Evaluation of Clinker Stabilized Fly Ash
Evaluation of Clinker Stabilized Fly Ash
Evaluation of Clinker Stabilized Fly Ash
ISSN 0960-3182
Volume 35
Number 4
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Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:1629–1644
DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0198-8
Received: 26 November 2014 / Accepted: 25 February 2017 / Published online: 9 March 2017
Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
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Table 1 Various Fly ash (%) Overburden (%) Clinker (%) Fly ash (%) Overburden (%) Clinker (%)
proportions of fly ash, mine
overburden and clinker 90 10 0 70 30 0
88 10 2 68 30 2
86 10 4 66 30 4
84 10 6 64 30 6
82 10 8 62 30 8
80 20 0 60 40 0
78 20 2 58 40 2
76 20 4 56 40 4
74 20 6 54 40 6
72 20 8 52 40 8
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more than 50%. Clinker was added in the above 150 mm diameter and 175 mm height. The sample
combinations of overburden–fly ash in varying per- was statically compacted in the mould, such that the
centage of 2, 4, 6 and 8% to determine respective height was maintained at 127 mm. A circular metal
geotechnical parameters. Modified Proctor com- spacer disc of 148 mm diameter and 47.7 mm height
paction test were performed to determine the MDD was used to compact the sample.
and OMC of all the mixes. Then samples were
prepared at their respective OMC and MDD. The
raw materials such as fly ash, mine overburden and 2.2 California Bearing Ratio Test
clinker were blended in the required proportion in dry
condition. After dry mixing of the ingredients, CBR test was carried out as per IS: 2720-part 16
respective water content was added to the mixes and (1987). The standard values are 13.44 kN at 2.5 mm
mixed thoroughly. Then the mixture was left in a and 20.16 kN at 5.0 mm penetration. The samples
closed container for uniform mixing and prevents loss were soaked for 4 days in water and were allowed to
of moisture to atmosphere. The wet mixture of amount drain for 15 min before test. Curing periods adopted
corresponding to the required dry density was com- were immediate, 7 days (3 days moist cur-
pacted in the mould. Split mould of 38 mm diameter ing ? 4 days soaking) and 28 days (24 days moist
and 86 mm length was used for preparation of the curing ? 4 days soaking). Two surcharge discs, each
UCS test samples. Samples were prepared with of weight 2.5 kg were placed over the sample. A
uniform tamping. Two circular metal spacer discs of plunger of 50 mm diameter was used to penetrate into
height 5 mm and diameter 37.5 mm each with base the sample at a rate of 1.25 mm/min during the test.
(7 mm height, 50 mm diameter) were used at top and
bottom ends of the mould to compact the sample such 2.3 Unconfined Compressive Strength Test
that the length of the specimen was maintained at
76 mm. Then the discs were removed and an another UCS test was carried out as per IS: 2720-part 10
spacer disc of height 100 mm and diameter 37.5 mm (1991). The samples were 38 mm in diameter and
with a base (height 7 mm, 50 mm diameter) was used 76 mm in height. Samples were cured in a humidity
to remove the sample from mould. The CBR test chamber (relative humidity [ 95%) at 30 ± 2 °C.
samples were prepared using standard CBR mould of The UCS of cured samples were determined in a strain
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Table 3 Chemical composition (% by weight) of mine overburden (O/B), fly ash and clinker
Constituents SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO K2O MgO TiO2 Na2O SO3 LOI
Mine O/B 48.24 29.18 8.36 1.10 0.40 1.30 0.69 – – 10.73
Fly ash 53.11 33.64 6.44 0.55 1.45 0.83 2.05 0.13 – 1.8
Clinker 20.46 4.52 3.57 66.38 0.68 2.01 – 0.16 1.39 0.75
controlled unconfined compression testing machine at 3.1 Physical and Chemical Properties
a strain rate of 1.2 mm/min.
The fly ash was collected in dry state and was in loose
stage. Its average water content was less than 1%. The
3 Results and Discussion fly ash used had a powdery structure with medium to
dark grey colour indicating low lime content (Meyers
The aim of the investigation was to develop and et al. 1976).
evaluate fly ash based composite material to replace The physical properties of fly ash and mine
the common sub-base material typically used in haul overburden are reported in Table 2. The specific
road of an opencast coal mine. The experiments and gravity of fly ash and mine overburden obtained are
their results are reported below. 2.10 and 2.63. The specific gravity of fly ash is found
to be less than that of mine overburden, due to the
Table 4 Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content presence of cenospheres and less iron content. The
values of developed composites including fly ash and mine materials with higher iron content have relatively high
overburden specific gravity (Sridharan and Prakash 2007).
Compositions MDD (Kg/m3) OMC (%) Particle size distribution reflects whether the mate-
rial is poorly, medium or well graded. The particle size
Fly ash 1296 22.3
distribution of the construction material has strong
Mine overburden 1941 14.2
influence over the density. Coal ashes are predomi-
90% FA ? 10% O/B ? 0% CL 1330 19.5
nantly silt sized with some sand sized fractions. It is
88% FA ? 10% O/B ? 2% CL 1341 18.5
observed that fly ash contains more than 50% coarse
86% FA ? 10% O/B ? 4% CL 1369 17.7
grained silts (0.020 mm \ particle size \ 0.075 mm)
84% FA ? 10% O/B ? 6% CL 1408 17.1
and hence belongs to non-plastic inorganic coarse
82% FA ? 10% O/B ? 8% CL 1413 21.3
sized fractions i.e. MLN group. The overburden
80% FA ? 20% O/B ? 0% CL 1428 18.9 contains sand size fraction with appreciable amount
78% FA ? 10% O/B ? 2% CL 1441 16.9 of non-plastic fines or fines with low plasticity
76% FA ? 10% O/B ? 4% CL 1447 16.3 (Fig. 1). It is typically described as poorly graded
74% FA ? 10% O/B ? 6% CL 1478 21.6 sand-silt mixtures and belongs to SM group.
72% FA ? 10% O/B ? 8% CL 1487 17.8 Coefficient of uniformity (Cu) for fly ash and mine
70% FA ? 30% O/B ? 0% CL 1495 16.5 overburden are found to be 4.47 and 4.25 respectively.
68% FA ? 10% O/B ? 2% CL 1499 18.1 Coefficient of curvature (Cc) for fly ash and mine
66% FA ? 10% O/B ? 4% CL 1508 17.1 overburden are found to be 1.82 and 0.94 respectively.
64% FA ? 10% O/B ? 6% CL 1534 16.6 It represents that both fly ash and mine overburden are
62% FA ? 10% O/B ? 8% CL 1559 16.9 poorly graded (Pandian, 2004). Free swell index of
60% FA ? 40% O/B ? 0% CL 1566 16.8 mine overburden is found to be 18.1 (Table 2). Free
58% FA ? 40% O/B ? 2% CL 1576 17.3 swell index of the fly ash is found to be negligible due
56% FA ? 40% O/B ? 4% CL 1589 16.5 to flocculation which confirms to that reported else-
54% FA ? 40% O/B ? 6% CL 1604 16.1 where (Pandian et al. 1995).
52% FA ? 40% O/B ? 8% CL 1619 16.7 Atterberg limits as liquid limit (LL), plastic limit
(PL), plasticity index (PI) and shrinkage limit are
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1634 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:1629–1644
important factors in material identification and clas- 26.90% respectively. Though both values are close,
sification. These parameters reflect a few geotechnical overburden material is less workable than that for fly
problems as swelling potential and workability. The ash. The fly ash tested was non-plastic and hence
liquid limit of fly ash and overburden are 31.57 and plastic limit could not be determined. It was also not
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Table 5 CBR values of fly ash-mine overburden mixes in suggests the possible applications of fly ash. The
soaked and un-soaked condition chemical composition of fly ash indicates that it has
Composition CBR (%) not only less calcium content but also the quantity of
(SiO2 ? Al2O3 ? Fe2O3) exceeds 70% (Table 3).-
Unsoaked Soaked
Thus, it is classified as ‘‘Class F’’ type (ASTM C
0% FA ? 100% O/B 26 2.53 618-08a 2008). The fly ash used has more than 93% of
60% FA ? 40% O/B 23.74 1.39 acidic constituents (SiO2 ? Al2O3 ? Fe2O3) where
70% FA ? 30% O/B 24.26 1.64 that for mine overburden is 85%. EDX analysis
80% FA ? 20% O/B 22.26 1.24 confirms that fly ash satisfy the chemical requirements
90% FA ? 10% O/B 21.46 1.09 for use as a pozzolona. Both mine overburden and fly
100% FA ? 0% O/B 18 0.7 ash contains vey less percentage of CaO. But the
clinker contains around 67% of CaO (Table 3).
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the reactions like base-exchange, aggregation and resistance to penetration as compared to that of fly ash
flocculation. which possess uniform sizes. As fly ash content
increased in the composite CBR values decreased. In
un-soaked condition CBR values of composites with-
3.3 California Bearing Ratio out additive varied between 18 and 26%. The higher
CBR value in un-soaked condition is due to the
CBR value of a material is typically considered for any capillary forces created at optimum moisture content
road construction application. This method is well and maximum dry density condition in addition to the
established and popular for design of the base and sub- friction resisting the penetration of the plunger
base material for road pavement. In this investigation (Mishra et al. 2003). However when the samples were
CBR tests were carried out to characterize the bearing tested after 4 days soaking, the CBR values were very
capacity of the untreated fly ash-overburden compos- low due to the destruction of the capillary forces.
ite as well as clinker treated fly ash-overburden Soaked condition though a conservative estimate, yet
composite materials. considered for worst scenario. The obtained CBR
The variation of CBR of fly ash-overburden mixes value less than 3% is unsuitable for sub-grade material
for both un-soaked and soaked conditions is shown in (Bowles 1992) and hence need to be stabilized with
Table 5. Mine overburden material showed high CBR additive for haul road application. The CBR values of
value due to irregular grain sizes that offered more composites when tested at different curing periods
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Table 7 CBR gain of fly FA (%) O/B (%) CL (%) Curing period (days) CBR (%) CBR gain
ash-mine overburden-
clinker mixes 90 10 0 28 2.85 1
88 10 2 28 43.8 15.36
86 10 4 28 61.72 21.65
84 10 6 28 90.54 31.76
82 10 8 28 108.9 38.21
80 20 0 28 3.05 1
78 20 2 28 47.22 15.48
76 20 4 28 66.5 21.8
74 20 6 28 97.51 31.97
72 20 8 28 117.62 38.56
70 30 0 28 3.54 1
68 30 2 28 58.88 16.63
66 30 4 28 80.4 22.71
64 30 6 28 118.29 33.41
62 30 8 28 139.3 39.35
60 40 0 28 3.41 1
58 40 2 28 54.8 16.07
56 40 4 28 75.01 21.99
54 40 6 28 110.28 32.34
52 40 8 28 132.86 38.96
exhibited little change over uncured results (Table 6). 2–4%, but still unsuitable for sub-base material. Hence
The CBR values of 28 days cured samples almost it was decided to improve the CBR of fly ash and mine
doubled to that at soaked conditions i.e. with a range of overburden mixes using additive.
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Fig. 6 Comparison of CBR values of developed composites with Cetin et al. 2010
Generally additives like cement or lime enhance curing period and clinker percentage have strong
the strength of the soil or fly ash (Collins et al. 1986; effect on enhancement of the bearing capacity of
Ghosh and Dey 2009; Mackos et al. 2009). Clinker is developed composites. It confirms to the observation
an input material for cement preparation. Lime reported elsewhere for soil with class C fly ash
available commercially is relatively expensive. (Ismaiel 2006).
Hence it was decided to develop and evaluate the It is observed that the CBR values increased from
performance with clinker. CBR values were deter- 15.18 to 79.94% and 58.88 to 139.3% at 7 and 28 days
mined for fly ash-overburden material stabilized with of curing respectively as clinker percentage increased
clinker. Clinker was added between 2 and 8%. As from 2 to 8% for 70% FA ? 30% O/B. Thus, increase
clinker was added, each composite showed signifi- in curing period increased the CBR value. Hydration
cant enhancement in CBR values. In soaked condi- of clinker forms calcium silicate hydrate gel that
tion the composite with 88% fly ash exhibited CBR depends on the availability of free lime, the more the
value 8.44% with 2% clinker (Fig. 4a). However as lime the better the gel formation. Continuous increase
clinker percentage increased the composites with in the CBR values with increase in curing period was
higher fly ash content showed higher CBR values observed (Fig. 5). The fly ash mixed with 30% mine
(Fig. 4a, b, c). Thus confining that availability of overburden and 8% clinker shown highest CBR values
silica and alumina adds to strength gain over time. among all developed composites at 7 and 28 days
The composite with 80% fly ash produced 20, 32 and curing respectively. There is strong bond between the
45% CBR at 4, 6 and 8% clinker content respectively. fly ash and mine overburden particles by the cemen-
The maximum CBR value obtained was 139.3% for titious products and hence higher CBR in the
the composite 62% FA ? 30% O/B with 8% clinker composite. The value compares favourably with the
at 28 days curing (Fig. 4c). The results showed CBR result of the soil stabilized with fly ash (10 and
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20%) and Lime Kiln Dust (2.5 and 5%) to be 69 to of CaO. The URM was poorly graded sand with
142% at 7 days curing and greater than 164% at gravel. The specific gravity of URM and fly ash were
28 days curing (Cetin et al. 2010). 2.64 and 2.2 respectively and non-plastic in nature.
CBR Gain is the ratio of CBR value of clinker Unpaved road material mixed with fly ash (10–20%)
treated composite to untreated composite. The CBR and lime kiln dust (2.5–5%) obtained CBR value
gain values obtained were between 15.36 and 39.35 between 69 and 142% at 7 days curing and more than
for 28 days cured composites (Table 7). The compos- 164% at 28 days curing. The CBR value of 62% fly
ite with 62% fly ash and 8% clinker showed maximum ash with 30% overburden and 8% clinker was
gain. There exist optimum quantities of CaO, Al2O3 110% MPa at 7 days curing and increased to 140%
and SiO2 to react among themselves and exhibit at 28 days curing (Fig. 6a, b).
maximum strength value. More availability of those
does not add to strength gain (Sivapullaiah et al. 1995).
The obtained CBR values from present investiga- 3.4 Unconfined Compressive Strength
tion are comparable with that of the samples prepared
from Unpaved Road Material (URM), fly ash and lime The unconfined compression test is one of the widely
kiln dust (Cetin et al. 2010). The fly ash used had 0.7% used laboratory tests in pavement design and soil
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Table 9 UCS gain of fly FA (%) O/B (%) CL (%) Curing period (days) UCS (MPa) UCS gain
ash-mine overburden-
clinker mixes 90 10 0 28 0.2 1
88 10 2 28 0.35 1.75
86 10 4 28 0.48 2.4
84 10 6 28 0.63 3.15
82 10 8 28 0.99 4.95
80 20 0 28 0.22 1
78 20 2 28 0.41 1.86
76 20 4 28 0.55 2.5
74 20 6 28 0.7 3.18
72 20 8 28 1.12 5.09
70 30 0 28 0.27 1
68 30 2 28 0.52 1.92
66 30 4 28 0.71 2.62
64 30 6 28 0.9 3.33
62 30 8 28 1.4 5.18
60 40 0 28 0.25 1
58 40 2 28 0.47 1.88
56 40 4 28 0.62 2.52
54 40 6 28 0.81 3.24
52 40 8 28 1.29 5.16
Fig. 10 Comparison of UCS values of developed composites with Tannant and Kumar 2000
stabilization applications. It is often used as an index The compressive strength values changed dramat-
to quantify the strength enhancement of materials due ically with addition of clinker. The composites
to treatment. The results of UCS tests for both achieved UCS value between 0.15 and 1.1 MPa which
untreated and treated composites are reported. The were significantly dependent on clinker content as
UCS values of untreated fly ash and overburden well as on curing period. The composite
composites immediately after preparation could not be 70%FA ? 30%O/B with 2–8% clinker shown highest
obtained as they failed immediately after loading. strength (0.32–1.09 MPa) as compared to other com-
Marginal increase in UCS values was observed at posites at 7 days curing (Fig. 7a). The composite 62%
different curing periods (Table 8). FA ? 30% O/B stabilized with 8% clinker achieved
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1642 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:1629–1644
UCS value of 1.4 MPa at 28 days curing (Fig. 7c). It fly ash with 30% overburden and 8% clinker was
showed availability of additional clinker produced 1.09 MPa at 7 days curing and increased to 1.4 MPa at
enhanced bonding between reactive elements. Each 28 days curing (Fig. 10a, b).
composition exhibited higher strength values with an
increase in clinker content and curing period. These
values are far above the minimum values suggested for 4 Conclusions
sub-grade (Das 1994).
The composite containing 62% fly ash and 30% The investigation evaluated the geotechnical charac-
mine overburden with 8% clinker exhibited maximum teristics of twenty different composite materials with
compressive strength as compared to other composites fly ash as major percentages as a replacement of
at 7, 14, 28 days of curing (Fig. 7a, b, c). Continuous conventional material in the sub-base of surface coal
increase in the UCS values with increase in curing mine haul road. The following conclusions are drawn
period was observed (Fig. 8). Typically the stress from the investigation.
values at the base/sub-base layers of mine haul road
1. Addition of clinker enhanced California bearing
for 35–170 t dumpers are 300–650 kPa respectively
ratio and unconfined compressive strength values
(Tannant and Regensburg 2001). The strength
achieved by almost all the mixes in this study is above
2. The curing period as well as the clinker percent-
these values after curing and hence suitable for mine
age has strong influence on the strength behaviour
haul road construction. All the samples in unconfined
of developed composites.
compressive loading conditions exhibited shear type
3. Fly ash mixed with 30% mine overburden and 8%
failure (Fig. 9). Except a few samples all samples
clinker produced highest compressive strength of
failed by shear which reflect the combined influence of
1.4 MPa, and CBR value of 140%.
sample and machine characteristics (Singh and Ghosh
4. The UCS and CBR values of the optimum
2006). Load bearing capacity and longitudinal dis-
composite exceed the minimum required values
placement recording were done till failure i.e. peak
for use in sub-base of haul road.
strength of all the samples.
5. The composite with 62% fly ash and 8% clinker
UCS Gain is the ratio of UCS value of clinker
content exhibits best result for haul road applica-
treated composite to untreated composite. The UCS
tion as a sub-base material.
gain values were between 1.75 and 5.18 for 28 days
6. The fly ash based composite materials would
cured composites (Table 9). There exist optimum
facilitate use of high percentage of fly ash in haul
quantities of CaO, Al2O3 and SiO2 to react among
road while improving the performance of haul
themselves and exhibit maximum UCS value. More
road for better mine economics.
availability of those does not add to strength gain
(Sivapullaiah et al. 1995).
The obtained UCS values from present investigation Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the financial
assistance provided by the Council of scientific and Industrial
are comparable with that of the samples prepared from Research (CSIR)-New Delhi under EMR-II Scheme Vide letter
mine spoil or coal partings, fly ash and kiln dust No. 22/0474/09/EMR-II dated 12-02-2009.
(Tannant and Kumar 2000). The fly ash used contained
10% CaO. The coal seam partings used was dark grey
siltstone and the mine spoil was yellow to light brown
silt. The liquid limit and plastic limit of parting material
was 51 and 33% respectively, but the mine spoil was ASTM C 618-08a (2008) Standard specification for coal fly ash
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