UCE Revision Physics Paper 1 and 2: Student's Book
UCE Revision Physics Paper 1 and 2: Student's Book
UCE Revision Physics Paper 1 and 2: Student's Book
Paper 1 and 2
Student’s Book
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Table of Contents
(b) A good laboratory must have a fire Revision Exercise 1
extinguisher and first aid kit. 1. Explain how physics is important in
List down items that make up a agriculture.
first aid kit.
2. Discuss how physics can be used to boost
• A pair of scissors
economy of a country.
• Bandages
3. State instances where physics relate to
• Adhesive plaster
history and business.
• Sterilised cotton wool and gauze
4. Group the laboratory rules under the
• Dilute antiseptic solution
following headlines.
• Safety pins (a) Electricity.
• Forceps (b) Heat.
• Gloves. (c) General rules.
5. What will be the first step to do when you
smell unusual gas in the labarotory?
2 Forces
2.1 : Meaning and effects of a force 2.2 : Realtionship between mass and
1.(a)(i) Define the term force and weight
state its SI unit. 2.(a) Define the following terms:
Is a pull or push on a body. Its SI unit is (i) Mass.
the newton (N). Mass is the amount of matter in a body.
(ii) Briefly explain seven types of a Its SI unit is a kilogram (kg).
force. (ii)Weight.
• Friction. A force that opposes relative
Weight is the gravitational pull on a body.
Its SI unit is the newton (N).
• Gravitational force. Pulls on objects
towards centre of planet e.g. weight. (b) Give any three differences between
• Electric force. Exists in electric fields. mass and weight.
• Magnetic force : Exists in magnetic Mass Weight
fields. • It is the amount • It is a gravitational
• Action and reaction. Are force that of matter in a pull on a body
are equal and opposite e.g. on a body body
resting on a floor. • It is a scalar • It is a vector
• Centripetal. Force that keeps the quantity quantity
body moving in a circle.
• Elastic force. The force needed to • Measured using • Measured using
cause an extension in an elastic object beam balance spring balance
( i.e. stretching or compressing • Measured in • Measured in
spring ). kilograms (kg) Newtons (N)
• Adhesion. Force of attraction • It is constant • It changes from
between molecules of a liquid and its everywhere one place to place on
container. the earth’s surface
• Cohesion. force of attraction as well as from one
between molecules of the same planet to another.
material, to mention but a few. Table 1.1 : Differences between mass and weight
(iii) Explain briefly three effects of a (c) Detertmine the weight of the
force. following masses.
• A force can change the state of (i) 2 kg.
motion of a body. Force can start, W = mg , g = 10 ms–2
increase, reduce and stop motion.
• Force changes the direction of
= 2 × 10
motion of a body. = 20 N
• Force can change the shape of a body (ii)26 500.25 g.
i.e. distort, bend, stretch and Since 1 Kg ⇒ 1000 g
compress a spring. ⇒ 26500.25 g
• A force can produce a turning effect
on a body. 1000 × 100
• Force can cause noise and heat. W = mg
• A force can cause wear and tear. =
× 10
= 265.0025 N
(iii) 0.0731 kg.
0.0731 kg = kg
W = mg, g = 10 ms–2
= × 10
= 0.731 N
= 7.31 x 10–1 N
(iv) 430 mg.
430 mg
1 g = 1 000 mg
) g ÷ 1000 Fig. 2.2 : A spring balance
430 (b) Acceleration due to gravity on planet
1000000 Y is a fifth that of the earths.
W = mg Calculate the weight of a 60 kg girl on
430 the planet y (acceleration due to
= × 10 = 4.3 N
gravity g on earth = 10 N/kg)
w = mg
3.(a) Briefly describe how mass and weight 1
of a body is measured. = 60 × 5 × 10
Mass of a body is the quantity (amount) = 120 N
of matter in the body. The mass of a body 4.(a) Distinguish with examples between
is measured by balancing it against a scalar and vector quantities.
known mass. Scalar quantities are quantities with
only magnitude (size) e.g. Density, area,
mass, time, pressure, work, energy,
# volume, distance and speed.
A vector quantity is that with both
E E magnitude (value) and direction e.g.
momentum, force, impulse, acceleration
Fig.2.1 : Lever balance and velocity.
The mass of a body A can be known if that (b) Determine the resultant force on the
of B is known.Note that d1 = d2. following.
(Principle of movements). (i) 2 N 3N
The instruments that uses this principle
are scalepan, Tripple balance and lever 2 N + 3 N = 5 N
Weight of the body is measured directly
using a spring balance. It uses the (ii) 4 N 1N
principle that extension of loaded spring
is proportional to the load. 4 N – 1N =3N
The scale on this type of balance has to be
calibrated by attaching known masses or
applying a known force on a beam balance. (iii) 4 N 1N
–7 N + (4 + 1) = –2 N
(c) (i) Two forces of 3 N and 4 N act at (ii) State and explain two types of
right angle at the same point on friction.
an object in Fig 2.3. Static friction (limiting). Is the
4N resistance to motion between two
surfaces when motion is just about to
3N Dynamic (Kinetic) friction. Is the
R resistance to motion by a surface when
the body is already in motion.
Fig 2.3 (a) resolution of forces (b)(i) Give at least four advantages of
Find by calculation the resultant frictional force.
force which is equal in magnitude • Helps in writing,
and direction to the two forces. • Helps in walking,
4N • Helps in grinding, eating,
climbing, stopping and making of fire.
(ii) Give atleast four disadvantages
of frictional force in our everyday
R lives.
• Causes unnecessary heat.
Fig 2.3 (c) resolution of forces • Causes unnecessary noise.
R = 32 + 42
2 • Causes wear and tear.
• Slow down moving bodies.
= 9 + 16
• Reduces efficiency of a machine.
= 25
(c) State ways of:
R = √ 25 = 5 N in the direction
indicated (i) increasing friction.
(ii)If two forces of 5 N and 12 N act • Making the surface rough.
on a body of mass 2 kg at right • Increasing the weight (normal
angle to each other, find the reaction).
resultant on the body. • Threading as in tyres, in shoe soles.
(ii) minimizing friction.
R • Lubrication. Introducing a thin layer
of oil between the sliding surfaces.
• Use of ball bearings or rollers.
2 Kg 12N
Friction is less in rolling surfaces than
Fig 2.3 (c) resolution of forces on sliding surfaces.
R2 = 52 + 122 • Greasing as in lubrication.
= 25 + 144 • Smothening the surface. This reduces
the effect of friction.
= 169
6.(a) State laws of friction.
R = √ 169 = 13 N
• Friction depend on the nature of
surface and materials in contact.
2.3 : Frictional force
• Friction is acting parallel to surface and
5.(a) (i) Define friction as used in forces. opposite to the direction of motion
Friction is a force that opposes caused by force.
relative motion of any two surfaces in Normal reaction
contact. Motion force
Friction (F)
Fig 2.4 : Forces on moving block
• Friction is proportional to the pressing R
force (normal reaction) i.e. F =µR. block of wood
• Friction is independent of the speed.
(b) An object of mass 0.5 kg rests on a Pulley
horizontal surface and a force of 4.0 N
is required to make it move. Table
(i) Sketch a diagram showing all the W = mg
forces acting on this body .
R Normal reaction Weights in a
Pull (4.0N)
Fig 2.6 : Determining the coefficient of
Frictional static friction
force (F) 0.5 g (W = mg) • A block of wood of known mass is
Weight connected to a pan using a string which
Fig 2.5 : Forces acting on moving object passes over a pulley. Known weights
(ii)Calculate the coefficient of static (mass) are added unto the pan until
friction. the wood just begins to move. (The
From F = µR masses or weights including that of the
pan, F is recorded).
but R = mg = 0.5 × 10
The value of F is the static friction
=5N acting on the wooden block.
= 4.0
µ= From µ = Frictional Force
R 5.0 Normal reaction
= 0.8
(c) A block of mass 250 kg is pulled µ = where R is the normal
on a lavelled ground. The coefficient reaction (R = mg).
of sliding friction between the block Hence, the coefficient µ, of static
and the ground is 0.4. If the block has friction can be determined.
a uniform acceleration. Determine the
force pulling it?
R = mg 2.4 : Fluid flow
= 250 × 10 = 2 500 N 7.(a) Define the term a fluid.
From F = µR A fluid is any substance that flows
freely e.g. gases and liquids.
µ= F
R (b) Explain the meaning of the following
0.4 = F
terms :
F = 1 000 N (i) Viscosity.
(d) Describe an experiment, you would Viscosity is the resistance offered by
use to determine the coefficient of fluid to oppose the motion of a body in
static friction. fluids.
• Static friction exists upto a point when (ii) Streamline flow.
motion just starts. So its value can be Streamline flow is the type of fluid flow
determined by adding known weights where fluid layers are equidistant from
to a pan shown as in the Fig 2.6. each other and the layers move with
the same velocity in the same direction.
(iii) Turbulent flow.
Turbulent flow is the type of fluid flow,
where fluid layers move with different
velocity in different directions.
(c) List down applications of streamline
flow. Velocity
• Helps in Lift on an aerofoil (aeroplane). (ms–1)
• Modern cars are made narrow in the Vo
front to cut through air easily. Vo is the terminal velocity.
• Motion of birds in air depends on
streamline flow.
8.(a) Explain the meaning of fluid friction?
Fluid friction is the resistance to the Time t (s)
motion of a body passing through a fluid.
At times called viscous drug. The more Fig 2.8 : A graph of velocity against of a body
viscous a fluid is e.g. glycerine, the greater in a fluid
the fluid friction.
(b) State factors that affect viscosity. Revision Exercise 2
• Temperature. 1. Calculate:
• Nature of the fluid (medium in which
the body is moving). (a) the weight of:
• Weight of the body. (i) 2 kg of water,
(c) Describe the motion of a ball bearing (ii) 400 g of onion.
when dropped in a transparent jar (b) the tension developed in a string
filled with glycerine. supporting a mass of 120 g.
F is Viscosity 2. Give an explanation to the following:
6 ' U is Upthrust (a) A steel cable of about 3 cm diameter is
#BMM W is Weight able to lift a heavy load like a lorry or a
(b) Antiseptics used for cuts and other
(MZDFSJOF wounds have a low surface tension.
Fig 2.7 : Motion of body in fluid (c) A gardener is advised to loosen the soil
A ball bearing is dropped into a glass jar for healthy growth of the plants.
containing glycerine (clear viscous liquid) 3. A small ball bearing is allowed to fall freely
and its motion observed. through a liquid of high viscosity. The ball
The ball bearing at first accelerate and bearing accelerates for 0.2 s and acquires
attains a constant maximum velocity. The ‘terminal velocity’ after 1.0 s.
ball accelerates because the weight is
(a) Define the term ‘terminal velocity’.
greater than the upthrust (U) and the
fluid friction (F). (b) Explain, in terms of the various forces
Since viscosity increases with motion, acting, how the ball bearing acquires
there reaches a time when the weight terminal velocity.
equals the sum of the upward force., i.e. (c) Sketch a graph of velocity (y-axis) against
W = U + F. time and label the axes.
At this point, a constant maximum 4. (a) Distinguish between a streamline flow
velocity called terminal velocity is and a turbulent flow.
reached, i.e. there is no acceleration. (b) Explain why cars are made narrow at the
(d) Explain the term terminal velocity front.
using a graph.
Terminal velocity is the constant
maximum velocity which a body attains
in a fluid when the resultant force on it
is zero.
i.e. Weight = Viscosity + upthrust
W =F+U
5. Explain the following statements: (d) a spinning ball curves during its flight.
(a) an air flow over the wings of an aircraft (e) it is difficult to push a table tennis
causes a lift. ball completely out of the funnel, held
(b) flags flutter in a breeze. upright, by blowing air from underneath
(c) it is dangerous to stand near the edge of through `the narrow end of the funnel.
a platform in a railway station, when a (f) in a strong wind, the thatched roof of a
train passes without stopping. hut can be completely lifted off although
the walls are not appreciably damaged.
3 Moment of a force
2.(i) Explain why the handle of car door is 4.(a) A uniform beam of mass 8 kg and
placed away from the hinges length 5 m is balanced at point 2 m
A force is applied at a greater possible as shown in the Fig. 3.4. (Take
distance from the hinges (pivot or g = 10 N/kg)
fulcrum). This gives the maximum
moment and a force applied to open the Stone
will be reduced.
mass = 40 kg
(ii) If the handle is 80 cm from the hinges
and a force of 65 N is applied to open
the door. Calculate the moment of a 0.6 m 1.4 m 2.8 m
Moment of force = Force × distance Fig. 3.4: Beam balance
= 65 × 0.8 If the system is in equilibrium,
= 52 Nm. determine the weight of the stone.
(iii) State and explain the best direction Sum of clockwise = Sum of anticlockwise
for the force when the door is being moments moments
opened. (8 × 10 × 0.5)
At right angle to the plane of the door. + (MS × 10 × 2.8) = (40 × 10 × 1.4),
Moment is the product of perpendicular where MS is mass of stone.
distance and force. 40 + 28 MS = 560
In order for moment to be maximum, 28 MS = 520
force should be applied at a right angle to 28 28
MS = 18.57 kg
the plane of the door.
Weight of the stone = mass × acceleration
(iv) State two applications of the
due to
principle of moments.
Principle of moments is applied in:
= 18.57 × 10
• weighing scales in balances.
= 185.7 N
• sea saw.
(b) Figure 3.5 shows a system in
• suspension bridges.
equilibrium where T and S are bar
• door handle. magnets. (Hint: Unlike poles attracts,
3.(a) Give any effect of both moment and while like poles repel).
couple of a force.
Causes turning effect on a body about a T
String N
fixed point called a pivot. Bar
(b) Give any three applications of 15 m 25 m N magnets
moments or couple of a force.
• Opening or closing of doors.
A mass
• Closing a lid of a container, e.g. of 200 kg
Geometrical instrument box.
• A pair of scissors or garden shears in Fig. 3.5: System in equilibrium
use. Determine the magnetic force
• Children playing on a seesaw. between the bar magnets.
• A wheelbarrow being used to lift some Sum of clockwise = Sum of anticlockwise
load. moments moments
• A beam balance being used to find the F × 25 = 15 × 200 × 10
mass of an object. F = 1 200 N
• A screwdriver being used to tighten and ∴ The magnetic force between the bar
loosen a screw. magnets is 1 200 N.
5. A uniform pole PQ of length 2 m and (ii)Describe an experiment to
mass 6 kg carries a load of 4 kg as shown determine the centre of gravity
in Fig 3.6 (a), and is resting on a of an irregular object e.g. a
horizontal surface. lamina.
3 '
1 2
by moving back to original position, is released, it falls down moving further
lowering the centre of gravity. away from its original position i.e. it
Example of stable equilibrium is a book does not return to its original position.
resting on its largest surface area. • Ball R is in a stable equilibrium. When
(ii) Unstable equilibrium. the ball is slightly displaced and then
released, it moves back to its original
Unstable equilibrium is the state of a position.
body where when it is slightly displaced
(tilted), it moves further away from its (b) The Fig 3.9 shows an old type of a bus
original position when it is released. carrying a lot of luggage on top.
This is because tilting it lowers the
Very Heavy
centre of gravity and by moving
further, it is lowering the centre of
gravity and becoming more stable in a
new position.
An example is a bottle standing upside
(iii) Neutral equilibrium.
Neutral equilibrium is the state of a
body where when it is slightly displaced
(tilted), it just stays in the new position
when it is released. Tilting it does not
affect the height of the centre of
Fig. 3.9 : An overloaded bus
gravity and stability remains the same.
An example is a ball on a horizontal (i) Which state of equilibrium is
plane (surface). the bus in?
8.(a) Fig. 3.8 shows pool balls P, Q and R. P An unstable equilibrium.
is placed on a flat surface, while Q and (ii)Explain two factors that
R are placed on and inside a dish, determine the stability of this bus.
respectively. The area of its base. The wider the base,
2 the more stable the bus is.
Height of the centre of gravity. The
height of centre of gravity is
determined by the quantity of objects
on its rack. If there is more luggage on
its rack, the bus is less stable because
the centre of gravity is raised.
3 (c) Explain why a half-filled jerry can of
water is more stable than an empty
jerry can of same dimensions and
Fig. 3.8: Types of equilibrium material, when standing upright.
Name and explain the state of
equilibrium in each of the cases in
Fig 3.8.
• The state of equilibrium of P is neutral.
When the ball is slightly displaced and Centre of
then released, it stays in the new Water
position. This is because the height of
(a) (b)
the centre of gravity does not change,
therefore stability does not change. Fig. 3.10 (a) Empty jerrican
• Ball Q is in unstable equilibrium. When (b) Half filled jerrican
it is slightly displaced and then
When the jerry can is empty its centre of 4. A uniform metre rule is balanced
gravity is near the mid-point of the jerry horizontally at its centre. When a mass of
can. When the jerry can is half-filled with 5 g is suspended at the 4 cm mark, the rule
water the centre of gravity is lowered due balances horizontally if a mass M is
to the weight of water in lower half. suspended at the 60 cm mark. Calculate M.
This makes the half-filled jerry can more 5. In Figure 3.12, calculate the value of the
stable than the empty one. unknown mass M, when the uniform plank is
9.(a) State the measures taken to increase balanced horizontally.
stability of a double-decker bus. M 10 kg 20 kg
0 10 m
(i) during its construction
1m 4m 8m
• The engine and chassis of the bus are pivot
placed as low as possible. Fig. 3.12
• The upper deck and seats are made of 6. Figure 3.13 shows a uniform meter rule of
light material. mass 100 g that is balanced over a pivot
• The bus is constructed with a wide base using a spring and a force of 3 N. Calculate
area. the tension in the spring.
• Luggage compartments are placed 0 cm 30 cm 60 cm 100 cm
10. A long heavy uniform plank AB of length Table 3.1 shows the load w, when the
10 m is pivoted at a point P, 4 m from B. distance x is adjusted to keep the plank
A load is attached at the end A to support horizontal. The value of (1/x) also has been
the weight of a stone of mass 45 kg stands at included.
the end B. The load is adjusted when
it is moved towards the pivot x to keep W (N) 267 320 400 560 640 800
the system in equilibrium (Figure 3.15). x (m) 6.0 5.0 4.0 2.9 2.5 2.0
1 (m–1) 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.35 0.40 0.50 x
x 4m Table 3.1
A X (a) Plot a graph of w (y-axis) against 1/x.
B (b) Determine the gradient of the line.
load W pivot What does the gradient represent?
(c) Use your value of the gradient and the
Fig. 3.15 moment produced by the pupil to
determine the weight of the plank.
particles of a gas are much weaker than In liquids
those between liquid and solid particles.
The density of a gas is very much less
than that of solid and liquid.
Pollen grains
Fig 4.3 : Molecules in gases
(c) Use the kinetic theory of matter to Water
explain melting and evaporation.
When a solid is heated, the strong
intermolecular forces between its particles Fig 4.5 Pollen grains onwater
are weakened, making the particles to Pollen grains are sprinkled on the water
break loose from their positions hence surface contained in a glass and viewed
melting. When a liquid is heated, the weak through a microscope. The pollen
intermolecular forces between its particles grains are observed to be in a constant
are weakened further and the more random motion. This is because the
energetic particles keep escaping from the invisible water molecules in constant
liquid surface, hence evaporation. The random motion continuously collide
liquid cools because less energetic with the pollen grains.
particles are left. (c) Explain factors that affect Brownian
4.(a) Explain the term Brownian motion? motion.
Brownian motion is the demonstration • Temperature. Increase in temperature
that liquid and gas particles are in causes the particles to move faster.
constant random motion. • Size of the particles. Smaller lighter
(b) With a labelled diagram explain particles move faster than the bigger
how you can demonstrate and heavier particles and vice versa.
Brownian motion in gases and • The density of particles. Less dense
liquids. particles moves faster than more dense.
In gases (d) Explain what is observed when a
microscope smoke cell containing smoke is placed
glass cover on ice blocks and viewed by a
glass cell
The smoke particles are observed to move
slowly. This is because temperature is
converging reduced, hence reducing kinetic energy of
smoke the smoke particles.
Fig 4.4 : A Smoke cell
Smoke is trapped in a glass cell and the 4.3 : Surface tension
glass properly shone by light from a
5.(a) Define the term surface tension.
Surface tension is the tendency of a liquid
With the smoke viewed directly surface to behave as if it is a stretched
from above using a microscope the thin elastic skin in a state of tension. This
molecules of air collide with that of is the reason why an insect (pond skater)
smoke producing the constant random is able to walk on a water surface; a needle
motion. can float on water.
(b) (i) Describe an experiment to 4.4 : Diffusion and Osmosis
prove the existence of surface 6.(a) Define the following terms:
tension in liquids. (i) Osmosis.
Place a blotting paper on the surface of Osmosis is the movement of water
the water in a beaker. Place an office molecules from a region of their high
pin on the blotting paper and leave the concentration to a region of their low
set up for sometime. concentration through a
The blotting paper eventually sinks semi-permeable membrane.
leaving the pin floating. (ii)Diffusion.
(ii) State any two factors that affect Diffusion is the movement of
surface tension in liquids. molecules from a region of their high
Temperature. Increase in temperature concentration to a region of their low
of a liquid reduces its surface tension. concentration until they are venly
Impuritties. Addition of detergents spread e.g. a person is able to smell a
(soup) reduces surface tension of a scent of a perfume from a far corner
liquid. diffusion.
(c) (i) State applications of surface Diffusion is the spreading of
tension. particles from region of high
• Some small insects are able to walk on concentration to a region of low
the water surface. concentration.
• Damp sand feels firmer than dry (b) Describe an experiment to prove
sand because any liquid will try diffusion in :
to form the smallest surface area. (i) Liquids
• Liquids drops from the taps, always A crystal of copper (II) sulphate (blue)
tend to be spherical in shape and is placed at the bottom of a beaker of
appears stretching. water and left undisturbed. After
• Needles and razor blade may float on sometime, water becomes uniformly
the surface of water. blue in colour. Copper (II) sulphate
(ii) Explain why camphor darts on dissolves forming a blue copper (II)
the water surface. sulphate solution which gets evenly
Camphor is a hydrophobic substance distributed by particles spreading by
which does not easily dissolve in water. diffusion.
When a small piece of camphor is (ii)Gases
placed on the water surface, it moves in
an irregular path (darts). This is due
to the camphor dissolving slightly and
reducing on surface tension on its one
side. Water in
The camphor does not dissolve equally manometer
all round the piece and alteration in
surface tension is not balanced. The Air Porous Hydrogen
unequal forces acting around the piece pot
will cause it to move in an irregular Fig 4.6 : Diffusion of gases
path, hence darting. A porous pot containing air is
Small light boats or ducks can be made connected to a water manometer.
to sail by attaching small pieces of Hydrogen is let in the space
camphor on them. surrounding the pot. Hydrogen is less
dense than air, it will diffuse through
the porous pot into the area where
there is air. Pressure will be greater in
this area, hence forcing water level in
the left arm of the manometer to fall,
while that in the right arm to rise.
(c) State and explain factors affecting 4.5 : Cohesive and adhesive forces.
rate of diffusion.
8.(a) Define the following terms:
• Temperature. The higher the
temperature the higher the rate of (i) Cohesive force.
diffusion. Cohesive force is the force of attraction
• Density. The lower the density the between molecules of the same
higher the rate of diffusion. substance e.g. force between water
• Size of molecules. The smaller the molecules themselves.
particles, the faster the rate of (ii) Adhesive force.
diffusion. Adhesive force is the force of attraction
• Concentration. The rate of diffusion is between molecules of different
high when concentration of a substance substances e.g. force between liquid
is high. molecules and molecules of the
(d) State three applications of diffusion. container.
• The smell of a perfume is able to spread (b) Drops of liquids A and B are put on
through the whole room because of a clean glass surface and appear as
diffusion. This helps in freshening the shown in Fig 4.7 a and b.
room. Liquid A
• Gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) can
be breathed in and out of bodies of
living organisms by simple diffusion.
• Colouring of drinks like soft drinks
(sodas) is possible due to diffusion. (a)
• The harmful effect of pollution is Liquid B
minimized in a lake or ocean by
diffusion. Chemical pollutants move
from a region of high concentration to
a region of low concentration in large
water bodies hence reducing on their
harmful effect. (b)
7. (i) Describe an experiment to show Fig 4.7 : Molecules of liquids
osmosis. (i) What liquids could A and B be?
Make a hole on a piece of freshly cut
potato. Pour concentrated salty water A is water.
into the hole. Leave the set up for B is mercury.
sometime undisturbed. After sometime (ii) Explain why they appear as
the salty water level rises meaning water shown in Fig 4.7.
move from the potato to the hole, hence In A, adhesive force is greater than
osmosis. cohesive force, so the liquid spreads
(ii)Explain why bean seeds poured in a and wets the glass.
sauce pan containing water increase In B, cohesive force is greater than
in size. adhesion, so the liquid forms a
The bean seeds absorb water through spherical droplet and does not wet the
pores on its seed coat. Water molecules at glass.
their high concentration move to the bean
(at their low concentration), due to 4.6 : Capillarity in liquids
9.(a) With the help of diagrams explain
capillarity in water and mercury.
Capillarity is the rise or fall of liquids in
a capillary tube. This is due to the
difference between adhesion and cohesion • Measure the diameter, d of the patch
in the liquid. using a ruler. If the patch forms a
cylindrical film of diameter, d and
in water.
thickness t.
In water, the level rises up the tube and
the meniscus curves downwards because • The area of the film (patch)
cohesion in the water is less than = 4
adhesion. • The volume of the film (acid), V
will be: πd2
Narrow tube Wide tube
V = 4 × t ⇒ t = 4 V2
Hence the size or length or thickness t of a
molecule can be obtained.
Water t
Fig 4.8 : Capillarity in water
in mercury.
In mercury, the liquid level drops down Fig 4.10 : An oil enlarged path
the tube and the meniscus curves upwards
(b) What are the assumptions made in
because cohesion in the mercury is greater
the oil drop experiment.
than adhesion.
• The patch formed is a perfect circle.
• There is no space between the
Narrow tube Wide tube
Patch/ flim
(ii) Estimate the number of molecules Revision Exercise 4
in the given volume. 1. Distinguish between the three states of
Volume of one molecule (sphere), matter with reference to the spacing,
V = 4 πr3 or 4 π( d )3 ordering and movement of the molecules.
3 3 2
r = = 0.5 × 10 m.
2. Explain why the density of a gas is much less
The number of molecules than that of a solid or a liquid.
= Total Volume of film (oil/ Acid)
Volume of one molecule 3. Draw a diagram to show how an air molecule
= 6.37 × 10 Molecules
25 moves in a closed container.
(ii) Compression. • To make the cost of manufacturing
Compression is a force that presses the bicycle cheaper as less material is
particles of a material together. used.
Tension • To economize and save on amount of
raw materials used.
4.(a) Fig 5.3 shows a roof structure.
(ii)Explain how a plunk of wood with a 5.2 : Hook’s Law
crack on one side can be placed to be
7.(a) (i) State Hook’s law.
a single wooden bridge across a
The amount by which a material
extends is directly proportional to the
The plunk of wood should be placed with
force applied to it provided that elastic
the side having the crack facing upwards,
limit is not exceeded.
so that its upper side experiences
compression. The compression on the (ii) Describe an experiment to verify
upper side would improve on the strength Hook’s law.
of the material.
Spring Pointer
Fig 5.5 : Norch effect Metre
6.(a) (i) What is the meaning of the term Stand
Concrete is a mixture of sand, cement,
water and gravel.
(ii)Explain how concrete can be
0 Inch
Concrete is reinforced using
0 cm
Pre-stretched iron bars as in building,
sisal as in asbestos, twist the steel and Fig 5.6 : Verification of Hook’s Law
then with hooks before applying • A spring is hung from a stand with its
concrete. pointer touching the scale of the metre
(iii) State why concrete is a good rule as shown in Fig 5.6.
building material? • The initial reading on the pointer Lo is
• It is cheap to make. noted while no mass hanging from it.
• It is fire resistant. • Several masses are then added at interval
• It is non-biodegradable i.e. is not of 100 g and in each case, the new
destroyed by termites. position L of the pointer is noted on the
• Resistance to corrosion. metre rule. The result is then tabulated in
• Water resistant, i.e. not easily Table 5.1.
penetrated by water. Initial reading of pointer L0 =
Mass of Object L (cm) Extension
(b) Explain why the lower part of the
M (g) (L – Lo)/cm
second floor of a building is made of
reinforced concrete while the upper 0
part is not reinforced. 100
Because the lower part is under tension 200
forces while the upper part is under Table 5.1
compression force and yet concrete is • A graph of mass against extension
stronger under compression and weak when ploted gives a straight line graph;
under tension so it has to be reinforced i.e. force is directly proportional to
(with steel) to prevent the floor from extension.
breaking (collapsing).
For a Rubber,
• E is the elastic limit and P is the
mass (g) × proportionality point. Unlike in ductile
materials, the proportionality point
× exists before the elastic limit.
× The material (rubber) returns to its
original shape only up to elastic limit ,
× beyond which it does not regain its
original shape.
Extension, (e) (cm) 8.(a) When a boy of mass 50 kg stands at
the end of a spring board, it is
Fig 5.7 : A graph of mass
depressed by 15 cm, what would be
against extension
the depression of the spring board
• From the graph; force is directly
when a man of 80 kg stands at the
proportional to extension, but only up
same end.
to a certain point called elastic limit.
(Hook’s law). 50 kg depresses by 15 cm
(b) Show on a graph of extension against 1 kg depresses 15 cm/kg
force and explain the features of the
graph of a: 80 kg depresses 15 × 80 = 24 cm
(i) a ductile material.
(ii) a glass. (b) A vertical spring is found to be 5 cm
long when unloaded. When loaded
(iii) a rubber
with a load of 20 g, it stretches to
9 cm.
B (i)What length will it be when a mass
Extension (cm)
A C of 50 g hangs from it?
Glass Material
Original length, Lo = 5 cm
New length L = 9 cm
E P Extension e = L – Lo = 9 – 5
= 4 cm
Mass, m = 20 g
Force (N)
20 g ⇒ 4 cm
Fig 5.8 : A graph of extension verses force 4
For the ductile material, 1 g ⇒ ( ) cm/g
• At any point between O an A, if a 4
50 g ⇒ × 80 = 24 cm
deforming force is removed, the 20
material regains its original shape. A is = 10 cm
the elastic limit. ∴ 50 g will extend by 10 cm. The new
• At any point between A and B , i.e. at length will be (10 + 5) = 15 cm.
point B (the yield point), if the (ii) If the length of the spring is
deforming force is removed, the 13 cm, what load does it carry?
material regain its original shape.
With a length of 13 cm, the extension,
• At point C, (the breaking point), if any e.
force is added to the material, it breaks.
e = L – Lo
For a glass,
= 13 – 5
• They break suddenly after the elastic
= 8 cm
limit is reached. They have no elastic.
Example: glass, chalk, brick etc. But 4 cm ⇒ 20 g
8 cm ⇒ 8 × 20 = 40 g
∴ When length is 13 cm, the load is 40 g. 3. Calculate the force required to produce an
5.3 : Application of Hook’s law extension of 6 cm in a spiral spring of spring
constant 50 N/m
9.(a) State one application and limitation
4. A vertical spiral spring of unstretched length
of Hook’s law.
11 cm has a stone attached to its lowerend.
Application When a 100 g mass is added, the new length
• Hook’s law is applied in the calibration is 17 cm. When a 300 g is added again, its
of a spring balance. length is 26 cm. Calculate the mass of the
• Concept of Hook’s law is used in stone.
making of some types of shock 5. The sketch graph in Figure 5.9 shows the
absorbers in machines e.g. vehicles, relationship between the force, F, applied
cranes. to a spiral spring and the extension, e,
Limitations produced. Calculate the spring constant of
the spring in newtons per metre.
• Hook’s law is only limited to specific
length of a material beyond which the
law does not hold.
(b) State and explain any two 2.0
force / N
applications of elasticity.
• Concrete is used to withstand a large
force when under compression than in
tension extra force causes breakages. 0 2.0 4.0
extension / cm
• Steel materials are strong both in Fig. 5.9
compression and tension and are stiff. 6. Figure 5.10 shows graphs obtained when two
• Ductile materials can be rolled like spiral springs x and y are stretched in two
sheets or drawn into wires or other different experiments.
required shapes as used in metal
industries. 30 X Y
• Strong, light, stiff and heat resistant
force / N
materials are often preferred in
modern technology construction.
• In manufacturing, elasticity is
employed in making of shock absorbers
0 10 20 30 40
bearing in mind the different weights extension / mm
of vehicles.
Fig. 5.10
• Car tyres are elastic to accommodate
pressure inflated in the tube. (a) Use the values from the graph to state
which spring is more stiff.
(b) Calculate the difference in the extensions
Revision Exercise 5 of the two springs when a force of 20 N is
1. Define the following terms. applied to each spring.
(a) Elastic deformation.
(b) A strut.
(c) A tie.
(d) Concrete.
2. The length of an unstretched spring is 6 cm.
When a mass of 100 g is attached to it, the
new length is 8.5 cm. Calculate the spring
constant of the spring in newtons per metre.
(d) Besides SI units, give other units of 1 s = 1000 ms = 103ms
basic quantities that are used in ∴ 36 000 s = 1000 × 36000
measurement. = 36 000 000 ms
Quantities Units (b) Convert the following:
Length Centimetres (cm), (i) 20 centiseconds to seconds.
millimetres(mm), kilometres
1 cs = 1 = 10–2s
(km) 100
Time Minutes, hours ∴ 20 cs ⇒ × 20 = 0.2 s
Mass Grams, milligrams, tonnes
(ii)5 millimetres to kilometres.
Current Milliamperes (mA),
1000 mm = 1 m
Microamperes (µA) 1
1 mm = m
Table 6.3 : Other units 1000
1 5
∴ 5 mm ⇒ ×5=( )m
1000 1000
6.2 Conversion of units 1
1m= km
2. Give five common multiples and five 1000
submultiples (fractions) of SI units, 5 5 1
stating their prefix and symbols in each (1000) m = 1000 × 1000 = 0.000005 km
case. = 5.0 × 10–6 km
Multiple Prefix Symbol (iii) 10 milligrams to kilograms.
101 deca da 1000 mg = 1 g
102 hecto h 1
1 mg = ( )g
103 kilo K 1000
1 10
106 Mega M 10 mg ⇒ ( ) × 10 = ( )g
1000 1000
10 Giga G
1g = kg
Fraction Prefix Symbol
10 –1
deci d 10 1 10
( )g=( × )
1000 1000 1000
10 –2
centi c
10 –3
milli m = kg
1 000 000
10–6 micro µ = 0.00001 kg
10 –9
nano n = 1 × 10–5 kg
Table 6.4 : Table of prefixies (iv)10 millilitres to litres
3.(a) Convert the following: 1000 ml = 1 l
(i) 0.5 kg to grams. 1
1 ml = l
1 kg = 1000 g 1000
(ii) 1000 kgm–3 to gcm–3 (iii) 1000 l to m3
1g= kg 1000 l = 1m3
1000 1
1 1l= m3
1 cm = m 1000
100 ∴ 10000 l = 1 × 10 000
1 1 1000
(1cm)3 = ( m)3 = m3
100 1 000 000 = 10 m3
∴ 1000 kgm–3 × kg =1 glm–3
6.3 : Estimation and rounding off
(iii) 13 600 kgm–3 to gcm–3 5.(a) With examples, explain the term
1 kg = 1000g estimation.
1 m = 100 cm Estimation means giving an approximates
(1m)3 = (100 cm)3 = 1 000 000 cm3 value of a number in the simplest form.
kg 1000
Estimation involves rounding off
∴ 3600 = 3600 × numbers.
m3 1 000 000cm3
= 3.6 gcm–3 When rounding off numbers: 5,6,7,8,9 are
4. Convert the following: rounded upwards 0,1,2,3,4 are rounded
(a) (i) 1 l to cm3. downwards.
1 l = 1000 cm3 (b) Estimate the value of the following
(ii) 0.5 l to cm3. without using a calculator:
1 l = 1000cm3 (i) 2.08 x 7.984
∴ 0.5 l = 1000 × 0.5 = 500 cm3 2.08 × 7.894 ≈ 2 × 8 ≅ 16
(iii) 2 l to m3 (ii) 54.784 × 2.14
1 l = 1000 cm3 54.784 × 2.14 ≈ 55 × 2 ≅ 110
∴ 2 l = 2 × 1000 (iii) 19.963 – 2.7
= 2000 cm3
(b) (i) 500 cm3 to l. 19.963 ≅ 20 (rounded up)
1000 cm3 = 1 l 2.7 ≈ 3 (rounded up)
1 cm3 =
l 4.234 ≈ 4 (rounded down)
∴ 500 cm3 = 1 × 500 ∴ 19.963 – 2.7 ≈ 20 – 3 ≅ 17 = 4.25
4.234 4 4
= 500 l = 0.5 l (iv)708 : 6.89
(ii)2.6m3 to l. 708 ≅ 700 (large number close to 708)
1 m = 100 cm 6.89 ≅ 7 (rounded up)
(1m)3 = (100cm)3 708 : 6.89 ≈ 700 : 7
1m × 1m × 1m = 100cm × 100cm × 100cm ≈ 100 : 1
1m3 = 1 000 000 cm3
but 1000 cm3 = 1 l 6.4 : Standard form and significant
1 cm3 = 1 l figures
1 6.(a) What is meant by the term scientific
∴1 000 000 cm3 = × 1 000 000 notation.
Scientific notation refers to a way of
= 1000 l
expressing a number using powers of 10,
∴ 1m3 = 1000 l in form of P × 10n
∴ 2.6 m3 = 2.6 × 1000 = 2 600 l Where n is an integer.
n = {--- –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ---}
and 1 ≤ P < 10 i.e. P lies between 1 and 10.
Examples P = 1.32 , 2.96, 5.443 etc. 6.6 : Length
Examples of standard form 9.(a) (i) Define the term length and state
4.023 × 106, 1.418 × 10–7, its SI unit.
8.4567842 × 10–1, 7.00112 × 109
Length is the distance between two
(b) Express the following numbers in points. Its SI unit of length is a
scientific form. metre(m).
(i) 20914 (ii)With the aid of a diagram of a
20914 = 2.0914 × 104 metre rule, explain the term
(ii) 39764.044 parallax error.
39764.044 = 3.9764044 × 104 Parallax error is the error due to the
(iii) 0.0000058 wrong positioning of the eye when
reading on a metre rule is being taken.
0.0000058 = 5.8 × 10–6
(iv) 0.0010731 1 9
0.0010731 = 1.0731 × 10–3
7. What is a significant figure?
Significant figures is an important figure,
in a given number, e.g. 410021.6072 to
1sf = 400 000.0000 CM
Rectangle A=l×b
cm 0 1 3 5 6 l
Triangle h 1
test tube A= bh
a 1
Trapezium h A= (a+b)
Fig. 6.4 (a) : A vernier callipers ×h
Main scale reading = 2.6 cm
Mark on vernier scale which coincides Table 5.5
with the mark on main scale is the 2nd 11.(a) A mat has dimensions of 200 cm by
mark. 100 cm. Find its area in
Vernier scale reading = 0.02 cm (i) cm2
∴ Reading = 2.6 + 0.02 A = l × b
= 2.62 cm = 200 × 100 cm2
(ii)Micrometer screwgauge = 20 000 cm2
(ii) A in m2
A = l x b
mm 200 100
0 65 =( )m×( )m
100 100
63 = 2 × 1 = 2 m2
60 (iii) mm2
A = l × b
= (200 × 10)mm × (100 × 10)mm
Fig. 6.4 (b) : A micrometer screwgauge
= (2000 × 1000)
Main scale reading = 6.0 mm
= 2 000 000 mm2
Thimble scale reading that coincides zero
= 2 × 106 mm2
line, is 63rd.
= 63 ×
Reading = 6.0 + 0.63 mm
= 6.63 mm
(b) A cone has a circular base of radius V = πr2
14 cm. Calculate the area of the 22
= × 7 × 7 × 20 = 3 080 cm3
base in (iv) A cylindrical tank contains water to
(i) cm2 a height of 5.4 m and its base
Area of a base A = πr2 diameter is 12 m. Find the volume
A = × 14 × 14 of the empty space if the height of
= 616 cm2 the tank is 8.4 m.
(ii) m2 Height above water in the tank
From 1 cm =
m = (8.4 – 5.4) = 3.0 m
1 cm2 = 1 × 10–4 m2 Volume of empty space
616 cm2 = 616 × 10 –4 m2 V = πr2h
= 6.16 × 102 × 10–4 = 22 × 12 × 12 × 3 = 339.4 m3
7 2 2
= 6.16 × 10–2 m2
6.9 : Density
6.8 : Volume 13.(a) Define the term density and state
its SI unit.
12.(i) Define the term volume and state its Density is mass per unit volume
SI unit. of a substance. Its SI unit is kilogram per
Volume of a substance is the amount of cubic metre (kgm–3).
space occupied by the object. Its SI unit is
a cubic metres (m3). (b) Describe how you would determine
the density of a piece of potato.
(ii) A cuboid has dimensions of 10 cm by
8 cm by 5 cm. Find its volume in m3. • The mass (m) of the potato is first
obtained using a beam balance.Water
is half way poured in a measuring
5 cm cylinder, then the initial volume (V1) is
8 cm • The potato is then gently immersed
10 cm into he cylinder. Water level rises
Fig 6.5 to a final volume (V2) . The volume of
V = l × b × h the potato is equal to the volume of the
10 8 5 water displace i.e. V = (V2 – V1).
= ( )m×( )m×( )m
100 100 100 Where V is the volume of the water
400 4 displaced.
= = = 0.0004 m3
1000000 10000
= 4 × 10–4 m3
(iii) A cylinder in Fig 6.6 has a base
radius of 7 cm and height of 20 cm.
Find its volume. V1
Potato Potato
20 cm
Fig 6.8 : Displacement method
• The density of the potato equals.
Density = Mass
7 cm r
Fig 6.7 : A Cylinder ρ=
Hence the density of the potato ρ is
(c) A substance that weighs 15 g was 15.(a) Describe an experiment to determine
immersed into a measuring cylinder the density of air. State any
initially containing water to a height precaution that should be taken.
60 cm3, the water level then rose to
80 cm3.
To Vacuum
(i) Find the density of the substance. pump
M = 15 g
V = (80 – 60) = 20 cm3
M Flask
ρ =
15 Fig 6.9 : Determining density of air
= = 0.75 gcm–3
• The mass of flask when full of air
= 0.75 × 1000 = 750 kgm–3
(ii) Explain what is observed when the together with the tubing, the cork and
same subtance is placed in fresh the clip, M1, is recorded. The flask is
water. evacuated through the vacuum pump.
It will float on water of density The mass of the empty flask together
1000 kgm–3 since its density with the tubing, the cork and the clip,
(750 kgm–3) is less than that of water. M2, is recorded.
• The volume of the flask is measure
by filling it with water which is then
6.10 : Density of mixtures poured into the measuring cylinder.
14.(a) Write an expression to determine the The meniscus level in the cylinder
density of a mixture of any two indicates the volume V, of the water
liquids. which is equal to the volume of the air
Total mass that fills the flask.
Density of mixture =
Total volume • The mass of the air in the flask is
M + M M1 – M2.
ρm = VA + V B
A B Thus density of air is
ρA × VA + ρB × VB M –M
= VA + VB
ρ = 1V 2
Where MA – mass of substance A. Since volume of water = volume of air
ρA – density of subtance A. (b) State and explain factors that affect
density of air.
VA – volume of substance A.
• Temperature. For a fixed mass of air at
MB – mass of substance B.
constant pressure, volume increases
ρB– density of substance B. with temperature. Hence density of air
VB – volume of substance B. decreases with increasing temperature.
(b) 50 cm of paraffin of density
• Pressure. For a fixed mass of air at
800 kgm–3 was added to 150 cm3 of constant temperature, volume
water of density 1000 kgm–3. Find decreases with increasing pressure.
the density of the mixture. This in turn means that density of air
increases with pressure.
Given: cm3
(c) Give advantages of density bottle
VA = 50 cm3 ρA = 800 kgm–3 = 0.8 gcm–3 over measuring cylinder in
VB = 150 cm3 ρB = 1000 kgm–3 = 1 gcm–3 measuring density.
ρ V ρ V • When using a density bottle, no
From ρ = A × A + B × B
VA + VB measurement of volume is required.
40 + 150 • When using a measuring cylinder,
= = 0.95 gm–3
the volume of the object is measured
= 0.95 × 1000 = 950 kgm–3
to within 0.50 cm3. this introduces an
error in volume measurements.
(d) Two liquids of density 1200 kgm–3 6. A cube of iron of side 4cm has a mass of
and 800 kgm–3 are mixed in equal 490 g. Find the density of the iron in
volumes. The resulting mixture filled (a) grams per cubic centimetre.
a tank of dimensions 40 cm × 50 cm × (b) kilograms per cubic metre.
60 cm to the brim.
7. Calculate the volume in cubic metre of a solid
(i) Find the total mass of the mixture. block of brick of mass 4.5 kg, if its density is
Volume of the tank = 40 × 50 × 60 1.3 g/cm3.
100 100 100
0.12 8. Calculate the mass of a brass sphere of
Volume of each liquid = 2 = 0.06 m
diameter 2.0 × 10–2 m and density
Mass of liquid of density 1200 kgm–3 8 500 kg/m3.
= 1200 × 0.06 = 72 kg
9. The initial level of water in a measuring
Mass of liquid of density 800 kgm–3 cylinder is 40 ml. When a solid of mass 40 g
= 800 × 0.06 = 48 kg is completely immersed in water, the
Total mass of the mixture. reading is 56 ml. Calculate the density of the
= 72 + 48 = 120 kg solid in kilogram per cubic metre.
(ii) Calculate the density of the mixture. 10. In an experiment to determine the density
Density of mixture = 120 = 1000 kgm–3 of a liquid, the readings shown in Figure 6.10
0.12 (a) and (b) were observed. Calculate the
density of the liquid, correct to 2 decimal
Revision Exercise 6 places.
1. 16 closely packed turns of a wire occupy a
length of 8 cm, when wound on a cylinder. ml ml
Calculate; 60 60
50 50
30 30
(ii)How powerful is the athlete if he (c) Explain the meaning of the term
took 1 1 minutes to cover this mechanical energy of a body.
distance. Mechanical energy of a body is the sum of
work done kinetic energy and potential energy of a
time taken body.
P = w t = (60 + 15) = 75 s (d) A brick of mass 2 kg is lifted through
t a vertical height of 2 m. Find the
= 320 000 potential energy gained by the brick.
75 P.E gain = Work done
= 4 266.7 W = mgh
= 2 × 10 × 2
7.2 : Forms of energy = 40 J
3.(a) Distinguish between kinetic energy
and potential energy. 7:3 : Sources of Energy
Kinetic energy is the energy possessed
by moving bodies. It’s also called motion 4.(i) Define the term primary sources of
energy energy? Give examples.
1 Primary sources of energy are energy
K.E = mv2
sources in which energy is obtained in
Potential energy is the type of energy their natural form. Examples solar,
possessed by a body by virtue of its nuclear, oil, wind, water, biological and
position above the ground. It is position geothermal energy.
energy. (ii) Distinguish between renewable and
P.E = mgh non-renewable sources of energy.
(b) Describe an inter-change of energy Renewable sources of energy are those
between potential and kinetic in a which can be replaced if they run out
simple pendulum. (depleted). e.g. solar, geothermal,
biomass, tidal, biogas and wind.
Consider a swinging pendulum in fig 7.1. Non–renewable sources of energy on the
other hand cannot be replaced once
depleted. e.g. oil (fossil) energy and
(iii) Give at least five forms of energy
other than mechanical energy in each
case, giving their sources.
A C • Solar energy from the sun.
P.E max P.E max • Light energy from luminous objects.
• Heat energy from hot bodies.
P.E = K.E P.E = K.E
B • Sound energy from vibrating objects.
K.E max
Fig 7.1 : A simple pendulum • Electrical energy from cells, generators.
• Magnetic energy from magnets or
At points A and C (points of maximum conductor carrying currents.
displacement), the pendulum has • Nuclear energy from the nucleus of
maximum potential energy. It then atoms
changes to maximum kinetic energy at
point B (mean position). Between
points A and B and B and C it has both 7.4 : Transformation of energy
kinetic and potential energy i.e kinetic 5.(a) State the law of energy conservation.
and potential equal to one another. Energy can neither be created nor
destroyed but changes from one form to
(b) Briefly describe the energy changes Efficiency = work output × 100%
that take place in: work input
(i) a stone released from rest. = mgh × 100%
A stone in a hand has potential energy; VIt
(b) An electric motor has an input power
on releasing, it will have both P.E and
of 800 W. Find how much electrical
K.E while falling through. Energy turns
energy is converts in 10 minutes.
to kinetic. While landing it is converted
P = E = 800 = E
to heat, sound and eventually internal 10 × 60
energy after landing.
E = 800 × 600 = 480 000 j
(ii) a cell.
Chemical to electrical energy. = 480 kj
(iii) a radio. (c) After acquiring a job, Stellah wanted
Chemical energy from a cell to to solve her transport problem. So,
electrical energy in wires to sound she got a loan with the next thing in
energy. her mind was a brandy new Ipsum car.
(iv) heater (or a hot plate). Advice her on which Ipsum to pick
from the yard basing on the efficiency
Electrical to heat energy.
of the engine.
(v) solar panel. Since one should base on the efficience of
Solar energy to electrical to light the engine needed. Fill tank of the any of
energy. vehicle she admired with same amount of
(vi) a bulb. fuel say 2 l of petrol. Then drive the
Electrical to heat and light energy. vehicles on the same road, at the same
(vii) a generator. speed. The most efficient engine will cover
Mechanical energy to electrical energy. the greatest distance on the same amount
of fuel in the same time.
(viii) a motor.
(d) Give the differences between petrol
Electrical energy to mechanical energy. and diesel engine.
(ix) nuclear reactor.
Nuclear energy in nucleus to Petrol engine Diesel engine
mechanical energy to electrical energy. Uses petrol Uses diesel
Has a carbonator Has an injector
Has a spark plug Has no spark plug
7.5 : Power and Efficiency
6.(a) Briefly describe an experiment you
7. Using diagrams describe the working
would use to determine the efficiency
of a four stroke petrol engine.
of a waterpump.
• Measure the height, h of the pipe Four stroke engine. Commonly used in
delivering the water. Measure the mass motor vehicles. It uses petrol and air. The
of the water, m, delivered in t seconds. valves (inlet and outlet) are opened by means
The mass per second = m . of cams and camshaft, driven by the crank
t shaft.
• If the potential difference across the
terminals of the motor is V and the The arrow shows movement of cylinder. I is
inlet valve, O is outlet valve.
current through it is I. The power of the
motor = VI. Charging or induction stage
The piston moves upwards, meanwhile the
• The useful work done by the motor
inlet valve opens to let in fuel and air
= mgh
mixture into the cylinder.
• Work input by the pump = VIt.
* 0
* 0 * 0
7.6 : Bioenergy
* 0 *
Distinguish between biomass and
Biomass is the organic materials such
as animal waste, plants and industrial
waste that can decompose.
Biogas is the gas (methane) that is
obtained when organic materials
NJYUVSF decompose.
(ii) Briefly explain how methane (biogas)
0 * 0 is obtained from animal waste.
0 * 0
Animal wastes are fed into the (a) the velocity of the ball just before hitting
fermentation chamber, where methane the surface,
gas is formed in the process and directed (b) the rebound velocity,
through the outlet for use especially in (c) the loss of kinetic energy.
The by-product of fermentation (sludge) is (d) Sketch a graph of velocity against time
collected at the bottom of the for the motion, till the ball reaches 1.8 m
fermentation chamber. after bouncing back from the surface.
Label the axis with proper values and
Revision Exercise 7
1. Define the following term stating their SI 6. Name the transducer in the following
units. energy conversions: chemical to electrical,
(a) Energy. heat to electrical, electrical to sound,
(b) Work done. mechanical to electrical.
(c) Power. 7. An electrical iron of power 750 w is used
2. A car moves with uniform speed through a for 40 minutes. Calculate the electrical work
distance of 40 m and the net resistive force done.
acting on the car is 3 000 N.
8. A ball of mass 100 g falls freely from a tower
(a) What is the forward driving force acting of height 40 m. Calculate the kinetic energy
on the car? Explain your answer. of the ball as it hits the ground.
(b) Calculate the work done by the driving
force. 9. A worker wants to load a drum of weight
(c) State the useful work done. 1 000 N on a truck whose floor is 1 m above
the ground. The man rolls the drum up a
3. A pupil of mass 50 kg climbs a staircase of plank 3 m long with a force of 400 N.
vertical height 6 m. Calculate the work done Calculate:
by the pupil. (i) the work output,
4. An elevator of mass 2 000 kg carries people (ii) the work input,
of mass 800 kg through a vertical distance (iii) efficiency of the machine.
of 8 m. Calculate the gravitational potential 10. Give four uses of Biogas.
energy of the elevator at the top most point.
11. Why do people prefer renewable energy to
5. A 100 g ball falls vertically down from a non-renewable energy.
height of 3.2 m on a horizontal surface and
rebounds to a height of 1.8 m. Calculate
Density of the liquid. The denser the (ii)Describe a simple experiment to
liquid the higher the pressure in the show that pressure in a liquid
liquid and vice versa. depends on depth.
(ii)A dam is made thicket at the
bottom than at the top. Explain.
The dam is thicker at the bottom so
as to withstand high pressure at this
point due to water column since B
pressure in liquid increases with depth.
(b) (i) Show that the pressure, p, in a C
∴ h = 90000 = 7.826 m
The valve will open at 7.8 m below the
(c) The pressure in a water pipe in a (b) An open U-tube contains columns
ground floor of a building is of water and a liquid x and
10.0 x 05 Pa. But three floors up it is mercury as shown in Fig 8.4
only 5 x 105 Pa. What is the distance
between the ground floor and the
third floor. (the water and the pipe
are assumed to be stationary, density Liquid X
of water is (1000 kgm–3). 12 cm
Water 15 cm
Excess pressure in the water
P = (10 × 105 – 5 × 105) Nm–2
But P = hρg Mercury
5 × 105 = h × 1000 × 10
Fig 8.4 : U–tube manometer
∴ h = 50 m
5.(a) Using Hare’s apparatus describe Calculate the density of the liquid.
how you would determine the Using h1 ρ1 g = h2 ρ2 g
density of a given liquid by comparing hw ρw g = hx ρx g
it against that of water. 12 15
× 1000 = × ρx
• The inverted U-glass tubes are dipped 100 100
12 000
into two liquid,1, and liquid, 2, as ρx = = 800 kgm–3
shown. If the air in the tubes is re
moved through the tap by connecting it (c) In an experiment using methanol and
to a vacuum pump, atmospheric water the columns heights were
pressure above the liquids in the beaker 16.0 cm and 12.0 cm respectively. In
pushes the liquids into the tubes. a second experiment the length of
• The heights h1 and h2 of the liquids methanol column changed to 21.5 cm.
in the tube are then measured using a What would be the new height for the
ruler. water column.
Again using h1 ρ1 = h2 ρ2
A Tap B h1 ρ
= ρ1 = Constant
h2 2
h h
Hence h1 = h3
2 4
h2 16.0 h3
h1 =
12.0 21.5
21.5 × 16.0
h3 = = 16.12 cm
Liquid 1
P1 P2
Water (d) On a certain day, atmospheric
pressure as read from a mercury
Fig 8.3 : Inverted U–tube barometer is 750 mmHg. What is the
Pressure in tube A = Pressure in B pressure in Pascal if the density of
h1 ρ1 g = h2 ρ2 g mercury is 13 6000 kgm–3.
h1 ρ1 = h2 ρ2 P = h ρ g
Given that (density of water is known) = × 13600 × 10
the ρ1 can be found i.e. = 102 000 Pa
ρ1 = h2 × ρ2 (e) Describe an experiment to show that
h1 pressure in a liquid does not depend
where ρ2 density of water. on the shape of a container.
• Using a tube with three tubes of
different sizes and inclinations,
all having the same base
(communicating tube).
Pressure on pump = Pressure on ram
F1 F
= 2
A1 A2
120 F
= 12
120 × 1
Fig 8.5 : Water takes the shape of container F2 =
• If water is poured into the tube = 12 000 N
through any of the projection tubes.
(d) Fig 8.6 shows a hydraulic press with a
The water will settle at the same level in
pump piston of area 4 cm2 and
the tubes. This is because they share
the ram area 12 cm2.
the same base and the pressure. '
• Same pressure at base, therefore same '
height hence the liquid level will
remain the same regardless of the "
shapes of the tubes.
" 3BN
8.3 : Transmission of pressure in fluid QJTUPO 0JM
= (2500 × 1.2 × 10) = 30 000 Pa The pressure at A and B are the same but
Pressure change for Hg = (H × 13600 × 10) less than that at C above B.
Pressure change in Hg = Pressure change The gas pressure = Pressure due to BC +
in air atmospheric pressure.
H × 13600 × 10 = 30 000 Pgas = Patm + PBC = Patm + hPg
ρ is the density of the liquid (water).
H = 30 000× 13 600 100 (b) Fig 8.10 shows a column of air
H = 0.022 mHg trapped in a tube using mercury.
= 22 cmHg Given that the atmospheric pressure
is 76 cmHg.
∴ Length of mercury column (76 – 22)
= 54 cmHg
(c) The difference between the
atmospheric pressure at the top and
the bottom of a mountain is
1 × 104Nm–2, if the density of air is
1.25 kgm–3, calculate the height of the "JS
Using P = h ρ g
10 000 = h × 1.25 × 10
h = 10 000 = 800 m .FSDVSZ
The mountain is 800 m high.
10.(a) With the aid of a diagram describe Fig 8.10 : Closed end manometer
how you can measure gas pressure Calculate the pressure of the enclosed
using a manometer. air :
If a U-glass tube having liquid and used (i) in mmHg
a longside a scale (ruler) to measure Pair = Patm + Pcolumn
gas pressure. The U–tube has both sides = 760 mm + 60 mm
open. = 820 mmHg
(ii) in Pascal
Gas from
= 820 × 13 600 × 10
= 820 × 136
(c) Fig 8.11 shows a U–tube manometer.
0 Inch
0 cm
Find the pressure in Nm–2 of the gas A lift pump has both valves V1 and V2 on
if atmospheric pressure is 76 cmHg. the same cylinder and a supply pipe
(Density of mercury dipping into the well.
= 13.6 x 103 kgm–3) Upstroke: The pressure in A is reduced.
Pgas = Patm + Pcolumn Valve V1 opens and V2 closes.
= 76 cm + 12 cm The atmospheric pressure on the water
= 88 cmHg surface in the well then forces the water
From P = hρg into A. A of the cylinder.
Downstroke: Pressure in A increases
= 88 × 13600 × 10 forcing V1 to close and V2 opens. The
water in A then passes through V2 into
= 880 × 136 space B above the piston.
= 119 680 Nm–2 On the next upstroke the water in B is
≈ 1.2 × 105 Nm–2 lifted of the downstroke.
11.(a) Using a diagram explain the action of: To make the pump efficient, the piston
(i) a force pump has to be air sealed by pouring water with
B before upstroke (priming).
air The water in B is simply delivered at T
but not forced out.
(iii)The siphon
Is a device for emptying liquids from high
tanks it consists of an inverted U-tube
dipped into the liquid with one end
hanging outside the liquid. Conditions for
the siphon to work:
• The tube must initially be full of the
liquid – by sucking.
Fig. 8.12 : A force pump
• The level P of the tube must be well
Unlike a lift pump, a force pump has two
below the tank.
cylinders and their pistons have no valves.
• If the tube is filled with the liquid, the
Upstroke: Pressure in A reduces valve V1
pressure inside will be greater than the
opens; valve V2 closes. The atmospheric
pressure outside by (h ρ g), causing
pressure on the water surface forces the
the liquid to flow out continuously:
water into A.
Reasons for the continuous flow:
Downstoke : Pressure in A increases.
The cohesion in the liquid molecules in
Valves V1 closes; V2 opens. Water is then
the tank and tube. The atmospheric
forced through valve V2 into B. The force
pressure on the liquid surface in the
at which the water is sent out of T
tank. The gravitational force acting at P.
depends on the pressure applied to the
(b) Give other applications of
atmospheric pressure other than
(ii)A lift (common) pump those in 11(a).
•Bicycle pump uses the concept of
Piston (plunger) atmospheric pressure during injection.
Lever •Straw : One can only use the straw if
delivery tube there is atmospheric pressure.
2 •Injection by a syringe can only take
place if there is a difference in
valve atmospheric pressure.
Revision Exercise 8 6. A column of mercury of density
13 600 kg/m3 is 750 mm high and the area of
1. Define the term pressure and give its SI unit.
its base is 2.00 cm2. Find
2. Explain the following statements in terms of
(a) the pressure it exerts,
(b)the force it exerts.
(a) It is difficult to cut a wooden rod using a
7. A mercury barometer reads 760 mm at
blunt edged knife.
sea-level and 700 mm at the top of a
(b) Racing cars are fitted with tyres of large mountain. If the density of mercury is
area. 13 600 kg/m3 and the average density of air
(c) A fountain pen taken in a high flying aero is 1.30 kg/m3, calculate the height of the
plane leaks. mountain.
(d) People use straws to drink soda, water or (Hint: Difference in pressure = pressure due
juice. to air column).
3. Give specific reasons for the following 8. A television tube has a flat rectangular screen
statements. of size 50 cm × 30 cm. Calculate the force
(a) Sometimes it is better to use water as the exerted by the atmosphere on the screen, if
manometric liquid in a manometer. the atmosphere pressure is 1.02 × 105 Pa.
(b) Water does not come out of the open 9. An open U-tube manometer containing
ends of the tube when a horizontal tube mercury shows a difference in levels of 12 cm
filled with water to the brim is placed on a when connected to a gas supply. Find the
perfectly horizontal table. excess pressure of the gas above atmospheric
(c) A primary school pupil can lift a car of pressure if the density of mercury is
1 200 kg using a very small force. 13 600 kg/m3.
4. A metal cube of mass 80 kg exerts a pressure 10. The air pressure at sea-level is 75 cm of
of 20 000 Pa on a flat horizontal surface. mercury. Given that the density of mercury
Calculate is 13 600 kg/m3 and the average density of
(a) the area of contact with the ground, air is 1.25 kg/m3, calculate the air pressure,
in centimetres of mercury, at the top of a
(b) the dimensions of the cube,
mountain of height 1 600 m.
(c) the density of the metal from which the 11. A flask is filled to a depth of 16 cm with a
cube is made. liquid of density 800 kg/m3. Find the
5. In a hydraulic press X, the radius of the large pressure exerted by the liquid on the base.
piston is 3 times the radius of the small one.
In another hydraulic press Y, the area of the
large piston is 3 times the area of the small
one. Assuming the same force is applied
with each press to the smaller piston,
calculate the ratio of the forces that the
larger pistons can exert.
Spring balance
40 Wa
70 70
80 80
4 2
Upthrust Compression
Fig 9.2 : Verification of Archimede’s
Weigh an object in air using a spring
balance and record its weight, Wa.
Weight = mg Weigh the object when it is
completely immersed in water and
record its weight, Ww.
Fig 9.1 : A crocodile floating Collect the displaced water in a beaker
The crocodile has a wide area underneath. and weigh it. Record its weight. Also
This increases upthrust on it which weigh the beaker when empty. This will
becomes greater or equal to its weight. assist you to get the actual weight of
the water displaced.
9.2 : Archimedes’ principle Upthrust U = Wa – Ww
2.(a) State the Archimedes’ principle. It was found that weight of displaced
Archimedes’ principle states that; when water is equal to upthrust, hence
a body is wholly or partially immersed Archimedes principle.
(d) A glass block weighs 35 N. When (b) A concrete block of mass 3.0 x 103 kg
wholly immersed in water, the and volume 1.2 m3 is totally immersed
block appears to weigh 25 N. in sea water of density
Calculate the upthrust. 1.03 x 103 kgm-3. Find:
Let weight of glass block in air be Wa and (i) weight of the block in air.
in water Ww. Weight in air = mg
Wa = 35 N = 3.0 × 103 × 10
Ww= 25 N = 3.0 × 104 N
Upthrust = Wa – Ww (ii)The weight of the block in sea
= 35 – 25 water.
= 10 N volume of water displaced
3(a) A metal weighs 40 N in air and 25 N = Volume of the block
when fully immersed in water = 1.2 m3
(density of water = 1000 kgm–3). Weight of water displaced = Vρg
Calculate: = 1.2 × 1.03 × 103 × 10
(i) upthrust. = 12 360 N
Wa = 30 N Upthrust = Weight of water displaced
Ww = 25 N = 12 360
Upthrust = Wa = Ww Upthrust = Wair – Wliquid
= 40 – 25 = 3.0 × 104 – 12 360
= 15 N = 17 640 N
(ii) weight of displaced water.
Weight of displaced water 9.3 : Floatation
= upthrust
4.(a) (i) State the law of floatation.
= 40 – 25 The law of floatation states that: a
= 15 N floating body displaces its own weight
(iii) volume of displaced water. of the fluid in which it floats.
Weight of (ii)Describe an experiment to verify
displaced water = upthrust the law of floatation.
Mwg = Vwρwg Floating body (object)
15 N = Vw × 1000 × 10
V =
= 1.5 × 10–3 m3
Volume of metal = Volume of displaced 3
= 1.5 × 10–3 m3
Fig 9.3 : Verifying law of floatation
(v) density of the metal.
• Weigh the object in air and note its
Weight of metal in air = 30 N weight Wa.
Wa = mg • Fill the overflow can until water just
30 = Vm × ρm × g overflows from the spout. Place an
30 = 5 × 10–3 × ρm × 10 empty container on the compression
balance, under the spout after the
∴ ρm = 600 kgm–3
dripping of water has stopped.
• Gently lower the object into the F = U – mg
overflow can and collect the displaced = 60 – 10 = 50 N
water and note its weight Ww It is F = ma
found that; 50 = 1a
Weight of the = Weight of object
a = 50 ms–2
water displaced
(b) Explain what happens to a
Hence the law of floatation. parachutist who jumps from a high
(b) Give the conditions for a body to: flying plane.
(i) float When the parachutists has just jumped
upthrust should be equal to the weight into air, accelerates due to gravity.
of body (floatation) As the speed increases the viscous force
also increases until the gravitational
(ii) sink
force is balanced by viscous force and
upthrust is less than the weight of body upthrust. At this time the parachutist
(sinking) starts moving with a constant velocity
(iii) bob up (buoys) called terminal velocity to the ground
upthrust is greater than the weight of a safely.
body (buoyancy) (rising up). (c) A balloon of negligible mass and of
5.(a) A balloon of negligible mass and of volume 101 m3, is filled with hydrogen
volume 100 m3 was filled with a gas gas of density 0.18 kgm–3. The balloon
of density 0.01 kgm–3 and released is held stationary by a rope holding it
into air. Given that the density of air to the ground as shown in Fig 9.5.
is 0.06 kgm–3, calculate the
acceleration of the balloon in the air.
weight, mg
Fig 9.5 : Floatating
Fig 9.4 : A ballon in air (i) Copy the diagram and indicate all
If the air resistance is negligible, the forces the forces acting on it.
acting on the balloon are upthrust and the Upthrust
weight, mg, of the gas in the balloon.
Weight of balloon = mg
Where m is the mass of the balloon and
g is the acceleration due to gravity. Hydrogen
M = ρv = 0.01 × 100 = 1kg
W = mg = 1 × 10 = 10 N
Upthrust U = 0.06 × 100 × 10 = 60 N
Mg = weight of hydrogen
Upthrust = weight of air displaced Tension
The net upward force acting on the
balloon is
Fig 9.6 : Force acting on suspended ballon
Ballast tank filled with air
(ii)Given that the density of the air is (afloat)
Revision Exercise 9
1. State Archimedes’ principle.
Fig 9.9 : Inflated balloon
When the balloon is filled with air, the 2. What is the upthrust on a body which
weight of air displaced (upthrust) is less displaces 0.5 m3 of water?
than the weight of the air inside the 3. A body of mass 6 kg and density 8 g/cm3 is
balloon and the fabric of the balloon. The fully immersed in a liquid of density
resultant downwards force on the balloon 1 200 kg/m3. Calculate the upthrust on the
causes it to drift slowly downwards. It body due to the liquid.
should be noted that the air slows down
4. What is the apparent weight of 270 kg of
the balloon.
copper of density 9 000 kg/m3 when fully
(ii)when it is filled with hydrogen. immersed in sea water of density
When the balloon is filled with hydrogen 1 030 kg/m3.
or helium, which is less dense than air, the
weight balances the upthrust. The balloon 5. A solid weighs 0.50 N in air. It weighs
experiences net force, i.e. the balloon is in 0.30 N when fully immersed in water and
equilibrium and therefore it floats in air. 0.32 N in liquid.Calculate the:
(iii)when it is filled with more hydrogen (a) upthrust on the body due to water .
or helium. (b)volume of the solid.
When more hydrogen is used, the weight (c) density of the solid.
of displaced air is more than the weight of
(d)density of the liquid.
hydrogen inside and balloon’s fabric. The
unbalanced force lifts the balloon and its 6. Figure 9.10 shows a metal sphere of
content upwards. mass 400 kg and volume 0.6 m3 fully
8. (a) An object floats in sea water of submerged in sea water of density
density 1.03 × 103 kgm–3. It displaces 1 030 kg/m3. Determine the tension in the
volume of 60 m3 of sea water. Find cable holding the sphere.
the mass of the object. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
From law of floatation –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Mass of object 400 kg
= Mass of sea water displaced –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
= Volume of water × density of the T
displaced of sea
water Fig. 9.10
7. A block of wood of volume 100 cm3 and
= 60 × 1.03 × 10 3
density 500 kg/m3 floats in a liquid of
=1 800 kg density 800 kg/m3. Calculate the volume of
the wood submerged in the liquid.
8. A solid metal block of cross-sectional area 11. A hydrometer weighing 9.8 g floats in a liquid
4 cm2 and of density 2.5 g/cm3, is fully of density 0.87 g/cm3. Determine the
submerged in water at a depth of 12 cm from volume of the immersed part.
the free surface of water.
12. A piece of glass weighs 0.250 N in air,
(a) Calculate the downward force acting on
the top face. 0.154 N in water and 0.169 N in oil. Find
(b) If the upward force acting on the bottom (a) the relative density of glass,
face is 1.5 N, calculate the volume of the (b)the relative density of oil,
block. (c) the density of oil.
(c) Calculate the apparent weight of the 13. A block of wood weighs 4.8 N in air. If
block in water. density of wood is 600 kg/m3, determine
9. A wooden raft of density 240 kg/m3 is 4 m (a) the volume of the block submerged when
long, 3 m wide and 0.5 m thick. Determine it floats in water.
(a) the volume of the raft submerged when it (b)the minimum mass that should be placed
floats in water. on the top of the block so that the block is
(b) the minimum mass that should be placed completely submerged in water.
on the top of the wooden raft so that the
raft is completely submerged in water.
10. A weather forecasting balloon is made of a
fabric of mass 40 kg. Calculate the volume
of hydrogen in the balloon which would just
support an additional mass of 80 kg when
floating in air. (Density of hydrogen
= 0.09 kg/m3 and air = 1.29 kg/m3)
Wheel (effortarm)
Effort axle (load arm)
Fulcrum R R
Load Effort
(b) Wheelbarrow
Fig 10.2 : Second class lever
Driving wheel Driven wheel
(iii)Third class lever.
Fig 10.5 : Gears
Third class lever is one with the effort
between the load and the pivot or One revolution of driving wheel
fulcrum. Examples are human arm, = x revolutions of driven wheel.
y x
tweezers, fishing rod, a pair of tongs. y
V.R =
-PBE x
No. of teeth in driven wheel
V.R =
No. of teeth in driving wheel
Fig 10.3 : Pair of tongs For Instance : if the driven wheel has 18
3. Using diagrams, obtain the velocity teeth and the driving wheel has 9 teeth,
ratio of the following machines: then V.R = 18 = 2
(i) Wheel and axle.
It consists of a large wheel of radius R
attached to axle of radius r.
(iv)Inclined plane 3.(a) Fig. 10.8 shows a boy pulling a metal
case of mass 35 kg up a slope of an
inclined plane. If the tension in the
string is 160 N.
= 1050 × 100 %
= 32.8 %
= 33 %
Fig 10.7 : The screw
(b) A screw jack with a lever arm of 56 cm
The distance between two successive
and a pitch of 2.5 mm is used to raise
threads is called the Pitch.
a load of 800N. If its efficiency is 25%,
V. R = circumference of screw head find:
(i) velocity ratio.
Less force is needed to drive a screw with V.R = distance moved by effort
distance moved by load
a small pitch to drive it into a piece of
wood, than that with a large pitch. V.R = 2∏R = 2 × 3.14 × 0.56 = 3.5168–3
Pitch 0.0025 2.5 × 10
V.R = 1407 (no units)
(ii)mechanical Advantage.
Efficiency = M.A × 100%
0.25 =
M. A = 0.25 × 1407 = 357 Therefore;
V.R = 2 m = 2 i.e.
10.3 : A pulley system VR is equal to the no.of wheels or ropes
4.(a) Define the term a Pulley. supporting the load.
A pulley is a wheel with a groove on which (iii)Two fixed and a movable pulley.
a rope/string or a chain passes.
(b) Determine the velocity ratio V. R
of :
(i) a single fixed pulley.
A single pulley is a fixed wheel with a rope &ĊPSU &ĊPSU
passing round the groove in its rim.
If the rope is pulled downwards by say Fig 10.12 : Block and tackle pulley
2 meters, the two sections of the rope V.R = 4 (number of ropes supporting the
supporting the load shortens by one load or number of wheels)
meter each.
(v)Block and tack set with 5 wheels.
Fig 10.15 : A graph of M.A against load
(b) A block and tackle pulley system has
two pulleys in the lower block and
three in the upper block.
(i) The diagram of this pulley system.
scale plan
Fig 10.14 : Block and tackle pulley
Known weight is put on a load scale
Efficiency is increased by: oiling / greasing (iv)Calculate the efficiency of the
moving parts, using light wheels. system.
6.(a) Fig 10.18 shows a pulley system, Efficiency = MA × 100%
where effort E, is applied to raise a
load L. = 4 × 100 %
= 80 %
(b) Explain what happens to the
efficiency of the pulley system in
6 (a), if the load is:
(i) less than 1000 N.
If the load is less than 1000 N, the
efficiency of the pulley system will be
less, since the weight of the lower
pulley becomes more significant.
(ii) more than 1000 N.
If the load is more than 1 000 N. The
efficiency will be more. As the load
increases, the weight of the lower block
Fig 10.18 : becomes less significant.
(i) What is the velocity ratio of the pulley 7.(a) Fig 10.19 represents a pulley
system. system in which an effort, E is applied
VR = 5 (the number of strings supporting to raise the Load L.
the lower pulley block).
(ii) If the effort moves a distance of
5 metres, find the distance the load
Effort distance = 5 m Effort (E)
Load distance = ?
But VR = Ed
5 = 5
Ld = 5 =1.00 m
(iii) Calculate the effort needed to lift a Load (L)
load of 1000 N, if the mechanical
advantage is 4. Fig 10.19 : A pulley system
Effort , E = ? (i) Idetify on the diagram the forces
Load , L = 1000 N acting on the strings.
M.A = 4 Weight acting downwards.
MA = L Tension is opposite to the weight.
(ii)What is the velocity ratio of the
4 = 1000N system.
1000 VR = 3 (no. of strings supporting the
E= = 250 N
4 lower block).
(iii) How far will the load move if the
effort moves by 3 m?
VR = Ed
3= 3 5. While using a screw jack, an effort of 10 N
Ld has to be applied, to lift a load of 8 000 N.
Load distance = 1 m The length of the handle is 35 cm and the
(iv) What effort will just raise a load pitch of thescrew is 0.25 cm. Calculate the
of 1000 N, if the mechanical mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
advantage is 2. efficiency of the screw jack.
MA = L 6. Figure 10.20 shows the cross-section of a
E wheel and axle, of radius 6 cm and 1.5 cm
2 = 1000 respectively, used to lift a load of 150 N.
E Calculate the efficiency of the machine.
∴ E = 500 N
8. List some of the uses of pulleys. 6 cm
• 1.5 cm
• Cranes.
• Lifts. effort 50 N
• Getting soil from a deep pit. load 150 N
Revision Exercise 10
1. (a) Define the following terms as applied to
machines. 120 N
(a) What is the velocity ratio of the system? 9. A load of 3 000 N is pulled along an inclined
(b) Calculate. plane of length 8 m by a force of 2 100 N.
(i) the load raised. Calculate the efficiency of the system if the
load is raised through a vertical distance of
(ii) the work done by the effort, 4 m.
(iii) the energy wasted.
Time taken
(iii) Uniform acceleration. (c) A body is thrown vertically upward
and it comes to land on the ground.
Show the information on:
Displacement (m) (i) velocity – time graph.
Velocity (ms–1)
time (s)
Fig. 11.1 (i), (ii), (iii): Graphs of time (s)
Displacement against time. Fig 11.3 : Graph of velocity against time
(b) Sketch a velocity – time graph (ii) speed – time graph.
(i) Uniform acceleration.
Spped (ms–1)
Velocity (m/s)
time (s)
accelarated motion
3.(a) Write down the equations of motion
of uniformly accelarating bodies.
First equation: v = u + at
Second equation: S = ut + 1 at2
or S = u + v t
time (s) Third equation: v2 = u2 + 2as
(iii) Non-uniform acceleration. Where: u is initial velocity, v is final
velocity, a is acceleration, s is distance
covered and t is time taken.
Displacement (m)
Velocity (ms–1)
Velocity (ms–1)
10 B 12 time (s)
Fig 11.7 : A graph of velocity against time
A particle was projected upward with a
0 6 36 41 time (s)
velocity of 20 ms–1 and attained a
Fig 11.5 : Graph of velocity against time
maximum height in 10 s. It then falls in 2
(ii) Find the maximum speed. seconds to point with velocity of 10 ms–1.
u = 0ms–1, a = 2 ms–2 , t = 6 s The distance travelled:
Using v = u + at = Area of A – Area of B
=0+2×6 =
× 10 × 20 –
× 2 × 10
2 2
= 12 ms–1 = 100 – 10 = 90 m
(iii) Find the total distance travelled by (iii)
the car.
Total distance = Area under the curve
Curve = Area (P + Q + R)
Velocity (ms–1)
1 1
Area of P = × bh = × 6 × 12 15
2 2
= 36 m
Area of Q = l × b = 30 × 12 = 360 m 5 X Y Z
1 1
Area of R = bh = × 5 × 12
2 2
= 30 m 0 10 20 25 time (s)
Total distance = 36 + 360 + 30 = 426 m Fig 11.8 : A graph of velocity against time
(b) The graphs in Fig 11.6, 11.7 and 11.8
A body started with a velocity of 5 ms–1
shows motions of a body. Describe the
and accelerated uniformly until it attained
motions: In each case and calculate
a maximum velocity of 15 ms–1 at 10 s.
the total distance travelled.
The speed was maintained the velocity for
(i) another 10 s before itwas finally brought
to rest in 5 s.
100 Total distance travelled = Area under the
Distance (m)
= Area of (x + y + z)
1 1
= (a+b)h + L × b + bh
2 2
1 1
= (5+15) × 10) + (10 × 15) + ( × 5 × 15)
10 15 time (s) 2 2
Fig 11.6 : Graph of distance against time = 100 + 150 + 37.5 = 287.5 m
11.3 : Measuring of accelaration The spacing of the consecutive dots
depends on: the nature of motion of
5.(a) (i) What is meant by the terms a tick
the object, the frequency of vibration
and a two-tick?
of the hammer.
A tick is the time taken to print 2 (iii) How is the ticker-timer in (ii)
consecutive dots, i.e. period, on the above used to determine
paper tape being pulled through a acceleration of a trolley (body).
ticker-timer. Method I
One tick is therefore equivalent to The angle of indication is now increased
1 using the wooden block until the
Period =
frequency trolley is observed to be moving with
Frequency refers to the number of increasing speed down the runway.
vibrations made by the hammer in Attach a long paper tape to the trolley,
one second. release the trolley and start the
A two-tick is a group of two consecutive ticker-timer. Separation of dots
increases with time. Cut the tape into
One two-tick = 2 ticks = portions containing 5 spaces each.
Since time between two successive
(ii) Describe the principle of dots (period) = 0.02 s, time between
operation of a ticker-timer. each of the 5 spaces length is 0.10 s.
5BQF Stick the portions side by side in the
right order to obtain a tape chart as
1BQFSUBQF shown in fig 11.10.
Velocity (mls)
effect in the experiment). 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Time (s)
A ticker tape timer is a device for
measuring speed and acceleration of an Fig 11.10 : Graph of velocity verses time
object. The timer consists of a rapidly The slope of the line AB is determined.
vibrating hammer, which prints dots The slope = acceleration of the trolley.
on a piece of paper tape being pulled Method 2
through the timer. The object whose Attach a 2 m long paper tape to a
motion is to be analysed is connected trolley and thread it through a timer.
to the paper tapewhich then passes Switch on the timer and push the
through the timer. As the object moves, trolley to roll on a bench top. Examine
it pulls along the tape. A series of dots the paper tape (dots are printed on it).
get printed on the paper tape as it is A ticker-timer prints dots on a paper
pulled through the timer. tape connected to a vibrator of
frequency say 50 Hz.
This means that 50 dots are printed (i) cms–1
every second on the paper tape. The f = 40 Hz
time between nearby dots is called a 1 tick =
= seconds = 0.025 s
tick. f
Period = 1 = 0.02 seconds distance between two consecutive
50 dots = 4 cm
The small distance between one dot 1 tick is the time taken to print two
and the next is the “change of distance consecutive dots = 0.025 s
denoted by ∆S”.
By measuring the small distance speed = distance
interval ∆t, one can find the actual
4 cm 4 cm
speed or instantaneous speed at = = = 160 cms–1
1 tick 0.025s
that particular moment of time.
This is because during a very small time (ii) cm tick –1
interval there is little chance that the
speed = distance
speed will vary much. time
e.g. 4 cm
= = 4 cm tick–1
1 tick
(iii) ms–1
160 cms–1
1 s
1 cm = m
100 1
∆S2 ∆S1 = 160 × ms = 1.6 ms–1
Fig 11. 11 : (c) Figure 10.12 shows a paper tape
The instantaneous speed(velocity) at pulled through a vibrator of a
DS1 ticker-timer by a trolley of frequency
DS1 50 Hz.
u = , Dt = 0.02 s
The instantaneous speed/velocity at
v = ∆t
0.5 cm 2.0 cm
The total time t is given by the
number of spaces between dots n Fig 11.12 : Paper tape pulled through ticker timer
times Dt.
(i) In which direction is the tape pulled.
i.e. t = n × Dt
to the right.
Acceleration = Final velocity – Initial velocity
Time taken (ii) Find the initial speed of the trolley
at A.
a= – DS1 = 0.5 cm
∆t ∆t
DS2 = 2 cm
DS2 – DS1 1
Dt = s = 0.02 s
Acceleration = Dt Dt 50
n × Dt n = 5
(b) A trolley pulls a paper tape through ∴ t = Dt x n
a ticker–timer which has a frequency = 0.02 × 5 = 0.1 s
of 40 Hz. If the distance between two ∴ u = Dt1 =
DS 0.5
= 25 cms–1
consecutive dots is 4 cm, find the 0.02
(iii) What is the speed of the trolley at
speed of the trolley in:
DS 2
V = Dt2 = = 100 cms–1
(iv) What is the acceleration of the slope =
trolley between A and B. 4π2
a =
100 – 25
= 750 cms–2 ∴ g= ,
g = acceleration due to
t 0.02 × 5 gravity
= 750 × Hence g is determined.
100 m
(b) Sketch:
= 7.5 ms–1 (i) a velocity time graph showing
accelaration due to gravity of a
11.4 : Acceleration due to gravity
Velocity (m/s)
6.(a) (i) Define the term acceleration due to
Acceleration due to gravity is the rate
of change of velocity with time for a
body falling freely under gravity. time (s)
(ii) Describe a simple experiment to body.
determine acceleration due to Fig 11.14 : Velocity time graph showing
gravity. acceleration due to gravity.
(ii) a displacement time graph
showing acceleration due to gravity
Velocity (m/s)
time (s)
of a body.
Fig 11.13 : A simple pendulum Fig 11.15 : Displacement time graph showing
A clamp a pendulum bob on a stand as acceleration due to gravity.
shown in fig 11.13. Accurately measure 11. 5 : Non-linear motion
the length of a pendulum on a metre
6.(a) (i) Name three types of non-linear
ruler and remove the meter ruler.
motion and briefly describe them
Pull the pendulum bob through a small by giving at least two examples.
angle and allow it to oscillate say for • Circular motion: This is movement of
20 oscillations freely Determine the a body in a circular path, when every
time t (s) taken for the 20 oscillations. bodies move in a circular path.
Determine the period T (time for one Their speeds remain the same but the
oscillation) direction (s) keeps on changing.
This is evident by releasing a stone
Period = time taken for 200 oscillation when whirling in a circular path it
20 oscillation
forms a tangent in a circular path at
The experiment is repeated for several the point of release.
values of length of pendulum L (m) and
Direction of
period T is obtained. constant force.
l Object
T =2∏√ (centripatal
T2 = 4 ∏2
The results are tabulated indicating
values of T, T2 and L. A graph of T2 Direction of
motion after
versus L is plotted. The slope is release
Fig. 11.16 : Circular motion
Example: A cyclist or vehicle turning S=u×t
around a bend. A stone whirled in a = ucosθ × t (t is the time taken) ––– 2
circle using a string. Planets and The time taken to rach maximum
satellites moving in their orbits. height i.e. when v = O
• Simple Harmonic Motion: This is the
type of motion where a body moves v = u + at
rhythmically about a fixed point. The O = usinθ – gt
body is said to be vibrating or usinθ
t = g ------------ 3
Examples: a pendulum, a tube pressed Substituting 3 into 1
and released will oscillate on water, a usinθ usin2θ
S = usinθ × g – 1 u2 g × g
wall clock, shock absorbers. 2
• Projectile Motion: This type of motion
u2sin2θ 1 usin2θ
involves throwing of a body. Examples: = g – g
a javelin throw, a discus throw, a bullet
fired off a gun. u2sin2θ
S = g
(b) A bullet is fired horizontally with a
speed of 30 ms–1 from a cliff 900 m
(i) Calculate the time taken for it to hit
the ground.
30 m/s
900 m
time (s)
Fig 11.18 : Projection motion
S = ut + 1 gt2 (vertically)
900 = 2 × 10 t
θ t2 = 1800
t = √180 = 13.42 s i.e. ignore – 13.42 s
Fig 11.17 : Projecticle motion
(ii) The horizontal distance covered.
Consider a body thrown with a velocity,
Horizontal distance = s × t
U, at an angle, θ, to the horizontal. The
body will have two components (types = 30 × √180
of velocities): = 402.5 m
In the horizontal: velocity = u cosθ 7. Explain the meaning of the term
In the vertical velocity = u sinθ Centripetal force?
1 Centripetal force is a force that keeps a
Using S = ut + 2 gt2 (where g is
body move in a circle by pulling it towards
gravitational acceleration)
the centre of he circle. It is a centre seeking
The vertical distance covered is force.
S = u sinθ × t + 2 g t2 ––––– 1
The horizontal distance
11.7 : Newton’s laws of motion (i) heavier when lift is moving upwards.
8.(a) State Newton’s laws of motion.
Newton’s first law state:
Every body continues in its state of rest
or of uniform motion in a straight line
unless compelled by some external
forces to act otherwise.
Newton’s second law states:
The rate of change of momentum of a
body is directly proportional to the
applied force and takes place in the
direction of the force.
Newton’s second law states: 3
Explain how they relate to each other. Fig 11.19 : Lift moving upwards
Inertia is the tendency of a body to Consider the lift moving up and at a
remain in its state of rest or to continue uniform acceleration. Since the passenger
moving in a straight line. While mass is (person) is moving upwards.
the quantity of matter contained in an R > mg
∴ Resultant force = R – mg
The reluctance of a body to move or to
stop moving (inertia) is determined by the From F= ma (resultant force)
amount of matter in it, i.e. its mass. The Then ma = R – mg
bigger the mass the more the inertia e.g. a ∴ R = ma + mg
huge stone requires a large force for it to The person “feels” weighing more
be displaced. (heavier).
(c) Explain why passengers experience
(ii)lighter while the lift is moving in
a jerk when brakes of an
over-speeding vehicle are suddenly
When the brakes are suddenly applied, the
passengers experience a sudden forward
force. Initially both the vehicle and the
passengers are at the same velocity. When
brakes are applied the vehicle stops at
once and leaves the passenger in motion
as before in a stationary vehicle, hence
jerks forward due to inertia. B
Resultant force on the person = 1 200 × 4 = 4 800 N
= mg – R (c) Find the acceleration of a body of
∴ ma = mg – R mass 20 kg acted upon by a force
R = mg – ma 100 N.
The person “feels” weighing less. F = ma
(iii)Weightlessness. a = F = 100
M 20
If the lift is falling freely under
gravitational acceleration = 5 m/s2
11.(a) Fig.11.22 shows a lift of mass 250 kg
a = g hence R = 0 which has a spring balance of holding
The passenger therefore experiences a a 50 kg mass attached to it. If the lift
state of weightless. is accelerating upwards at 34 ms–2,
10(a) A lift moves up and down at a rate determine the value of:
of 4 ms–2. Find the normal reaction
offered by a girl of mass 50 kg,
standing in the lift if:
(i) Lift moving up.
a = 4 m/s2
50 kg
250 kg
50 g Fig 11.22 : Spring balance in a lift
Fig 11.21 : Lift moving up
(i) the tension in the cable.
R – 50g = 50 a
T – 300 g = 300 a
R = 50 a + 50 g
T – 300 g = 300 × 4
= 50 × 4 + 50 × 10
T = 1200 + (300 × 10)
= 200 + 500 = 700 N
= 4200 N
(ii) Lift moving down.
(ii) the reading of the spring balance.
50 g – R = 50 a
R – 50 g = 50 a
R = 50 g – 50 a
R – 50 g = 50 x 4
= (50 × 10) – (50 × 4)
R = (50 × 4) + (50 × 10)
= 500 – 200
= 200 + 500
= 300 N .
= 700 N
(b) Calculate a force needed to stop a (b) A man of 100 kg stands in a
pick-up of mass 1200 kg moving at stationary lift. Calculate his apparent
20 ms-1 over a distance of 50 m. weight, when the lift:
u = 20 ms–1 s = 50 m V = 0 (i) accelerates upwards at 4 ms–2.
V2 = u2 + 2as R – mg = ma
02 = 202 – 2a × 50 R = mg + ma
a = 400 = 4 ms–2 = 100 × 10 + 100 × 4
100 = 1000 + 400
F = ma
= 1400 N
(ii) accelerates downwards at 4 ms–2 13. Show how Newton’s third law is
mg – R = ma related to momenta for any two
R = mg – ma bodies involved in a collision.
= (100 × 10) – (100 × 4) When body A strikes another body B
= 1000 – 400 Force of A on B = force of B on A –––(a)
= 600 N Negative sign shows that the forces are
opposite in direction
(iii) falls freely under gravity.
i.e. FA = -FB
a = g
MAaA = MBaB ––––– b
mg – R = ma but a = g
From Newton’s second law
v –u v –u
MA( A t A ) = –MB( B t B )–––– c
11.7 : Collision and application of Where uA and uB are velocities before
Newton’s laws of motion impact.
12.(a) Distinguish between elastic and vA and vB are velocities after impact.
inelastic collusion. t is the time of impact.
Elastic collision is type of collusion where Dividing t on both sides of (c), we get
bodies collide and separate after
MA (vA – uA) = MB (vB – uB)
the collision. Both kinetic energy and
momentum are conserved. or
Inelastic collision is where bodies collide MAuA + MBuB = MAvA + MBvB
and stick together after the collision. Only ∴ Sum of initial = Sum of final
momenta is conserved. momenta momenta
(b) Define the following terms and give 14.(a) A truck of mass 104 kg moving with
their SI units. a velocity of 2 ms-1 collides with a
(i) Momentum stationary truck of mass 6 x 103 kg.
Momentum is the product of mass and Both trucks move together after
velocity of the body. impact. What is their common
Momentum = mass x velocity velocity?
P = m × v Applying law of conservation of
SI units is kilogram metres per second momentum
(kgms-1). (M1u1 + M2u2) = (m1 + m2)v
(ii) Impulse (10 × 2) + (6 × 103 × 0) = (10 + 6.0) × 103 v
(c) An engine weighing 2 x 105 kg is The hot gases will then be pushed out
travelling at a speed of 40 kmh-1 on through the exhaust nozzle in form of a
a straight level track. How far will jet, with high momentum – hence great
it travel before being brought to rest force.
if the frictional force of the brake is The reaction to the force of the gases
200 N per 1000 kg. will create an equally large force in the
Retarding force on engine opposite direction, that will push the
jet forward.
= 2.0 × 10 × 200
60 × 60
( ) Mj × Vj Mg × Vg
t = t
S = 308 m
∴Mj × Vj = Mg × Vg
(d) A bullet of 16 g is fired into a block of
(ii) a rocket engine.
wood 7.5 cm thick. If the initial
velocity of the bullet is 300 m/s and The rocket carries its own fuel (O2) and
the final velocity with which it (H2) and can work in space as well as in
emerges from the block is 30 m/s. the atmosphere.
Find the average force exerted by the Liquid
wood on the bullet.
Let the average force be F
Fs = 1 mv2 – 1 mu2
2 2
Hot gases Movement
F × 7.5 = 1 × 16 × 302 – 1 × 16 × 3002 of rocket
2 1000 2 1000
F = 720 – 72.000
= - 9.5 × 103 N
= - 9 500 N hydrogen
15.(a) Describe with the aid of a diagram, Fig 11.24 : Rocket engine
the working of: The fuel (O2 and H2) in liquid form is
(i) A jet engine. compressed and burns explosively in the
Starter blade combustion chamber, producing hot
gases as a by-product. The hot gases are
expelled/emitted in form of a jet with very
high velocity, momentum and force.
Air In
gases The reaction again,
Rate of change of momentum force
also. Action and reaction are equal and
Compressor Combustion Exhaust
chamber nozzle
Mass of rocket × Velocity of rockect Mass of gas × Velocity of gas
Fig 11.23 : A jet engine time = time
Operation of a Jet engine MR × VR Mg × Vg
The air (oxygen) which enters into the t
= t
compression chamber is compressed with ∴ MR × VR = Mg × Vg
fuel and burning starts.
The burning continues in the combustion
chamber where very hot gases are
(b) A jet engine develops a thrust of = 1 × 1 g × 12 × 12= 18 g
2 4
270 N when the velocity of the
exhaust gases relative to the engine S2 = 1 g2t22 but U = 0, g2 = 3 g
2 4
is 300 ms–1. Find the mass of the gases
ejected per second. = 1 × 3 g × 12 × 12 = 54 g
2 4
F = MV
t g1 : g2 = S1 : S2
F =( MV ) V where m is mass per second.
t t 1 : 3 = 18 g : 54 g = 1 : 3
m ∴ The ratio of distance fallen through will
270 = ( ) × 300
t also be 1: 3.
8. A student drops a stone into a pool of water 11. A 500 g hammer moving at a velocity of
60 m below the top of the tower. Calculate 6 m/s strikes the head of a nail of negligible
the time after which the student hears the mass and comes to rest in 0.02 s. Calculate
splash, if the speed of sound in air is (a) the acceleration of the hammer at the
330 m/s. time of striking,
9. Figure 11.27 shows the velocity-time graph (b) the force of impact,
for part of the motion of a ball, which is (c) the change in momentum,
dropped from a certain height above the (d) the impulse.
ground and allowed to bounce from the 12. A body of mass 5 kg is projected vertically
ground. from the ground when a force of 80 N acts on
velocity (m/s) it for 0.1 s. Calculate the velocity with which
B the body leaves the ground.
5.0 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
4.0 13. A gun of mass 9 × 103 g fires a bullet of
50 g at a velocity of 250 m/s. Find the
2.0 velocity of recoil of the gun.
14. Four bullets of mass 50 g each leave a gun of
A 0.5 0.8 1.0 mass 30 kg per second with a velocity of
time (s)
500 m/s. Show that the force required
to keep the gun in position is 100 N.
3.0 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
C (Hint: Calculate the recoil speed of the gun
due to one bullet, and mass of the trolley.
Fig. 11.27
15. A train of mass 3 × 104 kg moving with a
(a) From the graph calculate the acceleration velocity of 72 km/h is brought to rest in
due to gravity. 30 s. Calculate
(b) What is the height above the ground from (a) the stopping distance due to the braking
which the ball is dropped? force,
(c) Explain why the gradients of the line AB (b) the braking force.
and CD are equal.
16. A person of mass 100 kg is standing on a lift.
(d) What is the height above the ground to
Find his weight when
which the ball bounces?
(a) the lift accelerates up at 1 m/s2,
10. The velocity of a train of mass 30 × 103 kg (b) it moves down with a uniform
changes from 36 km/h to 72 km/h in 40 s. acceleration of 1 m/s2.
Calculate the accelerating force.
12.1 : Refraction and refractive index (b) Define the term refractive index.
1.(a) (i) Explain the term refraction. Refractive index is the ratio of the sine of
the angle of incidence to the sine of angle
Refraction is the bending of light when
of refraction for a ray travelling from a
it passes from one medium to another
vacuum to a medium.
of different optical densities.
n = sin i = constant
Refraction is the change of direction sin r
of a light ray when it passes through Refractive index is the ratio of speed of
two media of different optical densities. light in vacuum to speed of light in a
Normal velocity of light in air
Refractive =
ray velocity of light in a medium
index (n)
less dense
medium (2) 2.(a) Light travelling in water is incident
at water – air surface at 40o. What is
denser the angle of refraction if the
medium (1) r refractive index of water is 1.33?
Refracted anw = 1.33
n = sin iw
a w
sin ra
Fig 12.1 (a) : Refraction of light
1.33 = sin 40
Note: When a light ray travels from a
sin ra
more dense medium to a less dense
Sin ra = 40 = 0.4833
sin 0
incidence rays
Fig 12.2 :
(ii) State the laws of refraction of
light. Fig. 12.3 : Refraction on semi-circular glass block
• The incident ray, the normal and the
Calculate the angle θ if the refractive
refracted ray at the point of
index of the glass is 1.52.
incidence, all lie on the same plane.
n = sin i
• The ratio of the sine of angle of sin r
incidence to the sine of the angle of 1.52 = sin 500 (Assume the law of
refraction is a constant for a given sin θ reversibility of light)
Sin θ = sin 50 = 0.766
pair of media.
1.52 1.52
i.e. sin i = constant (n)
sin r Sin θ = 0.5039
θ = 30.360
θ = sin–1 0.5039
≈ 30.30
(c) Find the angle of refraction for a ray (b) (i) Define the terms real and apparent
of light incident on water surface of depth.
refractive index 1.33 at 30o. Real depth is the actual depth of a
n = sin i medium. Apparent depth is the height
sin r
between the image and the top surface
1.33 = sin 33
of the medium.
sin r (ii) State the relationship between
Sin r = sin 33
real and apparent depth and
refractive index
= 0.5 = 0.376 Refractive index = Real depth
1.33 Apparent depth
r = sin–1 0.376 = 22.1o
(f) Fig 12.6 shows a tank of height
12.2 : Real and apparent depth 8.5 m filled with a transparent liquid.
A stone place at the bottom of the
3.(a) (i) With diagrams, explain why a
tank appears to be at 2 m from the
swimming pool appears shallower
bottom of the tank, to an observer at
than its actual depth.
the top.
of bottom
Fig 12.6 : Transparent tank
Fig 12.4 : Real and apparent depth of pool Find the refractive index of the liquid.
Light rays from the bottom surface of n = real depth
a swimming pool are incident at apparent depth
surface Liquidof the liquid S. The rays are
apparent surface of
the liquid
12.3 : Critical angle and total
internal reflection
4.(a) (i) With necessary diagram(s), explain
apparent depth the terms critical angle and total
internal reflection.
image Critical angle is the angle of incidence
depth in more dense medium that give a
refracted angle in a less dense medium
transparent which is equal to 90o. But reflected ray
is still weak.
weak reflected Light
incident ray Object proof box
c=i ray
D, at D it is reflected to E, and at E it is (i) Draw a complete a ray diagram
refracted to give a faint image I3. This and indicate emergent ray.
process continuous and more faint
images are formed. P
• Mirages
Sky Mirrage
(d) Calculate the refractive index of a The slope = refractive index of the glass
material of glass if the critical angle block.
for glass – air interface is 42o. The incident ray IA is parallel to emergent
n = 1 = 1
a g
ray BC.
sinc sin42
(b) A ray of light is incident on a
1 semicircular glass block at A, of
= 0.669
refractive index 1.5.
= 1.494
12.4 : Measurement of refractive
6.(a) Describe an experiment to measure Q
refraction index of a glass block. /
J Fig 12.15 : Semicircular glass block
1 2
" (i) why the ray does not bend at A.
The light ray is incident at A at right angle
i.e. at 90o (normally).
(ii)Find angle θ.
n = sin θ o (in air)
sin 30 (in glass)
4 3
1.5 = sin θ o
sin 30
1 $ sin θ = 1.5 × sin 30
Fig 12.14 : Determining refractive index of a ∴ θ = 48.6o
glass block
• Place the glass block on a white sheet of 12.5 : Dispersion of light and colours
paper and trace its outline PQRS.Remove
the glass block and draw a normal at A as 7. (i) Distinguish between dispersion
shown in fig 12.14, near P. and deviation.
Dispersion is the spreading of white light
• Draw a line to meet the normal at point A into its components i.e. red, orange,
such that angle i is say 10o. Fix pins P1 and yellow, green blue, indigo and
P2 in the line. Replace the glass block. violet.
• Viewing from side SR, fix pins P3 and P4 Dispersion is due to different components
such that they are in line with pins P1 and of white light have different speeds in
P2. Remove the glass block, draw a line BC different media.
passing through where the pins have been Deviation is the change in the direction
removed. of a ray or of light. The reason is the
• Draw a line joining B to A. Measure angle same as for dispersion. Deviation in a
r. Repeat the procedure from more angles prism is towards the base of the prism.
of i and measuring their corresponding (ii) What do you understand by the
angles of r. Tabulate the results indicating term “white light spectrum”.
values of sin i and sin r. White light spectrum refers to the
• Plot a graph of sin i versus sin r. A straight components of light that make up white
line graph through the origin is obtained light treated together as a band.
and the slope is obtained.
12.6 : Forming of a pure spectrum (ii)Define the term complementary
colours. Give examples.
8. Using a diagram, describe how a pure
spectrum is produced. Complimentary colours are any
two colours that combine to give
L1 Prism
e.g. Yellow + green = white
Blue + magenta = white
Cyan + green = white
colours of white light.
(b) Explain why the sky appears blue.
Blue has the shortest wavelength of all
components of white light. This makes it Principal axis
to be the most scattered if they meet
other particles e.g. dust particles in the
atmosphere. Since he blue tends to be the
most scattered, the sky will appear blue.
Principal axis
(c) Explain why the sun appears red at Fig 12.20 : A Convex lens
sunset and at dawn. (ii) concave lens.
At sunset and at dawn the sun is oblique
A concave lens is a diverging lens,
(low down in the sky): to an observer or
thinnest in the centre and bends light
earth. The light rays from it will be
away from the principal axis.
refracted and dispersed by the dust
particles in the atmosphere. Since red is
Principal axis
the least deviated (as in prisms), it has a
shorter wavelength; it will then be
deviated at the same time dispersed
towards the earth unlike the other
colours. The sun will then appear red; Principal axis
since it is only the red colour reaching the
eye. Principal axis
(d) What is an impure spectrum?
Is a spectrum in which colours overlap.
Fig 12.21 : A Concave lens
XIJUF (b) Define
F the following
0 termsF as used
in lenses:
7 3
U (i) optical centre.
XI Optical centre O is the centre of the lens.
AFlight ray passing 0
through the
centre is undeviated or not bent.Principal axis
7 (ii) principal focus of a convex lens.
Principal focus of the convex lens is a
point on the principal axis where light
Fig 12.19 : Colour spectrum
rays originally parallel and closer to the
(e) What is a pure spectrum? principal axis pass or converge after
A pure spectrum where colours formed do refraction through the lens.
not overlap.
principal axis appear to come from or The distance between the screen and he
diverge after refraction through the lens. lens is measured and this is equal to
focal length of the lens.
(b) Draw a ray diagram showing
formation of an image from a distant
object by a convex lens.
Fixed plane
Fig 12.23 : Pricipal of focus of concave lens
(iv) principal axis.
Principal axis is the line joining the optical Fig 12:25 : Formation of image on
centre, the principal focus and the centre a convex lense
of curvature of a lens. (c) State five uses of convex lenses.
(v) focal length. • used in optical instruments like lens
Focal length is the length between optical in the camera;
centre and principal focus. • used as magnifying glasses;
(vi) centre of curvature. • used as solar concentration
Centre of curvature is the centre of the (for burning).
sphere of which the lens surface forms 14.(a) Using ray a diagrams show how
part. images are formed by Concave lens.
(i) Object between F and the mirror.
Candle C
holder Mirror
Screen with wire holder
gauge at its center
Nature of image: Virtual, magnified, 15. Using a ray diagram, describe the
upright. image formed by a convex lens when:
(ii) Object at F. (i) Object is between F and the lens.
Figure 12.28
Nature of image: Image at infinity
(iii) Object between C and F Figure 12.32
Nature of image: upright, virtual, magnified
(ii) Object at F
F P par
M l ra
Figure 12.29
Nature of image: Real, magnified and
inverted. Figure 12.33
(iv) Object at C. Nature of image: trivial image at infinity.
M (iii) Object between C and F.
0 F 2F I
2F F P
Figure 12.35
Nature of image: Inverted, real and
Figure 12.30 magnified.
Nature of image: Same size as object, (iv) Object at C.
inverted and real.
(v) Object beyond C. B
B 0
2F F P
F 2F
M Figure 12.36
Nature of image: inverted, real, same size
Figure 12.31 as object and at C.
Nature of image: Inverted, real and
diminished image.
(v) Object beyond C. (c) An object of height 6 cm is placed
perpendicularly on he principal axis
B and at 18 cm from the convex lens of
F 2F
focal length 12 cm.By graphical
0 2F F P I method.
Figure 12.37
P F 2F
12.11 : Linear magnification and 2F O F
power of a lens
16.(a) Define the following terms: u v
= 1 = 0.08333
Fig 12.38 : Use of lens as a magnifying glass
An object is placed between the principal
focus and optical centre. The eye sees a 12. 12 : Eye defects
magnified, erect virtual image. 17.(a) With diagrams, explain the terms
short-sightedness and
long-sightedness and their how they
A short-sighted person sees near objects
clearly but distant objects appear blurred.
The image of a distant object is formed
infront of the retina because the eyeball is
too long.
convex lens
From distance object
Fig 12.39 : Short–sightedness
Correction Fig 12.42 : Correction of Long–sightedness
This defect is corrected by a diverging
spectacle lens which diverges the light 12.13 : Lens camera
before it enters the eye to give an image
18(a). With a diagram, explain how a lens
on the retina.
camera works.
diverging lens
Aperture Shutter
Differences: Revision Exercise 12.
Lens camera Human eye 1. Define the terms.
Distance between Distance be- (a) Refractive index.
lens and film can be tween lens and (b) Total internal refraction.
varied. retina is fixed. 2. A ray of light is passing from water into air
The lens is artificial. The lens is bio- as shown in Figure 12.44. The angle of
logical. refraction in air is 46°. Calculate the angle of
Lens has fixed Lens has a vari- incidence in water, if nw = 1.33.
length. able focal length.
Lorm permanent Form temporary
images at the film. images at the air
retina. i
Image is focused by Image focused by
moving in an out of contracting are
the lens. relaxing the lens.
Fig 12.44
Table 12.1
3. The angle of incidence for a ray of light
(c) Give the differences between a pin
passing from air to water is 30° and the angle
hole camera and a lens camera.
of refraction in water is 22°. Calculate the
Pin hole camera Lens camera speed of light in water if the speed of light in
Can not take Can take photo- air is 3.0 × 108 m/s.
photographs of graphs of moving 4. The critical angle of a glass is 420. Find the
moving objects objects reflective index of this glass.
Light focused by pin Light focused by 5. The critical angle for a liquid-air interface
hole. lens. is 40°. Calculate the refractive index of the
Table 12.2 liquid.
(d) With a diagram describe how a slide 6. Figure 12.45 (a) and (b) shows right angled
projector works. isosceles prisms. Copy the diagrams and
complete the path of the rays shown, if
A projector is used to throw a magnified
critical angle for glass-air interface is 42°.
image of a slide on a screen. A lamp is
placed at the principal focus of a reflector
(concave mirror) which illuminates the
condenser and slide. 30O
The condenser concentrates the light on
the slide which is placed upside down. The
projector lens forms a magnified, real,
erect image on a screen. The filter absorbs
Filter Slide
Fig 12.45
7. A ray of light passes from glass to air.
Calculate the critical angle for the glass-air
interface if the velocity of light in glass is
1.875 × 108 m/s and in air 3.0 × 108 m/s.
Reflector Screen
(concave Condenser Projection
mirror) lens
8. A ray of monochromatic light incident on 12. A convex lens gives a real image 3 times the
the face CA of an equilateral prism emerges object when placed 20 cm from it.
out of the prism just grazing the surface AB, (a) Calculate the focal length of the lens.
as shown in Figure 12.46. Calculate the angle (b)How should the object be shifted so as to
of incidence as the ray enters the prism, if get a real image 4 times the object?
ng = 1.50. 13. A convex lens produces a real image of an
A object which is twice the size of the object.
The distance between the object and the
60O image is 1.50 m. Calculate the focal length of
the lens.
14. A student sees an image through a com
pound microscope at 24 cm. If the focal
60O lengths of the objective and the eyepiece
B lenses are 4 cm and 12 cm respectively and
the lenses are placed 20 cm apart, where
Fig 12.46 should the object be placed?
9. Find the distance at which an object should 15. The focal lengths of the objective and
be placed from a convex lens of focal length eye-piece lenses of a compound microscope
10 cm to obtain an image of double its size. are 1.5 cm and 4.0 cm respectively. When
10. An object 4 cm tall is placed 15 cm from a the object is placed 2 cm from the objective
concave lens of focal length 10 cm. Find the lens, the final image formed is 28 cm from
position and the size of the image formed. the eye-piece. Calculate the distance
between the lenses.
11. An object 5 cm tall is placed 60 cm from a
convex lens of focal length 100 cm. Find the
position and size of the image formed.
(vi) period. (b) (i) Calculate the speed of the yellow
Period (T), is the time taken for each colour of light in air if the wave
vibration of a wave source or the time length is 5.0 × 10–7 m and the
taken to produce one cycle of a wave. frequency 5.0 × 1014 Hz.
The time taken by a particle of a V = f λ
medium to make one complete = 5 × 1014 × 5 × 10–7
= 25 × 107
3. Fig 13.5 represents a wave motion of a
vibrating particle. = 2.5 × 108 ms–1
(ii)A hospital uses X–rays of wave
Displacement (m)
10 length 1 × 10–11 m. Calculate the
v frequency of the X–rays if its
P velocity is 3 × 108 m/s.
5 10 15
Distance (m) Using V = f λ
or Time (s)
3 × 108 = f × 1 × 10–11
Fig 13.5 : A wave motion
f = 3 × 10–11
(a) Identify what the following letters
1 × 10
= 3 × 1019 Hz
X – Wavelength or period.
5.(a) (i) A simple pendulum has a periodic
Y – Amplitude.
time of 2 s. What is its frequency?
(b) Determine:
f = 1
(i) amplitude. T
= 10 m = 1 = 0.5 Hz
(ii)velocity of the wave.
(ii) A wheel of a car is rotating at
V = λ f, T = 10 s 1200 revolutions per minute.
f = 1 = 0.1 Hz Calculate its periodic time.
V = 0.1 × 10 f = 200 revolutions per minute
= 1 m/s = 200 revolutions per second
4.(a) Write down an expression relating: = 3.333 Hz
(i) period T and frequency f. But, T = 1
1 f
period =
= 1 = 0.3 s
i.e. T = 1 (s) or f = 1 (Hz)
f T (b) Fig 13.6 below shows a progressive
(ii) velocity (v), frequency f and wave travelling in air.
wavelength λ ; as used in waves.
If a source of wave produces of
frequaency waves (cycles) per second
each having wave length λ in time, t(s)
The wave covers a distance of:
distance = (f × λ × t) metres
velocity, v = f λ t
t Fig 13.6 : Progressive wave
∴ velocity, V = wavelength × frequency Find:
V = fλ (i) the wave length of the wave.
From the definition of λ (distance
between 2 successive crests)
λ = 12 cm = 6 cm
∴ λ = 6 cm
(ii) the frequency of the wave if the 7. On each of the following diagrams,
velocity of the wave in air is complete the reflected wave pattern.
330 ms–1. (i) Circular wave with concave reflector.
V = f λ, λ = 6 m reflected
100 wave
330 = f × 6 concave
100 surface
∴ f = 330 × 100
= 5 500 Hz
13.2 : Properties of waves JODJEFOUXBWF wave
Incident wave concave
6.(a) Give any four properties of surface
electromagnetic waves. Fig 13.7 (a) : Reflection on concave surface
• They have the same speed (3 × 108 ms–1) (ii) A circular wave with a convex
i.e. speed of light in a vacuum. reflector.
• They are transverse waves.
• They do not need a medium to transfer.
• They carry no charge. JODJEFOUXBWF Reflected
• They transfer energy from one place to Incident wave
• They undergo interference, difraction, wave
reflecttion and refraction.
(b) Infra-red, Gamma rays, visible light,
ultra-violet, radio waves, X-rays and
microwaves are electromagnetic JODJEFOUXBWF
waves in the electromagnetic JODJEFOUXBWF
spectrum. Arrange them in the order Reflected
of: wave
(i)Increasing wavelength.
Gamma rays, X-rays, Infra-red, visible Incident
light, ultra-violet, microwaves and Reflected
radio waves. Fig 13.7 (b) : Reflection
on cenvex mirror
(iv) A plane wave with a convex mirror. 8.(a) Define the following terms as used in
(i) wave front.
A wave front is a surface/line
through a wave joining particles
that are in phase. Particles are in phase
if they have the same energy, speed and
the same frequency.
(ii) ray.
Reflected Incident
A ray is a path followed by a wave.
Fig 13.7 (c) : Flat source and reflection on (iii) ripples.
a concave mirror Ripples are terms used to describe
(v) A plane wave with a straight water waves.
reflector. (b) Describe briefly how you would
(i) continuous straight wave.
In a ripple tank straight (plane) waves
are produced by lowering a frame
(metal plate) on which a running
motor is mounted so that it just
touches water surface. Continuous
straight waves will be produced as the
motor sets the vibrator in action.
(ii) continuous circular waves in a
ripple tank.
To produce circular ripples rapidly, dip
your finger into water in a ripple tank
or set the vibrator to vibrate in the
WAVE water itself or use a small ball called a
WAVE dipper fitted to the bar by allowing it to
Fig 13.7 (d) : A plane wave with convex surface just touch the water surface.
(vi) A plane wave with a straight #ONVEXS (c) (i) What are coherent sources of
reflector. SURFACE
0LANE Coherent sources are any two adjacent
(nearby) sources that are in phase i.e.
have the same frequency and wave
REFLECTED2EFLECTED )NCIDENT length, e.g. two nearby bulbs of some
)NCIDENT output.
(ii) A disc stroboscope is used to
freeze water waves in ripple tank.
What is to “freeze”?
To “freeze” means to “hold in a state
0LANE of no motion”. This is usually done to
SURFACE enable us study the nature of waves
produced on the water surface in a
ripple tank.
Fig 13.8 : Plane wave in a ripple tank XBWF
In region A, the wave has a smaller
wavelength than in B. This means that B is
deeper than A. Wavelength increases with
depth in water. The direction of the wave XJEFSHBQ
in a deeper part is away from the normal; Fig 13.10 : Difraction at a wider gap
unlike in shallow water where they move
(c) With the aid of a diagram, explain
towards the normal.
constructive and destructive
(b) Figures 13.9 and 13.10 shows plane
waves incident onto slits in a barrier.
Interference is the overlapping of waves
Copy and complete the diagrams.
travelling through the same medium in
(i) the same direction.
4 %
∩ + ∩ = ∩
(d) State conditions necessary for (c) Distinguish between nodes and
interference to occur. anti-nodes as used in waves.
Two waves must be travelling in the same A node is a position of zero displacement
direction. of a particle of a wave.
The waves should have same frequency. Anti-node is a position of maximum
Two waves must have same wave length. displacement of particle of a wave.
Two wave must have equal amplitude. 11.(a) Define wavelength of a stationary
10.(a) State three conditions under which wave.
stationary waves are formed. A stationary wave can be defined as one
• Two waves travelling in opposite where there is no energy propagation.
directions. The wave length of a stationary wave is
• Two waves having the same frequency. the distance between two successive
nodes or anti–nodes.
• Two waves with same wavelengths.
(b) Give any three differences between
• Two waves with same speed. stationary and progressive wave.
(b) Describe an experiment to
demonstrate stationary waves in Progressive wave Stationary wave
strings. There is a There is no
Shaft String continuous energy energy
transfer through the transfer.
Pulley medium.
Signal Crests and troughs Nodes and
are formed. anti-nodes are
All particles vibrate Some particles
with maximum do not vibrate
amplitude. at all.
A single wave moves Two identical
in one direction. waves moving
in opposite
Fig 13.12 : Demonstarting stationary wave
A mass is joined to the shaft of a
vibrator by passing it over a pulley.
Table 13.1
The signal generator is then set to
(c) A source sends out waves each of
vibrate causing the string connected to
wavelength 3.30 m at a speed of
the vibrator to vibrate in segments.
330 ms–1. How many complete waves
For clear view. Set the generator to
are sent out by the source in 20 s?
have a low frequency of vibration. If
the frequency is increased, the V = f λ
amplitude will increase. The segments f = , f = 100 Hz
will show the nodes (N) and anti-nodes 100 waves are sent out in 1 second.
(A) of the wave. (20 × 100) waves are sent out in 20 s.
= 2000 waves
/ /
12.(a) (i) Distinguish between compressions
" and rarefactions.
Rarefaction is a region in a longitudinal 13.3 : Sound waves
wave where the molecules are spaced
13.(a) (i) What is sound?
out (region of low pressure).
Sound is a longitudinal wave that is
(f) (ii) Show on the diagram below,
produced when objects vibrate.
compression, rarefaction and
wave length. (ii) Explain factors that affect the
speed of sound in gases.
Density. The higher the density, the
lower the speed of sound for any gases.
Fig 13.14 : Propogation of sound Humidity. Sound travels faster in
L – wave lenght L higher humidity than in low
humidity this is because particles are to
each other e.g. in the morning sound
travels faster and more clearly because
maximum. This shows that sound needs a (ii) resonance method.
medium (air) to travel.
Burette fork
(c) Explain why a distant coming train L1
V = 2f (L2 – L1) hence the speed of bang a tuning fork on a table and bring it
sound is deposited close to the string as you pluck it slowly.
15.(a) (i) Explain the meaning of the term Meanwhile you could be adjusting the
resonance? movable bridge B as you pluck (frequency
Resonance is a phenomenon where a α length) . In addition to adjust the
system is set to oscillate at its natural bridge, you could also add or reduce the
frequency by a nearby oscillating weight (frequency α tension). A point is
system, e.g. A student rhythmically reached when the frequency of the string
dancing to the tune of a guitar. is similar or same as that of the tuning
(ii) Illustrate resonance in a coupled fork. The sonometer is then said to be in
pendulum. tune.
16. Define the following terms :
(i) Echoes.
Echoes are reflected sound waves. It is
produced when sound wave meets an
B D (ii) Reverberation.
Reverberation is the prolonged sound
C heard when echo interferes with the
Fig 13.17 : Resonance in coupled
original sound.
The system shows in fig 13.17 a coupled It can be minimised by using acoustics
pendulum with B and D of the same (e.g. soft boards) in buildings such
length but the others of different as concert halls, cathedrals.
length. (iii) Pitch.
If any one of the pendulum (A,B, C and Pitch is the highness and lowness of
B) is pulled and then released, it will a sound note. Pitch is proportional to
exert a periodic force on the beam, frequency of the sound i.e. high pitch
this force will be transmitted to all the means high frequency.
other pendulums. (iv) Beats.
All the pendulums (pendula) will begin
Beats is a periodic rise and fall in the
to oscillate but with different
intensity of sound. They are produced
amplitude except for B and D will be
when two waves of nearly the same
equal. B and D are then said to be
frequency superpose.
(v) Loudness.
(b) Demonstrate resonance using a
sonometer. Loudness is a characteristics of sound
Peg that depends on amplitude.
Low note
wooden box
Fundamental frequency (fo). This is the
lowest frequency that can be obtained Fig 13.20 : Determining speed sound in air
from an instrument. Let the distance between the cliff and the
(viii) Octane girl be, x.
Octane is the interval between the 8th The distance by sound = 2 x
and the 1st note on a musical scale. Speed = D ⇒ V = 2x
t t
17.(a) (i) Distinguish between subsonies 2x
340 =
and ultra-sonis. 2
• Subsonies are sounds produced at ∴ x = 340 m
frequency lower than (20 Hz); that (b) A boy standing midway between two
cannot be heard by a normal ear. cliffs makes a loud sound. He hears
• Ultra-sonis or super sonnis are sound the first echo after 3 s. Calculate the
waves produced at very high distance between the two cliffs if the
frequency (> 20 Khz); that a normal velocity of the sound in air is
human ear cannot detect, e.g. A fast 330 ms–1.
moving plane might only be seen and A
not heard.
• A normal ear detects frequencies of
(20Hz – 20 000 Hz) i.e. audio x
frequency range.
(ii) Give any four uses of ultra-sonies.
• Ultra-sound scanning in hospitals. Fig 13.21 : Echo methods determining speed of sound
• By bats for detecting their obstacles Let the distance between the boy and each
and their pray at night. of the cliffs be x.
• Echo sounders for measuring the The distance by sound in the 3 s is 2x
depth of sea/lake. Speed = D = 2x
t t
• Metal scanners. 2x
330 =
(b) Explain why a dog is able to detect a 3
duker passing by through hearing 2x = 330 ×3
before a hunter moving together with 2 2
it. = = 495 m
A running duker produces sound wave of a 2
lower frequency. A human ear can only ∴ The distance between the two cliffs
detect wave (sound) of frequency 20 Hz to is 495 m.
20 000 Hz. The dog will hear the
by-passing duker because it is able to hear
Revision Exercise 13 9. Light waves are electromagnetic waves. What
property of these waves show that light
1. Distinguish between:
waves are transverse in nature?
(a) longitudinal wave and transverse wave.
10. Name two types of electromagnetic
(b) Stationary wave and prograssive wave.
radiations whose frequencies are less than
2. Distinguish between the terms ‘pulse’ and that of visible light.
11. State three properties of light that are
3. Define the terms compression and different from sound waves.
12. One range of frequencies used in
4. (a) By taking measurements from Fig. 13.22, braodcasting varies from 0.75 × 106 Hz to
write down 2 × 106 Hz. What is the longest wavelength
(i) the wavelength of the wave, in this region?
(ii) the amplitude of the wave, 13. Heat radiation of frequency 2 × 1012 Hz
from furnace has a wavelength of 0.15 mm.
Constriction 14.4 : Determination of fixed points
4.(a) (i) Name and define two fixed points
of a thermometer.
35oC 43oC
• The lower fixed point (ice point). Is
Bulb with Narrow the temperature of pure melting ice
mercury Capillary
or the temperature at which pure
Fig 14.1 : Clinical Thermometer water freezes (0oC).
(iv)Explain how a Six’s thermometer • The upper fixed point (steam point).
works. Is the temperature of steam from
Air and water boiling at standard
Bulb A
alcohol vapour atmospheric pressure (76 cmHg) and
Bulb B 100oC.
Alcohol (ii) What is a fundamental interval?
oC The fundamental interval is the
–30 oC difference between the lower and the
–20 50 Metal index upper fixed points i.e.
–10 40 I2
(100 – 0)o c = 100oC on Celcius scale
I1 0 30 or (212– 32)oF or Farenheit scale.
10 20 i.e. 100oC = 180oF.
20 10
30 0 # &
40 –10
50 –20
Immerse the bulb of a thermometer
completely into a beaker of pure $
melting ice.
Wait for a mercury thread (level) to
recede and settle. When there is no
more change in the level, mark the Z 1
Fig 14.6 : Calibration of thermometer
Wall The temperature at P in oC,
OP =( x × 100)oC where x is in cm and
y is in cm.
Manometer 4.5 : Characteristics of a good
Steam Out
thermometric property
5. (i) State three characteristics of a
good thermometric substance.
• The property should remain constant if
temperature is constant.
Water • The property should change uniformly
Heat with change in temperature.
• The property should cover a wide
Fig 14.5 : Determination of upper fixed • The property should change rapidly
point.(Hypsometer) with temperature.
Water is boiled at the bottom of a • The property should have a large
double copper–walled vessel change even if the change in
(hypsometer) with a thermometer temperature is small.
hanging right inside. The manometer (ii) Give any one advantage of a mercury
ensures that the pressure inside is the in glass thermometer over alcohol in
same as the one outside (atmospheric a glass thermometer.
pressure). • Mercury is opaque and can be easily
The mercury thread will rise up and seen unlike alocohol which is
become constant, i.e. no change in colourless.
level; this point is marked as the
• Mercury does not wet the glass.
upper fixed point (100oC).
Note : We use both upper fixed point • Mercury expands easily over a small
and lower fixed point to calibrate a range of temperature.
thermometer. • Mercury expands uniformly.
(iii) State two advantages of alcohol in a
glass thermometer over mercury in
a glass thermometer.
• Alcohol has a lower boiling point than
mercury thus can measure very small
• Alcohol expands much more than 7.(a) State and explain factors affecting
mercury. rate of heat transfer in solids.
• Length of the conductor: Rate of heat
14.6 : Heat transfer transfer is less for a longer conductor
or vice versa.
6.(a) Define the following terms as used in • Temperature difference between the
heat transfer. ends. The higher the temperature
(i) Conduction. difference, the higher the rate of heat
Conduction is a mode of heat transfer by transfer.
vibrations of particles of the medium; • Cross–sectional area of the
without movement of the material as a conductor. Rate of heat transfer is
whole in a solid. higher for a large cross sectional area
(ii) Convection. and vice versa.
• Nature of the conductor: The rate
Convection is a mode of heat transfer by
of heat transfer is higher in a good
movement of particles of the fluid from a
conductor than in a bad one or an
hot part to a cold part.
(iii) Radiation.
(b) Describe an experiment to show that
Radiation is the transfer of heat in form of solids have different rates of heat
waves i.e. infra–red radiation. transfer.
(b) Describe an experiment to show that
Very hot
water is a poor conductor of heat. water
tube Copper Iron Wood
rod rod
Fig 14.8 : Comparing rate of conduction
Rods of copper, iron and wood of same
cross–sectional area and length are
Ice wrapped smeared with wax and inserted on the
in a gauze
sides of a container.
Very hot water is then poured into the
container. The wax on the copper rod
Fig 14.7 : Determination of poor thermal almost melts completely, then iron rod
conductivity of water and the one on wood almost remains
• Ice wrapped in a gauze is placed at the unmelted.
bottom of a boiling tube containing Thus the rate of heat transfer is highest
water. in the copper rod and least in wood.
• The tube is then tilted and heated near (c) Using diagram (s) describe an
its end. experiment to demonstrate
• The water at the end of the tube boils convectional current in:
vigorously but the ice remains
unmelted. This is because water could
not conduct heat down the tube to melt
the ice otherwise it could have melted.
Therefore water is a poor conductor of
(i) liquids. • A candle wax is placed at one corner
of a box with two projection tubes
on its top. If the candle is lit, smoke
rises from tube A and is seen
descending slowly after giving out its
energy to the cold air above A.
• As it rises, cold dense air from B comes
to replace it. The air that has cooled will
again slowly come down to replace the
one at B. this is seen by the darkening
Crystals of pottasium of the upper part of the smouldering
per magnate
paper placed at B.
Heat • The rising and descending of the hot
dense air and cold dense air through
the tubes will cause a convectional
current in air.
Fig 14. 9 Convectional currents in liquids 8. (i) With the aid of a diagram, explain
• Some crystals of potassium how a hot water supply system
per magnate is dropped into water in a works.
flask using a straw. Ball cork Expansion
• Heat the water. At first, a drop in the
water level was observed because the
flask expands before the water.
• Purple coloured streaks of potassium Cold supply
per magnate are seen rising from the tank Hot supply to taps
bottom (hot part) to the top
(cold part). The hot water rises because
it expands and becomes less dense in
the process gives out heat to the
molecules in contact with it, thus
becoming cold. At this point, it
becomes denser and colder so it begins
to return to the bottom. Hot supply
The process of rising and descending
constitute a convectional current and Heater
will lead to heating of the whole liquid.
When all the molecules are heated to Fig 14.11 : Hot water supply bolier
about nearly the same temperature, • The water heated/boiled in the becomes
they now begin to escape (evaporate) less dense, and rises up into the storage
instead of returning into the liquid. tank H; meanwhile, the cold water from
(ii) gases the cold water at the bottom of the
storage tank flows down to replace it.
smoke • The cold water “C” at the bottom of the
storage tank is then replaced by
smouldering another cold water from the supply
wick tank. Hot water “H” from the storage
box tank can then be used through pipes
leading to taps.
candle glass window • The movement of hot and cold water
into and out of the storage pipe
constitute a convectional current in
Fig 14.10 : Convectional current in gases
(ii) Give at least three applications • The silvered surface minimises heat
of convectional currents in our loss by radiation.
everyday lives. • The vacuum seal is a point from
• In ventilation of rooms. which air was sealed out to create the
• In car radiation system for cooling vacuum.
engines. (iv) Give any two applications of
• Land and sea breezes. radiation.
• Domestic hot water supply. • Solar panel absorbs radiation for
9. (i) What is greenhouse effect? • Solar concentration absorbs radiation
Greenhouse effect refers to a phenomenon for heat.
where heat is trapped in a given space • Solar energy drys objects by
in order to give warmth/temperature rise radiation.
in the region. The heat can be trapped • Car radiators uses radiation for
because their wavelength changes ignition.
from short to long making them weaker.
If the heat is trapped in the atmosphere 10.(a) Describe an experiment to show that
by a layer of gases (Carbon (IV) oxide) in some surfaces are good absorbers or
the atmosphere, leading to a rise in radiators.
temperature; the phenomenon is called Highly Dull
polished polished
“global warming”. metal metal
plate plate
(ii) State the law of black-body
The law of black-body radiation state that Heat
a good absorber of radiation is a good
emitter and a poor absorber of radiation is Wax Wax
a poor emitter.
(iii) Use a diagram to explain how a
vacuum flask works.
A vacuum flask maintains temperature of
Fig 14. 13 : Comaparing good absorbers
inside by minimising heat loss or
and radiation
gain through the following parts.
A source of heat is placed midway between
a highly polished metal plate and a dull
black metal plate, both on which wax is
After a short time, wax falls from a dull
black metal plate almost immediately,
while the one on the highly polished
Silvered surface takes long to fall off.
Hence a dull black surface is a good
absorber and a highly polished surface is a
seal poor absorber.
Fig 14.12 : A vacuum flask (b) State and explain practical
• A cork minimises heat loss by applications of radiation.
• A vacuum (a region of nothingness)
minimises heat loss by conduction and
Solar heating system radiator and dissipated in to the cool air
1JQF blowing around it. Also an electric fan
placed closer tot the radiator blows cold
air into the radiator to increase the
S IPUXBUFS cooling process.
DBT F *OTVMB $ DPMMFDUPS Green house effect
XBUFSHBJOT A green house consists of a glass enclosure
UIFFYDIBOHFS (house) with plants (green) grown inside.
DPME Glass allows visible light and short
wavelength radiations emitted by very hot
bodies (sun) to pass through, the other
XBUFS UBOL hand, glass cannot transmit the long wave
Fig 14.14 : Solar heating system length given out by cooler objects e.g.
Flat plate collectors, called solar panels are plants, in this way heat from the sun “is
used to heat water. They can heat water up trapped” inside the green house. This
to 70oC. A solar panel consists of thin makes the inside of a green house warmer
copperpipes, painted black, which carry than the outside. This process of allowing
water to be heated. These tubes are in radiation from the sun and preventing
fitted in a copper collector plate which in the radiation emitted by the plants from
turn is fitted onto a good thermal escaping is called green house effect.
insulator in a metal frame.
A glass plate covers the panel. These Sun
Solar concentrations
Concave or parabolic mirrors are used to
concentrate the heat radiations from the
sun to a small ring at their focus. If the
Fig. 14.15: A green house
boiler is placed at the point of focus very
high temperatures can be reached.
Car radiator 14.7 : Expansion of solids and liquids
A car engine produces a lot of heat when 11.(a) Distinguish between expansion and
the car is moving. Thus heat finds a contraction.
suitable outlet, parts of the engine will be Expansion is the increase in size when a
severely damaged. The radiator is a device material is heated.
that dissipates heat through radiation. Contraction is the decrease in size of a
The radiator is made of an aluminium material when cooled.
pipe, bent several times to form a
rectangle. These multiple folding of the (b) Explain why metals expand when
pipe increases surface area of the radiator heated using kinetic theory.
and increases the rate of cooling. When When a metal is heated, its molecules
the coolant, usually water, flows through vibrate faster leading to increase in
the pipe of the radiator, heat is amplitude of vibration of the molecules.
absorbed by the aluminium body of the
The increase in amplitude weakens the • when cooled to a much lower
intermolecular forces leading to increase temperature, the iron will bend from
in the molecular separation. outside since it has a lower expansivity
The molecular separation in the entire than copper.
metal (solid) will cause an increase in
size of the material hence expansion is
said to have occurred. Iron
(c) Describe an experiment to show
expansion in solids. Fig 14.17 : Bimetalic strips
12. (i) Give any four uses of a bimetallic
• used in bimetallic thermometer.
• used to make thermostats (in flat irons,
fridges, cookers etc).
Fig 14.16 : Ball and ring experiment • used in making fire alarms.
Before heating, the ball passes through • used in making car indicators.
the hole in the ring freely. After heating (ii)Explain the working of any two
the ball just hangs on the ring and does applications you have mentioned
not pass through the hole. This is because in 12 (i) above.
its (ball) size increased after heating. • Bimetallic Thermometer.
Expansion is the increase in size of a
material when heated. Hence expansion
has taken place.
(d) (i) What is a bimetallic strip? $PJMFECJNFUBMMJD
A bimetallic strip is a combination of two TUSJQ
metal pieces of same size but of different 'JYFE
expansivities riveted (bound) together.
(ii) Using a diagram, show the
appearance of a bimetallic strip when
heated and when cooled to a Fig 14.18 : Bimetallic Thermometer
temperature much below room One end of a bimetallic spiral is fixed and
temperature. the other end is attached to the spindle of
the pointer which moves over a scale of
• before heating.
The bimetallic strip (spiral) is made of
RivetsIron brass and invar. A rise in temperature will
Iron cause the spiral to curl in a clockwise
Copper direction and the temperature read off
• when heated to a high temperature from the scale; the pointer then goes back
copper, having a higher expansivity will to its original position as the temperature
bend from outwards. reduces.
• a thermostat (b) A rod of brass and iron 10 cm long at
Control Knob 20oC are held horizontally with iron
uppermost. When heated, the
Insulator temperature of the brass was 820oC
and that of iron 770oC. Calculate
the difference in lengths of iron and
to heater brass if coeeficient of linear
circuit expansion of brass is 0.00019oC and of
iron 0.00012oC .
Using l = lo (1 + 20)
Bimetallic Strip (brass and Invar)
For brass lB = 0.1 (1 + 0.000019
Fig 14.19 : A thermostat
• Is a device to keep the temperature of a (820 – 20))
room or a device constant. When the = 10.152 × 10-2
temperature becomes hotter than the one From iron
set, (normal), the bimetallic strip will lFe = 0.1 (1 + 0.000012 (770 – 20))
bend with brass i.e. the inner strip
= 10.09 L 10-2
outwards, disconnecting the contact
hence breaking the circuit so that no Difference
current flows. lB – lFe = 10.152 × 10-2 – 10.09 × 10-2
• If the temperature now reduces to the = 6.2 x 10-4 m
normal one set by the nob, the bimetallic 14. (a) Describe an experiment to compare
strip cools, straightens and remakes the expansion in liquids.
contact: the current again flows in the
circuit and the temperature rises again.
The process of completing and
disconnecting a circuit makes the Water bath
the outside. This causes stress hence the
glass breaks.
(e) Explain why cups made of clay and not
metals are preferred in taking tea.
Clay is a poor conductor of heat while
metal is a good conductor of heat.
Metallic cups loose heat faster than the
clay cups. In the process, the metal cup
4oC Temperature (b) 4oC Temperature
4oC Temperature
may burn the lips or mouth.
Fig 14.21 : Anomalous expansion of water Since a clay cup does not burnt the mouth
and can retain heat for along time, that is
(c) Explain how aquatic animals are able
why it is preferred to a metal cup for
to survive during winter in temperate
taking tea.
During cold weather, the temperature of a
sea falls. The temperature of water Revision Exercise 14
molecules on the sea surface fall faster 1. Explain the meaning of the following terms:
than those at bottom. On reaching 4oC, fixed point, ice point and steam point.
the surface molecules will be so dense
(maximum density) thus fall right to the 2. State the special features of a clinical
sea bed, displacing the less dense thermometer and explain their roles.
molecules above them. 3. Why does a physician flick a thermometer
The process of displacing the lower vigorously after taking the temperature of a
molecules will continue forming a layer patient?
arranged according to temperature with
4. A student attempted to calibrate an air
the 4oC layer bottom most.
thermometer suggested by Galileo, by
The animals (aquatic) will then move
setting up the apparatus as shown in
down to the sea bed to the 4 oC layer
Fig.14.23 experiment, to mark the lower
which is warmer and habitable unlike
fixed point and upper fixed point. Copy the
the top where the ice will be even
diagram and label the positions of the fixed
cooling further.
points on the thin glass tube.
1oC air
thin walled
glass flask
3oC Water
– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –– –– coloured
– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– – –
(d) Explain why bottles crack in fridges – –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– – –
–––––––––––––––––––– –
8. Give scientific reasons for the following 12. Explain the following statements:
statements: (a) Electric kettles and geysers have the
(a) If a mercury thermometer with a ‘thick’ heating coils at the bottom.
glass bulb is dipped into hot water, the (b)In a room, the windows are at a lower level
mercury level first drops slightly and then and the ventilators at a higher level.
rises quickly in the bore.
(c) During the day cold air flows from the sea
(b) Steel bridges are usually supported by to land.
(c) The telephone cables “sag” in warm (d)The bottom of cooking vessels are usually
weather and tighten in cold weather. blackened.
(d) The mouth of a glass bottle is gently (e) A metal knob of a wooden door feels much
heated when the glass stopper is rigidly colder than the door.
stuck to the mouth so as to remove it. (f) Electric metal kettles are fitted with
(e) A sealed plastic bottle filled with water to wooden or plastic handles.
the brim breaks after some time if it is (g)People wear woollen garments in cold
placed in the freezing compartment of a weather to keep their bodies warm.
refrigerator. 13. With a simple diagram, explain the working
9. Use particle behaviour of matter to explain of a vacuum flask.
10. State four factors which affect heat transfer
in metals. Explain how one of the factors
you have chosen affects heat transfer.
11. In the experimental set-up shown in
Fig. 14.23, explain
ice wrapped
in a wire gauze
Fig. 14.23
(a) the purpose of the wire gauze,
(b)why ice does not melt for a long time
though the water at the top of the tube is
(c) the effect if water in the boiling tube is
heated from the bottom than at the top.
V (cm3)
fixed mass of gas is inversely
proportional to pressure, if the
temperature remains constant.
i.e. P α 1 or PV = constant.
v P (cm Hg)
(ii) Describe an experiment to verify Fig 15.3 : A graph of V against P
Boyle’s law.
(b) Use the kinetic theory to explain
Boyle’s law.
Volume of
gas V1
of gas V2
Fig 15.1 : Verifying Boyle’s law Fig 15.4 : Boyle’s law in terms of kinetic theory
Dry air is trapped in a thin tube. To If the volume of a fixed mass of gas is
increase the pressure, air is pumped reduced in the container, the number of
through the tap. molecules per unit volume will increase.
The pressure P is read from the There will be more collisions per second
Bourdon gauge and volume V from the with the walls of the container, hence
scale alongside the tube. pressure increases.
Volume of air column 2.(a) (i) Oxygen is compressed at constant
= Length of air × cross–sectional temperature until its pressure is
column area of tube. doubled. If the final volume is
Plot a graph of p against 1 or a 55 cm3, find the initial volume.
graph of V against P. P1 = P P2 = 2P
P V1 = ? V2 = 55 cm3
P1V1 = P2V2 (Boyle’s law)
P × V1 = 2P × 55
V1 = 2P × 55
V1 = 110 cm3
O (ii) An empty barometer tube 1 m
1 (cm–1)
v long, is lowered vertically mouth
downwards, into a tank of water.
Fig 15.2 : A graph of P against 1
v What will be the depth of the top of
A straight line through the origin the tube when the water has risen
is obtained. 25 cm inside the tube?
Hence P α 1 . (Atmospheric pressure may be
assumed equal to 10.4 m height of
Assuming temperature remains P2V2 = P1V1
constant, Boyle’s law is applied. P2L2A = P1L1A
P1V1 = P2V2
L2 = P1 L1
Let h = depth in, m, of water level in P2
the tube below surface. Then 760 × 250
= 1010
P2 = 10.4 + h in m of water
= 188.1 mm
V2 = 0.75 × A
A = cross sectional area of the tube (ii) vertically with open end down.
P1 = 10.4 m of water Pa
V1 = (1 × A) m3
∴(10.4 + h) (0.75 × A) = 10.4 × (1 × A)
10.4 + h = 10.4
250 mm
h = 3.5 m
∴ top of the tube is 3.5 – 0.75
= 2.75 m below the surface. 250 mm
(iii) Explain why mercury does not
fall out.
Mercury does not fall out because the
250 mm
Pa = 760 mmHg
Fig 15.5 : A tube in vertical position 15.2 : Charles’ law
Atmospheric pressure Pa1 = 760 mmHg 3.(a) (i) State Charles’ law.
Cross sectional area of tube = A Charles’ law states that volume of a
Pressure due to mercury fixed mass of gas is directly
proportional to its absolute
P2 = (760 + 250) mmHg
temperature if pressure is kept
= 1 010 mmHg
constant, i.e. V = constant.
V = L × A T
(ii) Describe an experiment to verify (c) Explain the term absolute zero
Charles’ law. temperature of a gas and its effect on
Ruler metal conductors.
Stirrer Absolute zero is the temperature at which
Thermometer the molecules have their lowest possible
Capillary kinetic energy. The motion of molecules of
Can a gas ceases.
concentrated At absolute zero temperature, some
air sulphuric acid metals become superconductors of
column index
electricity. Current once started in them,
Rubber flows continuously without a battery.
band Water
(d) A volume of 300 cm3 of carbon dioxide
Fig 15.7 : Verifying Charles’ law at 17 oC is heated at constant pressure
Dry air is trapped in a capillary tube to a temperature of 300 oC. Calculate
using concentrated sulphuric acid the new volume.
index. The contents of the can are V1 = 300 cm3 T1 = 17 + 273 = 290 k
heated while stirring. V2 = ? T2 = 300 + 273 = 573 K
The lengths of the air column L and V1 V
their corresponding temperature are = 2
T1 T2
read and tabulated. V T 300 × 573
A graph of volume versus temperature V2 = 1 2 = = 592.8 cm3
T1 290
is plotted.
15.3 : Pressure law
6OLUME 4.(a) (i) State pressure law.
CM The pressure law states that, the
pressure of a fixed mass of gas is
directly proportional to its absolute
temperature if the volume is kept
nO# O# 4EMPERATURE O# constant.
Fig 15.8 : Volume against Temp in celcius scale (ii)Describe an experiment to verify
the pressure law. State any
A straight line which does Onot pass precautions taken.
nO# O#
through the origin is obtained. Hence Bourdon
volume α absolute temperature. Rubbertubing pressure
Dry Air
6OLUME Thermometer
4EMP K Stirrer
Fig 15.9 : Volume against Temperature Kelvin Heat
(b) Use the kinetic theory to explain Fig 15.10 : Verifying pressure law
Charles’ law. The contents of the flask are heated
When a gas is heated, its temperature while stirring. Several values of
rises, the average speed of its molecules temperatures and their corresponding
increases. If the pressure of the gas is to values of pressure are taken.
remain constant, the volume must The results are tabulated. A graph of
increase so that the number of collisions pressure versus temperature is plotted.
of the molecules does not increase.
Pressure (ii)A sealed flask contains a gas at a
temperature of 27 oC and a pressure
of 90 kPa. If the temperature rises
to 127 oC, what will be the new
–273 Temperature oC T1 = 27 + 273 = 300 k, P1 = 90 kPa
Fig 15.11 : A Pressure
graph of pressure T2 = 127 + 273 = 400 k, P2 = ?
against tempearture P2 P P 90
(ii) A bicycle pump contains 60 cm3 of (b) Describe an experiment to determine
air at 17 oC and at 1.0 atmospheric specific heat capacity of a solid by:
pressure. Find the pressure when (i) method of mixtures.
the air is compressed to 10 cm3 and
its temperature rises to 27 oC.
V1 = 60cm3 , T1 = 17 + 273 = 290 k,
P1 = 1.0 Atmospheres
V2 = 10cm3, T2 = 27 + 273 = 300 k, water
P2 = ?
P2 V1 P V Water
= 2 2
1 × 60 P2 × 10 Solid
290 300 Fig 15.13 : Determining specific heat
P2 = 6.2 Atmospheres capacity of a solid
(b) Explain the cause of gas pressure. The solid is weighed to find its mass
All the molecules in a gas are in rapid Ms, heated in boiling water at a
constant motion, with different speeds, temperature θ3 for 10 minutes. It is
and constantly colliding with the walls of then quickly transferred to a
the container. calorimeter of mass Mc containing a
mass of water, Mw at temperature θ1.
The average force per unit area they exert
The water is stirred and the highest
on the wall is constant, hence pressure is
reading θ2 on the thermometer noted.
Assuming no heat loss from the
(c) Explain using the kinetic theory, why calorimeter when the hot solid is
the pressure of air inside a car tyre dropped into it.
increases on a hot day. Heat given out by solid cooling
Increase in temperature causes the from θ3 - θ2 = Heat received by
molecules to move with higher velocities. water warming from θ1 to θ2 + Heat
This leads to increase in number of received by calorimeter warming from
molecules hitting the walls of tyres, θ1 to θ2.
leading to increase in the rate of change If Cs is the specific heat capacity of the
of momentum and the force exerted is solid, Cw that of water and Cc that of
greater, hence rise in pressure. the calorimeter, then
MsCs (θ3– θ2) = Mw Cw (θ2 – θ1)
15.5 : Quantity of Heat + Mc Cc (θ2 – θ1)
7.(a) Define the following terms and
state their SI units. (MwCw + McCc) (θ2 – θ1)
Cs =
(i) specific heat capacity. Ms (θ3 – θ2)
The specific heat capacity of a
substance is the quantity of heat Hence knowing Cw and Cc, Cs can be
required to raise the temperature of calculated.
a 1 kg mass of a substance by 1oC
or 1 K. Its unit are joules per kilogram
per kelvin J kg–1 k–1 or J kg–1 oc –1.
(ii) heat capacity.
Heat capacity is the quantity of heat
required to raise the temperature of a
substance through 1oC or 1 K. Its SI
Units is joules per kelvin J k–1 or J oc–1.
(ii)Electrical method. (d) (i) A piece of aluminium of mass 0.5 kg
Battery is heated to 102 oC and then placed
A in 0.4 kg of water at 12 oC. If the
V Thermometer resulting temperature of the
mixture is 32 oC, what is the
specific heat capacity of aluminium
if that of water is 4200 Jkg–1 oc–1?
Oil Heat supplied by aluminium block
= Heat received by water
Electric heater Lagging
MaCa θa = MwCwθw
0.5 × Ca × (102 – 32) = 0.4 × 4200
Metal × (32 – 12)
Ca = 960 Jkg–1 k–1
Fig 15.14 : Specific heat capacity by (ii) A tank holding 70 kg of water is
electrical method heated by a 4 kW electric
A block of the material e.g. copper or immersion heater. If the specific
aluminium is used, having holes for heat capacity of water is
electric heater and thermometer. The 4200 J kg–1 oc-1, estimate the
mass Ms of the block is found and its time for the temperature to
initial temperature θ1 recorded. The rise from 11oC to 61oC.
block is lagged and a suitable steady Heat supplied by = Heat gained
current switched on, as a stop clock is heater by water
started. The voltmeter and ammeter P × t = mcθ
readings V and I are noted. When the 4 × 103t = 70 × 4200 × (61 – 11)
temperature has risen by about
t = 3 675 seconds
10 K, the current is stopped and the
time, t, taken for which it is passed. The
highest reading θ2 on the thermometer 15.6 : Latent heat
is noted. Assuming no heat loss,
8.(a) Define the following terms and state
Electrical energy = Heat received
their SI unit:
Supplied by heater by the block
IVt. (i) Latent heat of fusion.
I V t = MsCs (θ2 – θ1) Latent heat of fusion of a substance is the
quantity of heat needed to change a solid
Where Cs is the specific heat capacity of
to a liquid at constant temperature.
the metal. Hence
Its SI unit is joules per kilogram (J kg–1).
C2 = M (θ - θ (ii)Specific latent heat of fusion.
s 2 1
Specific latent heat of fusion is the
(c) Explain the importance of high quantity of heat needed to change 1 kg
specific heat capacity of water. mass of a substance from solid to liquid at
constant temperature and standard
The high specific heat capacity of water
pressure. Its SI unit is joules per
(as well as its cheapness and availability)
kilogram (J kg–1).
accounts for its use to cool car engines
and in the radiators of central heating (b) Explain why the temperature remains
system. constant during a change of phase.
Heat supplied is only used to overcome
or weaken the forces between the
molecules and the average kinetic energy
of molecules remain constant.
9.(a) Describe an experiment to determine Heat lost by water at 0 oC = mlf
the specific latent heat of fusion ice 201
= × 340 000 = 68340 J
by method of mixtures. Heat lost by ice = m cice θ
Thermometer 201 × 2000 × (0 – –6) = 2 412 J
Total heat removed.
Stirrer = 2111.4 + 14351.4 + 68340 + 2412
Lagging = 87 214.8 J
Warm water
Calonimeter 10.(a) Define the following terms:
(i) Latent heat of vaporization.
Latent heat of vaporization of a
dry ice
substance is the quantity of heat
needed to change it from liquid to
Fig 15.15 : Determining specific latent heat of
vapour at constant temperature.
fusion ice by mixture method
(ii)Specific latent heat of
Dry ice at 0 oC is weighed to find its mass
MI. It is then transferred to a calorimeter
The specific latent heat of vaporization
of mass Mc containing warm water of
is the quantity of heat required to
mass Mw at temperature θ3. The water is
change a 1 kg mass of a substance from
stirred and the lowest reading θ2 on the
liquid to vapour at constant
thermometer is noted.
Assuming no heat loss, heat lost by water
and calorimeter in cooling from (b) Describe an experiment to determine
θ3 – θ2 = Heat gained by ice in changing to specific latent heat of vaporization of
water at 0 oC + Heat gained by melted ice water by method of mixtures.
warming from 0 oC to θ2 Steam
MwCw(θ3 – θ2) + McCc(θ3 – θ2) Thermometer
= MILf + MICw(θ2 – 0)
Cw is specific heat capacity of water, Cc is Flask
specific heat capacity of calorimeter L is Steam Calonimeter
specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
Lf = (MwCw + McCc) (θ3 – θ2) – MICw (θ2 – 0) Heat
MI Heat shield Water
MLv + MCw(θ3 – θ2) = M1Cw(θ2 - θ1) 11.(a) (i) Explain why a scald from steam is
+ M2Cc (θ2 – θ1) often more serious than one from
M2 = mass of calorimeter boiling water.
As steam condenses on skin, it gives
Cw = specific heat capacity of water
out latent heat which is absorbed by
Cc = specific heat capacity of calorimeter the skin. The skin also absorbs heat as
Lv = specific latent heat of vaporization water cools from 100 oC. When boiling
Lv =
(M1Cw + M2Cc) (θ2 – θ1) – MCw (θ3 – θ2) water is poured on skin, the skin only
M1 absorbs heat as water cools from
100 oC.
(c) How much heat is needed to change (ii) Explain why latent heat of
25 g of ice at –5 oC to steam at 100 oC? vaporization is always greater
Heat to change 25 g ice at 0 oC to water at than that of fusion.
0 oC = M Lf In vaporization, heat is required to
= × 340000 = 8 500 J break intermolecular attractions
Heat to change 25 g water at 0 oC to water and for the vapour to expand against
at 100 oC = MCθ atmospheric pressure, while in fusion,
25 energy is needed to weaken molecular
= × 4200 × (100–0)
1000 attractions.
= 10 500 J
(b) A 4 kW electric kettle is left on for
Heat to change 25 g of water at 100 oC to 2 minutes after the water starts to
steam at 100 oC = M Lv boil. What mass of water is boiled off
= × 2 300 000 in this time? (specific heat capacity
= 57 500 J of water = 4200 Jkg–1 k–1, specific heat
Total heat supplied: capacity of ice = 200 J kg–1k–1, specific
heat capacity of aluminium
= 8 500 + 10 500 + 57 500
= 900 kg–1k–1, specific latent heat of
= 76 500 J vaporization water = 2 300 000 J kg–1,
(d) Use kinetic theory to explain: specific latent heat of fusion of ice
(i) latent heat of fusion. = 340 000 J kg–1
The heat energy enables the molecules P×t=ML
of a solid to change their vibratory 4 × 10 × 2 × 60 = m × 2 300 000
(ii) Explain factors that determine when added to a liquid e.g. water raises
melting point of a substance. the boiling point.
Impurities. Addition of impurities to a Pressure. The boiling point of a liquid
substance lowers its melting point. e.g. water rises when the pressure
Pressure. Increase in pressure on a above it is raised.
substance lowers its melting point. 13.(a) With diagrams explain the effect
(iii)With a diagram, explain the effect of pressure on boiling point.
of pressure on melting point. Cold
Rubber tube water
Paper clip
masses Fig 15.18 : Effect of pressure on
Fig 15.17 : Effect of pressure on boling point
melting point Water is boiled for a few minutes so
A thin copper wire is wound on a that steam sweeps out most of the air.
block of ice and a heavy mass Heating is stopped and the clip closed.
suspended on the wire. A large pressure The flask is inverted and cold water is
is therefore exerted on the ice. The then run over it, condensing the water
melting point is lowered and ice melts. vapour inside and reducing the
The wire sinks through the water. The pressure above the water.
water above the wire is now at low Water starts to boil again. Water
pressure and therefore it refreezes. In keeps on boiling for sometime as long
refreezing the water gives out latent as cooling is continued.
heat of fusion and this is conducted (b) Explain how a pressure cooker
down through the wire to enable the ice works.
below it to melt. In a pressure cooker, food or tea cooks
The weighted copper wire passes more quickly. This is because the pressure
through a block of ice without cutting of the steam above the water in the
it in two. Hence increasing the pressure cooker rises above the normal
on ice lowers its melting point and vice atmospheric pressure. Water then boils at
versa. a higher temperature.
(b) (i) Distinguish between boiling point (c) Using kinetic theory, explain boiling
and saturated vapour. of a liquid.
The boiling point of a substance is Molecules of a liquid though moving
defined as the temperature at which its randomly have attractive forces between
saturated vapour pressure becomes them. When a liquid is heated, molecules
equal to the external atmospheric move faster and force of attraction is
pressure. weakened until it is overcomed at the
A saturated vapour is one which is in a boiling point temperature. At this point
state of dynamic equilibrium with its the vapour pressure of a liquid is equal to
own liquid or solid. the external pressure. Liquid molecule
with enough energy escape from the
(ii)Explain factors that determine
bulk to the atmosphere.
boiling point of a substance.
Impurities. An impurity such as salt
14.(a) Explain why cooking at a higher X and Y are tubes initially filled with
altitude takes longer than cooking at mercury and then inverted in a trough
lower altitude, at same temperature. containing mercury. At the top of the
At a higher altitude, the atmospheric tubes, they have a vacuum.
pressure is low. Boiling takes place when Some water is introduced at the bottom
saturated vapour pressure is equal to of tube X.This water rises to the top of the
atmospheric pressure. Since the pressure tube and vaporises to fill the closed space
is low, boiling point is reached faster at which was initially a vacuum. The
low temperature and food takes longer to resulting vapour pressure (unsaturated
cook. At a lower altitude, the atmospheric vapour) pushes the mercury level down.
pressure is higher. Boiling takes place at The value 9of this pressure can
be read
a higher temperature and food cooks from the difference, the height, hWBDDVN
faster. in mmHg.
(b) Describe an experiment to obtain a Same procedure is followed as above. But
cooling curve of ethanamide. more water is added to tube X until a
• Half fill a test tube with ethanamide point is reached when no further
and place it in a beaker of water. Heat vaporization takes place and some water
the water until all the ethanamide has remains on the mercury. The vapour and
melted. its liquid are at equilibrium.
• Remove the test tube and place a This means that the rate of moleculesNFSDVSZ
thermometer in the liquid ethanamide. leaving the surface of the liquid is the
• Record the temperature after every same as that of molecules returning
minute i.e. the corresponding time back into the water. The value of this
until it has fallen to 70 oC. Plot a pressure is h2 in mmHg.
cooling curve of temperature against TBUVSBUFE CBUI
time. WBQPVS
Temparature oC
Time (s)
Fig 15.21 : Measuring the vapour pressure of water
Fig 15.19 : Cooling curve of Ethanamide
(c) Describe an experiment to measure 15.8 : Evaporation
vapour pressure of water.
9 :
15.(a) (i) Define the term evaporation.
WBDDVN Evaporation is a process of changing a
WBQPVS substance from liquid to vapour state
by the escape of molecules from the
liquid surface.
(ii)Use kinetic theory to explain
cooling by evaporation.
During evaporation, molecules of a
liquid near its surface have more
kinetic energy then the bulk of the
molecules in the liquid which have
Fig 15.20 : Measuring the vapour average kinetic energy.
pressure of water These surface molecules escape from
the attraction of the neighbouring 16.(a) Describe a simple experiment to show
molecules that are underneath. that evaporation causes cooling.
As they escape, some molecules collide Air blown in
with others and fall back to the liquid
surface whereas others escape
completely causing a lowering of the
average kinetic energy of the liquid.
Evaporation Boiling
• Occurs at any • Occurs at a fixed
temperature. temperature. Piece of wood
surrounding the freezing 5. A fixed mass of gas at constant pressure has
compartment. a volume of 0.4 m3 at 27°C. At what
As the vapour is formed, it is removed temperature will its volume be 1.0 m3?
by a pump and under reduced pressure, 6. A fixed mass of gas exerts a pressure of
the liquid evaporates rapidly or even 720 mm of mercury at 17°C. If its volume is
boils. Then the necessary latent heat of kept constant, find the pressure exerted at
vaporization is drawn from the freezing 0°C.
compartment thus causing cooling.
The vapour is pumped to a second coil 7. A fixed mass of gas at constant volume exerts
where it is compressed by the pump a pressure of 100 000 pa at 27°C. At what
and condensed back to the liquid giving temperature will the pressure exerted be
out latent heat of vaporization. This 90 000 pa?
heat is dissipated by blackened copper 8. A car tyre is inflated to a pressure of
tins placed outside the refrigerator. 1.8 × 105 pa at 15°C. After a journey the
(ii)The cooling system of a pressure rises to 2.02 × 105 pa. If the
refrigerator extracts 0.7 kW of volume of the tyre remains constant, find the
heat. How long will it take to temperature of air in the tyre.
convert 500 g of water at 20 oC into
9. A vessel of volume 1.5 × 10–2 m3 contains an
ideal gas at a temperature of 27°C and
Heat given Out from Cooling water + pressure 1.0 × 105 pa. Calculate the mass
Heat given by water changing to ice = of the gas, given that the density of the gas
Total heat drained at a temperature of 285 k and pressure
MwCwθ + MwL = power × time 1.5 × 105 pa is 1.80 kg/m3.
0.5 × 4200 × (2000) + 0.5 × 3.36 × 105 10. (a) State Boyle’s law.
= 0.7 × 1000 × t (b)The set up in Figure 15.23 may be used to
42 000 + 16 800 = 700 t verify Boyle’s law.
t = 84 seconds Bourdon gauge
Revision Exercise 15 Trapped
to foot pump
8 15
causes a rise in pressure, at a constant 16. An electric kettle rated 2.5 kW is used to boil
temperature. 2.0 kg water into steam at 100°C.
11. The specific heat capacity of copper is (a) Calculate the mass of water converted into
390 J/kgk. Calculate the heat capacity of a steam if the kettle was used for only
copper calorimeter of mass 120 g. 6 minutes.
(b) Show that the kettle would take
12. A solid metal block of aluminium of mass
200 g at a temperature of 24°C is heated approximately 30 minutes to boil off all
electrically for 6 minutes by a heating the water. (Take lwater from the data
element through which a current of 1.2 A given)
flows under a potential difference of 6.0 V. 17. An electric kettle rated 2.5 kW is used to boil
Calculate the final temperature of the block. 2.0 kg water into steam at 100°C.
(Specific heat capacity of aluminium = (a) Calculate the mass of water converted into
900 J/kgk) steam if the kettle was used for only
13. An electric kettle of negligible heat capacity 6 minutes.
and of power 2 kW is used to raise the (b)Show that the kettle would take
temperature of 1.5 kg of water from 24°C to approximately 30 minutes to boil off all
84°C. Calculate the time taken to raise the the water. (Take lwater from the data
temperature of water, stating the given)
assumption made in your calculation. (Take 18. A 100 g mass of ice at –10°C was heated by
specific heat capacity of water from data an electric heater of power 210 W. The graph
given) in Figure 15.8 shows how the temperature
14. A refrigerator converts 1 kg of water at 25°C varies with time.
into ice at –5°C in 2.5 hours. Calculate the Use the values of specific heating capacity of
rate at which heat is extracted from ice, lice, specific heat capacity of water given
refrigerator. (Take specific heat capacity of in the data,
water, lice, specific heat capacity of ice from (a) to calculate the time corresponding to the
the data given) points labelled B and C.
15. The sketch graph in Figure 15.24 shows how
700 g of ice at –10°C would change with time 30
into water, if it were heated at a steady rate
of 80 W. Use the graph to determine 20
Temperature (°C)
B c D
0 •
Time (s)
10 A
Temperature (°C)
20 Fig. 15.26
(b) Use your answers in part (a) to state
the time taken to raise the temperature
of water from 0°c to 25°c. Explain your
20 40 50 60 80 100 answer.
(c) Calculate the specific heating capacity of
Time (minutes) water.
Fig 15.25
a retort stand. Rub a polythene (b) Describe how you can charge a body
rod with fur or duster and bring it close by induction such that it acquires:
to the suspended glass rod. (i) a positive charge.
The glass rod and the polythene rod negatively negatively
attract each other. This is because they charged rod charged rod
• Electrostatic induction. stand
• Contact method.
• Electrophorous. +
(ii) Explain how a body acquires +
charge by rubbing. +
negatively charged.
16.2 : Electrostatic induction
2.(a) Define the term electrostatic n n
induction. n
n nn
Electrostatic induction is the process of n n n
The body is then earthed by touching it A negatively charged rod is placed
with a finger or connecting it with a wire midway, close to metal spheres A and B on
to earth while the charged rod is till in an insulating stand. Positive charges are
place. Charges flow to earth. attracted to sides near the rod and
The earthing and the rod are both negative charges are repelled to sides
removed at the same time on testing. The remote to the rod.
body is found with a negative charge. –
charged rod A B
– – – – + + + +
" #
n n
n n
charges are conducted to the earth Two charged bodies are brought near
through the body. the cap of a gold leaf electroscope one
at a time and divergence caused are
16.3 : Gold leaf Electroscope
One which causes greater divergence
4.(a) Draw a well labelled diagram of a carries more charge than the one which
gold leaf electroscope. causes least divergence.
Metal Cap
Insulator (ii)Distinguish between conductors
and insulators.
Brass rod
Conductors allow charges to pass
Metal through them easily. Examples include
case iron, copper, aluminium, human body,
Gold leaf
plate Insulators are materials which do
not allow an easy passage of charges
through them. Examples include dry
Fig 16.9 : A gold leaf electroscope wood, dry glass, dry air, polythene,
(b) (i) Explain four uses of a gold leaf
5.(a) List down four precautions when
carrying out experiments on
• To detect the presence of charge on a electrostatics using a gold leaf
body. The body to be tested is brought electroscope.
close to the cap of the electroscope.
• It should be dried properly because
If the leaf diverges, then the body
moisture on it conducts charge.
is charged. If no divergence occurs,
then the body is not charged. • The gold leaf electroscope should not
• To test for the sign of charge. The body be touched unnecessarily as the body
is brought near a cap of positively may conduct charges from or to the
charged electroscope. If the leaf earth.
diverges then the body is positively • Air around the electroscope should be
charged. The body is brought near the dry and free of charge. The case should
cap of a negatively charged be earthed to avoid influence of
electroscope. If the leaf diverges, then external electric fields.
the body is negatively charged. If the (b) Explain how you can charge a gold
leaf falls, the body is a good conductor leaf electroscope.
e.g. a metal. Repulsion is the only (i) positively by induction.
surest way for testing the sign of
charges on a body.
• To test for insulating properties of
materials. The gold leaf electroscope
is first charged. The material is made
to touch the cap of the gold leaf
electroscope. If the leaf collapses faster,
then the material is a good conductor + + +
A polythene rod is rubbed with wool An electrophorons consists of a
making it negatively charged. The rod is metal disc made of brass fitted
brought close, but not touching the metal with an insulating handle, which
cap of the electroscope. Divergence of the rests on a polythene disc.
leaf is observed. It produces unlimited positive charges
The cap is then earthed by touching with from a single negative charge. It can
the hand. The leaf collapses. The earthing charge a body by induction.
is removed and the rod taken away. The An electrophorons is charged by
leaf diverges. Now the electroscope is induction as shown in fig 16.13.
positively charged.
(ii)negatively by contact method. 1SPPG
Negatively #SBTT
+ – + – + – +– + + + + ++ +
+ Earthing
–– –
Fig 16.13 : Charging electrophorons
– ––
– – The polythene disc at the base is given
a negative charge by rubbing it with
fur. A positive charge is induced on the
– – – – ––
lower part of the brass disc and a
negative charge on the upper part.
The brass disc is earthed by touching
– with a finger on its upper part.
Electrons flow to the ground.
The disc is now left with excess positive
Fig 16.11 : Charging Gold leaf electroscope charge.
by contact
(ii) What is a proof plane?
The negatively charged polythene rod is
rolled on the cap of the gold leaf A proof plane (usually the upper part
electroscope several times. of an electrophorons) is a device used
The rod attracts positive charges to the to transfer charge from one part of
cap and repels the negative charges to a conductor to the cap of a gold leaf
spread on the plate and the leaf, hence the electroscope.
leaf rises. When the leaf diverges to a
maximum point, the rod is withdrawn. 16.5 : Charge density
The electroscope remains negatively
charged. (The rod is found to have lost 7.(a) Define the term charge density?
charge). Charge density is the quantity of charge
per unit surface area on a conductor.
(b) Explain the distribution of charge on
16.4 : Electrophorons
a pear shaped conductor.
6. (i) With a diagram, explain the structure 1SPPG
and operation of an electrophorons. 1SP F QMBOF
Insulating handle PG
Brass disc
Brass Polythene
Fig 16.14 : Pear shaped conductor
Fig 16.12 : An electroscope
Different proof planes shaped to fit 16.7 : Action at a point
various parts of a pear shaped conductor
9.(a) Explain the term action at points.
are used. Each proof plane is made to
At sharp points of a charged conductor,
touch a given part of the charged pear
there is a high concentration of charges
shaped conductor, and then placed on
creating a big electric field around the
the cap of an uncharged electroscope one
sharp point, which ionises the air.
at a time.
Charges of opposite sign to those on
It is observed that a proof plane from a
sharp point attract and neutralise the
sharply pointed end gives the greatest
charge on the sharp point while charges of
leaf divergence, and one from nearby flat
the similar sign are repelled.
point gives the least leaf divergence.
The repelled charges form an ‘electric
Charge is concentrated on a sharp point of
wind’ called a corona discharge or action
a conductor.
at points.
(b) List down three applications of action
16.6 : Faraday’s ice pail experiment at points.
8. Describe Faraday’s ice pail experiment. • Making Lightening conductors/
• Discharging of aircrafts in flight
(aircrafts are fitted with sharp points at
the back of the wings to discharge them
during flight.)
NFUBM • Van de Graaff generators (used to
TQIFSF produce a large amount of charge to
run X-ray machines, etc.)
(ii)Explain how one can prevent (iii)neutral point
lightening from destroying a A neutral point is a point in an electric
building. field where the resultant electric flow
or force is zero.
$MPVE (b) Write down characteristics of electric
field lines.
• They never cross one another.
4QJLF • They always point outwards from a
positive charge.
• They always point inwards to a negative
5BMM -JHIUFOJOHDPOEVDUPS • They meet or leave a charged surface at
right angles.
• They always repel each other sideways.
(SPVOE 12. Sketch electric field lines on:
(i) an isolated positive charge.
(iv) two negative point charges. (viii)a positively point charge and a
negatively charged plate.
– –
Fig 16.19 : Electric field of two negative charges Fig 16.23 : Electric field of point and charges plates
(v)positive and negative point charges (ix) a positively charged plate and a
close together. positively point charge.
+ – Revision Exercise 16
+ –
1. Distinguish between conductors and
+ –
insulators, giving one example for each.
+ –
+ – 2. Explain why a charged plastic ruler when
+ – placed near a thin stream of water, the
stream is seen to be attracted to the ruler.
Fig 16.21 : Electric field on opposite plate 3. When a glass rod is rubbed against a
(vii) similarly charged parallel plates. woollen pullover, the pullover acquires a
negative charge and the glass rod a positive
(a) Explain how the glass rod acquires a
positive charge.
(b) What do you understand by the
statement that ‘the pullover is a
negatively charged body’.
(c) Explain the effect if an iron rod had been
used instead of the glass rod.
4. (a) What does the term ‘earthing’ mean?
(b) Why are metal chains attached to the
trucks carrying petrol or other
inflammable materials?
Fig 16.22 : Electric field on similar plates
5. When the cap of an uncharged leaf 9. Figure 16.26 shows a thunder cloud which is
electroscope is rubbed a number of times negatively charged at its base.
with a negatively charged polythene rod,
there is a divergence on the leaf. On
withdrawing the rod, there is still some
divergence. Explain this observation.
6. A negatively charged polythene rod is
brought near one end of an uncharged metal
rod placed on an insulated stand. The far end
of the rod is then momentarily touched with
a finger and then the polythene rod is with
drawn. The metal rod is found to be
positively charged. Explain how this charge is Fig 16.26
acquired. (a) Copy and complete the following in the
7. Is electric field strength a scalar or a vector diagram:
quantity? Explain your answer. (i) the positive charges within the cloud.
8. Figure 16.25 shows the charge distribution (ii) the sign of charge on the building.
on a pear shaped conductor, where the (b)Explain your choice of the charge on the
charges are almost equally distributed near building in terms of the moving charges.
the curved spherical side, but are crowded (c) If the current developed during a thunder
near the pointed edge. Explain, how a leaf flash is 8 000 A which lasts for 0.2 s,
electroscope and a proof plane could be used calculate the quantity of charge that
to verify such a charge distribution. passes from the cloud to the ground in
+ + + + + that duration.
+ + + +
+ +
+ + 10. Two equal like point charges are placed near
+ + each other without touching each other.
+ + + + Sketch the electric field pattern.
+ + + + +
11. You are provided with a negatively charged
Figure 16.25 leaf electroscope and 2 rods of which one
(a) State what would happen to the leaf of an is negatively charged and the other positively
uncharged leaf electroscope if the metal charged. Describe how would you use these
disc of the proof plane was brought near apparatus to identify the rod which is
the cap of the electroscope. Give a reason negatively charged.
for your answer.
(b)Explain why the handle of the proof plane
is made of an insulator.
The voltmeter should be connected in E1
parallel to component P.
The ammeter should be connected in
series with component P. This would make
the same current flowing through
component P to be the current measured E2
by the ammeter.
(b) Figure 17.3 shows three identical
bulbs. When the switch K is closed,
bulb B1 shines brighter but bulb B2 is L2
dimmer. Diagram y
Fig. 17.4 : (x) and (y) cells in a circuit
(i) Identify which diagram shows a
series connection and parallel
connection of cells.
# Diagram in (x) shows cells in series.
Diagram in (y) shows cells in parallel.
# (ii)State one advantage of using the
cells in the series and one for using
them in parallel.
The advantage of series connection is
that it provides a larger emf.
Fig. 17.3 : A simple circuit
The advantage of parallel connection is
Explain why this is so. that it provides a lower internal
All the current in the circuit flows through resistance.
bulb B1 hence it shines brighter. (iii)Explain how current driven by
Bulb B2 and B3 are in parallel. Since they two identical cells in parallel
are identical, they have the same relates to that of one cell through a
resistance. The current through each bulb resistor.
will be half of that in B1. The P.d across the resistor is the same
Therefore, B2 and B3 have the same with two cells in parallel as
brightness but are dimmer than B1. it is with only one cell. The current
(c) Cells E1 and E2 in figure 17.3 are through the resistor is thus the same in
identical each case. Each cell supplies about half
the current.
& &
(iv)Figure 17.5 shows a circuit in
mostly used in house wiring.
Diagram y -
State which bulbs will light when: out of the electrolyte as hydrogen gas.
(i) switch K1, K2, K3 are open. This makes the copper electrode acquire
L1 and L2. a positive potential.
When a wire is connected across the
(ii)K1 and K3 are open, but K2 is closed. electrodes, the electrons left on the
L1, L2, L3 and L4. zinc plate flow through the wire to the
(iii)K1, K2 are open, K3 closed. copper plate. More zinc goes into
L1 and L2. solution and more hydrogen is
(iv)K1 open, K2 and K3 closed. liberated. The flow of electrons in the
wire from the zinc plate to the copper
All lamps will light.
plate constitutes an electric current
that according to convention flows
17.2 : Types of cells from the copper positive plate to the
zinc negative plate.
4.(a) Distinguish between primary and
(ii)Describe the defects found in
secondary electric cells.
simple primary cell and how they
Primary cells are sources of emf that
can be corrected.
produce electricity in a process that is not
reversible. They cannot be recharged. • Polarisation.
Examples include a simple cell, wet cell, Polarisation is the accumulation of
dry cell. hydrogen bubbles on the copper plate,
Secondary cells are sources of emf that preventing the electrolyte from
produce electricity in a process that is reaching the copper plate and reducing
reversible. They can be recharged. flow of current. Polarisation is reduced
Examples include lead acid cell and Nickle by putting an oxidising agent e.g.
cell. manganese (IV) oxide in the electrolyte
(b) (i) With the aid of a labelled diagram, which oxidises hydrogen into water.
describe the components and Polarisation is also reduced by cleaning
working of the simple primary cell. copper plate vigorously with a small
paint brush.
• Local action.
Local action is the process of zinc plate
being eated up by local formed due to
Zinc plate
Copper plate
impurities. Local action is reduced by
amalgamating zinc with mercury. The
zinc plate is first washed in acid then in
water and then mercury is rubbed onto
the plate. This forms a zinc mercury
Dilute sulphuric amalgam that prevents reaction of
acid impurities. Local action is also reduced
Fig 17.6 : Primary cell by using pure zinc.
A simple primary cell consists of a
positive electrode made of copper and a
negative electrode made of zinc, both 17.3 : Wet and dry cells
dipped in dilute sulphuric acid 5.(a) With the aid of a diagram, describe
(electrolyte). Zinc goes into solution as the components of a dry cell and state
zinc ions leaving behind two electrons any two of its limitations.
on the zinc plate and displacing A dry cell consists of: carbon rod (+ve
hydrogen ions from the electrolyte. electrode), Zinc case (-ve electrode) and
This makes the zinc plate acquire a Ammonium chloride paste (electrolyte).
negative potential.
The displaced hydrogen ions seek
electrons from the copper plate to go
metal cap (+ve) 17.4 : Lead acid accumulator
6.(a) With a diagram, describe the
and seal components of a fully charged.
Carbon rod (+ve) (i) Lead acid battery.
Then switch on the battery charger and (b) Describe differences between the
leave it on until gassing takes place. Nickel-iron NiFe cell and the lead-acid
(ii)List ways by which life of an Nickel-iron (NiFe) Lead-acid cell
accumulator can be prolonged. cell
• When the level of acid goes down, • Lighter (portable). • Heavy.
only distilled water should be added
to maintain the level of the acid. • Expensive. • Relatively cheap.
Acid can only be used in cases where
there has been a spillage. • Has empf of • Has emf of 2.2 V
• The lead acid battery should be in a 1.25 V which which remains at
charged state all times i.e. charge it continuously about 2.01 V when
regularly. reduces while in in use.
• Large currents should not be drawn use.
from the battery when using it, e.g. • May be left • Cannot be left
by short-circuiting. unchanged for a unchanged for a
• Do not overcharge the accumulator. long time. long time.
• Keep the terminals clean and • Electrolyte is • Electrolyte is
greased. alkaline. acid.
• Do not place it directly on the bare Table 17.1
ground. Place it on an insulator like 8. Describe briefly, how the following
a wooden block. sources of electricity work.
• The accumulator should not be left (i) the bicycle dynamo.
in a discharged condition for a long The bicycle dynamo works on the principle
time. that an electric current is induced in a coil
when a magnetic field cutting the coil
changes making it to rotate.
17.5 : Alkaline accumulators
(ii)Piezo electricity.
7.(a) List down: The term Piezo means pressure. In piezo
(i) Advantages of alkaline electricity, mechanical energy is converted
accumulators over lead-acid directly into electrical energy.
accumulators. Materials like quartz, sodium potassium
• In alkaline accumalators large tartrate, barium titanate, when
currents can be drawn from them. compressed, develop electric charges on
• Alkaline accumulators can be left in its opposite ends.
a discharged condition for a very (iii)Thermocouple.
long time without ruining the cells When a highly reactive metal and a low
than lead–acid. reactive metal are connected at two
• They require very little attention to junctions that are held at different
maintain. temperatures, current flows in the two
• They are lighter than the lead-acid metal wires and can be detected by a
accumulators i.e. they are portable. galvanometer.
(iv)The photo-tube.
(ii)Disadvantages of alkaline
accumulators over lead-acid It uses the principle of photo electric
accumulators. emission. Electrons are ejected from a
metal surface when ultra-violet light
• Alkaline accumulators are very
strike its surface.
Current flows through a micrometer
• Alkaline accumulators have a lower connected between two terminals
emf per cell. i.e. anode, the collector metal where
electrons ravel to, and the cathode 6. Distinguish between a dry cell and a wet cell.
which releases the electrons when light 7. Fig 17.10 is a circuit diagram set up y some
falls on it. students.
Phototubes are used in: connecting
devices e.g. calculators, producing sound
from film tracks.
And in burglar alarm circuits.
B3 B2
Revision Exercise 17
1. If a charge of 0.8 C crosses a point in a B1
circuit in 0.5 s, calculate
(a) the number of electrons crossing Fig 17.10
the point, (a) Which bulb will light brighest.
(b)the current in the circuit. (b) If bulb B1 blows, what will happen to the
2. Polarisation and local action are two other bulbs.
common defects in a simple cell. How (c) If bulbs B2 blow, what happened to the
are these defects minimised in the cell? other bulbs.
3. Calculate the capacity of a car battery in 8. Why is carbon and zinc are used as electrodes
Ampere hour (Ah), if it maintains a current but not rubber.
of 2 A for 15 hours.
4. Explain why eight dry cells each of e.m.f
1.5 V cannot be used in a car to start the
starter motor in the ignition system of a car.
5. (a) Difference between primary cells and
secondary cells.
(b) Give four ways of maintaining a car
(c) Why is it adviced not to overcharge an
* "
* "
18.1 : Meaning of current and V α I i.e. = R , V = IR 7 W
potential difference (b) Sketch a graphs I
7 W
– V characteristics
for conducting materials.
1. Define the following terms used in 7 W
current electricity.
* "
* "
* "
* "
7 W
7 W
* "
* "
7 W
7 W
7 W
* "
(f) Junction
* "
current. 7 W
7 W
* "
7 W
(c) (iii)Describe an experiment to verify Using V = IR, I = R
Ohm’s law. 6
R= =2Ω
Battery 3
In curcuit (r + R) is the effective
Rhostat I = 3.0 A, V = (6 + 1.5) = 7.5 V
Using V = I(R + r)
7.5 = 3 (r + 2)
2.5 = r + 2
V r = 0.5 Ω
Fig 18.2 : Verification of ohm’s law ∴ the internal resistance of the second
A battery is connected in series with an cell is 0.5 Ω.
ammeter to measure current, a (b) The circuit in Fig 18.5 shows resistors
rheostat to control the amount of across a battery of emf 5 V. The
current in the circuit, and a resistor of current generated by the battery is
known value R. 0.2 A.
A voltmeter is connected in parallel 7
(across) the known resistor to measure "
potential difference across it.
The readings of both ammeter and
voltmeter are taken when the current is 7
7 :
flowing in the circuit. The ratio of the
potential difference to current is then
compared with that of the resistor. 3
For accuracy, several values of Fig 18.5 : Electric circuit
potential difference (p.d.), and current If the battery has no internal
(I) are taken and the graph of V against resistance, find :
I plotted. (i) the value of R.
The effective resistance in the circuit.
20 R 15 20R + 15(20 + R)
7 W
Reff = + =
20 + R 1 20 + R
20R + 15R + 300 35R + 300
7 = =
20 + R 20 + R
By Ohm’s law
V = IR
* "
0.2 0.2
0.2 35R + 300
20 + R
Fig 18.3 : A graph of V against I
3.(a) A battery of emf 6.0 V and negligible 25 =
35R + 300
20 + R
internal resistance is connected to 25 (20 + R) = 35R + 300
a resistor and drives a current of 3.0 A 500 + 25R = 35R + 300
through it. Another battery of emf 10R = 200
1.5 V is placed in series with the first 200
r= = 20 Ω
one, the current remains 3.0 A. 10
Determine the internal resistance of ∴ R is 20 Ω
the second cell.
Fig 18.4 : A circuit to determine internal resistor
6×8 3×6
(ii)the current through R. +5+
6+8 3+6
48 18 48
= +5+ =7+
14 9 14
7 = 7 + 3.43
= 10.43 Ω
7 (ii)the total current in the circuit.
9 :
The total current in the circuit
7 I = =
V 12
= 1.15 A
R 10.43
Fig 18.6 : An electric circuit
The current through R i.e. 20 Ω
(iii)current in the 8 Ω resistor.
∴ The current through R (20 Ω)
20 × 20 Current in the 8 Ω resistor
The resitance in parallel = ( )
20 + 20 The total resistance in circuit
400 6×8 48
= = 10 Ω = = 3.43 Ω
40 6+8 14
The pd across circuit
The pd across the parallel combination,
V = IR
V = IR 48
= × 1.15 = 3.94 V
= 0.2 × 10 14
3.94 V
=2V Current I =
The current through, R = (20 Ω) = 0.49 A
V 2 (iv)current in the 5 Ω resistor.
Using I = = = 0.1 A
R 20
(iii)the power dissipated in R. The current in the 5 Ω resistor = total
The power in R ( i.e. 20Ω) current in the circuit.
P = I2R =( ) = 1.15 A
= 0.12 × 20 (v)power dissipated in the 5 Ω
= 0.01 × 20
Power in the 5 Ω resistor
= 0.2 W
P = I2R
(iv)Power in the 15 Ω resistor.
= (1.15)2 × 5
Power in the 15 Ω resistor
= 1.32 × 5
P = I2R
= 6.6 W
= 0.22 × 15
= 0.04 × 15
18.3 : Calibration of meters
= 0.6 W 5.(a) A moving coil meter has a resistance
of 5.0 Ω and full scale deflection is
4. Resistors are connected in a circuit
produced by a current of 1.0 mA. How
diagram in Fig 18.7.
lj can this meter be adapted for use as:
lj " lj # (i) a voltmeter reading up to 10 V?
lj "
lj lj
7 7
Fig 18.7 : A Circuit diagram
(i) the total resistance in the circuit. 7
The effective resistance in the circuit:
Fig 18.8 : Calibaration of meters
Current is the same in series resistor (ii)the power in the 3 Ω resistor.
V = V1 + V2 Power in the 3 Ω resistor.
V = IR total resistance for the parallel external
10 = (0.001 × 5) + (0.001 × R) circuit.
10 = 0.005 + 0.00R = =2Ω
9.995 0.001 R pd across the parallel external circuit
0.001 0.001 V = IR
∴ R = 9 995 Ω = 0.23 × 2
Setting R = 9 995 Ω = 0.46 V
(ii)an ammeter reading up to 2 A? Power in the 3 Ω resistor
P = V = 0.46
2 2
I = I1 + I2 R 3
I2 = 2 – 0.001 = 1.995A = 0.705 W
Pd across parallel combination is the same (iii)What would be the ammeter reading
V = IR if only K1 is closed.
1.995 × R = 0.001 × 5 If only K1 is closed.
R = 0.005 = 2.5 × 10–3 Ω effective resistance = [0.5 + 4 + 3]
(b) Two identical cells each of emf 1.5 V = 7.5 Ω
and internal resistance 0.1 Ω are emf remains 1.5 V
V 1.5 1
connected to 3 Ω, 4 Ω and 6 Ω as in using I = = =
R 7.5 5
fig 18.9. K1 and K2 are switches. If = 0.2 A
both switches are closed, determine; 6.(a) A cell in series with a 2 Ω resistor and
(i) the ammeter reading. a switch has a high resistance
1.5 V, 1 7
voltmeter across it as Fig 18.10.
1.5 V, 1 7
A 7
K1 3 7 4 7 7
Fig 18.10 : A simple circuit
6 7
Fig 18.9 : An electric circuit The voltmeter reads 1.5 V with the
switch open, and 1.2 V with it closed.
The effective ( total) emf = 1.5 V.
(i) What is the electromotive force
The effective internal resistance
1×1 (emf) of the cell?
= = 0.5 Ω
1+1 emf = 1.5 V
the total resistance in the external (ii)What is the current through the
circuit: 5 Ω resistor?
4 + =6Ω the current through the 5 Ω resistor
the total resistance in the circuit: V = IR
= 6 + 0.5 V 1.2
I = = = 0.24 A
R 5
= 6.5 Ω (iii)A further resistor is added in
the maximum current in the circuit series with the 5 Ω resistor and
1.5 the current reads 0.25 A with the
I = = 0.23 A
6.5 switch closed. Calculate the value
∴ The ammeter reading = 0.23 A. of the new resistor.
Since the new reading is 0.25 A which is
greater than 0.24 A in the above case; it
means that the new resistor was 18.4 : Converting a moving coil
connected in parallel to the 5 Ω resistor galvanometer to an meters
so that the effective resistance is less
than 5 Ω. 7.(a) Describe with the aid of a diagram
how a moving coil galvanometer may
be converted to:
(i) a voltmeter.
7 7 3 The meter is connected in series with a
high resistance wire called a multiplier,
so that very little current can pass
through it.
Fig 18.11 : A simple circuit .VMUJQMJFS
(iv)What current would flow if the 3
cells were short-circuited?
From the short-circuit equation, we use
energy changes in a complete circuit, 7 7
including the cell. (use principle of
energy conservation).
Energy supplied per coulomb by a cell = 7
Energy changed per coulomb in Fig 18.13 : Moving coil galvanometer
external circuit + Energy wasted per
The pd across V, across the voltmeter is
coulomb on cell resistance.
got from V = V1 + V2
(where V2 is pd across the multiplier, V
E = V + v is the total pd)
from Fig 18.12 V = IRm + IRs
IR = (V – V1)
Where Rs is the resistance of the
7 multiplier.
(ii)an ammeter.
The meter is connected in parallel with
Fig 18.12 : An electric circuit a very low resistor called a multiplier,
1.5 = 1.2 + V , V = (1.5 –1.2) = 0.3 V so that maximum current passes
V = Ir through the shunt.
0.3 0.24r
= , The pd across the meter = pd
0.24 0.24
across the shunt since they are in
r = = 1.25 Ω parallel.
1.5 I = I1 + I2
= 1.2 A
1.25 I1Rm = I2Rs
Where I1 is current through the meter
(v)What would the voltmeter read if
the cells were short-circuited? I2 is the current through the shunt
The voltage in the short-circuit would Rs is the value of the shunt
be 0. No current would pass through Rm is the resistance of the meter
the high resistor voltmeter, it would
take the path with lowest resistance.
(b) A meter has resistance of 20 Ω and (i) What does the label 250 V, 2 kW
gives full scale deflection when mean?
current of 50 mA flows through it. The label 250 V, 2 kW (2000 W) means
Calculate the value of the resistance when the appliance is connected to a
which must be used so that it power source of pd 250 V, it converts
measures: energy (electrical) to other source (heat)
(i) current up to 2 A. at a rate of 2000 joules every second.
.FUFS (ii)Calculate the current through each
* * * element.
3N P 75000
P = VI, I= = = 300 A.
V 250
and for the 1000 W,
* P 1000
I = = = 4 A.
V 250
(iii)The resistance by each element as
the current passes through them.
The resistance of the elements
Fig 18.14 : Calibration of resistor R 250
50 R1 = = = 83.3 Ω
I = 2A, V1 = = 0.05 A, I 3
I2 = (2 – 0.05)
and R2 = 4 = 62.5 Ω
= 1.95 A 9.(a) Define the following terms as used in
I ×R
But I2 × Rs = I1 × Rm Rs = 1 I m electricity.
The design of the elements depends on
the appliance in which it is used.
Examples of the appliances are hot plate, Filament
flat iron, electric kettle and cookers etc.
Nitrogen or
10. (i) Explain the heating effect of an Argon gas
green-blue light and sodium vapour (b) Name two causes of power loss
gives out orange-yellow light. in long-distance overhead cables
(iii)Why would you prefer strip light and how they can be minimised.
to a filament lamp? Power loss in cables can be caused by:
The tube (florescent) is preferred Resistance (R) in the wire (use thick
to filament bulb because the tube wires).
is more efficient than the bulb i.e. High value of current in the circuitfrom
(3 times better). The bulb converts
only 10% of the electrical energy to P = I2R.
light and 90% to heat. Can be minimised by transmitting the
current at a very high pd and very low
A bulb is less durable. Has life span of value of current by stepping up
only 1000 hours whereas a tube has potential difference.
3000 hours.
(c) Draw a diagram to show how power
from a generating station gets to the
18.5 : Electric conduction in liquids consumers.
12.(a) Explain the conduction of electricity UPIFBWZ
in an electrolyte.
When two electrodes are dipped into an USBOTGPSNFST
electrolyte. ,7
the fuse box to control lines for
different uses; cooking,lighting,
ironing etc. The rating of the fuse will fuse
depend on the current required by the N L
18.7 : Electric billing (ii)How much will he pay at the end of
30 days for lighting his house.
15.(a) A flat iron rated 10 A is connected to
the mains through a wire whose At the end of the month (30 days) he will
resistance is 2 Ω. What is the power pay
lost in the connecting wire. Cost per day × Number of days
Power lost, P = I2R = (320 × 30) = Shs. 9 600
= 10 × 10 × 2 (iii)If he uses a 1 000W kettle, a 2 kW
electric flat iron and a 3 kW hot plate,
= 200 W
each for a maximum of 120 minutes
(b) A heater has 4 elements each rated every month. Other than lighting how
4 kW. If the heater works at full much will he pay for using electricity?
capacity for 30 minutes, calculate;
The number of units used per month
(i) the power used in kW. (kWh)
Total power of heater 120
120 minutes = = 2 hours.
P = (4 × 4 kW) = 16 kW (
× 2) + (3 + 2) + (2 + 2)
(ii) the cost of electricity at = 12 kWh
Shs. 400/= per unit. Cost = No. of units x Cost per unit
Cost = No. of kWh × cost per unit = 12 × 400 = Shs. 4 800
= (16 KW) × ( ) × 400
= 8 × 400
Revision Exercise 18
= Shs. 3 200
1. Calculate the resistance of a coil of wire
(c) An immersion heater rated 3000 W is
through which a current of 3 A flows due to a
used continuously for 45 minutes 4
p.d of 12 V.
times a day. Calculate the cost per
week at Uganda Shillings 100 per 2. The e.m.f of a cell is 3 V and when it is
unit. connected to a wire of resistance 4 Ω, the
Number of kW =
= 3 kW p.d between the terminals is 2 V.
1000 Calculate the internal resistance of the cell.
Number of hours = × 4 = 3 hours 3. Figure 18.24 shows a voltmeter of very high
resistance connected across the terminals
Number of kWh = (3 × 3) = 9 kWh
of a cell. The voltmeter reads 1.5 V when
Cost = Number kWh × cost per unit the switch is open and 1.2 V when the switch
= 9 × 100 = UShs. 900 is closed.
16. Okwir has in his house a 40 W, a 60 W V
and a 100 W bulb. If he lights them for 4
hours each day and the cost of electricity S
is Shs 400 per unit.
(i) what is the cost of lighting his rooms
24 Ω
per day?
Figure 18.24
The units used per day
40 60 100 (a) What is the e.m.f of the cell?
( × 4) + ( × 4) + ( × 4)
(b) What is the terminal voltage of the
100 100 1000
= 0.16 + 0.24 + 0.40
(c) Calculate
= 0.8 kWh (units)
(i) the current in the circuit,
The cost of electricity per day in lighting
(ii) the internal resistance of the cell.
Cost = No. of units (kWh) × cost per
unit 4. Calculate the effective resistance of three
= 0.8 × 400 resistors 10 Ω, 20 Ω, 60 Ω when connected
= Shs. 320
in: 8. The power rating of an electric bulb is 25 W,
(a) series 240 V.
(b) parallel. (a) Calculate the current through the
filament and the resistance of the
5. In the circuit shown in Figure 18.25, filament.
calculate the p.d across the 5 Ω resistor. (b) If given fuses 3A, 5A and 10A. Which fuse
is suitable to be used.
9. Two resistances of 80 Ω and 10 Ω are
10 Ω
connected in parallel and with this
15 Ω
combination there is a resistance of 20 Ω in
series. The p.d across the 20 Ω resistance is
Figure 18.25
90 V. Calculate
6. In the circuit shown in Figure 18.26, (a) the current in the 80 Ω resistance
calculate (b) the p.d across the whole circuit.
(a) the current drawn from the cell, 10. Explain why the fuse is always fitted to the
2Ω live wire in any eletrical appliance.
1.5 V
5Ω 11. An electric cooker with a heating element
12 Ω 6Ω
of resistance 20 is connected to a 240 V
12 Ω mains power supply. Calculate the energy
dissipated in 5 minutes.
Fig 18.26
7. Thirty six cells, each of e.m.f 2V and
internal resistance of 3 Ω are connneted in
(a) series (b) parallel to a 12 Ω external
resistanc. Calculate the current resistance in
each arrangement.
(ii)Electrical method • It (magnet) is then withdrawn and
4UFFMCBS allowed to rest in E-W direction.
• The magnet will lose its magnetism
/ 4
(ii) Define the term magnetic field.
A magnetic field is a region around a
magnet where a magnetic force (effect)
is experienced.
pole is north.
(b) (i) Give any three ways of Fig 19.5 : Magnetic field on a bar magnet
demagnetising a magnet (ii)two magnets with similar poles
• Heating. brought near to each other.
• Hammering/ hitting/ dropping the
magnet several times. S N N S
• Connecting the solenoid to an a.c S N N S
/ 4
(ii)What do you understand by the 19.4 : Domain theory
term magnetic saturation.
5.(a) (i) Explain the domain theory of a
Magnetic saturation is the state where magnet.
a magnet has reached the limit and The domain theory of magnets states
cannot be made any stronger.This is that a magnetic material is made of
when all domains are aligned to face small molecular magnets called
the same direction. domains.
(d) (i) The Fig 19.8 shows a straight /
(ii)Fig 19.11 (a) shows a magnetic
conductor carrying current
vertically upward placed near a
bar magnet.
/ 4
/ 4
Fig 19.9 : Magnetic field due to eletric current Fig 19.11 (b) : Unmagnetised
(ii)The Fig 19.9 shows two identical During magnetisation, the domains are
bar magnets placed close to each made to face a particular direction. As
other. more and more domains face the same
/ direction, the magnet becomes
stronger and stronger.
/ 4
Fig 19.10 (b) : magnetic field due to two magnets Fig 19.12 (a) : Electromagnetic
(i) Indicate on the diagram the flow • The Apparatus is arranged as shown in
of current around the coil. fig 19.13.
When the switch K is closed, both
metals X and Y will be magnetised and
1 2 attract iron fillings. One which attracts
more iron fillings is a soft magnetic
material, and this is iron X One which
attracts less initially is a hard magnetic
material and thus is steel Y.
• Now, the switch is opened. One where
almost all iron fillings fall off
immediately is iron X. One where very
Fig 19.12 (b) : Identifying poles
few if any fall off is the steel rod. Iron
(ii)name poles P and Q. easily gains and looses its magnetism.
P and Q are both South poles. Steel does not easily gain or loose its
(iii)Explain how to identify the poles. magnetism.
• The end where the current is clock 7.(a) (i) Explain how you can test for a
wise is a South pole and the end magnet.
where the current is anticlockwise is • Bring a known pole of a known
a North pole. magnet close to one end of the
• Hence both ends are South poles material. If the pole repels the end
because they both have current of the material, then the material is
flowing in a clockwise direction due a magnet.
to the turn in the wire in the middle Otherwise, if the pole attracts the
of the coil. end of the material, then the
(b) (i) State three ways by which to material could be a magnet or just a
increase the strength of the piece of iron.
electromagnet. • If attraction occurs, test the end
• Increasing the number of turns of again using opposite pole of the
the wire. magnet to the one used. If attraction
again occurs, then the material is
• Increasing the amount of current.
just a piece of iron or another
• Winding the coils on soft iron rod. magnetic material.
(ii)Given two pieces of metals, (ii) Explain why repulsion is the only
describe how you would find out surest way to test for a magnet.
which one is soft iron and which
Repulsion is the only sure way to test
one is steel.
for a magnet because when two pieces
of a material attract, one cannot tell
which one of them is a magnet. Hence
+ further tests have to be done.
Two pieces of material will only repel
when like poles are brought near each
8 (b) Describe two methods of determining
the poles of a magnet.
Method 1
Suspend the magnet freely at its centre of
gravity and leave it to settle.The pole that
finally faces the North is the North pole
Fig 19.13 : Magnetising soft iron core and the pole that faces South is the South
Method 2 Magnetic keepers are made of soft iron.
Suspend the magnet freely at its centre Two magnets are placed side by side with
of gravity and leave it to settle. Bring a opposite poles adjacent between two
known South pole near one end of the keepers.The keepers becomes magnetic.
magnet. If that end of the magnet repels Due to attraction between opposite poles
the known pole, that end of the magnet of the magnets and keepers, the dipoles
is a South pole. If there is attraction, a maintain their positions. Keepers form a
North pole is used and repulsion implies closed loop.
that the end is a North pole.
8.(a) Distinguish between Ferromagnetic (d) Describe how you can plot the
and Paramagnetic materials. magnetic field lines of a permanent
Ferromagnetic materials become strongly 1JFDFPGDBSE
magnetised. Examples are iron, nickel, QBQFSDPOWFSJOH
Paramagnetic materials become weakly / 4
(FPHSBQIJDNFSJEJBO The earth is a magnet. Its South pole is
"OHMFPGEFDMJOBUJPO near the geographical North and its North
pole is near the geographical South.
Unlike poles attract. Therefore, the
Northpole of the magnet will face the
DPNQPOFOU .BHOFUJDNFSJEJBO geographical North where the magnetic
South is.
The south pole of the magnet will face the
3FTVMUBOUFBSUIT geographical South where the magnetic
North is, hence a freely suspended magnet
Fig 19.17 : Earth’s magnetic field faces North-South direction.
Magnetic meridian is a vertical plane (c) “Magnetic field lines of the earth run
through the magnetic South pole and from the South to the North, while
North poles of the earth.. magneticfield lines are supposed to
(ii)Geographic meridian run from magnetic North to magnetic
Geographic meridian is a vertical plane South”. Explain why this is so.
through the geographic North and
South poles.
(iii)Angle of declination
Angle of declination is the angle
between geographic meridian and Magnetic
magnetic meridian. Earth southpole
/ (e) Describe what happens to the
compass needle C, as it moved closer
to the bar magnet along the dotted
line as shown in the Fig 19.21.
4 /
Revision Exercise 19
4 1. Name two properties of a magnet.
2. What are ferromagnetic materials? Give two
examples of such materials.
Fig 19.21 : A bar magnet in North – South 3. (a) State the basic law of magnetism.
Direction (b) Explain how you would identify the
(iii)a magnet placed in the earths polarities of a magnet whose poles are not
magnetic field with the North pole marked?
of he magnet facing South and the
South pole facing North. 4. Figure 19.24 shows a steel bar being
magnetised by divided touch method. Mark
A magnet placed in the earths magnetic
the polarities of the magnets X, and Y.
field with the North pole of the magnet
facing South and the South pole facing
North. x y
4 N S
Fig 19.24
5. Using domain theory explain the process of
6. State two differences between uniform and
non-uniform magnetic fields.
7. Write three conclusions about the magnetic 10. Copy and draw the magnetic field lines due to
fields shown in Figure 19.25 (a), (b) and (c). the configurations shown in Figure 19.26 (a),
(a) (b), (c) and (d).
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
Figure 19.25 (d)
8. Distinguish between a soft and a hard N S
magnetic material, giving an example of
9. What is the effect of withdrawing a magnet S N
along the East-West direction from inside the
solenoid carrying a large alternating current? Figure 19.26
2 Forces
2.1 : Meaning and effects of a force 2.2 : Realtionship between mass and
1.(a)(i) Define the term force and weight
state its SI unit. 2.(a) Define the following terms:
Is a pull or push on a body. Its SI unit is (i) Mass.
the newton (N). Mass is the amount of matter in a body.
(ii) Briefly explain seven types of a Its SI unit is a kilogram (kg).
force. (ii)Weight.
• Friction. A force that opposes relative
Weight is the gravitational pull on a body.
Its SI unit is the newton (N).
• Gravitational force. Pulls on objects
towards centre of planet e.g. weight. (b) Give any three differences between
• Electric force. Exists in electric fields. mass and weight.
• Magnetic force : Exists in magnetic Mass Weight
fields. • It is the amount • It is a gravitational
• Action and reaction. Are force that of matter in a pull on a body
are equal and opposite e.g. on a body body
resting on a floor. • It is a scalar • It is a vector
• Centripetal. Force that keeps the quantity quantity
body moving in a circle.
• Elastic force. The force needed to • Measured using • Measured using
cause an extension in an elastic object beam balance spring balance
( i.e. stretching or compressing • Measured in • Measured in
spring ). kilograms (kg) Newtons (N)
• Adhesion. Force of attraction • It is constant • It changes from
between molecules of a liquid and its everywhere one place to place on
container. the earth’s surface
• Cohesion. force of attraction as well as from one
between molecules of the same planet to another.
material, to mention but a few. Table 1.1 : Differences between mass and weight
(iii) Explain briefly three effects of a (c) Detertmine the weight of the
force. following masses.
• A force can change the state of (i) 2 kg.
motion of a body. Force can start, W = mg , g = 10 ms–2
increase, reduce and stop motion.
• Force changes the direction of
= 2 × 10
motion of a body. = 20 N
• Force can change the shape of a body (ii)26 500.25 g.
i.e. distort, bend, stretch and Since 1 Kg ⇒ 1000 g
compress a spring. ⇒ 26500.25 g
• A force can produce a turning effect
on a body. 1000 × 100
• Force can cause noise and heat. W = mg
• A force can cause wear and tear. =
× 10
= 265.0025 N
(iii) 0.0731 kg.
0.0731 kg = kg
W = mg, g = 10 ms–2
= × 10
= 0.731 N
= 7.31 x 10–1 N
(iv) 430 mg.
430 mg
1 g = 1 000 mg
) g ÷ 1000 Fig. 2.2 : A spring balance
430 (b) Acceleration due to gravity on planet
1000000 Y is a fifth that of the earths.
W = mg Calculate the weight of a 60 kg girl on
430 the planet y (acceleration due to
= × 10 = 4.3 N
gravity g on earth = 10 N/kg)
w = mg
3.(a) Briefly describe how mass and weight 1
of a body is measured. = 60 × 5 × 10
Mass of a body is the quantity (amount) = 120 N
of matter in the body. The mass of a body 4.(a) Distinguish with examples between
is measured by balancing it against a scalar and vector quantities.
known mass. Scalar quantities are quantities with
only magnitude (size) e.g. Density, area,
mass, time, pressure, work, energy,
# volume, distance and speed.
A vector quantity is that with both
E E magnitude (value) and direction e.g.
momentum, force, impulse, acceleration
Fig.2.1 : Lever balance and velocity.
The mass of a body A can be known if that (b) Determine the resultant force on the
of B is known.Note that d1 = d2. following.
(Principle of movements). (i) 2 N 3N
The instruments that uses this principle
are scalepan, Tripple balance and lever 2 N + 3 N = 5 N
Weight of the body is measured directly
using a spring balance. It uses the (ii) 4 N 1N
principle that extension of loaded spring
is proportional to the load. 4 N – 1N =3N
The scale on this type of balance has to be
calibrated by attaching known masses or
applying a known force on a beam balance. (iii) 4 N 1N
–7 N + (4 + 1) = –2 N
(c) (i) Two forces of 3 N and 4 N act at (ii) State and explain two types of
right angle at the same point on friction.
an object in Fig 2.3. Static friction (limiting). Is the
4N resistance to motion between two
surfaces when motion is just about to
3N Dynamic (Kinetic) friction. Is the
R resistance to motion by a surface when
the body is already in motion.
Fig 2.3 (a) resolution of forces (b)(i) Give at least four advantages of
Find by calculation the resultant frictional force.
force which is equal in magnitude • Helps in writing,
and direction to the two forces. • Helps in walking,
4N • Helps in grinding, eating,
climbing, stopping and making of fire.
(ii) Give atleast four disadvantages
of frictional force in our everyday
R lives.
• Causes unnecessary heat.
Fig 2.3 (c) resolution of forces • Causes unnecessary noise.
R = 32 + 42
2 • Causes wear and tear.
• Slow down moving bodies.
= 9 + 16
• Reduces efficiency of a machine.
= 25
(c) State ways of:
R = √ 25 = 5 N in the direction
indicated (i) increasing friction.
(ii)If two forces of 5 N and 12 N act • Making the surface rough.
on a body of mass 2 kg at right • Increasing the weight (normal
angle to each other, find the reaction).
resultant on the body. • Threading as in tyres, in shoe soles.
(ii) minimizing friction.
R • Lubrication. Introducing a thin layer
of oil between the sliding surfaces.
• Use of ball bearings or rollers.
2 Kg 12N
Friction is less in rolling surfaces than
Fig 2.3 (c) resolution of forces on sliding surfaces.
R2 = 52 + 122 • Greasing as in lubrication.
= 25 + 144 • Smothening the surface. This reduces
the effect of friction.
= 169
6.(a) State laws of friction.
R = √ 169 = 13 N
• Friction depend on the nature of
surface and materials in contact.
2.3 : Frictional force
• Friction is acting parallel to surface and
5.(a) (i) Define friction as used in forces. opposite to the direction of motion
Friction is a force that opposes caused by force.
relative motion of any two surfaces in Normal reaction
contact. Motion force
Friction (F)
Fig 2.4 : Forces on moving block
• Friction is proportional to the pressing R
force (normal reaction) i.e. F =µR. block of wood
• Friction is independent of the speed.
(b) An object of mass 0.5 kg rests on a Pulley
horizontal surface and a force of 4.0 N
is required to make it move. Table
(i) Sketch a diagram showing all the W = mg
forces acting on this body .
R Normal reaction Weights in a
Pull (4.0N)
Fig 2.6 : Determining the coefficient of
Frictional static friction
force (F) 0.5 g (W = mg) • A block of wood of known mass is
Weight connected to a pan using a string which
Fig 2.5 : Forces acting on moving object passes over a pulley. Known weights
(ii)Calculate the coefficient of static (mass) are added unto the pan until
friction. the wood just begins to move. (The
From F = µR masses or weights including that of the
pan, F is recorded).
but R = mg = 0.5 × 10
The value of F is the static friction
=5N acting on the wooden block.
= 4.0
µ= From µ = Frictional Force
R 5.0 Normal reaction
= 0.8
(c) A block of mass 250 kg is pulled µ = where R is the normal
on a lavelled ground. The coefficient reaction (R = mg).
of sliding friction between the block Hence, the coefficient µ, of static
and the ground is 0.4. If the block has friction can be determined.
a uniform acceleration. Determine the
force pulling it?
R = mg 2.4 : Fluid flow
= 250 × 10 = 2 500 N 7.(a) Define the term a fluid.
From F = µR A fluid is any substance that flows
freely e.g. gases and liquids.
µ= F
R (b) Explain the meaning of the following
0.4 = F
terms :
F = 1 000 N (i) Viscosity.
(d) Describe an experiment, you would Viscosity is the resistance offered by
use to determine the coefficient of fluid to oppose the motion of a body in
static friction. fluids.
• Static friction exists upto a point when (ii) Streamline flow.
motion just starts. So its value can be Streamline flow is the type of fluid flow
determined by adding known weights where fluid layers are equidistant from
to a pan shown as in the Fig 2.6. each other and the layers move with
the same velocity in the same direction.
(iii) Turbulent flow.
Turbulent flow is the type of fluid flow,
where fluid layers move with different
velocity in different directions.
(c) List down applications of streamline
flow. Velocity
• Helps in Lift on an aerofoil (aeroplane). (ms–1)
• Modern cars are made narrow in the Vo
front to cut through air easily. Vo is the terminal velocity.
• Motion of birds in air depends on
streamline flow.
8.(a) Explain the meaning of fluid friction?
Fluid friction is the resistance to the Time t (s)
motion of a body passing through a fluid.
At times called viscous drug. The more Fig 2.8 : A graph of velocity against of a body
viscous a fluid is e.g. glycerine, the greater in a fluid
the fluid friction.
(b) State factors that affect viscosity. Revision Exercise 2
• Temperature. 1. Calculate:
• Nature of the fluid (medium in which
the body is moving). (a) the weight of:
• Weight of the body. (i) 2 kg of water,
(c) Describe the motion of a ball bearing (ii) 400 g of onion.
when dropped in a transparent jar (b) the tension developed in a string
filled with glycerine. supporting a mass of 120 g.
F is Viscosity 2. Give an explanation to the following:
6 ' U is Upthrust (a) A steel cable of about 3 cm diameter is
#BMM W is Weight able to lift a heavy load like a lorry or a
(b) Antiseptics used for cuts and other
(MZDFSJOF wounds have a low surface tension.
Fig 2.7 : Motion of body in fluid (c) A gardener is advised to loosen the soil
A ball bearing is dropped into a glass jar for healthy growth of the plants.
containing glycerine (clear viscous liquid) 3. A small ball bearing is allowed to fall freely
and its motion observed. through a liquid of high viscosity. The ball
The ball bearing at first accelerate and bearing accelerates for 0.2 s and acquires
attains a constant maximum velocity. The ‘terminal velocity’ after 1.0 s.
ball accelerates because the weight is
(a) Define the term ‘terminal velocity’.
greater than the upthrust (U) and the
fluid friction (F). (b) Explain, in terms of the various forces
Since viscosity increases with motion, acting, how the ball bearing acquires
there reaches a time when the weight terminal velocity.
equals the sum of the upward force., i.e. (c) Sketch a graph of velocity (y-axis) against
W = U + F. time and label the axes.
At this point, a constant maximum 4. (a) Distinguish between a streamline flow
velocity called terminal velocity is and a turbulent flow.
reached, i.e. there is no acceleration. (b) Explain why cars are made narrow at the
(d) Explain the term terminal velocity front.
using a graph.
Terminal velocity is the constant
maximum velocity which a body attains
in a fluid when the resultant force on it
is zero.
i.e. Weight = Viscosity + upthrust
W =F+U
5. Explain the following statements: (d) a spinning ball curves during its flight.
(a) an air flow over the wings of an aircraft (e) it is difficult to push a table tennis
causes a lift. ball completely out of the funnel, held
(b) flags flutter in a breeze. upright, by blowing air from underneath
(c) it is dangerous to stand near the edge of through `the narrow end of the funnel.
a platform in a railway station, when a (f) in a strong wind, the thatched roof of a
train passes without stopping. hut can be completely lifted off although
the walls are not appreciably damaged.
Fig 21.3 : Demonstrating Lenz’s law
If on the other hand the magnet is
pulled away from the coil, the top of
Fig 21.2 : Electromagnetic induction the coil behaves as if it is a south pole.
First hold the wire (conductor) at rest This is seen from the direction of flow
between the poles of a magnet (in a of current in the Galvanometer.
magnetic field).If the wire is now moved (b) State the factors that determine
(to and from), i.e. vertically, and the the magnitude of an induced emf in
Galvanometer observed, it is observed a conductor in a magnetic field.
that, there is no deflection in the • The speed of rotation or pulling the coil
Galvanometer when the conductor or conductor in the magnetic field,
is moved vertically (to and from); while • If the conductor is in form of a coil, the
there is a deflection in the meter if the number of turns on the coil (N),
• The strength of a magnet.
21.2 : Generators
3. Use a diagram to explain the action QPTJUJPO QPTJUJPO
of: FNG
(i) an a.c. generator.
Coil (rectangular)
Slip rings
/ 4
Fig 21.4 (a) : An alternating current #SVTI
(a.c) generator
If the coil is rotated in the magnetic
field, it cuts the magnetic field causing Fig 21.5 : A direct current generator (d.c)
an emf to be induce on it. The induced An a.c. generator generates d.c. once
emf acts as a source of current, which the slip rings are replaced with a
thus flows in the circuit. In the first commutator like that in a d.c. motor.
half cycle, one ring is positive while the The brushes are arranged so that as the
other is negative. The magnitude of coil goes through the vertical, change
the current e.m.f. increases from zero over occurs at the contact (brush and
to a maximum when the coil is in commutator) from one half of the split
horizontal position, then back to zero ring of the commutator to the other. In
when in vertical position. this position the coil reverses and for
this reason, one brush is always
Vmax positive and the other negative.
Imax Variation of induced emf with time:
1 5
Time From the graph, the direction of the
induced emf or current changes every
Fig 21.4 (b) : output voltage for a.c. half-cycle. The induced current is then
generator called alternating current (a.c.).
This kind of current is useful in power
(ii)Output voltage for a.c generator
transmission since it can be stepped up
At the end of the cycle, the direction of
and down.
rotation of the coil changes, causing
4.(a) Briefly explain how an a.c. generator
a change in the direction of the
can be modified so as to generate
current. The slip ring which acted as
direct current (d.c).
the negative terminal this time
An a.c. generator can be made to produce
becomes positive and the current will
a direct current by replacing its slip rings
flow in the opposite direction, which
with a split ring (commutator). The
again increases to a maximum then
commutators allow current to flow in
back to zero when the coil is in its
only one direction as it rotates vertical
vertical position. As the coil rotates,
through horizontal position back to the
a steady alternating current will be
vertical position. The process of rotating
induced in the load (appliance).
one side of the ring acts as a positive
Variation of induced emf or current
terminal and the other side acts as
with time in an a.c. generator.
negative terminal. This would allow Step-down transformers. It has more
current to flow in only one direction. turns in the primary coil (Np) than in
(b) Give advantages of alternating the secondary coil (Ns).
current (a.c.) over direct current Note : The emf (V) induced in the
(d.c.). secondary coil is directly proportional
• A.c. can be produced in large to the number of turns (N).
quantities unlike d.c. i.e. V α N, V = Constant
• A.c. can be stepped up or stepped N
Np Vp
down, allowing us to use the required =
amount, this is not possible with d.c. Ns Vs
• Power losses due to a.c. can easily be If Ns > Np ⇒ step-up transformer.
minimised (i.e. by stepping up voltage). If Ns < Np ⇒ step-down transfomer.
• A.c. is cheaper to generate compared (c) Give four causes of energy losses in
to d.c. considering what is needed to transformers and their corresponding
produce them. remedies.
• Resistance in the coils. Use thick wires
21.3 : Transformers to reduce the resistance.
5.(a) Distinguish between mutual • Hysterisis. This is the heating effect
induction and self-induction. that results from magnetisation and
demagnetisation action of core use
• Self-induction is the production of emf
soft iron core to reduce energy loss.
in a coil or conductor due to change in
• Eddy current. The current on the core
magnetic field or current through it.
itself due to induced emf on it,
• Mutual induction is the process where
causing heating loss. Use laminated
by an emf is induced in a coil due to
core to minimies energy.
change in the magnetic or current
• Magnetic flux linkage. Unlinked
direction in the nearby (neighbouring)
magnetic flux from both primary and
coil, e.g. in transformers.
secondary coil leading to leakage.
(b) (i) Using a diagram, describe how a Secondary coil is wound directly over
transformer work. primary coil reduce energy loss.
Secondary coil
Primary coil
(d) Explain why electrical power should
Output voltage (Vs)
be transmitted at high voltage.
Power loss in a conductor (wire) is usually
Input voltage (Vp) due to resistance and current flowing
(i.e. P = I2R), but power can also be
Soft Iron core
transported or transmitted through
Fig 21.6 : A transformer current and voltage.
It consists of two coils: primary and P = VI.
secondary wound closely together on a
So, in the former P = I2R more power
laminated soft iron core.When an
would be wasted due to current loss in
alternating voltage (Vp) is applied
the resistor I2 compared to I in the
to the primary, it causes changing
latter P = VI.
magnetic flux in the soft iron core. This
changing flux links the secondary coil In order to avoid this power wastage,
so an emf, Vs is induced in the transport power with very low current
secondary coil. value as possible but with a high pd (V).
(ii)State and explain two types of
Step-up transformers. It has more
turns (in the secondary (Ns) coil than
in the primary coil (Np).
6. A 240 V main transformer has 1000 21.4 : Rectification
turns in primary and N turns in the
8. (a) Define the term rectification.
secondary. If used to supply energy to a
bulb rated 12 V 60 W. Rectification is the process of converting
(i) How many turns are there in the alternating current to direct current. It
secondary coil? involves use of diode or transistors.
Vp = 240 V Np = 1000 turns (b) Describe using a diagram how a.c. can
be rectified.
Vs = 12 V Ns = ?
Np Vp Rectification of a.c. using diodes.
Ns = Vs Half-wave rectification.
= 240 In this method only one half of the a.c.
Np 12
12 × 1000 wave is allowed to pass through a load in
∴ Ns = = 50 turns
240 a circuit while the other half flowing in the
(ii)What is the efficiency of the opposite direction is blocked.
transformer if the current drawn This is done by connecting a single diode
from the 240 V supply is 1 000 mA? to a.c. supply and tapping the output
Efficiency = power output × 100% through a load.
power input Diode
But P = VI
Efficiency = s s × 100%
VpIp A
Pout 60 a.c.
I = = =5A input Load
s Vs 12 B
12 × 3000
Ns = = 150 turns U T
240 o
(ii)Find the current in the primary when o
Pin o
12 × 0.6 o
75% = × 100%
240 × Ip
7.2 Fig 21.8 (b) : Half-wave rectification
Ip = = 0.04 A
0.75 × 240
The current obtained after rectification is coil to convert it into an ammeter.
direct current in that it flows in one A multiplier is a resistor of high value
direction. connected in series with the galvanometer
Full-wave rectification coil to convert it into a voltmeter.
In a full-wave rectification., the two (b) A moving coil meter has a resistance
half-waves of an a.c. current are allowed of 5 Ω and gives a full scale
to pass through a load but all in the same deflection when 1 m A passes through
direction. it. Explain how you can convert it.
(i) to read 0 – 1A.
Rc = 5 Ω
Coil resistance
" %
' E E
& 3 -PBE
Fig 21.9 : Full-wave rectification
In the first cycle, A is positive while F is Fig 21.10 : Converting a moving coil
negative. Current will flow in the direction meter scales
(ABd1RCDd3EF). In the next half cycle, F Ic = 1mA = , Ic = 0.001A
is positive while A is negative. Current Is = 1 – 0.001 = 0.999A
will flow in the direction (FEd2RCDd4BA). P.d across coil = P.d across shunt
The diodes d2 and d4 are backward biased
IcRc = IsRs
in the first half cycle while d1 and d3 are
forward biased. The reverse is true for the 0.001 × 5 = 0.999 Rs
next half cycle. 0.005 = 0.999 Rs
* "
This will lead to a steady flow of current 0.005
Rs = = 0.005 Ω
through the load R in one direction. 0.999
∴ A resistor of low value, i.e. shunt
* "
* "
7D 7N
* "
V = IcRc + IsRs
1 = 0.001 × 5 + 0.001Rs
1 = 0.005 + 0.001Rs N Induction
0.995 = 0.001Rs
Rs =
= 995 Ω G
A resistor of high value i.e. 995 Ω
called a multiplier should be connected
in series with the coil resistance.
Figure 21.13
Revision Exercise 20 (a) slowly enters the coil,
1. Figure 21.12 shows a wire placed between (b) remains at rest inside the coil,
the poles of a magnet. The ends of the wire A
(c) is rapidly withdrawn from the coil.
and B are connected to a centre-zero
galvanometer. 3. (a) In the experimental set up shown in
Figure 21.14 state and explains what
happens to the galvanometer needle:
Figure 21.14
(i) as the switch S is closed,
Mass M (ii) the switch is left closed for some time,
Figure 21.12 (iii) the switch is then opened.
(a) State and explain what happens to the (b) Describe two ways by which the
galvanometer needle when the wire is galvanometer deflection could be
(i) moved away from the magnet and increased.
stopped, 4. (a) State Fleming’s right hand rule.
(ii) moved into the magnet and stopped, (b) Figure 21.15 shows a conductor XY
(iii) moved from the N-pole towards the moving in a uniform magnetic field which
S-pole. is diverted out of the paper.
(b) Describe two methods by which the
galvanometer deflection could be X Y
2. A long bar magnet is moved into a coil with Motion
Figure 21.15
(i) State the direction of the induced
(ii) Give three ways of increasing the
magnitude of the induced current.
5. What is the main difference in the features of 9. Figure 21.18 shows a transformer connected
an ac and dc generator? in a circuit used to allow a 6 V, 12 W bulb to
6. Distinguish between electromagnetic operate normally.
induction and mutual induction.
7. Figure 21.16 shows an ideal transformer 3200 6V
240 V
connected in a circuit. turns 12 W
Figure 21.18
20 V 2400
200 Load R
a.c turns
turns (a) Explain how the transformer transfers
electrical energy from the primary coil to
the secondary coil.
(b) Calculate
Figure 21.16 (i) the number of turns in the secondary
(a) Calculate
(ii) the current in the secondary coil,
(i) the potential difference across the load (iii) the current in the primary coil
R, assuming the transformer to be ideal.
(ii) the ammeter reading if the resistance 10. How does an induction coil differ from a
of the load is 400 Ω, step-up transformer?
(iii) the power output of the transformer.
11. State the factors that affect the efficiency of a
(b)What will be the ammeter reading, if the transformer.
ac input voltage is changed to 20 V dc?
12. A transformer is to be used to supply power
Explain your answer.
to three identical bulbs rated 24 W, 12 V in
8. Figure 21.17 shows a transformer connected lighting circuit of a domestic wiring system.
in a circuit used to allow a 12 V, 24 W bulb to (a) Draw a circuit diagram that can be used to
operate normally. illustrate:
(i) the type of transformer.
(ii) a 240 V ac power supply.
(iii) the connection of the three bulbs
240 V 12 V (b) Calculate:
a.c 24 W
bulb (i) the turns ratio,
(ii) the power output and
(iii) the efficiency of the transformer, if
the current from the power supply is
Figure 21.17 0.75 A.
(a) Determine the power transferred from the 13. With examples explain the difference
primary to the secondary circuit when the between a good conductor and a
bulb is operating normally. semiconductor.
(b) What assumption have you made in
arriving at your answer? 14. Draw a circuit diagrams to distinguish
(c) Calculate the number of turns in the between forward and reverse bias modes of a
primary coil, if the number of turns in the p-n junction diode.
secondary coil is 600.
15. For each circuit shown in Figure 21.19, 16. Figure 21.20 shows a rectifier circuit for an
sketch a curve to show the variation of alternating current (a.c)
current with time as displayed on a C.R.O
D1 D2
D3 D4 R
Figure 21.20
(a) Describe the rectification process and
mark the polarities of the terminals X and
Figure 21.19
(b) Sketch a graph to show how the p.d.
across the resistor R varies with time.
20.1 : Electric field around conductor (b) Explain with the aid of a diagram,
what happens when two vertical
1.(a) Sketch the magnetic field pattern
parallel conductors are placed near
one another and carry currents in
(i) a straight Magnetic
wire carrying current.
(i) the same direction
current I
current I
current I mFMET
(ii)With a diagram, describe a simple • The strength of the magnet. A
experiment to demonstrate a conductor moved in a strong magnetic
motor effect. field experiences a large force than
Battery of low voltage, when moved in a weak magnetic field.
producing high current
• Current through the conductor. The
conductor experiences a larger force
Motion when a large current is passed through
it and vice versa.
N • The size of angle of inclination of the
conductor with the field. The conductor
experiences a larger force when it is
moved to right angle with the field and
it experiences no force when it is
wire moved parallel to the field.
5. With diagrams, explain how the
following works, stating one use of each.
(i) a d.c. motor.
axis rotation
Fig 20.9 : Demostrating motor effect B C
Battery Rheostat
/ 4
Fig 20.11 : A d.c. motor
When the coil is in horizontal position,
and current switched on, current will
flow in the coil in the direction
Fig 20.10 : Effect of magnetic field current
carrying wire
By Fleming’s left hand rule, side AB
The magnetic fields due to wire and
experiences an upward force and
magnet interact such that there are
CD a downward force.
more magnetic field lines above the
These forces form a couple which
wire than below.
causes the coil to rotate in a clockwise
Hence the resultant magnetic field/
direction until if reaches the
force is downwards. The wire is pushed
vertical position. In the vertical
downwards as shown in Fig 20.9.
position, brushes touch the space
Direction of motion is also obtained
between the commutators and
using Fleming’s left hand rule.
contact is lost, hence current is cut off.
(b) Explain the factors affecting force on However, the coil’s momentum carries
a current carrying conductor. it past the vertical. Then the
• Length of the conductor. The force on a commutators change contacts from one
conductor increases with increase in brush to another.
length of the conductor and vice versa.
This reverses the current through the (iii)a moving coil galvanometer.
coil and also reverses the direction of
the forces on the sides of the coil. Here -JOFBSTDBMF
side AB is now on the right hand side
with downward force on it, and side CD 1PJOUFS DVSSFOUPVU
is on the left hand side with an upward
The coil continues to rotate in a
clockwise direction for as long as / 4
current is passing through it. 4
(ii)a moving coil loudspeaker. DZMJOESJDBM +FXFMMFE
Revision Exercises 20
Fig 20.12 : A moving coil loudspeaker 1. (a) Figure 20.14 shows the magnetic field
When the alternating current flows pattern due to a solenoid when a current
into the coil from a microphone or flows through the coil. What are the
an amplifier or a radio, it causes the coil polarities of the power supply X and Y?
to experience a force determined by
Fleming’s left hand rule.
The direction of the force on the coil
keeps on changing making it to move
to and from (vibrate) since the
current through it is alternating. As the
coil moves, the diaphragm attached
to it also moves along with it to and Figure 20.14
(b)Describe another situation where a similar
The to and fro movement of the
magnetic field pattern can be achieved.
diaphragm causes it to keep displacing
air particles at the frequency of a.c. 2. Two bars of which one is a magnet and the
leading to production of sound of the other a soft iron are placed along the axis of a
same frequency as the input. solenoid coil, as shown in Figure 20.15.
Figure 20.15
(a) State the polarities of the magnetism
produced at the ends of the solenoid,
when the switch is closed.
(b) When the switch is closed, both the rods
P and Q are attracted towards the
solenoid. Is it possible to identify the
magnet and the soft iron, in this set up? (a) the direction of
Explain your answer. (i) current in the wire.
3. Explain how the arrangement shown in (ii) the electromagnetic force on the wire.
Figure 20.16 may be used to investigate how (b) the nature and direction of the magnetic
the electromagnetic force varies with field in the region marked X.
5. Figure 20.19 shows two poles of a magnet
and a conductor carrying a current
perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
Spring a
Figure 20.19
(a) Label the magnetic poles.
(b) What is the direction of current in the
Fig 20.16
(c) In which direction the conductor will
4. Figure 20.17 shows a conductor PQ placed at move if allowed to move?
90º to the magnetic field.
6. Figure 20.20 shows a diagram of a moving
coil loudspeaker.
Variable resistor
Figure 20.18
N 8. In Figure 20.22, a pan and a magnet are in
equlibrium when arranged at equal distances
from the centre of gravity, G, of a long uni
C form rod.
Pivot Magnet
N +
Solenoid Motion–
Figure 20.21 coil
(iii)Gamma (γ) ray. particles).
When a nucleus decays by gamma • They are lighter (they are lighter than
emission, there will be no change in alpha particles).
mass number and atomic number. It is (iii)Gamma (γ) rays.
simply energy released. • They are high energy electromagnetic
ZAX → AZY + γ + Energy radiation.
(iv)Both Alpha, Beta particles and • They have no mass and carry no charge.
Gamma rays in that order. • They are not deflected in an electric
If all the radiation i.e. α, β and γ occur, field.
ZAX → Z–1Y + 24He + –10 e + γ. • They are not deflected in a magnetic
The daughter nuclide (Y) will have one field.
proton less than the parent nuclide, • They have the highest penetrating
and mass number of 4 less than that of power.
the parent and release of energy. • They ionise gas (but they have the least
The chemical property of the element ionising ability).
formed after the decay will be similar • They affect photographic plates.
to that one just above it in the periodic
table. • They cause fluorescence.
• They travel with a speed of light in air
(3 × 108 m/s).
22.3 : Properties of radioactive 4. Describe with diagrams, the motion of
emissions radioactive emissions in;
3. List down the properties of; (i) an electric field.
(i) Alpha (α) particles.
• They are helium nuclei i.e. 24He.
• They are positively charged.
• They are deflected towards a negative
plate in an electric field. (BNNBSBZT
(ii) a magnetic field. 1
t = 4 minutes
Co = 256
Count rate time
/ 256 0
128 4
64 8
32 12
16 16
Time taken is 16 minutes.
(ii) What fraction of the original
Fig 22.3 : Particles in a magnetic field
number of atoms will be left by the
By Fleming’s left hand rule, β particles
time the count rate is 16 counts per
and α particles are deflected as shown.
γ–rays pass through the field
undeflected. Fraction of original
1 1 1
Atom left = ( )n = ( )4 =
2 2 16
22.4 : Half-life of radioactive (c) What happens to the activity of a
radioactive material when its:
(i) mass is increased.
5.(a) (i)Define the term half-life.
Half–life is the time taken for radio If mass is increased, the activity
active nuclide to decay to half its increases.
origianl mass. (ii) temperature is increased.
(ii)Describe a simple experiment to Increasing the temperature does not
determine half-life of a radioactive affect the activity.
substance. (e) A material is wrapped in a
A mass of radioactive material is photographic film and kept in a dark
obtained as time goes on, mass room. When the photographic film is
remaining and corresponding times are removed, it is found to be darkened.
determined. (i) identify the material.
A graph of mass versus time is plotted. The material is a radioactive material.
(ii)explain the observation.
A photographic material becomes dark
when radiations like Alpha, Beta or
electromagnetic radiations fall on it.
Since photographic film was in the
2 dark, it means that the darkening was
not due to light. The darkening must
t 1
therefore be due to either Alpha, Beta
2 or Gamma radiations emitted by the
Fig 22.4 : A decay curve material.
Time corresponding to o is half-life,
mo is original mass 1. 22.5 : Uses and Hazards of
(b) A radioactive element has a half-life radioactivity
of 4 minutes. Given that the original
6.(a) Explain five uses of radioactivity
count rate is 256 counts per minute.
• Mercury 137 assists in location of brain
(i) Find the time taken to reach a
tumours when photograph is taken.
count rate of 16 counts per minute.
• Gamma rays are used to sterilize (b) Explain why it may be necessary to
medical equipment. first rub the top of the diffusion
• Used to determine thickness of paper, chamber with a cloth.
plastic and metal sheets during Rubbing makes the lid charged. The charge
manufacture. removes any dirt or ions present. Leaving
• Cobolt is used in treatment of cancer. the dirt and ions could cause vapour to
• Carbon is used for carbon-dating in liquefy around them. This may lead to
archaeology, to determine age of wrong conclusion about the nature of
fossils. radiation.
8.(a) Exaplain meaning of background
(b) Give two: radiation?
(i) biological uses of X-rays. Background radiation is a radiation from
X–ray photographs can be used to show the environment like rocks, bricks, plants
fractured bones and dislocated joints. and cosmic rays.
X–ray photographs can be used to (b) State uses of radioactivity in:
study chest infections. (i) Medicine.
X–rays are used in cancer treatment by To determine amount of blood in the
burning cancerous cells in the body. body.
(ii) industrial uses of X-rays. Investigate presence of foreign objects
• They are used in the study of crystals. e.g. pin in human bodies.
• They are used to detect leakages in (ii)Agriculture.
water pipes. In the study of mineral uptake by
(c) State precautions taken while plants.
carrying out experiments on To kill weevils in grains, wool sorters
radioactivity. disease, anthrax.
• Handle radioactive materials with In control of pests by sterilizing the
forceps. males.
• Wear protective gear with a layer of In the development of better or
lead. resistant varieties of plants.
• Avoid being in direct exposure. (c) State two hazards of radioactivity.
• Minimise or avoid unnecessary • causes cancer.
7.(a) A radioactive source that produces • destroys body cells.
alpha, beta and gamma radiations is • causes mutations.
directed towards a piece of paper A, • causes burns.
behind which is an aluminium sheet B
and lead sheet C arranged as shown.
What radiations if any would be
22. 6 : Nuclear fusion and fission
detected: 9. (a) (i) Distinguish between nuclear
(i) between A and B. fission and nuclear fusion.
Beta particles and Gamma ray, since Nuclear fission is the splitting up of a
paper absorbs α particles. heavy nucleus to form lighter nuclides.
In this process energy is released i.e.
(ii)between B and C.
γ-rays, since aluminium sheet absorbs β
e.g. A B + C + energy
heavy lighter
(iii)beyond C.
nucleus nuclides
γ–rays, the 1 cm of lead absorbs
Nuclear fusion is the joining up of
some Gamma but not all.
light nuclides into heavier one and
release of energy i.e. exothermic.
e.g. B + C A + energy (i) Identify the radiations A, B and C
light heavy emitted in the decay process shown
nuclides nuclides above.
(ii) Give one example of where nuclear • A is alpha particle (42He) or helium.
fission and fusion occurs. nucleus.
• Fission: In nuclear energy plant: • B is Beta particle.
uranium spilts in smaller nuclide and • C is Gamma γ–rays.
releases energy. Examples: (ii) State 2 differences between
• Fusion: In sun and stars (hydrogen radiations B and C.
atoms/nuclear combine releasing
Beta particles Gamma rays
energy, the electromagnetic
radiations of which light is part of). • Negatively • No charge.
• During fertilization male and female
cells fuse leading to formation of the • Are particles. • Are rays.
zygote – the reason you exist. • Less penetrating. • More penetrating.
• In production of medicine. • More ionising. • Less ionising.
(iii)State two uses of nuclear fission.
• In nuclear reactors for the (b) What conditions are necessary for
production of electricity. nuclear fusion to take place?
• Manufacture of bombs (nuclear and • There must be small unstable particles.
atomic bombs). • Temperature should be high.
• In medicine (treatment f cancer,
• The pressure should be high.
(b) Distinguish between nuclear fission
and radioactivity. 22.7 : Photoelectric and thermionic
Nuclear Fission is an induced decay. It emissions
has to be initiated in order to take place, 11.(a) Distinguish between photoelectric
whereas radioactivity is spontaneous i.e. it emission and thermionic emission.
takes place naturally. Photoelectric emission is emission of
(c) State the difference between alpha electrons from the metal surface when
particles and Beta particles. electromagnetic radiations of a high
frequency or energy fall on it.
Alpha particles Beta particles
Thermionic emission is the emission of
• Positively charged. • Negatively
electrons from a metal surface when
heated to sufficiently high temperature.
• Less deflected in a • More deflected (b) When the zinc cathode is irradiated
magnetic field and in a magnetiuc with ultraviolet radiations , the
an electric field. and electric field. ammeter gave a reading.
• Heavier. • Lighter.
• Helium nucleus. • Its an electron. radiations
(i) Explain why the ammeter gave a (ii) radio waves is used instead of
reading. ultraviolet radiations.
Zinc cathode emitted electrons when Radio waves have low energy thus they
ultraviolet radiations fell on it and it are unable to release electrons. There
gave a current which was detected by will be no effect on leaf divergency of
the ammeter. the electroscope.
(ii)A gas was gradually introduced
into the glass tube. Explain what 22. 8 : Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Gas starts ionizing when P.d is applied. 12.(a) (i) What are cathode rays?
Electrons escaping from one gas atom Cathode rayes are streams of fast
ionizes the next and so on and this moving electrons from cathode to
creates a stream of positive ions and anode.
negative electrons. They start moving (ii) What are the properties of
towards the cathode and anode cathode rays?
respectively and generate a current. • Are negatively charged.
When pressure is not so low, bluish • Are deflected in both magnetic field
streaks are seen inside the tube, but and electric field in a direction which
with further reduction in pressure, the shows that they are negatively
gas inside appears pink. charged.
With further evacuation of the tube, • They travel in straight
the inside starts to appear black, (b) With the aid of a labelled diagram,
because there is no more gas to conduct describe how cathode rays are
electricity. produced by thermionic effect.
(c) Ultraviolet radiations is incident on $BUIPEFSBZT
a clean zinc plate resting on the cap
of a charged gold leaf electroscope as
in fig 22.6.
Fig 22.7 : Production of cathode rays
Are produced in cathode ray tubes which
consists of a long evacuated tube with a
metal filament at one end and a another
metal plate.
The anode at the other end. The metal
plate (anode) and cathode are inside an
Fig 22.6 : Detecting charges in UV radiation
evacuated glass tube. If the filament is
Explain what is observed if: heated, it also heats the cathode, and
(i) the gold leaf electroscope is causes it to release electrons.
positively charged. Due to the high potential difference
No further divergency of the leaf is between the cathode and anode, the
observed. Because the ultraviolet electrons are then pulled towards the
radiations eject electrons from the anode at a very high speed. The process of
metal surface, but the electrons are releasing the electrons by the cathode is
immediately attracted back, and there called thermionic emission.
is no loss of charge. The stream of electrons moving from
cathode to anode is called cathode rays.
The process will cause current to flow in (iii)Give procedures involved in
the circuit. operating a C.R.O.
13.(a) (i) Draw a well-labelled diagram of a Switch on the CRO and make sure the
cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). time base knot is off. (Time base is a
A CRO uses cathode rays to display circuit on the X–plate which generates
wave forms on a florescent screen. It a p.d on the plate. It causes the
has three main features: the electron electron spot to sweep across the
gun, deflecting system and the screen and then fly back.)
florescent screen enclosed in a vacuum. Adjust the X-shift and the Y-shift till
the spot appears.
Electron gun
Y–plate Set the knob to the centre of the screen
by adjusting the X and Y shift controls.
Adjust the focus and brightness control
to obtain a sharply focused bright spot.
Cathode X–plate
(b) List down three uses of cathode rays.
Used in C.R.O to display waveform on the
Fig 22.8 : Cathode ray oscilloscope Used to project images on screen e.g. in
(ii) State one function of each of the television.
part you have labelled above. Used in electron microscopes to magnify
X is X-plate, Y is Y-plate objects since they have very small
A1 is accelerating anode wavelengths.
(c) The Fig 22.9 shows traces of the
A2 is focusing anode
cathode ray beam on the screen of a
G is grid cathode ray tube.
C is cathode
F is filament
The electron gun has the heater,
(filament), cathode, grid and the (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Fig 22.9 : Traces on cathode ray
The filament heats the cathode which
Explain how each one may be
then produces electrons, the amount
which is to be released is controlled
by the grid. The amount of electrons This is the appearance on the screen when
released determines the brightness on the time base is off, but X and Y shifts are
the screen. The electrons are then on.
attracted/pulled by the anode A1which
is at a very high positive potential to
the cathode. The focusing anode A2
directs the electrons to the deflecting
system. Is when the time base is on X only. Y is off.
The horizontal pair called the Y-plate
deflects the electrons vertically and the
vertical pair of plates called the X-plate
deflects the electrons horizontally. A.C. on Y only. X is off i.e. time base is off.
These deflections enables electrons to
reach the florescent screen coated with
florescent materials like phosphor and
zinc sulphide. At the screen the kinetic
energy of the electron (cathode rays) A.C. on Y and the time base are X is on.
are converted to light and heat.
= (10.0 × 10–3 × 1) s
= 10 × 10–3s
But f =
(d) (i) Give uses of a cathode ray 1
oscilloscope: 10 × 10–3
• Display (study) waveforms. = 100 Hz
• Measure small time intervals.
• Measure frequencies.
22.9 : X–Rays
• Measure amplitudes f both a.c and d.c
voltages. 14.(a) What are X–rays?
• Check equipments. X–rays are electromagnetic radiations
produced when fast moving electrons
(ii) Describe the function time base in
are stopped by matter.
a CRO.
A time base is a special circuit (b) List down properties of X–rays.
connected to the X-plate which • They are electromagnetic radiations.
produces signals on the screen when • They carry no charge.
switched on i.e. when p.d is on the • They are not deflected in magnetic and
X-plate. electric fields.
(e) A CRO with the time base switched on • Can produce cathode rays by
is connected across a power supply. photoelectric emission.
The wave form shown below is
obtained. Distance between each line • They travel at a high speed i.e. speed of
is 1 cm. 3 × 108 m/s.
1 cm • They affect photographic plates.
1 cm • They readily penetrate matter.
is 10 V cm–1.
Amplitude = 1 cm on screen Fig 22.11 : X - ray tube
maximum voltage, The cathode filament is heated by a low
Vmax = Voltage gain/cm × amplitude voltage and emits electrons. The electrons
are focused onto the target by the concave
= 10 Vcm–1 × 1 cm= 10 V
cathode and are accelerated by the E.H.T.
(iii)Calculate the frequency of the
When electrons strike the metal target,
power source if the time base
a small percentage of kinetic energy is
setting on the CRO is
converted to X–rays.
10.0 x 10-3 S cm–1.
The cooling fins constantly cool the anode
Period, T = frequency gain/cm × and the target.
= (f/cm × λ), λ = 1 cm
(b) Explain briefly how each of the Time (years) Disintegration
following can be increased in an X–ray per minute
tube. 0 16
(i) Intensity of X–rays. 2 500 12
The intensity of the X–ray beam is
5 000 8.8
increased by increasing the filament
current thus increasing the rate of 7 500 6.4
electron emission. Hence more 10 000 4.6
electrons strike the target per second. 12 500 3.4
(ii) Penetrating power of X–rays. 15 000 2.6
The penetrating power of the X–ray 17 500 1.8
beam is increased by increasing the 20 000 1.4
accelerating voltage. The kinetic energy
of the electrons increases, making
Table 22.1
them more penetrating.
(a) Plot a graph of activity
(c) (i) Distinguish between hard X–rays
and soft X–rays. (y - axis) against time.
Hard X–rays have more energy, and (b) Estimate the half life of carbon-14 from
are more penetrative and are therefore the graph.
very harmful to human cells. Soft (c) Sketch a graph on the same axis in part
X–rays are less penetrative and less (a) If a radioactive source has a half-life of
destructive to human cells. million years.
(ii)State 4 ways in which X–rays are 5. How many neutrons does the nuclide 235 92 U
similar to Gamma rays. contain?
• Both are electromagnetic radiations. 6. Explain the terms
• They both travel at high speed, (a) charge number (b) mass number
approximately equal to the speed of (c) isotopes.
light, 3.0 × 108 m/s. 7. In the balanced nuclear reaction shown
• They both readily penetrate matter. (a) identify the radiation m.
• They both carry no charge. (b) determine the values of a and b.
m 231 b
• They are both not deflected in electric 235 92U→ 90 X γ(gamma) a Z
and magnetic fields. 8. Name the radiations emitted by the nuclides
• They both travel through a vacuum. A, B and C in the nuclear equation
represented below:
238 A → 234 B → 234C → 234
92 D
Revision Exercise 22 90 90 91
9. (a) What is meant by nuclear fission?
1. Define the following terms in relation to
radioactivity: activity, decay, randomness, 10. State one use of radioactivity in each of the
half-life. following:
2. At time t = 0, the activity of iodine-131 is (a) medicine (b) archaeology
1 024 counts/minutes and after 32 days it (c) agriculture.
decreases to 64 count/minute. Calculate the 11. Explain the terms: photoelectric emission,
half-life of iodine-131. photoelectrons, and photoelectric effect.
3. Polonium-218 has a half-life of 3 minutes.
What fraction of polonium will have decayed
after 18 minutes?
4. Table 15.4 shows how the activity of a
sample of carbon-14 varies with time (in
12. Figure 22.11 represents a modern X-ray tube. 17. State the function of the control grid of a
cathode ray oscilloscope.
S Anode
18. Why is the horizontal pair of plates in a
cathode ray oscilloscope called the Y-plates?
19. Explain why a cathode ray oscilloscope is
considered as an ideal voltmeter.
S S 20. The output of a simple a.c generator is fed
into the Y-plates of a cathode ray
E.H.T. oscilloscope. The time-base has been
Figure 22.11 : A Modern X-ray tube suitably adjusted to display the output volt
(a) Why is it necessary to maintain a vacuum age of the generator as shown in Figure
inside the tube? 22.12.
1 cm
(b)What property of tungsten makes it suit
able for use as a target? 1 cm
(c) What is the purpose of the extra high
tension (EHT)?
(d) Explain why the shielding material S is
made of lead rather than iron?
13. Starting from the electrical energy, state the
energy transformation which occur until
X-rays are produced in a X-ray tube. Figure 22.12
14. Distinguish between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ X-rays. Draw diagrams to show how the wave
15. State one industrial use of X-rays. pattern changes if
16. Explain how (a) only the strength of the magnetic field
(a) the intensity and of the generator is doubled,
(b)the penetrating power of the X-rays (b) only the frequency of rotation of the
produced may be controlled. armature coil of the the generator is
Paper 1
2 1 hours
Paper 1
2 hours 15 minutes
• Attempt all questions.
• Section A contains 40 objectives type questions. You are required to write the correct answer A,
B, C or D against each box on the right hand side.
• Section B contains 10 structured questions. Answers are to be written in the spaces provided on
the question paper.
• Mathematical tables, slide rules and silent non-programmable calculators may be used.
• Acceleration due to gravity = 10 ms–2
• Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 Jkg–1 K–1
Q.41 Q.42 Q.43 Q.44 Q.45 Q.46 Q.47 Q.48 Q.49 Q.50 MCQ Total
Turn over
SECTION A : 8. Calculate the increase in pressure which a diver experiences when he descends 30 m in
sea-water of density 120 kg m–3.
1. A Newton is defined as : A. 300 Nm–2 B. 1200 Nm–2 C. 36000 Nm–2 D. 360000 Nm–2
A. unit of force.
B. force which produces an acceleration of 1 ms–2. 9. The refractive index of glass is 1.5. Calculate the angle of refraction for light incident on
C. force which gives a mass of 1kg an acceleration of 1 ms–2. glass at an angle of 30o.
D. force which produces an acceleration of any magnitude on a mass of 1 kg. A. 19.5o B. 42.0o C. 45.0o D. 48.6o
2. AB is a uniform half metre rule of mass M g balanced as Fig 1. 10. Which of the following sets contains only good conductors of heat?
A. Copper, wood, air B. Silver, gold, rubber
C. Iron, mercury, copper D. Magnesium, paper, wool
15 cm 100 m
A B 11. An image 5 cm high is formed by a converging lens. If the magnification is 0.4, find the
height of the object.
A. 2.0 cm B. 4.6 cm C. 5.4 cm D. 12.5 cm
0.1 kg Mkg Fig. 1
Find the value of M. 12. Soundness of a musical note depends on?
A. 0.15 kg B. 1.5 kg C. 0.02 kg D. 0.03 kg A. pitch, velocity, frequency B. pitch and frequency
C. velocity and amplitude D. amplitude
3. Which of the following is NOT the same mass as others?
A. 10 milligrams B. 100 grams C. 10-4 mega grams D. 10–1 kilograms 13. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of water 30o C to 60o C?
A. 2520J B. 6300J C. 8400J D. 126000J
4. In an experiment to determine the size of an oil molecule by the oil drop method, one of
the assumptions made is that oil molecules. 14. When a yellow dress with blue dots is placed in a 200 m lit with pure red light, the dress
A. Are exactly small appears.
B. Dissolve in water A. red with black dots B. yellow with blue dots
C. Have low surface tension C. green with red dots D. black with yellow dots
D. Spread until they form a single layer
15. A car of mass 1.5 x 103 kg climbs a hill in 900s. If the top of the hill is 50 m above the
5. A man picks up a brick from the ground raised it and then allows it to fall. What form of starting point, find the average power output of the engine.
energy appears twice in the chain of energy transformation? A. 1380W B. 833W C. 5000W D. 7.50 x 103W
A. chemical B. sound C. kinetic D. potential
16. A mass of 2.4 kg rests on a floor. If the area of contact with the floor is 6cm2, what
pressure does the mass exert on the floor?
6. A block of mass 10 kg accelerates uniformly at a rate of 3ms–2 along a horizontal table
when a force of 40 N acts on it. Find the frictional force between the block and the table. A. 0.4 Nm–2 B. 4.0 Nm–2 C. 4000 Nm–2 D. 40 000Nm–2
A. 10 N B. 13.3 N C. 30 N D. 70 N
17. The following are properties of gamma rays except;
7. Metals are good conductors of heat because? A. they travel in a straight line
A. They are ductile B. They contain free protons. B. they have low ionizing power
C. They contain free electrons D. Their atoms can easily be displaced. C. they darken a photographic plate
D. they are reflected by electric and magnetic fields.
180 181
18. A sound of regular frequency is called a 28. An electroscope is positively charged by induction. This means that it has;
A. beat B. noise C. node D. tone A. gained electrons B. gained protons
C. lost electrons D. lost protons
19. The strength of magnetism can be maintained in the bar magnets by;
A. suspending them on strings and make them face east-west 29. In the circuit in fig 2 below, the reading on the ammeter is 2A.
B. hammering them when they are facing east-west
C. keeping them in pairs, and placing soft-iron pieces
D. heating them when they are facing east-west.
20. An electric lamp is rated 24 V, 40 W. Calculate the resistance of the filament
A. 0.167Ω B. 6.0Ω C. 14.4Ω D. 144Ω 3Ω 4Ω Fig. 2
25. Calculate the mass of air in a room of dimensions 15m × 14m × 6m; given that the density 32. Which of the following prevents loss or gain by radiation in a thermos flask?
of air is 1.26 kg/m3. A. silvered surface B. double walls C. vacuum D. cock
A. 10 kg B. 1000 kg C. 1587.6 kg D. 3175.2 kg
33. Calculate the cost of running a cooker rates 750W for two weeks if it is used for two hours
26. In order for total internal reflection to take place, light must be travelling every day. One unit of electricity costs Shs. 500/=.
A. through media of same optical density A. 10 500/= B. 10 500 000/=
B. at an angle of incidence equal to the critical angle C. 315 000/= D. 5 250/=
C. from denser medium to less dense medium
D. from the source to a shiny surface. 34. Calculate the length of a copper wire of cross-section at area 0.25 mm2 and a resistance of
0.2 Ω take the resisitivity of copper as 1.7 × 10–8 Ωm.
A. 50 m B. 2.94 m C. 25 m D. 50 m
27. Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in order of increasing frequency;
A. Gamma rays, X–rays, Radiowaves.
35. Due to anomalous expansion of water it has highest density at 40oC, this fact is useful in
B. Radiowaves, Ultraviolet, X–rays, Gamma rays.
A. Purification of water during very cold weather.
C. Radiowaves, Gamma rays, Radiowaves.
B. Preservation of aquatic life during cold weather.
D. Light waves, Gamma, Radiowaves.
C. Filtration of minerals useful to aquatic organisms.
D. Melting of snow during very cold weather.
182 183
36. Which of the following is the international colour code used in electric wiring? (b) Draw a diagram to show a thermionic diode. (1 1 marks)
A. Brown – live, green – neutral, blue – earth
B. Red – live, green – neutral, black – earth
C. Brown – live, blue – neutral, green/yellow – earth
D. Red – live, blue – neutral, yellow/green – earth.
41. (a) State the law of floatation (1 mark)
43. A car of mass 500 kg moves a long straight road with a uniform speed of 108 kmh–1.
(i) momentum (1 1 marks)
(b) A solid of volume 10-4 m3 floats on water of density 1000 kgm–3 with 3 of its volume (ii) kinetic energy (1 1 marks)
5 2
submerged. Find the mass of the solid. (3 marks)
42. (a) What is meant by thermionic emission (1 mark) (b) An object is placed 6 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 4 cm. Determine
the size and nature of the image formed. (3 marks)
184 185
45. (a) What is meant by magnetic poles. (1 mark) (ii) the efficiency if the primary circuit is 3 A and the secondary current is 5 A? (1 1 marks)
(b) Briefly describe how the polarity of a magnet can be tested. (1 1 marks) 47. (a) State the laws of reflection of sound. (1 mark)
(b) Peter stood 10 m from a high cliff and clapped his hands. 0.06 seconds later he
(c) Draw a circuit diagram to show how a steel bar can be magnetized electrically. 1 marks)
(1 received an echo. Calculate the velocity of sound in air. (1 1 marks)
2 2
(c) If there are 10 wave lengths of sound occupying the space between Peter and the cliff,
calculate the frequency of the sound waves produced. 1
(1 marks)
48. (a) The half life of the nuclide 16N is 7.8 seconds.
What does this statement means? (1 mark)
50. (a) Explain the difference between a good conductor and semiconductor. (1 mark)
(b) A transformer has 1000 turns in the primary and 500 turns in the secondary. Its
primary coil is connected to 240 V mains. What is
(i) the secondary voltage? (1 1 marks)
2 (b) Explain why argon gas is used in fillament lamp.
186 187
Paper 2
2 1 hours
Paper 2
2 hours 15 minutes
1. Answer any five questions
2. Any additional questions will not be marked
Acceleration due to gravity = 10ms–2
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200Jkg–1 K–1
Specific latent heat of fusion of water=340000 Jkg–1
Speed of sound in air = 330ms–1
Speed of light = 3.0 × 108ms–1
188 P h y s i c s
1. (a) (i) What is meant by the terms scalar and vector quantities? Give two examples of each.
(4 marks)
(ii) State the conditions under which a body is said to be in mechanical equilibrium.
(1 mark)
Fig. 1
A force of 40N acts on a block of mass 5 kg at an angle of 60o to the horizontal as in fig 1 shown.
Find the acceleration of the block. (3 marks)
(b) What is meant by Potential energy and Kinetic energy? (2 marks)
(c) A ball is thrown vertically upwards by a student. State the energy changes which take place
starting from the instant just after throwing it up to when it has just been caught back by the
student at the same point. (6 marks)
3. (a) (i) What is meant by the terms mechanical advantage and efficiency, as applied to simple
machines. (2 marks)
(ii) Explain why the efficiency of any practical machine is always less than 100%. (4 marks)
(iii) State two ways by which the efficiency of a machine may be increased. (2 marks)
P h y s i c s 189
Fig. 2
20 N
The diagram above shows a load of 20 N being raised by a frictionless pulley system.
(i) What is the velocity ratio of the system? (2 mark)
(ii) Calculate the effort required to raise the Load if the effieciency of pulley is 85%. (6 marks)
4. (a) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe an experiment to show how the pressure of a fixed
mass of a gas varies with temperature at constant volume. (7 marks)
(b) A gas of volume 1000 cm3 at a temperature of 17oC is heated at constant pressure until its
volume becomes 1250 cm3. Find the highest temperature reached. (4 marks)
(c) A balloon is filled with 100 m of hydrogen and tied to the ground. The balloon together with
the empty container which it carries have a mass 20.0 kg. If the densities of hydrogen and air
are 9.0 x 10–2 kgm–3 and 1.29 kgm–3 respectively. Calculate the maximum load which should be
placed in the container in order to be lifted by the balloon when released. (5 marks)
5. (a) With the aid of a diagram explain the terms amplitude and wavelength as applied to wave
motion. (3 marks)
(b) (i) Derive an equation relating velocity V frequency f and wavelength λ of a wave. (3 marks)
(ii) A radio wave is transmitted at a frequency of 150 MHZ. Calculate its wavelength. (3 marks)
(Speed of electromagnetic waves in air = 3 x 108ms–1)
(c) (i) List three properties of electromagnetic waves. (3 marks)
(ii) a long open tube is partially immersed in water and a tuning fork of frequency 384 HZ is
sounded and held just above it. If the tube is gradually raised, find the length of the air
column when resonance first occurs. (neglect end correction). (4 marks)
(Speed of sound in air = 340 ms ) –1
190 P h y s i c s
(c) F2
500 N
2.4 m2
0.4 m2
Piston Q
Piston P
If a downward force of 500N is exerted on piston P of surface area 0.4m2, find the maximum
load which must be raided by piston Q of surface area 2.4 m2 in fig 3. (5 marks)
7. (a) Define:
(i) Principal focus of a converging lens. (1 mark)
(ii) A real image. (1 mark)
(b) (i) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe a simple experiment to determine the focal
length of a converging lens. (6 marks)
(ii) State two applications of converging lenses. (2 marks)
(c) An object 8 cm high is placed perpendicularly on the principal axis 30 cm away from a
converging lens. If the height of the image formed is 4 cm, use graphical method to find
(i) the focal length of the lens.
(ii) the distance of the image from the lens (6 marks)
(i) Identify the particles in the stream (1 mark)
(ii) Sketch a diagram to show the path of the particles in a magnetic field directed into the plane
of the paper. (2marks)
(c) (i) Define half life (1 mark)
(ii) X grams of a radioactive material, of half life 3 weeks, decays and 5.12 g remains after
15 weeks. Determine the value of X. (4 marks)
P h y s i c s 191
Paper 1
2 1 hours
Paper 1
2 hours 15 minutes
• Attempt all questions.
• Section A contains 40 objectives type questions. You are required to write the correct answer A,
B, C or D against each box on the right hand side.
• Section B contains 10 structured questions. Answers are to be written in the spaces provided on
the question paper.
• Mathematical tables, slide rules and silent non-programmable calculators may be used.
• Acceleration due to gravity = 10 ms–2
• Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 Jkg–1 K–1
Q.41 Q.42 Q.43 Q.44 Q.45 Q.46 Q.47 Q.48 Q.49 Q.50 MCQ Total
Turn over
1. When a Bunsen burner is on, which of these energy types is being converted to heat
A. kinetic B. chemical C. sound D. electrical
762 mm
10 mm
10 mm
A. 752 B. 762 C. 780 D. 790
3. How much heat energy is needed to warm 20g of water from 25oC to 35oC.
A. 8400J B. 420J C. 840J D. 4200J
4. The half-life of a radioactive decay is 20 minutes. After 1 hour, the fraction of the atoms
which have decayed is;
A. 7 B. 1 C. 1 D. 2
8 8 2 3
6Ω 2Ω
A. 8A B. 0.05A C. 2.7A D. 05
7. An elephant weighing 40.000N stands on one foot of area 1000cm2. What pressure is
exerted on the ground?
A. 4 × 105 Nm–2 B. 4 × 104 Nm–2 C. 4 × 103 Nm–2 D. 2 × 105 Nm-2
9. Fig. 3 shows a beam of beta-particles passing between a positively-charged plate and a
negatively-charged plate.
The beta-particles are
A. deflected towards the positive plate
B. deflected towards the negative plate
C. deflected in to the paper
D. deflected out of the paper.
10. A wave has frequency of 2 Hz and a wave length of 10 cm. What is the velocity of this wave?
A. 0.2 ms–1 B. 0.002 ms–1 C. 20 ms–1 D.0.02 ms–1
12. Which graph in fig. 4 shows the variation in he pressure of a gas on the volume changes at
a fixed temperature?
13. A car decelerated uniformly to a halt, from a speed of 30 ms–1, in 12 seconds. Calculate its
deceleration in ms–1.
A. 2.5 B. 3.0 C. 18.0 D. 20.0
14. When a plastic rod gains a positive charge by being rubbed, which of these happens.
A. protons leave the rod B. electrons leave the rod
C. neutrons leave the rod D. protons move onto the rod
15. A lead – acid cell is called a secondary cell because;
A. its output voltage is 2 volts
B. it has two lead electrodes
C. it can be recharged
D. it must be topped up with distilled water
16. If two metal bars attract each other, state which one of the following must be;
A. At least one bar is steel B. At least one bar is magnet
C. Both bars must be soft iron D.Both bars must be magnets, with similar poles facing.
17. A child is standing 2.0 m infront of a tall mirror and a mother is 0.5 m behind a child. How far from
the mother is her child’s image?
A. 2.5 m B. 3.0 m C. 4.0 m D. 4.5 m
18. When making a transformer, it is found that the output voltage is higher than expected.
Which of these could be the reasons?
A. using bare wire for the secondary coil
B. using d.c. instead A.C
C. putting too many turns on the secondary coil
D. putting too many turns on the primary coil.
19. When a steel spring is stretched slightly, then released, it returns to its original length.
This behaviour is
A. elastic B. plastic C. hyperbolic D. exponential
20. Figure 5 shows a cross-section of ripples on a water surface. Which column describes the
8 cm
10 cm
Amplitude(cm) 5 5 10 10
Wave length 4 8 8 4
21. 4400J of energy are used to heat a 1 kg metal block by 16oC. What is the specific heat
capacity of the metal in Jkg–1 k–1?
A. 200 B. 425 C. 240 D. 275
22. From the voltage across it (V) and the current through it (I), the resistance (R) of a
component can be found. Which of these is true?
A. I = R B. R = I × V C. V = R D. R = V
23. Which of the following is the same as 200 g;
A. 2000 g B. 20.000 mg C. 0.02 kg D. 0.2 kg
Which diagram shows the bar or bars which produce this magnetic field?
A. B.
C. S N S N D. S N S
25. In the circuit in fig. 7 below, the voltmeter reads 4.0V. What is the ammeter reading?
10 Ω 10 Ω
A. 0.2 A B. 0.4 A C. 0.6 A D. 0.8 A
26. Which particle has the greatest mass,
A. electrons B. alpha particle C. beta particle D. neutron
29. If the pressure above a water surface is increased, which row shows how the boiling and
freezing points are affected?
Boiling point Freezing point
A. Increases Increases
B. Increases Decreases
C. Decreases Increases
D. Decreases Decreases
30. The mass of 25 cm3 of ivory was found to be 0.045 kg. Calculate the density in kgm-3;
A. 2.5 × 103 B. 1.8 × 103 C. 4.0 × 103 D. 1.8 × 102
31. Which of these best describes the energy changes which occur in a dry battery?
A. chemical → electrical B. chemical → heat
C. electrical → heat D. chemical → light
32. A small mass is attached to one of the prngs of a turning fork. Which answer describes
the changes in the sound produced;
A. Frequency and wavelength both increase.
B. Frequency and wavelength both decease.
C. Frequency increases, wavelength decreases.
D. Frequency decreases, wavelength
Fig. 8 shows the emission from a mixed radioactive source (alpha, beta and gamma) passing
between the poles of a strong magnet. Which type or types of decay products are detected by the
A. beta only B. beta and gamma C. alpha and beta D. gamma only
34. After sounding its siren, the echo from a cliff face arrives at a ship 4 seconds later. If the
speed of sound is 340ms-1; how far from the ship is the cliff (in metres)?
A. 85 B. 170 C. 340 D. 680
35. Figure 9 shows a beam of white light being split into its constituent colours. Three of the
colours are labelled X, Y and Z. Which of these columns best describes them correctly.
e li
w hit
Fig.9 prism
X red orange red blue
Y orange yellow green green
Z yellow green indigo yellow
36. A 200W electric fire is used for 10 hours. What is the cost of 4/= per KWh?
A. sh. 8 B. sh. 40 C. sh. 30 D. sh. 10
37. Figure 10 shows four object places on a slope. The dots show the position of each centre of
gravity. Which object is unstable?
38. The figure below (fig. 11) shows a wire carrying a current between the poles of a magnet.
In which direction does the wire tend to move?
A. into the paper B. out of the paper C. toward the south pole of the magnet
D.towards the top of the magnet.
39. P and Q are metal balls hanging from nylon threads. When a negatively charged rod is
placed between them as shown in fig. 12, P is repelled and Q is attracted by the rod.
– –
– –
–– ––
– –
– –
– –
– –
– –
P – – Q Fig.12
– –
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. positive negative
B. positive unchanged
C. negative positive
D. unchanged positive
Attempt all questions in this section. All working must be shown clearly in the spaces provided.
(b) The figure 13 shows a tape produced by a ticker – time operating at mains
frequency of 50Hz. Calculate the acceleration shown by the tape in ms–2.
3 cm 7 cm
43. (a) State the law the which gives the relation between volume and temperature at
constant pressure.
(1 mark)
(b) A quantity of gas occupies a volume of 4m . The pressure of the gas is 3 Pascals when
the temperature is 27 C, what will be its pressure if it is compressed into half the volume and
(3 marks)
44. (a) Figure 14 shows two identical bar magnets placed close to each other. Sketch the
resultant magnetic field pattern and mark the neutral point.
S N (1 1 marks)
Fig.14 2
(1 1 marks)
(1 mark)
(b) Fig 15 shows a circuit diagram.
K 6V 2Ω
4Ω 2Ω
(b) (i) What is the effect resistance in the current in fig. 15.
(2 marks)
(ii) What will be the reading of the voltmeter when the key k is closed?
(1 mark)
(2 marks)
(b) (i) A nucleus X of mass number A and Atomic number Z, decays to a nucleus Y by
emission of α - particle. Write down a symbolic equation to show the changes that
occur in A and Z.
(1 mark)
(ii) A nuclide of mercury is given by 80 Hg. Find the number of neutrons in this nuclide.
47. (a) State the two laws of refraction.
(1 mark)
(2 marks)
(b) A ray of light travelling through air strikes water at an angle of 500 to the surface.
Given the refractive index of water is 1.33, find the angle of refraction.
(2 marks)
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(b) A boy whose mass is 40 kg can run up a flight of 45 steps each 16 cm high in 5.2
seconds. Find the power developed.
(2 marks)
49. (a) State the conditions for the occurrence of destructive interference of waves.
(2 marks)
(b) Sophie stood 100 m from a high cliff and clapped her hands. 0.6 seconds later she
received an echo. Calculate the velocity of sound in air.
(2 marks)
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(b) A machine with a velocity ratio of 4 needs 2000 J of energy to lift a load of 400 N
through a vertical distance o 2.5 m. Calculate:
(i) the efficiency of the machine
(1 mark)
(ii) the mechanical advantage
(1 mark)
Paper 2
2 1 hours
Paper 2
2 hours 15 minutes
1. Answer any five questions
2. Any additional questions will not be marked
Acceleration due to gravity = 10ms–2
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200Jkg–1 K–1
Specific latent heat of fusion of water=340000 Jkg–1
Speed of sound in air = 330ms–1
Speed of light = 3.0 × 108ms–1
1. (a) (i) Distinguish between speed and velocity (2mks)
(ii) A player throws a ball vertically upwards. Sketch a velocity – time graph for the motion of the
ball till it hits the ground. (2 mks)
(c) A driver driving at 20 ms–1 sees a young boy playing on the road 55 m ahead. The driver applies
the brakes and retards the car at 4 ms–2. If the driver’s reaction time is 0.5 seconds,
(i) Explain the meaning of reaction time. (1 mk)
(ii) Determine if the car hit the boy or not. (5 mks)
(b)(i) Describe an experiment to determine the speed of sound by the resonance method. (6 mks)
(ii) Give two factors that would affect the value of speed of sound obtained from the experiment
above in b (i). (2 mks)
(c) (i) Calculate the wave length of sound waves of frequency 3.5 KHz. (3 mks)
(ii) State three differences between sound waves and radio waves. (3 mks)
(b) A boy pulls a bag of cement of weight 500 N along an inclined plane as shown in Fig. 1
28 m
10 m
If he uses an effort of 200 N, find the
(i) Work input (2 mks)
(ii) Work output (2 mks)
(iii) Efficiency (2 mks)
(c) Give one example where inclined planes are used. (1 mk)
(d) Explain the reason behind each of the following:
(i) It is not advisable to put a lot of heavy luggage on the top sack of a vehicle. (2 mks)
(ii) Oil is poured between moving parts of machines. (2 mks)
(e) (i) What is a first class lever? (1 mk)
(ii) Give one example of a first class later. (1 mk)
(b) Explain what happens when hot water is poured into a thick walled glass. (3 mks)
(c) 0.40 kg of water at 25oC in a copper calorimeter of mass 0.30 kg is placed in a freezer.
(i) Calculate the amount of heat energy extracted to convert it to ice at 0oC. (4 mks)
(ii) Sketch a graph of temperature against time for this process. (1 mk)
5. (a) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of an image of a distant object in a concave mirror.
(3 mks)
(b) A convex lens of focal length 10.0 cm forms a real image 4.0 cm high at 30.0 cm from the lens of
a real object.
Draw a scale diagram and use it to find
(i) the position of the object (4 mks)
(ii) the height of the object (1 mk)
(c) A large convex mirror is used to check under vehicles for explosive materials fixed there. Give
two reasons why the mirror is suitable for this purpose. (2 mks)
The circuit in Fig. 2 shows resistors of resistances 4Ω, 6Ω and RΩ connected a cross points X and Y.
If the total resistance between P and Q is 2Ω , find:
(i) the resistance of resistor R (3 mks)
(ii) the current flowing in the 4Ω resistor. (2 mks)
(c) In a home, there is a cooker rated at 2500W, a freezer rated at 800W and four security lights
each rated at 500W.
If the equipment is switched on for 8 hours, find the cost of electrical energy if one unit of
electrical energy costs shs. 420. (4 mks)
(c) State two differences between alpha particles an beta particles. (2 mks)
(d) (i) Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. (2 mks)
(ii) Give one example of where each occurs. (2 mks)
(e) The half-life of a radioactive substance is 24 days. Calculate the mass of the substance which has
decayed after 72 days if the original mass is 0.64 g. (4 mks)
(i) In which direction does the wire PQ experience a force (2 mks)
(ii) State two forces by which the force on PQ can be increased. (2 mks)
(b) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the mode of operation of a transformer. (6 mks)
(c) A transformer designed to step down voltage from 240 V to 12 V has 200 turns in the secondary
and it is 80% efficient.
(i) Find the number of turns in the primary coil. (2 mks)
(ii) determine the current in the primary when the secondary is connected to a 16 Ω bulb.
(4 mks)
Model Test Papers Model Test Paper 3 r = sin-1 0.57597 = 35.2o
Paper 1
48. (b) 55.38 W
Model Test Paper 1 SECTION A 49. (b) 333.33 m/s
1. B 2. B 3. C 50. (b) (i) 50% (ii) 2
Paper 1
4. A 5. C 6. D Model Test Paper 4
SECTION A 7. A 8. C 9. A
1. C 2. A 3. A side if it attracts, I has a pole opposed to
Paper 2
10. A 11. D 12. B
4. D 5. C 6. C the known. 13. A 14. B 15. C 1. (c) (ii) s = 10.5 m, car will not hit the boy.
7. C 8. D 9. A 16. B 17. D 18. C 2. (c) (i) wavelength = 0.094 m
10. C 11. D 12. D 46. (b) (i) 120 V (ii) 83.3% 19. A 20. B 21. D 3. (b) (i) 5.600 J
13. D 14. D 15. B 47. (a) Angle of incident is equal to angle of 22. D 23. D 24. C (ii) 5 000 J
16. D 17. D 18. A reflection (iii) 89.3%
25. A 26. B 27. A
19. C 20. C 21. B (b) 333.3 m/s 4. (c) (i) 181 000 J or 181 KJ
28. C 29. B 30. B
22. C 23. A 24. B (c) 1 Hz
31. A 32. C 33. D
25. C 26. C 27. B 48. (a) It takes 7.8 seconds for nuclide 16 N to
34. D 35. D 36. A
28. C 29. D 30. A 37. A 38. A 39. C
(b) 1/8
31. C 32. A 33. A 40. D
34. B 35. B 36. C
49. (a) Use to identify fractures
37. D 38. A 39. B SECTION B
Locating cracks 5. (b) (i) U = 15 cm
40. B
(b) kill cells 41. (a) (i) A tie is a girder under tension (ii) h = 2 cm
(ii) a strut is a beam under compression (d) (ii) 4.5 m
SECTION B 50. (a) Agood conductor has free electrons (b) P and Q 6. (b) (i) R = 2.5Ω
41. (a) A floating body displaces a fluid equal to responsible for conductivity. (ii) I 4Ω = 1.6 A
its own weight. Semiconductor can conduct but only 42. (b) 33.33 m/s2 (c) Shs. 12.768
(b) 0.06 kg under some set conditions i.e.
43. (a) Charle’s law 7. (e) 0.56 g
(b) Argon is unreactive/inert (b) 28.2 pascals 8. (c) (i) 4 000 turns
42. (a) Is the emission or release of an electron (ii) Ip = 0.42 A
from the surface of a body at a very high
Model Test Paper 2 44.(b) Hammering in East – West direction
Heading a magnet
43. (i) 15 000 kgm/s Paper 2 Storing in East – West direction
(ii) 225.000 J
1.(a) (iii) 4 m/s2
44. (a) Is a point on the principal axis where rays
(d) 5 A 3. (b) (i) V.R = 4 45. (b) (i) 3.3 Ω (ii) 3.8 V
appear to converge.
(ii) 5.88 N
4. (b) 21.25 C o
46. (b) (ii) 201 – 80 = 121
(b) V = 12 cm, magnified in size real in
(c) 51.9 Neutrons = 121
5. (b) (ii) wavelength = 2 m
(c) (ii) 0.22 m 47. (a) (i) Incidence, refraction rays and normal
45. (a) Is a point on a magnet strangest
6. (c) 3000 N ray at a point all lie on the same plane.
7. (c) (i) 7.5 cm (ii) Ration of sine of incident angle to
(b) Suspend a bar magnet using a string. The
(ii) V = 15 cm sine of refracted angle is constant.
magnet will rest in south – north
direction. 8. (c) (iii) 40.96 g (b) n = sini
Use a magnet with known poles, bring sinr
it near the specimen. Magnet using one sinr = sin 50o = 0.57597
212 213
5. 800, 880, 91% Revision Exercise 13
6. 75% 4. (a) (i) 3.4 cm (ii) 2 cm
7. 9 revolutions (b) (i) 50 Hz (ii) 170 cm/s
8. (a) 2.4 m (b) 288 J 5. 15 m
(c) 240 J (d) 83.3 % 7. 1 Hz
9. (a) 5 8. (a) 5 × 10-3 m
(b) (i) 400 N (ii) 10 000 J (b) No. the frequency is above 20 000 Hz or
(iii) 2 000 J above the human audible range.
10. 714% 12. 400 m
13. 3 × 103 m/s
Revision Exercise 11
1. 3.47 m/s 2. 35 s Revision Exercise 15
3. 0.4 m/s 4. 6.5 m/s2 1. 500 cm of mercury
5. (a) 6.25 m/s2 (b) 100 m 2. 16 atmospheres
6. 168 m 7. 45 m 3. 19.4 m
8. 3.64 s 4. 225 K (or –43oC)
9. (a) 10 m/s2 (b) 1.25 m 5. 750 K (or 477oC)
(c) g is uniform (d) 0.45 m 6. 678 mm of mercury pressure
10. 7.5 × 103 N 7. 270 K (or –3o C)
11. (a) –300 m/s2 (b) 150 N 8. 50.2oC 9. 1.7 x 10-2 kg
(c) 3 kg m/s (d) 3 Ns 11. 46.8 J/k
12. 1.6 m/s 13. 1.39 m/s 12. 38.4 oC 13. 3 min 9 s
15. (a) 300 m (b) 2 × 104 N 14. 50.2 J/s 15. (a) 2057 J/kgk
16. (a) 1100 N (b) 900 N (b) 3.2 × 105 J/kg
16. (a) 0.398 kg
Revision Exercise 12 18. (a) B = 10s
2. < i = 32.7o 3. 2.25 × 108 m/s C = 10 + 160 = 170 s
4. 12 cm 5. 1.56 (b) 1 division = 10 s
6. (a) The ray undergoes total internal CD = 5 divisions = 50 s
reflection at the surfaces BA and CA and (c) 4200 J/kgk
emerges out of the prism parallel to the
incident ray.
Revision Exercise 16
(b) The ray undergoes total internal
(c) 1600 C
reflection at CB and emerges out at 90o to
the incident ray.
7. 38.7o 8. 27.9o Revision Exercise 17
9. 15 cm 10. V = -6 cm, 1.6 cm 1. (a) 5 x 1018 (b) 1.6 A
11. 150 cm, 12.5 cm 3. 30 Ah
12. (a) 15 cm (b) 1.25 cm towards the 5. (a) 4.5 mV (b) 0.90 V
13. 33.3 cm
Revision Exercise 18
14. 6 cm 15. 9.5 cm
1. 4Ω 2. 2Ω
3. (a) 1.5 V (b) 1.2 V
(c) (i) 0.5 A (ii) 0.6Ω
5. 2.5 V
6. (a) 0.125 A (b) 0.250 V
7. (a) 0.6 A (b) 0.166 A
8. (a) 2.4 V (b) 18Ω
9. (a) 0.5 A (b) 130 V
Revision Exercise 21
7. (a) (i) 240 V (ii) 0.6 A
(iii) 144 W
(b) Zero. A transformer works only on a/c
8. (a) 24 W (c) 12 000
9. (b) (i) 80 (ii) 2 A (iii) 0.05 A
12. (b) (i) 20 : 1
(ii) 24 x 3 = 72 W
(iii) 40%
Revision Exercise 22
2. 8 days
3. 63/64
4. (a) 48, 24, 12, 6 (b) No
7. (a) m is α (4 He)
(b) a = 90, b = 231
8. α, β, β