Field Trips-WPS Office
Field Trips-WPS Office
Field Trips-WPS Office
Subject : SCIENCE 12
1. Field Trips
Answer : a trip made by students or research workers to study something at first hand. A field trip is a
visit to an area outside of the normal classroom where children can try new things, have different
experiences, and learn valuable life lessons. A field trip can be to countless locations where students can
see new sights and have hands-on opportunities in a wide variety of experiences.
a. Give examples of field trips for the elementary kids. (Note: Include those that are accessible and
found in Negros Island)
* Zoo
* Farm
* Botanical gardens
Answer : Children can benefits to observe a variety of different animals from all over the world. They
can see different animals and for the botanical Gardens children look, listen, smell, and touch their way
to a deeper understanding of a variety of plants. Children will compare plant textures and shapes,
explore the diversity of nature, and learn how different plant parts help them survive in their
*The benefit of field trips is that it also refresh the child’s mind for doing other activities.
*Field trips provide huge practical experience and theoretical knowledge in different circumstances.
*Field trips provide funds and relaxation to the child’s mind after having the burden of study and exam.
*It also helps in improving the skills, growth, development, and communication process.
*The field trip providing an opportunity to explore child ability, talent, and skills on different
*Students gain hands-on experience during field trips to different places like science museums, zoo, etc.
c. As a science teacher, how would you conduct a field trip?
Answer : As a teacher, i conduct a field trip, First it is necessary to ask my school colleagues especially
the principal if they will be willing to do this field trip to their students , second as a teacher it is
necessary to have a meeting with the parents of my student if they are willing to include or enter their
child to a field trip and having parent consent that the evidence of being agree their child to enter the
field trip and as a teacher the one who do this field trip make sure that I'm always guide them to safe
my students .
a. What are the instructional media or audio-visual equipment that can be used in the classroom?
Answer: There are various types of audiovisual materials ranging from filmstrips, microforms, slides,
projected, opaque materials, tape recording and flashcards, multimedia.
Children get benefits from the use of social media to gives them the ability to connect, enhances their
critical thinking, be skillful on the new platforms nowadays and it gives them the learnings also can help
children learn, and build the skills they need for the future.
Some Benefits