Arp 1995 Facies Lacustrine Bioherms, Spring Mounds, and Marginal Carbonates

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FACIES 33 35-90 PI. 8-17 9 Figs. 1 Tab.


Lacustrine Bioherms, Spring Mounds, and Marginal Carbonates

of the Ries-lmpact-Crater (Miocene, Southern Germany)

Gernot Arp, GSttingen



CONTENTS 7 Algae and algae-like fossils

7.1 Charophytes
Summary 7.2 Green algae s.str.
1 Location and geological setting: closed basin a by 7.3 Cyanobacteria and possible cyanobacteria
large impact 7.4 Microendoliths
2 Previous work and problems 7.5 Incertae sedis and insect larval tubes
3 Methods 7.6 Recent contamination by endolithic lichens and fungi
4 Nomenclature of non-marine carbonates 8 'Exotic' faunal elements
4.1 General considerations and modified DtmnAM- 9 Conclusions
classification References
4.2 Meteoric fabrics, pedogenic fabrics, and in-situ
formed grains
4.3 Skeletal and non-skeletal grains SUMMARY
4.4 Carbonate crusts
5 Major facies units The petrographic investigation of the Miocene Ries-
5.1 Littoral carbonates: zonation of the lake shore lake-carbonates gave rise to a modified Dtmq-IAM-SCheme
5.1.1 Microfacies-types of profundal carbonates for classifying non-marine carbonates. If the fabric is not
5.1.2 Microfacies-types of littoral carbonates exclusively the result of hydromechanical or biogenic ef-
5.1.3 Section 'road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim'
5.1.4 Interpretation: facies zonation of the lake shore fects, DtJr~HAM-terms were extended by interpretative at-
5.2 Algal bioherms: sequences in response to climate tributes describing processes responsible for the secondary
and lake level fabric development (pedogenesis, early meteoric diagenesis).
5.2.1 Microfacies-types of bioherm carbonates (includ- The lowermost investigated section reveals a distinct zona-
ing associated littoral carbonates) tion of the lake shore during humid stages (carbonates of the
5.2.2 Sections in Hainsfarth and Ehingen
5.2.3 Interpretation: rhythms, sequences, and develop- infra-, eu-, and supralittoral), interrupted by playa-like
ment in time interstages of arid conditions (desiccated mudflat). Dolomitic
5.3 Spring mounds: precipitation and modification at successions of sinter-veneered bioherms, built by green
subaquatic groundwater seeps algae and cyanobacteria, form an incomplete 'reef belt' at
5.3.1 Microfacies-types of limnocrenal and spelean the northern crater rim. Bioherm sequences were controlled
5.3.2 Sections of springs mounds by a seasonally oscillating lake level and fluctuations of
5.3.3 Interpretation: subsequent fabric modification higher order, which correspond to small-scale climatic
5.4 Palustrine carbonates: carbonate swamps behind the fluctuations in the range of several hundreds to thousands of
bioherm belt years. A superposed facies trend is recognized, which is the
5.4.1 Microfacies-types of palustrine carbonates result of the decreasing eutrophy, alkalinity, and carbonate
5.4.2 Outcrops and distribution pattern of palustrine
facies types supersaturation. This reflects the climatic change to gener-
5.4.3 Interpretation: swamp pedogenesis and episodic ally humid conditions at the end of Miocene. Originally
storm events thrombolitic sublacustrine spring mounds were caused by
5.5 Notes on siliciclastic sediments of the margin upwelling groundwater from permeable bedrock. Cement
5.6 Youngest lake sediments framestones of the mound core are considered to result from
6 'Postdepositional diagenesis'
6.1 Mineralogical composition and paragenetic sequence fabric alteration within the upwelling groundwater and by
of cements emersions. Marginal carbonates of the Ries basin, inclu-
6.2 Discussion: primary composition and dolomitization sively bioherms, probably were originally Mg-calcitic.
Address: Dipl.-Geol. G. Arp, Institut und Museum fur Geologic und Pal~ontologie, GoldschmidtstraBe 3, D-37077
GOttingen; Fax: Germany-(0)551-337996; e-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Geographic and smactural survey of the Ries impact crater. The study area and the investigated outcrops (near Hainsfarth and
Ehingen) are situated at the northern rim of the basin.

Aragonite was restricted to gastropod shells and sublacustrine WERNER (1904) and STUTZER(1937), was drawn by SrtOE-
spring mounds. Dolomitization is interpreted as essen- MAKER• CHAt (1961) and CrIAO & LITTLER(1963), who
tially due to a fluctuating phreatic mixing-zone caused by discovered the high-pressure polymorphs coesit and stishovit
meteoric groundwater, which underflowed saline water at in the 'suevite', an impact-melt-bearing breccia (HtsrITNER
the soda lake margin. The algal flora comprises cyano- 1969, 1977). Today, the following cratering model is
bacteria, possible cyanobacteria, green algae, few generally accepted (GALLet al. 1975, POHL& GALL 1977):
charophytes, endoliths, and problematic forms. A Recent A stony meteorite with high velocity penetrated through
contamination by endolithic fungi and lichens is evident. nearly 600 m Jurassic and Triassic sediments down into
Occasionally preserved insect larval tubes, mass accumu- the crystalline basement rocks of the Moldanubicum.
lations of pupal cases of flies, and arthropod eggs demon- After the vaporization of the projectile and the excavation
strate that these groups were once a prominent part of the of a primary crater with a depth of 2-2,5 km, subsequent
fossil soda lake ecosystem of the NOrdlinger Ries. upward movement of the shattered crater floor and down-
faulting of the vicinity resulted in the formation of a flat
1 L O C A T I O N AND G E O L O G I C A L S E T T I N G : impact structure, subdivided in a central crater (10-12 km
C L O S E D BASIN BY L A R G E I M P A C T 0 and a marginal block zone (7 km) with a 'crystalline ring'
as inner boundary (RE1Ctl (~ HORRIX 1955, Crlgo 1977,
The N0rdlinger Ries is an Upper Miocene impact ERNSTSON& POIIL 1977, STOFFLER1977). The ejecta blan-
structure of approximately 25 km in diameter. It is located ket (essentially 'Bunte Breccia'), in parts covered by
in southern Germany and separates the Jurassic carbonate patchy remnants of the 'fallout suevite', is now to a large
plateaus of the Franconian and Swabian Alb (Fig. 1). The extant eroded.
present plain of the Ries depression represents a Pleistocene Absolute dating of suevite (4~176 4~
erosional level at 420-430 m above S.L. This is 100-150 39Ar-method, and fission track dating) indicate an age of
m lower than the bordering hills of the morphological rim. nearly 15 ma for the impact (GEN'rNER & WAGNER 1969,
The town N6rdlingen, which lies within the SW-part of WAGNER 1977, STAUDACHERet al. 1982), which is consist-
the basin, is situated 110 km NW of Munich and 80 km ent with the biostratigraphy (DEIIM 1962, BOLTEN& Mt]LLER
SSW of Nuremberg. The study area and the investigated 1969, BOLTEN1977, BRELIE 1977).
outcrops are located at the northern margin of the basin The final result of the impact was the shallow and
(Geological map 1:25000 : GERSTLAtJER1940, Topographic hydrologically closed crater lake basin. Sediments of this
map of Bavaria 1 : 25000, n ~ 7029 Oettingen i.Bay.) lake are preserved within the basin (300 m, essentially
(Fig.l). clastics) and as erosional remnants (less than 50 m, essen-
Conclusive evidence for the formation of the Ries tially carbonates) covering hills of the crystalline ring and
basin by a cosmic impact, as previously suggested by slopes of the crater rim (BAYERISCHES GEOLOGISCHES


Mz "
I ic I: uz ~ ,-

I I lkrn
I . youngest
I ,ake s e d i m e n t s p a Iu s t r in e Iim 9 st o n e s dolomltlc b l o h e r m belt I ,-500m~
- ~ --~."r 2--~ ~ c.iciUc I
calcitlc spring mounds ~sprlng.mounds


/ /

l i t t o r a l s a n / d s / ~

I km

Fig. 2. Survey of major facies units at the northern marginalblock zone.

LANDESAMT1969, 1977b) (Fig. 2). Large parts of the lake major source of available salts. Silicate-weathering by
history were documented by the research borehole Ntrd- CO2-containing rain water should have caused a preva-
lingen 1973, which transected a lacustrine sequence of lence of Na § and CO32 in the lake water - beside of K §
314.3 m (BAYERISCHESGEOLOGISCHESLANDESAMT1974, Ca2§ Mg2+, CI and SO43-. Consequently, basal clastics
1977a). According to the comprehensive paper OfJANKOWSKI and basinal pelites (partly oilshales) exhibit autigenic Na-
(1981), the lacustrine sequence can be divided into three zeolites (clinoptilolite) and analcime. Alkali-saline con-
major stages: ditions with high alkalinity were established during the
1. The evolution from an alluvial to playa-like sedimenta- 'laminite sequence' (JANKOWSKI1981: 183). Sulfate was
tion and finally oligotrophic lacustrine conditions is probably removed at least in parts by sulfate-reduction,
represented by the 'basal sequence' (58.3 m). The fol- resulting in pyrite-rich basinal sediments. Sulfate reduc-
lowing 'laminite sequence' (145 m) was deposited dur- tion during mineralization of organic matter is an addi-
ing permanent eutrophic and often alkali-saline condi- tional factor raising alkalinity ('alkalinity pump', KEMPE
tions. 1990), possibly maintaining soda-lake-conditions during
2. Sediments of the second stage ('marl sequence' and the later stages (i.e. stage 3). K§ should be bound in parts
'clay sequence', > 111 m) are considered to reflect alter- by the clay mineral illite. Only less saline interstages
nating saline and less saline conditions. A permanent show montmorillonite (JANKOWSKI1981). A detailed analyses
euxinic hypolimnion was not developed, as indicated by of chemical changes and salinity fluctuations is given by
bioturbation. Temporary 'silting-up' is documented by JANKOWSKI(1981). A hard-water lake (Ca 2§ HCO]- ) can
several lignite seams. Further 100 m of lake basin sediments, be ruled out, for most parts of the succession (except at the
which once filled up the complete crater basin, were top of the basal sequence') (JANKOWSKI 1981: 180).
removed since the early Pleistocene at the drilling site Charophytes, a more diverse snail fauna and fish, that
(WOLF 1977). should be expected (cf. Steinheim basin), were only found
3. Therefore, the third stage is not preserved within the in some interstages. Elevated salinities, as indicated by
central basin, but represented by carbonate islands and halophytes (Chenopodiaceae, BRELIE 1977), cannot be
marginal carbonates and elastics. They are essentially achieved by difficultly solulable salts like CaCO3. Prob-
younger than the preserved basin sediments and corre- ably successively exposed Jurassic limestones of the
sponding basin clays are eroded except for a few relics backcountry caused an increased input of Ca2§ during the
(Fig. 2). lake history. This might have been a prerequisite for the
Time estimations, based on laminite rhythms and development of calcareous bioherms. The individual-rich
geomagnetic data, propose between 0.3 and 2 ma for the and species-poor fauna, essentially represented by one
duration of the Ries lake (BOLTEN 1977, POHL 1977, ostracode species and the snail Hydrobia,indicates that an
JANKOWSKI1981. The climate is generally considered to be 'aberrant lake water chemistry' persisted during the depo-
'semiarid' within the crater (BOLTEN & MI3LLER 1969, sition of the Ries lake carbonates of stage 3. However, the
BOLTEN et al. 1976, BOLTEN 1977, DEHM et al. 1977, chaotic distribution of different lithologies in the 'Bunte
JANKOWSKI1981: 204, HEIZMANN& FAHLBUSClt1983). Breccia' prevents an estimation concerning weathering
The lake water chemistry obviously changed during products. No evaporite sediments are known from the
the lake development (DEHMet al. 1977, JANKOWSK11981). Ries basin except few pseudomorphs of presumable gyp-
Salinity fluctuations were recorded throughout the sec- sum crystals in cores of the research drillhole NOrdlingen.
tion of the research drillhole Ntrdlingen 1973. Paleonto- There is only weak indication for temporary high concen-
logical and sedimentological data as well as theoretical trations of CI-. Also Triassic evaporite series do not occur
considerations clearly favour an ion-rich lake water com- in this region as a possible source of salt water. Therefore
position during long parts of the lake history. After the the Ries crater lake can generally be considered as a soda
impact a blanket of suevite, an impact-melt bearing breccia lake, which, of course, contained in addition substantial
derived from the crystalline basement (mainly gneiss, concentrations of other salts. This is true at least for the
granodiorite and to a less extent amphibolite), formed the 'laminite sequence' of stage 2 and for stage 3.

2 PREVIOUS WORK AND PROBLEMS tance. A supplementary facies mapping of the area Ehingen-
Belzheim-Breitenlohe, where 5 outcrops are located, was
The investigated carbonates correspond to 'stage 3' carried out to receive the spatial distribution pattern of
sensu JANKOWSKI(1981), which is the last stage of the lake, facies units.
including a thin freshening stage (BOLTEN1977) at the top.
The present knowledge of facies, diagenesis and algal 123 thin sections of 100 samples with a size between 5 x 5
flora is essentially based on the work of REIS (1926), and 10 x 15 cm were made. Most samples had to be hardened by
WOLFF ,~ FOCHTBAUER(1976), BOLTEN(1977) and RIDING epoxy resin. Dolomite was distinguished from calcite and aragonite
by staining with Alizarin red S. Untreated fracture surfaces as
(1979). Further publications which are concerned with well as polished and etched cutting planes were examined by a
these topics are GOMBEL (1889, 1891), KL~,HN (1925), 'CamScan' SEM after coating with Au. 5% Titriplex was used
NATHAN (1925, 1935), WEBER (1941), GROISS (1968), for etching (30-40 min.). Very porous samples were exception-
BOLTEN& Mt3LLER(1969), HOLLAUS(1969), and JANKOWSKI ally treated with OsOa. For EDX-analyses polished specimen
coated with C were used (400 s running time). The semiquantitative
(1981 : 156-166). Older, obsolete interpretations, which
composition of 41 samples (whole rock) was determined by X-
considered the carbonate formations as a result of thermal ray diffractometry ('Mikromiiller III', Phillips PW 1310, 36 kV/
activity ('Sprudelkalke' by degassing) ofa Ries-volcanism 24 mA, l~ using Ni-filtered Cu Ka-radiation. Quartz
(GOMBEL1891, KLAHN1925), are not taken into account in (101) was used as internal standard. Stable isotope composition
this paper. (813C, ~IgO %~vs PDB) of 12 samples, obtained using a dental
drilling tool from handspecimen, was analysed.
Several aspects are still subject of controversial inter-
Thin sections have been deposited with the collection of the
pretations (WOLFF & Ft3CHTaAUER 1976, BOLTEN 1977, Institute of Paleontology, LoewenichstraBe28, D-91054 Erlangen.
RIDING 1979, JA~C~OWSKX1981): Handspecimen and macrofossils are registered in the collection
9 Are laminated crusts, which veneer green algal bioherms, of the Ries-Crater-Museum (RCM), Hintere Gerbergasse 3, D-
sinter crusts or cyanobacterial stromatolites? Are there 86720 N6rdlingen (Numbers FR-1 to FR-10).
stromatolites or fossil cyanobacteria in the Ries at all?
Several authors mentioned 'algae' and/or cyanobacteria as 4 NOMENCLATURE
major contributors to the formation of various crusts of OF NON-MARINE CARBONATES
bioherms and spring mounds without conclusive evi- 4.1 General considerations and
dence (HoLLAUS1969, WOLFF& Ft2orraAUER 1976, BOL~N modified DUNHAM classification
Non-marine carbonates are characterized by their own
9 Are spring mounds primary calcitic subaeric deposits
kinds of particles and fabrics, so that microfacies-desig-
(WOLFF & FOCtrraAUER 1976) or subaquatic precipitates nations by classifications developed with regard to ma-
(HOLLAUS 1969, BOLTEN1977)? rine settings often remain imprecise or even impossible.
Bioherms were either primary aragonitic, but dolomitized The 'DuhrtAM-classification', extended by EMBRY& KLOVAN
during exposure events by mixing-zone-dolomitization, (1972), is based on the assumption that hydromechanical
associated (in higher parts) with meteoric-vadose de- or biogenic effects determine the fabric (DUNHAM 1962,
dolomitization (WOLFF 8s FOCHTBAUER 1976), or they TUCKER& WRIGHT1990:18). This is the same in profundal
always were (low-Mg) calcitic until dolomitizcd under and infralittoral lake environments, partly as well in the
phreatic conditions (RIDING 1979). A conclusive explana- eulittoral and supralittoral, so that equivalent terms are
tion, why and how 'spring mounds' remained calcitic and applicable. On the other hand speleothems, travertines
bioherms were dolomitized, is still missing. and tufas, caliche as well as many marginal-lacustrine
9 Detailed sections (Adlerberg and Hainsfarth) and a carbonates show, in accordance with their different gen-
facies map of a quarry face were only given by RIDING esis, characteristics, that can only be described by a
(1979), but the facies relations (e.g. relative age of bioherms modified system.
compared to adjacent carbonate sands) and lithostratigraphic These conspicuous differences mainly result from
correlations remained somewhat unclear. meteoric and pedogenic influences, which are consider-
A close view to the Ries-lake-carbonates reveals that able more likely and more common in these relatively
a rather wide range of non-marine carbonates is present, small waterbodies of lakes, ponds, swamps, streams and
giving a good opportunity for general considerations with springs (cf. FREYTET& PLAZIAT 1982: 26f.). Dissolution
regard to microfacies characteristics and the resulting and reprecipitation by pCO2-changes play an important
classification, beside of these local aspects. role in the formation of fabrics. Especially in the case of
an aberrant lake-water composition ('non-meteoric') due
3 METHODS to evaporation and/or hydrothermal sources, primary pre-
cipitates can be highly instable, if they are exposed to
Six outcrops were measured, mapped and sampled. meteoric conditions or pedogenesis. Both cases have to be
Detailed sections were obtained by facies mapping of taken into account, when establishing a genetic classifica-
quarry faces dm2 per dm 2, using a ladder. Identification of tion applicable to non-marine carbonates.
facies types in field by hand lens was controlled by thin In this paper a modified DtmrtAM-classification is
sections of selected samples. Exposures with long lateral used, if the fabric is not exclusively the result of marine-
extension were recorded by section series at 1-5 m dis- analogous effects (Tab. 1).

9 Exclusively hydromechanical/biogenic deposition: DUNHAM1962,

expanded by EMBRY& KLOVAN1972

9 Alteration by pedogenesis: interpretative attribute + DUNnAM ("descriptive")

a) pedogenically transformed: primary fabric modified by pedogenesis;
b) pedogenically neoformed: fabric essentially due to pedogenesis, only relics of primary
c) pedogenically derived: reworked pedogenic components, fabric hydromechanical

9 Alteration by early meteoric diagenesis: interpretative attribute + DUNHAM("descriptive")

a) meteorically transformed: primary fabric modified by early meteoric diagenesis;
b) meteorically neoformed: fabric essentially due to meteoric diagenesis, only relics of
primary fabric;

used diagnostic features:

9 in-situ formation of components (brownish coating of particles, mottling,
pedogenic "ooids", pisoids, and "nodules")
9 brownish, caliche-like crusts, associated with Limnocodium
9 complex desiccation cracks
9 dissolution-enlarged root voids

early meteoric diagenesis:

9 vesicular structures
9 intensive dissolution and subsequent meteoric cements

Tab. 1. Lacustrine carbonates of the Miocene Ries lake: modified DUNHAMclassification.

The terms 'travertine', 'tufa' and 'sinter' are widely of its imprecise origin and misleading connotations.
used, but often confused or applied in different meanings. 9 Sinter: Dense, laminated deposit, precipitated often as
The obscurity of these terms was already mentioned by incrustation upon rock. According to FORD (1989) the
several authors (FoRo 1989, RrDING 1991, KOBAN 1993, term sinter is best forgotten in context of rock types.
KOBAN& SC~VEmERT 1993ab). The following definitions Sinter is used here for lacustJine-vadose to meteoric-
are preferred in this paper: vadose crusts (incl. speleothems) and considered as an
9 Travertine s.str.: Layered deposit with moderate to tow essentially inorganic precipitate by physicochemical CO2-
primary porosity, commonly with a dendritic macrofabric, loss. It is therefore - correctly speaking - a vadose cement.
produced by precipitation associated with warm springs
(RmING 1991: 47). The existence of a well investigated 4.2 Meteoric fabrics, pedogenic fabrics, and
'type locality' (CnAFETZ & FOLK 1984), which is Tivoli in-situ formed grains
near Rome, permits a restricted use of the term. A basic assumption for the microfacies-classification
9 Travertine s.l.: The term may be used in a wide sense, is, that certain features can be assigned to certain proc-
including all precipitations of warm and cold springs. In esses. Pedogenesis is regarded here (per definition) as a
this context the term 'crenal facies' is proposed for all special case of meteoric diagenesis, with additional bio-
spring deposits (d.n. lat. cren-, spring, cf. ILLIES & logical and biochemical influence.
BOTOSAr,rEANU1963: 26, GRAY1967). 'Lira nocrenal facies' 9 Meteoric fabrics
refers to sublacustrine spring deposits. The term 'vesicular structures' is used in here a rather
9 Tufa (German 'Kalktuff'): Originally porous, laminated wide sense for spongy networks of undulating micritic
to massive deposit mainly produced by precipitation of walls. They usually form patches between remnants of the
minerals on organic substrates in freshwater (RmING 1991 : primary rock and are regarded as secondary precipitates
47). Mineralized (cyano-)bacterial mats may be called resulting from dissolution and reprecipitation. They can
'tufa stromatolites'. The term 'tuff' probably was origi- be fabric-selective or not. Vesicular structures therefore
nally assigned to a volcanic ash (lat. tofus = porous rock). preferentially develop in already porous boundstones and
Tufa, etymologically derived but geologically distinguished carbonates with a mineralogical composition instable to
from tuff, mainly refers to products of cool springs and meteoric settings (PI. 8/2, 10/5). The alternation of pri-
associated creeks, although the terms 'cool freshwater mary precipitates by meteoric water is not necessarily
tufa' (PEDLZY 1990) and 'thermal tufa' (FORD 1989) have vadose (cf. core of spring mounds).
been used. The term tufa is avoided in this paper, because 'Alveolar' or 'alveolar-septal structures' (EsTEBAN 1973,

Wpaorrr 1986) - literally similar - differ from ordinary ln-situ formation of grains ('grainification') by con-
'vesicular structures' by their rather cylindrical pores cretionary processes (microbial participation), alterna-
separated by anastomosing micritic walls (of LMC nee- tion of moisture and drought, and/or 'intense fenestral
dies). They represent dense arranged, mm-sized rhizoliths alteration' (FREY~X & PL~ZXAT1979, 1982, PLAa'r 1989,
(EsTEBAN & KLAI'PA1983: 26f.) and were not found in the MAZZULLO• BIRDWELL1989, WRIGlrr 1990, ALONsoZARA
Ries basin. et al. 1992):

9 Pedogenic fabrics 9 In-situ formed grains

Dissolution-enlarged root voids: Root traces are tubu- Pedogenic 'ooids' and 'nodules' ('glaebules' senso BREWER
lar voids of 50 Rrn to several mm in diameter. They can 1964: 259) are particles formed in-situ in soils (FREYTET(~
best be identified at handspecimen. They transect the PLAZIAT 1982). Pedogenic ooids are concentric compo-
sediment in an irregular pattern, with tendency to a verti- nents, ellipsoidal to spherical in shape (P1.10/3-/4). In the
cal orientation. Characteristic is a branching downwards investigated carbonates they are usually 150-250 ~tm in
caused by thin side-roots and hairs. diameter, seldom up to 500 The cortex is 10-150 I.trn
Root voids may result from a simple biomechanical pen- thick, brownish, and shows only a schlieren-like or indis-
etration of a substrate and occur in subaeric as well in tinct lamination. Alternating brown (isotropic) and grey
subaquatic settings (P1. 8/2, 9/9, see MF-type 2, 15). (cryptocrystalline) laminae, each 5-15 thick, grade
Therefore root voids are only used as a feature of soil into each other and often wedge out. Protuberances and
formation when enlarged by subsequent dissolution (de- fenestral fabrics are totally absent, in contrast to oncoids.
gradation or meteoric diagenesis). Often root voids show Only asymmetrical thickenings to one direction may oc-
a dense micritic aureole, but well developed concretionary cur. Intraclasts or ostracode valves can serve as nuclei.
products (cf. rhizoconcretions, KLAPPA1980), a common The cortices show a tendency to compensate angular
feature in caliche, were not observed in the Ries basin. edges of nuclei. Pisoids, defined as pedogenic ooids with
'Pedotubules' predominantly result from burrows (and a cortex thicker than 1 mm (diameter >2 mm), are re-
root traces) filled with sediment. Several types were stricted to 'algal nodule limestones'. 'Nodules' of various
recognized by BREWER(1964) according to the fabric of size (on average 150-250 exhibit no definite internal
filling (FaEYa'ET & PLAZIAT 1982: fig. 54), but only structure. They are usually brownish in colour and show
'striotubules' have been found in palustrine limestones of only a weak anisotropy. A successive development can be
the Ries. observed from diffuse patches to indistinct grey to brown-
ish 'nodules', which are finally marked by curved planes
Planes: Complex desiccation cracks resulting from soil or circumgranular cracks(Pl. 14/2).
formation are called 'planes' (BREWER 1964, FREYTET~Z Remarks: Pedogenic ooids (modified from 'pedoiogical
PLAZIAT 1982). In this paper simple desiccation cracks ooids', FREYTET& PLAZIAT1979) and 'nodules' are consid-
(polygonal mud cracks, sheet cracks, tepees) are neither ered as indicative for a pedogenic modification of carbon-
regarded as planes nor as pedogenic feature, because they ates. They are often associated with dissolution-enlarged
may well result purely from shrinkage by 'inorganic' root voids. They also occur as reworked and transported
water loss and/or expansion due to crystallization pres- particles, indicating 'pedogenically derived' facies types.
sure. Morphological 'complexity' is caused by the pres- 'Pseudooids' sensu RLrI'rE (1955) are pedogenic ooids.
ence of living and dead organic material and multiple
alternation of moisture and drought. Four types of planes
4.3 Skeletal and non-skeletal grains
are distinguished (definitions in FREYTET& PLAZIAT1982):
9 joint planes (horizontal or vertical) (Fig. 3D) 9 Skeletal grains
9 skew planes (Fig. 3B) Ostracodes of a single species, 'Cypris' riesgoviensis
9 craze planes (Fig. 3A) S~E~Ea, are a major constituent of carbonate sands, espe-
9 curved planes (Fig. 3C) (cf. circumgranular cracking, cially in the bioherm facies. A short description of this
SWIr~FORD et al. 1958) form is given by KEEN(in RIOXNG1979: 654). The smooth
and elongated valves up to 1,5 mm length provide only
Brownish pedogenic crusts often associated with few criteria for systematics. In thin sections, valves are
Limnocodium (PI. 3/5, 7/5): The crusts are petrographically primary calcitic or dolomitized with structural preserva-
identical to caliche crusts (see chapter 'carbonate crusts'). tion (WOLFF& FOCHTBAUER1976), or replaced by blocky
Lirnnocodium At,foREs 1952 (PI. 10/7) is an enigmatic calcite. Often several valves are closely packed forming
fossil closely related to Microcodium GL~CK 1912 (see stacked aggregates (hydromechanical effect) (PI. 11/3).
chapter 'algae and algae-like fossils'). It is considered to Remarks: The systematic position of 'Cypris'
be indicative for well-drained soils and karstification riesgoviensis SmBER is still uncertain. Several genera
(FREYTET& PLAZIAT1982). have been mentioned (Eucypris: BUVANKin W o ~ &
In-situ cracked mica and quartz grains (PI. 15/5) are Ft~c~Atma 1976, Amplocypris: KEEN in RIDINO 1979,
typical particles known from paleosoils (RICHTER1985: Moenocypris: JANZ1992: 70), but none of these definitely
114ff.). They can be aureoled by displacive calcite or fit to the species of the Ries (pers. comm. Dr. H. Janz).
dolomite (FR~YTEr & PLAZIAT1982, RICHTER 1985). Gastropods of the species Hydrobia trochulus

Fig. 3. Complex desiccation cracks of paleosoils: 'Planes'. Black: calcitic cemented voids. A: 'Craze planes' with inverse gradation,
palustrine facies (sample 8/2, scale: 1cm). B: 'Skew planes', palustrine facies (sample 10/1, scale: I cm). C: 'Curved planes', palustrine
facies (sample 8/1,scale: 1 cm). D: 'Horizontal joint planes', enlarged by dissolution, micritic pocket at the margin of a spring mound
(sample Eh/Li 5, scale: 1 cm).

(SANDBERGER) and Cepaea sylvestrina (ScHLOTHEIM)are 9 N o n - s k e l e t a l grains

the only snails of sedimentological importance. Intraclasts result from 'intraformational' reworking of
an already consolidated, but not necessarily lithified sub-
Hydrobia trochulus (Prosobranchia, order Meso- strate (FOLK1959, FLOCt':L1982: 164). Several types with
gastropoda) is well known to form mass accumulations in
different sedimentological significance were recognized:
the Ries basin (Gt2MBEL1889: 29, WENZ 1924, SEEMANN
Bioherm clasts are angular, mostly already sinter-
1930). The shells are cone-shaped to slightly ovoid with
veneered clasts of Cladophorites-carbonatesand skeletal
an acute apex (BOLTEN1977: 124). These small, on aver-
stromatolites. They are common in sediments immedi-
age 2-4 mm high shells are usually not fragmented. In thin
ately following discontinuities.
sections they appear as open voids or voids cemented by
Platy clasts of carbonate sand up to several cm's in size
blocky calcite. The shape is preserved by dolomicritic
are derived from stratified pack- and grainstones of the
cement, micrite envelopes, microbial incrustation or by
eulittoral. Peloidal platy clasts result from reworked 'peloidal
the surrounding matrix (Pl. 11/4, 8).
planar stromatolites'.
Cepaeasylvestrina(Pulmonata, order Stylomrnatophora) Aggregate-like intraclasts are small (250 ~m - 1 ram),
occurs as complete shells up to 2 cm in size, and abun- isometric to lobate components composed of some ooids,
dantly fragmented as bioclasts. Usually the shell is dis- peloids and ostracodes. They resemble 'aggregate grains'
solved, resulting in open or calcite cemented moulds. (also described as 'compound gravels' FREYTET& PLAZIAT
Aragonitic shells, occasionally with colour remains (GROlSS 1981: pl.4B). They are fused by inhomogenous relics of
1968, BOLTEN1977,) are quite rare (very high or very low the former matrix. Quite often particles are attached to the
permeability). concave side of ostracode valves (cf. 'armatured gravel'
Remarks: Complete Cepaea shells washed ashore lo- FREYTET & PLAZIAT 1981: pl.4B). These particles are
cally form accumulations in sediments of the lower considered as erosional products of poorly washed
supralittoral. Grain-supported eulittoral sands contain in- packstones.
stead clasts of Cepaea, which are often transected by Irregular clasts of clotted micrite are derived from
endoliths (Pl. 8/3, 9/3). inhomogenous to mottled micritic sediments. In-situ for-

mation by dissolution and rooting (pedogenesis) may intensively bored by endoliths (PI. 16/9). Quite often the
produce this type as well. core is just a spongy, micritic to microsparitic network.
Brownish intraclasts are mostly micritic or peloidal Some lithostratigraphic facies units (littoral facies, up-
and were eroded from pedogenically trans- to neoformed per parts of bioherm facies 'type Hainsfarth', 'algal nodule
facies types. limestones') contain remnants of higher plants preserved
by oncoidal incrustation ('Mumien').The former stems
Phytoclasts are cement-incrusted plant remains (BucctNO
and branches, now open voids or replaced by internal
et al. 1978, PEDLEY 1990). In this paper, carbonate-
sediment, are up to 30 cm long. Often they are broken and
impregnated remains of 'higher plants' are also included.
appear as halfcircular spongy clasts (PI. 9/6). Large disc-
Wood tissues are replaced by carbonate with structural
shaped oncoids around platy intraclasts up to 14 cm
preservation, then showing a reticulate to stringy pattern
diameter are exceptions. A second type of oncoid is
dependent on the section plane (PI. 11/10). Wood pieces
charcterized by thin, mono- or biphased coatings (10-250
are up to 2-6 mm in size. Plant stems are 700 to more thick) (see chapter 7.3: 'microbes type 19').
than 5 mm in diameter. They are usually only carbonate-
Remarks: Oncoids of the Ries are considered as 'skeletal
impregnated at their periphery (PI. 11/9). Their centres
oncoids' (RIDIN~ 1983) of cyanobacteria, although only
remain hollow or are filled by internal sediment. If car-
traces of filaments are preserved. Oncoids and oncoid
bonate is restricted to a cyanobacterial incrustation, they
rubble are characteristic for the wave-exposed eulittoral.
are considered as oncoids.
Tube clasts are broken tubular incrustations of the Peloids include all micritic, subrounded particles with-
green alga Cladophorites(50-140 ~tm diameter, PI. 11/2). out internal structure, which cannot be identified as faecal
In this paper they are always mentioned separately from pellets (McKEE & Gtrrscmc• 1969). The Ries-lake-car-
other phytoclasts. bonates contain peloids of 25 x 65 I-tin to 75 x 200 in
size. Locally uniform ellipsoidal peloids are common,
Oncoids are spherical, lobate particles with irregular,
possibly of tlydrobia snails (RIDINO 1979) or ostracodes
non-concentric envelopes, caused by 'biogenic' precipita-
(REls 1926: 176, BOLTEN 1977: 6). Larger micritic parti-
tion or agglutination (HmM 1916, PERYT1983, Ft~Crn'~AUER
cles (_> 200-300 p.m) show angular outlines and are con-
& RIctrrER 1988). Only oncoids due to the activity of
sidered here as intraclasts (PI. 12/5; cf. FLt2CEL1982: 130).
cyanobacteria (and associated microbes) are present in
On the other hand clotted micrite can grade into separate
the Ries basin ('cyanoids', RIDINC 1983).
particles, then also called 'peloids'.
Oncoids of the Ries are 50 ~tm to 2,5 mm in diameter.
Remarks: Eroded clotted micrite is considered here as a
They exhibit irregular envelopes with poorly defined
major source of peloids. The percentage of (worn) faecal
boundaries between each lamina (PI. 8/3). Dark micritic
pellets is unknown. 'Planar non-skeletal stromatolites'
laminae alternate with light, partly fenestral, micritic to
consist in great parts of peloidal fabrics of 'microbial'
microsparitic laminae, each 30-150 lain thick. A charac-
origin. These peloids show large variations in size (5-300
teristic radial structure is caused by erect filament traces,
I,tm) and indistinct boundaries ('algal peloids', FLt36EL
now preserved as microsparitic tunnels cross-cutting the
1982: 133).
laminae. The total thickness of cortices varies between 50
and 800 p.m. Intraclasts, clasts of oncoids and of broken Faecal pellets have been observed at spring mounds and
land snails (Cepaea) serve as nuclei. Bioclasts are often in carbonates of the infralittoraI. These are rod-shaped

Plate Zonation of the lake shore. Miocene soda lake of the N6rdlinger Ries
Fig. 1. Laminated mudstone (MF 1). The lamination is caused by crystal size alternations of neomorphic
microsparite. In the lower part two dense micritic intercalations and bioturbation (as an exception) is
visible. Profundal. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.002. Scale: 1 mm
Fig 2. Rooted peloid-wacke/packstone (MF 2). Elongated voids with dense aureole are root traces of subaquatic
macrophytes (arrows). The uppermost part shows a cross-stratified intercalation of an episodic current
event. Infralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.005. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 3. Oncoid-bearing intraclast-grainstone (MF 3). Beside various intraclasts, oncoids (a) and bioclasts with
endoliths (b) are tyical for the wave-exposed shore. Eulittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample
Eh/Bz 91.09.009. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 4. Pedogenically derived intraclast-peloid-packstone (MF 5). All particles show a thin brownish coating of
pedogenic origin. The matrix is poorly washed out. Transition eu-/supralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen
Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.023b. Scale:
Fig. 5. Meteorically transformed intraclast-wackestone (MF 7) with calcitic pseudomorphs after an evaporite
mineral (?gypsum). S upralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.024a. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 6. Planar non-skeletal stromatolite with peloidal microfabric (MF 9). The laminae are bent up by a burrow
filled with peloids. Supralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.011. Scale: 1 mm
Plate 8 43

micritic particles, constantly 80-100 ~tm in diameter. 'Well-preserved' ooids show radial-fibrous, light, con-
They are up to 550 long, but often broken into stubby centric laminae, each 10-30 llm thick (PI. 11/5, 7). Under
pieces (PI. 13/7). Bubble- to rhomb-shaped calcitic dots crossed nicols a pseudo-uniaxial interferrence cross is
of 30-45 lxm diameter (mound Eichenstral3e) are ofdiagenetic visible. Micritized domains parallel fibres and/or laminae
origin. Slightly deformed faecal pellets were found in fortify a cerebroid outline. To the center these ooids are
peloid-wacke/packstones of the infralittoral. increasingly micritized, forming a transition to'dolomicritic
Remarks: Faecal pellets of this type already have been ooids'.
mentioned by WOLFF & Ft3CHTBAUER(1976) from the 'Dolomicritic ooids' are the major ooid type (PI. 11/11-
Wallerstein spring mound and by JANKOWSKZ(1981 ) from 12). They show radial ghost structures or alternating dolo-
basin clays. At these localitiesthey are composed of and calcimicritic laminae, which mutually interfinger.
cryptocrystalline aragonite. Analogous faecal pellets of After staining with alizarin they resemble oncoids (cf.
the same shape and dimensions are produced by the WOLFF& Ft3crrraAUER 1976:1 lf.).
Recent brine shrimp Artemia (EARDLEY 1938:1401 ft., 'Calcitized ooids' exhibit an decreasing crystallite size
pl.21-23), a fact, which was already noticed by JANKOWSKI to the centre (PI. 11/4, 6). Instead of this neomorphism, a
(1981: 130f.). complete replacement by a microsparitic to sparitic mo-
saic with irregular crystal boundaries is locally devel-
Ooids (KALKOWSKI 1908) are spherical particles with oped.
uniform concentric laminae coating a nucleus (FLt3CEL The size of spherical ooids varies between 70 and
1982: 145). Recent carbonate ooids are subdivided ac- 280 Ovoid and lobate ooids are up to 280 x 420
cording to their primary mineralogy (aragonite, calcite) large.
and microstructure (radial, tangential, random crystallites). Remarks: Ooids of the Ries basin represent secondary,
Diagenetic alteration causes 'secondary' ooid types (RIcH- diagenetic ooid types. Different ooid types, side by side in
Tm~ 1983ab). Ooids of the Ries basin range from perfect the same thin section, may point to a different primary
spherical to ellipsoidal and lobate forms. Peloids or quartz mineralogy. Radial- to coarsened structured calcite ooids
grains serve as nuclei, seldom ostracode valves or llydrobia might originally have been aragonitic. The dominating
shells. dolomicritic ooids were probably former Mg-calcitic ooids.

Plate Zonation of the lake shore. Miocene soda lake of the N0rdlinger Ries
Fig. 1. Meteorically transformed intraclast-grain/rudstone (MF 6). Particles are reduced to flattened remnants by
dissolution. In the centre of the figure an intraclast (cf. MF 7) with pseudomorphs is visible. Supralittoral.
Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.024b. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 2. Meteorically transformed intraclast-grain/rudstone (MF 6). Particles are often replaced at their tops by
sparite (a). Note fracturing of micritic veneers and fibrous cements due to a mechanical compaction.
Prolonged exposed eulittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.024b. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 3. Intraclast-peloid-pack/grainstone with oncoid rubble (MF 4). Floored interstices indicate bimodal grain
size distribution due to fluctuating wave agitation. Broken shells of the landsnail Cepaea are often heavily
bored (arrow). Eulittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.008. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 4. Angular pseudomorphs in the matrix of MF 7. The dissolution void below exhibits a skalenoedric calcite
cement indicating temporary vadose conditions, followed by meteoric-phreatic calcite. Supralittoral.
Road cutting Ehingen Beizheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.024a. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 5. Meteorically transformed intraclast-wackestone. Spongy intraclasts (?oncoid clasts) are embedded in an
inhomogenous, clotted matrix with dissolution voids and root voids. Supralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen
Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.024a. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 6. Half-moon-shaped oncoid clasts resulted from broken incrustations of plant stems. They are a character-
istic constituent of the wave-exposed eulittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.009.
Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 7. Lamina of planar stromatolite with peloidal microfabric (MF 9). Laminae-parallel dissolution voids are
lined by a limpid dolomite cement followed by fibrous sinter cements and a drusy mosaic. Lower
supralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.021. Scale: 500 ~tm
Fig. 8. Planar stromatolite with dense microfabric (MF 10): Desiccated laminae are bent up to form a small tepee
structure. Upper supralittoral. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.016. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 9. Root voids of rooted peloid-wacke/packstones resulted from subaquatic macrophytes. Infralittoral. Road
cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.005 (RCM: FR-2). Scale: 1 cm
Fig. 10. 'Mudflat-pelite'. Playa-like interstages are represented by dolomite marls with numerous planes of
desiccation cracks. View upon bedding plane. Dry mudflat. Road cutting Ehingen Belzheim. Sample Eh/
Bz 91.08.022 (RCM: FR-3). Scale 5 cm
Plate 9 45

4.4 C a r b o n a t e crusts zone) might be responsible for the hindered growth of

fibrous crystals. An influence by organic matrices on the
Laminated carbonate veneers and crusts are one of the nucleation is presumed, but was not investigated.
most striking feature of the Ries-lake-carbonates. Several
9 Pedogenic crusts (PI. 10/5, 14/5)
types of different genesis have to be distinguished, mainly
- tendency to compensate relief by filling up depressions
on petrographic basis:
- schlieren-like lamination by minor crystal size varia-

tions of micrite
9 Sinter crusts of bioherms (PI. 10/2, 12/3)
- brownish colour (Ries)
- passive veneers with pendant morphologies
association with pedogenic 'ooids', 'nodules', complex
- lamination by alternation of micritic and thin fibrous
desiccation cracks, and Limnocodium
layers (100 l~m), transition to speleothems by distinct
- pure calcitic composition (Ries)
laminated fibrous varieties in large voids.
S table isotopes: 'light' ratios (51 gO = -5,76 o/coPDB,513C=
- only seldom enclosed micritic particles
-5,02 o/coPDB) correspond to meteoric-vadose conditions
- Mineralogical composition (dolomite and calcite) can
(Ft3cmrBAUER& RicrrrER 1988: 246)
change layer by layer.
- S table isotopes: Considerable'heavy' ratios ~5180=+9,38 %o 9 Skeletal stromatolites (PI. 12/1-2, 6-7)
PDB, ~3C = +2,17 o/coPDB) might correspond to evapo- - upwards growing, 'positive' structures with up-doming
ration effects during their formation. and fenestral fabrics
Stable isotope ratios support the interpretation of RID- - more or less continuous horizons or parts of bioherms
iNo (1979) as subaeric sinter crusts and opposes the - can contain a considerable amount of incorporated
assumption, that theses crusts are cyanobacterial particles, either between laminae or within dissolution
stromatolites, as proposed by WOLFF& Ft3crrrBAt;ER(1976) voids and pockets.
and BOL'rEN (1977). The formation of these crusts is - lamination by alternating micritic and microsparitic
considered here as essentially lacustrine-vadose, possibly layers, often filament traces or tubular fossils of possible
comparable to marginal marine 'coniatolites' or 'pelagosite' cyanobacterial origin
(cf. ES'rZSAN& KLAr'PA1983). These are morphologically - Composition varies (calcite/dolomite)
strikingly similar, but composed of aragonite. The abun- - Stable isotopes: ratios dependent on diagenetic altera-
dance of crystal seeds in lacustrine-vadose settings (splash tion (dolomite/meteoric sparite)

Plate 10 Algal bioherms and accompanying carbonate sands. Miocene soda lake of the N6rdlinger Ries
Fig. 1. Outcrop Hainsfarth showing funnel-shaped bioherms composed of Cladophorites-nodules and -cones.
This part of the quarry face was mapped according to macroscopic facies units (cf. fig. 5A). 'Capping beds'
are separated by two planes, but note that only the lower one reveals features of prolonged exposure
(discontinuity). Bioherm facies. Quarry at the Bfischelberg near Hainsfarth, NE-Ries. Scale 2 m
Fig. 2. Cladophorites-Bafflestone (MF 27), Particles are baffled between carbonate tubes of the green algae (a).
Large dissolution voids show multiple alternation of internal particulate sediment and sinter layers (b).
Note discontinuous growth of pendant sinter at the roof of the void (c). Eulittoral, bioherm facies.
Hainsfarth. Sample Eh/Fr6 92.04.005. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 3. Washed, grain-supported fabric with particles reworked from adjacent areas with pedogenesis (pedogenically
derived). These particles are characterized by brownish, schlieren-like cortices. Eulittoral, bioherm facies.
Old quarry Ehingen. Sample Eh/Kdg 92.03.002. Scale: 500 ~tm
Fig. 4. Pedogenically neoformed 'ooid'-pack/floatstone with bioherm clasts (MF 25). In-situ formed brownish
cortices and 'pedogenic ooids' reduce the original matrix. At the top a Cladophorites-clast derived from
eroded tops of adjacent bioherms is visible. Supralittoral of a beginning transgression, bioherm facies.
Hainsfarth. Sample Bul 91.05.001. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 5. Discontinuity marked by a brownish, caliche-like crust (a). The skeletal stromatolite below is 'meteorically
transformed', indicated by secondary spongy to vesicular fabrics (c). Erect filament traces of cyanobacteria
are only locally preserved (b). Prolonged exposed eulittoral, bioherm facies. Old quarry Ehingen. Sample
Eh/Kdg 91.08.031. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 6. Pedogenically transformed stromatolite ('type S taudigberg'), in-situ brecciated by shrinkage cracks. These
are the youngest stromatolites of the Ries lake. Note horizontal cracks with inverse gradation. Eulittoral,
bioherm facies ('type Staudigberg'). Ehingen/Eichenstral3e, Sample Eh/Li 3 (RCM: FR-4). Scale 1 cm
Fig. 7. Ostracode carapace and calcitized particles with patches of residual dolomicritic matrix. A limpid dolomite
cement is followed by a calcitic drusy mosaic. At this level a mechanical compaction is not developed.
Eulittoral sands accompanying bioherms. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.019. Scale 1 mm
Plate 10 47

9 Planar, non-skeletal stromatolites (PI. 8/6, 9/7-8) 5 M a j o r facies units

- horizontal, laminated, platy carbonates with peloidal 5.1 Littoral carbonates: z o n a t i o n o f the lake shore
and fenestral fabric 5.1.1 Microfacies-types of profundal carbonates
- tepee structures, desiccation cracks and root voids may
Occur 9 M F 1: L a m i n a t e d m u d s t o n e (PI. 8/1)
- Composition varies (dolomite and/or calcite) Description: Laminated (lime-) mudstones form cm-
- Stable isotopes: ratios dependent on diagenetic altera- to few dm-thick intercalations within laminated clayey
tion (dolomite/meteoric sparite) marlstones of the basinal facies. The light-dark lamina-
tion is a result of rhythmic alternations in crystal size.
9 S p e l e o t h e m s (P1. 15/1) Light laminae (100-500 thick) show anhedral to short
- distinct lamination without fenestrae or particles (except prismatic crystals, 10-20 size on average (max. 50
seldom sinter clasts) lam). Solitary laminae contain vertically elongated crys-
- composed of radial-fibrous calcite tals up to 20 x 80 ~tm in size. Dark laminae (75-200 ~tm
- pendant morphology, but also dendroid morphology thick) show smaller crystal sizes (5-10 lxrn). They are
possible; vertical and horizontal fissures are closed roughly occasionally substituted by dense micritic layers, which
symmetrical are dissected by syneresis cracks. Mottled textures caused
- Stable isotopes: 'heavy' oxygen ratios (~180= +3,49 - by bioturbation were observed in a single layer. Dewatering
+4,00 %0 PDB) by evaporation/CO2-degassing during structures disturb the strict lamination in parts, also caus-
sinter formation (LOHMANN1988: 75); Carbon ratios 613C= ing a fine undulation of the laminae. Compaction and late
+0,23 - -1,25 o/~ PDB) may be buffered by overlying diagenetic alteration led to schlieren-like fabrics with
carbonates. calcite crystals enclosed by skins of insoluble residues.

Plate 11 Carbonate sands associated with algal bioherms. Miocene soda lake of the NOrdlinger Ries
Fig. 1. Rooted peloid-wacke/packstone (MF 15). Circular voids within the clotted to peloidal micrite are root
voids of subaquatic macrophytes. Infralittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/LindenstraBe. Sample Eh/M~i
92.03.046. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 2. Ooid-peloid-pack/grainstone (MF 16). Tube clasts of Cladophorites (arrow) indicate a sedimentation
synchronous to bioherm growth. Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.021. Scale: 1
Fig. 3. Ostracode-grainstone (MF 17). Articulated carapaces show internal sinter cements and (meteoric-
phreatic) sparite due to locally reduced permeability. Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/Kirchberggasse.
Sample Eh/Fr6 92.04.013. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 4. Ooid-grainstone rich in Hydrobiasnails (MF 18). Shells are preserved by micrite envelopes grading into
microbial incrustations (microbes 'type 19'). Hydrobiais the only water snail, which flourished in the Ries
soda lake. Ooids at the top of the figure are replaced by neomorphic calcite with coarsened radial fabric.
Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.019. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 5. Ooid-grainstone (rich in Hydrobiasnails). Detail of an ooid layer with radial-fibrous, spherical to lobate
ooids (possibly former aragonitic ooids, calcitized with structural preservation). Eulittoral, pocket within
algal bioherms. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.010. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 6. Ooids of MF 18 are replaced by neomorphic microsparite (possibly primary aragonitic ooids). Eulittoral,
pocket within algal bioherms. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.019. Scale: 100 ~tm
Fig. 7. Radial-fibrous ooids of MF 18 with slightly lobate shape due to micritized pits. Eulittoral, bioherm facies.
Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.010. Scale: 100 Ixm
Fig. 8. Poorly washed Hydrobia-peloid-packstone(MF 22). A protected position between bioherms is responsi-
ble for reduced wave agitation (cf. fig. 4.). Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/Lindenstral~e. Sample Eh]
Mti 92.03.051. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 9. Oblique section of a marginally carbonatized plant stem ('phytoclast') in MF 20. Eulittoral, bioherm facies.
Ehingen/Kirchberggasse. Sample Eh/Fi6 92.04.019. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 10. Intraclast-pack]grainstone with phytoclasts (MF 20). Lignified plant remains, which were carbonatized,
show cellular structures of vascular system (tracheae). Eulittoral,bioherm facies. Ehingen/Kirchberggasse.
Sample Eh/Fr0 92.04.019. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 11. Corroded microcline grain covered by a cryptocristalline dolomite cement, followed by an even rim of
limpid dolomite cement. To the right side a dolomicritic ooid with relictic concentric fabric is visible.
Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Old quarry Ehingen. Sample Eh/Kdg 91.08.030. Scale: 100
Fig. 12. Dolomicritic ooid with relictic radial fabric and a peloid as nucleus. This type of ooid was probably
originally Mg-calcitic. Hainsfarth, bioherm facies. Sample 92.09.009. Scale: 100 ~m
Plate 11 49

(Lime-) Mudstones are composed of neomorphic calcite Interpretation: Matrix-support, the lack of emersion
with various amount of clay minerals (<20%). features and the extensive rooting (probably by aquatic
Interpretation: The strict lamination and the overall macrophytes) account for a deposition in the infralittoral.
lack of benthic organisms and bioturbation indicate a Cross-stratified intercalations indicate episodic currents.
sedimentation below the pycno- and chemocline (profundal).
9 MF 3: Oncoid-bearing intraelast-grainstone (P1.8/3)
Single bioturbated layers give evidence for temporary
Description: Particles comprise 40-50% of the rock,
oxygenation events.
the rest is cement. Oncoids, halfcircular clasts of oncoids
(PI. 9/6) and oncolitic incrusted intraclasts constitute
5.1.2 Microfacies-types of littoral carbonates together 15% of particles. Some of the nuclei are heavily
bored bioclasts (Cepaea). Intraclasts (30%) are 200 ~rn -
9 M F 2: Rooted peloid-wacke/packstone (Pl. 8/2, 9/9)
1,5 mm in size. They are mainly derived from 'peloidal
Description: Characteristic is a macroscopically good
laminar stromatolites' and clotted micrite. Peloids can be
visible network of root voids. Components and matrix
common in fine-grained layers. The fabric is grain-sup-
comprise 80-90% of the rock volume, pore space 10-20%.
ported with alternating coarse- and fine-grained layers.
The clotted to peloid-like dolomicrites show a dense to
Interpretation: The grain-supported fabric and the com-
moderately packed fabric. Particles, like some peloids
plete lack of micritic matrix indicate a deposition within
(70-200 I-tm), elongated pellets and rounded intraclasts
the wave-exposed eulittoral.
are of darker colour than the matrix. The fabric is transected
by numerous root voids (150-500 mm diameter). The 9 MF 4: lntraclast-peloid-pack/grainstone with oncoid
bedding observed in field results from mm-thick interca- clasts (PI. 9/3)
lations of cross-stratified peloid-intraclast-sands, which Description: 40-50% of the rock is formed by compo-
are derived from the wacke/packstones. nents, the rest comprises cements or relictic matrix. The

Plate 12 Bioherm facies. Miocene soda lake of the N~rdlinger Ries

Fig. 1. Skeletal stromatolite. LLH-form of a bioherm top with ripple-like dissolution structures. Eulittoral,
transition to prolonged exposure, bioherm facies. Old quarry Ehingen. Sample Eh/Kdg. 91.08.031 (RCM:
FR-5). Scale 5 cm
Fig. 2. Skeletal stromatolite. SH-form with weathered, laminae-parallel voids originally filled with ooids and
ostracodes. Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 91.05.003 (RCM: FR-6). Scale 5 cm
Fig. 3. Cladophorites-cones (upper part with rhythmic growth pattern) with sinter veneers at the outer surface.
Eulittoral to infralittoral, bioherm facies. Old quarry Ehingen. Sample Eh/Kdg 92.03.025 (RCM: FR-7).
Scale: 5 cm
Fig. 4. Cladophorites-bafflestone (MF 27). Central part of a green algal cushion with dissolution voids, sinter
cements, and geopetal internal sediment (ostracodes, ooids, peloids). Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/
Kirchberggasse. Sample Eh/Fr0 92.04.005. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 5. I nternal sediment of a dissolution void in MF 27. Lower half predominantly composed of small micritic
intraclasts. After a thin sinter layer oolites follow (partly quartz as nuclei). Eulittoral, bioherm facies.
Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.001. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 6-7. Thin section of skeletal stromatolite (MF 28)(cf. fig. 2.) with stacked hemispheroids and erect, dense
arranged filaments of cyanobacteria. Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 91.05.003. Scale:
1 mm. (Fig. 7.: Detail of fig. 6., scale: 100 lain).
Fig. 8. Pedogenically transformed stromatolite 'type Staudigberg' (MF 29), in-situ brecciated by multiple
desiccation cracks. Fissures are filled by detrital particles and micrite grading into in-situ formed
components. Filaments of cyanobacteria are not preserved. Thick cauliflower-like sinter veneers lack as
well. Eulittoral, bioherm facies 'type Staudigberg'. Ehingen/Eichenstral3e. Sample Eh/Li 3. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 9. Pedogenically transformed thrombolite (MF 30). Thrombolitic lumps are composed of spherulitic
aragonite needles. Lumps show shrinkage cracks and are embedded in a clotted matrix, which grades into
in-situ formed components. Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/Eichenstral3e. Sample Eh/Li 1. Scale: 1
mm. (Insert: shrinkage cracks of a lump, scale: 250
Fig. 10. Dolomite rhombs of the even limpid dolomite cement. This cement is present in all facies types of moderate
permeability and is considered to result from a phreatic mixing zone. Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Road-
cutting W of Maihingen. Sample Ma 91.09.064 (SEM, untreated fracture plane). Scale: 10 I,tm
Fig. 11. Cements upon a dolomitized millipede cuticle (with superficial striation). An early, thin cryptocrystalline
dolomite cement (2-5 ~tm)of lacustrine-vadose origin is veneered by dolomite rhombs ('limpid dolomite').
Eulittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/Kirchberggasse. Sample Eh/FrO 92.04.019 (SEM, untreated fracture
plane) (RCM: FR-1). Scale: 50 ~tm
Plate 12 51

bulk of components are intraclasts, which essentially are reworking (eulittoral) of pedogenically transformed
reworked 'peloidal planar stromatolites'. Peloids (10-20%) sediments of the supralittoral.
are always associated with subrounded intraclasts of the
same size. Oncoid clasts and intraclasts with oncolitic 9 MF 6: Meteorically transformed intraclast-grain/
cortices (5-15%) are patchy distributed or enriched in rudstone (PI. 9/1-2)
layers. Their size varies between 500 gm and 1.9 cm. Description: Beside coarse components a high per-
Locally heavily bored bioclasts (Cepaea) are frequent. centage of the rock (~50%) is formed by fibrous and
The fabric is matrix-supported, poorly washed to grain- blocky calcite cements. Intraclasts are composed of
supported. Usually a grainstone-fabric with alternating i nhomogenous micrite to microsparite or peloidal carbon-
layers of different grain size is developed. Occasionally ate (probably from planar stromatolites). Oncoid clasts
infdtered fine particles cover the bottom of large interparticle are often replaced by a spongy network of micrite. Of
spaces ('floored interstices' DUNaAM1962). The matrix, if minor importance are bioclasts of Cepaea, preserved as
present, is composed of slightly yellow dolomicrite to aragonite with primary structure (devoid of endoliths).
dolomicrosparite. The grain-supported fabric shows alternating coarse (up
Interpretation: Grain-support by proceeding winnow- to 3 cm size) and less coarse (1-5 mm grain size) layers.
ing away fine matrix, as well as broken oncoids and shells, All particles show a thin micritic cortex (10-20 lam,
indicate wave-agitation of the eulittoral. Changing ?cement). Below that, the periphery of grains is often
hydromechanical conditions caused alternating grain sizes replaced by sparry calcite (PI. 9/2). A conspicuous feature
and 'floored interstices'. is the reduction of particles to flake-like components or
even to undulating micritic seams, caused by dissolution
9 M F 5: Pedogenicaily derived intraclast-peloid- (PI. 9/1). The length:thickness ratio of grains can drop
packstone (PI. 8/4) from 4:1 to 10:1.
Description: The components (50-60% of the rock) Interpretation: Grain-support, lack of matrix, and bro-
show thin (25-150 gin) brownish coatings of pedogenic ken Cepaea shells indicate wave-exposed conditions of
origin. Residual matrix (0-30%) and cements form the the eulittoral. Coarse spongy oncoid clasts pretend an
rest. Pedogenically coated components comprise small apparently higher wave agitation. Strong meteoric disso-
micritic to peloidal intraclasts (40%), peloids (10-20%), lution was caused by prolonged emersions (supralittoral
clasts of oncolitic incrustations (5-10%) and some sparry conditions). Aragonite of bioclasts is preserved because
bioclasts of Cepaea (without endoliths). The brownish of a very high percolation rate.
coated particles form a packed fabric with a minor amount
of residual matrix in interstices. Few coarse oncoid clasts, 9 M F 7: Meteorically transformed intraclast-wackestone
up to 6.5 cm long, are irregularly distributed between (PI. 9/4-5)
usually 50-300 sized grains. Description: Only 20-30% of the rock are compo-
Interpretation: Packed,poorly washed fabric with brown- nents. They are represented by microsparitic intraclasts
ish coated particles is thought to result from lacustrine with micritic envelopes. Beside of that microsparitic,

Plate 13 Spring mounds (limnocrenal facies). Miocene soda lake of the NOrdlinger Ries
Fig. 1. Large spring mound upon a basement block of the crystalline ring, 'exhumed' by Pleistocene erosion. In
the foreground dark fields upon basinal pelites. Schlol3 Alerheim, SE-Ries
Fig. 2. 'Sickle-cell limestone' (meteorically transformed 'sickle-cell'-framestone, MF 13a). The sheets probably
reflect the arrangement of former microbial mats. Limnocrenal facies. Ehingen/Eichenstrage. Sample Eh/
Li 8, Scale 1 mm
Fig. 3. Meteorically neoformed cement-framestone (MF 13). The lower left part with relictic micritic clots is
probably inherited from the original thrombolitic precipitates. These relics grade into 'vesicular structures'.
Limnocrenal facies. Road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.014. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 4. Meteorically neoformed cement-framestone (MF 13). The nucleation base of the cements is dissolved
except for a few remnants of micritic clots. The highly friable cement framework is fractured by a
mechanical compaction (arrow). Limnocrenal facies. Road cutting Ehingen-Beizheim. Sample Eh/Bz
91.08.026. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 5. Meteorically transformed green-algai-framestone with ostracodes (MF 12). Between green algal filaments
a reticulate fabric of micrite has developed. Limnocrenal facies. Road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim. Sample
Eh/Bz 91.08.025. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 6. Pellet-tube-boundstone (MF 14). Tubular voids of aquatic insect larvae are embedded between faecal
pellets. Limnocrenal facies. Ehingen/Eichenstrage. Sample Eh/Li 6. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 7. Rod-shaped faecal pellets, possibly of brine shrimp Artemia. Rhombic to bubble-shaped spots are of
diagenetic origin (rhombic to spheroidal dedolomite?). Limnocrenal facies. Ehingen/Eichenstrage. Sam-
ple Eh/Li 6. Scale: 500 Ixm
Plate 13 53

relictic structured intraclasts, which often show vesicular dolomicrite layers. Porous layers casually show bush-like
fabrics, occur. These are probably oncoid clasts. Isolated arranged micritic clots, but filaments were not observed.
ostracode valves and bored bioclasts (Cepaea) are sel- Animal burrows, which bend up laminae, contain peloids
dom. An inhomogenous, micritic to microsparitic matrix (PI. 8/6). Dissolution and root voids as well as tepee-like
comprises 70-80% of the rock. It shows patches of clotted desiccation cracks locally cause a brecciation. Interca-
micrite grading into vesicular fabrics. Associated are lated are inhomogenous layers of clotted dolomicrite with
angular, jagged calcite aggregates, which start from reworked stromatolitic clasts and peloids. Calcite is re-
microsparitic patches. Irregular dissolution voids and stricted to late drusy mosaics of voids and cracks.
root voids occur. Interpretation: The facies type is regarded as precipi-
Interpretation: 'Low-energy conditions' are indicated tate of'microbial mats' dominated by cyanobacteria. Petro-
by matrix-support. Angular calcite aggregates are pseudo- graphic argument for that are the laminated fabric com-
morphs of evaporite crystals, possibly of gypsum. There- posed of crumbly micrite and fenestrae. Animal burrows
fore the inhomogenous, mottled fabric is at least in parts indicate that these mats initially were soft. Trapping and
result of a evaporite precipitation in the supralittoral. A binding is of minor importance, therefore the term qaindstone'
prolonged exposure caused vesicular fabrics and dissolu- is inadequate.
tion voids.
9 M F I0: Planar non-skeletal stromatolite with dense
9 M F 8: Pedogenicaily transformed intraclast-wacke- microfabric (PI. 9/8)
stone Description: In contrast to the previous variety, these
Description: 30-50% of the rock are formed by parti- yellow to ochre-brown, dense laminated micrites are
cles, 30 - 50% by the matrix, and 10 - 30% by open and calcitic. Microsparitic, lenticular layers (50-640 and
cemented voids. Intraclasts (30%) are mainly clasts of wavy, dense micrite layers (25-150) alternate. Often in-
planar stromatolites (200 lxm - 7,5 mm size) and smaller, tercalated peloidal layers are found. A gradual transition
subangular micritic clasts (100 - 300 Few bioclasts to 'peloidal planar stromatolites' exists. A schlieren-like
(Cepaea) occur, all of them without microborings. The lamination is developed, were dense brownish micrite
components show thin brownish coatings (25 - 100 of predominates. Shrinkage cracks, laminae-parallel disso-
pedogenic origin. The fabric is matrix-supported with lution voids and cm-sized tepee structures transect the
patches of clotted to peloidal dolomicrite. Irregular disso- fabric, leading to local brecciation. Striking are dm-wide,
lution-enlarged voids, curved planes and root voids transect cm -high, open domes with sinter cements. Rhomb-shaped
this fabric. voids (5 pzn diameter) cause a microporosity (?dedolomite).
Interpretation: The matrix-support and pedogenic fea- Fenestral fabrics, intercalations of wackestones and Cepaea
tures indicate supralittoral conditions. shells are absent. Root voids and animal burrows are rare.
Interpretation: The facies type is regarded as precipi-
9 M F 9: planar non-skeletal stromatolite with peloidal tate of 'microbial mats' of the upper supralittoral. Calcitic
microfabric (P1. 8/7, 9/6) composition due to meteoric influence and the lack of
Description: The white-grey, platy dolomites show a Cepaea shells washed ashore indicate a distance to the
lamination due to an alternation of fenestral, crumbly lake water line.
dolomicrite layers (50-320 Ixm thick) and compact

Plate 14 Palustrine carbonates. Miocene soda lake of the N(Srdlinger Ries

Fig. 1. Coarse bedded palustrine limestones in a field quarry 400 m SSE of Breitenlohe. Scale 2 m
Fig. 2. Pedogenically neoformed nodule-wackestone with skew planes (MF 34). The wackestone fabric resulted
from an in-situ formation of components. Palustrine facies. Field quarry 400 m S SE of Breitenlohe. Sample
10/1. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 3. Pedogenically neoformed nodule-wacke/packstone with craze planes (MF 36). The horizontal crack
system shows an inverse gradation of in-situ formed particles due to an alternation of dissolution and
desiccation. Note pendant sinter cements and ?vadose micrite in voids. Palustrine facies. Staudigberg N
of Ehingen. Sample 8/2. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 4. Polished slab of 'algal nodule limestone'. Blackened and unaltered bioherm clasts are embedded in a
pedogenic matrix with caliche-like crusts. This facies type (pedogenically transformed intraclast-
rudstone, MF 37) resulted from episodic storm and flooding events. Palustrine facies. HOllbug NW of
Ehingen. Sample 62 (RCM: FR-8). Scale 5 cm
Fig. 5. Incrustation sequence of a blackened bioherm clast (a). The fibrous, corroded sinter veneer (b) formed
when still located in-place in the bioherm belt. After an exposure the piece broke down and suffered swamp
pedogenesis (brownish crust c), followed by two cyanobacterial incrustations (d, e). A transport to a well
drained area or a drop in lake level finally caused a caliche-like pedogenesis resulting in a pedogenic matrix
with brownish laminated crusts (f). Palustrine facies ('algal nodule limestone', MF 37). Leihbug near
Ehingen. Sample 3/1. Scale 1 mm
Plate 14 55

9 'MF' 11: Mudflat-pelite (PI. 9/10) Microfacies: Rooted peloid-wacke/packstone (MF 2,

Description: The yellow-brownish dolomitic marls PI. 8/2)
are characterized by numerous sheet planes, which are Interpretation: Peloid-wacke/packstones with abundant
transected by polygonal mudcracks up to 7 mm width. root traces are regarded as infralittoral deposits
Polygons show diameter up to 10 cm. The clay content is (subaquatically rooted macrophytes). There are no fea-
at least 20% of the rock volume, 3-5% is detritic quartz. tures of exposure or pedogenesis.
Interpretation: Numerous levels of mud cracks are The proximal part (section meter 40-65) exhibits above
formed by episodic flooding events subsequently fol- the 'mudflat sediments' a coarsening-upwards succession
lowed by desiccation. The facies type corresponds to the of grey, poorly bedded, grainy carbonates. Some com-
'dry mudflat environment' of salt lakes (HAm)m et al. plete shells of the landsnail Cepaeahave been found in the
1978). middle part, whereas only broken shells occur above that.
Dense to vuggy, yellowish carbonates form the top below
5.1.3 Section 'road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim' (Fig. 4) the Recent surface. The overlying, transgressing basin
J clays are already eroded in this part of the road cutting.
The shallow road cutting between Ehingen and Belzheim Microfacies: Lowermost parts consist of alternating
exposed a continuous section from pelitic basin sediments layers of ~planar, peloidal stromatolites' (MF 9) and
through littoral carbonate sands to planar stromatolites of pedogenicaUy transformed intraclast-wackestones (MF 8).
the supralittoral, enclosing meter-sized spring mounds. Clasts of desiccated 'peloidal stromatolites', dissolution
Situated at 445 m above S.L., these sediments belong to voids and dissolution enlarged root voids are abundant.
the lower marginal carbonates of stage 3 sensu JANKOWSKI At 20-40 cm above the base, carbonates with increased
(1981). The section is divided into six units (A-F): grain-size are pedogenically transformed intraclast-
wackestones (MF 8) followed by pedogenically derived
Unit A: 'Lower littoral carbonates'
intraclast-peloid-packstones (MF 5). They contain sparry
These white-grey dolomitic limestones were exposed
shells of Cepaea devoid of endoliths and few oncoidal
with up to 35 cm at the base of the outcrop.
incrustations of former plant stems.
Microfacies: Intraclast-peloid-pack/grainstone with
Following intraclast-peloid-pack/grainstonesbearing oncoid
oncoid clasts (MF 4). Intraclasts are mainly derived from
clasts (MF 4) are characterized by a poorly washed, grain-
'peloidal planar stromatolites'. At the top of the bed
supported fabric, bioclasts (Cepaea) with endoliths, an-
'capped oncoids' of 2-4 mm diameter form a solitary layer
gular oncoid clasts and oncoidal incrusted intraclasts.
which grades upwards into 'peloidal planar stromatolites'
Coarse grained layers occasionally show 'floored inter-
(MF 9).
stices' (PI. 9/3).
Interpretation: The rapid transition from eulittoral
At 40-80 cm above base, increasingly coarse, oncoid-
sands to supralittoral 'planar stromatolites' is caused by an
bearing intraclast-grainstones (MF 3, P1. 8/3) contain
evaporative lake-level-fall.
reworked 'peloidal planar stromatolites' and porous oncoid
Unit B: 'Mudflat sediments' clasts up to 1 cm in size, as well as a few reworked
Above the 'lower littoral carbonates', a 45-60 cm thick pedogenic ooids. The majority of Cepaea bioclasts are
shaly marl bed follows (section-meter 44-45). The ochre- bored. Coarse (1-2 mm grain size) and less coarse to fine
brown dolomitic marls are transected by polygonal grained (100-300 ~tm grain size) layers alternate.
mudcracks at numerous levels (PI. 9/10). Thin, cm-thick At 85-140 cm above the base, meteorically trans-
platy non-skeletal stromatolites (MF 9) are intercalated. formed intraclast-wackestones (MF 7) are followed by
To the west the dolomitic marls grade into marly planar meteorically transformed intraclast-grain/rudstones (MF 6).
stromatolites at the contact to the spring mounds. The first facies type shows vesicular structures, which
Microfacies: 'Mudflat-pelites' (MF 11) partly develop from pseudomorphs after evaporite crys-
Interpretation: The 'mudflat-pelites' represent tals (?gypsum, P1.9/4-5). Grain/rudstones (MF 6) reveal
supralittoral sediments of a playa-like interstage during alternations of very coarse (2-15 mm 0, spongy oncoid
arid conditions. clasts up to 1.5 x 3.3 cm) and less coarse (200 ~tm - 2 mm
0) layers. Flake-like particles result from meteoric disso-
Unit C: 'Upper littoral carbonates' lution during subaeric exposure (PI. 9/1). Fragments of
Dolomites and dolomitic limestones of this unit form, Cepaeaarecomposed of brownish, cross-laminated arago-
at a length of 50 m, the slope of the road cutting. They are nite. Seldom clasts ofdendroid sinter may be derived from
exposed with up to 1,5 m. To the east (section meter 10) the adjacent spring mounds.
they dip down under the road level, overlain by trans- Interpretation: The succession of microfacies types
gressing basin pelites. To the west (section meter 60-65) documents a slow lake-level rise up to wave-exposed
they are replaced by 'planar stromatolites' (MF 9, 10). eulittoral conditions, followed by a prolonged exposure
The distal part (section meter 10-40) consist of pale- causing minor evaporite precipitation and subsequent
yellow to white-grey, fine grained dolomites with abun- meteoric overprint at the top.
dant root-traces. An indistinct bedding in the range of 20
cm is visible. Former plant stems up to 7 cm long are Unit D: 'Planar stromatolites'
preserved as simple moulds without any incrustation. Platy, white-grey, dolomitic 'planar non-skeletal strom-

Fig. 4. Zonation of the lake shore as deduced from the section 'road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim' (Topographic map 1:25000, n* 7029
Oettingen i.Bay., x: 4393525-900, y: 5426075-125).
atolites' form the transition between littoral carbonates uppermost parts grew more or less synchronously to unit
(unit C) and small spring mounds at the west part of the C and D.
section (section meter 60-70). They exhibit root voids and
Unit F: Basin clays
scattered shells of the landsnail Cepaea.
From the east (section meter 0-40) basin pelites
Microfacies: White-grey platy dolomites are 'peloidal
transgressively overlay littoral carbonates of unit C. Up to
planar stromatolites' (MF 9) with root voids. Beside of
3,5 m of these marly clays are preserved. The transgres-
root voids, peloid-filled burrows, which bend up the
sion plain raises from east to west at a distance of 30 m
laminae, were detected (PI. 8/6, 9/7).
with 2 m. They are grey to yellow-brownish, partly black
At the contact to the spring mounds, planar stromatolites
laminated marls which comprise intercalated platy marly
become brownish, dense and show sheet cracks, cm- to
limestone beds of 1-20 cm thickness. The stratification
dm-sized tepees and open domes.
dips 190~ ~ which is in direction to the basin centre.
Microfacies: Brownish, calcitic 'dense planar strom-
Seldom flattened plant remains were found, but the clays
atolite' (MF 10, PI. 9/9) are devoid of root voids, burrows,
are essentially free of fossils. At section meter 15 slump-
and landsnaiis, but show scattered ostracode valves. Cal-
ing structures within marls were observed.
citic rhombs are probably 'dedolomite'.
Micro facies: Platy carbonatebeds are laminated (lime)-
Interpretation: Dotomitic peloidal planar stromatolites
mudstones (MF l, PI. 8/1), which show an alternation of
correspond to the lower, nearshore supralittoral with epi-
micritic and microsparitic laminae. Bioturbation is nearly
sodic floodings and animal burrows. Further away from
absent and dewatering structures occur. The contact to
the shore (upper supralittoral) are calcitic 'dense planar
littoral carbonates is a transgression plane.
stromatolites', possibly influenced by the adjacent spring
Interpretation: A rapid rise of the lake-level caused a
transgression. Slumpings correspond to a slightly dipping
Unit E: 'Spring mounds' sediment surface. Profundal sediments formed below the
Several small mounds, up to 3 m high, form the pycnocline, with at least seasonal or permanent stagnant
western part (section meter 67-85) of the section. They are bottom water.
described in detail in chapter 5.3. The immediate contact
to the surrounding 'planar stromatolites' is exposed only at 5.1.4 Interpretation: facies zonation of the lake shore
the top the mounds. Few hand specimens revealed a
lateral transition from 'sickle-cell-limestones' to brown- Inferred from microfacies and field data of this road
ish ' planar stromatolites'. This indicates that at least the cutting, a general model of the ancient lake shore is

established. Deposits of high lake-levels with a distinct which show numerous plains with polygonal mudcracks.
zonation alternate with those of broad playa-like interstages Intercalated are thin planar non-skeletal stromatolites
(Fig. 4.). indicating wet events (episodic flooding events.

a) 'Highstand' 9Other zones or subenvironments ofplaya-like interstages

(cf. HARDIEet al. 1978) could not be recognized until now
9 Profundai (zone below pycnocline, at least seasonal
because of Pleistocene erosion, lack of outcrops and
stagnant bottom water):
possibly subsolution.
This zone is represented by laminated (lime-) mudstones
(MF 1) intercalated between laminated clays and marls.
Characteristic is a rhythmic lamination free or nearly 5.2 Algal bioherms: sequences in response to
devoid of bioturbation. Shelly fossils may occur, but were climate and lake level
missing in the investigated outcrop. Dewatering and slump- 5.2.1 Microfacies-types of bioherm carbonates
ing structures are present. (including associated littoral carbonates)

9 Infralittoral (below seasonal lowstand, zone of rooted 9 MF 15: Rooted peloid-packstone (PI. 11/1)
vegetation) Description: The rock is chiefly composed of peloids,
Sediments are matrix-rich, peloidal carbonates with a which form an unstratified packed fabric. Only locally a
distinct network of root traces (rooted peloid-wacke/ transition to 'clotted micrite' is developed. Sporadic ooids,
packstone, MF 2). Criteria of emersions or pedogenesis ostracodes, Hydrobia casts, and tube clasts are distrib-
are absent. Plant stems are preserved as simple moulds uted. Micrite envelopes are absent. Numerous vertical
without any incrustation. Thin intercalations of cross- root voids of 250 I-tin - 2 mm diameter transect the rock.
stratified carbonate sand correspond to current events. They are enlarged by recent dissolution. Pedogenic fea-
Areas of extensive lake currents, located at protruding tures are not developed.
shores or islands of the crystalline ring can show instead Interpretation: Root voids within fine-grained peloidal
cross-stratified coarse intraclastic sands (Alerheim). carbonate together with the lack of pedogenic features
suggest a deposition in the infralittoral.
9 Eulittoral (between seasonal highstand and lowstand,
zone of wave agitation) 9M F 16: Ooid-peloid-pack/grainstone with tube clasts
Common are coarse-grained, matrix-poor and grain- (PI. 4/2)
supported facies types (MF 3, 4), which contain oncoids Description: Components form 60-80% of the rock,
and oncoid rubble. Locally they can contain a consider- essentially represented by radial-fibrous ooids and peloids
able amount of reworked particles from pedogenicaily to the same amount. Residual matrix, cement and open
modified, unconsolidated carbonates (MF 5). Abundant voids comprise 20-40%. Locally intraclasts, ostracodes,
broken shells of the landsnail Cepaea,oncoid rubble and Hydrobia snails and broken Cepaea shells occur. All
scarcity of matrix indicate wave-agitation. Bioclasts particles can show a dolomicritic cortex. The fabric is
transected by endolithic ?algae may be a key criterion grain-supported with various amount of residual matrix,
recognizing this zone. Dissolution voids and early vadose which locally shows meniscus-like morphologies. A petro-
cements essentially result from seasonal exposure events. graphic distinction of cryptoc rystalline cement, microbial
Coarse-grained eulittoral sands (MF 6), which were af- incrustation and residual matrix is not possible.
fected by prolonged emersions, comprise flattened parti- A stratification is caused by the alternation of pack- and
cles and vesicular structures. grainstone-layers, often with thin intercalated sinter lay-
ers. Quartz-bearing layers often follow sinter layers.
9 Supralittoral (above seasonal highstand, but affected Interpretation: The alternation of pack- and grainstone-
by splay water) layers with sinter layers indicates fluctuating hydro-
Planar, non-skeletal stromatolites and matrix-rich, mechanical conditions of the wave-exposed eulittorai.
+_pedogenically transformed carbonates make up the Wave agitation is responsible for broken Cepaea shells
sediments. Root voids are moderately distributed and and a more or less washed fabric.
often obliterated by dissolution. Animal burrows can
occur. Complete shells of the landsnail Cepaea washed 9 MF 17: Ostracode-grainstone with tube clasts (PI. 11/3)
ashore form accumulations. Endoliths, oncoidal incrustations Description: The very porous carbonate sand is predomi-
and plant remains are absent. Sheet cracks and cm- to dm- nantly composed of articulated and disarticulated ostracode
sized tepees occur. Pendant cements, sinter crusts within valves, which are often stacked into each other. Particles
dissolution voids and desiccation cracks are further crite- form 40-50% of the rock (bulk grain). Intercalated layers
ria for vadose conditions. with Hydrobia snails, peloids and ooids cause a weak
stratification. Tube clasts are always present. Hydrobia
b) 'Lowstand ~ usually shows microbial envelopes ('microbes type 19').
Broken valves and envelopes occur as well. The fabric is
9 Dry mudflat (subaerially exposed plain fringing saline grain-supported.
lakes, corresponds to supralittoral; HARDIEet al. 1978) Interpretation: The loose, grain-supported fabric with
This subenvironment is represented by dolomitic marls, some broken shells is referable to the wave-exposed

eulittoral. Tube clasts indicate synchronous growth of hinterland was vegetated by lignified plants at that times.
Cladophorites bioherms.
9 MF 21: P e d o g e n i c a l l y derived i n t r a c l a s t - p a c k /
9 MF 18: Ooid-grainstone with tube clasts, rich in grainstone with stromatolite clasts
Hydrobia snails (PI. 10/7, 11/4-7) Description: Intraclasts comprise dolomicrites, pedo-
Description: The facies type is dominated by ooids of genically modified facies types, and stromatolite or oncoid
various preservation state. Hydrobia snails are abundant clasts with various abundance. Ostracodes occur as
(10-20%) and preserved as micrite envelopes due to disarticulated valves with attached residual matrix and
microbial incrustation. Broken envelopes are also present. pedogenic coatings (PI. 3/3) as well as complete carapaces
A faint stratification results from poorly sorted layers of without coatings. Beside that radial -fibrous and dolom icritic
Hydrobia snails, few intraclasts and dolomicritic ooids, ooids are distributed, forming free particles or corroded
intercalated between well-sorted layers of spherical to nuclei of 'pedogenic ooids'. The fabric is loose to dense
lobate, radial-fibrous to microsparitic ooids. The fabric is packed and grain-supported. No stratification is visible.
grain-supported. Between large Hydrobia snails, 'floored Irregular voids are caused by the bimodal grain-size
interstices' were observed. Locally a cryptocrystalline distribution. Elongated voids possibly represent root voids.
dolomite cement is visible. Interpretation: Pedogenically coated lacustrine parti-
Interpretation: Grain-supported fabric and broken enve- cles together with intraclasts without cortices indicate a
lopes result from wave agitation of the eulittoral. There temporary pedogenesis (supralittoral) followed by win-
are no features of prolonged subaerial exposure. Fluctuat- nowing in the wave-exposed eulittoral. Stromatolite clasts
ing physicochemical conditions are indicated by varia- are derived from adjacent friable stromatolite bioherms or
tions in ooid fabrics. oncoids.
9 M F 19: Intraclast-ooid-grainstone with stromatolite 9 MF 22: Poorly washed Hydrobi.peloid-packstone (PI.
clasts 11/8)
Description: The rock is essentially formed by various Description: The mass accumulation ofltydrobia snails
intraclasts and less abundant radial-fibrous to dolomicritic exhibits peloids and residual matrix in interstices and
ooids. Beside of small dolomicritic intraclasts (100-300 inside snails, tlydrobia is preserved by micrite envelopes, grain size) and few pedogenically derived intraclasts, with geopetal internal sediment. Ostracodes, tube clasts,
abundant stromatolite clasts up to few cm in size are and radial-fibrous ooids are of minor importance. In traclasts
distributed. Locally accumulations of ostracode valves are locally abundant. The matrix between particles is
occur. Microbial envelopes of Hydrobia snails are less partly washed out, resulting in micritic seams with occa-
common. The grain-supported, loose packed fabric bears sional meniscus-morphology. Root voids occur in matrix-
no stratification. rich parts.
Interpretation: Grain-supported fabric with abundant Interpretation: The poorly washed fabric with menis-
stromatolite clasts suggest a sedimentation adjacent to cus-like relics of matrix indicates moderate water agita-
(friable) stromatolite bioherms in the wave-exposed tion of the eulittoral, caused by a protected position
eulittoral. between bioherms. Pedogenic features are absent.
9 MF 20: Intraclast-pack/grainstone with phytoclasts 9 MF 23: Pedogenically derived ooid-intraclast-pack/
(Pl. 11/10) floatstone with bioherm clasts
Description: Beside of various intraclasts, carbonatized Description: All particles show a 20-50 ~tm thick brown-
stem fragments are strikingly abundant. Sections of mar- ish coating of pedogenic origin. The nuclei of these
ginally carbonate-impregnated plant stems as well as 'pedogenic ooids' are formed by radial-fibrous ooids and
cellular wood splinters occur. Half-moon shaped, spongy less abundant various intraclasts (subangular micritic
clasts are derived from oncolitic incrustations of stems clasts, ostracodes with attached residual matrix, ooid-
and branches, which exceptionally reach 20 cm in length peloid-pack/grainstones). Characteristic are cm-sized
and 2 cm in diameter. Clasts ofdolomicrite,pack/grainstones bioherm clasts, which float in the fine-grained carbonate
and pedogenically derived components are dispersed. (angular Cladophorites-carbonates and seldom skeletal
Ostracode valves can be abundant. Sporadic bioclasts of stromatolites). The fabric is dense to loose packed and
Cepaea are intensively bored by endoliths. In Ehingen, unstratified. A minor amount of residual matrix can be
disc-shaped oncoids up to 15 cm diameter were found in present in interstices. In field these carbonates appear
this facies type. The grain-supported fabric is loose to well cemented and white-grey.
dense packed with a faint stratification by grain size Interpretation: Pedogenically coated lacustrine parti-
alternations. Elongated interparticle voids of 200 gtm - 2 cles within a grain-supported, washed fabric indicate a
mm diameter may represent root voids. First cements are lacustrine reworking of previously pedogenically modi-
thin cryptocrystalline veneers of dolomite, which locally fied sediments by wave agitation (eulittoral).
show meniscus-like morphologies.
Interpretation: The grain-supported fabric and the 9 MF 24: Pedogenically transformed intraclast-wacke/
lacustrine-vadose cryptocrystalline cement indicate floatstone with bioherm clasts
eulittoral conditions. Phytoclasts demonstrate, that the Description: Subangular mm-sized clasts of peloid-

ooid-pack/grainstones and cm-sized angular clasts of sinter- ticles like ooids, peloids, ostracodes, Hydrobia snails are
veneered Cladophorites-bafflestones are floating in an incorporated in the periphery of flat hemispherical cush-
inhomogenous dolomicritic to dolomicrosparitic matrix. ions to irregular tufts of branching green algal tubes.
Distributed are pedogenically coated intraclasts, tube Central parts of cushions and tufts are often obscured by
clasts, and radial-fibrous ooids. The matrix is modi fled by dissolution, resulting in voids with an irregular roof and
pedogenic 'nodules', numerous dissolution voids and root sediment-floored bottom. Abundant pockets and dissolu-
voids, causing a wacke- to packstone-fabric. Locally tion voids show multiple alternations of internal particulate
quartz grains are present, as well as clay minerals (chlorite, sediment and thin fibrous sinter layers. The later amalga-
- 15%), causing a greenish colour of the white-grey, dense mate to the roof (of the cavities) forming pendant crusts.
carbonates. Abundant Cepaea shells are conspicuous in Sinter generations are often truncated by dissolution,
field. indicating discontinuities in growth. Occasionally the
Interpretation: In-situ-formation of particles and pedogenic cavities show cyclic successions of internal sediment,
coatings of intraclasts are considered as a result of starting with detrital quartz or ooids with quartz nuclei.
pedogenesis during supralittoral conditions. Bioherm clasts Following loose packed ostracode-ooid-sands grade into
are derived from adjacent bioherms during prolonged dense packed ones, covered by a final fibrous sinter layer
subaerial exposure. Quartz and clay content may be caused of 50 - 200 ~m thickness. Micritized ooids and peloids can
by increased rain precipitation during times of transgres- be surrounded by fibrous cements with compromise bounda-
sion. ries (sinter or recrystallized cement). Varieties are
9 M F 25: P e d o g e n i c a i l y n e o f o r m e d 'ooid'-intraclast-
Cladophorites-bafflestones rich in ooids (MF 27a) and
extraclast-bearing Cladophorites-bafflestones (MF 27b).
p a c k / f l o a t s t o n e w i t h b i o h e r m clasts (PI. 10/4)
Extraclasts are Jurassic limestones, green clay pebbles,
Description: In thin sections the white-grey to greenish,
coarse quartz grains and/or crystalline- and glass-frag-
dense carbonates are dominated by 'pedogenic ooids' and
ments, dependent on the basement. Clay-rich, partly green
pedogenically coated detrital components (various
to violet coloured varieties are bound to disintegrated
intraclasts, ostracodes with residual matrix, quartz, etc.).
suevites below.
Pedogenic coatings and 'ooids' cause a reduction of the
Interpretation: Particles between tubes and tufts were
clotted matrix, resulting in a neoformed packstone- fabric.
probably entrapped by a baffling effect. Multiple alterna-
Dissolution-enlarged root voids and curved planes are
tions of internal sediment and sinter layers within voids
developed, too. In field Cepaea shells are often found.
and the scarcity of matrix indicate water agitation of the
Interpretation: Pedogenic coating, in-situ-formation of
eulittoral. Abundant exposures probably strongly influ-
'ooids', dissolution-enlarged root voids and curved planes
enced green algal growth. The outer sinter-cover ofbioherms
suggest supralittoral conditions. Bioherm clasts are de-
as well as the sinter-lined voids are considered as poly-
rived from adjacent bioherms during prolonged subaerial
phase lacustrine-vadose to meteoric-vadose products.
9 MF 28: Skeletal stromatolite 'type Hainsfarth'
9 MF 26: Cladophorite-framestone (PI. 12/3, 15/11)
(PI. 12/1-2, 6-7)
Description: Cladophorites-framestones are highly po-
Description: SH- and LLH-growth forms are developed.
rous constructions made by alternating layers of carbon-
The lamination is caused by an alternation of dense,
ate tubes (of 50-100 lam) assigned to fossil green algae
micritic layers (crystal size less and light microsparitic
(see chapter 7.2). The facies type forms 5-20 cm high
layers (crystal size 4-25, which grade into each other.
cones or continuous meadows within bioherms. The rhythms
Characteristic constituents are erect filaments of 8-12 lam
are caused by thicker layers of erect tubes and thin, dense
diameter, probably of cyanobacterial origin (?oscilla-
layers of horizontally tangled tubes. Each couplet is 3-8
toriaceae 'type Hainsfarth'). They are usually dense ar-
mm thick, on average 4 mm. Dissolution voids and baffled
ranged and cross-cut the lamination. Small accompanying
particles are usually rare, but transitions to Cladophorites-
filaments of 2 ~m diameter were only detected by SEM.
bafflestones exist. Laminated sinter veneers are restricted
Particles are incorporated in depressions between
to the outer surface of cones or bioherms.
protuberances or in laminae-parallel dissolution voids.
Interpretation: This facies type results from an undis-
SH-Stromatolites comprise columns 0,5-2 cm wide and
turbed green algal growth and passive carbonate incrusta-
up to 10 cm high, which are separated by open or carbon-
tion during permanent subaquatic conditions of the
ate-sand-filled interspaces. Irregular columns result from
infralittoral. Photosynthetic CO2-uptake (RIDINO 1979)
an increased content of particles. Micritic laminae are 50-
and/or epiphytic algae (diatoms, cyanobacteria etc. cf.
250 ~tm thick, microsparitic laminae 200-500 lam. LLH-
STmr~ 1964) might be involved in the tube formation. The
stromatolites form layers up to 30 cm thickness, usually
rhythmic growth pattern should reflect seasonal changes
located below discontinuities (PI. 12/1). Both, micritic
(annual rhythms!). The rareness of baffled particles might
and microsparitic laminae are often only 30-50 Ixm thick,
correspond to a protected position or a lack of input.
therefore L L H - f o r m s are more dense laminated.
9 MF 27: Cladophoritesbafflestone (PI. 10/2, 12/4-5) Cyanobacterial filaments are less well preserved, often
Description: This facies type forms sinter-veneered cones represented by filament ghosts. Instead the problematicum
and nodules, rich in particles and dissolution voids. Par- Chlorellopsis occurs, partly accumulated in pocket-like

depressions (PI. 17/6). Immediately below discontinuities, 5.2.2 Sections in Hainsfarth and Ehingen
LLH-stromatolites are in parts replaced by sparite-ce-
mented vesicular structures due to meteoric fabric altera- Dolomitic successions of algal bioherm sequences asso-
tion (PI. 10/5). Ripple-like dissolution structures were ciated with various carbonate sands, are the most common
found at the outer surface and as well within the stromatolite sediments covering marginal hills of the Ries with usual
upon several laminae. few meters in thickness. At a level above 465 m (Ehingen)
Interpretation: Stromatolites 'type Hainsfarth' are es- they form a nearly closed 'reef belt' at the northern crater
sentially constructed by erect cyanobacterial filaments, rim (Fig. 2.). Five outcrops have been investigated in this
thus are 'skeletal stromatolites'. Because of dissolution area. The largest and best known outcrop, the old quarry
features and sinter crusts, they are considered as sediments area at the Biischelberg near Hainsfarth (PI. 10/1), was
of the eulittoral. SH-forms occur together with Clado- already previously described by several authors (Gt~m~L
phorites-framestones and might have grown on average 1889, 1891, WOLFF& FOcrrmAuER 1976, BOLTEN 1977,
more often submerged, in contrast to LLH-forms, which JANKOWSKI 1981), but only RIDING (1979) gave an ad-
show features of increasingly abundant exposure times. equate description with informative sections.
To reveal the complex facies relations and a reliable
9 MF 29: Pedogenically transformed stromatolite 'type lithostratigraphic sections, detailed facies mapping of six
Staudigberg' (PI. 10/6, 12/8) outcrop facies was carried out (Fig. 5.). Each macroscopic
Description: Stromatolites 'type Staudigberg' are char- facies unit corresponds to a certain microfacies assem-
acterized by an in-situ brecciation due to shrinkage cracks, blage. Full-length descriptions are provided by Am, (1995a).
resulting in cm-sized, watch-glass like clasts of white In this paper only maps of three selected sites are repro-
colour, which are essentially still in place. Successively duced, two of them (A and B) still exposed and accessible.
developed vertical and laminae-parallel cracks are filled Hence a synopsis of the observations is given by idealized
by greenish-grey to brownish carbonate, rich in small sequences. 'Complete' sequences are about 1.5-2.5 m
micritic clasts and in-situ-formed components. Inverse thick and show a cyclic facies succession (Fig. 6.). (Thin-
gradation is found in horizontal cracks. ner sequences show less distinct discontinuities and pro-
The white stromatolite clasts are micritic to microsparitic gressively 'incomplete' facies successions.)
and only faint laminated with few erect ghost structures of
possible filaments. High magnification reveals that fine, 1. First sediments are pedogenically transformed to
needle-shaped aragonite is locally preserved in patches. neoformed carbonates, forming an infill of the relief. At
Margins of clasts show instead dolomicritic vesicular the contact to the bedrock they form a thin (several cm)
structures. but quite continuous sheet, rich in extraclasts (Jurassic
Interpretation: These stromatolites originally were ara- limestones, crystalline rocks, quartz etc.), root voids and
gonitic and probably only weakly cemented. Multiple shells of the pulmonate snail Cepaea. Due to clay miner-
subaerial exposures and desiccation caused in-situ- als, greenish colours are common. But usually these
brecciation followed by a weak pedogenesis. carbonates were sedimented upon older, partly eroded
bioherms. They form a pocket- to fissure-like infill of an
9 MF 30: Pedogenically transformed thrombolite erosional relief. Exceptionally green dolomite marls pre-
(PI. 12/9) cede these carbonates in pockets. Pedogenically neoformed
Description: The rock is composed of ram-sized lobate 'ooid'-intraclast-pack/floatstones (MF 25) are replaced to
patches of spherulithic aragonite needles. These patches the top by pedogenically transformed intraclast-wacke/
are embedded in an inhomogenous to clotted matrix, floatstones (MF 24), and finally by pedogenically derived
which shows subtle curved and craze planes, in-situ formed ooid-intraclast-pack/floatstones (MF 23). All three facies
peloid-like particles as well as transported subangular types, with cm-sized bioherm clasts as their common
micritic clasts. Irregular, dissolution-enlarged voids (partly feature, show scattered root voids and occasionally
root voids?) also occur. phytoclasts and/or accumulations of the pulmonate land
The lobate patches occasionally show stromatolitic snail Cepaea.
protuberances with radial shrinkage cracks. They are Interpretation: Pedogenically modified carbonates are
often recrystallized to calcite microsparite or replaced by supralittoral sediments of a beginning transgression. They
sparite-cemented vesicular structures of dolomicrite. Voids formed during swamp conditions. The microfacies suc-
show thin cryptocrystalline dolomite cements (less 5 gm), cession reflects an onset of wave agitation. Accumula-
followed by a pendant, fibrous calcite cement rich in tions of Cepaea, which were trapped in these pockets,
inclusions. were washed ashore forming windrows.
Interpretation: Lobate patches composed of spherulitic 2. Bioherms start with nodules and indistinct cones of
aragonite needles are considered as microbial precipitates green algal carbonates, which are veneered by laminated
because of stromatolite-like protuberances and shrinkage sinter crusts. They are rich in dissolution voids and con-
cracks. Vesicular structures, clotted matrix with planes tain various amounts of particles trapped between green
and dissolution voids indicate a weak pedogenesis. The algal tubes and cushions (Cladophorites-bafflestone, MF
facies may reflect miserable bioherm growth at the tran- 27, 27a). Beside of numerous ostracodes, the snailHydrobia
sition to swamp conditions. can be abundant. Near the bedrock also extraclasts are

present (MF 27c). Pockets and dissolution voids are cm). Platy cemented layers (often partly brecciated) and
usually filled by (synchronous) ooid-peloid-pack/ thin horizontal sinter veneers indicate discontinuities of
grainstones rich in ostracodes and/or Hydrobia. Thin minor extent. Rooted packstones are subordinate sediments
intercalated sinter layers upon internal sediments and forming horizons in protected pockets of bioherms.
walls of the remaining voids mark successive stages of Interpretation: Synchronouslyto bioherm growth 'chan-
internal sedimentation. To the top dissolution voids show nel sands' were deposited under conditions of the wave-
ostracode-dominated sands of the following younger subunit. exposed eulittoral. Seasonal to episodic exposure caused
Interpretation: Cladophorites-bafflestonesresult from partial removal of sand and subsequent formation ofsinter
discontinuous carbonate accumulation by green algae, cements, which amalgamate at the outer surface ofbioherms.
accompanied by sinter-veneering by seasonal to episodic Rooted packstones, only preserved in protected pockets,
exposure. Therefore they represent sediments of the wave- possibly indicate lake-level-maxima. Regressive sequence
exposed eulittoral. parts of channel sand are probably only exceptionally
3. The middle part of a sequence exhibits regular cones preserved.
and continuous beds of porous green algal meadows. 5. A break in bioherm growth corresponds to a discon-
These Cladophorites-framestones,characterized by a rhyth- tinuity of 'higher order'. Sequence boundaries are associ-
mic growth pattern, are essentially devoid of dissolution ated with additional dissolution voids and laminated sinter
voids and particles, except some scattered ostracode valves. veneers, which cover overhanging bioherm surfaces down-
Also the prosobranch snail Hydrobia is usually missing. wards. Eroded parts of bioherm tops are found as clasts
Laminated sinter veneers are restricted to the outer sur- within fissure- and pocket-like basal sediments of the
face of cones and bioherms. following cycle.
Interpretation: This subunit is a result of an undis-
turbed prosperous growth of green algae within the (per- 'Incomplete' sequences are less than 1 m thick (Fig. 6.).
manently subaquatic) infralittoral, Therefore it formed They appear more nodular and show thick laminated
during a highstand of the lake-level. The rhythmic growth sinter veneers. Cladophorites-framestones, which indi-
pattern should reflect seasonal changes of the lake water. cate 'highstand conditions', are missing. Stromatolites can
4. The upper, nodular parts of a sequence again show be restricted to small patches. Pedogenically trans- to
Cladophorites-bafflestones (MF 27, 27a), rich in parti- neoformed facies types are replaced by intraclast-rich
cles and dissolution voids. Laminated sinter veneers are pack/grainstones which include only few or no bioherm
well developed and up to several mm thick. Pockets and clasts.
voids are filled by pack/grainstones rich in ostracodes or To the top of the bioherm succession ('type Hainsfarth')
by carbonate sands of the following, younger sequence, skeletal stromatolites became the prevailing bioherm con-
which are often pedogenically modified. The top layer is stituents. Generally sinter crusts are less well developed.
occasionally replaced by meteorically transformed Analogous cyclic facies pattern are developed in these
Cladophorites-bafflestones (MF 27b), but more often a youngest bioherms of 'type Hainsfarth'.
layer or patches of skeletal stromatolites 'type Hainsfarth'
(MF 28, LLH growth form) marks the upper boundary of 1. First sediments are pedogenically trans- to neoformed
a bioherm sequence. carbonates of fissure-like pockets. They contain abundant
Interpretation: The upper sequence parts accumulated Cepaea shells and phytoclasts. Erosional products of
discontinuously under renewed conditions of the wave- bioherms below are Cladophorites-clastsor stromatolite
exposed eulittoral. Episodic to seasonal exposure, fol- clasts.
lowed by a prolonged emersion caused intensive sinter 2. The lower bioherm part is formed by skeletal
veneers and a nodular appearance of this subunit. stromatolites (irregular SH-forms), rich in particles and
2-4. Weakly cemented carbonate sands of channels pockets. Dissolution voids and surface of stromatolites
between bioherms are coarse-stratified. The contact to the are veneered by thin, white sinter crusts, which often
surrounding bioherms is always discontinuous, marked show ripple-like dissolution structures.
by laminated sinter crusts. Because of that, a direct corre- 3. The middle part shows alternating layers of SH-
lation of bioherm subunits and different carbonate sands stromatolites and Cladophorites-cones (PI. 12/3) (Clado-
is difficult. Facies types rich in Hydrobia snails (MF 18, phorites-frame- to bafflestones). Sinter veneers are thin.
22) may correspond to lower sequence parts. Indeed these Parts, which contain less carbonate sands show regular
sands dominate at the bottom of channels, or in fissures, SH-growth forms of stromatolites.
where they follow pedogenically modified facies types. 4. The top is composed of massive LLH-stromatolites
To the top of each cycle, they are replaced by carbonate with ripple-like dissolution structures (PI. 12/1). Below a
sands dominated by ostracodes (ostracode-grainstones, final brownish pedogenic crust, stromatolites can be me-
MF 17). Widely distributed are ooid-peloid-pack/grainstones teorically transformed. The problematicum Limnocodium
with tube clasts (MF 16). Hydrobia snails vanish to the top occurs in voids of this layer.
of each cycles, in the same way as observed within 2-4. Accompanying carbonates are strikingly rich in
bioherms, but this trend is moved relatively downwards in phytoclasts and stromatolitic clasts of broken 'Mumien'
channels. This fact allows a rough estimation of (MF 19, 20). Also pedogenically derived intraclast-pack/
syndepositional reliefs during bioherm growth (10-50 grainstones with stromatolite clasts (MF 21) occur.



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The youngest bioherms of the Ries basin, recognized 5.2.3 Interpretation: rhythms, sequences, and
as bioherm facies 'type Staudigberg', occur above 480 m development in time
in the area of Ehingen. They essentially show aragonite-
bearing, close spaced bioherm heads composed of An idealized sequence of the bioherm facies 'type
pedogenically transformed stromatolites (MF 29) up to 80 Hainsfarth' is controlled by at least two factors (Fig. 6.):
cm high, which are in-situ brecciated by shrinkage cracks 9 A seasonally oscillating lake-level should be responsi-
(PI. 10/6; cf. aragonite-bearing top beds of WOLFF & ble for the rhythmic growth pattern of Cladophorites, if
Ft~orrBAUER 1976). In field they often appear as white bioherms are permanently submerged.
stromatolite breccia with brownish to greenish matrix. 9 Fluctuations of'higher order' (than seasonal) are consid-
Intercalated are massive, white-grey beds ofpedogenically ered to result in (+cyclic) sequences. They should corre-
transformed thrombolites (MF 30). Pockets ofpedogenically spond to small-scale climatic fluctuations.
trans- to neoformed carbonates occur in depressions or as
thin beds. Generally these bioherms contain no filamentous The minimum drop of lake-level at sequence bounda-
fossils of possible cyanobacteria. Also,Cladophorites has ries (Ah=~, Fig. 6) is indicated by the depth of fissure-like
vanished or is not preserved. pockets. Values between 1 and 2.5 m have been measured.

Plate 15 Speleothems, youngest lake sediments, and algal flora, Miocene soda lake of the NOrdlinger
Fig. 1. Laminar flowstone (MF 31). Discontinuities partly with internal sediment. Tepee structure upon spring
mound. Ehingen/EichenstraBe. Sample Eh/Li 4. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 2. Floe calcite ('raft-poolstone', MF 32). Sinter-veneered accumulation of floating calcite rafts at the bottom
of a former pool. Contact tepee/spring mound. Ehingen/EichenstraBe. Sample Eh/Li 9. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 3. Calcite needles and beard-like pendant cements resul ted from meteoric-vadose conditions after Pleistocene
'exhumation'. FIOE calcite. Contact tepee/spring mound. Ehingen/EichenstraBe. Sample Eh/Li 9. Scale 1
Fig. 4. Pedogenically neoformed 'ooid'-'nodule'-wackestone (MF 39) with root voids. Palustrine facies. Field
quarry 400 m SSE of Breitenlohe. Sample 10/2. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 5. Dedolomitic, pedogenically transformed quartz-wackestone. Quartz grains show multiple fractures due to
pedogenesis ('in-situ cracked'). S iliciclastic margin of the palustrine environment. Staudigberg-N. Sample
24. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 6. Radial-fibrous ooids of MF 38 (quartz-bearing ooid-pack/grainstone). Oolitic and ruditic littoral facies.
250 m SW of Breitenlohe. Sample 158. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 7. Bioturbated ostracode-wackstone of the'freshening stage'. 200 m W of Breitenlohe. Sample 162. Scale 500
Fig. 8. Flattened oogoninm (gyrogonite) of a charophyte. 'Freshening stage'. 200 m W of Breitenlohe. Sample
162. Scale 500 iam
Fig. 9. Cross section of a weakly calcified charophyte stem. 'Freshening stage'. 200 m W of Breitenlohe. Sample
162. Scale 100 btm
Fig. 10. Pulmonate freshwater snail Planorbarius cornu mantelli (DUNKER),'Freshening stage'. 250 m WSW of
Breitenlohe. Sample 31 (RCM: FR-9). Scale 5 mm
Fig. 11. Alternation of erect and tangled filaments of the green alga Cladophorites incrustatus (Cl.-framestone, MF
26). One couplet (a) represents one year. Infralittoral, bioherm facies. Ehingen/Kirchberggasse. Sample
Eh/Fr0-B (SEM, fracture plane treated with OSO4). Scale 1 mm
Fig. 12. Filament tip of Cladophorites (hollow casts). Bioherm facies. Old quarry Ehingen. Sample Eh/Kdg
92.03.024. (SEM, untreated fracture plane) Scale 50 mm
Fig. 13. Cladophorites incrustatus with inflation. A cell boundary (arrow) indicates septate filaments. Reworked
bioherm clast of'algal nodule limestone'. S taudigberg-E. Sample 21 (SEM, untreated fracture plane), Scale
100 Ixm
Fig. 14. Cladophorites 'type Maihingen'. Dense arranged filaments of varying diameter show ramifications with
an acute angle. Bioherm facies. Road cutting E of Maihingen. Sample Ma 91.09.064. (SEM, untreated
fracture plane). Scale 1 mm
Fig. 15. Cladophorites 'type Maihingen'. Note multiple side branches in rows (arrow). Bioherm facies. Road
cutting E of Maihingen. Sample Ma 91.09.064. Scale 1 mm
Fig. 16. Filaments of saprophytic or parasitic organisms within a Cladophorites-tube (void). Reworked bioherm
clast of an 'algal nodule limestone'. Staudigberg-E. Sample 21 (SEM, untreated fracture plane). Scale
100 ~tm
Plate 15 65

An estimation of growth duration can be based on the Cladophorites, raise of charophytes), alkalinity, and car-
rhythmic growth pattern of Cladophorites, here exempli- bonate supersaturation (decline of lacustrine-vadose sinter
fied by a 2 m thick sequence in Ehingen/LindenstraBe crusts, bioherms, and 'disappearance' of cyanobacterial
(Fig. 5A). Annual rhythms are on average 4 mm thick and green algal carbonate tubes). This should reflect the
(min. 3, max. 8 mm), which means, that the middle 90 cm tendency to humid conditions end of Miocene (climatic
of Cladophorites-framestone represent about 225 years. control).
Assuming that Cladophorites-bafflestones (top and base
of sequence, together 110 cm) have been exposed on
average for half of the year, the whole sequence of 2 m has 5.3 Spring mounds: precipitation and modification
grown within at least 775 years (theoretical calculation!). at subaquatic groundwater seeps
Therefore, theoretically, bioherms might have grown very 5.3.1 Microfacies-types of limnocrenal and spelean
fast. Probably most of the time is represented by stagna- carbonates
tion of growth and subaeric exposure.
The superposed facies trend from heavily sintered 9 MF 12: Meteorically transformed green-algal-
Cladophorites-bioherms to less sintered stromatolite- framestone (Pl. 13/5)
Cladophorites-bioherms, and finally in-situ brecciated Description: The framework is formed by straight to
stromatolites and thrombolites has a continuation in younger, slightly undulating micritic tubes of 80-250 txm inner
oolitic and ruditic littoral carbonates (erosional remnants), diameter, possibly related to Cladophorites. They are
which completely lack stromatolites or oncoids. The young- arranged to erect bushes, but no ramification was ob-
est preserved lake sediments, marls and ostracode- served. These tubes are enclosed by a reticulate fabric of
wackestones near Breitenlohe, contain instead freshwater micritic seams, with sparite-cemented pores, and patches
snails and charophytes (see chapter 5.6). This facies trend formed by ostracode mass accumulations. Numerous dis-
is considered as a result of decreasing eutrophy (decline of solution voids are developed. They are lined by fibrous

Plate 16 Cyanobacteria, possible cyanobacteria, and endoliths. Miocene soda lake of the N6rdlinger
Fig. 1. ?Oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth' (a), accompanied by thin filaments ('type 2') of cyanobacterial or
bacterial origin (cf. Chloroflexus-group). Bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 91.05.003 (SEM,
polished and etched cutting plane)
Fig. 2. ?Oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth'. The filaments show a central stick surrounded by a tubular void and
a thin micritic wall (which is attached to the surrounding calcite). All open voids are lined by dolomite
rhombs. Bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample Bu191.05.003 (SEM, untreated fracture plane). Scale 10
Fig. 3. Longitudinally striated tube wall of ?oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth'. The constrictions may reflect cell
boundaries. Bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 91.05.003 (SEM, polished and etched cutting plane)
Fig. 4. U-shaped ('inverted') filament of ?oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth'. Bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample
BuI 91.05.003 (SEM, untreated fracture plane). Scale 10
Fig. 5. Oblique section of a possible filament tip (?oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth'), which shows three disc-like
cell remains (organic matter resistant to EDTA-etching). Bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI
91.05.003 (SEM, polished and etched cutting plane). Scale 10 ~tm
Fig. 6. ?Cyanobacteria type 3/la. Thin, erect filament traces with brush-like arrangement. Cyanobacterial crust
of a reworked, blackened bioherm clast (cf. PI. 14/5). Palustrine facies ('algal nodule limestone'). Leihbug
near Ehingen. Sample 3/1. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 7. Incrusting microbes 'type 19' forming a constructive micrite envelope of a Hydrobia shell. Bioherm facies.
Hainsfarth. Sample BuI 92.09.019. Scale: 250 I-tm
Fig. 8. ?Cyanobacteria 'type 62'. Erect, branching tubes. Reworked bioherm clast of a 'algal nodule limestone'.
Palustrine facies. H611bugNW of Ehingen. Sample 62. Scale: 100 lam. (Insert: ?Dichothome ramification
of tubes. Scale 100 ~tm.)
Fig. 9. Endolithic ?algae (microboring typel). Bored bioclast as nucleus of an oncoid. Paragenetic sequence of
cements: 1. Cryptocrystalline cement/micrite envelopes (lacustrine-vadose). 2. Limpid dolomite cement.
3. Fibrous calcite cement (shallow phreatic). 4. Meteoric-phreatic drusy mosaic. Eulittoral. Road-cutting
Ehingen-Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.009. Scale: 1 mm
Fig. 10. Spheroid penetrated by short, thick microborings type 4. Oolitic littoral facies. 250 m SW of Breitenlohe.
Sample 158 (Nicols). Scale: 100 ~tm
Fig. 11. Recent contamination by limonite-impregnated filaments (fungi, lichens) in a meteoric-phreatic sparite
(cement of a void in Cladophorites-bioherms). Contamination of bioherm facies. Hainsfarth. Sample BuI
92.09.010. (SEM, polished and etched cutting plane). Scale: 10
Plate 16 67

pendant cements rich in inclusions. Local micritic inter- fied to reticulate micritic structures. Clotted micrite origi-
nal sediment shows dispersed dolomite rhombs (> 5 ~tm). nally served as nucleation site of multiple, spherulitic to
A mechanical compaction is indicated by broken sinter dendroid cement generations, which grade into smooth
cements, 'in-situ' crushed ostracode carapaces and flat- cements (sinter). Clear pendant morphologies are absent.
tened tubular incrustations. Later cements are drusy cal- Usually only this 'neoformed' framework of cements is
cite and recent sinter cements. preserved. Large voids show sporadically the limonitic
Interpretation: The framework of green algal tubes problematicum Frutexites (PI. 17/4) attached to sinter
together with ostacode accumulations formed within an crusts. The temporary highly fragile cement framework
aquatic environment (margin of a submerged spring mound). (inclusively Frutexites) was subject to a mechanical
Vesicular structures, dissolution voids and fibrous sinter compaction, causing locally fracturing and brecciation.
cements are caused by subaerial exposure (meteoric fab- Later cements are vadose skalenoedric calcite and calcite
ric modification). spikes, followed by a calcite drusy mosaic.
Interpretation: Primary 'microbial precipitates' are pre-
9 M F 13: M e t e o r i c a l l y n e o f o r m e d c e m e n t - f r a m e s t o n e served as clotted micrite. Fabric modification by dissolu-
(PI. 13/3-4) tion and reprecipitation as sinter cements is considered as
Description: The framework is a construction of lami- a result of subaerial expose as well as pCO2-fluctuations
nated, fibrous cements veneers ('sinter'). Their nucleation within the spring mound. The formation of Frutexites
base is dissolved except for some relics of'clotted micrite' under vadose conditions is of Miocene age, because it
of probably 'microbial' origin. This micrite is often modi- precedes brecciation by overlaying sediment.

Plate 17 Algae and algae-like fossils, arthropod remains, and 'exotic faunal elements'. Miocene soda lake
of the N0rdlinger Ries
Fig. 1. Microborings type 1. A dissolved, former aragonitic Cepaea-clast is penetrated from both sides by
borings perpendicular to the surface. Tunnels are covered by rhombic dolomite cement. Wave-exposed
eulittoral. Section road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.09.009. (SEM, polished and etched
cutting plane)
Fig. 2. Microborings type 2. Micrite-filled tunnels are radiating from one point parallel the substrate surface.
Wave-exposed eulittoral. Section road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz. 91.09.009. (SEM,
polished and etched cutting plane).
Microborings type 3. Micrite-filled tunnels show an orientation according to the cross-lamellar structure
of the substrate (aragonitic bioclast). Marginal conglomerates. SW of Breitenlohe. Sample 30. Scale
Fig. 4. Frutexites-bushes. Limonitic, dendritic problematicum grown within a void ofa cement-framestone prior
to compaction. Cryptic environment of a spring mound. Section road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim. Sample
Eh/Bz 91.08.026. Scale: 100 ~tm
Fig. 5. Mass accumulation of pupal cases of flies (?psychodidae) preserved by passive incrustation at the margin
of a spring mound. Leihbug-NE, near Ehingen. Sample 6. (SEM, untreated fracture plane)
Fig. 6. Problematicum 'Chlorellopsis'. These spheres, previously considered as coccoid green alga, probably
represent arthropod eggs (of Artemia?). Accumulations are found in pockets below discontinuities.
Pocket within skeletal stromatolite at the top of a sequence (cf. PI. 10/1). Bioherm facies. Ehingen/
Kirchberggasse. Sample Eh/Fr~ 92.04.019. Scale 1 mm. (Insert: Single sphere. Scale 100 ~tm. SampleEh/
FrO 92.04.007)
Fig. 7. Problematicum 'Limnocodium' ANDRZS1952, a characteristic constituent of pedogenic matrix between
blackened bioherm rubble, related to Microcodium GLt~C~: 1912. 'Algal nodule limestone', palustrine
facies. H6llbug NW of Ehingen. Sample 62 (not orientated). Scale 100 [tm
Fig. 8-9. Housings of chironomid larvae. Note ring-shaped structures within the vaults. Clasts within oncoid-
bearing intraclast-grainstone (MF 3) of the wave-exposed eulittoral. Section road cutting Ehingen-
Belzheim. Sample Eh/Bz 91.08.024b. Scale: 1 mm (both figures)
Fig. 10-12. Foraminifera (?Glomospiridae) occur restricted to a single horizon, which suggests a temporary
flourishment of the species carried into the Ries basin probably by birds. Carbonate sands accompanying
Cladophorites-bioherms. Bioherm facies. Fig. 10-11: Ehingen/LindenstraBe. Sample Eh/Mfi 92.03.052.
Fig. 12: Hainsfarth, sample BuI 91.09.009. Scale for all three figures: 50 ktm.
Fig. 13. Brotia escheri escheri (BRooNIART).This pulmonate aquatic snail is common within Upper Miocene
Molasse sediments of southern Germany, but only this single specimen was found within the Ries.
Probably carried to theRies basin by animals. Bioherm facies type Hainsfarth. N of Beizheim (RCM: FR-
10). Scale: 1 cm
Plate 17 69

emersion of "higher order": dissolution, erosion, sinter venees

2.-4. Cladophorites-bafilestone: "nodules", at the top skeletal stromatolites

-,,discontinuous carbonate-accumulation with scasoDzdto episodic sinter veneering

l. pedogenically transformed to neoformed carbonates

->pocket-like filling of the relief during a be~nning transgression

emersion of "higher order": dissolutior~ erosion, starer venees

4. Cladapharites-bafflestone: "nodules", at the top skeletal stromatolites

odiscontinuous caflxmate-accumulafion with seasonal to episodic sinter veneering
3. Cladophorites-framestone: "cones" with rhythmic growth pattern
--*continuous carbonate-accumulation with sporadic sinter venoermg
2. Cladophorites-bafllestane: "nodules", at the top skeletal stromatolites
--*diseontmuous carbonate-accumulation with seasonal to episodic mater veneering

1. pedogenically transformed to neoformed carbonates

->pocket-like falling of the relief during a be~nning transgression

Fig. 6. Idealized scheme of a 'complete' and 'incomplete' sequence of algal bioherms (cf. fig. 5.) Lake level fluctuations of 'higher
order' are simplified featured by a sinus-like graph and correspond to small-scale climatic changes. 'Complete' sequences are 1,5-
2,5 m thick.

9 M F 13a: M e t e o r i c a l l y transformed 'sickle-cell'- cements up to 800 btm (rich in inclusions).

f r a m e s t o n e (PI. 13/2) Interpretation: The sediment is an accumulation of
Description: The characteristic 'sickle-cell'-fabric is faecal pellets probably produced by brine shrimps. It
formed by domed and undulating laminae up to 50 gm served as site for aquatic insect larvae (tubes). The facies
thickness of micritic clots, which grade into fibrous, is characteristic for marginal parts of spring mounds.
spherulitic to dendroid cements. 'Dendroid' sinter ce-
ments are irregular distributed. The cemented laminae are 9 MF 31: L a m i n a r f l o w s t o n e (PI. 15/1)
finally 500-800 gm thick and enclose lenticular to sickle- Description: The laminated plates, each of 5-10 cm
shaped voids up to 0.8 x .,3 cm in size. Pellets and thickness, are composed of numerous symmetrically grown
indistinct insect larval tubes have been found only spo- sinter generations of white, grey, and brownish colour.
radically, but pocket-like depressions of the fabric con- The lamination is caused by alternating inclusion-rich and
rain clotted micrite with intraclasts. These particles often inclusion-poor seams of fibrous calcite (facicular optic).
show a micritic cortex and vesicular internal structure. Concordant to slightly oblique cracks are again symmetri-
Drusy calcite cement and skalenoedric calcite are of cally cemented by sinter generations. Sporadic discon-
younger age. tinuities are marked by the truncation of older generations
Interpretation: The sickle-cell-fabric reflects the ar- and by peloidal internal sediment. Locally sinter genera-
rangement of mineralized microbial mats of spring mounds. tions of the bottom grade into dendroid forms, which
Primary precipitates are recrystallized and obviously dis- enclose small 'stalactite caves'. The plates are separated
solved in parts. Large voids might have resulted from by white, foam-like calcite, which is a secondary vadose
poorly mineralized zones, which were subsequently dis- precipitate with 'vesicular fabric'.
solved. 'Meteoric' fabric modification (subaerial expo- Interpretation: The sinter plates resulted from the
sure and/or groundwater within the mound) is also indi- formation of a m-sized tepee-structure. Symmetric sinter
cated by vesicular fabrics. generations formed by large horizontal cracks, which
were torn up successively. Sporadic internal sediments
9 M F 14. Pellet-tube-boundstone (PI. 13/6-7) proof a Miocene age of these speleothems.
Description: Loose to dense packed peloids and pel-
lets with enclosed tubular voids comprise the greatest 9 MF 32: Raft-poolstone ('to6 calcite') (P1. 15/2-3)
portion of the rock. Loose packed parts are cemented by Description: Depressions at the floor of large tepees
yellow-brownish, spherulitic to dendroid sinter cements. and small caverns of spring mounds often exhibit platy,
Peloids are about 50-200 I.tmin size and ovoid to subrounded era-sized, concentric sinter pieces, which are horizontally
in shape. Pellets are elongated or rod-shaped with a arranged or stacked like a house of cards. The sinter pieces
diameter of constantly 80-100 ~tm. Locally tubular voids show a central, often interrupted micritic lamina. The
(inner diameter 250-830/.tin) with upwards inclined ori- laminae can attain a length of 5 cm, but are only approx.
entation are abundant. Occasionally they show an incom- 15 gm thick. They are coated by numerous smooth sinter
plete micritic wall of 20-30 More often seam-like generations up to 4 mm thickness, finally resulting in an
attached peloids and pellets form the tube wall. Secondary amalgamation to a rigid framework. These cortices are
dissolution voids exhibit younger fibrous, pendant sinter concentric to slightly asymmetric, but no dripstone or

Fig. 7. Spring mound with adjacent stromatolite heads and thrombolites of the bioherm belt ('type Staudigberg'). The mound is covered
by platy speleothems of a large tepee. Section Ehingen/Eichenstr al3e(Topographic Map of Bavaria 1:25000, n ~7029 Oettingen i.Bay.,
x: 4394260, y: 5426700).

pendant morphology is developed. Brownish, dendroid exposed mudflat pelites are attached to the mounds.
sinter cushions are additional constituents. Interstices of a) The core of the mounds (1-1,5 m exposed) consists
the framework show solitary bended to bubble-like, thin of yellowish, very porous to cavernous carbonates of
sinter laminae. Younger cements are pendant fibrous meteorically neoformed sinter-framestone (MF 13, PI.
calcite, rich in inclusions, and skalenoedric calcite ce- 13/3-4) S ickle-cell limestones (MF 13a) are of secondary
ment. Both are of Miocene age, as indicated by sporadic importance. Some cm-sized voids show drusy calcite
internal sediment (micritic peloids). Pleistocene to Re- sparite. Thin sections from this site reveal iron-impreg-
cent age is assumed for drusy calcite (voids less than 2,5 nated Frutexites-crusts grown upon the sinter-framework.
mm r beard-like pendant calcite and calcite needles (up Of special interest are cm-thick pipes up to 20 cm long,
to 450 ~tm long). with internal sickle-cell fabric. Obviously they are broken
Interpretation: 'Flo~ calcite' is a precipitate of cave and tumbled down from their original position, now en-
pools and tepee structures, well known from recent and closed in porous sinter-framestones. The core reaches at
fossil examples (BAKER & FROS~CK 1951, BLACK 1953, few points to the mound top forming dome-shaped
TRrM~Et. 1968, BO~ta 1978, FERCUSONet al. 1982, GONZALEZ protuberances enclosed by planar stromatolites (MF 10)
& LomvtaNN 1988, LESLIEet al. 1992). The thin, skin-like of unit D.
calcite (or aragonite) rafts precipitate at the water surface b) The upper part (less than 1.5 m) of stable, yellowish
of cave pools. By perturbation or because of their own carbonate contain bushes of erect filamentous structures
weight, the rafts sink down and accumulate at the pool (?green algae), which are already visible in field. Ce-
floor, where further sinter cementation follows. mented between that and within pockets friable masses of
ostracodes are accumulated (MF 12: meteorically trans-
formed green-algal-framestones, PI. 13/5).
5.3.2 Sections of springs mounds
Remarks: The mounds are possibly composite struc-
Spring mounds up to 30 m high form a striking tures. Lower parts might represent an older subaquatic
carbonate rock type of the Ries basin. Impressive exam- mound with green algae and ostracodes at its margin.
ples are the isolated 'travertine' hills ofWallerstein, Goldberg, Uppermost parts grew adjacent to laminar stromatolites
and Alerheim (PI. 13/1), exhumed from their pelitic cover and may have formed in the supralittoral. Exposure events
by Pleistocene erosion. Despite of good exposures, these caused karstification and destruction of feeder tubes.
large mounds were not investigated in this study because
their contact and relation to adjacent lake sediments is 9 Mound Ehingen/Eichenstral~e (Fig. 7.)
In a 2.5-2.8 m deep construction pit in the village Ehingen
removed by erosion or covered by Quaternary talus de-
a flat mound (unit A) with adjacent stromatolites and
posits. Instead two m-sized mounds or mound cluster,
thrombolites (unit B) of the bioherm facies'type Staudigberg'
which still possess their marginal parts and lateral con-
were temporary exposed. The top of the mound is covered
tinuations were subject of investigation. They were ex-
by laminated sinter plates of a tepee-structure (unit C) up
posed by construction work.
to 70 cm thickness.
9 Mound cluster of road cutting Ehingen-Belzheim Unit A: Central parts of the mound comprise porous,
(Fig. 4). but hard sickle-ceil limestones, which show some few
Several small interconnected spring mounds up to 3 m pockets filled with yellow, indistinct stratified micrite.
high were exposed at the west end of the section (Fig. 4.). Microfacies: The meteorically transformed 'sickle-cell'-
Upper parts of the mounds are in direct contact with framestones (PI. 13/2) are formed by rows of micritic
laminar stromatolites of unit D, but the lateral transition of clots, forming the centre of spherulitic to dendroid, fi-
lower parts was hidden by debris. To the west poorly brous cements, which are at first rich in inclusions. Occa-

sionally pellets are incorporated. Pockets with micritic ing, upwelling groundwater and by the decay of organic
internal sediment show scarce ostracode valves and root matter. Dissolution and reprecipitation under meteoric-
voids. To the periphery sickle-cell limestones grade into phreatic conditions (cm to dm below the mound surface)
yellow-brownish, porous to well cemented limestones, is considered as mechanism for the formation of cement-
which show tubular voids of several mm length. They framework and vuggy sickle-cell fabrics of calcite.
form 15-40 cm thick and 75-175 cm long limestone bodies 3. Episodic subaeric exposure is deduced from pen-
at the mound flanks below tepee-speleothems. These dant and stalactitic sinter-cements (karstification) and
lenticular bodies are enclosed by cm-thick sinter crusts. broken feeder tubes. Additional dissolution and reprecip-
Microfacies: Thin sections show accumulations of itation is included, causing vesicular structures.
faecal pellets with enclosed insect larval tubes, described Prolonged exposure and possibly interaction with the
as pellet-tube-boundstone (MF 14, PI. 13/6-7). groundwater level caused the formation of a m-sized
Unit B: A lateral transition to stromatolitic heads and tepee-structure at Ehingen/Eichenstral?,e (cf. KENDALL&
overlying thrombolites was exposed. Bioherm carbonates WARREN1987, WARREN1982).
'type Staudigberg' are described in chapter 5.2. 4. Small spring mounds of low lithostratigraphic lev-
Unit C: The fiat, tepee-shaped cap is composed of els turned inactive, when they were covered ('sealed') by
sinter plates, each of 5-10 cm thickness, wedging out to transgressing basin pelites. Other large mounds possibly
the margin of the mound. The outermost spur of the tepee grew until humid conditions changed the hydrological
cross-cuts stromatolitic heads. situation.
Microfacies: Each plate of laminar flowstone (MF 31,
PI. 15/1) results from a horizontal fissure, which is sym- Discussion: Spring mounds of the Ries formed at
metrically closed from top and bottom by numerous sublacustrine groundwater springs (BoLrEN 1977). Con-
fibrous sinter generations with sporadic discontinuities. tinuous evaporation of the lake water is thought to be
'Flog calcite' (raft-poolstone, MF 32, PI. 15/2) was found essential for the maintenance of freshwater underflow at
in depressions at the contact to the mound beneath. the lake margin, resulting in these 'limnocrenes'. There is
Remarks: The spring mound is located within the no indication for the influence of thermal waters. Recent
bioherm belt and formed under shallow subaquatic condi- counterparts of the Ries spring mounds are known from
tions. The age relation to adjacent stromatolites is not salt lakes of the western USA, eastern Anatolia, Djibouti,
clearly known. The large tepee with speleothems pro- and Australia.
poses a following prolonged exposure. A possible interac- Up to 40 m high 'microbialites' ('tufa towers') at
tion with groundwater discharge remains speculative. limnocrenes with Ca2+-rich groundwater discharge are
described by KEMPEet al. (1991) from Lake Van, Anatolia,
5.3.3 Interpretation: which is the largest soda lake on earth. 'Inorganic' calcite
subsequent fabric modification precipitates should serve as hard substrate for microbial
settlement. Microbial mats with coccoid cyanobacteria of
Spring mounds were caused by upwelling meteoric the Pleurocapsa-groupshould initiate aragonite precipi-
groundwater from permeable bedrock. A model of spring tation. The pipe-shaped branches of towers show a porous
mound formation in the Ries is proposed (Fig. 8.), with the axial zone resembling sickle-cell limestone, caused by
following steps: secondary fabric modification. Dissolution and repre-
1. Primary precipitates at subaquatic vents are clotted cipitation should result from pCOE-fluctuations of
m icrites or thrombolites, probably composed of'metastable' groundwater and CO2-release by decomposition of or-
carbonate minerals (essentially aragonite, Mg-calcite). ganic matter.
Relics of clotted micrite, now calcitic, are preserved as Highly porous carbonates resembling 'sickle-cell' lime-
patches in MF 13 and 13a. The extend of microbial stones are boxwork limestones described from South
participation is unknown, but the sickle-cell fabric of Australian coastal salinas (VoN DER BORCHet al. 1977,
mound cores and feeder tubes should originate from the Warren 1982). 'Boxwork limestone' is a collective term
arrangement of mineralized microbial mats. The periph- for 'diagenetic limestones', which formed by an alteration
ery of mounds is formed by 'passive calcifying' green of gypsum evaporites (angular fabric) and'algalboundstones'
algae with accompanying ostracodes, or accumulations of (irregular and web fabric) within a groundwater flow of
faecal pellets with embedded insect larval tubes. Rhomb- reduced salinity. 'Boxwork limestones' grade into spring
to bubble-shaped calcite-cemented voids (30-45 jaxn di- mounds, now inactive, which show high contents of
ameter) within pellets are possibly pseudomorphs after organic matter probably representing degrading cyano-
rhombic and spheroidal dolomite. Pellet accumulations bacterial mats.
are probably caused by the brine shrimp Artemia, which The well known, 2-5 m high 'tufa pinnacles' of Mono
preferentially assemble near vents, probably because of Lake, California, form at sublacustrine springs. This clas-
slightly decreased salinity (recent observation at Mono sic example was already quoted by BOLTEN (1977) as
Lake, pers. comm. Dr. Farmer, Ames Inst., NASA).This explanation for the Ries-mounds. They are now exposed
might explain the accumulation at the mound periphery. in parts by an artificial lake level drop, but few mounds
2. Central mound parts show fabric modifications, still discharge (and grow?), when exposed. Calcite pre-
which should result from pCO2-changes of the percolat- cipitation is thought to be essentially physicochemical

Fig. 8. Modelof springmoundformation

in the Ries soda lake. Multiple alterna-
tions of subaquaticgrowthandprolonged
exposure events are probable for most
mounds. During growth phases the cal-
cification (aragorLite,Mg-calcite)of the
superficialmicrobialmatsis subsequently
(calcite) causedby pCO2-changeswithin
the meteoric groundwater and by the
degrading organic matter.

due to mixing of Ca2+-rich groundwater and soda lake 5.4 Palustrine carbonates: carbonate swamps
water, with subsequent dissolution and reprecipitation behind the bioherm belt
(DUNN 1953). Although the presence of various 5.4.1 Microfacies-types of palustrine carbonates
cyanobacteria and algae was shown (ScrIOLL & TAFT
9 MF 33: Pedogenically neoformed 'ooifl'-'nodule'-
1964), their quantitative participation in precipitation and
fabric formation is not clear. Mono Lake tufa towers are wackestone (P1. 15/4)
Description: The yellow to white-grey limestones are
composed of calcite, beside of minor amounts of Mg-
composed of brownish pedogenic 'ooids' and 'nodules'
calcite and aragonite (ScHoLL& TAFT 1964). The core of
(40-50%), floating in a grey inhomogenous matrix. A
mounds and pipes is essentially formed by 'lithoid tufa'
continuous transition from dark patches to brown 'ooids'
(RusSEL 1889), which corresponds to 'sickle-cell lime-
and 'nodules' is developed. Quartz grains and sparry
stone' of the Ries. Recent observations indicate that ikaite
bioclasts are subordinated. Dissolution-enlarged root voids
(CaCOa.6H20) is formed during winter as primary pre-
(-5 mm diameter) and poorly developed horizontal joint
cipitate (low temperature, high concentration of POa 3 and
Co,g), which decomposes during spring warming to form planes occur.
calcite and water (CouNcIL & BENNEtt 1993). Interpretation: The wackestone-fabric is caused by an
in-situ formation of 'ooids' and 'nodules' by swamp
pedogenesis. Times of exposure and desiccation are of
However, low temperatures near freezing point during
winter cannot be expected for the Ries crater lake. Instead minor extant.
a 'metastable' composition essentially of aragonite and 9MF 34: Pedogenieally neoformed 'nodule'-wackestone
Mg-calcite is proposed, supposed by the intensity of with skew planes (PI. 14/2, fig. 3B)
dissolution, recrystallization and secondary cementation, Description: The yellow to white-grey limestone is
as well by relics of aragonite at the mound periphery. This composed of 'nodules' (20-40%), floating in an inhomo-
might best explain sickle-cell fabrics and the lack of genous matrix. This matrix shows brownish 'nodule'-rich
fossils in the mound core. parts and grey homogenous patches (?soft pebbles,
' 'Travertine pipes' composed of Mg-calcite and arago- bioturbation). Bioturbation is indicated by few macro-
nite are mentioned from Lake Asal, Djibouti, by GASSE& scopically visible 'striotubules'. Well developed skew
FONTES (1989), but were not described in detail. planes only transect the 'nodule'-rich parts (up to 4 mm
width). Additional dissolution-enlarged root voids and
In contrast WOLFF• Ft~CHTBAUER(1976) proposed that curved planes are present.
'travertines' of the Ries formed primary as calcitic precipi- Interpretation: The wackestone-fabric is caused by
tates at subaeric springs during an early stage of lake swamp pedogenesis. The lack of vadose silt in desiccation
sedimentation, and later were submerged already inactive cracks and the lack of pedogenic crusts indicate only
by a transgression. Typical facies types of subaerial spring sporadic exposure events.
deposits (cf. PEDLEY 1990, PENTECOST 1993) are only
known from pockets or fissures, but do not form the 9MF 35: Pedogenically neoformed 'nod ule'-wackestone
mounds themselves. Therefore this interpretation is ne- with curved planes (Fig. 3C)
glected in this paper. Description: The yellow to white-grey limestone ex-

hibits 'nodules' floating in inhomogenous to clotted ma- port of bioherm clasts to elevated, exposed areas is ex-
trix. Porous intraclasts (mm-cm r are irregularly dis- plained by episodic storm and flooding events. A Recent
persed. Grey, quartz-bearing patches and intraclasts are example from 'high-water-fiats' of saline lakes on islands
enclosed by curved planes. The fabric is dominated by close to Yucatan is described by WARt et al. (1970). The
cm-sized ring-systems of voids (curved planes), causing mechanism and reason of blackening is not clearly known.
a nodular appearance. These voids are up to 500 lam wide, WARDet al (1970) proposed infiltered organic matter from
rounded, and show a geopetal vadose internal sediment microbial mats and FeS due to bacterial sulphate-reduc-
(?vadose silt and brownish micritic veneers). An addi- tion. Selective blackening also may result from 'instanta-
tional system of sharp, thin joint planes (10-30 neous' forest fire heating (SHINY& Lmz 1988). The inter-
OCCURS. pretation of concentric incrusted pebbles as 'algal nod-
Interpretation: In comparision to the previous de- ules' (BoLrEN 1977) is obsol6.
scribed facies types, dissolution-enlarged curved planes
and ?vadose silt indicate an increasing degree of exposure 5.4.2 Outcrops and distribution pattern of
and desiccation. Still in a predominantly aquatic milieu, palustrine facies types
pedogenic crusts are missing.
At the northern rim of the Ries basin palustrine car-
9 MF 36: Pedogenicaily neoformed 'nodule'-wacke/ bonates are distributed essentially above a level of 480 m
packstone with craze planes (PI. 14/3, fig. 3A) (Fig. 2.). They are not known from other parts of the Ries,
Description: The facies type is only locally distrib- At lower topographic levels pedogenically trans- to
uted, but conspicuous, because of its complex desiccation neoformed facies types of bioherm pockets are equiva-
cracks. The matrix is inhomogenous and shows grey and lents, but no distinct 'facies belt' is developed.
brownish patches, which grade into 'nodules'. Few intraclasts 9 Palustrine carbonates are exposed with up to 2.4 m
are present. The fabric is dominated by complex craze thickness in an old field quarry 400 m SSE of Breitenlohe
planes, which transect the common 'nodule'-wacke/ (P1. 7/1). The yellow to white-grey, instinctly bedded
packstone in a horizontal pattern. These 1-7 mm wide limestones show dissolution-enlarged root voids (1-3 mm
zones show in-situ formed clasts, rounded by dissolution, diameter) and scattered Cepaea snails. Bedding (10-50
with an inverse gradation. Multiple, fibrous and micritic cm) is caused by less resistant limestone layers or interca-
sinter cements with pendant morphologies line the inter- lations of porous intraclasts.
stices, followed by brownish, infiltered micrite and grey Microfacies: Pedogenically neoformed 'nodule'-'ooid'-
?vadose silt. wackestones (MF 33, PI. 15/4), with root voids and animal
Interpretation: Craze planes with inverse gradation burrows, form most parts of the outcrop. Only at the base
and multiple sinter generations indicate an alternation of (20 cm) pedogenically neoformed 'nodule'-wackestones
swamp pedogenesis and prolonged meteoric-vadose con- with skew planes (MF 34, P1. 14/2) are developed. They
ditions. show grey micritic patches due to soft pebbles and
bioturbation ('striotubules').
9 MF 37: Pedogenically transformed intraclast-rudstone 9 Poorly exposed white-grey limestones, which show
('algal nodule limestone') (PI. 14/4-5) a din-thick intercalated marl bed of greenish colour, are
Description: So called'algal nodule limestones' (BOLrEN visible in the west part of the old quarry 750 m NW of
1977) are conglomeratic limestones with blackened bioherm Belzheim. Further outcrops do not exist. The quarries at
clasts up to 12 cm diameter (skeletal stromatolites, the Loher Kopf (section XVII of BOLrEN 1977:227) are
Cladophorites-baffle- and -framestones). Occasionally filled by trash.
large oncoids ('Mumien' of plant stems) and seldom clasts 9 'Algal nodule limestones' were not exposed. Field
of spring mounds are found. Blackened and unaltered mapping reveals a patchy distribution, often bound to the
bioherm clasts are situated adjacent to each other. Char- vicinity of spring mounds. They probably form dm-thick
acteristic is an intensive, multiple incrustation of clasts, intercalated beds between common palustrine limestones.
An example is illustrated in PI. 14/5. Sinter veneers,
usually truncated, are 'inherited' from the bioherm belt,
5.4.3 Interpretation:
One or two cyanobacterial cortices are locally developed.
swamp pedogenesis and episodic storm events
The thick cortices of clasts are essentially pedogenic
crusts of brownish colour within a packstone-like matrix Characteristics and genesis of palustrine carbonates
of pedogenic ooids and pisoids. Interstices and voids have been extensively described in the comprehensive
show dendroid sinter and blocky calcite. Curved planes paper of FREYXET& PLAZL~r(1982). Swamp pedogenesis
surrounding in-situ formed particles and intraclasts are a is inferred from in-situ formation of particles, complex
common feature, as well as dissolution-enlarged root- desiccation cracks, dissolution-enlarged root voids and
voids, 'aureoled' quartz (FREY~T & PLAZ~AT1982: pl. 30 animal burrows. Due to lack of incrustation, plant remains
B, C), and the problematicum 'Limnocodium'. are not fossilized. PLArT & WRIorr (1992) consider the
Interpretation: Blackening ofclasts, intensive 'caliche'- Florida Everglades as an actualistic sedimentary environ-
like incrustation, and 'Limnocodium' together indicate an ment of palustrine carbonates. Compared with lower
intensive pedogenesis in well-drained areas. The trans- lithostratigraphic levels, an increased amount of rain

Fig. 9. Reconstruction of the northern Ries lake margin with the distribution of subenvironments and the supposed phreatic mixing-
zone-dolomitization. Spring mounds, here shown in 'deeper' parts, were also present within the bioherm belt and the adjacent swamp.
The drawing is not to scale. Note that the relief is very flat in reality, with probably only few meter maximum water depth.

precipitation is assumed. Mudflats with polygonal desic- beds (180~ ~ with large boulders of sinter-veneered
cation cracks are missing. Pedogenic ooids in palustrine Cladophorites-carbonates, conglomeratic Miocene
carbonates of the Ries have previously been misinter- sandstones, and blackened thrombolitic nodules. Their
preted as 'oncoids' by BOLTEN(1977:10). size attains 30 x 50 cm. Possibly they represent rock fall
'Algal nodule limestones' are considered as sediments deposits of a steep shore (lowstand?!).
of storm and flooding events, which transported bioherms
clasts up to 300 m in the back of the bioherm belt.
5.6 Youngest lake sediments
Carbonate swamps of the Ries were restricted to areas
with a low basement relief (Fig. 9). Relics of lake sediments younger than algal bioherms
and their associated palustrine carbonates are only present
5.5 Notes on siliciclastic sediments of the margin at the North of the investigated area (Fig. 2.). Located at
495 m above S.L., oolitic and ruditic carbonates cover a
Conglomerates, arkoses and carbonatic sandstones W-E-extended area of 200 x 500 m S to SW of Breitenlohe.
show only a minor distribution in the investigated area. They represent littoral carbonates intermediate between
During field mapping thin beds of sandstone and carbonatic palustrine carbonates beneath and northwards attached
sandstone were only found at the contact to siliciclastic sediments of the 'freshening stage' (BoLTEN 1977), which
rocks of the basement (Keuper, Dogger-13-sandstones ). are the youngest preserved lake sediments.
Behind bioherms 'type Hainsfarth' greenish sandstones White-grey oolites are found in the south part, which are
with Hydrobia casts can be developed. replaced to the north by stratified, coarse intraclastic
Conglomeratic limestones with extraclasts are bound limestones. The later contain extraclasts (greenish clay
to Jurassic carbonate blocks and crystalline areas. Usually pebbles, quartz, Jurassic limestones) up to few cm in size,
these facies types represent palustrine carbonates with a as well as phytoclasts and layers of Cepaea shell debris.
large input of quartz and extraclasts from the immediate Microfacies: Samples from southern parts show quartz-
vicinity. Large occurrences of fluvial sandstones, arkoses bearing ooid-pack/grainstones (MF 38, PI. 15/6) which
and conglomerates are found W of Maihingen (NW Ries), grade into bioturbated intraclast- and quartz-bearing ooid-
in the vicinity of Ederheim (SW-Ries) and at the 'Delta of packstones (MF 38a) to the west by increasing amount of
Trender (NE-Ries) (NATHAN 1935, BOLTEN1977, WEBEk residual matrix. The radial-fibrous ooids show diameter
1941). This coincides in parts with the occurrence of up to 600 Bored bioclasts, spheroids and reworked
charophyte stems in adjacent bioherm areas. 'pedogenic ooids' and 'nodules' are also present. Beside of
Of special interest is a small outcrop 300 m east of a more or less washed matrix, pendant sinter cements of
Ehingen (ca. 445 m above S.L.), which shows inclined probably Miocene age are developed.

Interpretation: The grain-supported fabric of ooids special interest, because they are the only deposits with
and bored bioclasts indicate conditions of the wave- abundant vertebrate remains of the northern Ries margin.
exposed eulittoraI. Increasing matrix content probably Beside abundant disarticulated carpaces of the tortoise
corresponds to a wave-protected position further west. Testudo sp., few bones and maxillae of mammalia were
Extraclast-bearing intraclast-ooid-grainstone (MF 39) also found. Apart from that vertebrate remains (tortoises,
of northern parts show alternations of ooid layers (diam- birds, bats and other mammals) are only known from
eter up to 500 lam) and coarse intraclast layers (1-25 mm pockets or fissures at the top of large spring mounds like
diameter). Intraclasts are derived from spring mounds, the Goldberg, Wallerstein and Spitzberg, which are thought
palustrine carbonates and adjacent oolites. Beside ofcm- to belong to the 'freshening stage'.
sized extraclasts quartz, mica, and feldspar grains are Therefore, the youngest lake sediments reflect the
present. Bioclasts show borings of endoliths (type 3). general development to an oligotrophic lake water with
Cementation is caused by a cryptocrystalline cement (- 15 low carbonate supersaturation and alkalinity, which is the followed by a pendant fibrous sinter cement, locally consequence of an increasingly humid climate at the end
grading into skalenoedric calcite. of Miocene.
Interpretation: The coarse, grain-supported fabric formed
in the wave-exposed eulittoral, proximal to sedimentary
blocks of the fractured basement.
6.1 Mineralogical composition and paragenetic
Analogous oolite occurrences at the same topographic sequence of cements
level (496-498 m above S.L.) were mentioned by BOLTEN
Generally bioherms, porous carbonate sands and peloidal
(1977:57 f.) from the Loher Kopf (E of the investigation
planar stromatolites of the infra-, eu- and supralittoral are
area). These relics probably formed an continuous oolitic
dolomitic with a minor amount of calcite (usually late
and ruditic shore, now in most parts eroded. Due to
drusy mosaic). Also pedogenically trans- to neoformed
erosion, corresponding basin sediments are unknown.
carbonates of fissure-like bioherm pockets are dolomitic
To the North sediments of the 'freshening stage' are
with various amount of clay minerals, feldspar, and quartz.
preserved at 495-502.5 m above S.L. They cover an area
Only meteorically transformed bioherm and littoral car-
of 450 x 450 m W of Breitenlohe with less than 5 m
bonates are predominantly calcitic. Aragonitic shells are
thickness. Equivalents are only known from fissures of
restricted to carbonates of a very low permeability, like
the Goldberg spring mound (510-514 m above S.L., W-
ostracode wackestones, and facies types of very high
Ries) and from the 'Delta of Trendel' (500-520 m above
permeability, like grain/rudstones of the eulittoral (MF 6)
S.L., E-Ries) (BoLTEN 1977). At Breitenlohe greenish-
or open fissures of bioherms. Clay-rich Cladophorites-
grey marls and clays, locally containing abundant fresh-
carbonates, which immediately overlay a weathered suevite
water snails (BoLTEN1977), are present. White-grey plates
at Ehingen, show aragonite contents up to 12%. In-situ
and boulders of dense limestones are distributed as ero-
brecciated stromatolites and thrombolites of the bioherm
sional relics upon them. Beside of micritic limestones,
facies 'type Staudigberg' contain calcite, dolomite and
which exhibit open voids of numerous ostracodes and
significant amounts of (spherulitic) aragonite, first men-
Gyraulus snails, few marly, nodular limestones with
tioned as 'aragonite-bearing top beds' by WOLFF &
aragonitic freshwater gastropods (Gyraulus kleini (GoxT-
Ft~ctrrBAUE~(1976). In contrast to bioherms 'type Hainsfarth',
scrncK & WENZ),Radix socialis dilatata (NoULET),Plan-
spring mounds are essentially calcitic, as well as palustrine
orbarius cornu mantelli (Dt~NKER)) were found (PI. 15/
carbonates. Only at the contact to the basement sandy
palustrine carbonates can show dedolomite. Laminated
Microfacies: Thin sections show bioturbated ostracode
mudstones of the profundal are calcitic as well, but com-
wackestones (MF 40), which contain abundant fragments
posed of neomorphic crystallites.
of stems and oogonia of charophytes (P1. 15/7-9). The
mud-supported, bioturbated fabric exhibits elongated root The diagenetic history of the Ries-lake-carbonates can
voids probably of subaquatic macrophytes. be deduced from the paragenetic sequence of cements and
Interpretation: Mud-supported fabric, abundant diagenetic events (Fig. 4, PI. 16/9). Bioherm carbonates
ostracodes and freshwater snails indicate aquatic condi- ('type Hainsfarth' and 'Staudigberg') and littoral carbon-
tions with low wave agitation (infralittoral or pond). ates show the following succession:
Emersion features are absent. Oligotrophic conditions 1. First cements are cryptocrystalline, dolomitic ce-
with a low carbonate supersaturation is indicated by ments of pack-/grainstones (PI. 10/7, 11/11, 12/11). They
weakly calcified charophyte remains, abundant freshwa- cannot be separated from residual matrix and 'microbial
ter snails and the lack of oncoids, Hydrobia snails, envelopes' in each single case. Sporadic meniscus-like
phytoclasts, and Cladophora-like algae. morphologies support a lacustrine-vadose setting for their
formation. Dolomicritic and calcitic sinter veneers of
At the northern limit of Miocene lake deposits, a bioherms are considered as equivalents.
narrow seam of conglomeratic limestones with coarse 2. An even rim of limpid dolomite rhombs has devel-
quartz-bearing layers forms the contact to the basement. oped in permeable carbonates (PI. 12/10-11). Voids of
Associated relics of intraclast-rich marly micrites are of aragonitic shells, which were previously dissolved, are

also lined by this isopacheous dolomite cement of usually 4. Meteoric-vadose cements of Pleistocene to Recent
10 thickness (5-50 Ixm) (P1. 17/1). With increasing age, like 'late' pendant sparite, fibrous sinter, and calcite
matrix content, this dolomite cement is thinning out. needles (PI. 15/3), are also present in spring mounds and
3. Locally a fibrous calcite cement, which is rich in tepee-speleothems. Recent dissolution voids are always
inclusions, has developed. It was only observed in littoral associated with them in the samples.
carbonates of low lithostratigraphic level (road cutting
Ehingen-Belzheim, PI. 9/2, 16/9). Dependent on perme- 6.2 Discussion:
ability and diameter of interstices, this cement shows a primary composition and dolomitization
strongly varying thickness, best developed at a grain size
of 100-500 Ixm. Fibrous habitus and richness in inclusions Considerations and controversial interpretations of
support the interpretation, that this cement formed within the diagenetic history were previously given by WOLFF&
a lacustrine-phreatic setting only a short distance (few m FOcrrI~AUER(1976) and RIOINo(1979). WOL~& FOCWr~AUER
?) below the sediment surface. (In this section sinter (1976) proposed that essentially Mg-calcite was precipi-
cements of supralittoral stromatolites follow the limpid tated in the Ries basin, but that bioherms ('type Hainsfarth')
dolomite cement!) were primary aragonitic, like those of the top horizon
4. A mechanical compaction was observed in meteori- ('type Staudigberg'). Spring mounds are considered by
cally transformed carbonate sands, which were temporary WOLFF& Ft~crrrBAUER(1976) as primary calcitic construc-
highly friable due to dissolution (PI. 9/2). It is restricted to tions of subaeric springs, grown prior to bioherms. They
low lithostratigraphic levels and is indicated by fractured were later submerged by the rising lake level. Dolomitization
older cements (cryptocrystalline veneers, limpid dolo- should have been 'subaeriar during dry periods with
mite cement, fibrous calcite cement). The mechanical slightly decreasing lake level, after the formation of each
compaction is considered as a result of sediment load. It bioherm horizon.
therefore serves as time marker and separates Miocene Concerning the mechanism, WOLFF & FOcrrrBAtma
and Miocene to Recent events. (1976) proposed a m ixing-zone-dolomitization compara-
5. In the following, permeable carbonates show a ble to the situation on Jamaica described by LAND(1973ab),
drusy mosaic of meteoric phreatic origin (PI. 10/7). It is Subsequent dedolomitization proceeding downwards from
well developed at sites of reduced permeability, like fine- exposed bioherm tops might have caused Mg-rich waters,
grained layers, articulated ostracode carpaces (PI. 11/3), which were responsible for a synchronous dolomite ce-
or sin ter-enclosed spaces of bioherm carbonates. The pore ment precipitation in lower bioherm parts still above the
space is often filled incompletely. No intensive cementa- groundwater level.
tion of sparry calcite has developed, probably because of RIDINO (1979) rejected this model completely. He
the very low burial. The investigated carbonates have argued that first, dolomitization and subsequent dedolo-
never been buried deeper then about 80-100 m. mitization should have destroyed fine structures like algal
6. Calcite spikes and beard-like pendant sinter ce- tubes, and second, that the isopacheous dolomite cement
ments are the youngest diagenetic products. Erosion, is clearly phreatic. In contrast to WOLFF& Ft~crri~AtmR
exhumation and following karstification of the marginal (1976) he proposed primary calcitic bioherms, which
Ries-lake-carbonates must have been prior to Mid- grew in fresh to slightly brackish water. A 'patchy'
Pleistocene, based upon snails of karst fissures (BoLTEN dolomitization and precipitation of an even dolomite
1971). cement occurred after the formation of all bioherm hori-
zons under phreatic condition. A mechanism responsible
Spring mounds show the following succession of dia- for dolomite formation was not mentioned by Rm~N~
genetic events. Differences predominately concern 'early', (1979).
Miocene events:
1. Calcite fibrous sinter cements are regarded as Generally it should be noted that pelitic basin sediments
speleothems of prolonged exposure events in association of the research drill hole NOrdlingen 1973 contain calcite,
with intensive dissolution. 'Early' pendant sparite of fol- Mg-calcite, aragonite, as well as early diagenetic dolo-
lowing exposure events are found upon these sinter crusts. mite (FORsa~ER & RoTrm 1977, JANKOWSKI1981). In this
Infiltered calcite micrite with dispersed dolomite rhombs paper a dolomitization of primary precipitated Mg-calcite
is a feature only found locally in sinter-lines voids. Dolo- is favoured, concerning bioherms ('type Hainsfarth') and
mite cements were found only in one case at the mound littoral carbonates. Dolomitization of calcite should re-
periphery. lease considerable amounts of Ca2§ which is contradic-
2. A mechanical compaction caused a fracturing of tory to the high Sr/Ca ratio of dolomitizing solutions
friable sinter frameworks. The relative age of calcite necessary for precipitating a Sr-rich dolomite cement
spikes of vadose origin, which precipitated upon sinter (WOLFF & FOclrrsAtma 1976). Intensive meteoric fabric
and Frutexites crusts is not known, but no fracture plane modification of carbonates below exposure levels suggest
was found with them upon. a 'instable' composition with regard to meteoric waters.
3. A drusy sparry calcite of meteoric-phreatic origin However, primary precipitation of aragonite is obviously
cemented and stabilized friable spring mound carbonates of minor importance in bioherms ('type Hainsfarth') and
(Pl. 13/4). littoral carbonates. Extensive dissolution features and

structural destruction of aragonite precipitates should be considered as 'early diagenetic'. Probably the most obvi-
expected, inferred from dissolution of formerly aragonitic ous example is a dolomitized cuticle of a millipede found
shells of Cepaea. Only certain ooid layers are calcitized or in carbonate sands of the bioherm facies 'type Hainsfarth'.
replaced by sparite, supporting a primary aragonitic com- Fracture surfaces of the cuticle reveal arched structures of
position. Aragonite-bearing Cladophorites-carbonates were former chitin-protein-microfibres, which are now traced
only found immediately upon a suevite in Ehingen. Relics by dolomite crystals (Aai, 1995b).
of spherulitic aragonite and destruction of fine structures 9 Although adjacent to each other, spring mounds were not
in stromatolites and thrombolites 'type Staudigberg' sup- dolomitized, but bioherms and littoral carbonates. Older
port that only late in the lake-history aragonite was the calcitic, spring mounds, which previously formed subaerially
predominant carbonate mineral of bioherms. In contrast, (WOLFf & Ft~cm-aAuEr~ 1976) then should be dolomitized
spring mounds might have been essentially aragonitic as well when submerged by transgessing lake waters.
(with various amounts of Mg-Calcite), inferred from Elevated temperatures cannot be expected. There is no
intensive dissolution features, secondary cement frame- indication of hydrothermal activity induced by the im-
works and relics of aragonite at the mound periphery pact. Therefore high or low salinities, high carbonate
(Ehingen, Eichenstral3e). alkalitity, and high Mg/Ca ratio must be assumed (MAC~L
A phreatic mixing-zone-dolomitization is proposed as 1990).
essential mechanism of dolomite formation in the mar- The mixing-zone model, as originally proposed by
ginal Ries-lake-carbonates. Saline lake water with a high LAND (1973ab) and BADIOZAMAr,a (1973) has generally
Mg/Ca ratio was underflowed by meteoric groundwater at severe weaknesses as clearly demonstrated by HARDrE
the lake margin, resulting in a phreatic mixing-zone (Fig. (1987), but it is still accepted that a field of dolomite
9.). Mass balance considerations claim for a dolomitization supersaturation/calcite undersaturation exists, when mix-
from dilute solutions an effective pumping mechanism, ing marine and meteoric water (I-~aDm 1987, MACrmL
which might be the lake level fluctuations in the Ries 1990, TUCKER& WRi~rrr 1990). In the case of the Ries
basin. Therefore dolomitization of shaltow buried bioherms basin the precise lake water chemistry remains hypotheti-
was synchronous to discontinuous growth of younger cal, but an alkaline, Mg-enriched lake water favourable
bioherm horizons. The fluctuating mixing zone was prob- for dolomite precipitation when diluted, is most likely.
ably situated only few meters below the sediment-water This is fully consistent with the proposed soda chemistry
interface. Dolomitic mudflat sediments of low litho- of the lake (see KEMa'E& DEGENS1985:104). SO43" ,which
stratigraphic levels, on the other hand, have to be ex- is thought to inhibit dolomite precipitation, was probably
plained by evaporation models. removed in considerable parts by sulphate-reduction in
the anoxic profundal (cf. 'alkalinity pump', KEr~PE 1990,
Petrographic and geochemical arguments which sup- KEMPE • KAZMIERCZAK1994).
port this interpretation of an early dolomitization by a
phreatic fluctuating mixing zone are:
9 The paragenetic sequence shows that the dolomite ce- 7 ALGAE AND ALGAE-LIKE FOSSILS
ment is formed prior to a mechanical compaction due to
sediment load. Therefore the dolomite cement is of Miocene Fossil algae of the Ries comprise cyanobacteria, green
age. algae, and to a minor extent charophytes. Suggested by
9Limpid dolomite cement as developed in the Ries is well the 'young age', a close relationship to extant genera can
known from Recent examples thought to result from be expected, although conclusive evidence is the excep-
coastal mixing-zones (LAND 1973b, NEtJSERet al. 1982, tion. Actually, many different carbonate rocks of the Ries
WARD & HALLEY 1985). This might be of diagnostic were called 'stromatolites' or 'algal limestones', appar-
importance (FOLK & LAND 1975) although vein-lining ently supported by the general transfer that today 'algae'
transparent dolomite cements precipitated from concen- and cyanobacteria are present in similar depositional
trated brines are known (HAP.DIn 1987). The even rim environments. For that reason this effort should first of all
morphology indicates phreatic conditions (RIDING 1979). proof the presence of various 'algal' groups, especially
9 Dolomites of the Ries are rich in Ca 2+ and poorly those of the cyanobacteria. A further morphological dif-
ordered. This implies, that they formed near the surface ferentiation is attempted, but a 'determination' (genera or
and have neither been recrystallized nor formed under 'morphotypes' with linguistic reminiscence to extant gen-
elevated temperatures on burial. The significance of high era, cf. LEtNFELDER1985) is neglected, with the exception
Sr-contents (up to 3200 ppm, WOLFF& FI2CHTBAUER1976) of the long established 'fossil green algal genus'
is not unequivocal. Sr-enrichment might result from Cladophorites REIs 1921. Instead an open denomination
evaporative concentration in the lake water and/or arago- (types) by localities or sample numbers is preferred to
nite dissolution immediately prior to dolomite cementa- emphasize the local mode of preservation.
tion (Wot.FF& FOcrrraAUER1976). Middle Triassic evaporites
(coelestine) as a source of Sr was proposed by Rn~irqo
7.1 Charophytes
(1979), but indeed these evaporites are not known from
the Ries area. Description: Remains of charophytes occur as straight,
9 Dolomitization with structural preservation is generally spirally ribbed, hollow stem-fragments up to 1 cm in

length. Few cross sections were discovered in the out- 11), if particles, dissolution voids and sinter are rare or
crops investigated in this paper, but sporadic accumula- absent: 1-5 mm thick layers of erect tubes alternate with
tions of stems can be found in the NW-Ries (WOLFF & 0,5-2 m m thick layers of more dense arranged and tangled
Ft~cwrBAtmR 1976:1 1, BOLTEN 1977). Primary weakly tubes. Branching is most common just below the thin,
calcified cortices of stems (preserved as moulds) cause dense traverse layers. 'Dense' layers occasionally show
sections resembling cog wheels (PI. 15/9). The central some few incorporated ostracode valves or other parti-
cell cavity shows diameter up to 250 ~tm. Beside of that, cles, but no primary thicker incrustation of filaments.
stems and spirally ornamented oogonia are common within Outer and inner surface of carbonate tubes are usually
bioturbated ostracode-wackestones of the final 'freshen- covered by an isopacheous dolomite cement, preventing
ing stage' (PI. 15/7). Stems with usually 8-12 sharp rips the observation of further details. Only redeposited bioherm
show a central cavity of 100-290 ~m diameter and a wall clasts within the palustrine facies belt ('algal nodule
of 10-15 I,tm thickness. Oogonia (200-300 show limestone') are free of this cement. Here thin filamentous
walls composed of cellular elements, often disintegrated casts of -10 lam diameter were observed within
and deformed (PI. 15/8). Cladophorites tubes, possibly caused by saprophytic or
Remarks: A determination of species or genera was parasitic organisms (PI. 15/16). Rare observations of
not possible, because no isolated oogonia were obtained. imprints of cell boundaries indicate a high length-width-
Possibly several taxa are present. In contrast to the nearby ration of the cells.
Steinheim basin charophytes are strikingly rare in the Remarks: Cladophorites is regarded as fossil green
Ries. The distribution pattern is probably controlled by alga closely related to, or identical to the extant genus
the degree of eutrophy. Increasing PO43-concentration in Cladophora, therefore the name (Rms 1921: 318). It is
lakes causes flourishment of Cladophora, accompagnied placed here within the class Chiorophyta, order
by the decline of charophytes (LANO 1967, KaAtJSE 1981). Cladophorales because of its size, its well defined branch-
Because of that charophytes are restricted to areas of ing pattern, and the overall morphology of the thallus.
fluvial freshwater input (NW-Ries) and the freshening Cladophorites incrustatus closely resembles members of
stage. Salinity (chloridity) is not necessarily a controlling the Cladophora repentes-group (cf. VAN DENHOV.K1963,
factor (BtraNE et al. 1980). 1984) A relation to the xantophyte Vaucheria, as pro-
posed by BOLTEN(1977), is neglected because of observed
cell boundaries, indicating septate filaments (PI. 15/13).
7.2 Green algae s. str.
Lt:DWiCS description is scarce: 'Tubes fine like hairs
Cladophorites incrustatus (LuDwlc 1858) REIS 1921 [...1, elongated, ramified, forming tufts [...]' (LuDwI~ 1858:
(PI. 15/11-13) 135) but at his figure 2a short, rectangular inserted side
branches are illustrated, supporting that this alga is iden-
9 1858 Conferva incrustatus R. LuDwIG1858:135, Taf. XXVII/ tical to those of the Ries. Unfortunately, any further data
Fig.2, 2a (angle of ramification, size etc.) are missing.
1921 Cladophorites incrustatus (LuDwIG 1858) Reis 1921:
316f. Both forms described here may be ecological varia-
tions. The mechanism of tube formation is not known.
Description: Basic elements are erect carbonate tubes Epihytic 'algae' (cyanobacteria, diatoms) are most likely
which show wide-spaced(> 250, rectangular branch- to be involved in the passive incrustation of green algal
ing pattern. Side branches are of same diameter and filaments (STmN 1964). Calcification in response to pho-
laterally inserted in straight and erect main branches, tosynthetic C02-uptake by the green alga itself is proposed
forming an angle of 60-90*. Short side branches are by REIS (1921) and RIDING(1979). The rhythmic growth
common. Rhizoids or holdfasts were not observed. Tube pattern should reflect seasonal changes (REIs 1926, BOL~N
walls are generally (dolo-)micritic and 5-15 thick. 1977, ARP 1995a).
Further micritic envelopes and sinter led to finally 30-100
lxm thick walls (seldom up to 600 pro). A thin (1
9 Cladophorites 'type Maihingen' (P1.15/14-15)
fissure between the tube wall and an inner dolomite
cement might correspond to the former cell wall. The Description: The green algal filaments are preserved
tubes are arranged in cushion- or tuft-like thalli, which as dense arranged, erect tubular voids within dolomicrite,
occasionally coalesce to continuous meadows of several which forms a rhythmically grown bioherm carbonate.
meter lateral extension. Two varieties have been recog- The inner diameter of tubular voids varies between 50 and
nized, mainly based on different inner diameter of tubes: 120 Larger diameter are always due to dissolution.
9 Form A: Straight tubes with inner diameter between 45 The erect tubes are straight to slightly bended, and grouped
and 55 ~tm, at thickenings and junctions up to 65-100 ~tm. to small tufts. Thicker main filaments exhibit side branches
Filament tips often only 30 in diameter (P1.15/12). of considerable less diameter, always forming an acute
9 Form B: Straight to slightly undulating tubes ('constric- angle of 15-25 ~ A multiple branching in rows is recog-
tions' in sections). Inner diameter generally larger: 100- nized. The rhythmic structure reflects alternating zones of
140 txm. Remarkable are inflated thickenings up to 140 more or less dense micrite incrustation or cementation,
lxm diameter. Horizontal dissolution voids enclose interal sediments
Both forms exhibit a rhythmic growth pattern (PI. 15/ composed of ooids an ostracodes. Dissolution locally

obscured the branching pattern and caused falsified tube 9 Probably false branching
diameter. Voids and tubes are lined by rhombic dolomite 9 No remains of heterocysts
cement. 9 U-shape of few filaments (non-polar organization?)
This type of green alga was discovered in bioherm 9 Dimensions (small green algae, cyanobacteria or large
carbonates overlying 4.5 meter fluvial conglomerate (cf. filamentous bacteria?)
GRolss 1974) with intercalated Hydrobia-bearing sandy 9 Disc-shaped possible cell remains displayed by relictic
carbonate beds, which rest upon a shocked crystalline organic matter. Therefore parts of the wall and sheath are
basement. The only sample, which was collected for preserved. Most organic walled remains are 'non-septate',
comparision purpose, is from a road cutting W of Maihingen probably because they are empty sheaths of motile
(5 km SW of the investigation area). cyanobacteria/bacteria (cf. GOLUBIC& FOCKE1978: 756).
Remarks: The specific branching pattern with 'apically 9 Longitudinal striation on filament casts, carbonate tubes
inserted', multiple side branches in rows justifies a sepa- and organic walled remains probably reflects the orienta-
ration. Cladophorites 'type Maihingen' closely resembles tion of former organic micro fibres of the cell wall and/or
the extant Ciadophora rupestres-group of VAN DENHOEK the sheaths (motility?)
1963, 1984)
Discussion: Although the chemical composition and
integumental structure of several extant cyanobacteria is
7.3 C y a n o b a c t e r i a and possible cyanobacteria well known (cf. DREWS1973), information on microfibres
9 ?Oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth' (P1. 16/1-5) and their orientation is scarce (FREv-WvssHN~& STECHER
1954, MZTZNER1955, LANG1968, LAMONT1969, HALFEN
Description: Erect, dark-walled tubes of this type are CASTENHOLZ1971, HALFEN1973). Shear-orientation of
a major constituent of skeletal stromatolites 'type Hainsfarth'. microfibres is known from the motile Cyanobacterium
The total diameter is 8-12 gm (SEM), in thin sections OsciUatoriaprinceps (LAMOr~rr1969, HALFEN& CAs'r~r~OLZ
usually 10 lam. No true ramification was observed, but the 1971, HALFEN 1973), but probably occurs as well in
brush-like arrangement of filaments suggests false branch- gliding filamentous green bacteria. Screw-like motion
ing. Few filaments are U-shaped or 'inverted' (two obser- causes a 60"-helix of microfibre orientation in Oscillatoria
vations, PI. 16/4). Different modi of preservation were princeps, but apparently not all members of the
observed, even within the same sample and lamina: Oscillatoriaceae and Nostocaceae rotate when gliding
1) Open filament voids: They are lined inside by rhombic (GErrLER 1932, CASTENHOLZ1973). Serious complication
dolomite cement starting from dissolution voids. should be expected from post-mortem alteration, espe-
2) Filament casts: Microsparitic casts with usually smooth cially by different shrinkage properties of sheath (inner
surface. Only some casts exhibit a superficial longitudinal and outer) and cell wall (GoLuaic & BARGHOO~ 1977).
striation. The sheath, especially the outer part, is often most resist-
3) Tubes: The wall (2-3 thick) is composed of micrite ant against drying and degradation (MERZ1992).
and occasionally additional relictic organic matter. The Therefore the observed preservation modi probably
inner tube diameter varies between 5 and 8 Few reflect different stages of degradation. Tubular calcifica-
filaments are partly collapsed, but usually the outline is tion might be completely post-mortem. Large filamentous
circular. The outer surface often reveals a clear longitudi- eubacteria morphologically similar to oscillatoriacean
nal striation, a feature not always present. The central cyanobacteria, like Beggiatoa, are not known to form
void remains open or is diagenetically filled by rhombic lacustrine stromatolites of the eu-/supralittoral. Because
dolomite cement or blocky calcite. Tube wall and cement- of that, this type of filaments is considered as evidence for
filled ?trichom void are often separated by a thin open the presence of fossil cyanobacteria in the Ries-lake-
fissure. Seldom the centre is formed by a massive carbon- carbonates (cf. KNOLL& GOLUBIC1992: 453f.).
ate 'stick' surrounded by an open fissure-like void and an
outer micritic tube wall (P1. 16/2). 9 F i l a m e n t o u s m i c r o b e s 'type 2' (PI. 16/1)
Samples polished and etched (titriplex) reveal a clearly
longitudinal striation of organic walled tubes (PI. 16/3). In Description: These filamentous fossils are associated
one case, the tip of an organic walled tube shows three with cyanobacterial tubes of ?oscillatoriaceae 'type
disc-like presumable contours of cells (P1. 16/5). The Hainsfarth'. The slightly undulating, erect filaments (1.5-
diameter/length ratio is 4:1 to 5:1 (max. 8 x 2 turn). 2 ~tm total diameter) are subparallel arranged, forming a
Constrictions observed at further striated tubes may cor- dense 'plexus'. No ramification was observed. Two differ-
respond to former cross walls. Non of these (organic ent modi of preservation are present:
walled) filaments exhibit any remains of heterocyst-like 1) Filament casts: They are formed by carbonate rhombs
structures. (dolomite) which nucleated inside a former tubular sur-
Remarks: Several ultrastructural features of the fila- face (calcite removed by artificial etching with titriplex).
ments suggest that they are ofcyanobacterial origin (probably The centre is not completely closed, resulting in filigrane
suborder Oscillatoriaceae), although their significance is tubes.
unequivocal (and the exact formation of some is not 2) Central thread with envelope: A massive central thread
clearly known): (0.4 ~tm r ?dolomite) is encircled by an (artificially

etched) void and a very thin and slightly crinkled tubular nomic relations (cf. OBENLt~NESCHLOSS1991). The mor-
envelope of organic matter (approximately 100 nm thick). phological 'type 3/1' could be also an ecological variety
Filamentous microbes 'type 2' have been detected in ('miserably developed thalli') of ?cyanobacteria 'type 62'.
only a single sample, prepared by polishing and etching
(5% titriplex for 30 minutes) a cutting plane. By this way 9 ?Cyanobacteria 'type 3/la' (PI. 16/6)
dolomite casts and organic remnants were 'excavated'.
Remarks: The filamentous habitus with central thread Description: Brush-like arranged filamenttraces without
(?trichom) surrounded by an envelope (?sheath) and the defined wall form micritic protuberances in thin crusts,
absence of heterocyst-like remains supports a cyanobacterial where they are associated with ?cyanobacteria 'type 3/1'.
or eubacterial origin (e.g. phototrophic flexibacteria of Diameter of traces 10-15 ~trn. Branching not observed.
Chloroflexus type). Small dimensions preclude green Remarks: The relation to other morphological 'types'
algae, the lack of capsulae, ramification, fruiting bodies is not clear. Probably this is just a badly preserved variety
etc. preclude fungi. of possible cyanobacteria described before.

9 ?Cyanobacteria 'type 62' (PI. 16/8) 9 Incrusting microbes 'type 19' (P1.16/7)
Description: The erect filaments are subparallel ar- Description: Oncoidal incrustations forming'construc-
ranged with a distance of 10-100 ).tm to eatch other. The tive' micrite envelopes (10-250 gin) of intraclasts and
tubes with micritic dark walls usually show an inner ltydrobia shells are common in some grainstones of the
diameter of 15 lam (12-15 ~m).They show clear dichothome eulittoral. Only the outermost part is usually carbonatized
ramifications (?false branching). Single side branches are (dolomicrite) forming a dense outer boundary layer with
inserted in straight tubes of the same diameter, forming a undulations and protuberances. The inner part is replaced
10-60" angle. Branching was also observed by SEM. The by sparry calcite, but some crusts show micrite clots
surface of tubes is smooth. The filaments cross-cut the which display erect, possible filament traces. Oncoidal
m icrite- microsparite lamination of the stromatolite una f- incrustations of this type are composed of only one or two
fected. ?Cyanobacteria 'type 62' build up skeletal envelopes.
stromatolites, which were found as blackened bioherm Remarks: The nature of micro-organisms involved is
clasts in the palustrine facies belt ('algal nodule lime- not known. The erect traces do not conclusively proof the
stone'). presence of filamentous micro-organisms, but the partici-
Remarks: These filaments are a separate type as they pation of cyanobacteria is assumed.
show clear branching and slightly larger diameter of tubes
in comparision with ?oscillatoriaceae 'type Hainsfarth'. 7.4 Microendoliths
Brush-like filament arrangements are not developed. This
filament type probably represents cyanobacteria, but small Microendoliths comprise bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi
filamentous green algae or even desmid algae (Oocardium, (and lichens), chlorophytes and rhodophytes (GoLtmlCet
GOLUBIC& MARENKO1958, GOLUBICet al. 1993) cannot be al. 1975, FL~GEL 1982). Endoliths are of special
precluded. sedimentological interest, because they produce micritic
mud and micritized particles. Resulting 'micritic enve-
9 ?Cyanobacteria 'type 3/1' lopes' or 'cortoids' are of diagnostic importance for facies
analyses (BAXHURST 1966). Conclusions drawn from
Description: Micritic, fan-shaped protuberances or microborings concerning depositional environments, wa-
'thalli' (up to 1.4 x 1.8 ram) within thin stromatolitic crusts ter depth or illumination are dependent on the recognition
comprise radiating filaments of usually 25 ~tm total diam- and systematic identification of the corresponding organ-
eter (15-26 Microsparitic filament voids are en- isms (FRIEDMANet al. 1971, GOLUBICet al. 1975, FLOCEL
closed by 2-4 thick structureless walls with crystal 1982: 163). Systematic analyses of microborings were
sizes less than the surrounding micrite. The inner diam- chiefly carried out in marine setting andcoasts (ScrmmDER
eter of tubes varies between 12 and 20 ram. An indistinct 1976, 1977, BUDD& PERKINs 1980, Gt~wrrmR 1990). But
branching is occasionally visible. Fan-shaped thaili were information on non-marine endoliths and their boring
found within stromatolitic envelopes of allochthonous pattern is limited, although numerous species were de-
bioherm clasts within the palustrine facies belt ('algal scribed or mentioned by GErrLER(1932) and v. Ptn (1937).
nodule limestone'). Consequently an open nomeclature is used in here.
Remarks: Relatively large and somewhat varying in-
ner diameter of tubes, (false) branching and fan-shaped
9 Microboring type 1 (Pl. 17/1)
thallus comprising radiating filaments indicate a separate
'type' distinct from other 'algae' of the Ries. They super- Description: Dolomicritic, straight to slightly bended
ficially resemble thalli formed by extant Rivulariaceae filamentous cast were observed within former aragonitic
(ScI~FER& STAPFt 978, LEINFELDER1985, OBENLt~'mSCHLOSS bioclasts (now dissolved). The dense arranged, roughly
1991), but the micritic thalli of the Ries do not bear any parallel borings penetrate the substrate perpendicular to
specific calcification pattern, which might indicate taxo- the surface from both sides. The diameter is constantly 15

gm, the length varies between 30 and more than 250 grn. aragonitic spheroid of the 'oolitic littoral facies' (see
Usually the casts are coated by a rhombic dolomite ce- chapter 5.6). Further borings penetrate spherulitic sinter-
ment. Branching or swellings were not observed. cortices ofoslracodes in the bioherrn facies'typeHainsfarth'.
Remarks: Microboring type 1 is restricted to grain- Remarks: The nature of this endolithic organism is
supported facies types of the eulittoral. Comparable bor- unknown (bacteria?).
ing pattern of similar dimensions are produced by the
extant cyanobacteriaHyella(Chroococcales) andKyrtuthrix 8.5 Incertae sedis and insect larval tubes
(Nostocales: Rivulariaceae) (GoLumC et al. 1975: fig.
12,4A, 12.5; Scm,~mm~ 1977: pl.3/2,5), but specific fea- 9 Insect larval tubes type 1 (P1. 13/6)
tures are not developed. Dense penetration and mutual
hindrance might be a reason for this. Description: The straight to slightly bended tubular
voids show an (inner) diameter of usually 350 tun (250-
9 M i c r o b o r i n g type 2 (PI. 17/2) 830 and are up to 5 mm long. The void is enclosed by
seam-like accumulations of faecal pellets. A discontinu-
Description: The dolomicrite-filled, slender tunnels ous micritic 'wall' of 10-30 ttm is only sporadically devel-
are of 5-8 diameter and 300 length. They exhibit oped. Branching, segmentation or constrictions were not
simple and multiple branching. The angle of ramification observed. Insect larval tubes type 1 are a major constitu-
varies. Characteristic are tunnels radiating from a centre. ent of pellet-tube-boundstones (MF 13) of marginal spring
They are arranged subparallel to the surface of the substrate mounds. The tubes show no specific orientation.
(dissolved aragonitic bioclast). Short or knot-like side Remarks: Dimensions, lack of branching and the em-
branches are common. The micritic casts are usually bedding in faecal pellets indicate, that these tubular voids
covered by rhombic dolomite cement, resulting in 15 resulted from aquatic insect larvae, possibly ofchironomids.
thick 'filaments'.
Remarks: Microborings form 2 was observed within 9 Insect larval tubes of chironomids (Diptera, fam.
one sample of grain-supported eulittoral carbonates (MF Chironomidae) (PI. 17/8-9)
4). The clear surface parallel boring pattern is evident for
Description: The irregularly stacked semi-cylindrical
a phototrophic organism. This pattern is developed for
tunnels and rounded tubes are formed by passive, presum-
optimal light gain at low light intensity (within shells,
ably microbial incrustation. They occur as clasts com-
cavities or somewhat deeper water) (pers. communication
posed of upward convex vaults growing on each other,
Prof. K. Vogel, Frankfurt). Short side branches might
and as rounded voids attached to hard substrates (intraclasts).
correspond to heterocysts.
Vaults are 550 lain to 1,1 mm wide and up to 450 high.
Analogous borings are produced by Mastigocoleus (order
Stigonemales) (ScFrNEmER 1977: pl.3/2,3), for example, The 100-400 lam thick incrustation of clotted micrite
exhibits a dense inner boundary 'wall' of 10-20 gin.
but no conclusive arguments were found to proof a
cyanobacterial origin. Sporadic micritic rings (75-125 gin) of unknown origin
were observed within some of these vaults. Chironomid
tubes were found within coarse grained facies types of the
9 M i c r o b o r i n g type 3 (PI. 17/3)
eulittoral (MF 3,6).
Description: The micrite-filled, slender tunnels of 5-8 Remarks: Analogous constructions of similar dimen-
gm diameter exhibit an orientation pattern which reflects sions are well known as chironomid larval housings,
the cross-laminated structure of the substrate (a partly especially from Recent and Quaternary tufa (WAtLrqER
dissolved aragonitic bioclast). The net-like system is 1934, S'rmN 1964: 27ff., GOLUBICet al 1993). They occur
composed of straight tunnel sections and occasional an- since the Campanian (FREYTET& Pt.AZlAT1982).
gular deflections. Branching with an angle of 60-90*
occurs, but from thin section it is unclear, if the tunnels 9Insect pupae of?sand flies (Diptera, fam. Psychodidae)
form areal network. Microboring type 3 was found within (Pl. 17/5)
carbonatic conglomerates of the youngest lake sediments.
Remarks: The orientation of tunnels determined by the Description: The straight to slightly bended, tubular
substrate microstructure is not developed in microborings moulds are 1.75-2.25 mm long and preserved by 30-60
type 1 and 2, although they penetrate the same cross- grn thick micritic incrustations. The remains are usually
laminated substrate. Also the boring pattern is different, composed of (6-) 7 abdominal segments (each 100-440 gm
therefore forming a separate 'type'. long) and a vase-shaped anal segment ( width,
210-300 gna length), which exhibits two knot-like appen-
9 M i c r o b o r i n g type 4 (PI. 16/10) dices. The diameter of segments (170-440 lxm,on average
300-350 gin) is decreasing towards the posterior end of
Description: The simple, short and thick borings pen- the larvae. Each of the cone-shaped segments is divided in
etrate the substrate perpendicular to the surface. The two or three annuli (false segments) by shallow constric-
finger-like tunnels are up to 60 gm long. The diameter tions (cf. JUNG 1956: 120ff.). The collar-like extended
varies between 20 and 40 gm. They lack any ramification. posterior edge of the segments possibly corresponds to
Microboring type 4 was recognized within a 240 I.tmlarge former setae (bristles). After a sharp bended constriction,

posterior parts of the larvae are usually not preserved. secondary calcite. Towards the periphery, the calcitic
Few sections show after a disc-shaped intercalation an prisms show a different length, which causes a serrated
ellipsoidal, inflated mould of the thorax. Footholds of outline. Aggregates are occasionally disintegrated form-
limbs, stigmata or breathing tubes (cervi) are not present. ing detrital prisms and fragments. 'Limnocodium' was
Remarks: SEEMA~'~(1935) already described and illus- exclusively found associated with brownish, laminated
trated a mass accumulation of these fossil pupae from the crusts of pedogenic origin, either within 'algal nodule
Goldberg-'travertine' (probably a pocket). They were de- limestones' or in bioherm pockets immediately below
termined as psychodid larvae (LINDNERin SEEMANN1935). discontinuities.
Segmented pupae seem to be restricted to the margin or Remarks: Limnocodium ANDRES 1952 is considered as
pockets of spring mounds in the Ries, where passive a variety ofMicrocodium GLt3C~: 1912. It is distinguished
incrustation exceptionally preserved empty pupal cases from Microcodium by a large axial channel and a serrated
washed ashore (during low lake level). Apparently mass outl ine. Limnocodium was originally described as codiacean
populations of flies once occupied the shorelines of the alga (analogous Microcodium) from reddish nodular 'al-
Ries lake, in the same way as salt flies like Ephydra ssp. gar limestones (relictic Miocene Upper Freshwater Molasse
do at Recent salt- and soda lakes (EAROLEY1938, FELIX& of the southern Franconian Alb), which are nowadays
RUSHFORTH1980, COLLINS 1980) considered as pisolitic caliche (cf. KOBAN& SCnWEIGERT
1993a). Microcodium (as well as Limnocodium), if in-
9 Problematicum 'Chlorellopsis' REin (PI. 17/6) situ, indicates well drained environments affected by
pedogenesis and/or karstification (FREX'rET & PLAZIA~
Description: The spheroidal bodies of about 120-130 1982: 45). The precise origin of this enigmatic fossil is
lxm in diameter (min. 100 - max. 150 ~tm) show a distinct still a matter of discussion (KLar,r,a 1978: calcified
outer boundary, but lack any carbonate wal Is or incrustations. mycorrhizes, FREVXE'r& PLAZIAT 1982: symbiotic asso-
Usually they are filled by calcite sparite or brownish ciation of several micro-organisms), but an algal origin is
calci- to dolomicite. Occasionally they remained as open precluded, at least for the Tertiary holotypes, both of
voids. The outline is preserved by the surrounding matrix. Microcodium and Limnocodium.
Dense package causes ovoid to slightly deformed spheres.
Apparently 'Chlorellopsis'-spheres preferentially occur 9 Problematicum 'Frutexites' MASLOV (P1. 17/4)
within bioherm carbonates just below exposure levels
(meteorically transformed facies types). Often they form Description: Rusty-brown cushions and crusts grown
patchy accumulations in pockets or clusters between laminae upon sinter crusts, which line voids and caverns, were
o f stromatolites and sinter crusts. discovered in the central part of a spring mound (meteori-
Remarks: 'Chlorellopsis' is obviously of organic ori- cally neoformed sinter-framestones). The fan-like arrays
gin, because of its defined size and its distinct spherical of filament-like protuberances with fine- to coarse-dendritic
outline. Probably this problematicum results from arthro- growth pattern form 0,5-1 mm thick crusts or 50-500 pan
pod eggs, possibly of insects (caddis fly? DONSIMONI & large cushions. The surface o f sin ter crusts below Frutexites
GIOT 1977: pl. III/5, FREV'rET& PLAZIAT1982: pl. 12D) or is superficially corroded. These filament-like protuberances
of brine shrimps. Eggs of Artemia gracilis range in size are indeed dendritic rows of bubble-like or bulbous limonite
from 150-200 ~m (EAROLEY 1938: 1355)(own measure- bodies, usually 10-15 wide. In the centre of'dendrites'
ments 160-190 ~tm), but no example from the fossil record a tube-like axial body (?filament) of 8-10 r is sporadi-
is known to the author. The interpretation is consistent cally visible. Often rounded to lobate limonite spots are
with the lack of a carbonate wall and a preferential irregularly distributed between dendritic protuberances.
occurrence at exposure levels. An algal origin, proposed The framework of sinter crusts and attached Frutexites is
by several authors (REIs 1923, NATHAN 1925, BRADLEY fractured and partly brecciated, followed by calcite-nee-
1929, BOLTEN1977, STAI'F1988), is neglected in this paper dles o f meteoric-vadose origin and a later meteoric-phreatic
because of missing conclusive arguments. Chlorellopsis- drusy mosaic.
reefs (BRADLEY1929) are possibly related to agglutinated Remarks: The age of Frutexites growth is - in this
stromatolites and might result from trapping numerous special case - indicated by the subsequent brecciation
arthropod eggs. (mechanical compaction). Therefore it is no Recent con-
tamination by endoliths, but a Miocene feature. For the
discussion of the problematic genesis see BOHM& BRACa-~RT
9 Problematicum 'Limnocodium' ANnREs (PI. 17/7)
(1993). These authors emphasize, that a dendritic growth
Description: The corncob-like aggregates are com- pattern is not indicative for an organic origin.
posed of calcite prisms, which are arranged radially around
a central tubular channel of 75-500 lain diameter, which is
7.6 Recent contamination by endolithic lichens and
cemented by sparry calcite. Tangential sections show a
fungi (P1. 16/11)
honeycombed pattern, transversal sections a characteris-
tic rosette aspect (ANDRES 1952, RwrrE 1954, FREVTET& Description: Limonite-impregnated filaments and sphe-
PLAZIAT 1982). The prisms of the cortex ('palisade cells', roidal to dendritic limonite-bodies, which penetrate Miocene
RtrrrE 1954) show a dark central zone, often replaced by carbonates are a common feature in weathered, long

exposed rock surfaces in the Ries. Fresh exposures do not 9 Another 'exotic' fossil of the Ries basin is the pulmonate
bear these endoliths. Preferential orientation along crystal aquatic snail Brotia escheri escheri (BRocr~.) (order
boundaries of sparite or along contact particle-cement Basommatophora) (PI. 17/13). A single adult specimen
demonstrate the endolithic character of these post-Miocene was found within bioherm carbonates 'type Hainsfarth' N
filaments. A thin section of a 3 cm thick rusty-brown of Belzheim. The snail is common within freshwater
layer, which formed a cap on top of an oolite-filled limestones of the Molasse basin (QtJEYSTEIrr 1884: 188,
bioherm-pocket revealed a dense network of limonite- RtrrrE 1953), but is not known from the Ries basin. Only
impregnated filaments penetrating meteoric sparite. En- SEEMANN1930 mentioned Brotia escheri turrita from the
closed are marginally corroded oolite-clasts of the Miocene Goldberg, but BOLTEN(1977) questioned this note. How-
filling. Irregular branching, thick filaments (3 lam diam- ever, this species was sure no typical dweller of the saline
eter), thin filaments (1-1.5 ~m diameter) and bubble-like Ries lake. The specimen found was probably carried into
to dendritic opaque bodies show a granulated surface the Ries basin by vertebrates (birds, mammals).
under SEM (artificially etched surfaces).
Remarks: Analogous, filamentous systems by iron-
oxide/hydroxide are produced by hyphae of fungi and 9 CONCLUSIONS
lichens in subaeric environments (Es~BAN & KLAPPA
1983: Fig. 31). Goethite-impregnated hyphae (inclusively 9 Non-marine carbonates, whose fabrics are not exclu-
fruiting bodies) within silified Tertiary fungal stromatolites sively determined by hydromechanical or biogenic ef-
from a karst system were illustrated by KRETZSCIlMAR fects, may be classified according to the process of subse-
(1982), Most of the limonite-impregnated tunnels of the quent secondary fabric development. Therefore, it is pro-
investigated outcrops are obviously of Recent age. The posed to use DtJs~M-terms in a strictly descriptive sense
described rusty crust of a pocket is probably somewhat with additional interpretative attributes of the presumed
older (older than the quarry), because of its horizontal process and its intensity:
extension. Pedogenically transformed: The primary fabric is just
modified by pedogenesis.
Pedogenically neoformed: The fabric is essentially the
8 'EXOTIC' FAUNAL ELEMENTS result of soil formation, only remnants of the primary
Two examples of unexpected fossils found within the fabric are preserved
Ries carbonates reveal interesting aspects of faunal distri- Pedogenically derived: The fabric is hydromechanical,
bution mechanisms and the lake water composition. but components are reworked from paleosoils.
In the same way fabric alterations by early meteoric
9 Small foraminifera (30-165 ~) with thin (1-2,
diagenesis are described,
calcimicritic walls were discovered in Ehingen and
Hainsfarth, at both localities restricted to a 1/2 m thick 9 Carbonate crusts of the Ries lake comprise lacustrine-
horizon (PI. 17/10-12). Both sites belong to the lower part vadose sinter crusts, planar non-skeletal stromatolites,
of the bioherm facies 'type Hainsfarth' and probably skeletal stromatolites, pedogenic crusts and speleothems.
represent the same time level. Within five thin sections 88
9 The lowermost investigated section reveals a distinct
foraminifera were counted, with up to 14 tests per cm z.
facies zonation of the lake shore (humid conditions):
Most tests belong to a morphological variable type, pos-
Profundal: Laminated mudstones
sibly related to the Glomospiridae (superfamily Ammo-
Infralittoral: Rooted peloid-wacke/packstones
discidae). The tests show first planispiral coiling, then
Eulittoral: Intraclast-pack/grainstones with oncoid rubble
undulation of coils at the equatorial plane. The proloculus
Supralittoral: Planar non-skeletal stromatolites,
is slightly inflated, but no further septation is visible.
pedogenically transformed intraclast-wackestones.
Foraminifera are unusual microfossils within conti-
Intercalated beds of mudflat pelites represent playa-
nental lake sediments (MURRAY1973). Tests which might
like interstages (arid conditions).
be reworked from Jurassic blocks of the Bunte Breccia
comprise taxa with different morphology and preserva- 9 Sinter-veneered dolomitic algal bioherms are built by
tion (e.g. Lenticularia, Nodosaria). The restriction to a green algae and cyanobacteria.
single horizon, the small size and thin walls of the tests a) The rhythmic growth pattern of the green alga
may indicate a temporary reproduction and settlement of Cladophorites and (in parts) multiple lacustrine-vadose
foraminifera in the saline Ries lake (possibly also indicat- sinter veneers correspond to a seasonally oscillating lake
ing an elevated CI- -concentration). A marine ingression level (Fig. 9.).
can be precluded. The nearest foraminifera-bearing de- b) Sequences, partly with cyclic facies pattern, result from
posits of the same age (sarmat) are located in the Vienna fluctuations of higher order (duration: several hundreds to
basin and the middle Rh6ne-Valley/Eastern France thousands of years/sequence).
(STEININGERet al. 1976, DEMARCQ& PERRIAUX1984:490). c) The superposed facies trend from green algal bioherms
Therefore an 'input' by birds may be the best explanation to in-situ brecciated stromatolites and finally freshwater
for the initial settlement (REsin 1974: 74, CANN& DEDECKER limestones is considered to reflect a decreasing eutrophy,
1981, PERTmnSOTet al. 1990: 88). alkalinity, and carbonate supersaturation of the lake water

(climatic change to humid conditions at the end of Miocene). Joachimski provided stable isotope measurements. Valu-
able hints were given by Dr. Martina Merz, Prof. loan
9 Behind the bioherm belt, palustrine limestones ('swamp', Bucur, Prof. J. Th. Groil3, Prof. Stephan Kempe, Prof.
Fig. 9.) locally show layers of blackened and multiphasically Helmut Keupp, and Prof. Klaus Vogel. Thanks to Dr.
incrusted bioherm rubble of episodic storm and flooding Robert Riding for support, discussions, and a meeting in
events. field. Some weaknesses of the original draft were elimi-
9 Spring mounds grew at sublacustrine spring orifices due nated by his review. I am indebted to Gafyn Stiff (Cardiff/
to upwelling groundwater from permeable bedrock. Pri- G6ttingen) for improving the English. Mrs. and Mr.
mary precipitated (Mg-calcitic to aragonitic) thrombolites Egetenmeier kindly provided free accommodation in
suffered fabric alterations during emersions as well within N0rdlingen-Baldingen. Dipl.-Geol. Robert Wiesheu as-
the groundwater flow of the mound itself. sisted nivellement-measurements. The drawing of fig. 9
was improved by Peter Schmidt. Special thanks to my
9The diagenetic history can be deduced from the paragenetic parents for years of mental and financial support and Mrs.
sequence of diagenetic events: (1) lacustrine-vadose to Susi Riermeier for lovely, geology-free support in field
meteoric-vadose cementation (cryptocrystalline cements, and in Erlangen. I gratefully acknowledge a scholarship
sinter veneers), (2) dolomitization (including rhombic of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
dolomite cement) subsequently after aragonite dissolu-
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