Module: Introduction To Solid State Physics and Electronics
Module: Introduction To Solid State Physics and Electronics
Module: Introduction To Solid State Physics and Electronics
• To expand by including modern photonic devices (LEDs, solar cells, laser diodes and photo-detectors)
• To familiarize our students with modern materials and approaches and with recent discoveries (e.g.
quantum Hall effect, high efficiency solar cells, quantum well photodetectors)
• To better prepare our Physics students for the job market and graduate school in the energy, communi-
cations and power sectors
• To offer detailed treatment (at the undergrad level) of modern photonic and power devices
• To include and treat quantum phenomena (e.g. tunneling) as a natural part of modern devices: solar
cells, lasers, photo-detectors and power devices
Electronics is one of the most amazing intellectual developments of humanity. The institution of radio
engineers (IRE) has given a standard definition of electronics in the proceedings of IRE, VOl.38, (1950) as ’that
field of science and engineering, which deals with electron devices and their utilization’. Electronics is widely
applied in communications and entertainment (telegraphy, telephony, radio and TV broadcasting, satellite
communication, stereo amplifiers, record players), defence, industry, medical sciences, and instrumentation.
Electronic devices in analog or linear circuits are used extensively for amplification and signal processing.
Digital or logic circuits form the basis of microprocessors or computers.
With out electronics, modern computing machines wouldn’t exist; we wouldn’t be able to perform arithmetic
and logic computations and store large amount of data. Modern electronics gave birth to transistors.
Transistor (a valve that controls the flow of electricity and one that amplifies weak electrical signals) is the
basic building block of computers. Moore’s law of computing is based on the miniaturization of transistors.
The increase in the speed and power of computation depends on the miniaturization of transistors in to
smaller sized chips. Modern electronics gave birth to lasers. Lasers are made possible by the presence of
energy levels in semiconductors. Lasers gave birth to the internet and information high way. Digital
electronics gave birth to the language of modern computing (0 and 1).
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Harmonized Modular Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Intr. to Solid State Physics and Electronics
Modern technology and civilization is deeply rooted in the principles and applications of electronics. To
summarize, familiarity with electronics is essential to calling some one as promising physicist.
Objective of the Module
By the end of the module the student will be able to:
• Differentiate among conductors, insulators and semiconductors using energy band diagram.
• Explain why a diode conducts current in one direction only and offers very high resistance in the reverse
• Calculate the forward and reverse currents of a diode using diode equation.
• Describe the basic operation of a transistor and its action on the basis of current flow.
• Make use of Boolean algebra in the analysis and design of digital circuits.
• Build circuits and take measurements of circuit variables using tools such as oscilloscopes, multimeters,
and signal generators. Compare the measurements with the behavior predicted by mathematic models
and explain the discrepancies
• Employ simple lumped circuit models for resistors, sources, inductors, capacitors, and transistors in
• Analyze circuits made up of linear lumped elements. Specifically, analyze circuits containing resistors
and independent sources using techniques such as the node method, superposition and the Thevenin
• Design circuits which represent digital logic expressions. Specifically, design a gate-level digital circuit
to implement a given Boolean function.
• Perform a small-signal analysis of an amplifier using small signal models for the circuit elements.
• Calculate the frequency response of circuits containing resistors, capacitors and inductors.
• Predict how a given circuit will affect an audio signal in the laboratory given the frequency response of
the circuit.
Module Competency
Up on complesion of the module students
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Harmonized Modular Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Intr. to Solid State Physics and Electronics
Module Description
The module is devoted to the use of electronic devices in analog or linear circuits which are used extensively
for amplification and signal processing and digital or logic circuits which form the basis of microprocessors or
computers. It starts with the physics of semiconductors and concentrates on the description of active devices
of diodes and transistors. For each device there are examples of simple circuits which form the basis of more
advanced systems of amplification or signal processing.
The module starts with the physics of semiconductors and concentrates on the description of active devices of
diodes and transistors. The module explores the fundamental principles, concepts and operations that are
common to all digital systems from the simplest on/off switch to the most complex computer.
It also focuses on how digital systems work and extends to the application and analysis of digital systems. It
introduces some underlying concepts that are vital part of digital technology and these concepts are
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Harmonized Modular Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Intr. to Solid State Physics and Electronics
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module students students will have demonstrated the ability to:
• examine the behavior of solid state systems and, through the application of physical laws, make quanti-
tative predictions of future behaviour based upon their properties,
• describe crystal structure of solids in terms of a space lattice + unit cell, and relate structures in real space
to those in reciprocal space,
• explain the concepts of the reciprocal lattice and the Brillouin zone,
• describe the various atomic bonds in crystals,
• discuss the electrical, thermal and optical properties in terms of the free electron model,
• apply knowledge of how crystalline structures vibrate and the associated theories of heat capacity,
• discuss the factors that control the electrical conductivity of metals,
• elaborate how the diffraction of X rays are related to the properties of the reciprocal lattice.
• be familiar with and understand the magnetic, and dielectric properties of solids for practical applica-
Course Description
This module describes phenomena associated with the solid state: Topics to be treated include the
classification of solids and crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, classification of crystals, binding energy, and an
introduction to their electronic, vibrational, thermal, optical, magnetic, dielectric properties and the quantum
mechanical description of electrons in crystals
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Harmonized Modular Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Intr. to Solid State Physics and Electronics
1) Crystal Structure 6 2 8 16
2) X-Ray Diffraction 4 2 8 14
3) Binding Energy in Crystals 5 2 9 15
4) Thermal properties of solids 7 3 10 20
5) Dielectric properties of solids 9 3 11 23
6) Magnetic properties of solids 8 4 10 22
7) The free electron Fermi gas 6 2 8 16
Total 45 18 64 127
Method of Teaching
Lecture, problem solving, discussion (group works), home assignments, presentation and demonstration,
online learning resources.
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Harmonized Modular Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Intr. to Solid State Physics and Electronics
Week11 • Ferroelectricity
• Piezoelectricity
Test II
Week 12 Magnetic properties of solids Discussion Asking and Answering and ask-
• Magnetic permeability Lecture answering ques- ing questions
• Magnetization problem solv- tions Taking notes
• Diamagnetism ing Lecturing Participate in group
Solve sample discussion
Week 13 • Paramagnetism problems Home exercising
• Ferromagnetism Forming groups
• Quantum theory of paramag- for discussion
netism and ferromagnetism Give home work
• The domain model
Assignment III
Week 14 The free electron Fermi gas Discussion Asking and Answering and ask-
• Energy levels in one dimen- Lecture answering ques- ing questions
sion problem solv- tions Taking notes
• Effect of temperature on the ing Lecturing Participate in group
Fermi-dirac distribution Solve sample discussion
problems Home exercising
Week 15 • Free electron gas in three Forming groups
dimensions for discussion
• Heat capacity of the electron Give home work
Week 16 Final examination
Students should read the relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials and do the assignments
on time. Practice with solved problems and come to office hours to get concepts clarified. Review and extra
problems will be given through worksheets. Students are also expected to have worked through the problems
in the worksheets before the tutorial sessions. Attendance at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students.
Attendance records will be taken at all times. It is the students chance to ask questions, solve problems and
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Harmonized Modular Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Intr. to Solid State Physics and Electronics
work in team.
No Type of Assessment Time Weight
1 Test I Week 5 5%
Test II Week 11 10%
2 Assignment I Week 3 5%
Assignment II Week 7 10%
Assignment III Week 13 10%
3 Class activity and home work All weeks 10%
4 Final exam Final week 50%
Total 100%
Recommended References
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, 8th ed., (2004).
2. M. Ali Omar, Elementary Solid state Physics: Principles and Applications, Addison Wesley, (1993).
3. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics, New Age Int. 6th ed., (2008).
4. Ashcroft N.W. and Mermin N.D., Solid State Physics, Holt-Saunders, (1976).
5. Burns G., Solid State Physics, Academic Press, (1985).
6. Hook J.R. and Hall H.E., Solid State Physics 2nd ed.,, Wiley, (1991).
7. L. Mihly and M.C. Martin, Solid State Physics; Problems and Solutions, Wiley-VCH, (2009).
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