reconsideration,
which was denied on November 29, 2006. The BIR The Court observed that the Public Prosecutor
filed a petition for review before the Department of did not appeal or move for reconsideration of
Justice (DOJ),which denied the same in a the CTA's decision; thus rendering it final and
resolution dated April 27, 2007. The DOJ also executory.
denied the BIR's motion for reconsideration on
June 17, 2010. The BIR elevated the case before The Court dismisses the petition for being moot
the Court of Appeals (CA) through a petition for and academic.
In Peñafrancia Sugar Mill, Inc. v. Sugar
The CA Decision Regulatory Administration,20 the Court defined
moot and academic as:
In its May 31, 2012 Decision, 8 the CA gave due
course to the petition after finding that the records A case or issue is considered moot and
showed sufficient evidence of probable cause for academic when it ceases to present a
tax evasion and violation of the NIRC. Chiat Corp. justiciable controversy by virtue of supervening
failed to present countervailing evidence to refute events, so that an adjudication of the case or a
the documents and other importation records from declaration on the issue would be of no
different government agencies. 9 practical value or use. In such instance, there
is no actual substantial relief which a petitioner
The CA held that the DOJ abused its discretion would be entitled to, and which would be
when it failed to consider various documents from negated by the dismissal of the petition. Courts
the Department of Trade and Industry's Bureau of generally decline jurisdiction over such case or
Import Services, the BIR's Audit Information Tax dismiss it on the ground of mootness. This is
Exemption Incentive Division, and the Bureau of because the judgment will not serve any useful
Custom's Management Information System purpose or have any practical legal effect
Technology Group. 10 because, in the nature of things, it cannot be
enforced. (Citation omitted)
The CA observed that Chiat Corp. filed an
application for retirement of business after applying Here, the dismissal of the criminal cases on the
for VAP. The CA found this move as suspicious, if ground of prescription rendered the issue on
not an indication of bad faith. 11 the propriety of the CA's decision in finding
probable cause as moot and academic. Thus,
The CA resolved that probable cause was the Court finds it appropriate to abstain from
sufficiently established, and ordered the DOJ to file passing upon the merits of this petition where
the corresponding Information with the proper legal relief is neither needed nor called for.
court. 12
WHEREFORE,the petition is DISMISSED for
Chiat Corp. moved for reconsideration, which the being moot and academic.
CA denied in its November 26, 2013 Resolution. 13
Undeterred, petitioners Sze, For, and Ng filed this
petition for review on certiorari before the Court.
14. Misnet, Inc. vs. The filing of Relief of Judgement has On February 9, 2007, petitioner paid the amount of whether or not the CTA En Section 228 of the 1997 National Internal
Commissioner of stopped the running of the period to P2,152.41 for certain undisputed assessments. 5 Banc correctly dismissed Revenue Code of the Philippines (NIRC) which
Internal Revenue, G.R. appeal and may constitute excusable On the same day, petitioner administratively petitioner's Petition for provides for the remedies of a taxpayer in case
No. 210604, June 3, delay protested the FAN by filing a request for Review on the ground of lack of an adverse final decision by the CIR on
2019. reconsideration. 6 The CIR acknowledged receipt of jurisdiction.||| (Misnet, Inc. Disputed Assessment, thus:
of the payment and the protest letter and informed v. Commissioner of Internal
the petitioner that its tax docket had been Revenue, G.R. No. 210604, SEC. 228. Protesting of Assessment.— When
forwarded to Revenue District Officer (RDO) No. [June 3, 2019]) the Commissioner or his duly authorized
049, North Makati. 7 On May 28, 2007, the CIR representative finds that proper taxes should
informed petitioner that Revenue Officer (RO) be assessed, he shall first notify the taxpayer
Josephine L. Paralejas has been authorized to of his findings: Within a period to be prescribed
verify the documents relative to its request for by implementing rules and regulations, the
reinvestigation and reiterated the previous taxpayer shall be required to respond to said
assessment of petitioner's deficiency taxes for notice. If the taxpayer fails to respond, the
taxable year 2003 in the amount of Commissioner or his duly authorized
P11,580,749.31. 8 On June 1, 2007, petitioner sent representative shall issue an assessment
a letter to RO Josephine L. Paralejas reiterating its based on his findings.
protest to the PAN and the FAN.
Such assessment may be protested
On April 28, 2008, the CIR again wrote a letter to administratively by filing a request for
petitioner informing it that it found additional reconsideration or reinvestigation within thirty
deficiency taxes due. 9 On May 8, 2008, petitioner (30) days from receipt of the assessment in
protested this letter. such form and manner as may be prescribed
by implementing rules and regulations.
On March 28, 2011, petitioner received an
Amended Assessment Notice reflecting an Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest,
amended deficiency EWT after reinvestigation. On all relevant supporting documents shall have
the same date, petitioner received a Final Decision been submitted; otherwise, the assessment
on Disputed Assessment (FDDA) stating that after shall become final.
reinvestigation, there was still due from petitioner
the amount of P14,564,323.34, representing If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is
deficiency taxes: not acted upon within one hundred eighty (180)
days from submission of documents, the
This FDDA was received by petitioner on March 28, taxpayer adversely affected by the decision or
2011. 10 inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax
Appeals within (30) days from receipt of the
On April 8, 2011, petitioner filed a letter-reply 11 to said decision,or from the lapse of the one
the Amended Assessment Notice and FDDA, which hundred eighty (180)-day period; otherwise,
was received by the CIR on April 11, 2011. On May the decision shall become final, executory and
9, 2011, the CIR sent a letter 12 to petitioner which demandable. (Emphasis supplied)
states in part that petitioner's letter-reply dated April
8, 2011 produced no legal effect since it availed of It bears to stress that the perfection of an
the improper remedy. 13 It should have appealed appeal within the statutory period is a
the final decision of the CIR to the Court of Tax jurisdictional requirement and failure to do so
Appeals within thirty (30) days from the date of renders the questioned decision or decree final
receipt of the said Decision, otherwise, the and executory and no longer subject to review.
assessment became final, executory and 25
demandable. 14
In the instant case, petitioner allegedly failed to
On May 27, 2011, petitioner filed a Petition for observe the 30-day period within which to
Relief from Judgment 15 with respondent appeal the final decision of the CIR to the CTA.
Commissioner arguing that it was not able to file its As records would show, petitioner admittedly
proper appeal of the FDDA due to its mistake and received the FDDA on March 28, 2011.
excusable negligence as it was not assisted by Reckoned from this date of receipt, it has until
counsel. On June 29, 2011, petitioner received a April 27, 2011, within which to appeal with the
Preliminary Collection Letter 16 dated June 22, CTA. However, petitioner filed its appeal
2011, which is deemed a denial of petitioner's (Petition for Review) only on July 26, 2011 or
Petition for Relief. 17 after the lapse of ninety-three (93) days from
its receipt of the FDDA. It appears that
On July 26, 2011, petitioner filed a Petition for petitioner's filing of an appeal with the CTA was
Review 18 docketed as CTA Case No. 8313, with beyond the statutory period to appeal.
the Court of Tax Appeals which was raffled to the
First Division. Meanwhile, the CIR filed a Motion to Nonetheless, this Court has on several
Dismiss the petition on the ground of lack of occasions relaxed this strict requirement. We
jurisdiction — arguing that the assessment against have on several instances allowed the filing of
petitioner has become final, executory and an appeal outside the period prescribed by law
demandable for its failure to file an appeal within in the interest of justice, and in the exercise of
the prescribed period of thirty (30) days. its equity jurisdiction. 26 Thus:
In a Resolution dated March 27, 2012, 19 the CTA x x x [F]or a party to seek exception for its
1st Division granted CIR's Motion to Dismiss. failure to comply strictly with the statutory
Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration 20 of requirements for perfecting its appeal, strong
the March 27, 2012 Resolution. On June 27, 2012, compelling reasons such as serving the ends
petitioner received from CTA 1st Division a of justice and preventing a grave miscarriage
Resolution dated June 22, 2012 21 denying its thereof must be shown, in order to warrant the
Motion for Reconsideration. Court's suspension of the rules. Indeed, the
Court is confronted with the need to balance
On July 12, 2012, petitioner filed a Petition for stringent application of technical rules vis-a-vis
Review (CTA EB Case No. 915) with the CTA En strong policy considerations of substantial
Banc. significance to relax said rules based on equity
and justice. 27 (Emphasis supplied; citation
In a Decision dated July 15, 2013, the CTA En Banc omitted)
dismissed petitioner's Petition for Review on the
ground of lack of jurisdiction as the lapse of the Petitioner averred that after receiving the
statutory period to appeal rendered the subject Amended Assessment Notice and the FDDA of
deficiency taxes final, executory and demandable. the CIR on March 28, 2011, it filed, without the
22 On August 6, 2013, petitioner filed a Motion for assistance of a counsel, a letter protesting the
Reconsideration but the said Motion was denied in Amended Assessment Notice, with Regional
a Resolution dated December 9, 2013. Director Mr. Jaime B. Santiago, of RDO No.
049, Makati City. This letter of protest was filed
||| (Misnet, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal by petitioner on April 11, 2011 28 or within the
Revenue, G.R. No. 210604, [June 3, 2019]) statutory period within which to appeal.
Apparently, petitioner was merely relying on
the statement in the said Amended
Assessment Notice, which reads:
15. CIR vs. V.Y. The Doctrine of exhaustion of This is petition for review on certiorari under Rule whether the First Division of The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of
Domingo Jewellers, administrative remedies must be 45 seeking to reverse and set aside the Court of the CTA has jurisdiction to the law and the facts on which the assessment
Inc., G.R. No. 221780, adhered to Tax Appeals (CTA) En Banc Decision 1 dated July entertain V.Y. Domingo's is made; otherwise, the assessment shall be
March 25, 2019 1, 2015 in CTA EB Case No. 1170, which granted petition for review.||| void.
respondent V.Y. Domingo Jewellers, Inc.'s (V.Y. (Commissioner of Internal
Domingo) petition for review, and ordered the Revenue v. V.Y. Domingo Within a period to be prescribed by
remand of the case to the CTA First Division for Jewellers, Inc., G.R. No. implementing rules and regulations, the
further proceedings; and the Resolution 2 dated 221780, [March 25, 2019]) taxpayer shall be required to respond to said
December 3, 2015 which denied petitioner notice.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue's (CIR) motion
for reconsideration. If the taxpayer fails to respond, the
Commissioner or his duly authorized
The facts are as follows: representative shall issue an assessment
based on his findings.
On September 9, 2009, the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) issued a Preliminary Assessment Such assessment may be protested
Notice 3 (PAN) against V.Y. Domingo, a administratively by filing a request for
corporation primarily engaged in manufacturing reconsideration or reinvestigation within thirty
and selling emblematic jewelry, assessing the latter (30) days from receipt of the assessment in
the total amount of P2,781,844.21 representing such form and manner as may be prescribed
deficiency income tax and value-added tax, by implementing rules and regulations.
inclusive of interest, for the taxable year 2006.
Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest,
V.Y. Domingo filed a Request for Re- all relevant supporting documents shall have
evaluation/Re-investigation and Reconsideration 4 been submitted; otherwise, the assessment
dated September 17, 2009 with the Regional shall become final.
Director of BIR-Revenue Region No. 6, requesting
a "thorough re-evaluation and re-investigation to If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is
verify the accuracy of the computation as well as not acted upon within one hundred eighty (180)
the accounts included in the Preliminary days from submission of documents, the
Assessment Notice." taxpayer adversely affected by the decision or
inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax
V.Y. Domingo then received a Preliminary Appeals within thirty (30) days from receipt of
Collection Letter 5 (PCL) dated August 10, 2011 the said decision, or from the lapse of one
from the Revenue District Office (RDO) No. 28- hundred eighty (180)-day period; otherwise,
Novaliches, informing it of the existence of the decision shall become final, executory and
Assessment Notice No. 32-06-IT-0242 and demandable. 21
Assessment Notice No. 32-06-VT-0243, both dated
November 18, 2010, for collection of its tax On the other hand, Section 3.1.5 of Revenue
liabilities in the amounts of P1,798,889.80 and Regulations No. 12-99, 22 implementing
P1,365,727.63, respectively, for a total amount of Section 228 above, provides:
P3,164,617.43. The PCL likewise stated:
3.1.5. Disputed Assessment. — The taxpayer
If you want to know the details and/or settle this or his duly authorized representative may
assessment, may we invite you to come to this protest administratively against the aforesaid
office, within ten (10) days from receipt of this formal letter of demand and assessment notice
notice. However, if payment had already been within thirty (30) days from date of receipt
made, please send or bring us copies of the thereof . . .
receipts of payment together with this letter to be
our basis for canceling/closing your liability/ies. xxx xxx xxx
We will highly appreciate if you can give this matter If the taxpayer fails to file a valid protest against
your preferential attention, otherwise we shall be the formal letter of demand and assessment
constrained to enforce the collection thereof thru notice within thirty (30) days from date of
Administrative Summary Remedies provided for by receipt thereof, the assessment shall become
the law, without further notice. 6 cDSAEI final, executory and demandable.
On September 12, 2011, V.Y. Domingo sent a letter If the protest is denied, in whole or in part, by
to the BIR Revenue District Office No. 28 in Quezon the Commissioner, the taxpayer may appeal to
City, requesting certified true copies of Assessment the Court of Tax Appeals within thirty (30) days
Notice Nos. 32-06-IT-0242 and 32-06-VT-0243. from the date of receipt of the said decision,
Upon receipt of the requested copies of the notices otherwise, the assessment shall become final,
on September 15, 2011, V.Y. Domingo filed on executory and demandable.
September 16, 2011 a Petition for Review 7 with
the CTA in Division, under Section 7 (1) of RA No. In general, if the protest is denied, in whole or
1125 and Section 4, Rule 8 of the Revised Rules of in part, by the Commissioner or his duly
the Court of Tax Appeals (RRCTA), praying that authorized representative, the taxpayer may
Assessment Notice Nos. 32-06-IT-0242 and 32-06- appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals within thirty
VT-0243 dated November 18, 2010 and the PCL (30) days from date of receipt of the said
dated August 10, 2011 be declared null and void, decision, otherwise, the assessment shall
cancelled, withdrawn, and with no force and effect, become final executory and demandable:
for allegedly having been issued beyond the Provided, however, that if the taxpayer
prescriptive period for assessment and collection of elevates his protest to the Commissioner within
internal revenue taxes. thirty (30) days from date of receipt of the final
decision of the Commissioner's duly
During trial, the CIR filed her Motion to Dismiss 8 authorized representative, the latter's decision
the petition for lack of jurisdiction. She argued that shall not be considered final, executory and
under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 1125 ("An Act demandable, in which case, the protest shall
Creating the Court of Tax Appeals"), as amended, be decided by the Commissioner. CDHaET
and the RRCTA, it is neither the assessment nor
the formal letter of demand that is appealable to the If the Commissioner or his duly authorized
CTA but the decision of the CIR on a disputed representative fails to act on the taxpayer's
assessment. Claiming that V.Y. Domingo's petition protest within one hundred eighty (180) days
was anchored on its receipt of the PCL, which it from date of submission, by the taxpayer, of the
treated as a denial of its Request for Re- required documents in support of his protest,
evaluation/Re-investigation and Reconsideration, the taxpayer may appeal to the Court of Tax
the CIR further argued that there was no disputed Appeals within thirty (30) days from the lapse
assessment to speak of, and that the CTA had no of the said 180-day period, otherwise the
jurisdiction to entertain the said Petition for Review. assessment shall become final, executory and
demandable. (Emphasis ours)
In a Resolution 9 dated January 29, 2014, the CTA
First Division granted the CIR's motion and It is clear from the said provisions of the law
dismissed V.Y. Domingo's Petition for Review. It that a protesting taxpayer like V.Y. Domingo
held that it was without jurisdiction to entertain the has only three options to dispute an
petition, as the rule is that for the CTA to acquire assessment:
jurisdiction, as assessment must first be disputed
by the taxpayer and either ruled upon by the CIR to 1. If the protest is wholly or partially denied by
warrant a decision, or denied by the CIR through the CIR or his authorized representative, then
inaction. The CTA First Division ruled that what the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA within 30
were appealed to it were the subject assessments, days from receipt of the whole or partial denial
not a decision or the CIR's denial of its protest; thus, of the protest;
the said assessments had attained finality, and the
CTA in Division was without jurisdiction to entertain 2. If the protest is wholly or partially denied by
the appeal. the CIR's authorized representative, then the
taxpayer may appeal to the CIR within 30 days
V.Y. Domingo's motion for reconsideration having from receipt of the whole or partial denial of the
been denied in a Resolution dated April 23, 2014, it protest;
filed on May 30, 2014 a petition for review before
the CTA En Banc. It argued that the CTA First 3. If the CIR or his authorized representative
Division erred when it upheld the CIR's position that failed to act upon the protest within 180 days
V.Y. Domingo should have administratively from submission of the required supporting
protested the Assessment Notices first before filing documents, then the taxpayer may appeal to
its Petition for Review. Furthermore, V.Y. Domingo the CTA within 30 days from the lapse of the
claimed that it was denied due process when the 180-day period. 23
CIR failed to send the Notice of Final Assessment
to it. In this case, records show that on August 11,
2011, V.Y. Domingo received the PCL issued
In its Decision dated July 1, 2015, the CTA En Banc by petitioner CIR informing it of Assessment
granted V.Y. Domingo's Petition for Review, Notice Nos. 32-06-IT-0242 and 32-06-VT-0243
reversing and setting aside the January 29, 2014 dated November 18, 2010. On September 12,
and April 23, 2014 Resolutions of the CTA First 2011, the former sent a letter request to the
Division. It remanded the case to the CTA First BIR requesting for certified true copies of the
Division for further proceedings to afford the CIR said Assessment Notices.
full opportunity to present her evidence. It held —
However, instead of filing an administrative
Petitioner's case did not fall within the usual protest against the assessment notice within
procedure in the issuance of an assessment as thirty (30) days from its receipt of the requested
respondent failed to serve or send the FAN to copies of the Assessment Notices on
petitioner. Section 228 of the NIRC of 1997, as September 15, 2011, V.Y. Domingo elected to
amended, and Section 3 of Revenue Regulations file its petition for review before the CTA First
No. 12-99 are silent as to the procedure to be Division on September 16, 2011, ratiocinating
followed in case the taxpayer did not receive the that the issuance of the PCL and the alleged
FAN but instead receives a preliminary collection finality of the terms used for demanding
letter or a warrant of distraint/levy or similar payment therein proved that its Request for
communications, informing the taxpayer of the Re-evaluation/Re-investigation and
existence of a FAN for the first time. Reconsideration had been denied by the CIR.
Understandably, this would cause some confusion
as to what the next step it. Hence, petitioner cannot That V.Y. Domingo believed that the PCL
be faulted for not filing an administrative protest "undeniably shows" the intention of the CIR to
before filing a petition for review before the Court in make it as its final "decision" did not give it
Division since it did not receive the FAN and the cause of action to disregard the procedure set
language of the PCL shows that the respondent is forth by the law in protesting tax assessments
already demanding payment from petitioner and act prematurely by filing a petition for
presupposing that the assessment has become review before the courts. The word "decisions"
final. in the aforementioned provision of R.A. No.
9282 has been interpreted to mean the
The CIR argues that assessment notices are not decisions of the CIR on the protest of the
appealable to the CTA as the power to decide taxpayer against the assessments. 24
disputed assessments is vested in the CIR, subject Definitely, said word does not signify the
only to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the assessment itself. 25 Where a taxpayer
CTA. The CIR adds that a thorough review of V.Y. questions an assessment and asks the
Domingo's petition for review before the CTA First Collector to reconsider or cancel the same
Division would readily show that it was an original because he (the taxpayer) believes he is not
protest on the assessment made by the petitioner, liable therefor, the assessment becomes a
a matter that, under R.A. No. 1125, is not within the "disputed assessment" that the Collector must
jurisdiction of the CTA. SIcCTD decide, and the taxpayer can appeal to the
CTA only upon receipt of the decision of the
The CIR likewise claims that a close scrutiny of V.Y. Collector on the disputed assessment. 26
Domingo's petition for review before the CTA would
reveal that it was anchored on its receipt of the PCL Admitting for the sake of argument the claim of
issued by the BIR, which V.Y. Domingo mistakenly V.Y. Domingo in its Comment — that its case
treated as a denial of its motion for reinvestigation does not involve an appeal from a decision of
of the PAN. 11 Before V.Y. Domingo filed its the CIR on a disputed assessment since in the
petition for review before the CTA First Division on first place, there is no "'disputed' assessment
September 16, 2011, it had already received copies to speak of" — admits the veracity of petitioner
of Assessment Notice Nos. 32-06-IT-0242 and 32- CIR's claim: there being no disputed
06-VT-0243 and the Formal Letter of Demand assessment to speak of when V.Y. Domingo
(FLD) dated September 9, 2010. However, instead filed its petition for review before the CTA First
of challenging the contents of the said assessment Division, the latter had no jurisdiction to
notices by filing the appropriate protest or motion entertain the same. Thus, the latter's dismissal
for reinvestigation within thirty (30) days from of the petition for review was proper.
September 15, 2011, the date it received the copies
of the notices, the CIR laments that V.Y. Domingo Evidently, V.Y. Domingo's immediate recourse
opted to immediately institute a petition for review to the CTA First Division was in violation of the
on the basis of the PCL. 12 This, argues the CIR, is doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
in clear violation of the doctrine of exhaustion of remedies.
administrative remedies.
Under the doctrine of exhaustion of
This Court, through a Resolution 13 dated March 7, administrative remedies, before a party is
2016, required respondent V.Y. Domingo to allowed to seek the intervention of the court, he
comment on the Petition for Review. or she should have availed himself or herself of
all the means of administrative processes
In its Comment, 14 V.Y. Domingo contends that afforded him or her. 27 Section 228 of the Tax
contrary to the CIR's allegation, the CTA has Code requires taxpayers to exhaust
jurisdiction to take cognizance of its Petition for administrative remedies by filing a request for
Review. Citing Section 7 of R.A. No. 1125, as reconsideration or reinvestigation within 30
amended, V.Y. Domingo suggests that the CIR days from receipt of the assessment. 28
may have disregarded the fact that the jurisdiction Exhaustion of administrative remedies is
of the CTA is not limited to review of decisions of required prior to resort to the CTA precisely to
the CIR in cases involving disputed assessments give the Commissioner the opportunity to "re-
only, but also includes "other matters arising under examine its findings and conclusions" and to
the National Internal Revenue or other laws decide the issues raised within her
administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue." competence. 29 HASDcC
15 V.Y. Domingo reiterates that its case does not
involve an appeal from a decision of the CIR on a V.Y. Domingo posits that its case is an
disputed assessment since in the first place, there exception to the rule on exhaustion of
is no "disputed" assessment to speak of. 16 administrative remedies and the rule on
primary jurisdiction as it cannot be expected to
Furthermore, V.Y. Domingo also claims that the be able to file an administrative protest to the
tenor of the PCL forecloses any opportunity for it to Assessment Notices which it never received.
file its administrative protest as a reading of the 30 It expressly admitted that it did not file an
same will show that the CIR had already decided to administrative protest, based on its alleged
deny any protest as regards the assessment made non-receipt of the same. 31 Citing the case of
against the respondent taxpayer. Allied Banking Corporation v. CIR, 32 wherein
this Court ruled that the filing of therein
petitioner of a petition for review with the CTA
without first contesting the FAN issued against
it was an exception to the rule on exhaustion of
administrative remedies, V.Y. Domingo
maintains that in its case, the CIR was similarly
estopped from claiming that the filing of the
petition for review was premature.
16. CIR vs. La Flor De Section 53 (c) of the NIRC, the Respondent La Flor dela Isabela, Inc. (La Flor) is Held: No
La Isabela, Inc., G.R. withholding agent who is “required to a domestic corporation. It filed monthly returns for . Whether the prescriptive
No. 211289, January deduct and withhold any tax” is made the Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT) and period under Section 203 of
14, 2019 “personally liable for such tax” and Withholding Tax on Compensation (WTC) for the NIRC do not apply to It is true that withholding tax is a method of
indeed is indemnified against any calendar year 2005. EWT and WTC collecting tax in advanceand that a
claims and demands which the assessments because they withholding tax on income necessarily implies
stockholder might wish to make in On September 3, 2008, La Flor executed a Waiver are not considered as that the amount of tax withheld comes from
questioning the amount of payments of the Statute of Limitations (Waiver) in connection internal revenue taxes but the income earned by the
effected by the withholding agent in with its internal revenue liabilities for the calendar “penalties” taxpayer/payee.Nonetheless, the Court does
accordance with the provisions of the year ending December 31, 2005. On February 16, not agree with the CIR that withholding tax
NIRC. 2009, it executed another Waiverto extend the assessments are merely an imposition of a
period of assessment until December 31, 2009. penalty on the withholding agent, and thus,
outside the coverage of Section 203 of the
On November 20, 2009, La Flor received a copy NIRC.
of the Preliminary Assessment Notice for
deficiency taxes for the taxable year 2005. The liability of the withholding agent is distinct
Meanwhile, on December 2, 2009, it executed and separate from the tax liability of the
another Waiver. income earner. It is premised on its duty to
withhold the taxes paid to the payee. Should
On January 7, 2010, La Flor received Formal the withholding agent fail to deduct the
Letter of Demand and Final Assessment Notice for required amount from its payment to the
late filing and payment of WTCs and EWTs. The payee, it is liable for deficiency taxes and
above-mentioned assessment notices were all applicable penalties. In Commissioner of
dated December 17, 2009 and covered the Internal Revenue v. Procter & Gamble
deficiency taxes for the taxable year 2005. Philippine Manufacturing Corporation the
Court explained:
La Flor filed its Letter of Protest contesting the
assessment notices. The Commissioner of It thus becomes important to note that under
Internal Revenue (CIR) issued the Final Decision Section 53 (c) of the NIRC, the withholding
on Disputed Assessment (FDDA) involving the agent who is “required to deduct and withhold
alleged deficiency withholding taxes in the any tax” is made “personally liable for such
aggregate amount of P6,835,994.76. Aggrieved, tax” and indeed is indemnified against any
La Flor filed a petition for review before the CTA claims and demands which the stockholder
Division. might wish to make in questioning the amount
of payments effected by the withholding agent
The CTA Division ruled in favor of La Flor and in accordance with the provisions of the NIRC.
cancelled the deficiency tax assessments against The withholding agent, P&G-Phil., is directly
it. It noted that based on the dates La Flor had and independently liable for the correct
filed its returns for EWT and WTC, the CIR had amount of the tax that should be withheld from
until February 15, 2008 to March 1, 2009 to issue the dividend remittances. The withholding
an assessment pursuant to the three-year agent is, moreover, subject to and liable for
prescriptive period under Section 203 of the deficiency assessments, surcharges and
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC). The CTA penalties should the amount of the tax
Division pointed out that the assessment was withheld be finally found to be less than the
issued beyond the prescriptive period considering amount that should have been withheld under
that the CIR issued the FANs only on December law.
17, 2009.
A “person liable for tax” has been held to be a
The CTA Division ruled further that the Waivers “person subject to tax” and properly
entered into by the CIR and La Flor did not considered a “taxpayer.” The terms “liable for
effectively extend the prescriptive period for the tax” and “subject to tax” both connote legal
issuance of the tax assessments. It pointed out obligation or duty to pay a tax. It is very
that the Waivers dated September 3, 2008 and difficult, indeed conceptually impossible, to
December 2, 2009 were never presented or consider a person who is statutorily made
offered in evidence, while the Waiver dated “liable for tax” as not “subject to tax.” By any
February 16, 2009 did not comply with the reasonable standard, such a person should
provisions of Revenue Memorandum Order be regarded as a party in interest, or as a
(RMO) No. 20-90 because it failed to state the person having sufficient legal interest, to bring
nature and amount of the tax to be assessed. a suit for refund of taxes he believes were
illegally collected from him.
The CIR moved for reconsideration but it was
denied by the CTA Division. Undeterred, it filed a Thus, withholding tax assessments such as
Petition for Reviewbefore the CTA En Banc. EWT and WTC clearly contemplate deficiency
internal revenue taxes. Their aim is to collect
The CTA En Banc affirmed the Decision of the unpaid income taxes and not merely to
CTA Division. Thus, the CIR filed a petition for impose a penalty on the withholding agent for
review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of its failure to comply with its statutory duty.
17. CIR vs. BPI, G.R. An assessment becomes final and Citytrust Banking Corporation (CBC) filed its Was there a valid notice of An assessment becomes final and
No. 224327. June 11, unappealable if within thirty (30) days Annual Income Tax Returns for its Regular Banking assessment made by the unappealable if within thirty (30) days from
2018. from receipt of the assessment, the Unit, and Foreign Currency Deposit Unit for taxable CIR to BPI? receipt of the assessment, the taxpayer fails to
taxpayer fails to file his or her protest year 1986 on April 15, 1987. Thereafter, on August file his or her protest requesting for
requesting for reconsideration or 11, 1989, July 12, 1990 and November 8, 1990, reconsideration or reinvestigation as provided
reinvestigation as provided in Section CBC executed Waivers of the Statute of Limitations in Section 229 of the NIRC.
229 of the NIRC. under the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC).
The CTA was correct in ruling that petitioner
On March 7, 1991, petitioner CIR issued a Pre- failed to prove that it sent a notice of
Assessment Notice (PAN) against CBC for assessment and that it was received by
deficiency taxes, among which is for deficiency respondent. The assessment notice dated May
Income Tax for taxable year 1986. Petitioner, on 6, 1991 should be deemed as the final decision
May 6, 1991, issued a Letter, with attached of the CIR on the matter, in which BPI timely
Assessment Notices. The counsel for CBC filed its protested on May 27, 1991. While a mailed
Protest against the assessments on May 27, 1991 letter is deemed received by the addressee in
and another Protest on February 17, 1992. the ordinary course of mail, this is still merely a
disputable presumption subject to
The counsel for CBC issued a Letter addressed to controversion, and a direct denial of the receipt
petitioner offering a compromise settlement on its thereof shifts the burden upon the party
deficiency Income Tax assessment for Taxable favored by the presumption to prove that the
year 1986. The petitioner, CIR, approved the first mailed letter was indeed received by the
compromise settlement. However, after the request addressee. In the instant case, BPI denies
for final reconsideration of compromise settlement receiving the assessment notice, and the CIR
made by the CBC, the CIR disapproved the was unable to present substantial evidence
application of such compromise and ordered CBC that such notice was, indeed, mailed or sent
to pay its tax deficiency liabilities and also issued a before the BIR's right to assess had prescribed
Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy against and that said notice was received by BPI. As a
respondent BPI (Securities and Exchange matter of fact, there was an express admission
Commission approved the Articles of Merger on the part of the CIR that there was no proof
between respondent BPI and CBC, with BPI as the that indeed the alleged Final Assessment
surviving corporation). Notice was ever sent to or received by BPI.
Respondent BPI filed a Petition for Review with the Thus, the failure of petitioner to prove the
CTA, and the CTA ruled that the Assessment receipt of the assessment by respondent would
Notices, being issued only on May 6, 1991, were necessarily lead to the conclusion that no
already issued beyond the three-year period to assessment was issued.
assess, counting from April 15, 1987, when CBC
filed its Annual Income Tax Returns for the taxable
year 1986. The same Court also held that the
Waivers of Statute of Limitations executed on July
12, 1990 and November 8, 1990 were not in
accordance with the proper form of a valid waiver
pursuant to RMO No. 20-90, thus, the waivers
failed to extend the period given to petitioner to
18. Macario Lim Gaw It is well-settled that the taxpayer's FACTS: On July 11, 2008, petitioner conveyed the ISSUES: HELD.NO
vs. CIR, G.R. No. obligation to pay the tax is an obligation 10 parcels of land to Eagle I Landholdings, Inc. [1] Is the civil action filed by
222837, July 23, 2018 that is created by law and does not (Eagle I), via an Agreement to Sell. petitioner to question the Under the Revised Rules of the Court of Tax
arise from the offense of tax evasion, as FDDA deemed instituted in Appeals (RRCTA), the civil action filed by the
such, the same is not deemed instituted In compliance with Revenue Memorandum Order the criminal case for tax petitioner to question the FDDA is not deemed
in the criminal case. No. 15-2003, petitioner requested the BIR-RDO to evasion? instituted with the criminal case for tax
compute the tax liabilities due on the sale of the evasion. Civil liability arising from a different
10 parcels of land to Eagle I. source of obligation, such as when the
obligation is created by law, such civil liability
In accordance with the One Time Transactions is not deemed instituted with the criminal
(ONETT) Computation sheets, petitioner paid action.
Capital Gains Tax amounting to P505,177,213.81
and Documentary Stamp Tax amounting to It is well-settled that the taxpayer's obligation
P330,390.00. to pay the tax is an obligation that is created
by law and does not arise from the offense of
On July 23, 2008, the BIR-RDO No. 52 issued the tax evasion, as such, the same is not deemed
corresponding Certificates Authorizing instituted in the criminal case.
Registration and Tax Clearance Certificates.
Civil liability to pay taxes arises from the fact
Two years later, the CIR said petitioner is liable that one has engaged himself in business,
NOT for the 6% capital gains tax but for the 32% and not because of any criminal act
regular income tax and 12% value added tax, on committed by him. The acquittal in the said
the theory that the properties petitioner sold were criminal cases cannot operate to discharge
ordinary assets and not capital assets. Further, the taxpayer from the duty of paying the taxes
respondent found petitioner to have misdeclared which the law requires to be paid, since that
his income, misclassified the properties and used duty is imposed by statute prior to and
multiple tax identification numbers to avoid being independently of any attempts by the taxpayer
assessed the correct amount of taxes. to evade payment.
The RTC issued the TRO prayed for With regards to the action of declaratory relief,
by enjoining the BIR, its agents, the SC said that it was also IMPROPER.
representatives, assignees, or any An action for declaratory relief is governed by
persons acting for and in its behalf Sec. 1, Rule 63 of the Rules of Court. It is
from implementing the provisions of predicated on the attendance of several
the NIRC adverted to with respect to requisites, specifically: (1) the subject matter
the FDDA for the respondent's of the controversy must be a deed, will,
taxable year 2011, and to the contract or other written instrument, statute,
pending assessments for taxable executive order or regulation, or ordinance;
years 2012 and 2013. (2)
the terms of said documents and the validity
In 2015, the RTC issued the writ of thereof are doubtful and require judicial
preliminary injunction. construction; (3) there must have been no
Then, the RTC rendered the assailed breach of the documents in question; (4) there
judgment wherein it permanently must be an actual justiciable controversy or
enjoined the respondent from the "ripening seeds" of one between persons
proceeding with the implementation whose interests are adverse; (5) the issue
of Section 108 and 184 of the NIRC must be ripe for judicial determination; and (6)
against the petitioner until the adequate relief is not available through other
Congress shall have enacted House means or other forms of action or proceeding.
Bill no. 3235.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth requisites were
Hence, this petition. patently wanting.
24. CIR v. Asalus Generally, internal revenue taxes shall Asalus Corporation was issued a Preliminary Did the CTA err in ruling that YES, the failure to report sales, receipts or
Corporation, G.R. No. be assessed within 3 years after the last Assessment Notice (PAN) finding it liable for the assessment against incomein an amount exceeding 30% what is
221590. February 22, day prescribed by law for the filing of deficiency VAT for 2007 in the aggregate Asalus had prescribed? declared in the returns constitute prima facie
2017 the return or where the return is filed amount of ₱413, 378, 058.11, inclusive of evidence of substantial underdeclaration.
beyond the period, from the day the surcharge and interest, and subsequently, the
return was actually filed. However, in amount of ₱95,681,988.64. After protest, Asalus The Court ruled that when there is a
the case of false or fraudulent return received the Final Decision on Disputed showing that a taxpayer has substantially
with intent to evade tax or failure to file Assessment8 (FDDA) showing VAT deficiency for underdeclared its sales, receipt or income,
a return, the assessment may be made 2007 in the aggregate amount of there is a presumption that it has filed a
₱106,761,025.17, inclusive of surcharge and false return. As such, the CIR need not
within 10 years from the discovery of interest and ₱25,000.00 as compromise penalty. immediately present evidence to support the
the falsity, fraud or omission. As a result, it filed a petition for review before the falsity of the return, unless the taxpayer fails
CTA Division. to overcome the presumption against it.
Applied in this case, the audit investigation
The petition was granted and the VAT assessment revealed that there were undeclared VA Table
and its accompanying penalty cancelled and sales more than 30% of that declared in
withdrawn on the ground that the VAT assessment Asalus' VAT returns. Moreover, Asalus' lone
had prescribed and was consequentlydeemed witness testified that not all membership
invalid since the ten (10)-year prescriptive period fees, particularly those pertaining to
under Section 222 of the NIRC was inapplicable medical practitioners and hospitals, were
as neither the FAN nor the FDDA indicated that reported in Asalus' VAT returns. The
Asalus had filed a false VAT return warranting the testimony of its witness, in trying to justify why
application of the ten (10)-year prescriptive period. not all of its sales were included in the gross
Hence, the assessment had prescribed because it receipts reflected in the VAT returns,
was made beyond the three (3)-year period as supported the presumption that the return filed
provided in Section 203 of the NIRC. The CTA En was indeed false precisely because notall the
Banc sustained this ruling. sales of Asalus were included in the VAT
The CIR however claims that the finding of the returns.
CTA must be set aside since they were not Thus, substantial compliance with the
supported with substantial evidence or if there requirement as laid down under Section 228
was a showing of gross error or abuse. It of the NIRC suffices, for what is important is
repeated that there was presumption of falsity that the taxpayer has been sufficiently
in light of the 30% underdeclaration of sales. informed of the factual and legal bases of the
It further insisted that Asalus was sufficiently assessment so that it may file an effective
informed of its assessment based on the protest against the assessment.
prescriptive period under Section 222 of the NIRC Considering the existing circumstances, the
as early as when the PAN was issued. assessment was timely made because the
applicable prescriptive period was the ten
(10)-year prescriptive period under Section
222 of the NIRC.
25. CIR v. Transitions A PAN merely informs the taxpayer of This a Petition for Review on Certiorari which Whether the two (2) SC said that although the waivers were valid,
Optical Philippines, the initial findings of the Bureau of seeks to nullify and set aside the June7, 2016 Waivers of the Defense of the period to assess has already prescribed
Inc., G.R. No. 227544, InternalRevenue. It contains the Decision 2 and September 26, 2016 Resolution 3 Prescription entered into by since the waivers merely extended the
November 22, 2017 proposed assessment, and the facts, of the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc in CTA EB the parties on October 9, assessment period to Nov. 28. Since the FAN
law, rules, andregulations or No. 1251. 2007 and June 2, 2008 were was sent on Dec. 2, the same is
jurisprudence on which the proposed valid alreadybeyond the extended period. The
assessment is based. It does notcontain Transition Optical received a LOA from the BIR. Court said that considering the functions
a demand for payment but usually Parties allegedly executed a Waiver of the andeffects of a PAN vis à vis a FAN, it is clear
requires the taxpayer to reply within Defense of Prescription (First Waiver). A Second that the assessment contemplated in Sections
15days from receipt. Otherwise, the Waiver was executed. The PAN was issued on 203 and 222 of the National Internal Revenue
Nov. 11, 2008. CIR issued a FAN and FLD dated
Nov. 28, 2008 for deficiency income tax, value-
Commissioner of Internal Revenue will added tax, expanded withholding tax, and final tax Code refers to the service of the FAN upon
finalize anassessment and issue a FAN for taxable year 2004 amounting to the taxpayer.
P19,701,849.68. A protest letter was submitted by
the respondent alleging that the demand for
deficiency taxes had already prescribed at the
time the FAN was mailed on December 2, 2008
26. Edison (Bataan) Section 4 of Rule 129 of the Rules of Petitioner received from CIR a final assessment 1.Whether or not EBCC is The SC ruled that the petition lacks merit.
Cogeneration Court states: notice on deficiency income tax, VAT, withholding liable for deficiency FWT for
Corporation v. CIR, tax on compensation, EWT, and FWT for taxable the year 2000; 1.No, EBCC is not liable for deficiency FWT
G.R. No. 210665, 30 SEC. 4. Judicial Admissions. - An year 2000, for a total of P85Million. On March 3, for the year 2000. Considering that under RR
August 2017 admission, verbal or written, made by a 2004, EBCC filed with the CIR a letter-protest 2.Whether or no RR. No. 12- No. 02-98, the obligation of EBCC to
party in the course of the proceedings in dated March 2, 2004 and furnished the CIR with 01 should be applied in this deduct or withhold tax arises at the time
the same case, does not require proof. therequired documents. Due to the inaction of the case an income is paid or payable, whichever
The admission may be contradicted CIR, EBCC elevated the matter to the CTA via a comes first, and considering further that under
only by showing that it was made Petition for Review raffled to CTA second division. the said RR, the term "payable" refers to the
through palpable mistake or that no While the case was pending, EBCC availed itself date the obligation becomes due, demandable
such admission was made. of the Tax Amnesty Program under Republic Act or legally enforceable, SC finds no error on
(RA) No. 9480.7Thus, in a November 7, 2008 the part of the CTA En Banc in ruling that
Section 2.57.4 of Revenue Regulations EBCC had no obligation to withhold any taxes
No. 2-98 provides: Resolution, the CTA Second Division deemed the
Petition partially withdrawn and the case on the interest payment for the year 2000 as
SEC. 2.57.4. Time of Withholding. - The closed and terminated with regard to EBCC's the obligation to withhold only commenced on
obligation of the payor to deduct and deficiency income tax and VAT for the year 2000. June 1, 2002, and thus cancelling
withhold the tax under Section 2.57 of The CTA Second Division partially granted theassessment for deficiency FWT on interest
these regulations arises at the time an thepetition of EBCC. It cancelled the deficiency on payments arising from EBCC's loan from
income is paid or payable, whichever the EWT and WT on compensation, and on the Ogden.
comes first, the term 'payable' refers to loan interests. However it was made liable as to 2.Neither do we find any reason for the
the date the obligation becomes due, the FWT to a reduced amount of P2.2Miliion. Both retroactive application of RR No. 12-01, which
demandable or legally enforceable. parties appealed to the CTA En Banc.CTA En provides that the withholding of final tax
banc denied both appeals and affirmed the commences "at the time an income payment
decision of CTA Second Division. is paid or payable, or the income payment is
EBCC insists that it was not liable for any accrued or recorded as an expense or
deficiency taxes for the year 2000 since it had asset, whichever is applicable in the
already remitted the amount of P2842630.20 as payor's book, whichever comes first." To
payment for its FWT for 2000, and that no begin with, this issue was never raised before
proof of such payment was necessary the CTA. Thus, we cannot rule on this matter
considering the CIR' s admission in her now. It is a settled rule that issues not raised
Memorandum that the original assessment below cannot be pleaded for the first time on
ofPl0,227,622.72 was reduced to P7,384,992.52. appeal because a party is not allowed to
EBCC argued that it was not required to pay FWT change his theory on appeal; to do so would
at the end of the taxable year 2000 as the
interest payment became due on 2002. be unfair to the other party and offensive to
EBCC alleges that the retroactive application of rules of fair play, justice and due process.
Revenue Regulation No. 12-01 is in clear violation
of its constitutional right to due process. In any case, even if the first payment was due
on January 4, 2001 as claimed by the CIR,
The CIR, however, denies that she made any EBCC would still not be liable, as the tax
judicial admission of payment and maintains that assessment pertained to taxable year 2000
in the absence of evidence of payment, EBCC is and not 2001. All told, we find no reason to
liable to pay the deficiency assessment as the reverse the January30, 2012 Decision and the
party who alleges payment have the burden of April 17, 2012 Resolution of the CTA in CTA
proving the same. CIR deems EBSS liable for EB Case Nos. 766 and 769
payment of FWT.
27. Medicard An LOA is the authority given to the MEDICARD is a health maintenance organization 1. Is the absence of 1. Yes.
Philippines, Inc. v. appropriate revenue officer assigned to (HMO) that provides prepaid health and medical the Letter of The absence of the LOA violated
CIR, G.R. No. 222743. perform assessment functions. In the insurance coverage to its clients. Individuals Authority fatal? MEDICARD’s right to due process. An
April 5,2017 absence of such an authority, the enrolled in its health care programs pay an annual 2. Should the amounts LOA is the authority given to the
assessment or examination is a nullity. membership fee and are entitled to various that MEDICARD appropriate revenue officer assigned
preventive, diagnostic and curative medical earmarked and to perform assessment functions.
services provided by duly licensed physicians, eventually paid to Under the NLRC, unless authorized
specialists, and other professional technical staff the medical service by the CIR himself or by his duly
participating in the group practice health delivery providers still form authorized representative, through an
system at a hospital or clinic owned, operated or part of its gross LOA, an examination of the taxpayer
accredited by it. receipts for VAT cannot ordinarily be undertaken. An
purposes? LOA is premised on the fact that the
MEDICARD filed it first, second, and third examination of a taxpayer who has
quarterly VAT Returns through Electronic Filing already filed his tax returns is a power
and Payment System (EFPS) on April 20, July 25, that statutorily belongs only to the CIR
and October 25, 2006, respectively, and its fourth himself or his duly authorized
quarterly VAT Return on January 25, 2007. representatives. In this case, there is
Upon finding some discrepancies between no dispute that no LOA was issued
MEDICARD’s Income Tax Returns (ITR) and VAT prior to the issuance of a PAN and
Returns, the CIR issued a Letter Notice (LN) dated FAN against MEDICARD. Therefore,
September 20, 2007. Subsequently, the CIR also no LOA was also served on
issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) MEDICARD.
against MEDICARD for deficiency VAT.
MEDICARD received CIR’s FAN dated December The LN cannot replace the LOA
10, 2007 for allegedly deficiency VAT for taxable required under the law even if the
year 2006 including penalties. same was issued by the CIR himself.
Under RR No. 12-2002, LN is issued
MEDICARD filed a protest arguing, among others, to a person found to have
that that the services it render is not limited merely underreported sales/receipts per data
to arranging for the provision of medical and/or generated under the RELIEF system.
hospitalization services but include actual and Upon receipt of the LN, a taxpayer
direct rendition of medical and laboratory services. may avail of the BIR’s Voluntary
On June 19, 2009, MEDICARD received CIR’s Assessment and Abatement Program.
Final Decision denying its protest. The petitioner If a taxpayer fails or refuses to avail of
MEDICARD proceeded to file a petition for review the said program, the BIR may avail
before the CTA. of administrative and criminal
remedies, particularly closure,
The CTA Division held that the determination of criminal action, or audit and
deficiency VAT is not limited to the issuance of investigation. Since the law
Letter of Authority (LOA) alone and that in lieu of specifically requires an LOA and
an LOA, an LN was issued to MEDICARD RMO No. 32-2005 requires the
informing it if the discrepancies between its ITRs conversion of the previously issued
and VAT Returns and this procedure is authorized LN to an LOA, the absence thereof
under Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. cannot be simply swept under the rug,
30-2003 and 42-2003. Also, the amounts that as the CIR would have it. In fact,
MEDICARD earmarked and eventually paid to Revenue Memorandum Circular No.
doctors, hospitals and clinics cannot be excluded 40-2003 considers an LN as a notice
from the computation of its gross receipts because of audit or investigation only for the
the act of earmarking or allocation is by itself an purpose of disqualifying the taxpayer
act of ownership and management over the funds from amending his returns. The
by MEDICARD which is beyond the contemplation revenue officers not having authority
of RR No. 4-2007. Furthermore, MEDICARD’s to examine MEDICARD in the first
earnings from its clinics and laboratory facilities place, the assessment issued by the
cannot be excluded from its gross receipts CIR is inescapably void.
because the operation of these clinics and
laboratory is merely an incident to MEDICARD’s 2. No.
line of business as an HMO. The VAT is a tax on the value added
MEDICARD filed a Motion for Reconsideration but by the performance of the service by
it was denied. Petitioner elevated the matter to the the taxpayer. It is, thus, this service
CTA en banc. and the value charged thereof by the
taxpayer that is taxable under the
CTA en banc partially granted the petition only NLRC.
insofar as 10% VAT rate for January 2006 is
concerned but sustained the findings of the CTA
28. CIR v. Systems DEFECTIVE WAIVER OF STATUTE Before the Court is a petition for review on Whether or not the right Yes. The right of the government to
Technology Institute, OF LIMITATIONS DOES NOT EXTEND certiorari under Rule 45 of the ROC filed by of the government to assess or collect the alleged deficiency
Inc., G.R. No. 220835, THE PERIOD TO ASSESS OR petitioner CIR, assailing the Decision of the assess or collect the taxes is already barred by prescription. The
26 July 2017 COLLECT ALLEGED DEFICIENCY CTA En Banc which affirmed the Decision alleged deficiency taxes is Waivers of Statute of Limitations, being
TAXES CTA 2nd Division, granting the petition for already barred by defective and invalid, did not extend the CIR's
review filed by respondent Systems Technology prescription. period to issue the subject assessments.
Section 203 of the NIRC of 1997 states
Institute, Inc. (STI).
that assessments issued after the Section 203 of the NIRC of 1997, as
expiration of three (3) years counted STI's Amiel Sangalang signed a Waiver of the amended, limits the CIR's period to assess
from the last day prescribed by law for Defense of Prescription under the Statute of and collect internal revenue taxes to three (3)
the filing of the return or from the day Limitations of the NIRC, with the proviso that the years counted from the last day prescribed by
the return was filed are no longer valid
assessment and collection of taxes of fiscal year law for the filing of the return or from the day
and effective.
2003 shall come "no later than December 31, the return was filed, whichever comes
2006." Another waiver was executed extending later. Thus, assessments issued after the
the period to assess and collect the assessed expiration of such period are no longer
taxes to March 31, 2007. Both waivers were valid and effective. Clearly, the final
signed by Sangalang and accepted by assessment notice dated June 16, 2007,
Cembrano, Large Taxpayers District Officer. A assessing STI for deficiency income tax, VAT
third waiver was executed by the same signatories and EWT for fiscal year 2003, which STI
extending further the period to June 30, 2007. received on June 28, 2007, was issued
beyond the three-year prescriptive period.
STI received a Formal Assessment Notice from However, the CIR maintains that
the CIR, assessing STI for deficiency income tax, prescription had not set in because the
VAT and EWT for fiscal year 2003. STI filed a parties validly executed a waiver of statute
request for reconsideration/reinvestigation. STI of limitations under Section 222(b) of the
received from the CIR the Final Decision on NIRC.
Disputed Assessment (FDDA) dated finding STI
liable for deficiency income tax, VAT and EWT but To implement the said provision, the BIR
in a lesser amount. STI appealed the FDDA by issued RMO 20-90 and RDAO 05-01,
filing a petition for review with the CTA. The CTA outlining the procedures for the proper
2nd Division promulgated its decision denying the execution of a valid waiver which are required
assessment on the ground of prescription. The and mandatory.Tested against the
CTA Division found the waivers executed by requirements of RMO 20-90 and relevant
STI defective for failing to strictly comply with jurisprudence, the Court cannot but agree with
the requirements provided by Revenue the CTA's finding that the waivers subject of
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 20-90 and this case suffer from the following defects: (1)
Revenue Delegation Authority Order (RDAO) That at the time when the first waiver took
No. 05-01. consequently, the periods for the CIR effect, the period for the CIR to assess STI for
to assess or collect internal revenue taxes were deficiency EWT and deficiency VAT for fiscal
never extended; and the subject assessment for year ending March 31, 2003, had already
deficiency income tax, VAT and EWT against STI, prescribed; (2) STI's signatory to the three
which the CIR issued beyond the three-year waivers had no notarized written authority
prescriptive period provided by law, was already from the corporation's board of directors; and
barred by prescription. The CIR appealed to the
CTA En Banc. The CTA En Banc denied the CIR's (3) the waivers did not specify the kind of tax
petition for lack of merit and affirmed the Decision and the amount of tax due.
CTA Division. Hence, this petition for review on
certiorari. Verily, considering the foregoing defects in the
waivers executed by STI, the periods for the
CIR to assess or collect the alleged deficiency
income tax, deficiency EWT and deficiency
VAT were not extended. The assessments
subject of this case, which were issued by the
BIR beyond the three-year prescriptive, are
therefore considered void and of no legal
29. CIR v. Lancaster Even though the date after the words Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue I. The Court of Tax Appeals We deny the petition.
Philippines, Inc., G.R. "taxable year 1998 to" is unstated, it is (CIR) is authorized by law, among others, to En Banc erred in holding
No. 183408, July 12, not at all difficult to discern that the investigate or examine and, if necessary, issue that petitioner's revenue I. The CTA En Banc did not err when it ruled
2017 period of examination is the whole assessments for deficiency taxes. On the other officers exceeded their that the BIR revenue officers had exceeded
taxable year 1998. It could not have hand, respondent Lancaster Philippines, Inc. authority to investigate the their authority.
contemplated a longer period. The (Lancaster) is a domestic corporation established period not covered by their
examination for the full taxable year in 1963 and is engaged in the production, letter of authority. A. The Jurisdiction of the CTA
1998 only is consistent with the processing, and marketing of tobacco. The jurisdiction of the CTA is not limited only
guideline in Revenue Memorandum to cases which involve decisions or inactions
Order (RMO) No. 43-90, that the LOA In 1999, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) II. The court of Tax Appeals of the CIR on matters relating to assessments
shall cover a taxable period not issued Letter of Authority (LOA) No. 00012289 En Banc erred in ordering or refunds but also includes other cases
exceeding one taxable year. authorizing its revenue officers to examine petitioner to cancel and arising from the NIRC or related laws
Lancaster's books of accounts and other withdraw the deficiency administered by the BIR. The jurisdiction of
accounting records for all internal revenue taxes assessment issued against the CTA on such other matters arising under
due from taxable year 1998 to an unspecified respondent. the NIRC was retained under the
date. After the conduct of an examination pursuant amendments introduced by R.A No. 9282.
to the LOA, the BIR issued a Preliminary
Assessment Notice (PAN) which cited Lancaster Sec. 7. Jurisdiction. - The CTA shall exercise:
for: 1) overstatement of its purchases for the fiscal
year April 1998 to March1999; and 2) a. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by
noncompliance with the generally accepted appeal, as herein provided:
accounting principle of proper matching of cost
and revenue. More concretely, the BIR disallowed 1. Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal
the purchases of tobacco from farmers covered by Revenue in cases involving disputed
Purchase Invoice Vouchers (PIVs) for the months assessments, refunds of internal revenue
of February and March 1998 as deductions taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in
against income for the fiscal year April 1998 to relation thereto, or other matters arising under
March 1999. the National Internal Revenue or other laws
administered by the Bureau of Internal
In its petition before the CTA Division, Lancaster Revenue;
essentially reiterated its arguments in the protest
against the assessment, maintaining that the 2. Inaction by the Commissioner of Internal
tobacco purchases in February and March 1998 Revenue in cases involving disputed
are deductible in its fiscal year ending 31 March assessments, refunds of internal revenue
1999. After trial, the CTA Division granted the taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in
petition of Lancaster. The CIR move but failed to relation thereto, or other matters arising under
obtain reconsideration of the CTA Division ruling. the National Internal Revenue Code or other
Aggrieved, the CIR sought recourse from the CTA laws administered by the Bureau of Internal
En Banc, however, the CTA En Banc found no Revenue, where the National Internal
reversible error in the CTA Division's ruling, thus, Revenue Code provides a specific period of
it affirmed the cancellation of the assessment action. in which case the inaction shall be
against Lancaster. Hence, this petition. deemed a denial;
It must be stressed that the assessment of
internal revenue taxes is one of the duties of
the BIR. Section 2 of the NIRC states:
31. Asiatrust In order for the CTA En Banc to take On separate dates in February 2000, Asiatrust GR NO. 201530 The Petitions lack merit.
Development Bank, cognizance of an appeal via a petition Development Bank, Inc. (Asiatrust) received from
Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No. for review, a timely motion for the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) three Whether the [CTA] En Banc G.R. No. 201530
201530. April 19, 2017 reconsideration or new trial must first be Formal Letters of Demand (FLD) with Assessment erred in finding that
filed with the CTA Division that issued Notices for deficiency internal revenue taxes in the [Asiatrust] is liable for An application for tax abatement is considered
the assailed decision or resolution. amounts of P131,909,161.85, P83,012,265.78, deficiency final withholding approved only upon the issuance of a
Failure to do so is a ground for the and ₱l44,012,918.42 for fiscal years ending June tax for fiscal year ending termination letter.
dismissal of the appeal as the word 30, 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively. On March June 30, 1998.
"must" indicates that the filing of a prior 17, 2000, Asiatrust timely protested the The last step in the tax abatement process is
assessment notices. II. the issuance of the termination letter. The
motion is mandatory, and not merely Whether the order of the presentation of the termination letter is
directory. Due to the inaction of the CIR on the protest, [CTA] En Banc for petitioner essential as it proves that the taxpayer's
Asiatrust filed before the CTA a Petition for to pay again the final application for tax abatement has been
Review praying for the cancellation of the tax withholding tax for fiscal approved. Thus, without a termination letter, a
assessments for deficiency income tax, year ending June 30, 1998 tax assessment cannot be considered closed
documentary stamp tax (DST) - regular, DST - would amount to double and terminated.
industry issue, final withholding tax, expanded taxation.
withholding tax, and fringe benefits tax issued In this case, Asiatrust failed to present a
against it by the CIR. On December 28, 2001, the III. termination letter from the BIR. Instead, it
CIR issued against Asiatrust new Assessment Whether xx x the [CTA] En presented a Certification issued by the BIR to
Notices for deficiency taxes in the amounts of ₱l Banc erred in resolving the prove that it availed of the Tax Abatement
12,816,258.73, ₱53,314,512.72, and issue of alleged deficiency Program and paid the basic tax. It also
₱133,013,458.73, covering the fiscal years ending final wri1ffiolding tax for attached copies of its BIR Tax Payment
June 30, 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively. On fiscal year ending June 30, Deposit Slips and a letter issued by RDO
the same day, Asiatrust partially paid said 1998 based on mere Nacar. These documents, however, do not
deficiency tax assessments technicalities. prove that Asiatrust's application for tax
abatement has been approved. If at all, these
On April 19, 2005, the CIR approved Asiatrust's G.R. NOS. 201680-81 documents only prove Asiatrust's payment of
Offer of Compromise of DST - regular basic taxes, which is not a ground to consider
assessments for the fiscal years ending June 30, I. its deficiency tax assessment closed and
1996, 1997, and 1998. During the trial, Asiatrust Whether xx x the [CTA] En terminated.
manifested that it availed of the Tax Abatement Banc committed reversible
Program for its deficiency final withholding tax - error when it dismissed [the Since no termination letter has been issued by
trust assessments for fiscal years ending June 30, CIR’s] petition for review on the BIR, there is no reason for the Court to
1996 and 1998; and that on June 29, 2007, it paid the ground that the latter consider as closed and terminated the tax
the basic taxes in the amounts of P4,187,683.27 allegedly failed to comply assessment on Asiatrust's final withholding
and P6,097,825.03 for the said fiscal years, with section 1, rule 8 of the tax for fiscal year ending June 30, 1998.
respectively. Asiatrust also claimed that on March revised rules of the [CTA]. Asiatrust's application for tax abatement will
6, 2008, it availed of the provisions of Republic Act be deemed approved only upon the issuance
(RA) No. 9480, otherwise known as the Tax II. of a termination letter, and only then will the
Amnesty Law of 2007. Whether the [CTA] En Banc deficiency tax assessment be considered
committed reversible error closed and terminated. However, in case
Ruling of the Court of Tax Appeals Division when it sustained the Asiatrust's application for tax abatement is
amended decision dated 16 denied, any payment made by it would be
The CTA Division rendered a Decision partially march 2010 of the first applied to its outstanding tax liability. Thus,
granting the Petition. The CTA Division declared division declaring closed and the Court finds no error on the part of the CTA
void the tax assessments for fiscal year ending terminated respondent's En Banc in affirming the said tax assessment.
June 30, 1996 for having been issued beyond the liability for deficiency
three-year prescriptive period. However, due to documentary stamp tax for G.R. Nos. 201680-81
the failure of Asiatrust to present documentary and taxable years 1997 and
testimonial evidence to prove its availment of the 1998. An appeal to the CTA En Banc must be
Tax Abatement Program and the Tax Amnesty preceded by the filing of a timely motion for
Law, the CTA Division affirmed the deficiency reconsideration or new trial with the CTA
DST- Special Savings Account (SSA) Division.
assessments for the fiscal years ending June 30,
1997 and 1998 and the deficiency DST - Interbank In order for the CTA En Banc to take
Call Loans (IBCL) and deficiency final withholding cognizance of an appeal via a petition for
tax - trust assessments for fiscal year ending June review, a timely motion for reconsideration or
30, 1998, in the total amount of ₱142,777,785.91. new trial must first be filed with the CTA
Division that issued the assailed decision or
Both parties appealed to CTA En Banc. The CTA resolution. Failure to do so is a ground for the
En Banc denied the motions for partial dismissal of the appeal as the word "must"
reconsideration of the CIR and Asiatrust.45. indicates that the filing of a prior motion is
Hence, the instant consolidated Petitions under mandatory, and not merely directory.
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
The same is true in the case of an amended
decision. Section 3, Rule 14 of the same rules
defines an amended decision as "[a]ny action
modifying or reversing a decision of the Court
En Banc or in Division." As explained in CE
Luzon Geothermal Power Company, Inc. v.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, an
amended decision is a different decision, and
thus, is a· proper subject of a motion for
32. CIR v. Liquigaz Section 228 of the NIRC declares that Liquigaz Philippines Corporation (Liquigaz) is a Whether the Court of Tax The importance of providing the taxpayer of
Philippines, G.R. Nos. an assessment is void if the taxpayer is corporation duly organized and existing under Appeals En Banc erred in adequate written notice of his tax liability is
215534 & 215557, not notified in writing of the facts and Philippine laws. On July 11, 2006, it received a partially upholding the undeniable. Section 228 of the NIRC declares
April 18, 2016 law on which it is made. Again, Section copy of Letter of Authority (LOA) No. 00067824, validity of the assessment as that an assessment is void if the taxpayer is
3.1.4 of RR No. 12-99 requires that the dated July 4, 2006, issued by the Commissioner of to the withholding tax on not notified in writing of the facts and law on
FLD must state the facts and law on Internal Revenue (CIR), authorizing the compensation but declaring which it is made. Again, Section 3.1.4 of RR
which it is based, otherwise, the investigation of all internal revenue taxes for invalid the assessment on No. 12-99 requires that the FLD must state
FLD/FAN itself shall be void. taxable year 2005. Liquigaz received an undated expanded withholding tax the facts and law on which it is based,
Meanwhile, Section 3.1.6 of RR No. 12- letter purporting to be a Notice of Informal and fringe benefits tax otherwise, the FLD/FAN itself shall be void.
99 specifically requires that the decision Conference (NIC), as well as the detailed Meanwhile, Section 3.1.6 of RR No. 12-99
of the CIR or his duly authorized computation of its supposed tax liability. It also specifically requires that the decision of the
representative on a disputed received a copy of the Preliminary Assessment CIR or his duly authorized representative on a
assessment shall state the facts, law Notice (PAN), together with the attached details of disputed assessment shall state the facts, law
and rules and regulations, or discrepancies for the calendar year ending and rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on
jurisprudence on which the decision is December 31, 2005. Upon investigation, Liquigaz which the decision is based. Failure to do so
based. Failure to do so would invalidate was initially assessed with deficiency withholding would invalidate the FDDA.
the FDDA. tax liabilities, inclusive of interest, in the aggregate
amount of P23,931,708.72, The use of the word "shall" in Section 228 of
----- Thereafter, it received a Formal Letter of Demand the NIRC and in RR No. 12-99 indicates that
(FLD)/Formal Assessment Notice (FAN), together the requirement of informing the taxpayer of
A "decision" differs from an with its attached details of discrepancies, for the the legal and factual bases of the assessment
"assessment" and failure of the FDDA calendar year ending December 31, 2005. The and the decision made against him is
to state the facts and law on which it is total deficiency withholding tax liabilities, inclusive mandatory. The requirement of providing the
based renders the decision void—but of interest, under the FLD was P24,332,347.20. taxpayer with written notice of the factual and
not necessarily the assessment. Tax Liquigaz filed its protest against the FLD/FAN and legal bases applies both to the FLD/FAN and
laws may not be extended by subsequently submitted its supporting documents. the FDDA.
implication beyond the clear import of
their language, nor their operation It received a copy of the FDDA covering the tax To rule otherwise would tolerate abuse and
enlarged so as to embrace matters not audit under LOA No. 00067824 for the calendar prejudice. Taxpayers will be unable to file an
specifically provided. year ending December 31, 2005. As reflected in intelligent appeal before the CTA as they
the FDDA, the CIR still found Liquigaz liable for would be unaware on how the CIR or his'
deficiency withholding tax liabilities, inclusive of authorized representative appreciated the
interest, in the aggregate amount of defense raised in connection with the
P22,380,025.19. Liquigaz filed its Petition for assessment. On the other hand, it raises the
Review before the CTA Division assailing the possibility that the amounts reflected in the
validity of the FDDA issued by the CIR. The CTA FDDA were arbitrarily made if the factual and
Division partially granted Liquigaz's petition legal bases thereof are not shown.
cancelling the EWT and FBT assessments but
affirmed with modification the WTC assessment. A void FDDA does not ipso facto render the
On the other hand, it upheld the WTC assessment assessment void
against Liquigaz. It noted that the factual bases
used in the FLD and the FDDA with regard thereto In resolving the issue on the effects of a void
were the same as the difference in the amount FDDA, it is necessary to differentiate an
merely resulted from the use of a different tax rate. "assessment" from a "decision."
An assessment becomes a disputed
Both the CIR and Liquigaz moved for assessment after a taxpayer has filed its
reconsideration, but their respective motions were protest to the assessment in the
denied by the CTA Division. Aggrieved, they filed administrative level. Thereafter, the CIR either
their respective petitions for review before the issues a decision on the disputed assessment
CTA En Banc. The CTA En Banc affirmed the or fails to act on it and is, therefore,
assailed decision of the CTA Division. The CTA considered denied. The taxpayer may then
En Banc sustained Liquigaz' WTC assessment. It appeal the decision on the disputed
observed that the basis for the assessment was assessment or the inaction of the CIR. As
the same for the FLD and the FDDA, which was a such, the FDDA is not the only means that the
comparison of the salaries declared in the Income final tax liability of a taxpayer is fixed, which
Tax Return (ITR) and the Alpha list that resulted in may then be appealed by the taxpayer. Under
a discrepancy of P9,318,255.84. The CTA En the law, inaction on the part of the CIR may
Banc highlighted that the change in the amount of likewise result in the finality of a taxpayer's tax
assessed WTC deficiency simply arose from the liability as it is deemed a denial of the protest
revision of the tax rate used—from 32% to the filed by the latter, which may also be appealed
effective tax rate of 25.40% suggested by before the CTA.
Clearly, a decision of the CIR on a disputed
Both parties filed their respective petitions for assessment differs from the assessment itself.
review. Hence, the invalidity of one does not
necessarily result to the invalidity of the
other—unless the law or regulations otherwise
33. Sps. Pacquiao v. Section 11 of Republic Act No. 1125 is The genesis of the foregoing controversy began a Respondent Court acted Appeal will not suspend the collection of tax;
CTA, G.R. No. 213394, therefore premised on the assumption few years before the petitioners became elected with grave abuse of Exception
April 6, 2016 that the collection by summary officials in their own right. Prior to their election as discretion amounting to lack
proceedings is by itself in accordance public officers, the petitioners relied heavily on or excess of jurisdiction The Court went on to explain the reason for
with existing laws; and then what is Pacquiao's claim to fame as a world-class when it required the empowering the courts to issue such
suspended is the act of collecting, professional boxer. Due to his success, Pacquiao Petitioners to post a bond injunctive writs. It wrote:
whereas, in the case at bar what the was able to amass income from both the even if the tax collection
respondent Court suspended was the Philippines and the United States of America (US). processes employed by "Section 11 of Republic Act No. 1125 is
use of the method employed to verify His income from the US came primarily from the Respondent Commissioner therefore premised on the assumption that the
the collection which was evidently illegal purses he received for the boxing matches he took against Petitioners was collection by summary proceedings is by itself
after the lapse of the three-year part under Top Rank, Inc. On the other hand, his patently in violation of law in accordance with existing laws; and then
limitation period. The respondent Court income from the Philippines consisted of talent thereby blatantly breaching what is suspended is the act of collecting,
issued the injunction in question on the fees received from various Philippine corporations Petitioners' constitutional whereas, in the case at bar what the
basis of its findings that the means for product endorsements, advertising right to due process respondent Court suspended was the use of
intended to be used by petitioner in the commercials and television appearances. the method employed to verify the collection
collection of the alleged deficiency which was evidently illegal after the lapse of
taxes were in violation of law. It would In compliance with his duty to his home country, the three-year limitation period. The
certainly be an absurdity on the part of Pacquiao filed his 2008 income tax return on April respondent Court issued the injunction in
the Court of Tax Appeals to declare that 15, 2009 reporting his Philippine-sourced income. question on the basis of its findings that the
the collection by the summary methods It was subsequently amended to include his US- means intended to be used by petitioner in the
of distraint and levy was violative of the sourced income. The controversy began on March collection of the alleged deficiency taxes were
law, and then, on the same breath 25, 2010, when Pacquiao received a Letter of in violation of law. It would certainly be an
require the petitioner to deposit or file a Authority (March LA) from the Regional District absurdity on the part of the Court of Tax
bond as a prerequisite of the issuance Office No. 43 (RDO) of the Bureau of Internal Appeals to declare that the collection by the
of a writ of injunction. Revenue (BIR) for the examination of his books of summary methods of distraint and levy was
accounts and other accounting records for the violative of the law, and then, on the same
period covering January 1, 2008 to December 31, breath require the petitioner to deposit or file a
2008. bond as a prerequisite of the issuance of a
writ of injunction. Let us suppose, for the sake
On April 15, 2010, Pacquiao filed his 2009 income of argument, that the Court a quo would have
tax return, which although reflecting his required the petitioner to post the bond in
Philippines-sourced income, failed to include his question and that the taxpayer would refuse
income derived from his earnings in the US. He or fail to furnish said bond, would the Court a
also failed to file his Value Added Tax (VAT) quo be obliged to authorize or allow the
returns for the years 2008 and 2009. Collector of Internal Revenue to proceed with
the collection from the petitioner of the taxes
Finding the need to directly conduct the due by a means it previously declared to be
investigation and determine the tax liabilities of the contrary to law?"
petitioners, respondent Commissioner on Internal
Revenue (CIR) issued another Letter of Authority, Thus, despite the amendments to the law, the
dated July 27, 2010 (July LA), authorizing the Court still holds that the CTA has ample
BIR's National Investigation Division (NID) to authority to issue injunctive writs to restrain
examine the books of accounts and other the collection of tax and to even dispense with
accounting records of both Pacquiao and Jinkee the deposit of the amount claimed or the filing
for the last 15 years, from 1995 to 2009. On of the required bond, whenever the method
September 21, 2010 and September 22, 2010, the employed by the CIR in the collection of tax
CIR replaced the July LA by issuing to both jeopardizes the interests of a taxpayer for
Pacquiao and Jinkee separate electronic versions being patently in violation of the law. Such
of the July LA pursuant to Revenue Memorandum authority emanates from the jurisdiction
Circular (RMC) No. 56-2010. conferred to it not only by Section 11 of R.A.
No. 1125, but also by Section 7 of the same
Due to these developments, the petitioners, law.
through counsel, wrote a letter questioning the
propriety of the CIR investigation. According to the From all the foregoing, it is clear that the
petitioners, they were already subjected to an authority of the courts to issue injunctive writs
earlier investigation by the BIR for the years prior to restrain the collection of tax and to
to 2007, and no fraud was ever found to have dispense with the deposit of the amount
been committed. They added that pursuant to the claimed or the filing of the required bond is not
March LA issued by the RDO, they were already simply confined to cases where prescription
being investigated for the year 2008. has set in. As explained by the Court in those
cases, whenever it is determined by the
The CIR informed the petitioners that its courts that the method employed by the
reinvestigation of years prior to 2007 was justified Collector of Internal Revenue in the collection
because the assessment thereof was pursuant to of tax is not sanctioned by law, the bond
a "fraud investigation" against the petitioners requirement under Section 11 of R.A. No.
under the "Run After Tax Evaders" (RATE) 1125 should be dispensed with. The purpose
program of the BIR. of the rule is not only to prevent jeopardizing
the interest of the taxpayer, but more
On January 5 and 21, 2011, the petitioners importantly, to prevent the absurd situation
submitted various income tax related documents wherein the court would declare "that the
for the years 2007-2009. As for the years 1995 to collection by the summary methods of
2006, the petitioners explained that they could not distraint and levy was violative of law, and
furnish the bureau with the books of accounts and then, in the same breath require the petitioner
other, tax related documents as they had already to deposit or file a bond as a prerequisite for
been disposed in accordance with Section 235 of the issuance of a writ of injunction."
the Tax Code. They added that even if they
wanted to, they could no longer find copies of the The determination of whether the petitioners.'
documents because during those years, their case falls within the exception provided under
accounting records were then managed by Section 11, R.A No. 1125 cannot be
previous counsels, who had since passed away. determined at this point
Finally, the petitioners pointed out that their tax
liabilities for the said years had already been fully In this case, the alleged illegality of the
settled with then CIR Jose Mario Buñag, who after methods employed by respondent to effect
a review, found no fraud against them. the collection of tax is not at all patent or
evident as in the foregoing cases. At this early
On June 21; 2011, on the same day that the stage of the proceedings, it is premature for
petitioners made their last compliance in this Court to rule on the issues of whether or
submitting their tax-related documents, the CIR not the warrants were defectively issued; or
issued a subpoena duces tecum requiring the whether the service thereof was done in
petitioners to submit additional income tax and violation of the rules; or whether or not
VAT-related documents for the years 1995-2009. respondent's assessments were valid. These
matters are evidentiary in nature, the
After conducting its own- investigation, the CIR resolution of which can only be made after a
made its initial assessment finding that the full blown trial.
petitioners were unable to fully settle their tax
liabilities. Thus, the CIR issued its Notice of Initial Though it may be true that it would have been
Assessment-Informal Conference (NIC), , directly premature for the CTA to immediately
addressed to the petitioners, informing them that determine whether the assessment made
based on the best evidence obtainable, they were against the petitioners was valid or whether
liable for deficiency income taxes in the amount of the warrants were properly issued and served,
P714,061,116.30 for 2008 and P1,446,245,864.33 still, it behooved upon the CTA to properly
for 2009, inclusive of interests and surcharges. determine, at least preliminarily, whether the
CIR, in its assessment of the tax liability of the
petitioners, and its effort of collecting the
same, complied with the law and the pertinent
issuances of the BIR itself. The CTA should
have conducted a preliminary hearing and
received evidence so it could have properly
determined whether the requirement of
providing the required security under Section
11, R.A. No. 1125 could be reduced or
dispensed with pendente lite.
34. CIR v. Standard Generally, the period for CIR to assess On July 14, 2004 CIR sent a Formal Demand Whether or not CIR’s right to YES. CIR only had three years, counted from
Chartered Bank, G.R. and collect internal revenue taxes is Letter to the respondent bank for deficiency in assess respondent bank for the date of actual filing of the return or from
No. 192173, July 29, only up to 3 years after the last day income tax, final income tax, withholding tax on deficiencies has already the last date prescribed by law for the filing of
2015. prescribed by law. One of the compensation, final withholding tax for the taxable prescribed for failure to such return, whichever comes later, to assess
exceptions, this can be extended by a year of 1998. In the middle of the ligation, the comply with the a national internal revenue tax or to begin a
written agreement between the parties bank paid for WTC and FWT. Nonetheless, both requirements set forth in court proceeding for the collection thereof
provided the same is executed before CTA in Division and CTA En Banc ruled that the RMO. without an assessment. However, the law
the 3-yr prescription period. Provided Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment Notices authorizes the extension of the original 3-year
further that there must be proper and are void for having been issued beyond the 3year prescriptive period by the execution of a valid
valid execution of a waiver of the prescriptive period. Their findings are grounded on waiver, where the taxpayer and the CIR may
Statute of Limitations. the fact that waiver of extension were defective stipulate to extend the period of assessment
and found to have failed to abide by the strict by a written agreement executed prior to the
provisions of the RMO. CIR contested that lapse of the period prescribed by law, and by
respondent is estopped from questioning the subsequent written agreements before the
validity of the waivers of the Statute of Limitations expiration of the period previously agreed
executed by its representatives in view of the upon. However, the execution of a Waiver of
partial payments it made on the deficiency taxes Statute of Limitations must be executed in
sought to be collected. accordance with pre-set guidelines and
procedural requirements. Otherwise, it does
not serve its purpose, and the taxpayer has all
the right to invoke its nullity. In this case, the
RMO No. 20-90 implements the provisions of
the NIRC relating to the period of prescription
for the assessment and collection of taxes,
which are mandatory in nature.
More than 12 years after the filing of CBC’s However, the records did not show when the
protest, the CIR rendered a decision reiterating assessment notice was mailed, released or
the deficiency DST assessment and ordered for its sent to CBC, nor was a warrant of distraint or
payment plus increments within 30 days from the levy served on CBC’s properties nor a
receipt of such decision. collection case filed in court by the BIR within
the three-year period.
CBC invoked the argument of prescription and
stated that the government has three years from The demand was made almost thirteen years
the date the former received the assessment of from the date from which the prescriptive
the CIR to collect the tax, but that within such time period was to be reckoned, the claim of the
frame, neither a warrant of distraint or levy was CIR for deficiency DST from petitioner was
issued, nor a collection case filed in court. already barred by prescription.
36. CIR v. CBK Power The obligation to comply with a tax CBK Power is a limited partnership duly organized Whether or not the BIR may YES. The Philippine Constitution provides for
Company Limited, treaty must take precedence over the and existing under the laws of the Philippines, and add a requirement – prior adherence to the general principles of
G.R. Nos. 193383-84, objective of RMO No. 12000. Logically, primarily engaged in the development and application for an ITAD international law as part of the law of the land.
January 14, 2015. noncompliance with tax treaties has operation of hydroelectric power generating plants ruling – that is not found in The time-honored international principle of
negative implications on international in Laguna. It is registered with the Board of the income tax treaties pacta sunt servanda demands the
relations, and unduly discourages Investments (BOI) as engaged in a preferred signed by the Philippines performance in good faith of treaty obligations
foreign investors. While the pioneer area of investment under the Omnibus before a taxpayer can avail on the part of the states that enter into the
consequences sought to be prevented Investment Code of 1987. In February 2001, CBK of preferential tax rates agreement. In this jurisdiction, treaties have
by RMO No. 12000 involve an Power borrowed money from Industrial Bank of under said treaties. the force and effect of law.
administrative procedure, these may be Japan, Fortis-Netherlands, Raiffesen Bank, Fortis-
remedied through other system Belgium, and Mizuho Bank for which it remitted Bearing in mind the rationale of tax treaties,
management processes, e.g., the interest payments from May 2001 to May 2003. It the period of application for the availment of
imposition of a fine or penalty. But we allegedly withheld final taxes from said payments tax treaty relief as required by RMO No. 1-
cannot totally deprive those who are based on the following rates, and paid the same to 2000 should not operate to divest entitlement
entitled to the benefit of a treaty for the Revenue District Office No. 55 of the Bureau to the relief as it would constitute a violation of
failure to strictly comply with an of Internal Revenue (BIR): (a) fifteen percent the duty required by good faith in complying
administrative issuance requiring prior (15%) for Fortis-Belgium, Fortis-Netherlands, and with a tax treaty. The denial of the availment
application for tax treaty relief. Raiffesen Bank; and (b) twenty percent (20%) for of tax relief for the failure of a taxpayer to
Industrial Bank of Japan and Mizuho Bank. apply within the prescribed period under the
administrative issuance would impair the
However, according to CBK Power, under the value of the tax treaty. At most, the application
relevant tax treaties between the Philippines and for a tax treaty relief from the BIR should
the respective countries in which each of the merely operate to confirm the entitlement of
banks is a resident, the interest income derived by the taxpayer to the relief. The obligation to
the aforementioned banks are subject only to a comply with a tax treaty must take
preferential tax rate of 10%. Accordingly, on April precedence over the objective of RMO No. 1-
14, 2003, CBK Power filed a claim for refund of its 2000. Logically, noncompliance with tax
excess final withholding taxes allegedly treaties has negative implications on
erroneously withheld and collected for the years international relations, and unduly
2001 and 2002 with the BIR Revenue Region No. discourages foreign investors. While the
9. The claim for refund of excess final withholding consequences sought to be prevented by
taxes in 2003 was subsequently filed on March 4, RMO No. 1-2000 involve an administrative
2005. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue’s procedure, these may be remedied through
(Commissioner) inaction on said claims prompted other system management processes, e.g.,
CBK Power to file petitions for review before the the imposition of a fine or penalty. But we
CTA. cannot totally deprive those who are entitled
to the benefit of a treaty for failure to strictly
The CTA First Division granted the petitions and comply with an administrative issuance
ordered the refund of the amount of requiring prior application for tax treaty relief.
P15,672,958.42 upon a finding that the relevant
tax treaties were applicable to the case. The CTA It bears reiterating that the application for a
First Division categorically declared in the August tax treaty relief from the BIR should merely
28, 2008 Decision that the required International operate to confirm the entitlement of the
Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) ruling was not a taxpayer to the relief. Since CBK Power had
condition sine qua non for the entitlement of the requested for confirmation from the ITAD on
tax relief sought by CBK Power. However, upon June 8, 2001 and October 28, 2002 before it
motion for reconsideration filed by the filed on April 14, 2003 its administrative claim
Commissioner, the CTA First Division amended its for refund of its excess final withholding taxes,
earlier decision by reducing the amount of the the same should be deemed substantial
refund from P15,672,958.42 to P14,835,720.39 on compliance with RMO No. 12000, as in
the ground that CBK Power failed to obtain an Deutsche Bank. To rule otherwise would
ITAD ruling with respect to its transactions with defeat the purpose of Section 229 of the NIRC
Fortis-Netherlands. CBK Power elevated the in providing the taxpayer a remedy for
matter to the CTA En Banc on petition for review. erroneously paid tax solely on the ground of
failure to make prior application for tax treaty
The CTA En Banc affirmed the ruling of the CTA relief. As the Court exhorted in Republic v.
First Division that a prior application with the ITAD GST Philippines, Inc., while the taxpayer has
is indeed required by Revenue Memorandum an obligation to honestly pay the right taxes,
Order (RMO) 1-2000, which administrative the government has a corollary duty to
issuance has the force and effect of law and is just implement tax laws in good faith; to discharge
as binding as a tax treaty. its duty to collect what is due to it; and to justly
return what has been erroneously and
excessively given to it.
On March 22, 2005, the respondent filed an (B) Carry over the excess credit; or
administrative claim for refund or issuance of tax
credit certificate with the Bureau of Internal (C) Be credited or refunded withthe excess
Revenue (BIR) in the total amount of amount paid, as the case may be.
₱16,366,413.00, representing the overpaid
income tax or the excess creditable withholding In case the corporation is entitled to a tax
tax of the respondent for calendar years 2002 and credit or refund of the excess estimated
2003. quarterly income taxes paid, the excess
amount shown on its final adjustment return
Due to the inaction of the BIR and in order to toll may be carried over and credited against the
the running of the twoyear prescriptive period for estimated quarterly income tax liabilities for
claiming a refund under Section 229 of the the taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, years. Once the option to carry over and apply
the respondent filed a petition for review in the the excess quarterly income tax against
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) on April 14, 2005. income tax due for the taxable years of the
succeeding taxable years has been made,
On May 15, 2008, the CTA in Division rendered its such option shall be considered irrevocable
decision in favor of the respondent. for that taxable period and no application for
cash refund or issuance of a tax credit
Aggrieved, the petitioner has brought this appeal certificate shall be allowed therefor. The two
options are alternative and not cumulative in
nature, that is, the choice of one precludes the
40. CIR vs. Team Sual a person committing a void act contrary Team Sual Corporation (TSC) filed its VAT returns Whether or not the Petition Granted. Under Section 112(C) of the
Corporation, G.R. No. to a mandatory provision of law cannot for the first, second, third, and fourth quarters of taxpayer’s petition for review NIRC, the CIR is given 120 days from the
194105. February 5, claim or acquire any right from his void the taxable year 2000 on April 24, 2000, July 25, was prematurely filed. submission of
2014 act. A right cannot spring in favor of a 2000, October 25, 2000, and January 25, 2001, complete documents in support of the
person from his own void or illegal act. respectively. On March 11, 2002, TSC filed with application for refund/tax credit within which to
This doctrine is repeated in Article 2254 the BIR an administrative claim for refund claiming either grant
of the that it is entitled to the unutilized input VAT arising or deny the claim. In case of (1) full or partial
from its zero-rated sales to NPC for the taxable denial of the claim or (2) the failure of the CIR
Civil Code, which states, "No vested or year 2000. to act on
acquired right can arise from acts or the claim within 120 days from the submission
omissions which are against the law or Without awaiting for CIR’s decision, on April 1, of complete documents, the taxpayer-claimant
which infringe upon the rights of others. 2002, TSC filed a petition for review with the CTA may,
seeking the refund or the issuance of a tax credit within 30 days from receipt of the CIR
certificate for its unutilized input VAT. On January decision denying the claim or after the lapse
26, 2009, the CTA Division rendered a Decision in of the 120-day
favor of TSC. The CIR filed a motion for period, file a petition for review with the CTA.
reconsideration and claimed that TSC's petition for
review was prematurely filed, alleging that under The pivotal question of whether the imminent
Section 112( C) of the NIRC, the CIR is given 120 lapse of the two-year period under Section
days from the submission of complete documents 112(A) of
within which to either grant or deny TSC's the NIRC justifies the filing of a judicial claim
application for refund/tax credit of its unutilized with the CTA without awaiting the lapse of the
input 120- day
VAT. CIR pointed out that TSC filed its petition for period given to the CIR to decide the
review with the CTA without any decision on its administrative claim for refund/tax credit had
claim and without waiting for the 120-day period to already been
lapse. settled by the Court. In Commissioner of
Internal Revenue v. Aichi Forging Company of
Subsequently, the CTA Division rendered a Asia, Inc., the
decision denying CIR’s motion. It ruled that, Court held that: Section 112([C]) of the NIRC
pursuant to clearly provides that the CIR has "120 days,
Section 112(A) of the NIRC, claims for refund/tax from the date of
credit of unutilized input VAT should be filed within the submission of the complete documents in
two years after the close of the taxable quarter support of the application [for tax
when the sales were made; that the 120-day refund/credit]," within which to grant or deny
period the claim. In case of full or partial denial by
under Section 112(C) of the NIRC is also covered the CIR, the taxpayer's recourse is to file an
by the two-year prescriptive period within which appeal before the CTA within 30 days from
to claim the refund/tax credit of unutilized input receipt of the decision of the CIR. However, if
VAT. The CIR filed a Petition for Review with the after the 120-day period the CIR fails to act on
CTA En Banc, which was denied. Hence, the the application for tax refund/credit, the
petition remedy of the taxpayer is to appeal the
inaction of
the CIR to CTA within 30 days.
41. CIR vs. United The requirement for issuing a Respondent (USTP) is engaged in the business of Whether or not the EWT NO. In order to determine whether the
Salvage and Towage preliminary or final notice, as the case sub-contracting work for service assessment issued against requirement for a valid assessment is duly
(Phils), Inc., G.R. No. may be, informing a taxpayer of the contractorsengaged in petroleum operations in the the respondent for taxable complied with,it is important to ascertain the
197515, July 2, 2014. existence of a deficiency tax Philippines.In the course of respondent’s year 1994 werevalid. governing law, rules and regulations and
assessment is markedly different from operations,petitioner found respondent liable for jurisprudence at the timethe assessment was
the requirement of what such notice deficiency income tax, withholding tax, value- issued. In the instant case, the PANs and
must contain. Just because the CIR added taxand documentary stamp tax (DST) FANs pertaining to the deficiencyEWT for
issued an advice, a preliminary letter for taxable years 1992,1994, 1997 and taxable years 1994 and 1998, respectively,
during the pre-assessment stage and a 1998. Petitioner,through BIR officials, issued were issued on January 19, 1998, when
final notice, in the order required by law, demand letters with attached assessment notices theTax Code was already in effect, as
does not necessarily mean that Enron for withholdingtax on compensation (WTC) and correctly found by the CTA En Banc. The date
was informed of the law and facts on expanded withholding tax (EWT) for taxable years of issuance ofthe notice of assessment
which the deficiency tax assessment 1992, 1994and 1998.USTP filed administrative determines which law applies- the 1997 NIRC
was made. protests against the 1994 and 1998 EWT or the old Tax Code. In the instant case, the
assessments, respectively. In2003, the USTP 1997 NIRC covers the 1994 and 1998 EWT
appealed by way of Petition for Review before the FANs because there wereissued on January
CTA, but moved to withdrawthe same during the 19, 1998 and September 21, 2001,
pendency of the proceedings because it availed of respectively, at the time of the effectivity ofthe
the benefits of the TaxAmnesty Program. Having 1997 NIRC. Clearly, the assessments are
complied with all the requirements therefor, the governed by the law. Indeed, Section 228 of
CTA-Special FirstDivision partially granted the theTax Code provides that the taxpayer shall
Motion to Withdraw and declared the issues on be informed in writing of the law and the facts
income tax, VATand DST deficiencies closed and onwhich the assessment is made. Otherwise,
terminatedThe CTA-Special First Division the assessment is void. To implement the
held that the Preliminary Assessment aforesaidprovision, Revenue Regulation No.
Notices (PANs) fordeficiency EWT for taxable 12-99was enacted by the BIR, of which
years 1994 and 1998 were not formally offered; Section 3.1.4 thereofreads: 3.1.4. Formal
hence, pursuant toSection 34, Rule 132 of the Letter of Demand and Assessment
Revised Rules of Court, the Court shall neither Notice. –The formal letter of demand
consider the same asevidence nor rule on their andassessment notice shall be issued by the
validity. As regards the Final Assessment Notices Commissioner or his duly authorized
(FANs) for deficiency EWT for taxable years 1994 representative. Theletter of demand calling for
and1998, the CTA-Special First Division held that payment of the taxpayer’s deficiency tax or
the same do not show the law and the facts taxes shall state the facts,the law, rules and
onwhich the assessments were based. Said regulations, or jurisprudence on which the
assessments were, therefore, declared void for assessment is based, otherwise, theformal
failure tocomply with Section 228 of the 1997 Tax letter of demand and assessment notice shall
Code. From the foregoing, the only remaining be void. The same shall be sent to
validassessment is for taxable year thetaxpayer only by registered mail or by
1992.Nevertheless, the CTA-Special First Division personal delivery.The law requires that the
declared that the right of petitioner to collect legal and factual bases of the assessment be
thedeficiency EWT and WTC, respectively, for stated in the formal letterof demand and
taxable year 1992 had already lapsed pursuant assessment and notice. Such cannot be
toSection 203 of the Tax Code. Thus, in assumed. The alleged “factual bases” inthe
ruling for USTP, the CTA-Special First advice, preliminary letter and “audit working
Divisioncancelled Assessment Notices both dated papers” did not suffice. There was no
January 9, 1996 and covering the period of 1992. goingaround the mandate of the law that the
Petitioner moved to reconsider the aforesaid ruling legal and factual bases of the assessment be
however it was denied the same for lack ofmerit. stated inwriting in the formal letter of demand
Upon appeal, the CTA En Banc affirmed with accompanying the assessment notice.
modification the of the CTA-Special FirstDivision.
The CTA En Banc upheld the 1998 EWT
assessment. In addition to the basic
EWTdeficiency of ₱14,496.79, USTP is ordered
to pay surcharge, annual deficiency interest,
andannual delinquency interest from the date due
until full payment pursuant to Section 249 of
the1997 NIRC.
42. CIR vs. PNB, G.R. In several transactions including but not limited to whether respondent's claim These issues require a review, examination,
No. 180920, the sale of real properties, lease and for refund of unutilized evaluation, or weighing of the probative value
September 29, 2014. commissions, [respondent] allegedly earned excess creditable of evidence presented, especially the
income and paid the corresponding income taxes withholding taxes amounting withholding tax certificates, which this court
due which were collected and remitted by various to P23,762,347.83 were duly does not have the jurisdiction to do, barring
payors as withholding agents to the Bureau of supported by valid the presence of any exceptional...
Internal Revenue ("BIR") during the taxable year certificates of creditable tax circumstance, as it is not a trier of facts.
2000. withheld at source
Besides, as pointed out by respondent,
On April 18, 2001, [respondent] filed its tentative petitioner did not object to the admissibility of
income tax return for taxable year 2000 which [it] the 622 withholding tax certificates when
subsequently amended on July 25, 2001. these were formally offered by respondent
Respondent] filed again an amended income tax before the tax court. Hence, petitioner is
return for taxable year 2000 on June 20, 2002, deemed to have admitted the... validity of
declaring no income tax liability . . . as it incurred a these documents. Petitioner's "failure to
net loss in the amount of P11,318,957,602.00 and object to the offered evidence renders it
a gross loss of P745,713,454.00 from its Regular admissible, and the court cannot, on its own,
Banking Unit ("RBU") transactions. However, disregard such evidence.
[respondent] had a 10% final income tax liability of
P210,364,280.00 on taxable income of At any rate, the Court of Tax Appeals First
P1,959,931,182.00 earned from its Foreign Division and En Banc uniformly found that
Currency Deposit Unit ("FCDU") transactions for respondent has established its claim for
the same year. Likewise, in the [same] return, refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate for
[respondent] reported a total amount of unutilized excess creditable withholding taxes
P245,888,507.00 final and creditable withholding for the taxable year 2000 in the amount of
taxes which was applied against the final income P23,762,347.83. The Court of Tax Appeals
tax due of P210,364,280.00 leaving an First Division thoroughly passed upon the
overpayment of P35,524,227.00. In its second evidence presented by respondent and the
amended return, [respondent's] income tax report of the court-commissioned auditing
overpayment of P35,524,227.00 consisted of the firm, SGV & Co. This court accords respect to
balance of the prior year's (1999) excess credits of the conclusion reached by the Court of Tax
P9,057,492.00 to be carried-over as tax credit to Appeals and will not presumptuously set it
the succeeding quarter/year and excess creditable aside absent any showing of gross error or
withholding taxes for taxable year 2000 in the abuse on its part.
amount of P26,466,735.00 which [respondent]
opted to be refunded. On November 11, 2002, The certificate of creditable tax withheld at
[respondent] . . . filed a claim for refund or the source is the competent proof to establish the
issuance of a tax credit certificate in the amount of fact that taxes are withheld. It is not
P26,466,735.40 for the taxable year 2000 with the necessary for the person who executed and
[BIR]. Due to [BIR's] inaction on its administrative prepared the certificate of creditable tax...
claim, [respondent] appealed before [the Court of withheld at source to be presented and to
Tax Appeals] by way of a Petition for Review on testify personally to prove the authenticity of
April 11, 2003. (Citation omitted) On January 30, the certificates.
2007, the Court of Tax Appeals First Division
rendered a decision in favor of respondent Finally, petitioner's allegation that the
submission of the certificates of withholding
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was taxes before the Court of Tax Appeals was
subsequently denied for lack of merit. late is untenable. The samples of the
withholding tax certificates attached to
On appeal, the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc respondent's comment bore the receiving
sustained the First Division's ruling. It held that the stamp of the Bureau of
fact of withholding and the amount of taxes
withheld from the income payments received by Internal Revenue's Large Taxpayers
respondent were sufficiently established by the Document Processing and Quality Assurance
creditable withholding tax certificates, and there Division. As observed by the Court of Tax
was no need to present the testimonies of the Appeals En Banc, "[t]he Commissioner is in
various payors or withholding agents who issued no position to assail the authenticity of the
the certificates and made the entries therein. It CWT certificates due to PNB's alleged...
also held that respondent need not prove actual failure to submit the same before the
remittance of the withheld taxes to the Bureau of administrative level since he could have easily
Internal Revenue because the functions of directed the claimant to furnish copies of
withholding and remittance of income taxes are these documents, if the refund applied for
vested in the payors who are considered the casts him any doubt." Indeed, petitioner's
agents of petitioner. inaction prompted respondent to... elevate its
claim for refund to the tax court.
The Court of Tax Appeals En Banc also denied
petitioner's motion for reconsideration. Hence, this More importantly, the Court of Tax Appeals is
instant petition was filed. not precluded from accepting respondent's
evidence assuming these were not presented
at the administrative level. Cases filed in the
Court of Tax Appeals are litigated de novo.
Thus,... respondent "should prove every
minute aspect of its case by presenting,
formally offering and submitting . . . to the
Court of Tax Appeals [all evidence] . . .
required for the successful prosecution of [its]
administrative claim."
43. CIR vs. BASF Prescription in the assessment and in 2/3 of Basf Coating's (BC) board members and Whether or not the running No, even if BC failed to notify about its change
Coating + Inks the collection of taxes is provided by the stockholders voted to dissolve the corporation, so of the 3-year prescriptive of residence, the 3-year prescriptive time to
Philippines, Inc. G.R. Legislature for the benefit of both the cutting its 50-year life beginning in 1990 only until period to assess suspended assess was not suspended in favor of the
No. 198677, Government and the taxpayer; for the March 31, 2001. Following that, BC relocated from when Basf Coating failed to CIR.
November 26, 2014. Government for the purpose of Las Pias City to Carmelray Industrial Park in notify the CIR of its change
expediting the collection of taxes, so Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna. of address? It is true that, according to the Tax Code, the
that the agency charged with the running of the Statute of Limitations is
assessment and collection may not BC sent two letters to BIR on June 26, 2001. The suspended when the taxpayer cannot be
tarry too long or indefinitely to the first was a dissolution notification. The found at the location specified in the return on
prejudice of the interests of the transmission was accompanied by documentation which a tax is assessed or collected.
Government, which needs taxes to run supporting the dissolution, such as BIR Form Furthermore, Section 11 of RR 12-85 requires
it; and for the taxpayer so that within a 1905, which relates to a change of information the taxpayer to provide written notification of a
reasonable time after filing his return, included in the company's tax registration. change of address to the RDO or district
he may know the amount of the Following that, a FAN was sent to BC's previous having jurisdiction over his previous legal
assessment he is required to pay, address in Las Piñas City. For the taxable year residence and/or place of business.
whether or not such assessment is well 1999, the FAN reported a total of 18 million pesos However, the Supreme Court determined that
founded and reasonable so that he may in income tax, VAT, WTC, EWT, and DST.On the above-mentioned restrictions on the
either pay the amount of the March 5, 2004, BIR's RDO No. 39, South Quezon postponement of the 3-year assessment
assessment or contest its validity in City, issued a First Notice Before Issuance of period apply only if the CIR is unaware of the
court. Warrant of Distraint and Levy (FNB), which was taxpayer's location.
sent to one of BC's directors' residence.
The CIR in this matter, by all accounts, was
BC submitted a complaint letter on March 19, well aware that BC had relocated to its new
2004, alleging lack of due process and address in Calamba, Laguna, as evidenced
prescription as grounds. After 180 days passed by the documentation that comprised part of
with no action from the CIR, BC filed a petition for respondent's BIR records.
review with the CTA. A trial was held. The CTA 1D
ruled that because the CIR was aware of BC's Furthermore, before to sending the FAN to
new address, the error in mailing should not be BC's old address, the RDO gave BC a letter
held against BC. According to the CTA 1D, outlining the findings of its inquiry as well as
because no legitimate notifications were provided an invitation to an information conference.
to BC, the following assessments against it are This would not have been possible if BC's
void. The CIR filed a Motion of Reconsideration, new address had not been known. Finally,
which was denied. As a result, it was referred to before sending the FAN, the PAN was
CTA en banc. The CTA En Banc ruled that CIR's "returned to sender."
power to assess respondent for deficient taxes for Thus, notwithstanding the lack of a formal
the taxable year 1999 had already been written notification of Bc's change of address,
mandated, and that the FAN issued to respondent the fact remains that petitioner became aware
never became final since BC did not receive it. of respondent's new address as evidenced by
CIR filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which was papers abundant in its archives. As a result,
denied. the three-year term for assessing respondents
was not suspended and has already begun.
Subsection (A) of the said provision states
that "any VAT-registered person, whose sales
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated may,
within two years after the close of the taxable
quarter when the sales were made, apply for
the issuance of a tax credit certificate or
of creditable input tax due or paid attributable
to such sales." The phrase "within two (2)
years x x x apply for the issuance of a tax
credit certificate or refund" refers to
for refund/credit filed with the CIR and not to
appeals made to the CTA.
This is apparent in the first paragraph of
subsection (C) of the same provision, which
that the CIR has "120 days from the
submission of complete documents in support
of the
application filed in accordance with
Subsections (A) and (B)" within which to
decide on the
44. Samar-I Electric There is a difference between “false Samar-I Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Petitioner) is Whether or not the 1997 and Yes. It was petitioner’s substantial
Cooperative vs. CIR, return” and “fraudulent return”. While an electric cooperative, with principal office at 1998 assessments on underdeclaration of withholding taxes in the
G.R. No. 193100 the first merely implies deviation from Barangay Carayman, Calbayog City. withholding tax on amount of P2,690,850.91 which constituted
December 10, 2014. the truth, whether intentional or not, the On July 13, 1999 and April 17, 2000 Petitioner compensation were issued the “falsity” in the subject returns – giving
second implies intentional or deceitful filed its 1998 and 1999 income tax returns, within the prescriptive period respondent the benefit of the period under
entry with intent to evade the taxes due. respectively. Petitioner filed its 1997, 1998, and provided by law; Section 222 of the NIRC of 1997 to assess
1999 Annual Information Return of Income Tax the correct amount of tax “at any time within
Withheld on Compensation, Expanded and Final ten (10) years after the discovery of the falsity,
Withholding Taxes on February 17, 1998, fraud or omission.”
February 1, 1999, and February 4, 2000, in that the proper and reasonable interpretation of
order. said provision should be that in the three
On November 13, 2000 respondent issued a duly different cases of
signed Letter of Authority (LOA) No. 1998 (1) false return,
00023803. Petitioner cooperated in the audit and (2) fraudulent return with intent to evade tax,
investigation conducted by the Special (3) failure to file a return, the tax may be
Investigation Division of the BIR by submitting the assessed, or a proceeding in court for the
required documents on December 5, 2000. collection of such tax may be begun without
On October 19, 2001 respondent sent a Notice for assessment, at any time within ten years after
Informal Conference which was received by the discovery of the (1) falsity,
petitioner in November 2001; indicating the (2) fraud,
allegedly income and withholding tax liabilities of (3) omission.
petitioner for 1997 to 1999. In response, petitioner There is a difference between “false return”
sent a letter dated November 26, 2001 to and “fraudulent return”. While the first merely
respondent maintaining its indifference to the implies deviation from the truth, whether
latter’s findings and requesting details of the intentional or not, the second implies
assessment. intentional or deceitful entry with intent to
On December 13, 2001 Petitioner executed a evade the taxes due.
Waiver of the Defense of Prescription under the The ordinary period of prescription of 5 years
Statute of Limitations, good until March 29, 2002. within which to assess tax liabilities under
On February 28, 2002 Respondent issued a Sec. 331 of the NIRC should be applicable to
Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN). The PAN normal circumstances, but whenever the
was received by petitioner on April 9, 2002, which government is placed at a disadvantage so as
was protested on April 18, 2002. to prevent its lawful agents from proper
On July 8, 2002 Respondent dismissed assessment of tax liabilities due to false
petitioner’s protest and recommended the returns, fraudulent return intended to evade
issuance of a Final Assessment Notice payment of tax or failure to file returns, the
On September 15, 2002 petitioner received a period of ten years provided for in Sec. 332
demand letter and assessments notices (Final (a) NIRC, from the time of the discovery of the
Assessment Notices) for the alleged 1997, 1998, falsity, fraud or omission even seems to be
and 1999 deficiency withholding tax in the amount inadequate and should be the one enforced.
of [P]3,760,225.69, as well as deficiency income
tax covering the years 1998 to 1999 in the amount
of [P]440,545.71, or in the aggregate amount of
On April 10, 2003 the Final Decision on Disputed
Assessment, petitioner was still held liable for the
alleged tax liabilities
45. Team Pacific A taxpayer dissatisfied with a local TPC is a domestic corporation which conducts its Whether or not Petition for NO. A taxpayer dissatisfied with a local
Corporation vs. Daza treasurer’s denial of or inaction on his business at the FTI Complex in the then Certiorari under Rule 65 the treasurer’s denial of or inaction on his protest
(Taguig Treasurer), protest over an assessment has thirty Municipality of Taguig. It appears that since the proper remedy from the over an assessment has thirty (30) days
G.R. No. 167732, July (30) days within which to appeal to the start of its operations in 1999, TPC had been denial of an assessment within which to appeal to the court of
11, 2012. court of competent jurisdiction. Under paying local business taxes assessed at one-half protest by a local treasurer? competent jurisdiction. Under the law, said
the law, said period is to be reckoned (1/2) rate pursuant to the Taguig Revenue Code. period is to be reckoned from the taxpayer’s
from the taxpayer’s receipt of the denial When it renewed its business license in 2004, receipt of the denial of his protest or the lapse
of his protest or the lapse of the sixty however, TPC's business tax for the first quarter of the sixty (60) day period within which the
(60) day period within which the local of the same year was assessed in the sum of local treasurer is required to decide the
treasurer is required to decide the P208,109.77(applying the full value of the tax protest, from the moment of its filing. This
protest, from the moment of its filing. rates) by respondent Josephine Daza, in her much is clear from Section 195 of the Local
capacity as then Municipal Treasurer of Taguig. Government Code. The foregoing
Constrained to pay the assessed business tax on pronouncements notwithstanding, we find that
19 January 2004 in view of its being a TPC erroneously availed of the wrong remedy
precondition for the renewal of its business permit, in filing a Rule 65 petition for certiorari to
TPC filed on the same day a written protest with question Daza’s inaction on its letter-protest.
Daza, insisting on the one-half (1/2) rate on which The rule is settled that, as a special civil
its business tax was previously assessed. action, certiorari is available only if the
Subsequent to its 13 April 2004 demand for the following essential requisites concur: (1) it
refund and/or issuance of a tax credit for the sum must be directed against a tribunal, board, or
of P104,054.88 which it considered as an officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
overpayment of its business taxes for the same functions; (2) the tribunal, board, or officer
year, TPC filed its 15 April 2004 Rule 65 petition must have acted without or in excess of
for certiorari which was docketed as SCA No. jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
2662 before the RTC. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction;
and, (3) there is no appeal nor any plain,
RTC: Dismissed the petition for lack of merit. speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary
While finding that the absence of proof of Atty. course of law. Judicial function entails the
Miranda's denial of TPC's letter-protest meant that power to determine what the law is and what
the latter had thirty (30) days from the lapse of the the legal rights of the parties are, and then
sixty (60) days prescribed under Article 195 of the undertakes to determine these questions and
Local Government Code within which to perfect its adjudicate upon the rights of the parties.
appeal, the RTC ruled that, rather than the special Quasi-judicial function, on the other hand,
civil action of certiorari provided under Rule 65 of refers to the action and discretion of public
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, an ordinary administrative officers or bodies, which are
appeal would have been the proper remedy from required to investigate facts or ascertain the
the assessment complained against. Without existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw
moving for the reconsideration of the foregoing conclusions from them as a basis for their
order, TPC filed a petition for Certiorari Rule 65 official action and to exercise discretion of a
before the SC, on pure questions of law. judicial nature.Gauged from the foregoing
definitions, Daza cannot be said to be
performing a judicial or quasi-judicial function
in assessing TPC’s business tax and/or
effectively denying its protest as then
Municipal Treasurer of Taguig. For this
reason, Daza’s actions are not the proper
subjects of a Rule 65 petition for certiorari
which is the appropriate remedy in cases
where the tribunal, board, or officer exercising
judicial or quasi-judicial functions acted
without or in grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction and
there is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and
adequate remedy in law.
46. Lucas G. While the laws governing the CTA have A deficiency tax assessment was issued against (1) Does the CIR issue an (1) NO. The recommendation letter of the
Adamson, et al. vs. expanded the jurisdiction of the Court, Petitioners relating to their payment of capital assessment? Commissioner cannot be considered a formal
CA, et al., G.R. Nos. they did not change the jurisdiction of gains tax and VAT on their sale of shares of stock (2) Must a criminal assessment as (a) it was not addressed to the
120935 & 124557, May the CTA to entertain an appeal only and parcels of land. Subsequent to the preliminary prosecution for tax evasion taxpayers; (b) there was no demand made on
21, 2009 from a final decision of the conference, the CIR filed with the Department of be preceded by a deficiency the taxpayers to pay the tax liability, nor a
Commissioner, or in cases of inaction Justice her Affidavit of Complaint against tax assessment? period for payment set therein; (c) the letter
within the prescribed period. Petitioners. The Court of Appeals ultimately ruled (3) Does the CTA have was never mailed or sent to the taxpayers by
that, in a criminal prosecution for tax evasion, jurisdiction on the case? the Commissioner. It was only an affidavit of
assessment of tax deficiency is not required the computation of the alleged liabilities and
because the offense of tax evasion is complete or thus merely served as prima facie basis for
consummated when the offender has knowingly filing criminal informations.
and willfully filed a fraudulent return with intent to
evade the tax. (2) YES. When fraudulent tax returns are
involved as in the cases at bar, a proceeding
• Lucas Adamson and AMC sold 131,897 common in court after the collection of such tax may be
shares of stock in Adamson and Adamson, Inc. begun without assessment considering that
(AAI) to APAC Holding Limited (APAC). The upon investigation of the examiners of the
shares were valued at P7,789,995.00.[1] On June BIR, there was a preliminary finding of gross
22, 1990, P159,363.21 was paid as capital gains discrepancy in the computation of the capital
tax for the transaction. gains taxes due from the transactions. The
• AMC sold to APAC Philippines, Inc. another Tax Code is clear that the remedies may
229,870 common shares of stock in AAI for proceed simultaneously.
P17,718,360.00. AMC paid the capital gains tax
of P352,242.96. (3) NO. While the laws governing the CTA
• The Commissioner issued a “Notice of Taxpayer” have expanded the jurisdiction of the Court,
to AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. they did not change the jurisdiction of the CTA
Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes, informing to entertain an appeal only from a final
them of deficiencies on their payment of capital decision of the Commissioner, or in cases of
gains tax and Value Added Tax (VAT). The notice inaction within the prescribed period. Since in
contained a schedule for preliminary conference. the cases at bar, the Commissioner has not
issued an assessment of the tax liability of the
G.R. No. 120935 Petitioners, the CTA has no jurisdiction.
• Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. Adamson
and Sara S. de los Reyes were charged before
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati, Branch
150 in Criminal Case Nos. 94-1842 to 94-1846.
They filed a Motion to Dismiss or Suspend the
Proceedings. They invoked the grounds that there
was yet no final assessment of their tax liability,
and there were still pending relevant Supreme
Court and CTA cases.
• Initially, the trial court denied the motion. A
Motion for Reconsideration was however filed, this
time assailing the trial court’s lack of jurisdiction
over the nature of the subject cases.
• On August 8, 1994, the trial court granted the
Motion. It ruled that the complaints for tax evasion
filed by the Commissioner should be regarded as
a decision of the Commissioner regarding the tax
liabilities of Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D.
Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes, and
appealable to the CTA. It further held that the said
cases cannot proceed independently of the
assessment case pending before the CTA, which
has jurisdiction to determine the civil and criminal
tax liability of the respondents therein.
• Court of Appeals reversed the trial court’s
decision and reinstated the criminal complaints.
o The appellate court held that, in a criminal
prosecution for tax evasion, assessment of tax
deficiency is not required because the offense of
tax evasion is complete or consummated when
the offender has knowingly and willfully filed a
fraudulent return with intent to evade the tax.
o It ruled that private respondents filed false and
fraudulent returns with intent to evade taxes, and
acting thereupon, petitioner filed an Affidavit of
Complaint with the Department of Justice, without
an accompanying assessment of the tax
deficiency of private respondents, in order to
commence criminal action against the latter for tax
47. RCBC vs. CIR, RCBC received a Formal Letter of Demand dated Whether or not the taxpayer No. As provided in Sec. 228, the failure of the
G.R. No. 168498, April May 25, 2001 from the respondent CIR for its tax may still appeal taxpayer to appeal from an assessment on
24, 2007 liabilities particularly for Gross Onshore Tax in the time rendered the assessment final, executory
The failure of the taxpayer to appeal amount of P53,998,428.29 and Documentary and demandable. RCBC is precluded from
from an assessment on time rendered Stamp Tax for its Special Savings Placements in disputing the correctness of the assessment.
the assessment final, executory and the amount of P46,717,952.76, for the taxable While the right to appeal a decision of the
demandable. RCBC is precluded from year 1997.Petitioner filed a protest letter/request Commissioner of CTA is merely a statutory
disputing the correctness of the for reconsideration/reinvestigation pursuant to remedy, nevertheless the requirement that it
assessment. Section 228 of the NIRC. As the protest was not must be brought within 30 days is
acted upon by the respondent, petitioner filed a jurisdictional. If a statutory remedy provides
petition for review with the CTA for the as a condition precedent that the action to
cancellation of the assessments. Respondent filed enforce it must be commenced within a
a motion to resolve first the issue of CTA’s prescribed time, such requirement is
jurisdiction, which was granted by the CTA in a jurisdictional and failure to comply therewith
Resolution dated September 10, 2003. The may be raised in a MTD.
petition for review was dismissed because it was
filed beyond the 30-day period following the lapse
of 180 days from petitioner’s submission of
documents in support of its protest, as provided
under Section 228 of the NIRC and Section 11 of
R.A. No. 1125, otherwise known as the Law
Creating the Court of Tax Appeals. Petitioner did
not file a motion for reconsideration or an appeal
to the CTA En Banc from the dismissal of its
petition for review. Consequently, the September
10, 2003 Resolution became final and executory
on October 1, 2003 and Entry of Judgment was
made on December 1, 2003.
49. CIR vs. Sony Phil., There must be a sale, barter or The CIR, through a LOA (Letter of Authority) Whether or not the subsidy NO. Insofar as the above-mentioned subsidy
Inc., G.R. No. 178697, exchange of goods or properties before examined Sony Philippines, Inc. (Sony)’s books of received by Sony may be considered as income and, therefore,
November 17, 2010 any VAT may be levied. Certainly, there accounts for the period 1997 and unverified prior Corporation can be subject subject to income tax, the Court agrees.
was no such sale, barter or exchange in years. A preliminary assessment for 1997 to 10% VAT However, the Court does not agree that the
the subsidy given by SIS to Sony. It was deficiency taxes and penalties was issued by the same subsidy should be subject to the10%
but a dole out by SIS and not in CIR which Sony protested. The CTA-First Division VAT. To begin with, the said subsidy termed
payment for goods or properties sold, partly granted Sony’s petition by cancelling the by the CIR as reimbursement was not even
bartered or exchanged by Sony. deficiency VAT assessment but upheld a modified exclusively earmarked for Sony’s advertising
deficiency EWT assessment as well as the expense for it was but an assistance or aid in
penalties. view of Sony’s dire or adverse economic
Sony International Singapore (SIS) has granted to conditions, and was only equivalent to the
Sony a subsidy equivalent to the latter’s latter’s advertising expenses.
advertising expenses, due to adverse economic Section 106 of the Tax Code explains when
conditions. The CIR argued that Sony’s VAT may be imposed or exacted. Thus:
advertising expense could not be considered as SEC. 106. Value-added Tax on Sale of Goods
an input VAT credit because the same was or Properties.
eventually reimbursed by SIS and that since (A) Rate and Base of Tax. There shall be
Sony’s advertising expense was reimbursed by levied, assessed and collected on every sale,
SIS, the former never incurred any advertising barter or exchange of goods or properties,
expense. A sa result, Sony is not entitled to a tax value-added tax equivalent to ten percent
credit. At most, the CIR continues, the said (10%) of the gross selling price or gross value
in money of the goods or properties sold,
bartered or exchanged, such tax to be paid by
advertising expense should be for the account of the seller or transferor.
SIS, and not Sony. Thus, there must be a sale, barter or
exchange of goods or properties before any
VAT may be levied. Certainly, there was no
such sale, barter or exchange in the subsidy
given by SIS to Sony. It was but a dole out by
SIS and not in payment for goods or
properties sold, bartered or exchanged by
In the case of CIR v. Court of Appeals (CA),
the Court had the occasion to rule that
services rendered for a fee even on
reimbursement-on-cost basis only and without
realizing profit are also subject to VAT. The
case, however, is not applicable to the
present case. In that case, COMASERCO
rendered service to its affiliates and, in turn,
the affiliates paid the former reimbursement-
on-cost which means that it was paid the cost
or expense that it incurred although without
profit. This is not true in the present case.
Sony did not render any service to SIS at all.
The services rendered by the advertising
companies, paid for by Sony using SIS dole-
out, were for Sony and not SIS. SIS just gave
assistance to Sony in the amount equivalent
to the latter’s advertising expense but never
received any goods, properties or service
from Sony.
50. CIR vs. Pascor An assessment is not necessary before The CIR authorized certain BIR officers to 1. Whether or not the 1. No. The filing of the criminal complaint with
Realty and Devt. criminal charges can be filed. A criminal examine the books of accounts and other criminal complaint for tax the DOJ cannot be construed as a formal
Corp., et al., G.R. No. charge need not only be supported by a accounting records of Pascor Realty and evasion can be construed as assessment. Neither the Tax Code nor the
128315, June 29, 1999 prima facie showing of failure to file a Development Corp. (PRDC) for 1986, 1987 and an assessment revenue regulations governing the protest
required return. The CIR had, in such 1988. The examination resulted in 2. Whether or not an assessments provide a specific definition or
tax evasion cases, discretion on recommendation for the issuance of an assessment is necessary form of an assessment.
whether to issue an assessment, or to assessment of P7,498,434.65 and P3,015,236.35 before criminal charges for An assessment must be sent to and received
file a criminal case against the taxpayer, for 1986 and 1987, respectively. On March 1, tax evasion may be by the taxpayer, and must demand payment
or to do both. 1995, Commissioner filed a criminal complaint for instituted of the taxes described therein within a specific
tax evasion against PRDC, its president and period. The revenue officer’s affidavit merely
treasurer before the DOJ. Private respondents contained a computation of respondent’s tax
filed immediately an urgent request for liability. It did not state a demand or period for
reconsideration on reinvestigation disputing the payment. It was addressed to the Secretary of
tax assessment and tax liability. Justice not to the taxpayer. They joint affidavit
was meant to support the criminal complaint
On March 23, 1995, private respondents received for tax evasion; it was not meant to be a
a subpoena from the DOJ in connection with the notice of tax due and a demand to private
criminal complaint. In a letter dated, May 17, 1995, respondents for the payment thereof. The fact
the Commissioner denied private respondent’s that the complaint was sent to the DOJ, and
request for reconsideration (reinvestigation on the not to private respondent, shows that
ground that no formal assessment has been commissioner intended to file a criminal
issued which the latter elevated to the CTA on a complaint for tax evasion, not to issue an
petition for review. The Commissioner’s motion to assessment.
dismiss on the ground of the CTA’s lack of
jurisdiction inasmuch as no formal assessment 2. No. An assessment is not necessary before
was issued against private respondent was denied criminal charges can be filed. A criminal
by CTA and ordered the Commissioner to file an charge need not only be supported by a prima
answer but did not instead filed a petition with the facie showing of failure to file a required
CA alleging grave abuse of discretion and lack of return. The CIR had, in such tax evasion
jurisdiction on the part of CTA for considering the cases, discretion on whether to issue an
affidavit/report of the revenue officers and the assessment, or to file a criminal case against
endorsement of said report as assessment which the taxpayer, or to do both.
may be appealed to he CTA. The CA sustained
the CTA decision and dismissed the petition.
51. Republic of the An assessment is deemed made when The estate of the late Esteban de la Rama was W/N the assessment The estate was still under the administration
Phils. vs. Leonor de the notice to that effect is released, the subject of Special Proceedings No. 401 of the became final and executory. of Eliseo Hervas as regards the collection of
la Rama, et al., G.R. mailed or sent to the taxpayer for the Court of First Instance of Iloilo. The executor- (NO) The notice was not said dividends. The administrator was the
No. L-21108, purpose of giving effect to the administrator, Eliseo Hervas, filed on March 12, sent to the taxpayer for the representative of the estate, whose duty it
November 29, 1966 assessment. Where an estate is under 1951, income tax returns of the estate purpose of giving effect to was to pay and discharge all debts and
administration, the notice of corresponding to the taxable year 1950, declaring the assessment, and said charges on the estate and to perform all
assessment must be sent to the a net income of P22,796.59, on the basis of which notice could not produce any orders of the court by him to be performed
administrator. In the case at bar, notices the amount of P3,919.00 was assessed and was effect. ... It appearing that (Rule 71, Section 1), and to pay the taxes and
were sent to persons other than the paid by the estate as income tax. The Bureau of the person liable for the assessments due to the Government or any
administrator; hence, they could not Internal Revenue later claimed that it had found payment of the tax did not branch or subdivision thereof (Section 7, Rule
produce any legal effect. out that there had been received by the estate in receive the assessment, the 89, Old Rules of Court). The tax must be
1950 from the De la Rama Steamship Company, assessment could not collected from the estate of the deceased, and
Inc. cash dividends amounting to P86,800.00 become final and executory it is the administrator who is under obligation
which amount was not declared in the income tax to pay such claim (Estate of Claude E.
return of the estate for the year 1950. The Bureau Haygood, Collector of Internal Revenue vs.
of Internal Revenue then, on March 7, 1956, made Haygood, 65 Phil., 520). The notice of
an assessment as deficiency income tax against assessment, therefore, should have been sent
the estate in the sum of P56,032.50, of which to the administrator. In this case, notice was
amount P37,355.00 was the deficiency and first sent to Lourdes de la Rama-Osmeña on
P18,677.60 was the 50% surcharge. February 29, 1956, and later to Leonor de la
Rama on November 27, 1956, neither of
The Collector of Internal Revenue wrote a letter, whom had authority to represent the estate.
dated February 29, 1956, to Mrs. Lourdes de la As the lower court said in its decision: "Leonor
Rama-Osmeña informing her of the deficiency de la Rama was not the administratrix of the
income tax and asking payment thereof. On March estate of the late Esteban de la Rama and as
13, 1956 the latter's counsel wrote to the Collector such the demand unto her, Exh. Def. 8, p.
acknowledging receipt of the assessment, but 112, was not a correct demand before
contended that Lourdes de la Rama-Osmeña had November 27, 1956, because the real
no authority to represent the estate, and that the administrator was the late Eliseo Hervas;.." (p.
assessment should be sent to Leonor de la Rama 45, Record on Appeal) The notice was not
who was pointed to by said counsel as the sent to the taxpayer for the purpose of giving
administratrix of the estate of her late father. On effect to the assessment, and said notice
the basis of this information the Deputy Collector could not produce any effect. In the case of
of Internal Revenue, on November 22, 1956, sent Bautista and Corrales Tan vs. Collector of
a letter to Leonor de la Rama as administratrix of Internal Revenue, L-12259, May 27, 1959,
the estate, asking payment. The tax, as assessed, this Court had occasion to state that "the
not having been paid, the deputy Commissioner of assessment is deemed made when the notice
Internal Revenue, on September 7, 1959, wrote to this effect is released, mailed or sent to the
another letter to Mrs. Lourdes de la Rama- taxpayer for the purpose of giving effect to
Osmeña demanding, through her, upon the heirs, said assessment." It appearing that the
the payment of the deficiency income tax within person liable for the payment of the tax did
the period of thirty days from receipt thereof. The not receive the assessment, the assessment
counsel of Lourdes de la Rama-Osmeña, in a
letter dated September 25, 1959, insisted that the could not become final and executory (R. A.
letter should be sent to Leonor de la Rama. The 1125, Section 11).
Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue wrote
to Leonor de la Rama another letter, dated
February 11, 1960, demanding, through her as
administratrix, upon the heirs of Esteban de la
Rama, the payment of the sum of P56,032.50, as
deficiency income tax including the 50%
surcharge, to the City Treasurer of Pasay City
within thirty days from receipt thereof.
54. CIR vs. Metro Star Section 228 of the Tax Code clearly The BIR through a Letter of Authority caused the Whether or not the failure to Yes. The sending of a PAN to taxpayer to
Superama, Inc., G.R. requires that the taxpayer must first be examination of respondent's books of accounts strictly comply with notice inform him of the assessment made is but part
No. 185371, informed that he is liable for deficiency and other accounting records for income tax and requirements prescribed of the "due process requirement in the
December 8, 2010 taxes through the sending of a PAN. He other internal revenue taxes for the taxable year under Section 228 of the issuance of a degiciency tax assessment", the
must be informed of the facts and the 1999. For the latter's failure to comply with several NIRC of 1997 and R.R. No absence of which renders nugatory any
law upon which the assessment is requests of the presentation of records and 12-99 is tantamount to a assessment made by the tax authorities. The
made. The law imposes a substantive, subpoena duces tecum, the BIR Legal Division denial of due process. pursuasiveness of the right to due process
not merely a formal, requirement. To issued an Indorsement to proceed with the reaches both substantial and procedural rights
proceed heedlessly with tax collection investigation based on the best evidence and the failure of the CIR to strictly comply
without first establishing a valid obtainable preparatory to the issuance of with the requirements laid down by law and its
assessment is evidently violative of the assessment notice. own rules is a denial of Metro Star's right to
cardinal principle in administrative due process. Thus, for its failure to send the
investigations — that taxpayers should Respondent received a preliminary 15-day letter PAN stating the facts and the law on which
be able to present their case and on 09 November 2001 and a Formal Letter of the assessment was made as required by
adduce supporting evidence. Demand on 11 April 2002 assessing it with Section 228 of RA No. 8424, the assessment
deficiency VAT and withholding tax for the taxable made by the CIR is void.
year 1999.
55. CIR vs. Enron Section 228 of the NIRC provides that During the pre-assessment stage of the Whether or not the No. The advice of tax deficiency given bu the
Subic Power Corp., the taxpayer shall be informed in writing investigation of respondent for the year 1996, assessment notice sent to CIR to an employess of Enron, as well as the
G.R. No. 166387, of the law and the facts on which the petitioner advised Enron`s representative of the respondent is valid. prelimnary five-day letter were not valid
January 19, 2009 assessment is made. Otherwise, the latter`s tax deficiency, informed it of the proposed substitutes for the mandatory notice in writing
assessment is void. To implement the tax deficiency through a preliminary five-day letter of the legal and factual bases of the
provisions of Section 228 of the NIRC, and furnished Enron a copy of the audit working assessment. These steps were mere
RR No. 12-99 was enacted. Section paper allegedly showing in detail the legal and perfunctory discharges of the CIR`s duties in
3.1.4 of the revenue regulation reads: factual bases of the assessment notice, itemizing correctly assessing a taxpayer,
therein the deductions disallowed and imposing
3.1.4. Formal Letter of Demand and the preferential rate of 5% on some items The requirementof issuinga preliminary or
Assessment Notice.— The formal letter respondent categorized as costs. The legal and final notice, as the case may be, informing a
of demand and assessment notice shall factual bases were, however, not indicated. taxpayer of the existence of adeficeincy tax
be issued by the Commissioner or his assessment is markedly different from the
duly authorized representative. The requirement of what such notice must contain.
letter of demand calling for payment of Just because the CIR issued an advice, a
the taxpayer's deficiency tax or taxes preliminary letter during the pre-assessment
shall state the facts, the law, rules and stage and a final notice, in the order required
regulations, or jurisprudence on which by law, does not necessarily mean that Enron
the assessment is based, otherwise, the was informed of the law and facts on which
formal letter of demand and the deficiency tax assessment was made.
assessment notice shall be void.The
same shall be sent to the taxpayer only
by registered mail or by personal
57. CIR vs. Phil. Taxes are the lifeblood of the Respondent on 21 April 1994 received a Whether or not the No. Where the taxpayer merely filed two
Global government and so should be collected Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) dated 13 respondent's administratice protest letters requesting for a
Communication, Inc., without unnecessary hindrance. On the April 1994 for deficiency income tax. The following protest embodied in two reconsideration, and where the BIR could not
G.R. No. 167146, other hand, such collection should be day, it received a Formal Assessment Notice letters suspended the have conducted a reinvestigation because no
October 31, 2006 made in accordance with law as any (FAN). It protested against the FAN in two protest running of the statute of new or addistional evidence was submitted,
arbitrariness will negate the very reason letters dated 06 May and 23 May 1994. In both limitation. the running of statute of limitations cannot be
for government itself. It is therefore letters, respondent requested for the cancellation interrupted.
necessary to reconcile the apparently of the tax assessment, which they alleged was
conflicting interest of the authorities and invalid for lack of factual and legal basis.
the taxpayers so that the real purpose
of taxation, which is the promotion of On 16 October 2002, respondent received from
common good, may be achieved. the CIR a Final Decision dated 08 October 2002
denying respondent's protest against the FAN and
Thus, the three-year statute of affirming the same in toto.
limitations on the collection of an
assessed tax provided under Section
269(c) of the Tax Code of 1977, a law
enacted to protect the interests of the
taxpayer, must be given effect. In
providing for exceptions to such rule in
Section 271, the law strictly limits the
suspension of the running of the
prescription period to, among other
instances, protests wherein the
taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation.
58. Fishwealth Section 228 of the 1997 Tax Code Petitioner in a letter protested against the Final Whether otr not a motion for No. Since the petitioner received the denial of
Canning Corp. v. CIR, provides that an assessment: Assessment Notice (FAN) issued against it for reconsideration of the FDDA its administrative protest on 04 August 2005, it
G.R. No. 179343, 21 deficiency income tax and VAT. Thereafter, it tolls the period to appeal to had 30 days or until 30 September 2005 to file
January 2010 . . . may be protested administratively received on 04 August 2005 respondents` Final the CTA. a petition for review before the CTA Division.
by filing a request for reconsideration or Decision on Disputed Assessment (FDDA) It filed one, however, on 20 October 2005,
reinvestigation within thirty (30) days denying the protest, apprising tpetitioner of its tax hence it was filed out of time. A motion for
from receipt of the assessment in such liabilities, and requesting the immediate payment reconsideration of the denial of the
form and manner as may be prescribed thereof. It filed a Letter of Reconsideration on 01 administrative protest does not toll the 30-day
by implementing rules and regulations. September 2005. period to appeal to the CTA.
Within sixty (60) days from filing of the
protest, all relevant supporting After respondent demanded payment of its tax
documents shall have been submitted; liabilities in a Preliminary Collection Letter,
otherwise, the assessment shall petittioner filed a petition for review before the
become final. CTA on 20 October 2005. CTA dismissed the
petiotion for being filed out of time.
If the protest is denied in whole or in
part, or is not acted upon within one
hundred eighty (180) days from
submission of documents, the taxpayer
adversely affected by the decision or
inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax
Appeals within thirty (30) days from
receipt of the said decision, or from the
lapse of the one hundred eighty (180)-
day period; otherwise, the decision shall
become final, executory and
60. CIR vs. Primetown In computing for the On March 11, 1999, Gilbert Yap, Whether or not a petition YES.
Property Group, Inc., prescriptive period, a vice-chair of respondent Primetown was filed Sec. 229. Recovery of Taxes Erroneously or
G.R. No. 162155, year is composed of 12 Property Group, Inc., applied for the within the two-year period. Illegally Collected. —
August 28, 2007 calendar months and not refund or credit of income tax xxxx
365 days. respondent paid in 1997. In Yap's
letter to petitioner BIR revenue In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall
district officer Arturo V. Parcero be filed after the expiration of two (2) years
explained that the increase in the from the date of payment of the tax or penalty
cost of labor and materials and regardless of any supervening cause that may
difficulty in obtaining financing for arise after payment: Provided, however, That
projects and collecting receivables the Commissioner may, even without a claim
caused the real estate industry to therefor, refund or credit any tax, where on
slow down. As a consequence, while the
business was good during the first face of the return upon which payment was
quarter of 1997, respondent suffered made, such payment appears clearly to have
losses amounting to P71,879,228 been erroneously paid.
that year.
The respondent’s petition was filed on April
Revenue officer Elizabeth Y. Santos 14, 2000, which is the last day of the 24
required the respondent to submit thcalendar month from the day the respondent
additional documents to support its filed its final adjusted return on April 14, 1998.
claim. Respondent compiled but its The conclusion of the CA that respondent filed
claim was not acted upon. Thus, on its petition for review in the CTA within the
April 14, 2000, it filed a petition for two-year prescriptive period provided in
review in the CTA. Section 229 of the NIRC is correct. Its basis,
however, is not.
The CTA found that respondent filed Article 13 of the Civil Code and Section 31,
its final adjusted return on April 14, Chapter VIII, Book I of the Administrative
1998. Thus, its right to claim a refund Code of 1987 deal with the same subject
or credit commenced on that date. matter – computation of legal periods. Under
The CTA dismissed the petition as it the Civil Code, a year is equivalent to 365
was filed beyond the two-year days, whether it is a leap year or not. Under
prescriptive period for filing a judicial the Administrative Code of 1987, a year is
claim for tax refund or tax credit. It composed of 12 calendar months. Based on
invoked Section 229 of the NIRC the two (2) laws, there exists a manifest
wherein it provided the two-year incompatibility in the manner of computing
prescriptive period for the filing of legal periods. For this reason, the Supreme
judicial claims which was equivalent Court held that Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book
to 730 days. The year 2000 was a I of the Administrative Code of 1987 shall
leap year, thus, the respondent’s govern the computation of legal periods, being
petition was filed after 731 days. the more recent law.
CA reversed the CTA’s decision. The Respondent’s petition, which was filed on
rule that a year has 365 days applies, April
notwithstanding the fact that a 14, 2000, was filed on the last day of the 24
particular year is a leap year. Hence, thcalendar month from the day the respondent
this petition. filed its final adjusted return. Hence, it was
filed within the 2-year period.
61. CIR vs. Smart The person entitled to On May 25, 2001, respondent, Smart Whether or not the YES.
Communication, Inc., claim a tax refund is the Communications, Inc., entered into respondent has the First, he is considered a "taxpayer" under the
G.R. Nos. 179045-46, taxpayer. However, in three Agreements for Programming right to file the claim for NIRC as he is personally liable for the
August 25, 2010 case the taxpayer does and Consultancy Services with Prism refund. withholding tax as well as for deficiency
not file a claim for a Transactive (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Prism), a assessments, surcharges, and penalties,
refund, the withholding non-resident corporation duly should the amount of the tax withheld be
agent may file the claim. organized and existing under the finally found to be less than the amount that
laws of Malaysia. should have been withheld under law. Second,
as an agent of the taxpayer, his authority to file
Under the agreements, Prism was to the necessary income tax return and to remit
provide programming and the tax withheld to the government impliedly
consultancy services for the includes the authority to file a claim for refund
installation of the Service Download and to bring an action for recovery of such
Manager (SDM) and the Channel claim.
Manager (CM), and for the
installation and implementation of In this connection, it is however significant to
Smart Money and Mobile Banking add that while the withholding agent has the
Service SIM Applications (SIM right to recover the taxes erroneously or
Applications) and Private Text illegally collected, he nevertheless has the
Platform (SIM Application). obligation to remit the same to the principal
taxpayer. As an agent of the taxpayer, it is his
On June 25, 2001, Prism billed the duty to return what he has recovered;
respondent in the amount of otherwise, he would be unjustly enriching
$547,822.45. Thinking that these himself at the expense of the principal
payments constitute royalties, taxpayer from whom the taxes were withheld,
respondent withheld the amount of and from whom he derives his legal right to file
$136,955.61 or P7,008,840.43, a claim for refund.
representing the 25% royalty tax
under the RP-Malaysia Tax Treaty
62. Michel J. Lhuillier Statutes granting tax Petitioner, a corporation engaged in Whether or not surcharges NO. Surcharges and interests should not be
Pawnshop, Inc. vs. exemptions must be the pawnshop business, received and interest imposed against the petitioner.
CIR, G.R. No. 166786, construed in strictissimi assessment notices for deficiency should be imposed against The settled rule is that good faith and honest
September 11, 2006 juris against the taxpayer VAT and DST. the belief that one is not subject to tax on the
and liberally in favor of petitioner. basis of previous interpretation of government
the taxing authority. The case was elevated to the agencies tasked to implement the tax law are
Supreme Court. The lone question to sufficient justification to delete the imposition
be resolved therein was whether of surcharges and interest.
petitioner's pawnshop transactions
are subject to DST. The Supreme
Court ruled in the affirmative.
1. Manila Electric However, in order for an ordinance to be WON Sec. 25 of MO 93-35 Ferrer, Jr. v. Bautista30 enumerates the
Company v. City of valid, it must not only be within the LGU's was cured by Sec. 56 of RA requirements for an ordinance to be valid,
Muntinlupa, G.R. No. corporate powers to enact and passed Meralco has been granted a franchise to build, 7926. legally binding, and enforceable, to wit:
198529, February 9, according to the legal procedure, but it operate, and maintain an energy distribution
2021 must also meet the following system in the NCR's cities and municipalities. On For an ordinance to be valid though, it must not
requirements. January 1, 1994, the Revenue Code was only be within the corporate powers of the LGU
(1) not contrary to the Constitution or any amended. Mun. of Muntinlupa (MO 93-35) became to enact and must be passed according to the
statute; (2) not unfair or oppressive;(3) effective. Section 25 of the act levied a franchise procedure prescribed by law, it should also
not partial or discriminatory; (4) not fee of 50% of 1% of the gross yearly receipts of the conform to the following requirements: (1) not
prohibit but may regulate trade; (5) prior calendar year on private persons or contrary to the Constitution or any statute; (2)
general and consistent with public policy; businesses operating public utilities within its not unfair or oppressive; (3) not partial or
and (6) not unreasonable territorial jurisdiction. discriminatory; (4) not prohibit but may regulate
trade; (5) general and consistent with public
Muntinlupa City has been converted from a policy; and (6) not unreasonable.31
Only provinces and localities have the municipality into a highly urbanized city by virtue of
authority to collect a franchise tax. RA 7926. Sec. 56 of it adopted all existing municipal Legaspi v. City of Cebu32 explains the two
ordinances of the Municipality of Muntinlupa and tests in determining the validity of an
shall all continue to take effect within the City unless ordinance, i.e., the Formal Test and the
its sangguniang panlungsod enacts an ordinance Substantive Test.33 The Formal Test requires
providing otherwise. Barlis sent a letter to Meralco the determination of whether the ordinance
demanding payment of the franchise tax it owed to was enacted within the corporate powers of the
Muntinlupa City from 1992 to 1999. LGU, and whether the same was passed
pursuant to the procedure laid down by law.
Meralco likewise ignored the demand letters for Meanwhile, the Substantive Test primarily
payment of the franchise tax on the premise that the assesses the reasonableness and fairness of
City of Muntinlupa, then a municipality, did not have the ordinance and significantly its compliance
the power and authority to impose and collect a with the Constitution and existing statutes.
franchise tax as the power and authority to impose
and collect a franchise tax lies with the provinces As correctly ruled by the RTC and the CA, MO
and cities. 93-35, particularly Section 25 thereof, has
failed to meet the requirements of a valid
ordinance. Applying the Formal Test, the
passage of the subject ordinance was beyond
the corporate powers of the then Municipality
of Muntinlupa, hence, ultra vires.
4. Philippine Heart The Philippine Heart Center (PHC) was established WON PHC is exempt from YES. The court held that PHC is a government
Center v. Quezon Real properties owned by the Republic, under P.D. 673 as a specialty hospital mandated to paying real property taxes on instrumentality with corporate powers exempt
City, G.R. No. whether it is in the name of the Republic provide cardiovascular care to the general public. It its properties in Quezon city from local taxes. Real properties owned by the
225409, March 11, itself or in the name of agencies or exempted PHC from the payment of all taxes, Republic, whether it is in the name of the
2020 instrumentalities of the national charges, fees imposed by the Government or any Republic itself or in the name of agencies or
government, are exempt from real political subdivision or instrumentality for ten years. instrumentalities of the national government,
property tax. In order to be classified as The government of Quezon City issued 3 final are exempt from real property tax. Government
a government instrumentality vested with Notices of Delinquency for the unpaid real property instrumentalities vested with corporate powers
corporate powers, the following twin taxes for the 11 properties of PHC in Quezon City. or government corporate entities is recognized
requirements must be established: The notices were unheeded. Thus, respondent as the third category of government agencies.
a) it performs governmental functions, levied the PHC’s properties. It remains as a government instrumentality
and because they are not integrated within the
b) it enjoys operational autonomy. PHC and the Quezon City Government entered a department framework and are also vested
Memorandum of Agreement to settle PHC’s tax with special functions to carry out a policy of
liabilities. PHC was informed of the ruling in Manila the national government.
International Airport Authority v. Court of Appeals
where the court held that government entities are In order to be classified as a government
exempt from taxes, fees, or charges of any kind instrumentality vested with corporate powers,
imposed by a local government unit. PHC then the following twin requirements must be
withheld the efficacy of the MOA. Both parties then established: a) it performs governmental
forged a second MOA with the same stipulations. functions, and b) it enjoys operational
However, PHC suspended its implementation and autonomy. In this case, PHC has satisfied both
reiterated its exemption from the payment of taxes. requirements since it is under the supervision
of the DOH. The PHC’s functions are less
commercial than governmental. It is more for
The Quezon City Government stood firm on its public use and public welfare than for profit
position that the PHC is still liable for real property oriented services.
taxes since most of its properties were being leased
to private individuals. The properties of PHC are properties of public
dominion devoted to public use and welfare.
Thus, it is exempt from real property taxes and
levy without prejudice to the liability of taxable
persons who benefit from the use of these
properties. The fact that PHC entered into
transactions regarding the said properties does
not detract the characterization of the
properties as that of the public dominion and
for public use.
7. Smart "If the generating of revenue is the Smart constructed a telecommunications tower Whether or not the fees NO. The purpose of the assailed Ordinance is
Communications, primary purpose and regulation is merely within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of imposed under Ordinance to regulate the enumerated activities
Inc. v. Municipality of incidental, the imposition is a tax; but if Malvar. The Municipality passed Ordinance No. 18, No. 18 are taxes. particularly related to the construction and
Malvar, Batangas, regulation is the primary purpose, the series of 2003, entitled "An Ordinance Regulating maintenance of various structures. The fees in
G.R. No. 20442. fact that incidentally revenue is also the Establishment of Special Projects." Smart Ordinance No. 18 are not impositions on the
February 18, 2014 obtained does not make the imposition a received an assessment letter with a schedule of building or structure itself; rather, they are
tax." Section 142 of the LGC grants payment its telecommunications tower. Smart filed impositions on the activity subject of
municipalities the power to levy taxes, a protest, claiming lack of due process in the government regulation, such as the installation
fees, and charges not otherwise levied issuance of the assessment and closure notice. In and construction of the structures.
by provinces. Section 143 of the LGC the same protest, Smart challenged the validity of
provides for the scale of taxes on Ordinance No. 18 on which the assessment was Since the main purpose of Ordinance No. 18 is
business that may be imposed by based. to regulate certain construction activities of the
municipalities while Section 147 of the identified special projects, which included "cell
same law provides for the fees and sites" or telecommunications towers, the fees
charges that may be imposed by imposed in Ordinance No. 18 are primarily
municipalities on business and regulatory in nature, and not primarily revenue-
occupation. raising. While the fees may contribute to the
revenues of the Municipality, this effect is
merely incidental. Thus, the fees imposed in
Ordinance No. 18 are not taxes.
8. The City of Manila, While there is no express grant of such Private respondents filed with the Regional Trial Whether or not the CTA has YES. While there is no express grant of such
etc. et al. v. Hon. power, with respect to the CTA, Section Court a complaint denominated as one for “Refund jurisdiction over a special power, with respect to the CTA, Section 1,
Caridad H. Grecia- 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution or Recovery of Illegally and/or Erroneously- civil action for certiorari Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution provides
Cuerdo etc., et al, provides, nonetheless, that judicial Collected Local Business Tax, Prohibition with assailing an interlocutory that judicial power shall be vested in one
G.R. No. 175723. power shall be vested in one Supreme Prayer to Issue TRO and Writ of Preliminary order issued by the RTC in a Supreme Court and in such lower courts as
February 4, 2014. Court and in such lower courts as may be Injunction” against City of Manila before public local tax case. may be established by law and that judicial
established by law and that judicial respondent’s sala alleging that, in relation to power includes the duty of the courts of justice
power includes the duty of the courts of Section 21 thereof, Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 to settle actual controversies involving rights
justice to settle actual controversies and 20 of the RRCM were violative of the limitations which are legally demandable and
involving rights which are legally and guidelines under Section 143 (h) of Republic enforceable, and to determine whether or not
demandable and enforceable, and to Act No. 7160[Local Government Code] on double there has been a grave abuse of discretion
determine whether or not there has been taxation. The CA dismissed petitioners’ petition for amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
a grave abuse of discretion amounting to certiorari holding that it has no jurisdiction over the the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part said petition since appellate jurisdiction over private Government.
of any branch or instrumentality of the respondents’ complaint for tax refund, which was
Government. filed with the RTC, is vested in the Court of Tax Therefore, CTA can determine whether or not
Appeals (CTA), pursuant to its expanded there has been grave abuse of discretion
jurisdiction under Republic Act No. 9282 (RA 9282). amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
the part of the RTC in issuing an interlocutory
order in cases falling within the exclusive
appellate jurisdiction of the tax court. Thus,
CTA, by constitutional mandate, is vested with
jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari in these
9. Coca-Cola Section 252 (c) of the Local Government In the case entitled Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Whether or not the issuance NO. The issuance of the Writ of Execution was
Bottlers Philippines, Code of the Philippines is very clear that Inc. v. City of Manila, et al., docketed as Civil Case of the writ of execution of the superfluous. Instead of moving for the
Inc. vs. City of Manila "[i]n the event that the protest is finally No. 00-97081, granting petitioner’s request for tax judgment ordering issuance of a writ of execution relative to the
et. al., G.R. No. decided in favor of the taxpayer, the refund or credit assessed under Section 213 of the respondents either to refund aforesaid Decision, petitioner should have
197561, April 7, 2014. amount or portion of the tax protested Revenue Code of Manila upon finding that there or credit the tax assessed merely requested for the approval of the City of
shall be refunded to the protestant, or was double taxation in the imposition of local under Section 2118 of the Manila in implementing the tax refund or tax
applied as tax credit against his existing business taxes. Petitioner filed with the RTC-Manila Revenue Code of Manila credit, whichever is appropriate. In other
or future tax liability." It was not a Motion for Execution for the enforcement of the was proper. words, no writ was necessary to cause the
necessary for petitioner to move for the Decision and the issuance of the corresponding writ execution thereof, since the implementation of
issuance of the writ of execution because of execution. However, respondents filed a Motion the tax refund will effectively be a return of
the remedy has already been provided to Quash Writ of Execution and it was granted. funds by the City of Manila in favor of petitioner
by law. Hence, petitioner's appeal. while a tax credit will merely serve as a
deduction of petitioner’s tax liabilities in the
10. Government Beneficial Use Doctrine: SEC. 234. GSIS owns or used to own two (2) parcels of land 1. Whether GSIS under its 1. YES. RA 8291 restored in 1997 the tax
Service Insurance Exemptions from Real Property Tax. – located at Katigbak, Manila (Katigbak property), charter is exempt from real exempt status of GSIS by reenacting under its
System vs. City The following are exempted from and the other, at Concepcion, Manila (Concepcion- property taxation. 2. Sec. 39 what was once Sec. 33 of P.D. 1146.
Treasurer and City payment of the real property tax: Arroceros property). Title to the Concepcion- Assuming that it is so The subject properties under GSIS’s name are
Assessor of the City Arroceros property was transferred to this Court in exempt, whether GSIS is likewise owned by the Republic. The GSIS is
of Manila, G.R. No. (a) Real property owned by the Republic 2005 pursuant to Proclamation No. 835 dated April liable for real property taxes but a mere trustee of the subject properties
186242, December of the Philippines or any of its political 27, 2005. Both the GSIS and the Metropolitan Trial for its properties leased to a which have either been ceded to it by the
23, 2009. subdivisions except when the beneficial Court (MeTC) of Manila occupy the Concepcion- taxable entity. Government or acquired for the enhancement
use thereof has been granted, for Arroceros property, while the Katigbak property of the system.
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable was under lease. the City Treasurer of Manila 2. YES. The Republic to grant the beneficial
person. issued separate Notices of Realty Tax Delinquency use of its property to an agency or
for the subject properties, with the usual warning of instrumentality of the national government.
This exemption, however, must be read seizure and/or sale. On October 8, 2002, GSIS, Such grant does not necessarily result in the
in relation with Sec. 133(o) of the LGC, through its legal counsel, wrote back emphasizing loss of the tax exemption. The tax exemption
which prohibits LGUs from imposing the GSIS’ exemption from all kinds of taxes, the property of the Republic or its
taxes or fees of any kind on the national including realty taxes, under Republic Act No. (RA) instrumentality carries ceases only if, as stated
government, its agencies, and 8291. in Sec. 234(a) of the LGC of 1991, "beneficial
instrumentalities. use thereof has been granted, for a
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable
person." GSIS, as a government
instrumentality, is not a taxable juridical person
under Sec. 133(o) of the LGC. GSIS, however,
lost in a sense that status with respect to the
Katigbak property when it contracted its
beneficial use to MHC, doubtless a taxable
11. Team Pacific The proper remedy from the denial of an TPC is a DC engaged in the business of NO. It is well settled that certiorari is available
Corporation vs. Daza assessment protest by a local treasurer assembling and exporting semiconductor devices. only when directed against an officer
as Municipal is an ordinary appeal, and not Rule 65 It had been paying local business taxes assessed exercising judicial or quasi-judicial function
Treasurer of Taguig, petition on certiorari as the local at one-half (1/2) rate pursuant to Section 75 (c) of who has acted with grave abuse of discretion
G.R. No. 167732, July treasurer is not exercising judicial or the Taguig Revenue Code granted to exporters of amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction and
11, 2012 quasi- judicial function in assessing one’s essential commodities as enumerated therein. that there is no appeal nor any plain, speedy,
taxes and/or denying its protest. TPC is a DC engaged in the business of and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
assembling and exporting semiconductor devices. law. TPC erroneously availed of the wrong
It had been paying local business taxes assessed remedy in filing a Rule 65 petition. The
at one-half (1/2) rate pursuant to Section 75 (c) of Municipal Treasurer cannot be said to be
the Taguig Revenue Code granted to exporters of performing a judicial or quasi- judicial function
essential commodities as enumerated therein. in assessing TPC's business tax and/or
effectively denying its protest. Such actions are
not the proper subjects of a Rule 65 petition for
certiorari which is an extraordinary remedy
designed for the correction of errors of
jurisdiction and not errors of judgment.
12. Republic of the In the absence of a clear language of the The Public Estates Authority (PEA) is a government Whether or not the local NO. PRA is a government instrumentality
Philippines law imposing tax, the local government corporation created by virtue of P.D. No. 1084. It government of Parañaque vested with corporate powers and performing
represented by the unit is prohibited from imposing tax was designated as the agency primarily City may impose Real an essential public service pursuant to Section
Philippine against the national government, its responsible for integrating, directing and Property Tax against 2 (10) of the Introductory Provisions of the
Reclamation agencies and instrumentalities. coordinating all reclamation projects for and on Philippine Reclamation Administrative Code. Being an incorporated
Authority vs. City of behalf of the National Government by virtue of E.O. Authority (PRA). government instrumentality, it is exempt from
Paranaque, G.R. No. No. 525. PEA was transformed into Philippine payment of real property tax. Clearly,
191109, July 18, Reclamation Authority (PRA) by E.O. No. 380. By respondent has no valid or legal basis in taxing
2012. virtue of its mandate, PRA reclaimed several the subject reclaimed lands managed by PRA.
portions of the foreshore and offshore areas of On the other hand, Section 234 (a) of the LGC,
Manila Bay, including those located in Parañaque in relation to its Section 133 (o), exempts PRA
City. The Parañaque City Treasurer issued from paying realty taxes and protects it from
Warrants of Levy on PRA's reclaimed properties the taxing powers of local government units. It
(Central Business Park and Barangay San is clear from Section 234 that real property
Dionisio) located in Parañaque City based on the owned by the Republic of the Philippines (the
assessment for delinquent real property taxes for Republic) is exempt from real property tax
tax years 2001 and 2002. PRA filed a Motion for unless the beneficial use thereof has been
Leave to File and Admit Attached Supplemental granted to a taxable person. In this case, there
Petition which sought to declare as null and void the is no proof that PRA granted the beneficial use
assessment for real property taxes, the levy based of the subject reclaimed lands to a taxable
on the said assessment, the public auction sale entity. There is no showing on record either
conducted on April 7, 2003, and the Certificates of that PRA leased the subject reclaimed
Sale issued pursuant to the auction sale. RTC properties to a private taxable entity. This
dismissed PRA's petition. exemption should be read in relation to Section
133 (o) of the same Code, which prohibits local
governments from imposing "[t]axes, fees or
charges of any kind on the National
Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities . . . ." The Administrative
Code allows real property owned by the
Republic to be titled in the name of agencies or
instrumentalities of the national government.
Such real properties remain owned by the
Republic and continue to be exempt from real
estate tax. The rationale behind Section 133
(o) has also been explained in the case of the
Manila International Airport Authority, to wit:
Section 133(o) recognizes the basic principle
that local governments cannot tax the national
government, which historically merely
delegated to local governments the power to
tax. While the 1987 Constitution now includes
taxation as one of the powers of local
governments, local governments may only
exercise such power "subject to such
guidelines and limitations as the Congress may
provide." When local governments invoke the
power to tax on national government
instrumentalities, such power is construed
strictly against local governments. Another rule
is that a tax exemption is strictly construed
against the taxpayer claiming the exemption.
However, when Congress grants an exemption
to a national government instrumentality from
local taxation, such exemption is construed
liberally in favor of the national government
instrumentality. Section 133 of the Local
Government Code states that "unless
otherwise provided" in the Code, local
governments cannot tax national government
instrumentalities. This doctrine emanates from
the "supremacy" of the National Government
over local governments.
13. Sta. Lucia Realty The authority to collect real property Petitioner Sta. Lucia is the registered owner of Whether or not the YES. The resolution of the boundary dispute
& Development, Inc. taxes is vested in the locality where the several parcels of land with 3 TCTs, which were all settlement of boundary between Pasig and Cainta would determine
vs. City of Pasig, property is situated. However, while a located in Barrio Tatlong Kawayan, Municipality of dispute between Cainta and which local government unit is entitled to
G.R. No. 166838, local government unit is authorized under Pasig. The parcel of land covered by TCT No. Pasig presented a collect realty taxes from Sta. Lucia. Under
June 15, 2011. several laws to collect real estate tax on 39112 was consolidated with that covered by TCT "prejudicial question" to the Presidential Decree No. 464 or the "Real
properties falling under its territorial No. 518403, which was situated in Barrio Tatlong resolution of the case for Property Tax Code," the authority to collect real
jurisdiction, it is imperative to first show Kawayan, Municipality of Cainta, Province of Rizal. collection of real estate property taxes is vested in the locality where
that these properties are unquestionably Secondly, TCT No. 39110 was also divided into two taxes. the property is situated. However, while a local
within its geographical boundaries. lots, becoming TCT Nos. 92869 and 92870. Thirdly, government unit is authorized under several
the lot covered by TCT No. 38457 was not laws to collect real estate tax on properties
segregated, but a commercial building owned by falling under its territorial jurisdiction, it is
Sta. Lucia East Commercial Center, Inc., a imperative to first show that these properties
separate corporation, was built on it. Upon Pasig’s are unquestionably within its geographical
petition to correct the location stated in TCT Nos. boundaries. Clearly therefore, the local
532250, 598424, and 599131, the Land government unit entitled to collect real property
Registration Court ordered the amendment of the taxes from Sta. Lucia must undoubtedly show
TCTs to read that the lots with respect to TCT No. that the subject properties are situated within
39112 were located in Barrio Tatlong Kawayan, its territorial jurisdiction; otherwise, it would be
Pasig City. Cainta filed a petition for the settlement acting beyond the powers vested to it by law.
of its land boundary dispute with Pasig before the Although it is true that "Pasig" is the locality
RTC Antipolo. Meanwhile, Pasig filed a Complaint stated in the TCTs of the subject properties,
against Sta. Lucia for the collection of real estate both Sta. Lucia and Cainta aver that the metes
taxes, including penalties and interests, on the lots and bounds of the subject properties, as they
covered by TCT Nos. 532250, 598424, 599131, are described in the TCTs, reveal that they are
92869, 92870 and 38457, including the within Cainta's boundaries. This only means
improvements thereon. Sta. Lucia, in its Answer, that there may be a conflict between the
alleged that it had been religiously paying its real location as stated and the location as
estate taxes to Cainta, just like what its technically described in the TCTs. Mere
predecessors-in-interest did, by virtue of the reliance therefore on the face of the TCTs will
demands and assessments made and the Tax not suffice as they can only be conclusive
Declarations issued by Cainta on the claim that the evidence of the subject properties' locations if
subject properties were within its territorial both the stated and described locations point
jurisdiction. Sta. Lucia and Cainta thereafter moved to the same area. The Antipolo RTC, wherein
for the suspension of the proceedings, and claimed the boundary dispute case between Pasig and
that the pending petition in the Antipolo RTC, for the Cainta is pending, would be able to best
settlement of boundary dispute between Cainta and determine once and for all the precise metes
Pasig, presented a "prejudicial question" to the and bounds of both Pasig's and Cainta's
resolution of the case. Pasig maintains that the respective territorial jurisdictions. The
boundary dispute case before the Antipolo RTC is resolution of this dispute would necessarily
independent of the complaint for collection of realty ascertain the extent and reach of each local
taxes which was filed before the Pasig RTC. It government's authority, a prerequisite in the
avers that the doctrine of "prejudicial question,"
which has a definite meaning in law, cannot be proper exercise of their powers, one of which
invoked where the two cases involved are both civil. is the power of taxation.
14. Republic of the The denial by the RTC to issue an On 8 August 1997, the DOTC entered into a Whether or not it was YES. This case is, ultimately, between a local
Philippines injunction or TRO does not automatically Revised and Restated Agreement to Build, Lease premature for the RTC to government's power to tax and the natio
(Department of give respondent the liberty to proceed and Transfer a Light Rail System for EDSA (BLT) issue a writ of possession. government's privilege of tax examption. That
Transportation and with the actions sought to be enjoined with Metro Rail Transit Corporation Limited (Metro issue needs full hearing and deliberation, as
Communications) vs Rail), a foreign corporation. Under the BLT indeed, the issue pends before the RTC, at first
City of Agreement, Metro Rail shall be responsible for the instance. Such trial of facts and issues must
Mandaluyong, G.R. design, construction, equipping, completion, proceed. It shoud not be pr-empted by the
No. 184879, February testing, and commissioning of the Light Rail Transit present petition that deals with the
23, 2011. System-LRTS Phase I The DOTC shall operate the respondent's intended end result. A writ of
same but ownership of the EDSA MRT III shall possession is a mere incident in In the instant
remain with Metro Rail during the Revenue and case, it stemmed from the exercise of alleged
Construction periods. At the end of the Revenue ownership by respondent over EDSA MRT III
Period, Metro Rail shall transfer to DOTC its properties by virtue of a tax delinquency sale.
Petitioner Republic filed a case for Declaration of The issue of whether the auction sale should
Nullity of Real Property Tax Assessment and be enjoined is still pending before the Court of
Warrant of Levy with a prayer for a Temporary Appeals. the transfer of title. Pending
Restraining Order (TRO) and Writ of Preliminary determination, it is premature for respondent to
Injunction. On the same date, the City Treasurer have conducted the auction sale and caused
issued and served a Warrant of Levy upon MRTC the transfer of title over the real properties to its
with the corresponding Notices of Levy upon the name. The denial by the RTC to issue an
City Assessor and the Registrar of Deeds of injunction or TRO does not automatically give
Mandaluyong City. Petitioner Republic alleged that respondent the liberty to proceed with the
since Metro Rail had transferred to the DOTC the actions sought to be enjoined, especially so in
actual use, possession and operation of the EDSA this case where a certiorari petition assailing
MRT III System, Metro Rail or MRTC does not have the denial is still being deliberated in the Court
actual or beneficial use and possession of the of Appeals. All the more it is premature for the
EDSA MRT III properties as to subject it to payment RTC to issue a writ of possession where the
of real estate taxes. On the other hand, ownership of the subject properties is derived
notwithstanding the transfer to DOTC of the actual from an auction sale, the validity of which is still
use, possession and operation of the EDSA MRT being threshed out in the Court of Appeals. The
III, petitioner Republic is not liable because local RTC should have held in abeyance the
government units are legally proscribed from issuance of a writ of possession. At this
imposing taxes of any kind on it under Section juncture, the writ issued is premature and has
133(o) of Republic Act No. 7160. Likewise, under no force and effect.
Section 234 of the same law, petitioner is exempted
from payment of real property tax. On the same
date, the City Treasurer issued and served a
Warrant of Levy upon MRTC with the
corresponding Notices of Levy upon the City
Assessor and the Registrar of Deeds
Consequently, on 24 March 2006, a public auction
was conducted. For lack of bidders, the real
properties were forfeited in favor of the City of
Mandaluyong for the price of P1,483,700,100.18. of
Mandaluyong City. MRTC filed a complaint-in-
intervention and sought to declare the nullity of the
real property tax assessments. Meanwhile,
respondent manifested before the Court of Appeals
that due to the failure of MRTC to exercise the right
of redemption, the City Treasurer of Mandaluyong
executed a Final Deed of Sale in favor of the
purchaser in the auction sale. On 30 July 2008, the
RTC Branch 213, through Judge Carlos A.
Valenzuela, granted the petition for the issuance of
a writ of possession.
15. Alejandro Ty v. The Municipal or City Assessor cannot Petitioner Alejandro B. Ty is a resident of and Wheher or not R.A. 7160, NO, Both laws can be harmonized.
Hon. Trampe,et al., solely prepare schedules of market registered owner of lands and buildings in the otherwise known as the Presidential Decree No. 921 was promulgated
G.R. No. 117577, values. There should be a meeting Municipality (now City) of Pasig, while petitioner Local Government Cod of on 12 April 1976, with the aim of, inter alia,
December 1, 1995 between the Local Treasury and MVR Picture Tube, Inc. is a corporation duly 1991, repealed the evolving "a progressive revenue raising
Assessment District where different organized and existing under Philippine laws and is provisions of PD No. 921. program that will not unduly burden the tax
assessors shall compare their individual likewise a registered owner of lands and buildings payers . . . " in Metropolitan Manila. Hence, it
assessments, discuss and thereafter in the said Municipality. Respondent Assessor sent provided for the "administration of local
jointly agree and produce a schedule of a notice of assessment respecting certain real financial services in Metropolitan Manila" only,
values for their district, taking into properties of petitioners located in Pasig, Metro and for this purpose, divided the area into four
account the preamble of said P.D. that Manila. In a letter dated 18 March 1994, petitioners Local Treasury and Assessment Districts,
they should evolve "a progressive through counsel requested the Municipal Assessor regulated the duties and functions of the
revenue raising program that will not to reconsider the subject . assessments . treasurers and assessors in the cities and
unduly burden the taxpayers". The Petitioners filed with the RTC presided by municipalities in said area and spelled out the
schedule jointly agreed upon by the respondent Judge a Petition for Prohibition with process of assessing, imposing and
assessors shall then be published in a prayer for a restraining order and/or writ of distributing the proceeds of real estate taxes
newspaper of general circulation and preliminary injunction to declare null and void the therein. Upon the other hand, Republic Act No.
submitted to the Sanggunian concerned new tax assessments and to enjoin the collection of 7160, otherwise known and cited as the Local
for enactment by ordinance. real estate taxes based on said assessments. Government Code of 1991 took effect on 01
respondent Judge denied the petition "for lack of January 1992. It declared "genuine and
merit". Their MR was also denied. Rebuffed by said meaningful local autonomy" as a policy of the
Decision and Order, petitioners filed this present state. Such policy was meant to decentralize
Petition for Review directly before this Court, raising government "powers, authority, responsibilities
pure questions of law. The petitioners argue that and resources" from the national government
the assessment is void for failure to comply with PD to the local government units "to enable them
921 which provides for the preparation of schedule to attain their fullest development as self-
of values within Metro Manila to be prepared jointly reliant communities and make them more
by the City Assessors of the districts within said effective partners in the attainment of national
area. However, respondents argue that PD 921 goals." In the formulation and implementation
was impliedly repealed by the Local Government of policies and measures on local autonomy,
Code of 1991 as the same vests the authority to ''local government units may group
assess with the Municipal/City Assessors. themselves, consolidate or coordinate their
efforts, services and resources for purposes
commonly beneficial to them." From the above,
it is clear that the two laws are not co-extensive
and mutually inclusive in their scope and
purpose. While R.A. 7160 covers almost all
governmental functions delegated to local
government units all over the country, P.D. 921
embraces only the Metropolitan Manila area
and is limited to the administration of financial
services therein, especially the assessment
and collection of real estate (and some other
local) taxes. Coming down to specifics, Sec. 9
of P.D. 921 requires that the schedule of values
of real properties in the Metropolitan Manila
area shall be prepared jointly by the city
assessors in the districts created therein: while
Sec. 212 of R.A. 7160 states that the schedule
shall be prepared "by the provincial, city and
municipal assessors of the municipalities
within the Metropolitan Manila Area for the
different classes of real property situated in
their respective local government units for
enactment by ordinance of the Sanggunian
concerned. . . ." Harmony in these provisions is
not only possible, but in fact desirable,
necessary and consistent with the legislative
intent and policy. By reading together and
harmonizing these two provisions, we arrive at
the following steps in the preparation of the
said schedule, as follows: The assessor in
each municipality or city in the Metropolitan
Manila area shall prepare his/her proposed
schedule of values, in accordance with Sec.
212, R.A. 7160. Then, the Local Treasury and
Assessment District shall meet, per Sec. 9,
P.D. 921. In the instant case, that district shall
be composed of the assessors in Quezon City,
Pasig, Marikina, Mandaluyong and San Juan,
pursuant to Sec. 1 of said P.D. In this meeting,
the different assessors shall compare their
individual assessments, discuss and thereafter
jointly agree and produce a schedule of values
for their district, taking into account the
preamble of said P.D. that they should evolve
"a progressive revenue raising program that
will not unduly burden the taxpayers". The
schedule jointly agreed upon by the assessors
shall then be published in a newspaper of
general circulation and submitted to the
Sanggunian concerned for enactment by
ordinance, per Sec. 212, R.A. 7160
16. Coca-Cola Procedural measure are needed to be The City Mayor of Manila approved Tax Ordinance Whether or not the Tax The Tax Ordinance No. 7988 has already been
Bottlers Phils. Inc. v. followed for the effectivity of and no. 7988 repealing Tax Ordinance no. 7794 Ordinance is null and void for declared by the DOJ Secretary, in its Order,
City of Manila, GR Ordinance. As mandated by Section 188 entitles, “Revenue Code of the City of Manila” Tax being published only once. dated 17 August 2000, as null and void and
No. 156252, June 27, of the Local Government Code of 1991, Ordinance no. 7988 amended certain sections of without legal effect due to respondents' failure
2006 the petitioners failed to publish Tax Tax Ordinance no. 7794 by increasing the rates to satisfy the requirement that said ordinance
Ordinance No. 7988 for three applicable to certain establishments operating be published for three consecutive days as
consecutive days in a newspaper of local within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Manila, required by law and it had attained finality after
circulation. including herein petitioner Coca-Cola. Subject tax the lapse of the period to appeal.
ordinance was published only once. Aggrieved by
said tax ordinance, petitioner filed a Petition before The RTC of Manila reiterated the findings of the
the DOJ. On August 17, 2000, then DOJ Secretary DOJ Secretary that respondents failed to follow
issued a Resolution declaring the Tax Ordinance the procedure in the enactment of tax
no 7988 null and void and without legal effect. measures as mandated by Section 188 of the
Local Government Code of 1991, in that they
failed to publish Tax Ordinance No. 7988 for
three consecutive days in a newspaper of local
circulation. From the foregoing, it is evident
that Tax Ordinance No. 7988 is null and void
as said ordinance was published only for one
day in the 22 May 2000 issue of the Philippine
Post in contravention of the unmistakable
directive of the Local Government Code of
19. Palma Devt. Sec 56.01 Imposition of Fees. There Petitioner Palma Development Corporation is Whether or not the No. By the express language of section 153
Corp. v. Municipality shall be collected service fee for its use engaged in milling and selling rice and corn to imposition of service fee is and 155 RA 7160, local government units,
of Malangas, G.R. of the municipal roads or streets leading wholesalers in Zamboanga City. It uses the proper and valid. through their sanggunian, may prescribe the
No. 152492, October to the wharf and to any point along the municipal port of Malangas, Zamboanga del Sur as terms and conditions for the imposition of toll
16, 2003 shorelines within the jurisdiction of the transshipment port for its goods. The port, as well fees or charges for the use of any public road,
municipality and for police surveillance as the surrounding roads leading to it, belong to and pier or wharf funded and constructed by them.
on all goods and all equipment are maintained by the Municipality of Malangas, A service fee imposed on vehicles using
harboured or sheltered in the premises of Zamboanga del Sur. On January 16, 1994, the municipal roads leading to the wharf is thus
the wharf and other within the jurisdiction municipality passed municipal revenue code no. 09 valid, however, section 133 (e) of RA 7160
of the municipality series of 1993, which was subsequently approved prohibits the imposition, in the guise of
by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Zamboanga wharfage fees — as well as other taxes or
del Sur in resolution no. 1330 dated August 4, charges in any form whatsoever on goods or
1994.Accordingly, the service fees imposed by merchandise. It is therefore irrelevant if the fee
section 56.01 of the ordinance was paid by imposed are actually for police surveillance on
petitioner under protest. It contended that under the goods, because any other form of
Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the imposition on goods passing through the
local government code of 1991, municipal territorial jurisdiction of the municipality is
governments did not have authority to tax goods clearly prohibited by section 133 (e).
and vehicles that passed through their jurisdictions.
Thereafter, before the Regional Trial Court of
Pagadian City, petitioner filed against the
Municipality of Malangas on November 29, 1995,
an action for declaratory relief assailing the validity
of section 56.01 of the municipal ordinance.
20. Smart Tax exemptions are never presumed and On February 18, 2002, Smart filed a special civil Whether or not Smart is Yes. The SC find that there is no violation of
Communications, are strictly construed against the action for declaratory relief, for the ascertainment of liable to pay the franchise tax Article III, Section 10 of the 1987 Philippine
Inc. v. City of Davao, taxpayer and liberally in favor of the its rights and obligations under the Tax Code of the imposed by the City of Constitution. Tax exemptions are never
G.R. No. 155491, July taxing authority. They can only be given City of Davao. Smart contends that its telecenter in Davao. presumed and are strictly construed against
21, 2009. force when the grant is clear and Davao City is exempt from payment of franchise tax the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
categorical. to the City because the power of the City of Davao authority. They can only be given force when
to impose a franchise tax is subject to statutory the grant is clear and categorical. Moreover,
limitations such as the “in lieu of all taxes” clause Smarts franchise was granted with the express
found in Section 9 of R.A. No. 7294 (Smart’s condition that it is subject to amendment,
franchise). Respondents contested the tax alteration, or repeal. In this case since there is
exemption claimed by Smart. They invoked the doubt it must be resolved in favor of the City of
power granted by the Constitution to local Davao. The “in lieu” of all taxes clause applies
government units to create their own sources of only to national internal revenue taxes and not
revenue. On July 19, 2002, the RTC rendered its to local taxes.
Decision denying the petition. The trial court noted
that the ambiguity of the in “lieu of all taxes”
provision in R.A. No. 7294, on whether it covers
both national and local taxes, must be resolved
against the taxpayer.
21. Mobil Phil. Inc. v. Business taxes imposed in the Petitioner is a domestic corporation Whether or not the business NO. The trial court erred when it said that the
City Treasurer of exercise of police engaged in the manufacturing, taxes paid payments made by petitioner in 1998 are
Makati, G.R. No. power for regulatory importing, exporting and wholesaling by petitioner in 1998 were payments for business tax incurred in 1997
154092, 14 July 2005 purposes are paid for the of petroleum products, while business taxes for 1997 or which only accrued in January 1998.
privilege of carrying on a respondents are the local 1998.
business in the year the government officials of the City of Business taxes imposed in the exercise of
tax was paid. It is paid at Makati charged with the police power for regulatory purposes are paid
the beginning of the year implementation of the Revenue for the privilege of carrying on a business in
as a fee to allow the Code of the City of Makati, as well as the year the tax was paid. It is paid at the
business to operate for the collection and assessment of beginning of the year as a fee to allow the
the rest of the year. It is business taxes, license fees and business to operate for the rest of the year. It
deemed a prerequisite to permit fees within said city. is deemed a prerequisite to the conduct of
the conduct of business. business.
On August 20, 1998, petitioner filed
Income tax, on the other an application with the City Treasurer Income tax, on the other hand, is a tax on all
hand, is a tax on all of Makati for the retirement of its yearly profits arising from property,
yearly profits arising from business within the City of Makati as professions, trades or offices, or as a tax on a
property, professions, it moved its principal place of person's income, emoluments, profits and the
trades or offices, or as a business to Pasig City. like. It is tax on income, whether net or gross
tax on a person's realized in one taxable year.15 It is due on or
income, emoluments, Upon evaluation of petitioner's before the 15th day of the 4th month following
profits and the like. It is application, the OIC of the License the close of the taxpayer's taxable year and is
tax on income, whether Division issued to petitioner a billing generally regarded as an excise tax, levied
net or gross realized in slip assessing business tax of upon the right of a person or entity to receive
one taxable year. It is P1,898,106.967. Petitioner paid the income or profits.
due on or before the assessed amount under protest.
15th day of the 4th Petitioner then filed a claim for Under the Makati Revenue Code, it appears
month following the P1,331,638.84 refund which was that the business tax, like income tax, is
close of the taxpayer's denied on the ground that petitioner computed based on the previous year's
taxable year and is was merely transferring and not figures. This is the reason for the confusion. A
generally regarded as an retiring its business, and that the newly-started business is already liable for
excise tax, levied upon gross sales realized while petitioner business taxes (i.e. license fees) at the start of
the right of a person or still maintained office in Makati from the quarter when it commences operations. In
entity to receive income January 1 to August 31, 1998 should computing the amount of tax due for the first
or profits. be taxed in the City of Makati. quarter of operations, the business' capital
investment is used as the basis. For the
Petitioner then filed a petition with subsequent quarters of the first year, the tax is
the RTC seeking the refund of business taxes based on the gross sales/receipts for the
erroneously collected previous quarter. In the following year(s), the
by the City of Makati, but the trial business is then taxed based on the gross
court ruled that the payments made sales or receipts of the previous year. The
by the petitioner in 1998 were business taxes paid in the year 1998 is for the
privilege of engaging in business for the same
payments for the business taxes in year, and not for having engaged in business
1997. for 1997.
On December 15, 1998, the In the instant case, the assessment appears to
Corporation received a Notice of be based solely on the Corporation’s collection
Assessment dated December 14, of assessments from unit owners, such
1998 signed by the City Treasurer. assessments being utilized to defray the
The Notice of Assessment stated necessary expenses for the Condominium
that the Corporation is “liable to pay Project and the common areas. There is no
the correct city business taxes, fees, contemplation of business and no orientation
and charges,” totaling Php towards profit in this case.
1,601,013.77 for the years 1995 to
1997. The Notice of Assessment Hence, the assailed tax assessment has no
was silent as to the statutory basis of basis under the Local Government Code or
the business taxes assessed. the Makati Revenue Code, and the insistence
of the city in its collection of the void tax
The Corporation responded with a constitutes an attempt at deprivation of
written tax protest dated February property without due process of law.
12, 1999, addressed to the City Hence, the collection of business taxes from
Treasurer. It asserted that there was condominiums in Makati is void.
no basis as the Corporation is not
liable for business taxes and
surcharges and interest thereon,
under the Makati [Revenue] Code or
even under the Local Government
From the denial of the protest, the
Corporation filed an Appeal with the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati.
Makati RTC Branch 57 rendered a
Decision dismissing the appeal for
lack of merit. Accepting the premise
laid by the City Treasurer, the RTC
concluded that the activities of the
Corporation fell squarely under the
definition of “business” under Section
13 (b) of the Local Government
Code, and thus subject to local
business taxation.
25. Province of A province may not On June 26, 1992, the Sangguniang Whether or not petitioner NO. They are still prohibited from imposing
Bulacan v. CA, G.R. ordinarily impose taxes Panlalawigan of Bulacan passed province has taxes on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
No. 126232, on stones, sand, gravel, Provincial Ordinance No. 3, known the authority to impose taxes quarry resources extracted from private lands.
November 27, 1998 earth and other quarry as "An Ordinance Enacting the on stones, sand, gravel, Section 186 of the Local Government Code
resources, as the same Revenue Code of the Bulacan earth allows a province to levy taxes other than
are already taxed under Province," which was to take effect and other quarry resources those specifically enumerated under the Code,
the National Internal on July 1, 1992. extracted from private lands. subject to the conditions specified therein.
Revenue Code. More so, Section 21. Imposition of Tax. — The tax imposed by the Province of Bulacan is
as to stones, sand, There is hereby levied and collected an excise tax, being a tax upon the
gravel, earth and other a tax of 10% of the fair market value performance, carrying on, or exercise of an
quarry resources in the locality per cubic meter of activity.
extracted from private ordinary stones, sand, gravel, earth
land, because of the and other quarry resources, such, Based on Section 133 (h) of the Local
limitation provided by but not limited to marble, granite, Government Code, a province may not levy
Section 133 of the Code volcanic cinders, basalt, tuff and rock excise taxes on articles already taxed by the
in relation to Section 151 phosphate, extracted from public National Internal Revenue Code.
of the National Internal lands or from beds of seas, lakes, It is clearly apparent from Section 151 of the
Revenue Code. rivers, streams, creeks and other NIRC that the National Internal Revenue Code
public waters within its territorial levies a tax on all quarry resources, regardless
jurisdiction. of origin, whether extracted from public or
private land.
Pursuant thereto, the Provincial
Treasurer of Bulacan, assessed Thus, a province may not ordinarily impose
private respondent Republic Cement taxes on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
Corporation extracting limestone, quarry resources, as the same are already
shale and silica from several parcels taxed under the National Internal Revenue
of private land in the province during Code.
the third quarter of 1992 until the
second quarter of 1993.
The province can, however, impose a tax on
stones, sand, gravel, earth and other quarry
Believing that the province, on the resources extracted from public land because
basis of above-said ordinance, had it is expressly empowered to do so under the
no authority to impose taxes on Local Government Code.
quarry resources extracted from
private lands, Republic Cement As to stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
formally contested the same. quarry resources extracted from private land,
The same was, however, denied by however, it may not do so, because of the
the Provincial Treasurer. limitation provided by Section 133 of the Code
in relation to Section 151 of the National
Internal Revenue Code.
26. Angeles City v. The prohibition on the issuance of a writ On June 18, 1964, AEC was granted a legislative Being a special civil action Petition is unmeritorious. The LGC does not
Angeles City Electric of injunction to enjoin the collection of franchise under Republic Act No. (RA) 4079 to for certiorari, the issue in the specifically prohibit an injunction enjoining the
Corp., GR No. taxes applies only to national internal construct, maintain and operate an electric light, instant case is limited to the collection of taxes. Unlike the National Internal
166134, 29 June 2010 revenue taxes, and not to local taxes. heat, and power system for the purpose of determination of whether the Revenue Code, the Local Tax Code does not
generating and distributing electric light, heat and RTC gravely abused its contain any specific provision prohibiting
power for sale in Angeles City, Pampanga. discretion in issuing the writ courts from enjoining the collection of local
Pursuant to Section 3-A thereof, AEC’s payment of of preliminary injunction taxes. Such statutory lapse or intent, however
franchise tax for gross earnings from electric enjoining Angeles City and it may be viewed, may have allowed
current sold was in lieu of all taxes, fees and its City Treasurer from preliminary injunction where local taxes are
assessments. levying, selling, and involved but cannot negate the procedural
disposing the properties of rules and requirements under Rule 58. A
On September 11, 1974, Presidential Decree No. AEC. All other matters principle deeply embedded in our
(PD) 551 reduced the franchise tax of electric pertaining to the validity of jurisprudence is that taxes being the lifeblood
franchise holders. On January 1, 1992, RA 7160 or the tax assessment and of the government should be collected
the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 was AEC’s tax exemption must promptly, without unnecessary hindrance or
passed into law, conferring upon provinces and therefore be left for the delay. In line with this principle, the National
cities the power, among others, to impose tax on determination of the RTC Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (NIRC)
businesses enjoying franchise. In accordance with where the main case is expressly provides that no court shall have the
the LGC, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Angeles pending decision. authority to grant an injunction to restrain the
City enacted on December 23, 1993 Tax Ordinance collection of any national internal revenue tax,
No. 33, S-93, otherwise known as the Revised fee or charge imposed by the code. An
Revenue Code of Angeles City (RRCAC). On exception to this rule obtains only when in the
February 7, 1994, a petition seeking the reduction opinion of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) the
of the tax rates and a review of the provisions of the collection thereof may jeopardize the interest
RRCAC was filed with the Sangguniang of the government and/or the taxpayer.
Panlungsod by Metro Angeles Chamber of
Commerce and Industry Inc. (MACCI) of which The situation, however, is different in the case
AEC is a member. There being no action taken by of the collection of local taxes as there is no
the Sangguniang Panlungsod on the matter, express provision in the LGC prohibiting courts
MACCI elevated the petition to the Department of from issuing an injunction to restrain local
Finance, which referred the same to the Bureau of governments from collecting taxes.
Local Government Finance (BLGF). In the petition,
MACCI alleged that the RRCAC is oppressive,
excessive, unjust and confiscatory; that it was
published only once, simultaneously on January
22, 1994; and that no public hearings were
conducted prior to its enactment. Acting on the
petition, the BLGF issued a First Indorsement to the
City Treasurer of Angeles City, instructing the latter
to make representations with the Sangguniang
Panlungsod for the appropriate amendment of the
RRCAC in order to ensure compliance with the
provisions of the LGC, and to make a report on the
action taken within five days.
1. Province of Nueva An assessment does not automatically CE Casecnan is under a Build Operate Transfer Whether or not there was a Absence of a tax ordinance does not
Vizcaya et. al. v. CE become null and void just because there (BOT) agreement with the National Irrigation valid assessment against automatically make an assessment invalid.
Casecnan Water and is no tax ordinance for that specific year. Administration whereby CE Casecnan is respondent despite the Local governments are vested with the power
Energy Company, The absence of current tax ordinances responsible for the financing and construction of the absence of a tax ordinance to create their own sources of revenue. Article
Inc., G.R. No. for the purpose of updating its schedule project and the transportation of the collected water at the time of the assessment X, Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution provides
of fair market values and assessments to the designated locations. In return, the NIA will that:
will not prevent the government from be responsible for all the fees paid to the
levying real property tax. government. Because of NIA's lack of Section 5. Each local government unit shall
communication towards CE Casecnan, the latter have the power to create its own sources of
was forced to pay under protest the assessment revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and charges
made by the Provincial Assessor of Nueva Vizcaya. subject to such guidelines and limitations as
The respondent alleged that no tax liability should the Congress may provide, consistent with the
redound to CE Casecnan because there was no tax basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes,
ordinance on the years wherein the Provincial fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to
Assessor based their assessment. the local governments.
2. MWSS v. CBAA, Local governments cannot tax the MWSS was created "to insure an uninterrupted and Whether or not MWSS MWSS is a government instrumentality with
LBAA-Pasay, et. al., national government, which merely adequate supply and distribution of potable water should be liable for Real corporate powers, not liable to the local
G.R. No. 215955, delegated to local governments the for domestic and other purposes and the proper Property Tax. government of Pasay City for real property
January 13, 2021. power to tax. operation and maintenance of sewerage taxes.ℒαwρhi৷ The tax exemption that its
systems."5 It was vested with the power to exercise properties carries, however, ceases when their
supervision and control over all waterworks and beneficial use has been extended to a taxable
sewerage systems within Metro Manila, Rizal, and person. The liability to pay real property taxes
a portion of Cavite. In 1997, "National Water Crisis on government-owned properties, the
Act of 1995," MWSS entered into a concessionaire beneficial or actual use of which was granted
agreement with Maynilad Water Services, Inc. to a taxable entity, devolves on the taxable
(Maynilad) to service the West Zone of the beneficial user. In this case, there was an
Metropolitan Area that includes Pasay City. Under allegation that the beneficial use of MWSS's
the impression that the beneficial use of MWSS' properties in Pasay were given to Maynilad by
utilities have made its way to taxable persons, the virtue of a concession agreement. This factual
Pasay City Treasurer assessed Real Property Tax allegation, however, was not proved and
Computations. The MWSS filed it's protest merely based on a sweeping conclusion that
regarding the assessment. when MWSS entered into a concession
agreement, all its properties were effectively
turned over to the concessionaires for their
operations. At this point, the Court cannot
make a judicious determination of such factual
matter due to the insufficiency of evidence on
records. At any rate, the tax-exempt status of a
government instrumentality is not lost when it
grants the beneficial use of its real property to
a taxable person; only the exemption of the real
property ceases in such case. The LGC also
leaves no room for interpretation on the
corresponding liability of the taxable beneficial
user for the payment of real property taxes on
a government instrumentality property. In sum,
we hold that MWSS is not liable to the local
government of Pasay City for real property
taxes. The tax exemption of its properties,
however, ceases when the beneficial or actual
use is alleged and proven to have been
extended to a taxable person. All the
assessments issued in the name of MWSS
should thus, be declared void. To be clear,
Pasay City is not precluded from availing of the
appropriate remedies under the law to assess
and collect real property taxes from the private
entities to whom MWSS may have granted the
beneficial use of its properties.
3. Provincial Gov’t of One does not inherit the liability to pay CQM Management, the success of Philippine Whether or not CQM No. CQM, the successor of PI One, is not liable
Cavite et. al. v. CQM Real Property Tax especially when the Investment One (PI One) acquired from Rizal Management, the successor for the said unpaid real property taxes. Citing
Management, Inc., current owner of the property did not Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) two non- of PI One, inherit the tax several jurisprudence, the Court ruled that
G.R. No. 248033, July possess or have beneficial use of the performing loans - that of Maxon and Ultimate. Both liability from both Maxon and contractual assumption of the obligation to pay
15, 2020. same property when it was assessed. loans were secured by a property mortgage. When Ultimate real property tax, by itself, is insufficient to
Maxon and Ultimate failed to pay during the three- make one liable for taxes. The contractual
month redemption period, PI One managed to assumption of tax liability must be
acquire the properties. However, upon further supplemented by an interest that the party
inquiry, it was revealed that both Maxon and assuming the liability had on the property; the
Ultimate had been delinquent on their real property person from whom payment is sought must
tax obligations for years. Furthermore, the have also acquired the beneficial use of the
Provincial Treasurer of Cavite issued a tax property taxed. In other words, he must have
assessment and warrant of levy because of the the use and possession of the property. The
unpaid taxes. Court also explained that the liability for taxes
generally rests on the owner of the real
property at the time the tax accrues as a
necessary repercussion of exclusive dominion.
However, personal liability for real property
taxes may also expressly rest on the entity with
the beneficial use of the real property. In either
case, the unpaid tax attaches to the property
and is chargeable against the taxable person
who had actual or beneficial use and
possession of it regardless of whether or not he
is the owner. Here, as correctly pointed out by
the CA, respondent was not yet the owner or
entity with the actual or beneficial use of the
building which was previously owned by
Maxon (Maxon property) and the building
which was previously owned by Ultimate
(Ultimate property) during the years for which
petitioners sought to collect real property
taxes. Specifically, petitioners sought to collect
from respondent real property taxes due on the
Maxon property for the years 2000-2013 and
on the Ultimate property for the years 1997-
2013. However, respondent became the owner
of the Maxon property and the Ultimate
property only in March 2014, and August 2014,
respectively. To impose the real property taxes
on respondent, which was neither the owner
nor the beneficial user of the property during
the designated periods would not only be
contrary to law but also unjust.
4. Light Rail Transit Having a GOCC status does not at once The LRTA received several Whether or not LRTA's NO. The LRTA is a government instrumentality
Authority v. Quezon disqualify one from real property tax Statements of Delinquency and Final properties are to exercising corporate powers. An agency is a
City, G.R. No. exemption. Having a GOCC status Notices of Tax Delinquency, this be subject to real property government instrumentality when: (a) it
221626, October 9, simply means that the GOCC must find a time, from respondent Quezon City. tax. performs governmental functions, and (b) it
2019. legal basis for claiming real property tax enjoys operational autonomy. It does not
exemption Invoking MIAA v. Court of Appeals, matter that the government instrumentality is
other than what was previously granted the LRTA asserted that it is a endowed with corporate powers.
to it under the old real property tax laws government instrumentality, hence,
which exempt from real property tax. Here, the LRTA bears the elemental
the Local Government Code has already characteristics of a government
repealed. Quezon City countered that the instrumentality vested with corporate
LRTA is not a government powers. Through EO 603, it is vested with
When local governments instrumentality but a corporate powers. LRTA performs
invoke the power to tax government-owned and controlled governmental functions: construction,
on national government corporation (GOCC). Its activities are operation, maintenance, and/or lease of light
instrumentalities, such proprietary in nature and not purely rail transit systems. It also enjoys operational
power is construed governmental. It is clothed with autonomy, as it exists by virtue of a Charter.
strictly against the local corporate status and powers, earns
government. profit, and operates as an ordinary When local governments invoke the power to
private corporation. EO 603 does not tax on national government instrumentalities,
exempt the LRTA from real property such power is construed strictly against local
taxes. The Local Government Code governments. There is also no reason for local
of 1991 has removed or withdrawn governments to tax national government
the tax exemptions of GOCCs. instrumentalities for rendering essential public
services to inhabitants of local governments.
The only exception is when the legislature
clearly intended to tax government
instrumentalities for sound and compelling
policy considerations
5. Mactan Cebu Property owned by the Mactan-Cebu International Airport Whether or not properties YES. Property owned by the State is exempt
International Airport State is exempt from real Authority (MCIAA) was created on owned by the from real property tax, except when the
Authority (MCIAA) v. property tax, except July 31, 1990 under Republic Act State are exempt from Real beneficial use thereof has been granted to a
City of Lapu-Lapu, when the beneficial use No. 6958 for the “management and Property Taxes. taxable person.
G.R. No. 181756, thereof has been granted supervision of the Mactan
to a taxable person. International Airport in the Province The Court in the 2006 MIAA case that Section
of Cebu and the Lahug Airport in 234(a) of the Local Government Code
Properties of MCIAA that Cebu City x x x and such other exempts from real estate tax any “real
are actually, solely and airports as may be established in the property owned by the Republic of the
exclusively used for Province of Cebu.” Philippines.” The Court emphasized, however,
public purpose, Under its charter, Section 14 of RA that “portions of the Airport Lands and
consisting of the airport 6958, MCIAA enjoyed exemption Buildings that MIAA leases to private entities
terminal building, airfield, from realty taxes “imposed by the are not exempt from real estate tax.” For
runway, taxiway, and the National Government or any of its example, the land area occupied by hangars
lots on which they are political subdivisions, agencies, and that MIAA leases to private corporations is
situated, EXEMPT from instrumentalities” subject to real estate tax. In such a case,
real property tax. MIAA has granted the beneficial use of such
On September 11, 1996, however, land area for a consideration to a taxable
the Supreme Court rendered a person, and therefore such land area is
decision in Mactan-Cebu subject to real estate tax.
International Airport Authority v.
Marcos (the 1996 MCIAA case) Like in MIAA, the airport lands and buildings of
declaring that upon the effectivity of MCIAA are properties of public dominion
Republic Act No. 7160 (The Local because they are intended for public use. As
Government Code of 1991 or properties of public dominion, they
“LGC”), MCIAA was no longer indisputably belong to the State or the
exempt from real estate taxes. Thus, Republic of the Philippines and are outside the
in January 1997, respondent City of commerce of man. This, unless MCIAA leases
Lapu-Lapu issued to MCIAA a its real property to a taxable person, the
Statement of Real Estate Tax specific property leased becomes subject to
assessing the lots comprising the real property tax; in which case, only those
Mactan International Airport. portions of petitioner’s properties which are
leased to taxable persons like private parties
The City Treasurer Elena Pacaldo are subject to real property tax by the City of
sent MCIAA a Statement of Real Lapu-Lapu.
Property Tax Balances up to the year
2002 reflecting the amount of Hence, the properties of MCIAA that are
P246,395,477.20. MCIAA claimed actually, solely and exclusively used for public
that the statement again included the purpose, consisting of the airport terminal
lots utilized solely and exclusively for building, airfield, runway, taxiway, and the lots
a public purpose such as the airfield, on which they are situated, EXEMPT from real
runway, and taxiway and the lots on property tax imposed by the City of
which these are built. Pacaldo then Lapu-Lapu.
issued Notices of Levy on 18 sets of
real properties of MCIAA.
6. Lung Center of the The tax exemption under Petitioner (Lung Center of the Whether or not the petitioner NO. Those portions of petitioner’s real
Philippines v. Section 28(3), Article VI Philippines) is a non-stock, non-profit is entirely property that are leased to private entities are
Quezon City, GR No. of the 1987 Philippine entity which seeks exemption from exempted from real property not exempt from real property taxes as these
144104, June 29, Constitution covers real property taxes when the City taxes. are not actually, directly, and exclusively used
2004 property taxes only. Assessor issued Tax Declarations for for charitable purposes.
What is exempted is not the land and the hospital building.
the institution itself. Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 1823
A big space on the ground floor is provides that the petitioner shall enjoy the tax
Those exempted from being leased to private parties, for exemptions and privileges: The Lung Center
real estate taxes are canteen and small store spaces, and of the Philippines shall be exempt from the
lands, buildings and to medical or professional payment of taxes, charges, and fees imposed
improvements actually practitioners who use the same as by the Government or any political subdivision
directly and their private clinics for their patients or instrumentality thereof with respect to
exclusively used for whom they charge for their equipment purchases made by, or for the Lung
religious, charitable or professional services. Almost Center.
educational purposes.” one-half of the entire area on the left
side of the building, while a big Under the decree, the petitioner does not
portion on the right side is being enjoy any property tax exemption
leased for commercial purposes to a privileges for its real properties as well as
private enterprise known as the the building constructed thereon. If the
Elliptical Orchids and Garden Center. intentions were otherwise, the same should
have been among the enumeration of
Petitioner predicted on its claim that tax-exempt privileges under Section 2.
it is a charitable institution. The Section 28(3), Article VI of the 1987
request was denied, and a petition Philippine Constitution provides, thus:
was hereafter filed before the Local Charitable institutions, churches and
Board of Assessment Appeals of parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto,
Quezon City (QC-LBAA) for reversal mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all lands,
of the resolution of the City buildings, and improvements, actually, directly
Assessor. Petitioner alleged that as a and exclusively used for religious, charitable
charitable institution, it is exempted or educational purposes shall be exempt from
from real property taxes under Sec taxation.
28(3) Art VI of the Constitution.
QC-LBAA dismissed the petition and The tax exemption under this constitutional
the decision was likewise affirmed on provision covers property taxes only. What
appeal by the Central Board of is exempted is not the institution itself...; those
Assessment Appeals of Quezon City. exempted from real estate taxes are lands,
The Court of Appeals affirmed the buildings, and improvements actually,
judgment of the Central Board of directly and exclusively used for religious,
Assessment Appeals. charitable or educational purposes.”
What is meant by the actual, direct, and
exclusive use of the property for charitable
purposes is the direct and immediate and
actual application of the property itself to the
purposes for which the charitable institution is
organized. It is not the use of the income from
the real property that is determinative of
whether the property is used for tax-exempt
7. Manila Real property owned by Petitioner Manila International Airport Whether or not the Airport YES. The Supreme Court ruled that the
International Airport the Republic is not Authority (MIAA) operates the Ninoy Lands and MIAA's Airport Lands and Buildings are
Authority v. CA, GR taxable. Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Buildings of MIAA are exempt from real estate tax imposed by local
No. 155650, July 20, Complex in Parañaque City under exempt governments for the following reasons:
2006, En banc, GR However, portions of the Executive Order No. 903, otherwise from real estate tax under 1. MIAA is not a government-owned or
No. 163072, April 2, (Airport) Lands and known as the Revised Charter of the existing laws. controlled corporation but an
2009 Buildings that the Manila International Airport Authority instrumentality of the National
Government ("MIAA Charter") which was issued Government and thus exempt from local
Instrumentality (MIAA) on 21 July 1983 by then President taxation.
leases to private entities Ferdinand E. Marcos. Subsequently, 2. Real properties of MIAA are owned by
are not exempt from real Executive Order Nos. 909 1 and 298 the Republic of the Philippines and thus
estate tax. 2 amended the MIAA Charter. exempt from real estate tax.
8. Quezon City Govt The grant of taxing BAYANTEL’s real properties within Whether or not BAYANTEL’s YES. Section 11 of BAYANTEL’s amended
v. BayanTel Corp., powers to local the territorial jurisdiction of Quezon properties franchise, which took effect after the effectivity
GR N0. 162015, government units under City were subjected to real property are exempt from real of the Local Government Code impliedly
March 6, 2006 the Constitution and the tax pursuant to the Quezon City property repealing the same provision in the franchise,
LGC does not affect the Revenue Code. BAYANTEL taxes. provides that “The grantee, its successors or
power of Congress to requested the City for the exclusion assigns shall be liable to pay the same taxes
grant exemptions to of its properties. on their real estate, buildings, and personal
certain persons, property, exclusive of this franchise”. In other
pursuant to a declared When it was denied by the City, words, real properties of BAYANTEL that are
national policy. The legal BAYANTEL interposed an appeal to actually, directly, and exclusively used in its
effect of the the Local Board of Assessments radio or telecommunication business, are
constitutional grant to (LBAA) without paying the taxes exempt from real property taxes.
local governments assessed upon it. Petitioner City
simply means that in then proceeded to levy the said The question now revolves around whether
interpreting statutory properties and prepare them for the City’s Revenue Code effectively revoked
provisions on municipal public auction. this tax exemption. In support of this, they rely
taxing powers, doubts on Section 232 of the LGC. The Court does
must be resolved in favor BAYANTEL, threatened by the not agree for as in the case of Mactan Cebu
imminent loss, withdrew its appeal International Airport Authority, the power to
of municipal before the LBAA and applied for a tax, which also includes the power to exempt,
corporations. petition for prohibition with an urgent is still primarily vested in Congress.
application for a temporary
restraining order (TRO) and/or writ of Moreover, the LGC provides that a city or
preliminary injunction before the RTC municipality may levy annual ad valorem tax
of Quezon. on real property not hereinafter specifically
exempted. By virtue of the enactment of
Accordingly, the RTC issued a TRO RA7633, which amended the original franchise
on the eve of the public auction. after the effectivity of the LGC, operated as an
After their motion for reconsideration exemption “hereinafter specifically exempted”
was denied, City applied directly under the Local Government Code.
before the Supreme Court on pure
question of law. To construe otherwise, would be absurd as it
would effectively reduce the meaning of such
phrase as mere jargon. The Court views this
subsequent piece of legislation as an express
and real intention on the part of Congress to
once again remove from the LGC's delegated
taxing power.
9. FELS Energy, Inc. Any owner or person NPC entered into a lease contract Whether or not the power NO. The power barges are real property and
v. Province of having legal interest in with Polar over diesel engine power barges are are thus subject to real property tax.
Batangas, G.R. No. the property who is not barges moored at Balayan Bay in exempt from real property
168557, February 16, satisfied with the action Calaca, Batangas. The contract tax. Article 415 (9) of the New Civil Code provides
2007 of the provincial, city, or contained a provision that Polar may that “docks and structures which, though
municipal assessor in be or become subject to real estate floating, are intended by their nature and
the assessment of his taxes and assessments, rates, and object to remain at a fixed place on a river,
property may, within sixty other charges in respect of the lake, or coast” are considered immovable
(60) days from the date power barges. property. Thus, power barges are categorized
of receipt of the written as immovable property by destination, being in
notice of assessment, Subsequently, Polar assigned its the nature of machinery and other implements
appeal to the Board of rights under the FELS. Later, FELS intended by the owner for an industry or work
Assessment Appeals of received an assessment of real which may be carried on in a building or on a
the province or city by property taxes on the power barges piece of land and which tend directly to meet
filing a petition under from the Provincial Assessor, that the needs of said industry or work.
oath in the form the owner or person having legal
prescribed. The 60-day interest may appeal the matter within Petitioners maintain nevertheless that the
period for making the 60 days from receipt to the Board of power barges are exempt from real estate tax
appeal to the LBAA runs Assessment Appeals of the province. under Section 234 (c) of R.A. No. 7160
without interruption. because they are actually, directly and
FELS referred the matter to NPC, exclusively used by petitioner NPC, a
which sought reconsideration of the government-owned and controlled corporation
Provincial Assessor’s decision to engaged in the supply, generation, and
assess real property taxes on the transmission of electric power. We affirm the
power barges. However, the motion findings of the LBAA and CBAA that the owner
was denied and the Provincial of the taxable properties is petitioner FELS,
Assessor advised NPC to pay the which in fine, is the entity being taxed by the
assessment. After sixty (60) days local government.
from receipt of assessment from, the
NPC filed a petition with the Local It follows then that FELS cannot escape
Board of Assessment Appeals liability from the payment of realty taxes by
(LBAA) for the setting aside of the invoking its exemption in Section 234 (c) of
assessment and the declaration of R.A. No. 7160. Indeed, the law states that the
the barges as non-taxable items; it machinery must be actually, directly, and
also prayed that should LBAA find exclusively used by the government-owned or
the barges to be taxable, the controlled corporation; nevertheless, petitioner
Provincial Assessor be directed to FELS still cannot find solace.
make the necessary corrections.
10. NPC vs. Central To successfully claim exemption under First Private Power Corporation (FPPC) entered Under the terms of the BOT, NO. Neither can NAPOCOR pass its tax–
Board of Section 234 (c) of the LGC, the claimant into a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) agreement can the GOCC be deemed exempt status to its BOT partner.
Assessment must prove two elements: a) the with NAPOCOR for the construction of Bauang the actual, direct, and NAPOCOR’s basis for its claimed exemption –
Appeals, GR No. machineries and equipment are actually, Diesel Power Plant and creation of Bauang Power exclusive user of Section 234(c) of the LGC – is clear and not at
171470, January 30, directly, and exclusively used by local Plant Corporation (BPPC). The pertinent provisions machineries and equipment all ambiguous in its terms. Exempt from real
2009 water districts and government-owned or of the BOT agreement, include among others: “2.03 for tax exemption purposes? property taxation are: (a) all machineries and
controlled corporations; and b) the local NAPOCOR xxx shall be responsible for the If not, can it pass on its tax- equipment; (b) [that are] actually, directly, and
water districts and government-owned payment of all real estate taxes and exempt status to its BOT exclusively used by; (c) [local water districts
and controlled corporations claiming assessments, rates, and other charges in partner, a private and] government-owned or –controlled
exemption must be engaged in the respect of the Site and the buildings and corporation, through the corporations engaged in the [supply and
supply and distribution of water and/or improvements thereon.” The Municipal Assessor BOT agreement? distribution of water and/or] generation and
the generation and transmission of of Bauang issued a Notice of Assessment and Tax transmission of electric power.
electric power. Bill to BPPC. NAPOCOR sought tax exemption on
the basis if Sec. 234(c) of R.A. No. 7160. By [BOT’s] express terms, BPPC has complete
ownership – both legal and beneficial – of the
project, including the machineries and
equipment used, subject only to the transfer of
these properties without cost to NAPOCOR
after the lapse of the period agreed upon. As
agreed upon, BPPC provided the funds for the
construction of the power plant, including the
machineries and equipment needed for power
generation; thereafter, it actually operated and
still operates the power plant, uses its
machineries and equipment, and receives
payment for these activities and the electricity
generated under a defined compensation
scheme. Notably, BPPC – as owner-user – is
responsible for any defect in the machineries
and equipment.
11. NPC v. Quezon Legal interest is defined as interest in NPC is a GOCC that entered into an Energy Can Petitioner claim NO. To successfully claim exemption under
Power, G.R. No. property or a claim cognizable at law, Conversion Agreement (ECA) under a build- exemption from the RPT Section 234 (c) of the LGC, the claimant must
171586, July 15, 2009 equivalent to that of a legal owner who operate-transfer (BOT) arrangement with Mirant given the BOT arrangement prove two elements: a) the machineries and
has legal title to the property. legal Pagbilao Corp. Under the agreement, Mirant will with Mirant? equipment are actually, directly, and
interest should be an interest that is build and finance a thermal power plant in Quezon, exclusively used by local water districts and
actual and material, direct and and operate and maintain the same for 25 years, government-owned or controlled corporations;
immediate, not simply contingent or after which, Mirant will transfer the power plant to and b) the local water districts and
expectant. the Respondent without compensation. NPC also government-owned and controlled
undertook to pay all taxes that the government may corporations claiming exemption must be
impose on Mirant. Quezon then assessed Mirant engaged in the supply and distribution of water
real property taxes on the power plant and its and/or the generation and transmission of
machineries. electric power. Since neither the Petitioner nor
Mirant satisfies both requirements, the claim
for exemption must fall. NPC is neither the
owner nor the possessor/user of the subject
machineries even if it will acquire ownership of
the plant at the end of 25 years. The Court said
that legal interest should be an interest that is
actual and material, direct and immediate, not
simply contingent or expectant. While the
Petitioner does indeed assume responsibility
for the taxes due on the power plant and its
machineries, the tax liability referred to is the
liability arising from law that the local
government unit can rightfully and successfully
enforce, not the contractual liability that is
enforceable between the parties to a contract.
1. Global Medical This landmark case strengthened the Global Medical Center of Laguna, Inc. (GMCLI) Whether or not the CA YES. CA misapplied its appellate function
Center of Laguna v. substantive right to avail of arbitration engaged the services of Ross Systems misapplied its appellate when it delved into settling the factual matters
Ross Systems as an alternative mode of resolving International, Inc. (RSII) for a construction project function when it delved into and modified the mathematical computation of
International, Inc., disputes. valued at PhP 248,500,000.00. Among the issues settling the factual matters the CIAC with respect to the presence or
G.R. No. raised are the inability of the parties to agree on the and modified the absence of an outstanding balance payable to
230112/230119, May Prior to this decision, the Construction percentage of completion, belated withholding of mathematical computation of RSII. This mathematical recomputation is an
11, 2021. Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC), taxes and disagreements on the amount of the CIAC. error because the amounts reimbursable to
under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, was progress billings to be paid. RSII were not specifically raised by the RSII as
one of the quasi-judicial agencies the an issue in its Rule 43 petition before the CA.
decisions of which may be appealed to Since the construction contract had an arbitration CIAC is a quasi-judicial agency at par with
the Court of Appeals (CA) with respect to clause, RSII commenced arbitration with the CIAC. other commercial tribunals. Courts therefore
issues of fact or law, or both. Direct An arbitral tribunal formed under the auspices of the must observe non-participation except on
recourse to the Supreme Court, CIAC then conducted the arbitration and issued an narrowest of grounds.
regarding arbitral awards issued by the arbitral award which denied, in part, the reliefs
CIAC, could not be availed. sought by the parties. RSII appealed the award to To be clear, Supreme Court en banc clarified
the Court of Appeals through a petition for review that, for the avoidance of doubt, the Court now
The inclusion of the CIAC under Rule 43 under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court (which allows holds that judicial review of CIAC arbitral
was said to have “weakened if not, an appellant to raise issues of fact or law or both on awards takes either of two remedial routes,
altogether destroyed the authoritative appeal). The Court of Appeals issued a decision depending on the issue being raised:
autonomy of the CIAC, as well as eroded partially granting RSII's petition. 1. If the appeal involves pure question/s of
if not totally obliterated its very nature as law, it should be filed directly with the Supreme
the expedited, economical, independent Both GMCLI and RSII sought reconsideration of the Court through a petition for review on certiorari
alternative dispute resolution to the decision and both were denied. GMCLI and RSII under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
otherwise protracted and costly court filed separate petitions with the Supreme Court, 2. If the appeal involves factual issues, the
litigation.” Hence, this over-inclusion was questioning the decision of the Court of Appeals. same should be brought to the Court of
held to be invalid for overstepping the Appeals through a petition for certiorari under
positive limitation of the rule-making Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. The factual
power of the Supreme Court under issues shall be limited to: (a) a challenge on the
Section 5(5), Article VIII of the integrity of the composition of the tribunal; or
Constitution on non-modification of (b) an allegation that the arbitral tribunal
substantive rights. violated the Constitution or positive law in the
conduct of the arbitral process.
The Supreme Court added that this new 3. No other circumstances other than those
precedent of carving out of the CIAC from provided above will be available to appeal a
the enumeration under Rule 43, along CIAC arbitral award.
with the effective reversal of The SC said the new guidelines with respect to
the modes of judicial review of the CIAC should
jurisprudence, should be applied be applied prospectively and does not cover
prospectively cases that are pending with the CA.
2. Consolidated What sets apart BIR Rulings from other Between May 2010 to August 2011, the BIR issued Does the CTA have YES. It is apparent that the tenor and wording
cases of CIR v. CTA, issuances of the BIR is that it relates to a twenty-one (21) Authorities to Release Imported jurisdiction over the subject of Document No. M-059-2012 qualify it as a
Pilipinas Shell Corp., particular taxpayer's set of facts and Goods (ATRIG) which all stated that alkylate matter (Document No. M- BIR Ruling. BIR rulings "are the official
et. al.; COC v. circumstances and a consequent imported by the taxpayer was not subject to excise 059-2012)? position of the Bureau to queries raised by
Pilipinas Shell et. al., determination of taxability or tax tax considering that it is not among those articles taxpayers and other stakeholders relative
exemption, when applicable. enumerated Tax Code. to clarification and interpretation of tax
laws. Court of Tax Appeals may take
Within the judicial system, the law On June 4, 2012, the Commissioner of Customs cognizance of cases directly challenging the
intends the Court of Tax Appeals to have requested an opinion to the BIR on whether it could constitutionality or validity of a tax law or
exclusive jurisdiction to resolve all tax collect excise taxes on the taxpayer’s alkylate regulation or administrative issuance (revenue
problems. The CTA Law, Republic Act importation. The BIR then issued Document No. M- orders, revenue memorandum circulars,
No. 9282, a special and later law than 059-2012 stating that alkylate importations are rulings) pursuant to the CTA Law. Petitions for
Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 provides an subject to excise tax. writs of certiorari against the acts and
exception to the original jurisdiction of the omissions of the said quasi-judicial agencies
Regional Trial Courts over actions Aggrieved, the taxpayer filed a petition for review should, thus, be filed before the Court of Tax
questioning the constitutionality or with the CTA assailing Document No. M-059-2012 Appeals.
validity of tax laws or regulations. Except as an invalid BIR Ruling. The CIR and BOC
for local tax cases, actions directly questioned the jurisdiction of the CTA since Section 7 of Republic Act No. 1125, as
challenging the constitutionality or Document No. M-059-2012 was neither a ruling nor amended, is explicit that, appeals from the
validity of a tax law or regulation or an adverse decision but a mere internal decisions of quasi-judicial agencies
administrative issuance (revenue orders, communication. (Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
revenue memorandum circulars, rulings) Commissioner of Customs, Secretary of
may be filed directly before the Court of Finance, Central Board of Assessment
Tax Appeals. Appeals, Secretary of Trade and Industry) on
tax-related problems must be brought
exclusively to the Court of Tax Appeals.
On its ruling, BIR opined that by EO 93 dated In this case, petitioner filed with this Court on
December 17, 1986, it withdrew all the tax and duty 29 July 2011 the instant Petition from the denial
incentives granted to government and public of its Motion for Reconsideration by the Special
entities, including petitioner Duty Free. Hence, First Division of the CTA. At that time, R.A.
respondent denied the request of petitioner for a 9282 was already in effect, and it evidently
refund of the withholding tax on certain payments provides that the CTA en banc shall have
made by credit card companies and remitted to the exclusive jurisdiction over appeals from the
BIR. decision of its divisions. A party adversely
affected by the resolution of the CTA division
The ruling was elevated to DOF Secretary, CTA may, on motion for reconsideration, file a
First Division and CTA Division where all found that petition for review with the CTA en banc.
petitioner was not a tax-exempt entity in the Thereafter, the decision or ruling of the CTA en
absence of an express grant of tax exemption. banc may be elevated to Supreme Court.
Petitioner directly appealed to this Court under Rule Simply stated, no decision of the CTA
45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, assailing division may be elevated to this Court
the aforesaid Decision and Resolution of the CTA under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Division. Procedure without passing through the
CTA en banc.
5. The City of Manila, In order for any appellate court to The record shows that petitioner City of Manila, Whether or not the petition YES. A perusal of the above provisions would
etc. et al. v. Hon. effectively exercise its appellate through its treasurer, petitioner Liberty Toledo, for certiorari must be filed to show that, while it is clearly stated that the CTA
Caridad H. Grecia- jurisdiction, it must have the authority to assessed taxes for the taxable period from January the Court of Tax Appeals and has exclusive appellate jurisdiction over
Cuerdo etc., et al, issue, among others, a writ of certiorari. to December 2002 against private. respondents SM not to the Court of Appeals decisions, orders or resolutions of the RTCs in
G.R. No. 175723. In transferring exclusive jurisdiction over Mart, Inc., SM Prime Holdings, Inc., Star local tax cases originally decided or resolved
February 4, 2014. appealed tax cases to the CTA, it can Appliances Center, Supervalue, Inc., Ace by them in the exercise of their original or
reasonably be assumed that the law Hardware Philippines, Inc., Watsons Personal Care appellate jurisdiction, there is no categorical
intended to transfer also such power as Stores Phils., Inc., Jollimart Philippines Corp., statement under RA 1125 as well as the
is deemed necessary, if not Surplus Marketing Corp. and Signature Lines. In amendatory RA 9282, which provides that the
indispensable, in aid of such appellate addition to the taxes purportedly due from private CTA has jurisdiction over petitions for certiorari
jurisdiction. respondents pursuant to Sections 14, 15, 16, 17 of assailing interlocutory orders issued by the
the Revised Revenue Code of Manila (RRCM), said RTC in local tax cases filed before it.
assessment covered the local business taxes
petitioners were authorized to collect under Section The prevailing doctrine is that the authority to
21 of the same Code. Because payment of the issue writs of certiorari involves the exercise of
taxes assessed was a precondition for the issuance original jurisdiction which must be expressly
of their business permits, private respondents were conferred by the Constitution or by law and
constrained to pay the P19,316,458.77 assessment cannot be implied from the mere existence of
under protest. appellate jurisdiction. Thus, in the cases of
Pimentel v. COMELEC, Garcia v. De Jesus,
On January 24, 2004, private respondents filed Veloria v. COMELEC, Department of Agrarian
[with the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City] the Reform Adjudication Board v. Lubrica, and
complaint denominated as one for “Refund or Garcia v. Sandiganbayan, this Court has ruled
Recovery of Illegally and/or Erroneously-Collected against the jurisdiction of courts or tribunals
Local Business Tax, Prohibition with Prayer to over petitions for certiorari on the ground that
Issue TRO and Writ of Preliminary Injunction” which there is no law which expressly gives these
was docketed as Civil Case No. 04-0019-CFM tribunals such power. It must be observed,
before public respondent’s sala [at Branch 112]. In however, that with the exception of Garcia v.
the amended complaint they filed on February 16, Sandiganbayan, these rulings pertain not to
2004, private respondents alleged that, in relation regular courts but to tribunals exercising quasi-
to Section 21 thereof, Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, judicial powers. With respect to the
19 and 20 of the RRCM were violative of the Sandiganbayan, Republic Act No. 8249 now
limitations and guidelines under Section 143 (h) of provides that the special criminal court has
Republic Act No. 7160[Local Government Code] on exclusive original jurisdiction over petitions for
double taxation. They further averred that petitioner the issuance of the writs of mandamus,
city’s Ordinance No. 8011 which amended prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus,
pertinent portions of the RRCM had already been injunctions, and other ancillary writs and
declared to be illegal and unconstitutional by the processes in aid of its appellate jurisdiction.
Department of Justice.
In the same manner, Section 5 (1), Article VIII
In its Order dated July 9, 2004, the RTC granted of the 1987 Constitution grants power to the
private respondents’ application for a writ of Supreme Court, in the exercise of its original
preliminary injunction. Petitioners filed a Motion for jurisdiction, to issue writs ofcertiorari,
Reconsideration but the RTC denied it in its Order prohibition and mandamus. With respect to the
dated October 15, 2004. Petitioners then filed a Court of Appeals, Section 9 (1) of Batas
special civil action for certiorari with the CA Pambansa Blg. 129 (BP 129) gives the
assailing the July 9, 2004 and October 15, 2004 appellate court, also in the exercise of its
Orders of the RTC. original jurisdiction, the power to issue, among
others, a writ of certiorari, whether or not in aid
In its Resolution promulgated on April 6, 2006, the of its appellate jurisdiction. As to Regional Trial
CA dismissed petitioners’ petition for certiorari Courts, the power to issue a writ of certiorari, in
holding that it has no jurisdiction over the said the exercise of their original jurisdiction, is
petition. The CA ruled that since appellate provided under Section 21 of BP 129.
jurisdiction over private respondents’ complaint for
tax refund, which was filed with the RTC, is vested The foregoing notwithstanding, while there is
in the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), pursuant to its no express grant of such power, with respect
expanded jurisdiction under Republic Act No. 9282 to the CTA, Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987
(RA 9282), it follows that a petition for certiorari Constitution provides, nonetheless, that
seeking nullification of an interlocutory order issued judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme
in the said case should, likewise, be filed with the Court and in such lower courts as may be
CTA. established by law and that judicial power
includes the duty of the courts of justice to
settle actual controversies involving rights
which are legally demandable and
enforceable, and to determine whether or not
there has been a grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Malvar’s arguments:
Said Ordinance is not a tax ordinance but a
regulatory fee imposed to regulate the “placing,
stringing, attaching, installing, repair and
construction of all gas mains, electric, telegraph
and telephone wires, conduits, meters and other
apparatus, and provide for the correction,
condemnation or removal of the same when found
to be dangerous, defective or otherwise hazardous
to the welfare of the inhabitant.
1. COC v. PTT Forum shopping exists when a party A Special Audit Team (Audit Team) was formed Whether or not the cases No. Petition is without merit.
Philippines Trading repeatedly avails himself of several pursuant to Mission Order No. 018-2006 issued by filed by PTT Philippines
Corporation, G.R. judicial remedies in different courts, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) to conduct an audit Trading Corp constitute an Assuming arguendo that the filing of the three
No. 201138-40, either simultaneously or successively, all on the import shipments and inventory of all sale act of intentional forum Petitions for Review cannot be considered as
February 15, 2021. of which are substantially founded on the transactions of PTTPTC. shopping. forum shopping, CTA Case Nos. 8002 and
sarne fransactions and the same 8023 should still be dismissed for lack of
essential facts and circumstances, and In its Initial Audit Findings dated July 2, 2007, the jurisdiction of the CTA to hear both cases.
all raising substantially the same issues Audit Team declared PTTPTC to have mislabeled Petitioner argues that CTA Case Nos. 8002
either pending in or already resolved some of its imported fuel to make it eligible to avail and 8023 were both filed beyond the 30-day
adversely by some other court. of special tax benefits. The Audit Team found the period to protest the November 7, 2007
firm liable to pay P4,236,530,193.00 representing demand letter.
assessed Customs Duties, Value Added Tax and
Penalties. Even if both cases are to be treated as claims
for refund of erroneously paid taxes and duties
On July 31, 2007, then Com-missioner Napoleon instead of a protest of assessment, they
Morales (Commissioner Morales) of the BOC sent should be dismissed since the CTA has no
a demand letter to PTTPTC to settle its jurisdiction over actions questioning the ruling
outstanding obligation within seven (7) days from of the Commissioner of Customs under RA
notice. 9262.
On August 3, 2007, PTTPTC, through counsel, sent Forum shopping exists when a party
a letter to Commissioner Morales, asking for repeatedly avails himself of several judicial
reconsideration or reinvestigation of the Audit remedies in different courts, either
Team's conclusion and recommendation. simultaneously or successively, all of which are
substantially founded on the same transactions
On October l , 2007, PTTPTC tendered, under and the same essential facts and
protest, to the BOC the amount of circumstances, and all raising substantially the
P117,681 ,394.00 as partial payment of its same issues either pending in or already
obligation. resolved adversely by some other court.
On November 7, 2007, a Demand Letter was sent In finding that there was no forum shopping,
to PTTPTC to settle its discrepancy assessment of the CTA-EB held that the causes of action of
basic duties and taxes amounting to and its the three petitions differ. In CTA Case No.
corresponding penalty in the amount of until 7707, PTTPTC questioned the legality of the
November 15, 2007. November 7, 2007 demand letter and prayed
that it be nullified. CTA Case Nos. 8002 and
On November 20, 2007, PTTPTC filed with the CTA 8023 have similar causes of action as both
Second Division a Petition for Review il docketed pray for the refund of the amount that PTTPTC
as CTA Case No. 7707 assailing, among others, paid representing erroneously paid taxes and
the validity of the assessment and the final demand custom duties. However, CTA Case Nos. 8002
letter dated November 7, 2007. and 8023 are mere supplemental petitions to
CTA Case No. 7707.
It paid the BOC the amount of PI 76,522,091.50 on
November 29, 2007 and another PI December 18,
2007, with the total of both payments amounting to
its assessment balance.
2. COA, CIR v. Social The books of accounts of Pilipinas Shell Respondent political party, Social Justice Society Whether the RTC is correct NO. RA 8479 vested to the DOE-DOJ Joint
Justice Society, et. Petroleum Corporation, Caltex (SJS), file with the RTC of Manila a Petition for in ordering COA, BIR, and Task Force the authority to determine the
al, G.R. No. 188760, Philippines, Inc., and Petron Corporation Declaratory Relief against Shell, Caltex, and BOC to open and examine issue, investigate and to order the prosecution
June 30, 2020 may not be opened and examined by the Petron. SJS allege that the “Big 3” oil companies’ the books of accounts of the of cartelization. Section 13 provides for the
Commission on Audit (“COA”), Bureau of practice of increasing the prices of their petroleum Big 3. Remedies under which the filing of actions by
Internal Revenue (“BIR”), and Bureau of products whenever the price of crude oil in the government prosecutors and the investigation
Customs (“BOC”) because said world market increases, despite having purchased by the Task Force is provided.
companies are beyond the audit their inventories at a much lower price before the
jurisdiction of these three (3) agencies for increase, constitutes monopoly and combination in Pursuant to Section 2, Article IX-D of the
the purposes of enforcing the anti-cartel restraint of trade, in violation of Article 186 of the Constitution and the Admin Code of 1987,
provisions of the Downstream Oil RPC and Section 11(a) of RA 8479 (Downstream COA’s audit jurisdiction generally covers public
Industry Deregulation Act. Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998). entities, but even non-governmental entities
insofar as the latter receives financial aid from
As to the COA, the Supreme Court noted The RTC directed the parties to refer the matter to the government. Without a doubt, the case of
that said oil companies are not public the Dept of Energy and DOJ pursuant to RA 8479, the Big 3 would not fall under the audit
entities nor are they nongovernmental and ordered the suspension of the proceedings. In jurisdiction of COA. They are neither public
entities receiving financial aid from the its report, the DOE-DOJ Join Task Force found no entities nor they are receiving financial aid from
government. With respect to the BIR, its clear evidence that the Big 3 violated the RPC or the government.
Commissioner is authorized to examine RA 8479.
books, papers, records, or other data of With respect to the BIR, its Commissioner is
taxpayers but only “to ascertain the authorized to examine books, paper, record, or
correctness of any return, or in making a other data of taxpayers but only to ascertain
return when none was made, or in the correctness of any return or in determining
determining the liability of any person for a person’s tax liability, or in collecting such
any internal revenue tax, or in collecting liability, or evaluating the person’s tax
such liability, or evaluating the person’s compliance.
tax compliance.” The BOC, on the other
hand, is “authorized to audit or examine The BOC, on the other hand, is authorized to
all books, records, and documents of audit or examine all books, records, and
importers necessary or relevant for the documents of importers necessary or relevant
purpose of collecting the proper duties for the purpose of collecting the proper duties
and taxes.” Since there are no taxes or and taxes. Since there are no taxes or duties
duties involved in this case, the BIR and involved in this case, the BIR and the BOC
the BOC likewise have no power and likewise have no power and authority to open
authority to open and examine the books and examine the books of account of the Big 3.
of accounts of the oil companies.
It is, therefore, the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force
who has the sole power and authority to
monitor, investigate, and endorse the filing of
complaints, if necessary, against oil
companies. And in ordering the COA, BIR, and
BOC to open and examine the books of
accounts of the Big 3, the trial court divested
the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force of its power
and authority and vested the same to the COA,
BIR, and BOC.
3. Kingson Any article or item, the importation of This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari filed by Whether or not forfeiture of YES. As provided under Section 2530 of the
International Trading which is effected on the strength of false petitioner Kingson International Trading petitioner’s shipment is TCCP, as amended, any article or item, the
Corp. v. COC, G.R. declaration or affidavit, or false invoice or Corporation against the CTA En Banc, affirming the warranted on the ground of importation of which is effected on the strength
No. 247768, July 13, other documents executed by the owner, CTA Division, which established that petitioner willful misdeclaration, of false declaration or affidavit, or false invoice
2020. importer, exporter or consignee shall be misdeclared its shipment consisting of 2,406 misclassification and or other documents executed by the owner,
forfeited in favor of the Government. bundles of steel products as to its value and tariff undervaluation of petitioner's importer, exporter or consignee shall be
classification which warranted the shipment's shipment of steel products forfeited in favor of the Government. Also,
forfeiture. Petitioner claimed that it merely restated Section 2503 of the TCCP provides that: (1)
the description of the steel products, its quantity, any misdeclared or underdeclared imported
volume, weight and customs value found in the articles/items found upon examination shall
commercial and shipping documents entirely ipso facto be forfeited in favor of the
prepared and provided by its Government; and (2) an undervaluation,
supplier/shipper/exporter Tranjin Mai Jia Hua Trade misdeclaration in weight, measurement or
Co. Ltd. in China. quantity of more than thirty percent (30%)
between the value, weight, measurement or
quantity declared in the entry, and the actual
value, weight, quantity or measurement shall
constitute a prima facie evidence of fraud
penalized under Section 2530 of the TCCP.
5. Pilipinas Shell A suit for the collection of internal Petitioner Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation Whether or not the Petition The parties argued over which act serves as
Petroleum Corp. vs. revenue taxes, where the assessment (Shell) is a domestic corporation engaged in the for Review was filed within the decision that can be the subject of an
Commissioner of has already become final and executory, importation of petroleum and its by-products into the 30-day reglementary appeal before the CTA and from which the 3-
Customs, G.R. No. the action to collect is akin to an action to the country. In 1997 and 1998, Shell settled its period day period to appeal shall be reckoned. Shell
176380, June 18, enforce the judgment. No inquiry can be custom duties and internal revenue taxes using tax insists it should be the filing of the collection
2009 made therein as to the merits of the credit certificates (TCC) transferred to it for value by suits as this was indicative of the finality of the
original case or the justness of the several Board of Investment (BOI) – registered respondent's action. The respondent, on the
judgment relied upon. companies. other hand, claims, it should be the earlier act
of sending the collection letters where the
This was approved and accepted as payment by respondent finally indicated his resolve to
the One Stop Shop Inter-Agency Tax Credit and collect the duties due and demandable from
Duty Drawback Center (the Center) composed of Shell.
the DOF, BIR and the BOC. In a letter dated Nov.
3, 1999, the Center informed Shell that it was A tax protest case, under the TCCP, involves a
cancelling the TCCs because they were apparently protest of the liquidation of import entries. A
fraudulently secured by the original grantees who liquidation is the final computation and
transferred them to Shell. Shell was then required ascertainment by the collector of the duties on
to pay the amount that had been settled by the imported merchandise, based on official
cancelled TCCs. Shell contended that the reports as to the quantity, character, and value
cancellation was improper as this deprived him of thereof, and the collector's own finding as to
his right to due process. the applicable rate of duty; it is akin to an
assessment of internal revenue taxes under
After 3 years, 3 letters were sent to Shell dated the National Internal Revenue Code 15 where
February 15, February 20 and April 12, 2002, the tax liability of the taxpayer is definitely
formally demanding payment. Before Shell could determined.
respond, it received summons in one of the three
collection cases filed against him by the RTC. On None of the three letters received by Shell can
May 23, 2002, Shell filed with the CTA a Petition for be considered as a liquidation or an
Review contending that the BOC lacked legal and assessment of Shell’s import tax liabilities
factual basis in its collection efforts. which can then be the subject of an
administrative tax proceeding before the
The Commissioner of Customs filed a motion to respondent whose decision is appealable to
dismiss Shell’s petition on the ground of the CTA. It is important to note that Shell’s
prescription stating that it was filed beyond the 30- import tax liabilities had already been
day period provided by law for appeals of decisions computed and ascertained in the original
of the Commissioner of Customs to the CTA as this assessments and were already settled by Shell
was counted from the time Shell received the using the TCCs.
collection letters. On the other hand, Shell
contended that the 30-day period should be The issues Shell raised to the CTA were all
counted from the date it received the summons or related to the fact and efficacy of the payments
on April 23, 2002, the Petition for Review was thus made and these were payment and collection
instituted within the period provided by law. issues and not tax protest issues within the
CTA’s jurisdiction. Since the assessment has
The CTA denied the motion to dismiss and already been final, the Court removes all
consequently declared that it is the filing of the perceived hindrances to the continuation of the
collection cases in court that should be considered collection suits.
as the final decision of the respondent which is
when the 30-day period shall begin. The denial of
the motion for reconsideration led to the elevation
of the CTA decision to the CA by the
The CA annulled and set aside the CTA rulings
holding that the collection letters received by Shell
already indicated the Commissioner’s ruling on the
assessment and is therefore already appealable to
the CTA. CA denied Shel’s motion for
reconsideration hence this petition.
6. Jao v. CA, G.R. No. It is the Collector of Customs who has The Office of the Director, Enforcement and Whether or not the RTC had The Court held that the RTC are devoid of any
104604, October 6, exclusive jurisdiction to hear and Security Services (EES), Bureau of Customs, jurisdiction on the subject competence to pass upon the validity or
1995 determine all questions touching on the received information regarding the presence of matter regularity of seizure and forfeiture proceedings
seizure and forfeiture of dutiable goods. allegedly untaxed vehicle and parts in the premises conducted by the BOC and to enjoin or
owned by Pat Hao in 2 locations.After conducting otherwise interfere with these proceedings.
Actions of the Collector of Customs are surveillance, warrants of seizure and detention The Collector of Customs has exclusive
appealable to the Commissioner of were issued and executed. Articles were hauled jurisdiction to hear and determine all questions
Customs, whose decision, in turn, is pursuant to the warrants which prompted on the seizure and forfeiture of dutiable goods.
subject to the exclusive appellate Petitioners to file a case for Injunction and
jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals Damages with prayer for Restraining Order and The actions of the Collector of Customs are
and from there to the Court of Appeals. Preliminary Injunction before the RTC of Makati. then appealable to the Commissioner of
Customs, whose decision, in turn, is subject to
Respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss on the the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court
ground that the RTC has no jurisdiction over the of Tax Appeals, and from there to the Court of
subject matter, the exclusive jurisdiction of which Appeals.
belonging to the Bureau of Customs. This was
denied by the RTC and the application for This rule is anchored upon the policy of placing
preliminary injunction was granted. The no unnecessary hindrance on the
Respondents were also prohibited from seizing, government’s drive, not only to prevent
detaining, transporting and selling petitioner’s smuggling and other frauds upon Customs, but
properties. more importantly, to render effective and
efficient the collection of import and export
The Respondents filed a Motion for duties due the State, which enables the
Reconsideration which was also denied which led government to carry out the functions it has
them to file with the Court of Appeals on the ground been instituted to perform.
that the judge acted with grave abuse of discretion
in denying their motion to dismiss stating the same The Petition is dismissed for lack of merit
ground of the RTC’s lack of jurisdiction.
7. Mison v. Nativitad, The Collector of Customs has exclusive A man informed the Commissioner of Customs of WON the RTC Judge has The RTC Judge did not have jurisdiction over
G.R. No. 82586, 11 original jurisdiction over the res subject of the existence of knocked-down vehicles, jurisdiction to issue the writ of the subject of the warrant of seizure and
September 1992 the warrant of seizure and detention an particularly Toyota Lite Aces at the compound CVC preliminary injunction detention since this was within the exclusive
issuance of which precludes the RTC Trading which was owned by a Mr. Castro. An and original jurisdiction of the Collector of
from interfering in the said proceeding. investigation and prosecution was then conducted. Customs. In issuing the TRO and granting the
Even if the warrant be illegal, this does writ of preliminary injunction as well as denying
not justify the RTC’s interference. 20 units of fully and partly assembled Toyota Lite the motion to dismiss, the RTC Judge deprived
Ace vans were found in a fenced area and the team the Collector of Customs of his original
took possession and control of these vehicles by jurisdiction, as the same is expressly provided
cordoning off the enclosure. Two members of the under the law.
team were then designated to secure a warrant of
seizure and detention from the Collector of A Warrant of Seizure and Detention was
Customs of the Subport of Clark who instituted already issued and this indisputably precluded
seizure proceedings for the violation of Section the RTC Judge from interfering in the said
2350(f) and (1)-1&5. The Warrant of Seizure and proceedings. The allegations of the private
Detention was issued the next day and the receipt respondent as the owner of the vehicles and
was refused by the owner/claimant or any of his that he has paid all the taxes and licenses
representatives so it was served by substituted neither divests the Collector of Customs of his
service. jurisdiction nor does it confer upon the RTC
jurisdiction over the case. The ownership of
When the team was about to haul the cars away, goods or the legality of its acquisition
RTC sheriffs arrived with a TRO issued by the procedure can be raised as defenses in the
respondent judge. The TRO was issued in seizure proceeding.
connection with a civil case filed by the private
respondent. He alleged that he owned several
vehicles which are legally registered in his name
and that he has paid all the taxes and
corresponding licenses therefor.
The lawyers of the BOC filed a Motion to Dismiss
the civil case alleging the lack of jurisdiction of the
RTC over the subject vehicles in view of the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Collector of Customs
over seizure and forfeiture cases as well as the
failure of the plaintiff to exhaust administrative
10. RP v. Unimex The government cannot be held liable for Respondent, through Don Tim Shipping Corp., Whether or not legal interest 1. Interest may be paid only either as monetary
Micro-Electronics B, damages brought about by governmental shipped computer parts and accessories to may be imposed for use of interest(compensation for the use
G.R. No. 166309-10, 9 acts. However, the doctrine must be fairly Handyware Philippines, Inc. When the shipment money or as compensatory of money) or as damages(compensatory
March 2007 observed and the State should not avail arrived in Manila, the Bureau of Customs(BOC) damages against the BOC interest). In this case, the petitioner was
itself of this prerogative to take undue agents discovered that it did not tally with the never under monetary obligation to
advantage of parties that may have description appearing on the cargo manifest. Whether or not the respondent, no demand can be made either
legitimate claims against it. Hence, BOC instituted seizure proceedings against government is liable for judicially or extrajudicially. Hence, there could
Handyware. Handyware's failure to attend the actual damages be no default. Neither can it be
hearing caused the forfeiture of the goods. considered as one involving interest based on
Respondent, as owner of the goods intervened. damages under the second situation.
However, the default order against Handyware The petitioner is therefore not liable for
subsequently became final and executory. Upon payment of interest.
review, the CTA reversed the previous order but the
decision could no longer be executed due to the 2. Petitioner is liable for damages. This case
loss of respondent's shipment so the BOC warrants its exclusion from the purview
Commissioner was ordered to pay the commercial of the state immunity doctrine. BOC was
value of the goods instead. grossly negligent in the safekeeping of
respondent's goods. It cannot even provide a
cogent explanation on the goods'
disappearance. In this case, the doctrine must
be fairly observed and the
State should not avail itself of this prerogative
to take undue advantage of parties that
may have legitimate claims against it.
11. Rieta v. People of It is not incumbent upon the Petitioner in this case sought to set aside the CA Whether or not it is "There is an exception to the general rule
the Philippines, G.R. prosecution to adduce positive affirmation with modification to the decision of the incumbent on the accused to requiring the prosecution to prove a criminal
No. 147817, 12 evidence to support a negative RTC of Manila, finding him guilty for smuggling 305 prove his innocence charge predicated on a negative allegation, or
August 2004 averment the truth of which is cases of assorted brands of blue seal cigarettes, (Generally no, this case a negative averment constituting an essential
fairly indicated by established valued at P513.663.47. These were found in his provides an exception) element of a crime. It has been held before that
circumstances and which, if possession and control, which the petitioner fully it is not incumbent upon the prosecution to
untrue, could readily be well knew have not been properly declared and that adduce positive evidence to support a negative
disproved by the production of the duties and specific taxes thereon have not been averment the truth of which is fairly indicated
documents or other evidence paid to the proper authorities in violation of the Tariff by established circumstances and which, if
within the defendant’s and Customs Code. Among the other issues raised untrue, could readily be disproved by the
knowledge or control. by petitioner, he argues that the prosecution failed production of documents or other evidence
to prove the nonpayment of the taxes and duties on within the defendant’s knowledge or control.
the confiscated cigarettes, thus not proving guilt The truth of the negative averment that the
beyond reasonable doubt. duties and specific taxes on the cigarettes
were not paid to the proper authorities is fairly
Among the other issues raised by petitioner, he indicated and have been established by the
argues that the prosecution failed to prove the cargo truck, which carried the contraband
nonpayment of the taxes and duties on the cigarettes and some passengers including
confiscated cigarettes, thus not proving guilt petitioner, immediately came from the 2nd
beyond reasonable doubt. COSAC Detachment was intercepted at the
unholy hour of 4:00 a.m. Such truck fitted the
undisclosed informer’s earlier description of it
as one that was carrying contraband; and the
driver ran away. Hence, it was up to petitioner
to disprove these damning circumstances,
simply by presenting the receipts showing
payment of the taxes. But he did not do so; all
that he could offer was his bare and self-
serving denial."
12. El Greco Ship In administrative proceedings, such as The vessel M/V Criston was docked at a port in 1. Whether or not they The Supreme Court ruled that findings of facts
Manning and those before the BOC, technical rules of Albay carrying 35,000 bags of imported rice. The were denied the right to due of the CTA are binding on this court and can
Management Corp. procedure and evidence are not strictly BOC issued a warrant of seizure and detention for process only be disturbed upon appeal if not supported
v. Commissioner of applied and administrative due process the bags of imported rice because it left the port of 2. Whether or not the by substantial evidence. The essence of due
Customs, G.R. No. cannot be fully equated with due process Manila without the necessary clearance from the forfeiture was subject under process is simply an opportunity to be heard or,
177188, 04/12/2008 in its strict judicial sense. Philippine coast guard. Subsequently, a seizure section 2531 of the Tariff and as applied to administrative proceedings, an
and detention was issued for the M/V Criston as Customs Code opportunity to explain one's side or an
well. opportunity to seek reconsideration of the
action or ruling complained of.
A typhoon hit Albay and the M/V Criston was
allowed to proceed to another anchorage area. The Supreme Court also held that the penalty
After the typhoon had passed, the M/V Criston no of forfeiture was properly imposed. Section
longer returned. The Bureau of Customs and 2531 provides that: The penalty of forfeiture is
Philippine Coastguard went to find the missing imposed on any vessel engaged in smuggling,
vessel and later on discovered that it was sporting provided that the following conditions are
the name of M/V Neptune Breeze. present: 1) vessel used unlawfully the
importation or exportation of articles into or
It was later seized again. The petitioner El Greco from the Philippines, 2) the articles are
claimed that M/V Neptune breeze and M/V Criston imported or exported from any Philippine port,
are 2 different ships and that the former was a 3) and other provided by law. The M/V Neptune
foreign ship and the latter was registered in the Breeze then known as M/V Criston was
Philippines. They did not submit any other carrying 35,000 bags of imported rice without
evidence. necessary papers showing that they were
entered lawfully through a Philippine port after
The respondent found the chassis and engine the payment of taxes and duties thereon. This
number to be that of the same and concluded the gives rise to a presumption that the importation
ship was one and the same. CTA rendered a was illegal. El Greco as owner had the burden
decision in favor of the respondent. of proof but did not show any documentation.
13. Pilipinas Shell v. Section 1204. Liability of Importer for Department of Finance cancelled the tax debit 1. Whether or not the filing of 1, YES. Under Sec. 1204 of the Tariff and
Republic of the Duties. — Unless relieved by laws or memos and tax credit certificates of Shell because the collection case was a Customs Code, import duties constitute a
Philippines, G.R. No. regulations, the liability for duties, taxes, the same were alleged to be fraudulently issued proper remedy. personal debt of the importer that must be paid
161953, 6 March fees and other charges attaching on and transferred. Bureau of Customs (BOC) 2. Whether or not the subject in full. The importer’s liability constitutes a lien
2008 158540, 3 importation constitutes a personal debt demanded from petitioner the value of the matter falls within the on the article which the government may
August 2005 due from the importer to the cancelled TCCs. BOC did not act on the formal jurisdiction of the RTC. choose to enforce while the imported articles
government which can be discharged protest filed by petitioner. are either in its custody or under its control.
only by payment in full of all duties, taxes, When respondent released petitioner’s goods,
fees and other charges legally accruing. Shell then filed a petition for review questioning the its (respondent’s) lien over the imported goods
It also constitutes a lien upon the articles legality of the cancellation of the TCCs in the CTA. was extinguished. Respondent could then only
imported which may be enforced while Respondent filed a collection case in the RTC enforce the payment of petitioner’s import
such articles are in the custody or subject against Shell. duties by filing a case for collection against
to the control of the government. petitioner.
Petitioner contends that the RTC had no jurisdiction
RA 1125, Sec. 7 - The CTA shall exercise over the collection case inasmuch as the CTA had 2. YES. Respondent filed its complaint for
exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review not yet decided the petition for review. The RTC collection on Apr. 3, 2002. The governing law
by appeal: (2) Decisions of the should have dismissed the collection case and at that time was RA 1125 or the old CTA law.
Commissioner of Customs in cases transferred it to CTA where it should be treated as The present case did not involve a decision of
involving liability for customs duties, fees a counterclaim. the Commissioner of Customs in any of the
or other money charges; seizure, instances enumerated in Sec. 7(2) of RA 1125,
detention or release of property affected; hence, CTA had no jurisdiction over the subject
fines and forfeitures or other penalties matter. It was RTC that had jurisdiction under
imposed in relation thereto; or other Sec. 19 (6) of the Judiciary Reorganization Act
matters arising under Customs Law or of 1980, as amended. Despite the pending
other laws or part of law administered by petition for review in the CTA, respondent
the Bureau of Customs; Judiciary cannot and should not await the resolution of
Reorganization Act, Sec. 19 - RTC shall that case before it collects petitioner’s
exercise exclusive original jurisdiction: outstanding customs duties for such delay will
(6) In all cases not within the exclusive unduly restrain the performance of its
jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person functions. Moreover, if the CTA case turns out
or body exercising judicial or QJA to be favorable to petitioner, the law affords it
functions,... adequate remedy of seeking a refund.
14. Southern Cross The positive final determination by the Philcemcor filed with the DTI an application for the 1. Whether or not decision of 1. Yes. SC held that the CTA had the
Cement Corp. v. Tariff Commission is an indispensable imposition of a definitive safeguard measure on the DTI secretary denying the jurisdiction to review the DTI secretary’s
Cement requisite to the imposition of general importation of Portland cements. They alleged that imposition of a safeguard decision even if that decision did not impose
Manufacturers safeguard measures. Portland cement was being imported in increased measure is appealable to the any safeguard measure. This based on the
Association of the quantities thus causing delay in domestic CTA; following reasons: First, split jurisdiction is
Phils., et al., G.R. No. production. The application was opposed by abhorred. The power of the DTI secretary to
158540, 3 August Southern Cross. 2. Whether or not the DTI adopt or withhold safeguard measures
2005 secretary could impose a emanates from the same source. Second,
DTI conducted a preliminary investigation which general safeguard measure section 29 of the SMA reveals that the
determined the existence of critical circumstances only upon a positive final Congress did not expressly bar the CTA from
which justified the imposition of provision determination by the Tariff reviewing a negative determination by the DTI
measures. The DTI referred the application to the Commission. secretary or confer on the CA such review
Tariff Commission which in turn made a negative authority. The law explicitly states that the CTA
recommendation by stating that no definite general is vested with jurisdiction to review the DTI
safeguard measure be imposed on the importation secretary’s rulings in connection with the
of Portland cement. imposition of a safeguard measure. The
phrase “in connection with” not only qualifies
But the DTI Secretary and the DOJ disregarded the but clarifies the succeeding one-- the
conclusion of the Tariff Commission. This prompted imposition of a safeguard measure. Third,
Philcemcor to file a petition for certiorari with the when there is ambiguity, such interpretation
CA. However, the CA refused to interfere with such that will avoid inconvenience and absurdity is
matters and respected the sound discretion of such to be adopted.
agencies. 2. Yes. The DTI head could not impose a
safeguard measure without a positive final
Southern Cross filed a petition before the Supreme determination by the Commission. The
Court alleging that the CA had no jurisdiction over conditions precedent that must be satisfied
Philcemcor’s petition, as the proper remedy before the DTI may impose a general
conformable to RA 8800 was a petition for review safeguard measure are as follows: First, there
at the CTA. TC’s factual findings were binding upon must be a positive final determination by the
the DTI Secretary. Tarriff Commission that a product is being
imported into the country in such increased
quantities as to be a substantial cause of
serious injury or threat to the domestic
industry; and Second, in the case of non-
agricultural products, the secretary must
establish that the application of a safeguard
measure is in the public interest.