Unit 6: Editing Text in Word 2013
Unit 6: Editing Text in Word 2013
Unit 6: Editing Text in Word 2013
Q1: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Marks ( /2.5)
iii. Blank lines can be inserted in an already existing document by pressing the _____________
v. The Undo command is used to _____________ the action of the last command.
Q2: Write T for the true statement and F for the false one. Marks ( /2.5)
iii. You can type and replace the current text with a new text in the Overtype mode.
iv. You can use CTRL + A to select the contents of an entire document.
v. A duplicate of the text can be created using the Cut and Paste commands.
Search for the following four words related to Word 2013 in the grid below.
Q1: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Marks ( /2.5)
Q2: Write T for the true statement and F for the false one. Marks ( /2.5)
i. The keyboard shortcut to open the Font dialog box is SHIFT+D.
ii. On selecting a color from the Text Highlight Color menu, the mouse pointer changes to a pen-shaped
iii. You cannot remove the highlight color from the text
iv. The height of letters or other characters is measured by the font size.
v. Text can be left-aligned and right-aligned but not center-aligned, in a document.
2. _______________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
b. HTHHGGLII …………………..
(Hint: It means to make the text look different to draw the reader’s attention towards it.)