Dental Health
Dental Health
Dental Health
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Prof. Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou Addressing the environmental and public health
Department of Biology, College challenges requires engagement and collaboration among
of Science, Engineering and
clinicians and public health researchers. Discovery and
Technology, Jackson State
University, 1400 Lynch Street, Box advances in this research field play a critical role in
18750, Jackson, MS 39217, USA providing a scientific basis for decision-making toward
control and prevention of human diseases, especially the
illnesses that are induced from environmental exposure to
health hazards. IJERPH provides a forum for discussion of
discoveries and knowledge in these multidisciplinary fields.
Please consider publishing your research in this high
quality, peer-reviewed, open access journal.
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High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE and SSCI (Web of Science), PubMed,
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Journal Rank: JCR - Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) / CiteScore - Q2
(Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health)
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