PE4 Volleyball Exercises PDF

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Volleyball CoachManual

WarmUp and Cool Down

Warm up:
2 laps runningaround the gym or 3 laps running around
the court -
Forward lunges
- Full length of court
Side lunges
- Full length of court
Arm swings clockwise walkingforward
Arm swings counterclockwise walkingforward -
High skips (less distance more height) - Use arms
to project up
Long skips (more distance less height)
- Use arms to propel out - Side shuffle facing
- Baseline to baseline (face same way)
Ball throws with partner (right and left arms)
- Throw down to ground (one bounce to partner)
- Throw to partner
- Both arm throw down (one bounce to partner)
- Both arm throw to partner

Cool down:
- Place toes on wall and leave heel on the
ground (middle of foot should be lifted)
- Lean forward to wall -
- Stand balanced (alone or use object to help)
- Bend leg back and pull foot up to stretch
the quad
- Sitting or standing
- Fold right arm across chest
- Use left hand to pull toward the body
- Repeat on other side
Lower back
- Sitting on the ground
- Curl into a ball with legs bent at the
chest and arms wrapped around legs
- Pull legs into body
- Do not rock back and forth
- Sitting on the ground with both feet outstretched
in front
- Lean forward to touch toes
Inner thigh
- Sitting on the ground (butterfly pose)
Bend legs and have bottoms of both feet
touching one another
- Gently push knees/legs down toward the ground
- Lean forwardto get a better stretch
Outer thigh
- Sitting on the ground with both feet outstretched
in front
- Fold right leg over left (keep left leg straight)

- Use left arm to pull right leg toward the

- Repeat on other side
- Sitting on the ground with legs bent and feet
flat on the ground
- Fold right leg over the left and pull toward
- Repeat on other side
- Sitting or standing
- Bend right arm over and back (as if reaching
for the back of the neck)
- Use left arm to grab elbow and pull back
- Repeat on the other side
- Sitting or standing
- Bring arm back and hold on to the wall
or any stationary object
- Keep arm straight
- Pull back toward opposite side of body
- Repeat on other side

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