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Handa's Surprised LP Peer

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Appendix 5:

Lesson Plan Template

Video link lesson : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GyRgfy9E7EPkzoH7lyiGAWF8W8gCg7Rm

LESSON PLAN Subject: literacy

Trainee: Ohoud Topic or Theme: I am an eco-warrior

Class: kg2f Date & Duration: 17-3-2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

Time management

Students achievement

Students self-assessment

Lesson Focus

Reading a story ‘Handa’s surprised

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

GR KDIs: reading D26, concept about prints D27, Book knowledge D8

KDIs: gross- motor skills C16, fine motor skills C17 shapes E38

Links to Prior Learning

Reading not a box story

Reading water princess story

21st Century Skills




Key vocabulary

Animal name

Fruit names
Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Students faced some difficulties to do their own activity Teacher will choose one from the high students to help them.

Resources/equipment needed

1- Handa’s surprised Story

2- I am an artist: colour paper, scissors, glue, picture of some fruits and water colour with brush
3- Kenyan safari: woods, some picture of animal’s house
4- I am a genius: animals, picture of animal’s skin
5- Green words: some green words and pictures represent the green words and rock with letters
6- Retell the story: pictures of the story
7- Counting fruits: fruits, numbers and ten frames

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Teacher will read for the students Handa’s surprised
Student will read the title of the story story
Students will answer the teacher question: First, she will ask them who can read for me the title of
High students: why you think Handa will be the story.
surprised? Teacher will choose one students to read the title of the
mid students: count how many fruit Handa took story.
for her Akeyo friend The teacher will start to the story
low students: what is Handa’s name letter begin While she read the story, she will ask a levelled question
with? High students: why you think Handa will be surprised?
mid students: count how many fruit Handa took for her
Akeyo friend
low students: what is Handa’s name letter begin with?
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Student will do their work in each group we will Title: I am an artist

have 4 students with different leveled, and they
will have different materials such as: LQ: What fruit is your favourite from the book
‘Handa’s Surprise’?
1- I am an artist: colour paper, scissors,
glue, picture of some fruits and water Children will use art materials to make their favourite
colour with brush
2- Kenyan safari: woods, some picture of Sample Levelled Questions:
animal’s house
3- I am a genius: animals, picture of 1. What is your favourite fruit?
animal’s skin 2. What colours are you going to use to make your
4- Green words: some green words and
3. What details do you need to add to your fruit?
pictures represent the green words and 4. What words can you use to describe your fruit?
rock with letters KDI: Art F40, Appreciating Art F44
5- Retell the story: pictures of the story Title: Kenyan Safari
6- Counting fruits: fruits, numbers and
ten frames LQ: How can you manipulate the wooden blocks to
make the animals? What shapes did you use?

1. Plan which animal they will make.

2. Make it using wood blocks
3. Choose another animal and repeat
Sample Levelled Questions:

1. What is your favourite animal?

2. What wooden blocks are you going to use to make
your animal?
3. How can you make your favourite animal?
4. What shapes did you use to make your animal?
KDI: Gross-motor skills C16 Fine-motor skills C17
Shapes E38

Title: I am a genius!

LQ: What can you observe? How can you sort animals
by attributes (plain, strips, spots)?

1. Sort the animals into different groups

2. Match animals with their skins
3. Match animals with beginning sounds
Next Steps: To draw their observations.

Sample Levelled Questions:

1. What can you see?

2. Which animals have strips/spots?
3. Which animals have nothing?
4. How can you sort the animals in different groups?
KDI: Observing G45, Classifying G46

Title: Green Words

LQ: What letters can you identify? How can you

combine letters to make green words?

What will students do?

Children will find letter stones and combine them to

make green words

Next Steps: Write green words using water color and

paint brush.

Sample Levelled Questions:

1. What letters can you find? What sound does the

letter make?
2. How can these letters help you to make green
3. What green words can you build and read?
KDI: Phonological Awareness D24 Alphabetic
knowledge D25

Title: retell the story

LQ: what events do you remember from Handa’s
surprised story?

What will students do?

Children will use some picture to retell the story

Next Steps: draw their own pictures

Sample Levelled Questions:

1- Why you think this is the first step?

2- How many fruits did Handa take for her
friend Akeyo?

Title: sorting fruits

LQ: how many fruits your container? How can you use
the ten frames to count the fruits?
What will students do?

Students will have a fruit and they will sort it in their

containers and count it by using the ten frames

Sample Levelled Questions:

1- How many fruits you have?

2- How can you solve simple addition problems?
3- How many ways you can make a ten by using
the ten frames and fruits?
KDIs: counting E32

Each group of the students they will have self-

assessment paper

Differentiation activities (Support)

Students cannot retell the story by their own

Teacher will give them a story print to help them to retell the story

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Student cannot make green words.

One students from the same group will help them to do the green words.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

Students will share with the teacher and classmate
what he\she did Teacher will choose from each group a student to share
with use what he did during activity time.

Analysis: I taught the students a literacy lesson, first of all I read for the students a Handa’s surprised story, I ask them levelled questions such as:
High students: why you think Handa will be surprised? ‘them who can read for me the title of the story’
mid students: count how many fruit Handa took for her Akeyo friend
low students: what is Handa’s name letter begin with? Evaluation: in next time I will show them the cover page and ask them what this? They will tell me this is the cover page, in
the part of questions I will try asking the students more question and also, I will let the students to ask others a question, this build a good relationships between the students
Analysis I did six areas for the students for each area are differentiation

Title: I am an artist LQ: What fruit is your favourite from the book ‘Handa’s Surprise’?, Children will use art materials to make their favourite fruit. Sample Levelled Questions:

1- What is your favourite fruit?

2- What colours are you going to use to make your fruit?
3- What details do you need to add to your fruit?
4- What words can you use to describe your fruit?
Title: I am an artist, LQ: What fruit is your favourite from the book ‘Handa’s Surprise’?, Children will use art materials to make their favourite fruit. Sample Levelled

5. What is your favourite fruit?

6. What colours are you going to use to make your fruit?
7. What details do you need to add to your fruit?
8. What words can you use to describe your fruit?

Title: Green Words, LQ: What letters can you identify? How can you combine letters to make green words? Children will find letter stones and combine them to make
green words Next Steps: Write green words using water color and paint brush. Sample Levelled Questions:

4. What letters can you find? What sound does the letter make?
5. How can these letters help you to make green words?
What green words can you build and read?
Title: retell the story, LQ: what events do you remember from Handa’s surprised story? Children will use some picture to retell the story Next Steps: draw their own
Sample Levelled Questions:

1- Why you think this is the first step?

2- How many fruits did Handa take for her friend Akeyo?

Title: retell the story, LQ: what events do you remember from Handa’s surprised story?
What will students do?, Children will use some picture to retell the story Next Steps: draw their own pictures

Sample Levelled Questions:

1- Why you think this is the first step?

2- How many fruits did Handa take for her friend Akeyo?
Title: sorting fruits, LQ: how many fruits your container? How can you use the ten frames to count the fruits? Students will have a fruit and they will sort it in their
containers and count it by using the ten frames
Sample Levelled Questions:

1- How many fruits you have?

2- How can you solve simple addition problems?
3- How many ways you can make a ten by using the ten frames and fruits?

Each group of the students they will have self-assessment paper, I sit only with the focus group ‘retell the story’ because it was hard for them to do it by them self-
Evaluation: in next time, I will put a different level of the students in each group to help each other’s, this way they will learn from each other’s, also they will
build a good relationship between them. The students enjoyed the activities they learn different things, such as numbers counting animals name and animal’s
skins, but for the retell story next time I will but for the students the story to make it easy for them because they didn’t remember all the story so I will put for
them the story printed out, so they can remember of the story, then I will give them to write and draw the story from their mind in their own way they able to
chance the events and the story name but it has to be the simpler from the real story, for the art activity the students draw their favourite fruit they colour it, but
in next time I will add to this activity to let the students to make the fruit by coloured cotton and they will stick it in the fruit that they draw it For the formative
assessment, I choose from each group a student to share with use what he did during activity time. The students able to talk and share with us what they did, in
next time I will let each child to bring what they do to show the others, because most of them they didn’t bring their staff. What I feel? I feel happy and proud
because the students reach the outcomes and I reach one of my goals ‘time management’, but m next step is work more on student’s management and use positive
MCT/MST Lesson Formative Observation Template
The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to
observe, formally, the trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based each teaching

MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Course Code CRN
Student Name Ohoud Student HCT ID
Placement School AlJanaen Date of Assessment
MCT Name Dr.Aisha Alshamsi MST Name

on the selected teaching competencies.

Professional Dispositions


Ohoud's professional behaviour was very good, she treated the students in a decent and polite manner, as
she was in control of her movements and words with them.

Resolute behaves with students tactfully, calm and respectful.

Firm with the students and make them pay attention to the story.

Areas for improvement:

None, she has the ability to control her dispositions with students.

Planning for Teaching & Learning


Ohoud planned the lesson well and excellently. She prepared all the required tools and was ready to present
the lesson well.

Managing Teaching & Learning


She was able to manage the students well, so she prepared the lesson well and was able to manage the
lesson, so the students responded to her, paid attention to her, and understood the lesson.

Implementing Learning

Ohoud carried out the lesson in an excellent manner, and at the end of the lesson the students understood
the lesson well and clearly.

Assessing Learning


Teaching was assessed by having students choose how well they understood the lesson and students
choosing the color you selected for how well they understood it.

Areas for improvement:



Ohoud enjoyed high confidence as she explained the lesson to the students. Ohoud read the story to the
students and made them work on several activities related to the letters and the students understood the
lesson that Ohoud wanted to deliver to them. Ohoud was able to manage students and control them.

Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

Ohoud had clear goals for the lesson, so she prepared all the necessary tools from the story and the tools for
the activities.

MCT/MST Signature:
Date: 23 March 2022

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