Isatis Neo MINING Features v2020.06
Isatis Neo MINING Features v2020.06
Isatis Neo MINING Features v2020.06
The software also offers a preconfigured workflow for an optimized way to Mineral
Resource Estimation and simulation, including Ore Control and Reconciliation (formerly
Its innovative and intuitive user interface makes the software quick to learn and easy to
use and puts the full power of geostatistics within your reach.
Version 2020.06
Experience Isatis.neo Mining Edition ease-of-use according to rules you define. Extract unmasked
through a global interface from which all applications are samples into a new data file.
launched. The software ribbon menu makes it easy to find ─ Clear data from possible duplicates. Only one
all available tools. duplicate will be kept. The samples that are kept will
be extracted to a new file or identified through a
─ Make use of an advanced scientific calculator
1.1. Data exchange
based on Python syntax to modify or create new
─ Fully integrate and handle both 2D/3D samples variables. Numerous operations are available
and 3D drill hole data, grid, and mesh files. (mathematical, boolean and interval operators,
trigonometric, date and statistical functions, etc.).
─ Differentiate variables according to their types for
proper use: coordinates, Hole ID, length, numerical, ─ Create sub-block models to be used as the
categorical, text, azimuth, dip, depth from, depth to, support of the estimation. Sub-blocks can also be
density, campaign. filled with block values (estimates or simulation
─ Define unit classes to make conversion and
calculation between variables easier.
─ Prepare your data to block kriging. Compute a ─ Analyse grade variations from either side of
support correction considering or not the domain boundaries using the Contact Analysis
Information Effect. tool. It helps you qualify how domains can be
treated at estimation (i.e., hard/soft boundary,
─ Compute local anisotropy directions (gradient 3
transition domain definition, etc.).
and rotation) relative to a reference surface or two
surfaces at any node of a grid file. They will be used
in kriging with the option Use Local Anisotropies.
─ Remove imperfections in images by running
morphological operations on grids: Isatis.neo Mining Edition offers an integrated and
• Dilation to make objects more visible, fill in powerful application for Exploratory Data Analysis.
small holes or join objects. The whole statistical and geostatistical analysis is
• Erosion to remove small objects or noise or performed from that single tool. Easy to use, you need
detach larger objects. to select a variable in the variable
• Closing to remove small objects while list and drag and drop it into the display window to
preserving larger objects. have it represented in as many statistical charts as you
• Opening to remove small objects from an wish.
image while preserving larger objects.
─ Run connectivity analysis on grids and identify
connected components. The application can be
used to locate permeable pathways inside a
lithostratigraphic unit.
1.4. Domaining
─ Perform sample clustering using a powerful
machine-learning algorithm. Samples are
automatically grouped into homogeneous The strength of this tool is also in its dedicated object
geological or mining domains according to their called the Geostatistical Set which gathers all the
spatial dependency and their degree of similarity inputs that will be used later in the kriging or simulation
(considering various variables and statistics step: variable statistics, experimental variogram,
─ Refine all calculated statistics by interactively ─ Experience automatic variogram fitting and
tuning parameters. instantaneously get a model well-suited to your
input data: automatic modeling of multivariate,
─ Benefit from the dynamic link between the different
multidirectional and multi-structure variograms
representations and thoroughly explore your data:
starting from a combination of basic structures.
when you highlight points in the base map or
histogram bars, they are immediately highlighted in ─ Interactively fit your variogram models and tune
the other representations so that you can check the involved parameters (structure type –
their locations. You may also ignore some samples exponential, spherical, cubic, power, Gaussian,
(erroneous or outlier samples, for instance) and cardinal sine, Stable, Gamma, Bessel-J, Bessel-K
instantaneously check the impact on the variogram – and range and sill for each structure). You may
and further maps. add several structures if the variables show
different behaviors at different scales. Choose
whether to add or not a nugget effect.
3.1. Interpolation
─ Quickly interpolate data using various techniques:
inverse distance, nearest neighbor, moving
average, moving median, linear kriging, spline
kriging, linear interpolation for numerical and
rotation variables.
─ Fill blank areas in grids while reproducing the 5
─ Run Kriging Neighborhood Analysis to support
property variability using kriging or simulation.
your neighborhood parameter setting.
Easily record your workflow in a batch file to:
─ keep track of the full process,
─ Save 2D views as PNG or SVG images. ─ Attach/detach a project from your list of projects.
Backup/restore a project for future use. 7
5.2. 3DViewer ─ Access the most recent projects in a mouse click.
─ In a single view, gather point data, drillhole data,
surfaces, polygons, faults, wireframes, grids.
─ Customize the display according to your visual
style guidelines. Symbol shape, color, size, color
scales, isolines can be set.
─ Analyse your 3D objects and estimation models
using slicing, clipping, zooming, filtering tools and
database query. Display related information
(position and value).
─ Save 3D views as PNG images.
Resources wokflow provides the user with the industry-standard in geostatistics for in-situ and recoverable resource
estimation, ore control and reconciliation, in a preconfigured and easy-to-use workflow. It ensures coherent management
of geological domains for reliable resource estimates and a perfect consistency between long-term and ore control models.
─ Easily perform multivariate or univariate
estimation and choose as many secondary
variables as you wish.
2.2. Variography
─ Experience automatic variogram fitting and
instantaneously get a model well-suited to your raw
grades and/or Gaussian transformed grades.
─ Interactively fit your variogram model (simple
and cross-variograms in multivariate cases) and
─ Manage outliers that might bias the estimations by adjust the involved parameters (structure type -
capping grade values above or below a given spherical, exponential - range and sill for each
threshold. structure). You may add several structures if the
─ Instantaneously perform structural analysis on grade shows different behaviors at different scales.
both the raw grades and the Gaussian Choose to consider or not a nugget effect.
transformed grades. Results are displayed in Or fit the variogram visually using the mouse and
several views: the anchors displayed on the variograms.
• Cross-plot to analyse the linear correlation ─ A moving neighborhood is used. You may tune
between two variables and identify different the number of samples as well as the size of the
data populations if any. ellipsoid to get more robust results.
─ Benefit from the dynamic link between these ─ Kriging Neighborhood Analysis helps you
─ Get recoverable resources (both at global and
local scales) for the current partition and/or for
each domain in the partition from kriging, Uniform
Conditioning, Localized Uniform Conditioning,
and/or simulation outputs. At either panel or SMU
support, results can be computed for a list of
cutoffs applied on the main grade or using
categories defined from multivariate rules.