City of Mist RPG - Player Moves Sheet
City of Mist RPG - Player Moves Sheet
City of Mist RPG - Player Moves Sheet
core moves You manage to reach your goal, e.g., take something they hold
You get them good, inflicting a status with tier=power
You block, dodge, or counter their best attempts. If you don’t choose this,
they can inflict a status on you. If they are a PC, its tier=their power (based on
INVESTIGATE their relevant tags and statuses, as usual).
When you use your abilities to seek answers to burning questions, roll+power.
On a hit, you uncover as many Clues as your Power. Spend your Clues 1-to-1 to ask
the MC a question about the subject of your investigation or ask another player CHANGE THE GAME
a relevant question about their character. They must give you either a straight When you use your abilities to give you or your allies an advantage, roll+power. On
answer or a solid lead. On a 7-9, they can also choose 1: a hit, you get Juice=power. Spend your Juice, 1 for 1, to gain the following effects,
Your investigation exposes you to danger. but they must be related to the tags you used:
The clues you get are fuzzy, incomplete, or part-true part-false Inflict a status with tier-1 (can be chosen multiple times, the tier increases by
Whoever or whatever you are asking the question(s) can ask you one question 1 each time)
as well. You answer on the same terms. Create/summon new objects or beings with 1 tag of your choice
Add a new temporary tag to one character, object, or location
Remove 1-tier from a status
CONVINCE Burn one player character’s tag
When you use your abilities to talk, threaten, or seduce someone into doing
By default, your effect is topical (affects one target), temporary (only affects the
something, roll+power. On a hit, they choose either to take a relevant status of
next relevant action), and discernible. On a 10+, you get a minimum of Juice-2,
your choice with tier=power or:
and you can also use your Juice to choose:
On 7-9, to give in a little, but protect their own agenda.
Scale up the effect (greater area or more targets)
On 10+, to update their agenda to include yours, at least for the time being.
Prolong the effect (make the statuses and tags you create ongoing)
Hide the effect
FACE DANGER Any other improvement you and the MC agree on
When you use your abilities to to avoid an incoming hit, endure harm, resist a
malign influence, or hold it together, the MC will name a status with its tag and SNEAK ARROUND
tier. Roll+power. On +10, you fend off the effect and take no status at all. On 7-9,
When you use your abilities to do something secretly or deceptively, roll+power.
you take the status, but with -1 tier. On a miss, you take the full status.
On +10, everyone that should fall for it falls for it. On a 7-9, the MC chooses one:
Someone unimportant noticed you, but that just made them important, right?
HIT WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT You are perceived only by a secondary sense (someone picks up your scent
while you’re sneaking; you’re seen whispering a message but the message is
When you have a clear shot and you use your abilities to hit someone or
not heard).
something with all you’ve got, roll+power. On a hit, you hit, inflicting a status
You're stuck in an uneasy and stressful position in the middle of your action.
upon your target with tier=power and a tag relevant to the abilities you used. On
To finish it secretly or get out of there without being seen, you must Take the
7-9, choose 1, on +10, choose 2:
Risk or Face Danger, MC's call.
You take cover or secure a superior position so that they can’t hit you back.
You get them good or get many of them (+1 tier).
There’s no collateral damage, or there’s loads of collateral damage.
You hold the target’s attention, if possible.
When you perform a daring, risky, dangerous, or outright stupid feat, roll+power.
On +10, you can also choose from the following options:
On a +10, you do it, somehow. On 7-9, things get messy. The MC will offer you a
If it’s in your ability to move them, they are out of the way. hard bargain or an ugly choice.
You gain an advantage on the battlefield. You get 1 Juice
(see Change the Game move).
When you reach inside to get in touch with your Mythos, you can feel the truth
behind things without even knowing how. Play it out like the Investigate move, Read more at:
but roll+mythos instead. On a hit, you get Clues=Mythos.