.Recovery Management in Jaipur Central Cooperative Bank
.Recovery Management in Jaipur Central Cooperative Bank
.Recovery Management in Jaipur Central Cooperative Bank
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2016 2528 http://ijesc.org/
not only to the banks but also to the whole economy. It is Research Model:
highly required that some measures must be undertaken to A Study taken as research model is: ‘Management of Non
curb the problem o f NPAs. Performing Assets in Co-Operative Agricultural Banks - A
Case Study of Shri Dharmasthala Cooperative Agricultural
Prakash Chandrappa Research Scholar, Depart ment of BankLtd’Www.I-
Economics,Gu lbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka was of Scholar.In/Index.Php/ Vjmr/Article/Do wnload/38905/ 31085
the view that Non-Performing Assets is a chronic melody of Research Plan:
banking sector as a results of this study got an idea regarding
NPAs. It had been cyclical situation while banks are The data collected is secondary in nature. The data is taken
providing loan and advances to client. Huge backlog of fro m the record of the head office of Central Cooperative
NPAs needs resolution of the earliest as otherwise it can bank. Originally data is acquired fro m the members/loanees
weaken the foundation of entire financial system. To create of bank by the branches of the bank. Data and results are
more conducive recovery climate among the borrowers and presented in the form of graphs and charts. The project is
profitability of banks through better recoveries, the RBI and based on the review of earlier work in the area of overdues
the Central Govern ment have initiated several institutional and recovery management. Emp irical analysis in the paper is
measures, which include Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs), based on relevant data and information that are available to
Lok Adalats, Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs), throw light on the issue of overdues and recovery
Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Mechanism, Settlement management in JCCB. Rural credit relates to credit for
Advisory Committees (SACs) have also been formed at the agriculture and non-agricultural purposes, the former being
regional and head office levels of co mmercial banks. the major co mponent. Descriptive research in the form of
Furthermore, the banks can also issue notices under cross sectional design is adopted.
SARFA RESI Act, 2002 for enforcement of security interest
without intervention of the courts. Sample Plan
Vi vek Srivastava , Sanjeev Kumar Gupta had a view that
For our study, we have considered Non Performing Assets in
NPA ind icated the bankers credit risks and efficiency of
Jaipur Central Cooperative Bank which include all Gram
allocation of sources. The Financial reforms have helped
seva sahakari samit ies (GSS)/ Primary Agricultural
largely to reduce NPA in Indian Bank Industry. His paper
Cooperative Societies (PACS). Several reputed research
attempted to analyze the performance of d ifferent banks. To
journal including research paper, websites, Reports and
compare the performance of public sector, private sector and
articles have been used during the study.
foreign banks selective indicators were taken into
Srinivas K T, Associate Professor, CIMS-B School,
Bangalore, India concluded that the banks can avoid For our study, we have considered Non Performing Assets in
sanctioning loans to the non creditworthy borrowers by Jaipur Central Cooperative Bank. The study is based on
adopting certain measures. Banker can constantly monitor secondary data. The paper discusses the conceptual
the borrower in order to ensure that the amount sanctioned is framework of NPA and it also highlights the trends, status
utilized properly for the purpose to which it has been and impact of NPA on banks during the period of 8 years i.e.
sanctioned. The banker should get both the formal and fro m 2009 to 2016. Several reputed research journal
informal reports about the goodwill of the customer. If he including research paper and articles have been used by the
had already proven as a defaulter then there is no question of researchers. It covers conceptual aspects of overdues,
sanctioning loan to him. The banker also has to educate the recovery, prudential norms and non-performing assets
borrowers regarding the effects and consequences of (NPAs) that impact on the financial health of banks, Co-
defaulting. operatives Banks, factors contributing for rise in NPAs,
impact of NPAs on health of CCBs. It deals with analysis
MS. Asha Singh Research Scholar, Mewar Un iversity, and conclusion covering empirical analysis of NPAs and
Chittorgarh, Rajasthan wrote that a high level of NPAs recovery performance in JCCB. It also deals with recovery
suggests high probability of a large number of credit defaults and NPA management along with macro policy is sues
that affect the profitability and liquidity of banks. The extent including legal changes required for better recovery. Mean,
of NPAs has comparatively higher in public sectors banks. Standard Deviation, Coefficient of variat ion are used to
To improve the efficiency and profitability, the NPAs have to analyse data. The CV is particularly useful to co mpare results
be scheduled. Various steps have been taken by gov ernment fro m two different surveys or tests that have different
to reduce the NPAs. It is highly impossible to have zero measures or values. The calculation is done in following
percentage NPAs. But at least Indian banks should take care way. The first mathematical manipulation to calculate mean
to ensure that they give loans to creditworthy customers. is to sum the individual points and calculate the mean or
average, which is 37828.43 in case of Loan Outstanding and
2) Research Methodolog y 1100.65 in case of NPA. The second manipulat ion is to
It is widely accepted fact that the quantity of NPA ’s is often subtract the mean value fro m each control value; this term is
associated with bank failures and financial crises in both called the difference score. Individual difference scores can
developing and developed countries. Though various reforms be positive or negative and the sum of the difference scores is
were introduced in India, banks are struggling to face the always zero. The third man ipulation is to square the
global challenges ahead. Therefore the present study is difference score to make all the terms positive. Next the
undertaken to know the reason for NPA’s. squared difference scores are summed. Finally, the
predictable dispersion or standard deviation (SD) is
calculated. Coefficient of Variation = (Standard Deviation /
Mean) * 100. The coefficient of variation allows us to
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2016 2529 http://ijesc.org/
determine how much volatility, or risk, in co mparison to the better is risk-return trade-off. The mean value characterizes
amount of return from investment. In simp le language, the the "central tendency" or "location" of the data.
lower the ratio of standard deviation to mean return, the
The above table shows the amount of Loan Outstanding, Figure:2. J ai pur Central Cooperati ve B ank (Total Loan
NPA and the percentage of NPA to Loan Outstanding and Outstandi ng, Total NPA and % of NPA to Loan
NPA recovery during the period of 2009 to 2016. The outstandi ng)
amount of Loan has increased from Rs. 17229.67 lakh in
2009 to 78950.52 lakh in 2016. There was an increase of
about 78.18 percent in total Loans. Further, the amount of
NPA has decreased from Rs. 1959.30 lakh to Rs 910.54 Loan
Lakhs during the same period (2009 to 2016). Total NPA is Outstandi
showing decreasing trend throughout except in the year 2012 0 ng
when it increased by a small percentage of 3.74. The figures
for 2016 are upto June 30, 2016.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2016 2530 http://ijesc.org/
Figure: 4. % of NPA Recovery to NPA Figure: 4. portrays the trend of NPA recovery and total NPA
in percentages for the period of 8 years i.e. fro m 2009 till
June 2016. The x-axis represents the years whereas y-axis
represents the percentage of NPA. We can observe here that
%of NPA recovery to the percentage of NPA recovery has been showing different
NPA trends. It increased a bit from 2010 to 2011, 2011 to2012 and
2014 to 2015. Rest of the time the percentage of recovery is
50 reducing. The figures for 2016 are up to June 30, 2016. Non-
%of NPA performing assets to total outstanding assets and its trend:
0 recovery Here Non-performing assets of last eight years are taken into
2009 2011 2013 2015 to NPA consideration. The following table exp licates the trend of
outstanding assets and non performing assets.
Table: 2. Anal ysis of Non-performing assets and its trend
Year Loan Outstanding Percentage NPA Percentage
2009 17229.67 00 1959.30 00
2010 18692.03 8.49 1288.25 -34.24
2011 25432.70 36.06 948.08 -26.41
2012 26719.74 5.06 984.95 3.89
2013 35726.57 33.71 925.91 -5.99
2014 49625.61 38.90 925.62 -.031
2015 50250.62 1.26 862.53 -6.82
2016 78950.52 57.11 910.54 5.57
Mean 37828.43 1100.65
Standard deviation 20895.99 370.935
coefficient of variance 0.55 0.34
The above table depicts outstanding assets of the bank and increase in its outstanding assets which indicates better loan
corresponding nonperforming assets from total outstanding disbursement. The nonperforming assets have decreased
assets. The total outstanding assets have increased every leaving aside 2012 and 2016 which is a good sign for the
year. For the year 2015-16 the bank has witnessed greatest bank.
Table 3 Difference in percentage of performi ng assets and non-performing assets than previous
Percentage of performing assets and non - performing assets than previous
Percentage of performing Difference Percentage of non- Difference
Year assets performing assets
The above table evaluates the difference in percentage of of this year. Seeing the figure it can be said that it is reducing
performing and non-performing assets from 2009 to 2016. and is very low and manageable. The study found that the
This table clearly exp licates the increase in performing assets co-operative bank is very consistent in management of Non -
fro m 88.63 to 98.85. On the other hand, the non-performing performing Assets as it shows very low coefficient of
assets are decreasing year after year. variation. The total outstanding loan was increased to 78.18
percent (Fro m Rs. 17229.67 lakhs to Rs. 78950.52 lakhs)
1) Results & Discussion: which is very positive sign. From the study it is found that
The study disclosed that average growth rate of Non - the bank is steadily increasing its performance assets which
performing assets by considering the difference in the should be effectively maintained. The amount of NPA has
percentage of growth over the years is -0.57which is a bit decreased from Rs. 1959.30 lakh to Rs 910.54 Lakhs during
higher compared to last year as complete data is still awaited the same period (2009 to 2016). The percentage of NPA
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, October 2016 2531 http://ijesc.org/
recovery has been showing different trends. It increased a bit The study could have used many statistical tes ts like t-
fro m 2010 to 2011, 2011 to2012 and 2014 to 2015. Rest of test, f-test etc.
the time the percentage of recovery is reducing. The NPA
management of the Jaipur Central Cooperative Bank was Scope of Future Research:
found too well during the period of the study. The bank takes
care of its Non-performing assets well. Apart fro m this Net The study on "management of nonperforming assets in Jaipur
NPA of the bank found almost Zero during the period of the Central co-operative bank,” provides enough inputs for
study. That means the bank maintained enough provision further research. The study was conducted to know the status
against the NPA. on nonperforming assets in a co-operative bank and to get a
fair idea how the agricultural co-operative bank manages its
3) Suggestions/Recommendations: NPA's. The study conducted was successful in knowing the
status of NPA in a co-operative bank. Further, the study can
The bank is managing its performing and non performing be extended into a majo r study with increase in the sample
assets very well. But the reduction in recovery percentage size. A particular research can be made particular district or
needs to be taken care of. For successful management of state to know the status of NPA in co-operative societies of
recovery planning a time-bound programme involves the that region. A comparative study can be made with one or
following steps: more cooperative societies and with one or more commercial
Timely issue of demand notices for raising demand for banks with respect NPA management. The comparative
recovery. study can also be made with a rural co-operative society with
A well planned recovery campaign to be initiated well urban co-operative society. The study can be further
before due dates and recovery machinery fu lly geared up extended to know why people make default in repay ment.
at the time of harvesting of crops.
The terms of recovery drive to be maintained throughout V.CONCLUS ION
the year instead of initiat ing it towards the end of the
year. Management of non-performing asset is a fundamental
There must be regular follo w-up with the customers and challenge for every bank. The banks must see that whatever
it is the duty of banker to ensure that there is no diversion the funds disbursed must be recovered with an added effect.
of funds. This process can be taken up at regular If not the banking business will not reach its objective and
intervals. will be far away fro m its sustenance. Apart from commercial
banks the co-operative banks usually confront higher degree
Personal visits should be made after sanction and
of risk in converting the loan assets into performing assets.
disbursal of cred it and further close monitoring of the
Since, the cooperative banks are established to cover rural
operations of the accounts of borrowed units should be
areas and where majority of clients are poor, the recovery
done periodically.
management becomes a laborious task and it is proved from
Frequent discussions with the staff in the branch and
the study undertaken to assess the management of
taking their suggestions for recovery of dues are required.
nonperforming assets in a co-operative society. Jaipur
Assisting the borrowers in developing his/her Central co-operative bank operates in rural as well as urban
entrepreneurial skill will not only establish a good areas, in spite that the bank has shown tremendous growth in
relation between the borrowers but also help the bankers
its banking transactions. This is the crystal indication that
to keep a track o f their funds. bank has made its efforts to reach the rural people who do
If the delinquencies are due to reasons beyond the control not have access to banking facility. The banks NPA's have
of borrower which are namely draughts, floods, or other decreased over the years. The study has also found that the
natural calamit ies, the banker should suitably restructure co-operative bank is consistent enough in managing the
the loans taking into account the genuine difficulty of the nonperforming assets. Effect ive management of Non -
borrowers. performing Assets manifests the financial health of the
As concern to future feasibility of the banks provision is banks. The bank should always see that all its nonperforming
necessary. It is advisable for the bank to classify the assets are within the controllable mark. The bank is
assets according to the prudential norms of Reserve bank following strictly the strong prudential norms implemented
of India and keep aside prescribed amount of provision as by Reserve Bank o f India with regard to disbursement and
a reserve to future likelihood of bank concern. recovery. This is helping the bank to stop the asset turning
The bank has to maintain strong relationship with the into non-performing asset. The study observed that there is
clients and conduct recovery camps for the effective increase in advances over the period of the study.
recovery of loans. The decline in ratio of NPAs indicates improvement in the
The bank should provide training and awareness asset quality of JCCB. It is found on the basis of analysis
programmes regard ing the repayment of loans, effective that there is significant imp rovement in the management
use of funds, repercussions of non-payment etc., for of nonperforming assets of the bank. As NPA plays an
effective utilization of available funds and for smooth important part in profitability and performance measurement
recovery. of a bank so a bank should always have a control over it
according to the findings, the percentage of recovery of
IV.LIMITATIONS JCCB is reducing so it requires efficient recovery
management. Hence even though the NPA during the last
The study is based on the data of past 8 years only. eight years has not increased, it still remains a big challenge
As secondary data is used all through, the real problems when it comes to recovery of bad loans. The drought
may not be incorporated. conditions and reducing water conditions in Rajasthan faced
The study was restricted to only one co-operative bank is an important reason for reducing recovery percentage. It
and its branches. should be managed to maintain a healthy and viable banking
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