English 5 Q2 Week 2

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Quarter 2 – Week 2
Module in Identifying Point of View


Identify point of view EN5LC-IIIg-3.7

Welcome to our English Module. While you are in the comfort of your home, you will have
enough time to read and learn.

The extent of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the different vocabulary levels of students.
In using this module, there are reminders you have to follow:

1. Use the module with care;

2. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task;
3. Do not leave any unanswered/ incomplete activity;
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks;
5. Do not hesitate to ask your parents/guardians or your teacher if you encounter
any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module; and
6. Return this module to your teacher on the day of submission.

Enjoy learning and good luck!

This module will help you identify the point of view used in a given text.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the point of view in a given text;

2. compose a meaningful paragraph using appropriate point of view

Directions: Read each statement and identify what type of point of
view is used. Write the letters of the correct answers.

1. I believe that education is the key to success.

a.) First-Person b.) Second-Person c.) Third-Person
2. School is one of the places where children can learn.
a.) First-Person b.) Second-Person c.) Third-Person
3. You believe that one should follow the rules in order to achieve peace.
a.) First-Person b.) Second-Person c.) Third-Person
4. We think that the pandemic is about to end.
a.) First-Person b.) Second-Person c.) Third-Person
5. They have initiated a donation drive for the students in need of gadgets.
a.) First-Person b.) Second-Person c.) Third-Person

Before you continue with our new lesson, let us have a short review about the
previous lesson.

A. Directions: Choose and write the appropriate the modal from the parentheses to
complete each sentence.
1. One (should, may) follow the rules in order to achieve peace. (obligation)
2. They (must, could) be law-abiding citizens in these trying times. (certainty)
3. During General Community Quarantine, only those 18 to 65 years old (will, may)
go out if they have quarantine passes. (permission)

Directions: Read carefully the story at the next page. Answer the questions that

Mother was sweeping the yard when her daughter arrived almost
“ You know Mother ,” Maria said “ we will not go far anymore to buy things
There is store being built near our place .”
“ Where ?” asked Mother
“ Just three houses from ours . “ Digna another daughter explained “It is
located on the vacant lot which was formerly a dumping ground .”
“ Is Aling Petra the owner of the store ?” asked Mother again
“Yes Mother ,” said Maria,” She owns the store , isn’t it nice Mother ?” We
will have a store near our place and we can buy things much cheaper than those
at Chinese stores
1. Which is a good ending for this selection ?
a. Mother bought from Aling Petra’s store
b. Mother bought from a Chinese store nearby
c. Mother did not buy from any store
2. Why do you
Comprehebnsion think
check will
up: the store
{ Write yourbeanswer
of great
the to the pe
space provided)
a. It has many things to sell
1. Which is a good ending for this selection ?
b. Things are much cheaper there
c. Things are much expensive there
3. What is likely to happen if we buy from Filipino stores ?
2. Why do you think will the store be of great help to
a. Nothing good will happen
the people ?
b. Filipino store owners will progress
c. Chinese stores owners will progress
3. What is likely to happen if we buy from Filipino
stores ?
4.If you were the character, would you do the same? How and why?
Now that you have answered all the questions, you are now ready to study the new

Read the statements in Table A. Study how they are presented

Table A
Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Narrator 3
I earned 1,000 pesos every You earned 1,000 pesos He earned 1,000 pesos
week from garbage picking every week from garbage every week from garbage
to support my family. But picking to support your picking to support his
during the lockdown I can’t family. But during the family. But during the
sell any of the products I lockdown you can’t sell any lockdown he can’t sell any
had. of the products you had. of the products he had.

Narrator 1 uses the 1st person pronouns I and my. The narrator is telling about himself.
Narrator 2 uses the 2nd person pronouns you and your. The narrator is talking to the

Narrator 3 uses the 3rd person pronouns he and his. The narrator is talking about the
characters in a story.

Point of View refers to the author’s choice of narrating the story. Table B helps you
understand better the three types of point of view.

Table B
First Person Point of Second Person Third Person Point
View (POV) Point of View (POV) of View (POV)
Uses pronouns I, my, me, Uses pronouns you, your, Uses pronouns he, him,
mine, myself, we, our, yours, yourself, and his, himself, she, her, hers,
ourselves, and us. yourselves. herself, it, its, itself, they,
them, their, theirs, and

The narrator speaks about The narrator speaks directly The narrator watches the
himself or herself. to the reader. story.

The narrator is usually the He speaks about other

main character. Rarely used characters

Most stories use this point

of view

If you go back to Table A, Narrator 1 is in the 1st Person Point of View, Narrator 2
is in the 2nd Person Point of View, and Narrator 3 is in the 3rd Person Point of View.

Activity 1: Lets have Sorting!

Directions: Look at the personal pronouns below. Sort them according to
their group. Write them inside the appropriate box.

1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person

he him you I she me your his himself her

hers my yours herself it our mine yourself its itself

myself they them yourselves their theirs themselves


Activity 1: Organizing your Thoughts!

Directions: Read the excerpts from the literary works below. Identify the point of view used by
the author. Write your answers on the spaces provided for.

1. “Fern loved Wilbur more than anything. She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to
bed. Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held
the bottle for him.”
from Charlotte’s Web
by E.B. White
Answer: ________________________________________

2. “We went tiptoeing along a path amongst the trees back towards the end of the widow’s
garden, stooping down so as the branches wouldn’t scrape our heads.”
from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
Answer: ________________________________________

3. “Perhaps you started leafing through the book already in the shop. Or were you unable to,
because it was wrapped in its cocoon or cellophane.”
from If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler
by Italo Calvino
Answer: ________________________________________

Point of View is the style of narration that an author uses to let the readers “hear” and
“see” in a story, poem, or essay.

Point of View has three major types namely: First person point of view (POV1), Second
person point of view (POV2), and the Third person point of view (POV3).

1. First person point of view (POV1) uses the pronouns “I” or “we” to express
personal perspective in a situation.
I believe that discipline is the key to success. We should cooperate
with our authorities if we want to avoid or control the spread of the
virus in our community.

2. Second person Point of View (POV2) uses the pronoun “You” or “Your”–
the narrator talks to his reader and makes him part of the story. Communicating
with the reader builds a level of interaction that can strengthen a bond in the
story. There is also a strong sense of empathy in the reader as being part of the
On the other hand, this is also the most limiting point of view, many
writers find it difficult because of its limitations. Second person pronouns “you,”
“your,” “yours,” “yourself,” or “yourselves” are used in this type of point of view.
This point of view commonly used in directions, technical writing, speeches,
and advertisements.
You believe that discipline is the key to success. You should
cooperate with our authorities if you want to avoid or control the
spread of the virus in your community.

3. Third person Point of View (POV3) uses the pronoun “he, him, himself,
she, hers, hers, herself, it. Its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves.
This point of view commonly used in stories and for speaking about other
They believe that discipline is the key to success. They should
cooperate with our authorities if they want to avoid or control the
spread of the virus in your community.
Directions: Read each statement and identify what type of point of view is
used. Encircle the letters of the correct answers.
1. I’m sad for the loss of my fellow countrymen who died because of Corona Virus.
a) First-Person b.) Second-Person c.) Third-Person
2. We cannot control the spread of Corona Virus if we will not obey the law.
a) First-Person b) Second-Person c) Third-Person

3. You must obey your parents if you do not want anything bad will happen to you.
a) First-Person b) Second-Person c) Third-Person
4. “He goes often outside. Now, he’s one of the Covid-19 patient in our place.”
a) First-Person b) Second-Person c) Third-Person
5. They strictly enforce Enhance Community Quarantine in our place.
a) First-Person b) Second-Person c) Third-Person

Tell your Story!

Directions: Look at the picture below. Write how the military front liners help the government
during the pandemic. Don’t forget to use the appropriate point of view.

Photo taken from commons.wikimedia.org


Quarter 2 – Week 2


Module in Identifying Point of View
Identify point of view EN5LC-IIIg-3.7

NAME ______________________________ GRADE & SECTION ________________________

Directions: Read each statement and identify what type of point of

view is used. Write the letters of the correct answers.
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________

A. Directions: Choose and write the appropriate modal from the parentheses to complete
each sentence.
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________

Comprehension check up { Write your answer on the space provided)

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________

Directions: Look at the personal pronouns below. Sort them according to

their group. Write them inside the appropriate box.

1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person

he him you I she me your his himself her

hers my yours herself it our mine yourself its itself

myself they them yourselves their theirs themselves we

Activity 1: Organizing your Thoughts!

Directions: Read the excerpts from the literary works below. Identify the point of view used by
the author. Write your answers on the spaces provided for.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________

Directions: Read each statement and identify what type of point of view is
used. Write the letters of the correct answers.
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________

Tell your Story!

Directions: Look at the picture below. Write how the military front liners help the government
during the pandemic. Don’t forget to use the appropriate point of view.


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