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Stress - Strain

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3 Stress – Strain

AE Syllabus: compressive load of 200 kN. If the

Simple Stresses and strains: Different types length of the bar is 2 m and E
of stresses and strains, stress-strain diagram (Young’s modulus) =200 GPa. The
for ductile materials. Factor of safety, elongation of bar will be:
ultimate strength and working strength, a) 5.4 mm c) 1.25 mm
elastic constants, Poisson ratio. b) 2.7 mm d) 3.4 mm
Deformations, volume changes. Relations 5. A horizontal bar AB assumed to be
between elastic constants. Hooke's Law. rigid, is supported by two wires CE
Compound rods, temperature stresses,
and DF, having lengths L and 2L
strain energy, impact loading.
respectively and pinned at A. If
each wire has cross sectional area
1. An aluminum tensile test specimen
A, the tensile stress 1 and 2 in
has a diameter, d0 = 25 mm and a
wires CE and DF are respectively.
gauge length of L0 = 250 mm. If a 3𝑃 6𝑃 2𝑃 4𝑃
a) and 5𝐴 c) 5𝐴 and 5𝐴
force of 175 kN elongates the 5𝐴
3𝑃 6𝑃 𝑃
gauge length by 1.25 mm, the b) 𝐴
and 𝐴
d) 𝐴
modulus of elasticity of the 6. A short column of external
material is nearly : diameter D and internal diameter d
a) 71 GPa c) 71 MPa is subjected to a compressive load
b) 142 GPa d) 142 MPa P acting with an eccentricity ‘e’. If
2. A round uniformly tapered bar of the stresses at one of the extreme
length 𝐿 and Young’s modulus 𝐸 fiber is zero then the eccentricity
has diameter of 𝑑 at one end and has to be :
2𝑑 at the other end. If the bar is 𝐷 2 + 𝑑2 𝐷 2 + 𝑑2
a) c)
pulled by an axial force 𝐹 , the 8𝜋𝐷 8𝐷
𝐷 2 − 𝑑2 𝐷 3 − 𝑑3
extension produced will be : b) d)
8𝐷 8𝐷 2
a) (𝜋𝐸𝑑2 ) c) (𝜋𝐸𝑑2 ) 7. A circular rod of 100 mm diameter
8𝐹𝐿 16𝐹𝐿 and 500 mm length is subjected to
b) (𝜋𝐸𝑑2 )
d) (𝜋𝐸𝑑2 )
a tensile force of 1000 kN.
3. A solid metal bar of uniform
Determine the modulus of rigidity
diameter 𝐷 and length 𝑙 is hung
(G) if E=2x105 N/mm2 and
vertically. If  is density and 𝐸 is
Poisson’s = 0.3.
the Young’s modulus, then the
a) 0.335 x 105 N/mm2
total elongation due to self weight
b) 0.521 x 105 N/mm2
is :
𝜌𝐿𝑔 𝜌𝐿2 𝑔
c) 0.7692 x 105 N/mm2
a) 2𝐸
c) 2𝐸 d) 0.2256 x 105 N/mm2
𝜌𝐸𝑔 𝜌𝐿2 𝑔 8. A straight bar having a constant
b) d)
2𝐿2 𝐸
cross sectional area A, length L,
4. Steel bar of 40 mm x 40 mm square
and weight W, is hanging vertically.
section is subjected to an axial
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If E is the Young’s modulus of the under the action of an axial load of
material of the bar, total increase in 20 kN, if E = 2 x 105 N/mm2, is :
length of the bar due to its own a) 2 mm c) 0.2 mm
weight only is b) 0.5 mm d) 0.05 mm
a) c) 14. A bar of Length L, area A and
2𝑊𝐿 4𝑊𝐿 Young’s modulus E is subjected to
b) 𝐴𝐸
d) 𝐴𝐸 a pulling force P. The strain energy
9. A steel cube of 1m x 1m x 1m is stored in the bar is :
subjected to hydrostatic pressure 𝑃𝐿2 𝑃𝐿2
a) c)
of 1 MPa. If for steel. Young’s 𝑃2 𝐿 𝑃2 𝐿
modulus is 200 GPa, and Poisson’s b) 2𝐴𝐸
d) 𝐴𝐸
ratio is 0.3, the approximate 15. A bar of 20 mm dia is tested in
change in volume of the cube due tension. It is observed that when a
to the hydrostatic pressure will be : load of 38 kN is applied the
a) −6 𝑥 10−6 𝑚3 c) −2 𝑥 10−6 𝑚3 extension measured over a gauge
b) −1 𝑥 10−6 𝑚3 d) −0.5 𝑥 10−6 𝑚3 length of 200 mm is 0.12 mm and
10. If the radius of wire stretched by a contraction in diameter is 0.0036
load double, then is Young’s mm. Find the Poisson’s ratio :
modulus will : a) 0.2 c) 0.3
a) Be doubled b) 0.25 d) 0.33
b) Be halved 16. Given that for an element in a body
c) Become four times of homogeneous isotropic material
d) None of the above subjected to plane stresses 𝜀𝑥 , 𝜀𝑦 , 𝜀𝑧
11. If Poisson’s ratio for a material is are normal strains in 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧
0.5, then the elastic modulus for directions respectively and μ is the
the material is : Poisson’s ratio, the magnitude of
a) 3 times its shear modulus unit volume change of the element
b) 4 times its shear modulus is given by
c) Equal to its shear modulus a) 𝜀𝑥 + 𝜀𝑦 + 𝜀𝑧
d) indeterminate b) 𝜀𝑥 + 𝜇(𝜀𝑦 + 𝜀𝑧 )
12. For a body subjected to direct c) 𝜀𝑥 − 𝜇(𝜀𝑦 + 𝜀𝑧 )
stresses 𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝑦 and 𝜎𝑧 the direct 1 1 1
d) 𝜀𝑥
+𝜀 +𝜀
strain 𝜀𝑥 𝑖𝑛 𝑥 direction is (where E 𝑦 𝑧

and  are Young‘s Modulus and 17. A solid metal bar of uniform
Poisson’s ratio respectively). diameter D and length L is hung
1 vertically from a ceiling. If the
a) 𝜀𝑥 = 𝐸 {𝜎𝑥 + 𝛾 (𝜎𝑦 − 𝜎𝑧 )}
1 density of the material of the bar is
b) 𝜀𝑥 = 𝐸 {𝜎𝑥  𝛾 (𝜎𝑦 + 𝜎𝑧 )}
p and the modulus of elasticity is E,
c) 𝜀𝑥 = 𝐸 {𝜎𝑥  𝛾 (𝜎𝑦 − 𝜎𝑧 )} then the total elongation of the bar
d) 𝜀𝑥 = 𝐸 {𝜎𝑥 + 𝛾 (𝜎𝑦  𝜎𝑧 )} due to its own weight is
𝑝𝐿 𝑝𝐿2
13. The extension of a mild steel bar a) 2𝐸
𝑐) 2𝐸
4m long, 2000 mm2 cross-section
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𝑝𝐸 𝑝𝐸
b) 𝑑) the correct answer using the codes
2𝐿 2𝐿2
given below the lists:
18. A bar of diameter 30 mm is
subjected to a tensile load such
A. Volumetric strain
that the measured extension on a
B. Strain energy per unit volume
gauge length of 200 mm is 0.09
C. Ratio of Young’s modulus to
mm and the change in diameter is
bulk modulus
0.0045 mm. The Poisson’s ratio is
D. Ratio of Young’s modulus to
a) 0.33 c) 0.5
modulus of rigidity
b) 0.25 d) 0.4
19. A solid uniform metal bar of
diameter D and length L is hanging 1. 2(1 + μ)
vertically from its upper end. The 2. 3(1 - 2μ)
elongation of the bar due to self 3. 𝐸(1 - 2μ)
weight is 𝑃2
4. 2𝐸
a) Proportional to L and inversely
proportional to D2 5. 2(1 - μ)
b) Proportional to L2and inversely A B C D
proportional to D2 a) 3 4 2 1
c) Proportional to L but b) 5 4 1 2
independent to D c) 5 4 2 1
d) Proportional to L2 but d) 2 3 1 5
independent of D 23. The side AD of the square block
20. A 2 m long bar of uniform section ABCD as shown in the given figure
extends 2 mm under limiting axial is fixed at the base and it is under a
stress of 200 N/mm2. What is the stage of simple shear causing shear
modulus of resilience for the bar? stress 𝜏 and shear strain φ, where
a) 0.10 units c) 0.20 units φ = Modulus of Rigidity(G)
b) 10000 units d) 200000 units The distorted shape is AB’C’D. The
21. A bar of circular cross-section diagonal strain (linear) will be
varies uniformly from a cross-
section 2D to D. If extension of the
bar is calculated treating it as bar
of average diameter, then the
percentage error will____________.
a) 10 c) 20 a) φ/2 c) φ/√2
b) 30 d) 40
b) √2 φ d) φ
22. The lists given below refer to a bar
24. A prismatic bar of uniform cross-
of length L, cross sectional area A,
sectional area of 5 cm2 is subjected
Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s ratio
to axial loads as shown in the given
μ and subjected to axial stress ‘p’. figure.
Match List-I with List-II and select

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28. A bar produces a lateral strain of
magnitude -60x10-5, when
subjected to tensile stress of
magnitude 300 MPa along the axial
Portion BC is subjected to an axial direction. What is the elastic
stress of modulus of the material ____GPa, if
a) 400 kg/cm2 tension the poisson’s ratio is 0.3?
b) 2000 kg/cm2 compression a) 510 c) 150
c) 1000 kg/cm2 tension b) 105 d) 15
d) 600 kg/cm2 tension
25. A mild steel bar is in two parts 29. A rod of length 𝑙 tapers uniformly
having equal lengths. The area of from a diameter D at one end to a
cross-section of part-1 is double diameter D/2 at the other end and
that of part-2. If the bar carries an is subjected to an axial load P. A
axial load P, then the ratio of second rod of length 𝑙 and of
elongation in Part-1 to that in Part- uniform diameter D is subjected to
2 will be_____ the same axial load P. Both the
a) 5 c) 2 rods are of same material with
b) 0.5 d) 0.2 Young’s modulus of elasticity E.
26. A copper rod of 2 cm diameter is The ratio of extension of the first
completely encased in a steel tube rod to that of the second rod is:
of inner diameter 2 cm and outer a) 0.2 c) 2
diameter 4 cm. Under an axial load, b) 20 d) 0.5
the stress in the steel tube is 100 30. A tension member of square cross-
N/mm2. If Es= 2Ec then the stress in section of side 10 mm and Young’s
the copper rod is ______MPa. modulus E is to be replaced by
a) 50 c) 0.5 another member of square cross-
b) 5 d) 500 section of same length but Young’s
27. Two tapering bars of the same modulus E/2. The side(in mm) of
material are subjected to a tensile the new square cross-section,
load P. The lengths of both the required to maintain the same
bars are the same. The larger elongation under the same load, is
diameter of each of the bars is D. nearly________
The diameter of the bar A at its a) 41 c) 14
smaller end is D/2 and that of the b) 4 d) 1
bar B is D/3. What is the ratio of 31. A round bar made of same material
elongation of the bar A to that of consists of 3 parts each of 100 mm
the bar B? length having diameters of 40 mm,
a) 3 : 2 c) 2 : 3 50 mm and 60 mm, respectively. If
b) 4 : 9 d) 1 : 3 the bar is subjected to an axial load
of 10 kN, the total elongation of

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the bar in mm would be (E is the
modulus of elasticity in kN/mm2)
0.4 1 1 1
a) 𝜋𝐸 ( + + )
16 25 36
4 1 1 1
b) ( + + )
𝜋𝐸 16 25 36
4√2 1 1 1
c) 𝜋𝐸
(16 + 25 + 36)
40 1 1 1 a) 3 : 1 c) 3 : 2
d) ( + + )
𝜋𝐸 16 25 36
b) 3 : 2.5 d) 3 : 3
32. If a member is subjected to tensile
35. A stepped column carries loads as
stress of 𝑝𝑥 , compressive stress of
shown below. What is the
𝑝𝑦 and tensile stress of 𝑝𝑧 along
maximum normal stress in the
the 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 directions respectively,
column at B in the larger diameter
then the resultant strain ‘∈x’ along
the X direction would be (E is
Young’s modulus of elasticity and
‘μ’ is Poisson’s ratio)
a) 𝐸 (𝑝𝑥 + 𝜇𝑝𝑦 − 𝜇𝑝𝑧 )
b) 𝐸
(𝑝𝑥 + 𝜇𝑝𝑦 + 𝜇𝑝𝑧 )
c) (𝑝𝑥 − 𝜇𝑝𝑦 + 𝜇𝑝𝑧 )
d) (𝑝𝑥 − 𝜇𝑝𝑦 − 𝜇𝑝𝑧 )
33. A mild steel bar of square cross- a) 1.5𝐴
𝑐) 𝐴
section 40 mm x 40 mm is 400 mm 2𝑃 2𝑃
b) 𝑑)
long. It is subjected to a 1.5𝐴 𝐴
36. A metal bar of 10 mm diameter
longitudinal tensile stress of 440
when subjected to a pull of 23.5 kN
N/mm2 and lateral compressive
gave an elongation of 0.3 mm on a
stress of 200 N/mm2 in
gauge length of 200 mm. The
perpendicular direction. E = 2 x 105
Young’s modulus of elasticity of
N/mm2, μ=0.3. What is the
the metal will nearly be ___KN/mm2
approximate elongation of the bar
a) 20 c) 200
in the longitudinal direction ( mm).
b) 2 d) 0.2
a) c)
37. A vertical rod PQ of length 𝑙is fixed
b) d)
at its top end P and has a flange
34. Three wires of steel 1, 2 and 3,
fixed to the bottom end Q. A
each having area A support a load
weight W is dropped vertically
W as shown in the figure below.
from a height ℎ (< 𝑙) on to the
What is the ratio between collapse
flange. The axial stress in the rod
load and the load corresponding to
can be reduced by
yielding of one of the wires?
a) increasing the length of the rod
b) decreasing the length of the

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c) decreasing the area of cross- wire, when both the wires undergo
section of the rod equal strains?
d) increasing the modulus of
elasticity of the material
37. A metallic bar of uniform cross-
section with specific weight of 100
kN/m3 is hung vertically down. The
length and Young’s modulus of the a) √2 c) 1.0
bar are 100 m and 200 GPa 1 1
b) d)
√2 2
respectively. The elongation of the
41. Which of the following statements
bar(in mm) due to its own weight is
are Correct?
a) 25 c) 250
1. Strain in the direction of
b) 2.5 d) 0.25
applied stress is known as
38. A prismatic bar ABC is subjected to
longitudinal strain.
an axial load of 25 kN; the
2. Tensile stress results in
reactions RA and RC will be
tensile strain in linear and
lateral directions.
3. Strains in all directions
perpendicular to the applied
a) RA= -10kN and RC= -15kN stress are known as lateral
b) RA= 10kN and RC=-35 kN strain.
c) RA= -15kN and RC= -10 kN 4. Ratio of change in volume to
d) RA= 15 kN and RC= -40 kN original volume is known as
39. A bar having a cross-sectional area volumetric strain
of 700 mm2 is subjected to axial a) 1, 2 and 3 only
loads at the positions indicated. b) 1, 3 and 4 only
The value of stress(in MPa) in the c) 3 and 4 only
segment BC is ____ d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
42. What is the stress at the section x –
x for the bar ABCD with uniform
cross-section 1000 mm2?

a) 4 c) 40
b) 0.4 d) 400
a) 20 N/mm2(Tensile)
40. A mechanism shown in the figure
b) 30 N/mm2(Compressive)
consists of equally long steel and
c) 80 N/mm2 (Tensile)
copper wires which carry the
d) 50 N/mm2 (Compressive)
applied load in equal shares. What
43. The total elongation of the
shall be the ratio of the diameter of
structural element (fixed at one
the copper wire to that of the steel
end, free at the other end, and of

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varying cross-section) as shown in strain of the diagonal shall be
the figure, when subjected to load equal to :
2P at the free end is a) Two times the shear strain
b) The shear strain
c) Half the shear strain
d) One-fourth the shear strain
a) 6.66 c) 5.55 𝐴𝐸 50. The relation between Young’s
𝑃𝐼 𝑃𝐼 modulus (E) and modulus of
b) 4.44 d) 3.33
𝐴𝐸 𝐴𝐸 rigidity (N) is given as :
44. A solid uniform metal bar of a) E=3N(1+µ) c) E=2N(1 µ)
diameter D mm and length 𝑙 mm b) E=2N(1+µ) d) E=3N(1+2µ)
hangs vertically from its upper end. 51. If ‘P’ is the tensile stress in a
The density of the material is p rectangular bar of length ‘L’ with
N/mm3 and its modulus of ‘b’ and thickness ‘d’, the
elasticity is E N/mm2. The total volumetric strain is given as :
extension of the rod due to its own a) P(1+2µ)/E c) PL(12µ)/bd
weight would be b) P(12µ) d) P(12µ)/E
𝑃𝑙2 𝑝𝑙
a) c) 2𝐸 52. The property of a material by
𝑝𝑙 𝑝𝑙2 which it can be drawn into smaller
b) 4𝐸
d) 4𝐸 section by application of tension
45. Limiting values of Poisson’s ratio is called :
are : a) Plasticity c) Ductility
a) 1 and 0.5 c) 1 and 0.5 b) Elasticity d) Malleability
b) 1 and -0.5 d) 0 and 0.5 53. Every material obeys Hooke’s laws
46. Proof resilience is the maximum within its :
energy stored at : a) Elastic limit
a) Limit of proportionality b) Plastic limit
b) Elastic limit c) Limit of proportionality
c) Plastic limit d) None of the above
d) None of these 54. If a uniform bar is supported at
47. The specimen in a Charpy impact one end in a vertical direction and
test is supported as a : loaded at the bottom end by a
a) Cantilever beam load equal to the weight of the
b) Simply supported beam bar, the strain energy as
c) Fixed beam compared to that due to self
d) Continuous beam weight will be :
48. The limit of Poisson’s ratio is : a) Same c) Half
a) 0.25 c) 0.15 b) Twice d) Thrice
b) 0.50 d) 0.65 55. The relation between Young’s
49. A square block is subjected to a modulus (E) and modulus of
state of simple shear. The linear rigidity (N) is given as :

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1 1
a) E=2N (1+ m) c) E=2N (1 m) a) Less elastic b) More elastic
2N 1 b) More plastic d) Less plastic
b) E= 1 d) E= 1
(1+ )
2N(1+ )
64. The working stress of a material is
56. The % of elongation of the piece expected to be :
under tension indicates its : a) Equal to ultimate stress
a) Brittleness c) Malleability b) Equal to yield stress
b) Stiffness d) Ductility c) Less than yield stress
57. The ratio between stress and d) More than yield stress
strain is called as : 65. A material is called ductile if it :
a) Modulus of elasticity a) Has little plastic elongation
b) Modulus of rigidity range
c) Bulk modulus b) Has long plastic elongation
d) None of the above range
58. Ductility of which of the following c) Could be hammered into a
is the maximum? very thin sheet
a) Mild steel c) Cast iron d) Shows large elastic strain
b) Wrought iron d) Pig iron 66. Poisson’s ratio is defined as :
59. The modulus of elasticity of steel a) Longitudinal strain / lateral
is : strain
a) 2 x 104 MPa c) 1.2 x 105 MPa b) Lateral strain / longitudinal
b) 2 x 105 MPa d) 2 x 10 MPa strain
60. The relation between Young’s c) Lateral strain x longitudinal
modulus, E, shear modulus G, and strain
Poisson’s ratio, V is given by : d) 2
(Lateral strain x Longitudinal
a) G= 2(1+V) c) E= 2(1+V) strain)
E G 67. The ratio of normal stress to
b) G= 2(1V)
d) E= 2(1+V) volumetric strain is defined as :
61. The maximum numerical value of a) Young’s modulus
Poisson’s ratio is : b) Bulk modulus
a) 0 c) 0.25 c) Rigidity modulus
b) 0.50 d) 1.00 d) Tangent modulus
62. Identify the erroneous statement 68. Modulus of rigidity is expressed as
regarding mild steel : a) Compressive stress /
a) Has two yield points compressive strain
b) Is a ductile material b) Tensile stress / shear strain
c) Has small percent elongation c) Shear stress / shear strain
at failure d) Stress / volumetric strain
d) Shows strain hardening 69. The ability of a material to absorb
63. The modulus of elasticity of steel strain energy till the elastic limit is
is more than of concrete. It known as :
indicates that steel is : a) Resilience c) Ductility

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b) Elasticity d) Malleability 77. The property of a material by
70. Out of the following, which is least which it gets permanent
elastic? deformation under a load which is
a) Silver c) Rubber not recovered after removal of
b) Iron d) Copper load is called :
71. A bar, L meter long and having its a) Elasticity
area of cross-section A, is b) Brittleness
subjected to gradually applied c) Ductility
tensile load W. The strain energy d) Plasticity
stored in the bar is given by : 78. A linear force-deformation
W2 L W2 L relation is obtained in materials :
a) AE
WL WL a) Having elastic stress-strain
b) d)
2AE AE property
72. Hooke’s law is valid up to : b) Having plastic stress-strain
a) Limit of proportionality property
b) Ultimate point c) Following Hooke’s law
c) Elastic limit d) Which are rigid elastic
d) Yield point materials
73. The ability of a material to absorb 79. The property of a material by
energy till the breaking or rupture which it can be beaten or rolled
takes place is known as: into plates, is called :
a) Hardness c) Toughness a) Malleability c) Ductility
b) Brittleness d) Softness b) Plasticity d) Elasticity
74. Poisson’s ratio µ is defined as the 80. Strain energy due to sudden axial
ratio of : load is given by (:Resultant
a) Axial strain to transverse strain stress, P:Axial load,: Deformation,
b) Axial strain to shear strain  : Strain, E : Modulus of elasticity)
c) Transverse strain to axial strain a) P∆ c) σ.ε
d) Shear strain to axial strain σ2
b) P∆ d)
75. Which of the following is a 2E
dimensionless quantity? 81. Total number of elastic constant
a) Shear force of an isotropic material are :
b) Stress a) 2 c) 3
c) Strain b) 4 d) 5
d) Modulus of elasticity 82. Which of the following is a
76. The ratio of normal stress to relatively ductile material?
normal strain within elastic limit is a) High carbon steel c) Bronze
called : b) Mild steel d) Cast iron
a) Young’s modulus 83. In Brinell hardness test, the type
b) Shear modulus of indentor used is :
c) Poisson’s ratio a) Hard steel ball
d) Bulk modulus b) Diamond cone

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c) Mild steel ball 89. The strain energy stored in a body
d) Hard steel cone due to external loading, within the
84. The intensity of direct longitudinal elastic limit is known as __
stress in the cross-section at any a) Malleability c) Ductility
point distant r from the neutral b) Toughness d) Resilience
axis, is proportional to : 90. The area under stress strain curve
a) 1/r2 b) 1/r represents
b) r d) r2 a) Breaking strength of material
85. Which of the following materials is b) Toughness of material
expected to have the least value c) Hardness of material
of Young’s modulus of elasticity? d) Energy required to cause
a) Wood c) Copper failure
b) Glass d) Aluminum 91. The ratio of the stresses produced
86. Match List-1 with List-2 by suddenly applied and gradually
List-1 applied loads on a bar is:
1. Young’s Modulus a) 0.25 b) 0.5
2. Poisson’s ratio b) 1 d) 2
3. Bulk Modulus 92. The forces acting normally on the
4. Rigidity Modulus cross section of a bar shown in
List-2 the figure given below introduces
A) Lateral strain to linear strain a) Compressive stress
within elastic unit b) Tensile stress
B) Stress/strain within elastic limit c) Shear stress
C) Shear stress to shear strain d) None of these
within elastic limit 93. At yield point of a test place, the
D) Direct stress to corresponding material ____
volumetric strain a) Obey Hooke’s law
a) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C b) Behaves in an elastic manner
b) 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B c) Regains its original shape on
c) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B removal of the load
d) 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C d) Undergoes plastic deformation
87. The ratio of young’s modulus to 94. A steel rod of sectional area 25
modulus of rigidity for a material sq.mm connects two parallel walls
having Poisson’s ratio 0.2 is __ 5m apart. The nuts at the ends
a) 2.4 c) 0.416 were tightened when the rod was
b) 0.357 d) 2.8 heated at 1000C. If steel =
88. What will be the relation between 0.0000120C, Esteel = 0.2 MN/mm2.
E (Young’s modulus of Elasticity) The tensile force developed at a
and K (bulk modulus), when temperature of 500C is _____ :
Poisson’s ratio is 0.25? a) 80 N/mm2 c) 120 N/mm2
a) E=K c) E=2K b) 130 N/mm2 d) 150 N/mm2
b) E=1.5K d) E=K=0
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
95. The ratio of shearing stress to body just begins to slide over the
shearing strain within elastic limit, surface of the other body, is
is known as : known as ___
a) Modulus of elasticity a) Static friction
b) Shear modulus of elasticity b) Limiting friction
c) Bulk modulus of elasticity c) Dynamic friction
d) Tangent modulus of elasticity d) Co-efficient of friction
96. With a percentage increase of 102. Factor of safety is defined as the
carbon in steel decreases its _____ ratio of ____
a) Strength c) Hardness a) Ultimate stress/working stress
b) Brittleness d) Ductility b) Working stress/ultimate stress
97. The phenomenon of slow c) Breaking stress/ultimate stress
extension of materials, i.e. d) Ultimate stress/breaking stress
increasing with time having 103. The number of elastic constant for
constant load, is called _________ a complete isotropic elastic
a) Creeping c) Breaking material which follows Hooks law
b) Yielding d) None is
98. The stress at which extension of a a) 3 c) 4
material takes place more quickly b) 21 d) 25
as compared to the increase in 104. The strain energy of a beam is ___
load, is called as ________ a) Independent of shear force in
a) Elastic point the beam
b) Plastic point b) Independent of bending
c) Breaking point moment in the beam
d) Yielding point c) Same as total potential energy
99. In a tensile test, when the material d) None of these
is stressed beyond elastic limit, 105. When a member is subjected to
the tensile strain __ as compared axial tensile load, the greatest
to the stress. normal stress is equal to ____
a) Decreases slowly a) Half the maximum shear stress
b) Increases slowly b) Maximum shear stress
c) Decreases more quickly c) Twice the maximum shear
d) Increases more quickly stress
100. In compression test, the fracture d) None of these
in cast iron specimen would 106. In a composite system subjected
a) Occur along the axis of load to temperature rise and with ends
b) Occur along an oblique plane constrained to remain together,
c) Occur at right angles to the the component of linear
axis of specimen expansion will experience
d) Not occur a) Tensile stress
101. The maximum frictional force, b) Compressive stress
which comes into play, when a
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
σb Eb
c) Tensile or compressive stress a) =
σb Ec
depending upon the loading
b) P = Pb + Pc
d) Zero value of stress
c) P = Ab b + Ac b
107. Which material has the highest
d) All options are correct
value of Poisson’s ratio?
112. The ratio of shear stress and shear
a) Rubber c) Wood
strain of an elastic material is :
b) Copper d) Steel
a) Modulus of rigidity
108. In a composite system subjected
b) Both Modulus of rigidity and
to temperature rise and with ends
Shear modulus
constrained to remain together,
c) Young’s modulus
the component having lower
d) Modulus of Elasticity
value of coefficient of linear
113. A load of 1960N is raised at the
expansion will experience ___
end of a steel wire. The minimum
a) Tensile stress
diameter of the wire so that stress
b) Compressive stress
in the wire does not exceed
c) Tensile or compressive stress
100N/mm2 is
depending upon the loading
a) 4.0 mm c) 4.5 mm
d) Zero value of stress
b) 5.0 mm d) 5.5 mm
109. The forces acting normally on the
114. A bar L meter long and having its
cross section of a bar shown in
area of cross-section A, is
the figure below introduce
subjected to a gradually applied
a) Compressive stress
tensile load W. The strain energy
b) Tensile stress
stored in the bar is :
c) Shear stress
a) WL/2AE c) WL/AE
d) None of these
b) W2L/AE d) W2L/2AE
110. A material is said to be perfectly
115. When a load is transferred
through one surface to another
a) It regains its original shape on
surface in contact, the stress is
removal of the load
known as :
b) It regains its original shape
a) Tensile stress
partially on removal of the
b) Compressive stress
c) Shearing stress
c) It does not regain its original
d) None of these
shape at all
116. Assuming the values of maximum
d) None of these
deviation P and E to be 25% of
111. Ab and Ac are the cross sections of
the computed value of P and E
bronze and copper bars of equal
respectively, the minimum value
length. b, c are their respective
of the factor of safety is ____
stresses due to load P. If Pb and Pc
a) 1 c) 0.67
are the loads shared by them,
b) 1.67 d) 2.67

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
117. The ratio of hydrostatic stress to B) 16:49 D) None
the volumetric strain within the 123. The property of a material by
elastic range is called ____ which it can be beaten or rolled
a) Modulus of elasticity into plates, is called
b) Shear modulus of elasticity a) Ductility c) Plasticity
c) Both modulus of elasticity and b) Elasticity d) None
shear modulus of elasticity 124. What is the limit to Poisson’s
d) None of these ratio?
118. The ratio of longitudinal stress to a) 0.1 c) 0.2
strain within elastic limit is known b) 0.3 d) None
as ___ 125. Among the following, which is
a) Modulus elasticity lease elastic?
b) Shear modulus of elasticity a) Iron
c) Bulk modulus of elasticity b) Copper
d) Tangent modulus of elasticity c) Both Copper and Silver
119. The ratio of lateral strain to axial d) Rubber
strain of a homogeneous material 126. If a composite bar of steel and
is known ___ copper is heated, then the copper
a) Yield ratio bar will be under :
b) Hooke’s ratio a) Tension c) Shear
c) Poisson’s ratio b) Torsion d) None
d) Plastic ratio 127. A simply supported uniform
120. The strain energy due to rectangular bar breadth b, depth
volumetric strain ____ d and length L carries an isolated
a) Is directly proportional to the load W at its mid span. The same
volume bar experiences and extension ‘e’
b) Is directly proportional to the under same tensile load. The ratio
square of exerted pressure of the maximum deflection to the
c) Is inversely proportional to elongation is
Bulk modulus a) c) 2d
d) All options are correct L 2 L 2
b) (2d) d) (3d)
121. Poisson’s ratio for steel within
elastic limit ranges from _____ 128. The strain energy stored in a
a) 0.15 to 0.20 c) 0.25 to 0.24 spring when subjected to greatest
b) 0.25 to 0.33 d) 0.33 to 0.35 load without being permanently
122. Two bars of different materials are distorted is called :
of the same size and are subjected a) Stiffness
to same tensile forces. If the bars b) Proof resilience
have unit elongations in the ratio c) Proof stress
of 4:7, then the ratio of modulus d) Proof load
of elasticity of the two material is : 129. A lift of weight W is lifted by a
A) 4:7 C) 4:10 rope with an acceleration f. If the

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
area of cross-section of the rope 134. Which of the following statement
is A, the stress in the rope is : is false?
f g
a) W (1+ ) /A c) W (1 f ) /A a) Mild steel has 2 yield points
f g b) Mild steel shows strain
b) W (2+ ) /A d) W (2+ ) /A
g f hardening
130. A material which obeys Hooke’s c) Mild steel is a ductile material
law is subjected to direct stress . d) None of these
At its elastic limit, which of the 135. If the young’s modulus of
following statements is true? elasticity of a material is twice its
a) Strain is equal to /E modulus of rigidity, then the
b) Maximum shear stress = /2 Poisson’s ratio of the material is :
c) Strain energy = (2/2E) x a) 1 c) 0.5
Volume b) 0.5 d) None
d) All option are correct 136. The load on a spring per unit
131. A beam is defined as a structural deflection is called :
member subjected to a) Stiffness
a) Axial loading b) Proof resilience
b) Axial and transverse loading c) Proof stress
c) Transverse loading d) Proof load
d) None of these 137. For the validity of principle of
132. A compound bar consists of two super position, materials should
bars of equal length. Steel bar behave in which manner.
cross-section is 3500mm2 and that a) Linear elastic
of brass bar is 3000mm2. These b) Nonlinear elastic
are subjected to a compressive c) Nonlinear inelastic
load 100,000N. If Es=0.2MN/mm2 d) Linear-inelastic
and Eb=0.1MN/mm2, the stresses 138. Gradually applied static loads do
developed are : not change with time there :
a) b = 10N/mm2,  s = 20N/mm2 a) Magnitude
b) b = 8N/mm2,  s = 16N/mm2 b) Direction
c) b= 6N/mm2,  s = 12N/mm2 c) Point of application
d) b = 5N/mm2,  s = 10N/mm2 d) All options are correct
133. “Poisson’s ratio” is defined as : 139. A composite beam is composed of
a) Ratio of lateral strain to linear two equal strips one of brass and
strain other of steel. If the temperature is
b) Ratio of linear strain to lateral raised.
strain a) Steel experiences tensile forces
c) Ratio of lateral stress to linear b) Brass experiences compressive
stress forces
d) Ratio of linear stress to lateral c) Composite beam gets
stress subjected to a couple
d) All of these
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
140. A linear force-deformation 𝑀2 𝑀2
a) [ ] 𝑑𝑥 c) [ ] 𝑑𝑥
relation is obtained in materials.
a) Having elastic stress-strain 𝐿 𝑀2
b) ∫0 [ ] 𝑑𝑥 d) None
property 𝐸𝐼
b) Having plastic stress-strain 146. A road of uniform cross-section A
property and length L is deformed by  ,
c) Which are rigid elastic material when subjected to a normal force
d) None of these P. The young’s modulus E of the
141. The ability of a material to absorb material is :
Pδ Aδ
energy till the elastic limit is A) E= AL B) E= PL
known as : PL PA
C) E= D) E=
Aδ Lδ
a) Ductility c) Malleability
a) A only b) B only
b) Elasticity d) None
c) C only d) D only
142. If a material has identical
147. Which of the following statement
properties in all directions, it is
is true?
said to be :
a) The ability of the material to
a) Homogeneous b) Elastic
absorb energy till the breaking
c) Isotropic d) None
or rupture taken place is known
143. If all the dimensions of a prismatic
as hardness
bar are double, the maximum
b) The ability of the material to
stress produced in it under its
absorb energy till the breaking
weight will :
or rupture taken place is known
a) Decrease
as toughness
b) Increase to two times
c) The ability of the material to
c) Increase to three times
absorb energy till the breaking
d) None of these
or rupture taken place is known
144. The yield moment of a cross
as brittleness
section is defined as the moment
d) None of these
that will just produce the yield
148. Which of the following statement
stress is :
is true?
a) The outer most fiber of the
a) Limit of proportionality
depends upon area of cross-
b) The inner most fiber of the
b) Limit of proportionality
c) The neutral fiber of the section
depends up to type of loading
d) The fiber everywhere
c) Limit of proportionality
145. The total strain energy of a beam
depends upon type of material
of length L, having moment of
d) All option are correct.
inertia of its section I, when
149. Beam composed of more than one
subjected to a bending moment
material, rigidly connected
M is :

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together so as to behave as one c) E = 3C (2 − )
piece, are known as : 1
d) E = 3C (1 − )
a) Compound beams 3𝑚

b) Indeterminate beams 160. If equal and opposite forces

c) Determinate beams applied to a body tend to elongate
d) Composite beams it, the stress so produced is called:
150. Poisson’s ratio is ‘µ ’ defined as a) Internal resistance
the ratio of : b) Tensile stress
a) Axial strain to traverse strain c) Transverse stress
b) Axial strain to shear strain d) Compressive stress
c) Shear strain to axial strain 161. Modulus of rigidity is the ratio of :
d) None of these a. Axial stress to lateral strain
151. Among the following identify the b. Linear stress to longitudinal
dimension-less quantity. strain
a) Shear force c. Shear stress to shear strain
b) Stress d. Hydrostatic stress to volumetric
c) Strain strain
d) Modulus of elasticity 162. A cylindrical rod of length ‘l’ and
152. Identify the correct statement : diameter ‘d’ is rigidly fixed at its
a) Hooke’s law is valid up to upper end and hangs vertically.
elastic limit The elongation produced in rod
b) Hook’s law is valid up to yield due to its self weight ‘W’ is
point a) c)
c) Hooke’s law is valid up to limit b) d)
of proportionality 163. In a tensile test of a specimen, the
d) None of these ratio of maximum load to the
153. For an isotropic, homogeneous original cross-sectional area of the
and elastic material obeying test piece is called:
Hook’s law, number of a. Ultimate stress
independent elastic constant is : b. Shear stress
a) 3 c) 1 c. Breaking stress
b) 9 d) None d. Yield stress
158. Percentage elongation during 164. A steel bar is fixed at both ends, If
tensile test is indicative of the bar is heated, it will develop-
a) creep a) Compressive stress
b) malleability b) Tensile stress
c) ductility c) Bending stress
d) elasticity in the metal d) None of the above
159. Which is the correct expression? 165. The diameter of core of a circular
a) E = 2C (1 − 𝑚) section is given as :
1 d d
b) E = 3C (1 − 2𝑚) a) π c) 2

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
d d
b) 3
d) 4
b) 3 d) 4
166. In a composite bar the resultant 171. The property of a material which
strain produced will be- enables it to resist fracture due to
a) same as the strain produced in high impact loads is known as ____
each bar a) Elasticity c) endurance
b) sum of the strain produced by b) Strength d) toughness
the individual bars 172. Resilience of a material is
c) same as the stress produced in important, when it is subjected to
each bar a) combined loading
d) difference of strain produced by b) fatigue
the individual bars c) thermal stresses
167. Volumetric strain of a rectangular d) shock loading
body subjected to an axial force, in 173. Deformation per unit length in the
terms of linear strain e and direction of force is known as
Poisson’s ratio μ, is equal to a) strain
a) e (1+μ) b) lateral strain
b) e (1-2μ) c) linear strain
c) e (1-3μ) d) linear stress
d) e (1-μ) 174. For steel, the ultimate strength in
168. In two dimensional stress strain shear as compared to in tension is
analysis, the shear strain nearly
component (Yxy) along the xy plane a) Same c) half
is written as b) one-third d) two-third
∂u ∂V 175. In the case of an elastic bar fixed at
a) Yxy = ( ) + ( ∂y )
∂x upper end and loaded by a falling
∂u ∂V
b) Yxy = ( ∂x) − ( ∂y ) weight at lower end, the shock
∂u ∂V load produced can be decreased
c) Yxy = (∂y) + ( ∂x )
∂u ∂V
d) Yxy = (∂y) − ( ∂x ) a) decreasing the cross-section
169. If the value of Poisson’s ratio is area of bar
zero. then it means that ________ b) increasing the cross-section
a. The material is rigid area of bar
b. The material is perfectly plastic c) remain unaffected with cross-
c. There is no longitudinal strain section area
in the material d) would depend upon other
d. None of these factors
170. The stress produced by a suddenly 176. Strain is defined as the ratio of
applied load as compared to that a) change in volume to original
produced by the same load when volume
applied gradually is ________ times b) change in length to original
a) 1.5 c) 2 length

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c) change in cross-sectional area c) Structure which obeys Hooke’s
to ‘original cross-sectional area Law
d) All options are correct d) Structure which undergoes
177. During a tensile test on a specimen elastic deformations
of 1 cm2 cross-section, maximum 183. Gauge length is the ratio of
load observed was 8 tonnes and a) length of specimen between
area of cross-section at neck was grips
0.5 cm2. Ultimate tensile strength b) it is 8 times dia of specimen
of specimen is c) distance over which change in
a) 4 tonnes/cm2 length is measured
b) 8 tonnes/ cm2 d) distance between 2 points in
c) 16 tonnes/ cm2 the specimen
d) 22 tonnes/ cm2 184. When a bar is fixed at the two ends
178. The property of material by which and subjected to temperature raise
it can be beaten or rolled in to the nature of stress developed in
plates is called the bar is
a) Malleability a) tensile
b) Ductility b) compressive
c) Plasticity c) shear
d) Elasticity d) none of the above
179. The working stress for mild steel 185. Shear strain is the
specimen is calculated using factor a) ratio of the change in the angle
of safety on to the original angle
a) Breaking stress b) ratio of lateral and longitudinal
b) Ultimate stress strains
c) Yield point stress c) ratio of longitudinal and lateral
d) None of the above. strains
180. Cup and the cone fracture usually d) change in a right angle
indicates, the material as 186. A material with large deformation
a) Elastic. c) brittle at failure is termed
b) ductile d) Plastic a) brittle
181. Stress-strain relation of a material b) elastic
for structural analysis should be c) ductile
a) Elastic only d) elasto-plastic
b) Linear only. 187. How does the Young’s Modulus
c) Elastic and linear vary with increase in temperature?
d) Elastic and non-linear a) Will not be affected
182. Principle of superposition is valid in b) Will decrease
a c) Will increase
a) Statically determine structure d) None of these
b) Statically indeterminate
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188. The ratio of the strain at fracture to d) is zero
that at yield for mild steel is 194. Stress is defined as load acting on
approximately a body per
a) 10.0 c) 100.0 a) unit length along the load
b) 1000.0 d) 250.0 b) unit volume of the body
189. The law of the proportionally of c) unit area normal to load
stress and strain in materials was d) unit depth normal to load
formulated by 195. Simple strain is defined as
a) Thomas Young a) change in length per unit
b) Poisson length
c) Mohr b) decreases or increase in length
d) Robert Hooke per unit length
190. The assumption that sections plane c) increase in length per unit
before bending remain plane after length
bending in a beam implies that the d) change in volume per unit
strains vary linearly along the volume
a) Span c) depth 196. The parameter relating simple
b) Width d) width and span stress and strain is
191. In the working stress method of a) Modulus of elasticity or Young’s
design of steel structures, the modulus
factor of safety is given by b) Poisson’s ratio
𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
a) 𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 c) Hooke’s law
d) Modulus of rigidity or shear
𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
b) 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 modulus
𝑈𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 197. The stress strain represented for
c) 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 two different materials with same E
𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 will be
d) 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 a) single or unique curve
192. The principle of superposition is b) two curve of different slope
applicable to upto the elastic limit
a) linear elastic structures c) two parallel curves
b) structures subjected to small d) None of these
deformation 198. After number of cycles of reversal
c) steel structures only load, the failure of a material is
d) concrete and steel structures known as
193. In a mild steel bar subjected to an a) ductile failure
axial pull, the strain after elastic b) brittle failure
limit c) impact failure
a) increases slowly d) fatigue failure
b) increases suddenly 199. When mild steel is stretched upto
c) decreases suddenly strain hardening state and the load
is released, the recovery path of
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
the stress-strain curve will have d) increase uniformly first and
slope equal to then increase rapidly
a) Young’s modulus 205. In a tension test on MS specimen,
b) Tangent modulus the nominal breaking stress
c) Secant modulus compared to ultimate tensile stress
d) Zero is
200. The shear strain is usually a. same
expressed in units b. more
a) m/m c. less
b) mm/mm d. may have any value
c) dimensionless 206. Which one of the following
d) radians mechanical properties is
201. If a material is loaded beyond yield determined by the Notched bar
point stress test?
a) it becomes elastic a. Hardness
b) it becomes ductile b. Resilience
c) its resistance to fatigue c. Impact strength
increases d. Endurance limit
d) it loses its tendency to return to 207. Toughness modulus of a material is
its original shape the area of the stress-strain curve
202. Principle of superposition is upto
applicable when a. failure
a) Deflections are a linear function b. yield limit
of applied forces c. elastic limit
b) Material is elastic d. proportionally limit
c) The action of applied forces will 208. The yield point in fatigue loading
be affected by small as compared to yield point in static
deformation of the structure loading is
d) The material yields a. Higher c. lower
203. The intensity of linear stress b. Half d. same
causing unit strain is called 209. Change in the length of material
a) unit stress with time under constant load is
b) bulk modulus called
c) modulus of rigidity a. Isotropy c. Shrinkage
d) modulus of elasticity b. Creep d. Strain
204. A thin mild steel wire is loaded 210. Units for volumetric strain are
incrementally till it breaks. The a. mm3 c. mm2
extensions noted with increasing b. cm3 d. No units
load will be 211. Gauge length is the:
a) uniform throughout a. Length of the test specimen
b) Increase uniformly. b. Length over which deformation
c) first increase and then decrease is measured
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
c. Length over which strain is d. plastic material
measured 217. Factor of safety of ductile material
d. Deformed length of the is the ratio of :
specimen a. ultimate strength to yield
212. The assumption of sections plane strength
before bending remain plane after b. ultimate strength to working
bending implies that the: stress
a. material is elastic and obeys c. yield stress to working stress
Hooke’s law d. lower yield stress to working
b. material is isotropic stress
c. material is homogenous and 218. Homogeneous material has in the
sections are rigid body
d. sections do not wrap a. same properties in all the
213. Which of the following is a proper directions
sequence? b. same properties in one
a. Proportional limit, elastic limit, direction
yielding, failure c. same properties in two or more
b. Elastic limit, proportional limit, directions
plastic zone, failure d. different properties in different
c. Yielding, proportional limit, directions
elastic limit, failure 219. Poisson’s ratio is the.
d. Elastic limit, plastic zone, a. reciprocal of the shear strain
yielding, failure b. ratio of lateral strain to
214. Elastic curve of a beam is its: longitudinal strain with the sign
a. stress-strain curve changed
b. deflection profile c. ratio of lateral strain to
c. load-deflection profile longitudinal strain
d. bending moment diagram d. ratio of longitudinal strain to
215. A mild steel specimen is tested lateral strain
under tension and a continuous 220. Shear strain and complementary
graph between load and extension shear strains are:
is obtained. A load at which there a. always equal
is considerable extension without b. usually equal
increase in load is called c. Equal and opposite signs
a. Ultimate load d. of different nature &
b. Breaking load magnitude
c. Upper yield load 221. Ductility of a material is:
d. Lower yield load a. usually expressed as
216. Steel is a percentage of elongation at
a. brittle material yield
b. ductile material b. its ability to be drawn into thin
c. hard material sheet without fracture
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
c. the strain at fracture b. directly proportional to
d. the ratio of ultimate strain of c. inversely proportional to
yield strain d. none of the above
222. Rigidity modulus is the ratio of : 228. When a change in length takes
a. ultimate stress to ultimate place the strain is known as
strain a. linear strain
b. fracture stress to fracture strain b. lateral strain
c. shear stress to shear strain at c. bulk modulus
elastic limit d. Poisson’s strain
d. shear stress to shear strain with 229. The working stress in a material
proportionally limit should be
223. The tension coefficient of any a. equal to its ultimate stress
member is b. equal to its lower yield point
a. force divided by the length stress
b. tension divided by the length c. less than its yield point stress
c. tension per unit are d. more than its yield point stress
d. tension is the number 230. Permanent set is
224. Which of the following materials a. the force which acts
will have the highest Young’s permanently on the body
modulus? b. irrecoverable deformation in
a. Brass c. copper the body
b. mild steel d. timber c. the shape of the member just
225. In a tensile test of a specimen the after completion of
ratio of maximum load to the construction
original cross-sectional area of the d. ratio of Poisson’s ratio to
test piece is called: Young’s modulus
a. yield stress 231. Choose the wrong statement
b. ultimate stress a. Elongation produced in a rod
c. safe stress (by its own weight) which is
d. braking stress rigidly fixed at the upper end
226. The residual stress in a member is: and hanging is equal to that
a. The stress due to the loading and hanging is equal to that
on the member produced by a load half of its
b. The average of initial and final weight applied at the end
stress b. the stress at any section of a
c. Deformation stress rod on account of its own
d. Instantaneous stress due to weight is directly proportional
sudden loading to the distance of the section
227. Whenever a material is loaded from the lower end
within proportionally limit, stress is c. Modulus of elasticity is having
___________ strain the same unit as stress
a. equal to
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
d. If a material expands freely due 238. Normal stress-strain curve for
to heating it will develop materials is plotted between
thermal stresses a. and
𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
232. The units for the flexural rigidity of
𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
a beam is 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
a. N/mm2 c. N.mm2 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
b. and
b. N/mm3 d. Nmm4 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
233. For an isotropic homogeneous and
c. Average stress and average
elastic material obeying Hooke’s
law then the number of 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑
d. and
independent elastic constants is 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎

a. 3 c. 2 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
b. 9 d. 1
234. The principle of superposition is: 239. The ductility of a material ______
a. always valid with the increase in percentage
b. not valid for impact loads reduction in area of a specimen
c. valid for impact loads on under tensile test.
prismatic bodies only a. Increases
d. valid for impact loads on linear b. Decreases
systems only c. Remains same
235. Combined stresses on a section d. None of the above
induce: 240. Limit of proportionally depends on
a. non-linear stress distribution a. Type of material
b. non-uniform stress distribution b. Area of cross-section
c. tensile stresses c. Type of loading
d. tensile compressive and shear d. All the above
stresses 241. The percentage reduction in area
236. Stress-strain relationship for a of a member from a direct tension
ductile material is test indicates
a. Ductility
b. Elasticity
c. Malleability
d. Brittleness
242. An orthotropic material has
a. Non-homogeneous properties
b. Inelastic properties
c. Different properties in three
perpendicular directions
237. The compression test is carried out
d. Same properties in orthogonal
on _______ materials
a. Ductile c. brittle
243. How does the Young’s modulus
b. Malleable d. plastic
vary with the temperature?
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
ultimate stress
a. Will increase. c.
permissible stress
b. Will not change
ultimate stress
c. Will decrease d.
yield stress
d. None of the above
244. A tensile test is performed on a 250. The ratio between tensile stress
round bar. After fracture it has and tensile strain or compressive
been found that the diameter stress and compressive strain is
remains approximately same at termed as
fracture. The material under test a. modulus of rigidity
was b. modulus of elasticity
a. Mild steel c. rubber c. bulk modulus
b. Glass d. Copper d. modulus of subgrade reaction
245. In a tensile test on mild steel 251. Strain in a direction at right angles
specimen, the breaking stress as to the direction of applied force is
compared to ultimate tensile known as
strength is a. shear strain
a. more b. lateral strain
b. same c. longitudinal strain
c. less d. volumetric strain
d. may have any value 252. During tensile - testing of a
246. Deformation per unit length is the specimen using a UTM, the
direction of force is called parameters actually measured
a. lateral strain include
b. unit strain a. True stress and true strain
c. linear strain b. Poisson’s ratio and Young’s
d. linear stress modulus
247. The impact strength of a material c. Engineering stress and
is an index of its Engineering strain
a. fatigue strength d. Load and elongation
b. toughness 253. Which one of the following
c. hardness features improves the fatigue
d. ductility strength of a metallic material?
248. The units of flexural rigidity are of a. Increasing the temperature
the order of b. Scratching the surface
a. kN-m c. kN/m c. Over stressing
b. kN/m 2
d. kN-m2 d. Under stressing
249. Factor of safety is defined as the 254. The flexural rigidity of a beam is
ratio of a. EI c. 𝐼
Permissible stress 𝐼 𝐸
a. ultimate stress b. 𝐸
𝑑. 𝐼2
Permissible stress 255. One kgf/cm2 when converted into
b. yielde stress SI units is

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. 0.0981 MPa c. 0.981 Pa c. Compressible
b. 10 Pa d. 1 Pa d. Incompressible
256. The unit of elastic modulus is the 262. Compared to mild steel plain bars,
same as those of high yield strength deformed bars
a. stress, strain and pressure are?
b. strain, shear modulus and a. More ductile and more strong
pressure b. More ductile but less strong
c. shear modulus, stress and force c. Less ductile and less strong
per area d. Less ductile but more strong
d. strain, shear modulus and force 263. A structural member is generally
257. Which one of the following designed so that the material is
properties is more sensitive to stressed to
increase in strain rate? a. Yield stress
a. Yield strength b. Ultimate stress
b. Proportional limit c. Breaking stress
c. Elastic limit d. Working stress
d. Tensile strength 264. For any material the value of
258. With a percentage increase of Poisson’s ratio is always
carbon in steel, decreases a. greater than one
a. Hardness c. Ductility b. between 0.5 and 1.0
b. Brittleness d. Strength c. between 0 and 0.5
259. The tensile longitudinal stress d. between 0 and 0.5
produces 265. A stress of 1000 kg/cm2 tensile acts
a. Compressive longitudinal strain on cube along x direction. If E = 2 x
b. Tensile longitudinal strain 106 kg/cm2 and Poisson’s ratio of
c. Shear strain 0.25, the stress required to prevent
d. Tensile lateral strain strain a long y direction is
260. Which of the following relations is a. 4000 kg/cm2 tensile
correct? b. 250 kg/cm2 tensile
a. factor of safety = crippling c. 50 kg/cm2 compressive
load-safe load d. zero
b. factor of safety = crippling load 266. Whatever may be the value of
/safe load Poisson’s ratio, the ratio of Bulk
c. factor of safety = crippling load modulus to Young’s modulus will
x safe load be
d. factor of safety = safe a. 3
load/crippling load b. Between 3.33 to 2.94
261. If the value of Young’s modulus of c. 1 and 3
elasticity is zero, it implies that the 1
d. 3 and 1
material is
a. Highly elastic
b. Plastic
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
3K−4C 3K+4C
267. If E & K be the Young’s modulus, a.
Bulk modulus of a material then 3K−2C 3K+2C
ratio E/K is 6K−2C

a. (1+(2/m))3 275. The Young’s modulus of a certain

b. (1-2/m)3 material is 2 x 105 N/mm2 and its
c. (1+(1/2m))3 Modulus of Rigidity is 0.8 x 105
d. (1-(3/m))3 N/mm2. The value of Poisson ratio
268. The relation between the three is
elastic constants is a. 4 c. 2.5
a. E = 3KC/(K+C) b. 1 d. 0.25
b. E = 6KC/(3K+C) 276. Stress in concrete is 5 N/mm2.
c. E =9KC/(3K+C) Ratio of Young’s modulus of steel
d. E = 3KC/(3K+C) to concrete is 15. Stress in steel
269. Young’s modulus of material is K a. 20 Nmm2 c. 3 N/mm2
times its rigidity modulus, when K b. 75 N/mm2 d. 0.25 N/mm2
is 277. The ratio of Bulk Modulus to
a. 2(1-1/m) c. 3(1+(1/m) Young’s modulus is given by
b. 2(1+(1/m)) d. 3(1-(1/m)) a. 3 (1-2μ) c. 3(1−2𝜇)
270. The strain along longitudinal 1
b. 2(1+μ) d. 2(1+𝜇)
direction is 0.25, if the Poisson’s
278. A cubical body of 1000 mm3
ratio is 0.2, the lateral strain is
volume is subjected to a uniform
a. 0.050 c. 0.050
stress of 100 N/mm2 from all the
b. 0.125 d. 1.25
three sides. If its poisson’s ratio is
271. Bulk modulus is the ratio of
0.5 and E = 100 kN/mm2 then the
a. stress and strain
change in volume will be
b. shear stress and strain
a. 3 mm3 c. 1.5 mm3
c. stress and volumetric strain
b. 0.5 mm3 d. 0.0 mm3
d. lateral strain and longitudinal
279. If the ratio of Young’s Modulus to
shear modulus of the material is 3 :
272. If Poisson’s ratio is 0.3, its rigidity
1, then the Poisson’s ratio of the
modulus is
material is
a. 0.77E c. 0.385 E
a. 0.25 c. 0.5
b. 0.6 E d. 2.4 E
b. 0.75 d. 1.0
273. The highest possible value of
280. The modulus of elasticity of high
Poisson’s ratio for isotropic
carbon steels is about
materials is
a. 200.0 GPa c. 200.0MPa
a. 0.1 c. 0.3
b. 80.0GPa d. 120.0GPa
b. 0.5 d. 1.5
281. An element subjected to shear
274. In terms of bulk modulus (K) and
force V acting over shearing area
modulus of rigidity (C), the
As, resulting in total shearing
Poisson’s ratio can be expressed as
deformation δs in the length L with

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
modulus of rigidity of material G, direction of applied force is known
the relation is expressed as as
a. δs = s c. δs = a. Hooke’s ratio
VG 2LV b. Euler’s ratio
b. δs = A d. δs = A c. Poisson’s ratio
sL sG

282. If the rigidity modulus of a material d. None of these

is 40.0 GPa and the Young’s 289. The value of Poisson’s ratio always
modulus is 100.0 GPa, its bulk remains
modulus is a. greater than one
a. 200.0 GPa c. 66.7 GPa b. equal to one
b. 140.0 GPa d. 70.0 GPa c. less than one
283. Poisson’s ratio of aluminium is d. none of these
usually adopted as 290. The bulk modulus of a material is
a. 0.22 c. 0.14 less than its Young’s modulus; the
b. 0.30 d. 0.45 Poisson’s ratio of the material is
284. A solid cube is subjected to equal a. 0.45 c. 0.15
‘compressive stress on all the faces; b. 0.35 d. 0.50
the ratio of the volumetric strain to 291. If the rigidity modulus of a material
linear strain is is 40.0 GPa and the Young’s
a. 0.30 c. 0.50 modulus is 100.0 GPa its bulk
b. 1.00 d. 3.0 modulus is
285. The tensile force required to cause a. 200.0GPa c. 66.7 GPa
an elongation of 0.045 mm in a b. 140.0 GPa d. 70.0 GPa
steel rod of 1000 mm length and 292. The bulk modulus of a material is
12 mm diameter with Young’s less than its Young’s modulus; the
modulus of elasticity E = 2 x 106 Poisson’s ratio of the material is
kg/cm2 is a. 0.45 c. 0.15
a. 166 kg c. 102 kg b. 0.35 d. 0.50
b. 204 kg d. 408 kg 293. The constants, namely Young’s
286. Poisson’s ratio for cork is modulus (E), shear modulus (C) and
a. 0.50 c. 0.00 bulk modulus (K) are interrelated
b. 0.30 d. 0.15 by
1 1 1
287. If a material has modulus of a. = 3𝐶 + 9𝐾
elasticity E and modulus of rigidity 1 3𝐾+𝐶
b. =
G, the material is incompressible 𝐸 9𝐾𝐶
when c. E = 3𝐾+𝐶
a. E = G c. E = 2G d. one among the above three
b. E = 3G d. E = 4G relations
288. The ratio of strain in a direction at 294. The ratio of shear modulus to the
right angle to the direction of elastic modulus of a Poisson’s ratio
applied force to the strain in the of 0.4 will be

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. 5/3 c. 6/7 300. If a rectangular body subjected to
b. 5/14 d. 3/7 axial force, volumetric strain in
295. The Young’s modulus and terms of linear strain e and
Poisson’s ratio of a material are Poisson’s ratio μ is
known as 65 kN/mm2 and 0.3 a. e (1-2μ)
respectively. The rigidity modulus b. e(1-μ)
of the material is _____kN/mm2 c. e(1-3μ)
a. 25 c. 19.5 d. e(1-μ)
b. 26 d. 21.667 301. The Poisson’s ratio determined by
296. The Young’s modulus and Bulk taking readings when load is
modulus of a material will have the applied gradually compared to that
same value if the Poisson’s ratio for taken with load applied rapidly
the material is would be
a. 0 c. 0.5 a. same
b. 0.25 d. 0.333 b. different
297. A circular bar has been subjected c. more or less same
to compressive load resulting in a d. depends on other factors
decrease in length and a 302. Poisson’s ratio for an elastic
simultaneous increase in diameter. incompressible material is
The ratio of strain in the diametral a. 0.5 c. 0.0
direction to that in the longitudinal b. 0.25 d. 0.3
direction is referred to as 303. Dilation is called
a. Euler’s ratio a. Linear strain
b. Poisson’s ratio b. Volumetric strain
c. Hooke’s ratio c. Lateral strain
d. Modulus of elasticity d. Shear strain
298. The relationship for a material of 304. The Poisson’s ratio is more than
Poisson’s ratio ‘v’ between Young’s unity for
modulus ‘E’ and bulk modulus ‘K’ is a. Steel c. copper
given by b. cast iron d. None
a. E = 3 K (1+2v) 305. A bar of 300 mm diameter and 1.5
b. K = 3E (1+2v) m long is subjected to a
c. E = 3 K (1+v) hydrostatic pressure of 100 MPa.
d. E = 3K (1-2v) The volumetric strain when k =
299. The modulus of elasticity E and 0.667 x 105 N/mm2 is
modulus of rigidity G are related as a. 1.5 x 10-3
a. G = E (2-μ) b. 0.5 x 10-3
𝐸 c. 2.5 x 10-3
b. G = (2(1+𝜇))
d. 3.5 x 10-3
c. E = G (1+μ) 306. If the Young’s modulus of a
d. G = 1+2𝜇 material is 100.0 GPa and its

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
rigidity modulus is 40.0 GPa, its 313. For a given material if E, C, K and
bulk modulus is: ‘m’ are Young’s modulus, shearing
a. 66.7 GPa c. 60.0 GPa modulus, bulk modulus and
b. 83.3 GPa d. 100.0 GPa Poisson’s ratio, the following
307. The approximate value of Poisson’s relation does not hold good
ratio for mild steel is a. E = 3𝐾+𝐶
a. 0.35 c. 0.33 3
b. E = 2K (1 − 𝑚)
b. 0.29 d. 0.25
308. Two materials having modulus of c. E = 2C (1 + 𝑚)
elasticity’s, modulus of rigidities 1 3𝐾−2𝐶
d. =
and bulk modulus as (E1, E2); (C1, 𝑚 6𝐾+2𝐶

C2) and (K1, K2). The modulus ratio 314. The longitudinal strain in a material
is given is 0.00024 and Poisson’s ratio is
a. E1/C2 c. E1/K2 0.3. The lateral strain will be
b. E1/E2 d. C1/K2 a. 0.000075 c. 0.000072
309. Bulk modulus of a material with b. 0.000008 d. 0.00072
zero Poisson’s ratio is 315. If the Young’s modulus of elasticity
a. greater than its shear modulus of a material is twice its modulus of
b. less than its young’s modulus rigidity, then the Poisson’s ratio of
c. equal to its young’s modulus the material is:
d. equal to its shear modulus a. -1 c. -0.5
310. The material with the large Young’s b. 0.5 d. zero
modulus is 316. Which of the following statements
a. sapphire is wrong?
b. diamond a. The deformation of the bar per
c. steel unit length in the direction of
d. wrought iron the force is called linear strain
311. If a material is incompressible, its: b. The Poisson’s ratio is the ratio
a. bulk modulus is zero of lateral strain to linear strain
b. poisson’s ratio is zero c. The ratio of change in volume
c. shear modulus to the original volume is called
d. poisson’s ratio is 0.5 volumetric strain
312. Engineering properties of a d. The bulk modulus is the ratio of
material are defined by Poisson’s volumetric stress to the
ratio and volumetric strain
a. Young’s, bulk and shear 317. The ratio of Bulk modulus to shear
modulus modulus for a Poisson’s ratio of
b. Young’s and bulk modulus 0.25 will be
c. Young’s or bulk or shear a. 3/2 c. 5/6
modulus b. 1 d. 6/3
d. Young’s modulus

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
318. The shear modulus of most of the c. 120 GN/m2
materials with respect to modulus d. 280 GN/m2
of elasticity is 324. The intensity of linear stress which
a. equal to half causes unit longitudinal strain is
b. less than half called
c. more than half a. modulus of elasticity.
d. none of the above b. modulus of rigidity
319. A material has Young’s modulus E, c. bulk modulus
Modulus of rigidity G, and d. yield stress
Poisson’s ratio 0.2. The ratio of 325. The ratio of Young’s Modulus (E) to
Young’s modulus to modulus of Shear Modulus (C) of mild steel is
rigidity of the material is: about
a. 3.35 c. 2.4 a. 3 : 1 c. 2.5 : 1
b. 2.85 d. 1.85 b. 2 : 1 d. 1 : 1
320. Bulk modulus, Young’s modulus 326. The ratio of change in length to
and Poisson’s ratio are connected original length of a bar along the
by the relation direction of the load is called
a. K = 2 _________ strain
3(1− )
𝑚 a. Shear c. Volumetric
b. K = 2 b. lateral d. linear
3(1+ )
1 327. The product of cross sectional area
c. E = 2K (1 + 𝑚) and Young’s modulus of elasticity
d. E=3K (1 − 𝑚) is called
a. Flexural rigidity
321. If modulus of elasticity for a given
b. Axial rigidity
material is twice its modulus of
c. Torsional rigidity
rigidity ‘C’. then the bulk modulus
d. None
is equal to
328. A solid cube is subjected same
a. 2C c. 3C
2𝐶 3𝐶 magnitude of tensile force along its
b. 3 d. 2 1
three directions. If 𝑚 = 0.25 and σ
322. Longitudinal strain for a specimen
= tensile stress on faces of the
is 0.01 and it is found to undergo 1
cube and E = Young’s modulus, the
mm change in its length. Its length
volumetric strain of the cube is
will be
given by
a. 400 mm c. 300 mm 𝜎 1.5𝜎
a. 𝐸 𝑐. 𝐸
b. 200 mm d. 100 mm 2𝜎 2.5𝜎
323. For a given material modulus of b. 𝑑.
elasticity E = 200 GN/m2 and 329. If E = Young’s modulus, C = shear
modulus of rigidity G = 80GN/m2. modulus and K = Bulk modulus,
Its bulk modulus K is which one of the following is
a. 33.0 GN/m2 correct, in terms of their
b. 133.33 GN/m2 magnitudes, for an elastic material

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. E>C>K c. E>K>C 336. Young’s modulus of elasticity and
b. K>E>C d. K>C>E Poisson’s ratio of a material are
330. A material is said to be 1.25 x 105 MPa and 0.34
incompressible if the material is respectively. The modulus of
a. E = 3C c. C = 3E rigidity of the material is
b. E = 3K d. K = 3E a. 0.4025 x 105MPa
Where E = Young’s modulus, G = b. 0.4664 x 105MPa
shear modulus and K = Bulk modulus c. 0.8375 x 105MPa
331. Circumferential and longitudinal d. 0.9469 x 105MPa
strains in a cylindrical boiler under 337. The ratio of shear modulus to the
stream pressure are 𝜀 1 and 𝜀 2 elastic modulus for a Poisson’s
respectively. Change in volume of ratio of 0.4 will be
5 6
the boiler cylinder per unit volume a. 6 𝑐. 5
will be 3 1
b. 5
𝑑. 2
a. 𝜀 1 + 2 𝜀 2
338. Poisson’s ratio for a cast iron is ___-
b. 𝜀 1 + 𝜀 22
a. 0.27 c. 0.31
c. 2𝜀 1 + 𝜀 2
b. 0.33 d. 0.36
d. 𝜀 12 𝜀 2
339. If a small concrete cube is
332. The relationship between Young’s
submerged deep in still water in
modulus and shear modulus when
1 such a way that the pressure
= 0, is
exerted on all faces of the cube is
a. E = 2C c. E = 3C P, then the maximum shear stress
b. E =2C+1 d. C = 2E developed inside the cube is
333. The number of elastic constants for a. 0 c. P/2
a completely anisotropic elastic b. P d. 2P
material which follows Hooke’s law 340. When the body is subjected to
is three mutually perpendicular
a. 3 c. 4 stresses of equal intensity, the ratio
b. 21 d. 25 of direct stress to the
334. The independent elastic constants corresponding volumetric strain is
for a homogenous and isotropic known as
material are a. bulk modulus
a. E, G, K, v c. E, G, K b. Poisson’s ratio
b. E, G, v d. E, G c. modulus of elasticity
335. In a particular material, if the d. modulus of rigidity
modulus of Rigidity is equal to the 341. A rectangular box made with thin
bulk modulus, then the Poisson’s uniform plate measures 2000 mm x
ratio will be 1000 mm. When the box is
1 1
a. 𝑐. 4 subjected to certain internal
b. 2
𝑑. 1 pressure respective directions have
changed by +2.0 mm, -1 mm and

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
+1 mm. The change in the volume N/mm2. The elongation(in mm) of
of the box is ___________ the bar will be ________
a. 2.0 x 105 mm3 a. 0.5 c. 0.05
b. 1.0 x 106 mm3 b. 5 d. 0.005
c. 2.0 x 103 mm3 359. Two steel rods of identical length
d. 2.0 x 106 mm3 and material properties are
354. The strain energy in a member is subjected to equal axial rods. The
proportional to first rod is solid with diameter d
a. total strain multiplied by the and the second is a hollow one
volume of the member with external diameter D and
b. product of stress and the interned diameter 50% of D. If the
corresponding strain two rods experience equal
c. product of strain and Young’s extensions, the ratio of 𝐷 is
modulus of the material √3
a. ¾ c.
d. the maximum strain multiplied 2

by the length of the member b. 0.5 d. 0.25

355. A 200 x 100 x 50 mm3 steel block is 360. The Poisson’s ratio is defined as
𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
subjected to a hydrostatic pressure a. |𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠|
of 15 MPa. The Young’s modulus 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛
b. | 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 |
and poisson’s ratio of the material 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
are 200 GPa and 0.3 respectively. c. | 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
The change in the volume of the 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛
d. |𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛|
block in mm3 is ____________
361. Which one of the following
a. 90 c. 40
expresses the total elongation of a
b. 80 d. 30
bar of length L with a constant
356. The symmetry of the stress tensor
cross-section of A and modulus of
at a point in a body when at
elasticity E hanging vertically and
equilibrium is obtained from
subject to its own weight W?
a. conservation of mass 𝑊𝐿 𝑊𝐿
b. force equilibrium equations a. c. 2𝐴𝐸
c. moment equilibrium equations 𝑊𝐿 𝑊𝐿
b. 3𝐴𝐸
d. 4𝐴𝐸
d. conservation of energy
357. What is the nature of stress in a 362. A tapering bar (diameter of end
ceiling fan rod? sections being d1 and d2)and a bar
a. Bending c. Tensile of uniform cross- section ‘d’ have
b. Compressive d. Shear the same length and are subjected
358. A mild steel bar of length 450 mm the same axial pull. Both the bars
tapers uniformly. The diameters at will have the same extension if ‘d’
the ends are 36 mm and 18 mm, is equal to
respectively. An axial load of 12 KN 𝑑 +𝑑
a. 1 2 2 c. √𝑑1 . 𝑑2
is applied on the bar. E=2 X 105 𝑑1 −𝑑2
b. d. None

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
363. A rod of length l tapers uniformly N/mm2. What will be the total
from a diameter D at one end to a elongation of the bar in mm?
288 48
diameter d at the other. The a.
104 c. 4 10
Young’s modulus of the material is 144 72
E. The extension caused by an axial b. d.
104 104
load P is
4𝑃𝑙 4𝑃𝑙 368. A mild steel rod tapers uniformly
a. 𝜋(𝐷2 −𝑑2 ) c. 𝜋(𝐷2 +𝑑2 )
from 30 mm diameter to 12 mm
4𝑃𝑙 2𝑃𝑙 diameter in a length of 300 mm.
b. d.
𝜋𝐷𝑑𝐸 𝜋𝐷𝑑𝐸
The rod is subjected to an axial
364. The total extension of the bar load of 12 kN. E = 2 x 105 N/mm2.
loaded as shown in the figure is
What is the extension of the rod in
A= area of cross section, E=
modulus of elasticity mm?
4π 2
a. 5
c. 5π
π 1
b. 5
d. 5π
369. For linear elastic systems, the type
a. 300/AE c. 260/AE
of displacement function for the
b. 270/AE d. 660/AE
strain energy is
365. The dimensions for the flexural
a. linear c. cubic
rigidity of a beam element in mass
b. quadratic d. None
(M), length (L) and time (T) is given
370. Parallelogram law of forces states
that if two forces acting
a. MT-2 c. ML-1T-2
simultaneously at a point be
b. ML3T-2 d. ML-1T2
represented in magnitude and
366. A square steel bar of 50 mm side
direction by two adjacent sides of a
and 5 m long is subjected to a load
parallelogram, their resultant may
whereupon it absorbs a strain
be represented in magnitude and
energy of 100 J. What is its
direction by
modulus of resilience?
1 a. longer side of the other two
a. 125 N-mm/mm3
b. 125 mm3/N-mm b. shorter side of the other two
c. 100 N-mm/ mm3 sides
d. 100 mm3/N-mm c. diagonal of the parallelogram
367. A solid metal bar of uniform which does not pass through
sectional area throughout its their point of intersection
length hangs vertically from its d. diagonal for the parallelogram
upper end. Details of the bar are: which passes through their
Length = 6m, material density point of intersection
=8x10-5 N/mm3 and E = 2 x 105 373. For punching a hole of 20 mm dia
in a plate 20 mm thick, if the shear

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
stress is 30 kg/sq.mm the force d.
Ix Ex +Iy Ey
required in kg would be
a. 10,000 c. 18,850 378. If E is assumed to be correct, an
b. 28,850 d. 37,699 error of 1% is done in
374. A bar of rectangular section is determination of N. If the correct
tension under an axial stress of 200 value of poisson’s ratio (μ) is 0.25,
kg/sq.cm. If Poisson’s ratio is 1/3 the error involved in calculating ‘μ’
for the material, the stress to be is
applied to the side faces, to a. 1% c. 5%
prevent any change in cross b. 8% d. 1.2%
sectional dimensions, in kg/sq.cm 379. A short iron column carries a load
is of 80 tonnes. If the original
a. 80 c. 100 diameter is 8cm and E = 1 x 106
b. 120 d. 96 kg/sq.cm and poisson’s ratio is 0.25
375. A bar of certain material of section then the increase in dia of column
4 cm2 is subjected to a pull of 16 T. in cm would be
Thereby the extension is 0.01 cm in a. 0.00318 c. 0.00216
length of 20 cm. If poisson’s ratio is b. 0.00164 d. 0.00288
1/4, the rigidity Modulus of the 380. For punching a hole of 20 mm φ in
material in kg/sq.cm. is a plate of 20 mm thick, if the shear
a. 2 x 106 c. 1.6 x 106 stress is 40 N/sq.mm, the force
b. 1.3 x 106 d. 8 x 106 required in Newton’s would be
376. A prismatic bar of volume V is a. 16,000
subjected to a tensile force in b. 12,566
longitudinal direction. If Poisson’s c. 50,265
ratio of the material is μ and d. can't be calculated
longitudinal strain is e, then the 381. Configuration of a column to have
final volume of the bar becomes a uniform strength throughout its
a. (1+e) (1-μ)2V length under its own weight and
b. (1-e)2(1+μe)V an applied stress ‘σ’ on its top is
c. (1+e)(1-μe)2V a. A1 = A2.ewh/σ
d. (1-μe)3V b. A2 = A1.ewh/σ
377. Elongation of a compound bar c. A1 = A2.ewh2/σ
made up of 2 materials x and y, d. A2 = A1.ewh2/σ
subjected to an external tensile 382. The maximum normal stress
load ‘P’ is given by produced in a stressed material
a. 2(A E +A E ) subjected to axial tension
x x y y
a. Twice the maximum shear
b. stress
Ax Ex +Ay Ey
b. Twice the axial tension
c. c. Half the maximum shear stress
2(Ix Ex +Iy Ey )
d. Equal to maximum shear stress

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
383. A bar of constant cross-sectional a. 97 mm c. 107 mm
area A has an axial load P and its b. 112 mm d. 127 mm
length L with Young’s modulus of 388. A solid cylinder of diameter D
elasticity E. For stress not carries an axial load P and if its
exceeding proportional limit, the Young’s modulus of elasticity is E
deformation δ is and Poisson’s ratio is μ, the change
a. δ = (P A /L E) in its diameter is given by
b. δ = (P E / A L) a. 4 P μ / π E D
c. δ = (2 P A / L E) b. 2 P μ / π E D
d. δ = (P L / A E) c. P μ / π E D
384. A round bar of length L tapers d. P μ / 2 π E D
uniformly from a diameter D at one 389. If an element is subjected
end to a smaller diameter d at the simultaneously to tensile stresses
other. The elongation caused by an in x and y direction place at right
axial tensile load P is given by angle by σx and σy, and has
a. 4 P L / π E Dd Young’s modulus of elasticity E
b. 2 P L / π E Dd and Poisson’s ratio μ, the resultant
c. P L / π E Dd strain εx in the x-direction is given
d. P L / 2 π E Dd by
385. The total elongation of a solid a. εx = (μ σx/E)- (σy/E)
uniform metal bar of diameter D b. εx = (σx/E)- (μ σy/E)
and length L, density ϒ and c. εx = (σx/μ E)- (σy/E)
Young’s modulus of elasticity E, d. εx = (σx/E)- (σy/μ E)
hanging vertically from its upper 390. The tensile force required to cause
end is given by an elongation of 0.045 mm in a
γL2 2γL2 steel rod of 1000 mm length and
a. c.
γL2 γL2 12 mm diameter with Young’s
b. d.
2E 4E modulus of elasticity E = 2 x 106
386. A rod of square section of side D at kg/cm2 is
one end tapers to a square section a. 166 kg c. 102 kg
of side d at the other end. If its b. 204 kg d. 408 kg
length is L and is subjected to an 391. Let the strain produced in length
axial pull P, the increase in its and diameter of cylindrical rod be
length is given by α and β. Then the volumetric strain
a. E D d c. E D d is given by
b. d. a. α + 2β c. α + β
EDd 2EDd
387. The outside diameter of a hollow b. α – β d. α - 2β
steel tube of wall thickness one- 392. A 30.0 m long wire of 28.5 mm2
tenth of the outside diameter, sectional area stretches by 25.0
carrying a tensile load of 500 kN at mm under an axial pull of 4.45 kN.
a stress of 140 MN/m2 is equal to Its Young’s modulus of elasticity is
a. 187.37 GPa
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. 187.37 MPa a. 0.1 mm c. 0.3 mm
c. 0.130 GPa b. 0.15 mm d. 0.05 mm
d. 0.130 MPa 398. When two different materials are
393. A solid cube is subjected to equal used for producing a compound
compressive stress on all the faces; bar, the stress in each of the
the ratio of the volumetric strain to materials will be in the proportion
linear strain is to their
a. 0.30 c. 0.50 a. yield strength
b. 1.00 d. 3.0 b. ultimate strength
394. The extension or elongation of a c. elastic modulus
rod subjected to an axial load P is d. Poisson’s ratio
a. Proportional to the length 399. A prismatic bar of length 4 metres
b. Proportional to the load weighing 50 kN/m3 is vertically
c. inversely proportional to cross- suspended and is stretched by its
sectional area in length per unit own weight. If the elongation of
length the bar is 3.2 mm, the Young’s
d. All of the above modulus of the material is
395. The change in elongation of rod a. 200 c. 125
due to self weight is proportional b. 120 d. 80
to 400. A steel rod of area of cross-section
a. square of length 100 mm2 is inserted into a copper
b. inverse square times the length tube of cross-sectional area 200
c. square root of length mm2 to form a compound bar. If
d. None of the above the modular ratio Ecopper/ Esteel is
396. If the ratio of modulus of elasticity 0.6, an axial force of 55 kN on
of mild steel and aluminium are compound bar will cause an axial
equal to three then, stress in steel equal to ________
a. elongation of mild steel a. 250 c. 275
specimen is 1/3rd of aluminium b. 200 d. 220
b. elongation of mild aluminium 401. A cubical solid is subjected to the
specimen is 1/3rd of steel stresses represented by the
c. elongation in of mild steel components σx = 100 N/mm2, σy =
specimen is greater than 60 N/mm2 and σz = 40 N/mm2. If
aluminium the Poisson’s ratio of the material
d. elongation of aluminium is 0.2, the normal strain in x-
specimen is 9 times of mild direction is
steel a. 100/E c. 80/E
397. When a rod of length 150 mm and b. 60/E d. 40/E
bar cross-section of a diameter 10 402. The ratio of elongation in a
mm elongates by 3 mm, what is prismatic bar due to its own weight
the reduction in lateral dimension (W) as compared to another similar
if the Poisson’s ratio is 0.25?
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
bar carrying an additional weight 407. A wire hangs vertically under its
(W) will be own weight. Specific weight of the
a. 1 : 2 c. 1 : 3 wire material is 100 kN/m3 and
b. 1 : 4 d. 1 : 2.5 maximum permissible tensile stress
403. The total elongation produced in a is 100 N/mm2. The greatest length
uniform section bar hanging that can be hang is
vertically downward and having a. 10 mm c. 100 mm
some weight is equal to that b. 1000 m d. 10 km
product by a weight 408. The extension of a circular bar
a. of same magnitude as that of tapering uniformly from diameter
the bar applied at the lower d1 to d2 is same as of uniform
end circular bar of diameter
𝑑 +𝑑
b. half the weight of the bar a. √𝑑1 𝑑2 𝑐. 1 2
applied at the lower end 𝑑1 −𝑑2
b. 𝑑. √𝑑12 − 𝑑22
c. half of the square of the weight 2
409. If the length of a freely hanging
of the bar applied at the lower
uniform steel rope is doubled, the
elongation will increase in the ratio
d. None of the above
a. 4 : 1 c. 2 : 1
404. A bar of length ‘l’ is subjected to
b. 1 : 1 d. 8 : 1
axial load ‘P’. If the cross-sectional
410. A tapered bar of diameter D at
area of the bar increase, the
base and length l having specific
weight p is suspended freely. The
a. Increases
elongation will be
b. Decreases 𝑝𝑙3 𝑝𝑙3
c. Remains constant a. 𝑐.
6𝐸 𝐸
d. Increases first and decreases 𝑝𝑙3 𝑝𝑙3
b. 𝑑.
4𝐸 3𝐸
411. A composite bar of copper and
405. A beam of length ‘l’ and cross-
sectional area A is subjected to a steel is heated. The ratio of tensile
force in steel and the compressive
load ‘P’ so that the elongation is ‘y’.
If the axial rigidity of the beam is stress in copper will be
a. 1.0
halved, the elongation will be:
b. 0.5
a. Y c. y/2
c. 2.0
b. 2y d. 4y
d. in proportion of values E of
406. If a 50.0 mm diameter is bored in a
copper and steel
rod of 60.0 mm diameter, the axial
412. Compound bars can be analyzed
rigidity of the rod is reduced to
a. one-half a. equilibrium conditions
b. Poisson’s theory
b. one-fifth
c. one-sixth c. compatibility conditions
d. equilibrium and compatibility
d. one-fourth

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
413. Compatibility condition deals with: c. the total external load is equal
a. force system applied on a body to the total sum of the loads
b. internal forces developed in a carried by different materials
body d. both a and b
c. strains induced 418. A bar of 300 mm diameter and 1.5
d. displacements and strains m long is subjected to a
414. For a solid cube subjected to equal hydrostatic pressure of 100 MPa.
normal forces of the same type on The volumetric strain where k =
all its faces the volumetric strain 0.667 x 105 N/mm2 is
will be x – times the linear strain in a. 1.5 x 10-3
any of the three axes where b. 0.5 x 10-3
a. x = 1 c. x = 2 c. 2.5 x 10-3
b. x = 3 d. x = 4 d. 1.5 x 10-3
415. A member with a cross-section of 419. Two bars of different materials and
A mm2 is subjected to a force of P same size are subjected to the
(in N). It is L (mm) long and of same tensile force. If the bars have
Young’s modulus (E) N/mm2. The unit elongation in the ratio 2 : 5,
linear strain will be then the ratio of modulus of
a. 𝐴𝐸 (N/mm) elasticity of the two materials will
b. 𝐴𝐸
(N/mm) a. 2 : 5 c. 5 : 2
𝑃 b. 4 : 3 d. 3 : 4
c. (mm/mm)
𝐴𝐸 420. A bar of length L metres extends
(mm/mm) by 𝑙 mm under a tensile force of P.
The tensile strain produced in the
416. In a composite bar the load bar is :
𝑙 0.1𝑙
distribution among different a. 𝑐. 𝐿
materials of which it is made is 0.01𝑙 0.001𝑙
b. 𝐿
𝑑. 𝐿
based on the assumption that all
the materials will have 421. If percentage reduction in area of a
a. equal stress certain specimen made of material
b. same Young’s modulus A under tensile test is 60% and the
c. same strain percentage reduction in area of a
d. same stress specimen with same dimensions
417. For the bars of composite section made of material B is 40% then:
a. the load carried by different a. the material A is more ductile
materials is not the same as the than material B
total external load b. the material B is more ductile
b. the extension in different than material A
materials is different c. the ductility of material A and B
is equal

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d. the material A is brittle and b.
𝑑. ∆L x L x W
material B is ductile
428. Two bars A and B are of same
422. Total elongation produced by a bar
length and having same C/S area
due to self weight is given by
9.81𝑝𝑙2 9.81𝑝𝑙2
are subjected to same load P. if the
a. 𝐸
𝑐. 𝐸 bar ‘B’ has Young’s modulus twice
9.81𝑝𝑙 9.81𝑝2 𝑙 that of ‘A’, the deformation in bar B
b. 𝑑.
𝐸 𝐸 is
423. When a rectangular bar of length l, a. more than that of A
breadth b, and thickness t is b. less than bar A
subjected to an axial pull of p, then c. Same as bar A
linear strain (∈) is given by d. None
𝑃 𝑏𝑡𝐸 429. A 40 mm dia. Central hole is bored
a. 𝜀 = 𝑏𝑡𝐸 𝑐. 𝜀 = 𝑃
𝑏𝑡 𝑃𝐸
out of a steel rod of 100 mm dia.
b. 𝜀 = 𝑑. 𝜀 = and length 4 m. For a given rod,
𝑃𝐸 𝑏𝑡
424. A steel block of 10 sq.cm cross- the stress in the bar because of this
section carries an axial tensile load operation
of 10 tonnes. The maximum shear a. increase
stress of the block is b. decreases
a. 1000 kg/cm2 c. remains constant
b. 500 kg/cm2 d. None
c. 250 kg/cm2 430. A bar of length ‘l’ and cross section
d. 100 kg/cm2 area A is subjected to axial
425. A cube is subjected to equal tensile compressive force P. The
stress on all the three facts. If the deformation of the bar is (E=
yield stress of the material is σy modulus of elasticity)
then, based on the strain energy a. Pl
theory, the maximum tensile stress b. Pl/AE (contraction)
will be: c. Pl/AE (elongation)
𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑦
a. 𝑐. d. None
√3(1−2𝜇) √3(2−𝜇)
𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑦 431. A solid bar of length L and area A
b. 𝑑. is hanging vertically from its upper
√3(1−𝜇) √3(1+𝜇)

426. The elongation of a bar due to its end. The weight of the bar is W
self weight is and Young’s modulus is E. The
𝑊𝐿 𝑊 elongation due to self-weight of
a. 2𝐸 𝑐. 2𝐿𝐸
𝑊 2𝑊 the bar is given by
b. .2E d. 𝑊𝐿 2𝑊𝐿
𝐿 𝐸𝐿 a. 𝐴𝐸 𝑐. 𝐴𝐸
427. L is length of the bar. Elongation is 𝑊𝐿
b. 𝑑. WAL
∆L due to a load of W. Then strain 2𝐴𝐸

is 432. A composite member consists of

∆L ∆L steel rod and copper tube of same
a. 𝐿 W c. 𝐿𝑊
length. If Young’s modulus for steel

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
and copper are 210 kN/mm2 and c. decreases
105 kN/mm2, the ratio of stress in d. None of these
steel (σ1) to stress in copper (σ2) is 438. The ratio of the deformation of a
a. one c. two bar due to its own weight, to the
b. three d. four deformation due to axial load
433. The change in the unit volume of a equal to its weight, is
material under tension with a. 1 c.
increase in its Poisson’s ratio will b. 2 d. 4
a. remain same 439. The elongation of a conical bar due
b. increase to its self weight is
c. decrease 𝑟𝑙2 𝑟𝑙2
a. 𝑐.
d. decrease initially and then 6𝐸 2𝐸
𝑟𝑙2 𝑟𝑙2
increase b. 𝑑.
2𝐸 𝐸
434. An axial tensile force of 12 kN acts Where ϒ = unit weight of the
on a body of length 3m and cross- material
sectional area 360 mm2 and E = 1 x 440. The elongation of beam of length
105 N/mm2. Then the body ‘l’ and cross-sectional area ‘A’
elongates by subjected to a load ‘P’ is δl. If the
a. 0.1 mm c. 0.05 mm modulus of elasticity is halved, the
b. 0.025 mm d. 0.2 mm new elongation will be
435. A circular rod of length l, diameter 𝛿𝑙
a. 2 𝑐. 2(δ𝑙)
d is subjected to an axial load P.
The observed values of b. δ𝑙 𝑑. √2𝛿𝑙
441. The ratio of total elongation of a
longitudinal and lateral strains, due
bar of uniform cross-section
to the above loading, are 4 and 0.5
produced under its own weight to
respectively. Then the volumetric
the elongation produced by an
strain for the bar is
external load equal to the weight
a. 4.5 c. 3.5
of the bar is
b. 5 d. 3
a. 1 c. 2
436. The force required to punch a 10 1 1
mm diameter hole in a mild steel b. 𝑑. 4
plate 10mm thick, if the shear 442. Two bars A and B are of equal
strength of mild steel is 360 MPa is length but B has an area half that
a. 9π kN c. 36π kN of A and bar A has young’s
b. 18π kN d. 2.25 kN modulus double that of B. when a
437. A 16m diameter central hole is load ‘P’ is applied to the two bars,
bored out of a steel rod of 40mm the ratio of deformation between A
diameter and length 1.6m. The and B is
tensile strength because of this a. 2 𝑐. 1
operation 1
b. 2 d. 4
a. increases
b. remains constant
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
443. A 16 mm diameter central hole is a. 10 N mm-2 c. > 10 N mm-2
bored out of a steel red of 40 mm b. < 10 N mm-2 d. 9 N mm-2
diameter and length 1.6m. The 448.The maximum stress induced in a
tensile strength because of this body if the load ‘P’ is applied
operation suddenly upon an area of cross
a. increases section ‘A’ is
b. remains constant a.
𝑐. 2
c. decreases 𝑃 𝑃
b. 3 𝑑. 4
d. none of these
449.In case of a steeped bar of a
444.The force P for equilibrium of the
material subjected to an axial load,
bar shown in the figure is
the total elongation is proportional
a. P/E
b. [𝑙1+𝑙2 +…+𝑙𝑛 ]
1 1 1
c. [𝐴 + + ⋯ + ]
Cross-sectional area = 800 mm3 1 𝐴 2 𝐴 𝑛
𝑙1 𝑙2 𝑙𝑛
a. 60 kN c. 40 kN d. [𝐴 + 𝐴 +. . + 𝐴 ]
1 2 𝑛
b. 120 kN d. 20 kN 450.A stepped bar A-B-C of total length
445.The elongation of beam of length ‘I’ 2L carries an axial load P at B as
cross-sectional area ‘A’ subjected shown in below Fig Axial rigidity of
to a load ‘P’ is 81. If the modulus of segment AB is 2AE and that of BC
elasticity is halved, the new is AE. The displacement at B is __
elongation will be
a. 𝑐. 2(8l)
b. 8𝑙 d. √28𝑙
446.Two bars having different modulus a. PL/AE c. 0
of elasticity and same length and b. PL/2AE d. PL/3AE
same cross sectional area are 451.The elongation produced in a
rigidly fixed together at its end. A tapered shaft with end diameters D
compressive force is applied on and d due to tensile or
top of it. In such case the relation compressive axial load is
of stresses is ________ (if E1>E2) proportional to
a. σ1<σ2 c. σ1>σ2 a. D+d c.
b. σ1=σ2 d. σ1>σ2 b. Dd d.
447.A plate 100 mm wide, 10 mm thick is
452.The elongation of bars due to rise in
having a hole of diameter 10 mm,
temperatures does not depend on
symmetrical about the axis of the
a. its length
plate. The plate is subjected to a
b. its rise in temperature
force of 9 kN. The maximum stress
c. its α value
on a section passing through the
d. its E value
centre of the hole will be

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
453.A bar of length 𝑙 is subjected to an 458.A solid cube is of 80 mm side and is
increase in temperature of t ° subjected to a shear force of 320
centigrade but its expansion is kN and due to this force the plane
prevented totally. If α = coefficient of the body shears by an amount
of expansion and E = Young’s of 0.04 mm. The modulus of
modulus, the stress induced in the Rigidity for the material of the
bar is cube is _____________ kN/mm2
a. Αt c. αE a. 200 c. 80
b. tαE d. tE b. 160 d. 100
454.Two bars, one is steel and another is 459.The property by which the material
copper are of same length and can be drawn into thin wires in
subjected to same amount of a. malleability
increase in temperature. The b. ductility
coefficient of thermal expansion c. hardness
ratio for steel and copper is 3. If d. brittleness
free expansion of bars is allowed, 460.The strain due to a temperature
the ratio of the increase in length change in a simple bar is
of steel bar to that of copper bar is a. αt c. α/t
3 2 b. t/ α d. α+t
a. (2) 𝑐. (3)
3 3 2 2
461. If a rigidity connected bar of steel
b. (2 𝑥 2) 𝑑. (3 𝑥 3) and copper is coiled, the copper
455.A composite bar of copper and steel bar will be subjected to
is heated. The ratio of tensile force a. compression
in steel and the compressive force b. shear
in copper will be c. tension
a. 1.0 c. 0.5 d. None of these
b. 2.0 d. 3.0 462.A bar having a coefficient of thermal
456.If a rigidly connected composite bar expansion αt is rigidly fixed at its
of steel and copper is heated, the ends. In this case the stress in the
copper bar will be subjected to bar due to rise in temperature is
a. Compression a. No stress
b. Tension b. Tensile stress
c. Torsion c. Shear stress
d. None d. Compressive stress
457.A bar of length 2 m is fixed at both 463.A bar having a coefficient of thermal
ends. The initial tensile stress in the expansion as ‘’α’’, is rigidly fixed at
bar is 10 N/m2 at a temperature of its ends. The length of the bar is
10℃. If the temperature is raised to ‘’L’’ and modulus of elasticity is ‘’E’’
15℃ the stress in the bar is (Take E and the rise in temperature is ‘’t’’.
= 2 x 105 MPa and α = 10 x 10-6/C) In this case, the stress in the bar
a. 0 c. 20 MPa due to rise in temperature is
b. 20 MPa (Tensile) d. None a. E α t c. E α t L
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. L α t d. α t d. None of these
464.The ratio of isotropic normal stress 470. What is the unit of strain?
to volumetric strain is a. N/mm2 c. Pascal
a. Elastic modulus b. N/mm d. None
b. Modulus of rigidity. 471. The measure of deformation
c. Bulk modulus caused due to external loading is
d. Poisson’s ratio called
465.A bar of copper and steel form a a. Stress
composite system which is heated b. Strain
to a temperature of 45 ℃ . The c. Strain rosettes gauge
stress in the copper bar will be __ d. Slip gauge length
a. Tensile stress 472. Which of the following relationship
b. Compressive stress is CORRECT?
c. Bursting stress a. Bulk modulus = 3 x Elastic
d. Shear stress modulus x (1 – 2 x Poisson’s
466. A bar of length l is uniformly ratio)
tapering from a diameter d1 at the b. Elastic modulus = 3 x Bulk
one end to a diameter d2 at the modulus x (1 – 2 x Poisson’s
other end. The bar is subjected to ratio)
an axial tensile load P. What is the c. Bulk modulus = 2 x Elastic
total elongation? modulus x (1 – 2 x Poisson’s
4𝑃𝑙 4𝑃𝑙2 ratio)
a. 𝜋𝐸𝑑1 𝑑2
c. 𝜋𝐸𝑑1 𝑑22
4𝑃𝑙2 8𝑃𝑙
d. Elastic modulus = 3 x Bulk
b. 𝜋𝐸𝑑12 𝑑2
d. 𝜋𝐸𝑑1 𝑑2 modulus(1 – 2 x Poisson’s ratio)
467. A body subjected to heavy load, 473. The relation between Young’s
the work done is known as modulus E and Bulk modulus k is (𝜇
a. Strain c. Stress is poisson’s ratio)
b. Shear d. Torsion a. 3E = k(1 - 𝜇) c. E = 4k(1 - 2𝜇)
468. Tensile stress is b. E = 3k(1 - 2𝜇) d. E = 2k(1 - 2𝜇)
a. Stress due to any force 474. For a specimen obeying Hooke’s
b. Stress due to change in length law, when the stress is increased to
under a load 4 times, then the modulus of
c. Stress caused by varying load elasticity
d. Stress measured by ratio of the a. Also increases 4 times
increase or decrease in length b. remains same
of the unloaded piece under c. Decreases to one-fourth
tensile force. d. increases 2 times
469. Stresses may be defined as................ 475. 1 MPa =
a. Force per unit area a. 1 N/m2 c. 1 kg/cm2
b. force per unit volume b. 1 kg/m2 d. 1 N/mm2
c. Force per unit length 476. The deformation of a bar under its
own weight as compared to that
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
when subjected to a direct axial d. increase in length, width and
load equal to its own weight will be thickness
a. One-fourth c. Half 482. In a uniform beam supported at
b. Same d. Double one end in position, the maximum
477. The volumetric strain produced in a stress under self weight of bar shall
sphere is how much times the occur at the
strain in it diameter a. middle of beam
a. two c. three b. supported end
b. four d. one and a half c. bottom end
478. Within the elastic range of tensile d. None of the above
test, the deviation from Hooke’s 483. The stress induced in a beam due
laws and some after effects may be to suddenly applied load
noticed. This is due to which of the compared to when it is applied
following factors? gradually is
a. The thermo elastic effect a. same c. two times
b. The material does not obey b. half d. four times
Hooke’s law 484. Consider a beam of length 𝑙 ,
c. The yield stress is crossed breadth 𝑏 and thickness 𝑡
d. The elastic limit is greater than subjected to an axial pull or
ultimate strength tension P. The resulting volumetric
479. A shear stress in a given direction strain will be equal to
cannot exist without a balancing a. 𝜀 (1-2µ) c. 𝜀 (1+2µ)
shear stress of ……..intensity in a b. 2 𝜀 (1-2µ) d. 3𝜀
direction at right angles to it. 485. A cylindrical beam of length l and
a. Equal diameter d is rigidly fixed at its
b. Lesser upper and hangs vertically. The
c. Greater elongation produced in the rod
d. May be lesser or greater due to its self-weight w is
𝑤𝑙 2 𝐴𝐸
480. A bar of length L m extends by 1 a. 𝐴𝐸 c. 𝑤𝑙
mm under a tensile force of P kg. 𝑤𝑙 3 𝑤𝑙
b. d. 2 𝐴𝐸
The strain produced in the bar is 2𝐴𝐸
486. The combined effect of external
a. 1 /L c. 0.01/L
forces acting on a body is called
b. 0.1 /L d. 0.001/L
a. stress c. load
481. A beam when subjected to an axial
b. strain d. None
487. The internal resistance which the
a. decrease in length and width
body offers to meet with the load
and increase in thickness
or external force is called
b. decrease in length and increase
a. stress c. pressure
in width and thickness
b. strain d. None
c. increase in length and decrease
488. Simple stress is often called
in width and thickness
a. direct stress

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. transverse stress b. average load and maximum
c. total stress area
d. None of the above c. maximum load and maximum
489. The maximum stress in a ring area
under tension occurs d. instantaneous load and
a. along the line of action of load instantaneous area
b. perpendicular to the line of 497. Strain in a direction at right angle
action of load to the direction of applied force is
c. at 45° with the line of action of known as
load a. lateral strain
d. None of the above b. shear strain
490. Proof stress is related to c. volumetric strain
a. yielding c. fracture d. None of these
b. necking d. elongation 498. If 𝑙 and 𝛿𝑙 are the length and
491. In S.I. system, unit of stress is change in length respectively, then
a. kg/cm2 c. N/m2 the strain is equal to
b. N d. Watt a. 𝑙 c. 𝑙 x 𝛿𝑙
492. The intensity of stress which causes 𝑙
b. 𝛿𝑙
d. None of these
unit strain is called
499. The deformation per unit length
a. unit stress
b. modulus of rigidity
a. strain
c. bulk modulus
b. tensile stress
d. modulus of elasticity
c. compressive stress
493. Within elastic limit, stress is
d. shear stress
a. inversely proportional to strain
500. strain is the deformation of the bar
b. directly proportional to strain
per unit length in the direction of
c. square roof of strain
the force
d. equal to strain
a. Volumetric c. Lateral
494. The ultimate tensile stress of mild
b. Shear d. Linear
steel compared to ultimate
501. To measure strain rosetters are
compressive stress is
a. same c. less
a. linear c. volumetric
b. more d. unpredictable
b. Shear d. None
495. The stress developed in a material
502. The strain produced due to shear
at breaking point in extension is
force is known as
a. tensile strain
a. breaking stress
b. compressive strain
b. fracture stress
c. shear strain
c. yield point stress
d. volumetric strain
d. ultimate tensile stress
496. True stress represents the ratio of
a. average load and average area
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
503. In a stressed field, the change in a. longitudinal stress and
angle between two initially longitudinal strain
perpendicular lines is called b. volumetric strain and
a. normal strain volumetric strain
b. principal strain c. lateral stress and lateral strain
c. shear strain d. shear stress and shear strain
d. Poisson’s ratio 511. Maximum strain energy that can be
504. To express stress-strain relation for stored in a body is known as
a linearly elastic, homogeneous a. impact energy
isotropic material, minimum b. resilience
number of material constants c. proof resilience
needed are d. None of the above
a. two c. four 512. The unit of strain is
b. three d. one a. N-mm c. mm
505. Stress and strain are tensor of b. d. no unit
a. zero order c. second order 513. Strain is equal to
b. first order d. None of these 𝑙
a. 𝛿𝑙 c. 𝑙. 𝛿𝑙
506. In CGS system, the unit of strain is 𝛿𝑙
a. cm/kg c. no unit b. 𝑙
d. 𝑙 + 𝛿𝑙
b. m/kg d. None 514. The ratio of linear stress to the
507. The net strain in longitudinal linear strain is called
direction will be a. modulus of rigidity
𝑃 1−𝜇 𝑃 1+𝜇
a. 1 (1+𝜇)
c. 𝐸1 (1−𝜇) b. modulus of elasticity
𝑃1 1−𝜇−𝜇 2 𝑃1 1−𝜇−𝜇 2 c. bulk modulus
b. ( ) d. ( )
𝐸 1+𝜇 𝐸 1−𝜇 d. Poisson’s ratio
508. A shaft diameter d and length l has 515. When a change in length takes
been loaded axially. The ratio of place, the strain is known as
change in diameter to the original a. linear strain
is known as b. lateral strain
a. longitudinal strain c. volumetric strain
b. shear strain d. shear strain
c. volumetric strain 516. The ratio of the lateral strain to the
d. lateral strain linear strain is called
509. The area under the stress-strain a. modulus of elasticity
curve represents b. modulus of rigidity
a. breaking strength of material c. bulk modulus
b. toughness of material d. Poisson’s ratio
c. hardness of material 517. Every direct stress is always
d. energy required to cause failure accompanied by a strain in its own
510. Modulus of rigidity is defined as direction and an opposite kind of
the ratio of strain in every direction, at right

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
angles to it. Such a strain is known depend on the type of material
as of the rod.
a. linear strain 521. The percentage reduction in area
b. lateral strain in case of cast iron when it is
c. volumetric strain subjected to tensile test is of the
d. shear strain order of:
518. The deformation of the bar per a. 0% c. 10%
unit length in the direction of the b. 20% d. 25%
force is known as 522. When a wire is stretched to double
a. linear strain in length, the longitudinal strain
b. lateral strain produced in it is:
c. volumetric strain a. 0.5 c. 1.0
d. shear strain b. 1.5 d. 2.0
519. The volumetric strain is the ratio of 523. True stress represents the ratio of:
a. original thickness to the change a. Average load and average area
is thickness b. Average load and maximum
b. change in thickness to the area
original thickness c. Maximum load and maximum
c. original volume to the change area
in volume d. Instantaneous load and the
d. change in volume to the instantaneous area
original volume 524. If equal and opposite forces
520. When a Uniaxial tensile load is applied to a body tend to elongate
applied to a rod fixed at one end. it, then the stress produced is:
a. Both engineering stress and a. tensile stress
true stress in the rod depend b. bending stress
on the type of material of the c. compressive stress
rod d. shear stress
b. Engineering stress in the rod 525. A thin mild steel wire is loaded by
depends on the type of adding loads in equal increments
material of the rod, but true till it breaks. The extensions noted
stress in the rod does not with increasing loads will behave as
depend on the type of material under
of the rod. a. uniform throughout
c. True stress in the rod depends b. increase uniformly
on the type of material of the c. first increase and then decrease
rod, but engineering stress in d. increase uniformly first and
the rod does not depend on then increase rapidly
the type of material of the rod. 526. If a load W is applied
d. Both engineering stress and instantaneously on a bar of cross
true stress in the rod does not section A, then the stress induced
in the bar in worst case will be
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. W/A a. 0.25 mm c. 0.5 mm
b. W/2A b. 2.0 mm d. 4.0 mm
c. 2W/A 533. The stress-strain diagram for two
d. (2W/A) x (a factor greater than materials A and B is shown below:
527. The total elongation produced in a
bar of uniform section hanging
vertically downwards due to its
own weight is equal to that
produced by a weight
a. of same magnitude as that of The following statements are made
bar and applied at the lower based on this diagram:
end I. Material A is more brittle
b. half the weight of bar applied than material B
at the lower end II. The ultimate strength of
c. half of the square of weight of material B is more than that
bar applied at the lower end of A.
d. one-fourth of weight of bar With reference to the above
applied at the lower end statements, which of the following
531. A circular rod of diameter 30 mm applies?
and length 200 mm is subjected to a. Both the statements are false
a tensile force. The extension in rod b. Both the statements are true
is 0.09 mm and change in diameter c. I is true but II is false
is 0.0045 mm. What is the Poisson’s d. I is false but II is true
ratio of the material of the rod? 534. The stress-strain curve for mid
a. 0.30 c. 0.32 steel is shown in the figure given
b. 0.33 d. 0.35 below. Choose the correct option
531. The Young’s modulus of a wire is referring to both figure and table
defined as the stress which will Point Description of the point
increase the length of wire P 1.Upper yield point
compared to its original length Q 2.Ultimate Tensile Strength
a. half
R 3.Proportionality Limit
b. same amount
S 4.Elastic Limit
c. double
T 5.Lower Yield point
d. one-fourth
U 6.Failure
532. On the application of a given load,
a. P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4, T-5, U-6
the length of a wire is stated to
b. P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2, T-6, U-5
increase by 1 mm. If the same force
c. P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-5, T-2, U-6
is now applied to a wire of same
d. P-4, Q-1, R-5, S-2, T-3, U-6
material but of length and radius
twice the first, the extension
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
produced would be
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 206) 207) 208) 209) 210)
11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 211) 212) 213) 214) 215)
16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 216) 217) 218) 219) 220)
21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 221) 222) 223) 224) 225)
26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 226) 227) 228) 229) 230)
31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 231) 232) 233) 234) 235)
36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 236) 237) 238) 239) 240)
41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 241) 242) 243) 244) 245)
46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 246) 247) 248) 249) 250)
51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 251) 252) 253) 254) 255)
56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 256) 257) 258) 259) 260)
61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 261) 262) 263) 264) 265)
66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 266) 267) 268) 269) 270)
71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 271) 272) 273) 274) 275)
76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 276) 277) 278) 279) 280)
81) 82) 83) 84) 85) 281) 282) 283) 284) 285)
86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 286) 287) 288) 289) 290)
91) 92) 93) 94) 95) 291) 292) 293) 294) 295)
96) 97) 98) 99) 100) 296) 297) 298) 299) 300)
101) 102) 103) 104) 105) 301) 302) 303) 304) 305)
106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 306) 307) 308) 309) 310)
111) 112) 113) 114) 115) 311) 312) 313) 314) 315)
116) 117) 118) 119) 120) 316) 317) 318) 319) 320)
121) 122) 123) 124) 125) 321) 322) 323) 324) 325)
126) 127) 128) 129) 130) 326) 327) 328) 329) 330)
131) 132) 133) 134) 135) 331) 332) 333) 334) 335)
136) 137) 138) 139) 140) 336) 337) 338) 339) 340)
141) 142) 143) 144) 145) 341) 342) 343) 344) 345)
146) 147) 148) 149) 150) 346) 347) 348) 349) 350)
151) 152) 153) 154) 155) 351) 352) 353) 354) 355)
156) 157) 158) 159) 160) 356) 357) 358) 359) 360)
161) 162) 163) 164) 165) 361) 362) 363) 364) 365)
166) 167) 168) 169) 170) 366) 367) 368) 369) 370)
171) 172) 173) 174) 175) 371) 372) 373) 374) 375)
176) 177) 178) 179) 180) 376) 377) 378) 379) 380)
181) 182) 183) 184) 185) 381) 382) 383) 384) 385)
186) 187) 188) 189) 190) 386) 387) 388) 389) 390)
191) 192) 193) 194) 195) 391) 392) 393) 394) 395)
196) 197) 198) 199) 200) 396) 397) 398) 399) 400)
201) 202) 203) 204) 205) 401) 402) 403) 404) 405)

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
406) 407) 408) 409) 410) correct answer using the codes
411) 412) 413) 414) 415) given below the lists:
416) 417) 418) 419) 420) List-I
421) 422) 423) 424) 425) A. Young’s modulus
426) 427) 428) 429) 430) B. Poisson’s ratio
431) 432) 433) 434) 435) C. Bulk modulus
436) 437) 438) 439) 440) D. Rigidity modulus
441) 442) 443) 444) 445) List-II
446) 447) 448) 449) 450) 1. Lateral strain to linear strain
451) 452) 453) 454) 455) within elastic limit
456) 457) 458) 459) 460) 2. Stress to strain within elastic
461) 462) 463) 464) 465)
3. Shear stress to shear strain
466) 467) 468) 469) 470)
within elastic limit
471) 472) 473) 474) 475)
4. Direct stress to corresponding
476) 477) 478) 479) 480)
volumetric strain
481) 482) 483) 484) 485)
486) 487) 488) 489) 490)
a. 3 1 4 2
491) 492) 493) 494) 495)
b. 2 1 4 3
496) 497) 498) 499) 500)
c. 2 4 1 3
501) 502) 503) 504) 505) d. 3 4 1 2
506) 507) 508) 509) 510) 3. In an experiment it found that the
511) 512) 513) 514) 515) bulk modulus of a material is equal
516) 517) 518) 519) 520) to its shear modulus. The Poisson’s
521) 522) 523) 524) 525) ratio is
526) 527) 528) 529) 530) a. 0.125 c. 0.152
531) 532) 533) 534) b. 0.521 d. 125
4. If the Young’s modulus ‘E’ is equal
to the bulk modulus ‘K’, then what
Elastic Constants is the value of the Poisson’s ratio?
a. 0.33 c. 0.25
1. A given material has Young’s b. 0.5 d. 0.125
modulus E, modulus of rigidity G 5. Given E as the Young’s modulus of
and Poisson’s ratio 0.25. The ratio elasticity of a material, what can be
of Young’s modulus of rigidity of the minimum value of its bulk
this material is____ modulus of elasticity?
a. 5.2 c. 2.5 a. 2 𝑐. 3
b. 25 d. 52 b. 𝑑. 5
2. Match List-I (Elastic constant) with 6. The material that exhibits the same
List-II (Definition) and select the elastic properties in all directions at
a point is said to be

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. homogeneous vertical compressive stress is σ1.
b. orthotropic The Modulus of Elasticity and
c. viscoelastic Poisson’s Ratio are E and μ,
d. Isotropic respectively. What should be the
7. The maximum value of Poisson’s
uniform lateral pressure σ2 in terms
ratio for an elastic material is
of σ1 and μ, so that lateral strain is
a. 0.25 c. 0
b. 0.5 d. ∞
8. Assertion (A): A material is
incompressible if its Poisson’s ratio
is 0.5.
Reason (R): The Bulk modulus K is
related to Modulus of elasticity E
and to Poisson’s ratio μ as per
𝜇𝜎1 𝜇𝜎 1
well known relationship. a.
𝑐. (1+𝜇)
𝜎1 𝜇𝜎 1
a. both A and R are true and R is b. (1−𝜇)
𝑑. (1+2𝜇)
the correct explanation of A
12. Which of the following statements
b. both A and R are true but R is
are correct?
not a correct explanation of A
1. The number of Independent
c. A is true but R is false
elastic constants for a
d. A is false but R is true
completely anisotropic elastic
9. A circular shaft of diameter ‘D’ is
material is 21.
made of a material for which
2. The number of Independent
Young’s Modulus of Elasticity is ‘E’
elastic constants for a
and Poisson’s Ratio is ‘v’. The ratio
completely Isotropic and
of flexural rigidity to torsional
homogeneous material is 2 (E,
rigidity for the shaft is
a. 4(1 + v) c. 1.5(1 – 2v)
3. The number of Independent
b. (1 + v) d. 0.25(1 + v)
elastic constants for orthotropic
10. For an elastic material, Poisson’s
material is 9.
ratio is μ, Modulus of Elasticity is E, 4. The number of Independent
Modulus of Rigidity is C and Bulk elastic constants for a
Modulus is K. μ is expressible in completely isotropic material is
terms of K and C as 2.
6K−2C 6K+2C
a. 3K−2C c. 3K−2C a. Only 1 & 2 are correct
3K−2C 3K+2C b. Only 2 & 3 are correct
b. d. 6K+2C
c. 2, 3 & 4 are correct
11. A cubical element of a structural
d. All are correct
part made of mild steel is
13. Which one of the following is
subjected to a tri-axial compressive
correct in respect of poisson’s ratio
stress as shown in the figure. The

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
𝜇𝜎1 𝜇𝜎1
(μ) limits for an isotropic elastic a.
𝜇𝜎1 𝜇𝜎1
solid? b.
1 1 2(1−2𝜇)
a. −∞ ≤ 𝜇 ≤ ∞ 𝑐. ≤ 𝜇 ≤
4 3 18. In a body loaded under plane
1 1 1
b. −1 ≤ 𝜇 ≤ 𝑑. − ≤ 𝜇 ≤ stress conditions, what is the
2 2 2
14. E, G, K and μ represent the elastic number of independent stress
modulus, shear modulus, bulk components in order to completely
modulus and Poisson’s ratio specify the state of stress at a
respectively of a linearly elastic, point?
isotropic and homogeneous a. 3 c. 2
material. To express the stress- b. 1 d. 4
strain relations completely for this 19. A rod is subjected to a uniaxial
material, at least load within linear elastic limit.
When the change in the stress is
a. E, G and μ must be known
200Mpa, the change in the strain is
b. E, G and μ must be known
0.001. If the Poisson’s ratio is 0.3,
c. any two of the four must be
the modulus of rigidity in (GPa) is__
a. 77 c. 65
d. All the four must be known
b. 56 d. 7.7
15. Which of the following relation in
20. If modulus of elasticity of a
not correct?
material is 189.8 GN/m2 and its
a. E=2G (1+ 𝜇) 𝑐. E=3K (1-2𝜇)
9𝐾𝐺 Poisson’s ratio is 0.30, what is the
b. E=3𝐾+𝐺 𝑑. E=2G ( 1- 𝜇)
approximate value of shear
16. If E, G and K denote Young’s modulus of the material? _____GPa.
modulus, modulus of rigidity and a. 73 c. 37
Bulk modulus, respectively for an b. 7.3 d. 3.7
elastic material, then which one of 21. The number of independent elastic
the following can be possible true constants for a linear elastic
for certain value of Poisson’s ratio? isotropic and homogeneous
a. G=2K c. G=E material is
b. K=E d. G=K=E a. 2 c. 3
17. An elastic material of Young’s b. 4 d. 1
modulus E and Poisson’s ratio 𝜇 is 22. An elastic isotropic body is in a
subjected to a compressive stress hydrostatic state of stress as shown
of 𝜎1 in the longitudinal direction.
in the Figure. For no change in the
Suitable lateral compressive stress
𝜎2 is also applied along the other volume to occur, what should be
two lateral directions to limit the its Poisson’s ratio ________
net strain in each of the lateral
directions to half of the magnitude
that would be under 𝜎1 acting
alone. The magnitude of 𝜎2 is

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
27. What is the correct sequence of the
following metals in the decreasing
order of their Poisson’s ratio?
a. Aluminium
b. Cast iron
c. Steel
Select the correct answer using the
a. 0.5 c. 0.2
codes given below:
b. 0.3 d. 0
a. 1-2-3 c. 2-1-3
23. In terms of Poisson’s ratio (μ) the
b. 1-3-2 d. 3-1-2
ratio of Young’s Modulus (E) to
28. Measured mechanical properties of
Shear Modulus (G) of elastic
material are same in a particular
material is
1 direction at each point. This
a. 2 (1 + μ) c. (1 + μ)
2 property of the material is known
b. 2 (1 - μ) d. 2 (1 - μ) as
a. Isotropy
24. Poisson’s ratio of a material is 0.3. b. Homogeneity
Then the ratio of Young’s modulus c. Orthotropic
to bulk modulus is d. Anisotropy
a. 1.2 c. 12 29. An isotropic elastic material is
b. 21 d. 2.1 characterized by
25. For an isotropic material, the a. Two independent moduli of
relationship between the Young’s elasticity along two mutually
modulus (E) shear modulus (G) and perpendicular directions
b. Two independent moduli of
Poisson’s ratio (μ) is given by
𝐸 𝐸 elasticity along two mutually
a. G = 2(1+𝜇) c. E = 2(1+𝜇)
perpendicular directions and
b. G = (1+2𝜇) d. G = 2(1−2𝜇) poisson’s ratio
c. A modulus of elasticity, a
26. Statement (A): There are two modulus of rigidity and
independent elastic constants for poisson’s ratio
an isotropic material. d. Any two out of a modulus of
Statement (B): All metals at micro- elasticity, a modulus of rigidity
level are isotropic. and poisson’s ratio
a. both A and B are true and B is 30. The components of strain tensor at
the correct explanation of A a point in the plane strain case can
b. both A and B are true but B is be obtained by measuring
not a correct explanation of A longitudinal strain in following
c. A is true but B is false directions
d. A is false but B is true a. along any two arbitrary

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. along any three arbitrary d. Hydrostatic stress to volumetric
directions strain
c. along two mutually orthogonal 37. A solid cube is subjected same
directions magnitude of tensile force along its
d. along any arbitrary direction three directions. If
= 0.25 and σ
32. Which of the following is a = tensile stress on faces of the
dimensionless quantity? cube and E = Young’s modulus, the
a. Shear stress volumetric strain of the cube is
b. Bulk modulus given by
c. Poisson’s ratio σ 1.5σ
a. c.
d. Shear modulus 2σ 2.5σ
b. d.
33. Poisson’s ratio is used in: E E
38. Circumferential and longitudinal
a. one-dimensional body
strains in a cylindrical boiler under
b. two dimensional body
stream pressure are 𝜀 1 and 𝜀 2
c. three dimensional body respectively. Change in volume of
d. both two and three dimensional the boiler cylinder per unit volume
body will be
34. The maximum value of Poisson’s a. ε1 + 2 ε2
ratio for an elastic material is b. ε1 + ε22
c. 2ε1 + ε2
a. 0.25 c. 0.5
d. ε12 ε2
b. 0.75 d. 0.1
39. The relationship between Young’s
35. For which material the Poisson’s modulus and shear modulus when
ratio is more than unity? 1
= 0, is
A. steel a. E = 2C c. E = 3C
B. copper b. E =2C+1 d. C = 2E
C. aluminium 40. The number of elastic constants for
D. cast iron a completely anisotropic elastic
a. only A material which follows Hooke’s law
b. only B
a. 3 c. 4
c. only C b. 21 d. 25
d. None of these 41. The Poisson’s ratio cannot have
36. Modulus of rigidity is the ratio of : that value…….
a. Axial stress to lateral strain a. 0.7 c. 0.2
b. Linear stress to longitudinal b. 0.1 d. None
42. Which of the following materials is
more elastic?
c. Shear stress to shear strain
a. Steel c. Plastic

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
3𝐾+ 𝐺 𝐾+3𝐺
b. Wood d. None b. d.
43. Modulus of elasticity is the ratio of
a. Stress/Strain c. Strain/Stress 50. Which one of the following is
b. Load/Area d. None correct relationship between
44. The S.I. unit of modulus of elasticity Young’s modulus ’E’, modulus of
is rigidity ‘G’ & bulk modulus ‘K’ in an
a. Newton/m2 c. Newton/cm2 elastic material?
b. Newton/mm2 d. all the above a. E =3 KG(3K + G)
45. The ratio of linear stress to linear b. E = 9 KG (9K + G)
strain is called c. E = 3 KG(9K + G)
a. Poisson’s ratio d. E = 9KG (3K + G)
b. Modulus of Elasticity 51. If ultimate stress of a specimen is
c. Bulk Modulus 20 units and factor of safety is 4
d. Modulus of rigidity then working stress would be
46. The material that exhibits the same a. 5 units c. 10 units
elasticity properties in all the b. 80 units d. 20 units
directions at a point, is said to be 52. The unit of shear stress is
a. Homogeneous a. Poise c. Newton meter
b. Orthotropic b. Stoke d. Pascal
c. Visco-elastic 53. The relation between modulus of
d. isotropic elasticity E and modulus of rigidity
47. __________is the greatest stress at (G) where 𝜇 is Poisson’s ratio is
which a material is capable of a. E = 2G(1 + 𝜇)
developing without a permanent b. 2E = 2G(1 + 𝜇)
deformation remaining upon c. E = 2G(1 + ) 𝜇
complete release of the stress d. E = 3G(1 - 𝜇)
a. Yield point 54. The value of Poisson’s ratio is
b. Elastic limit calculated by
c. Yield strength a. (Longitudinal)/(Lateral stress)
d. None b. (Lateral strain)/(Longitudinal of
48. In an experiment it is found that strain)
the bulk modulus of material is c. (Lateral stress)/(Longitudinal of
equal to its shear modulus then the stress)
Poisson’s ratio is: d. (Longitudinal of strain)/(lateral
a. 0.125 c. 0.250 strain)
b. 0.375 d. 0.500 55. Hooke’s law is valid till a point in
49. The Modulus of Elasticity in terms stress-strain diagram. The point is
of Bulk Modulus and Modulus a. Elastic limit
of Rigidity is b. Proportional limit
a. 3𝐾+𝐺 c. 𝐾+3𝐺 c. Upper yield point
d. Lower yield point

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
2 9 3 9 3 1
56. The stress which exist between two a. = + c. = +
parts or a body when the two parts 3 9 1 1 9 3
b. = + d. = +
exerts equal and opposite force on
62. For a linearly elastic, isotropic and
each other laterally in tangential
direction to their surface in contact homogeneous material the number
is of elastic constants require to
a. Tensile stress relate stress and strain is
b. Shear stress a. two c. four
c. Compressive stress b. three d. Six
d. Normal stress
63. Which one of the following
57. The ratio of lateral strain to
properties is more sensitive to
longitudinal strain is
a. Strain ratio increase in strain rate?
b. Poisson’s ratio a. Yield strength
c. Bulk modulus b. Proportional limit
d. Young’s modulus c. Elastic limit
58. For a linear elastic isotropic and d. Tensile strength
homogenous material, how many
64. Young’s modulus of elasticity for a
number of independent elastic
constant are present? perfectly rigid body is
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 a. zero c. infinity
59. Which one of the following b. Unity d. None of these
constants fall under the category of 65. Young’s modulus of a wire is
elastic constant in strength of defined as the stress which will
increase the length of wire
a. Modulus of elasticity (E)
compared to its original length by
b. Poisson’s ration (µ)
c. Modulus of rigidity (G) a. half c. double
d. All of the above b. same amount d. one-fourth
60. What will be the elastic modulus of 66. What is the relationship between
the material if Poisson’s ratio of the linear elastic properties
material is 0.5. Young’s modulus (E), rigidity
a. Five times its shear modulus
modulus (G) and bulk modulus (K)?
b. Equal to its shear modulus 1 9 3 9 3 1
c. Three times its shear modulus a. =𝐾+𝐺 c. 𝐸 = 𝐾 + 𝐺
3 9 1 9 1 3
d. None times its shear modulus b. =𝐾+𝐺 d. 𝐸 = 𝐾 + 𝐺
61. Choose the correct relation
67. If E. G and K denote Young’s
between modulus elasticity (E),
modulus of rigidity and bulk
modulus of rigidity (G) and bulk
modulus (K) from the following modulus, respectively, for an elastic
options: material, then which one of the
following can be possible true?
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. G = 2K c. K = E a. Young’s modulus
b. G = E d. G = K = E b. modulus of rigidity
68. The independent elastic constants c. bulk modulus
for a homogeneous and isotropic d. Poisson’s ratio
material are 74. The relation between Young’s
a. E, G, K, v c. E, G, v modulus (E) and bulk modulus (K)
b. E, G, K d. E, G is given by
3𝑚−2 3(𝑚−2)
69. The Young’s modulus of elasticity a. K = c. K =
𝑚𝐸 𝑚𝐸
of a material is 2.5 times its 𝑚𝐸 𝑚𝐸
b. K = 3𝑚−2 d. K = 3(𝑚−2)
modulus of rigidity. The Poisson’s
75. The relation between modulus of
ratio for the material will be
elasticity (E) and modulus of
a. 0.25 c. 0.50
rigidity (C) is given by
b. 0.33 d. 0.75 𝑚𝐸 2 𝑚𝐸
a. C = 2(𝑚+1) c. C =
70. Young’s modulus may be defined 𝑚+1
2(𝑚+1) 𝑚+1
as the ratio of b. C = d. C = 2𝑚𝐸
a. linear stress to lateral strain 76. If the modulus of elasticity for a
b. lateral stress to linear strain given material is twice its modulus
c. linear stress to linear strain of rigidity, then bulk modulus is
d. shear stress to shear strain equal to
71. Modulus of rigidity may be defined 2𝐶
a. 2 C c.
as the ratio of 3𝐶
b. 2 C d. 2
a. linear stress to lateral strain
b. lateral strain to linear strain 77. The Young’s modulus of a material

c. linear stress to linear strain is 125 GPa and Poisson’s ratio is

d. shear stress to shear strain 0.25. The modulus of rigidity of the

72. The unit of Young’s modulus is material is

same as that of a. 30 GPa c. 80 GPa

a. stress b. 50 GPa d. 100 GPa

b. strain 78. Measurements have been made for

c. Poisson ratio the Young’s modulus of elasticity

d. None of these for mild steel specimen both in

73. When a body is subjected to three tension and compression. The ratio

mutually perpendicular stresses of Et/Ec will be approximately equal to

equal intensity, the ratio of direct a. 0.5 c. 1.0

stress to the corresponding b. 0.75 d. 1.25

79. The value of Poisson’s ratio
volumetric strain is known as
depends on the

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. size of material 86. If the radius of wire stretched by a
b. type of material load is doubled, then its Young’s
c. magnitude of load modulus will
d. nature of load a. be doubled
80. Poisson’s ratio for cast iron is b. be halved
a. 0.22-0.25 c. 0.33-0.35 c. become four times
b. 0.29-0.31 d. 0.38-0.40 d. None of the above
81. The Poisson’s ratio for most of the 87. Relationship between modulus of
materials is close to elasticity E, modulus of rigidity G is
a. 0.5 c. 0.25 a. E = G(1+µ) c. G =
b. 0.33 d. 0.2 𝐸
b. G = E(2-µ) d. G = 1+𝜇
82. If Poisson’s ratio for a material is
88. The value of Poisson’s ratio for cast
0.5, then the elastic module for the
iron is
material will be
a. 0.1 to 0.2 c. 0.25 to 0.33
a. 3 times its shear modulus
b. 0.23 to 0.27 d. 0.4 to 0.6
b. 4 times its shear modulus
89. The bulk modulus K, the modulus
c. equal to its shear modulus
of rigidity N and Poisson’s ratio I/m
d. indeterminate
are related by
83. The Poisson’s ratio of a material 1 9𝐾𝑁 1 6𝐾+2𝑁
which has Young’s modulus of 120 a. 𝑚
= 3𝐾+𝑁 c. 𝑚 = 3𝐾−2𝑁
1 3𝐾+2𝑁
GPa and shear modulus of 50 GPa b. 𝑚
= 6𝐾−2𝑁 d. None of these
is 90. Ratio of lateral strain to linear
a. 0.1 c. 0.3 strain within elastic limit, is known
b. 0.2 d. 0.4 as
84. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of a. Young’s modulus
a. stress and strain b. bulk modulus
b. modulus of elasticity and strain c. modulus of rigidity
c. lateral strain and longitudinal d. Poisson’s ratio
strain 91. Value of Poisson’s ratio for steel is
d. None of the above between
85. Modulus ratio of two materials is a. 0.01 to 0.1 c. 0.25 to 0.33
the ratio of b. 0.23 to 0.27 d. 0.4 to 0.6
a. strains 92. Poisson’s ratio determined by
b. stress and strain taking reading when load is
c. shear stress and shear strain applied gradually compared to that
d. moduli and elasticity

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
taken with load applied at a faster c. 1/4 ≤ v ≤ 1/3
rate would be d. -1/2 ≤ v ≤ 1/2
a. same 97. The relationship between the
b. different Lame’s constant (λ) Young’s
c. more or less same (d) modulus (E) and the Poisson’s ratio
d. depends on the other factors (µ)
93. In terms of Poisson’s ratio (µ) the a. λ = (𝟏+µ)(𝟏−𝟐µ)
ratio of Young’s modulus (E) to 𝑬µ
b. λ = (𝟏+𝟐µ)(𝟏−µ)
shear modulus (G) of elastic
materials is c. λ = 𝟏+µ
𝟏 𝑬µ
a. 2 (1+µ) c. (1+µ)
d. λ = 𝟏−µ
b. 2 (1-µ) d. 𝟐(1-µ) 98. E, G, K and µ represent the elastic
94. A rod of length L and diameter D is modulus, shear modulus, bulk
subjected to a tensile load P. modulus and Poisson’s ratio
Which of the following is sufficient respectively of a linearly elastic,
to calculate the resulting change in isotropic and homogenous
diameter? material. To express the stress-
a. Young’s modulus strain relations completely for this
b. Shear modulus material, at least
c. Poisson’s ratio a. E, G and µ must be known
d. Both Young’s modulus and b. E, K and µ and be known
shear modulus c. Any two of the four must be
95. In the case of an engineering known
material under unidirectional stress d. All the four must be known
in the x-direction, the Poisson’s 99. If a material had a modulus of
ratio is equal to (symbols have the elasticity of 2.1 x 106 kfg/cm2 and a
usual meanings) modulus of rigidity of 0.8 x 106
𝜺𝒚 𝝈𝒚
a. c. 𝝈 kgf/cm2, then the approximate
𝜺𝒙 𝒙
𝜺𝒚 𝝈𝒚 value of the Poisson’s ratio of the
b. 𝝈𝒙
d. 𝜺𝒙 material would be
96. Which one of the following is a. 0.26 c. 0.47
correct in respect of Poisson’s ratio b. 0.31 d .0.5
(v) limits for an isotropic elastic 100. The modulus of elasticity for a
solid? material is 200 GN/m2 and
a. -∞ ≤ v ≤ ∞ Poisson’s ratio is 0.25. What is the
b. -1 ≤ v ≤ ½ modulus of rigidity?

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. 80 GN/m2 c. 250 GN/m2 c. Zero
2 2 d. Equal to the initial volume of
b. 125 GN/m d. 320 GN/m
101. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of linear the body
107. A load of 20,000 kg applied to a
strain to the strain
brass cylinder 40 cm long and 10
a. volumetric c. lateral
cm in diameter caused the length
b. shear d. None to increase 0.8 cm and the
102. A steel bar 2 m long, 20 mm wide diameter to decrease 0.005 cm.
and 10 mm thick is subjected to a Poisson’s ratio of brass is
pull of 2 kN. If the same is a. 0.025 c. 0.925
subjected to a push of 2 kN, the b. 0.25 d. 2.5
108. The number of independent elastic
Poisson’s ratio of the bar in tension
constants required to define the
will be the Poisson’s ratio for the stress-strain relationship for an
bar in compression isotropic elastic solid is
a. equal to c. greater than a. 1 c. 2
b. less than d. None of these b. 3 d. 4
103. The Poisson’s ratio for steel varies 109. For an isotropic material, the
relationship between the Young’s
modulus (E), shear modulus (G)
a. 0.23 to 0.27 c. 0.31 to 0.34
and Poisson’s ratio (μ) is given by
b. 0.25 to 0.33 d. 0.32 to 0.42 𝑬
a. G = 𝟐(𝟏+𝛍)
104. The Poisson’s ratio for cast iron 𝑬
varies from b. E = 𝟐(𝟏+𝛍)
a. 0.23 to 0.27 c. 0.31 to 0.34 c. G = (𝟏+𝟐𝛍)
b. 0.25 to 0.33 d. 0.32 to 0.42 𝑬
d. G = 𝟐(𝟏−𝟐𝛍)
105. The ratio of bulk modulus to
116. For isotropic materials, the
Young’s modulus for a Poisson’s
modulus of Elasticity in tension and
ratio of 0.25 will be
𝟏 shear (E and G) are related to the
a. 𝟑
c. 1
𝟐 𝟑
Poisson’s ratio (v) as follows:
b. d. 𝟐 𝐺 𝐸
𝟑 a. 𝐸 = 2(1 + 𝑣) c. 𝐺 = 2(1 + 𝑣)
106. A material has a Poisson’s ratio of 𝐸 𝐺
b. 𝐺 = 2(1− 𝑣) d. 𝐺 = 2(1− 𝑣)
0.5. If a body is made of this
material and subjected to external
forces (within the elastic limit) then 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
the final volume of the body is : 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
a. Thrice that of the initial volume 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
of the body 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)
b. Twice that of the initial volume 21) 22) 23) 24) 25)
of the body

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
26) 27) 28) 29) 30) a. 𝑐.
31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 𝑊𝐿 𝑊2𝐿
b. 4𝐴𝐸
36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 2𝐴𝐸

41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 4. Strain energy U, in the case of

axially loaded bar is expressed as.
46) 47) 48) 49) 50)
(Where P is axial load, L is bar
51) 52) 53) 54) 55)
length, A is cross-section area of
56) 57) 58) 59) 60)
the bar, E is Young’s modulus of
61) 62) 63) 64) 65)
the bar,  is axial stress, L is
66) 67) 68) 69) 70)
elongation due to axial load).
71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 𝑷𝟐 𝑳𝟐
76) 77) 78) 79) 80) a. 𝟐𝑨𝑬(𝜹𝑳)
81) 82) 83) 84) 85) b. Area under stress versus strain
86) 87) 88) 89) 90) diagram of axially loaded bar
𝝈 (𝜹𝑳)
91) 92) 93) 94) 95) c. 𝟐
96) 97) 98) 99) 100) 𝑷𝟐 𝑳
d. 𝟐𝑨𝑬
101) 102) 103) 104) 105)
5. Two bolts A and B of same material
106) 107) 108) 109) 110)
and length are subjected to
111) 112) 113) 114) 115)
identical tensile load. If the elastic
strain energy stored in bolt A is 16
times that of the bolt B and the
mean diameter of bolt A is 13 mm,
Strain Energy the mean diameter of bolt B (in
mm) is:
1. Strain energy stored in a solid is a. 52 c. 36
given as : b. 24 d. 16
a.  x  x volume 6.
is the deflection under the load
b.  x  x area of cross section
P of a cantilever beam (Lengh-L,
c. 0.5 x  x  x 1
modulus of elasticity-E, moment of
d. 0.5 x  x  x volume
inertia-I). The strain energy due to
2. For a beam carrying a uniformly
bending is :
distributed load, the strain energy
will be maximum in case the beam 𝑃 2 𝐿3 𝑃 2 𝐿3
is : a. c.
a. Propped cantilever 𝑃 2 𝐿3 𝑃 2 𝐿3
b. d. 48𝐸𝐼
b. Fixed at both ends
c. Cantilever 7. There are two bars of equal length
d. Simply supported and equal volume and same material,
3. A mild steel bar of uniform cross- one having stepped diameters and
section A and length L is subjected other having uniform diameter. If
to an axial load W. The strain maximum stress produced in both
energy stored in the bar would be
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
bars is same, then stored energy will is the same? The cross-sectional
be : areas are as indicated over the
a. More in stepped diameter shaft indicated lengths.
b. More in uniform diameter shaft
c. Equal in both
d. Depend on other factors
8. The lists given below refer to a bar
of length L, cross sectional area A,
Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s ratio μ
and subjected to axial stress ‘P’. a. 1/3 b. 2/3 c. 4/3 d. 1/6
Match List-I with List-II and select 10. For the state of stress of pure shear
the correct answer using the codes 𝜏, the shear strain energy stored
given below the lists: per unit volume in the elastic,
List-I homogenous isotropic material
A. Volumetric strain having elastic constants E and 𝜇
B. Strain energy per unit volume will be
C. Ratio of Young’s modulus to 𝜏2 (1+𝜇) 𝜏2 (1−𝜇)
a. 𝐸
𝑐. 3𝐸
modulus of rigidity
𝜏2 (1+𝜇) 𝜏2 (1−𝜇)
List-II b. 2𝐸
𝑑. 𝐸
1. 2 (1+μ) 11. Strain energy stored in a body of
2. 3 (1-2μ) volume V subjected to uniform
3. (1 − 2𝜇) stress 𝝈 is
𝑃2 𝜎𝐸
4. a. 𝑐. 𝜎𝐸/2𝑉
2𝐸 𝑉
5. 2(1-μ) b. 3𝑉
𝑑. 𝜎 2 𝑉/2𝐸
A B C D 12. A steel specimen 150 mm2 in cross-
a. 3 4 2 1 section stretches by 0.05 mm over
b. 5 4 1 2 a 50mm gauge length under an
c. 5 4 2 1 axial load of 30kN. What is the
d. 2 3 1 5 strain energy (in Nm) stored in the
8. What is the total strain energy of a specimen?(E=200 GPa) __________
member subjected to an axial a. 0.75 c. 0.57
stress f (E = Young’s modulus)? b. 0.55 d. 0.77
a. (2𝐸) . 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟 13. A cantilever beam, 2 m in length, is
𝑓3 subjected to a uniformly
b. (2𝐸) . 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟
distributed load of 5 kN/m. If
c. (3𝐸) . 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟 E=200GPa and I = 1000 cm4, the
𝑓2 strain energy(in Nm) stored in the
d. (6𝐸) . 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟
beam will be___________
9. What is the ratio of the strain
a. 10 c. 8
energy in bar X to that in bar Y
b. 7 d. 9
when the material of the two bars

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
14. Two threaded bolts A and B of c. 0.0007125
same material and length are d. 0.0006375
subjected to identical tensile load. 18. The maximum stress produced in a
If the elastic strain energy stored in bar when a load is applied
bolt A is 4 times that of bolt B and suddenly is 40 N.mm2. If the same
the mean diameter of bolt A is 12 load is applied gradually, the stress
mm, the mean diameter of bolt B produced is
in mm is _______ a. 10 N/mm2 c. 20 N/mm2
a. 24 c. 42 b. 40 N/mm2 d. 80 N/mm2
b. 20 d. 18 19. A simply supported beam of span 𝑙
15. A stepped steel shaft shown below and flexural rigidity EI carries a unit
is subjected to 10N-m torque. If load at its mid span section; the
the modulus of rigidity is 80GPa, strain energy of the beam is
the strain energy in the shaft in N- a. 𝑙 3 (48 EI)
mm is______________ b. 𝑙 3 (192 EI)
c. 𝑙 3 (96 EI)
d. 𝑙 3 (24 EI)
20. The strain energy in a bar of 20
mm diameter, 1.0 m length, and
a. 1.73 c. 5 Young’s modulus 200.0 GPa under
b. 5 d. 6 an axial force of 100.0 N is
16. The strain energy stored in the a. 0.0796 N-mm
beam with flexural rigidity EI and b. 0.796 kNm
loaded as shown in the figure is c. 0.080 Nm
d. 0.080 kNm
21. The strain energy stored in a body
due to suddenly applied load
compared to when it is applied
gradually is
a. same
𝑃 2 𝐿3 2𝑃 2 𝐿3
a. 𝑐. b. twice
4𝑃 2 𝐿3 9𝑃 2 𝐿3 c. four time
b. 𝑑.
d. eight times
17. A cylindrical shell 3 meters long, 1 22. Resilience of material is considered
metre in diameter, thickness of when it is subjected to
metal 10 mm is subjected to a a. fatigue
internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm2. If E b. creep
= 2 kN/mm2 and 1/m = 0.3, the c. shock loading
volumetric strain produced in the d. resonant condition
cylinder is 23. For a body of volume V and stress
a. 0.000075 𝑠 due to gradually applied load, the
b. 0.000319 strain energy stored is
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
s2 V sE b. proof resilience of a material
a. c.
2E V
sE2 sV2 per unit area
b. d.
V E c. proof resilience of a material
24. Shear strain energy theory of the per unit volume
failure of a material at elastic limit d. proof resilience of a material
is due to per unit energy
a. Haig c. Von Mises 30. Strain energy stored in a solid
b. Rankine d. St. Venant circular shaft subjected to torsion is
25. Modulus of resilience of a material proportional to
is the area of the stress-strain curve a. GJ c. (GJ)2
upto 1 1
d. (GJ)2
a. failure
31. Modulus of resilience is
b. upper yield point
a. an index of elasticity
c. proportionally limit
b. property to withstand heavy
d. elastic limit
26. If the load is dropped from a
c. the property to store energy
height on a column of uniform
without undergoing permanent
section, the maximum stress
developed will be a function of
d. property to resist shocks
a. load dropped and bar length
32. Resilience is the _____ energy
b. height of drop and load
stored in deformed body
c. load, height of drop, material
a. kinetic energy
properties and bar diameter
b. partially kinetic and partially
d. load, height of drop, material
properties and bar size
c. potential
27. Resilience is defined as
d. None of the above
a. total strain in a body
33. The strain energy stored in a body
b. total elastic strain energy stored
of volume ‘V’ due to direct shear
in a body
stress ‘τ’ and shear modulus ‘C’ is
c. total stress in the body 𝜏𝑉 2𝐶
a. 𝑐.
d. total area of stress-strain 2𝐶 𝜏2 𝑉
𝜏𝑉 2 𝜏2 𝑉
diagram b. 𝑑.
2𝐶 2𝐶
28. Proof resilience is defined as 34. A load P is applied onto a body
a. maximum strain energy stored gradually and the elongation
in the body observed is 12mm. If the same load
b. maximum stress P is applied suddenly. The
c. maximum load instantaneous elongation in the
d. maximum stress per unit strain body will be
29. Modulus of resilience is defined as a. 12mm c. 24mm
a. proof resilience of a material b. 6mm d. 3mm
per unit length

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
35. An axial load of 100 kN is applied 𝑴𝟐
b. U = ∫ dx
onto a bar of length 3 m and cross- 𝑴𝟐
sectional area 100mm2. If E = 200 c. U = ∫ dx
kN/mm2 the total strain energy d. U = ∫ 𝟑𝑬𝑰dx
stored in the bar is equal to 41. Strain energy stored in a hollow
a. 750N-mm circular shaft of external diameter
b. 7500N-mm D and internal diameter d when
c. 75,000N-mm subjected to a shearing stress τ is
d. 7,50,000N-mm equal to
36. The maximum strain energy stored 𝜏2 𝐷 2 −𝑑2
a. ( )x volume of shaft
in a circular shaft, under pure 2𝑐 𝐷
𝜏2 𝐷 2 +𝑑2
torque, per unit its volume is b.
( )x volume of shaft
expressed as Umax = _______ 𝜏2 𝐷 2 −𝑑2
c. ( )x volume of shaft
q2 q2 4𝑐 𝐷
a. c. 𝜏2 𝐷 2 +𝑑2
4C 2C d. ( )x volume of shaft
q2 q2 4𝑐 𝐷
b. 16C
d. 64C 42. The maximum strain energy stored
Where, q = permissible shear stress in a body without permanent
and C = shear modulus deformation is
37. The Modulus of resilience for a a. Resilience
body can be expressed as (where b. Proof Resilience
σp= Proof stress and E = Young’s c. Modulus of Resilience
Modulus) d. Impact Resilience
σ2p 2σ2p 43. The maximum stress induced in a
a. c. volume
2E E
body if the load ‘P’ is applied with
b. 2E
Volume d. 𝜎𝑝2 x E impact upon an area of cross
38. The work done per unit volume in section ‘A’ is (Where h = Height
elongating a body by a uniaxial through which the load falls, E =
force is Modulus of rigidity, L = Length of
a. stress/strain the body)
P 2AEh
b. stress x strain a. (1 + √1 + )
𝟏 A PL
c. 𝟐 stress x strain
P 2AEh
d. None of the above b. (2 + √1 + )
39. The stress due to suddenly applied
load is _________times that of P 2AEh
c. A
(1 + √2 + PL
gradually applied load
a. 2 c. 3 P 2AEh
d. (2 + √2 + )
b. 4 d. 5
40. Strain energy (U) caused by 44. Proof resilience is the mechanical
bending is given by the relation property of materials which
a. U = ∫ 𝟐𝑬𝑰dx indicates their capacity to bear
a. static tensile loads

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. static compressive loads a. resilience
c. shocks b. proof resilience
d. none of the above c. modulus of resilience
45. A mild steel specimen is under uni- d. toughness modulus
axial tensile stress. Young’s 50. A simply supported beam of span l
modulus and yield stress for mild carries a uniformly distributed load
steel are 2 x 105 MPa and 250 MPa w/m over the entire span; the
respectively. The maximum amount strain energy of the beam is given
of strain energy per unit volume by
that can be stored in this without 𝑤 2 𝑙2 𝑤 2 𝑙5
a. 𝑐.
84𝐸𝐼 184𝐸𝐼
permanent set is
𝑤 2 𝑙5 𝑤 2 𝑙5
a. 156 Nmm/mm3 b. 𝑑.
240𝐸𝐼 384𝐸𝐼
b. 15.6 Nmm/mm3
c. 1.56 Nmm/mm3 51. The strain energy stored in simply
d. 0.156 Nmm/mm3 supported beam of span ‘ l ’ and
46. A weight W falls freely on a body flexural rigidity EI carries a central
from a height of h. If the concentrated load W is :
𝑊 2 𝑙3 𝑊 2 𝑙2
instantaneous deformation of the a. 48𝐸𝐼
c. 48𝐸𝐼
body in the direction of weight is δ, 𝑊 2 𝑙2 𝑊 2 𝑙3
b. 96𝐸𝐼
d. 96𝐸𝐼
the work done by the force is ____
52. The ratio between the stress
a. W h + ½ W δ
produced in a bar by a sudden
b. W (h + δ)
application of load (impact
c. ½ W h + W δ
loading) as compared to the stress
d. ½ W (h + δ)
produced by the gradual
47. The unit for modulus of resilience
application of same loads is :
a. 1.5 c. 2.0
a. Joule
b. 2.5 d. 3.0
b. Joules/mm
53. Strain energy in a member is
c. Joules/mm2
a. Directly proportional to strain
d. Joules/mm3
b. Directly proportional to changes
48. If σ and E for a body of volume
in strain
2x105 mm3 are 10 N/mm2 and 1 x
c. A function of strain as well as
105 N/mm2, Resilience of the body
d. A function loads only
a. 10 N mm
54. If P is the direct load, L is the
b. 120 N mm
length of the member, A is the
c. 125 kNm
uniform area of cross-section and E
d. 312.5 kNm
is the Young’s modulus; then strain
49. The maximum strain energy stored
energy due to direct stress caused
in a material at its elastic limit per
by a gradually applied load is :
unit volume is known as P2 L P2 L
a. c.
2AE 2𝑨𝟐 E

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. d. related to maximum stress in
gradual loading, 𝜎𝐺 as
55. How is the maximum strain energy
a. 𝜎𝐺 =2 c. 𝜎𝑠 = 2𝜎𝐺
stored per unit volume in a body
b. 𝜎𝐺 = 𝜎𝑠 d. 𝜎𝑠 = 1.5 𝜎𝐺
without permanent distortion,
60. Strain energy stored in a solid shaft
termed as?
due to application of Torque “T” at
a. Modulus of resilience
free end while other end is fixed, if
b. Modulus of tenacity
G is shear modulus, J is polar
c. Modulus of toughness
moment of inertia, and L is the
d. Proof resilience
length of shaft is will be
56. U1 and U2are the strain energies 𝑇𝐿2 𝑇 2 𝐿2
stored in a prismatic bar due to a. 𝐺𝐽
c. 2𝐺𝐽
axial tensile forces P1 and 2𝑇𝐿2 𝑇2𝐿
b. d.
P2respectively. The strain energy U
61. A beam of length L and of uniform
stored in the same bar due to
cross-section area A and second
combined action of P1 and P2 will
moment of area l is subjected to a
pull P. If Young’s modulus of
a. U = U1 + U2 c. U = U1X U2
elasticity of the bar material is E,
b. U <U1 + U2 d. U >U1 + U2
the expression for strain energy
57. A circular rod of length 1 m is fixed
stored in the beam will be
at the top and a collar is provided 𝑃𝐿2 PL2
at the bottom. An instantaneous a. 2 𝐴𝐸
c. AE
stress developed in the rod due to PL2 P2 L
b. d.
releasing load is 400 MPa. If the
62. Two bars each of length 𝑙 and the
diameter of rod is 10 mm. Find the
same material are subjected to the
strain energy stored in the rod. (E
same axial tensile force P. The first
= 200 GPa)
bar has a uniform diameter 2d. The
a. 5𝜋 c. 10𝜋
second bar has a diameter d for a
b. 12𝜋 d. 15𝜋 𝑙
58. Strain energy is the length and a diameter 2d for the
a. energy stored in a body when remaining length. The ratio of
stained within elastic limits strain energies of the two bars is
1 2
b. energy stored in a body when a. 3 c. 3
stained up to the breaking of a 1 3
b. d. 2
63. The strain energy stored in a body
c. maximum strain energy which
due to direct stress f is
can be stored in a body 𝑓 𝑓2
a. x volume c. 2𝐸x volume
d. proof resilience per unit volume 2𝐸
𝑓2 2𝑓
of a material b. x volume d. x volume
59. The maximum stress set up in a 64. Total strain energy stored in a
body in sudden loading, 𝜎𝑠 is simply supported beam of span L
and flexural rigidity EI subjected to

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a concentrated load w at the centre 𝜏 𝜏2
a. xV c. xV
2𝐶 2𝐶
is equal to 2𝐶 2𝐶
𝑤 2 𝐿3 𝑤 2 𝐿3
b. d.
𝜏𝑉 𝜏2 𝑉
𝑤 2 𝐿3 𝑤 2 𝐿3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
b. 60𝐸𝐼
d. 240𝐸𝐼
6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
65. The strain energy stored in a body 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
due to suddenly applied load 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)
compared to when it is applied 21) 22) 23) 24) 25)
gradually is
26) 27) 28) 29) 30)
a. same c. four times
31) 32) 33) 34) 35)
b. twice d. eight times
36) 37) 38) 39) 40)
66. The maximum strain energy that
41) 42) 43) 44) 45)
can be stored in a body is known
46) 47) 48) 49) 50)
51) 52) 53) 54) 55)
a. impact energy
56) 57) 58) 59) 60)
b. resilience
61) 62) 63) 64) 65)
c. proof resilience
d. modulus of resilience 66) 67) 68) 69) 70)
67. Strain energy per unit volume due
to pressures on one sides is equal
to Material Properties
2σ2 σ2
a. K
c. 2K
σ2 1. Match the items in column-1 and
b. K
d. None of these
column-2 and choose the correct
68. The total strain energy stored in a combination :
body is termed as Column-1
a. resilience A) Resilience
b. proof resilience B) Fatigue
c. impact energy C) Stiffness
d. modulus of resilience D) Elasticity
69. Strain energy is the Column-2
a. energy stored in a body when 1) Ability of the material to return
strained within elastic limits to the original shape when load
b. energy stored in a body when is removed.
strained upto the breaking of a 2) Capacity of a material to absorb
specimen energy elastically.
c. maximum strain energy which 3) Ability of the material to absorb
can be stored in a body certain amount of energy
d. proof resilience per unit volume without failure.
of a material 4) Resistance of the material to
70. The strain energy stored in a body elastic deformation.
due to shear stress, is

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5) Failure of material at loads less diameter of indentation in mm.
than that at normal conditions. Brinnel Hardness Number is
a. A  2, B  5, C  3, D  1 expressed by the equation:
b. A  3, B  2, C  1, D  4 a. 𝐵𝐻𝑁 = 2 2
𝜋𝐷(𝐷−√𝐷 −𝑑
c. A  3, B  5, C  4, D  2 2𝐿
b. 𝐵𝐻𝑁 =
d. A  2, B  5, C  4, D  1 𝜋𝐷(𝐷−√𝐷 2 −𝑑2
2. When a material sustains steady c. 𝐵𝐻𝑁 =
𝜋𝑑(𝐷−√𝐷 2 −𝑑2
loads for long periods of time, the 2𝐿
d. 𝐵𝐻𝑁 =
𝜋𝑑(𝐷−√𝐷 2 −𝑑2
material may continue to deform
6. Proof resilience may be defined as :
until they may tend to fracture
a. Work done in straining the
under the same load. This
phenomenon is known as :
b. Maximum strain energy that can
a. Creep c. Fatigue
be stored in a material per unit
b. Impact d. Malleability
3. Robert Hooke discovered
c. Maximum strain energy that can
experimentally that within elastic
be stored in a material under
limit :
elastic condition
a. Stress = strain
d. Maximum load which can be
b. Stress/strain = a constant
applied to a member
c. Stress x strain = 1
7. Assertion (A): A mild steel tension
d. None of these
specimen has a cup and cone
4. Phenomenon of progressive
fracture at failure.
extension of material with time at
Reason (R): Mild steel is weak in
constant load is called :
shear and failure of the specimen in
a. Plasticity c. Creep
shear takes place at 45 ° to the
b. Yield d. Breaking
direction of the applied tensile force.
5. The impact strength of a material is
a. both A and R are true and R is
an index of its:
the correct explanation of A
a. fatigue strength
b. both A and R are true but R is
b. tensile strength
not a correct explanation of A
c. hardness
c. A is true but R is false
d. toughness
d. A is false but R is true
6. On loading a ductile material in
8. Consider the following statements:
excess of a certain value, gradual
1. Failure occurs beyond elastic
increase in elongation occurs with
time. Such phenomenon is known as
2. Rupture takes place
a. Creep
immediately after elastic imit.
b. Fatigue
3. Permanent set occurs beyond
c. Stress concentration
elastic limit.
d. None of the above
Which of these are considered in the
5. In a hardness test, L is load in kg, D is
theories of failure?
diameter of ball in mm and d is
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. 1,2 and 3 c. 1 and 3 only b. S Q Q P S R
b. 2 and 3 only d. 1 and 2 only c. S R Q Q S R
9. Match List-I (Material) with List-II d. S R Q P S R
(Characteristic) and select the correct 11. The stress strain curve of a mild steel
answer using the codes given below bar under tension is shown below.
the lists:
A. Inelastic material
B. Rigid plastic material
C. Ductile material
D. Brittle material
1. No plastic zone
2. Large plastic zone
List –I List-II
3. Strain is not recovered after
A. a 1.Proportionality Limit
B. b 2. Elastic Limit
4. Strain is zero upto a stress level
C. c 3. Upper yield point
and then stress remains constant
D. d 4. Lower yield point
E. de 5. Yield plateau
a. 3 4 2 1
F. f 6. Ultimate point
b. 3 4 1 2
G. g 7. Breaking point
c. 4 3 2 1
d. 4 3 1 2
10. At room temperature, stress-strain
a. 1 2 4 3 5 6 7
curves for four materials P, Q, R, and
b. 2 1 3 4 5 6 7
S are shown in the figure below.
c. 1 3 2 4 5 6 7
d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12. Match List-I with List-II.

List –I List-II
A. Rigid perfectly plastic 1. P
B. Ideal plastic 2. Q
C. Ideal elastic strain hardening 3. R A B C D
D. Elastic perfectly plastic 4. S a. 3 1 4 2
E. Rigid strain hardening b. 3 2 4 2
F. Linear elastic c. 4 1 3 2
A B C D E F d. 2 4 3 1
a. S S Q P S R

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
13. In a tensile test, near the elastic limit 2. Decreased resistance of material
zone to repeated reversals of stress
a. tensile stress increases at a faster 3. Material has a high probability of
rate not falling under reversals of
b. tensile stress decreases at a stress of magnitude below this
faster rate level
c. tensile stress increases in linear 4. Material continues to deform
proportion to the stress without any further increase in
d. tensile stress decreases in linear stress
proportion to the stress A B C D
14. Match the following List-I and List-II. a. 2 1 4 3
List-I b. 2 1 3 4
A. Ductility c. 1 2 4 3
B. Brittleness d. 1 2 3 4
C. Tenacity 16. Which one of the following pairs is
D. Toughness NOT correctly matched?
List-II a. Visco-elastic: Small plastic zone
1. Failure without warning material
2. Drawn permanently over great b. Strain hardening material :
changes of shape without rupture Stiffening effect felt at some stage
3. Absorption of energy at high c. Orthotropic material: Different
stress without rupture properties in three perpendicular
4. High tensile strength directions
A B C D d. Isotropic material: Same physical
a. 1 2 4 3 property in all directions at a point
b. 1 2 3 4 17. Some structural members subjected
c. 2 3 4 1 to long time sustained loads deform
d. 2 1 4 3 progressively with time especially at
15. Match List-I (Property) with List-II elevated temperatures. What is such
(Characteristic) and select the correct a phenomenon called?
answer using the codes given below a. Fatigue c. Creep
the lists: b. Creep relaxation d. Fracture
List-I 18. The stress at which a material
A. Fatigue fractures under large number of
B. Creep reversals of stress is called
C. Plasticity a. Endurance limit
D. Endurance limit b. Creep
List-II c. Ultimate strength
1. Material continues to deform d. Residual strength
with time under sustained 19. Resilience of a material is
loading considered when it is subjected to:
a. Frequent heat treatment
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. Fatigue copper as outer cylinder and steel
c. Creep as inner cylinder. It is subjected to
d. Shock loading a temperature rise of 20 ℃ and
20. For steel, the ultimate strength in αcopper > αsteel. The stresses
shear as compared to ultimate developed in the tubes will be
strength in tension is ___________ a. compression in steel and
a. same tension in copper
b. ½ b. tension in steel and
c. 1/3 compression in copper
d. 2/3 c. no stress in both
21. The property of a material by virtue d. tension in both the materials
of which a body returns to its 26. The components of strain tensor at
original shape after removal of the a point in the plane strain case can
load is called ____________ be obtained by measuring
a. Plasticity longitudinal strain in following
b. Elasticity directions
c. Ductility a. along any two arbitrary
d. Malleability directions
22. For which material the Poisson’s b. along any three arbitrary
ratio is more than unity? directions
A. Steel c. along two mutually orthogonal
B. Copper directions
C. Aluminium d. along any arbitrary direction
D. cast iron 27. For the state of stresses (in MPa)
a. Only A c. only B shown in the figure below, the
b. only C d. None maximum shear stress (in MPa) is
23. Resilience of a bolt may be
increased by
a. increasing its length
b. increasing its shank diameter
c. increasing diameter of threaded
d. increasing head size
24. The property of a material which
a. c.
allows it to be drawn into a smaller
b. d.
section is called
36. The stress-strain curve for an ideally
a. plasticity
material is C
b. ductility
c. elasticity
d. malleability
25. A cantilever beam of tubular
section consists of two materials,
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40. Assertion (A): Strain is a fundamental
behaviour of the material, while the
stress is a derived concept.
Reason (R): Strain does not have a
unit while the stress has a unit
a. both A and R are true and R is
37. Assertion (A): In a tensile test on a
the correct explanation of A
specimen, true stress in the specimen
b. both A and R are true but R is
is more than the nominal stress
not a correct explanation of A
Reason (R): Grip of universal testing
c. A is true but R is false
machine introduces stress
d. A is false but R is true
41. If A be the area of cross-section of a
a. both A and R are true and R is
bar, the gauge length for the
the correct explanation of A
measurement of ductility will be
b. both A and R are true but R is
a. 5.65 x A1/2
not a correct explanation of A
b. 5.65 x A
c. A is true but R is false
c. 6.56 x A1/2
d. A is false but R is true
d. 6.56 x A
38. Assertion (A): A mild steel tension
42. When a mild-steel specimen fails in a
specimen subjected to an axial load
torsion test fracture looks like A
fails along a surface at 45° to its axis.
Reason (R) : Mild steel is weaker in
shear than in tension and the place
of maximum shear is at 45° to its
39. Assertion (A): The amount of elastic
deformation at a certain point, which 43. In mild steel specimens subjected to
an elastic body undergoes, under tensile test cycle, the elastic limit in
given stress is the same irrespective tension is raised and the elastic limit
of the stresses being tensile or in compression is -lowered. This is
compressive called
Reason (R): The modulus of elasticity a. Annealing effect
and Poisson’s ratio are assumed to b. Bauschinger effect
be the same in tension as well as c. Strain rate effect
compression d. Fatigue effect
a. both A and R are true and R is 44. Match List-I (Material) with List-II
the correct explanation of A (Properties) and select the correct
b. both A and R are true but R is answer using the codes given below
not a correct explanation of A the lists:
c. A is true but R is false List-I
d. A is false but R is true A. Isotropic
B. Homogeneous

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
C. Visco-elastic a. a time dependent strain of the
D. Brittle material
List-II b. elongation of the material due
1 Time dependent stress-strain to changes in the material
relation properties
2 No plastic zone c. shortening caused by shrinkage
3 Identical properties in all of the member
directions d. the decrease in the volume of
4 Similar properties throughout the material affected by the
the volume weather conditions
A B C D 50. What would be the shape of the
a. 3 1 2 4 failure surface of a standard cast iron
b. 4 1 2 3 specimen subjected to torque?
c. 3 4 1 2 a. Cup and cone shape at the centre
d. 4 3 2 1 b. Plane surface perpendicular to
45. Creep strains are the axis of the specimen
a. caused due to dead load only c. Pyramid type wedge-shaped
b. caused due to live load only surface perpendicular to the axis
c. caused due to cyclic load only of the specimen
d. independent of load d. Helicoidal surface at 45° to the
46. he material in which large axis of the specimen
deformation is possible before the 51. Statement (I): The failure surface of a
absolute failure or rupture is termed standard cast iron specimen of
as circular cross-section subjected to
a. Brittle c. elastic torsion is on a helicoidal surface at
b. Ductile d. plastic 45° to its axis
47. The stress level, below which a Statement (II): The failure occurs on a
material has a high probability of not plane of the specimen subjected to
failing under reversal of stress, is maximum tensile stress, and cast iron
known as is weak in tension. a
a. Elastic limit 52. Assertion (A) : In a tension test on a
b. Endurance limit cast iron specimen, the failure of the
c. Proportional limit specimen is on a cross section
d. Tolerance limit perpendicular to the axis of the
48. Resilience is specimen A
a. Maximum strain energy Reason (R): The failure of the
b. Recoverable strain energy specimen is on a plane subjected to
c. Total potential energy maximum tensile stress and cast iron
d. Shear strain energy (Beyond is relatively weak in tension
Hooke’s Law) 53. For a ductile material, toughness is a
49. Creep of a material is a property measure of
indicated by a. resistance to scratching
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. ability to absorb energy up to b. high alloy steel
fracture c. duralumin
c. ability to absorb energy till d. titanium
elastic limit 60. For steel, the ultimate strength in
d. resistance to indentation shear as compared to ultimate
54. The strain energy stored in a body strength in tension is ___________
due to external loading, within a. Same c. 1/2
elastic limit, is known as b. 1/3 d. 2/3
a. Malleability 61. Compared to mild steel plain bars,
b. Ductility high yield strength deformed bars
c. Toughness are?
d. Resilience a. More ductile and more strong
55. Proof resilience in a member is b. More ductile but less strong
stored strain energy: c. Less ductile and less strong
a. per unit volume d. Less ductile but more strong
b. in whole volume 62. A structural member is generally
c. per unit area designed so that the material is
d. per unit length stressed to
56. Resilience of a material is a. Yield stress
considered when it is subjected to: b. Ultimate stress
a. Frequent heat treatment c. Breaking stress
b. Fatigue d. Working stress
c. Creep 63. A mild steel specimen is tested
d. Shock loading under tension and a continuous
57. The ability of a tool material to graph between load and extension
resist shock or impact forces is is obtained. A load at which there
known as: is considerable extension without
a. Wear resistance increase in load is called
b. toughness a. Ultimate load
c. red hardness b. Breaking load
d. machinability c. Upper yield load
58. True stress represents the ratio of d. Lower yield load
a. Average load and average area 64. Steel is a
b. Average load and maximum a. brittle material
area b. ductile material
c. Maximum load and maximum c. hard material
area d. plastic material
d. Instantaneous load and 65. The property of a material by virtue
instantaneous area of which a body returns to its
59. The material commonly used for air original shape after removal of the
craft gas turbine is _______ load is called ____
a. stainless steel a. Plasticity
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. Elasticity to determine percentage
c. Ductility elongation of a specimen with
d. Malleability initial cross section of a0 is
66. Essential gradient of any hardened a. 6.56√a0 𝑐. 5.65 √a0
steel is ________ b. 6.65 √a0 𝑑. a0 √6.56
a. Carbon 73. In a tensile test, when the material
b. Cementite is stressed beyond elastic limit,
c. Martensite the tensile strain __________
d. Pearlite a. Decreases slowly
67. The ultimate strength of steel in b. Increases slowly
tension in comparison to shear is in c. Decreases more quickly
the ratio of: d. Increases more quickly
a. 1 : 1 74. The tenacity of a material
b. 2 : 1 represents ______of the material.
c. 3 : 2 a. Tensile strength
d. 2 : 3 b. Compressive strength
68. Erichsen test is concerned with ____ c. Shear strength
a. hardness determination d. Bearing strength
b. bending test 75. The slope of the stress-strain curve
c. cupping test of a mild steel test specimen,
d. impact test under tension, represents
69. The Charpy test is conducted to a. E c. C
measure b. K d. ∅
a. Toughness Where E = Young’s modulus, C =
b. Creep strength shear modulus, K = Bulk modulus
c. Fatigue strength and φ = shear strain
d. Elastic strength of a material 76. Which of the following materials is
70. The materials which exhibit the most elastic?
same elastic properties in all a. Rubber c. plastic
directions are called b. Brass d. steel
a. homogenous 77. The symmetry of stress tensor at a
b. inelastic point in the body under
c. isotropic equilibrium is obtained from
d. isentropic a. conservation of mass
71. The impact strength of a material is b. force equilibrium equations
an index of its c. moment equilibrium equations
a. fatigue strength d. conservation of energy
b. toughness 78. Ductility of a material is:
c. hardness a. usually expressed as
d. ductility percentage of elongation at
72. The standard gauge length over yield
which extension is to be measured
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. its ability to be drawn into thin 83. Homogeneous material has in the
sheet without fracture body
c. the strain at fracture a. same properties in all the
d. the ratio of ultimate strain of directions
yield strain b. same properties in one
79. The components of strain tensor at direction
a point in the plane strain case can c. same properties in two or more
be obtained by measuring directions
longitudinal strain in following d. different properties in different
directions directions
a. along any two arbitrary 84. The units for the flexural rigidity of
directions beam is
b. along any three arbitrary a. N/mm2 c. N.mm2
directions b. N/mm3 d. Nmm4
c. along two mutually orthogonal 85. Creep of a material is
directions a. continued deformation with
d. along any arbitrary direction time under sustained loading
80. For most metals stress versus strain b. disappearance of deformation
relation under elastic limit follows on removal of load
a. parabolic c. not being ductile
b. curve d. to become brittle
c. linear dependence 86. In a tensile test of a specimen the
d. inverse square (of strain) ratio of maximum load to the
81. A thin mild steel wire is loaded original cross-sectional area of the
incrementally till it breaks. The test piece is called:
extensions noted with increasing a. yield stress
load will be b. ultimate stress
a. uniform throughout c. safe stress
b. Increase uniformly. d. braking stress
c. first increase and then decrease 87. The residual stress in a member is:
d. increase uniformly first and a. The stress due to the loading
then increase rapidly on the member
82. Factor of safety of ductile material b. The average of initial and final
is the ratio of : stress
a. ultimate strength to yield c. Deformation stress
strength d. Instantaneous stress due to
b. ultimate strength to working sudden loading
stress 88. Whenever a material is loaded
c. yield stress to working stress within proportionally limit, stress is
d. lower yield stress to working ___ strain
stress a. equal to
b. directly proportional to
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
c. inversely proportional to d. tensile compressive and shear
d. none of the above stresses
89. Gauge length is the: 94. Stress-strain relationship for a
a. Length of the test specimen ductile material is (A)
b. Length over which deformation
is measured
c. Length over which strain is
d. Deformed length of the
90. The assumption of sections plane
before bending remain plane after
bending implies that the: 95. The compression test is carried out
a. material is elastic and obeys on _______ materials
Hooke’s law a. Ductile
b. material is isotropic b. Brittle
c. material is homogenous and c. Malleable
sections are rigid d. plastic
d. sections do not wrap 96. Normal stress-strain curve for
91. Which of the following is a proper materials is plotted between
Load Original area
sequence? a. Instantaneous area,Instantaneous area
a. Proportional limit, elastic limit, Load Change in length
b. Original area
and Original length
yielding, failure
c. Average stress and average
b. Elastic limit, proportional limit,
plastic zone, failure Load Instantaneous area
c. Yielding, proportional limit, d. Instantaneous area , Original area
elastic limit, failure 97. The ductility of a material ______
d. Elastic limit, plastic zone, with the increase in percentage
yielding, failure reduction in area of a specimen
92. The principle of superposition is: under tensile test.
a. always valid a. Increases
b. not valid for impact loads b. Decreases
c. valid for impact loads on c. Remains same
prismatic bodies only d. None of the above
d. valid for impact loads on linear 98. Limit of proportionally depends on
systems only a. Type of material
93. Combined stresses on a section b. Area of cross-section
induce: c. Type of loading
a. non-linear stress distribution d. All the above
b. non-uniform stress distribution 99. An orthotropic material has
c. tensile stresses a. Non-homogeneous properties
b. Inelastic properties
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
c. Different properties in three d. volumetric strain
perpendicular directions 105. During tensile-testing of a
d. Same properties in orthogonal specimen using a UTM, the
directions parameters actually measured
100. A tensile test is performed on a include
round bar. After fracture it has a. True stress and true strain
been found that the diameter b. Poisson’s ratio and Young’s
remains approximately same at modulus
fracture. The material under test c. Engineering stress and
was Engineering strain
a. Mild steel d. Load and elongation
b. Rubber 106. Which one of the following
c. Glass features improves the fatigue
d. Copper strength of a metallic material?
101. In a tensile test on mild steel a. Increasing the temperature
specimen, the breaking stress as b. Scratching the surface
compared to ultimate tensile c. Over stressing
strength is d. Under stressing
a. More 107. The flexural rigidity of a beam is
b. Same a. EI c. 𝐼
c. Less 𝐼 𝐸
b. 𝐸
𝑑. 𝐼2
d. may have any value
108. One kgf/cm2 when converted into
102. The units of flexural rigidity are of
SI units is
the order of
a. 0.0981 MPa
a. kN-m
b. 0.981 Pa
b. kN/m
c. 104 Pa
c. kN/m2
d. 1 Pa
d. kN-m2
109. The unit of elastic modulus is the
103. The ratio between tensile stress
same as those of
and tensile strain or compressive
a. stress, strain and pressure
stress and compressive strain is
b. strain, shear modulus and
termed as
a. modulus of rigidity
c. shear modulus, stress and force
b. modulus of elasticity
per area
c. bulk modulus
d. strain, shear modulus and force
d. modulus of sub grade reaction
110. Which one of the following
104. Strain in a direction at right angles
properties is more sensitive to
to the direction of applied force is
increase in strain rate?
known as
a. Yield strength
a. shear strain
b. Proportional limit
b. lateral strain
c. Elastic limit
c. longitudinal strain
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
d. Tensile strength c. Presence of notch
111. With a percentage increase of d. Circular cross-section
carbon in steel, decreases 117. Assertion (A): Cast iron torsion
a. Hardness specimen has a helicoidal fracture
b. Ductility at failure.
c. Brittleness Reason (R): Cast iron is weak in
d. Strength tension and failure of the specimen
112. The tensile longitudinal stress due to tension takes place at 450 to
produces the axis of the specimen.
a. Compressive longitudinal strain
b. Tensile longitudinal strain a. Both A and R are true and R is
c. Shear strain the correct explanation of A
d. Tensile lateral strain b. Both A and R are true but R is
113. Which of the following relations is not a correct explanation of A
correct? c. A is true but R is false
a. factor of safety = crippling d. A is false but R is true
load-safe load 118. When the strain in a material
b. factor of safety = crippling load increase with time under sustained
/safe load constant stress, the phenomenon is
c. factor of safety = crippling load known as :
x safe load a. Strain hardening
d. factor of safety = safe b. Hysteresis
load/crippling load c. Creep
114. The tension coefficient of any d. Visco-elasticity
member is 119. Assertion (A): Strain is a
a. force divided by the length fundamental behaviour of the
b. tension divided by the length material, while stress is a derived
c. tension per unit are concept.
d. tension is the number Reason (R): Strain does not have a
115. Which of the following materials unit while stress has a unit.
will have the highest Young’s a) Both A and R are true and R is
modulus? the correct explanation of A
a. Brass b) Both A and R are true but R is
b. Copper not a correct explanation of A
c. mild steel c) A is true but R is false
d. timber d) A is false but R is true
120. Assertion (A) : The ultimate load of
116. Which one of the following favours a structure made of ductile
brittle fracture in a ductile material, subjected to reversible
material? repeating loads and plastic
a. Elevated temperature deformation, is lowered with each
b. Slow rate of straining reversal of load.
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
Reason (R): When subjected to R. Ductility
repeated reversal of loads and S. Brittleness
plastic deformation,, the structure List-II
made of a ductile material 1) Amendability to go through
accumulates residual strains. change of shape without rupture
a) Both A and R are true and R is 2) Susceptibility to deform with time
the correct explanation of A under sustained loading
b) Both A and R are true but R is 3) Ultimate tensile strength
not a correct explanation of A 4) Susceptibility to fail suddenly
c) A is true but R is false without warming
d) A is false but R is true P Q R S
121. Match List-I (Various test stages) a) 4 1 3 2
with List-II (observation) and select b) 2 3 1 4
the correct answer using the codes c) 4 3 1 2
given below the lists : d) 2 1 3 4
List-I 124. As soon as the external forces
A. I-stage causing deformation in a perfectly
B. II-stage elastic body, are withdrawn, the
C. III-stage elastic deformation disappear.
D. IV-stage a) Only partially
List-II b) Completely over a prolonged
1) Yield point period of time
2) Limit of proportionality c) Completely and instantaneously
3) Breaking stress d) Completely after an initial
4) Ultimate stress period of rest
P Q R S 125. Consider the following statements
a) 2 1 3 4 regarding tensile test diagrams for
b) 2 1 4 3 carbon steels with varying carbon
c) 1 2 4 3 contents : As the carbon content
d) 1 2 3 4 increases
122. The phenomenon of decreased 1) The ultimate strength of steel
resistance of a material due to decreases
reversal of stress is called : 2) The elongation before fracture
a. resilience c. elasticity increases
b. creep d. fatigue 3) The ductility of the metal
123. Match List-I (Mechanical Property) decreases
with List-II (Feature) and select the 4) The ultimate strength of steel
correct answer using the codes increases
given below the lists : Which of the statements above are
List-I correct?
P. Creep a. 3 and 4 c. 1 and 3
Q. Tenacity b. 1, 2 and 3 d. 1 and 2
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
126. Match List-1 with List-II and select 131. The property of material which
the correct answer using the codes regain its original position after
given below the lists : load removal
List-I a. Ductility
P. Modulus of Elasticity b. Brightness
Q. Work c. Hardness
R. Force d. Elasticity
S. Frequency 132. The loss of stress with time at
List-II constant strain is Called
1) T a. relaxation c. creep
2) ML T2 b. shrinkage d. ductility
3) ML2T2 133. The property of material which
4) ML1T2 allows it to be drawn into a smaller
P Q R S section is called
a) 1 3 2 4 a. plasticity
b) 4 3 2 1 b. ductility
c) 1 2 3 4 c. elasticity
d) 4 2 3 1 d. malleability
127. The property of a material to resist 134. The strain is proportional to stress
deformation under stress is known up to elastic limit the law is
as ............law
a. stiffness a. Hooke’s c. Poisson’s
b. Ductility b. Bernoulli’s d. None
c. Malleability 135. The phenomenon of slow growth
d. Machinability of strain under a steady stress is
128. The ultimate tensile of mild steel called:
compared to ultimate compressive a. Yielding c. creeping
stress is…………. b. breaking d. none
a. same c. more 136. Modulus of resilience is
b. less d. None (a) Toughness per unit volume
129. The yield strength of a twisted bar (b) Stress per unit strain
as compared to an ordinary bar (c) Strain energy per unit volume
(mild steel) is nearly (d) Brittleness per unit area
a. 50% more c. 25% more 137. Which one of the following
b. 50% less d. 25% less statement is justified the by the
130. The property of material which assumption plane section before
regain its original position after bending remain plane even after
load removal the bending?
a. Ductility (a) Strain profile varies linearly
b. Brightness (b) Stress profile varies linearly
c. Hardness (c) Both stress & strain profile
d. Elasticity varies linearly
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
(d) none of the above 144. The strain energy stored by the
138. The property of the soil which body within elastic limit when
permits it to be deformed rapidly loaded externally is called as
without volume change, rupture a. resilience
and elastic rebound is termed as b. modulus of resilience
a. Ductility c. proof resilience
b. Malleability d. None of the above
c. Elasticity 145. The energy absorbed in a body,
d. plasticity when it is strained within the elastic
139. The percentage elongation of a limits, is known as
material from a direct tensile test a. strain energy
indicates b. resilience
a. Ductility c. proof resilience
b. Strength d. modulus of resilience
c. yield stress 146. The property by which an amount
d. ultimate strength of energy is absorbed by a material
140. The ability of material to resist without plastic deformation, is
indentation or surface abrasion is called
called. a. toughness
a. Ductility b. impact strength
b. Resilience c. ductility
c. Hardness d. resilience
d. Malleability 147. The capacity of a strained body for
141. The ultimate tensile stress of mild doing work on the removal of the
steel compared to ultimate straining force, is called
compressive stress is a. strain energy
a. same b. resilience
b. more c. proof resilience
c. less d. impact energy
d. more or less depending on
other factors 148. The linear relation between the
142. The behaviour of metals under the stress and strain of a material is
valid until :
action of cyclic stresses is termed
as a. fracture stress
a. creep c. endurance b. elastic limit
b. fatigue d. None c. ultimate stress
143. Working stress is always d. proportional limit
a. less than ultimate stress 149. Which of the following can be the
b. more than ultimate stress measure of ductility of a material?
c. equal to ultimate stress a. Area under engineering stress-
d. None of the above strain curve

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. Percent reduction in area in 3. Material has a high probability
tension test of not falling under reversals of
c. Yield stress stress of magnitude below this
d. Ultimate stress level
150. Match List-I (Material) with List-II 4. Material continues to deform
(Characteristic) and select the without any further increase in
correct answer using the codes stress
given below the lists:
a. 2 1 4 3
A. Inelastic material
b. 2 1 3 4
B. Rigid plastic material
c. 1 2 4 3
C. Ductile material
d. 1 2 3 4
D. Brittle material
152. Creep of a material is a property
indicated by
1. No plastic zone
a. a time dependent strain of the
2. Large plastic zone
3. Strain is not recovered after
b. elongation of the material due
to changes in the material
4. Strain is zero upto a stress level
and then stress remains
c. shortening caused by shrinkage
of the member
d. the decrease in the volume of
a. 3 4 2 1
the material affected by the
b. 3 4 1 2
weather conditions
c. 4 3 2 1
153. Some structural members
d. 4 3 1 2
subjected to long time sustained
151. Match List-I (Property) with List-II
loads deform progressively with
(Characteristic) and select the
time especially at elevated
correct answer using the codes
given below the lists:
a. Fatigue
b. Creep
A. Fatigue
c. Creep relaxation
B. Creep
d. Fracture
C. Plasticity
154. Which of the following is not
D. Endurance limit
thermoplastic material
1. Material continues to deform a. Polyethylene
with time under sustained b. Polyvinyl chloride
loading c. Polystyrene
2. Decreased resistance of d. Polypropylene
material to repeated reversals 155. Grey cast iron has _______
of stress a. brittleness

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
b. low electrical conductivity 26) 27) 28) 29) 30)
c. low compressive strength 31) 32) 33) 34) 35)
d. All options are correct 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)
156. The ultimate tensile stress of mild 41) 42) 43) 44) 45)
steel compared to ultimate 46) 47) 48) 49) 50)
compressive stress is 51) 52) 53) 54) 55)
a. same 56) 57) 58) 59) 60)
b. more 61) 62) 63) 64) 65)
c. less 66) 67) 68) 69) 70)
d. more or less depending on 71) 72) 73) 74) 75)
other factors 76) 77) 78) 79) 80)
157. Stress concentration in static
81) 82) 83) 84) 85)
loading is more serious in _______
86) 87) 88) 89) 90)
a. Ductile materials
91) 92) 93) 94) 95)
b. Brittle materials
96) 97) 98) 99) 100)
c. Equality serious in both cases
101) 102) 103) 104) 105)
d. Depends on other factors
106) 107) 108) 109) 110)
158. The strain energy stored in a body
111) 112) 113) 114) 115)
due to external loading, within
116) 117) 118) 119) 120)
elastic limit, is known as
a. Malleability 121) 122) 123) 124) 125)
b. Ductility 126) 127) 128) 129) 130)
c. Toughness 131) 132) 133) 134) 135)
d. Resilience 136) 137) 138) 139) 140)
159. The ability of a tool material to 141) 142) 143) 144) 145)
resist shock or impact forces is 146) 147) 148) 149) 150)
known as: 151) 152) 153) 154) 155)
a. Wear resistance 156) 157) 158) 159)
b. toughness
c. red hardness
d. machinability

Thermal Stresses
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 1. Two steel rails each of 12 m length
11) 12) 13) 14) 15) and laid with a gap of 1.5 mm at
16) 17) 18) 19) 20) ends at a temperature of 240C. The
21) 22) 23) 24) 25) thermal stress produced at a

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
temperature of 400C is : (take E=2 x modulus and coefficient of thermal
105 N/mm2, coefficient of thermal expansion are 200 GPa and 1x10-5/oc
expansion = 12 x 106/0C respectively, the magnitude of the
a. 10.5 N/mm2 c. 12.5 N/mm2 longitudinal stress (in MPa)
b. 13.4 N/mm2 d. 15.5 N/mm2 developed in the rod is________
1. A rod of length L and area of cross a. 500 c. 600
section A has a modulus of b. 400 d. 300
elasticity E and coefficient of 5. A rod of material with E=200x103
thermal expansion . One end of MPa and α=10-3mm/mm0C is fixed
the rod is fixed and other end is at both ends. It is uniformly heated
free. If the temperature of the rod such that the increase in temperature
is increased by T, then is 300C. The stress developed in the
a. Stress developed in the rod is rod is
ET and strain developed in a. 6000 MPa-tensile
the rod is T b. 6000 MPa-compressive
b. Stress developed in the rod is c. 2000 MPa-tensile
zero and strain developed in d. 2000 MPa-compressive
the rod is T 6. A 100 mm x5 mm x 5mm steel bar
c. Stress developed in the rod is free to expand is heated from 150C
zero and strain developed in to 400C. What shall be developed?
the rod is T a. Tensile stress
d. Stress developed in the rod is b. Compressive stress
ET and strain developed in c. Shear stress
the rod is zero d. No stress
3. A steel rod of length 300mm is held 7. A steel rod, 2 m long, is held
between two fixed supports so that between two walls and heated from
the rod cannot elongate or contract 200C to 600C. Young’ modulus
in the axial direction. If the coefficient is 200 x 103 MPa and 10x
temperature of the rod is raised by 10-6/0C respectively. The stress (in
200C, the axial stress induced in the MPa) induced in the rod, if walls yield
rod due to this rise in temperature is by 0.2 mm, is
(For steel, 𝐸 = 200 𝐺𝑃𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛼 = a. 60 tensile
11.5 𝑥 10−6 /℃): b. 80 tensile
a. 46 MPa tension c. 80 compressive
b. 46 MPa compression d. 60 compressive
c. 23 MPa tension 8. A circular steel rod of 20 cm2 cross-
d. 23 MPa compression sectional area and 10 m length is
4. A 200 mm long, stress free rod at heated through 500C with ends
room temperature is held between clamped before heating. Given,
two immovable rigid walls. The E=200 GPa and coefficient of thermal
temperature of the rod is uniformly expansion, α = 10 x 10-6/0C, the
raised by 250oC. If the Young’s
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
thrust(in kN ) thereby generated on temperature rise of 20℃ and α copper
the clamp is ____________ > α steel. The stresses developed in
a. 200 c. 20 the tubes will be
b. 300 d. 30 a. compression in steel and tension
9. Steel rod 10 m long is at temperature in copper
of 200C. The rod is heated to a b. tension in steel and compression
temperature of 600C. What is the in copper
stress(in MPa) induced in the rod if it c. no stress in both
is allowed to expand by 4 mm, when d. tension in both the materials
E=200GPa and α = 12 x 10-6/0C is
a. 16 c. 61 13. The length, coefficient of thermal
b. 60 d. 6 expansion and Young’s modulus of
10. A compounded bar consists of bar A are twice that of bar B. If the
material A encased in material B. It is temperature of both bars is
tightly secured at the ends. The increased by the same amount while
coefficient of thermal expansion of A preventing any expansion, then the
is more than that of B. If the ratio of stress developed in bar A to
temperature of the bar is increased, that in bar B will be_________
the stresses induced will be a. 4 c. 3
a. tensile in both materials b. 1 d. 2
b. Compressive in both materials 14. A bar of copper and steel from a
c. tensile in material B and composite system which is heated
compressive in material A through a temperature of 400C. The
d. compressive in material B and stress induced in the copper bar is
tensile in material A a. Tensile
11. An elastic bar of length L, uniform b. Compressive
cross-sectional area A, coefficient of c. Both tensile and compressive
thermal expansion α, and Young’s d. Shear
modulus E is fixed at the two ends. 15. Two bars one of material A and the
The temperature of the bar is other of material B of same length
increased by T, resulting in an axial are tightly secured between two
stress σ. Keeping all other unyielding walls. Coefficient of
parameters unchanged, if the length thermal expansion of bar A is more
of the bar is doubled, the axial stress than of B. When temperature rises
would be the stresses induced are
a. σ c. 2σ a. tension in both the materials
b. tension in material A and
b. 0.5σ d. 0.25σ
compression in material B
12. A cantilever beam of tubular section
c. compression in material A and
consists of two materials, copper as
tension in material B
outer cylinder and steel as inner
d. compression in both materials
cylinder. It is subjected to a

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
16. A metal bar of length 100 mm is 40 ℃ above the ambient
inserted between two rigid supports temperature, and clamped at the
and its temperature is increased by end. If the clamps have yielded by
10℃. If the coefficient of thermal 0.50 mm on cooling, and the
expansion is 12 x 10-6 per ℃ and the coefficient of thermal expansion if
Young’s modulus is 2 x 105 MPa, the 10.0 x 10-6/K, the strain in the bar is
stress in the bar is a. 0.0003 tensile
a. Zero c. 12 MPa b. 0.0003 compressive
b. 24 MPa d. 2400 MPa c. 0.0004 tensile
17. Stress due to change in d. 0.0004 compressive
temperature developed in a bar 21. A composite bar parallel made out
depends upon: of two different materials having
a. coefficient of thermal expansion thermal expansion coefficient α1>
b. thermal conductivity α2 is subjected to linear thermal
c. density expansion. The nature of stress
d. Poisson’s ratio induced in the bar for a given
18. A bar of 2 m length is fixed at both strain is
ends. If E = 2 x 106 kg/cm2, the a. tensile and compressive in
coefficient of expansion is 1.5 x 10- material 1 and 2 respectively
/ ℃ and the temperature rise is b. compressive and tensile in
20° C, the stress developed in the material 1 and 2 respectively
material is c. either tensile or compressive in
a. 60 kg/cm2 tensile material 1 and 2
b. 60 kg/cm2 compressive d. neither tensile nor compressive
c. no stress is developed in material 1 and 2
d. 60 kg/cm2 tensile at one face 22. A prismatic bar of cross-sectional
and 60 kg/cm2 compressive on area 1000 mm2 and length 1 metre
opposite face is placed between two rigid
19. The ratio of stresses induced in supports 1.001 metre apart and
three bars having coefficient of heated by 100 ° C. The Young’s
linear expansions as α1, α2, α3 but modulus and coefficient of linear
of lengths 10 m, 20 m, and 30 m., thermal expansion of the material
and same modulus of Elasticity E are 120GPa and 1.8 x 10-5 m/m/℃
when raised by a temperature t℃ is respectively. The stress induced in
given by the bar is
a. α1:α2,: α3 a. zero c. 180 MPa
b. α1: 2α1: 3α1 b. 96 MPa d. 120 MPa
c. 3 α1: 2α2: α3 23. A beam of span 𝑙 with one end on
d. cannot be predicted roller support and the other end
20. A steel bar of 20.0 mm diameter hinged, when subjected to a
and 4.50 m length is heated to uniform rise in temperature T
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
a. compressive stresses a. Load
b. flexural stresses b. Temperature
c. tensile stresses c. Pressure
d. zero stresses d. Elongation
24. When a bar is cooled to - 5℃, it will 29. The temperature strain in a bar is
develop ______ proportional to the change
a. no stress in temperature
b. shear stress a. directly
c. tensile stress b. indirectly
d. compressive c. indirectly upto certain extent
25. Thermal stress in a bar computed and afterwards directly
by multiplying d. none of the above
a. thermal strain by Young’s 30. A steel bar of 5 mm diameter is
modulus heated from 15℃ to 40 ℃ and it is
b. net thermal strain by Young’s free to expand. The bar will induce
modulus a. No stress
c. the difference of final and b. Shear stress
thermal strain by Young’s c. Tensile stress
modulus d. Compressive stress
d. the final strain by shear 31. If α denotes co-efficient of linear
modulus expansion T is the rise in
26. In a composite system subjected to temperature, the thermal stress is
temperature rise and with end given by

constrained to remain together, a. ETα c. T
the component having lower value ET α
b. d.
of coefficient of linear expansion α ET
32. If a part is constrained to move and
will experience
heated, it will develop
a. tensile stress
a. compressive stress
b. compressive stress
b. tensile stress
c. tensile or compressive stress
c. shear stress
depending upon the loading
d. yield stress
d. zero value of stress
33. A steel bar is kept between two
27. In a cement concrete chimney the
copper bars and rigidly connected
reinforcement subjected to
at room temperature. If the system
temperature stresses is:
is fixed at the ends and cooled
a. Circular reinforcement only
suddenly the stresses produced in
b. Linear reinforcement only
the bars will be :
c. Both linear and circular
a. Tension in steel and
compression in copper
d. None of the above
b. Compression in both steel and
28. Thermal stresses are induced due
to changes in
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
c. Tension in both steel and a. 151.2 MPa (tensile)
copper b. 170.83 MPa (tensile)
d. Compression in steel and c. 151.2 MPa (compressive)
tension in copper d. 170.83 MPa (compressive)
34. At room temperature the rods are 38. The stress developed due to
shown in figure When external force in an elastic material
temperature is raised, what is the a. Depends on elastic constant
nature of stresses developed in b. Does not depend on elastic
each if EA1<Es and 𝛼A1<𝛼s? constant
a. compressive in aluminum and c. Depends partially on elastic
steel constant
b. Tensile in aluminum and steel d. Depends on limit of
c. Compressive in aluminum and proportionality
tensile in steel 39. A bar of uniform cross section “A”
d. Tensile in aluminum and and length “L” free to expand from
compressive in steel both end is heated to a
35. If a metal bar fixed at either ends is temperature T0. The thermal stress
cooled by reducing the induced in bar is (coefficient of
temperature by 30 C, the nature of expansion = 𝛼)
𝛼𝑇 𝛼𝑇
the stresses developed in the bar a. 𝐴 c. 𝐴𝜀
will be 𝛼𝐿𝑇
b. 𝐴𝜀
d. zero
a. Tensile
b. Compressive 40. A steel beam of length 30 m is
c. Zero fixed between two supports at 8℃
d. None of the above with no stress. Find the expansion
36. Two rods of different material s allowances given if the stress in the
having coefficient of linear bar is to be zero when temperature
expansion 𝛼1 , 𝛼2 and Young’s is raised to 50℃ (α= 12 x 10-6 per
moduli E1, E2 respectively are fixed ℃, E = 2 x 105 N/mm2)
between to massive walls. The rods a. 10.28 mm c. 17.89 mm
are heated such that they undergo b. 8.74 mm d. 15.12 mm
the same increase in temperature. 41. A 100 mm x 5 mm x 5mm steel bar,
There is no bending of the rods. If free to expand, is heated from 15℃
𝛼1 , 𝛼2 = 2: 3, the thermal stresses to 40℃. What shall be developed?
are equal, what is the ratio E1, and a. Tensile stress
E2? b. Compressive stress
a. 2: 3 b. 1: 1 c. 3: 2 d. 4: 9 c. Shear stress
37. A rod 10 m long at 100 C is heated d. No stress
to 700 C. The free expansion of the 42. If a material expands freely due to
rod is prevented E = 210 GPa and a heating, it will develop
= 12 x 10-6 C. The stress induced in a. thermal stresses
the rod is b. tensile stresses

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
c. compressive stresses are free to expand. What will be
d. No stresses the increase in volume of the cube?
43. The thermal stress in a bar is (Given coefficient of thermal
directly proportional to expansion is α per0C)
a. its cross-sectional area a. 3α cm3 c. 2α cm3
b. its volume b. α cm3 d. Zero
c. the change in temperature 49. A free bar of length 1 is uniformly
d. None of the above heated form 00C to a temperature
44. If a material expands freely due to t0C. α is the coefficient of linear
heating, it will develop expansion and E the modulus of
a. thermal stresses elasticity. The stress in the bar is
b. tensile stress a. α at E c. αtE/2
c. no stress b. zero d. none
d. bending 50. A uniform, slender cylindrical rod is
45. A 100 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm steel made of a homogenous and
bear free to expand in heated from isotropic material. The rod rests on
15 ℃ to 40 ℃ . What shall be a frictionless surface. The rod is
developed? heated uniformly. If the radial and
a. Tensile stress longitudinal thermal stresses are
b. Compressive stress represented by σr and σz
c. Shear stress respectively, then
d. No stress a. σr = 0, σz = 0
46. Which one of the following b. σr = 0, σz > 0
statements is correct? If a material c. σr ≠ 0, σz = 0
expands freely due to hearing, it d. σr = 0, σz ≠0
will develop 51. A steel rod of length L and
a. thermal stress diameter D, fixed at both ends, is
b. tensile stress uniformly heated to a temperature
c. compressive stress rise of ∆T. The Young’s modulus is
d. No stress E and the coefficient of linear
47. A bar of copper and steel form a expansion is ‘α’. The thermal stress
composite system. They are heated in the rod is
to a temperature of 400C. What a. 0 c. α∆ T
type of stress is induced in the b. Eα∆ T d. Eα∆ TL
copper bar? 52. A steel cube, with all faces to
a. Tensile deform, has Young’s modulus, E,
b. Compressive poisson’s ratio, v, and coefficient of
c. Both (a) and (b) thermal expansion, α. The pressure
d. Shear (hydrostatic stress) developed
48. A cube with a side length of 1 cm is within the cube, when it is
heated uniformly 10C above the
room temperature and all the sides
Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer
subjected to a uniform increase in
temperature, ∆T, is given by
a. c.
b. d.
53. A solid steel cube constrained on
all six faces is heated so that the
temperature rises uniformly by ∆T.
If the thermal coefficient of the
material is α, young’s modulus is E
and the poisson’s ratio is ʋ, the
thermal stress developed in the
cube due to heating is
a. c.
b. d.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
16) 17) 18) 19) 20)
21) 22) 23) 24) 25)
26) 27) 28) 29) 30)
31) 32) 33) 34) 35)
36) 37) 38) 39) 40)
41) 42) 43) 44) 45)
46) 47) 48) 49) 50)
51) 52) 53) 54) 55)

Dynamic GATE Academy | Strength of Material | APPSC – Assistant Engineer

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