When our children reach a certain age, we come to realise that they are no longer the 3 FRIENDS sweet, innocent little children they once were Friends are an essential part of our lives. – they are changing fast and adolescence has They also have a great influence on our arrived – and as parents we have to quickly children’s lives. Do you know who your adapt to the changes they are going through. child’s friends are? A good way to have a Although at times it may be difficult, don’t role in this part of their lives is … despair. Here are five essential parenting tips for living with teenagers and a step-by-step guide how to carry them out.
INTERNET Computer games and the internet are great 4 GIRLFRIENDS / BOYFRIENDS and our teenage kids love them, but there Suddenly our children become less are also obvious dangers. To convince interested in their toys and more interested our teenage children to understand the in other girls and boys. How far should dangers, a good parent should … we get involved in this new stage of their lives? It would be a good idea …
2 STUDIES (from school to university,
or to the world of work) Moving on from school to university, or to 5 GOING OUT the world of work, is an important step at We can’t stop them – our kids just want to this stage of our teenage children’s lives. go out and spend time with their friends, However, they are often too young and and have fun far away from the parental inexperienced to take on this responsibility home and our influence. Don’t let this get for themselves. A good parent has to … you down. A good parent should …
7 Vital Parenting Skills for Understanding Teenagers and Communicating with Teens: Proven Parenting Tips for Developing Healthy Relationships for Teens and Reducing Teen Anxiety: Secrets To Being A Good Parent And Good Parenting Skills That Every Parent Needs To Learn, #1
7 Vital Skills for Parenting Teen Girls and Communicating with Your Teenage Daughter: Proven Parenting Tips for Raising Teenage Girls with Self-Confidence and Coping Skills: Secrets To Being A Good Parent And Good Parenting Skills That Every Parent Needs To Learn, #2
The Safe and Responsible Teenager 2-in-1 Combo Pack: Better Communication, Internet and Cell Phone Safety for Teens, Plus Budgeting and Finance for Children