7 Unconfined Compression Test

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Lab Report No. 7

(often called U test)
The unconfined compression test (U. C. T.) is a rapid means to obtain an approximate value of
undrained shear strength Cu for fine grained soils, this can be obtained when the
cylindrical soil specimen is loaded  P axially without a
lateral support
Shear strength of a cohesive soil 
 H0
consist of
 Friction tan 
 Cohesion C  = C + tan 
The shear strength of cohesion (symbol C) of a soil sample can be approximately computed from a
Mhor circle construction as
C = qu /2 where qu = unconfined compressive strength of the soil
This computation based on the fact that:
1. The minor principal stress 
2. The angle of internal friction  = 0 (is assumed to be zero)
The unconfined compression test (U.C.T.) is used to measure the unconfined shear strength of fine
grained soils
1. Loading device has a load and deformation dial readings
2. Balance
3. Drying oven
4. Timer
5. Moisture cans
6. Scale
Preparation of Remolded Specimens:
1. Knead the moist specimen with the fingers to remold it completely
2. Compact a soil in a cylindrical mold (d= 3.8 cm, L=8.5 cm)
3. Carefully extrude the specimen from the mold, preferably by means of a piston, and plain
off the top and bottom of the specimen
4. Measure the weight, height, and diameter of the sample.
5. Compute the deformation corresponding to 20% strain (i.e 17 mm)
6. Test the specimen immediately to prevent loss of moisture
Procedure :
1. Place the specimen on the loading device. Set the load and deformation dial indicator for
zero readings
2. Start (commence ) the test take load-and deformation – dial reading every 30 sec until the
load decreases or at 20% strain value previously computed
Note: the rate of axial displacement to obtain rate of about 1% per minute (so for 14 mm
need 14 sec)
3. Record the time to reach the peach strength and the type of failure pattern (e.g shear or
bulge failure)

4. After the test, determine the water content using representative portion of it

Calculation :
1. Compute , t, d, e, and Sr

t= d  e = Sr =

e = void ratio Sr = degree of saturation
2. Compute the axial strain ε and the compressive axial stress σ

ε= (mm/mm) Ac = σ= (Mpa)

ΔH = change of sample height

H0 = initial sample height
A0 = initial cross-sectional area of the soil sample
ε = the axial strain in real value (not in %)
P = axial load applied (kN)
Ac= corrected area
3. Plot stress versus strain show qu on the graph and draw a more circle and show the value of
the soil cohesion ( C )

4. Compute the second modulus of elasticity ( E = ) of soil for stresses of 0.25 qu, 0.5qu,

0.75qu, and for qu.


0.50 qu
0.25 qu




Shear stress τ ksf


C = qu/2 ksf

0 1 2 3
σ3 σ1
Normal stress σ Mpa

σ1 = vertical stress at failure τ = Cu = = =

1. To which types of soil is the unconfined compression test applicable?
2. What are undisturbed and remolded samples?
3. What soil properties are determined from the unconfined compression test?

4. Drive an equation Af =

Hint : the volume of the sample constant during the test.


Dr. Rizgar Ali Hummadi Yousif Ismail Mauloud


Unconfined compression test

Analyst name:
Test date: / /2004
Sample description:
Initial height (cm) =
Initial diameter (cm) =
Mass of wet sample (g) =
Mass of dry sample (g) =
Water content =
dry unit weight (kN/m3) =
Sample Unit Correcte Total load on Sample
Deformation Load dial Area
deformation Strain d area A′ sample Stress
dial reading (unit) CF
L ( ) L/Lo ( ) (col 2 x LRC) kPa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Unconfined compressive strength qu =…………………………..
Cohesion = qu/2 = ………………………..

Dr. Rizgar Ali Hummadi Yousif Ismail Mauloud


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