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The Dosimetric Feasibility of Gold Nanoparticle-Aided Radiation Therapy (GNRT) Via Brachytherapy Using Low-Energy Gamma-/x-Ray Sources

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The dosimetric feasibility of gold nanoparticle-aided radiation therapy (GNRT) via

brachytherapy using low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources

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2009 Phys. Med. Biol. 54 4889


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Phys. Med. Biol. 54 (2009) 4889–4905 doi:10.1088/0031-9155/54/16/004

The dosimetric feasibility of gold nanoparticle-aided

radiation therapy (GNRT) via brachytherapy using
low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources

Sang Hyun Cho1,3 , Bernard L Jones1 and Sunil Krishnan2

1 Nuclear/Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Programs, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405, USA
2 Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center,

1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 97, Houston, TX 77030, USA

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 16 March 2009, in final form 11 June 2009

Published 27 July 2009
Online at stacks.iop.org/PMB/54/4889

The preferential accumulation of gold nanoparticles within tumors and the
increased photoelectric absorption due to the high atomic number of gold
cooperatively account for the possibility of significant tumor dose enhancement
during gold nanoparticle-aided radiation therapy (GNRT). Among the many
conceivable ways to implement GNRT clinically, a brachytherapy approach
using low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources (i.e. Eavg < 100 keV) appears to be
highly feasible and promising, because it may easily fulfill some of the technical
and clinical requirements for GNRT. Therefore, the current study investigated
the dosimetric feasibility of implementing GNRT using the following sources:
I, 50 kVp and 169Yb. Specifically, Monte Carlo (MC) calculations were
performed to determine the macroscopic dose enhancement factors (MDEF),
defined as the ratio of the average dose in the tumor region with and without
the presence of gold nanoparticles during the irradiation of the tumor, and the
photo/Auger electron spectra within a tumor loaded with gold nanoparticles.
The current study suggests that a significant tumor dose enhancement (e.g.
>40%) could be achievable using 125I, 50 kVp and 169Yb sources and gold
nanoparticles. When calculated at 1.0 cm from the center of the source within
a tumor loaded with 18 mg Au g−1, macroscopic dose enhancement was 116,
92 and 108% for 125I, 50 kVp and 169Yb, respectively. For a tumor loaded with
7 mg Au g−1, it was 68, 57 and 44% at 1 cm from the center of the source for
I, 50 kVp and 169Yb, respectively. The estimated MDEF values for 169Yb
were remarkably larger than those for 192Ir, on average by up to about 70 and
30%, for 18 mg Au and 7 mg Au cases, respectively. The current MC study
also shows a remarkable change in the photoelectron fluence and spectrum
(e.g. more than two orders of magnitude) and a significant production (e.g.
3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.

0031-9155/09/164889+17$30.00 © 2009 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Printed in the UK 4889
4890 S H Cho et al

comparable to the number of photoelectrons) of the Auger electrons within

the tumor region due to the presence of gold nanoparticles during low-energy
gamma-/x-ray irradiation. The radiation sources considered in this study
are currently available and tumor gold concentration levels considered in this
investigation are deemed achievable. Therefore, the current results strongly
suggest that GNRT can be successfully implemented via brachytherapy with
low energy gamma-/x-ray sources, especially with a high dose rate 169Yb
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction

In recent years, there has been growing interest in applying nanotechnology to cancer treatment
and detection. Many of the current approaches are based on a phenomenon typically known as
‘enhanced permeability and retention (EPR)’ (Maeda et al 2003) due to passive extravasation of
nanoparticles through ‘leaky’ vasculature of tumors (Dvorak et al 1988). In this phenomenon,
nanoparticles passively leak into the tumor interstitium from blood vessels feeding the tumor,
because by definition they are smaller (e.g. 1 ∼ 100 nm) than the typical cutoff size of the pores
(e.g. up to 400 nm) in the tumor vasculature (Unezaki et al 1996). This phenomenon alone
has enabled an interesting strategy to concentrate nanoparticles specifically within the tumor,
commonly known as ‘passive targeting’. Moreover, the tumor specificity of nanoparticles
can be further increased through so-called ‘active targeting’ (Qian et al 2008), in which
nanoparticles are conjugated with antibodies or peptides directed against tumor markers such
as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), human epidermal growth factor receptor-2
(HER2) and angiogenesis markers such as the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor
The idea of enhancing tumor dose (or radio-sensitizing tumor) using high-atomic number
(Z) contrast media or gold microspheres and kilo-/mega-voltage x-rays has been constantly
sought over the years (Mello et al 1983, Dawson et al 1987, Iwamoto et al 1987, Rose et al
1994, Mesa et al 1999, Herold et al 2000, Robar et al 2002, Verhaegen et al 2005, Robar
2006, McMahon et al 2008). Taken this idea and the aforementioned EPR effect together, it
is conceivable that an enhancement in tumor dose during radiation therapy could be achieved
if enough gold nanoparticles passively and/or actively accumulate within tumors. In theory,
this concept appears to be more promising than earlier approaches based on the use of high-Z
contrast media such as iodine and gadolinium or gold microspheres, because of the higher
atomic number of gold and/or better tumor specificity of nanoparticles. A previous animal
study (Hainfeld et al 2004) actually tested this concept and found that irradiation of tumor-
bearing mice after injecting gold nanoparticles indeed resulted in remarkable tumor regression
and long-term survival without any significant toxicity compared to mice irradiated without
gold nanoparticles. This dramatic outcome could be attributed to significant increase in the
photoelectron fluence within the tumor (including blood vessels) loaded with high-Z gold
nanoparticles during x-ray irradiation, resulting in greater physical damage to tumor cells and
endothelial cells lining the blood vessels (Hainfeld et al 2008). A subsequent Monte Carlo
(MC) study (Cho 2005) projected the potential clinical consequences of this animal study
(Hainfeld et al 2004) by quantifying the amount of dose enhancement under typical radiation
therapy treatment scenarios. The major finding of this MC study was that the macroscopic (or
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4891

average) tumor dose enhancement would be dependent on gold concentration within the tumor
and the photon beam quality, ranging from several hundred per cent for diagnostic x-rays to
a few per cent for typical megavoltage photon beams. The results from this MC study were
later confirmed by an independent non-Monte Carlo theoretical study (Roeske et al 2007)
based on a systematic analysis of the mass energy absorption coefficients of various mixtures
at different photon energies. Besides, many other recent studies have also demonstrated the
tumor dose enhancement or radiosensitization in vitro and in vivo due to gold or other metal
nanoparticles and x-ray or electron-beam irradiation (Foley et al 2005, Butterworth et al 2008,
Chang et al 2008, Zhang et al 2008, Zheng et al 2008, Kong et al 2008).
Based on the aforementioned studies, a radiation treatment modality referred to as gold
nanoparticle-aided radiation therapy (GNRT) may be developed so that the tumor dose could be
escalated beyond the current limits especially for those radioresistant tumors, while adequately
sparing normal tissues surrounding the tumor. Note that the gold nanoparticles are singled out
for this approach among various metal nanoparticles, as they are generally fabricated from an
inert metal (i.e. gold) and, as a result, are biologically non-reactive and molecularly stable.
In principle, GNRT would be most effective with low-energy x-rays and gamma rays (i.e.
Eavg < 100 keV) because such photons will interact with gold nanoparticles within the tumor
predominantly via photoelectric effect, which is thought to be the main physical mechanism
responsible for the dose enhancement. Due to their limited penetration into condensed media
such as human tissue, however, low-energy x-rays and gamma rays may not be suitable for
the delivery of GNRT via external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), unless tumors are located
within a few cm depth (e.g. <3 cm) in tissue. On the other hand, it is readily apparent that
a brachytherapy implementation of GNRT is highly feasible. Moreover, it is conceptually
possible to increase the tumor dose enhancement even further than that reported for an 192Ir
source by using radioisotopes emitting even lower energy gamma rays than 192Ir or by using
miniature x-ray devices producing low-energy x-rays (e.g. ∼50 kVp). For example, a high-
dose rate (HDR) 169Yb source has an intensity-weighted average energy of about 93 keV
(Medich et al 2006), which is significantly lower than that of the typical HDR 192Ir sources
(i.e. ∼395 keV). Consequently, 169Yb gamma rays have a higher probability of photoelectric
absorption in a gold-loaded tumor than 192Ir gamma rays and thereby would result in more
tumor dose enhancement. A similar argument can be made for low-energy gamma rays from
other brachytherapy sources such as 125I and 103Pd or x-rays from miniature x-ray devices
reported previously (Birch and Blowes 1990, Gutman et al 2004, Rivard et al 2006). In
fact, these possibilities were tested at least in part by previous computational studies (Cho
and Krishnan 2007, Roeske et al 2007). Note that, the low-energy gamma-/x-rays below the
K-edge (i.e. ∼81 keV) of gold no longer interact with the K-shell electrons of gold but interact
predominantly with the L-shell electrons during the photoelectric absorption process.
The main goal of the current MC study was to perform a rigorous testing of the
idea mentioned above by estimating possible macroscopic dose enhancement during GNRT
delivered with the following low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources: 125I, 50 kVp and 169Yb. The
current MC study also aimed to demonstrate significant changes in the spectra and fluence of the
photo/Auger electrons within a tumor loaded with gold nanoparticles during x-ray irradiation
by the above sources, which can be correlated well with the tumor dose enhancement. Besides,
the current presentation attempts to address some of the important technical issues omitted
in a previous MC study (Cho 2005). Ultimately, the current presentation aims to provide
the impetus for further investigation and clinical implementation of GNRT for many types of
cancers that can be treated with brachytherapy.
4892 S H Cho et al











0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Energy (keV)

Figure 1. X-ray spectrum for a 50 kVp x-ray source (1.5 mm Al filter, 17◦ W target). Spectral
data are obtained from Birch et al (1979).

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Estimation of the macroscopic dose enhancement factor

In this study, MC calculations were conducted to determine the macroscopic dose enhancement
factor (MDEF), defined as the ratio of the average dose in the tumor region with and without
the presence of gold nanoparticles after the irradiation of the tumor. In order to avoid some
confusion between the current approach and a possible microscopic estimation of tumor dose
enhancement, a more explicit term, ‘macroscopic dose enhancement factor (MDEF)’, has been
used throughout the current presentation, instead of the ‘dose enhancement factor (DEF)’. The
current study considered three different types of brachytherapy sources that could be used
for GNRT. The first source was a commercially available 125I seed source. It was modeled
based on the source specifications available from a previous publication (Gearheart et al
2000). The second source considered in this investigation was an HDR 169Yb source. For a
direct comparison with previous results for an HDR 192Ir source (Cho 2005), this source was
modeled in the current study by replacing the iridium core of a commercial HDR 192Ir source
model with ytterbium. Although, an exact modeling of a currently available 169Yb source
was unnecessary for this study, the material composition (i.e. ytterbium core encapsulated
by stainless steel) and dimensions (i.e. active source length and diameter of 3.5 and 0.6 mm,
respectively) of the current 169Yb source model are similar enough to those of a commercial
HDR 169Yb source (Medich et al 2006). The details of the original 192Ir source model that
is the basis of the current 169Yb source model, can be found elsewhere (Cho et al 1999).
The third source considered in the current study was a point source emitting 50 kVp x-rays,
typically available from miniature x-ray devices. The detailed modeling of a commercial
miniature x-ray device was not attempted as it was beyond the scope of the current study.
Table 1 lists detailed spectral lines of 125I (noted as ‘bare’) and 169Yb gamma rays used for
the current Monte Carlo calculations as presented in published literature (Dillman and Von
der Lage 1975, Medich et al 2006). Figure 1 shows the energy spectrum of 50 kVp x-rays
(1.5 mm Al filter, 17◦ W target) obtained from Birch et al (1979).
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4893

Table 1. Brachytherapy source spectra used for MC calculations. 125I gamma ray spectral data
for seed and bare sources are from Chen and Nath (2001) and Dillman and Von der Lage (1975),
respectively. 169Yb gamma ray spectral data are from Medich et al (2006).
125I (Seed) 125I (Bare) 169Yb

half-life: 59.4 days half-life: 59.4 days half-life: 32.0 days

Energy Relative Energy Relative Energy Relative

(keV) intensity (keV) intensity (keV) intensity
22.1 0.25 3.7 0.2226 49.5 0.532
25.2 0.07 27.2 0.3906 50.7 0.940
27.4 1.00 27.4 0.7615 57.6 0.295
31.4 0.25 30.9 0.2056 59.1 0.082
35.5 0.06 31.8 0.0426 63.1 0.442
35.4 0.0666 93.6 0.026
109.8 0.175
118.2 0.019
130.5 0.113
177.2 0.222
198.0 0.358
261.1 0.017
307.7 0.101

The phantom geometry and material composition for MC calculations were similar to
those used in a previous study (Cho 2005) for an easy comparison. The current phantom
geometry represented a typical geometry used during the MC characterization of brachythearpy
sources, namely, a source located at the center of a spherical phantom with the radius of
30 cm. The tumor region for 125I and 50 kVp cases was taken as a 1.5 cm radius sphere
centered at the origin of the spherical phantom excluding the region occupied by the source,
while the tumor for the 169Yb cases was assumed as a 3.5 cm radius sphere for a direct
comparison with the 192Ir results obtained for the same tumor size from a previous study (Cho
The material composition of the tumor and phantom was taken as the same as the four-
component tissue (i.e. 10.1% hydrogen, 11.1% carbon, 2.6% nitrogen and 76.2% oxygen)
defined by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU
1989). The phantom material within the tumor region was replaced by the ICRU four-
component tissue loaded with gold nanoparticles at two different concentration levels: 7 and
18 mg Au g−1 tissue, which were based on the animal data for 1.9 nm diameter gold
nanoparticles from Hainfeld et al (2004). Note that, in the Hainfeld study, the latter value
was not a concentration level inside the tumor but the blood content of gold, 2 min after
a mouse was injected with 2.7 g Au kg−1 body weight. Nevertheless, in this study, it was
taken as an upper-bound value for a possible gold concentration level within a vascularized
tumor at the time of irradiation. Note that, a very high tumor gold concentration more than
30 mg g−1 tumor would be unachievable at least under a passive targeting scenario regardless
of the particle size and shape, considering the reported tumor gold contents during various
animal studies (Herold et al 2000, Hainfeld et al 2004, Zaman et al 2007, Qian et al 2008). The
rest of the phantom was filled either with the ICRU four-component tissue or with the tissue
altered for the concentration of 2 mg Au g−1 tissue. The density of each gold-loaded tissue
was increased from that of the ICRU tissue (i.e. 1 g cm−3) to the value reflecting the added
weight of gold to the ICRU tissue (e.g. 1.007 g cm−3 for the tissue loaded with 7 mg Au g−1),
which was deemed reasonable for the current phantom cases. Figure 2 shows the difference
4894 S H Cho et al


ICRU tissue
ICRU tissue with 2 mg Au/gram
ICRU tissue with 7 mg Au/gram

Total Attenuation Coefficient (cm /g)

1.E+01 ICRU tissue with 18 mg Au/gram



1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02
Energy (MeV)

Figure 2. Total photon interaction cross-sections for various materials considered in this study.
The data are obtained using XCOM software (Berger et al 2005). The photon absorption edges
for gold-loaded tissues become pronounced in this figure as the amount of gold within the ICRU
tissue increases.

between these materials in terms of their photon interaction cross-sections as obtained from
XCOM software (Berger et al 2005). The photoelectric absorption edges for gold-loaded
tissues become pronounced in this figure as the amount of gold within the ICRU tissue
increases. Each gold-loaded tumor/tissue was assumed to have a uniform distribution of gold
nanoparticles. Also, no physical interface between gold nanoparticles and tissue was assumed.
Therefore, in the current model (i.e. uniform mixture model), a uniform distribution of gold
nanoparticles throughout the ICRU tissue was approximated by a uniform distribution of gold
atoms at a given weight fraction among other tissue elements. Although these assumptions
might not be realistic, they could still be practical and reasonable within the scope of the
current study (i.e. macroscopic estimation). More discussion on possible consequences from
these assumptions will be provided in the discussion section.
The tissue containing 2 mg Au g−1 was introduced to investigate the possible effect of gold
nanoparticles presented outside the tumor on the normal tissue dose during the gamma-/x-ray
irradiation. It was created by altering the composition and density of the ICRU four-component
tissue for the presence of 2 mg Au g−1 of tissue, which was the concentration level of gold
nanoparticles in muscle when the tumor was loaded with 7 mg Au g−1 tumor (i.e. tumor-
to-muscle gold concentration ratio of 3.5:1), according to the Hainfeld study. To provide
estimation based on a realistic biodistribution of gold nanoparticles, this tissue was used only
once during the current investigation, in conjunction with the tumor loaded at a concentration
level of 7 mg Au g−1 tumor.
The MC calculations for all the cases in this task were performed with the MCNP5
code (X-5 Monte Carlo Team 2003). The default cross-sections of the MCNP5 system
were used to generate particle interaction cross-sections for various concentration levels of
gold nanoparticles. Only the photon-transport mode was used for the MCNP5 calculations
assuming charged particle equilibrium at all detector sites, because the effect of electron
transport can be insignificant for the MC dose calculations to estimate macroscopic dose
enhancement around relatively low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources considered in this study.
Each photon history was traced down to 1 keV, a default cutoff energy set by the MCNP5 code.
The doses at radial distances along the transverse axis of the source (or phantom) between 1 and
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4895

10 cm were collected by concentric annuli (0.1 cm high and 0.1 cm wide in the cross-sectional
dimensions) using the energy deposition tally (i.e. F6). The statistical uncertainty (1σ ) was
less than 1% at all radial distances after simulating 4 × 107 particle histories. More details
about the MC simulation and MCNP5 code can be found elsewhere (Cho et al 1999, X-5
Monte Carlo Team 2003).

2.2. Calculations of secondary electron spectra within a gold-loaded tumor

In order to determine the secondary electron spectra within a gold nanoparticle-loaded tumor
during brachytherapy with 169Yb, 125I and 50 kVp, the EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc code (Kawrakow
and Rogers 2003, Walters et al 2006) was modified to output the energy of any electron
generated from Compton scattering, photoelectric absorption and atomic relaxation for a proper
binning depending on the electron energy and interaction type. The EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc
code was chosen for this task because the source codes were immediately available for
modification and the detailed modeling of source geometry was not absolutely necessary. Two
separate simulations for each source were performed to determine electron spectra within a
tumor with and without gold nanoparticles. Each electron spectrum was collected with 1000
energy bins either linearly or logarithmically spaced between the minimum and maximum
energies of the spectrum. Only one level of tumor gold concentration at 7 mg g−1 tumor was
considered for the calculations, as it is deemed the most probable and achievable based on
existing animal data. Similar to the estimation of the MDEF, the ICRU tissue was the material
for the phantom/tumor and the base material for the tumor loaded with gold nanoparticles
during the application of a uniform mixture model described earlier.
The dimensions of the phantom and tumor were 30 × 30 × 30 cm3 and 3 × 3 × 3 cm3,
respectively. The tumor was located centrally within the phantom and contained a source
region (i.e. 0.01 × 0.01 × 0.01 cm3) mimicking an isotropic point source at its center. The
source spectra for the 50 kVp and 169Yb sources were the same as those used for the estimation
of MDEF. For EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc calculations with a point isotropic 125I source, a realistic
energy spectrum measured outside a seed source was obtained from a previous study (Chen
and Nath 2001; listed as ‘seed’ in table 1) for a better estimation of the secondary electron
spectrum. The particle interaction cross-sections for the EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc code were
generated using the PEGS4 code (Nelson et al 1985), a utility code to generate material cross-
sections for MC calculations with the EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc code system. The photon and
electron cutoff energies were chosen as 0.001 and 0.512 MeV during the use of PEGS4 and
EGSnrc/DOSXYZnrc codes respectively. Each secondary electron spectrum was obtained
after a simulation running 109 source particles.

3. Results

3.1. The macroscopic dose enhancement factor

The MDEFs calculated from this study are shown in figures 3–5 as a function of radial distances
from the center of the source (or phantom). Note, in these figures, that the factors beyond
the tumor region are not truly the MDEFs but are the dose ratios between the cases with and
without gold nanoparticles showing the dose reduction behind the tumor loaded with gold
nanoparticles. In fact, the dose reduction as much as up to 80% was seen in these figures. As
shown in figures 3–5, the MDEFs increased with the gold concentration within the tumor. In
general, macroscopic dose enhancement over a tumor region was estimated to be remarkably
large, especially at close radial distances from the center of the source. When calculated at
4896 S H Cho et al


I-125 & 7 mg Au
I-125 & 18 mg Au

2.0 I-125 & 7 mg Au + 2 mg Au





tumor tissue
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Radial Distance (cm)

Figure 3. The calculated macroscopic dose enhancement factor (MDEF) for 125I cases as a
function of radial distance along the transverse axis of the source. The factors shown from r = 2 to
10 cm are not the MDEFs but show the decrease in the doses behind the tumor loaded with gold
nanoparticles. The radius of a spherical tumor centered at the origin is 1.5 cm. The statistical
uncertainty (1σ ) of each data point is comparable to the size of the symbols. The amount of gold
shown in the figure legend is per gram of tumor or tissue.


50 kVp & 7 mg Au
50 kVp & 18 mg Au

2.0 50 kVp & 7 mg Au + 2 mg Au





tumor tissue
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Radial Distance (cm)

Figure 4. The calculated macroscopic dose enhancement factor (MDEF) for 50 kVp cases as a
function of radial distance along the transverse axis of the phantom. The factors shown from r =
2 to 10 cm are not the MDEFs but show the decrease in the doses behind the tumor loaded with
gold nanoparticles. The radius of a spherical tumor centered at the origin is 1.5 cm. The statistical
uncertainty (1σ ) of each data point is comparable to the size of the symbol. The amount of gold
shown in the figure legend is per gram of tumor or tissue.

1.0 cm from the center of the source within a tumor loaded with 18 mg Au g−1, macroscopic
dose enhancement was 116, 92 and 108% for 125I, 50 kVp and 169Yb, respectively. For a
tumor loaded with 7 mg Au g−1, it was 68, 57 and 44% at 1 cm from the center of the source
for 125I, 50 kVp and 169Yb, respectively. The current results for the 7 mg Au case with 125I
and 50 kVp may be compared with the theoretical values (i.e. 68% and 60% for 125I and
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4897


Yb-169 & 7 mg Au
Yb-169 & 18 mg Au
2.5 Yb-169 & 7 mg Au + 2 mg Au
Ir-192 & 7 mg Au
Ir-192 & 18 mg Au
Ir-192 & 30 mg Au



tumor tissue
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Radial Distance (cm)

Figure 5. The calculated macroscopic dose enhancement factor (MDEF) for 169Yb cases as a
function of radial distance along the transverse axis of the source. The 192Ir results obtained from a
previous study (Cho 2005) are also shown in this figure. If less than unity, the factors shown from
r = 4 to 10 cm are not the MDEFs but show the decrease in the doses behind the tumor loaded with
gold nanoparticles. The radius of a spherical tumor centered at the origin is 3.5 cm. The statistical
uncertainty (1σ ) of each data point is comparable to the size of the symbol. The amount of gold
shown in the figure legend is per gram of tumor or tissue.

50 kVp, respectively) from a previous study (Roeske et al 2007) in which 5 mg Au ml−1 (or
0.5% by weight) was used as the tumor gold concentration. Interestingly, the current results
are in excellent agreement with Roeske et al’s results, which means that their theoretical values
for the 7 mg Au case would have been larger than the current results. This discrepancy could
be attributed to the difference in the initial energy spectra of photon sources considered in
both studies. More importantly, it could also be due to the fact that the theoretical values were
estimated simply by taking the ratios of the photon energy absorption coefficients between
water and materials mixed with gold at the initial photon spectra, while the current Monte
Carlo results were obtained by actually transporting photons through detailed source/tumor
geometry to properly take into account the changes in photon spectra throughout the
The MDEFs were also found to depend on gamma-/x-ray energy spectra and radial
distance. The fall-off of MDEFs through the tumor was more pronounced for 125I and
50 kVp than for 169Yb, due to increased attenuation of relatively lower energy gamma-/x-rays
through a high-Z gold-loaded tumor. The current results also showed that such a fall-off was
proportional to the gold concentration level within a tumor. For a tumor loaded with 18 mg
Au g−1, the MDEF decreased by 40 and 35% (i.e. 2.99 → 1.80 and 2.63 → 1.70) for 125I
and 50 kVp, respectively, as the radial distance increased from 0.5 to 1.25 cm from the source
center. For a tumor loaded with 7 mg Au g−1, it decreased by 19 and 18% (i.e. 1.94 → 1.57
and 1.81 → 1.49) for 125I and 50 kVp, respectively, over the same radial distances as the
18 mg Au case. On the other hand, the MDEF for 169Yb decreased only moderately, by
about 10 and 3% (i.e. 2.08 → 1.88 and 1.44 → 1.40) for the 18 mg Au and 7 mg Au cases,
respectively, as the radial distance increased from 1 to 3 cm.
Figures 3–5 also show the effect of gold nanoparticles present in the tissue surrounding
a tumor, based on the gold concentration scenario explained earlier (i.e. 7 mg Au g−1 tumor
4898 S H Cho et al

I-125 & 7 mg Au
I-125 & no Au

No. of Photoelectrons per Source Photon







0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040
Energy (MeV)

Figure 6. Photoelectron spectra within a 3 × 3 × 3 cm3 tumor irradiated by 125I gamma rays from
a source located at the center of the tumor. The spectra are shown for a tumor loaded with gold
nanoparticles at 7 mg g−1 and for a tumor without gold nanoparticles.

+ 0 mg Au g−1 tissue versus 7 mg Au g−1 tumor + 2 mg Au g−1 tissue). The current results
show an increase in the tissue dose up to 26% for 125I and 50 kVp and 14% for 169Yb, due
to the presence of gold outside the tumor, while the tumor dose remained almost the same.
However, the tissue dose was already reduced significantly due to increased photon attenuation
through a gold-loaded tumor. Consequently, the effect of gold nanoparticles present in the
tissue surrounding the tumor is deemed minimal, at least, for the tumor geometry considered
in this study.
Figure 5 shows a comparison between 169Yb and 192Ir, in terms of their effectiveness to
induce dose enhancement within a gold-loaded tumor. Note that the results for 192Ir were
from a previous MC study (Cho 2005). As seen in figure 5, the MDEF values for 169Yb
are remarkably larger than those for 192Ir, on average by up to about 70 and 30%, for the
18 mg Au and 7 mg Au cases, respectively. In fact, the MDEF values for 192Ir estimated
at a somewhat unrealistic level of tumor gold concentration (i.e. 30 mg Au g−1 tumor) were
smaller as much as by about 20% than those for 169Yb estimated at a much lower concentration
level of 7 mg Au g−1 tumor.

3.2. Photo/Auger electron spectra within a gold-loaded tumor

The results from this investigation are presented in figures 6–9. Note that the secondary
electron spectra due to Compton scattering were also calculated from this study but are not
shown here to focus on the role of secondary electrons due to photoelectric absorption/atomic
relaxation on the dose enhancement. Note also no distinction between the Auger and Coster-
Kronig electrons was made during the scoring of secondary electron spectra due to atomic
relaxation. Figures 6–8 show a remarkable change in the photoelectron fluence and energy
spectra within the tumor region due to the presence of gold nanoparticles during low-energy
gamma-/x-ray irradiation. As shown in figures 6–8, the photoelectron fluence within a tumor
with gold nanoparticles was significantly larger (e.g. more than two orders of magnitude) than
that within a tumor without gold nanoparticles. Note that the current results were obtained
based on the same assumptions as made for the estimation of MDEF (e.g. uniform mixture
model). Some distinct peaks associated with each photoelectric absorption edge of gold (i.e.
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4899

50 kVp & 7 mg Au

No. of Photoelectrons per Source Photon

1.E-01 50 kVp & no Au








0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Energy (MeV)

Figure 7. Photoelectron spectra within a 3 × 3 × 3 cm3 tumor irradiated by 50 kVp x-rays from
a source located at the center of the tumor. The spectra are shown for a tumor loaded with gold
nanoparticles at 7 mg g−1 and for a tumor without gold nanoparticles.

Yb-169 & 7 mg Au
No. of Photoelectrons per Source Photon

1.E-01 Yb-169 & no Au








0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350
Energy (MeV)

Figure 8. Photoelectron spectra within a 3 × 3 × 3 cm3 tumor irradiated by 169Yb gamma rays
from a source located at the center of the tumor. The spectra are shown for a tumor loaded with
gold nanoparticles at 7 mg g−1 and for a tumor without gold nanoparticles.

∼81 keV for K-edge, 12–14 keV for L-edge and 3 keV for M-edge) are also well shown in
these figures. In general, 125I and 50 kVp sources resulted in a similar pattern of increase
in the photoelectron fluence within a tumor loaded with gold nanoparticles. Specifically, the
difference in the photoelectron fluence between the two cases shown in each figure was more
pronounced below the electron energy of about 20 keV, due to the increased photon interactions
around gold L- and M-shell photoelectric absorption edges. On the other hand, a significant
difference in the photoelectron fluence for the 169Yb case was consistently shown across the
entire energy range of photoelectrons, because the photoelectric absorption of 169Yb gamma
rays also occurred with gold K-shell electrons.
4900 S H Cho et al


I-125 & 7 mg Au

No. of Auger Electrons per Source Photon

50 kVp & 7 mg Au
Yb-169 & 7 mg Au





0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
Energy (MeV)

Figure 9. Auger electron spectra within a 3 × 3 × 3 cm3 tumor irradiated by 125I, 50 kVp and
169Yb sources located at the center of the tumor. The spectra are shown only for a tumor loaded

with gold nanoparticles at 7 mg g−1, because Auger electrons above 1 keV are not seen for a
tumor without gold nanoparticles. No distinction between the Auger and Coster-Kronig electrons
is made for these spectra.

Table 2. Total fluence and fluence-weighted total energy of photo/Auger electrons per photon
from each source located at the center of a 3 × 3 × 3 cm3 tumor loaded with gold nanoparticles
at 7 mg Au g−1 (PE: photoelectron, AE: Auger electron). The origin of electrons, either gold or
tissue elements within a gold-loaded tissue, is noted in each column where applicable.

Total PE Total PE Total PE Total PE Total PE Total AE Total AE

Fluence Energy (keV) Fluence Energy (keV) Energy Fluence Energy
Source gold gold tissue tissue (keV) gold (keV)
125I 0.337 5.28 0.332 7.24 12.5 0.622 2.25
50 kVp 0.307 4.84 0.311 6.62 11.5 0.569 2.07
169Yb 0.068 2.85 0.048 1.76 4.61 0.126 0.47

Figure 9 shows calculated fluence and energy spectra of the Auger electrons within the
tumor region due to the presence of gold nanoparticles during low-energy gamma-/x-ray
irradiation. As expected, no Auger electron above 1 keV (i.e. electron cutoff energy during
the MC calculations) was noted for the ICRU tissue in the MC results. Consequently, the data
shown in figure 9 are only for gold nanoparticles (i.e. gold atoms to be precise) uniformly
distributed within the ICRU tissue at a weight fraction of 7 mg g−1 tissue. The current results
clearly demonstrate the expected outcome from each irradiation scenario in a quantitative
fashion. For example, Auger electrons due to the gold K-shell relaxation process appear only
for the 169Yb case around 50–80 keV energy range, while no such electrons are shown for other
cases. Also, the fluence of Auger electrons due to gold L- and M-shell relaxation processes
becomes prominent around 1–15 keV energy range for all the sources considered. A more
quantitative summary of the results shown in figures 6–9 is presented in table 2. It can be
seen from this table that, for a tumor gold concentration of 7 mg Au g−1, the photoelectrons
contribute to the local energy deposition significantly more (e.g. >a factor of 3) than the Auger
electrons, even though the fluence of the photoelectrons is comparable to that of the Auger
electrons. However, the role of Auger electrons, particularly those with large abundance due
to gold L- and M-shell relaxation processes, would become significant when one considers
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4901

microscopic dose enhancement for the current cases on a cellular level to find some correlation
with radiobiological effects. The significance of the current results (i.e. photo/Auger electron
spectra) for this aspect will be discussed in the following section.

4. Discussion

As of now, all of the low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources considered in this study are
commercially available. Moreover, the tumor gold concentration around 1% by weight
appears to be achievable at least in mice without significant toxicity by using 1.9 nm
diameter gold nanoparticles under a passive targeting scenario (Hainfeld et al 2004, 2008).
Consequently, the current dosimetric results strongly indicate that it would immediately be
feasible to implement GNRT via brachytherapy using 125I, 50 kVp, 169Yb, etc, provided that
the biodistribution and toxicity data obtained from an animal study could be applicable in
humans. In practice, gold nanoparticles are likely to be introduced into clinical trials as an
investigational device rather than as investigational new drugs, further expediting their clinical
translation. From a brachytherapy perspective, as was pointed out previously (Roeske et al
2007), the low-dose rate sources such as 125I (or 103Pd) would require a sustained release of
gold nanoparticles or multiple injections of gold nanoparticles to induce the level of dose
enhancement as predicted in this study. Otherwise, the level of dose enhancement would drop
from the predicted maximum value to virtually zero as gold nanoparticles are cleared from
the tumor and tumor vasculature over a typical biological half-life on the order of a few days
(James et al 2007, Zhang et al 2009). Consequently, HDR brachytherapy treatments using
50 kVp x-ray and 169Yb sources look more appealing than permanent implants using 125I
source. Between these two HDR brachytherapy options, one might find an HDR 169Yb source
more useful because of its capability of inducing more uniform dose enhancement throughout
the tumor as shown in this study. Additionally, GNRT may be combined with hyperthermia (i.e.
thermoradiotherapy) that also can be achieved using optically tunable gold nanoparticles such
as the gold nanoshells or gold nanorods that can convert illuminated near-infrared light to heat.
This combination can significantly improve the therapeutic ratios for radioresistant hypoxic
tumors compared to GNRT or gold nanoshell-mediated hyperthermia alone (Diagaradjane
et al 2008b).
As can be inferred from previous studies reporting the ex vivo analyses of gold nanoparticle
distribution within a tumor (Hainfeld et al 2004, Diagaradjane et al 2008b), gold nanoparticles
do not appear to be distributed uniformly within a tumor. Moreover, they typically aggregate
and form clusters within the tumor. Furthermore, significantly more gold nanoparticles
are found in close proximity to the tumor vasculature. As a result, there would be some
heterogeneity across the tumor in terms of the amount of physical dose enhancement.
Apparently, the current approach may not be suitable for predicting such heterogeneity because
it assumes a uniform distribution of gold nanoparticles within the tumor. Nevertheless, one
may argue that it is still a practical and effective approach to gauge the likelihood for the
dose enhancement to occur with a given combination of gold concentration and radiation
type under a passive targeting scenario. For example, one can easily see the difficulty of
modeling spatio–temporal distribution of gold nanoparticles within the tumor during in vivo
experiments, while no current imaging modality is capable of providing such information.
In fact, the tumor gold concentration level is probably the only meaningful reproducible
information available from in vivo studies for computational purpose. Therefore, at least as
the first approximation, it would be reasonable to correlate biological dose enhancement with
macroscopically-estimated physical dose enhancement through the two globally definable
variables across the tumor such as average tumor gold concentration and radiation quality.
4902 S H Cho et al

From the physical point of view, the net increase in energy deposition (i.e. physical dose
enhancement) throughout the entire gold-loaded tumor region should, in principle, exactly
match with the result obtained by applying the current approach. In vivo quantification of gold
nanoparticles during future animal studies would be accomplished by applying the methods
proposed by the current investigators and colleagues based on the diffuse optical spectroscopy
(Zaman et al 2007) and gold K-fluorescence x-ray measurements (Siddiqi et al 2008).
Considering the data from previous studies (Hainfeld et al 2004, Chithrani et al 2006,
James et al 2007, Zaman et al 2007, Qian et al 2008), the intra-tumoral and intracellular
uptake of gold nanoparticles seems to be dependent on the particle size and shape. The current
computational approach does not explicitly take such dependence into account but handles it
indirectly via the use of the tumor gold concentration data derived from the biodistribution of
a gold nanoparticle in question (e.g. 1.9 nm diameter spherical gold nanoparticle). Besides,
it could be less capable of dealing with certain situations. For example, the current approach
might provide a less accurate prediction for the likelihood of biological dose enhancement
if gold nanoparticles themselves acted as a cytotoxic agent. Another example would be the
cases involving an active targeting of gold nanoparticles as discussed below.
In theory, by active targeting of nanoparticles including gold nanoparticles to tumors
and/or tumor vasculature using peptides, antibodies and oligonucleotides (Sokolov et al 2003,
Cai et al 2006, Diagaradjane et al 2008a, McCarthy and Weissleder 2008, Qian et al 2008),
the tumor loads of gold nanoparticles can be made higher due to tumor specificity, and the
greater proximity of gold nanoparticles to nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) increases
the probability of creating DNA strand breaks, the primary mechanism of radiation-induced
cytotoxicity, due to photoelectrons originating from gold nanoparticles. Therefore, active
targeting would significantly increase the efficiency of the dual mechanisms of action (i.e.
direct cell-killing and tumor blood vessel disruption) by gold nanoparticles and x-rays. Once
active targeting becomes feasible, physical dose enhancement will need to be estimated on a
nano-/micro- or cellular scale. One of the necessary information for this type of investigation
is the secondary electron spectra as obtained from the current study because the spatial
variation of physical dose enhancement on a cellular scale is closely related with the energy of
secondary electrons, especially the photo/Auger electrons originating from gold nanoparticles.
For example, in spite of an almost two-fold increase in photoelectron fluence as shown in this
study, an actual increase in cell killing (i.e. biological dose enhancement) would be only due
to those photoelectrons with sufficient energy to reach tumor and endothelial cells from the
site of each gold nanoparticle or those originating from gold nanoparticles at close proximity
to these cells.
Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the realization of GNRT will ultimately be dependent
on whether or not gold nanoparticles can safely be administered to humans without causing any
major short- and long-term harmful effects. As shown in a recent animal study about carbon
nanotubes (Poland et al 2008), some nano-size materials may cause unexpected harmful effects
in humans. Gold is known to be chemically inert, and gold nanoparticles have been found safe
in previous animal studies (Hainfeld et al 2004, James et al 2007). Nevertheless, the safety of
gold nanoparticles will have to be addressed successfully during future clinical trials of GNRT,
especially because of their extraordinary capability to penetrate cell membranes/nuclei and
the central nervous system.

5. Conclusions

The current MC study suggests that a drastic tumor dose enhancement (e.g. >40%) could be
achievable using low-energy gamma-/x-ray source such as 125I, 169Yb and 50 kVp source and
The dosimetric feasibility of GNRT 4903

gold nanoparticles. When calculated at 1.0 cm from the center of the source within a tumor
loaded with 18 mg Au g−1, macroscopic dose enhancement was 116, 92, and 108% for 125I,
50 kVp and 169Yb, respectively. For a tumor loaded with 7 mg Au g−1, it was 68, 57 and 44%
at 1 cm from the center of the source for 125I, 50 kVp and 169Yb, respectively. The estimated
MDEF values for 169Yb were remarkably larger than those for 192Ir, on average by up to about 70
and 30%, for the 18 mg Au and 7 mg Au cases, respectively. The current MC study also shows
a remarkable change in the photoelectron fluence and spectrum (e.g. more than two orders of
magnitude) and a significant production (e.g. comparable to the number of photoelectrons) of
the Auger electrons within a tumor loaded with gold nanoparticles during low-energy gamma-
/x-ray irradiation. The radiation sources considered in this study are currently available and
gold concentration levels considered in this investigation are deemed achievable by either an
intravenous injection or an intra-tumoral injection of gold nanoparticles. Therefore, the current
study strongly suggests that GNRT can successfully be implemented via brachytherapy with
low-energy gamma-/x-ray sources, especially with an HDR 169Yb source, provided that gold
nanoparticles themselves have no major short- and long-term harmful effects on humans.


This investigation was supported in part by Georgia Institute of Technology faculty startup
funds. The authors would like to acknowledge John Roeske, PhD, at Loyola University
Medical Center, USA, for kindly providing a copy of his publication cited in this paper.


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