United States Patent: Smallwood
United States Patent: Smallwood
United States Patent: Smallwood
Mcids to Extruder
Make Lick to Make
Blocks Pellets
US 10,624,367 B2
Page 2
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* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Apr. 21, 2020 Sheet 1 of 3 US 10,624,367 B2
Collection Container
Applicable when
the elapsed time
do Truck
od exceeds 24 hours
FIG . 1
U.S. Patent Apr. 21, 2020 Sheet 2 of 3 US 10,624,367 B2
Invention Method
for Spent Edible Oil Bleaching Earth Utilization
(Option B )
Bleaching Earth
(0.3 to 0.5 % of Oil
Stream by Weight)
Filtered Oil
FIG . 2
U.S. Patent Apr. 21, 2020 Sheet 3 of 3 US 10,624,367 B2
Molds to Extruder
Make Lick to Make
Blocks Pellets
FIG . 3
US 10,624,367 B2
1 2
USE OF SPENT BLEACHING EARTH FROM and generation of sufficient heat to ignite the oil. To avoid
EDIBLE OIL PROCESSING IN THE this hazard , the most common disposal method is to haul the
FORMULATION OF SALT AND MINERAL spent bleaching earth to a landfill site or land farm and
FEED BLOCKS OR PELLETS FOR immediately cover it with earth to prevent the rapid oxida
LIVESTOCK 5 tion. For both solid waste disposal sites and land farming
applications, the spent bleaching earth must be immediately
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED covered or adequately mixed with soil upon receipt to
APPLICATIONS exclude contact with air and prevent spontaneous combus
tion .
This is a Divisional Application of U.S. Ser. No. 14/344, 10 Disposal of spent bleaching earth in landfills is not ideal
803 filed Mar. 3 , 2014 , which is a U.S. National Phase of and presents problems. This disposal method is expensive
PCT/US12 /57708 filed Sep. 28 , 2012 , which claims priority and results in no economic benefit from the oil component.
under 35 U.S.C. § 119 to provisional application Ser . No. Additionally, there are environmental concerns with the
61/543,073 filed Oct. 4 , 2011, all of which are herein continued use of landfills . Finally, the necessity to dispose of
incorporated by reference in their entirety . 15 the spent bleaching earth within 24 hours is problematic
with respect to safety , transportation, and timing . As a result,
FIELD OF THE INVENTION many attempts to find a safe and economic use for spent
bleaching earth have been contemplated . For over fifty
The present invention relates to the safe handling, dis years , numerous ideas for economic utilization of the spent
posal, and economic use of spent bleaching earth from 20 bleaching earth have been explored including inclusion in
edible oil processing by salt addition with the particular some liquid animal feeds. These methods have not proven to
application of making animal feed compositions, including be satisfactory because of the spontaneous combustion haz
lick blocks and pellets for livestock nutrition . ard in handling . Furthermore , these methods have not been
able to dispose ofspent bleaching earth on a large scale and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 25 for a sustained period .
Other attempts have included efforts to regenerate the
Spent Bleaching Earth spent bleaching earth by controlling the oxidation , and
Spent bleaching earth is a solid waste material generated thereby the temperature due to ignition of the spent bleach
as part of the refining process in the vegetable oil industry ing earth , within a fluidized bed . See U.S. Pat. No. 5,256 ,
worldwide. A minimum of 112 million pounds of bleaching 30 613. However, regeneration of the spent bleaching earth
earth (clay ) are used per year in the United States alone for presents other problems, such as the expense of purchasing
edible vegetable oil processing. A typical vegetable oil and training personnel to operate stationary fluidized beds
refining process involves pretreatmentof crude vegetable oil capable of withstanding temperatures around , or in excess
with acid and/or caustic soda followed by bleaching and of, about 1000 ° C.Another problem is that regeneration does
deodorization . Bleaching is a process of adsorbing impuri- 35 not necessarily avoid environmental pollution as the gases
ties. The most common adsorbent used for bleaching is the released from the combustion may include heavy metals and
bleaching earth or clay . In edible oil refining , the bleaching other pollutants. Therefore, attempts to regenerate spent
process is generally considered to be of critical importance bleaching earth on a large scale may present high costs due
in determining the quality and stability of the final product. to equipment purchases and pollution controls.
Although bleaching was originally intended for the removal 40 Animal Feed Blocks/Pellets
ofcoloring substances from the oil, it is now recognized that It is common to feed animals and particularly livestock
this process is responsible for the removal of a whole range feed supplements including lick blocks and pellets to
of impurities . Besides decolorization , the most important improve nutrition and health . It is well -known that animal
purpose of this bleaching process is the removal of trace growth and fertility is limited by the level of nutrients in the
elements such as iron , copper, calcium , magnesium , nickel, 45 feed available for consumption . These concerns arise par
and phosphorus, some of which are known to promote ticularly in animals that graze pasture. Thus, animal growth ,
oxidation of the oil and to limit the storage stability of the health , and fertility can be improved by feeding animals
oil if they are not removed . nutritional supplements that are fortified with nutrients such
The bleaching process is followed by deodorization , as, lipids and minerals . Attempts to provide such nutrients in
which is intended primarily for the removal of traces of 50 feed blocks or pellets have been common . Typical types of
constituents that cause flavors and odors. Subsequently, the feed blocks are salt blocks or salt licks , mineral blocks ,
treated oil is separated from the bleaching earth by filtration . protein blocks, and molasses blocks .
In order to minimize oil losses, the filter cake resulting from Lipids , salts , and minerals are particularly desirable in
the removal of bleaching earth from the oil stream is feed supplements ; however, lipids have been difficult to
commonly blown with steam . By weight, oil retention of 55 incorporate . Lipids are often in liquid form or some form
spent bleaching earth from edible oil processing ranges that exudes or sweats liquid oil and / or grease, particularly in
between about 30-50 % entrained edible oil. Thus, there is warm temperatures. Thus, lipids can become rancid and
about 50-70 % clay . The edible oil has significant nutritional decompose . This has greatly limited the manner in which
value for livestock . At a 30 % retention level, about 33.6 lipids can be fed to animals and stored . Furthermore , when
million pounds per year of edible oil is lost in the spent clay. 60 mixed with grains or other dry feed products , lipids not only
While the clay component is inert, it is not harmful for risk going rancid but can also clump or agglomerate, and
ingestion . This is reflected by the fact that clay is added to thereby disperse non -uniformly in typical feeding mecha
soybean protein meal as a flow agent for animal feed . nisms. This results in packaging, handling, and rationing
Disposal of spent bleaching clay has been and continues problems. As many livestock live in warm climates, these
to be a problem due to the spontaneous combustion of the 65 problems have greatly limited the incorporation of lipids in
material. With the thin film of oil on themassive surface area livestock diets and has minimized the formulations, mass
of the clay particles, air exposure results in rapid oxidation distribution , and use of lipids in feed supplements. Due to
US 10,624,367 B2
3 4
these problems, attempts to incorporate significant amounts eficial and avoids the problems typically associated with its
of lipids in lick blocks have been unsuccessful because the disposal. The present invention prevents spontaneous com
lipids tend to sweat out of the block and spoil, which bustion of the spent bleaching earth beyond the 24 -hour safe
destroys the nutritive value of the remaining ingredients in period to provide more time for economic utilization in a
the block. A further
decomposition of theproblem
lipids isresulting from causes
that it often the sweating and
the blocks 5 stable product.By adding granulated salt or a brine solution
to become soft and fall apart . to the spent bleaching earth discharged from the process
The United States cattle population is about 96.7 million filters, spontaneous combustion can be eliminated . The
animals. The average intake of salt per head of cattle is about material can then be transported in solid form to a produc
20 pounds per year. Thus, the average salt demand for cattle tion facility for use as a nutritious ingredient in making salt
in the United States on an annual basis is about 1.9 billion 10 and mineral lick blocks or pellets for livestock . Optionally ,
pounds ofsalt. Furthermore , feeding adequate levels of trace other additives may also be included in the mixture .
minerals has been shown to benefit the health status of cattle In a preferred embodiment of the invention , the spent
by improving the immune response and antioxidant status, bleaching earth is safely disposed of by mixing it with a salt
thereby leading to better animal performance . There is a
need for trace minerals that can be incorporated in animal 15 taneously
prevent spontaneous
mixing itcombustion and simul
with a binding agent
feed for the improved health of the animals . U.S. Patent composition to form the mixture for animal lick blocks or
application 2011/0021461 A1 describes combinations and pellets. In another aspect of the invention the spent bleach
formulations of various ingredients, including trace miner ing earth is present in the nutritional supplement formulation
als , but is still limited by the requirement that the minerals
be rationed and mixed into the animal feed . Thus , the labor, 20 between about 10-35 wt % , salt component is present
time requirements, and expenses associated with feed cal between about 50-85 wt % , the binding agent composition
culations, rationing , and mixing are not reduced . is present between about 5-15 % , and the mixture contains a
Clays such as montmorillonite have previously been minimal amount of water so that it can be poured into molds .
incorporated into poultry feed at levels as low as one percent In yet another aspect of the invention , the nutritional supple
of the animal ratio as in U.S. Pat. No. 3,687,680 . Effects 25 ment formulation may contain additional ingredients to
accompanying the addition of montmorillonite included support animal nutrition and health needs by taking advan
increased growth rate and body weight of the chickens and
reduced mortality rate. Attapulgite clay has also been incor tage of the preservative attributes of edible salt.
porated in feed blocks at the levels of 2-6 % , as in U.S. Pat. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
No. 4,735,809 . In one study, spent bleaching clay, specifi 30
cally bentonite, was incorporated into poultry feed pellets
and the researchers found that “ [u ]p to 7.5 % spent clay could FIG . 1 is a flowchart demonstrating one of the invention
be included successfully in the diet with no deleterious methods for utilizing spent edible oil bleaching earth .
effects.” Blair , R. et al., Poultry Science , 1986 Vol. 65 , pp . FIG . 2 is a flowchart demonstrating one of the invention
2281-2291. The study concluded that “ spent bleaching clay methods for utilizing spent edible oil bleaching earth .
could be added to poultry feed at 0.5 to 2 % clay .” Id . 35 FIG . 3 is a flowchart demonstrating an invention method
Another study concluded that “ up to 4 % spent bleaching for production of salt and mineral lick blocks enhanced with
clay could be included in natural ingredients diets without edible oil contained in spent bleaching clay .
either beneficial or harmful effects to growing mice or rats.”
Keith , M. O. et al., Can . J. Anim . Sci., 1986 Vol. 66 , pp . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
191-199. Despite the findings that spent bleaching earth may 40 PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
be incorporated in animal feed products , there have not been
any successful attempts to use spent bleaching earth at The embodiments of this invention are not limited to
higher percentages, such as above 10 % , in animal feed particular animal lick block and pellet compositions and
products . Furthermore , there have been no successful methods of use thereof, which can vary and are understood
opposedto incorporate
to other feedspent bleaching
products . earth in lick blocks 45 by skilled artisans. It is further to be understood that all
terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing
Accordingly , it is an object of the invention to provide a particular embodiments only, and is not intended to be
safe method for disposing of spent bleaching earth .
Additionally, it is an object of the invention to provide a limiting in anyand manner or scope . For example , as used in this
method for disposing of spent bleaching earth where the 50 “specification
a ," " an ” and “
the appended claims, the singular forms
the” can include plural referents unless the
spent bleaching earth is not deposited in a landfill .
A further object of the invention is to provide a method for content clearly indicates otherwise . Further, all units, pre
fixes, and symbols maybedenoted in their SI accepted form .
large scale disposal of spent bleaching earth that avoids the Numeric ranges recited within the specification are inclusive
existing problems and concerns.
A further objectof the invention is to provide a method for of the numbers defining the range and include each integer
disposing of spent bleaching earth where the spent bleaching 55 within the defined range .
earth can be profitably reused for another application . So that the present invention may bemore readily under
A further objectof the invention is to provide a method for stood , certain terms are first defined . Unless defined other
disposing of spent bleaching earth that uses the spent wise , all technical and scientific terms used herein have the
bleaching earth to create salt lick blocks and pellets . samemeaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary
A further object of this invention is to incorporate spent 60 skill in the art to which embodiments of the invention
bleaching earth in salt lick blocks or pellets at weight pertain . Many methods and materials similar, modified , or
percentages as high as 35 % . equivalent to those described herein can be used in the
practice of the embodiments of the present invention without
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION undue experimentation , the preferred materials and methods
65 are described herein . In describing and claiming the embodi
The present invention provides a novel method for dis ments of the present invention , the following terminology
posing of spent bleaching earth that is economically ben willbe used in accordance with the definitions set out below .
US 10,624,367 B2
5 6
The term “ about,” as used herein , refers to variation in the TABLE 1 - continued
numerical quantity that can occur, for example, through
typical measuring and liquid handling procedures used for Typical Attributes of Edible Oil Bleaching Earth
making concentrates or use solutions in the real world ; Magnesium Oxide 2.10
through inadvertent error in these procedures; through dif- 5 Calcium Oxide
Sodium Oxide
ferences in the manufacture, source , or purity of the ingre Loss on Ignition ( % ) 7.90
dients used to make the compositions or carry out the Others 7.60
methods ; and the like . The term “ about” also encompasses Particle Size Distribution (Based on Standard Screen Sizes )
amounts that differ due to different equilibrium conditions
for a composition resulting from a particular initial mixture. 10 100
Whether or not modified by the term “ about” , the claims 240 21
include equivalents to the quantities . 300 18
The terms " weight percent," " wt- % ," "wt % ” “ percent by 350 12
weight,” “ % by weight,” and variations thereof, as used 15 -350 38
herein , refer to the concentration of a substance as the Source: Fuller's Earth (Clay ), Activated Edible Oil Bleaching
weight of that substance divided by the total weight of the
composition and multiplied by 100. It is understood that, as Binding Agent
used here, “ percent,” “ % ," and the like are intended to be
synonymous with " weight percent," " wt- % ,” etc. 20
The terms “ binding agent," "binding agent composition ,"
and any variations thereof, as used herein , describe a mate
Ingredients rial used to solidify the mixture of spent bleaching earth and
salt or brine. Those skilled in the art will be familiar with
Spent Bleaching Earth various binding agents for differing animal feed supple
The terms " spent bleaching earth ,” “ spent bleaching 25 ments, i.e., for making lick blocks , pellets , etc. A binding
clay,” “ edible oil bleaching earth ,” “ edible oil bleaching agent including a mineral component is preferred . Examples
clay,” and variations thereof, as used herein , refer to spent of suitable binding agents containing a mineral component
bleaching earth resulting from the production of edible include Portland cement, particularly Type I/II. Portland
vegetable oil, i.e., oils used chiefly in foodstuffs. Examples cement is commonly used as the binding agent in lick blocks
of preferred spent bleaching earth are: attapulgite, bentonite , 30 containing soy protein meal and other nutritional ingredi
montmorillonite , Na-montmorillonite , Ca-montmorillonite, ents. Methods of making Portland cement and places for
Na-bentonite, Ca -bentonite , beidellite , nontronite , saponite , purchasing Portland cement are well-known by those skilled
hectorite , and combinations thereof. Typical attributes of in the art. Portland cement contains signi nt amounts of
edible oil bleaching earth are presented in Table 1. calcium , which provides nutritional benefits to the animals .
Salt Component 35 The mineralogical composition of Type I/ II Portland cement
The terms “ salt,” “ salt component," " salt composition ,” is presented in Table 2. Water may be added to the binding
and variations thereof, as used herein , refer to edible salts, agent composition , as necessary, so that the mixture of spent
which can serve as nutrient sources. Suitable examples of
salts include the alkaline earth metal salts (e.g., calcium bleaching earth , salt component, and binding agentmay be
chloride and magnesium chloride ), alkali earth metal salts 40 poured into molds.
(e.g., sodium chloride, sodium sulfate , and potassium chlo
ride ), copper salts, cobalt salts, chromium salts , selenium TABLE 2
salts , manganese salts, and iron salts. Mineralogical Composition of Type I/II Portland Cement
The terms “ brine,” “ brine solution ,” and variations
thereof, as used herein , refer to salt dissolved in water at 45 Compound Chemical Percent by Weight
between about 10 wt % and 50 wt % , preferably between Name Formula Range Average
about 10 wt % and 30 wt % , more preferably between about
20 wt % and 30 wt % , most preferably about 24 % . The Tricalcium Silicate CazSios 50-70 60
amount and nature of impurities in brine can vary from about Dicalcium Silicate Ca Si04 10-30 20
100 to 6,000 ppm . Examples of common impurities are 50
Tricalcium Aluminate
Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite
CazA1206 3-13 6
aluminum , iron , magnesium , and sodium compounds. Ca Al Fe2010 5-15 8
Calcium Sulfate CaSO4* 2 H2O 3-7 5
Anhydrous Calcium Sulfate CaSO4 0.2-2.0 1
Source: H. G. van Oss, 2005, “ Background Facts and Issues Concerning Cement and
Typical Attributes of Edible Oil Bleaching Earth Concrete Data, U.S. Geological Survey Open -File Report 2005-1152 : Version 1.2" ,
available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1152/2005-1152.pdf
Physical Properties
Optional Ingredients
Apparent Bulk Density (g /cc ) 0.99
The animal feed supplement mixture may also include
Free Moisture ( % ) [ 2 hours , 110 ° C.] 10 to 12
Loss on Ignition ( % ) [pre dried for 2 hours at 1,000 ° C.] 6 to 8 other optional ingredients. Optionally , other edible fats may
Ph [ 10 % suspension filtered ] 5 to 5.3 60 be added to the mixture . Optional edible fat sources include,
Acidity (mg KOH / g) but are not limited to , fatty acids (e.g., stearic , palmitic ,
Surface Area (m?lg ) 210
Micro Pore Volume 0-80 nm (mg/l) 0.46 oleic, linoleic , and lauric acid ), complex lipids (e.g. , phos
Chemical Analysis (Mineral Composition by Percentage ) pholipids ). Sources of edible fats may include , but are not
Silicon Oxide 64 limited to , coconut oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil , fish oil , olive
Aluminum Oxide 16 65 oil, palm oil , sesame oil , soybean oil, canola oil , sunflower
Iron (III) Oxide 1.20 seed oil, tallow , greases, beef fat, restaurant fats, and mix
tures thereof.
US 10,624,367 B2
7 8
Optionally , other feedstuffs may be added to the mixture , appropriate mixer for their particular production needs.
including butnot limited to , cottonseed meal, soy bean meal, Once thoroughly mixed , the mixture is transferred to a mold
mill run , lupins, molasses, dunder, other molasses byprod with the desired size and shape. The mixture should be
ucts (dried ); grains, cereals , legumes, straw , hay, soy flakes , 5
allowed to set until it has hardened . One of skill in the art
dried alfalfa , soy meal, wheatmiddlings , corn ; barley meal, will recognize how long the mixture must set to harden .
blood meal, dried buttermilk , linseed meal,meat and bone The methods, products , and compositions of the invention
meal, peanut meal, rice meal , and sunflower meal. may be followed to provide nutritional supplements in the
form of pellets and lick blocks. One of skill in the art may
Optionally, dietary nitrogen may be included in the mix- 10 produce pelletized nutritional supplements following the
ture. Optional dietary nitrogen sources include , but are not disclosure herein and using pelletizing techniques well
limited to , ammonia , ammonium polyphosphate, animal known in the art. Lick blocks, however, are preferred
protein products, oilseed meals, synthetic amino acids, and because they provide free -choice feeding to the animals on
urea .
15 a self -demand basis and reduce labor and expenses resulting
Optionally, various vitamins may be added to the mixture. from rationing and mixing granular materials in the animal
Examples of such vitamins include, but are not limited to , feed . Additionally, lick blocks can be weather resistant,
vitamins A , E , K , and the B group vitamins. which removes the need to provide sheltered feeding loca
Optionally, various trace minerals and elements may be 20
tions. The lick blocks are also easily transported from one
added to the mixture . Examples of such trace minerals and location to another without the risk of spilling.
elements include , but are not limited to , cobalt sulfate , Additionally, the lipid content in the spent bleaching clay
copper sulfate , ferrous sulfate , ferrous oxide, iodines , man has health benefits for the livestock . In cases where livestock
ganese sulfate, potassium iodate , selenium and its com producers have leased pasture land to edible oil processors
pounds, sulphur, zinc oxide, and zinc sulfate , etc. 25 for disposal of spent bleaching earth , it has been observed
Optionally, various drugs, medicaments , insecticides , that cattle immediately lick on any small quantities spilled .
enzymes, antimicrobials , probiotics and the like may be There is no question that livestock will not be attracted to
added to the mixture . and nutritionally benefit from this incorporation of spent
Optionally, water may be added to the mixture , as nec- 30 bleaching earth in salt and mineral lick blocks or pellets .
essary, so that the mixture may be poured into molds. Spontaneous Combustion Suppression Tests
Depending on the optional ingredients added , it may be ducted Spontaneous combustion suppression tests were con
beneficial to include optional emulsifying agents to stabilize bustion toofensure that the hazards associated with the com
the composition and prevent separation of the mixture, 35 were conducted as discussedearthbelow
spent bleaching were eliminated . The tests
and the data from the
particularly of the fat ingredient(s). A preferred , although not tests is contained in Table 3. Five pound
exclusive, example of emulsifying agents are colloidal clay bleaching earth containing about 30 % oilsamples by
of spent
weight were
gellants, such as, attapulgite, bentonite , and sepiolite . One of mixed with salt component as presented in Table 3 , and
skill in the art will be familiar with the use of emulsifying 40 under the procedures described below .
agents, including when they are helpful and how to incor
porate them .
Methods of the Invention and Preferred
45 Spontaneous Combustion Suppression Test Formulations
Amount of Spent Weight Percentage Salt Component Form
Preparation of the Mixture Bleaching Earth of Salt and Composition
A mixture is prepared of spent bleaching earth , containing 5 lbs 0 % (reference) No Salt Added
about 30-50 wt % oil, and a salt component. The spent 50 5 lbs 5% 24 % (wt) brine, NaCl
5 lbs 5% Dry NaCl
bleaching earth may be present at about 10-35 wt % , 5 lbs 7.5 % 24 % (wt) brine , NaCl
preferably about 20-35 wt % , more preferably about 35 wt 5 lbs 7.5 % Dry NaCl
5 lbs 10 % 24 % (wt) brine, NaCl
% . The salt component is present at about 5-85 wt % , 5
10 %
15 %
Dry NaCl
Dry NaCl
preferably 50-85 wt % , and more preferably about 50 wt % . 55 5 lbs 18 % Dry NaCl
The mixture of spent bleaching earth and salt component is
then mixed with a binding agent. The binding agentmay be
present at about 5-15 wt % , preferably about 15 wt % . All of the five-pound samples were placed outside on a
Preferably the binding agent includes a mineral component. 60 gravel roadway in the direct sunlight for five days. To retain
Most preferably , the binding agent is Type I/II Portland the heat produced from oil oxidation and protect the samples
cement. Any suitable mixer can be used to combine and from moisture, the sample bags were closed and tied at the
thoroughly mix the ingredients. Examples of suitable mixers end of each test day and opened again each morning . The
include, but are not limited to , variable - speed shop drill 65 temperature of each sample was taken by means of a
motors with a mixer bit , paddle -mixers, etc. One of skill in non -contact infrared thermometer. The temperature record
the art will be familiar with variousmixers and can select an ings are provided in Table 4 by sample.
US 10,624,367 B2
9 10
Temperature Profile of Spent Bleaching Earth Samples
with Salt Addition over Five -Day Period
Jul. 24, 2012 Jul. 25 , 2012 Jul. 26 , 2012 Jul. 27 , 2012 † Jul. 28, 2012
1100 1500 1100 1500 1100 1500 1100 1500 1100 1500
Temperature (° F .)
Reference Sample 119 130 154 167 169 170 163 151 148 152
(0 % Salt )
Sample with 5 % 86 * 111 121 128 130 133 121 128 126 129
Salt ( Brine )
Sample with 5 % 96 132 140 147 150 142 137 135 140
Dry Salt
Sample with 7.5 % 94 118 125 128 130 117 124 121 125
Salt (Brine)
Sample with 7.5 % 95 129 137 142 145 139 134 132 137
Dry Salt
Sample with 10 % 86 * 94 113 121 124 128 115 121 119 121
Salt (Brine )
Sample with 10 % — 87 124 133 139 142 136 131 129 133
Dry Salt
Sample with 15 % — 84 * 115 126 135 136 131 126 124 129
Dry Salt
Sample with 18 % - 84 * 113 124 133 135 129 124 122 126
Dry Salt
Ambient 88 92 89 91 87 89 86 84 89 92
% Humidity 94 94 97 94 91
(High )
% Humidity 73 79 83 79 78
(Low )
* The temperature recording reflects the sample temperature at the conclusion of preparation and being placed outside
for observation .
Rain occurred
on Jul. 27 , 2012 , which resulted in an ambient temperature drop . The samples were protected from rain
In the combustion suppression test, none of the spent earth from edible oil processing was obtained and combined
bleaching earth samples exhibited any visible ignition over with salt , Portland cement Type I/II, and water. The propor
the five -day test period . The reference sample did reach a tions combined were : 10 wt % spent bleaching earth , 85 wt
maximum temperature of 170 ° F. on the second day of % salt , 5 wt % Portland cement Type I/II, and 300 mL of
observation and reflected a color change from yellow -tan to 40 water for the 1.573 liter block and 900 mL of water for the
brown with some ashen -colored spots. The next highest 4.732 liter block . A variable-speed shop drill motor with a
sample temperature recorded was 150 ° F. on the second day mixer bit was used to thoroughly mix the ingredients. After
observation . This sample had been treated with 5 % by thorough mixing , each mixture was transferred to a lick
weight of dry salt . With salt being hydroscopic, moisture is block mold . At this point, the mixtures had the color and
absorbed from the air to aid in keeping the spent bleaching 45 consistency of concrete or mortar. The mixtures were
earth cool. Additionally, the encapsulation of spent bleach allowed to set overnight in the molds. After setting over
ing earth within a salt-Portland cement crystalmatrix essen night, the mixtures hardened and white salt crystals domi
tially eliminates air exposure and the risk of spontaneous nated their appearance . The 4.732 liter block was cured for
combustion of the entrained edible oil . Thus, the addition of ten days. The 1.573 liter block was cured for one week .
the salt component to the spent bleaching earth prevents 50 During the curing period , the temperature of the blocks was
significant increases in the temperature of the spent bleach monitored with a non -contact infrared thermometer. The
ing earth and eliminates the problem of spontaneous com blocks exhibited stable temperatures over the curing period .
bustion . After the curing period , the lick blocks were off -white in
Spent bleaching earth was disposed of according to the color and had typical attributes of a salt lick block . The
methods disclosed herein and animal nutritional supple- 55 blocks were firm and structurally stable . The 4.732 liter lick
ments were produced . Four illustrative examples are dis block was provided to a cattle producer for consumption by
cussed below . These examples are not to be deemed exclu a herd of cattle . The block was placed in an outdoor serving
sive embodiments of the methods for disposing of spent dish and observed by personnel onsite . The 4.732 liter lick
bleaching earth ,methods of producing the animal nutritional block exhibited no abnormal or deleterious characteristics .
supplements, or compositions of animal nutritional supple- 60 The 1.573 liter block was retained for longer observation .
ment, disclosed herein . The 1.573 liter lick block exhibited no abnormal or delete
rious characteristics .
Example 1
Example 2
Two animal lick block samples were prepared — a 1.573 65
liter rectangular-shaped block and a 4.732 liter bell-shaped Again , two animal lick block samples were prepared — a
block . A blend of attapulgite and bentonite spent bleaching 1.573 liter rectangular-shaped block and a 4.732 liter bell
US 10,624,367 B2
11 12
shaped block . A blend of attapulgite and bentonite spent observation . The 1.573 liter lick block exhibited no abnor
bleaching earth from edible oil processing was obtained and mal or deleterious characteristics.
combined with salt, Portland cement Type I/ II, and water. Example 4
The proportions combined were: 15 wt % spent bleaching
earth , 75 wt % salt , 10 wt % Portland cement Type I/ II , and 5
300 mL of water for the 1.573 liter block and 900 mL of Again , two animal lick block samples were prepared — a
water for the 4.732 liter block . A variable-speed shop drill 1.573 liter rectangular- shaped block and a 4.732 liter bell
motor with a mixer bit was used to thoroughly mix the shaped block . A blend of attapulgite and bentonite spent
ingredients . After thorough mixing, each mixture was trans bleaching earth from edible oil processing was obtained and
ferred to a lick block mold . At this point , the mixtures had 10 combined with salt, Portland cement Type I/II, and water .
the color and consistency of concrete or mortar. The mix The proportions combined were : 35 wt % spent bleaching
tures were allowed to set overnight in the molds. After earth , 50 wt % salt , 15 wt % Portland cement Type I/II, and
setting overnight, the mixtures hardened and white salt 350 mL of water for the 1.573 liter block and 1050 mL of
crystals dominated their appearance. The 4.732 liter block water for the 4.732 liter block . A variable -speed shop drill
was cured for ten days. The 1.573 liter block was cured for 15 motor with a mixer bit was used to thoroughly mix the
one week . During the curing period , the temperature of the ingredients. After thorough mixing, each mixture was trans
blocks was monitored with a non - contact infrared thermom ferred to a lick block mold . At this point, the mixtures had
eter. The blocks exhibited stable temperatures over the the color and consistency of concrete or mortar. The mix
curing period . After the curing period , the lick blocks were tures were allowed to set overnight in the molds. After
off-white in color and had typical attributes of a salt lick 20 setting overnight, the mixtures hardened and white salt
block . The blocks were firm and structurally stable . The crystals dominated their appearance . The 4.732 liter block
4.732 liter lick block was provided to a cattle producer for was cured for ten days . The 1.573 liter block was cured for
consumption by a herd of cattle . The block was placed in an one week. During the curing period , the temperature of the
outdoor serving dish and observed by personnel onsite . The blocks was monitored with a non - contact infrared thermom
4.732 liter lick block exhibited no abnormal or deleterious 25 eter. The blocks exhibited stable temperatures over the
characteristics . The 1.573 liter block was retained for longer curing period . After the curing period , the lick blocks were
observation. The 1.573 liter lick block exhibited no abnor off -white in color and had typical attributes of a salt lick
mal or deleterious characteristics . block . The blocks were firm and structurally stable . The
4.732 liter lick block was provided to a cattle producer for
Example 3 30 consumption by a herd of cattle . The block was placed in an
outdoor serving dish and observed by personnel onsite . The
Again , two animal lick block samples were prepared a 4.732 liter lick block exhibited no abnormal or deleterious
1.573 liter rectangular-shaped block and a 4.732 liter bell characteristics . The 1.573 liter block was retained for longer
shaped block . A blend of attapulgite and bentonite spent observation . The 1.573 liter lick block exhibited no abnor
bleaching earth from edible oil processing was obtained and 35 mal or deleterious characteristics.
combined with salt, Portland cement Type I/ II, and water. What is claimed is :
The proportions combined were: 20 wt % spent bleaching 1. An animal feed supplement containing spent bleaching
earth , 65 wt % salt, 15 wt % Portland cement Type I/II, and earth consisting of:
300 mL of water for the 1.573 liter block and 900 mL of
water for the 4.732 liter block . A variable-speed shop drill 40 35 % by weight of spent bleaching earth from edible oil
motor with a mixer bit was used to thoroughly mix the processing , wherein the spent bleaching earth com
ingredients. After thorough mixing, each mixture was trans prises 30 wt. % to 50 wt. % oil, and wherein the spent
ferred to a lick block mold . At this point, the mixtures had bleaching earth is attapulgite and/or bentonite ;
the color and consistency of concrete or mortar. The mix 50 % by weight of a salt component, wherein the salt
tures were allowed to set overnight in the molds. After 45 component is sodium chloride; and
setting overnight, the mixtures hardened and white salt 15 % by weight of a binding agent, wherein the binding
crystals dominated their appearance . The 4.732 liter block agent is Portland Cement;
was cured for ten days. The 1.573 liter block was cured for wherein the binding agent encapsulates the spent bleach
one week . During the curing period , the temperature of the ing earth to form a stable crystal matrix block .
blocks was monitored with a non -contact infrared thermom- 50 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the animal feed
eter. The blocks exhibited stable temperatures over the supplement is pelletized .
curing period . After the curing period , the lick blocks were 3. The composition of claim 1, wherein the animal feed
off-white in color and had typical attributes of a salt lick supplement is a salt lick block .
block . The blocks were firm and structurally stable . The 4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the Portland
4.732 liter lick block was provided to a cattle producer for 55 cement is Type I/ II .
consumption by a herd of cattle. The block was placed in an 5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition
outdoor serving dish and observed by personnel onsite. The is not spontaneously combustible at normal atmospheric
4.732 liter lick block exhibited no abnormal or deleterious temperatures.
characteristics. The 1.573 liter block was retained for longer