DISS Module Week 8
DISS Module Week 8
DISS Module Week 8
B. Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the
statement is incorrect and supply the correct answer.
1. The key elements of all rational choice explanations are individual
preferences, beliefs, and constraints.
2. Preferences play an insignificant role in decision making.
3. Rational Choice Theory is also called as Rational Action Theory or
Choice Theory.
4. Rational Choice Theory states that individuals use irrational calculations
to make rational choices and achieve outcomes that are aligned with their own
personal objectives.
5. Rational Choice Theory states that individuals use irrational calculations
to make rational choices and achieve outcomes that are aligned with their own
personal objectives.
Additional Activities
Explain the following:
a. What is rational choice theory?
b. Why does cost-benefit analysis applicable in rational choice theory?
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
What I Have Learned
Quarter 3 – Module 8: PSYCHOANALYSIS
Make a journal about specific scenarios in your life wherein the Id, Ego,
Content Standard and Superego are shown.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
▪ The emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines What I Can Do
▪ Key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences ▪ What is symbolic interactionism?
Performance Standard ▪ Does symbolic interactionism affect our daily life? Why?
The learners shall be able to…
▪ connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations Activity 1: PICTURE ANALYSIS Direction: Study the pictures below, and answer the
▪ interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in questions that follow.
the Social Sciences
▪ evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approach
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. Explain what is Psychoanalysis. 1. What are your interpretations of the two pictures?
2. Identify the five stages of Psychosexual Development and the types of 2. How can you relate this to your daily life?
Defense Mechanism; 3. What are the three structures of personality shown in the pictures?
3. Distinguish the key theorist on psychoanalysis;
4. Analyze and discuss the psychodynamics of a person’s personality in Assessment
terms of id, ego and super ego. Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully.
1. A technique used in Psychotherapy that allows the patient to have an inner
LESSON 1: PSYCHOANALYSIS dialogue with one’s self by saying freely the words that he or she associates with a
What’s In thing, person or an event.
Direction: Using the Venn Diagram below, write at least five (5) strengths and five a. Free association b. Freudian slip
(5) weaknesses of structural functionalism. c. Analytic Psychology d. Humanistic Psychoanalysis
Freud believed that the most unconscious desire originates from childhood
experiences that people have long forgotten or repressed. Our childhood has a
great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality.
Louis Althusser (1918–1990) was a French Marxist Philosopher which used a. Defense mechanism b. Rational choice theory
Psychoanalytic theory to form and support his philosophy. Central to Althusser’s c. Analytic theory d. Psychoanalysis Assessment
philosophy is his reinvention of what Marx termed 5. This personality type tries to meet the desires of the id in a way that is socially
as ideology. In a Marxist perspective, ideology is acceptable in the world. It deals with the reality.
the false consciousness perpetuated by capital a. Superego b. Ego c. Id d. Conscious level
industrialists to further control the working class. 6. After breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you still keep his/her
For Althusser, ideology is a reflection or belongings because you are hoping that he/she will come back is an example of
misrepresentation of our already imaginary which defense mechanism?
understanding of the world, the reality, society a. Displacement b. Sublimation c. Denial d. Regression
and culture. What he created in his philosophy is 7. During this stage, children may develop strong sexual attachments to the
the idea that an individual is turned into a subject parent of the other gender and begin to view the parent of the same gender as a
and a member of society through ideology. rival for the other parent’s affections.
Ideology is constitutive of the self, or in other terms, the self is an ideological a. Oral stage b. Genital stage c. Phallic stage d. Anal stage
concept in and of itself. 8. Maria knew that she could steal the supplies from work, and no one would
know about it. However, she knew that stealing was wrong, so she decided not to
What is it take anything, even though she would probably never get caught. What is this an
Answer the following questions. example of?
1. Explain what psychoanalysis is all about. a. Dishonesty b. Id c. Ego d. Superego
2. Explain where one’s unconsciousness desires originate from. 9. The part of your subconscious that operates on the morality principle is
3. Why is Freud’s personality theory called psychosexual development? called____.
4. What are the five stages of psychosexual development? a. Superego b. Self c. Ego d. Id
5. Give at least three (3) examples of defense mechanism. 10.Ana yells at her little sister when she is actually angry with her mom. This
6. What are the three levels of awareness? defense mechanism is called?
7. How can the iceberg be a representation of human consciousness? a. Regression b. Denial c. Displacement d. Repression
8. What is the difference between conscious level and unconscious level? 11.Ideas that are not in your awareness now, but you can recall them easily would
9. What is free association? be found in which level of consciousness?
10.How does Jung interpret introversion and extroversion? a. Preconscious level b. Unconscious level
c. Conscious level d. Nonconscious level
12.Sucking and biting give the child sexual gratification as well as nourishment.
a. Anal stage b. Oral stage c. Genital stage d. Phallic stage
13. The part of the subconscious which operates on the pleasure principle.
a. Superego b. Self c. Ego d. Id
14.He was a Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst who founded Analytical
a. Carl Jung b. Jacques Lacan c. Erich Fromm d. Sigmund Freud
15.Sally was thirsty. However, she knew that her server would be back soon to
refill her water glass, so she waited until then to get a drink, even though she
really just wanted to drink from Mr. Smith’s glass. What is this an example of?
a. Self- control b. Id c. Ego d. Superego