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MOVIES: No holds are barred as Jim Slotek lets ’em rip on his top 10 pet peeves

already JIM SLOTEK
QMI Agency

Awards season is long past, and Hollywood can stop pretending

it cares. Now come the months where they — hopefully — pay the
bills with explosions, superheroes, $3 3D glasses and $6 popcorn.
What it’s really about, though, is paralyzing fear — fear of any-
thing new lest it fail and cost the studio hundreds of millions, fear
of deviating from what made money last year or even 10 years ago,
fear that creates a “blockbuster season” where you basically have
six movies to choose from, from now until September.
I see 200 movies a year so you don’t have to. But after a while
even I have to say, “Enough already!” Herewith — and sidestepping
earlier pieces by Kevin Williamson and Liz Braun about superhe-
roes and romcoms — some more stuff that really, really needs to be
addressed before karma straightens it all out with a natural disaster
in Southern California.

3D world ended before Pirates of The Jim Slotek has

Look, it didn’t work. It Caribbean: At World’s End did. reached his
was a pyramid scheme. The first boiling point.
guy (James Cameron) made Adam Sandler
money. Even the second guy Eternal man-child. In his MARK O’NEILL QMI agency
(Tim Burton) did. But after that, next movie, Jack And Jill, he’s
everybody just started pouring playing drag. Next step is fat drag.
good money after bad. It was as if And what do you want to bet he
some billion dollar industry bet punches somebody in it? You’re
its entire mortgage on Pet Rocks. about to turn 45, you’re a husband
It gives people headaches, it and a father. Grow up, dude.
wrecks the lighting. Cameron Your kids shouldn’t outgrow
is so addicted, he produced your humour in middle school.
a 3D movie, Sanctum, that
mostly took place in pitch dark Randy Newman
underwater caves. Nice use of Waaaay back when I was
that new technology, Jim. in high school (actually, it was
Adults never liked it in called the Cave of Learning
the first place, and kids are back then) Newman put out
as unimpressed with 3D songs of scathing social satire
as Playstation 1 now. like Political Science. Then he
Horribly bad movies like The discovered the payoffs of writing
Nutcracker in 3D or Gulliver’s frothy songs for blockbuster
Travels would make people kids movies. Now he so much as
angry in any format. Make coughs up a furball and he gets
them pay extra and consider an Oscar nomination. Please,
how much it poisons the well. Randy, write a real song again.

Motion Capture Hollywood remakes

People like Robert of anything French
Zemeckis have been obsessed or English or Swedish or
with digitally creating realistic Japanese
humans. And so we’ve stared into Seriously, did the kid-
the dead eyes of pasty-skinned vampire movie Let The Right
pseudo-humans in films like The One In HAVE to be remade
Polar Express, Beowulf and Mars with bratty Hollywood kids?
Needs Moms. The fact that most Was there anything wrong
real humans are creeped out by with Ringu in the first place?
this has taken a decade to sink Does anybody even remember
in, but Zemeckis seems to have the dog’s breakfast they
finally gotten the message. More made of La Femme Nikita?
importantly, the people who gave Do yourself a favour and rent
him money to waste also clued in. the original Brit/non-Nic Cage
version of The Wicker Man.
Shaky Cameras And, oh God, Godzilla! What
Almost two decades ago, did Roland Emmerich do to you?
Lars “I Am A Nazi” von Trier
started a collective called Dogme Toys made into
95, that ironically embraced movies
“anti-Hollywood” techniques I mean, Toy Story had
such as hand-held cameras. an excuse, but G.I. Joe?
A few years later hacks were Transformers? And coming up
using it in ER, in Twister and — I kid you not — Battleship!
in the beach-landing scenes The latter is part of a six-
in Saving Private Ryan. Add in year deal Hasbro has signed
movies whose entire premise with Universal, that also
is that somebody is catching a includes movie projects for
spectacular or dramatic event Monopoly, Clue, Ouija, Magic:
on personal video (The Blair The Gathering and Stretch
Witch Project, Cloverfield, Armstrong. I’m waiting for
George Romero’s Diary Of The that big Slinky movie in 3D.
Dead, In The Valley of Elah).
We get it, it’s organic. But Hit songs that
it’s as dated a technique as The become generic
Matrix’s “bullet-time.” Buy a movie titles
tripod, stupid. Or start selling It’s bad enough that oldies
Tylenols at the concession stand. on the soundtrack have been
the lazy-director’s mood-setter
Boomer/Gen X since The Big Chill. But when
TV Shows a golden oldie becomes the
Made Into Movies title of the movie without any
The Dukes Of Hazzard? Starsky connection whatsoever — like,
& Hutch? Charlie’s Angels? say, American Pie (granted,
Bewitched? Miami Vice? The there was a pie), One Fine Day,
A-Team? And, coming up, The Something To Talk About, Pretty
Fall Guy? And we wonder why Woman, The Kids Are Alright,
Generations Y & Z hate us? The Happening — you know that
everyone at that meeting was
Popcorn movies just flipping through their iTunes
more than two hours (or the Billboard Chart Book
long before that), the creative right-
Gone With The Wind, side of their brain having long
Bertolucci’s 1900, even Dances since withered away and died.
With Wolves arguably had
sprawling stories to tell. But when AND ONE FOR THE ROAD: In the
a Transformers movie runs more ’80s, people like Arnie and Bruce
than two and a half hours just so Willis ran away from explosions,
they could toss in an extra hour thus escaping harm. Now the
of robot fights, it tells you that, cool thing is to walk nonchalantly
in the name of all that’s holy, away from an explosion (a la Clockwise from top left: Jim Slotek is sick of hit songs that become
somebody has to wrest final cut Fast Five). Or at least it was generic movie titles (American Pie); of 3D movies (Gulliver’s Travels);
from Michael Bay. Ditto Gore cool in 2003. Just stop it. of Hollywood remakes of anything French or English or Swedish or
Verbinski who did the first three Japanese (Let Me In); and of shaky cameras (Blair Witch Project).
Pirates of The Caribbeans. The [email protected]

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