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indicates the 10 yards necessary for the next

first down.
1 1 2 =Dice total of 13
The score, quarter, time remaining, down
and timeouts are recorded with blocks
2 0 0 =Dice total of 20 provided.

RULES 3 5 4 =Dice total of 39 Rules in red are changes or my personal rules.


I. DESCRIPTION OF THE has shown that the following chart gives the
(B) DEFENSIVE DICE (1 Red 1 Green):
actual time consumed by the various plays of
GAME: The defensive dice total is simply the sum of
pro football more accurately.
the numbers on the two dice. The defensive
40 Seconds
RED ZONE! Is a pro football replay game. dice total can be any number from 1 through 5.
All plays other than the ones listed below.
Color-coded team charts have been prepared EXAMPLES:
30 Seconds
for each pro team, using comprehensive Hurry up plays
statistics based on actual season play. Each
team’s performance has been analyzed in great
0 1 =Dice total of 1 20 Seconds
Any 40-second play, whenever it is followed
detail by mathematical statistics and computer
programs, the results encoded in easy- to- use
2 1 =Dice total of 3 by a throwaway or hurried play
10 Seconds
Team Charts. Thus, each team chart reflects
with accuracy and details the performance of
2 3 =Dice total of 5 Plays out of bounds, inside 2:00 in first half or
5:00 at end of game. All plays out of bounds
that particular team in the year it portrays. have a *; incomplete passes; any play
The depth of analysis used in preparing the involving a penalty, accepted or not; any play
charts, plus extensive play testing, has 2. COLOR CODED CHARTS: followed by a Timeout; any scoring play;
produced a replay game which we are sure you touchbacks; all change of possession plays;
will find unrivaled for excitement and true to The LEGEND explain the meaning of all any 30-second play, whenever it is followed
life results! colors, symbols and abbreviation appearing on by a throwaway or hurried play.
these charts 0 Seconds
(A) OFFENSIVE TEAMCHARTS: Kickoffs not returned in last 2 minutes of each
After an offensive play has been half.
1. A set of 32 color-coded Team Charts,
selected, the offensive dice are rolled
one for each team.
2. Rules.
RESULT, read down the column of the Move the ball backward (-) or forward (+)
3. Two special charts, D-Chart for home
play selected the and across from the the number of yards shown with fumbles or
field advantage, Offensive solitaire
offensive dice total in the #ON DICE blocked kick. The team last in possession now
4. Playing field
column. The box at the intersection rolls the offensive dice again and refers to the
5. Football marker and yards to go
contains the offensive result (which fumble line on right of offensive chart to see
marker. 9 blocks
must be combined with defensive whether they recover the ball or lose it team
6. Seven special game dice
result using priority chart). then the defensive team refers to the fumble
(B) DEFENSIVE TEAM CHARTS: line on defensive chart between defense and
III. PLAY OF THE GAME: This chart contains a separate # ON special team’s charts. Defense result always
DICE column for each of the six overrules offensive result. If the defense
Basically the sequence of play follows just defensive formations. After an recovers the ball, then use the fumble return
as in actual pro football. Each player secretly offensive play and defensive formation column in the special teams chart. Offense
chooses one of the plays or formations from have been selected the defensive dice cannot return a fumble.
his card, then the choices are revealed. Each are rolled and totaled. The If a fumble puts the ball on or beyond the
player throws his special game dice, DEFENSIVE RESULTS is found as opponents’ goal line it is a touchdown no
determines the total, and looks up the result of follows: Read down the column of the fumble actually occurs, and there is no
the play on his Team Chart. These offensive offensive play selected, and across recovery rolls
and defensive results are then combined from the defensive dice total in the
according to the Priority Chart to determine #ON DICE column of the defensive PUNTING OPTIONS;
the final result. Special situation such as formation used. The box at the Coffin corner punts are called before kick.
penalties, kicks, and changes of possession are intersection contains the defensive Subtract multiples of number under PUNT
explained in a separate section. result (which must still be combined column on special teams chart. All punts
with the offensive result, using the reduced more than -10 are then considered not
IV. HOW TO USE THE GAME Priority Chart). returnable and must follow punt return
EQUIPMENT: (C) SPECIAL TEAM CHART: Same as options. For old charts reduce any amount.
offense see special teams defense. Amounts more than –10 results in punt return
Before explaining in step-by-step detail the (D) PRIORITY CHART: This is used for options.
play of the game, we will first explain how to combining the offensive and defensive All punt results with a * by a number or
read the results from the special dice, the team results to determine the final out come returns with FC* are not returnable and
charts and the priority chart, and how to of the play. Look in the defensive receiving team must use punt return options.
operate the scoreboard and playing field. result and in the row across from the
offensive result: the box at the BLOCK KICK OPTIONS;
1.GAME DICE: intersection shows which result Defensive team on any punt or field goal
overrules, or may instruct you to attempt may try to block the kick. To do so,
(A) OFFENSIVE DICE (1 Black, 2 combine the two results. the defensive team must announce this
White): to determine the total on intention in advance, before any commitments
these dice, add ten times the number By kicking team the team going for the block
on the black die to the sum of the must bear the following disadvantages
numbers on the white dice. The Page 1 Receiving team must fair catch or let ball roll
offensive dice total can be any 3. PLAYING FIELD, TIMING AND PLAY DEF=5 running into kicker
number from 10 through 30 SELECTION: The football Marker is used to
(B) EXAMPLES: locate the current line of scrimmage or
position of the ball. The Yards-to- go marker
# On Block Free block RED ZONE DEFENSE;
dice option option To reflect the factor of a shorter field all SAFETIES:
1 passing plays that would carry to or beyond A safety is scored when the dead-ball spot is
2 the defenders’ end line (either with or without on or behind a team’s own goal line and the
3 defensive yardage) are ruled incomplete. team itself provided the impetus. The other
4 D=5 Interceptions on or beyond the end line result team scores 2 points and the victims of the
5 BLK -10 BLK -10 in touchback. Any passes completed thrown safety must punt from there own 20 a free kick
from outside 20-yard line and go beyond the from line of scrimmage, add an additional 12+
FREE BLOCK OPTION end line result in Touchdown. Any yards to the length of the punt. Punts cannot be
There are three situations in which the Interceptions thrown from outside 20-yard line blocked if block occurs rekick for result. Use
defensive team receives a FREE block option and go beyond the end line result in an kickoff return and kickoff return defense for
on 4th-down punts when inside kicking teams incomplete pass. All runs inside the 10- yard the return.
5-yard line, on field goal attempts with time including QR receive –1 reduction except line
conserved, and any field goal attempt 50+ plunge play and QB sneak. KICKOFF OPTIONS:
yards When kicking 3 options are used regular,
PENALTIES; squib or onside.
PUNT RETURN OPTIONS; When a penalty occurs, the offense rolls dice
On punts with asterisk (*) receiving cannot again to determine the offensive result. The RETURNS:
return kick and must call for fair catch or let offended team may either accept the result of Returns are allowed after kickoffs. Punts,
ball roll if calling for fair catch consult fair play or penalty. If PI penalty is rolled there are Interceptions, Fumbles. If a team gain
catch column or for older charts use this table. no father rerolls: final out come of play is possession in the end zone they may ether
penalty regardless of defense result. elect to touchback 1st and 10 on there own 20
Fair catch # ON All penalties with out X or PI can be or return but if they do not get out of end zone
accepted or declined. All penalties with Def touchback occurs unless it is fumbled.
column DICE
15x result in automatic first down and are
Muff 10-12
marked at end of play if play resulted in KICKOFF RETURN OPTIONS;
Penalty D=15 13
touchdown then mark on kickoff. All penalties When returning kickoffs 2 option are used
Fair catch 14-36 on special team’s plays are marked at the end regular or hands. If hands are used Add 10
Let ball roll 37-39 of the play. Penalties O=5 on run or pass yards to regular or 5 yards from squib return.
plays are automatic pre snap. All other
Let ball roll option-Use defense dice for penalties can be accepted or declined reroll KICKOFF CHARTS:
result (+5 would add 5 to punt). F-5 ball kicks offensive dice for result of play if another Kicking team must decide on kick regular,
back hits player. penalty occurs on same team decline one squib or onside.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 penalty and accept the other. If penalties occur Receiving team must decide on regular
+5 +8 +12 -2 Muff-5 against both teams no play offsetting 10 blocking or hands team
seconds off clock. No penalty can result in *Receiving team recovers if hands team.
SPECIAL TEAMS DEFENSE; more than half the distances to the goal accept Subtract 5 yards from squib, 10 yards from
Combine special teams defense located pass interference. D=5x penalties can be regular return if hands team in.
under special teams, with oppenents special accepted or declined. Penalties with * asterisk (40) On kickoffs receiving team starts on
teams result. Don’t combine punt return yards and loss of down there 40 1st&10
defense when fair catch is called. On field goal O=5 on onside inside 1 minute = (40)
defense results over rule all offense results MARKING OFF PENALTIES: (40) Ball kicked out of bounds On Squib or
except penalties. No penalty (except PI) may exceed half the onside re-roll for yardage you can take
distance to the goal. yardage if less than 30 yards no return.
POINT AFTER TRY: Special teams return penalties are marker at
The offense and defense refer to column to the end off the play. Dice Onside Return Squib Return
right of field goal column if result red NG if No quarter may end on penalty. Extra play is 10 22 25
white good, if yellow O=5 run. D=15x are marked from line of
You can also try for 2 point run a play from 2- 11 14 23 KR
scrimmage on interceptions and offense retain
yard line if you make it 2 points if not 0. 12 17 21 KR
ball. D=15x are marked from spot of fumble
on fumbles and offense retain ball. 13 6 33 6
To attempt a field goal, the offense simply PRIORTY CHART; 15 8 42 O=15
announces its intention, rolls the offensive dice Offense plays are on left hand side. 16 9 51 KR
and consults its field goal column and Defense 17 30 40 KR
opponents field goal defense. The kick is good # # QT Int F (#) 18 35 39 KR
3 points are awarded if the yardage shown #B Add Add QT Int F (#) 19 33 57 B
equal or exceeds the distance from the line of # Add Add QT Int F (#) 20 27 52 4
scrimmage to the opponents’ goal line other QT QT QT QT Int F (#) 21 20 O=5 17
wise, the kick fails. If the field goal misses the QT Int F (#) 22 11* (40) 5
receiving team can return kick 50 yards down 23 14 8 50 7
Int Int Int QT Int Int F (#)
field from line of scrimmage using 24 13 3 48 8
F F F QT Int F F
interception return, combined with oppenents 25 12 1 45 13
Add Add QT Int F (#)
interception defense. If not returned then
Penalties always take priority 26 16 TD 46 F+10
receiving team gets the ball 1st and 10 either 7
27 19 43 16
yards behind line of scrimmage or they’re own
20, whichever they choose. For statistical
purposes add 17 from line of scrimmage for On QT that results in positive yardage use 29 22 35 F
length of kick. opponents QR defense under defense chart and 30 5 53 18
combine results. 31 15 12 49 14
FREE KICK; 32 11 5 47 9
A team may attempt a free kick after any QUARTERBACK SNEAK: 33 10 41 11
none returned kick or fair catch. Use field goal Use column, under QT column, QB 34 O=5 42 10
column plus add 7 yards to the length of the SNEAK. Use the defense dice to find result. 35 (40) 37 10
kick, kicks are from line of scrimmage. No QB sneak can only be used on 3rrd or 4th & 1, 36 15 31 37 12
block option can be used or field goal defense. or at the 1 yard line. Don’t combine with QR 37 12 54 15
defense. Consider defense blank. 38 18 44 19
Page 2
39 20 39 2
TRAPPED: If the final result of a play is or
involves a Breakaway B or a Quarterback
ADVANDED DEFENSE dice for those that don’t have
Trapped QT the offense rolls its dice again and
looks up the result in the B or QT columns on RULES original special dice.
its offensive team chart. Defensive yardage POWER RATING:
never adds to a quarterback trapped with On the defense charts below kickoff column DICE RESULT
negative yardage but may be added to a appears a number this is the strength of the 2 4
breakaway if the priority chart so direct team. This is point spread between teams the 3 3
team with higher rating is the favored team by 4 1
PASS INTERFERENCE: If the yardage of a the difference in points 5 1
pass interference would place it behind the 6 1
end line they are considered to have happened HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE: 7 2
9 yard deep in the end zone. On pass This is located under power rating. The team 8 2
interference penalties neither team re-rolls and on defense uses this number when solitaire
9 3
it marked automatically and produces chart calls for d-chart. Use this number. If
10 3
automatic first down. Any pass interference team on defense is home team use rating, if on
which would be marked in the end zone are road use reverse rating. Team with 0 ratings 11 4
marked as 1st and goal on the 1 yard line. Pass are considered blank. 12 5
interference penaties are marked in full and do
NOT apply to half the distance to the goal. TAKE A KNEE: SEE MY PAYDIRT WEB PAGE;
Rule. This play can be called anytime. The result
is run for a one yard loss, and takes 40 seconds For online play join my online group
off clock unless other team calls timeout.
THE MUFF RULE: http://www.games.groups.yahoo.com/group/re
All punt returns that result in F with no DROP AN INTERCEPTION: dzonepaydirt
yardage are considered muffs and cannot be At any time a defense can drop an
returned or advanced. This would also include interception. Play results in an incomplete http://www.tc.umn.edu/~hunte006/paydirt.htm
fumbles on a fair catch and F-5 on punt roll pass.
chart. Do not use fumble return column in any
of the above situations. Muffed kick cannot RED-ZONE Football-Solitaire Play Calling INSTANT REPLAY:
result in TD. Place the ball on the 1-yard line. This chart is designed for these charts but Each team can call for instant replay twice
will work with old charts. per game. After the play, one team requests an
LEDGEND Use two regular 6-side dice instant replay review. On a passing play this
DEFENSE can only be used on a play where offense
Incomplete Pass Dice Standard Pass Short Prevent result is Inc and defense result is (#), or
No Gain 2 D-Chart defense result is Inc and offense result is #.
The team that called for review would roll
B Breakaway 3 F C A C
defense dice. If result is 2-5 then play stands.
QT Quarter Back Trapped 4 A D B E
Team that called for review loses timeout. But
F# Fumble # down field 5 C F C A
if result is 1 then play is reversed and team
INT # Interception # Down Field 6 F D B F does not lose timeout.
NG Field goal No Good 7 D F F E On running plays that result in first down on
BLK # Blocked Kick # yards down field 8 A A B F 10-yard mark or TD on goal line defensive
Out of bounds, punt return 9 A E B D team can go for review. The team that called
options 10 C D C E for review would roll defense dice if result is
PI O=# 11 B D A E 2-5 then play stands. Team that called for
D=# 12 D-Chart review loses timeout. But if result is 1 then
NG Field goal no good play is inches short and team does not lose
# Number off yards lost D-Chart is the home advantage field chart timeout. Do not move the ball! Offense will
# Number off yards gained Standard; need to gain 1 yard on next play for first down
G Field goal good All other or TD. Instant replay cannot be called in last
Pass; two minutes of each half.
OFFENSE dice for those that don’t have Ahead by 9-16 points with less than 8:00-
original special dice. 6:00 left in 4th quarter. AUDIBLES:
USE 1 BLACK AND 2 WHITE 6 SIDE Ahead by 1-8 points with less than 3:00 left Each coach is permitted a predetermined
DICE FOR OFFENSE RESULT in 4th quarter. amount of opportunities to change the play call
Or less than 2:00 in Half by using audible signals. After the offense and
Dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ahead by 17+ points in 4th quarter. defense selection has been revealed, any coach
2 15 25 25 35 35 35 Use on 2nd down and 14+ may announce that he has decided to use an
3 10 20 20 30 30 30 Use on 3rd or 4th down and 6-15 yards. audible and change the play. He then calls
4 11 21 21 31 31 31 Short; another play. Both players cannot call for a
5 12 22 22 32 32 32 Use on 3rd or 4th down and 1-2 yards to go. audible on same play, but player cannott call
Use inside 5-yard line. timeout to stop the play.
6 13 23 23 33 33 33
Behind by 9 or more points with 8:00 left in See audible chart for the amount of audibles a
7 14 24 24 34 34 34
the 4th quarter team receives, or look on the offensive chart
8 15 25 25 35 35 35
Behind by 1-8 points with 3:00 minutes left in above the die roll. On defense look at the
9 16 26 26 36 36 36 game number in upper left hand corner. This is the
10 17 27 27 37 37 37 Prevent; number of audibles, the defense receives. If
11 18 28 28 38 38 38 Do not use inside the 20-yard line number is negative, this increases the number
12 19 29 29 39 39 39 Ahead by 9+ points with less than 6:00 left in of offensive audibles awarded to the opposing
4th quarter. team.
Or less than 1:00 in half.
Ahead by 17+ points with less than 10:00 in
4th quarter.
Use on 3rd or 4th down and 16+ yards.

Page 3
After both players have announced their play after fumble or muff for loose yardage then,
calls, but before they roll the dice a player can use fumble roll for fumble recovery. * out of
call a timeout. Players then re-select there bounds offense retain control of ball.
Die result
On running plays that result in O=5 re-roll 11 7
defense die. If result of roll 1,2,3,5 then 12 1
penalty is pre-snap and is automatically 13
enforced and uses 0 seconds on clock after a 14 3
10 second or less play. A roll of 4 would result 15 2
in option of play or penalty and uses 20 16 5
17 9
On passing plays that result in O=5 re-roll
18 11
defense die. If result of roll 1,2,3 then penalty
is pre-snap and is automatically enforced and 19 16
uses 0 seconds on clock after a 10 second or 20 3
less play. A roll of 4,5 would result in option 21 3
of play or penalty and uses 20 seconds. 22 4
On running or passing plays that result in D=5 23 8
re-roll defense die. If result of roll 2, 3 then 24 5
penalty is pre-snap and is automatically 25 7
enforced and uses 0 seconds on clock after a 26 5
10 second or less play. A roll of 1, 4, and 5 27 4
would result in option of play or penalty and 28 2
uses 20 seconds. 29 4
O=10 penalties are marked with plays if die 30 7
roll 4-5 0n passing play or 3 on run play if + 31 1
yardage, using defense die. D=5x plays are 32 *
maker at the end of a running play on a roll of 33
1-2 using defense dice if + yardage. 34
Penalty Die roll time result
O=5 run 1.2,3,5 ? Pre snap
38 2
O=5 pass 1,2,3 ? Pre snap
39 11
O=10 run 3 20 Add to play
O=10 pass 4,5 20 Add to play
D=5 2,3 ? Pre snap
D=5x run 1,2 20 Add to play

(5 second clock)

40 seconds: Running, passing plays

30 seconds: No huddle plays, All you have to

do is call no huddle to save time

20 seconds: Running, passing play with

If penalty is declined or not
Play & spike This results in loss of down and
incomplete pass.

10 seconds: Change of possession plays,

punting plays, scoring plays, out of bounds
inside 2:00 of half or last five minutes of

5 seconds: Incomplete passes, kickoff plays,

field goals, play with timeout.

0 seconds: Extra points, Off 5 defense die roll

of 1,2,3,5 for run or 1, 2, 3 for pass. Def 5
defense die roll of 2, 3. Play before must have
been a 10 second or less play . If not result 20

Add 5 seconds for play with audibles.

Add 5 seconds for run down play but play also
includes Off 5 penalty for delay of game. Page 4

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