2021 Soils and Aggregate Compaction Manual
2021 Soils and Aggregate Compaction Manual
2021 Soils and Aggregate Compaction Manual
Course Registration
Chapter 5: Establishing Target Values for Density and Moisture Content
Chapter 6: Field Moisture and Density Testing with the Nuclear Gauge
Chapter 7: Correcting Density Test Results for Plus 4 Material
Examination: Open book - 50 multiple choice (20 come from the 8 math problems)
Grading: Score must be 70% or better to pass
Certification: Students must successfully pass the written exam by November 30, 2021 The Proficiency exam must
be completed by Dec. 13, 2021 in the following areas: One Point Proctor, Field Moisture Testing, Speedy
Moisture Testing, Direct Transmission, Roller Pattern, Control Strip and Test Section.
Exam Results: Certifications can be found on VDOTU. Non-VDOT personnel can find their results at the following website:
Create a new account if you have never taken a VDOT certification course. If you do not know your login and password,
DO NOT create a new account, email [email protected] or call (804)328-3158 for login information and
any questions.
Scheduling: To schedule your Soils and Aggregate Proficiency exam see our website @ www.ccwatraining.org/vdot.
Select your date and location and register for your exam. For questions please contact the Community College
Workforce Alliance at (804)523-2290.
Note: The information included in this manual is generally compatible with current VDOT Road and
Bridge Specifications; however, it should not be considered or used as a primary reference for VDOT
specifications. In order to ensure you are referencing the right specifications, always consult the
current or applicable VDOT Road and Bridge Specification Book.
Chapter 1 Characteristics of Soils and Their Relationship to the Compaction of Soils ……………… 1-1 – 1-18
Chapter 2 Construction and Acceptance Testing of Embankment Material ……………………………. 2-1 – 2-24
Chapter 3 Construction and Acceptance Testing of Subgrade Material ………………………………….. 3-1 – 3-18
Chapter 4 Installaton of Pipe and Testing of Pipe Backfill ……………………………………………………….. 4-1 – 4-20
Chapter 5 Establishing Theoretical and Target Values for Density and Moisture Content ……… 5-1 – 5-42
Chapter 6 Field Moisture and Density Testing with the Nuclear Gauge …………………………………. 6-1 – 6-30
Chapter 7 Correcting Density Test Results for Material Retained on the No. 4 Sieve …………… 7-1 – 7-36
Chapter 8 Roller Patterns, Control Strips and Test Sections …………………………………………………… 8-1 – 8-46
Appendix C Excerpt from Road and Bridge Specifications …………………………………………………………… C-1 – C-66
• Understand the general characteristics and classifications of soils
• Understand the relationship between laboratory test results and soil compaction
• Understand the relationship between soil moisture and construction density
Soil is defined, in soil mechanics, as “a natural aggregate of mineral grains that can be separated by such gentle
mechanical means as agitation in water”. Rock is defined as “a natural aggregate of mineral connected by strong
and permanent forces”. Some of the material used in construction by the Department is “soil”. This could come
from on- site sources (Regular Excavation), off-site sources (Borrow Excavation), crushed aggregate (Crusher Run,
Dense Graded Aggregates for roadway base and subbase), or blended natural and crushed aggregates (Select
Soils and aggregates can be classified into four broad groups based on the grain particle size. They are as follows:
Classification of Soil and Aggregate Material
Note: In general laboratory work, the silt and clay sized particles are labeled as “minus #200 material”. The
percentage of silt and clay present in a soil sample can be determined by hydrometer analysis. A HYDROMETER is
a measurement tool, usually made from a weighted glass tube, used to test the density of a liquid. The idea behind
the hydrometer is that suspending a solid object in a liquid will cause the solid to float to the same degree as the
weight of the displaced fluid.
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In nature, we generally find a mixture of these soils, such as sandy gravels, silty clays, clayey sands or any other
combination of these materials.
Aggregates are classified into many mixtures based on particle size. In addition to using pit supplied aggregates
(no manufacturing or crushing performed), VDOT uses processed blends of crushed stone and stone fines
produced in a “pugmill” to make a graded aggregate mixture for pavement foundations or bases. Besides
producing the correct percentage retained on the chosen sieves in the pugmill, cement and other additives can
be added to the mixture to change the characteristics of the aggregate blend.
As defined above, soil is an earthen material overlaying the rock crust of the earth. The materials making up the
loosely bound aggregate material we define as soil are mineral grains, organic material, water or moisture and
gases or air. The mineral grains that make up most of the soil mixture are described by the following properties:
• SIZE – Described by particle or grain diameter or average dimension. Major divisions of the classification
system using sizes as the criteria are gravel, sand, silt and clay. The very fine fraction of the soil, that is
the silt and clay, have a wide variety of properties and determine a lot about the characteristics of the
entire soil mixture.
• SHAPE – The shape of the grains larger than 0.06 inches is distinguishable with the naked eye. These
grains constitute the very coarse to coarse fractions of the soil. The shapes can be round, angular, sub-
angular or sub-round. Finer fractions of soils are indistinguishable to the eye and generally have a plate-
like shape. Elongated grains and fibers are sometimes found in the fine fractions of soil.
• SURFACE TEXTURE – Refers to the degree of fineness and uniformity of a soil. Texture is judged by the
coarser grains and the sensation produced by rubbing the soil between the fingers. Smooth, gritty, or
sharp are several terms used to describe texture of soils.
• SURFACE FORCES – Soils with very fine particles and plate-like grains, electrical forces on the surfaces of
the grains are the major influence as to the way these soils react with water.
• CONSISTENCY– Refers to the texture and firmness of a soil. Described by terms such as hard, stiff and
soft, the lab test that describes consistency is the Atterberg Limits, which will be discussed later.
• COHESION – The mutual attraction of particles due to molecular forces and the presence of moisture
films. The cohesion of a soil varies with its moisture content. Cohesion is very high in clay, but of little
importance in silt or sand.
• SENSITIVITY – A characteristic exhibited by clays and describes the loss in strength of a clay material after
it has been disturbed. That means that a clay material in a cut, that seems very strong, may lose a great
deal of its strength after being cut and filled in another place. Other types of soils can be equally sensitive
to other types of disturbance such as extreme changes in moisture or exposure to vibration.
• MOISTURE CONTENT – This is a measurement of how much moisture a soil is holding in its void spaces.
It has a great impact on the consistency of the soil, its density, and its compactability. The importance
of understanding and controlling soil moisture cannot be overstated.
To simplify the identification process, properties of these soil blends, such as gradation and soil moisture indices,
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are used to classify these materials so we may easily identify which soils will provide the best service as a
construction material and which materials will not. VDOT uses the Unified Soil Classification System and AASHTO
(American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Soil Classification System for classifying soils
but there are a lot of other methods available. Those include:
Each of the above mentioned classification systems uses a slight variation of the same premise to best define a
soil for a particular purpose.
As part of preliminary engineering, the soil at a construction location is sampled and tested.
The final Soil Survey is done after the line for a project has been approved by the Location and Design Division.
Soil Survey sampling is done by the District Materials Section’s Geology crews. It consists of sampling the soil at
specified points along a project which are called, “soil boring tests” and are recorded as the “boring logs” in the
project documents.
For cut sections, 50 lb. samples of each material in the cut are taken. Since soil may be in many layers, it is likely
that there will be more than one type of soil in any cut. To determine field moisture, samples weighing
approximately 50 grams are taken each 5 feet down, especially when the soil is wet, or above optimum moisture
content. Finding out the field moisture, or how wet the soil is in place, is very important in determining whether
or not that soil can be used in one of the fill sections of the project.
When samples go to the lab, several tests are run. Each test gives information about the soil, and how it will
behave under construction or loaded conditions. These tests are gradation, moisture content, optimum
moisture/maximum density (also referred to as the laboratory proctor), Atterberg limits, CBR and soil
classification. We will not be going over most of the testing procedures in any detail here, only what the results
mean to you in the field, when you may be deciding how to handle a particular soil, or possibly having problems
with it.
Names and definite size limits have been developed for different particle sizes of soil. This naming and defining
places all soil tests on a common ground for comparison. The amount of each size group contained in a soil is one
of the major tools used in judging, analyzing and classifying a soil.
The amounts of each particle size group are determined in the laboratory by tests referred to as “mechanical
analysis”. The amounts of gravel and sand are determined by passing the material through a set of sieves with
different size openings with the sieve having the largest opening placed at the top and progressively smaller
openings of the sieves as you go down the nest (see Figure 1.1). The weight retained on each sieve is determined
and expressed as a percentage of the total sample weight. These sieves and their openings are in a table on the
next page. The term “gradation” refers to the distribution and the size of the grains--how the soil breaks down
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into relative amounts of each size particle. An analysis of a soil is generally broken down into two parts: 1) the
“coarse” gradation, and 2) the “fine” gradation. The coarse gradation is determined by using sieves or screens
with progressively smaller openings to separate grains, while the fine gradation is determined by a hydrometer
analysis, which uses particles settling in water as its principle. In this section only the coarse gradation will be
Nominal Openings for Select Sieve Sizes
Type of Material
Less than No. 200 (75 µm) Silt and Clay Silt and Clay
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Soil/Aggregate placed
in the Coarsest Sieve
Coarsest Sieve
Intermediate Sieves
Finest Sieve
Some materials are designed to be densely graded--that is: most of the voids are filled with particles. Open graded
aggregates are sized so that they leave a lot of open space in between. Because of this, open graded aggregates
are difficult to compact, and therefore, are generally not used as an aggregate base course, but are good as a
drainage blanket or in underdrains.
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Most of the aggregates used in aggregate base courses are dense graded, since a dense gradation gives the
material more strength to support a structure. There may be instances where a better quality material is needed
to cap the subgrade to provide better support for the pavement but does not have to be of as high a quality as an
aggregate base material. In this case, a select material (see Table II-6) would be used.
TABLE 1.31
Design Range for Dense-Graded Aggregates
Amounts Finer Than Each Laboratory Sieve (Square Openings2)
(% by Weight)
ASTM D4791
Size No. 2” 1” 3/8” No. 10 No. 40 No. 200
Flat & Elongated 5:1
21A 100 94-100 63-72 32-41 14-24 6-12 30% max.
21B 100 85-95 50-69 20-36 9-19 4-7 30% max.
22 ----- 100 62-78 39-56 23-32 8-12 30% max.
Table II-9 in VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications
In inches, except where otherwise indicated. Numbered sieves are those of the U.S. Standard Sieve Series
TABLE 1.43
Design Range for Select Materials
% Weight of Material Passing Each Sieve
ASTM D4791
Type 3” 2” No. 10 No. 40 No. 200
Flat & Elongated 5:1
I Min. 100 95-100 25-55 16-30 4-14 30% max.
II Min. 100 Min. 100 ----- ----- Max. 25 30% max.
III4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Max. 20 30% max.
Table II-6 in VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications & Section 207.02 Detail Requirements
A maximum of 25 percent of material retained on the No. 200 sieve will be allowed for Type III if the liquid limit is less
than 25 and the plasticity index is less than 6
Particles passing the No. 200 Sieve are known as fines. A soil that contains a high percentage of fines is more
affected by water than one with a low percentage of fines. Exactly how that soil will react with water can be
predicted by the use of a test called the Atterberg Limits.
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Soil may exist in several states depending on its moisture content. At low moisture a soil will behave as a solid,
with increasing moisture it becomes plastic and with excess moisture it flows like a liquid. The moisture content
of the soil has a big effect on how well the soil will work as an embankment material or under a pavement.
The Atterberg Limits are determined by a laboratory test that will define the moisture limit consistency of fine
grained soils. The test is done on the material that is finer than the openings of the No. 40 sieve.
Atterberg Limits are moisture content limits where a soil goes from one moisture state to another moisture state.
In each moisture state a soil will generally react and perform differently in construction work. The effect of
moisture on a soil’s performance is more evident for soils with fines (minus No. 200) that have clay minerals. The
greater the amount of clayey fines in the soil, the greater the effect. A material which does not have clayey fines,
such as a clean sand or an aggregate which has fines resulting from crushing (stone dust), would not exhibit the
same problems as a material with clayey fines. The following figure illustrates the different moisture states and
the limits of each state.
The amount of water in a soil is defined as the water content, and is expressed in percentage of the dry weight of
the soil:
Weight of Water Ww
W(%) = = x 100
Weight of Solids Ws
On a test report, the Atterberg Limits are expressed as a number, not a percent. Even so, they do represent
moisture content. The Atterberg limits are the liquid limit, the plastic limit, and the shrinkage limit. The liquid limit
is defined as the moisture content at which the soil changes from a plastic state to a liquid state. The plastic limit
is defined as the moisture content at which the soil changes from a semi-solid state to a plastic state. The shrinkage
limit is defined as the moisture content at which the soil changes from a solid state to a semi-solid state.
Not all soils have a plastic limit. Many sands, for instance, have no moisture content at which they are plastic. A
material with no plastic state is called “non-plastic” and this will be noted on the test report you receive as “NP”.
The numerical difference between the liquid limit (LL) and the plastic limit (PL) is the plasticity index (PI = LL – PL).
The plasticity index (PI) is therefore the moisture content range over which the soil will behave in a plastic state.
The difference between the Shrinkage Limit and the Plastic Limit is the SHRINKAGE INDEX. In this range of water
contents, as the material loses water it will lose volume. This is not a good characteristic of a construction material
as it will be too dry to properly compact.
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If a soil is 100 percent saturated, that is, all the voids are full of water, AND has high moisture content, this is an
indication that the void space is large and the soil is loosely compacted. If, on the other hand the soil is 100
percent saturated and has LOW moisture content, this indicates that the void space is small, and it is compact.
In the field, the Atterberg limits can be used as a guide as to how much a soil is likely to settle or consolidate under
load. Find the field moisture content and compare it to the Atterberg Limits--if the Field Moisture is near the Liquid
Limit, a lot of settlement is likely. The opposite is true if the field moisture is near or below the plastic limit.
Table 1.5 is the specification requirements for Atterberg Limits for Select Material Type 1. They requirements
are based on a statistical quality acceptance program, which will not be covered here. The values on the table
should give you an idea what range of Atterberg Limits values are typical for the material. A lot will be
considered acceptable for Atterberg limits if the mean of the test results is less than the maximum allowed
for the values in tables below.
TABLE 1.55
Atterberg Limits: Select Material Type I
No. Tests Max. Liquid Limit Max. Plasticity Index
1 25.0 6.0
2 23.9 5.4
3 23.2 5.1
4 23.0 5.0
8 22.4 4.7
Table II-8 in VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications
Atterberg Limits: Select Material Types II & III
Type Max. Liquid Limit Max. Plasticity Index
II 30.0 9.0
III 30.0 9.0
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TABLE 1.76
Atterberg Limits: Select Material Types II & III
Max. Liquid Limit Max. Plasticity Index
Subbase and Aggregate Subbase Size No. 21A, 21B, Aggregate Base Type I and
No. Tests
Base Type I and II and Aggregate Base Type II Subbase Size No. 19.0
1 25.0 6.0 3.0
2 23.9 5.4 2.4
3 23.2 5.1 2.1
4 23.0 5.0 2.0
8 22.4 4.7 1.7
Table II-11 in VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications
Using the Atterberg Limits and the results from the sieve analysis, the soil can now be classified.
Soil classification systems are based on the properties of the soil grains themselves instead of the intact material
as found in nature. Although the behavior of soil during and after construction primarily depends on the properties
of the intact soil, valuable information concerning the general characteristics of a soil can be inferred from its
proper classification according to one of the standard systems available to the practitioners. As mentioned earlier,
VDOT uses both AASHTO and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) depending on the specific use in its
design and construction) operations. AASHTO classification is mostly used for the highway and pavement whereas
Unified Soil Classification System is widely used for foundation. Both classifications are based on gradation analysis
(grain size distribution) and consistency as determined by Atterberg Limits.
Unified soil classification system divides soils into two broad groups depending on percent materials passing the
No. 200 sieve. When 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve, the soil is considered as fine-grained; whereas soil
with more than 50% retained on the No. 200 sieve is classified as coarse grained. These large groups are further
subdivided into smaller groups.
Coarse-grained soils are divided into two groups based on 50% particles on the No. 4 sieve: Gravel and Sand with
symbols of G and S, respectively. Again, the gravels and sands are each subdivided into four groups:
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Fine-grained soils are divided into three groups: 1) Silt (inorganic silt and fine sand), 2) Clay (inorganic) and 3)
Organic Soils (silts and clays) with symbols M, C, and O, respectively. Each of these groups is again subdivided
into two groups according to its Atterberg Limits, as shown in Figure 1.2: soils with low compressibility (symbol
L) and soils with high compressibility (symbol H).
Highly organic soils are classified as peat (symbol Pt) on the basis of visual classification. These are usually
fibrous organic matter such as peat and swamp soils of very high compressibility with a dark brown to black
color and an organic odor.
Table 1.8 summarizes unified soil classification system for proper identification of dual group symbols in a
Unified Soil Classification System
Group Group
Major divisions Soil Description
Symbol Symbol
% Passing No. 200 Sieve Supplementary
(0.075 mm) Requirements**
OH Plasticity Chart (see Figure 1.3) PI plots below "A" line OH organic clay, organic silt
Liquid limit—oven dried <
Soils with fibrous peat, sandy or clayey
Highly organic soils Pt Organic 0.75 Pt
organic matter peat
Liquid limit - not dried
** Cu Coefficient of uniformity
Cc Coefficient of curvature
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AASHTO Classification
AASHTO classification system also uses two broad categories of soils: granular material (less than 35% passing
the No. 200 sieve) and silt-clay material (more than 35% passing the No. 200 sieve). The classification (further
grouping) procedure based on gradation analysis and Atterberg Limits is given in Table 1-4. The inorganic soils
are classified into seven groups corresponding to A-1 to A-3 for granular materials and A-4 through A-7 for silt-
clay materials. These groups are further subdivided into a total of 12 sub-groups based on gradation and
Atterberg Limits. Similar to USCS, highly organic soils are grouped in one classification as A-8. Any soil containing
fine-grained materials is further rated with a Group Index (a number calculated from materials passing the No.
200 sieve, liquid limit and plasticity index). The higher the Group Index, the less suitable the soil as subgrade
material. If this number is near 20 or more, then the subgrade support is usually considered poor because of the
presence of a high percentage of fines with moisture sensitivity.
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AASHTO Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures
Silt-Clay Materials
Granular Materials
General Classification More than 35% passing the
(35% or less passing the No. 200 (0.075 mm) Sieve
No. 200 (0.075 mm) Sieve
A-1 A-2
Group Classification A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7
A-1-a A-1-b A-2-4 A-2-5 A-2-6 A-2-7
Sieve Analysis (% Passing)
No. 10 (2.00 mm) 50 mx ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
NO. 40 (0.425 mm) 30 mx 50 mx 51 mx ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 15 mx 25 mx 10 mx 35 mx 35 mx 35 mx 35 mx 36 mn 36 mn 36 mn 36 mn
Characteristics of fraction
passing No. 40 (0.425 mm)
Liquid Limit ---- ---- ---- 40 mx 41 mn 40 mx 41 mn 40 mx 41 mn 40 mx 41 mn
Plasticity Index 6 mx 6 mx N.P. 10 mx 10 mx 11 mn 11 mn 10 mx 10 mx 11 mn 11 mn
Note: Plasticity index of A-7-5 subgroup is equal to or less than L.L. minus 30. Plasticity index of A-7-6 subgroup is greater than
L.L. minus 30. See Figure 1.4 below.
P.I. = L.L. – 30
Plasticity Index
20 A-2-6 A-7-5
A-4, A-2-4 A-5, A-2-5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Liquid Limit
Figure 1.4: AASHTO Liquid and Plasticity Index Ranges for Silt-Clay Materials
At this point we have seen how two laboratory tests, gradation or sieve analysis and the Atterberg Limits, can be
used along with the Classification table to get a general idea of how the particular soil will behave. When you have
a lab report for a soil on your project, the classification will have already been done.
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The next characteristic of soil we will examine gives the relationship of soil moisture and density achieved by
compaction. As soil is compacted in the field, the void content gets smaller. That is, the compaction equipment
makes the soil denser by pushing all the particles closer together. Although having too much water in a soil
will prevent proper compaction, there needs to be some water in the soil to get good compaction. The water
not only adds a little density but also lubricates the soil particles so that they can move during compaction to the
tightest arrangement possible.
To illustrate the states that soils can be found in nature, the following schematic diagram of soil is used. The
components of a soil mass are shown by the mineral grains of solids, the water or moisture, and the air or gases.
Weight of a mass of soil is only due to the weight of the solids and the water in the soil, while volume is due to
the solids, water and air. The voids between the solids of a mass of soil are filled with water and/or air as shown
below. These relationships are illustrated below:
Solid Grains
Figure 1.6: Wet Soil Weight and Volume Relationships (Phase Diagram)
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The volume of the voids is filled with air and water. The total weight is due to the weight of the solids and water.
This is the most common state found in construction. The compaction tests run by the inspector is this same
comparison of weight and volume.
What is Density?
Density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume (pounds per cubic feet - lb/ft3)
• Nuclear Gauge
• Sand Cone
Compaction of a material in construction is measured by comparing its field unit weight or field density with its
maximum dry density. The density of a soil is defined as the weight of the soil in one unit of volume, or pounds
per cubic foot.
Field Dry Density
Compaction (%) = x 100
Max. Theoretical Density
Now that general characteristics of soil have been addressed, the next section will cover characteristics as
determined by tests, and what this tells you about how a soil will respond to compactive efforts.
Laboratory Proctor
In order to know how well the contractor is compacting the soil in question, we must know how dense the soil
would become under the best possible conditions. The lab test used to determine this is the Proctor. (The
“Standard Proctor” Density Test is the most commonly used. There is also a “Modified Proctor” Density Test, but
it will not be discussed here).
The test consists of making a soil mold of compacted soil at different moisture contents. The object is to find the
optimum moisture content, which is the moisture content at which the soil compacts best, and the maximum
density, which is the density achieved at optimum moisture.
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On the curve below (Figure 1.7), you can see that as water is added, the density of the soil in the mold increases
until the optimum moisture content is reached. Where the water content is low (W1), there is too little water to
“lubricate” the soil particles. The friction of the dry soil particles will be enough to retard compaction. As water is
added, the soil is lubricated and the compactive effort becomes more efficient. After this, the density decreases
(W4) because water starts replacing soil in the mold (water is lighter than soil).
Maximum Dry Density = 104.3 lb/ft3 W3 104.3
102.0 W4
W1 100.6
16.5 18.4 20.3 22.4
Moisture Content (%)
Figure 1.7: Example Moisture-Density Curve
Soil Type A-2-4
Dry Density (lb/ft3)
Soil Type A-6
0 5 10 15 20 25
Moisture Content (%)
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The soil designated A-2-4 (silty sand) will reach a higher maximum dry density than the A-6 (clayey soil). These are
the soils represented on the moisture density curves above. The A-2-4 is a soil with less fines (35 percent max)
and the moisture density curve is relatively steep on both sides of the optimum moisture content. The A-6 is a soil
with more fines (36 percent minimum) and the moisture density curve is relatively flat on both sides of the
optimum moisture content. Therefore, the moisture control during compaction in the field will require stricter
control for the A-2-4 silty sand (steep curve) than the A-6 clayey soil. AASHTO soils classifications can be found in
Table 1-9.
102% Max Density Acceptance
Max. Density = 117.0 Range
Dry Density (lb/ft3)
Figure 1.9 above will help you see the relationship between the optimum moisture/maximum density and the
Specifications. This curve has VDOT Specification acceptance ranges blocked in. It is presented in this form to make
it clear how the specification relates to the proctor, and what the areas on the curve mean. If you are working on
a compaction and the values from the densities being run start falling out of the passing range, seeing where they
fall on a graph like this may indicate to you where the problem is (for example, too much or too little moisture in
the soil).
If, during construction, the density results either change suddenly, or simply don’t make sense to you, these
suggestions may help you determine what’s happening:
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Once you have checked these things, other reasons for unexpectedly changing densities are:
• Temperature – if you are working in very cold temperatures, a drop-in temperature can cause a reduction
in maximum dry density, especially in clayey soils. (Soil shall not be placed or compacted at temperatures
below freezing).
• Lift thickness – if for reasons of uneven subgrade, uneven application of material, or constructing
a grade, the lift being compacted is uneven across its section, this can cause unevenness (change) in
• When excavated material consists predominantly of soil, embankment shall be placed in successive
uniform layers not more than 8 inches in thickness before compaction over the entire roadbed area.
Each layer shall be compacted at optimum moisture, within a tolerance of plus or minus 20 percent of
optimum, to a density of at least 95 percent as compared to the theoretical maximum density.
• More compactive effort – either a change in the number of rollers, or a change in the haul route so the
fill is being compacted additionally by the haul trucks.
• Moisture control – a change in the moisture of the material, this is especially likely on dry, hot and windy
• Change in the material – this is the most common reason for density results to either change quickly or
stop making sense. ALWAYS be aware of the type of material being compacted and alert to changes. The
possibility that you have run into soil that is not represented by a lab report that you have does exist.
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1) True or False. The voids in a saturated soil are partly filled with water and partly filled with air.
4) Silt and clay are made up of particles that are smaller than the ________________ sieve.
5) The ________________ is the distribution of various particle sizes within the material.
6) ________________ means that the particles in a mixture are sized so that they fill most of the voids; there
is very little space in between soil or stone particles.
7) The moisture content at which a soil begins to behave like a liquid is called the _________________.
8) The behavior of a material where the material deforms under load and does not go back to its original shape
is called ________________.
9) The moisture content at which a soil can be compacted to its maximum dry density with the least amount of
compactive effort is called the ________________.
10) True or False. A soil that contains a high percentage of fines is more affected by water than one with a low
percentage of fines.
11) True of False. Open graded aggregates are used in a pavement to give the structure more strength.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand the principles of foundation and embankment construction
• Understand the testing procedures and requirements for embankment material
• Understand the testing frequencies for embankment and structural fill material
Building a roadway is like building any other structure. You must begin with a firm foundation to end up with a
quality job. Many structural problems associated with our roads can be traced back to an improper foundation.
Overall performance of a pavement structure ultimately depends upon the proper construction of the following
three elements:
• Foundation
• Subgrade
• Embankment
Before excavation and filling begin, we must ensure that a firm foundation is provided on which to build the
embankment. During embankment construction, following proper methods and construction practices ensure we
produce a structurally competent element to support our roadway as well as its own weight. Additionally, after
our embankment is finished, we must provide a firm foundation for our pavement structure. The foundation in
this case is the subgrade, which is the top of the shaped earthwork.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Often, the pavement structure itself is more closely scrutinized and more heavily monitored than the three
elements outlined above. However, the best materials and construction will not make up for lack of quality of
foundation, embankment and/or subgrade.
Competent testing and monitoring during construction is a key factor in achieving a quality product and should be
of primary concern to the Construction Inspection team. This chapter is intended to give the student a working
knowledge of the construction of embankments and subgrade including specifications, documentation, and
standard methods and practices.
The nose, or leading edge, of the embankment should be maintained in a wedge shape to facilitate mud
displacement in a manner that will prevent its being trapped in the embankment. The front slope of the wedge
should be maintained at a slope ratio steeper than 2H:1V. Compaction equipment should not be used on this
platform layer. To reduce the thickness of the work platform and possibly its impact on the swampy area by mud
displacement, a geosynthetic can be placed on the swamp prior to the placement of the material that will be used
to construct the work platform. Again, compaction equipment should not be used on this material. Regardless of
how the work platform is constructed any subsequent layer should be compacted as required in the specifications.
Special situations may arise such as the presence of underground tanks, existing foundations and slabs located
within the construction limits. These structures must be removed and disposed of in a location approved by the
Engineer. In lieu of removal, foundations and slabs located five feet or more below the proposed subgrade may
be broken into pieces not more than 18-inches in any dimension and reoriented to break the shear plane and
allow for drainage. Cisterns, septic tanks, wells, and other such structures shall be cleared in accordance with
VDOT Road and Bridge Specification Section 516 or as directed by approved plans.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Erosion and siltation controls must be installed prior to beginning any land disturbance. Silt fence, filter barrier,
baled straw, check dams, or brush barriers are needed to protect surrounding land and waterways from the effects
of erosion and siltation. The most commonly used erosion and siltation control devices are temporary silt fences
and fabric silt barriers.
Baled straw silt barriers may be substituted for silt fence with the approval of the Engineer in non-critical areas,
such as pavement locations where filter barriers cannot be installed as shown on the plans or required by the
specifications, locations where the runoff velocity is low, and locations where the Engineer determines that
streams and other water beds will not be affected. Silt sediment traps are required if the runoff from a watershed
area of less than 3 acres flow across a disturbed area and silt sediment basins are required if rain runoff from a
watershed area of 3 acres or more flows across a disturbed area.
Erosion and siltation control devices and measures shall be maintained in a functional condition at all times. The
Contractor shall have on the project site an employee certified in Erosion and Sediment Control and designated
as the RLD (Responsible Land Disturber). The RLD certification it is to be obtained from the Department of
Environmental Quality. The RLD shall inspect temporary and permanent erosion and siltation control measures
for proper installation and deficiencies immediately after each rainfall and in accordance with VDOT’s C-107 Part
1 Construction Runoff Control Inspection Form and VDOT Road and Bridge Specification Section 107.16.
Deficiencies shall be immediately corrected. The Contractor shall make a daily review of the location of silt fences
and filter barriers to ensure that they are properly located for effectiveness. Where deficiencies exist, corrections
shall be made immediately as approved or directed by the Engineer. The absence of the RLD will result in
suspension of any land disturbing activity.
Clearing is defined as the removal of trees, brush, debris, and other large items and shall not damage grass, shrubs
or vegetation outside the limits of the approved area and the haul roads. Grubbing is the removal of stumps, roots,
and topsoil. Clearing and grubbing should not apply to vegetation and objects that are designated to be preserved,
protected, or removed in accordance with the requirements of other provisions of the specifications. Grubbing of
rootmat and stumps shall be confined to the area where excavation shall be performed within 14 days following
grubbing operations.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Figure 2.2: Stumps, Roots, Topsoil, and Figure 2.3: Stumps, Roots, Topsoil, and
other materials must be left in place other materials must be removed
Clearing is required in all areas within the construction limits or designated on the plans. The Contractor may clear
and grub to accommodate construction equipment within the right of way up to 5 feet beyond the construction
limits at his own expense, if approved by the Engineer. Erosion and siltation control devices shall be installed by
the Contractor prior to beginning grubbing operations.
Right of Way
Construction Limits
The surface area of earth material exposed by grubbing, stripping topsoil, or excavating shall be limited to that
necessary to perform the next operation within a given area. Grubbing of root mat and stumps shall be confined
to the area over which excavation is to be performed within 14 days following grubbing.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Any stumps left in place must be no more than 6” above original ground, or low water level. Branches of trees
that overhang the roadway or reduce sight distance and that are less than 20 feet above the elevation of the
finished grade shall be trimmed using approved tree surgery practices.
Vegetation, structures, or other items outside the construction limits shall not be damaged. Trees and shrubs in
ungraded areas shall not be cut without the approval of the Engineer.
Clearing and grubbing is done in the designated areas of the fill section to ensure that organic matter is not a
factor in the structural integrity of the embankment foundation. The surface area directly beneath the pavement
and shoulders, on which embankments of less than 5 feet in depth are to be constructed, shall be grubbed. Areas
that will support compaction equipment shall be scarified and compacted to a depth of 6” to the same degree as
the material to be placed thereon.
When the material to be excavated makes the use of explosives necessary, the Contractor shall notify each
property and utility owner having a building, structure, or other installation above or below ground in proximity
to the site of the work where they intend to use explosives. The specifications detail the Contractor’s responsibility
and necessary actions to be taken before, during and after blasting operations.
Where rock or boulders are encountered, the Contractor shall excavate and backfill in accordance with the plans
and the Contract.
Combustible cleared and grubbed material shall be disposed of in accordance with the following:
When specified on the plans or where directed by the Engineer, material less than 3 inches in diameter shall be
used to form brush silt barriers when located within 500 feet of the source of such material. Material shall be
placed approximately 5 feet beyond the toe of fill in a strip approximately 10 feet wide to form a continuous
barrier on the downhill side of fills. Where selective clearing has been done, material shall be piled, for stability,
against trees in the proper location. On the uphill side of fills, brush shall be stacked against fills at approximately
100 foot intervals in piles approximately 5 feet high and 10 feet wide. Any such material not needed to form silt
barriers shall be processed into chips having a thickness of not more than 3/8 inch and an area of not more than
6 square inches and may be stockpiled out of sight of any public highway for use on the project as mulch in
accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Specification 605.
Stumps and material less than 3 inches in diameter that are not needed to form silt barriers and that are not
processed into wood chips shall be handled in accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Specification Section 106 ,
or disposed of by burning in accordance with the requirements of Section 107.16(b)2.
Trees, limbs, and other timber having a diameter of 3 inches and greater shall be disposed of as saw logs,
pulpwood, firewood, or other usable material; however, treated timber shall not be disposed of as firewood. Not
more than 2 feet of trunk shall be left attached to grubbed stumps.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
When specified, in the Contract or directed by the Engineer, that trees or other timber is to be reserved for the
property owner, such material shall be cut in the lengths specified and piled where designated, either within the
limits of the right of way or not more than 100 feet from the right-of-way line. When not reserved for the property
owner, such material shall become the property of the Contractor. Any consideration of marketable use of this
material should be cleared with the Engineer.
The following are some of the methods and practices used to protect the work, however the department reserves
the right to require the contractor to use other temporary measures not discussed here or in the specifications to
protect erosion or siltation conditions.
Grade to Drain
• Crown Surface
• Roll Surface
• Direct Water
• Install Slope Drains
• Install Side Ditches.
Unless precautions are taken, rainfall can be a hindrance during construction. The top of earthwork shall be
shaped to permit runoff of rainwater. Temporary earth berms should be constructed and compacted along the
top edges of embankments to intercept run off water. Temporary slope drains shall be provided to intercept and
transport the runoff water to prevent damage to the earth slopes by erosion. These drains may be of flexible or
rigid material and adequately secured to prevent movement. The contractor can also lessen the impact of erosion
by maintaining the specifications suggested increment schedule for seeding slopes.
The practices outlined above will help the contractor get back to work sooner than if they had not been followed,
but they are not a cure-all for wet weather. After a rain the surface of the embankment or subgrade in cut sections
should be checked for acceptable moisture content. When the moisture in the upper part of the embankment or
subgrade is too wet, measures must be taken to ensure that otherwise acceptable material is not placed on top
of wet material. Methods for handling adverse moisture conditions will be discussed in a later section.
If drainage structures are involved in the work, the construction of check dams, inlet and outlet protection shall
be one of the initial items of work accomplished.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
An embankment is defines as a structure of soil, soil aggregate, soil-like materials, or broken rock between the
existing ground and the subgrade.
Finished Grade
Top of Earthwork
Pavement Section (Subgrade)
(Asphalt & Aggregate)
Subgrade Material
6“ 100% Density Required
After necessary clearing and grubbing and once a firm foundation is obtained, embankment construction can
begin. Failure to do this can result in compaction problems throughout it’s construction. As discussed before, the
surface area directly beneath the pavement and shoulders on which embankments of less than 5 feet in depth
are to be constructed shall be denuded of vegetation. Areas that will support compaction equipment shall be
scarified and compacted to a depth of 6 inches to the same degree as the material to be placed thereon.
Soil that is not required to be removed should be thoroughly disked before constructing the embankment and
testing in accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Areas that contain material unsuitable as a
foundation for an embankment should be undercut to a firm foundation material and backfilled as directed by the
Engineer. Unsuitable material is defined as a material found to be undesirable for use in construction due to its
poor load carrying capability, excessive moisture (exceeds allowable moisture content allowed by
specifications), organic content, extreme plasticity, or other reasons.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Cisterns, septic tanks, wells, and other such structures shall be cleared in accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge
Specification Section 516 or as directed by approved plans. Wells have to be closed in accordance with Department
• Regular excavation
• Borrow excavation
• Commercial sources
• Specialized materials (may require special review/approval by VDOT)
• Light weight fill
• Aggregate
• Flowable fill
• Cellular concrete fill/foam concrete fill
• Tires
• Fly ash
• Slag
As shown in Fig. 2.6, the first lifts of embankment material should be placed in low areas. Successive layers should
be continuously manipulated to provide uniform layers approximately parallel to the finished grade. As material
is brought in and spread, large roots and other objectionable materials must be removed and disposed of in an
approved manner.
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Figure 2.6: Illustration of Layer Placement
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Lift Placement
• Uniform Layers
• Lift Thickness
• 8” loose and 6” compacted
• Moisture
• +/-20% of optimum moisture
• Compactive Effort
• 95% of maximum density (embankment) 100% of maximum density (subgrade)
• Parallel to Finished Grade
Because of the large amount of soil in an embankment, it is not feasible to blend it so that the entire embankment
is homogeneous. We can, however, take steps to ensure we get uniformity.
When soil is being hauled to the project from an excavated area (regular excavation or borrow site), it should be
dumped on the lift of embankment currently being constructed and worked into place for compaction. This
practice not only blends the soil better but also achieves a better bond between the two layers. Figs. 2.7 & 2.8
show the incorrect and the correct method respectively.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The compaction of soils is influenced by how they are manipulated. Uniform layer or lift thickness is essential in
achieving proper compaction. Typical lift thickness for soils in an embankment is eight inches loose, six inches
compacted. When lift thickness is increased the actual compaction will decrease for a given compactive effort. As
construction progresses, continuous leveling and manipulation of the surface of the fill will help keep the material
mixed and the lift thickness uniform. Continual observation in the field is necessary to construct quality
embankments. This cannot be overemphasized. Constant maintenance and monitoring of the fill surface helps
ensure consistent layer thickness. Lift thickness can be measured as the new lift is placed. Checking the elevation
at the top of each lift also ensures that proper lift thickness is maintained. Elevations should be documented on
required forms for each elevation that is tested for density.
Monitoring lift thickness is a simple procedure when done as a new lift is being placed. Find the leading edge of
the new loose lift. Lay a straight edge such as a leveling rod or shovel handle on top of the loose material so that
it extends beyond the edge and over the previous compacted lift. Use a rule to measure from the bottom of the
straightedge to the top of the previous compacted lift. This provides a good field check of lift thickness.
When the excavated material consists predominately of rock fragments of such size that the material cannot be
placed in layers of the thickness prescribed without crushing, pulverizing, or further breaking down the pieces
resulting from excavation methods, such material may be placed in the embankment in layers not exceeding the
thickness of the average size of the larger rocks. Rock not over 4 feet in its greatest dimension may be placed in
an embankment to within 10 ft. of the top of the earth work (subgrade). The remainder of the embankment to
within 2 ft. of the top of the subgrade shall not contain rock more than 2 ft. in its greatest dimension. Each layer
shall be constructed so that all rock voids are filled with rock spall, rock fines and earth.
Rock shall be placed, manipulated, and compacted in uniform layers. Figures 2.9 and 2.10 show the proper method
of spreading rock fill. Rock shall not be end dumped over the edge of the previous layer but dumped on top of
the previous layer and worked into place. This reduces segregation of the larger rocks.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The 2 ft. of the embankment immediately below the subgrade shall be composed of material placed in layers of
not more than 8 inches before compaction and compacted as specified herein for embankments. Rock more than
3 inches in its greatest dimension shall not be placed within 12 inches of the subgrade in any embankment. Lift
thickness and rock size depend on where you are relative to the top of the subgrade. This is illustrated in Figure
Bottom of Fill
The best material is to be reserved for finishing and dressing the surface of the embankment. Attention
to where and how rock is placed in an embankment is critical to achieving a dense and a stable structure.
Moisture shall be added for the purpose of controlling dust. The amount of rock present in an embankment that
will preclude conducting density tests should remain flexible and should be at the discretion of the project
inspector. It should be understood that if it is possible to conduct a test, then a test should be run.
Special attention during construction is of the utmost importance. Poor construction can result in costs in
maintenance and repairs that are greater than the initial costs. Major factors affecting slopes are the intrusion of
water and the slope too steep for the soil type.
The problem of water intrusion can be minimized by following sound construction practices. Methods for grading
to drain as outlined on page 6 can help keep surface runoff from eroding slopes. If the embankment is adequately
crowned to promote drainage and good compaction is achieved along the outer edges of the slope and on the
slope face itself, intrusion of water into the slope can be minimized. If the soil along the slope face is loose, it will
provide a good area for grass seed to germinate, but as soon as a heavy rain hits the area heavy erosion and
undercutting of the slope takes place which can lead to more serious problems if not properly repaired. If a grass
bed is established, the zone of grass roots becomes saturated and there is nothing stable for the roots to establish
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
anchorage. If this mass becomes laden with enough water, the grass and soil within the root mat slides down-
slope, exposing the soil which can then become further saturated.
The effects of weather falling directly on the slope can be minimized by properly compacting the face of the slope
and seeding the slope as soon as practicable. Section 303.03 and Section 603.03 of the Specifications details the
requirements for incremental seeding to make sure large areas of slopes are not exposed to the elements for
extended time periods. To make sure of this, soil stabilization (i.e. mulch, seed, other other approved methods)
operations are to be initiated within 48 hours after reaching the appropriate grading increment for seeding, or
upon suspension of grading operations for an anticipated duration of greater than 14 days, or upon completion
of grading operations for a specific area in which case soil stabilization shall be applied per Specification. Slope
Interrupter also stabilize slopes and should be installed according to plans and Specifications.
Incremental seeding of slopes to prevent sloughing of soil on 5 feet or less slopes are applied in one action. On
slopes 5 to 20 feet tall, seeding should be applied in 2 actions. On slopes greater than 20 feet tall, seeding should
be applied in 3 actions. On slopes greater than 75 feet, seeding should be applied in 25 foot increments.
Problems associated with slopes being too steep for the soil are more difficult to handle. Flattening slopes may
require purchasing costly additional right-of-way. However, building it “right the first time” is better than going
back and rebuilding.
To ensure stability of the new embankment, we must provide for a foundation and a suitable bond:
Special care is needed when widening existing fills or constructing fills on hillsides to assure stability. Simply
constructing the new embankment directly on top of the existing one is unacceptable. In addition to compaction,
two conditions must be met to ensure the new embankment is secured to the existing slope. The existing slope
must be benched to provide a foundation for the new embankment. Benches are a series of horizontal cuts
beginning at the intersection with original ground and continuing at each vertical intersection with the previous
cut. The material removed during benching operations shall be placed and compacted as embankment material.
Secondly, the existing slope or hillside is to be continuously blended with the fill material to provide a bond
between the old and new material. The following figures illustrate the concept of benching.
If the existing slope or hillside is steeper than 4:1 but not steeper than 1-1/2:1, the minimum bench width is 6
feet. If the existing slope or hillside is steeper than 1-1/2:1 but not steeper than 1/2:1, the minimum bench width
is 4 feet.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Bench Slope
Stage 1 Stage 2
Figure 2.12: Benching ½ Width at a Time Figure 2.13: Benching Against Hillside
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
First Bench
Bench Height = 3’
Bench Width = 6’
Second Bench
Bench Height = 3’
Bench Width = 6’
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Density Testing
Every soil has a moisture content, known as optimum moisture, at which that soil can be compacted to its
maximum density. Compacting the soil at optimum moisture and controlling the moisture content is critical to
achieving adequate compaction. Too little moisture will require excessive compactive effort to obtain the desired
density. If there is too much moisture, the maximum density cannot be reached until the excess water is released,
regardless of how much the soil is rolled. The effect of moisture increases with decreasing particle size of the soil.
That is, clays and silts (small particle size) are much more affected by the amount of water present than sands and
gravels. Never underestimate the importance of moisture and the effect it has on soils.
Proctor Test
The multipoint proctor test is run in the laboratory in accordance with VTM-1/AASHTO T 99 modified. A one-point
proctor test, which is run at the project site, is run in accordance with VTM-12/AASHTO T 272 modified.
Moisture/density curves made from the Proctor test are a good guide for the field control of moisture. Additional
testing may be needed and is encouraged if unusual or unexpected soil is encountered. Engineer should be
contacted if soils continue to be unusual or tests cannot be performed due to conditions.
Field density determinations will be performed with a portable nuclear field density testing device in accordance
with VTM-10/AASHTO T310, or by other approved methods. Nuclear testing is the most widely used method. It
involves the use of low level ionizing radiation to determine the total actual density of the tested material in units
of pounds per cubic foot (pcf) and moisture in percentage of dry weight (%). When a nuclear device is used,
density determinations for embankment material will be related to the density of the same material tested in
accordance with the requirements of VTM-1 or VTM-12 and a control strip will not be required. Details of the test
methods will be discussed in a later section.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Oven/pan drying This is the “old” method of testing for moisture, but it is very accurate. It employs the use of a
set of scales, a pan, and a heat source (oven, gas stove or electric hotplate) for “cooking” the moisture out of the
soil. Once the weight of the pan has been subtracted from the total weight, the basic moisture formula is used to
calculate moisture content:
(Wwet – Wdry)
W% = x 100
(Wdry – Wcon)
W% = Percent Moisture
Wwet = Weight of Wet Aggregate and Container (g or lb)
Wdry = Weight of Dry Aggregate and Container (g or lb)
Wcon = Weight of the Container (g or lb)
This is the most widely used method for checking moisture, besides perhaps the nuclear gauge. The appeal is just
as the name implies. It is quick and easy to perform. Correlations with oven dry moisture tests make the “speedy”
very reliable. The “speedy” is used to obtain the moisture content for Proctor tests and conventional density
testing. But because of its ease and quickness the “speedy” can help the inspector in other ways as well.
The Inspector should perform frequent moisture checks to be sure that the soil has the correct moisture content.
It is recommended that the “Speedy” Moisture Tester be used for expediency in conducting these tests. When
determining the moisture content for heavy clays, the “Speedy” test may be conducted by using the half sample
method, or the field stove method may be used.
The figure below shows the relationship between moisture content and dry density for a soil compacted with the
same compactive effort at varying moisture contents.
Maximum Dry Density
Dry Density (lb/ft3)
Optimum Moisture
Dry Wet
89 +/-20% Moisture
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Moisture Content (%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Moisture Specifications
For both the subgrade and embankment, the specifications require that each lift be compacted at optimum
moisture, with a tolerance of ± 20% of that optimum moisture content. This specification and the range for a
passing test is illustrated in Figure 2.16. If moisture is not within these specified tolerances, then the lift must be
aerated (scarified and dried) or water added as the case may be. For base and subbase aggregate each lift shall be
compacted at optimum moisture within ±2 percentage points of optimum. The cement treated base and subbase
aggregate shall have a moisture content of not less than optimum or more than optimum plus 2 percentage points.
The following examples illustrate how these specifications are applied.
Moisture Specifications:
1) Given: OMC = 8%
2) Find Range (± 2 percentage points)
3) Upper Limit: 8% + 2% = 10%
4) Lower Limit: 8% - 2% = 6%
5) Acceptable Moisture Range: 6% to 10%
1) Given: OMC = 5%
2) Find Range (+ 2 percentage points)
3) Upper Limit: 5% + 2.0% = 7%
4) Acceptable Moisture Range: 5% to 7%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Controlling Moisture
Not only is the distribution of soils particles important, but the distribution of moisture within the soil also
influences its compactability. Moisture is necessary for filling all pockets in soil and for lubrication of the soil
particles. If the moisture is not evenly dispersed, even though the compactive effort and average moisture may
be acceptable, the density results will not be satisfactory. When additional moisture is required, better moisture
control is generally obtained when added at the excavation. Decisions regarding where and how moisture will be
added is the responsibility of the contractor.
If the moisture content of the soil is too high, pumping (or moving) can occur. When loaded, the material deforms,
and as the load is removed the material springs back to its original position. The construction equipment looks
like it is riding on a wave as it travels over the fill. In this condition, the strength of the soil is substantially reduced.
One solution is simply to let it dry out. If the pumping section is located in an undercut, additional drainage
solutions may be needed. If the water content is not reduced by some means, and the possibility of drainage
problems recurring is not eliminated, repeated loadings will create internal shear failure in the embankment.
When pumping occurs, construction should not continue until a permanent solution to the drainage problems is
found. Supervisor or Engineer may need to be contacted if the problem persists and solution cannot be agreed
• Wait
• Scarify
• Remove and replace
• Chemical treatment
• Geosynthetic bridging
• Add water
• Thoroughly mix
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The minimum rates of acceptance testing for all the materials in this course are presented in Appendix A. The
minimum rates for materials covered in this section of the manual are presented below. These rates are
minimums! They should be treated as minimums.
The following figures illustrate the minimum rate of moisture and density testing required for acceptance.
Embankment Soils
There is a standard volumetric rate of one test for every 2,500 yd3 of fill regardless of the length of fill. In addition,
there are two testing rates depending on the length of the fill section:
For fill areas that are less than 500 feet, one field density test for each 2,500 yd3 from the bottom to the top of
the fill, plus one field density test for every other 6” lift starting with the second lift.
One Test per 2,500 yd3
• One field density test
for every other 6” lift-
start 2nd lift
For fill areas from 500 to 2,000 feet, one field density test for each 2,500 yd3 from the bottom to the top of the
fill, plus two field density tests for every 6” lift within the top 5’ of fill.
One Test per 2,500 yd3
• Two field density tests
for every 6” lift-
within the top 5’ fill
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The testing frequencies for backfill behind Abutments, Gravity and Cantilever Retaining Walls are as follows:
A minimum of two tests shall be performed for every other lift, up to 100 linear feet behind the backwall, at a
distance from the heel to no farther than a length equal to the height of the structure plus 10 feet.
Area to be tested in
Height of
accordance with specified
Structure (H)
testing frequencies
(H) + 10 feet
Each Lift =
6” Loose
4” Compacted
Test Location
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Area to be tested in
Height of
accordance with specified
Structure (H)
testing frequencies
(H) + 10 feet
Each Lift =
6” Loose
4” Compacted
Test Location
Figure 2.20: Testing Frequencies and Locations for Gravity Retaining Walls
Less than 100 linear feet, a minimum of one test every other lift. The testing will be performed at a minimum
distance of 3 feet away from the backface of the wall, to within 3 feet of the back edge of the zone of the select
fill area. Stagger the tests throughout the length of the wall to obtain uniform coverage. Testing will begin after
the first two lifts of select fill have been placed and compacted.
For walls of more than 100 linear feet, a minimum of two tests shall be taken on every other lift, not to exceed
200 linear feet.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
3’ 3’
No Testing Area
No Testing Area
Test Location
Figure 2.21: Testing Frequencies and Locations for MSE Walls (less than 100’)
VDOT accepts a wide variety of materials for use in embankments. The only soils that will not be accepted are
topsoil, rootmat, any soil containing organic matter, saturated or highly plastic soils. Saturated or highly plastic
soils have little load bearing capacity and would pump and rut significantly if placed in an embankment or if it
were left as part of the subgrade. Saturated and highly plastic soils, as well as those high in organics, should be
undercut to a firm foundation and backfilled with a better quality soil to improve bearing capacity and drainage.
Unsuitable material may be encountered either in the cut section or the embankment foundation (bottom of the
fill). Specific treatments will be discussed later. However, material which is designated on the plans as unsuitable
may be found to be suitable during construction because the moisture content may have changed since it was
initially tested. If it is in a cut section, then such material may be used in embankments in lieu of borrow. If such
material is at the embankment foundation, but designated to be removed, then it should be left and the inspector
should notify the Project Engineer for an on-site review of the material.
The unsuitable materials do have one useful purpose in that they can be placed on the outside slope of
embankments to make the overall slope angle flatter, thereby improving the stability of the slope. In order to
avoid adversely affecting the drainage of the pavement, unsuitable materials cannot be placed within 6 feet of
the top of the embankment.
This material shall not be placed in a structural area of the embankment. The structural area of the embankment
shall be constructed with the slope ratio shown on the plans.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) True or False. Clearing and Grubbing is required in fill sections less than 5 feet in depth, in borrow areas
before excavation can begin, and in all cut sections.
2) In fill sections where stumps may be left in place, they must be no more than __________ high.
3) ________________ means to crown surface of embankment, roll surface of embankment smooth, direct
water to appropriate erosion and siltation controls.
4) The first lift of embankment material placed in swampy areas is called ________________.
a. For a fill with a height of 8 feet, a length of 1500 feet, and a volume of 61,200 cubic yards what is the
minimum number of density tests required?
b. For a fill with a height of 8 feet, a length of 400 feet, and a volume of 61,200 cubic yards what is the
minimum number of density tests required?
c. For a fill with a height of 10 feet, a length of 2200 feet, and a volume of 80,000 cubic yards what is
the minimum number of density tests required?
7) Material is being placed 15 feet below the proposed subgrade in a rock fill. The maximum nominal size of the
rocks is 3 feet. The maximum lift thickness in this case is _______________.
11) True or False. For subgrade and embankment, the specifications require that each lift be compacted at
optimum moisture content with a tolerance of ±40%.
12) True or False. Embankment is a structure of soil, soil aggregate, soil-like materials, or broken rock between
the existing ground and the subgrade.
13) ________________ is the minimum bench width for a slope steeper than 4:1 and less steep than 1½:1?
14) What is the density testing rate for fill areas less than 500 feet long?
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
15) What is the density testing rate for fill areas between 500 feet and 2000 feet?
16) What is the maximum distance from the heel of an abutment/gravity or cantilever retaining wall that is to
be tested by the specified rates for walls if the structure is 12 feet high?
17) Material having a moisture content of more than 30% above optimum cannot be placed on a previously
placed layer for drying, unless it is shown that _________________________________________________.
18) The typical lift thickness for soil is ________________ loose, ________________ compacted.
19) The maximum diameter of the material placed in the top 12 inches of an embankment is ________________.
20) The maximum diameter of material that can be placed 9 feet under the embankment surface is
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand the importance of subgrade and the different types of subgrade material
• Understand the various types and methods of mechanical and chemical stabilization
• Understand the compaction and testing requirements for various subgrade materials
What is Subgrade?
Subgrade is the top surface of an embankment or cut section that is shaped to conform to the typical section
upon which the pavement structure and shoulders will be constructed.
2020 Chapter 3 | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Importance of Subgrade
Heavy trucks and buses are continually loading our pavements. These loads are transmitted through the
pavement to the subgrade. In effect, the loads applied to the surface of the pavement are transmitted through
the structure, deforming or otherwise destroying the integrity of the subgrade. How the subgrade is going to
react under the application of traffic loads is of great concern. As illustrated in Figure 3.3, how the load gets
transferred to the subgrade and how the subgrade can handle that load has a strong influence on the overall
quality of the pavement. If the pavement is thin, as shown in the right hand sketch, the stress imposed by the
traffic load through the pavement is distributed over a small area, making for high stresses on the subgrade.
If the subgrade is poorly prepared (improper compaction, excessive moisture, etc.) or has a very low strength
(such as with highly plastic clays), the subgrade cannot resist these high stresses and ruts will form, which could
lead to significant damage or failure of the pavement. If the pavement is thick, as shown in the left hand sketch,
the stress imposed by the traffic load through the pavement is distributed over a large area, making for low
stresses on the subgrade. Even if the subgrade is made up of low strength soils, such as the highly plastic clays
mentioned above, you can still have a good performing pavement because the stress projected through the
pavement is lower than it would be with a thin pavement and if the design is done properly, these stresses
should be lower than what can be resisted by the subgrade. It is still important to have the subgrade soils
properly compacted when a thick pavement is used because rutting can still take place.
As mentioned above, reducing stress can be accomplished by simply building a thicker pavement. This looks
great on paper and is practical to a point. But pavement items are very expensive. Optimizing the pavement
itself is very important, but there comes a point where this is not practical. Providing a strong subgrade is
essential. Increasing the strength of subgrade allows us to use a thinner pavement.
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is run on soils to gauge the strength of the subgrade as compared to a dense
graded aggregate. CBR is one of the major factors used in pavement design to determine how thick the
pavement should be. Since we have chosen a pavement based on certain subgrade conditions, we must have
the best subgrade conditions under our pavement for it to perform its job.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
To understand the impact of CBR (subgrade strength) on the pavement, let’s look at some typical CBR values. A
clayey soil generally has a low CBR value (less than 8). Sands are more granular and drain better and will
generally have CBR values between 15 and 35. Gravel will have the best CBR values, generally 25 and up. That is
why it is suggested to save the best material to cap the subgrade. The higher the CBR of foundation soils you
have, the less pavement structure is needed, the more economical the design. CBR values are also used as
criteria for borrow material.
Type of Subgrade Material
The specifications list three types of material which are acceptable for use as subgrade. Each type has different
characteristics and must be dealt with accordingly.
Material in Place - Whenever the roadway will be in a cut section, subgrade will be in original ground. The
density of most soils is at approximately 85 to 90 percent of our Standard Proctor density (VTM-1 or VTM-12) in
its natural state. Soil in this condition often falls short of having the strength to support our pavement structure.
In order to achieve our desired strength, these soils must be compacted. The specifications require that
material in place be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, for a distance of 2 feet beyond the proposed edges of
pavement on each side. This is illustrated in Figure 3.4 on Page 3-4. This requirement applies to both cut and fill
Imported Material - Subgrade material consisting of imported material is called “borrow material”. This material
can come from regular excavation from another area in the project, from commercial sources, or from local pits
or quarries obtained by the Department or the Contractor. Placement and compaction of borrow material would
follow the same procedures and practices that are used when placing and compacting soil taken from a cut site
on the project.
Treated Material in Place - For some soils, simply scarifying and compacting will not produce the desired
strength needed to support our pavement. In these cases it can be very cost effective to stabilize the subgrade
with lime, cement, fly ash or a combination thereof. This provides a solid foundation for the remainder of the
pavement. Stabilized subgrade provides two very important benefits:
2020 Chapter 3 | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Whether subgrade consists of material in place, treated material in place or imported material, it must be
compacted to 100% density (95% for soil-lime). Field densities are compared to VTM-1 or VTM-12. VDOT
requires 100% density because it promotes uniformity of subgrade and improves the strength of the subgrade.
When subgrade material contains large quantities of material retained on the No. 4 sieve, use the table below to
determine the minimum required density.
Density Requirements for Subgrade Material
0 – 50% 100%
51 – 60% 95%
61 – 70% 90%
In cut sections, the subgrade should be scarified and re-compacted 2 feet beyond the edge of pavement and six
inches deep.
The top of subgrade, as with other portions of an embankment, can be stabilized by two primary methods:
mechanical and chemical.
Mechanical Stabilization
In the case of mechanical stabilization, rolling (compaction) is the simplest and most commonly used method.
Appendix E details the various types of rollers available and which type roller works best for certain soils. For
subgrade stabilization however, the most commonly used rollers are pneumatic, static steel wheel, and
vibratory steel wheel. The benefits of rolling include increasing the material density and strength, along with
decreasing its permeability and compressibility.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Another method of mechanical stabilization is geosynthetics, which is gaining popularity throughout the
commonwealth. The types of geosynthetics that are most likely used for stabilization are geotextiles, geogrids,
and geocomposites.
• Geotextiles – consist of synthetic fibers made into flexible, porous fabrics by standard weaving
machinery or are matted together in a random nonwoven manner.
Geotextiles have been used in roadway construction in Virginia since the early 1970’s, primarily in erosion and
siltation control. In the 1980’s, the construction industry began using geosynthetics in earth stabilization
applications. The primary benefit of using a geotextile is that you get separation between the poor quality
subsoil and the better quality backfill material. An additional benefit of using a geotextile or a geogrid is an
increased resistance to spreading by means of the reinforcement. Because of this, the Department can save a
substantial amount of money by using geosynthetics to “bridge” soft subgrade areas and reduce or eliminate
undercutting. The local District Materials Engineer can give guidance as to the types of materials that can be
used and where they can be used. The use of such materials can also be found in plans which are approved by
an Engineer.
Types of Mechanical Stabilization
Geotextiles are the most widely used geosynthetic. In this chapter we will discuss how we use geotextiles at the
subgrade and under embankments. The geotextile performs the primary functions of reinforcement and
separation when used at the subgrade and on the embankment footprint. Typically the geotextile is placed in
2020 Chapter 3 | 5
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
the desired area, pulled tight to limit wrinkles, and if at the subgrade, an overlap of 2 feet or manufacturer’s
recommendation is provided at the seams. However, to reinforce an embankment, all seams are to be sewn to
allow for the tensile stress to be transmitted. It is critical that the correct geotextile is used in the appropriate
place, since the properties of various styles will affect the overall performance of the structure.
Geogrids are also becoming more widely used in Virginia. While these can be used to reinforce a subgrade, or
an undercut, they are most likely to be used to reinforce a slope or embankment foundation. Careful attention
must be paid to the specifications or contract documents for geogrid selection and installation.
All geosynthetics shall be installed according to specifications, contract documents and manufacturer’s
Chemical Stabilization
In the case of chemical stabilization, the procedure is to add a chemical that reacts with the soil and then
changes its physical and/or chemical characteristics to form a more stable material. The most commonly used
methods of chemical stabilization of subgrade soils are cement, lime, fly ash, lime-fly ash, cement-lime, and
salts. These materials are mixed with the subgrade soils and are allowed a curing period to react with the soil
and harden.
Some of these materials (such as lime, lime-fly ash, and salts) can be mixed with water to form a slurry and are
then pressure injected into a soil mass to form a stable structure foundation or to stabilize a landslide.
Commonly called “soil cement”, hydraulic cement stabilization is the most widely used method of stabilizing
soils. The method is acceptable for a wide variety of soils.
Hydraulic Cement Stabilization Requirements (By Soil Type)
Usual Range in Cement Required
Soil Type
Percent by Volume Percent by Weight
Clean Gravel 5–7 3–5
Clean Sand 7–9 5–8
Dirty Gravel or Sand 7 – 10 5–9
Silt 8 – 12 7 – 12
Clay 10 – 14 10 – 16
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Hydraulic cement is usually added to existing material in place. This is normally done with a self-propelled, self-
powered, rotary mixing or tilling machine. The subgrade layer is scarified to the specified depth, cement and
water added, and mixed by the same machine in one pass. Other machines which require a separate pass for
each operation may be used but are not common.
The amount of cement to add to the soil to achieve the desired results depends on the soil type and is
determined in the design phase by performing laboratory testing. Typical cement contents are shown in Table
3.4. This amount of cement can be specified either by weight or by volume. PCA recommends specifying the
cement content by weight; however, VDOT typically specifies the cement by volume since there are fewer field
calculations needed to determine application rate.
When using cement stabilization, the control necessary to ensure that a quality product is produced consists of
the following:
• Application rate
• Moisture
• Depth control
• Compaction
• Curing
Application Rate. Cement stabilized subgrade is specified as a percentage of cement per unit volume or by unit
weight and a depth of manipulation (i.e. 10% cement by volume, 6” depth - 10% cement by weight, 6” depth).
Cement can be applied by either using bag cement or bulk loads with the latter being the most common. The
application rate depends on the percentage by volume or weight, depth and width of spread. Application rate
can be controlled by either a rate per foot basis or a rate per square foot basis.
The application rate is determined prior to placement of the cement to ensure that an adequate amount of
cement will be spread to achieve the desired percentage of cement. Both the contractor and inspector should
be aware of how much cement is to be applied to achieve the desired outcome.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The following procedure should be used when calculating the application rate by volume.
Given: The plans call for 12% cement by volume, with an 8” depth. Width of treatment is 28 feet. The net
weight of the cement in the tanker is 22.5 tons.
Question: How many feet of roadway should this load of cement treat?
18.648 x 11.28
2020 Chapter 3 | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Application Length =
(22.5 x 2000)
Answer: A load of 22.5 tons of cement applied at the rate of 12% by volume for 8” depth of treatment should
cover 214 feet by 28 feet in width.
Moisture. Proper moisture control is crucial with cement treated subgrade. Because of the fine-grained cement,
the soil has a tendency to “dry out”. Best results can be obtained when the mixture is brought to optimum or
within 20% above optimum of the original soil. The specifications require the mixture to have moisture of not
less than optimum or more than 20% above optimum. This is graphically illustrated in Figure 3.5 below.
Recommended Moisture
Maximum Dry Density
Dry Density (lb/ft3)
Optimum Moisture
Optimum Moisture (+10%)1
Optimum Moisture Range
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Moisture Content (%)
Acceptable Range = Up to 20% above Optimum Moisture
Recommended Range = 10% to 20% above Optimum Moisture
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Depth Control. Having the proper depth of treatment is one of the most important factors affecting the final
product. Deviation from the specified depth either by an increase or decrease has an effect on the strength of
the treated material (see Figure 3.6 below). As stated earlier, stabilized subgrade is part of the pavement
structure. If the treated depth is less than that specified, we are compromising the pavement’s depth. If the
treated depth is greater than that specified, the cement will be dispersed throughout a greater volume and the
entire course will be weak.
The general rule of thumb for soil compaction applies here: 8” of loose soil (after mixing) will compact to 6”. This
should be checked in accordance with VTM-38A.
After the material has been compacted and tested for density it must be checked for depth (VTM-38A). When
material in place is tested the aid of a liquid solution of phenolphthalein in distilled water may be used. This can
be obtained from your District Materials Personnel. When the solution comes in contact with cement or lime, it
turns purple in color. In accordance with VTM-38A, check the depth of cement by using a pick to dig a hole.
Although not shown in the VTM, if using phenolphthalein solution, use a medicine dropper to apply the solution
to the side of the hole. The purple indicator disappears at the bottom of the cement. A stake placed flat on the
ground across the hole and a ruler are used to measure the depth.
If plans called for 6” depth and 10% by volume assuming application rate is correct…
8” Loose 6” Compacted
2020 Figure 3.7: Illustration of Typical Compaction Depths (Loose vs. Compacted) Chapter 3 | 10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Curing. Just as with hydraulic cement concrete, cement stabilized subgrade must be cured to develop the
desired strength. Once the grade has been approved the next course may be placed. In order that the grade
does not dry out, the specifications require that it be kept moist. This will aid the curing process. The contractor
may elect to use an asphalt cover material in lieu of moist curing. However, if the next course is not placed
within 7 days, it must be protected with an asphalt cover material or with any approved cover material.
When material may be exposed to freezing temperatures during the first 24 hours of curing, the contractor shall
protect the stabilized material from freezing for 7 days or cover the soil-cement surface with the next pavement
course within 4 hours after the cement stabilization has been finished as specified.
Subgrade Yes
Keep Moist
Yes No
Next Course?
Asphalt Cover?
Keep Grade
Seven Days
Yes No
Okay Next Course Apply Cover
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Lime Stabilization
• Application Rate
• Scarify and pulverize soil to required depth
• Spread lime
• Spray water and mix
• Allow the mix to cure
• Final mixing and compaction
Lime stabilization works very well with fine-grained soils, particularly heavy clays because it changes the
plasticity characteristics of the clay. The addition of lime to a wide variety of soils greatly improves its load
carrying capacity. It should be noted that although lime can be used with granular soils, you can generally get
greater strength gain by using cement for the same money spent to use lime.
The application rate of the lime will be shown on the plans or can be as directed by the Engineer (generally the
District Materials Engineer). The lime may be applied to the partially pulverized material as a slurry or in dry
form. Hydrated lime or quicklime can be used. When quicklime is used in a dry form, it is to be applied at the
same rate as hydrated lime.
Lime stabilization should be done in stages. In the first stage, the prepared roadbed is scarified to the depth and
width required for the stabilized layer. The depth of scarification, and the blading operation shall be controlled
in such a manner that the surface of the roadbed below the scarified material shall remain undisturbed and shall
conform to the established cross section. Prior to the beginning of stabilization work, material retained on the 3”
sieve is to be removed from the roadbed.
If quicklime is slaked to produce a slurry, correction factors need to be applied to make sure the proper amount
of lime is being used (see Section 306.03 of the specifications for correction factors).
Lime applied by slurry generally causes less dust problems than using dry lime. However, regardless of the
system, the spreading equipment should uniformly distribute the lime without excessive loss. No equipment,
except water trucks and equipment used for mixing and spreading, is to travel on the applied lime until properly
This process generates a lot of heat and there will be a loss of moisture in the soil. Sufficient water should be
added to make sure that the moisture content of the mix at time of compaction is not less than the optimum
moisture content of the mix, nor more than optimum plus 20 percent of optimum.
Lime and water are mixed throughout the scarified material as thoroughly as practicable using a self-propelled
rotary mixer capable of mixing to a compacted depth of at least 12 inches. Disc harrow or motor graders shall
not be used for mixing. Spread the mix over the roadway and seal roll with a steel wheel or pneumatic tire roller
to retard loss of moisture and allow it to mellow for 4 to 48 hours. After mellowing, the Contractor shall remix
the lime-treated material with a rotary mixer until at least 60 percent of the material, exclusive of aggregates,
will pass a No. 4 sieve. The Contractor may add additional water if necessary, during the remixing operations to
ensure proper moisture for compaction.
If a stationary plant is used to mix the soil and lime, the material can be placed, compacted and finished
immediately after mixing.
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Unlike soil-cement mixtures, soil-lime mixtures are compacted to a density of 95 percent of the maximum
theoretical density of the mixture determined in accordance with VTM-1 or VTM-12. Final rolling is done with a
pneumatic tire roller. Final compaction and finishing must be completed within 12 hours after final mixing.
After finishing of the treated subgrade, no vehicles (except the water truck) will be permitted on the compacted
soil-lime mix for a period of 7 days, or until the next layer of the pavement structure is placed, whichever is less,
to allow for final curing. During the final curing period, the soil-lime mix is lightly sprinkled with water at
frequent intervals to prevent drying of the mix. If at the end of 7 days the contractor has not placed the
pavement course, the contractor must place liquid asphalt at the rate specified and a cover of fine aggregate on
the mix.
Salt Stabilization
Stabilization of soils has been accomplished with salts such as sodium chloride, calcium chloride, or potassium
chloride. This method of subgrade treatment has been successful, but the treated material must be covered
quickly or the salt will re-dissolve. Chloride is very expensive and, therefore, is not a very cost effective method
of treatment. Rusting of equipment by this method is also a problem. This method should not be used unless
directed by the Engineer, plans or contract documents.
Fly ash by itself provides no strength gain for soil. However, if lime is added with the fly ash, they will react to
provide cementation of the soil and shall conform to ASTM C593.
Lime-Cement Stabilization
In some eastern areas of the state, lime and cement are used together to stabilize soil. The lime is used to dry
the silty sands that are virtually saturated, and then cement is added to improve its strength. It is quite
expensive, but sometimes may be proven to be cost effective because it does not require undercutting a good
quality material that can provide good strength, if dried and treated with cement. This method should not be
used unless directed by the Engineer, plans or contract documents.
When solid rock is encountered at subgrade, the roadbed must be excavated below the elevation shown on the
plans and backfilled in accordance with Road and Bridge Standard RU-1 (606.01).
Other unsuitable materials include saturated material, high plasticity clays, or other low CBR material. These
must also be undercut and backfilled with approved material.
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After subgrade is finished and has been checked and approved, it must be maintained. Any deficiencies in
compaction, grade or moisture must be corrected before subsequent layers can be placed. If subgrade becomes
eroded or distorted prior to placing subsequent layers, it must be scarified, reshaped and recompacted to the
original requirements. If subgrade becomes unstable after placing any or all of the pavement material, the
unstable area must be undercut and reconstructed to meet all specifications, standards or contract documents.
Detail documentation is key to tracking any work especially work that does not conform to specifications.
The above is a specification requirement. Having to go back and re-work areas which have been completed is
time consuming and costly. The same procedures for grading to drain with embankments also apply to
protecting the work at any stage of construction.
After scarifying and compacting, subgrade must be tested for compaction and checked to ensure a typical cross
section and uniform grade before subsequent courses can be placed. The minimum rate of density testing for
untreated subgrade material in place is one test per 2000 linear feet of roadway (full width). Compaction
requirements for subgrade can be found in Section 305.03 (a) of the Road and Bridge Specifications. On a Design
Build (DB), Public-Private Transportation Act (PPTA) or Locally Administered Project (LAP), follow the minimum
QA/QC requirements for DB/P3 projects. Before pavement items are placed on the subgrade, it must be visually
checked for soft spots, depressions, etc. Passing compaction tests don’t necessarily mean the subgrade is ready
for the pavement. Any deficiencies must be corrected prior to placing subsequent layers.
The materials exposed at subgrade elevation, or in areas that are to receive fill material must be visually
evaluated to determine if construction operations may proceed. If the materials exposed consist of rock, existing
hydraulic cement concrete pavement, existing asphalt concrete pavement or unsuitable materials, these must
be handled appropriately.
If solid rock is encountered at subgrade elevation, it must be removed to the depth specified in Standard
Drawing RU-1, Standard Method for Undercutting Rock. The reason that the rock must be removed is to provide
for a uniform base upon which to place the pavement. If the pavement is placed on a base that provides
irregular support, then the pavement may deform in the areas where there is limited support.
If existing pavements are encountered, depending on where they are relative to the future subgrade elevation,
they are handled differently. It also depends on the type of pavement as to how the materials will be handled.
The following paragraphs summarize the procedure for some materials; however, see Section 508.02 of the
VDOT Road & Bridge Specifications for more details.
Hydraulic cement concrete pavement and cement-stabilized courses underlying pavement designated for
demolition shall be broken down into pieces and either used in fill areas as rock embankment in accordance
with the requirements of Section 303 or disposed of at locations selected by the Contractor and approved by the
Engineer. If the material is within the proposed roadway prism and more than 3 feet below the subgrade, it may
2020 Chapter 3 | 14
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
be broken into pieces not more than 18 inches in any dimension, sufficiently displaced to allow for adequate
drainage, and left in the roadway prism.
Asphalt concrete pavement that does not overlay or underlie hydraulic cement concrete pavement shall be
removed and used in the work as designated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. When approved by the
Engineer, the pavement shall be removed and disposed of at locations selected by the Contractor.
If highly plastic clays, organic materials or very wet materials are encountered at subgrade elevations, these
materials must be either removed and replaced or dried out so they can be re-used. The disposition of these
types of materials is usually described in the plans.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) _______________ is the top surface of the embankment and the foundation for the pavement structure.
2) Subgrade must be scarified for a distance of _______________ beyond the proposed edges of pavement to
a depth of _______________ and recompacted to the original requirements.
3) _______________ days after placement of the Cement Stabilized Subgrade the next course of pavement or
approved cover material must be applied.
4) True or False. Cement is used with soil or aggregate to make the soil or aggregate more workable.
6) The tolerance on the optimum moisture content at which aggregate must be compacted is
7) The tolerance on the optimum moisture content for cement treated subgrade is _______________.
10) What is the minimum number of tests required for finished subgrade from Station 453+60 to Station
11) Cement Stabilized Subgrade has been placed 48 feet in width from Station 392+20 to Station 550+60, with
a paver application width of 12 feet. Determine the number of tests required and the density and moisture
2020 Chapter 3 | 16
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The plans call for 12% cement by volume, 6” depth. Width of treatment is 26 feet. The net weight of the cement
in the tanker is 23.09 tons.
2020 Chapter 3 | 17
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The plans call for 6.5% cement by volume, 6” depth. Width of treatment is 24 feet. The net weight of the cement
in the tanker is 22 tons.
2020 Chapter 3 | 18
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand basic pipe and soil concepts and how they relate to preconstruction issues
• Understand fundamental trench concepts and pipe installation procedures
• Understand inspection requirements and backfill testing frequencies and procedures
• Understand the basic principles of pavement drain construction
A well installed pipe should stay in service 50 to 100 years with little or no repair. VDOT states 75 years for higher
functional classification roads and 50 years for lower functional classification roads. Proper installation is essential
to pavement performance as it increases bearing capacity, increases service life and lowers maintenance costs.
2020 Chapter 4 | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
When planning a pipeline installation, there are 2 key functions that we must design the pipeline to provide. What
are those two functions? Clearly, the pipe needs to function as a conduit, as the whole idea of a pipe is to move
liquid in a controlled manner and direction. And the pipe must provide structure, because if the ground above the
pipe collapses then the pipe can no longer perform as a conduit. Having one of these functions without the other
is worthless.
2020 Chapter 4 | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Culverts are generally designed for the loads they must carry after construction is completed. Construction loads
often exceed design loads. These heavy loads can cause considerable damage in flexible pipes and can cause D-
load cracking in rigid pipes. Additional temporary fill is needed to protect the pipe from construction loads.
Minimum/Maximum Cover
All Culverts
3 ft.
2020 Chapter 4 | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The following tables give VDOT Standard for maximum height of cover for some types of pipe. Both of these
documents to include PC-1, 107.06 for Reinforced Elliptical Concrete Pipe can be found in the VDOT Road and
Bridge Standards, Section 100 Drainage Items.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Prior to construction the pipe delivered to the project should be inspected and verified to be the pipe specified
for the project. A review of the proper minimum/maximum height of cover for the specific type of pipe should be
completed. Inspect how the pipe is being stored on site to ensure no damage is being done to the pipe prior to
Verifying that the correct pipe has been delivered for the applications on your project.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2 ½”
They typically include manufactured date, diameter, pipe type, class, place of manufacturing and a VDOT QA
Pipe should be stored in an out of the way location where it will not be damaged. The pipe should be stacked and
chocked to avoid movement of the pipe. Pipe should never be stacked on the bells as they could be damaged.
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Trench Terminology
The bedding is typically 4-8” thick. The top few inches should be slightly yielding (loose) and fill the corrugations.
Often, shaped beddings are used to insure proper placement and compaction of materials under the pipe haunch.
The initial backfill of Class I backfill protects the pipe during installation from impact damage and extends to the
springline of the pipe. In a rigid pipe, this zone has zero effect on the load carrying capacity. In a flexible pipe this
zone must protect the pipe from distortions due to loading – extend to 12” above pipe. This zone contains the
same select quality backfill material as in the haunch zone for flexible pipe.
Generally excavated embankment material is used as the final backfill. It is placed in 6” loose lifts and compacted
to 4”. For flexible pipe this begins 12” over top of pipe for smaller pipe and 18” for pipe 54” and larger.
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The following drawing provides typical VDOT standards for pipe bedding and backfill.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
General procedures for pipe installation:
1) Locate utilities
2) Excavate trench
3) Explore foundation
4) Place structural bedding material to grade. Do not compact.
5) Install pipe to grade
6) Compact structural bedding outside the middle third of the pipe
7) Place structural bedding in lifts
8) Complete structural backfill operation by working from side to side of the pipe, differential not to exceed
24” or 1/3 size of pipe.
Locate Utilities
Prior to excavating the trench area, all utilities should be located by a qualified contractor.
Excavate Trench
The Contractor shall generally excavaae trenches for pipelines along straight lines with bottoms uniformly graded
as required. Proper trench widths will allow for proper compaction alongside the pipe. Trench widths may be
varied, based on the competency of the in-situ soil, backfill materials, compaction levels and loads. Trenching
should be completed in existing soils with sidewalls reasonably vertical to the top of the pipe. It is not appropriate
to leave a bench of native soil alongside the pipe during construction. The compaction equipment will ride on the
native soil and not allow for proper consolidation of backfill. For positive projection embankment installations,
the embankment material should be placed and compacted to a minimum of one foot above the pipe and the
trench excavated into the embankment. This prevents disruption of the backfill envelope when removing the
shoring or trench box.
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Explore Foundation
A stable foundation must be provided to ensure proper line and grade is maintained. Unsuitable foundations
must be stabilized at the engineer’s direction. Unsuitable or unstable foundations may be undercut and replaced
with a suitable bedding material, placed in 6” lifts. Other methods of stabilization, such as geo-fabrics may be
appropriate based on the Engineer’s judgment.
The foundation is to be explored below the bottom of the excavation to determine the type and condition of the
foundation. The exploration should extend to a depth equal to ½” per foot of fill height or 8”, whichever is greater.
If it is a routine entrance, or crossover pipe 12” to 30” in diameter, that is to be installed under fills 15 feet or less
in height, no exploration is needed. The Contractor shall report findings of foundation exploration to the Engineer
for approval prior to placing pipe.
When standing water is in pipe foundation area, No. 57 stone can be used as a backfill in the sub-foundation for
the depth specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer. No. 57 stone MUST be capped with a minimum of
4” crusher run prior to placement of pipe or box culvert. Compaction testing on No. 57 stone is not required; seat
stone in trench.
Place Bedding
Stable and uniform bedding must be provided for the pipe and any protruding features of its joints and/or fittings.
The middle of the bedding, should be loosely placed and not exceed 8 inches. The loosely placed center section
of the bedding allows the pipe to seat itself and helps minimize point loads. (Road and Bridge Spec. Section 302.03
When lift holes are provided in concrete pipe or precast box culverts, the Contractor shall install a lift hole plug
furnished by the manufacturer. After pipe installation and prior to backfilling, plugs shall be installed from the
exterior of the pipe or box culvert and snugly seated.
Install Pipe
Rigid pipe – properly fitted, sealed with rubber, preformed plastic, mastic gaskets
Flexible Pipe – properly aligned and joined with approved coupling bands
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Soil Tight: A joint that is resistant to infiltration of particles larger than those retained on the No. 200 sieve. Soil-
tight joints provide protection against infiltration of backfill material containing high percentage of coarse grain
soils, and are influenced by the size of the opening (maximum dimension normal to the direction that the soil
may infiltrate) and the length of the channel (length of the path along which the soil may infiltrate).
Silt Tight: A joint that is resistant to infiltration of particles that are smaller than particles passing the No. 200
sieve. Silt-tight joints provide protection against infiltration of the backfill material containing a high percentage
of fines, and typically utilize some type of filtering or sealing component, such as an elastomeric rubber seal or
Leak Resistant: A joint which limits water leakage at a maximum rate of 200 gallons/inch-diameter/mile/day for
the pipeline system for the project specified head or pressure.
Tongue & Groove: A bell & spigot type joint with straight walls (flush bell). The joint consists of a tongue (male
end) and groove (female end) with no defining areas for gasket material placement. Rubber gaskets may be used
when the joint slope is five degrees or less, however it is usually limited to mastic or butyl sealants.
Bell and Spigot: A pipe with a flared bell has the outside diameter of the bell larger than the outside diameter of
the pipe. Another option with the flared bell is the Modified Tongue & Groove, or Baby Bell which is a cross
between a straight walled T&G and a Standard Bell – it does not stick out from the barrel as far as a flared bell.
Confined O-Ring: The first “rubber gasket” joint design established by the industry. The spigot end of the pipe
contains a confined groove for the gasket to seat, where an o-ring gasket is placed. This type joint-gasket
combination provides a leak resistant joint.
Single Offset: This joint first appeared in the early 1990’s. This style of spigot is much easier to manufacture. It is
generally easier to install due to less stringent lubrication requirements for the gasket. This type of joint provides
a leak resistant joint when a profile gasket is used.
Structural Fill
See Section 302.03 (A)(2)(g) of the Road and Bridge Specifications and VDOT Standards for complete requirements
for backfill material.
Proper haunching provides support to ensure the pipe’s strength is achieved. Care must be exercised to ensure
placement and compaction of the embedment material in the haunches. For larger diameter pipe, >30 inches,
embedment materials should be worked under the haunches by hand. Haunching material may be Class I and
must be placed and compacted in 6-inch loose/4-inch compacted maximum lifts, compacted to 95 percent
standard proctor density. Backfill material shall be “knifed” into the area along the bottom edge of the pipe. When
backfill is below spring line of pipe, compact next to pipe first and work towards the trench wall. When backfill
material is above the spring line of the pipe, start at the trench wall and work towards the pipe. Do not compact
directly on pipe as it may damage the pipe.
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Each layer of Class I and regular backfill material shall be compacted by rolling, tamping with mechanical rammers,
or hand tamping with heavy metal tampers with a face of at least 25 square inches. If vibratory rollers are used in
the backfill operations, vibratory motors shall not be activated until at least 3 feet of backfill has been placed and
compacted over the pipe. Backfill and compaction shall be advanced simultaneously on both sides of the pipe.
The fill above the top of the regular backfill shall be installed and completed as specified for embankment
construction. Rock more than 2 inches in its greatest dimension shall not be placed within 12 inches of pipe.
Pipe openings in precast drainage units shall not exceed the outside cross sectional dimensions of the pipes by
more than a total of 8 inches regardless of the placement of the pipe, their angles of intersection, or shapes of the
As shown in VTM-10, Direct Transmission testing will be required for pipe backfill. Pipe backfill will always include
aggregate materials (Class I backfill) to the springline and in some cases above that, such as 21A or 21B, or a
dense-graded aggregate select material. When Direct Transmission testing is performed on these occasions,
because of the difficulty of driving the pin through dense-graded aggregate and the disturbance of the hole it
causes, the density shall conform to the following requirements in Table I (VTM-10), which are reduced by 5%
from the requirements for aggregate that may be tested by other means of less disturbance. These reduced
densities in Table I also apply to natural soil embankment, subgrade, and backfill with greater than 50% retained
on the No. 4 sieve.
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Test Location
4” Compacted Lift
One test per lift on alternating sides of the pipe for each 300 feet of pipe or portion thereof.
Test pattern is to begin after the first 4” lift above bedding and continue to 1 foot above top of the pipe.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
One test every other lift around the perimeter; beginning after the first 4 inch compacted lift above the bedding
and continue to the top of the structure. Stagger tests to ensure consistent compactive effort has been achieved.
One test every fourth compacted lift around the perimeter; beginning after the first 4 inch compacted lift above
the bedding and continue to 5 feet below the top of the structure. In the top 5 feet; perform one test every other
lift around the perimeter and continue to the top of the structure.
NOTE: Compaction Tests are required on stone backfill (Class I backfill and bedding material); consult the District
Materials Division for Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content targets for the specific material being
2020 Chapter 4 | 15
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The following is an excerpt from Virginia Test Method – 123 Post Installation Inspection of Buried Storm Drain
Pipe and Pipe Culverts covering the scope of post installation pipe inspection.
For all roadway projects that are constructed by private contractors for VDOT and for all roadway projects
constructed by others that are or will be proposed to be accepted into the VDOT highway system, a visual/video
camera post installation inspection is required on all storm sewer pipes and for a selected number of pipe culverts
in accordance with the instructions contained in this VTM and Section 302.03 of the VDOT Road and Bridge
Specifications. The video camera inspection is to be conducted with a VDOT representative present.
The inspection can be conducted manually if adequate crawl/walking space and ventilation is available to safely
conduct the inspection and the individual(s) conducting the inspection have undergone training on working in
confined spaces in accordance with VDOT’s current Safety Policy and Procedure #8 Confined Space Entry Policy and
Procedure - General, or the inspection can be conducted with a video camera. If the inspection is to be conducted
with a video camera, the video camera shall have fully articulating lenses that will provide a 360 degree inspection
of the pipe/culvert, including each joint and any deficient areas of the pipe/culvert, as well as a means to measure
deformations/deflections of the pipe (items such as a laser range finder or other appropriate device for taking such
measurements as specified herein and approved by the Engineer).
If the inspection is conducted manually, the person performing the inspection may use a standard video camera or
a digital camera to document any observed deficiencies. If the mandrel test is to be performed to mechanically
measure deformations/deflections of the pipe/culvert, the mandrel used shall be a nine (or greater odd number)
arm mandrel, and shall be sized and inspected by the Engineer prior to testing. The diameter of the mandrel at any
point shall not be less than the allowable percent deflection of the certified actual mean diameter of the pipe or
culvert being tested. The mandrel shall be fabricated of metal, fitted with pulling rings at each end, stamped or
engraved on some segment other than a runner with the nominal pipe/culvert size and mandrel outside diameter.
The mandrel shall be pulled through the pipe or culvert by hand with a rope or cable. Where applicable, pulleys
may be incorporated into the system to change the direction of pull so that inspection personnel need not physically
enter the pipe, culvert or manhole.
A copy of the Storm Sewer/Culvert Inspection Report (inspection report)including any video tape/Digital Video
Recording (DVD)/digital photographs shall be provided to the VDOT Inspector within two business days of the
completion of the inspection and made part of the project records. Additionally, a copy shall be furnished to local
VDOT Asset Management personnel to document the pipe/culvert condition at that point in time. The video
tape/DVD/digital photographs should be of such clarity, detail and resolution as to clearly show the conditions of
the interior of the pipe/culvert and detect any defects within the pipe or culvert as specified herein. Post installation
inspections shall be conducted no sooner than 30 days after completion of installation and placement of final cover
(except for pavement structure).
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• There must be adequate crawl/walking space and VDOT Safety Policy and Procedure #8 Confined Space
Entry Policy and Procedure must be followed.
• A standard Video/ Digital Camera can be used.
• A mandrel is needed for Flexible Pipe to measure deflection.
• Cracks shall be digitally scanned to allow for accurate measurement.
• The video camera must have fully articulated lenses (360 degree inspection).
• The camera must have the means to measure deformation/deflection of the pipe.
• All cracks shall be digitally scanned to allow for accurate measurement.
Deficiencies found may include: but are not limited to, the following:
Refer to VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, Section 302.03 Procedures (d) Post Installation Inspection for detail
requirements and remediation procedures.
2020 Chapter 4 | 17
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Pavement subsurface drainage is essential in obtaining a well performing pavement, whether it is flexible, rigid or
composite. A drained pavement structure has a higher bearing capacity that can effectively support traffic
loadings, and lead to long lasting pavement at the least maintenance cost.
A trench at the edge of the pavement provides a cavity with the least resistance for water to flow and
accommodate pavement drainage. The trench’s dimensions and location are typically 1 foot wide and 2 to 4
inches below the subgrade and adjacent to the pavement edge. The specific locations are shown on the plans.
There is a variety of pavement under/edge drains in the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards Volume 1 (108.01-
108.09) with each addressing a specific geometric condition and groundwater condition.
The most common underdrains are known as UD-4 and UD-7. The UD-4 is used with new construction, while the
UD-7 is used for retrofitting existing pavements. These underdrains are segmented systems with outlets spaced
at 250 to 350 feet.
1) Trench
2) Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric
3) Perforated longitudinal pipe (min. stiffness 35 psi) is the collecting conduit
4) Aggregate backfill (#8 or #57)
5) Non-perforated smooth wall outlet pipe (min. pipe stiffness 65 psi)
6) An end-wall for the protection of the outlet pipe.
The above components are designed to perform three functions to aid in draining water from the pavement; these
• Intercept
• Collect
• Discharge
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
8) At the end of the run (250-350 feet) a 45-degree elbow is used to connect the longitudinal pipe to the
non-perforated outlet pipe to force the collected water to discharge. The side is called the drainage side.
9) The outlet pipe is connected to the back of the end-wall.
10) Backfill the trench using clean #8 or #57 aggregate as soon as practical, but not later than the end of each
working day.
11) Backfill depth is at least equal to the diameter of the pipe.
12) Backfill is usually placed loosely and heaped above the finished level.
13) Use vibratory plate with a welded foot to compact the aggregate backfill.
14) Fold the drainage fabric to provide 100% overlap at the top of the trench.
15) In the case of UD-4, the Open Graded Drainage Layer (OGDL) is placed on top of the completed trench.
16) In the case of UD-7, as asphalt concrete cap is used to complete the backfilling and provide the final
surface that is even with the shoulder.
17) Once the system has been installed, it is critical that inspection is performed to ensure that there are no
areas that are crushed, clogged or otherwise non-functioning. Inspection is performed in accordance
with VTM-108.
Below is a list of deficiencies (VTM-108) that an Engineer will consider as unacceptable underdrain installation
that could require corrective action:
1) Crushed or collapsed pipe (including couplings or other pipe fittings) that prevents passage of the 2 ½ inch
diameter camera.
2) Pipe that is partially crushed or deformed (including splits and cracks) for a length of 12 inches or greater,
even if the deficiency allows the passage of the 2 ½ inch diameter inspection camera.
3) Any blockages or sediment buildup caused by rodent’s nests, open connections, cracks or splits in the
4) Sags in the longitudinal pipe profile as evidenced by ponding of water for continuous lengths of 10 feet or
greater. The pipe shall be flushed with water prior to checking for sags.
5) Blocked and/or flattened PGPE panels that will not allow the passage of a 3/8 inch diameter borescope
6) Outlet pipes that are installed with less than a 2% uniform positive grade sloped toward the outlet end.
7) Freeboard of less than 12 inches from the outlet pipe invert to the bottom of the ditch.
8) Pipe that has been penetrated or otherwise damaged by the installation of guardrail posts, sign posts,
delineator posts, etc.
9) Cracked endwalls, reverse sloped installations, separation of outlet pipe from the back of the endwall,
missing rodent screens, and missing or improperly installed outlet markers where required.
10) Cavities or undermining of the backfill at the endwall evidenced by or leading to the instability of the
endwall or erosion at the endwall or on the slope.
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2) True or False. When moving concrete pipe you should pick it up by one end.
5) True or False. You do not have to place pipe bedding material down first when installing a UD-4.
7) What is the maximum height of cover for a 48 inch pipe diameter Class IV concrete pipe culvert?
8) A 36 inch diameter pipe, 290 feet long, is placed on a project as a drainage culvert. What is the minimum
number of density tests that should be run on the backfill material?
11) Pipe openings in precast drainage structures shall not exceed the outside cross sectional dimensions of the
pipe by more than how much?
12) How long after installation is complete can the video inspection can be done?
13) What is the maximum allowed crack size of a rigid (concrete) pipe?
15) What end of the pipe system do you start installation? Upstream or down- stream?
17) What is the minimum amount of cover over pipe allowed for design loads?
18) What is the minimum amount of cover over pipe to prevent damage from construction loads?
2020 Chapter 4 | 20
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand how the moisture-density relationship impacts soils and soil-aggregate mixtures
• Understand the procedures for determining the wet density of soil using the one-point proctor method
• Understand the procedures for determining moisture using a “hot plate” or “speedy” moisture device
• Understand how to establish target values for field testing using the moisture-density curves method
When soil is being placed as fill material it must be put down in layers called lifts and compacted with some form
of compaction equipment before the next lift is placed. Specifications for this work are given in the Virginia
Department of Transportation’s Road and Bridge Specifications, Section 303.04 (h), Sec. 305.02 (a) 1 and are
summarized in Appendices B and C of this Study Guide. Generally, the specifications call for the soil to be
compacted to a minimum of 95%* of the theoretical maximum density, with a moisture content of ± 20% of the
theoretical optimum moisture. These theoretical values are referred to as the testing targets.
Refer to the flow chart below to see the overall procedure for determining if fill material meets the
specifications. First, the target values for density and moisture content must be determined. This chapter will
discuss the various methods for determining the target values of various soil materials.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
This procedure determines the moisture-density relationship of soils and soil-aggregate mixtures. It is
sometimes referred to as the standard proctor or the modified proctor test. A quantity of soil or soil and
aggregate mixture is prepared at a determinable moisture content and compacted in a standard mold using a
manual or mechanical rammer. The wet mass of this compacted sample is divided by the volume of the mold to
determine the wet density. Moisture content testing on the material from the compacted mass is used to
determine the dry density of this material. This procedure is repeated at varied moisture contents and the
results are plotted on a graph as shown in Figure 5.1. A smooth line is drawn through the points to obtain a
curve. The maximum density and optimum moisture content are determined by selecting a point at the peak of
the curve.
Dry Density (lb/ft3)
16.5 18.4 20.3 22.4
Moisture Content (%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Typical maximum density and optimum moisture that can be expected as the result of a standard compaction
test (AASHTO T 99) are given below (Table 5.1). A modified compaction test (AASHTO T 180) will yield 10 to 15
percent higher maximum densities and 20 to 30 percent lower optimum moisture due to the greater compactive
effort used (as described in Table 5.2).
Typical Values of Maximum Density and Optimum Moisture for
Common Types of Soil (AASHTO T-99)
Maximum Density Range Optimum Moisture
Unified Soil Soil Description
kg/m3 (lb/ft3) Range (%)
CH Highly Plastic Clays 1200-1680 (75-105) 19-36
CL Silty Clays 1520-1920 (95-120) 12-24
ML Silty and Clayey Silts 1520-1920 (95-120) 12-24
SC Clayey Sands 1680-2000 (105-125) 11-19
SM Silty Sands 1760-2000 (110-125) 11-16
SP Poorly-graded Sands 1600-1920 (100-120) 12-21
SW Well-graded Sands 1760-2080 (110-130) 9-16
GC Clayey Gravel w/sands 1840-2080 (115-130) 9-14
GP Poorly-graded gravels 1840-2000 (115-125) 11-14
GW Well-graded Gravels 2000-2160 (125-135) 8-11
Differences Between Standard (T 99) and Modified (T 180) Moisture-
Density Tests
Equipment/Procedures Standard Modified
Rammers Mass 5.5 lb 10.0 lb
(Manual and Mechanical) (2.495 kg) (4.536 kg)
12.0 in 18.0 in
Drop of Rammer to Soil Surface
(305 mm) (475 mm)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Before beginning any procedure, you must first assemble all the equipment you will need to perform the test.
You will need the following equipment per AASHTO T 99/T 180 as shown in Figure 5.2 above, Tables 5.2 and 5.3,
and as indicated below.
1) Rammers: The difference between the two procedures (standard and modified) is the mass and freefall
of the rammer used to compact the soil or soil and aggregate mixture in the mold and the number of
layers placed into the compaction mold for compaction.
7) Straightedge: At least 10 in. (250 mm) length, made of hardened steel with one beveled edge. The
straightedge is used to plane the surface of the soil even with the top of the mold. The straightedge
should not be so flexible that it leaves a concave surface when trimming the soil from the top of the
compacted sample.
8) Engineering Curve
9) Sieves: 2 in. (50.0 mm), ¾ in. (19.0 mm), and a No. 4 (4.75 mm) conforming to the requirements of
10) Mixing Tools: Sample pans, spoons, scoops, trowels, used for mixing the sample with water.
11) Containers: Corrosion resistant with close fitting lids to retain moisture content of prepared soil
AASHTO T 99 and T 180 stipulate four distinct test methods for these procedures, which are Method A, Method
B, Method C, and Method D (Table 5.3). The method to be used should be indicated in the applicable
Moisture-Density Methods and Associated Mold Sizes
Method A Method B Method C Method D
4 in 6 in 4 in 6 in
Mold Size
(101.6 mm) (152.4 mm) (01.6 mm) (152.4 mm)
Standard (T 99) 3 Layers using 5.5 lb (2.495 kg) rammer, 12 in (305 mm) drop
Modified (T 180) 5 Layers using 10 lb (4.536 kg) rammer, 18 in (457 mm) drop
Use caution when selecting the test method to be used. AASHTO test method designations are distinct from
ASTM methods listed in D 698 and D 1557. ASTM also contains three Methods (A, B, or C) which correspond to
different mold dimensions than the AASHTO counterparts.
The step by step procedures for AASHTO T 99 and T 180 are essentially the same. The differences in the two
procedures are indicated in Table 5.3. AASHTO T 99 will always use 3 layers and a 2.495 kg (5.5 lb) rammer with
305 mm (12 in) drop for all methods. AASHTO T 180 will always use 5 layers and a 4.536 kg (10 lb) rammer with
457 mm (18 in.) drop.
AASHTO stipulates for each method that material must pass the designated sieve (Table 5.3). Any material
retained on the designated sieves is discarded, unless the oversize correction procedure is to be used, (See
“Oversize Material Replacement” on next page.)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Sample Preparation
1) If the sample is wet, dry it until it becomes friable under a trowel. Aggregations in a friable soil sample
will break apart easily. Avoid breaking apart the natural particles when breaking up the soil
2) Sieve the sample over the specified sieve for the method being performed. Discard any oversize
material retained on the specified sieve.
NOTE: Oversize Material Replacement - It may be necessary to maintain the same percentage of coarse
material in the lab sample as was found in the field. If oversize material replacement is required, the
material to be tested should be screened through a 2 in (50 mm) and ¾ in (19 mm) sieve, to ascertain
the amount of material retained on the ¾ in (19 mm) sieve. An equal mass of material which passes the
¾ in (19 mm) sieve, but is retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve, is then obtained from the remaining
portion of the sample. This material is recombined with the test sample prior to compaction. When this
procedure is followed, it is necessary to prepare a larger quantity of material for testing.
3) Thoroughly mix the remaining sample. Obtain at least enough material to fill the mold when compacted
and provide enough extra material to ensure adequate material for the determination of moisture
content and increase in density as more water is added.
NOTE: This method uses the same soil or soil-aggregate sample for each “point” on the density curve. If
the soil or soil-aggregate mixture to be tested is a clayey material which will not easily mix with water,
or where the soil material is fragile and will break apart from the repeated blows of the compaction
rammer, it may be necessary to prepare individual portions for each density point. In most cases
enough material should be sampled from the field to permit four individual “points” starting 4% below
the anticipated optimum moisture content, and then each subsequent “point” increased by 2%
moisture. Optimum moisture content should be “bracketed” by the prepared samples in order to
provide a more accurate moisture-density curve.
4) Prepare the sample(s) and mix with water to produce the desired moisture content. If the four "points"
are prepared in advance, store the prepared material in moisture tight containers. The following
example illustrates how to calculate the amount of water to be added to the soil or soil-aggregate
material as a percentage of the sample’s original mass.
A sample of 6090 g needs to be prepared with approximately 2% additional moisture. Therefore, 6090 g
is multiplied by 1.02 to yield a sample mass of 6210 g.
Therefore, 120 g of water should be added to bring the moisture content up by approximately 2%. Since
water has a mass of one gram per milliliter, 120 mL of water should be added.
2020 Chapter 5 | 6
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test Procedure
1) Record the mass of the mold and base plate (without the extension collar) to the nearest 5 grams.
NOTE: While compacting the sample, make sure the mold rests on a rigid and stable foundation or base
which will not move.
2) Place a representative portion of the sample into the mold. Place material layers using three
approximately equal lifts, to give a total compacted depth of about 5 in. (127 mm) for the standard
method (AASHTO T 99). Place five approximately equal layers to give a total compacted depth of about
5 in. (127 mm) for the modified method (AASHTO T 180).
3) Use the 5.5 lb (2.495 kg) rammer for standard moisture density test (AASHTO T 99) or the 10 lb (4.536
kg) rammer for modified moisture density test (AASHTO T 180).
4) Apply the required number of blows to the specimen layer (25 blows for Methods A and C, 56 blows for
Methods B and D).
5) When compacting the specimen using the manual rammer, uniformly distribute the blows over the
entire surface area of the sample.
NOTE: Do not lift the rammer and sleeve from the surface of the sample while compacting. Also, hold
the rammer perpendicular to the sample and mold during compaction.
7) Remove the extension collar from the mold and trim the sample even with the top edge of the mold
using a straightedge. Clean the mold and base plate of any loose particles. If there are voids in the
surface of the compacted sample, fill them with loose soil collected from around the baseplate. Re-trim
the sample even with the top edge of the mold. Clean mold of loose particles if necessary.
8) Weigh the mold with sample and record to the nearest 5 grams.
9) Remove the compacted soil or soil-aggregate sample from the mold and slice vertically through the
center of the specimen. Obtain a representative sample from one of the cut faces, determine the moist
mass immediately and record. Dry in accordance with MARTCP SA 1.3, to determine moisture content.
10) Break up the remainder of the sample from the mold. Add the broken up sample to the remainder of
the sample being used for the test.
11) Add additional water to the sample to increase the overall moisture content by about 2% (as described
in Step 4 of Sample Preparation). The increased moisture content should never be more than 4%. If
separate density points were prepared prior to performing the procedure, skip this step. Continue
compacting samples with moisture contents increasing by roughly 2% until there is a drop or no change
in the calculated wet density.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2.205 lb = 1 kg
2) Calculate the moisture content for each compacted sample by dividing the water content (loss
between wet mass and dry mass of moisture sample) by the dry mass of the sample and multiplying by
(Wwet – Wdry)
W% = x 100
(Wdry – Wcon)
W% = Percent Moisture
2020 Chapter 5 | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
3) Calculate the dry density for each compacted sample based on the corresponding moisture sample for
each compacted specimen.
Ddry = x 100
100 + W%
4) Plot each compaction point for dry density on graph paper with density on the y-axis and moisture
content on the x-axis as shown on Figure 5.3 6.7.
5) Form a smooth line using the engineer's curve by connecting the plotted points to form two curves. As
close as possible to the intersection, round the peak to form a smooth, continuous line.
6) The moisture content corresponding to the peak of the curve will be termed the "optimum moisture
7) The dry density corresponding to the peak of the curve will be termed "maximum dry density."
2020 Chapter 5 | 9
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Example Calculation
The following example moisture density relationship (Table 5.4) is calculated as a Modified (AASHTO T 180),
Method A (Large Rammer, Small Mold). Remember that the mass of the wet soil needs to be expressed per the
unit volume of the mold used. The mass of the wet soil in kilograms is multiplied by 66.22 to determine the wet
density in lb/ft3.
Modified Method A Moisture-Density Relationship Computation
Point No. 1 2 3 4
Mass of Mold and Soil (kg) 6.065 6.130 6.190 6.185
(-) Mass of Mold (kg) 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295
(=) Mass of Wet Soil (kg) 1.770 1.835 1.895 1.890
Wet Density (lb/ft3) 117.2 121.5 125.5 125.2
A = Mass of Container and Wet Soil (g) 373.5 397.5 385.2 387.3
B = Mass of Container and Dry Soil (g) 336.9 354.9 339.7 338.9
C = Mass of Container (g) 115.2 123.2 115.4 122.8
W = Moisture Content (%) 16.5 18.4 20.3 22.4
Ddry = Dry Density (lb/ft ) 100.6 102.6 104.3 102.3
2020 Chapter 5 | 10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
9) The manual rammer is not held vertically when the blows are delivered.
15) The straightedge may become worn with use - replace as necessary.
16) The sample is not properly dried or the moisture content sample is improperly taken.
2020 Chapter 5 | 11
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A one point proctor is run after the material has been placed and bladed off to determine the optimum moisture
and maximum dry density. This information will be compared to the field density test, which is run on the same
soil, to determine the percentage of compaction achieved by the contractor’s operations.
The information for the one point proctor goes on form TL-125A. The test is run as follows:
2) Weigh the mold and base plate and record on line B of the worksheet. Attach the collar.
4) Place the mold on a hard stable surface. Place the material passing the No. 4 sieve in three
approximately equal layers, compacting each layer 25 times with the hand held hammer – 5.5 lbs.
dropped 12 inches.
2020 Chapter 5 | 12
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
5) After the soil is compacted, remove the collar, and use a straightedge with a beveled edge to strike off
the surface evenly. Be careful to avoid removal of the soil within the mold. Should surface voids be
created, take enough soil from the trimming to fill the void and apply pressure with a finger to compact
the soil in the void. Once the sample has been trimmed, weigh the mold and wet soil, record the weight
on line A.
Subtract line B from line A to determine the wet soil weight and record on line C. Multiply line C by 30
to determine the wet density of the soil and record on line D.
2020 Chapter 5 | 13
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
7) Record the Speedy Dial reading from the test on line E and the moisture content from the chart that
comes with the test unit on line F.
8) Now that the wet density and the moisture content have been determined, use the one point proctor
typical moisture density curves set C worksheet to determine the maximum dry density of the soil.
Take the values from line D (wet density of soil) and line F (moisture content of soil) and locate this
point on the Typical Moisture-Density curves set C. Find the curve where the wet density and moisture
content lines intersect and go to the upper right hand corner of the graph and read the Maximum Dry
Density and Optimum Moisture Content that correspond to that curve.
2020 Chapter 5 | 14
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 15
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
This method of test is intended to determine the moisture content of soils by means of a calcium carbide gas
pressure moisture tester (speedy moisture tester).
1) Place three scoops (approximately 24g) of calcium carbide in the body of the moisture tester.
2) Weigh a sample of –4 material (material that has been sieved through a No. 4 sieve) the exact weight
specified by the manufacturer of the instrument in the balance provided (20 or 26g), then place the
sample in the cap of the tester.
2020 Chapter 5 | 16
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
3) Place two 1¼” steel balls in the body of the tester with the calcium carbide (do not allow the steel balls
to fall to the bottom of the tester, since this might cause damage to the dial).
4) With the pressure vessel in an approximately horizontal position, insert the cap in the pressure vessel
and seal the unit by tightening the clamp, taking care that no carbide comes in contact with the soil
until complete seal is achieved.
5) Raise the moisture tester to a vertical position so that the soil in the cap will fall into the pressure
vessel (tap with hand to ensure all soil has fallen into pressure vessel).
2020 Chapter 5 | 17
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
6) Shake the instrument vigorously so that all lumps will be broken up to permit the calcium carbide to
react with all available free moisture. The instrument should be shaken with a rotating motion so the
steel balls will not damage the instrument or cause soil particles to become embedded in the orifice
leading to the pressure diaphragm.
7) Shaking should continue for at least one minute with granular soils and for up to three minutes for
other soils so as to permit complete reaction between the calcium carbide and the free moisture. Time
should be permitted to allow dissipation of the heat generated by the chemical reaction.
(Manufacturer suggests rotating the device for 10 seconds and resting for 20 seconds. Repeat the
shake-rest cycle for a total of 3 minutes.)
8) When the needle stops moving, read the dial while holding the instrument in a horizontal position at
eye level.
9) Record the dial reading and then determine the moisture content of the soil on a dry weight basis from
the moisture chart (Speedy Moisture Chart). If the moisture content of the sample exceeds the limit of
the pressure gauge, a one-half (½) size sample must be used and the dial reading must be multiplied by
10) With the cap of the instrument pointed away from the operator, slowly release the gas pressure, empty
the pressure vessel and examine the material for lumps. If the sample is not completely pulverized, the
test should be repeated using a new sample.
NOTE: a) This method shall not be used on granular materials having particles large enough to
affect the accuracy of the test - in general any appreciable amount retained on the
No. 4 sieve.
b) Care must be exercised to prevent the calcium carbide from coming into direct
contact with water.
c) When removing the cap, care should be taken to point the instrument away from the
operator to avoid breathing the fumes, and away from any potential source of
ignition for the acetylene gas.
2020 Chapter 5 | 18
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 5 | 19
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 20
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The wet density of the soil is 126.9 lb/ft3. The moisture content is 14.2 percent. Find the wet density on the
vertical axis, and the moisture content on the horizontal axis. Using a straightedge, extend the lines until they
intersect. They intersect nearest to Line M. Go to the chart in the upper right hand corner and record the data
from Line M. The Maximum Dry Density is 112.0 lb/ft3, and the optimum moisture is 15.2 percent. These values
are recorded on Lines G and H of the one point proctor report (Form TL-125A).
144 SET "C"
142 E
140 F
138 G
136 H
132 K
130 B L
128 C M
Weight (PCF)
126 D
124 E P
122 F Q
120 H
118 T
116 U
114 L W
112 M X
110 N Y
108 O
106 P Z
104 Q
98 W X
96 Y
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Water Content (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 21
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
F. Moisture Content (%) from Speedy Chart 14.2 From Moisture-Density Chart
G. Maximum Dry Density – lb/ft3 (kg/m3) 112.0 Max. Dry Density = 112.0
Opt. Moisture = 15.2
H. Optimum Moisture (%) 15.2
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 22
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The moisture content of a material influences its ability or inability to be excavated, consolidated, moved,
screened, weighed, dried out, or reabsorbed. Moisture content calculations used for soils and aggregates are by
convention figured as the mass of water driven out of the material through drying over the dry mass of the
material. The moisture content is used to calculate a variety of properties, including density, plasticity,
permeability, and more.
Test procedure
1) Select a representative quantity of material based on the following table, or state specifications:
Aggregate Moisture Content Test Sample Sizes
Nominal Maximum Size,
Minimum Sample Size, grams (lbs)
mm (in)
4.75 (No. 4) 500 (1.1)
9.5 (3/8) 1500 (3.3)
12.5 (1/2) 2000 (4.4)
19.0 (3/4) 3000 (6.6)
25.0 (1) 4000 (8.8)
37.5 (1 ½) 6000 (13.2)
50.0 (2) 8000 (17.6)
All soils moisture content sample sizes must be a minimum of 500 grams.
4) Place the container on the stove or hot plate and, while drying, mix the sample continuously to
expedite drying and prevent burning of the aggregate. Always use a low flame or heat setting.
2020 Chapter 5 | 23
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
5) When the sample looks dry, remove it from the stove, cool, and weigh. Put sample back on the stove,
continue drying for another two to three minutes, cool, and reweigh. When a constant weight has been
achieved, the sample is dry. Record the weight of the sample and the container. Note: Care must be
taken to avoid losing any of the sample.
• Overheating sample during drying process causing a loss of organic material or partial oxidation of other
sample constituents.
(Wwet – Wdry)
W% = x 100
(Wdry – Wcon)
W% = Percent Moisture
2) Example Problem:
(589.6 – 536.2)
W% = x 100
(Wwet – Wdry) (536.2 – 149.8)
W% = x 100
(Wdry – Wcon)
x 100
W% = Percent Moisture 386.4
2020 Chapter 5 | 24
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) What are the three differences between AASHTO T-99 and AASHTO T-180?
2) __________ layers of soil are required to make a standard proctor mold and each layer must be compacted
__________ blows with a __________ lb. hammer dropped __________ inches.
3) The moisture content corresponding to the peak of the curve will be termed the
__________________________ and the density corresponding to the peak of the curve will be termed the
4) __________ scoops of reagent are placed in the body of the “speedy” moisture tester.
5) According to AASHTO, the base on which the proctor test molds are made must weigh at least __________
6) If the dial on the Speedy exceeds __________, a half-size sample must be used and the dial reading must
be ____________________.
8) Rotate the Speedy for ____________, rest for _____________ for a period of _____________.
9) Calculate the moisture content using the following information:
Wwet = 10.85
Wdry = 10.05
Wcon = 1.69
2020 Chapter 5 | 25
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
c) A nuclear density test determines the dry density to be 102 lb/ft3 with a moisture content of 18.2%.
Does this test pass?
2020 Chapter 5 | 26
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 27
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 5 | 28
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
146 C SET "C"
142 E
140 F
138 G
136 H
132 A
130 B L
128 C M
Weight (PCF)
126 D
124 E P
120 H
118 T
116 U
114 L W
112 M X
110 N Y
108 O
104 R WET
102 T
98 W
96 Z
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2020 Chapter 5 | 29
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
c) A nuclear density test determines the dry density to be 96.2 lb/ft3 with a moisture content of 15.8%.
Does this test pass?
2020 Chapter 5 | 30
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 31
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 5 | 32
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
146 C SET "C"
142 E
140 F
138 G
136 H
132 A
130 B L
128 C M
Weight (PCF)
126 D
124 E P
120 H
118 T
116 U
114 L W
112 M X
110 N Y
108 O
104 R WET
102 T
98 W
96 Z
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2020 Chapter 5 | 33
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
2020 Chapter 5 | 34
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 35
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 5 | 36
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
146 C SET "C"
142 E
140 F
138 G
136 H
132 A
130 B L
128 C M
Weight (PCF)
126 D
124 E P
120 H
118 T
116 U
114 L W
112 M X
110 N Y
108 O
104 R WET
102 T
98 W
96 Z
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2020 Chapter 5 | 37
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
2020 Chapter 5 | 38
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
2020 Chapter 5 | 39
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 5 | 40
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
146 C SET "C"
142 E
140 F
138 G
136 H
132 A
130 B L
128 C M
Weight (PCF)
126 D
124 E P
120 H
118 T
116 U
114 L W
112 M X
110 N Y
108 O
104 R WET
102 T
98 W
96 Z
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2020 Chapter 5 | 41
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand the components of the nuclear gauge and how it is used to measure moisture and density
• Understand the procedures for evaluating moisture and density using the direct transmission method
• Understand the basic regulations that govern the storage, transport, and use of the nuclear gauge
• Understand basic maintenance techniques and procedures for emergency response
After placement and compaction of the embankment material by the contractor, the inspector then conducts a
field density test and a field moisture content test on the lift. The results of these field tests are compared to the
target values (see Chapter 5) to determine if the contractor has met specifications for density and moisture
content of that lift.
Section 303.04(h) and 305.03(a) of 2016 Road and Bridge Specifications stipulates that field density
determinations are to be performed in accordance with the following AASHTO tests:
2020 Chapter 6 | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 6 | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The Nuclear Moisture Density device (or Nuclear Gauge) is specifically designed to measure the moisture and
density of soils, aggregates, cement, and lime treated materials, and to measure the density of asphalt concrete. It
offers the Inspector and Contractor a method of obtaining fast, accurate and in-place measurement of densities
and moisture. With suitable calibrations, the device gives results which are comparable to those given by the
Sand Cone or Volume Meter Test.
The device uses a small radioactive source which sends radiation through the material being tested, giving data
which can be correlated to density and/or moisture. While no radiation hazard is imposed on the operator when
following the normal procedures of use, a potential hazard does exist if improperly used. Three ways to limit
exposure to radiation are time, distance, and shielding.
Before operating a nuclear gauge a person must pass a Nuclear Safety course and be issued a
thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) badge. The badge measures exposure to radiation and is to be worn
whenever operating a nuclear gauge. The TLD is to be stored at least 10 feet from the gauge. Two gauges
should not be operated within 33 feet of one another. In case of an accident, maintain a 20 foot radius around
the accident site.
A small radioactive source is located in the tip of the stainless steel rod which is primarily used for density testing,
whereas another source is located inside the device which is used specifically for taking moisture determinations
simultaneously. The probe rod is capable of being moved to the various desired depths, as shown on the
following pages. The positions are stamped on the guide rod for easy determination of the proper depths.
The 3440 Nuclear Gauge provides three different count times to be used for taking readings. The 15 second
setting is recommended to be used only in the roller pattern test method (Backscatter Method). The one
minute setting is used for all embankment and subgrade materials. The four minute setting is generally used
for calibration.
2020 Chapter 6 | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 6 | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The Nuclear Gauge is specifically designed to measure the moisture content and density of soils, aggregates,
cement and lime treated materials, and to measure the density of Bituminous Concrete. It offers the inspector
a method of obtaining fast, accurate, in-place measurement of density and moisture. With suitable laboratory
calibrations, and proper field operation of the gauge, the device gives results which are comparable to those
given by the sand cone or volume meter tests.
The tip of the source rod contains a small radioactive source (Cesium–137) which emits gamma rays. Detectors
in the base of the gauge measure this radiation and calculate the density of the material. The gauge has two
modes to measure density: the direct transmission mode and backscatter mode.
In the Direct Transmission mode, the source rod is inserted into the material to be tested to the desired depth
of test. The 6 inch depth is the most recommended depth for testing densities and moisture content
simultaneously in soils used in backfills, embankments and subgrade. The 4 inch depth is used for backfilling
around pipe and abutments where hand tamping and pneumatic tamping is used. The 8 inch depth is only used
when specified on the contract.
In the backscatter mode, the gauge is placed on the material to be tested and the source rod is locked in the
first position below the SAFE position. Since the rod is flush with the bottom of the gauge and no hole is
required for the rod, the backscatter mode is used only in conjunction with the roller pattern/control strip
method for testing densities on asphalt concrete and all aggregate material such as base, subbase, and select
2020 Chapter 6 | 5
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The gauge has an internal radioactive source (Americium–241: Beryllium) that emits neutrons which measure
the hydrogen to determine moisture content. Any position below the SAFE position can be used to determine
moisture content.
Problems may arise when testing materials containing mica, boron, cadmium and chlorine or when testing
heavy clays and organic material. It is permissible to use the Speedy Moisture Tester to verify nuclear results.
Like the conventional test, the operator must compare the results from the nuclear gauge to the one point
proctor or laboratory proctor. The nuclear density is compared to the maximum dry density to calculate the
percent density and the moisture content from the nuclear gauge is compared to the optimum moisture limits.
The standard count should be taken daily before any testing is done to check gauge operation and allow the
gauge to compensate for natural source decay. The 3440 gauge should be turned on and allowed to go
through the self-test (RAM TEST) before beginning. (NOTE: It is very important that the RAM TEST display has
ended before proceeding. During the test, the screen will display a count down from 300 seconds and then
display READY on the screen.)
Place the reference block on a flat surface with a minimum density of 100 lbs/ft3 at least 10 feet from any
structure and 33 feet from any other radioactive source, in the same manner as when using any other model
gauge. Place the gauge on the reference block, making sure that it is seated flat and within the raised edges, with
the right side of the gauge pushed firmly against the metal plate on the block. If a different model of nuclear
gauge is used, the manufacture’s instruction should be consulted on how to seat on the reference block. Press
STANDARD on the finger keypad for the display:
-Standard Count -
DS = ----- Press “YES”
Is the Gauge STD. Block &
MS = ----- Source in SAFE Pos?
Take new count?
Press “YES”
DS = ----.---- %P
Taking Standard Count MS = ----.---- %P
----- seconds remaining. Do you want to use the
new STD?
Press “YES” to enter the new counts into memory. NOTE: If the screen displays an “F” instead of a “%P”, first
look to see if you are too close to any structure or another gauge. Then press “NO” and take a new set of
counts. If the second set fails, press “YES and take three (3) new standard counts. Refer to the gauge manual
for more detailed instructions.
2020 Chapter 6 | 6
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 6 | 7
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A construction project presents various situations in which compaction data is required. Depending upon the
material to be tested, there are different testing methods that can be used to obtain the data. One method is
used for testing embankment and subgrades; while another method is used for aggregate base, subbase, and
select material and asphalt concrete.
When performing a test, some preliminary test information must be obtained by conducting a One-Point
Proctor. This test establishes the maximum obtainable Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content for a
particular embankment material. This test should be run while the contractor is compacting the soil layer to be
If an appreciable amount of +4 Material (rock fragment, gravel, shale, etc.) is noticed in the soil layer, refer to
VTM-1 and VTM 12, for proper testing instructions. Contact the Quarry or the District Materials Division for
the specific gravity of the +4 material when encountered.
1) The test site must be properly selected and prepared. Choose a test site on the compacted layer of soil
(or soil mixture) represented by the One-Point Proctor Test. Standard Counts should have been taken
in the morning and are good for that entire day’s use.
2) Turn the gauge on to allow the device to warm up before testing is to begin. This should be done while
the test site is being prepared for testing.
3) To obtain accurate results, the nuclear device must be seated flush against the compacted layer of soil.
Level an area to place the device, either with a shovel or the scraper plate. If significant voids
remain in the area where the device is to be placed, the voids should be filled with small amounts of
soil common to the site, and lightly tamped in place with the scraper plate and excess material
4) To take a Direct Transmission Density Test and a Moisture Test follow the procedure listed below.
a) Place the drill rod guide on the test site and insert the drill rod into the guide sleeve. Place one
2020 Chapter 6 | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
foot on the drill rod guide to keep it in position. Drive the rod 2 inches deeper than the depth of
b) Carefully remove the rod and drill rod guide. Place the gauge over the hole and extend the source
rod into the hole to the required test depth. This should be done in a manner which prevents the
source rod from disturbing the sides of the hole.
c) Make sure that the gauge is resting flush on the surface and that the source rod is in the locked
position. Gently pull on the gauge housing so that the extended source rod will be tight against
the hole.
d) Confirm that the gauge is on and then press “TIME” on the keypad and select one minute. The
display panel will read “COUNT TIME 1 min.” and then return to “READY”. Pressing “SHIFT8” on
the keypad will allow you to select the Soils Mode and the display will read “READY”.
e) To begin the test, press “START/ENTER”. After the gauge completes its count, the display will
show “%PR” (Percent Compaction), “DD” (Dry Density), “WD” (Wet Density), “M” (Moisture) and
“%M” (Moisture Content). Record these figures on the Fo r m TL-124 (Report on Nuclear
Embankment Densities).
2020 Chapter 6 | 9
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
f) Now that the direct transmission and moisture tests are completed, gently retract handle to
the safe position, turn the power switch off, return the device to the field carrying case, and
finish completing the Form TL-124 (Report on Nuclear Embankment Densities).
5) If for any reason a backscatter-density and moisture test is required by the Materials Engineer or
representative of the Materials Division, follow the procedure listed below:
a) Place the device on the prepared test site and lower the handle to the Backscatter Position.
c) When the display appears record the results on the Form TL-124.
Only use this method of test when instructed by District Materials Technicians.
NOTE: When making density tests in close places, such as trenches and sidewalls, background effects
will be encountered that will give incorrect density-moisture readings. If this occurs, see instructions for
background calculations on Page 6-18 of this chapter.
1) Fill in Line E (Maximum Dry Density) which is transferred from Line G of the One-Point Proctor (Form
2) Fill in Line F (Optimum Moisture) which is transferred from Line H of the One-Point Proctor (Form TL-125).
3) Fill in Lines A through D and Line J using the information on the 3440 Nuclear Gauge Display Screen.
4) Fill in Line K (Percent Minimum Density Required). Density Requirements are located in Appendix C.
5) Calculate the Percent Density (Line J) by dividing the Dry Density (Line C) by the Maximum Dry Density
(Line E) and then multiplying by 100.
Lines G, H & I are only used when +4 Material has been encountered. When 10% or more +4 Material is
encountered, the Dry Density (Line C) is divided by the Corrected Maximum Dry Density (Line H) and then
multiplied by 100 to obtained the percent compaction. (See Line J.)
Also when 10% or more +4 Material is encountered, it is necessary to do a moisture correction which will be
entered on Line I. This will be discussed in Chapter 7.
2020 Chapter 6 | 10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -4
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
3 3
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft or kg/m ) =
2020 Chapter 6 | 11
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -4
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot % PR = 97.0%
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 133.3 DD = 120.5
WD = 133.3
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft3 or kg/m3) = 12.8
M = 12.8 M% = 10.6
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 120.5
2020 Chapter 6 | 12
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The actual density specification will vary with the vertical location of the material in the embankment and with
the amount of +4 Material within the fill (see below).
Finished Grade
Subgrade Material
6“ 100% Density Required
(except when % material retained on No.4 sieve is >50%)
2020 Chapter 6 | 13
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
As stated previously, the Nuclear Gauge is specifically designed to measure the moisture content and
density of soils, aggregates, cement and lime treated materials. The gauge has an internal radioactive
source (Americium–241: Beryllium) and it uses this source to determine moisture by releasing “fast” neutrons into
the compacted material. These “fast” neutrons are then slowed down, or thermalized, when they
interact with the nucleus of hydrogen, a key ingredient of the water molecule. However, some soils
(i.e. micaceous soils) contain high-levels of naturally bound hydrogen, which increases the
“thermalization” process. The gauge misinterprets this naturally bound hydrogen as “excessive”
moisture content. Such errors in measurement can lead to a false Dry Density reading, which in turn
may result in a false low or failing Percent Density value. When this situation arises, it is up to the
technician to “correct” the moisture and density reading using the following process and standard
Example Problem:
Procedural Steps for Correcting the Moisture and Dry Density Readings (Form TL-124)
1) Conduct a Speedy Moisture Test to determine the correct Moisture Content (M%).
2) Adjust the Dry Density (Line C) by the dividing the original Wet Density (Line A) by the corrected
Moisture Content (M%) plus 1. [DD = WD / (1 + M%)]
3) Adjust the Moisture Unit Mass (Line B) by subtracting the corrected Dry Density value from the original
Wet Density value (Line A). [MM = WD – DD]
4) Adjust the Percent Density (Line J) by dividing the corrected Dry Density value by the Maximum Dry
Density value (Line E) and then multiplying by 100. [%PR = (DD ÷ Max. DD) x 100]
2020 Chapter 6 | 14
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -4
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot % PR = 93.5%
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 139.0 DD = 120.9
Moisture Content is suspected to
WD = 139.0
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft3be
kg/m3) due to soil properties
= 18.1
or conditions M = 18.1 M% = 15.0
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 120.9
2020 Chapter 6 | 15
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Step 3 - Adjust Moisture Mass
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of MM = WD - DD Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L
Test MM = 139.0 – 126.6 Elevation +8 / -4
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) MM = 12.4 lbs/ft 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 139.0
Step 2 – Adjust Dry Density
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft3 or kg/m3) = 18.1 12.4
DD = WD ÷ (1 + M%)3
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m ) (A-B) = 120.9 126.6
DD = 139.0 ÷ (1 + 0.098)
D. Moisture Content (B ÷ C) x 100 = 15.0 9.8
DD = 126.6 lbs/ft3
3 3
E. Maximum Dry Density (lbs/ft ), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m )
= 129.3
Lab Proctor or One Point Proctor
F. Percent Optimum Moisture from Lab or One Point Procter =
Step 1 – Conduct a Speedy Moisture Test 7.4 – 11.0
to correct
G. Percent of Plus #4, (plus 4.75 mm) Moisture Content =
2020 Chapter 6 | 16
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
When a 3440 Nuclear Gauge is operated within 24 inches of a vertical structure the density and moisture
counts will be affected due to gamma photons and neutrons echoing off the walls of the structure. It is
necessary to perform a trench offset when testing backfill material around pipe culverts, abutments, near a
building, etc. This correction should be performed each day and when trench wall conditions (distance from wall,
moisture content, material composition, etc.) vary.
The procedure to determine the background effect and apply the necessary correction is as follows:
1) Take the daily standard count with the gauge on the Standard Block outside the trench and record the
density and moisture values.
2) Place the gauge on the Standard Block inside the trench in the testing area and press “OFFSET” on the
display panel and select No. 3 “TRENCH OFF”. The gauge will show Trench Offset Disabled and ask if
you want to use Trench Offset. Press “YES”. The gauge will show trench offset for moisture and
density and ask if you want to change. Press “YES” to perform a new offset and “NO” to use the
existing offset constants. If you selected yes, the gauge will prompt you to press “START” for 1 minute
Standard Counts in the trench. Make sure to take counts the same distance from the wall as the
anticipated test readings. The density and moisture trench offset constants will be calculated and
stored. When the gauge is not to be used for trench measurements, disable the offset.
2020 Chapter 6 | 17
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
VDOT has a Materials License issued by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). The VDH is responsible for
ensuring the safety of people who work with radioactive by-product materials and the security of such
materials. To control the risks associated with the use of nuclear byproduct materials, the VDH sets strict
health and safety standards for nuclear equipment, defines allowable limits for radiation exposure and
frequently conducts inspections of nuclear products and facilities. The VDH enforces the Code of Federal
Regulations ( C F R ) and all applicable state requirements governing the use of radioactive byproduct materials.
The codes are Federal and state law and they are binding upon licensees to uphold.
In addition to the CFR, licensees are governed by the provisions outlined in the license authorizing the
possession of byproduct material. The possession of a license obligates the Department to scrupulously perform
the actions it stated it would perform to comply with the requirements of it license. This commitment is the
condition under which the Department is able to receive and then retain the license. Failure to comply could
mean a severe fine, loss of license, or both, together with the potential consequences of bad publicity. The
provisions of the license are just as compelling as the CFR and govern nuclear safety.
Possession of a VDH license requires the licensee to adhere to safe practices and act as self-regulator in the
enforcement of regulations. This Agency is compelled to report its own infraction of rules to the VDH. To
enforce these safety regulations, periodic checks on the program to see that VDOT’s employees are following
the Department’s instructions and radiation safety rules are an essential part of nuclear gauge safety and
effective program management. VDOT has established a system of records covering the receipt and transfer of
nuclear gauges. We must maintain records of radiation exposure of persons working in the program and
surveys are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of radiation safety programs.
2020 Chapter 6 | 18
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) “Radioactive Material” signs shall be posted in the storage unit on the inside of the door in
accordance with Virginia Department of Health Radiation Protection Regulations.
2) The Form “Notice to Employees,” shall be posted on the project bulletin board where the nuclear gauge is
assigned, in accordance with Virginia Department of Health Radiation Protection Regulations.
3) The radioactive source when not in use and when left unattended shall be stored and secured (locked,
bolted, etc.) at all times against unauthorized removal from the storage place, in accordance with Virginia
Department of Health Radiation Protection Regulations. The magenta and yellow “FEDERAL OFFENSE” sign
shall be posted on the locked blue carrying case while the nuclear gauge is being stored. The intent of this
sign is to discourage the theft of the gauge.
4) VDOT requires that an outside storage facility be used and that it be at least 10 feet from personnel’s
permanent workstation (desk). See Road and Bridge Specifications, Section 514.02 (c).
5) The nuclear gauge and TLD’s (Film Badge) stored shall be at least 10 feet apart. Badges shall be stored in
designated area inside project trailer.
6) The required records of transfer shall be completed when the nuclear gauge is in transit on the project site
by using log sheet located in the storage facility on the project site, or moved from one assigned area to
another or when transferred to another license.
The source decays at a rate of 2.2% per year and the electronics have a minor amount of drift from aging parts.
Therefore, gauges are calibrated in the laboratory at least yearly under controlled conditions using the same
methods of testing as in the field. The gauges are calibrated on a series of blocks of known density and moisture
2020 Chapter 6 | 19
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The source rod in the 3400 Series is supported in linear bearings packed with Magnalube-G grease. The grease is
retained within the bearings and the soil kept out by a system of wipers and seals at the top and bottom of the
center post of the gauge. These bearings will require little or no service, unless the gauge is overhauled. Do not
On the bottom surface of the gauge is a removable plate with a brass scraper ring mounted in it. This ring will
remove most of the soil from the source rod. However, under some soil conditions, small amounts will be
carried into the sliding shield assembly. If allowed to build up, this soil can cause wear in the shield cavity and
can ultimately be forced into the bearings and ruin them.
Cleaning the cavity is relatively simple. Place the gauge on its side on a bench with the base away from the
operator. The source rod should be latched in the SAFE position. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the four
screws holding the bottom plate assembly in position and pry out the assembly using a flat blade screwdriver.
Using the same tool, remove the sliding block and spring.
Using a rag, stiff brush and compressed air, if available, remove all soil and wipe clean the cavity, sliding block
and bottom plate assembly. Inspect all items for excessive wear and replace if required. Check the scraper ring
to insure that it is free to move in its groove. If the ring is damaged, it may be replaced or replace the assembly.
The cleaning time will take no longer than five (5) minutes.
1) Standing behind the gauge with the source rod pointing away from you, place the gauge on its
end and remove the screws from the bottom plate.
2020 Chapter 6 | 20
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2) Remove the bottom plate and the tungsten sliding block that shields the source rod.
3) Clean the area around the tungsten sliding block. Then, clean and polish the face of the block to remove
all rough surfaces. Do not get hands near the source rod.
2020 Chapter 6 | 21
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
4) Replace the block and plate. Clean the gauge anytime that difficulty is encountered when trying to lower
and/or raise the source rod.
A fully charged battery will last approximately 8 weeks under normal working conditions (8 hours/day). The
3440 display panel will give you the hours remaining on the current charge and, when it is running low, the
screen will display BATTERIES LOW! You still have a few hours left when this display occurs in order to finish the
current testing. At the completion of the days testing however, the gauge needs to be plugged in overnight to
fully recharge. DO NOT count on the battery low feature to work. Make sure to recharge the battery when the
hours remaining display indicates a low volume of battery time left for usage. Delays to the work should be
avoided as to the extent possible.
IMPORTANT: Only recharge when the gauge indicates that it is low. Needless recharging will shorten the battery
Alkaline batteries may be used when recharging is not an option. The gauge has a separate battery case for this
purpose. Refer to manual for further instructions.
CAUTION: Never mix alkaline and rechargeable batteries in the gauge. They may explode when charging!!!
2020 Chapter 6 | 22
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Stop and detain all equipment or vehicles involved until the assessment can be made to determine if there is
any contamination. If a vehicle is involved, notify the local and state police. Let them know that radioactive
materials are involved. Segregate and detain all persons involved.
2) Assess and treat life-threatening injuries immediately. Do not delay advanced life support if victims cannot
be moved. Move victims away from the radiation hazard area if possible, using proper patient transfer
techniques to prevent further injury. Stay within the controlled area if contamination is suspected.
5) Immediately cordon off at least a 20 feet radius surrounding the gauge and parts, if any. Keep on-lookers
and all unnecessary personnel at a safe distance, while caring for or rescuing any persons who are injured.
6) Notify the nearest Radiation Safety Officer of the license holder to come and monitor the device to
determine if there is possible leakage. Give good directions as to location of accident.
7) Never let anyone remove the gauge, equipment or any articles that are involved in the accident until the
area has been cleared by a monitoring team.
8) Complete the Nuclear Accident Checklist located in the Bill of Lading after the RSO or monitoring team has
arrived and assessed the situation. The Emergency Notification List is also in the Bill of Lading.
2020 Chapter 6 | 23
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Soil tests are compared to proctor results: Aggregate material is compared to Control
Moisture range for acceptance is ± 20% of Strip test results: Moisture range is ± 2
optimum moisture. Density range is 95% for percentage points of optimum moisture.
embankment material and pipe backfill and Density range is a minimum of 95% for each
100% for subgrade material individual reading and 98% for an average of
the same 5 readings
2020 Chapter 6 | 24
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2. Batteries are reaching end of cycle or 2. Call the District Materials Section.
charge isn’t working.
Questionable Standard Counts 1. Gauge needs more warm-up time or 1. Check to see that the gauge isn’t on the
isn’t properly seated on the standard standard block backwards. Clean all dirt, gravel,
block. etc. from the gauge standard or test block.
Make sure these counts are taken exactly as all
prior tests.
Questionable Moisture Counts 1. Mica, asbestos, or other hydrogen-rich 1. Run a Speedy Moisture test.
material is in the soil.
2. Background interference from large 2. Move test site away from structures or run
structure or trench wall if below background count if testing in a trench.
ground level.
Questionable Density Counts 1. Presence of +4 Material. 1. Check for +4 material and take corrective action
that applies to your District.
2020 Chapter 6 | 25
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2) True or False. The nuclear gauge should be warmed-up first thing in the morning before using it.
3) True or False. The only maintenance performed in the field is cleaning the nuclear gauge and charging the
4) When taking a standard count, the nuclear gauge should be a minimum of __________ ft. from any
structure and __________ ft. from any other radioactive source.
5) True or False. Cesium-137 is located in the tip of the stainless steel rod which is used in taking moisture
determinations and Americium-241:Beryllium is located inside the nuclear gauge and is used for density
6) W h e n t a k i n g Standard Counts the Reference Standard should be placed on what type of surface?
7) Three ways to limit exposure to radiation are __________, ____________, and ____________.
8) If the soil material fails a nuclear test because of excessive moisture, the first step taken is to
9) A testing method for testing densities whereby the source rod is inserted into the material to be tested at a
depth of 4, 6, or 8 inches is _________________________.
10) If, during construction, the density results either change suddenly, or simply don’t make sense, you should
11) If the moisture results from the nuclear test appear high, the __________________________ could be used
to check the moisture.
12) When a nuclear gauge is operated within 24” of a vertical structure, the _______________ and
_______________ are influenced by the structure.
2020 Chapter 6 | 26
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Transfer the information from each Practice Problem below to the Form TL-124 and then determine
whether each test passes.
Practice Problem 1
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Proctor Data
Maximum Dry Density = 114.6 lbs/ft3 % PR = ______%
Optimum Moisture = 14.1% DD = 114.2
WD = 133.3
M = 19.1 M% = 16.7
Practice Problem 2
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Proctor Data
Maximum Dry Density = 106.9 lbs/ft3 % PR = ______%
Optimum Moisture = 17.6% DD = 105.7
WD = 123.6
M = 17.9 M% = 16.9
Practice Problem 3
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Proctor Data
Maximum Dry Density = 112.1 lbs/ft3 % PR = 97.8%
Optimum Moisture = 15.2% DD = 109.6
WD = 128.2
M = 18.6 M% = 17.0
2020 Chapter 6 | 27
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 305+00 305+60 306+20
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L 10’ Lt. 7’ Lt.
Test Elevation +10 / -7 +3 / -10 +3 / -3
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6” 6” 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot Sheepsfoot Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 6 | 28
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Practice Problem 4
The nuclear density test reported on the Form TL-124 on the following page shows a false high moisture
content, assumed to be caused by micaceous soil. Correct the test results using a Speedy Moisture Meter
and record the results in the second column of the Form TL-124.
2020 Chapter 6 | 29
1.0 1.0 8.2 9.0 15.4 18.3 22.6 29.2 29.8 42.5 37.0 58.8 44.2 79.2
1.2 1.3 8.4 9.2 15.6 18.5 22.8 29.6 30.0 42.9 37.2 59.3 44.4 79.9
1.4 1.5 8.6 9.5 15.8 18.8 23.0 30.2 30.2 43.3 37.4 59.8 44.6 80.5
1.6 1.8 8.8 9.7 16.0 19.1 23.2 30.6 30.4 43.8 37.6 60.3 44.8 81.2
1.8 2.0 9.0 9.9 16.2 19.4 23.4 30.9 30.6 44.2 37.8 60.8 45.0 81.8
2.0 2.2 9.2 10.1 16.4 19.6 23.6 31.3 30.8 44.6 38.0 61.3 45.2 82.5
2.2 2.4 9.4 10.4 16.6 19.9 23.8 31.6 31.0 45.0 38.2 61.8 45.4 83.2
2.4 2.6 9.6 10.6 16.8 20.2 24.0 31.9 31.2 45.4 38.4 62.4 45.6 83.1
2.6 2.9 9.8 10.8 17.0 20.5 24.2 32.3 31.4 45.8 38.6 62.9 45.8 84.5
2.8 3.1 10.0 11.1 17.2 20.8 24.4 32.7 31.6 46.2 38.8 63.5 46.0 85.2
3.0 3.3 10.2 11.4 17.4 21.1 24.6 33.0 31.8 46.7 39.0 64.0 46.2 85.9
3.2 3.5 10.4 11.6 17.6 21.4 24.8 33.4 32.0 47.1 39.2 64.5 46.4 86.6
3.4 3.7 10.6 11.9 17.8 21.7 25.0 33.7 32.2 47.5 39.4 65.0 46.6 87.3
3.6 4.0 10.8 12.1 18.0 22.0 25.2 34.1 32.4 48.0 39.6 65.6 46.8 88.0
3.8 4.2 11.0 12.4 18.2 22.3 25.4 34.5 32.6 48.4 39.8 66.1 47.0 88.7
4.0 4.4 11.2 12.7 18.4 22.6 25.6 34.9 32.8 48.8 40.0 66.7 47.2 89.4
4.2 4.6 11.4 12.9 18.6 23.0 25.8 35.4 33.0 49.3 40.2 67.2 47.4 90.2
4.4 4.8 11.6 13.2 18.8 23.2 26.0 35.7 33.2 49.7 40.4 67.8 47.6 90.8
4.6 5.1 11.8 13.4 19.0 23.5 26.2 35.9 33.4 50.2 40.6 68.4 47.8 91.6
4.8 5.3 12.0 13.7 19.2 23.8 26.4 36.3 33.6 50.6 40.8 68.9 48.0 92.3
5.0 5.5 12.2 13.9 19.4 24.1 26.6 36.6 33.8 51.1 41.0 69.5 48.2 93.1
5.2 5.7 12.4 14.2 19.6 24.4 26.8 37.0 34.0 51.6 41.2 70.1 48.4 93.8
5.4 5.9 12.6 14.4 19.8 24.8 27.0 37.4 34.2 52.0 41.4 70.7 48.6 94.6
5.6 6.2 12.8 14.7 20.0 25.1 27.2 37.8 34.4 52.5 41.6 71.3 48.8 95.3
5.8 6.4 13.0 15.0 20.2 25.4 27.4 38.2 34.6 52.9 41.8 71.9 49.0 96.1
6.0 6.6 13.2 15.3 20.4 25.7 27.6 38.5 34.8 53.4 42.0 72.5 49.2 96.9
6.2 6.8 13.4 15.5 20.6 26.0 27.8 38.9 35.0 53.9 42.2 73.0 49.4 97.6
6.4 7.0 13.6 15.8 20.8 26.3 28.0 39.3 35.2 54.4 42.4 73.6 49.6 98.4
6.6 7.3 13.8 16.1 21.0 26.6 28.2 39.7 35.4 54.8 42.6 74.2 49.8 99.2
6.8 7.5 14.0 16.4 21.2 26.9 28.4 40.1 35.6 55.3 42.8 74.8 50.0 ----
7.0 7.7 14.2 16.6 21.4 27.3 28.6 40.5 35.8 55.8 43.0 75.5
7.2 7.9 14.4 16.9 21.6 27.6 28.8 40.9 36.0 56.3 43.2 76.1
7.4 8.1 14.6 17.1 21.8 28.0 29.0 41.3 36.2 56.8 43.4 76.7
7.6 8.4 14.8 17.4 22.0 28.3 29.2 41.5 36.4 57.2 43.6 77.3
7.8 8.6 15.0 17.7 22.2 28.6 29.4 41.7 36.6 57.5 43.8 78.0
8.0 8.8 15.2 18.0 22.4 28.9 29.6 42.1 36.8 58.3 44.0 78.6
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 85+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L
Test Elevation +9 / -3
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 141.0
2020 Chapter 6 | 30
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand how +4 material impacts the measurement of material moisture and density
• Understand the procedures for correcting target values and test results for +4 material in soils
• Understand the procedures for correcting target values and test results for dense graded aggregate
A "golden rule" of compaction testing is: The proctor used to calculate percent density must match the soil being
tested. This fact is restated here because it is the single most important factor why plus 4 corrections are
VTM-1 states when soil materials contain 10% or more material retained on the No. 4 sieve (3 or more dime size
stones), it is necessary to correct the proctor results which are calculated on the minus 4 portion of the material.
Basically, this is why: Rocks are heavier than soil. This sounds pretty simple, but this simple fact actually sets up
a fairly complex relationship when +4 material is present in a soil.
Since rocks are heavier than soil, the more present in a soil, the higher the maximum density. To calculate the
corrected maximum density three figures are needed:
1. Percentage of +4 material present
2. Material’s specific gravity (+4 material)
3. Maximum density of the minus 4 material
A very interesting thing happens with regard to moisture when +4 material is present in a soil. Think about this a
moment: If we could separate the +4 from the minus 4 material, we would basically have a soil and some open
graded aggregate. When working with aggregates we use the term absorption. This term is "kin" to optimum
moisture because it represents Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) conditions. At SSD, aggregates neither add nor take
water from whatever they're mixed with. Optimum moisture for +4 soil materials is generally between 1 and 3
2020 Chapter 7 | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
percent. Compare that to the typical values for optimum moisture of soils, which often vary from as low as 6% to
over 30%.
The optimum moisture for the total soil is a weighted average of the "optimums" for the two materials we've
separated. Knowing the typical values for these optimums, we can understand why the more +4 material (higher
percentage) present, the lower the optimum moisture.
When these corrected values for maximum density and optimum moisture are applied to field densities, the
relationships discussed here will be readily apparent as well as consistent.
This following information is included for your convenience (it is for instructional purposes only). For
use outside this class, obtain the current VTM from the State Materials Engineer.
Designation: VTM-1
Moisture-Density Relationship
Note 12a: If there is 10% or greater material retained on the No. 4 sieve, use the following corrective procedure
for determining the theoretical maximum dry density and optimum moisture content.
AASHTO T 99 Method A procedure is applicable to soil that contains little or no material retained on the No. 4
sieve. Since the maximum density curve determined in the laboratory is obtained by utilizing only that material
passing the No. 4 sieve, any appreciable amount of larger material contained in the embankment, which is being
checked for compaction, will increase the apparent density, due to the higher specific gravity of the stone as
compared to the bulk gravity of the compacted dry soil. At the same time, the optimum moisture content will be
less, because some of the material passing the No. 4 sieve is replaced with coarser material (the void space is
reduced and the total surface area is decreased).
(1) The theoretical maximum density, "D" of mixtures containing coarse aggregate larger than a No. 4 sieve
will be determined by the formula:
Df x Dc
Total Density (Dt) =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
2020 Chapter 7 | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Pf = Percent minus No. 4 material, expressed as a decimal or by nomograph (see Figure 1).
(2) The optimum moisture for the total soil will be determined by the formula:
Wt = (PcWc + PfWf)100
Wf = Optimum moisture content, expressed as a decimal, for material passing No. 4 sieve,
General Notes:
1. The density required in the work will be a variable percentage of the theoretical maximum density, "D",
depending upon variations in the percentage of plus No. 4 material in the mixture and upon the position
of the material in the work, and will be specified in the applicable section of the specifications.
2. The District Materials Engineer will inform the Inspector of the results of the compaction tests on the
minus 4 material and the specific gravity of the +4 material. With this information, the Inspector can then
prepare a chart showing the density of the total sample for varying percentages of the +4 material.
3. When performing this test on #10 tertiary screenings (stone dust), be guided by the unique
recommendations for field compaction as stated in the Materials Division Manual of Instructions, Section
2020 Chapter 7 | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
It is worth noting here the difference between the presence of +4 material and a “rock fill”. Generally, nuclear
density can be performed on compacted material with up to about 35% +4 material, as long as there are minimum
large rocks present (i.e. > 8 inches).
When +4 material is encountered with the nuclear gauge, a number of trial test locations (4 to 5) may be necessary
in order to find a suitable test site.
+4 Sampling
When using a nuclear gauge, it is extremely important that a representative sample be obtained. This is
accomplished by taking the total soil sample from directly beneath the location of the gauge where the density
test was taken. A minimum sample of 5.5 lb. is necessary.
The Form TL-124A (Report of Nuclear Embankment Densities) contains spaces for both the Proctor data (Lines E
& F), as well as a space for the Corrected Maximum Density (Line H) and Corrected Optimum Moisture (Line I).
2020 Chapter 7 | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) At C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -4
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 134.2
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 123.2 False “Low” Moisture
2020 Chapter 7 | 5
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Testing Procedure
1) Obtain a representative sample (Use a minimum of 5.5 pounds from location of proposed nuclear test).
Example Problem
2020 Chapter 7 | 6
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The equation for calculating the corrected total density of soils (Dt) containing +4 material may be expressed as
Df x Dc
Total Density (Dt) =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
Needed Information:
118.2 x 167.2
Total Density (Dt) =
(0.2 x 118.2) + (0.8 x 167.2)
(23.6) + (133.8)
2020 Chapter 7 | 7
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The Optimum Moisture content for the total soil is expressed as follows:
Needed Information:
0.103 x 100
2020 Chapter 7 | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 9.25 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 3.20 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 1.69 lb. Weight of Dish Only 1.69 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 7.56 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 1.51 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.20 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.68 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 167.2 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.80 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 118.2 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.20 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = 0.02 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.80 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.124 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.20 x 0.02) + (0.80 x 0.124)] x 100 = [(0.004) + (0.099)] x 100 = (0.103) x 100 = 10.3%
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
2020 Chapter 7 | 9
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) At C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -4
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 134.2
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 125.6
10.3 Corrected Optimum Moisture
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
8.2 –12.4
3 3
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft ), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m )
= 98.1
(C ÷ E) x 100 or (C ÷ H) x 100 Correct Percent Density
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0 Density = (123.2 ÷ 125.6) x100
Density = 98.1%
2020 Chapter 7 | 10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
After placement of the embankment material and compaction and approval of the subgrade, the Contractor will
apply the dense graded aggregate layer to the subgrade. After sufficient compactive effort has been applied to
densify the aggregate, the inspector conducts field density tests to determine if the contractor’s operations have
satisfactorily densified these materials.
The minimum rates of testing for these procedures are outlined in the Appendix.
Section 303.04(h) of the 2016 Road and Bridge Specification stipulates that all field density determinations are to
be performed in accordance with the following testing procedures:
• AASHTO T310 - In-Place Density and Moisture Content of Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Method (Shallow
• VTM-10 - Determining Percent of Moisture and Density of Soils and Asphalt (Nuclear Method)
Density is reduced by 5% as shown on the table only when direct transmission method is used.
2020 Chapter 7 | 11
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 145.2
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 138.2 False “Low” Moisture
2020 Chapter 7 | 12
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Obtain a representative sample (Use a minimum of 5.5 pounds from location of proposed nuclear test).
Example Problem
2020 Chapter 7 | 13
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 7 | 14
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The equation for calculating the corrected total density of aggregate (Dt) containing +4 material may be
expressed as follows:
Df x Dc
Total Density (Dt) =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
Needed Information:
127.7 x 164.1
Total Density (Dt) =
(0.47 x 127.7) + (0.53 x 164.1)
(60.0) + (87.0)
2020 Chapter 7 | 15
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Needed Information:
0.051 x 100
2020 Chapter 7 | 16
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 9.22 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 5.68 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 2.54 lb. Weight of Dish Only 2.54 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 6.68 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 3.14 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.47 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.63 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 164.1 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.53 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 127.7 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.47 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = 0.013 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.53 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.085 (Taken from Proctor)
2020 Chapter 7 | 17
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 585+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 145.2
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 142.6
5.1 Corrected Optimum Moisture
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
3.1 – 7.1
3 3
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft ), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m )
= 96.9
(C ÷ E) x 100 or (C ÷ H) x 100
Correct Percent Density
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0
Density = (138.2 ÷ 142.6) x 100
Density = 96.9%
2020 Chapter 7 | 18
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
2020 Chapter 7 | 19
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 90+45
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -6
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 7 | 20
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft = lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = (Taken from Proctor)
Df x Dc
= = =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____) (_____) + (_____)
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____)] x 100 = [(______) + (_____)] x 100 = (______) x 100
Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
2020 Chapter 7 | 21
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
2020 Chapter 7 | 22
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 90+45
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -6
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 7 | 23
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = (Taken from Proctor)
Df x Dc
= = =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____) (_____) + (_____)
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____)] x 100 = [(______) + (_____)] x 100 = (______) x 100
Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
2020 Chapter 7 | 24
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
2020 Chapter 7 | 25
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 90+45
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -6
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 7 | 26
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = (Taken from Proctor)
Df x Dc
= = =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____) (_____) + (_____)
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____)] x 100 = [(______) + (_____)] x 100 = (______) x 100
Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
2020 Chapter 7 | 27
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
2020 Chapter 7 | 28
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 24+35
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 7 | 29
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = (Taken from Proctor)
Df x Dc
= = =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____) (_____) + (_____)
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Optimum Moisture Content of Aggregate with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____)] x 100 = [(______) + (_____)] x 100 = (______) x 100
Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
2020 Chapter 7 | 30
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
2020 Chapter 7 | 31
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 901+25
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 3’ Lt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 7 | 32
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = (Taken from Proctor)
Df x Dc
= = =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____) (_____) + (_____)
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Optimum Moisture Content of Aggregate with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____)] x 100 = [(______) + (_____)] x 100 = (______) x 100
Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
2020 Chapter 7 | 33
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
2020 Chapter 7 | 34
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 609+10
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 7 | 35
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = (Taken from Proctor)
Df x Dc
= = =
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____) (_____) + (_____)
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Optimum Moisture Content of Aggregate with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(_____ x _____) + (_____ x _____)] x 100 = [(______) + (_____)] x 100 = (______) x 100
Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
2020 Chapter 7 | 36
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
• Understand the procedures and methods for establishing the roller pattern
• Understand the procedures and methods for establishing the control strip
• Understand the procedures and methods for evaluating aggregate test sections
In order to determine if maximum density in the field has been achieved, we must first establish a target density.
The actual density tests are taken in the field and compared to that ideal or target density to determine whether
the tests pass or fail. The following flow chart demonstrates the appropriate methods used to establish the targets
and then the corresponding testing methods used to determine density in place for both soil and aggregate
This chapter will discuss the establishment of a target density for aggregates by means of a roller pattern and control
strip using the nuclear gauge method of testing.
2020 Chapter 8 | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Before any acceptance testing can be performed on aggregate base, subbase, or select material, a roller
pattern, control strip, and direct transmission test must be established. A roller pattern/control strip is a
section of roadway on which the construction technique (placing, compacting, and shaping) of the material to
be tested has been closely monitored and evaluated. A direct transmission test (VTM-10 Appendix D) is taken
at the end of the control strip to compare its results to the Theoretical Maximum Density as established in
accordance with VTM-1.
There are three requirements that must be met by the roller pattern/control strip/direct transmission test:
1) Roller Pattern – the establishment of a graphical comparison between roller passes and the density
achieved; this gives the number of passes needed on the material to achieve the required density.
2) Control Strip – the determination of the average dry density of the control strip, which has been rolled
according to the pattern established by the roller pattern; this provides the Control Values, which
govern the acceptance of the Test Sections.
3) Direct Transmission Test – the comparison of the results of a direct transmission test to the Theoretical
Maximum Density in accordance with VTM-1; this verifies that the Control Strip attained the maximum
density achievable and therefore may be used to govern the Acceptance Test Sections.
Before the construction of a control strip, the Inspector a nd Contractor should be familiar with VDOT
Specification Section 304. A copy of this Specification is located in Appendix C. If assistance is needed in setting
up the roller pattern and control strip, contact the District Materials’ Engineers office.
Initial Requirements:
A. A roller pattern must be established for each control strip. Before establishing these tests,
communication with the contractor is fundamental to achieving accurate test results.
2020 Chapter 8 | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
B. The results of the roller pattern are recorded on Form TL-53, the control strip on Form TL-54, the direct
transmission test on Form TL-124 and the test section on Form TL-55.
C. All equipment should remain off the control strip until the material has been placed on the entire
D. After the material has been placed, the roller and water truck are the only two pieces of equipment
allowed on the control strip until maximum density has been obtained.
Equipment needed:
The material used to construct the Roller Pattern must also be representative of the material that will be used
for the Control Strip and Test Sections. A change in material will require a new roller pattern.
NOTE: For base, subbase and select material, the Backscatter method can be used.
NOTE: A set of forms at the end of this chapter follows this procedure step by step through the readings and
1) Establish an area at least 10 feet from any structure and 33 feet from any other radioactive sources to
take the Standard Counts. The area should be firm, such as a concrete or asphalt slab, or well compacted
soil with a minimum density of 100 lbs/ft3. Allow the 3440 gauge to complete a 4 minute count cycle with
the gauge on the standard block. Be sure the standard counts you get a “P” next to each of them indicating
they pass. These readings should be recorded on the top of the TL-53, TL-54, TL-55 and TL-124. If you get
a “F” next to either of the standard counts, a new standard count should be taken.
2) Select a level and uniform section of roadway that is large enough for the roller pattern (about 75 feet long
for the typical application width – an area of at least 100 yd2). Place the material on this section of roadway
at the proper loose depth before any rolling is started. For shoulder material, the Roller Pattern should be
sufficient length, so as to have an area of at least 100 yd2. The material must be compacted uniformly from
bottom to top and in the same manner as the remainder of the job.
The moisture content of aggregates should be kept as near optimum as possible throughout the rolling
operation. Water must be added when needed to maintain optimum moisture in accordance with
2020 Chapter 8 | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Section 308 and 309 of the Road and Bridge Specifications during the compaction process. Section 309.05
states after mixing and shaping each layer shall be compacted at optimum moisture within ± 2
percentage points of optimum.
3) Make passes with the roller over the entire surface of the roller pattern. One pass is counted each time
the roller crosses the test site. Make sure the previous pass has been completed over the entire surface
before the next pass is started. When testing aggregates, take a nuclear test for density and one for
moisture in the 15-second mode, using the Backscatter Method. This test should be made at three
randomly selected points with good surface conditions. Try to spread the 3 tests over most of the 75 foot
section, making sure not to test any closer than 18" to an unsupported edge. Be sure to mark the exact
location of each test. If paint is used to mark the test locations, be careful not to paint the gauge (use a
template). Record the dry density and percent moisture on TL-53 and obtain the total and average for
both moisture and density. Plot the average dry density versus the number of roller passes on the
graph. All further tests for the roller pattern must be made in the same 3 locations, with the gauge
source rod pointing in the same direction as the first test.
Make 2 more passes with the roller over the entire surface of the Roller Pattern, and again take 3 density
and moisture readings in the exact same location as the first test. Record these readings under Test
No. 2 and plot this second result in the same manner as for Test No. 1.
4) Continue rolling and testing until the roller pattern reaches its maximum density before decreasing
or until the graph levels off. To be sure this is a sufficient degree of compaction, make one additional roll
over the entire surface and test again.
NOTE:When the increase in dry density for a Roller Pattern on granular base is less than 1 lb/ft3 to the
maximum dry density, make one additional pass. If the density does not increase by 1 lb/ft3 with the
additional pass, the rolling should be discontinued. If the density increases by more than 1 lb/ft³, one more
pass may be performed to ensure the pattern does not have a false brake (see below).
There may be instances where a decrease in density rather than a small increase will occur. This usually is
due to a false break where the density levels off well before maximum density is achieved. If this happens,
examine the material and if no fracture of the material is visible, continue the rolling process until the maximum
density can be obtained.
Over-rolling can also cause a decrease in density. Consideration should be given to the number of passes already
made and the materials involved – making certain that the break occurring in the Roller Pattern curve is not
greater than 1.5 lbs/ft3. If the break is greater than 1.5 lbs/ft3, recompact the material to its maximum dry density
based on the peak value of the Roller Pattern curve.
2020 Chapter 8 | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Report No. 1-21A-1 Nuclear Gauge Model No. 3440 Serial No. 23456
Date 06/22/2015 Project No. 0066-029-F19, C501 Route No. 66
FHWA No. IM-NH-66-1 County Fairfax
Section No. Station No. 600+00 ft. (m.) to Station 600+75 ft. (m.)
Type Material Aggregate Base Type I (21A) Width 12 ft. (m.)
Optimum Moisture 5.2 Optimum Moisture Range 3.2 –7.2
Remarks Roller Pattern #1 (“V” is for Vibratory and “S” is for Static)
Test No. 1 Test No. 6
No. of Passes 2V No. of Passes 11S
Sta. 600+00 137.2 4.4 Sta. 600+00 138.5 4.8
Sta. 600+40 131.8 5.3 Sta. 600+40 136.8 5.3
Sta. 600+75 123.9 4.4 Sta. 600+75 137.6 5.5
Total 392.9 14.1 Total 412.9 15.6
Average 131.0 4.7 Average 137.6 5.2
Test No. 2 Test No. 7
No. of Passes 4V No. of Passes
Sta. 600+00 137.4 4.8 Sta.
Sta. 600+40 132.4 6.2 Sta.
Sta. 600+75 128.9 4.9 Sta.
Total 398.7 15.9 Total
Average 132.9 5.3 Average
Test No. 3 Test No. 8
No. of Passes 6V No. of Passes
Sta. 600+00 137.8 4.2 Sta.
Sta. 600+40 134.2 5.8 Sta.
Sta. 600+75 134.5 5.3 Sta.
Total 406.5 15.3 Total
Average 135.5 5.1 Average
Test No. 4 Test No. 9
No. of Passes 8V No. of Passes
Sta. 600+00 138.6 4.6 Sta.
Sta. 600+40 137.2 5.2 Sta.
Sta. 600+75 138.3 4.6 Sta.
Total 414.1 14.4 Total
Average 138.0 4.8 Average
Test No. 5 Test No. 10
No. of Passes 10V No. of Passes
Sta. 600+00 139.3 4.2 Sta.
Sta. 600+40 137.3 5.0 Sta.
Sta. 600+75 139.5 5.3 Sta.
Total 416.1 14.5 Total
Average 138.7 4.8 Average
2020 Chapter 8 | 5
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
138.0 137.6
2V 4V 6V 8V 10V 11S
2020 Chapter 8 | 6
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Report No. 1-21A-1 Nuclear Gauge Model No. 3440 Serial No. 23456
Date 06/22/2015 Project No. 0066-029-F19, C501 Route No. 66
FHWA No. IM-NH-66-1 County Fairfax
Section No. Station No. 600+00 ft. (m.) to Station 600+75 ft. (m.)
Type Material Aggregate Base Type I (21A) Width 12 ft. (m.)
Optimum Moisture Optimum
5.2 Averages for Dry Density Moisture
and Moisture must beRange 3.2 – 5.2
Remarks Roller Pattern #1 (V is for Vibratory andforS each
calculated is forofStatic)
the three (3) individual tests
Dry Density
1) 137.2 + 131.8 + COUNT DATA
123.9 =392.9
2020 Chapter 8 | 7
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
138.0 137.6
135.0 Peak density was obtained after 10
passes in vibratory mode
• Roller Pattern = 10 V
2V 4V 6V 8V 10V 11S
2020 Chapter 8 | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) To prepare a Control Strip, place the material under the same conditions as outlined in Step 3 of the
Roller Pattern, on an additional section of roadway approximately 300 feet in length and one travel lane
in width. After placement, this area is to be rolled the number of passes determined in the Roller Pattern
to achieve the peak density.
2) To determine the density of the Control Strip, use the Backscatter Method in the 1 minute mode. Take 10
nuclear readings for moisture and density over the entire section. The results are added and an average
is obtained on Form TL-54. This dry density should be within 3.0 lbs/ft3 of the Roller Pattern peak
density. The control (target) values of 95% and 98% of the average dry density can now be determined.
These are used to determine the acceptance of the Test Sections.
3) Direct Transmission – The dry density average that has been established from the Control S trip needs
to meet two criteria in order to be acceptable for use with the remaining test sections.
a) The average dry density from the control strip should be within 3.0 lbs/ft3 of the Roller Pattern
peak density.
b) At the completion of the Control Strip, a verification test will be performed when testing
aggregates using the direct transmission method with a nuclear moisture density gauge, or other
methods approved by the Materials Engineer. At the completion of the test, the density of
aggregate material shall be compared to the theoretical maximum density as determined in
accordance with the requirements of VTM-1. The density shall conform to the following:
NOTE: Percentages of material will be reported to the nearest whole number. The requirements
for percent density referenced above, apply to the direct transmission method for aggregate only.
See Chapter 7 for procedure. Record the results on the TL-124 Form.
4) Once the Control Strip dry density has been accepted – the remainder of the TL-54 can be completed.
5) After the direct transmission test passes and the Control Strip dry density has been accepted – the
target values should be transferred to the TL-55 (Test Section).
2020 Chapter 8 | 9
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Determining the Control (Target) Values from the Control Strip Testing:
The control (target) values for the rest of the density testing on a given project are set at 98% and 95% of the
average dry density determined by the Control Strip.
• The average of the five readings from the Test Section must be equal to or greater than 98% of the
Control Strip dry density.
• Each individual reading from the Test Section must be equal to or greater than 95% of the Control S trip
dry density.
• The average density must be 95% (± 2 percentage points) of the Control Strip dry density.
• Each individual density must be 95% (± 5 percentage points) of the Control Strip dry density.
2020 Chapter 8 | 10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Dens. Avg. 132.1 TEST SECTION
Dens. Avg. 136.3 SECTION
2020 Chapter 8 | 11
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
An overall average Dry Density must be calculated from each of the ten (3) individual tests
1) 138.0 + 139.2 Density
+ 138.5 + 139.3 + 138.7 +2830
139.1 + 139.0 + 139.2 + 139.0 + 140.5 = 1390.5 Moisture 701
2) 1390.5 ÷ 10 = 139.1 lbs/ft3 3
Avg. ControlSTATION
Strip Density must within 3.0FT.
(M)of Roller Patter PeakLANE
1 601+25 3 FT. RT. EBL 138.0 4.9
2 601+50 9 FT. RT. EBL 139.2 5.3
3 602+00 6 FT. RT. EBL 138.5 4.8
4 602+25 9 Ft. Rt. EBL 139.3 5.4
5 602+75 3 Ft. Rt. EBL 138.7 4.9
6 603+00 6 Ft. Rt. EBL 139.1 5.1
7 603+50 9 Ft. Rt. EBL 139.0 4.7
8 603+75 6 Ft. Rt. EBL 139.2 5.2
9 604+00 3 Ft. Rt. EBL 139.0 4.6
10 604+25 9 Ft. Rt. EBL 140.5 6.1
Average Control Strip Density AVERAGE: 139.1
Dens. Avg. 136.3 SECTION
2020 Chapter 8 | 12
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 603+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 140.9
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 145.4
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
3.2 – 7.2
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 92.1
(C ÷ E) x 100 or (C ÷ H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 90.0
2020 Chapter 8 | 13
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 603+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet
% PR Unit Mass
= 100.8% (kg/m3) = 140.9 Gauge
DD 3= or
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft kg/m3)
133.9 = 7.0 Gauge
WD = 140.9
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 133.9 Gauge
M = 7.0 M% = 5.2
D. Moisture Content (B ÷ C) x 100 = 5.2 Gauge
3 3
E. Maximum Dry Density (lbs/ft ), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m )
= 132.8 Materials
Lab Proctor or One Point Procter
Determined by Proctor on the
F. Percent Optimum
Fine (–Moisture from Lab or One Point Proctor
4) Material = 10.7 Materials
2020 Chapter 8 | 14
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 603+00
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft
Corrected Dry),Density
Wet Unit Mass
for +4 (kg/m3)
Aggregate = 140.9
Corrected Moisture for +4 Aggregate
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft
Df x Dcor kg/m3) = 7.0
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft(P3),c xDry
Df) +Unit
(Pf xMass
Dc) (kg/m3) (A-B) = 133.9 [(0.58 x 0.012) + (0.42 x 0.107)] x 100
÷ C)xx156.0
D. Moisture Content (B132.8 100 = 5.2 [(0.007) + (0.045)] x 100
2020 Chapter 8 | 15
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Calculations for Direct Transmission Test take within the Control Strip
A. Total Percent Passing the No. 4 Sieve = 42% (This is the -4 Material) (Pf = 0.42)
Therefore: 100 – 42 = 58% (This is the +4 Material) (Pc = 0.58)
Df x Dc
[(PcWc) + (PfWf)] x 100
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc) Formula
132.8 x 156.0
Step 1 [(0.58 x 0.012) + (0.42 x 0.107)] x 100
(0.58 x 132.8) + (0.42 x 156.0)
Step 2 [(0.007) + (0.045)] x 100
(77.0) + (65.5)
Step 3 0.052 x 100
2020 Chapter 8 | 16
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Dens. Avg. 132.1 NowSECTION
TEST that the Direct Transmission Test has passed and validated the control strip, the 95%
and 98% control (target) values can also be transferred to the Form TL-55 (Report on
Nuclear Test Section)
• These values will be used to evaluate the Test Sections for acceptance
Dens. Avg. 136.3 SECTION
2020 Chapter 8 | 17
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Next will be the testing of the Test Sections. Each test sect ion for aggregate base, subbase, and select
materials will be 0.5 miles (2640 ft.) in length per application width.
The length of test sections for shoulders will be the same as the mainline, if possible test alternating
2) The test section is rolled the number of passes determined by the Control Strip. Five (5) readings will be
made in the one minute mode on each test section for both density and moisture using the same method
of test used on the Roller Pattern and Control Strip. These values are recorded on the TL-55. Each
individual reading must be at least 95% of the Control Strip dry density and the average of the five
readings must be at least 98% of the Control Strip dry density and the moisture readings must fall within
the optimum moisture range.
For aggregate shoulder material, an average density of 95% ( ± 2 percentage points) of the Control
Strip dry density, with individual densities within 95% (± 5 percentage points) of the Control Strip dry
density is required. No other test will be required, unless specified by the Engineer.
NOTE: If test section readings are significantly above or below the target values by more than 8 lbs/ft3,
another control strip (and target density) should be established. The technician is responsible for
monitoring the test data and should identify trends of excess or insufficient density. In the case of higher
densities (> 8 lbs/ft3), a new control strip is required but a roller is not (minimum density is being
achieved). If the densities are trending lower (down to or < 8 lbs/ft3), the technician will likely not only
have to determine the reasoning for lower densities but also establish a new roller pattern and control
2020 Chapter 8 | 18
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 8 | 19
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Comments: The average Dry Density must Each individual Moisture reading must
be at least 136.3 lbs/ft3 fall within the 3.2 to 7.2 range
For the test section to pass, the following conditions must be met:
• Each individual Dry Density reading must be at least 132.1 lbs/ft3
• The average Dry Density must be at least 136.3 lbs/ft3
• Each individual Moisture reading must fall within the 3.2 to 7.2 range BY:
If any test section readings are significantly above or below the control (target)
values by more than 8 lbs/ft3, another Control Strip should be established TITLE:
2020 Chapter 8 | 20
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The actions required to obtain a good sample (such as how to take the sample, where to take it, what tools to use
and the size of sample) are covered in the appropriate materials control program and guidelines specified by the
agency for use on the project. Reference should be made to these instructions on sampling requirements.
When a sample is not representative or random, it is said to be biased. Examples of biased sampling that should
not be used include sampling an embankment at a given interval, such as every 500 cubic yards (yd3); sampling
borrow material at a given frequency, such as every fifth truckload; or taking samples at a given time frequency,
such as every hour on the hour. Random sampling is used to eliminate bias in selecting a location or time for
sampling. A random sample is any sample which has an equal chance of being selected from a large quantity.
In other words, there is an equal chance for all locations and all fractions of a large quantity of material to be
Random unbiased samples must represent the true nature of the material. Samples should not be obtained on a
predetermined basis or based on the quality of the material in a certain area. If sampling is not performed on a
random basis, the quality of the sample can be artificially modified causing the sample to no longer be
representative of the larger quantity. Specifications will identify lot size, location and frequencies for sampling
and testing. A lot is defined as a given quantity of material that is to be sampled. The lot is a predetermined unit
which may represent a day’s production, a specified quantity of material, a specified number of truckloads, or
an interval of time. Agencies will usually specify the lot size and sampling frequency. Although these frequencies
may appear to be a violation of random sampling, they are given as a minimum amount of sampling, not as a
specific frequency. Lots are often divided into sublots. The number of sublots used to represent the lot will be
determined by the agency and specifications. It may be necessary to take multiple samples and combine them to
represent a unit. For example, three samples may be taken from a borrow source and combined to form a
composite sample. Several composite samples will then be tested to determine the compliance of a sublot or
lot to the specifications. The use of random samples from sublots is referred to as stratified random sampling.
Stratified random sampling assures that samples are taken throughout the entire lot and are not concentrated in
one area of the lot (see Figure 1.18).
2020 Chapter 8 | 21
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
528 ft.
2640 ft.
Quality control/quality assurance specifications are developed based on statistical theory, which is valid only
when random sampling is performed. QC/QA specifications are statistically based on a normal distribution (bell
curve) of material production. If samples are biased or not random, the test results will not fit in the normal
distribution, and the QC/QA specification will no longer be valid.
Random sampling is usually accomplished with the use of random number generators or tables of random numbers.
Most calculators and computers contain a random number generator that merely requires the operator to hit
a button. The automated random number generators use programmed tables of random numbers similar to
the tables included later. A random numbers table is simply a random arrangement of numbers.
ASTM D 3665 is a method for determining random locations or time intervals for sampling and testing.
Individual states within the Mid-Atlantic Region have developed various random numbers tables that are much
easier to use and less time consuming. The Table on page 8-23 is an example of a table used for selecting test
locations on aggregate subbase or base. It is not important which table or method is used as long as random
numbers are incorporated into the selection process.
A Test Section for aggregate subbase or base is half a mile per application width. Each test section is divided into
5 sublots of 528 feet (2640 feet ÷ 5 = 528 feet). One reading is taken in each sublot.
To use the table, select a random starting point on the table by tossing a pencil upon the page or blindly pointing
out a location with the finger. Since you will need five sets of numbers, use the location selected and the next four
beneath it. The column to the left is used to determine the distance from the beginning of each sublot and the
corresponding columns to the right are used to determine the offset distance from the reference line based on
the application width.
2020 Chapter 8 | 22
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 8 | 23
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Example Problem:
The contractor has applied the dense graded aggregate layer to the right lane of a two lane roadway beginning at
Station 604+25 with a application width of 12 feet. The right side will be used to measure the offset distances. Five
(5) sets of numbers are needed to determine where the tests will be performed.
Determine the Station Number at the beginning of each sublot. Remember, the Test Section is half a mile per
paver with and is divided into five (5) sublots of 528 feet in length.
To determine the test locations, add the Distance from Start of Sublot selected from the Random Number Table
to the beginning station number of each sublot. Use the numbers from the Random Number Table under Distance
from Reference Line to measure the offset from the right side of the sublot.
Station No. at Beginning Distance from Start Station No. of Each Distance from
+ =
of Each Sublot of Sublot Test Location Reference Line (ft)
604+25 + 201 = 606+26 8
609+53 + 136 = 610+89 11
614+81 + 78 = 615+59 3
620+09 + 9 = 620+18 11
625+37 + 129 = 626+66 4
2020 Chapter 8 | 24
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) True or False. Before a Roller Pattern can be set the subgrade must be approved, compaction equipment
must be approved and material to be tested must be placed at uniform depth.
4) __________________________ is the testing method in which the gauge is placed on the surface of the
material to be tested and the source rod is lowered to the first notch.
5) When taking a nuclear reading near an unsupported edge, ____________________ is the minimum distance
from the edge that an accurate nuclear reading can be taken.
6) A _________________________ is taken at the end of the control strip to verify the results.
7) The control strip dry density must be within ____________________ of the roller pattern peak density.
9) The Contractor has applied the dense graded aggregate layer to the right lane of a two-lane roadway
beginning at Station 25 + 25. Using the numbers from the Random Number Table given below, calculate and
determine the test location for each density and moisture reading for this test section, which is 12 feet wide.
Remember not to test any closer than 18 inches to an unsupported edge.
2020 Chapter 8 | 25
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
There are 5,280 feet in a mile. A Test Section is _________ mile per application width or _________ feet.
_________ tests will be performed in the test section. __________ ÷ __________ = __________.
Station No.
Sublot 2 __________ Feet
Station No.
Sublot 3 __________ Feet
Station No.
Sublot 4 __________ Feet
Station No.
Sublot 5 __________ Feet
Station No. at Start of Distance from Start Station No. of Each Distance from
Test No. + =
Each Sublot of Sublot Test Location Reference Line (ft)
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ =
2020 Chapter 8 | 26
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Given the following information, complete the following worksheet (Form TL-53)
Test 1 Test 4
2V Passes 8V Passes
Density Moisture Density Moisture
125.4 5.1 134.7 5.5
124.9 5.2 133.7 4.9
125.3 5.6 134.8 5.1
Test 2 Test 5
4V Passes ?? Passes
Density Moisture Density Moisture
128.4 5.4 135.5 5.2
127.5 5.1 135.0 5.1
128.5 4.9 135.4 4.9
Test 3 Test 6
6V Passes ?? Passes
Density Moisture Density Moisture
131.8 5.1 134.0 4.9
131.0 5.0 133.5 5.0
132.1 4.9 134.1 5.1
2020 Chapter 8 | 27
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Report No. 1-21A-1 Nuclear Gauge Model No. 3440 Serial No. 23456
Date 06/22/2015 Project No. 0095-029-F14, C502 Route No. 95
FHWA No. NH (95) - 1 County Fairfax
Section No. 1 Station No. 21+00 ft. (m.) to Station 21+75 ft. (m.)
Type Material Aggregate Base Type I (21A) Width 12 ft. (m.)
Optimum Moisture 5.2% Optimum Moisture Range 3.2 – 7.2%
Test No. 1 Test No. 6
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 2 Test No. 7
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 3 Test No. 8
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 4 Test No. 9
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 5 Test No. 10
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
2020 Chapter 8 | 28
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2V 4V 6V 8V 10V 11S
2020 Chapter 8 | 29
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the following worksheet (Form TL-54) using the data below and answer the following questions.
B. How many roller passes were required to attain the maximum density on the Control Strip (Use the
information from Step 1 – Form TL-53)
C. Does the test pass the moisture criteria? (see Step 3 – corrected M%)
2020 Chapter 8 | 30
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Dens. Avg. SECTION
2020 Chapter 8 | 31
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Use the information below to complete the following worksheet (Form TL-124) and answer the following
D. Does this test validate the Roller Pattern and Control Strip Target Density?
2020 Chapter 8 | 32
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 8 | 33
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 22+25
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 2’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 8 | 34
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Transfer the Optimum Moisture, Optimum Moisture Range, Individual Dry Density Requirement, and
Average Dry Density Requirement from the Control Strip (Form TL-54) to the proper place on the Test
Section worksheet (Form TL-55).
B. Given the following nuclear density and moisture readings, complete the Form TL-55.
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Test 4 Test 5
% PR = _____% % PR = _____%
DD = 133.2 DD = 136.0
WD = 140.2 WD = 142.9
M = 7.0 M% = 5.3 M = 6.9 M% = 5.1
D. If the test does not pass, what corrective action should be taken?
E. What are the beginning and ending station numbers of the first Test Section?
2020 Chapter 8 | 35
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 8 | 36
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Given the following information, complete the following worksheet (Form TL-53)
2020 Chapter 8 | 37
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 Test No. 6
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 2 Test No. 7
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 3 Test No. 8
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 4 Test No. 9
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
Test No. 5 Test No. 10
No. of Passes No. of Passes
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Sta. Sta.
Total Total
Average Average
2020 Chapter 8 | 38
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2V 4V 6V 8V 10V 11S
2020 Chapter 8 | 39
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Using the same “header” information in Step 1, as well as the given below, complete the Control Strip
(Form TL-54) and Direct Transmission (Form TL-124) worksheets.
B. How many roller passes were required to attain the maximum density on the Control Strip (Use the
information from Step 1 – Form TL-53)
C. Does the test pass the moisture criteria? (see Step 3 – corrected M%)
E. Does the Direct Transmission Test validate the Control Strip Dry Density?
Test No. Station No. Ref. To C/L Lane Density Readings Moisture Readings
1 901+25 3 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.8 5.6
2 901+75 9 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.7 5.7
3 902+00 6 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.9 5.6
4 902+30 3 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.6 5.8
5 902+70 6 Ft. Lt. WBL 133.0 5.2
6 903+00 9 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.5 5.7
7 903+35 9 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.7 5.1
8 903+70 3 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.7 5.8
9 904+00 6 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.5 5.2
10 904+25 9 Ft. Lt. WBL 132.8 5.5
2020 Chapter 8 | 40
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Dens. Avg. SECTION
2020 Chapter 8 | 41
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Use the information below to complete the following worksheet (Form TL-124) and answer the following
2020 Chapter 8 | 42
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 8 | 43
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m)
of Ref. to center line ft. (m)
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm)
Method of Compaction
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) =
2020 Chapter 8 | 44
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Testing at the minimum frequency: With the Test Section beginning at Station No. 904+25 and having a
paving width 12 feet, choose five (5) test site location using the following random numbers.
There are 5,280 feet in a mile. A Test Section is ________ mile per paver width application width or ________
feet. ________ tests will be performed in the test section. __________ ÷ __________ = __________.
Station No.
Sublot 2 __________ Feet
Station No.
Sublot 3 __________ Feet
Station No.
Sublot 4 __________ Feet
Station No.
Sublot 5 __________ Feet
Station No. at Start of Distance from Start Station No. of Each Distance from
Test No. + =
Each Sublot of Sublot Test Location Reference Line (ft)
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ =
2020 Chapter 8 | 45
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
B. Transfer the Optimum Moisture, Optimum Moisture Range, Individual Dry Density Requirement, and
Average Dry Density Requirement from the Control Strip (Form TL-54) to the proper place on the Test
Section worksheet (Form TL-55).
C. Given the following nuclear density and moisture readings, complete the Form TL-55 using the same
header information from the preceding problems (except use the correct Report Number: 3-21ACTA-4).
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Test 4 Test 5
% PR = _____% % PR = _____%
DD = 131.3 DD = 129.6
WD = 138.0 WD = 137.4
M = 6.7 M% = 5.1 M = 7.8 M% = 6.0
2020 Chapter 8 | 46
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2020 Chapter 8 | 47
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Chapter 8 | 48
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix A | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Embankment (Below Subgrade) – One test for each 2,500 cubic yards of material placed plus:
For fills from 500 to 2000 feet in length: two density tests will be required for each 6 inch layer within the top
5 feet of fill.
For fills less than 500 feet in length – One density test will be required for every other 6 inch layer from bottom
to top of the fill starting with the second lift.
NOTE: The terms “embankment” and “fill” as used here are intended to encompass the entire roadway in
width, under construction between right-of-way lines, regardless of whether the roadway is single or dual
lane. For example, a dual lane fill would be considered as a single fill. However, each separate linear
embankment or fill will be considered as a separate item and tested at the above specified rate, separately
and independently of adjoining fills. Location of test run is to be staggered, so that the entire length,
width, and depth of the fill is covered by tests. The top, bottom and middle of fills, and any necessary
points in between, shall each be tested. When testing is not being conducted, the Inspector is to visually
observe lifts being placed to ensure that proper placement and compaction procedures are being used.
Finished subgrade both cut and fill sections – a minimum of one test shall be made for each 2000 feet of subgrade
for each roadway (full width)
Soil Cement or Soil-Lime Stabilized Subgrade (Material-in-Place or Imported Material, other than Aggregate Base,
Subbase, or Select Material) – One density test per ½ mile per paver application width.
Treated Aggregate Base, Subbase, and Select Material (Regardless of where material is used in pavement
structure) – Average of 5 readings (location of which shall be at randomly selected sites) per ½ mile per paver
(mixer) application width for each layer of material placed, using the Backscatter, Control Strip Method of testing.
A Roller Pattern and Control Strip must be set up for each layer of lift placed.
Shoulder Material – A Roller Pattern and Control Strip must be set up for each layer/ lift placed in order to establish
the density requirements.
Aggregate – Average of 5 readings per ½ mile per paver application width per layer of material on alternating sides
of the road, using the Backscatter Method of testing.
Pipes – One test per lift on alternating sides of pipe for each 300 linear feet of pipe or portion thereof. Test pattern
is to begin after first compactive layer above structures bedding and continue to 1 foot above top of pipe.
Drop Inlets – One test every other lift around the perimeter of the structure. Test pattern is to begin after the first
4” compacted layer above the bedding and continue to the top of the structure. Stagger tests to ensure consistent
compactive effort has been achieved throughout.
2016v1.0 Appendix A | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Manholes – One test every fourth compacted layer around the perimeter of the structure. Test pattern is to begin
after first 4” compacted layer above the bedding and continue to 5 feet below top of structure. In the top 5 feet,
minimum of one test every other lift around the perimeter of structure and continue to top of structure.
2016v1.0 Appendix A | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix B | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix B | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
For soil embankments, the minimum allowable density is 95 percent of the theoretical maximum dry density (R&B
For rock fills, the rock should be placed and manipulated in uniform layers, however the density requirements are
waived (R&B Sec.303.04(h)).
At the subgrade area (R&B Sec.305.03(a)), the top 6 inches is scarified for a distance of 2 feet beyond the outer
edges of the pavement and recompacted. The minimum percentage density of the recompacted soil is as follows:
When density control strips are utilized for compaction control of the roadway, the density of each test section will
be evaluated based upon the results of 5 readings performed at randomly selected sites within the test section.
The mean density obtained for the 5 readings in each test section shall be at least 98 percent of the average density
obtained in the approved control strip. In addition, each individual test value obtained within a test section shall be
at least 95 percent of the average density obtained in the approved control strip (R&B Sec.304.05(a)).
When density control strips are utilized for compaction control of shoulders, the density of each test section of
select or aggregate material used to construct the shoulder will be evaluated based on 5 readings conducted at
randomly selected sites within the test section. The average density obtained for these 5 sites in each section shall
be within 95 ± 2 percentage points of the average density determined by the approved control strip. In addition,
the individual tests in the section shall be within 95 ± 5 percentage points of the average density determined by
the approved control strip (R&B Sec.304.05(b)).
When shoulders are constructed with aggregate other than aggregate material No. 18 (R&B Sec.305.03(e)), the
minimum densities are as follows:
When shoulders are constructed with aggregate material No. 18 (which is quite common in hydraulic cement
concrete pavement), the density shall not be less than 90 percent, nor more than 95 percent of the theoretical
maximum dry density (R&B Sec.305.03(e)).
Aggregate placed in the guardrail section of embankments should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of
the theoretical maximum density (R&B Sec.305.03(e)).
For lime stabilized subgrades, compaction should be to a density of not less than 95 percent of the theoretical
maximum density (R&B Sec.306.03(f)).
For hydraulic cement stabilized subgrades, compaction should be to a density of not less than 100 percent of the
2016v1.0 Appendix B | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
For aggregate base (R&B Sec.309.05) and subbase layers (cement stabilized or untreated) (R&B Sec.308.03),
the minimum densities are as follows:
When testing aggregate using direct transmission (VTM-10) the minimum densities are as follows:
2016v1.0 Appendix B | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix C | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix C | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Note: The information included in this manual is generally compatible with current VDOT Road and
Bridge Specifications; however, it should not be considered or used as a primary reference for VDOT
specifications. In order to ensure you are referencing the right specifications, always consult the
current or applicable VDOT Road and Bridge Specification Book.
2016v1.0 Appendix C | 3
This work shall consist of clearing, grubbing, and activities to remove and dispose of vegetation, debris,
fences and other objects unsuitable for construction located within the construction limits except for
vegetation and objects that are designated to be preserved, protected, or removed in accordance with the
Contract or other provisions of these Specifications.
If approved by the Engineer, the Contractor may clear and grub to accommodate construction equipment
within the right of way up to 5 feet beyond the construction limits at his own expense. The Contractor
shall install erosion and siltation control devices prior to beginning clearing or grubbing operations. Such
devices shall be functional before upland land-disturbing activities take place.
The surface area of earthen material exposed by grubbing, stripping topsoil, or excavation shall be lim-
ited to that necessary to perform the next operation within a given area. The Contractor shall confine the
grubbing of root mat and stumps to that area of land on which the Contractor shall perform excavation or
other land disturbance activities within 14 days following grubbing operations.
The Contractor shall remove stumps, roots, other perishable material, and nonperishable objects that will
be less than 5 feet below the top of earthwork within the area directly beneath the roadway pavement and
shoulders. Material and objects that will be 5 feet or more below the top of earthwork within the area
directly beneath the roadway pavement and shoulders and all such material and objects beneath slopes
of embankments shall be left in place unless removal is necessary for installation of a structure. The top
of stumps left in place shall not be more than 6 inches above the surface of existing ground or low water
Branches of trees that overhang the roadway, reduce sight distance, or are less than 20 feet above the
elevation of the finished grade shall be trimmed using approved tree surgery practices in accordance with
Section 601.03(b).
Vegetation, structures, or other items located outside the construction limits shall not be damaged. Trees
and shrubs in ungraded areas shall not be cut or trimmed without the approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall dispose of combustible cleared and grubbed material in accordance with the
(a) Trees, limbs, and other timber having a diameter of 3 inches and greater shall be disposed
of as saw logs, pulpwood, firewood, or other usable material; however, treated timber shall not
be disposed of as firewood. The Contractor shall leave no more than 2 feet of trunk attached
to grubbed stumps.
When specified in the Contract or directed by the Engineer that trees or other timber is to be
reserved for the property owner, such material shall be cut in the lengths specified and piled
where designated, either within the limits of the right of way, or not more than 100 feet from
the right-of-way line. When not reserved for the property owner, such material shall become
the property of the Contractor.
(b) Material less than 3 inches in diameter shall be used to form brush silt barriers when located
within 500 feet of the source of such material or used where directed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall place material approximately 5 feet beyond the toe of fill in a strip approx-
imately 10 feet wide to form a continuous barrier on the downhill side of fills. Where selec-
tive clearing has been done, material shall be piled, for stability, against trees in the proper
location. On the uphill side of fills, brush shall be stacked against fills at approximately
100-foot intervals in piles approximately 5 feet high and 10 feet wide. Any such material
not needed to form silt barriers shall be processed into wood chips having a thickness of
not more than 3/8 inch and an area of not more than 6 square inches. Wood chips may be
stockpiled out of sight of any public highway for use on the project as mulch in accordance
with Section 605.
(c) Stumps and material less than 3 inches in diameter that are not needed to form silt barriers
and that are not processed into wood chips shall be handled in accordance with Section 106
and Section 107.
Clearing and grubbing will be measured and paid for in accordance with one of the following methods,
as specified in the Contract:
(a) Lump sum basis: The Engineer will not make any measurement of the area to be cleared and
grubbed, but the price bid shall be for all clearing and grubbing in the Contract.
(b) Acre basis: The work to be paid for will be the number of acres, computed to the nearest 1/10
of an acre, actually cleared and grubbed. Areas within the limits of any existing roadway or
local material pit will not be measured for payment.
(c) Unit basis: The Engineer will determine the work to be paid for according to the actual count
of trees, stumps, structures, or other obstructions removed as designated in the Contract.
These prices shall include properly and legally disposing of cleared and grubbed material.
When clearing and grubbing is not a pay item, the cost thereof shall be included in the price for other
appropriate pay items. The Engineer will not authorize payment for clearing and grubbing borrow pits
or other local material pits.
This work shall consist of installing pipe culverts, endwalls, box culverts, precast concrete and metal pipe
arches, storm drains, drop inlets, manholes, spring boxes, junction boxes, and intake boxes and removing
and replacing existing structures in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines
and grades shown on the plans or established by the Engineer.
(a) Pipe shall conform to Section 232 and shall be furnished in accordance with the diameter, wall
thickness, class, and strength or corrugation specified in the Contract for the maximum height
of fill to be encountered along the length of the pipe culvert, storm drain, or sewer.
(b) End sections shall conform to Section 232 as applicable. End sections used with rigid pipe
shall be concrete. End sections used with asphalt-coated or paved pipe shall not be asphalt
coated or paved but shall be concrete.
(c) Pipe fittings, such as tees, elbows, wyes, and bends shall conform to Section 232 as applicable.
Fittings shall be of the same type, class, thickness, gage, and strength as the line of pipe in
which they are used.
(d) Steel grates, steel frames, and structural steel shall conform to Section 226 and shall be
galvanized in accordance with Section 233.
(e) Concrete blocks shall conform to Section 222 for masonry blocks used in constructing catch
basins and manholes.
(f) Brick shall conform to Section 222 for bricks used in constructing catch basins and manholes.
(h) Cast-in-place concrete shall conform to Section 217 for Class A3.
Excavation and backfill operations shall be performed in accordance with Section 303. Foundation ex-
ploration shall be performed in accordance with Section 401 unless otherwise provided herein or else-
where in the Contract. Concrete construction shall conform to Section 404. Reinforcing steel placement
shall conform to Section 406. Bearing pile operations shall be performed in accordance with Section
403. When specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall construct a temporary
diversion channel to facilitate installation of a pipe or box culvert.
The Contractor shall be responsible for anticipating and locating underground utilities and obstructions
in accordance with Section 105.08.
When construction appears to be in close proximity to existing utilities, the trench(es) shall be opened a
sufficient distance ahead of the work or test pits shall be excavated to verify the exact locations and in-
verts of the utility, and determine if changes in line or grade are required for installation of the new work.
The Contractor shall install a lift hole plug furnished by the manufacturer in accordance with Section
232.02(a)1 when lift holes are provided in concrete pipe or precast box culverts. After pipe installation
and prior to backfilling, plugs shall be installed from the exterior of the pipe or box culvert and snugly
(a) Pipe Culverts: Only one type of pipe shall be used in any one pipeline. When the bid proposal
indicates that all types of pipe of one size are combined into one bid item, one bid price shall
be submitted for each size of pipe to be used.
When the Engineer permits field cutting of corrugated metal pipe, damaged areas of the pro-
tective coating shall be repaired in accordance with Section 233 for galvanized pipe and in
accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommended procedures for such repairs on all other
metallic or polymer coatings.
1. Jack and bore method: The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a complete plan and
installation schedule for jack and bore pipe installations prior to beginning such work.
The submission shall include complete details for dewatering; soil stabilization; jacking
and receiving pits; jacks; reaction blocking; boring equipment; sheeting, shoring, and
bracing for protecting the roadbed; pavement surface settlement monitoring, installation
sequence; materials; and equipment proposed for use. The Engineer will not authorize the
Contractor to proceed until the Contractor’s plan has been reviewed and accepted.
The jack and bore method shall be applicable for installing concrete pipe 12 through 108
inches in diameter and smooth-wall steel pipe 12 3/4 through 48 inches in diameter.
The Contractor shall select and use pipe having a design strength and wall thickness suf-
ficient to withstand the jacking operation and maximum height of fill to be encountered
along the length of the pipe.
Construction shall be performed in such a manner that the pavement surface above the
pipe line does not have more than 0.5 inch of settlement when measured with a 10-foot
straightedge. The hole shall be bored mechanically with a suitable boring assembly
designed to produce a smooth, straight shaft and operated so that the completed shaft will
be at the established line and grade. The size of the bored hole shall be of such diameter
as to provide ample clearance for bells or other joints required in the installation. The bore
holes shall be mechanically produced. The boring shall be accomplished by using either a
pilot hole or a dry bore method.
The Contractor shall apply even pressure to all jacks during jacking operations. Provide
suitable bracing between jacks and the jacking head so that pressure shall be applied to
the pipe uniformly around the ring of the pipe. The jacking head shall be of such weight,
construction, and dimensions that it shall not bend or deflect when full pressure is ap-
plied at the jack. The jacking head shall be provided with an opening for the removal of
excavated material as the jacking operation proceeds. The Contractor shall set the pipe to
be jacked on guides that are straight and securely braced together in such manner as to
firmly support the section of pipe and to direct it in the proper line and grade as jacking
operations proceed.
The Contractor shall ensure installation of the pipeline immediately follows heading or
tunneling excavation. Voids occurring behind the pipe during installation shall be filled
with hydraulic cement grout conforming to Section 218, placed under pressure, upon
completion of the jack and bore operation.
Joint sealant material on concrete pipe shall be placed ahead of the jacking frame. The
Contractor shall replace or repair pipe that is damaged during jacking operations at his
own expense, when directed by the Engineer shall. Joints of steel pipe shall be butt welded
so as to be watertight as installation progresses.
When the Contractor encounters an obstruction during the jacking and boring operation
the following procedure shall be followed:
a. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately upon encountering an ob-
struction that stops the forward progress of the work. The Engineer shall verify that
the obstruction has stopped the forward progress of the Contractor’s jacking efforts
for more than 60 minutes and that the Contractor’s efforts to remove or bore through
the obstruction have been unsuccessful though deliberately and diligently pursued.
b. The Contractor shall consult with the Engineer and offer appropriate options for
advancing the work for consideration. Upon authorization by the Engineer, the Con-
tractor shall proceed with removal of the obstruction by other methods on a force
account basis in accordance with Section 109.05. Such alternative methods may in-
clude tunneling. If the Engineer determines the Contractor’s proposed option for tun-
neling is necessary, the Contractor shall detail a plan for such an operation including
all necessary safety and health precautions for workers as required by local, state,
and federal regulations for the work proposed. The Engineer will not authorize the
Contractor to proceed until the Contractor’s plan has been reviewed and accepted.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer before resuming the work according to the
Contractor’s authorized plan and afford the Engineer the opportunity to witness all
work performed by the Contractor. Payment for obstruction removal shall be from
the start of removal operations until the successful removal of the obstruction.
The Contractor shall make a determination, after consultation with the Engineer, as to remain-
ing manner of installation the Contractor will employ after removal of the obstruction.
a. Foundation: The Contractor shall explore the foundation below the bottom of the
excavation to determine the type and condition of the foundation. However, explora-
tions need not be made for routine entrance or crossover pipe 12 through 30 inches
in diameter that is to be installed under fills 15 feet or less in height. Foundation
exploration shall extend to a depth equal to 1/2 inch per foot of fill height or 8 inch-
es, whichever is greater. The Contractor shall report the findings of the foundation
exploration to the Engineer for acceptance prior to placing pipe.
Backfill for areas where unsuitable material has been removed shall be placed and
compacted in accordance with Section 303.04(g).
Pipe bedding shall be lightly and uniformly compacted and shall be carefully shaped
so that the lower section of the pipe exterior is in full contact with the bedding ma-
terial for at least 10 percent of the overall height of the pipe. Bedding material shall
be shaped to accommodate the bell portion of the pipe when bell and spigot pipe is
used. The depth of bedding material shall be at least 4 inches, or as specified on the
plan or as directed by the Engineer.
c. Placing pipe: Pipe shall be placed beginning at the downstream end of the pipeline.
The lower segment of pipe shall be in contact with the shaped bedding for its entire
length. Bell or groove ends of rigid pipe shall be placed facing upstream.
Paved or partially lined pipe shall be placed so that the longitudinal centerline of the
paved segment coincides with the flow line.
The Engineer will inspect the pipe before the Contractor places the backfill. The
Contractor shall remove, reinstall or replace pipe found to be out of alignment, un-
duly settled, or damaged.
d. Joining pipe:
(1) Rigid pipe: The Contractor’s method of joining pipe sections shall be such that
ends are fully mated so that inner surfaces are reasonably flush and even to
permit sealing of the joint as specified herein.
Joints shall be sealed with any one or combination of the following to form a
leak-resistant joint: rubber gasket, preformed neoprene seal, preformed flex-
ible joint sealant from the Materials Division’s Approved Products List 14;
oakum and mortar; oakum and joint compound; or cold-applied pipe joint
(2) Flexible pipe: Flexible pipe sections shall be aligned and firmly joined by
approved coupling bands to form a leak-resistant joint.
Erection shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s assembly diagrams and in-
struction sheets. Splices in the haunch areas of structural plate pipe arches shall be
constructed using the reverse shingle method or the side plates shall be provided
without longitudinal seams in the haunch areas. The complete line shall be assem-
bled before backfill is placed. Bolts shall be tightened to a torque of 150 to 250 foot-
pounds. If spiraling occurs during installation, the Contractor shall loosen the bolts
and adjust the pipe assembly to the correct position before retightening the bolts.
f. Arch substructures:
Each side of an arch shall rest in a groove formed into the masonry or on a galva-
nized angle or channel securely anchored to or embedded in the substructure. Where
the span of the arch is more than 15 feet or the skew angle is more than 20 degrees,
a metal bearing surface having a width at least equal to the depth of the pipe’s cor-
rugation shall be provided.
g. Backfilling: Class I backfill material shall be crusher run aggregate size No. 25 or
26, aggregate base material size 21A or 21B, flowable fill, conforming to Sections
205, 208 or 249 respectively, or crushed glass conforming to the size requirements
for crusher run aggregate size 25 and 26.
Regular backfill material outside the neat lines of the Class I backfill areas shown on
the Road and Bridge Standard PB-1 drawings shall be regular excavation conform-
ing to Section 303. Regular and classified backfill shall be placed in uniform layers
not more than 6 inches thick, loose measurement, before compaction. Each layer of
Class I and regular backfill material shall be thoroughly compacted as specified in
Section 303.04(g) with the exception that Class I backfill material shall be placed
and compacted at a moisture content of optimum to plus 2 percentage points of op-
timum. Class I backfill material shall be thoroughly compacted under the haunches
of pipe culverts. Each layer of Class I and regular backfill material shall be com-
pacted by rolling, tamping with mechanical rammers, or hand tamping with heavy
metal tampers having a face area of at least 25 square inches. If the Contractor uses
vibratory rollers in the backfill operations, vibratory motors shall not be activated
until at least 3 feet of backfill material has been placed and compacted over the pipe.
Backfill and compaction efforts shall be advanced simultaneously on both sides of
the pipe. The fill above the top of the regular backfill shall be installed and complet-
ed as specified for embankment construction unless the induced trench method of
installation is used.
Concrete pipe with a height of cover greater than that shown for Class V in the Road
and Bridge Standard PC-1 drawings shall be special design pipe with Method A
bedding and backfill in accordance with Standard PB-1 details.
The Engineer will not permit puddling in backfilling operations. The Contractor shall
not place rock more than 2 inches in its greatest dimension within 12 inches of pipe.
3. Tunneling operations: The jacked tunneling method shall be applicable for installing
concrete pipe 30 through 108 inches in diameter and smooth-wall steel pipe 30 through
48 inches in diameter. The Contractor shall perform tunneling operations in accord with
the following requirements where the plans specifically identify tunneling as the means
of pipe installation:
The tunnel shall be excavated in such a manner and to such dimensions that shall permit
placing of the proper supports necessary to protect the excavation. The Contractor shall
take the proper precautions to avoid excavating earth, rock or shattering rock beyond the
limits of excavation necessary for the safe and proper installation of the pipe. Damage
from excavating and blasting, either to surface or subsurface structures, shall be repaired,
or replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor’s own expense. The Contractor shall make
adequate provisions as required by law or applicable jurisdictional regulations for the
safety and health of the workers required by the work being performed.
No pipe shall be placed until the foundation is in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer.
Tunnel dimensions shown on the plans are minimum dimensions. Any excess excavation
and subsequent backfill, concrete or grout fill shall be at the Contractor’s expense. The
Contractor shall install the pipe in the tunnel true to line and grade. If required by the
plans or for safety, the Contractor shall use suitable steel or timber sheeting, shoring, and
bracing to support the sides and roof of the excavation. Supports may be left in place pro-
vided they clear the encasement or carrier pipe. The Engineer will not authorize separate
payment for supports left in place. Installation of the pipeline shall immediately follow
tunneling excavation.
If indicated or specified in the Contract, the Contractor shall grout the entire void between
the outside of the pipe and the tunnel walls or the inside face of the tunnel lining according
to ASTM C 476 unless the permanent sheeting, bottom, sides, and roof of the tunnel are in
a condition satisfactory to the Engineer. The minimum thickness of grout backfill shall be
maintained throughout the length of the installation. Grout required for backfill in excess of
the excavation tolerances specified herein shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
Any pipe damaged during construction operations shall be repaired, if permitted by the
Engineer, or removed and replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense.
If corrugated galvanized metal pipe is used, joints may be made by field bolting or by
connecting bands, whichever is feasible. When reinforced concrete pipe 24 inches and
larger in diameter with tongue-and-groove joints is used for the encasement pipe, the
interior joints for the full circumference of the pipe shall be sealed, packed with mortar,
and finished smooth and even with the adjacent section of pipe.
(b) Precast Drainage Structures: Submittal of designs for precast items included in the Road and
Bridge Standards will not be required provided fabrication is in accordance with the Standards.
Submittal of designs for precast box culverts produced under the VDOT Precast Concrete
Quality Assurance Program by a manufacturer on the Materials Division’s Approved Products
List 34 will not be required provided the Contractor submits a certification that the item shall
be fabricated in accordance with the preapproved design drawings.
Requests for approval of a precast design shall include detailed plans and supporting com-
putations that have been signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer having at least 5 years
experience in structural design of precast structures or components proposed and licensed to
practice engineering in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Unless otherwise specified, concrete
exposed to freeze/thaw environments shall conform to Section 217.02 and shall have a min-
imum design compressive strength at 28 days of at least 4,000 pounds per square inch and
an air content of 6 ± 2 percent. Concrete not exposed to freeze/thaw environments shall be
exempt from the requirements of Section 217.02(a). The design of the concrete mixture and
the method of casting, curing, handling, and erecting precast units shall be subject to review
and acceptance by the Engineer. Precast units may be shipped after reaching 85 percent of
the minimum design compressive strength as determined by control cylinders. Sampling
and testing concrete strength shall be performed using control cylinders in accordance with
ASTM C31 and C39 at a rate of one set of cylinders per lot. A set of cylinders is defined as
three 4” x 8” cylinders or two 6” x 12” cylinders. A lot is defined as a maximum 250 cubic
yards or a single week’s production (whichever quantity is less) of precast concrete from
each batching operation, being of like material, strength, and manufactured by the same pro-
cess. Variations of lot definition will be governed by applicable specifications and approved
by the Engineer. Control cylinders used for acceptance testing shall be cured under the same
conditions as the concrete the cylinders represent. Units shall retain their structural integrity
during shipment and shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer at the job site. Approval to
use precast units shall not be construed as waiving the size and weight limitations specified
in Section 107.21.
a. If the grade on the adjacent gutter is less than 1.5 percent, the grade on the invert
of the throat section of the inlet shall be at least 1.5 percent. Precast throats having
flat inverts will be permitted in sag locations provided the total length of the required
throat opening does not exceed 6 feet.
b. Pipe openings in precast drainage units shall not exceed the outside cross-sectional
dimensions of the pipes by more than a total of 8 inches regardless of the placement
of the pipes, the angles of intersection, or the shapes of the pipes. Pipe openings shall
be formed, neatly drilled, or neatly cut.
c. The Contractor shall use brick, masonry block, other standard masonry units, or
sound local stone in conjunction with mortar to fill the void between the pipe cul-
verts and the precast drainage structures. Stone or masonry units, areas of the pipe
openings, and exterior walls of pipe shall be thoroughly wetted and then bonded with
mortar by standard masonry practice in such a manner as to provide a contiguous
durable masonry connection between the precast drainage structures and the pipe
culverts. The remaining exterior and interior voids shall be filled with mortar and
smoothly shaped to the contour of the precast structure.
d. When precast units are to be located adjacent to the subbase or base pavement course,
the Contractor shall furnish units with chambers having weep holes 3 inches in di-
ameter and hardware cloth. Weep holes shall be located to drain the subbase or base.
e. Precast units located adjacent to cast-in-place concrete items, such as flumes, ditches,
and gutters shall be connected to the adjacent unit by means of No. 4 smooth steel
dowels spaced on approximately 12-inch centers throughout the contact length and
extending at least 4 inches into the precast unit and the cast-in-place item. If holes to
receive the dowels are provided in the precast unit, they shall be not more than 5/8
inch in diameter. The Engineer must approve other methods of providing the connec-
tion, such as keyed joints prior to fabrication.
f. The chamber section shall be installed in the plumb position. The throat and top
sections shall have positive restraints, such as adjacent concrete, pavement, or soil,
on all sides to prevent displacement and shall have a positive interlock, such as dow-
els, with the chamber section. The throat and top sections shall be installed to con-
form to the normal slope of the finished grade and may be canted up to a maximum
grade of 10 percent. The chamber may be built up to a maximum of 12 inches at
any point to provide for complete and uniform bearing of the throat and top sec-
tions on the chamber flat slab top or other approved top section. The built-up section
shall be constructed using whole concrete spacer units where feasible and partial and
whole sections of concrete block or brick with high-strength grout and mortar. High-
strength grout shall be used to provide the final grade adjustment and uniform bear-
ing. The width of the built-up section shall match the wall thickness of the chamber
section. The concrete block and brick shall be thoroughly bonded with mortar and
the inside and outside of the built-up section shall be plastered with mortar except
that the concrete spacer unit shall not be plastered.
2. Precast arches shall conform to the applicable requirements of current AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications and VDOT modifications (current VDOT I&IM-S&B-80)
and the following modifications:
Exposed reinforcing bars, inserts, and plates intended for bonding with future exten-
sions shall be protected from corrosion as directed by the Engineer.
c. Joints: Joints between units shall be sealed by preformed neoprene seals, rubber
gaskets, preformed flexible joint sealants or grout. When preformed flexible joint
sealants, preformed seals, or gaskets are used, they shall be of a type listed on the
Materials Division’s Approved Products List 14.
d. Pipe openings: Pipe openings will not be allowed in the precast arch but may be
provided through the wingwalls. When required, openings shall conform to (b)1.b.
3. Precast box culverts shall conform to the applicable requirements of current AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and VDOT modifications (current VDOT I & IM-
S&B-80) and the following modifications:
a. Precast Box Culverts shall conform to the applicable material requirements of ASTM
C1577. The design shall be a Special Design that need not conform to the rein-
forcing steel and geometry shown in the design tables and the appendix in ASTM
b. For protection against corrosion, the following minimum concrete cover shall be
provided for reinforcement: For boxes with more than 2 feet of fill over the top slab:
1 1/2 inches. For boxes with less than 2 feet of fill over the top slab: top reinforce-
ment of top slab: 2 1/2 inches; bottom reinforcement of top slab: 2 inches; all other
reinforcement: 1 1/2 inches.
c. The type of sealant or gasket used in joints between units shall be from the
Materials Division’s Approved Products List 14.
Where double or greater lines of precast units are used, a buffer zone of 3 to 6
inches between lines shall be provided. This buffer zone shall be backfilled with
porous backfill conforming to Section 204. The porous backfill shall be drained by a
3-inch-diameter weep hole, formed by non-rigid tubing, located at the top of the bot-
tom haunch, centered in the outlet end section and at approximately 50-foot intervals
along the length of the box culvert. Weep holes shall be covered with a 3-foot-square
section of filter barrier cloth firmly attached to the outside of the box. A 3-foot width
of filter barrier cloth shall also be centered over the buffer zone for the entire length
of the structure after placement of the porous backfill material. Filter barrier cloth
shall conform to Section 245.
Forming weep holes and furnishing and placing of the filter barrier cloth shall be
included in the price bid per linear foot for the precast box culvert.
d. At the terminus of precast units, sufficient anchorage shall be provided. This anchor-
age may consist of a cast-in-place end section at least 3 feet in length with a headwall
and curtain wall or a collar cast-in-place around the units provided adequate connec-
tion can be made between the collar and the units.
When the ends of precast units are skewed, the end section shall be cast monolithi-
cally. The skew may be provided by forming, saw cutting, or other methods approved
by the Engineer. Regardless of the method used, the variation in the precast unit from
the exact skew shall be not greater than 1 1/2 inches at any point.
f. Bedding and backfill shall be in accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Standard
PB-1 for box culverts.
(c) Drop Inlets, Manholes, Junction Boxes, Spring Boxes, Intake Boxes, and Endwalls:
Masonry construction shall not be initiated when the air temperature is below 40 degrees F in
the shade.
The foundation shall be explored below the bottom of the excavation to determine the type and
condition of the foundation. Foundation exploration shall extend to a depth equal to 1/2 inch
per foot of fill height or 8 inches, whichever is greater. The Contractor shall report the findings
of the foundation exploration to the Engineer for approval to proceed prior to placing structure.
Where the Engineer determines unsuitable foundation material is encountered at the estab-
lished grade, such material shall be removed and replaced.
Backfill material for areas where unsuitable material has been removed shall be placed and
compacted in accordance with Section 303.04(g).
Bedding material shall be placed in accordance with the Road and Bridge Standards, Standard
DSB-1 drawing and shall be aggregate No. 25 or 26 conforming to Section 205 except where
standing or running water is present in the foundation excavation. Bedding material shall be
aggregate No. 57 for the depth specified on the plans or as directed by the Engineer capped
with 4 inches of aggregate No. 25 or 26 when standing or running water is present. Where such
conditions are discovered in the field and the Contractor is directed by the Engineer to use No.
57 stone, No. 57 stone will be paid for at the existing contract unit price or, if not in the Con-
tract, in accordance with Section 109.05.
Bedding shall be lightly and uniformly compacted. The depth of bedding material shall be as
specified on the Road and Bridge Standards, Standard DSB-1 drawings or in the plans.
Brick and concrete block masonry shall be placed so that each unit will be thoroughly bonded
with mortar. Joints shall be full-mortar joints not more than 1/2 inch in width. Where brick
masonry is used, headers and stretchers shall be arranged to fully bond the mass. Every sev-
enth course shall be placed entirely with headers. Inside joints shall be neatly pointed, and the
outside of such walls shall be plastered with mortar as they are placed.
Iron or steel fittings entering the masonry shall be placed as the work is built up, thoroughly
bonded, and accurately spaced and aligned.
Inlet and outlet pipe connections shall conform to the same requirements as the pipe to which
they connect and shall be of the same size and kind. Pipe sections shall be flush on the inside
of the structure wall and shall project outside sufficiently for proper connection with the next
pipe section. Masonry shall fit neatly and tightly around the pipe.
Immediately following finishing operations, hydraulic cement concrete shall be cured and pro-
tected in accordance with Section 316.04(j).
Backfilling shall be performed in accordance with Section 303.04(g). Surplus material shall be
removed, and the site shall be left in a neat, clean, and orderly condition.
When grade adjustment of existing structures is specified, frames, covers, and gratings shall be
removed and the walls shall be reconstructed as required. Cleaned frames shall be reset at the
required elevation. Upon completion of the adjustment, each structure shall be cleaned of silt,
debris, and foreign matter and shall be kept clear of such accumulation until final acceptance.
In addition to the visual inspection performed by the Department during the initial installation
of storm sewer pipes and pipe culverts, a post installation visual/video camera inspection shall
be conducted by the Contractor on all storm sewer pipe and a selected number of pipe culverts
in accordance with this specification and VTM 123. Storm sewer pipe is defined as either a
component of a storm sewer system as defined in Section 101.02 or any pipe identified on the
plans as storm sewer pipe. All other pipe shall be considered pipe culverts. Post installation
inspections shall be performed on straight line and radial installations.
A minimum of one pipe culvert installation for each size of each material type used on the
project will be randomly selected by the Engineer for inspection; however, in no case will the
amount of pipe subject to inspection be less than ten percent of the total contract amount for
the size and material type indicated. Where the pipe or culvert’s size, orientation, or location
permit deflection to be easily visually identified, (as verified with the Engineer) the Contractor
may perform visual inspections in lieu of video inspections. If defects as described herein are
noted during the inspection, the Engineer may require additional pipe installations of that size
and/or material be inspected. The Contractor shall coordinate and schedule all post installation
inspections so that these are made in the presence of the Engineer. The post installation inspec-
tion shall be performed no sooner than 30 days after completion of the pipe installation and
placement of final cover (except for pavement structure). The Contractor shall issue a report
detailing all issues or deficiencies noted during the inspection (including a remediation plan for
each deficiency noted where applicable) no later than 5 days after completion of the inspection.
The post installation inspection shall be performed prior to paving unless project scheduling
dictates that a particular site be paved before the end of the 30 day period. In such cases, a pre-
liminary inspection of the pipe shall be made prior to paving over it, to insure that the pipe has
been properly installed and is performing well. Performing such a preliminary inspection prior
to paving will not relieve the Contractor from the requirement to perform the post installation
inspection after the 30 day period.
The Contractor’s inspection report shall identify and address any of the following items ob-
served during the post installation inspection including identifying any proposed remedia-
tion measures the Contractor plans to perform where applicable. Remediation measures may
consist of repairing or replacing the defective pipe section(s) or a combination of the two
where differing conditions exist within the same run of pipe. Where permitted as an option,
remediation methods for the various installation defects shall be proposed by the Contractor,
reviewed with the Engineer and must have the Engineer’s approval prior to implementation of
the corrective action. Remediation shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Further,
if remediation measures are shown to be necessary, any time associated with such measures
shall be reflected in the impact to the Contractor’s progress schedule (may take the form of a
time impact analysis, where required by the scheduling requirements) and will not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibilities to finish the work required by the contract within the contract
time limits or form the basis for any claim of delay where such remediation measures are
determined to be a result of the Contractor’s fault, omission or negligence.
Upon completion of any corrective remedial measures, the corrected installations are to be
re-inspected prior to final acceptance of the project using the test methods identified in VTM
The following criteria shall form the basis for inspections for the respective pipe or culvert
types listed:
Misalignment: Vertical and horizontal alignment of the pipe culvert or storm drain pipe
barrel shall be checked by sighting along the crown, invert and sides of the pipe, and by
checking for sagging, faulting and invert heaving. Faulting is defined herein as differential
settlement between joints of the pipe, creating a non-uniform profile of the pipe. The per-
son assigned by the Contractor to perform the inspection should take into account pipe or
culvert laid with a designed camber or grade change in accordance with Contract or site
requirements. Horizontal alignment shall be checked for straightness or smooth curva-
ture. Any issues involving incorrect horizontal and/or vertical alignment shall be noted in
the inspection report. If any vertical and/or horizontal misalignment problems are visually
noted by the Engineer or in the inspection report, a further evaluation will be conducted
by the Engineer to determine the impact of the misalignment on the joints and wall of the
pipe to ascertain what corrective actions are needed. All corrective actions determined
necessary by the Engineer that are a result of the Contractor’s negligence, omission or
fault shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to remedy.
2. Concrete Pipe\Culverts:
a. Joints: Leaking joints may be detected during low flows by visual observation of the
joints or checking around the ends of pipes or culverts for evidence of piping or
b. Cracks: Longitudinal cracks with a width less than one hundredth of an inch (0.01)
are considered hairline and minor. They shall be noted in the inspection report; how-
ever, no remedial action is necessary.
Longitudinal cracks having a width equal to or greater than one hundredth of an inch
(0.01 but equal to or less than one tenth of an inch (0.1) and determined by the En-
gineer to be detrimental to the structure shall be sealed by a method proposed by the
pipe\culvert manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. Pipes or culverts having
longitudinal cracks with widths greater than one tenth of an inch (0.1) and deter-
mined to be beyond the limits of a satisfactory structural repair shall be replaced by
the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Pipes or culverts having displacement across the crack greater than 0.1 inch but less
than 0.3 inch shall be remediated. Remediation methods shall be in accordance with
recommendations of the pipe or culvert manufacturer, be acceptable to and autho-
rized by the Engineer before implementation. Pipes\culverts having displacement
across the crack greater than 0.3 inch shall be replaced by the Contractor at the
Contractor’s expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Transverse cracks will be evaluated using the same criteria as indicated above for
longitudinal cracks.
c. Spalls: Spalling is defined as a localized pop-out of concrete along the wall of the
pipe\culvert (generally caused by corrosion of the steel reinforcement), or at the
edges of longitudinal or circumferential cracks. Spalling may be detected by visual
examination of the concrete along the edges of the crack. The person conducting the
inspection shall check for possible delamination. If delamination is noted or if a hol-
low sound is produced when the area is tapped with a device such as a hammer, the
pipe\culvert shall be remediated. Remediation methods shall be in accordance with
recommendations of the pipe\culvert manufacturer, be acceptable to, and authorized
by the Engineer before proceeding.
3. Thermoplastic Pipe\Culvert:
a. Cracks: Cracks or splits in the interior wall of the pipe shall be remediated. Remedia-
tion methods shall be in accordance with recommendations of the pipe manufacturer,
be acceptable to and authorized by the Engineer before proceeding.
c. Buckling, bulging, and racking: Flat spots or dents at the crown, sides or flow line
of the pipe due to racking shall be noted in the inspection report and will be eval-
uated by the Engineer. Areas of wall buckling and bulging shall also be noted in
the inspection report and evaluated by the Engineer for corrective action if deemed
necessary by the Engineer. Corrective action, if necessary, shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor.
If the pipe\culvert is deflected 7.5 percent or greater of the original diameter, the
pipe\culvert shall be replaced by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
In lieu of the options noted above for remediation of deflection in thermoplastic pipe\
culvert installations, the Contractor may elect to follow the payment schedule below:
Amont of Deflection Percent of Payment
0.0 % to 5.0% 100% of Unit Bid Price
5.1% to 7.5% 75% of Unit Bid Price
Greater than 7.5% Remove and Replace at Contractor’s Expense
Remediation efforts and payment shall apply to the entire section(s) of the deflected
pipe or culvert, joint to joint.
4. Metal Pipe\Culvert:
a. Buckling, bulging, and racking: Flat spots or dents at the crown, sides or flow line
of the pipe due to racking shall be noted by the Contractor’s inspector in the inspec-
tion report and will be evaluated by the Engineer for possible remediation by the
Contractor. Areas of wall buckling and bulging shall also be noted in the inspection
report and evaluated by the Engineer for possible remediation by the Contractor. If
the Engineer determines corrective actions are necessary, they shall be in accordance
with the pipe\culvert manufacturer’s recommendations, be acceptable to and autho-
rized by the Engineer prior to implementation.
c. Coating: Areas of the pipe where the original coating has been scratched, scoured,
or peeled shall be noted in the inspection report and evaluated by the Engineer to
determine the need for immediate repair. If repairs are required, they shall be per-
formed by Contractor in accordance with the recommendations of the pipe\culvert
coating manufacturer.
d. Deflection: Any one of several methods may be used to measure deflection of metal
pipe\culvert (laser profiler, mandrel, direct manual measure, etc.) If the initial in-
spection indicates the pipe\culvert has deflected 7.5 percent or more of its original
diameter, and if the original inspection was performed using a video camera, then a
mandrel test shall also be performed in accordance with VTM 123. All deflections
shall be noted in the inspection report. Deflections of less than 5 percent of the orig-
inal pipe\culvert’s diameter will not require remediation. Deflection of 5 percent up
to 7.4 percent will be evaluated by the Engineer. If the pipe\culvert has experienced
additional defects along with deflection of 5 percent up to 7.4 percent of the original
pipe\culvert’s diameter, the pipe\culvert shall be remediated. Remediation methods
shall be in accordance with recommendations of the pipe\culvert manufacturer and
be acceptable to and authorized by the Engineer before proceeding.
If the pipe\culvert is deflected 7.5 percent or greater of the original diameter, the pipe
shall be replaced by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
In lieu of the options noted above for remediation of metal pipe\culvert, the Contrac-
tor may elect to follow the payment schedule below:
Amont of Deflection Percent of Payment
0.0 % to 5.0% 100% of Unit Bid Price
5.1% to 7.5% 75% of Unit Bid Price
Greater than 7.5% Remove and Replace at Contractor’s Expense
Remediation efforts and percentage of payment shall apply to the entire section(s) of
the deflected pipe or culvert, joint to joint.
Pipe culverts will be measured in linear feet. The quantity will be determined by counting the number of
sections and multiplying by the length of the section used. When a partial section is required, the actual
length of the partial section will be measured in place.
Structural plate pipe and pipe arches will be measured in linear feet along the invert line.
Pipe reducers will be measured in linear feet of pipe for payment at the larger pipe size.
Pipe will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. This price shall include excavating, when
not paid for as minor structure excavation; sheeting; shoring; dewatering; disposing of surplus and un-
suitable material; removing and disposing of existing drainage structures; and restoring existing surfaces.
The upper 4 inches of bedding material and the Class I backfill material within the neat lines shown for
each foundation type on the Standard PB-1 drawings shall be included in the price for the related pipe.
When unit prices for extended pipelines are not specified, the unit price for new pipe of the same size
shall apply. When not a pay item, the cost of temporary stream relocation to facilitate the installation of
the pipe shall be included in the price for the pipe. The cost of fittings, anti-seepage collars, and anchor
blocks shall be included in the price for the pipe.
Jacked and bored pipe will be measured in linear feet to the nearest 1/10 of a foot along the centerline
of the completed jacked and bored pipe for the size indicated, and will be paid for at the contract unit
price per linear foot. This price shall include excavating and backfilling jacking and receiving pits,
sheeting, shoring, bracing, jacking equipment, casing pipe, casing chocks, furnishing and installing
carrier pipe, grout to install carrier pipe, drainage, safety equipment, and all other items necessary for
this operation.
Tunneled pipe will be measured in linear feet to the nearest 1/10 of a foot along the centerline of com-
pleted tunnel for the size of lining indicated and will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot.
This item shall include equipment, materials, handling and disposal of all materials encountered, drain-
age, pumping and dewatering, tunnel support, lining, furnishing and installing pipe, grouting, ventilation,
lighting and wiring, coordination and planning with the railroad or other specified entity, and all other
appurtenances necessary to complete the work.
Reinstalled pipe will be measured in linear feet along a line parallel to the flow line and will be paid for
at the contract unit price per linear foot of pipe. This price shall include excavation, when not paid for as
minor structure excavation involved in removing pipe, hauling, cleaning, relaying, backfilling, necessary
cutting for joining to other sections of pipe, furnishing and installing new coupling bands, joint sealer,
etc.; disposing of surplus excavation, and replacing any otherwise usable sections damaged or broken
because of the negligence of the Contractor. This price shall also include sheeting; shoring; dewatering;
and restoring existing surfaces.
End sections and pipe spillouts will be measured in units of each, complete-in-place, and will be paid
for at the contract unit price per each.
Endwalls and arch substructures will be measured in cubic yards of concrete and pounds of reinforcing
steel except that EW-12 endwalls will be measured in units of each, complete-in-place. Endwalls and
arch substructures will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard of miscellaneous concrete
and per pound of reinforcing steel except that crack control bars shall be included in the price bid for
miscellaneous concrete and Standard EW-12 endwalls will be paid for at the contract unit price per each.
Minor structure excavation will be measured and paid for in accordance with Section 303.06.
Cast-in-place box culverts will be measured in cubic yards of concrete and pounds of reinforcing steel
and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard of concrete and per pound of reinforcing
steel. These prices shall include excavating, sheeting, shoring, dewatering, waterproofing, disposing of
surplus and unsuitable material, restoring existing surfaces, the upper 6 inches of bedding material within
the neat lines shown on the Standard PB-1 drawings, and all necessary work to key the bottom slab into
an existing rock foundation. When not a pay item the cost of temporary stream relocation to facilitate the
installation of the structure shall be included in the price for the concrete and steel.
If the Contractor elects to furnish and install precast box culverts or precast arches instead of cast-in-
place box culverts, payment will be made for the original quantities shown on the plans for cast-in-place
units. No additional compensation will be made for casting, prestressing, or shipping precast units or
performing additional work, such as waterproofing, epoxy coating, or joint sealing, required as a result
of the substitution.
Precast box culverts will be measured in linear feet along the centerline of the barrel from face of
curtain wall to face of curtain wall and will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot, unless
they are substituting for cast-in-place box culverts. In the event precast box culverts are substituted for
cast-in-place box culverts, payment will be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard of concrete and
per pound of reinforcing steel for the cast-in-place box culvert plan quantities. This price shall include
designing, casting, reinforcing, excavating, sheeting, shoring, dewatering, installing, waterproofing, seal-
ing joints, anchoring, disposing of surplus and unsuitable material, restoring existing surfaces, the upper
6 inches of bedding material within the neat lines shown on the Standard PB-1 drawings, fittings, and
providing buffer zones and porous backfill for multiple lines. When not a pay item the cost of temporary
stream relocation to facilitate the installation of the structure shall be included in the price for the box
Grates and frames will be measured in units of each and will be paid for at the contract unit price per
Pipe grate will be measured in linear feet and will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot.
This price shall include fabricating, furnishing, galvanizing, and installing.
Drop inlets and intake boxes will be measured as complete units, including the frame and grate or
cover, and will be paid for at the contract unit price per each. The contract unit price for drop inlets will
be adjusted at the rate of 5 percent per foot for increases or decreases in the depth indicated on the plans
except that no adjustment will be made for changes amounting to less than 6 inches in the height of a
single drop inlet. Where curb or curb and gutter extend along the drop inlet, the contract unit price for
drop inlets shall include that part of the curb or gutter within the limits of the structure. Bedding material,
except aggregate No. 57, will be included in the price of the structure.
Base sections of pipe tee units used as drop inlets and manholes will be measured in linear feet hor-
izontally and will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of pipe specified. The riser section
and additional costs for the tee shall be included in the price for the drop inlet or manhole.
Manholes will be measured in linear feet, vertical measure, from top of foundation slab to top of ma-
sonry on which the casting frame is placed. However, when manholes are constructed as tee sections,
measurement will be made to the pay limits shown on the plans. Manholes will be paid for at the contract
unit price per vertical linear foot exclusive of frame and cover. Bedding material, except aggregate No.
57, shall be included in the unit price per foot for the manhole.
Concrete spring boxes will be measured in cubic yards of concrete, pounds of reinforcing steel, and
linear feet of pipe and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard of concrete, per pound of
reinforcing steel, and per linear foot of pipe.
Junction boxes will be measured in cubic yards of concrete and pounds of reinforcing steel, pounds of
structural steel, and each complete frame and cover assembly and will be paid for at the contract unit
price per cubic yard of concrete and per pound of reinforcing steel, per pound of structural steel, and
per each frame and cover assembly. Bedding material, except aggregate No. 57, shall be included in the
price of the structure.
Casting frames and covers will be measured in units of one complete frame and cover and will be paid
for at the contract unit price per each.
Reconstructed manholes will be measured as a complete unit and will be paid for at the contract unit
price per each.
Precast arches will be measured in linear feet along the centerline of the invert from face of headwall to
face of headwall. When a pay item, precast arches will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot.
This price shall include designing, forming, casting, reinforcing, excavating, wingwalls, installing, water-
proofing, sealing joints, anchoring and bedding, and providing buffer zones for multiple lines. The cost for
cast-in-place work other than that specified on the plans shall be included in the price for precast arches.
Epoxy-coated reinforcing steel, when a pay item, will be measured in pounds of uncoated steel and will
be paid for at the contract unit price per pound. The weight will be computed from the theoretical weights
of the nominal sizes of steel specified and placed in the structure. Measurement will not be made for
epoxy-coating material. This price shall include furnishing steel and epoxy-coating material; applying
coating material; fabricating, shipping, and placing epoxy-coated reinforcement in the structure; and
necessary repairing of epoxy coatings.
Temporary diversion channel lining will be measured in square yards for the class specified and will
be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard. This price shall include installing the channel lining
and removal when no longer required.
Temporary diversion channel excavation will be measured in cubic yards and will be paid for at the
contract unit price per cubic yard. This price shall include excavation, temporary pipe culverts, removal
of pipe culverts when no longer required, backfilling, and site restoration including regrading and
Excavation, backfill, and disposal of unsuitable or surplus material for drop inlets, intake boxes,
manholes both new and reconstructed, spring boxes, junction boxes, and base sections of pipe tee
units used as drop inlets and manholes will not be measured for separate payment, and the cost thereof
shall be included in the bid price for such items. In the event steps or invert shaping is required, the cost
thereof shall also be included in the price for such items.
Storm water management drainage structure will be measured in linear feet, vertical measure, from
top of concrete foundation to the top of the concrete cover. The price bid shall include Class A3 concrete;
reinforcing steel; trash rack; debris rack; orifice; steps; steel plate; and, when required, polyethylene tub-
ing, pipe hangers, and steel pipe.
Temporary sediment riser pipe will be measured in linear feet for the size specified and will be paid for
at the contract unit price per linear foot. The price shall include the riser pipe, steel plate, perforated pipe,
debris rack, orifice and Class A1 riprap, and anti-vortex device when required.
Storm water management dam will be measured in cubic yards of concrete and pounds of reinforcing
steel and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard of concrete and per pound of reinforcing
Post installation inspection will be included in the contract unit price per linear foot of pipe. Post-In-
stallation Inspection shall include performing visual and video camera inspection(s), preparing and fur-
nishing documentation to include narratives and video media in accordance with the requirements herein
and VTM 123.
The cost of the remedial measures (including removal and replacement of the pipe, if necessary) and the
re-inspection of the remediated pipe necessitated as a result of the Contractor’s negligence, omission, or
fault shall be the contractual and financial responsibility of the Contractor.
Pay Item Pay Unit
Pipe (Size and type) Linear foot
Structural plate arch (Size) Linear foot
Jacked and bored pipe (Size) Linear foot
Tunneled pipe (Size) Linear foot
Reinstalled pipe Linear foot
End section (Standard and size) Each
Pipe spillout (Standard) Each
Concrete (Class) Cubic yard
Reinforcing steel Pound
Endwall grate and frame (Standard) Each
Precast box culvert (Size) Linear foot
Endwall pipe grate (Type) Linear foot
Drop inlet (Standard and length) Each
Intake box (Standard) Each
Structural steel (Type) Pound
Manhole (Standard) Linear foot
Frame and cover (Standard) Each
Reconstructed manhole Each
Precast arch (Size) Linear foot
Epoxy-coated reinforcing steel Pound
Temporary diversion channel lining (Class) Square yard
Temporary diversion channel excavation Cubic yard
Endwall, Standard EW-12 Each
Storm water management drainage structure (Type) Linear foot
Temporary sediment riser pipe (Size) Linear foot
This work shall consist of constructing roadway earthwork in accordance with these specifications and in
conformity with the specified tolerances for the lines, grades, typical sections, and cross sections shown
on the plans or as established by the Engineer. Earthwork shall include regular, borrow, undercut, and
minor structure excavations; constructing embankments; disposing of surplus and unsuitable material;
shaping; compaction; sloping; dressing; and installing and maintaining temporary erosion and siltation
control work while performing these operations.
(a) Borrow excavation shall consist of approved material required for the construction of the
roadway and shall be obtained from approved sources outside the project limits. Borrow exca-
vation shall conform to AASHTO M57 and the requirements herein.
(b) Materials for temporary silt fences, geotextile fabric silt barriers, and filter barriers shall
conform to Sections 242.02(c) and 245.03(a).
(c) Geotextile materials used for embankment stabilization shall conform to Section 245.03(e).
(d) Mulches for seeding and erosion control shall conform to Section 244.02(g) and (k).
The Contractor shall control erosion, siltation, and stormwater pollution through the use of the tempo-
rary devices and methods specified herein or as is otherwise necessary. The Engineer reserves the right
to require other temporary measures not specifically described herein to correct an erosion, siltation or
pollution condition.
Erosion, siltation control, and pollution prevention devices and measures shall be maintained in a func-
tional condition at all times. Temporary and permanent erosion and siltation control and pollution pre-
vention measures shall be inspected in accordance with Section 107.16(e). The Contractor shall make a
daily review of the location of all erosion, siltation control and pollution prevention measures to ensure
that they are properly located for effectiveness. Where deficiencies exist, corrections shall be made im-
mediately as approved or directed by the Engineer.
When erosion and siltation control devices function by using wet storage, sediments shall be removed
when the wet storage volume has been reduced by 50 percent. Sediments shall be removed from dewater-
ing basins when the excavated volume has been reduced by 50 percent. Sediments shall be removed from
all other erosion and siltation control devices when capacity, height, or depth has been reduced by 50
percent. Removed sediment shall be properly disposed of in accordance with Section 106.04. Sediment
deposits remaining in place after the device is no longer required shall be removed or dressed to conform
to the existing grade, then prepared and seeded in accordance with Section 603.
Geotextile fabric that has decomposed or has become ineffective and is still needed shall be replaced.
Temporary erosion and sediment control devices except brush silt barriers shall be removed within 30
days after final site stabilization or after the temporary devices are no longer needed as determined by
the Engineer.
(a) Earth Berms and Slope Drains: The top of earthwork shall be shaped to permit runoff of
rainwater. Temporary earth berms shall be constructed and compacted along the top edges of
embankments to intercept runoff water. Temporary Berms and temporary dikes are to be stabi-
lized immediately following installation. Temporary slope drains shall be provided to intercept
runoff and adequately secured to prevent movement. Slope drains may be flexible or rigid but
shall be capable of being readily shortened or extended. A portable flume shall be provided at
the entrance to temporary slope drains.
(b) Soil Stabilization: Soil stabilization shall be initiated on any portion of the project where
clearing, grading, excavation or other land disturbing activities have permanently ceased or
where land disturbing activities have been temporarily suspended for an anticipated duration
of greater than 14 days, or upon completion of grading operations for a specific area. Soil sta-
bilization shall begin as soon as practicable, but not later than the next business day (Monday
through Friday excluding State holidays) following the day when land disturbing activities
temporarily or permanently ceased. Initiation of stabilization activities include, but is not lim-
ited to 1) prepping the soil for vegetative or non-vegetative stabilization, 2) applying mulches
or other non-vegetative products to exposed soil, 3) seeding or planting the exposed area
4) starting any of the above activities on a portion of the area to be stabilized but not on the
entire area or 5) finalizing arrangements to have the stabilization product fully installed within
the time frame for completing stabilization. Temporary or permanent soil stabilization shall
be completed within 7 days after initiation. Areas excluded from this requirement include ar-
eas within 100 feet of the limits of ordinary high water or a delineated wetland, which shall be
continuously prosecuted until completed and stabilized immediately upon completion of the
work in each impacted area. Soil stabilization includes: temporary and permanent seeding,
riprap, aggregate, sod, mulching, and soil stabilization blankets and matting in conjunction
with seeding. The applicable type of soil stabilization shall depend upon the location of areas
requiring stabilization, time of year (season), weather conditions, and stage of construction
Cut and fill slopes shall be shaped and topsoiled where specified. Seed and mulch shall be ap-
plied in accordance with Section 603 as the work progresses in the following sequence:
1. Slopes whose vertical height is 20 feet or greater shall be seeded in three equal increments
of height. Slopes whose vertical height is more than 75 feet shall be seeded in 25-foot
2. Slopes whose vertical height is less than 20 but more than 5 feet shall be seeded in two
equal increments.
3. Slopes whose vertical height is 5 feet or less may be seeded in one operation.
Areas that cannot be seeded because of seasonal or adverse weather conditions shall be
mulched to provide some protection against erosion to the soil surface. Mulch shall be
applied in accordance with Section 603.03(e) and paid for in accordance with Section
603.04. Organic mulch shall be used and the area then seeded as soon as weather or
seasonal conditions permit in accordance with Section 603.03. Organic mulches include:
straw or hay, hydraulic erosion control products, and rolled erosion controlled products
conforming to Section 244.02(g) and (k).
(c) Check Dams: As an initial item of work, required check dams shall be constructed at 25-foot
intervals below the outfall end of drainage structures unless otherwise shown on the plans.
Synthetic check dams recorded in the Department’s Approved List No. 53 may be substituted
for Standard EC-4, Rock Check Dams, Type II, with the approval of the Engineer at no addi-
tional cost to the Department. Synthetic check dams shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
(d) Baled Straw Silt Barriers: Baled straw silt barriers may be substituted for temporary filter
barriers with the approval of the Engineer in noncritical areas, such as pavement areas and
rock locations where filter barriers cannot be installed in accordance with the plans and spec-
ifications, and locations where the Engineer determines that streams and water beds will not
be affected.
(e) Temporary Silt Fences, Geotextile Fabric Silt Barriers, and Filter Barriers:
1. Temporary silt fences: Silt fences will be specified by type and shall be erected at loca-
tions shown on the plans or as determined by the Engineer. Posts shall be driven no
less than 24 inches into the ground uniformly installed with an inclination toward the
potential silt load area of at least 2 degrees but not more than 20 degrees. Geotextile
fabric used for silt fences shall be provided and erected at a height of 24 inches above
original ground. The bottom of the fabric shall be entrenched in the ground 12 inches
(6 inches vertically and 6 inches horizontally) in a minimum 6-inch by 6-inch trench.
Silt fence may also be entrenched using a slicing method with a minimum of 8 inches
sliced into the ground. A continuous roll of fabric cut to the length of the silt fence
is preferred to avoid the use of joints. When joints are unavoidable, fabric shall be
spliced together only at a support post, with a minimum 6-inch overlap, and securely
sealed by double folding ends together. Attaching fabric to existing trees will not be
a. Type A silt fence usage is limited to a fill height of 20 feet or less. Posts shall not
be spaced more than 6 feet apart and shall have a finished height no less than 6 inches
above the fabric. Fabric shall be firmly secured to the post. The top shall be installed
with a 1-inch tuck or reinforced top end section.
b. Type B silt fence is required for fill heights greater than 20 feet. Posts shall not be
spaced more than 10 feet apart and shall have a finished height no less than 6 inches
above the wire fence. In addition to geotextile fabric, wire fence used for silt fences
shall be provided and erected at a height of 30 inches above original ground. Wire
fence shall be fastened securely to the post with wire ties and embedded no less than
2 inches in the ground. Fabric shall be firmly secured to the post and wire fence.
Attachments to the wire fence shall be made with ties spaced every 24 inches hori-
zontally at both the top and vertical midpoint of the fabric.
Two rows of Type A silt fence erected parallel, three to five feet apart, may be used as an
alternative to temporary Type B silt fence unless prohibited elsewhere in the Contract.
2. Geotextile fabric silt barriers: Existing fences or brush barriers used along the downhill
side of the toe of fills shall have geotextile fabric attached at specified locations as shown
on the plans. The bottom of the fabric shall be entrenched in the ground in a minimum
6-inch by 6-inch trench and the top shall be installed with a 1-inch tuck or reinforced top
end section. Temporary fabric silt barriers may also be entrenched using a slicing method
with a minimum of 8 inches sliced into the ground.
Brush barriers shall be installed prior to any major earth-disturbing activity and trimmed
sufficiently to prevent tearing or puncturing fabric. Fabric shall be fastened securely to
the brush barrier or existing fence. A 6-inch overlap of fabric for vertical and horizontal
splicing shall be maintained and tightly sealed.
3. Temporary filter barriers: Barriers shall consist of geotextile fabric and shall be
securely fastened to wood or metal supports that are spaced at not more than 3-foot inter-
vals and driven at least 12 inches into the ground. At least three supports shall be used.
The bottom of the fabric shall be entrenched in the existing ground in a minimum 4-inch
by 4-inch trench.
Temporary filter barriers may also be entrenched using a slicing method with a minimum
of 6 inches sliced into the ground. The top of the fabric shall be installed with a 1-inch
tuck or reinforced top end section. The height of the finished temporary filter barrier shall
be a nominal 15 inches.
After removal and disposal of the temporary silt fence, geotextile fabric silt barrier, and
temporary filter barrier, the area shall be dressed and stabilized with a permanent vegeta-
tive cover or other approved permanent stabilization practice approved by the Engineer.
(f) Sediment Traps and Sediment Basins: Once a sediment trap or basin is constructed, the dam
and all outfall areas shall be immediately stabilized.
(g) Erosion Control Mulch: This work shall consist of furnishing and applying mulch used as
slope protection (hydraulic mulch used for seeding or used as a temporary erosion control
treatment) on slopes exposed to the elements but not at final grade during the period from
December 1 to March 1 for periods of up to 30 days prior to final grading or to areas to receive
stabilization or paved surfaces within 6 months in accordance with this provision and as direct-
ed by the Engineer. Hydraulic mulch used for slope protection during such periods of seasonal
or adverse weather shall be applied without seed.
Mulch shall be applied to exposed slopes requiring mulch or to areas to be stabilized or paved
within 48 hours after performance of grading operations in accordance with Section 603.03(f).
(h) Temporary Diversion Dike: This work shall consist of constructing temporary diversion dikes
at the locations designated on the plans and in accordance with the plan details and the
Specifications, stabilizing dikes with seed and mulch, maintaining, removing when no longer
required, and restoration of the area.
Temporary diversion dikes shall be installed as a first step in land-disturbing activities and shall
be functional prior to upslope land disturbance. The dike shall be constructed to prevent failure
in accordance with Section 303.04. Seeding and mulch shall be applied to the dike in accor-
dance with Section 603 immediately following its construction. The dikes should be located to
minimize damages by construction operations and traffic.
The Contractor shall inspect the temporary diversion dikes after every storm and make repairs
to the dike, flow channel, outlet, or sediment trapping facility, as necessary. Once every two
weeks, whether a storm event has occurred or not, the dikes shall be inspected and repairs
made if needed. Damages to the dikes caused by construction traffic or other activity must be
repaired before the end of the working day when the damage occurred.
(i) Turbidity Curtain: This work consists of installation, maintenance, and removal of a turbidity
curtain, including all necessary cables, weights, and floats in accordance with this provision
and in conformity with the lines, grades and details shown on the plans or established by the
Engineer. The curtain shall be provided as a temporary measure to minimize the drift of sus-
pended material during construction of the project.
Type I configuration shall be used in protected areas where there is no current and the area
is sheltered from wind and waves or in areas where there may be small to moderate current
running (up to 2 knots or 3.5 feet per second) and/or wind and wave action.
Type II configuration shall be used in areas where considerable current (up to 3 knots or 5
feet per second) may be present, where tidal action may be present and/or where the curtain is
potentially subject to wind and wave action.
The curtain shall be placed at the locations shown on the plans and in accordance with the ap-
proved working drawings. The Contractor shall maintain the turbidity curtain in order to insure
the continuous protection of the waterway.
The curtain shall extend the entire depth of the watercourse whenever the watercourse is not
subject to tidal action and/or significant wind/wave action.
In tidal and/or wind and wave action situations, the curtain shall never touch the bottom. A
minimum 1-foot gap shall be established between the weighted lower end of the skirt and the
bottom at the mean low water.
Loose rock 3 inches or larger shall be removed from the surface of cut slopes.
When slides occur, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of material as directed by the Engineer.
Where required, surface ditches shall be placed at the top of cut slopes or at the foot of fill slopes and at
such other points not necessarily confined to the right of way or shown on the plans and shall be of such
dimensions and grades as directed by the Engineer.
Allaying dust, when specified, shall be performed in accordance with Section 511.
Prior to the beginning of grading operations in an area, necessary clearing and grubbing shall be
performed in accordance with Section 301.02.
(a) Regular Excavation: Existing foundations and slabs located within the construction limits
shall be removed and disposed of in a location approved by the Engineer. In lieu of removal,
foundations and slabs located 5 feet or more below the proposed subgrade may be broken into
pieces not more than 18 inches in any dimension and reoriented to break the shear plane and
allow for drainage.
Cisterns, septic tanks, wells, and other such structures shall be cleared in accordance with
Section 516.
Balance points shown on the plans are theoretical and may vary because of actual field conditions.
When the material to be excavated necessitates the use of explosives, Section 107.11 relating
to the use of explosives shall apply. To prevent damage to newly constructed concrete, the
Contractor shall schedule blasting operations in the proximity of proposed concrete structures
so that work will be completed prior to placement of concrete.
Regular excavation shall consist of removing and disposing of material located within the
project limits, including widening cuts and shaping slopes necessary for preparing the road-
bed; removing root mat; stripping topsoil; cutting ditches, channels, waterways, and entrances;
and performing other work incidental thereto. The Engineer may require materials in existing
pavement structures to be salvaged for use in traffic maintenance.
Undrained areas shall not be left in the surface of the roadway. Grading operations shall be
conducted so that material outside construction limits will not be disturbed.
Where rock or boulders are encountered, the Contractor shall excavate and backfill in accor-
dance with the plans and the Contract.
When the presplitting method of excavation is specified for rock cuts, work shall be performed
in a manner to produce a uniform plane of rupture in the rock and so that the resulting back-
slope face will be unaffected by subsequent blasting and excavation operations within the sec-
tion. Rock shall be presplit along rock slopes at locations, lines, and inclinations shown on the
plans or as determined by field conditions. A test section shall be provided to establish the spac-
ing of drill holes and the proper blasting charge to be used in the presplitting operation. Drill
holes shall be spaced not more than 3 feet apart and shall extend to the plan grade or in lifts of
not more than 25 feet, whichever is less. If drilled in benches, an offset may accommodate the
head of the drill, but no offset shall be more than 12 inches. Presplitting shall extend at least 20
feet ahead of the limits of fragmentation blasting within the section.
Where the project has been designed and slopes have been staked on the assumption that solid
rock will be encountered, and the Contractor fails to encounter solid rock at the depth indicated,
he shall cease excavation in the area and immediately notify the Engineer. If it is necessary to
redesign and restake slopes, any additional excavation necessary will be paid for at the contract
unit price per cubic yard.
Topsoil stockpiled for later use in the work shall be stored within the right of way unless the
working area is such that the presence of the material would interfere with orderly prosecution
of the work. Stockpile areas outside the right of way shall be located by the Contractor at his
expense. Topsoil used in the work shall be removed first from stockpiles located on private
property. Surplus topsoil remaining on private property after completion of topsoiling opera-
tions shall be moved onto the right of way and stockpiled, shaped, and seeded as directed by
the Engineer.
Stripping topsoil shall be confined to the area over which grading is to be actively prosecuted
within 14 calendar days following the stripping operation. Grading operations shall be con-
fined to the minimum area necessary to accommodate the Contractor’s equipment and work
force engaged in the earth moving work.
(b) Borrow Excavation: The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining borrow
and pay all costs involved in accordance with the provisions of Section 106.03.
If the Contractor places an excess of borrow and thereby causes a waste of regular excavation,
the amount of such waste, unless authorized, will be deducted from the volume of borrow as
measured at the source or computed by vehicle count as specified in Section 109.01.
When borrow is obtained from sources within the right of way and the excavation is performed
simultaneously with regular excavation, borrow excavation will be designated as regular ex-
cavation. Material secured by widening cuts beyond slope stakes, when taken from previously
excavated slopes, will be designated as borrow excavation. When such a procedure is approved,
slopes shall be uniform and no steeper than shown on the plans.
Borrow excavation areas shall be bladed and left in a shape to permit accurate measurements
after excavation has been completed.
CBR values stipulated for borrow excavation shall apply to the uppermost three feet of fill
below the top of earthwork, as defined in Section 101. Borrow excavation installed below the
top three feet shall consist of suitable fill material, available from regular excavation or borrow
excavation, as defined and of a quality consistent with Contract requirements.
(c) Undercut Excavation: Undercut excavation shall consist of removing and disposing of unsuit-
able material located within the construction limits in accordance with Section 303.06(a) 3.
(d) Minor Structure Excavation: Minor structure excavation shall consist of removing material
necessary to accommodate a structure, such as box or arch culverts, including pipe arches,
structural plate arches, structural plate pipe, pipe culverts, and storm drains with a span(s) or
opening(s) of 48 inches or greater. Minor structure excavation shall also include dewatering,
sheeting, bracing, removing existing structures, and backfilling. Removing existing structures
shall also include foundations that might be necessary to clear the site.
(e) Removing Unsuitable Material: Where excavation to the finished graded section results in a
subgrade or slopes of unsuitable material, such material shall be excavated below the grade
shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Areas so excavated shall be backfilled with
approved material in accordance with (f) herein.
Excavation for structures shall be carried to foundation materials satisfactory to the Engineer
regardless of the elevation shown on the plans. If foundation material is rock, the Contractor
shall expose solid rock and prepare it in horizontal beds for receiving the structure. Loose or
disintegrated rock and thin strata shall be removed. Excavated material, if suitable, shall be
used for backfilling around the structure or constructing embankments.
Material shown on the plans as unsuitable and during construction found to be suitable for use
shall first be used in embankments where needed in lieu of borrow. However, the use of this
material in lieu of borrow shall not alter the provisions of Section 104.02 regarding underruns.
Material shown on the plans as suitable material but found at time of construction to be unsuit-
able shall be disposed of as unsuitable material.
(f) Backfill for Replacing Undercut Excavation: Backfill shall be composed of regular excavation,
borrow, select material, subbase material, or other material as directed by the Engineer. Back-
filling operations shall be performed in accordance with (g) herein.
(g) Backfilling Openings Made for Structures: Backfill shall be suitable material removed for
the structure, although the Engineer may require that backfill material be obtained from a
source within the construction limits entirely apart from the structure, or other approved mate-
rial. The opening to be backfilled shall be dewatered prior to backfilling. Backfill shall not be
placed against or over cast-in-place box culverts or other structures until the top concrete slab
section(s) has been in place 14 days, exclusive of days on which the average high-low ambient
temperature is below 40 degrees F in the shade or until the concrete control cylinder(s) has at-
tained a compressive strength equal to 93 percent of the 28-day minimum design compressive
Backfill shall be compacted in horizontal layers not more than 6 inches in thickness, loose
measurement, and as specified in (h) herein. Backfill shall be placed in horizontal layers such
that there will be a horizontal berm of compacted undisturbed material behind the structure
for a distance at least equal to the remaining height of the structure or wall to be backfilled.
Backfill shall be placed in a manner to deter impoundment of water and facilitate existing
drainage. Backfill around piers in areas not included in the roadway prism shall be constructed
in uniformly compacted layers; however, density requirements will not be enforced.
Box culverts shall not be opened to construction equipment traffic until concrete has attained
100 percent of the 28-day design minimum compressive strength and has a backfill cover of
at least 4.0 feet. The minimum height of backfill cover required to protect pipe culverts from
construction equipment shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing PC-1 for the type and
size specified.
Where only one side of abutments, wingwalls, piers, or culvert headwalls can be backfilled,
care shall be taken that the area immediately adjacent to the structure is not compacted to
the extent that it will cause overturning or excessive pressure against the structure. When
both sides of a concrete wall or box structure are to be backfilled, operations shall be con-
ducted so that the backfill is always at approximately the same elevation on both sides of
the structure.
(h) Embankments: Work shall consist of constructing roadway embankments; placing and
compacting approved material within roadway areas where unsuitable material has been
removed; and placing and compacting approved material in holes, pits, utility trenches,
basements, and other depressions within the roadway area.
Unsuitable material used in widening embankments and flattening embankment slopes shall be
placed in uniform layers not more than 18 inches in thickness before compaction. Each layer
of material placed shall be compacted to the extent necessary to produce stable and reasonably
even slopes.
Wherever rock excavation is available on the project, an 8 to 15-inch layer of such ma-
terials shall be dump spread over the lower region of embankments in the immediate
vicinity of stream crossings and used to cover ditches, channels, and other drainage ways
leading away from cuts and fills. However, drainage ways shall be prepared to receive
the rock excavation to the extent necessary to avoid reducing their cross section. If
rock excavation is not available on the project, rip-rap, jute mesh or soil retention mats
shall be used as the covering material and shall be installed in accordance with Section
606.03(b). Limits of the area to be covered will be as noted on the plans or as directed
by the Engineer.
Wherever sufficient right of way exists, surplus materials shall be used to widen embankments
and flatten slopes as directed by the Engineer.
Rock excavation may be placed on slopes by uniform end dumping of the material from along
the top of the embankment or as directed by the Engineer. Slopes that are covered with rock
excavation shall not receive topsoil or seed.
When geotextile drainage fabric is required under rock fills, preparation shall be as specified
in Section 245.
The Contractor shall schedule excavation and embankment work in a manner that will mini-
mize the quantity of unsuitable material for which more than one handling is required prior to
final placement. Therefore, the provisions for additional payment for each rehandling of ma-
terial specified in Section 303.06(a) will not apply to placing unsuitable material for widening
embankments and flattening embankment slopes.
The surface area directly beneath the pavement and shoulders on which embankments of less
than 5 feet in depth are to be constructed shall be denuded of vegetation. These areas shall be
scarified and compacted to a depth of 6 inches to the same degree as the material to be placed
Areas that contain material unsuitable as foundations for embankments shall be undercut and
backfilled in accordance with (e) and (f) herein.
Embankments to be placed over saturated areas that will not support the weight of hauling
equipment may be constructed by end dumping successive loads in a uniformly distributed
layer of a thickness capable of supporting the hauling equipment while subsequent layers are
placed. The nose, or leading edge, of the embankment shall be maintained in a wedge shape
to facilitate mud displacement in a manner that will prevent its entrapment in the embank-
ment. The front slope of the embankment shall be maintained steeper than 2:1. The use of
compacting equipment will not be required on the original course. However, the remainder
of the embankment shall be constructed in layers and compacted in accordance with these
When geotextile for embankment stabilization is required, it shall be placed as shown on the
plans. Geotextile shall be spliced by sewing double-stitched seams with stitching spaced 1/4
inch to 1/2 inch apart or as shown on the plans.
Once geotextile for embankment stabilization is placed, the initial lift of material to be placed
atop shall be free draining and shall be end dumped onto the geotextile and spread to the thick-
ness as shown on the plans. Free-draining material shall be any material of which 15 percent or
less passes the No. 200 sieve. If the geotextile becomes punctured or torn, the Contractor shall
repair the area with geotextile lapped at least 3 feet all around the damaged area.
When embankment is to be placed and compacted on an existing unpaved road, the existing
surface shall be scarified to such degree as will permit an ample bond between old and new
material. Hydraulic cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavement structures within the pro-
posed roadway prism shall be demolished in accordance with Section 508.02(a).
Existing slopes shall be continuously benched where embankments are constructed one-half
width at a time; against slopes of existing embankments or hillsides; or across existing em-
bankments, hillsides, and depressions at a skew angle of 30 degrees or more or the existing
slopes are steeper than 4:1. For slopes steeper than 4:1 but not steeper than 1-1/2:1, the bench
shall be at least 6 feet in width. For slopes steeper than 1-1/2:1 but less than 1/2:1, the bench
shall be at least 4 feet in width. Benching shall consist of a series of horizontal cuts beginning
at the intersection with the original ground and continuing at each vertical intersection of the
previous cut. Material removed during benching operations shall be placed and compacted as
embankment material.
When excavated material consists predominantly of soil, embankment shall be placed in suc-
cessive uniform layers not more than 8 inches in thickness before compaction over the entire
roadbed area. Each layer shall be compacted within a tolerance of ±20 percent of optimum
moisture content to a density of at least 95 percent of the theoretical maximum density as
defined in Section 101.02.
Material having a moisture content above optimum by more than 30 percent shall not be placed
on a previously placed layer for drying unless it is shown that the layer will not become satu-
rated by downward migration of moisture in the material.
Field density determinations will be performed in accordance with AASHTO T310 and VTM-
10, modified to include material sizes used in the laboratory determination of density, with a
portable nuclear field density testing device or by other approved methods. When a nuclear
device is used, density determinations for embankment material will be related to the density
of the same material tested in accordance with VTM-1 or VTM-12 and a control strip will not
be required.
As the compaction of each layer progresses, continuous leveling and manipulating shall be
performed to ensure uniform density. Prior to placement of subsequent layers, construction
equipment shall be routed uniformly over the entire surface of each layer or the layer shall be
scarified to its full depth in the area where the equipment is routed.
When the excavated material consists predominantly of rock fragments of such size that the
material cannot be placed in layers of the thickness prescribed without crushing, pulverizing,
or further breaking down the pieces resulting from excavation methods, such material may be
placed in the embankment in layers that are not thicker than the approximate average size of
the larger rocks. Rock not more than 4 feet in its greatest dimension may be placed in an em-
bankment to within 10 feet of the subgrade. The remainder of the embankment to within 2 feet
of the subgrade shall not contain rock more than 2 feet in its greatest dimension. Each layer
shall be constructed so that rock voids are filled with rock spalls, rock fines, and earth. Rock
shall be placed, manipulated, and compacted in uniform layers; however, density requirements
may be waived. Rock, rock spalls, rock fines, and earth shall be distributed throughout each
embankment layer and manipulated as specified herein so that the voids are filled. Rock shall
not be end dumped over the edges of the layer being constructed but shall be deposited on the
layer and moved ahead so as to advance the layer with a mixture of rock, rock spalls, rock fines,
and earth. The 2 feet of the embankment immediately below the subgrade shall be composed
of material that can be placed in layers of not more than 8 inches before compaction and com-
pacted as specified herein for embankments. Rock more than 3 inches in its greatest dimension
shall not be placed within 12 inches of the subgrade in any embankment.
Rock, broken concrete, or other solid materials shall not be placed in embankment areas where
piling is to be placed or driven.
The best material shall be reserved for finishing and dressing the surface of embankments.
Work necessary to ensure the reservation of such material shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor. Section 303.06(a) will not apply to subsequent handling of capping material.
CBR values, stipulated for Embankment, shall apply to the uppermost three feet of fill below
the top of earthwork, as defined in Section 101.02. Embankment, installed below the top three
feet, shall consist of suitable fill material available from regular excavation; borrow excavation,
or embankment as defined, and be of a quality consistent with Contract requirements.
Crushed glass shall be limited within the boundaries of the embankment as follows. Crushed
glass shall be a minimum of two feet inside the side slope and contain a minimum of two feet
of soil embankment cap. For those areas where crushed glass is to be incorporated into the
embankment, glass may constitute up to approximately ninety (90) percent by weight of that
portion of the embankment, except where 100 percent crushed glass is used for drainage pur-
poses (including blankets).
Crushed glass shall be blended with soil and/or soil like materials as follows:
1. The embankment shall be constructed by placing alternate four-inch layers of waste glass
and soil and mixing and blending by scarification or other approved methods during
compaction. The thickness of uncompacted layers of soil/glass shall be a maximum of 8
inches (loose); or
Compaction of the soil/glass embankment shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and
shall be accomplished with a vibratory compactor or other approved methods. Moisture and
density requirements for the soil/glass embankments shall be the same as other conventional soil
embankment in accordance with Section 303.
Normal compaction procedures and requirements are to be used for compaction of the soil
embankment “cap” above the crushed glass/soil blends.
(i) Settlement Plates and Surcharge: The Contractor shall expedite construction of embankment
to provide the maximum time possible for settlement prior to completing grading operations.
1. Settlement plates: The base of settlement plates shall be firmly seated into original
ground for the full depth of the steel fins. The base shall be leveled. The Engineer shall be
provided time to obtain the elevation of the seated base and the top elevation of the pipe
extensions prior to placement of embankment material. Pipe extensions shall not be more
than 4 feet in length and shall be vertically installed as the embankment is constructed
such that the top of the pipe is not covered. As each extension is added, the Engineer shall
be provided time to obtain the top elevation of the existing pipe and the top elevation of
the new pipe extension. Pipe extensions shall be properly flagged at all times. Care shall
be taken while placing and compacting embankment material around pipe extensions.
Settlement plates shall be maintained until no longer required, as determined by the Engi-
neer. Upon completion of the normal embankment plus 2 feet of the specified surcharge,
the Contractor shall immediately commence placing the remaining surcharge to the limits
shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The remaining surcharge shall be
placed in lifts of not more than 1 foot in depth and compacted uniformly with construction
hauling and spreading equipment. Each lift shall be completed over the entire surcharge
area before the next lift is begun.
If a settlement plate is damaged, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately
and promptly repair it under the observation of the Engineer to the nearest undamaged
pipe. Excavation, backfill, compaction, and repair of settlement plates shall be at the Con-
tractor’s expense. The Engineer shall be provided time to obtain the top elevation of the
undamaged connection and the top elevation of each subsequent pipe extension.
Settlement plates shall remain in place until settlement has been completed as indicated
by elevation readings taken by the Engineer at approximately 2-week intervals. Eval-
uation of the readings by the Engineer will be the final and sole governing factor for
releasing embankments for grading operations. Upon written release by the Engineer,
extensions of settlement plate pipe shall be removed to at least 2 feet below the subgrade,
the pipe capped, and the area backfilled and compacted.
2. Surcharge: When authorized by the Engineer, surcharge shall be removed to the subgrade
and embankment slopes graded to the typical section. Removed surcharge shall be placed
in roadway embankments not previously brought to grade or shall be disposed of in ac-
cordance with Section 106.04 or as directed by the Engineer.
(j) Hydraulic Embankment: Hydraulic embankment shall consist of dredging and pumping
materials approved by the Engineer from designated areas, placing the material in embank-
ments, and dressing and completing the embankment. Material shall be nonplastic and of such
grading that not more than 7 percent will pass the No. 200 sieve.
Unless otherwise shown on the plans, material for the embankment shall not be obtained from
sources closer than 300 feet from the toe of the slope of the embankment. The Engineer may
reject materials considered to be unsatisfactory for use in the embankment, and such materials
shall be stripped at the Contractor’s expense before the embankment is built. Muck and unsuit-
able material shall be removed to the line, grade, and section shown on the plans. Unsatisfac-
tory material brought to the top of the embankment shall be removed by the Contractor at the
Contractor’s expense, and satisfactory material shall be substituted.
In placing material in the embankment, the Contractor shall begin at the centerline and deposit ma-
terial in either or both directions toward the toe of slopes. Discharge shall always be in the direction
of and parallel with the centerline. The maximum distance from the bottom of the discharge pipe
to the surface on which material is being deposited shall be 5 feet unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer. Material shall be deposited in a manner that will maintain a higher elevation at the cen-
ter of the roadway than on either side. The Contractor will not be permitted to construct retaining
levees along the roadway of such dimensions as to cause damage to the foundation of the roadway.
The Contractor shall conduct operations so that the completed embankment conforms to the cross
section shown on the plans except that the Engineer will permit the Contractor to flatten side slopes.
However, if material is deposited on private property, the Contractor shall obtain permission in
writing from the affected property owner(s), a copy of which shall be furnished to the Engineer. No
payment will be made for material beyond the limits of the net pay section.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent placing material in streams.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to or caused by the hydraulic embankment.
The Contractor shall provide sufficient material to maintain the embankment in accordance
with the typical cross section as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer until final
The Contractor’s plan for support of suction or discharge pipes shall be submitted to and
approved by the Engineer. Traffic shall be protected by the display of warning devices both day
and night. If dredging operations damage an existing traveled highway, the Contractor shall
cease operations and repair damage to the highway.
(k) Surplus Material: Surplus material shall not be wasted or sold by the Contractor unless autho-
rized in writing by the Engineer. When authorization has been given for surplus material to be
wasted, it shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 106.04.
Material shown on the plans as surplus material will not be considered for overhaul payment.
1. Disposal of surplus material within the right of way where the haul distance is 2,000
feet or less: Surplus material shall be used or disposed of where directed within a haul
distance of 2,000 feet of its origin. Usage in this manner will not be considered a change
in the character of the work.
2. Disposal of surplus material within the right of way where the haul distance is more
than 2,000 feet: The Engineer may require the Contractor to use surplus material instead
of furnishing borrow, or as otherwise directed, where the haul distance from the origin of
the material is more than 2,000 feet. Disposal of surplus material at locations requiring a
haul of more than 2,000 feet will be considered a change in the character of work unless
otherwise noted on the plans.
When material is declared surplus during construction and must be transported more
than 2,000 feet from its origin, the Department will pay the Contractor $0.03 per sta-
tion per cubic yard for overhaul. The quantity of surplus excavation will be determined
by vehicle measurement in accordance with the provisions of Section 109.01 or from
cross-section measurements by the average end area method. The haul distance will be
measured along a line parallel with the centerline of the roadway from the center of the
excavated area to the center of the placement area. Overhaul will be the product of the
quantity of surplus material in cubic yards and the haul distance in excess of 2,000 feet
in 100-foot stations.
The Contractor shall perform all construction or reconstruction activities in accordance with
the applicable requirements of the Specifications with the exception of the following:
1. All disturbed slopes shall be uniformly grooved or rough graded as directed by the
2. The roadbed shall be shaped and worked until it is smooth and free from large clods or
other material unfit for use in the roadbed. Sharp breaks in the roadbed shall be eliminated
and the final grade shall be compacted. The maximum gradient on all connections with in-
tersecting roads, streets and entrances shall not exceed 10 percent, unless otherwise noted
on plans or directed by the Engineer. Ditchlines shall be graded to facilitate drainage and
to prevent the impoundment of water.
3. Excess material from slides, ditches and channels, slopes or drainage easements, and
unsuitable material cut from below grade, which cannot be used to flatten fill slopes with-
in the right of way or easements, shall be disposed of by the Contractor in accordance
with Section 106.04.
4. The construction or clean out of ditches or channels extending beyond the roadway right
of way, the removal and disposal of slide material, and the removal and disposal of unsuitable
material required to be removed from below subgrade will be classified as extra excavation.
a. Slopes steeper than 2:1 shall be grooved in accordance with the standard drawings
and shall not deviate from the theoretical plane surface by more than 0.5 foot.
b. Slopes steeper than 3:1 up to and including 2:1 shall be rough graded in a manner
to provide horizontal ridges and grooves having no more than 0.5 foot deviation
from the theoretical line of the typical cross section as accomplished by the normal
operation of heavy grading equipment.
c. Slopes 3:1 or flatter shall be uniformly finished and shall not deviate from the
theoretical plane surface by more than 0.5 foot.
a. Slopes steeper than 3:1 shall not deviate from the theoretical plane slope by more
than 0.5 foot and shall be rough graded in a manner to provide horizontal ridges and
grooves not more than 0.5 foot from the theoretical line of the typical cross section
as accomplished by the normal operation of heavy grading equipment.
b. Slopes 3:1 and flatter shall be uniformly finished and shall not deviate from the
theoretical plane surface by more than 0.5 foot.
3. Rock slopes shall not deviate from a plane surface by more than 2.0 feet and shall not
deviate from their theoretical location by more than 2.0 feet measured along any line
perpendicular to the theoretical slope line.
Finished excavation and embankment slopes shall not deviate from their theoretical location by
more than 0.5 foot measured along any line perpendicular to the theoretical slope line.
(a) Excavation: Excavation will be measured in cubic yards and will be paid for at the contract
unit price per cubic yard unless otherwise specified.
Excavation requiring more than one handling prior to final placement will be paid for at the
contract unit price for regular excavation for each handling approved by the Engineer unless
there is a pay item for the second handling, in which case work will be paid for at the contract
price for such handling.
Quantities of regular or borrow excavation used to backfill pipe, pipe culverts, and box culverts
will not be deducted from quantities due the Contractor for payment.
1. Regular excavation: When payment is specified on a cubic yard basis, regular excava-
tion will be measured in its original position by cross-sectioning the excavation area.
This measurement will include overbreakage or slides not attributable to the carelessness
of the Contractor and authorized excavation of rock, muck, root mat, or other unsuitable
material except material included in undercut excavation. Volumes will be computed from
cross-section measurements by the average end area method.
Excavation of existing roadways required to incorporate old roadway into new roadway
or remove salvageable materials for use in traffic maintenance, other than those covered
in Section 508, will be measured as regular excavation.
When “presplitting rock cuts” is shown on the plans, the work shall be considered
incidental to the cost of excavation and will not be measured for separate payment.
In cut sections, excavation of topsoil and root mat and material down to a point 1 foot
below the elevation of the top of earthwork or to the depth specified on the plans will
be measured as regular excavation. When areas of unsuitable material are shown on the
plans, excavation down to a point 1 foot below the elevation of such material shown on the
plans will be measured as regular excavation.
In fill sections, excavation of topsoil and root mat and material down to an elevation of
1 foot below the bottom of topsoil and root mat will be measured as regular excavation.
When areas of unsuitable material are shown on the plans, excavation down to a point 1
foot below the elevation of such material shown on the plans will be measured as regular
Excavation of surface ditches specified on the plans or otherwise required by the Engineer
will be paid for as regular excavation except that when required after the slopes have been
completed and the work cannot be performed with mechanical equipment, the excavation
will be paid for as undercut excavation.
Borrow excavation with a stipulated CBR value shall be measured and paid for at the
contract unit price as borrow excavation with the CBR value as specified.
Borrow excavation without a stipulated CBR value shall be measured and paid for at the
contact unit price as borrow excavation.
When unsuitable material must be removed from an area of the project where undercut is
not shown on the plans, unsuitable material removed after reaching the depth specified in
(a) 1. herein, or 1 foot below original ground in fill sections where topsoil and root mat are
not required to be removed, will be measured as undercut excavation.
Excavation of rock or unsuitable material below the elevation of the bottom of the lower
theoretical slab or culvert thickness or below the excavation limits shown on the plans
or standard drawings for normal earth foundations, whichever is the greater depth, of
minor structures having a span(s) or opening(s) of less than 48 inches will be measured
for payment as undercut excavation. Such excavation for structures having a span(s) or
opening(s) of 48 inches or greater will be measured as minor structure excavation in ac-
cordance with (a) 4. herein.
Undercut excavation will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. This price
shall include removal and disposal. When not a pay item, undercut excavation will be paid
for at twice the unit price per cubic yard for regular excavation.
4. Minor structure excavation: Excavation of material above the elevation of the bottom of
the lower theoretical slab or culvert thickness, or above the excavation limits shown on
the plans for earth foundations, whichever is the greater depth, for culverts having a max-
imum span or opening of less than 48 inches will not be measured for payment.
plan area of the wingwalls or appurtenances to the plan area of the barrel. Once the ratio
has been determined, the pay quantity for minor structure excavation will be increased
The volume of the interiors of culverts, drop inlets, and other existing minor structures
that must be removed will not be deducted from the overall quantity of minor structure
excavation allowed for payment.
The price of minor structure excavation shall include the cost of backfill above the hori-
zontal planes of the neatlines of the Class I or Class II backfill areas to original ground.
Class I and Class II backfill shall be measured and paid for in accordance with Section
The price of minor structure excavation shall also include the cost of removing and dis-
posing of existing drainage structures when required.
5. Earthwork: When a pay item, earthwork will be paid for at the contract lump sum price,
wherein no measurement will be made. This price shall include regular excavation, minor
structure excavation, and grading.
(b) Embankments:
1. If embankment is not a pay item, the cost of embankment construction will be considered
incidental to other items of excavation.
a. The regular excavation plan quantity will be adjusted in accordance with (c) Plan
Quantities herein.
b. The quantity of unsuitable material will be measured and subtracted from the
adjusted regular excavation quantity determined in 2.a. herein. Quantities of unsuit-
able material removed from fill areas or below the subgrade in cut areas will be
determined by using plan dimensions and may be adjusted for deviations based on
actual measurement. Actual dimensions will be used to determine the quantity of any
other unsuitable material.
c. The total quantity shown on the plans will be adjusted for quantities not anticipated
on the plans, such as changes in grade or undercut determined to be necessary during
d. The quantity of suitable material determined in 2.b. herein will be subtracted from
the adjusted total fill quantity determined in 2.c. herein. The resultant quantity will
be the embankment quantity for which payment will be made.
The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the effect of the shrinkage or
swell factor of the material, and no adjustment will be made in pay quantities for
this factor.
3. If embankment is a pay item and regular excavation is to be paid for on the basis
of measured quantities, the quantity of embankment will be measured in cubic yards
computed by the average end area method from the dimensions of the embankment cross
Cross sections of the area to be covered by the embankment will be taken after the de-
nuding or removal of unsuitable material and before any material is placed thereon. These
cross sections shall extend laterally from the centerline to the toes of slopes as indicated
on the typical cross section. The elevations as determined by these sections will be con-
sidered the original ground line. The pay quantity to be measured will be the volume of
material included in the section above the original ground and below the upper limits of
the typical cross section.
When regular excavation is a pay item, the embankment area to be cross-sectioned will
exclude that portion of the fill constructed from regular excavation. Material outside the
limits of typical cross sections as shown on the plans will not be measured or paid for.
Settlement plates will be measured and paid for in units of each, complete-in-place.
This price shall include furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing when no longer
Surcharge placement and removal will be measured in cubic yards as determined by the
plan quantity and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. This price shall
include furnishing, placing, and removing surcharge material and disposing of surplus
and unsuitable materials.
5. If geotextile drainage fabric is a pay item, measurement and payment will be in accor-
dance with Section 504.
Embankment with a stipulated CBR value shall be measured and paid for as embankment
with the CBR value as specified.
Embankment without a stipulated CBR value shall be measured and paid for as
(c) Plan Quantities: The quantity of regular excavation for which payment will be made when
plan quantities are specified will be that specified in the Contract. However, borrow exca-
vation; excavation for entrances; unsuitable material below the top of earthwork; undercut
excavation; slide excavation; rock excavation that changes the slopes or causes undercut;
and side, inlet, and outlet ditches not covered by plan cross sections will be measured in
their original position by cross sections and computed in cubic yards by the average end area
Where there are authorized deviations from the lines, grades, or cross sections, measurements
will be made and the volume computed in cubic yards by the average end area method for these
deviations. The plan quantity will then be adjusted to include these quantities for payment.
When unauthorized deviations occur, allowances will not be made for overruns. However, if
the deviation decreases the quantities specified in the Contract, only the actual yardage exca-
vated will be allowed.
(d) Backfill: Furnishing and placing backfill material, including backfill for undercut, will be
included in the price for excavation and will not be measured for separate payment unless
specific material is a pay item for backfill or unless suitable material is not available within the
construction limits. When a specific material is a pay item, the unit of measure of the material
will be in accordance with the unit specified in the Contract. When suitable backfill is not avail-
able within the construction limits, the material furnished and placed by the Contractor will be
paid for in accordance with Section 109.05.
1. Limiting the scope of construction operations, shaping the top of earthwork, and
constructing temporary earth berms and brush silt barriers for temporary erosion
and siltation control will not be measured for payment but shall be included in the price
for other appropriate pay items.
2. Erosion control riprap will be measured and paid for in accordance with Section 414.04.
3. Temporary protective covering will be measured and paid for in accordance with Section
4. Check dams will be measured in units of each and will be paid for at the contract unit
price per each. This price shall include furnishing, excavating, constructing, maintaining,
repositioning as many times as may be required during construction and removing the
check dams if, or when, no longer required.
Synthetic check dams may be substituted for Type II Rock Check dams (Standard EC-4)
at no additional cost to the Department.
5. Temporary silt fence type A will be measured in linear feet from edge of the fabric to
edge of fabric, complete-in-place, excluding laps, and will be paid for at the contract unit
price per linear foot. Decomposed or ineffective geotextile fabric replaced after 6 months
from the installation date will be measured in linear feet of temporary silt fence type A
and paid for at 1/2 the contract unit price for temporary silt fence. Decomposed geotextile
fabric required to be replaced prior to 6 months after installation will not be measured
for payment. This price shall include furnishing, installing and maintaining the silt fence,
including fabric and posts; removing and disposing of these materials, and dressing and
stabilizing the area.
6. Temporary silt fence type B will be measured in linear feet from edge of the wire fence
to edge of wire fence, complete-in-place, excluding laps, and will be paid for at the con-
tract unit price per linear foot. Decomposed or ineffective geotextile fabric replaced after
6 months from the installation date will be measured in linear feet of temporary silt fence
type B and paid for at 1/2 the contract unit price for temporary silt fence. Decomposed
geotextile fabric required to be replaced prior to 6 months after installation will not be
measured for payment. This price shall include furnishing, installing and maintaining
the silt fence, including fabric, wire reinforcement and posts; removing and disposing of
these materials, and dressing and stabilizing the area.
When two rows of Type A silt fence are erected instead of a single row of Type B silt
fence, measurement payment will be as Type A silt fence for the amount of Type A silt
fence actually erected.
7. Geotextile fabric attached to brush barriers or existing fence or used for another
function specified on the plans will be measured in square yards, complete-in-place, ex-
cluding laps, and will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard. This price shall
include trimming the brush barrier; furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing the
fabric; and dressing and stabilizing the area.
The brush barrier will not be measured for separate payment. The cost thereof shall be
included in the price for clearing and grubbing.
Silt removal and sediment cleanout will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic
yard of siltation control excavation. Payment shall be full compensation for removal of
silt and sediment approved or directed by the Engineer and for transportation and disposal
of the material.
If approved or directed by the Engineer, the installation of additional temporary silt fence
and temporary filter barrier in lieu of silt cleanout will be measured in linear feet as spec-
ified in (e) 5. and (e) 7. herein.
10. Seeding materials will be measured and paid for in accordance with Section 603.
11. Temporary erosion and siltation measures required to correct conditions created
because of the Contractor’s negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent
controls in accordance with the plans and sequence for performance of such work
will not be measured for payment.
12. Slope drains will be measured in units of each, per location regardless of size or length
and will be paid for at the contract unit price per each. Raising slope drains and addition
of pipe lengths will not be measured as a new location. This price shall include furnishing,
installing, maintaining, and removing the drain and end section or portable flume.
13. Sediment traps and basins will be measured in cubic yards of sediment basin excavation
and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. This price shall include exca-
vation, maintenance, and backfill or removing to original ground when no longer needed.
14. Storm water management basin excavation will be measured in cubic yards and will be
paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. The price shall include excavation, main-
tenance, and shaping of basin.
15. Temporary sediment basin excavation will be measured in cubic yards and will be paid
for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. The price shall include excavation, mainte-
nance and when no longer required the removal of dam, pipe, riser pipe, trash rack, back-
fill and site restoration. This item will not be paid on sites where the Contractor is using
sediment filter bags to remove sediment from run-off water.
a. Inlet Protection Type A will be measured in units of each and will be paid for at the
contract unit price per each location shown or specified. The price shall include fur-
nishing and installing temporary filter barrier including posts and top rails, coarse
aggregate and, if required, sediment forebay. This price shall also include mainte-
nance and removal until no longer required. Inlet Protection Type A will be paid for
only one time during the duration of the project.
b. Inlet Protection Type B will be measured in units of each and will be paid for at the
contract unit price per each location shown or specified. The price shall include
furnishing and installing hardware mesh cloth, concrete blocks, wooden studs,
coarse aggregate, and maintenance and removal until no longer required. In-
let Protection Type B will be paid for only one time during the duration of the
c. Inlet Protection Type C will be measured and paid for in accordance with the
individual pay items and pay units shown in the Standard Drawing for EC-6,
Type C. The individual pay items for Inlet Protection Type C will be paid for
only one time during the duration of the project for each location shown or
17. Dewatering basin will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per each. This
price shall include furnishing, installing, maintaining, and when no longer required,
removing the dewatering basin; backfill; and site restoration.
18. Erosion control mulch will be paid for per square yard or acre. This includes all materials
and equipment necessary for the application.
19. Temporary diversion dike will be measured in linear feet, complete-in-place, and will
be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. This price shall be full compensation
for installing the diversion dike, stabilizing with seed and mulch, maintaining, removing
when no longer required, and restoration of the area.
20. Turbidity curtain will be measured in linear feet from edge of the curtain along the
support cable. Turbidity curtain will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot
for the type specified. This price shall include furnishing, installing, maintaining, and
removal of all materials.
Measurement and payment for No Plan (N) or Minimum Plan project items of work will be
in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Specifications with the exception of the
1. Grading will be paid for at the contract lump sum price wherein no measurement will be
made by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for mobilization when not
specified as a separate bid item; the cost of clearing and grubbing; all regular excavation;
construction of embankments, grading of unpaved shoulders and ditches and channels;
allaying of dust when not specified as a separate bid item; removing and disposing of ex-
cess or unsuitable material above grade; and for removing and disposing of existing minor
structures and roadway surface materials.
2. Extra excavation, when specified as a bid item, will be measured in cubic yards in
accordance with Section 109.01 and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic
yard. This price shall include performing the required excavation and disposing of mate-
rial in accordance with Section 106.04 or as directed by the Engineer. When not specified
as a contract bid item, extra excavation will be paid for as specified in the Contract.
Pay Item Pay Unit
Surcharge placement and removal Cubic yard
Geotextile (Embankment stabilization) Square yard
Check dam (Type) (Log, rock, or straw) Each
Temporary silt fence (Type) Linear foot
Geotextile fabric Square yard
Temporary filter barrier Linear foot
Slope drain Each
Storm water management basin excavation Cubic yard
Temporary sediment basin excavation Cubic yard
Inlet protection Type A Each
Inlet protection Type B Each
Dewatering basin Each
Erosion control mulch Square yard or acre
Temporary diversion dike Linear foot
Turbidity Curtain (Type) Linear Foot
Grading Lump Sum
Extra Excavation Cubic Yard
This work shall consist of constructing control strips in accordance with these Specifications for the
purpose of determining density requirements.
Materials shall conform to the requirements for the material to be used in the course. Material used in
each control strip shall be furnished from the same source and shall be of the same type as the material
used in the test sections whose density requirements are established by the control strip.
Equipment shall be approved by the Engineer prior to use. The type and weight of compaction equipment
shall be such that a uniform density is obtained throughout the depth of the layer of material being com-
pacted. Control strips shall be compacted using equipment of the same type and weight to be used on the
remainder of the course.
The subgrade or pavement structure course upon which a control strip is constructed shall be approved
by the Engineer prior to construction of the control strip.
One control strip shall be constructed at the beginning of work on each roadway and shoulder course
and each lift of each course. An additional control strip shall be constructed when a change is made in
the type or source of material or whenever a significant change occurs in the composition of the material
from the same source. For subbase and base aggregate materials, the maximum theoretical density from
either one-point proctor test (VTM-12) or three point proctor tests (VTM-1) may be used in lieu of con-
structing a control strip, at the discretion of the Engineer.
The project will be divided into “control strips” and “test sections” by the Engineer for the purpose of
defining areas represented by each series of tests. The size of each control strip and test section will be
in accordance with VTM-10.
Control strips shall be constructed using the same procedure to be used in the construction of the remain-
der of the course. Rolling of the control strip shall be continued until no appreciable increase in density
is obtained by additional roller coverages.
Upon completion of rolling, the mean density of the control strip will be based on 10 tests taken at
randomly selected sites within the control strip area using a nuclear testing device. Compaction of the
remainder of the course shall be governed by the density obtained in the control strip.
Each test section will be tested for required thickness. Areas that are deficient by more than the spec-
ified allowable tolerance shall be corrected in accordance with the applicable requirements of these
The Engineer may require an additional control strip after the completion of each 10 test sections.
Each control strip shall remain in place and become a section of the completed roadway.
If the mean density of a test section (roadway or shoulder) does not conform to the applicable require-
ments stated herein, the Contractor shall continue his compactive effort or shall rework the entire test
section until the required mean density is obtained. If an individual test value does not conform to the
requirements stated herein, the Contractor shall continue his compactive effort or shall rework the entire
area represented by that test until the required density is obtained.
(a) Roadway: The density of each test section will be evaluated based on the results of five tests
performed at randomly selected sites within the test section. The mean density obtained for the
five tests in each test section shall be at least 98 percent of the mean density obtained in the ap-
proved control strip. In addition, each individual test value obtained within a test section shall
be at least 95 percent of the mean density obtained in the approved control strip.
(b) Shoulders:
1. Aggregate shoulders: The density of each test section of select or aggregate material used
in the construction of shoulders will be evaluated based on the results of five tests performed
at randomly selected sites within the test section. The mean density obtained for the five
tests in each test section shall be within 95 ± 2 percent of the mean density obtained in the
approved control strip. In addition, each individual test value obtained in a test section shall
be within 95 ± 5 percent of the mean density obtained in the approved control strip.
2. Asphalt shoulders: The density of each test section of asphalt concrete used in the
construction of shoulders will be evaluated based on the results of five tests performed
at randomly selected sites within the test section. The mean density obtained for the five
tests in each test section shall be at least 98 percent of the mean density obtained in the
approved control strip. In addition, each individual test value obtained within a test sec-
tion shall be at least 95 percent of the mean density obtained in the approved control strip.
This item is considered incidental to the cost of furnishing, placing, and compacting the specified course
and will not be measured for payment. The cost of constructing density control strips shall be included in
the cost of the material for which the control strip is required.
This work shall consist of constructing the subgrade and shoulders to the cross section and grade shown
on the plans and within the specified tolerances indicated on the plans and in these specifications.
Materials may consist of material in place, treated material in place, or imported material. Imported
material may be borrow material, select material, or other material as shown on the plans or specified in
the Contract.
Materials other than regular excavation or borrow material that are shown on the plans or specified in the
Contract shall conform to the applicable requirements of these Specifications.
Geotextile materials used for subgrade stabilization shall conform to Section 245.03(d).
1. Subgrade consisting of material in place: The subgrade area shall be scarified to a depth
of 6 inches for a distance of 2 feet beyond the proposed edges of the pavement on each
side. If sandy or other soil is encountered that will not compact readily, clay or other suit-
able material shall be added or water applied in such quantity and within the allowable
moisture content specified herein as will permit compaction of the subgrade. Subgrade
material shall be compacted at optimum moisture, within ±20 percent of optimum. The
density of the subgrade when compared to the theoretical maximum density as deter-
mined in accordance with VTM-1 shall conform to the following:
The Contractor shall then shape and check the subgrade to ensure a typical cross section
and uniform grade prior to placement of any subsequent courses. If the subgrade becomes
eroded or distorted prior to placement of material for subsequent courses, the Contractor
shall scarify, reshape, and recompact it in accordance with the original requirements.
At the time of placing material for subsequent courses, the Contractor shall compact the
subgrade to the required density, free from mud and frost, and to a condition that will
permit compaction of subsequent courses without distortion.
The Contractor shall remove material from the unstable area and contaminated aggregate
if the approved subgrade becomes unstable after placement of the subbase or base course
and becomes mixed with the aggregate therein. The area shall then be backfilled and com-
pacted, and the subsequent course thereon reconstructed.
The Contractor will not be required to perform additional mixing and compacting if lime
can be satisfactorily manipulated during initial mixing, and the Contractor has satisfacto-
rily bridged the weak area. Additional layers of fill may be placed without delay.
Field density determinations will be performed in accordance with AASHTO T310 and
VTM-10, modified to include material sizes used in the laboratory determination of den-
sity; with a portable nuclear field density testing device; or by other approved methods.
When a nuclear device is used, the nuclear density determination for treated in-place
subgrade material will be related to the density of the same material tested in accordance
with VTM-1 or VTM-12 and a control strip will not be required.
3. Subgrade consisting of imported material: The area to receive the material shall be
graded to a true crown and cross section.
Material shall be placed and compacted in accordance with the applicable specifications
governing the type of material. When select material is used, material shall be placed and
compacted in accordance with Section 308.02 except that the provision for mixing will
not be required. The Contractor shall compact the top 6 inches of the finished subgrade in
accordance with the provisions of 1.herein.
The provisions of 1. herein that are not specifically amended shall apply. Imported
material shall be placed in approximately equal layers not more than 8 inches for com-
mercial material and 6 inches for local material, compacted measure. The Engineer will
test material after compaction for thickness and density. If material fails to conform to
thickness requirements, the Contractor shall correct the material by scarifying, adding
material if necessary, mixing, reshaping and recompacting, or removing and replacing.
If the material fails to conform to density requirements, the Engineer will require addi-
tional rolling until the required density is obtained provided the material is compacted
at optimum moisture, within ±20 percent of optimum. If the moisture content is outside
the allowable tolerance, the Engineer will require the layer to be scarified, brought to
optimum moisture within the allowable tolerance, and recompacted to the specified
An aggregate spreader will not be required in the placement of select material and other
imported materials used as subgrade and shoulder courses.
(b) Treatment of Unsuitable Subgrade: When solid rock occurs in cuts or the material is not
suitable for subgrade or finishing purposes, the roadbed shall be excavated below the grade
shown on the plans in accordance with the Standard Drawings.
When solid rock or other unsuitable material has been removed, excavated areas shall be
backfilled in accordance with the Standard drawings.
(c) Finishing Subgrade: The Contractor shall provide effective drainage for the subgrade and
maintain it in a satisfactory condition until the next course is placed.
When practicable, the subgrade shall be prepared at least 500 feet ahead of placement of any
subbase, base, or surface course. Material for subsequent courses shall not be placed until the
subgrade has been checked and approved. The finished subgrade elevation shall be within
±0.04 foot of the plan elevation unless otherwise specified. When imported material is used,
acceptance of the course will be based on Section 308.04.
(d) Geotextile (Subgrade Stabilization): When geotextile for subgrade stabilization is required,
it shall be placed as shown on the plans. Geotextile shall be spliced by an overlap of at least 2
feet or by sewing double-stitched seams with stitching spaced 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch apart or as
shown on the plans.
(e) Shoulders: Aggregate shoulder material shall be placed in accordance with the applicable
specifications governing the type of material or construction being used and shall be com-
pacted at optimum moisture, within ±2 percentage points of optimum. Except when aggregate
material No. 18 is used, the density of the aggregate shoulder material, when compared to
the theoretical maximum density as determined in accordance with VTM-1 or VTM-12, shall
conform to the following:
When aggregate material No. 18 is used, the density, when compared to the theoretical maxi-
mum density, shall be not less than 90 percent or more than 95 percent.
Aggregate in the guardrail section of fills, 1 foot from the roadway side of the guardrail face to
the outside of the shoulder, shall be compacted until a density of at least 90 percent of the the-
oretical maximum density has been obtained. The asphalt mixture in this area shall be sealed
immediately after the hot mixture is spread. Rolling of the asphalt mixture shall continue until
roller marks are eliminated and a density of at least 85 percent of the theoretical maximum
density has been obtained.
Stabilized and paved shoulders shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable speci-
fications for pavement stabilization. If the aggregate shoulder material becomes overconsol-
idated prior to final finishing, it shall be scarified for the approximate depth, reshaped, and
recompacted to conform to the specified grade and cross section.
Shoulders shall be constructed simultaneously with nonrigid types of base or surface courses
other than asphalt concrete or in advance of the base or surface course so as to prevent spread-
ing of base or surface materials. The area of shoulders 12 inches adjacent to the pavement shall
be rolled simultaneously with the course being deposited.
Where base or surface courses are being constructed under traffic and are more than 1 inch in
depth, shoulder material adjacent thereto shall be placed within 72 hours after placement of
the base or surface course.
When material in place is used for the subgrade and shoulders, no measurement will be made by the
Engineer. Treated material in place will be measured in accordance with the method of measurement for
the specified stabilizing material. When imported material is specified, it will be measured as follows:
(b) Select material, Types II and III, will be measured in cubic yards in its original position.
(c) Borrow will be computed in its original position by cross-sectioning the area excavated. If
cross-sectioning the area excavated is not practical, the quantity will be determined from com-
pacted measurements in the road and then converted to pit volume.
When cubic yard measurement is specified and the plans do not show the thickness of material required,
the material will be measured in the original position by the cross-section method. Where it is impractical
to cross-section the area, measurement will be made in trucks in accordance with Section 109.01.
When the ton unit is specified, the quantity will be determined in accordance with Section 109.01.
The Engineer will deduct moisture in excess of optimum, + 2 percentage points from the net weight of
both truck and rail shipments.
Allowance will not be made for unauthorized depths beyond those shown on the plans and the allowable
tolerances. When tonnage measurement is used, the Engineer will deduct for material exceeding the
allowable tolerance based on 110 pounds per square yard per inch of depth.
When material in place is used for subgrade and shoulders, no separate payment will be made. The cost
thereof shall be included in the price for other applicable pay items.
When imported materials are used, the subgrade and shoulders will be paid for at the contract unit price
per cubic yard or per ton as specified. Treated material in place will be paid for in accordance with the
applicable specification.
Stabilized or paved shoulders shown as a pay item will be measured and paid for in accordance with
Section 306.04, Section 307.06, Section 312.05, or Section 315.08, as applicable.
These prices shall include furnishing, hauling, placing, manipulating, and compacting material; clearing
and grubbing local pits; material royalties; and access roads.
Geotextile for subgrade stabilization will be measured in square yards, complete-in-place. Overlaps
and seams will not be measured for separate payment. The accepted quantity of geotextile will be paid
for at the contract unit price per square yard. This price shall include furnishing, placing, lapping, or
seaming material.
This work shall consist of stabilizing roadbed material by constructing one or more courses of the pave-
ment structure using a mixture of soil or approved aggregates, lime or lime and fly ash, and water.
(b) Fly ash shall conform to Section 241. Bulk fly ash may be transported dry in bulk trucks and
stored in tanks or may be transported in the dampened condition, with a maximum of 15
percent moisture, and stockpiled at the job site. The Contractor shall not use excessively wet
or contaminated surface material in mixing operations. The Contractor shall cover stockpiled
material with a non-absorptive cover material or periodically moisten the fly ash to prevent
moisture loss and it from becoming airborne.
(d) Aggregates shall conform to Section 205, Section 207, and Section 208 as applicable, or other
requirements as described in the Contract.
The Engineer will not allow lime stabilization when aggregates or the surface on which the course is to
be placed is frozen. Manipulation shall not be started until the surface is free from mud or frost and the
ambient air temperature is at least 40 degrees F.
(a) Preparing the Roadbed: The Contractor shall cut or blade the surface of the roadbed to the
approximate line, grade, and cross section shown in the plans. The Engineer will not require
compaction of the roadbed for the depth of the material to be treated prior to application of
lime. When the course placed directly on the roadbed is to be stabilized, the Contractor shall
prepare the surface of the roadbed in accordance with Section 305.
Temporary ramps constructed adjacent to existing pavements, bridges, culverts, and similar items
shall be removed to the depth necessary to provide the required thickness of pavement structure.
The Contractor shall cut drains through excavated shoulder material on shoulders to drain the
roadbed. Drains shall be cut through windrowed base materials at sufficient intervals to prevent
ponding of water. The Contractor shall move windrowed material when necessary to permit the
subgrade to dry.
(b) Preparing Materials: The Contractor shall scarify the prepared roadbed to the depth and
width required for stabilization. The depth of scarification and the blading operation shall be
controlled in such a manner that the surface of the roadbed below the scarified material shall
remain undisturbed and shall conform to the established cross section. The Contractor shall
remove any material retained on the 3-inch sieve prior to the beginning of stabilization work.
(c) Applying Lime: The application rate of lime shall be as shown on the plans or as directed by
the Engineer. The Contractor may apply lime to the partially pulverized material as a slurry
or in a dry form. When quicklime is used in a dry form, it shall be applied at the same rate as
hydrated lime.
Where quicklime is slaked on the project to produce a slurry, the Engineer will calculate the
measurement as indicated herein for each truckload using the certified lime purity for that
load. The Engineer will not measure any lime added or replaced for corrective measures during
construction or for repairing damaged areas.
Lime applied by slurry application shall be mixed with water in approved agitating equip-
ment and applied to the roadbed as a thin water suspension or slurry. The distribution equip-
ment shall provide continuous agitation of the slurry from the mixing site until applied on the
roadbed. The proportion of lime shall be such that the “Dry Solids Content” shall be at least
30 percent by weight. The Engineer may authorize a lower percent solid provided a uniform
suspension of the slurry can be maintained. A weight and purity certification shall accompany
each shipment of quicklime to be used in slurry applications.
Spreading equipment shall uniformly distribute the lime without excessive loss. The Engineer
will not permit any equipment except water trucks and equipment used for mixing and spread-
ing to pass over the spread lime until it is mixed. The Contractor shall immediately discontinue
any procedure that results in excessive loss or displacement of the lime.
When a stationary mixer is used to mix aggregate material, the lime may be added to the mix
by an approved feeder.
When applied in dry form, lime shall be spread uniformly over the top of the scarified material
by an approved screw-type spreader box or other approved spreading equipment. The spread-
ing operation shall be shrouded to minimize dust. Dry lime shall not be applied pneumatically,
dropped from a dump truck, front end loader or bottom dumped. A motor grader shall not be
used to spread the dry lime.
The Contractor shall not apply dry lime when the Engineer believes wind conditions are such
that the blowing material will become objectionable to adjacent property owners or create
potential hazards to traffic.
(d) Adding Water: Sufficient water shall be added by means of pressure water distributors or
through the mixing chamber of a rotary mixer to provide moisture content at the time of com-
paction of not less than the optimum for the mixture, nor more than optimum +20 percent of
(e) Mixing: The Contractor shall mix lime and water throughout the scarified material as thor-
oughly as practicable using a self-propelled rotary mixer capable of mixing to a compacted
depth of at least 12 inches. Disc harrows or motor graders shall not be used for mixing. The
Contractor shall then spread the mixture over the roadbed. The surface shall be sealed with a
steel wheel or pneumatic tire roller to retard the loss of moisture and then allowed to mellow
for 4 to 48 hours. After mellowing, the Contractor shall remix the lime-treated material with a
rotary mixer until at least 60 percent of the material, exclusive of aggregates, will pass a No. 4
sieve. The Contractor may add additional water, if necessary, during the remixing operations to
ensure proper moisture for compaction.
When a stationary mixer is used, the material may be placed, compacted, and finished imme-
diately after mixing.
When traveling plants are used, additional mixing with blades, tillers, or repeated passes of the
plant may be required.
During the interval of time between lime application and initial mixing, lime that has been
exposed to the open air for 6 hours or more, or lime that has been lost because of washing or
blowing will not be measured for payment.
(f) Compacting and Finishing: The Contractor shall place and compact the mixture to at least 95
percent of the maximum density determined in accordance with VTM-1 or VTM-12. The En-
gineer may require the Contractor to lightly sprinkle the mixture during placement operations
to maintain the specified moisture content. Compaction shall be accompanied by sufficient
blading to eliminate irregularities.
The surface shall be lightly scarified during finishing operations and bladed to eliminate im-
prints left by the equipment. Final rolling of the completed surface shall be accomplished with
a pneumatic tire roller or steel wheel roller. Final compaction and finishing shall be completed
within 12 hours after final mixing.
(g) Tolerances: The finished stabilized course shall conform to the specified thickness, subject
to the following tolerances: Thickness will be determined in accordance with VTM-38A. Areas
that are deficient in thickness by more than 1 inch shall be removed or reworked with an addi-
tional amount of lime equal to 50 percent of the original amount. In the case of stabilized base
courses, the Contractor may correct sections deficient in depth by applying asphalt concrete
provided such correction is authorized by the Engineer. Areas that are excessive in thickness by
more than 2 inches shall be reworked, and an amount of lime equal to 50 percent of the original
amount shall be added to the mixture. Any replacement, corrective work and additional lime
required to address deficiencies shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
(h) Protecting and Curing: After finishing of the subgrade, no vehicles except sprinkling equip-
ment shall be permitted on the subgrade for a curing period of 7 days or until the next course
is placed, whichever is less. During the curing period, the subgrade shall be lightly sprinkled
with water at frequent intervals to prevent the surface from drying out and cracking. The Con-
tractor shall plan and execute the work in such a manner as to place the next course during the
curing period. If the Contractor has not placed the next course by the end of the curing period,
the Contractor shall apply liquid asphalt and cover material at the rate specified on the plans.
Damage to the stabilized course attributable to other phases of construction by the Contractor
shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense. At least one subsequent course shall be construct-
ed on the stabilized course before hauling operations for the other phases of construction are
permitted on the treated course. If the material loses the required stability, density, or finish
before the next course is placed or the work accepted, it shall be recompacted and refinished at
the Contractor’s expense.
Lime stabilization will be measured in tons of lime or fly ash, square yards of manipulation, and cubic
yards or tons of aggregate material, complete-in-place, and will be paid for at the contract unit price per
ton of lime or ton of fly ash, per square yard of manipulation, and per cubic yard or ton of aggregate ma-
terial. Weighing shall be performed in accordance with Section 109.01 except that transporting vehicles
shall be tared prior to each load.
Manipulation shall include preparing the roadbed, scarifying, pulverizing, drying material, mixing, com-
pacting, finishing, protecting, curing, and maintaining the completed course.
This work shall consist of stabilizing roadbed material as specified or as directed by the Engineer and
constructing one or more courses of the pavement structure using a mixture of soil, or approved aggregates
and hydraulic cement, on a prepared surface in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with
the lines, grades, typical sections, and cross sections shown on the plans or as established by the Engineer.
(a) Cement shall conform to Section 214, Type I, IP, or II. Cement shall be transported, stored, and
otherwise protected in accordance with Section 217.03.
(c) Asphalt used for curing or priming shall conform to Section 210 as applicable.
(d) Aggregate shall conform to Section 205, Section 207, or Section 208 or other Contract require-
ments as applicable.
(e) Select borrow shall consist of approved material having the specified CBR.
307.03—Field Laboratory
When a field laboratory is furnished by the Department, the Contractor shall move the laboratory to
various points along the project as necessary.
307.04—Weather Limitations
The Engineer will not permit cement stabilization when aggregate or the surface on which the course is
to be placed is frozen. The Contractor shall not start manipulation operations until the air temperature
is at least 40 degrees F in the shade and rising. The Contractor shall protect the stabilized material from
freezing for 7 days or shall cover the stabilized surface with the next pavement course within 4 hours
after the cement stabilization has been finished as specified when material may be exposed to freezing
temperatures during the first 24 hours of curing.
If the Contractor elects to use full-width paving equipment in the subsequent placement of asphalt con-
crete base, the width of the stabilized course upon which the base will be placed may be extended 1 foot
beyond the designed typical section on each side.
(a) Preparing Existing Surface: When the roadbed is to be stabilized, its surface shall be cut or
bladed to the approximate line, grade, and cross section; however, the Engineer will not require
compaction of the roadbed for the depth of the material to be treated prior to application of
cement. The Contractor shall prepare the surface of the roadbed in accordance with Section
305.03 as applicable when the course placed directly on the roadbed is to be stabilized.
Additional material needed to bring the roadway surface into compliance with the required
specifications shall be obtained from within the limits of the right of way, if available. When
authorized, the Contractor shall obtain such material from borrow pits as provided for in
Section 303.
The surface shall be sufficiently firm to support the construction equipment without displace-
ment and shall be in such condition that the compaction can be obtained as specified herein.
Soft, yielding, or wet areas shall be corrected and made stable before construction proceeds.
(b) Preparing Materials: The Contractor shall scarify and pulverize the material to be treated
prior to application of cement when the roadbed is to be stabilized. Pulverizing shall continue
during mixing operations until at least 80 percent of the material, exclusive of coarse aggre-
gate, will pass the No. 4 sieve. The Contractor shall remove any material retained on the 3-inch
sieve and other objectionable objects.
Applying and mixing cement with material in place or aggregate material shall be performed in
accordance with the following methods except that aggregate subbase, aggregate base course,
select material, and select borrow specified on the plans shall be mixed in accordance with 2.
herein. If the closest central mixing plant is located more than 30 road miles from the project,
the Contractor may elect to mix cement with aggregate subbase, aggregate base, select materi-
al, and select borrow in accordance with 1. herein provided an additional 1 percent cement by
weight is added to the in-place mixing operation and the cement is mixed to a depth of approx-
imately 1 inch less than the depth of the course being stabilized. No additional compensation
will be allowed for the changes described herein.
1. Mixed-in-place method: The Contractor shall blend any additional required material with
the existing material prior to application of cement.
The Contractor shall uniformly apply cement on the material to be processed. When bulk
cement is used, the equipment shall be capable of handling and spreading the cement
in the required amount. The moisture content of the material to be processed shall be
sufficiently low to permit a uniform mixture of the aggregate material and cement. The
Contractor shall replace spread cement that has been lost without additional compensa-
tion before mixing is started.
The Contractor shall remix any mixture that has not been compacted and remains un-
disturbed for more than 30 minutes. If rain adds excessive moisture to the uncompacted
material, the entire section shall be reworked. If the Contractor is unable to finish the
section within the same day, the section shall be reconstructed and an amount equal to 50
percent of the original amount of cement shall be added to the mixture at the Contractor’s
2. Central plant method: Material shall be proportioned and mixed with cement and water
in an approved central mixing plant. The plant shall be equipped with feeding and meter-
ing devices that will introduce materials into the mixer in the specified quantities. Mixing
shall continue until a uniform mixture has been obtained.
Mixed material shall be transported to the roadway in suitable vehicles and spread on a
moistened surface in a uniform layer by a self-propelled or other approved spreader. Not
more than 60 minutes shall elapse between the start of mixing and the start of compacting
the cement-treated mixture on the prepared subgrade.
a. Mixing aggregate subbase and base material: The cement content will be deter-
mined by the titration method as described in VTM-40. Sampling and testing for
determining cement content will be performed at the plant. However, nothing here-
in shall be construed as waiving the requirements of Section 106.06 and Section
The Engineer’s acceptance for cement content will be based on the mean of the re-
sults of tests performed on samples taken in a stratified random manner from each
lot. The rate of sampling shall be four samples per lot. A lot of material is defined as
2,000 tons, or 4,000 tons for contract items in excess of 50,000 tons. If the project
requires less than 2,000 tons; the amount of material necessary to complete the proj-
ect is less than 2,000 tons, or 4,000 tons when the contract item is in excess of 50,000
tons; a portion of the lot is rejected for deficient cement content; the job-mix formula
for the aggregates is modified within a lot; or a portion of the lot is rejected for an
excessive liquid limit or plasticity index then that amount or the rejected portion of
the lot shall be defined as a lot.
A lot will be considered acceptable for cement content if the mean result of the
test(s) is within the following process tolerance(s) of the plan design for the number
of tests taken: mean of two tests, –1.1 percent; mean of three tests, –0.9 percent;
mean of four tests, –0.8 percent. However, no one sample shall have a cement content
more than 1.6 percent below the design cement content.
If an individual test result indicates that the cement content of the material represent-
ed by the test is deficient by more than 1.6 percent from the design cement content,
the portion of the material represented by the sample will be considered a separate
part of the lot and shall be removed from the road.
If the value of the test results falls below the allowable process tolerance, a pay-
ment adjustment will be applied to the contract unit price at the rate of 1.0 per-
cent for each 0.1 percent the material is outside the process tolerance. If the total
adjustment is 8.0 percent or less and the Contractor does not elect to remove and
replace the material, the contract unit price paid for the material will be reduced at
the rate specified herein. The adjustment will be applied to the tonnage represented
by the samples.
b. Mixing select borrow: Cement in the mixture shall not vary more than ±7.0 percent
by weight from that specified. Feeders and meters for introducing cement into the
mixer shall be of such design that the amount of cement can be accurately deter-
mined before cement is introduced into the mixer.
(c) Compacting and Finishing: Prior to the beginning of compaction, the mixture shall be
brought to a uniformly loose condition for its full depth. For subgrade stabilization, the
mixture shall be compacted to a density of at least 100 percent of the maximum density as
determined in accordance with VTM-1 or VTM-12. For subbase and base stabilization, the
mixture shall be compacted to conform to the density requirements of Section 309.05. At
compaction, the cement treated subgrade soil shall have a moisture content of not less than
optimum or more than optimum + 20 percent of optimum. The cement treated subbase and
base aggregate shall have a moisture content of not less than optimum or more than optimum
plus 2 percentage points.
Compaction equipment shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval, and the number of such
units shall be sufficient to ensure the specified density and completion of the processed sec-
tion within 4 hours from the time the water is added to the mixture. Initial compaction of soil
mixtures shall be accomplished with a tamping roller.
After the mixture has been compacted, the surface shall be shaped to the required lines, grades,
and cross sections.
If the material to be shaped is a type in which surface compaction planes will form, the Con-
tractor shall lightly scarify the surface continuously with a drag harrow or similar equipment
during the shaping operation. The surface shall then be rolled with steel wheel or pneumatic
tire rollers, or both. The moisture content of the surface material shall be maintained at not
less than the specified optimum during finishing operations. Compacting and finishing op-
erations shall be completed within the specified time and carried out in a manner that will
produce a smooth, dense surface, free from surface compaction planes, cracks, ridges, or
loose material.
(d) Construction Joints: Each day’s operation shall tie into the completed work of the previous
day by the remixing of approximately 2 feet of the completed course prior to the processing of
additional sections. An amount equal to 50 percent of the original amount of cement shall be
added to such transition sections. When the completed section remains undisturbed for more
than 24 hours, a transverse construction joint shall be made by cutting back into the completed
work to form an approximate vertical face.
(e) Tolerances: The finished stabilized course shall conform to the specified thickness and density,
subject to the following tolerances:
1. Density: The density of the completed work for each day’s operations will be determined
at representative locations. Any portion on which the density is more than 5 pounds per
cubic foot less than that specified shall be removed and replaced.
When the central plant method of mixing is used, acceptance of the course will be based
on Section 308.04 except when the depth is deficient by more than 1 inch. In such cases
of deficiency, correction shall be as specified herein.
(f) Protecting and Curing: The next course may be placed after the cement stabilization has been
approved. If the next pavement course is not placed immediately, the cement-treated aggregate
course shall be moist cured continually or covered by the application of liquid asphalt to pre-
vent surface drying until the next pavement course is placed. The Contractor shall endeavor
to place the next pavement course within 7 days after cement stabilization is finished. If this
is not possible and a liquid asphalt cover has not been applied, the Contractor shall either seal
the cement-stabilized layer with approved cover material or continually maintain the surface of
the cement-stabilized course with moisture until the next pavement course can be successfully
applied. The surface of the cement-treated aggregate course shall be maintained in such a
manner that the entire surface of the course remains in a moistened condition. If asphalt cover
material is used, it shall be applied at the rate of approximately 0.25 gallon per square yard
or as shown on the plans. The Engineer shall direct the exact rate of application necessary to
produce full coverage without excessive runoff. If asphalt is used, it shall be applied with an
approved pressure distributor as specified in Section 314.04 and the asphalt material shall be
immediately covered with the specified cover material.
Prior to placing the next course or applying asphalt cover material, the surface of the ce-
ment-stabilized layer shall be lightly moistened. In no case shall the cement-treated aggregate
course be allowed to dry out completely or go uncovered through the winter. The stabilized
course shall be tightly knit and free from loose and extraneous material.
The Contractor shall maintain the cement-stabilized course, including shoulders and ditches,
within the limits of the Contract in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer from the time work
first starts until the work is officially accepted. Maintenance shall include immediate repairs of
defects that may occur either before or after cement is applied, which work shall be performed
by the Contractor and repeated as often as is necessary to keep the course continuously intact.
Repairs to the course shall be performed in a manner that will ensure the restoration of a uni-
form surface and stability of the area repaired.
Hydraulic cement stabilization will be measured in tons of hydraulic cement, cubic yards or tons of
aggregate, and square yards of manipulation in accordance with Section 109.01 and will be paid for at the
contract unit price per ton of hydraulic cement, per ton or cubic yard of aggregate, and per square yard of
manipulation for the depth specified. This price shall include furnishing and applying water for moisture
curing and, when grading is not a pay item, restoring shoulders and ditches.
Cement-stabilized select borrow will be measured in cubic yards, pit measure, in accordance with
Section 109.01 and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. This price shall include
furnishing component and curing materials and hauling, placing, and curing the cement-stabilized
When bulk cement is used, scales capable of weighing loaded cement transports or lesser loads shall be
provided at locations approved by the Engineer. Weighing shall be performed in accordance with Section
109.01 except that transporting vehicles shall be tared prior to each load.
Manipulation, when a pay item and the Contractor elects to centrally mix the materials, will be paid for
in accordance with the quantity of manipulation shown on the plans. Manipulation will include only the
mixing operation.
Asphalt and cover material for curing will not be measured for separate payment.
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing one or more courses of mineral aggregate on a pre-
pared subgrade in accordance with the required tolerances within these specifications and in conformity
with the lines, grades, typical sections, and cross sections shown on the plans or as established by the
Material shall conform to Section 208.02(a) except where other types of aggregate material are spec-
ified in the Contract, in which case the applicable specifications governing the material shall apply.
When the Contractor obtains the material from local sources, the sources shall conform to Section
Prior to placement of the subbase course, the subgrade shall be constructed in accordance with Section
304 and Section 305 as applicable.
Subbase material shall be mixed in an approved central mixing plant of the pugmill or other mechanical
type in accordance with Section 208.05. The Contractor shall place the mixed material on the subgrade
by means of an approved aggregate spreader. The Engineer will not require the use of such spreader when
the material is being applied solely for the temporary maintenance of traffic or where the width of the
course shown on the plans is transitional and impracticable to place with a spreader box.
The Contractor shall spread and compact the material in two or more layers of approximately equal thick-
ness where the required thickness is more than 6 inches. The compacted thickness of any one layer shall
be not more than 6 inches, however the Engineer may approve increasing the compacted depth of a single
layer of the subbase course to 10 inches when vibrating or other approved types of special compacting
equipment are used.
Each layer of subbase course shall be compacted at optimum moisture, within ±2 percentage
points of optimum. The density of each layer of subbase aggregate material, when compared to
the theoretical maximum density as determined in accordance with VTM-1, shall conform to the
Not more than one sample in every five shall have a density less than that specified, and the density of
such a sample shall be not more than 2 percent below that specified.
The Contractor shall scarify, reshape, and recompact the surface of the subbase if it becomes uneven or
distorted and sets up in that condition. If the subbase when compacted and shaped shows a deficiency
in thickness or if depressions occur in the surface, the Contractor shall scarify such sections at his own
expense before additional material is added.
The Contractor shall perform field density determinations with a portable nuclear field density testing
device using the density control strip as specified in Section 304 and VTM-10, or by other approved
methods. The Engineer will direct the Contractor as to the method of density determination.
The Engineer will determine the thickness of the subbase course by the depth measurement of holes dug
in the subbase in accordance with VTM-38B.
The Engineer’s acceptance of the subbase course for the physical property of depth will be based on the
mean result of tests performed on samples taken from each lot of material placed. A lot of material is
defined as the quantity being tested for acceptance except that the maximum lot size will be 2 miles of
paver application width.
The Engineer will consider a lot acceptable for depth if the mean result of the tests is within the following
tolerance of the plan depth for the number of tests taken except that each individual test shall be within
±1.00 inch of the plan depth; mean of two tests, ±0.75 inch; mean of three tests, ±0.60 inch; and mean
of four tests, ±0.50 inch.
If an individual depth test exceeds the ±1.00 inch tolerance, the Engineer will exclude that portion
of the lot represented by the test from the lot. If the individual test result indicates that the depth of
material represented by the test exceeds 1.00 inch, the Contractor will not be paid for that material in
excess of the tolerance throughout the length and width represented by the test. If the individual test
result indicates that the depth of the material represented by the test is deficient by more than 1.00
inch, The Contractor will be required to make correction of the subbase course represented by the test
as specified herein.
If the mean depth of a lot of material is in excess of the allowable tolerance, the Engineer will not pay
the Contractor for that material in excess of the tolerance throughout the length and width represented
by the test.
If the mean depth of a lot of material is deficient by more than the allowable tolerance, the Engineer cor-
rection will not normally require the Contractor to make correction and the Contractor will be paid for
the quantity of material that has been placed in the lot.
For excessive depth subbase courses, when tonnage measurement is used, the Engineer will calculate the
rate of deduction from the tonnage of subbase material allowed for payment at a weight of 110 pounds
per square yard per inch of depth in excess of the tolerance. Areas that are deficient in depth by more
than 1.00 inch and areas that do not provide a smooth uniform surface shall be scarified, material added
or removed; reshaped; and recompacted to the specified density so as to conform to the depth tolerance
and provide a smooth, uniform surface.
Subbase course will be measured in cubic yards or tons of aggregate material or aggregate base material
as specified and will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard or ton. When the cubic yard
unit is specified in the contract, the quantity will be determined by compacted measurements on the road
unless otherwise specified. When the ton unit is specified, the quantity will be determined in accordance
with Section 109.01.
This price shall include furnishing, hauling, placing, manipulating, and compacting subbase course;
clearing and grubbing local pits; material royalties; and access roads.
The Engineer will make a deduction from the net weight of both truck and rail shipments for moisture in
excess of optimum + 2 percentage points.
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregates and additives, if
required, on a prepared surface in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines,
grades, and typical sections and cross sections shown on the plans or as established by the Engineer.
(a) Aggregate material shall conform to Section 208.02(b) except where other types of aggregate
material are specified in the contract, in which case the applicable specifications governing the
specified material shall apply.
(b) Calcium chloride and sodium chloride shall conform to Section 239.
The Engineer will approve the equipment used for the construction of aggregate base course prior to per-
formance of such work. Any machine, combination of machines, or equipment that handles the material
without undue segregation and produce the completed base in accordance with these specifications for
spreading, moistening, mixing, and compacting will be acceptable to the Engineer.
The Contractor shall prepare the surface or course upon which the base course is to be placed in accor-
dance with the applicable provisions of Section 304 and Section 305.
Base course material shall be mixed in an approved central mixing plant of the pugmill type. The
Contractor shall place the mixed material by means of an approved aggregate spreader.
309.05—Density Requirements
The Contractor shall spread and compact the material in two or more layers of approximately equal
thickness where the required thickness is more than 6 inches. The compacted thickness of any one layer
shall be not more than 6 inches, however the Engineer may approve increasing the compacted depth of a
single layer of the base course to 10 inches when vibrating or other approved types of special compacting
equipment are used.
The Contractor shall compact each layer at optimum moisture within ±2 percentage points of opti-
mum after mixing and shaping. The density of each layer of base aggregate material, when compared
to the theoretical maximum density as determined in accordance with VTM-1, shall conform to the
Not more than one sample in every five shall have a density less than that specified, and the density of
such sample shall be not more than 2 percent below that specified. The Contractor shall maintain the sur-
face of each layer during the compaction operations in a manner such that a uniform texture is produced
and the aggregates are firmly keyed. The Contractor shall uniformly apply water over the base materials
during compaction in the amount necessary to obtain proper density.
Irregularities in the surface shall be corrected by scarifying, remixing, reshaping, and recompacting until
a smooth surface is secured. The surface shall thereafter be protected against the loss of fine materials by
the addition of moisture, when necessary, and shall be maintained in a satisfactory and smooth condition
until accepted by the Engineer.
The base course will be tested in place for depth and density. The Contractor shall perform field den-
sity determinations with a portable nuclear field density testing device, using a density control strip as
specified in Section 304 and VTM-10 . The Engineer will direct the Contractor as to method of density
determination to be used.
The Engineer will base acceptance of the aggregate base course for depth on the requirements of Section
Aggregate base course will be measured in cubic yards or tons, as specified, and will be paid for at the
contract unit price per cubic yard or ton for the aggregate type and number specified. When the cubic
yard unit is specified in the contract, the quantity will be determined by compacted measurements on
the road unless otherwise specified. When the ton unit is specified, the quantity shall be determined in
accordance with Section 109.01. The Engineer will make a deduction from the net weight of both truck
and rail shipments for moisture in excess of optimum + 2 percentage points.
Calcium chloride and sodium chloride will be measured in tons and will be paid for at the contract
unit price per ton.
This price shall include preparing and shaping the subgrade or subbase and shoulders, adding moisture, removing
and replacing unstable subgrade or subbase and constructing the base course thereon, and filling test holes.
This work shall consist of preparing and treating an existing asphalt or concrete surface with asphalt in
accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines shown on the plans or as estab-
lished by the Engineer.
(a) Tack Coat asphalt tack coat shall be CRS-1, CRS-2, CRS-1h, or CSS-1h conforming to Section
210. Asphalt emulsion CMS-2 conforming to Section 210 may be used during the winter
months. With the exception of CMS-2, asphalt emulsion for tack coat may be diluted with 50
percent water provided that the resulting material produces uniform tack application.
(b) Non-Tracking Tack Coat liquefied asphalt shall be selected from the Materials Division’s
Approved Products List 50.1A. The Contractor shall not dilute non-tracking tack coat materials
with water.
The existing surface shall be patched, cleaned, and rendered free from irregularities to the extent
necessary to provide a reasonably smooth and uniform surface. The Contractor shall remove and replace
This work shall consist of constructing underdrains, crossdrains, edgedrains, and prefabricated geo-
composite pavement edgedrains (PGPE), including outlet pipe, (collectively, “underdrains”) using
pipe, aggregate, and geosynthetics, in accordance with these specifications, the VDOT Road and
Bridge Standards, and in conformity to the lines and grades shown on the plans or as designated by
the Engineer.
(b) Fine Aggregate material used to level and fill depressions in the bottoms of underdrain,
crossdrain, and outlet pipe trenches shall conform to Section 202.
(c) Coarse Aggregate material used to backfill underdrain, crossdrain, and outlet pipe trenches
shall conform to Section 203 and be No. 57 aggregate, No. 8 aggregate, or crushed glass con-
forming to No. 8 aggregate material gradation requirements.
(a) Excavation: The Contractor shall excavate trenches so that the walls and bottom are uniformly
smooth and free of roots and unstable or jagged material. Fine aggregate shall be used to fill
large depressions and level sharp contours and rises in the bottoms of underdrain, crossdrain
and outlet pipe trenches. Excavated material shall be handled in a way that prevents contami-
nating clean aggregate material used to backfill the trench for the underdrain. Trench locations
and grades shall be in accordance with the Plans, the Standard Drawings, and other Contract
(b) Placing Geosynthetics: When geotextile drainage fabric or prefabricated geocomposite pave-
ment edgedrain (PGPE) is required, these items shall be placed as shown on the plans and
the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards. Torn or punctured fabric in either type of application
shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall correct or repair misaligned
installation of geotextile fabric or inadequate overlaps at pipe joints or other locations prior to
placing aggregate.
Splices, when required for PGPE, shall be made using splice kits furnished by the manufac-
turer and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. Spliced joints in
PGPE shall not damage the panel or impede the open flow area of the panel, and shall main-
tain the vertical and horizontal alignment of the PGPE within 5 percent. The Contractor shall
construct splices in such a manner as to prevent infiltration of the backfill or any fine material
into the water flow channel. Inspection ports for PGPE shall be constructed in accordance with
details shown in the Standard Drawings at locations as specified in the Contract.
(c) Installing Pipe: Perforated pipe shall be installed with the perforations facing downward on
a bed of aggregate material. Pipe sections shall be joined with appropriate corresponding cou-
plings, fittings, and plugs. Semi-round underdrain pipe shall be installed with the rounded
section facing down.
The Contractor shall use concrete or other types of underdrain pipe having a minimum com-
pressive strength of 100 psi wherever the depth of the trench is modified to a lesser depth than
that shown on the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards. Pipe shall be placed with the bell end
upgrade. Open joints shall be wrapped with the same geotextile drainage fabric used for lining
the excavation. Geotextile drainage fabric shall extend at least 18 inches in each direction past
the open joint.
Upgrade ends of underdrain pipe, except for crossdrains, shall be closed with suitable plugs.
The Contractor shall construct a suitable secure watertight connection through the wall of the
manhole or catch basin where an underdrain connects with a manhole or catch basin.
After the Engineer has approved the underdrain pipe installation, the Contractor shall place
and compact the aggregate backfill material. The Contractor shall exercise caution to ensure
both pipe and geotextile drainage fabric covering at open joint locations maintain their proper
orientation and are not displaced during subsequent construction operations.
Outlet pipes shall be installed at the low points of sags in vertical alignment as detailed in the
VDOT Road and Bridge Standards. Prior to video camera inspection, the underdrain system
shall be filled with water to detect sags. The Contractor shall install outlet pipe in the trench
with sections securely joined. The outlet pipe trench shall be backfilled with coarse aggregate
material in layers not more than 6 inches in depth and thoroughly compacted by hand tamp-
ing, mechanical means or other Engineer-approved methods, but only after the Engineer has
approved the outlet pipe installation.
Endwalls for outlet pipes shall be placed on a prepared surface that has been compacted to
comply with Section 303.04. The Contractor shall make necessary repairs at the Contractor’s
expense if settlement of the outlet pipe or endwall occurs.
(d) Post-Construction Inspection: The Contractor shall conduct a post construction video
inspection of the installed system in accordance with Virginia Test Method 108 prior to re-
questing final acceptance of the underdrain or crossdrain system. The Engineer must approve
the video camera, and borescope camera (if used for PGPE), prior to use. Video camera
inspection(s) on all underdrains shall be conducted at all outlet locations including mainline
longitudinal connections after all potentially damaging construction operations over, near, or
adjacent to the underdrain system have been completed. Pipe underdrains, including outlet
pipes, shall be inspected in 200 foot segments in both directions from the outlet pipe. PGPE
shall be inspected at all inspection ports, if provided. The Contractor shall provide a copy
of the inspection report, including any digital recording/photographs, etc., to the Project
Inspector, the Area Construction Engineer, and the District Materials Engineer within 2 busi-
ness days of the completion of the inspection. The report shall be made part of the project
The Engineer will review the report and communicate the Engineer’s findings to the Con-
tractor within 5 business days of the date of receiving the report. If the report identifies areas
requiring remediation efforts on the part of the Contractor, and the Engineer agrees with the
proposed remediation measures submitted by the Contractor in the report, the Contractor
shall be notified of such agreement and authorized to begin such work at no cost to the
Department. Where the Engineer disagrees with the proposed remediation measures or iden-
tifies additional deficiencies that require remedial action by the Contractor, the Contractor
will be notified of The Engineer’s findings and advised to submit an amended remediation
plan for review.
The Contractor shall re-inspect the deficient locations upon completion of the authorized cor-
rective measures and satisfy the same criteria for acceptability as was used in the initial inspec-
tion for the new underdrain system. The Contractor shall continue with corrective measures
and inspections at the Contractor’s expense until the Engineer accepts the underdrain system
at that location.
The Contractor shall remediate all deficiencies identified by the Engineer by repairing or re-
moval and replacement of such areas at no cost to the Department. Any pavement settlement
above the underdrain installation shall be repaired in kind to the satisfaction of the Engineer at
the Contractor’s expense
The following deficiencies are examples of unacceptable underdrain installations that require
corrective action by the Contractor:
2. Pipe that is partially crushed, deformed, split or cracked for a length of 12 inches or greater,
even if the deficiency allows the passage of the 2-1/2 inch diameter inspection camera.
3. Any blockage or sediment buildup caused by rodent nests, open connections, cracks, or
splits in the pipe.
4. Sags in the longitudinal profile of the underdrain pipe as evidenced by ponding of water
for continuous lengths of 10 feet or greater. The Contractor shall flush the pipe run with
water prior to checking for sags.
5. Blocked, partially blocked, and/or flattened PGPE panels that will not allow the passage
of a 3/8 inch diameter borescope camera.
6. Outlet pipes that are installed with less than a 2% uniform positive grade sloped toward
the outlet end.
7. Freeboard of less than 12 inches from the outlet pipe invert to the bottom of the ditch.
8. Pipe that has been penetrated, crushed, misaligned or otherwise damaged by the installa-
tion of guardrail posts, sign posts, delineator posts, etc. or similar construction.
9. Cracked endwalls, reverse sloped installations, separation of outlet pipe from the back of
the endwall, missing rodent screens, and missing or improperly installed outlet markers
where required.
10. Cavities or undermining of the backfill at the endwall evidenced by or leading to the
instability of the endwall or erosion at the endwall or on the slope.
Underdrains and crossdrains will be measured in linear feet, complete-in-place, and will be paid for at
the contract unit price per linear foot for the standard specified. The contract unit price for underdrains
and crossdrains installed at depths greater than those shown in the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards
will be increased 20 percent for each 1-foot increment of increased depth. No adjustment in the contract
unit price will be made for an increment of depth of less than 6 inches. The contract unit price shall in-
clude removing and replacing pavement in kind when underdrains or crossdrains are to be installed under
pavement that is not constructed under the Contract.
Prefabricated geocomposite edge drains will be measured in linear feet, complete-in-place, and will be
paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. This price shall include furnishing and installing edge
drain including connections.
Outlet pipe for underdrain, crossdrain, and PGPE systems will be measured in linear feet, complete-in-
place, and will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot.
These prices shall include furnishing and installing underdrain and outlet pipe (including couplings, fit-
tings, and plugs), geotextile drainage fabric, aggregate materials, splice kits, inspection ports (if designat-
ed), and outlet markers (if used). These prices shall also include excavating or trenching, leveling or filling
depressions, backfilling, compaction, disposing of surplus and unsuitable materials, and video inspection.
This work shall consist of constructing concrete curbs and paved ditches and hydraulic cement concrete
gutters, combination curbs and gutters, paved flumes, bridge drainage aprons and chutes, concrete me-
dian barriers, median strips, sign islands, and directional island curbs in accordance with these specifi-
cations and in conformity to the lines and grades shown on the plans or as established by the Engineer.
(a) Hydraulic cement concrete shall conform to Section 217. The design of the mixture may be
modified, with the Engineer’s approval, to accommodate the placement equipment to be used.
Water gate, Type III, will be measured in linear feet of gate between inside edges of end posts and will
be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. This price shall include furnishing and installing end
posts and anchor block assemblies.
Pedestrian fences will be measured along the top of the wall and will be paid for at the contract unit price
per linear foot. This price shall include furnishing and installing posts, fabric, braces, ties, and grounding.
High visibility fence will be measured in linear feet and will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear
foot. This price shall include furnishing and installing the fence, metal post, maintenance, and removal.
This work shall consist of demolishing existing pavement and obscuring roadway to restore areas that are
no longer needed for highway use in accordance with these specifications and in conformity to the lines
and contours shown on the plans or as established by the Engineer.
1. Hydraulic cement concrete pavement: The Contractor shall demolish such pavement
according to the following:
a. Pavement shall be broken into pieces and either used in fill areas as rock embankment
in accordance with Section 303 or disposed of at locations selected by the Contractor
and approved by the Engineer.
b. Material within the proposed roadway prism and more than 3 feet below the subgrade
may be broken into pieces not more than 18 inches in any dimension, sufficiently
displaced to allow for adequate drainage, and left in the roadway prism.
2. Asphalt concrete pavement: The Contractor shall remove asphalt concrete pavement
that does not overlay or underlie hydraulic cement concrete pavement as follows:
a. Pavement shall be removed and used in the work as designated on the plans or as
directed by the Engineer.
b. When approved by the Engineer, pavement shall be removed and disposed of at loca-
tions selected by the Contractor.
(b) Obscuring Roadway: The Contractor shall obscure existing roadways in accordance with the
following procedures:
a. Tops of slopes that do not contain rock shall be rounded for a distance of not more
than 10 but not less than 5 feet (where sufficient right of way exists) beyond the point
of intersection of the existing slope and the natural ground surface. The depth of the
rounding shall be not more than 2 feet below the original surface of slopes.
b. The Contractor shall scarify or plow, harrow and shape disturbed areas that are to
receive vegetation.
c. The Contractor shall clear and grub such areas in accordance with Section 301.
2. Areas outside construction limits consisting of pavement structures, other than as-
phalt concrete or hydraulic cement concrete, that are designated for obscuring
roadway shall be conditioned in accordance with (b)1. herein. The Contractor shall
remove pavement structures in accordance with the applicable requirements of (a) herein
prior to beginning obscuring activities.
Demolition of hydraulic cement concrete pavement and shoulder structure courses or a combina-
tion thereof will be measured as demolition of pavement (rigid) in square yards and will be paid for at
the contract unit price per square yard based on the width of the widest course of this pavement type as
designated. This price shall include performing all demolition, removing and disposing of pavement,
base, subbase and stabilized subgrade materials.
Demolition of asphalt concrete pavement and shoulder structure courses or a combination thereof
will be measured as demolition of pavement (flexible) in square yards and will be paid for at the contract
unit price per square yard based on the width of the widest course of this pavement type as designated.
This price shall include performing all demolition, removing and disposing of pavement, base, subbase
and stabilized subgrade materials.
Demolition of a combination of hydraulic cement concrete pavement and asphalt concrete pavement
and shoulder structure courses or a combination thereof will be measured as demolition of pavement
(combination) in square yards and will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard based on the
width of the widest course of this pavement type as designated. This price shall include performing all dem-
olition, removing and disposing of pavement, base, subbase and stabilized subgrade materials.
Obscuring roadway will be measured in units of 1,000 square feet computed to the nearest 1/10 unit and
will be paid for at the contract unit price per unit. The area measured will be entirely outside the construc-
tion limits of the new roadway, as evidenced by slope stakes. Areas disturbed by the operations, including
tops of slopes to be rounded, will be included in the measurement. Removing pavement structures other
than hydraulic cement–stabilized, hydraulic cement concrete, and asphalt concrete pavement structures
in accordance with (b) 2. herein will be measured as regular excavation in accordance with Section 303
or as lump sum grading on minimum plan and no plan projects. Clearing and grubbing will be paid for
in accordance with Section 301.
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing flowable fill for use as backfill material in pipe instal-
lations or in other uses at locations as designated on the plans or as designated by the Engineer, and as
backfill material for plugging designated abandoned pipes and culverts.
The Contractor shall mix and transport flowable backfill in accordance with Sections 217 and 249 or by
other methods approved by the Engineer.
Temperature of flowable backfill shall be at least 50 degrees F at the time of placement. The Contractor
shall protect the material from freezing for 24 hours after placement.
When used as backfill for pipe installation floatation or misalignment of the pipe may occur while the
material is in its plastic state. The Contractor shall maintain correct alignment of the pipe by means of
straps, soil anchors or other approved means of restraint.
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix D | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix D | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Note: The information included in this manual is generally compatible with current VDOT Materials
Division Instructions; however, it should not be considered or used as a primary reference for VDOT
information. In order to ensure you are referencing current information, consult VDOT Materials:
in thisMethod
1 excepts from the VTMs (posted September 2019):
Virginia TestMethod
Method– –101
Method– –1210
Virginia TestMethod
Method– –123
2020 Appendix D | 3
Virginia Test Method – 1
May 8, 2017
Note 9: If there is 10% or greater material retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve, use the
following corrective procedure for determining the theoretical maximum dry density and
optimum moisture content.
(1) The theoretical maximum density, "D" of mixtures containing coarse aggregate larger than a
No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve will be determined by the formula:
D f Dc
Pc D f Pf Dc
D f Maximum dry laboratory density of minus No. 4 (4.75 mm) material (by
AASHTO Designation: T 99), in lb/ft3 (kg/m3)
Dc Maximum density of Plus No. 4 material {62.4 lb/ft3 (1000 kg/m3) x bulk specific
gravity by AASHTO Designation: T85 or as estimated by the engineer} in lb/ft 3
(2) The optimum moisture content for the total soil will be determined by the formula:
Wt ( PcWc Pf W f )100
Alternatively, the corrected maximum dry density can be determined herein with the aid of the
nomograph (Figure 1).
General Notes:
1. The density required in the work will be a variable percentage of the theoretical
maximum density, "D", depending upon variations in the percentage of plus No. 4
(4.75 mm) material in the mixture and upon the position of the material in the work, and
will be specified in the applicable section of the specifications.
2. The District Materials Engineer will inform the Inspector of the results of the compaction
tests on the -4 (4.75 mm) material and the specific gravity of the +4 (4.75 mm) material.
With this information, the Inspector can then prepare a chart showing the density of the
total sample for varying percentages of the +4 (4.75 mm) material.
3. When performing this test on #10 tertiary screenings (stone dust), be guided by the
unique recommendations for field compaction as stated in the Materials Division Manual
of Instructions, Section 309.06.
Figure 1a
Figure 1b
Virginia Test Method – 10
Determining Percent of Moisture and Density of Soils, Aggregate, and Full-Depth Reclamation
Courses, and Density of Cold In-Place Recycling and Cold Plant Recycling (Nuclear Method) - (Soils
3. Scope
This test method covers the procedure to be used in determining the percent of moisture and
density of embankment, base, subbase, subgrade, backfill, and Full-Depth Reclamation
(FDR) courses, and the percent density of Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR) and Cold Plant
Recycling (CPR).
4. Apparatus
The apparatus required shall consist of the following:
A. Portable Nuclear Moisture-Density Gauge (nuclear gauge or gauge)
B. Transport case (blue)
C. Charger
D. Reference Standard Block
E. Transport Documents (Bill of Lading)
F. Leveling Plate / Drive Pin Guide
G. Drive Pin w/ extraction tool
H. 4 lb Hammer used for Driving the Pin
I. Safety Glasses
J. Square-Point Shovel
K. No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve
L. Set Balance Scales
M. Drying Apparatus
N. Miscellaneous Tools such as Mixing Pans and Spoons
In the backscatter method the source rod is lowered to the first notch below the safe position
placing the source and detectors in the same horizontal plane. No hole is required for the
probe since it is flush with the bottom of the gauge. This method is used to test aggregate
(subbase and base course) and asphalt materials. When testing soils, the backscatter position
shall not be used as a means of acceptance for density.
In the event the material contains appreciable amounts retained on the No. 4 sieve (greater
than 10%, per VTM-1), the Proctor Test Density used shall be the corrected density. This
corrected density is typically already furnished by the testing laboratory, but the gauge
operator must ensure the corrected density is being used. (Not doing so is one of the most
common errors made when testing field density.)
If the material being placed is determined to be “rock fill” an entry must be recorded on the
TL-124A form, showing location and elevation of rock.
Direct Transmission testing of aggregate will be required in rare instances when the
embankment, subgrade, or backfill material (except pipe backfill which is always aggregate
to the springline and in some cases above that) is comprised not of natural soil but of a dense-
graded aggregate, such as 21A or B or a dense-graded aggregate select material. Dry density
of aggregate material shall always be compared to the theoretical maximum dry density as
determined by VTM-1 or VTM-12. When Direct Transmission testing is performed on these
occasions, because of the difficulty of driving the pin through dense-graded aggregate and the
disturbance of the hole it causes, the density shall conform to the following requirements in
Table I, which are reduced by 5% from the requirements for aggregate that may be tested by
other means of less disturbance. These reduced densities in Table I also apply to natural soil
embankment, subgrade, and backfill with greater than 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve.
Table I -
Reduced Density Requirements for Direct Transmission Testing of Aggregate
Aggregate base and subbase are tested by means of a roller pattern, control strip, and test
sections. The backscatter method is used with the nuclear gauge when testing aggregate base
and subbase courses and asphalt, because of the difficulty of driving a pin through these
materials. (However, a direct transmission test on aggregate base and subbase courses is
made to verify densities as described in Note 1 in Paragraph B below.)
The Roller Pattern is performed first. The purpose is to determine the number of passes to be
made by the roller in various combinations of static and/or vibratory rolls to achieve the
maximum density for that depth of material using that roller. The data collected from the
gauge is entered on the TL-53A form. Properly plotted, this will provide a graphical
comparison of the number of roller passes necessary to produce a properly compacted
product. Once completed this information is used to establish a Control Strip(s).
The Control Strip determines the target values for density that will define the acceptance
criteria for the material placed and compacted using the previously determined roller pattern.
The values determined by the control strip will not change until a new roller pattern is
required. The data collected is to be entered on the TL-54A form. The Control Strip
provides an accurate method of evaluating materials, which are relatively uniform and exhibit
smooth surfaces.
A. Roller Pattern
The Roller Pattern is constructed on the same material being placed and once established,
will be used for the remainder of the project. The Roller Pattern is 75 ft in length plus
some additional area to accommodate the lateral positioning of the roller. The width and
depth of the material depends on the project design.
Listed below are the steps used to construct a Roller Pattern:
1. Establish an area at least ten feet from any structure and 33 ft. from other radioactive
sources (another gauge) to take standard counts. This area can be concrete, asphalt,
or a well compacted soil with a minimum dry density of 100 lb/ft3. Do not use truck
beds, tailgates, tabletops, etc. When using the nuclear gauge, turn it on and wait for it
to perform its self-test. When it is completed the gauge will enter the “Ready” mode.
At this time, standard counts can be taken and recorded.
Note: A standard count will be taken each day of use. If counts fail, refer to the
gauge’s Manual of Operations and Instructions for further instructions or call your
VDOT district materials section for assistance.
2. To prepare a Roller Pattern, place the material on a section of roadway approximately
75 ft. in length for the typical application width (an area of at least 100 yd 2), and at
the proper loose depth before any rolling is started. (The Contractor should be
allowed to place 100 ft. of material prior to the 75 ft. section for plant mix
stabilization, adjustment, and compaction purposes, with testing to be conducted at
the completion of the roller pattern.) The compaction is to be completed uniformly
and in the same manner for the remainder of the job. (It is also recommended that a
50 ft. section be placed before and after the roller pattern section for positioning of
the roller.)
The moisture content of aggregates should be kept as near optimum as possible
throughout the rolling operation. Water must be added when needed to maintain
optimum moisture in accordance with Section 308 and 309 of the Road and Bridge
Specifications during the compaction process.
To speed up operations, select 15-second mode on the read-out panel and record the
density and moisture readings. When testing the control strip and test section, select
the 60-second mode for acceptance.
3. Make two (2) passes (one (1) pass is counted each time the roller crosses the test site)
with the roller over the entire surface of the Roller Pattern. Make sure the previous
passes have been completed over the entire surface before the next pass is started.
The above test on aggregates shall be made at three randomly selected points within
the area to be tested. Choose points with good surface conditions and try to spread
the three tests over most of the 75 ft. section, making sure not to place the gauge
closer than 18 in. to an unsupported edge. Be sure to mark the exact location where
the gauge is placed. (If using spray paint to mark the locations, do not spray the
gauge with paint.) The gauge, when in use, shall always be positioned parallel with
the roadway, with the source end toward the direction of the paver. Record these
results on the Roller Pattern Form TL-53A and obtain the total and average for both
moisture and density.
All further tests for the Roller Pattern must be made in the same three locations, with
the gauge source rod pointing in the same direction as the first test. Plot the average
dry density versus the number of roller passes on the graph.
4. Make additional passes with the roller over the entire surface of the Roller Pattern,
and again obtain and record the three readings for density and moisture in the same
location as the previous set of readings. Calculate the average from the readings and
record them on the Form TL-53A. Continue the rolling and testing of the section
until the Roller Pattern reaches its maximum density before decreasing or the curve
levels off. To be certain this is a sufficient degree of compaction, make one
additional roll over the entire surface and test again.
Note 1: The number of passes that are indicated do not necessarily have to be set at
two (2) each time. It may be found that in some instances one (1) pass would be
sufficient between readings, and, in other instances, three (3) or four (4) passes would
be required. An accurate count of the required passes should be maintained and may
vary, depending on subgrade conditions, roller efficiency, type of materials and
moisture content.
Note 2: Regarding determination of Maximum Attainable Density with Roller
Pattern/Control Strip Technique:
The Control Strip shall be rolled until maximum dry density for granular materials is
obtained. Materials compacted to maximum density provide a solid platform on
which to construct pavement. Materials at maximum density increase pavement load
carrying capacity and pavement life; opportunities for future pavement distress will
be greatly decreased if maximum density is achieved. These guidelines should be
considered good construction practice, not as an addition to the VDOT Road and
Bridge Specifications.
In brief, the change in density in a typical Roller Pattern, for example, on Aggregate
Base Material, Type I, Size 21B, may look as shown below in Table II below:
Table II -
Example Roller Pattern Density Readings
It can be seen from the above that continued rolling after ten (10) passes resulted in
diminishing returns. This is typical for many Roller Patterns. Based on an analysis
**Virginia Test Method – 12**
March 4, 2019
AASHTO T 272 (Method A of T 99) shall be followed, except as modified below:
5. Apparatus
Add the following to Section 4.1:
a. "Speedy" moisture tester (AASHTO T 217) or drying apparatus (ASTM
7. Procedure
7.1 The representative sample must fall within the minimum and maximum curve range
shown on Figure 1. If the point plotted within or on the family of curves (Figure 1) does
not fall within the minimum and maximum curve range, compact another specimen,
using the same material, at an adjusted moisture content that will place the one-point
within this range. The maximum density determination will be more accurate the closer
the moisture content is to the optimum moisture content.
7.4 Take a sample for moisture content determination by "Speedy" moisture tester in
accordance with AASHTO T 217, or the manufacturer's directions labeled on the
instrument. Moisture content can be also determined using a hot plate, gas stove, or
burner in accordance with ASTM D4959 if “Speedy” tester is not available. Record the
moisture content.
7.5 Delete.
8.1 Delete.
8.2 Delete.
8.3 Family of Curves:
8.3.1 Results for wet density of the soil in pounds per cubic foot and moisture content shall be
plotted on Typical Moisture Density Curves Set "C" (Figure 1).
8.3.2 Plot the wet density and moisture content results above on Figure 1. If this point falls on
one of the curves, go to the upper right hand corner of the graph and use the Maximum
Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content that correspond to that curve.
8.3.3 When this point falls within the family but not directly on a curve, use the nearest
existing curve in the family of curves.
8.3.4 When oversized particles have been removed, it is necessary to use the following
procedures from VTM-1 to determine the corrected Maximum Dry Density and Optimum
Moisture Content.
A. Correction for +No. 4 (4.75 mm) in the sample, if there is 10% or greater
material retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve.
The correction to be used for the +No. 4 (4.75 mm) material is determined by the
following procedures:
(1) Record the percent of +No. 4 (4.75 mm) material from density hole.
(2) The theoretical maximum density, "D" of mixtures containing coarse
aggregate larger than a No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve will be determined by
the formula:
D f x Dc
Where: D
Pc D f P f Dc
(3) The optimum moisture content for the total soil will be
determined by the formula:
Alternatively, the corrected maximum dry density can be determined herein with the aid
of the nomograph (Figure 2).
B. Percent Compaction
Percent Compaction = Field Dry Density x 100
Maximum Dry Density
General Notes:
1 The density required in the work will be a variable percentage of the theoretical
maximum density, "D", depending upon variations in the percentage of plus No. 4
(4.75 mm) material in the mixture and upon the position of the material in the work,
and will be specified in the applicable section of the specifications.
2 The specific gravity of +4 material can be found in soil survey reports and contractor
borrow material submittals for soils and Approved List No. 5
(http://www.virginiadot.org/business/resources/Materials/Approved_Lists.pdf) for
aggregates. If this information is not available, the specific gravity can be assumed as
directed by the District Material Engineer.
8.3.5 Perform a full moisture/density relationship if the one-point determination does not fall
within the family of curves or cannot meet the minimum and maximum curve range.
Figure 1
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
Virginia Test Method – 123
Post Installation Inspection of Buried Storm Drain Pipe and Pipe Culverts – (Soils Lab)
For all roadway projects that are constructed by private contractors for VDOT and for all roadway
projects constructed by others that are or will be proposed to be accepted into the VDOT highway system,
a visual/video camera post installation inspection is required on all storm sewer pipes and for a selected
number of pipe culverts in accordance with the instructions contained in this VTM and Section 302.03 of
the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. The video camera inspection is to be conducted with a VDOT
representative present.
The inspection can be conducted manually if adequate crawl/walking space and ventilation is available to
safely conduct the inspection and the individual(s) conducting the inspection have undergone training on
working in confined spaces in accordance with VDOT’s current Safety Policy and Procedure #8 Confined
Space Entry Policy and Procedure - General, or the inspection can be conducted with a video camera. If
the inspection is to be conducted with a video camera, the video camera shall have fully articulating
lenses that will provide a 360 degree inspection of the pipe/culvert, including each joint and any deficient
areas of the pipe/culvert, as well as a means to measure deformations/deflections of the pipe (items such
as a laser range finder or other appropriate device for taking such measurements as specified herein and
approved by the Engineer).
If the inspection is conducted manually, the person performing the inspection may use a standard video
camera or a digital camera to document any observed deficiencies. If the mandrel test is to be performed
to mechanically measure deformations/deflections of the pipe/culvert, the mandrel used shall be a nine (or
greater odd number) arm mandrel, and shall be sized and inspected by the Engineer prior to testing. The
diameter of the mandrel at any point shall not be less than the allowable percent deflection of the certified
actual mean diameter of the pipe or culvert being tested. The mandrel shall be fabricated of metal, fitted
with pulling rings at each end, stamped or engraved on some segment other than a runner with the
nominal pipe/culvert size and mandrel outside diameter. The mandrel shall be pulled through the pipe or
culvert by hand with a rope or cable. Where applicable, pulleys may be incorporated into the system to
change the direction of pull so that inspection personnel need not physically enter the pipe, culvert or
A copy of the Storm Sewer/Culvert Inspection Report (inspection report)including any video tape/Digital
Video Recording (DVD)/digital photographs shall be provided to the VDOT Inspector within two
business days of the completion of the inspection and made part of the project records. Additionally, a
copy shall be furnished to local VDOT Asset Management personnel to document the pipe/culvert
condition at that point in time. The video tape/DVD/digital photographs should be of such clarity, detail
and resolution as to clearly show the conditions of the interior of the pipe/culvert and detect any defects
within the pipe or culvert as specified herein. Post installation inspections shall be conducted no sooner
than 30 days after completion of installation and placement of final cover (except for pavement structure).
The post installation inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Section
302.03(d) of the Road and Bridge Specifications and the instructions included herein. The inspection
report shall identify the location of the pipe/culvert being inspected with respect to the project site. The
inspection report shall identify the location of the inspection access point of the pipe/culvert being
inspected with respect to the plans (e.g., north/south/east/west end of the pipe/culvert, manhole/drop
inlet/junction box structure number, etc.). The location of any deficiencies within the pipe/culvert shall be
noted in the inspection report by identifying the distance from the inspection access point. If no
deficiencies are noted, an “OK” entry shall be made in the report under the remarks column for each
section of pipe/culvert inspected.
Where deficiencies are found, a video recording is to be used to identify the deficiency in addition to it
being noted on the report form. The video camera system shall be capable of capturing clear images. The
camera system shall have a titler/keyboard for data entry and an audio microphone for verbal
descriptions; both a textual note on the video/images and a verbal description shall be used to note
deficiencies. The camera system shall have a locator system for locating the position of the camera, and a
footage counter on the cable reel. The location and description of the deficiency should be added to the
recording by the use of an audio microphone. When deficiencies are noted that require remedial actions,
the contractor’s proposed remediation measures shall be noted in the report form.
The Department shall review the post construction inspection report including any proposed remediation
measures and communicate its findings to the Contractor within 10 days of receiving the report. Where
the Department agrees with the proposed remediation measures, the contractor shall be notified of such
approval and authorized to begin such work. Where the Department disagrees with the proposed
remediation measures or where the Department identifies additional deficiencies that require remedial
action, the contractor shall be notified of such findings and requested to submit a supplemental
remediation plan. Pipes or culverts that required coating should have the coating inspected. Cracks
(longitudinal and circumferential) shall be noted in the inspection report and photographed (if not
videoed) and digitally scanned to allow for accurate measurement. Spalls and slabbing locations shall be
photographed (or videoed) and noted in the report.
Upon completion of the corrective measures, the remedial locations are to be re-inspected prior to final
acceptance of the project by the same test methods noted herein. Re-inspection shall be made within 10
days of correction except where sections of pipe/culvert have been replaced re-inspection shall not occur
sooner than 30 days after replacement of pipe/culvert and final cover (except for pavement structure).
Deficiencies may include, but are not limited to, the following:
The attached form is to be used to report the inspection findings. Proposed remedial actions, if required,
can be attached on separate pages.
Storm Sewer/Culvert Inspection Report
VDOT Inspector
Camera Operator
Test Storm Culvert Pipe Size Description/ Description Total Any Any Comments
Section Sewer Material Location Test of Access Length Flow Deficiency
Number Section Tested in Y/N
(e.g., From Structure ID to Structure ID) Pipe
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix E | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix E | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: Complete speedy kit, No. 4 sieve, speedy chart, and sample of soil.
• Make sure moisture tester is clean and in good working order. Place three measures of calcium carbide
and two steel balls in the large part of the moisture tester. Do not let the steel balls fall against the dial.
• Weigh soil sample on tared balance in kit and place in the cap. Holding tester horizontally, insert cap
and tighten clamps.
• Holding tester vertically, tap top to allow soil to fall into large chamber.
• Holding tester horizontally, rotate it so that the steel balls are put into orbit around the inside.
• Rotate for 10 seconds, rest for 20 seconds. Repeat for a total of three (3) minutes.
• Holding tester horizontally, read the pressure dial. Determine the moisture content of the soil from the
speedy moisture chart by finding the dial reading and next to it reading the moisture content.
• Carefully remove the cap making sure to point the instrument away from the operator to avoid breathing
the fumes, and away from any potential source of ignition of acetylene gas. Empty the contents and
examine the material for lumps. If sample is not completely pulverized repeat the test with a new sample.
• If the moisture content exceeds the limit of the pressure gauge (more than 20 on the dial) a half sample
must be used.
• All other steps are the same; except, double the dial reading before going to speedy chart.
2020 Appendix E | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: No. 4 sieve, proctor mold, 5.5 lb. drop hammer, beveled straightedge, knife, scales, scoop,
TL-125A, and set of “Ohio Curves”.
• Information obtained from this test: Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture.
• Weigh the mold (without collar) and base plate and record. Attach collar.
• Place mold on a stable surface (concrete block weighing at least 200 lbs., concrete floor, concrete box
culvert, bridge abutment).
• Compact the soil into the Proctor mold in three approximately equal layers, compacting each layer 25
blows with the hand held 5.5 lb. drop hammer dropped 12 inches. Distribute the blows evenly around
the surface of each layer.
• Soil should be at least ¼ inch inside the collar when compaction is finished. If sample is shy in the mold
or you have too much start over.
• Cut around edge of mold before collar is removed to prevent shearing. If sample shears below top of
mold start over.
• Remove the collar, and using a beveled straightedge strike off the surface evenly.
• If surface voids are present, use soil trimmings to fill in and apply finger pressure.
• Clean off the mold and base plate and weigh mold and base plate and wet sample.
• Subtract empty weight from full weight and multiply by 30 (molds per ft3) to determine the Wet
• Use a field hot plate or “Speedy” Moisture Test to determine Moisture Content.
• Plot the wet density and moisture content on the “Ohio Curves” chart to determine the optimum
moisture and maximum dry density. The point should fall within “Moisture Limit Lines” on graph. If the
point falls to the right, let the soil dry out or start over and use less water. If the point falls to the left of
moisture limit lines add more water.
2020 Appendix E | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: Electric hot plate or gas burner, scale, metal container, large spoon, and 1.1 lbs. (500
grams) of soil.
• 500 grams is the minimum sample required for soils and for aggregate the sample size depends on the
Nominal Maximum Size Aggregate.
• Place container on stove or hot plate. Mix sample continuously to expedite drying. Use low flame or
• When sample looks dry, remove from stove, cool and weigh.
• Place sample back on stove or hot plate. Continue to dry for 2 to 3 minutes. Cool and reweigh.
(Wwet – Wdry)
W% = x 100
(Wdry – Wcon)
W% = Percent Moisture
Wwet = Weight of Wet Aggregate and Container (g or lb)
Wdry = Weight of Dry Aggregate and Container (g or lb)
Wcon = Weight of the Container (g or lb)
2020 Appendix E | 5
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: Nuclear gauge, reference block, drill rod guide, extraction tool, drill rod, hammer and
safety glasses.
• Place reference block on flat surface with a minimum density of 100 lb/ft3 and a minimum distance of
10 feet from any structure and 33 feet from any other radioactive source.
• Place gauge on reference block (seated flat, within raised edges, proper side of gauge against metal butt
• Place drill rod guide on test site. Insert drill rod into guide sleeve. Place foot on drill rod guide. Drive rod
2” deeper than depth of test. Carefully remove drill rod and drill rod guide.
• Place gauge over hole. Extend source rod into hole the required test depth.
• Gently pull on gauge housing so source rod is tight against hole. (Make sure the gauge is flush on the
surface, with the source rod locked in correct depth position.)
2020 Appendix E | 6
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: Nuclear gauge, reference block, drill rod guide/ leveling plate, extraction tool, drill rod,
hammer and compaction equipment that is typical for the rest of the project.
• Gauge has been warmed up and standard counts have been taken.
• 75 feet plus additional space to accommodate roller positioning (50 feet on each end).
• Roller will make 2 passes (this varies) over the entire 75’ section.
• Position gauge parallel with the roadway, with the source end toward the direction of the paver.
Backscatter position in 15-second (fast) mode
• Take 3 readings for density and moisture spread out over most of the 75’ section and record on TL-53.
Mark locations. Do not test any closer than 18 inches to an unsupported edge or in areas that have been
overlapped (such as the center).
• Take 3 readings for density and moisture in the same locations as before. Add and average them.
• Continue until increase in dry density is less than 1 lb/ft3 or until mat shows distress (cracking of
• When the dry density is less than 1 lb/ft3, cut vibrator off and make 1 additional pass to be certain there
is a sufficient degree of compaction. If the dry density increases by more than 1 lb/ft3, make one more
pass with the roller.
• Graph the results on the roller pattern curve. To be acceptable, each moisture reading must fall within
the Optimum Moisture Range and the break should not be over 1.5 lb/ft3.
• A new roller pattern should be established when there is a change in: source of material, compaction
equipment, gradation or type of material, or a visual change in subsurface or subgrade.
2020 Appendix E | 7
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: Nuclear gauge, reference block, drill rod guide/ leveling plate, extraction tool, drill rod,
hammer and compaction equipment that is typical for the rest of the project.
• Gauge has been warmed up and standard counts have been taken.
• 300 feet plus additional space to accommodate roller positioning (50 feet on each end).
• Roller will make number of passes established by the Roller Pattern over entire 300’ section.
• Take 10 readings for density and moisture spread out over most of the 300’ section and record on TL-54.
Do not test any closer than 18 inches to an unsupported edge.
• To be an acceptable Control Strip - all moisture readings must fall within optimum moisture range and
the average dry density must be within 3 lb/ft3 of the roller pattern’s peak density. If moisture is below
optimum moisture range, add water. If moisture is above optimum moisture range, wait for it to dry out
and retest that area.
• Calculate individual dry density and average dry density requirements to be used for the test section.
• At the completion of the Control Strip, run a Direct Transmission test on aggregate and compare density
results to theoretical maximum density (VTM- 1).
2020 Appendix E | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Equipment Needed: Nuclear gauge, reference block, drill rod guide/leveling plate, extraction tool, drill rod,
hammer and compaction equipment that is typical for the rest of the project.
• Gauge has been warmed up and standard counts have been taken.
• Roller will make number of passes established by the Roller Pattern and Control Strip over entire half-mile
• Take 5 readings for density and moisture spread out over most of the half-mile section and record on TL-
55. Do not test any closer than 18 inches to an unsupported edge.
• To be an acceptable Test Section, all moisture readings must fall within optimum moisture range, each
individual dry density must be at least 95% of the Control Strip Average Dry Density, and the average of
the 5 dry density readings must be at least 98% of the Control Strip Average Dry Density.
• If one test fails, roll that area again. If the test section readings are above or below the target values by
more than 8 lb/ft3, establish a new control strip.
2020 Appendix E | 9
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix F | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix F | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
VDH regulations require a portable gauge licensee to use a minimum of two independent physical controls that
form tangible barriers to secure portable gauges from unauthorized removal whenever the portable gauge is not
under the control and constant surveillance by the licensee. “Control and maintain constant surveillance” of
portable gauges means being immediately present or remaining in close proximity to the portable gauge to
prevent unauthorized removal of the portable gauge. The objective of the security guidance is to reduce the
opportunity for unauthorized removal and/or theft by providing a delay and deterrent mechanism.
The following security requirements apply to portable gauge licensees regardless of the location, situation, and
activities involving the portable gauge. Licensees are required to either maintain control and constant surveillance
of the portable gauge when in use or use two independent physical controls to secure the portable gauge from
unauthorized removal while in storage. The physical controls used must be designed and constructed of materials
suitable for securing the portable gauge from unauthorized removal, and both physical controls must be defeated
in order for the portable gauge to be removed. Using two chains is not the preferred method; licensees are
encouraged to use other combinations.
As long as the licensee maintains constant control and surveillance while transporting the portable gauges, the
licensees need only to comply with the DOT requirements for transportation (e.g., placarding, labeling, shipping
papers, blocking and bracing). However, if the licensee leaves the vehicle and portable gauge unattended (e.g.,
while visiting a gas station, restaurant, store), the licensee needs to ensure that the portable gauge is secured by
two independent controls in order to comply with the requirements of 12VAC5-481-840 D.
While transporting a portable gauge, a licensee should not modify the transportation case if it is being used as the
Type A container for transporting the device. This includes, but is not limited to, drilling holes to mount the case
to the vehicle or to mount brackets or other devices used for securing the case to the vehicle. In order to maintain
its approval as a Type A shipping container, the modified package must be re-evaluated by any of the methods
described in 49 CFR Part 178.350 or 173.461(a). The re-evaluation must be documented and maintained on file in
accordance with DOT regulations.
Physical controls used may include, but are not limited to, a metal chain with a lock, a steel cable with a lock, a
secured enclosure, a locked tool box, a locked camper, a locked trailer, a locked trunk of a car, inside a locked
vehicle, a locked shelter, a secured fenced-in area, a locked garage, a locked non-portable cabinet, a locked room,
or a secured building. To assist licensees, examples of two independent physical controls are provided below.
When a portable gauge is stored at a licensed facility, the licensee is required to use two independent physical
controls to secure the gauge. Examples of two independent physical controls used to secure a portable gauge
when stored at a licensed facility are:
1) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored inside a locked storage
shed within a secured outdoor area, such as a fenced parking area with a locked gate;
2020 Appendix F | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored in a room with a locked
door within a secured building for which the licensee controls access by lock and key or by a security
3) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored inside a locked, non-
portable cabinet inside a room with a locked door, if the building is not secured;
4) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored in a separate secured
area inside a secured mini-warehouse or storage facility; or
5) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is physically secured to the inside
structure of a secured mini-warehouse or storage facility.
12VAC5-481 ‘Virginia Radiation Protection Regulations’, Part XIII ‘Transportation of Radioactive Material’ requires
that licensees who transport licensed material, or who may offer such material to a carrier for transport, must
comply with the applicable requirements of the DOT that are found in 49 CFR Parts 170 through 189.
Licensees commonly use a chain and a padlock to secure a portable gauge in its transportation case to the open
bed of a pickup truck, while using the vehicle for storage. Because the transportation case is portable, a theft
could occur if the chain is cut and the transportation case with the portable gauge is taken. If a licensee simply
loops the chain through the handles of the transportation case, a thief could open the transportation case and
take the portable gauge without removing the chain or the case. Similarly, because the transportation case is also
portable, it must be protected by two independent physical controls if the portable gauge is inside. A lock on the
transportation case, or a lock on the portable gauge source rod handle, is not sufficient because both the case and
the gauge are portable.
A vehicle may be used for storage, however, it is recommended by the agency and DOT that this practice only be
used for short periods of time or when a portable gauge is in transit. Storage in a hotel room is not authorized.
When a portable gauge is being stored in a vehicle, the licensee is specifically required to use a minimum of two
independent physical controls to secure the portable gauge.
Examples of two such independent physical controls approved by VDH to secure portable gauges in this situation
1) The locked transportation case containing the portable gauge is physically secured to a vehicle with
brackets, and a chain or steel cable (attached to the vehicle) is wrapped around the transportation case
such that the case cannot be opened unless the chain or cable is removed;
2) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored in a box physically
attached to a vehicle, and the box is secured with (1) two independent locks; (2) two separate chains or
steel cables attached independently to the vehicle in such a manner that the box cannot be opened
without the removal of the chains or cables; or (3) one lock and one chain or steel cable is attached to the
vehicle in such a manner that the box cannot be opened without the removal of the chain or cable; or
3) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored in a locked trunk,
camper shell, van, or other similar enclosure and is physically secured to the vehicle by a chain or steel
2020 Appendix F | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
cable in such a manner that one would not be able to open the case or remove the portable gauge without
removal of the chain or cable.
Securing a Portable Gauge at a Temporary Jobsite or at Locations Other Than a Licensed Facility
When a job requires storage of a portable gauge at a temporary jobsite or at a location other than a licensed
facility, the licensee should use a permanent structure for storage, if practicable. When storing a portable gauge
at a temporary jobsite, the licensee should limit access by storing the gauge as far away from members of the
public as possible. The licensee must also meet the radiation exposure limits specified in 12VAC5-481-720. When
a portable gauge is stored at a temporary jobsite or at a location other than an authorized facility, the licensee is
required to use two independent physical controls to secure the portable gauge. Examples of two independent
physical controls to secure portable gauges at these locations are:
1) At a temporary job site, the portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored
inside a locked building or in a locked non-portable structure (e.g., construction trailer, sea container,
etc.), and is physically secured by a chain or steel cable to a non-portable structure in such a manner that
an individual would not be able to open the transportation case or remove the portable gauge without
removing the chain or cable. A lock on the transportation case or a lock on the portable gauge source rod
handle would not be sufficient because the case and the portable gauge are portable;
2) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored in a locked garage, and
is within a locked vehicle or is physically secured by a chain or steel cable to the vehicle in such a manner
that an individual would not be able to open the transportation case or remove the portable gauge
without removing the chain or cable; or
3) The portable gauge or transportation case containing the portable gauge is stored in a locked garage, and
is within a locked enclosure or is physically secured by a chain or steel cable to a permanent or non-
portable structure in such a manner that an individual would not be able to open the transportation case
or remove the portable gauge without removing the chain or cable.
2020 Appendix F | 5
The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has established standards to protect you from hazards associated with radioactive materials
and radiation emitting machines and has established certain provisions for the options of workers engaged in work under a VDH license
or registration. In particular, the following information is available for your review:
Virginia Radiation Protection Regulations 12VAC5-481; Part IV - Standards for Protection Against Radiation;
Virginia Radiation Protection Regulations 12VAC5-481; Part X - Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections; and
Any other documents your employer must provide, as listed in “Your Employer’s Responsibility” below.
A copy of the documents listed in Item 2 of “Your Employer’s Responsibility” may be found at the following locations:
Virginia Department of Transportation: License No.: 087-437-1, 1401 East Broad Street, Richmond VA 23219; physical address: 6200
Elko Tract Road, Sandston, VA 23150. Radiation Safety Officer for this License: Paul M Baldwin, Jr. Ph. 804.328.3142
Copies of this notice must be posted in a sufficient number of places to permit individuals engaged in work under the license or
registration to observe them on the way to or from the work location. Each posted copy must be conspicuous and replaced if defaced or
altered. Refer to 12VAC5-481-2260.
Rev. 01/2019
- Detain any equipment or vehicle involved in the accident and the operator until it is
determined that no contamination is present. Gauge users and other potentially
contaminated personnel should not leave the scene until they have been checked for
contamination by emergency response personnel.
-Notify appropriate emergency response personnel (See VDOT Emergency Phone List
for your Districts area RSO located in this Bill of Lading) as soon as possible.
-The radioactive materials in Troxler gauges does not pose an immediate health hazard.
However, prolonged direct contact with the sources should be kept to a minimal for
potential radiation exposure.
Rev. Date: 09/24/2019
1. From list below Notify Personnel in your respective District (if can’t be reached, go to next step).
2. Central Office Materials Division’s (ELKO) State Radiation Safety Officer (if can’t be reached, go to next step).
3. The VDH Radiological Health & Safety unless none of the other contacts listed below can not be reached.
Richmond District Office Office / Cell - 434-944-6107 (same number after business hours)
Anthony Sanchez
Asst. State Radiation Safety Officer
[email protected]
1401 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia23219-2000
Shipper: Virginia Department of Transportation
Materials Division, Elko
1401 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
2020 Appendix F | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Vehicle License
Date VDH License No. Gauge User Time In Time Out
2020 Appendix F | 9
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2020 Appendix F | 10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 1
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 2
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) True or False. The voids in a saturated soil are partly filled with water and partly filled with air.
False – They are completely filled with water.
2) VDOT uses AASHTO and Unified Soil Classification Systems to classify soils.
4) Silt and clay are made up of particles that are smaller than the No. 200 (75 µm) sieve.
5) The gradation is the distribution of various particle sizes within the material.
6) Dense graded means that the particles in a mixture are sized so that they fill most of the voids; there is very
little space in between soil or stone particles.
7) The moisture content at which a soil begins to behave like a liquid is called the liquid limit.
8) The behavior of a material where the material deforms under load and does not go back to its original shape
is called plasticity.
9) The moisture content at which a soil can be compacted to its maximum dry density with the least amount of
compactive effort is called the optimum moisture content.
10) True or False. A soil that contains a high percentage of fines is more affected by water than one with a low
percentage of fines. True
11) True of False. Open graded aggregates are used in a pavement to give the structure more strength. False –
Dense graded aggregates are used in a pavement to give the structure more strength.
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 3
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) True or False. Clearing and Grubbing is required in fill sections less than 5 feet in depth, in borrow areas
before excavation can begin, and in all cut sections. True.
2) In fill sections where stumps may be left in place, they must be no more than 6 inches high.
3) Grading to drain means to crown surface of embankment, roll surface of embankment smooth, direct water
to appropriate erosion and siltation controls.
4) The first lift of embankment material placed in swampy areas is called a work platform.
5) How should layers of embankment material be placed? Layers of embankment material should be placed
with uniform thickness and parallel to finished grade.
a. For a fill with a height of 8 feet, a length of 1500 feet, and a volume of 61,200 cubic yards what is the
minimum number of density tests required? 45 tests – 1 per 2,500 cubic yard increment = 25; 2 per
6 inch layer within the top 5 feet of fill = 20.
b. For a fill with a height of 8 feet, a length of 400 feet, and a volume of 61,200 cubic yards what is the
minimum number of density tests required? 33 tests – 1 per 2,500 cubic yard increment = 25; plus 1
for every other layer from bottom of fill to top of fill, starting with the second lift = 8.
c. For a fill with a height of 10 feet, a length of 2200 feet, and a volume of 80,000 cubic yards what is
the minimum number of density tests required? Volumetric requirement is 80,000 cubic feet 2500
= 32 tests. Greater than 2,000 feet split into two equal parts. For first 1100 feet, 2 tests per 6 inch
layer within the top 5 feet of fill = 20 tests; and for last 1100 feet, 2 tests per 6 inch layer within the
top 5 feet of fill = 20 tests. Total number of tests = 32 + 20 + 20 = 72 tests.
7) Material is being placed 15 feet below the proposed subgrade in a rock fill. The maximum nominal size of the
rocks is 3 feet. The maximum lift thickness in this case is 3 feet.
8) True or False. In building an embankment on a hillside, benching provides a place to test. False – In building
an embankment on a hillside, benching provides a foundation for the new embankment and a bond to the
existing slope.
11) True or False. For subgrade and embankment, the specifications require that each lift be compacted at
optimum moisture content with a tolerance of ±40%. False - ± 20%.
12) True or False. Embankment is a structure of soil, soil aggregate, soil-like materials, or broken rock between
the existing ground and the subgrade. True.
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 4
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
13) Six (6) feet is the minimum bench width for a slope steeper than 4:1 and less steep than 1½:1?
14) What is the density testing rate for fill areas less than 500 feet long? One test per 2,500 cubic yards, plus one
test for every other 6 inch layer in the embankment from the bottom of the fill to the top of the fill, starting
with the second lift.
15) What is the density testing rate for fill areas between 500 feet and 2000 feet? One test per 2,500 cubic yards,
plus two tests for every 6 inch layer within the top 5 feet of fill.
16) What is the maximum distance from the heel of an abutment/gravity or cantilever retaining wall that is to
be tested by the specified rates for walls if the structure is 12 feet high? The height of the structure plus 10
feet (12 + 10 = 22).
17) Material having a moisture content of more than 30% above optimum cannot be placed on a previously
placed layer for drying, unless it is shown that it will not detrimentally affect the previously placed layer due
to downward migration of water.
18) The typical lift thickness for soil is 8 inches loose, 6 inches compacted.
19) The maximum diameter of the material placed in the top 12 inches of an embankment is 3 inches.
20) The maximum diameter of material that can be placed 9 feet under the embankment surface is 2 feet.
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 5
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Subgrade is the top surface of the embankment and the foundation for the pavement structure.
2) Subgrade must be scarified for a distance of 2 feet beyond the proposed edges of pavement to a depth of 6
inches and recompacted to the original requirements.
3) Seven (7) days after placement of the Cement Stabilized Subgrade the next course of pavement or approved
cover material must be applied.
4) True or False. Cement is used with soil or aggregate to make the soil or aggregate more workable. False –
Cement is used to add strength the mixture.
5) Why is lime used with soil? Lime is used with soil to add strength to the mixture, to raise the pH of the
mixture, to assist in drying out soils, and to reduce soil plasticity.
6) The tolerance on the optimum moisture content at which aggregate must be compacted is ± 2 percentage
7) The tolerance on the optimum moisture content for cement treated subgrade is optimum moisture to 20%
above optimum moisture.
9) True or False. Sewing of embankment stabilization fabric seams is not required. False – Sewing of the seams
is required in all embankment. See 303.04 (h). It should also be noted that under 305 (Subgrade and
shoulders), the specification is less restrictive on sewing – see 305.03 (d): (Geotextile (Subgrade Stabilization):
When geotextile for subgrade stabilization is required, it shall be placed as shown on the plans. Geotextile
shall be spliced by an overlap of at least 2 feet or [emphasis added] by sewing double-stitched seams with
stitching spaced 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch apart or as shown on the plans.
10) What is the minimum number of tests required for finished subgrade from Station 453+60 to Station 553+60?
5 tests are required; one test for each 2000 feet of subgrade full width. Calculation: 553+60 – 453+60 =
100+00 or 10,000 feet.
11) Cement Stabilized Subgrade has been placed 48 feet in width from Station 392+20 to Station 550+60, with a
paver application width of 12 feet. Determine the number of tests required and the density and moisture
requirements. Minimum number of tests required is 24, density must be 100%, and optimum moisture must
be between optimum moisture to 20% above optimum moisture.
1) 550+60 – 392+20 = 158+40 or 15,840 feet
2) 15,840 5280 (feet in a mile) = 3 miles
3) 48 feet 12 feet paver width = 4 pulls
4) One test per ½ mile per paver width = 3 miles x 4 pulls = 12 x 2 = 24 tests
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
The plans call for 12% cement by volume, 6” depth. Width of treatment is 26 feet. The net weight of the cement
in the tanker is 23.09 tons. How many feet of roadway should this load of cement treat?
(23.09 x 2000)
= (46180)
Application Length = 315 Feet
The plans call for 6.5% cement by volume, 6” depth. Width of treatment is 24 feet. The net weight of the cement
in the tanker is 22 tons. How many feet of roadway should this load of cement treat?
= (44000)
Application Length = 600 Feet
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2) True or False. When moving concrete pipe you should pick it up by one end. False – You should use leather
or nylon slings or a pipe fork.
3) What are the testing requirements for backfilling around pipe? When backfilling around pipe, you should test
every other lift on alternating sides beginning after the first 4 inch compacted layer above the structure’s
bedding and continue until backfill is 1 foot above the pipe for a maximum of 300 feet of pipe length.
4) What is the maximum size a rock to be placed within 12 inches of a pipe? 2 inches.
5) True or False. You do not have to place pipe bedding material down first when installing a UD-4. True.
6) Where can the typical underdrain drawings be found? VDOT Road and Bridge Standards.
7) What is the maximum height of cover for a 48 inch pipe diameter Class IV concrete pipe culvert? 21 feet.
8) A 36 inch diameter pipe, 290 feet long, is placed on a project as a drainage culvert. What is the minimum
number of density tests that should be run on the backfill material? 11 tests; [(36 4) + (12 4)] – 1 = 11.
9) When can No. 57 stone be used? No. 57 stone can be used with sub-bedding when standing water is
10) What is the maximum backfill lift thickness? 6 inches loose compacted to 4 inches.
11) Pipe openings in precast drainage structures shall not exceed the outside cross sectional dimensions of the
pipe by more than how much? 8 inches.
12) How long after installation is complete can the video inspection can be done? 30 days.
13) What is the maximum allowed crack size of a rigid (concrete) pipe? 0.1 inches. 302.03 (d) 2 (b): Pipes or
culverts having displacement across the crack greater than 0.1 inch but less than 0.3 inch shall be remediated.
Larger cracks require pipe replacement.
14) What is the maximum deflection allowed for flexible pipe? 7.5%.
15) What end of the pipe system do you start installation? Upstream or down- stream? Downstream.
16) What is the level of compaction required for pipe backfill? 95%.
17) What is the minimum amount of cover over pipe allowed for design loads? 24”, 12” min. fill height, 9”
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
18) What is the minimum amount of cover over pipe to prevent damage from construction loads? 3-feet (PC-1,
Note 2)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) What are the three differences between AASHTO T-99 and AASHTO T-180? The three differences between
AASHTO-T99 and AASHTO T-180 are 1) the weight of the hammer; 2) height of drop of the hammer; and 3)
the number of layers of soil compacted in the mold.
2) Three (3) layers of soil are required to make a standard proctor mold and each layer must be compacted 25
blows with a 5.5 lb. hammer dropped 12 inches.
3) The moisture content corresponding to the peak of the curve will be termed the optimum moisture content
and the density corresponding to the peak of the curve will be termed the maximum dry density.
4) Three (3) scoops of reagent are placed in the body of the “speedy” moisture tester.
5) According to AASHTO, the base on which the proctor test molds are made must weigh at least 200 lbs.
6) If the dial on the Speedy exceeds 20, a half-size sample must be used and the dial reading must be
multiplied by 2.
8) Rotate the Speedy for 10 seconds, rest for 20 seconds for a period of 3 minutes.
9) Calculate the moisture content using the following information:
Wwet = 10.85
Wdry = 10.05
Wcon = 1.69
(10.85 – 10.05)
W% = x 100
(10.05 – 1.69)
= 0.80 x 100
W% = 9.569 or 9.6%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
b) What is the optimum moisture and optimum moisture range? 17.6% (Range = 14.1% to 21.1%)
c) A nuclear density test determines the dry density to be 102 lb/ft3 with a moisture content of 18.2%.
Does this test pass? Yes, it meets density and moisture requirements.
1) (102 107.1) x 100 = 95.2% (which is greater than the minimum required density of 95.0%)
2) Moisture content of 18.2% falls within the optimum moisture range of 14.1% to 21.1%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
b) What is the optimum moisture and optimum moisture range? 20.3% (Range = 16.2% to 24.4%)
c) A nuclear density test determines the dry density to be 96.2 lb/ft3 with a moisture content of 15.8%.
Does this test pass? No, it does not meet density and moisture requirements.
1) (96.2 102.4) x 100 = 93.9% (which is less than the minimum required density of 95.0%)
2) Moisture content of 15.8% does not fall within the optimum moisture range of 16.2% to
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 15
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
b) What is the optimum moisture and optimum moisture range? 19.2% (Range = 15.4% to 23.0%)
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 19
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
b) What is the optimum moisture and optimum moisture range? 20.3% (Range = 16.2% to 24.4%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) Batteries should be charged when the battery indicator light comes on.
2) True or False. The nuclear gauge should be warmed-up first thing in the morning before using it. True.
3) True or False. The only maintenance performed in the field is cleaning the nuclear gauge and charging the
batteries. True.
4) When taking a standard count, the nuclear gauge should be a minimum of 10 ft. from any structure and 33
ft. from any other radioactive source.
5) True or False. Cesium-137 is located in the tip of the stainless steel rod which is used in taking moisture
determinations and Americium-241:Beryllium is located inside the nuclear gauge and is used for density
testing. False – Cesium-137 is located in the tip of the stainless steel rod and is used for density
determinations and the Americium-241:Beryllium is located inside the gauge and is used for moisture
6) W h e n t a k i n g Standard Counts the Reference Standard should be placed on what type of surface?
Smooth, flat, and dry surface with a minimum density of 100 lb/ft3.
7) Three ways to limit exposure to radiation are time, distance, and shielding.
8) If the soil material fails a nuclear test because of excessive moisture, the first step taken is to run another
test, while checking test methods to ensure they are correct.
9) A testing method for testing densities whereby the source rod is inserted into the material to be tested at a
depth of 4, 6, or 8 inches is direct transmission method.
10) If, during construction, the density results either change suddenly, or simply don’t make sense, you should
check your math and the test itself, including test procedures to ensure that the test was run properly.
11) If the moisture results from the nuclear test appear high, the “Speedy” Moisture Test could be used to
check the moisture.
12) When a nuclear gauge is operated within 24” of a vertical structure, the moisture and density readings are
influenced by the structure.
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 305+00 305+60 306+20
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L 10’ Lt. 7’ Lt.
Test Elevation +10 / -7 +3 / -10 +3 / -3
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6” 6” 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot Sheepsfoot Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 133.3 123.6 128.2
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 114.2 105.7 109.6
Comments: All density test results are above the minimum 95% requirement, and all moisture test results are within the
acceptable optimum moisture ranges
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Step 3 - Adjust Moisture Mass
Location Station ft. (m) 85+00
of MM = WD - DD Ref. to center line ft. (m) at. C/L
Test MM = 141.0 – 127.5 Elevation +9 / -3
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm)MM = 13.5 lbs/ft 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 141.0 141.0
Step 2 – Adjust Dry Density
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft3 or kg/m3) = 23.1 13.5
DD = WD (1 + M%)
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 117.9 127.5
DD = 141.0 (1 + 0.106)
D. Moisture Content (B C) x 100 = 19.6 10.6
DD = 127.5 lbs/ft3
E. Maximum Dry Density (lbs/ft3),
Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 132.4 132.4
Lab Proctor or One Point Proctor
9.2 9.2
F. Percent Optimum Moisture from Lab or One Point Procter =
Step 1 – Conduct a Speedy Moisture Test 7.4 – 11.0 7.4 – 11.0
G. Percent of Plus #4, (plusto4.75
mm) Moisture Content =
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 29
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 90+45
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -6
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 127.4
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 118.1
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
10.2 – 15.4
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 97.2
(C E) x 100 or (C H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0
Comments: Moisture content of 11.0% falls within the optimum moisture range of 10.2% to 15.4%
Density achieved 97.2% and minimum density required is 95.0%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 9.29 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 3.63 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 2.62 lb. Weight of Dish Only 2.62 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 6.67 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 1.01 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.15 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.63 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 164.1 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.85 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 112.6 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.15 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = 0.03 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.85 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.145 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.15 x 0.03) + (0.85 x 0.145)] x 100 = [(0.005) + (0.123)] x 100 = (0.128) x 100 = 12.8
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 90+45
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -6
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 127.9
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 116.5
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
10.0 – 15.0
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 99.3
(C E) x 100 or (C H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0
Comments: Moisture content of 10.5% falls within the optimum moisture range of 10.0% to 15.0%
Density achieved 99.3% and minimum density required is 95.0%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 9.30 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 3.65 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 2.62 lb. Weight of Dish Only 2.62 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 6.68 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 1.03 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.15 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.70 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 168.5 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.85 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 110.5 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.15 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = 0.02 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.85 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.143 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.15 x 0.02) + (0.85 x 0.143)] x 100 = [(0.003) + (0.122)] x 100 = (0.125) x 100 = 12.5
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 90+45
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation +8 / -6
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Sheepsfoot
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 127.5
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 115.0
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
9.9 – 14.9
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 99.7
(C E) x 100 or (C H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0
Comments: Moisture content of 11.2% falls within the optimum moisture range of 9.9% to 14.9%
Density achieved 99.7% and minimum density required is 95.0%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 9.29 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 3.51 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 2.62 lb. Weight of Dish Only 2.62 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 6.67 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 0.89 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.13 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.68 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 167.2 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.87 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 109.9 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.13 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc =Absorption of the +4 Material expressed as a decimal = 0.02 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.87 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.139 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.13 x 0.02) + (0.87 x 0.139)] x 100 = [(0.003) + (0.121)] x 100 = (0.124) x 100 = 12.4
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 35
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 24+35
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 5’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 140.0
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 137.7
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
3.2 – 7.2
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 96.7
(C E) x 100 or (C H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0
Comments: Moisture content of 5.2% falls within the optimum moisture range of 3.2% to 7.2%
Density achieved 96.7% and minimum density required is 95.0%
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 5.50 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 3.01 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 1.61 lb. Weight of Dish Only 1.61 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 3.89 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 1.40 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.36 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.73 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 170.4 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.64 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 124.4 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.36 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = 0.013 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.64 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.074 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.36 x 0.013) + (0.64 x 0.074)] x 100 = [(0.005) + (0.047)] x 100 = (0.052) x 100 = 5.2
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 37
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 901+25
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 3’ Lt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 155.3
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 156.4
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
2.2 – 6.2
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 96.0
(C E) x 100 or (C H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 90.0
Comments: Moisture content of 3.4% falls within the optimum moisture range of 2.2% to 6.2%
Density achieved 96.0% and minimum density required is 90.0%
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 38
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 8.43 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 5.71 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 1.61 lb. Weight of Dish Only 1.61 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 6.82 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 4.10 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.60 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.81 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 175.3 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.40 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 134.6 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.60 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = 0.013 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.40 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.084 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.60 x 0.013) + (0.40 x 0.084)] x 100 = [(0.008) + (0.034)] x 100 = (0.042) x 100 = 4.2
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 609+10
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 6’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 150.2
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 148.8
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
2.6 – 6.6
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 96.8
(C E) x 100 or (C H) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 95.0
Comments: Moisture content of 4.2% falls within the optimum moisture range of 2.6% to 6.6%
Density achieved 96.8% and minimum density required is 95.0%
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 40
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Amount of +4 Material in Total Soil
Weight of Dry Soil + Dish 8.40 lb. Weight of +4 Material + Dish 4.75 lb.
- Weight of Dish Only 1.63 lb. Weight of Dish Only 1.63 lb.
Total Weight of Dry Soil 6.77 lb. Total Weight of +4 Material 3.12 lb.
Total Density of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.46 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Dc = 2.80 Sp. Gr. of +4 Material x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 174.7 lbs/ft3
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.54 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Df = Maximum Dry Density of the -4 material = 132.1 (Taken from Proctor)
Optimum Moisture Content of Soils with +4 Material
Needed Information:
Pc = Percent of +4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.46 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wc = Absorption of the +4 Material (+1) expressed as a decimal = 0.016 (Taken from Material Division)
Pf = Percent of -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.54 (Taken from Sieve Analysis)
Wf = Optimum Moisture of the -4 material expressed as a decimal = 0.072 (Taken from Proctor)
(PcWc + PfWf) x 100 = [(0.46 x 0.016) + (0.54 x 0.072)] x 100 = [(0.007) + (0.039)] x 100 = (0.046) x 100 = 4.6
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
1) True or False. Before a Roller Pattern can be set the subgrade must be approved, compaction equipment
must be approved and material to be tested must be placed at uniform depth. True.
4) Backscatter method is the testing method in which the gauge is placed on the surface of the material to be
tested and the source rod is lowered to the first notch.
5) When taking a nuclear reading near an unsupported edge, 18 inches is the minimum distance from the edge
that an accurate nuclear reading can be taken.
6) A direct transmission test is taken at the end of the control strip to verify the results.
7) The control strip dry density must be within 3.0 lb/ft3 of the roller pattern peak density.
8) A roller pattern on aggregate covers 75 feet, a control strip covers 300 feet and a test section covers half a
mile per paver width.
9) The Contractor has applied the dense graded aggregate layer to the right lane of a two-lane roadway
beginning at Station 25 + 25. Using the numbers from the Random Number Table given below, calculate and
determine the test location for each density and moisture reading for this test section, which is 12 feet wide.
Remember not to test any closer than 18 inches to an unsupported edge.
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 42
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
There are 5,280 feet in a mile. A Test Section is 0.5 mile per paver width or 2640 feet. Five (5) tests will be
performed in the test section. 2640 5 = 528 feet.
Station No. at Start of Distance from Start Station No. of Each Distance from
Test No. + =
Each Sublot of Sublot Test Location Reference Line (ft)
1 25+25 + 181 = 27+06 3
4 41+09 + 43 = 41+52 6
5 46+37 + 71 = 47+08 4
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 43
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Given the following information, complete the following worksheet (Form TL-53)
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 44
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Report No. 1-21A-1 Nuclear Gauge Model No. 3440 Serial No. 23456
Date 06/22/2015 Project No. 0095-029-F14, C502 Route No. 95
FHWA No. NH (95) - 1 County Fairfax
Section No. 1 Station No. 21+00 ft. (m.) to Station 21+75 ft. (m.)
Type Material Aggregate Base Type I (21A) Width 12 ft. (m.)
Optimum Moisture Optimum Moisture Range
Test No. 1 Test No. 6
No. of Passes 2V No. of Passes 11S
Sta. 21+00 125.4 5.1 Sta. 21+00 134.0 4.9
Sta. 21+35 124.9 5.2 Sta. 21+35 133.5 5.0
Sta. 21+75 125.3 5.6 Sta. 21+75 134.1 5.1
Total 375.6 15.9 Total 401.6 15.0
Average 125.2 5.3 Average 133.9 5.0
Test No. 2 Test No. 7
No. of Passes 4V No. of Passes
Sta. 21+00 128.4 5.4 Sta.
Sta. 21+35 127.5 5.1 Sta.
Sta. 21+75 128.5 4.9 Sta.
Total 384.4 15.4 Total
Average 128.1 5.1 Average
Test No. 3 Test No. 8
No. of Passes 6V No. of Passes
Sta. 21+00 131.8 5.1 Sta.
Sta. 21+35 131.0 5.0 Sta.
Sta. 21+75 132.1 4.9 Sta.
Total 394.9 15.0 Total
Average 131.6 5.0 Average
Test No. 4 Test No. 9
No. of Passes 8V No. of Passes
Sta. 21+00 134.7 5.5 Sta.
Sta. 21+35 133.7 4.9 Sta.
Sta. 21+75 134.8 5.1 Sta.
Total 403.2 15.5 Total
Average 134.4 5.2 Average
Test No. 5 Test No. 10
No. of Passes 10V No. of Passes
Sta. 21+00 135.5 5.2 Sta.
Sta. 21+35 135.0 5.1 Sta.
Sta. 21+75 135.4 4.9 Sta.
Total 405.9 15.2 Total
Average 135.3 5.1 Average
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 45
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
128.0 128.1
2V 4V 6V 8V 10V 11S
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 46
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Complete the following worksheet (Form TL-54) using the data below and answer the following questions.
B. How many roller passes were required to attain the maximum density on the Control Strip (Use the
information from Step 1 – Form TL-53)
10V – determined by the roller pattern
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 47
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Dens. Avg. 128.5 TEST SECTION
Dens. Avg. 132.6 SECTION
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 48
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Use the information below to complete the following worksheet (Form TL-124) and answer the following
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 49
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 22+25
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 2’ Rt. C/L
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
Corrected Dry Density for +4 Aggregate
A. Wet Density (lbs/ft3), Wet Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 137.1 Corrected Moisture for +4 Aggregate
Df x D
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft or kg/m3) = 6.9 (PcWc + PfWf) x 100
(Pc x Df) + (Pf x Dc)
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 130.2 [(0.54 x 0.012) + (0.46 x 0.101)] x 100
133.0 x 149.8 [(0.006) + (0.046)] x 100
D. Moisture Content (B C) x 100 = 5.3
(0.54 x 133.0) + (0.46 x 149.8) [0.052] x 100 = 5.2%
E. Maximum Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 133.0
Lab Proctor
19,923 or One Point
19,923Procter 3
= = 141.6 lbs/ft
F. Per(71.8
68.9) Moisture
140.7 from Lab or One Point Proctor = 10.1
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 50
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Transfer the Optimum Moisture, Optimum Moisture Range, Individual Dry Density Requirement, and
Average Dry Density Requirement from the Control Strip (Form TL-54) to the proper place on the Test
Section worksheet (Form TL-55).
B. Given the following nuclear density and moisture readings, complete the Form TL-55.
D. If the test does not pass, what corrective action should be taken?
Retest the area, checking math and testing procedures before advising the contractor.
E. What are the beginning and ending station numbers of the first Test Section?
Beginning Station Number = 25+25; Ending Station Number is 51+65
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 52
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Given the following information, complete the following worksheet (Form TL-53)
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 53
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Report No. 3-21ACTA-1 Nuclear Gauge Model No. 3440 Serial No. 23456
Date Today Project No. 0007-053-121, C501 Route No. 7
FHWA No. None County Loudon
Section No. 1 Station No. 900+00 ft. (m.) to Station 900+75 ft. (m.)
Type Material Type 21A with 4% cement Width 12 ft. (m.)
Optimum Moisture 5.1 Optimum Moisture Range 3.1 – 7.1
Test No. 1 Test No. 6
No. of Passes 2V No. of Passes 12V
Sta. 900+00 115.4 5.3 Sta. 900+00 132.2 5.2
Sta. 900+35 114.6 5.1 Sta. 900+35 131.7 5.0
Sta. 900+75 116.1 4.9 Sta. 900+75 132.8 5.2
Total 346.1 15.3 Total 396.7 15.4
Average 115.4 5.1 Average 132.2 5.1
Test No. 2 Test No. 7
No. of Passes 4V No. of Passes 13S
Sta. 900+00 118.9 5.3 Sta. 900+00 131.8 4.4
Sta. 900+35 118.6 5.2 Sta. 900+35 131.7 5.2
Sta. 900+75 119.1 5.3 Sta. 900+75 131.8 5.8
Total 356.6 15.8 Total 395.3 15.4
Average 118.9 5.3 Average 131.8 5.1
Test No. 3 Test No. 8
No. of Passes 6V No. of Passes
Sta. 900+00 121.9 5.1 Sta.
Sta. 900+35 121.0 4.9 Sta.
Sta. 900+75 122.9 5.3 Sta.
Total 365.8 15.3 Total
Average 121.9 5.1 Average
Test No. 4 Test No. 9
No. of Passes 8V No. of Passes
Sta. 900+00 129.2 5.5 Sta.
Sta. 900+35 128.1 4.8 Sta.
Sta. 900+75 130.2 5.0 Sta.
Total 387.5 15.3 Total
Average 129.2 5.1 Average
Test No. 5 Test No. 10
No. of Passes 10V No. of Passes
Sta. 900+00 132.1 5.3 Sta.
Sta. 900+35 131.6 4.3 Sta.
Sta. 900+75 132.6 5.9 Sta.
Total 396.3 15.5 Total
Average 132.1 5.2 Average
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 54
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
122.0 121.9
2V 4V 6V 8V 10V 12V 13S
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 55
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Using the same “header” information in Step 1, as well as the given below, complete the Control Strip
(Form TL-54) and Direct Transmission (Form TL-124) worksheets.
B. How many roller passes were required to attain the maximum density on the Control Strip (Use the
information from Step 1 – Form TL-53)
12V – that is the optimum number determined by the roller pattern
E. Does the Direct Transmission Test validate the Control Strip Dry Density? (See Page 8-49)
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 56
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Dens. Avg. 126.1 TEST SECTION
Dens. Avg. 130.0 SECTION
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 57
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Use the information below to complete the following worksheet (Form TL-124) and answer the following
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 58
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 4
Location Station ft. (m) 902+70
of Ref. to center line ft. (m) 9’ Lt.
Test Elevation
Compaction Depth of Lift in. (mm) 6”
Method of Compaction Vibratory
A. Wet Density Dry3),
(lbs/ft Density for +4
Wet Unit Aggregate
Mass (kg/m3) = 140.8 Corrected Moisture for +4 Aggregate
Df x D3c or kg/m3)
B. Moisture Unit Mass (lbs/ft = 7.2 (PcWc + PfWf) x 100
(P3c x Df) + (Pf x Dc) [(0.57 x 0.013) + (0.43 x 0.101)] x 100
C. Dry Density (lbs/ft ), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) (A-B) = 133.6
133.0 [(0.007) + (0.043)] x 100
D. Moisture Content (B C)x x156.0
100 = 5.4
x 133.0)(lbs/ft
+ (0.43 [0.050] x 100 = 5.0%
E. Maximum Dry 3),xDry
Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 133.0
Lab Proctor or One Point Procter
20,748 20,748
= Moisture from 145.2 lbs/ft3
F. Percent Optimum Lab or One Point Proctor = 10.1
(75.8 + 67.1) 142.9
G. Percent of Plus #4, (plus 4.75 mm) = 57
H. Corrected Max. Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3) = 145.2
Corrected Percent Density
I. Corrected Optimum Moisture =
(Dry Density Corrected +4 Density) x 100 3.0 – 7.0
J. Percent Dry Density (lbs/ft3), Dry Unit Mass (kg/m3)
= 92.0
(C H) x145.2)
(C E) x 100 or (133.6 100 x 100
(0.920) x 100
K. Percent Minimum Density Required = 90.0
% Density = 92.0%
NOTE: Each Practice Problem contains 4 Parts
2016v1.0 Appendix G | 59
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
A. Testing at the minimum frequency: With the Test Section beginning at Station No. 904+25 and having a
paving width 12 feet, choose five (5) test site location using the following random numbers.
There are 5,280 feet in a mile. A Test Section is 0.5 mile per paver width or 2640 feet. Five (5) tests will be
performed in the test section. 2640 5 = 528.
Beginning Station No. 904+25
Sublot 1 ___528___ Feet
Station No. at Start of Distance from Start Station No. of Each Distance from
Test No. + =
Each Sublot of Sublot Test Location Reference Line (ft)
1 904+25 + 101 = 905+26 4
2 909+53 + 106 = 910+59 8
3 914+81 + 27 = 915+08 3
4 920+09 + 140 = 921+49 3
5 925+37 + 182 = 927+19 10
B. Transfer the Optimum Moisture, Optimum Moisture Range, Individual Dry Density Requirement, and
Average Dry Density Requirement from the Control Strip (Form TL-54) to the proper place on the Test
Section worksheet (Form TL-55).
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
C. Given the following nuclear density and moisture readings, complete the Form TL-55 using the same
header information from the preceding problems (except use the correct Report Number: 3-21ACTA-4).
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
Test 4 Test 5
Nuclear Gauge Display Panel Nuclear Gauge Display Panel
% PR = _____% % PR = _____%
DD = 131.3 DD = 129.6
WD = 138.0 WD = 137.4
M = 6.7 M% = 5.1 M = 7.8 M% = 6.0
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
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VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Appendix H
Supplemental Practice
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
Answer Sheet:
1. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
2. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
3. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
4. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
5. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
6. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
7. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
8. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
9. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
10. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
11. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
12. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
13. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
14. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
15. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
1. When placing lifts in an embankment, place each lift _____ to finished grade:
a. Parallel
b. Perpendicular
c. Sideways
d. End dump
2. Using the AASHTO classification, 65% retained on the No. 200 sieve is considered to be:
a. Soil
b. Granular
c. Silt-clay
d. Unsuitable
a. Optimum moisture
b. Minimum moisture
c. Maximum moisture
d. Moisture content
4. The multipoint proctor test is run in the laboratory in accordance with _________. A one-point
proctor test, which is run at the project site, is run in accordance with _________.
5. If a 36 inch pipe is installed between two drop inlets that are between Sta. 12+00 and 14+50,
how many density/moisture tests are required?
a. 22
b. 14
c. 11
d. 0
6. As shown on VDOT Standard Drawing PC-1, what is the maximum height of cover for a Class IV
36-inch pipe?
a. 14’
b. 20’
c. 30’
d. 3’
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
a. Compaction (%)
b. Optimum Moisture
c. Maximum Dry Density
d. Proctor
8. These are the two key functions of a pipe and without both the pipe is worthless:
a. Pipe
b. Pavement drain
c. Open graded aggregate
d. Dense graded aggregate
10. What is the application rate for a cement treated area that: calls for 10% cement by volume at 6
inches deep and 12 feet wide?
a. 676.8 lbs/ft
b. 5640 lbs/ft
c. 0.6 lbs/ft
d. 56.4 lbs/ft
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
11. The specifications require that soil cement be compacted to ____ % of the maximum density:
a. 100%
b. 95%
c. 90%
d. Depends on +4 content
12. As water is added, the soil is lubricated and the compactive effort becomes more efficient. After
this, the density ________ because water starts replacing soil in the mold (water is lighter than
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Stays the same
d. Changes
14. Any stumps left in place must be no more than _______ above original ground, or low water
level. Branches of trees that overhang the roadway or reduce sight distance and that are less
than _________ above the elevation of the finished grade shall be trimmed using approved tree
surgery practices.
a. 12 inches, 40 feet
b. 6 inches, 20 feet
c. 0 inches, 20 feet
d. 20 inches, 6 feet
Answer Sheet:
1. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
2. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
3. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
4. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
5. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
6. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
7. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
8. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
9. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
10. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
11. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
12. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
13. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
14. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
15. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
1. When placing lifts in an embankment, place each lift _____ to finished grade:
a. Parallel Commented [DKS1]: Page 2-9
b. Perpendicular
c. Sideways
d. End dump
2. Using the AASHTO classification, 65% retained on the No. 200 sieve is considered to be:
a. Soil
b. Granular Commented [DKS2]: See page 1-11
c. Silt-clay
d. Unsuitable
a. Optimum moisture
b. Minimum moisture
c. Maximum moisture
d. Moisture content Commented [DKS3]: Page 2-16
4. The multipoint proctor test is run in the laboratory in accordance with _________. A one-point
proctor test, which is run at the project site, is run in accordance with _________.
5. If a 36 inch pipe is installed between two drop inlets that are between Sta. 12+00 and 14+50,
how many density/moisture tests are required? (pipe only)
a. 22
b. 14
c. 11 Commented [DKS5]: Page 4-13
d. 0
6. As shown on VDOT Standard Drawing PC-1, what is the maximum height of cover for a Class IV
36-inch pipe?
a. 14’
b. 20’ Commented [DKS6]: Page 4-4
c. 30’
d. 3’
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
8. These are the two key functions of a pipe and without both the pipe is worthless:
a. Pipe
b. Pavement drain Commented [DKS9]: Page 4-17
c. Open graded aggregate
d. Dense graded aggregate
10. What is the application rate for a cement treated area that: calls for 10% cement by volume at 6
inches deep and 12 feet wide?
a. 676.8 lbs/ft
b. 5640 lbs/ft
c. 0.6 lbs/ft
d. 56.4 lbs/ft Commented [DKS10]: Chapter 3-8
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 1 (Chapters 1-4) Summary Review
11. The specifications require that soil cement be compacted to ____ % of the maximum density:
12. As water is added, the soil is lubricated and the compactive effort becomes more efficient. After
this, the density ________ because water starts replacing soil in the mold (water is lighter than
a. Increases
b. Decreases Commented [DKS12]: Page 1-15
c. Stays the same
d. Changes
14. Any stumps left in place must be no more than _______ above original ground, or low water
level. Branches of trees that overhang the roadway or reduce sight distance and that are less
than _________ above the elevation of the finished grade shall be trimmed using approved tree
surgery practices.
a. 12 inches, 40 feet
b. 6 inches, 20 feet Commented [DKS14]: Page 2-5
c. 0 inches, 20 feet
d. 20 inches, 6 feet
Answer Sheet:
1. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
2. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
3. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
4. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
5. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
6. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
7. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
8. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
9. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
10. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
11. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
12. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
13. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
14. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
15. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 2 (Chapters 5-6) Summary Review
1. If you run a Speedy Moisture test showing 10%, and your weighed and compacted sample (Line
C) is 4.43 lbs, which curve fits for a 1-point proctor?
a. H
b. I
c. J
d. K
a. Standard Proctor
b. Dry Density
c. One-Point Proctor
d. Moisture Content
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 2 (Chapters 5-6) Summary Review
a. Moisture Content
b. Optimum Moisture
c. Max. Dry Density
d. Ohio Curve
a. Moisture Content
b. Optimum Moisture
c. Max. Dry Density
d. Ohio Curve
6. Target Values are set using _______ or _______, and field tests are performed using ______ or
7. When a 3440 Nuclear Gauge is operated within __________ of a vertical structure the density
and moisture counts will be affected due to gamma photons and neutrons echoing off the walls
of the structure.
a. 24 inches
b. 12 inches
c. 18 inches
d. 6 inches
8. The following is a common error for which test: “Overheating sample during drying process
causing a loss of organic material or partial oxidation of other sample constituents.”
a. One-Point Proctor
b. Speedy Moisture
c. Standard Proctor
d. Field Moisture Content by Drying
9. If you suspect that the nuclear gauge is showing an incorrect moisture reading, step one is:
10. If the moisture content of the Speedy Moisture sample exceeds the limit of the pressure gauge,
a _____________ size sample must be used and the dial reading must be multiplied by _____.
a. Full, Two
b. Half, Two
c. Half, Four
d. Half, Three
11. Questionable moisture readings using the nuclear gauge could be caused by any of the
following, except:
12. The nuclear gauge and TLD’s (Film Badge) shall be stored at least _____feet apart:
a. 10
b. 33
c. 20
d. 100
13. Three ways to limit exposure to radiation are time, distance, and ______.
a. Shielding
b. Coverage
c. Monitoring
d. Safety
Complete a one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
Weight of Mold + Weight of Soil = 9.23 lbs.
Weight of Mold = 5.30 lbs.
Speedy Dial Reading = 16.0
14. Which number below is closest to the Moisture Content for the above sample?
a. 16%
b. 17%
c. 18%
d. 19%
15. What is the Maximum Dry Weight for the above sample?
a. 117.9 pcf
b. 102.4 pcf
c. 99.9 pcf
d. 97.4 pcf
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
Date of Test
L. Compaction (%)
2019v1.0 Chapter 5 | 27
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2019v1.0 Chapter 5 | 28
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction
2019v1.0 Chapter 5 | 29
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 2 (Chapters 5-6) Summary Review
Answer Sheet:
1. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
2. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
3. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
4. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
5. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
6. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
7. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
8. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
9. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
10. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
11. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
12. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
13. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
14. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
15. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 2 (Chapters 5-6) Summary Review
1. If you run a Speedy Moisture test showing 10%, and your weighed and compacted sample (Line
C) is 4.43 lbs, which curve fits for a 1-point proctor?
a. H
b. I Commented [DKS1]: Page 5-33 (4.43 x 30 = 133)
c. J
d. K
a. Moisture Content
b. Optimum Moisture Commented [DKS4]: Page 5-10
c. Max. Dry Density
d. Ohio Curve
a. Moisture Content
b. Optimum Moisture
c. Max. Dry Density Commented [DKS5]: Page 5-10
d. Ohio Curve
6. Target Values are set using _______ or _______, and field tests are performed using ______ or
7. When a 3440 Nuclear Gauge is operated within __________ of a vertical structure the density
and moisture counts will be affected due to gamma photons and neutrons echoing off the walls
of the structure.
8. The following is a common error for which test: “Overheating sample during drying process
causing a loss of organic material or partial oxidation of other sample constituents.”
a. One-Point Proctor
b. Speedy Moisture
c. Standard Proctor
d. Field Moisture Content by Drying Commented [DKS8]: Page 5-24
9. If you suspect that the nuclear gauge is showing an incorrect moisture reading, step one is:
10. If the moisture content of the Speedy Moisture sample exceeds the limit of the pressure gauge,
a _____________ size sample must be used and the dial reading must be multiplied by _____.
a. Full, Two
b. Half, Two Commented [DKS10]: Page 5-16
c. Half, Four
d. Half, Three
11. Questionable moisture readings using the nuclear gauge could be caused by any of the
following, except:
12. The nuclear gauge and TLD’s (Film Badge) stored shall be at least _____feet apart:
13. Three ways to limit exposure to radiation are time, distance, and ______.
Complete a one-point proctor form (Form TL-125A) on soil using the information provided.
Weight of Mold + Weight of Soil = 9.23 lbs.
Weight of Mold = 5.30 lbs.
Speedy Dial Reading = 16.0
14. Which number below is closest to the Moisture Content for the above sample?
a. 16%
b. 17%
c. 18%
d. 19% Commented [DKS14]: Page 5-36
15. What is the Maximum Dry Weight for the above sample?
a. 117.9 pcf
b. 102.4 pcf
c. 99.9 pcf Commented [DKS15]: Page 5-37
d. 97.4 pcf
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
Answer Sheet:
1. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
2. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
3. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
4. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
5. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
6. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
7. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
8. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
9. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
10. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
11. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
12. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
13. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
14. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
15. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☐
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
DD = 112.9
WD = 125.9
M = 13.0 M% = 11.5
a. 109.6
b. 116.4
c. 114.5
d. 112.9
a. 10
b. 16
c. 39
d. 84
a. 5.5
b. 16.4
c. 14.2
d. 4.7
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
a. 97
b. 103
c. 90
d. 95
a. Yes
b. No
a. Control Strip
b. Direct Transmission Test
c. Roller Pattern
d. Test Section
a. 3 pcf
b. 1.5 pcf
c. 1 pcf
d. 8 pcf
9. If a Test Section starts at Sta. 201+25, the first sublot ends at:
a. 2640
b. 206+53
c. 227+65
d. 528
10. If the sublot starts at Sta. 206+53 and the random number is 185, what is the station for the
a. 208+38
b. 206+185
c. 207+85
d. 203+10
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
129.6 129.9
131 130.1
130.7 130.9
130.7 131.2
131.1 129.8
11. If the Roller Pattern peak was 128.6, is the control strip acceptable?
12. Using the readings above, what is the minimum density (pcf) required for each test in the Test
a. 127.9
b. 124.0
c. 95%
d. 98%
13. Using the readings above, what is the minimum density (pcf) required for the average of the
tests in the Test Section?
a. 127.9
b. 124.0
c. 95%
d. 98%
14. What is the next step after completing a successful Control Strip (TL-54)?
15. If test section readings are significantly above or below the target values by more than
________ another control strip (and target density) should be established.
a. 8%
b. 3 pcf
c. 1.5 pcf
d. 8 pcf
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
Answer Sheet:
1. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
2. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
3. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
4. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
5. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
6. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
7. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
8. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
9. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
10. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
11. A ☐ B☐ C☒ D☐
12. A ☐ B☒ C☐ D☐
13. A ☒ B☐ C☐ D☐
14. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
15. A ☐ B☐ C☐ D☒
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
Complete the embankment density test (Form TL-124) using the calculation sheet and information
provided below.
DD = 112.9
WD = 125.9
M = 13.0 M% = 11.5
a. 10
b. 16 Commented [DKS2]: Page 7-4 to 7-18
c. 39
d. 84
a. 5.5
b. 16.4
c. 14.2 Commented [DKS4]: Page 7-4 to 7-18
d. 4.7
VDOT Soils and Aggregate
Day 3 (Chapters 7-8) Summary Review
a. Control Strip
b. Direct Transmission Test
c. Roller Pattern Commented [DKS7]: Page 8-2
d. Test Section
a. 3 pcf
b. 1.5 pcf Commented [DKS8]: Page 8-8
c. 1 pcf
d. 8 pcf
9. If a Test Section starts at Sta. 201+25, the first sublot ends at:
a. 2640
b. 206+53 Commented [DKS9]: Page 8-24
c. 227+65
d. 528
10. If the sublot starts at Sta. 206+53 and the random number is 185, what is the station for the
129.6 129.9
131 130.1
130.7 130.9
130.7 131.2
131.1 129.8
11. If the Roller Pattern peak was 128.6, is the control strip acceptable?
12. Using the readings above, what is the minimum density (pcf) required for each test in the Test
a. 127.9
b. 124.0 Commented [DKS12]: .95 x 130.5
c. 95%
d. 98%
13. Using the readings above, what is the minimum density (pcf) required for the average of the
tests in the Test Section?
14. What is the next step after completing a successful Control Strip (TL-54)?
15. If test section readings are significantly above or below the target values by more than
________ another control strip (and target density) should be established.
a. 8%
b. 3 pcf
c. 1.5 pcf
d. 8 pcf Commented [DKS15]: Page 8-18