Extended Essay in Business Management
Extended Essay in Business Management
Extended Essay in Business Management
Innovation at
Table of content
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1 Title Page 1
2 Index 2
3 Introduction 3
4 Methodology 5
6 Ansoff matrix 9
7 PEST analysis 11
8 Marketing mix 14
10 Conclusion 21
customers will be ready to pay higher prices; this added value enhances the Company’s brand
image. To fulfil the needs of the modern-day, Innovation is essential. Innovative products are
often built to increase productivity and ease consumer’s lives. Xiaomi, also known as ‘Apple
of China’ is a multinational company with a presence over 30 countries. Xiaomi was formed
by serial entrepreneur Lei Jun; he based the Company with his vision of,” Innovation for
unwavering focus on quality and efficiency. The Company relentlessly builds amazing
products with honest prices to let everyone in the world enjoy a better life through innovative
technology”. Based on Founder’s and Company’s vision, this extended essay aims to answer
the research question: “To what extent product Innovation helped Xiaomi in its marketing to
gain market share in India between the financial year 2016-17 to 2019-20”. The smartphone
market in India was very saturated, with many players who were well established to capture
the growing market. It is fascinating that such a young company steps in a saturated market
and grows tremendously using unique strategies leaving other giants behind. This
investigation is worthy because it will explicitly portray the importance and drawbacks of
product innovation to gain market share and these findings can help other mobile companies,
tech startups and also Xiaomi to improve. Xiaomi entered the Indian smartphone market on
15th July 2014 with its Mi 3 smartphone under the leadership of CEO Manu Jain. Since then,
Xiaomi phones have gained immense popularity in India. Phones for the Indian market are
manufactured at Foxconn India’s manufacturing facility. Amid the financial year, 2014-15 to
2015-16 Xiaomi launched four smartphones in India and had a negligible market share. Amid
the financial year, 2016-17 to 2019-20 Xiaomi launched more than 50 innovative phones with
unique handsets and features at economical prices. At the end of these three financial years,
Xiaomi acquired 27.5% of the market share. Golden year for Xiaomi in India was the
financial year 2016-17 where they achieved their major significant growth; they launched
twelve innovative phones with unique and high specifications considering modern-day
requirements which helped them capture a total market share of 5.75%. They exponentially
grew across these three financial years, in 2016-17 they acquired 5.75%, In 2017-18 Xiaomi
grew to 19%, and in 2019-20 they held 27.5% market share. (Kanuj Sharma)
The data used to examine and evaluate the reason for Xiaomi’s success in acquiring market
share through product innovation is taken from varied secondary sources.Use of several
sufficient websites, articles, research papers, personal blogs and books to obtain data has been
used. These varied sources will give insightful data and varied perspectives which assisted
Journalists and bloggers are often bribed by the companies to write in their favour which this
bias decreases their reliability, to overcome this bias, I have verified several websites and
factual data in order to obtain correct and unbiased information. Furthermore, to increase the
credibility of the research and understand the Company’s innovation model, culture and
business model at a grass-root level primary research was essential, due to the coronavirus
pandemic, I was not able to meet or reach any internal stakeholder for an interview.
To eliminate this difficulty and extract information from the grass-root level, I have watched
several interviews of CEO Manu Jain available at YouTube and other websites.
interviews contained inherent bias as stakeholders were internal and spoke only positives
about product innovation and . However; I have maintained a holistic balance between factual
data and perspectives to increase the accuracy and reliability of the investigation.
with product innovation strategy which helped them increase market share. Additionally, I
have analysed other factors which influenced their market share by inserting into relevant
This research is mainly composed of the theory which arrived from unit 4 of business
consumer’s perception of Xiaomi’s innovative product and evaluated whether building that
particular perception helped Xiaomi to gain market share. Usage of this map issued an idea
about their pricing and quality of the innovation which helped develop this essay with a
broader range of perspectives. Product perception maps are relatively more useful for
Xiaomi’s price for all their smartphones lies in a specific range, they also maintain standard
quality across all their variety of phones, and these factors permitted me to determine
I used Ansoff Matrix to assess whether Xiaomi's growth strategy helped them capture market
share. Ansoff matrix does not account for the external factors affecting the growth; to avoid
this, I will be considering external factors by executing PEST analysis to examine factors
which would have affected Xiaomi’s strategy. The outcome of the PEST analysis is more
To overcome this, I will study trends and changes over three financial years and aggregately
To appraise the quality of the essay, I will also be using theoretical applications like USP’s,
branding, product differentiation and other industrial insights to develop my analysis which
mission statement, this conveys they desire to provide high-quality products to everyone.
‘Everyone’ symbolizes all income groups and consumer types. This tool will outshow the
understand, to what extent Xiaomi’s product perception helped them to achieve their market
Xiaomi’s innovative phone is perceived as bargain products by the consumers due to its high
quality and low prices since their launch in India. The low prices of innovative, high-quality
phones was the primary reason for Xiaomi’s in capturing market share. Creation of bargain
perception aided Xiaomi to develop its consumer base of low and middle-income consumers,
thus developing brand loyalty in their customer base, which assisted in capturing a market
share from 0% to 27.5% in 4 years. Bargain products are often known as a short term tactic to
generate sales and market share, but Xiaomi has adopted this tactic as a long term strategy.
Due to the creation of bargain product perception in the consumer’s mind, there is a high
chance that Xiaomi will not be able to survive at low prices and cover the costs of innovating
products in the long run as India’s GDP is growing and the price level of the economy will
keep increasing cumulatively due to which their market share will fall. To overcome this
issue they will increase their prices and make it a premium product by repositioning their
product portfolio.
There is still less chance that consumers will buy after repositioning, as they would prefer
established brands like Apple and Samsung who are already set in the premium product
market. This will decrease their market share and will not be able to innovate due to high
costs, which will make it difficult for Xiaomi to survive. To tackle this problem, Xiaomi
could switch to another growth strategy in the future. We will be analysing Ansoff’s matrix to
Ansoff matrix will be utilised effectively to assess current and possible alternative growth
strategy. This tool will determine the extent to which Xiaomi captured the market share with
on quality and efficiency”. This suggests, Xiaomi wants to continuously innovate their
This growth strategy is product development. This depicts, Xiaomi wants to continuously
bring new and innovative products in its existing Indian market to its existing customer base.
This strategy has been followed since the start,it helped Xiaomi to face competition with its
innovative USPs in their product which helped them to differentiate themselves with their
competitors, Oppo and Vivo are not able to grow exponentially due to the presence of
identical features at high price . However, due to this strategy Xiaomi’s product had short
product life cycles,there were times where phones went out of stock for days. If Xiaomi
didn’t launch new phones they could have obtained higher market share than 27.5% at the
end of 4 years. Furthermore, this strategy might fail in the future as innovating and bringing
new products needs high technological adaptive users. If the users have resistance towards
complex and productive technology in the future, they might fail to sell. Innovating and
bringing new products needs intricate pieces of machinery which may degrade the
environment. The government might set regulations in limiting the use of those machines,
In the future, Xiaomi India can expand to African markets by market development strategy.
Xiaomi can export their existing products to new African markets, this will increase Xiaomi’s
market share. On the other hand, Entering a new market involves lots of bureaucracy;
registering the Company and products with the local African authorities is a lengthy
procedure. To sell the products effectively, the Company might have to invest in promotion
methods which will be a massive cost. Nevertheless, this tool doesn't consider external
factors which influenced their product development strategy. To understand external factors,
government launched a national skill development mission, Foxconn India recruited and
trained workers through this program, This mission launched in july 2015 was one of the
factors which helped Xiaomi to increase its market share from 5.75% in 2016-17 to 19% in
year 2017-18.
The anti-china sentiment is rising in India due to tension at Indo-china borders, Xiaomi is a
Chinese company. There is a chance that ease of doing business will fall in the future due to
the anti-China sentiment of Indian government, additional bureaucracy will increase the cost
of production, which will be unhealthy for their strategy, this will decrease their market share
in future.
In 2016-17 GDP per capita was 1797.7 USD, in 2017-18 it was 1981.27 USD, in 2018-19 it
was 2009.98 USD, and in 2019-20 it was 2169.10 USD. The increase in income generated
consumer demand for Xiaomi’s innovative smartphones and is clearly evident by continuous
increase in its market share throughout the 4 year period. This economic growth is expected
to move upward in the coming years. In 2024, GDP per capita is expected to reach 3209.67
On the other hand, due to the income in these 4 years, consumer who entered high income
bands switched their preferences to premium brands which is evident by increase of Apple’s
market share, In year FY 2016-17 Apple’s market share was 2.49% in FY 2019-20 it
increased to 2.73, Although the increase is insignificant but this market share could have been
captured by Xiaomi. Increase of consumer’s income is also a threat for Xiaomi; the rapid
increase in income will lead to a change in taste and preferences of consumers; they may tend
to buy premium smartphones like Apple. This economic growth might decrease sales and
profits in the future for Xiaomi, making it difficult for them to innovate and increase market
Xiaomi has increased regional employment to unskilled and skilled labourers of Tamil Nadu
and Andhra Pradesh. Regional employment gained the goodwill of the regional commuters
Xiaomi donated 110 thousand recycled notebooks and 2500 smartphones, worth 250 crores to
children and donated 15 crores to COVID-19 relief funds in India. They have employed 95%
undoubtedly augment the brand image and have contributed to increase their market share as
customers often think they are being socially responsible too. These ethical steps could lose
out a lot for Xiaomi , presence of 95% women in the workforce decreases labour flexibility.
In future, the women working at the manufacturing plants could create a labour union and
pressurise Xiaomi for wage hikes. CSR is a considerable cost, they contributed excessively
than the minimum requirements of CSR. Those excessive funds could have been allocated to
R&D and marketing which could have increased their market share more.
Technology at Xiaomi has helped them to innovate their products; the machinery and system
have aided to faster product development and launches. They continuously invest in R&D to
develop their technology. In the year 2019, Xiaomi invested 1 billion USD in its R&D to
upgrade its designing and AI systems. The upgraded systems increase productivity and
efficiency will lead to a decrease in variable production costs and an increase in the output
One billion USD is a hefty expense, to save this expense Xiaomi could have outsourced its
R& D centre which already had the equipment they needed to innovate and research.
recognised languages; the internet can easily translate the product details (especially its
innovative features) effectually. The language conversion translations deflate ambiguity and
barriers, which would help Xiaomi to reach more customers and increase their market share.
Comparison between the prices and features provided on e-commerce platforms' , gives
maximum transparency to consumers, if they find competitors' products better, Xiaomi could
Xiaomi has ample PEST opportunities to work further and increase their market share beyond
27.5%. To do so, Xiaomi has to overcome and face threats in future, in addition, they have to
plan out and be ready with alternative growth strategies like market development (analysed in
4P’s analysis will determine how Xiaomi marketed the product innovation strategy to
the consumers, which helped them obtain a 27.5 % market share in the span of 4
Xiaomi’s R&D team used a mix of adaptive and innovative creativity for innovating
all their products across their product portfolio. Examples of adaptive creativity
technologies like light core rendering engine, Ultra battery saving mode and full-
screen displays.
To retain and grow its market share Xiaomi ensured continuous brand development
activity, Xiaomi heavily generated brand awareness on social media and e-commerce
innovative features. These platforms didn’t hide any details from the buyers and
social media platforms didn’t reach the whole mass market, for example, the non-
social media and users resistant to use e-commerce platforms didn’t receive utmost
transparency about their innovative feature which would have restricted the growth of
market share.
Along with the innovative phone, Xiaomi offered free lifetime support including two
years warranty on their phone; they have over 1000 service centres across 600 cities
in India, free phone outlines, email and online chat support. This rigorous service with
the phones increases brand loyalty which aided in capturing market share. Lifetime
support was a massive expense for the Company. Xiaomi could have provided phone
insurance at a nominal price. This insurance scheme would have increased consumer
confidence in Xiaomi, which would have enhanced their brand image and captured
Xiaomi kept on innovating their phones and launching continuously, due to this they
They could have extended their PLC by focusing more on brand development. This
extension would have helped them to gain more market share and better penetration in
the market.
Xiaomi used a combination of cost-plus pricing and psychological pricing strategy for
its innovative phones. The cost-plus strategy helped them gain sufficient profits and
cover their cost price. This strategy gave their finance team ease to calculate profits
on their phones. Profit oriented strategies create a negative brand image about
Xiaomi; customers perceive that the Company’s sole objective is to make profits
innovative phones. For example, Redmi note 5 costs 5999 rupees. The pricing
strategy helped Xiaomi to appear in lower price bands which led to consumer
purchase, increase in sales and market share. This strategy would negatively impact
Xiaomi’s brand image and decrease their market share as customers might have
innovative. This would have given them high profits, which would have given them
Xiaomi’s focus is promoting through social media marketing. When Xiaomi entered
the Indian Market, they only advertised through Facebook/ and then moved to other
platforms like Instagram and Google. Social Media marketing helped them spread
their innovative phones across the mass market. On social media, Xiaomi also
received negative feedback about their product. This forum also impacted their brand
image negatively. They marketed their innovative features through social media; it
became trending and caught the eye of the consumers. To emphasise more and create
a greater reach, Xiaomi also used a mix of ATL and BTL promotion methods
comprehensively. They used sponsorship as the primary BTL method, they sponsored
the highest TRP show, The Kapil Sharma Show and they were also the title sponsor
for FC Goa in ISL (Indian football tournament). These BTL methods did not only
advertise their innovative phones on the show and tournament but also displayed them
to the mass market through indirect media and Television coverage. This sponsorship
corporate advertising increases brand recall and generates awareness which is also
have used sales promotion techniques like coupons and discounts as consumers are
more likely to get attracted to schemes rather than TV coverage. Xiaomi promoted
themselves in PVR Cinemas (India’s leading cinema joint), this ATL promotion
method helped them increase their reach to more customers and capture significant
market share in the 4 year period . In cinema halls, viewers are not always the target
buyer. For example, there is a high traffic of young children during the release of
funds and other resources for Xiaomi, these funds could have been allocated to other
promotion methods, which could have increased their market share more.
platform like flipkart.com enhanced its reach to more customers, resulting in increase
of market share. Xiaomi uploaded details, videos and pictures of their innovative
phones, this gives maximum transparency to the buyer about the innovative features
in their phone. Initial stages when Xiaomi used E-commerce platforms as a place, it
reduced costs for the company in terms of opening shops and employing labour but
also lost an opportunity to gain more market share. Initially along with starting online
they could have supplied to mobile retail stores which could have helped them gain
When Xiaomi started growing, they increased their selling platforms to other e-
commerce websites like Amazon and later they started their own to increase reach and
market share. The E-commerce platform is an open platform where anyone can
express their views by giving a review. Positive reviews increased Xiaomi’s brand
image, whereas negative reviews harmed its brand image and consumers refrained
from buying which could have restrained the growth of market share.
They later started selling to other retail stores like Croma and Reliance Digital, which
increased their reach to the people who prefer the old conventional way of buying,
salesman at those retail stores often failed to detail the innovative features of their
Xiaomi directly supplied e-commerce platforms and retailers; this approach enabled
stores and eliminating middle channels helped them gain market share. In May 2017,
they came up with their first offline store where their innovative features were
effectively detailed, Xiaomi currently has 3000 stores India. Opening stores and
training employees is a considerable cost. However, Xiaomi could have opened it’s
shops and distribution to other retailers at the start of their establishment. This could
have increased their reach and generated more brand recognition leading to gain
The overall generation of the marketing mix determined the pricing, product, place,
and promotion factors which aided Xiaomi to gain their market share with a product
innovation strategy. The factors consisted of restraining forces which slowed down
their strategy in order to achieve quick outcomes. Xiaomi still managed to gain 27.5%
Creation of a loyal customer base and building a community- Xiaomi calls their customers
‘MI fans’, and they quote that they are ‘just for fans’. This term ‘MI fans’ was given to make
customers feel important and give them a sense of belonging towards Xiaomi. They created a
Facebook community where all the Xiaomi customers could come and discuss the product
and tell what they feel about it. One customer helps another customer with products, for
example, explaining the use of an innovative feature effectively. In 2017, they started the
‘Xiaomi fan festival’ . This festival happens for three days every year where they float offers
and discounts on their products at various e-commerce platforms. This increased brand
loyalty and market share. On the Facebook community users also shared negative reviews
Working Culture- Xiaomi’s working culture favours its product innovation strategy; they
explain their working culture by saying “As a team, we share the same relentless pursuit of
perfection, constantly refining and enhancing our products to create the best user experience
possible. We are also fearless in testing new ideas and pushing our own boundaries. Our
dedication and belief in innovation, together with the support of Mi fans, are the driving
forces behind our unique Mi products.” Their risking taking approach of always trying new
approaches and getting out of their comfort zone. Dedication towards continuous
improvement and innovation is an essential factor which has helped Xiaomi to grow. Testing
of new products and getting out of comfort zones frequently may not be adaptable by all their
employees, which could decrease their motivation and productivity, which could affect the
quality of innovation.
Creating demand by a shortage of their products during launch- Xiaomi sells a particular
quantity of product for a particular amount of time during it launches. They show that their
innovative phones are only limited in number; this scarcity creates an urge in the buyers to
buy the product spontaneously. The scenario of early sold out of their phones is later
marketed, which attracts other customers; this increases market share. However, customers
who weren’t loyal to Xiaomi, might have switched to alternative brands which could have
In this essay, we were answering, “To what extent product Innovation helped Xiaomi in its
marketing to gain market share in India between the financial year 2016-17 to 2019-20”. The
analysis detailed several factors Xiaomi considered and took care to use product innovation.
The strategy helped them create an established spot in the market, the innovative features at
low prices, drew consumers attention which helped them to increase their market share. In the
short run, Xiaomi could continue with product innovation to increase its market share.
However, in the long run, it will be difficult for Xiaomi to survive and increase its market
share due to factors such as increased income (explained in PEST) and repositioning of its
product portfolio (explained in product perception map). If the R&D team fails to innovate or
is not able to deliver the consumer’s requirements. This product innovation approach could
cause stakeholder conflict between the R&D, marketing and sales team, as the sales and
marketing team won’t have USP’s to highlight which would decrease the sales and market
share. The research could have been more accurate and reliable if there was primary data
collected from Xiaomi’s marketing team but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was not
possible. The primary data could have provided the essay greater depth and authenticity. The
essay would have been more insightful if I had used a financial tool like profitability ratios
which would have helped me determine the financial feasibility of the product innovation
approach in marketing, due to the restriction of accessing the data, applying financial tools