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Service and Maintenance: Engineered Smoke Control System Fire Protection System

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innovation, integration, inspiration

Fire Protection System

Engineered Smoke Control System
Service and Maintenance

Smoke Curtains - CET at Paya Lebar

Introduction to iDAS Technology

In iDAS Technology our key personnel have more than 10

years of experience in the construction industry and have
developed a fine-tuned and successful synergy between
innovative technical solutions and inspiring architectural
design, resulting in new dimensions for a sustainable

iDAS Technology operates in four business segments:

Architectural Green Solution, HPLED Energy Efficient
Lighting System, Solar Energy System and Fire Safety

Advantages of using iDAStech® Our experience

service and maintenance
Over the years, we have continuously serviced the
IDAS Technology has been involved in the Design, projects completed by our project team as well as
Supply and Install of Engineered Smoke Control System secured new contracts done by other contractors. These
for more than 100 projects in Singapore over the last 8 buildings include industrial, commercial, airport,
years. We have cover over 100 sites for servicing of this educational institutes, hotels, condominium and many
equipment. more.

Wide Knowledge of products/equipments 24/7 Service

We are well versed in the installation, testing, iDAStech® 24/7 services provides maintenance service
commissioning, service and maintenance of various solutions designed to maximize the lifecycle of your
certified and approved brands of smoke control system engineered smoke control systems and equipments.
such as ASB, Brakel, Colt, Coopers, Esser, Gent, GST, In order to maintain a high level of reliability of the
Rosenburg, Connels-Aire, System Aire, etc. engineered smoke control system, it will need regular
service and maintenance throughout the life cycle.

Option for upgrading

With our in-house technical design team and QP, we are
able to provide options when you plan any addition and At iDAStech®, our commitment to providing exclusive
alteration to your building. support to clients has led to the creation of a portfolio of
maintenance service solutions that are qualified to deliver
this support at a level of excellence throughout the life
Codes of practice
span of the system.

Our familiarity with the Authority requirements also

enables us to provide first hand information about the fire
safety compliance of your equipment with respect to
latest Code of Practice or Authority standards like PSB,
EN Standards and other local standards.

2 iDAS Service
iDAStech® Solutions

Service and Maintenance Solutions

Services Non-Comprehensive Comprehensive

Hotline Helpdesk

Service Call


Spare Parts

Service Visits

Extended Support
Master Smoke Control Panel

Hotline Helpdesk Spare Parts

When you contact our hotline helpdesk, we will record
Our well-managed spare parts inventory maximises the
your incident, assign one of our qualified engineers and
uptime of your engineered smoke control system and
allocate you a unique incident reference number with
ensures that it continues to operate reliably throughout
which you can enquire any time about the status of your
the life cycle. We provide spare parts for the complete
request. Our hotline helpdesk will contact you as soon as
range of systems and equipment.
possible to provide further assistance.

Service Visit
Service Call
IDAS tech schedule regular visits according to the
Situations can occur when our service engineer is requirements of your smoke control systems or
urgently required to attend the source of an error and to equipment, the product quality guidelines, applicable
fix the problem. In such cases, your needs and demands regulations or level of usage. A corrective visit includes
define our response time commitment in a service level troubleshooting, analysis, diagnostics and resolving
agreement. IDAS tech service engineers are on-site problems on-site by our service engineers.
within the agreed number of hours.

Extended Support
For products that have reached the end of their life cycle,
IDAS tech provides regular detailed and comprehensive
IDAS tech offers extended support. Extended support is
reports on the status of your installed base and the
for clients who need additional time to make the transition
fulfilment of our contractual obligations. The findings of
to the latest version of our engineered smoke control
our report will be discussed during operational meetings
at your location.

iDAS Service 3
Maintenance Checklist

Smoke Ventilators - CET at Paya Lebar

Scope of work to check various major equipment of ESCS is as follows

1. Automatic Smoke Curtain - Activate at least 1 smoke detector in a smoke control

zone to ensure correct signal is send to the
- Check that there are no obstructions preventing the corresponding smoke control equipment (upon request
automatic smoke curtain from descending. by client).
- Visually inspect all automatic smoke curtain. Ensure all - Check that the required sounder operates.
electrical connections are sound and correct. - Check that the signal is also send to the fire alarm
- Activate the smoke detector to check that the master panel.
smoke control panel received a fire signal to descend - Accept the alarm and press the silence alarm button.
the automatic smoke curtain (if requested). - Ensure that the MSCP exterior is clean.
- Check that the automatic smoke curtain fabric is not - Check standby battery condition of MSCP.
chaffing on any part of the building structure and that - Check voltage of standby battery.
there is no a tear or holes.
- Check that the operational position of the automatic
smoke curtain is correct. 4. Motorised Smoke Damper
- When reset, check that the automatic smoke curtain
- Remove any debris from internal rain channels in
retracts fully.
louvers and base to prevent blocking and rain entering
- Check that the bottom bar fit neatly into the ceiling slot
- Check operation of dampers and clean oil leakages.
- Disconnect the mains power supply to the electrical
- Examine Hinges and operating arm anchorages.
power unit and check that the standby batteries will
- Listen for signs of air leakage.
come into operation and keep the automatic smoke
- Check security of glazing.
curtain retracted (annually).
- Check operation of Smoke Shield.

2. Smoke Curtain Electrical Power Unit

4. Motorised Smoke Damper Panel
- Check standby battery condition of smoke curtain
- Isolate panels, open and clean accumulation of dust
electrical power unit.
from inside.
- Check voltage of standby battery per zone per servicing.
- Check connections to ensure that all wires are secured
- Replace standby battery if necessary.
into their respective connectors, sockets, etc.
- Upon completion of testing and checking, it is essential
- Conduct Functional Test.
that the smoke curtain electrical power unit and smoke
- Upon completion of checking and testing, it is essential
curtain zone control panel to be switch to their auto/
that all panels and key switches are returned to the
normal mode position.
auto/normal position.

3. Master Smoke Control Panel

4. Smoke Extraction Fan
- Check that only the green power-on indicator is
- Visually check all fastenings for tightness and check
the integrity of the rotating items.
- Check that all LED should be off and panel should be
- Fan accessories should be checked, cleaned and
replaced as necessary.
- Check that the time and date are correct.

4 iDAS Service
Smoke Extraction Duct Smoke Extraction Fans Fire Curtain

7. Fan Starter Panel - Check Smoke Detector for visual damage and secured
in its mounting.
- Ensure all electrical connections are sound and correct. - Ensure that the protective mesh is not clogged by dust
- Activate the Smoke Detector remotely to check that the etc.
master smoke control panel received a fire signal and - Activate the smoke detector to check correct operation.
send a signal to activate the smoke extraction fan. (upon requested by client)
- Check that the fan duty selector switch is in order. - Check that the built-in LED flashes when activated.
- Ensure that the Fan Starter Panel exterior is clean. - Clean smoke detector by using compressed air line with
suitable attachment to blow through the chamber
housing in the same direction as the angled vents or by
8. Smoke Detector
using recommend solvent if found dirty.

- Smoke detector will be analysed from MSCP first.

- If any fault found, the following operation procedure is to
be conducted:

Addressable Smoke Control System

Natural / Powered
Smoke Ventilators

Smoke Curtains

Fire Curtains
Master Smoke
Casement Control Panel

Zone Chart

Smoke Detectors

Mechanical Smoke Dampers

Smoke Extractors

Wind Sensor Rain Sensor

Mimic Panel

iDAS Service 5
Service Standards

Fire Certificates Servicing (Ventilators)

Under the Fire Safety Act Section 20, the owner or The supplier of the equipment shall be able to provide a
occupier of any public buildings such as offices, hospitals, regular maintenance contract and or to recommend one or
shopping complexes, industrial buildings and private more servicing companies.
residential buildings that fall within the following criteria is
required to apply and obtain a Fire Certificate - NOTE: it is recommended that after the installation the
ventilator should be serviced at least once per year. The
a. Public building that has an occupant load of more than frequency may have to be increased if the application is in
200 persons a particularly sensitive or dirty environment, i.e. such
b. Industrial building having an occupant load of at least occupancies as bleach works and electroplating shops.
1, 000 persons, a gross floor area (GFA)* of at least
5, 000 square metres or exceeds 24 metres in habitable For life safety (i.e. means of escape applications the smoke
height ventilation system should be tested once per week.
c. Private Residential Building that exceeds 24 metres in ~~ BS 7346: Part 1 : 1990 Page 4 Clause 7

habitable height (or more than eight storeys) and is, or

is required to be installed with either a wet riser system,
Smoke Curtain Testing
an automatic fire alarm system or a sprinkle system.

Note 2. To ensure continued reliability, automatic smoke

Penalty curtains should be tested once per week and a log of

testing maintained. In addition they should be serviced and
Under the Fire Safety (Building Fire Safety) Regulations tested annually by a competent person.
1994, any person who : ~~ BS 7346: Part 3 : 1990 Page 2 Clause 5

- without lawful excuse refuses or neglects to do anything

which he / she is required to do;
Maintenance schedule (Mechanical
- without lawful excuse fails to comply with the
Ventilation & Air Conditioning in the building)
requirements of any notice served on him;
- without lawful excuse acts in contravention of or fails to Clause 13.9 at such inspection, service and maintenance
comply with any provision; shall be guilty of an offence of the completed installation the following minimum item of
and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding work should be considered:
$10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
- inspect and check the condition and operation of smoke
six months or to both. control system and car park ventilation system and
The above can be found in the following link:
- record should be kept of all maintenance work – when
http://www.scdf.gov.sg/content/scdf_internet/en/building-pro- and what was done.
fessionals/fire-safety-permit-and-certification/fire-permit.html ~~ CP 13 :1999 Singapore Standard. Page 46

Smoke Ventilators - CET at Paya Lebar

6 iDAS Service
Testing and Commissioning

Cold smoke test - North Spring Bizhub at Yishun

Hot and Cold smoke test warehouses, department stores, shopping & other
complexes, multi-storey office buildings or sporting and
Hot and Cold smoke test verifies that the systems work entertainment centres. The hot smoke test provides a
properly together, so a smoke detector in alarm or a means by which a specified quantity of smoke is generated
sprinkler flow switch causes the smoke control systems to by a test fire to assist in the assessment of the performance
activate and the appropriate dampers to position properly characteristics of a building’s smoke management system.
in response to that alarm. These are the "process" and The test fire provides a dynamic buoyant flow of smoke
“system" parts of the earlier definition. representative of real fire plumes. ~~~ Page 5 --

This test will checks how well actual system performance This test method is intended for use as a tool in the
delivers the design concept. These are the "assessing" and commissioning process of a building’s smoke management
"performance" parts of "the process of assessing system system to verify that the operation of the system, under
performance. “Commissioning begins with design - A clear simulated test fire conditions, is as approved by the
expression of the design criteria or the design intent is a regulatory authority.
key tool for successful commissioning. It tells everyone
what performance they can expect the smoke control C1.2 This test is intended to verify the correct performance
system to deliver during commissioning and, therefore, of a smoke management system including operation,
during a fire. sequence of control and, where practical, specified smoke
layer depths. It is not intended as a means of establishing
smoke obscuration levels or system integrity under real fire
Australian standard AS 4391-1999
conditions. ~~~ Page 6 clause 1.2
Because of their special geometry and sufficiently complex
smoke control systems, buildings to which the hot smoke Advantage of using cold smoke test is that it will not create
test is ideally applicable include: atriums, factories, sooth stains on the wall and ceiling in a building that is
already in operation.

Hot smoke test - National Heart Centre

iDAS Service 7
Add-On Services

Smoke Ventilators - Capitol Development

We also provide maintenance of the following systems:

- Fire Alarm System (Conventional & Addressable) - Portable and Fixed Foam System
- VESDA and HSSD System - Fire Hose Reel System
- Fixed Sprinkler System (Wet Pipe, Dry Pipe, Pre-Action) - Fire Hydrant System
- Fixed Water Mist System / Fixed Wet Chemical - Dry and Wet Riser System
Suppression System - Portable and Trolley Fire Extinguishers
- Fixed Gas Extinguishing System (FM200, Novec, - Voice Communication System (One-Way & Two-Way)
NN100, Inergen, Argonite, etc)

Fixed Sprinkler System Fixed Gas Extinguishing System

Dry and Wet Riser System Fire Extinguisher

Fire Hose Reel System Fire Alarm System

8 iDAS Service
Track Records

Smoke Ventilators - Xin Min Secondary School

Track records of the completed projects with ongoing service and maintenance.

Smoke Control System - Singapore Sports Hub Smoke Control System - Capitol Development

Smoke Ventilators - Duo at Ophir Road Automatic Smoke Curtains - Orchard Hotel

Smoke Ventilators - Media Corp Building Automatic Smoke Curtains - Junction Nine

Smoke Control System - Raffles Holland V Smoke Ventilators - Waterway Point

iDAS Service 9
Track Records

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Blk 51, Campus Ext. Phase 7

Smoke Control System - Ocean Financial Centre Smoke Control System - Zhongshan Park

Smoke Control System - North Spring BizHub at Yishun Smoke Control System - Chinatown Point

Smoke Control System - National Heart Centre Smoke Control System - CET at Paya Lebar

Smoke Control System - Westgate Hot Smoke Test - Compass One

10 iDAS Service
Track Records

Natural Fire / Smoke Ventilator

Smoke Control System - Halliburton Smoke Ventilators - Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church

Smoke Ventilators - Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Smoke Control System - Singapore Expo

Smoke Ventilators - Jewel Changi Airport Smoke Control System - Marina Bay Financial Centre

▪ CET at Paya Lebar ▪ Westgate ▪ Ngee Ann Polytechnic Blk 51, Campus Ext. Phase 7 ▪ Halliburton ▪ Singapore Expo ▪
▪ Capitol Development ▪ Ten Mile Junction ▪ National Heart Centre ▪ Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church ▪ Chinatown Point ▪
▪ Compass One ▪ Media Corp Building ▪ Orchard Hotel ▪ Junction Nine ▪ Casa Merah Condominium ▪ Paragon ▪
▪ One Marina Boulevard ▪ Marina Bay Financial Centre ▪ Zhongshan Park ▪ Duo at Ophir Road ▪ North Spring Biz Hub ▪
▪ Plaza Singapura ▪ Suntec City ▪ Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine ▪ Riverside Point ▪ LTA Woodsville Interchange ▪
▪ Jewel Changi Airport ▪ Singapore Sports Hub ▪ CWT Warehouse ▪ Qantas First Lounge at Changi Airport Terminal 1 ▪
▪ Great World City ▪ Paya Lebar Quarter ▪ Eunoia Junior College ▪ Century Square ▪ GSK Asia House ▪ North Point City ▪
▪ 76 Pioneer Road ▪ Changi Airport T4 ▪ Food Hub at Senoko Drive ▪ ▪ ▪

iDAS Service 11
Structural Glazing HPLED Streetlights Photovoltaic Cells Fire Rated Glass Door

■ Glass Solar Shading Systems ■ Streetlights ■ Fixed / Controllable Solar ■ Automatic Smoke Curtains
Shading System with
■ Single Bank Ventilation ■ Projection Lights ■ Automatic Fire Curtains
Photovoltaic Cells
■ Flood Lights ■ Fixed Smoke Barriers
■ Solar Powered LED Lighting
■ Double Bank Rainproof
■ Highbay Industrial Lights Systems ■ Fire Rated Glass Doors
Ventilation Louvres
■ High Performance Industrial ■ Solar Cell Roofing Systems ■ Natural / Powered Smoke
■ Triple Bank Stormproof
Lights Exhaust Ventilators
Ventilation Louvres
■ Wallwasher Industrial Lights ■ Smoke Exhaust Fans
■ Structural Glazing
■ T8 and T5 LED Tube Lights ■ Smoke Dampers
■ Curtain Wall
■ Classic Bulbs ■ Smoke Detectors
■ Skylight
■ Reflector Bulbs ■ Smoke Control Systems
■ Canopies
■ Par Bulbs ■ Water Monitoring Systems

■ RGB Bulbs ■ Computational Fluid

Dynamics Simulation
■ Corn Bulbs
Chengdu Shanghai
■ Soft Panel LED Lights
■ Light Fittings Hong Kong

Malaysia Brunei


iDAS Service Private Limited

® 11 Kallang Place #06-04 Singapore 339155 Service Hotline +65 9299 1800
innovation, integration, inspiration
TEL +65 6745 9766 | FAX +65 6745 9726 Office +65 6745 9766

BCA Registered Contractor

(for public sector works)
CR16 (L1), CR18 (Single)
ME01 (L4), ME06 (L3)

© 2019 iDAS Service Private Limited. All rights reserved. Products are subject to change without prior notice. All the pictures used are for illustration purposes only.

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