2 Formation of Ctts Slides
2 Formation of Ctts Slides
2 Formation of Ctts Slides
What is a contract?
Why do we have contracts?
When will a contract fail?
Seller selling lap top to Buyer for $800.
• Forms?
• written
• oral
• conduct
Requirements of a Contract:
i. meeting of the minds (consensus ad idem) - offer &
ii. consideration and intent to create legal relations
iii. capacity to contract
• Bilateral
• Unilateral
• offeror’s part completed
• up to offeree to promise to act
• Offeree’s act = acceptance and consideration
What is it?
Display of goods
Online sale
Soon KokTiang and others v DBS Bank Ltd and another
matter [2010] SGHC 360 - “offering”/launch of “DBS High Notes 5”
during “offer period” – an offer?
Invitation to treat
What if this had been a tactic by to draw customers into the store?
CP(FT)A – unfair practice
Invitation to treat
a. Revocation
b. Rejection / counter-offer
c. Lapse of time
d. Failure of condition
e. death
a. Revocation
telegram, postal rule – acceptance when sent
Cf. when received for instantaneous communication eg.
telephone, fax : Entores v Miles (1955)
emails – instantaneous?
a. Revocation
Subsequent offer
a. Revocation
Unilateral contracts –
how to communicate revocation?
can revoke once performance has begun?
Daulia v Four Mill Bank Nominees Ltd [1978] Ch 231, Dickson
Trading v Transmarco [1987] SGHC 59:
1. main offer
2. implied offer not to revoke main offer once offeree has
commenced performance within a reasonable time
b. Rejection and counter offer
The rule
Panwell Pte Ltd & Anor v Indian Bank (No 2) [2001] SGHC
315: extension of deadline, reminders to accept
No time limit specified?
Lapse after reasonable time
type of commodity
d. Failure of condition
Offeror - personal services
Offeree’s knowledge
On 1 February, Sam offers to sell a Maltese puppy to Ben for
$500 and promises to keep the offer open for 7 days.
S 13 ETA:
Time of despatch: time when it leaves originator’s IT
Time of receipt: time it is capable of being retrieved by
ii. Communicated to offeror
Ss 11-16
S 11 – offers and acceptances can be made electronically
S 13 – time of despatch = time it leaves info system or
time it is received (when it is capable of being retrieved)
S 14 – invitation to make offers unless otherwise
S 16 – error in electronic communications – right to
withdraw if early notification and no material benefit