Marketing: Integrated

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Integrated Internet Marketing Communication

|| 5.3
Dersonal Selling: TPersonal selling is an ancient art. Effective sales
are trained in a method ot analysis and customer persons have more than instinct;
lves mastering and applying a whole set ot principles. management. Selling today is a profession that
(P. Kotler). Personal
promotional-mix and it reters to the method of person-to-person
part ofpromotional- selling is an essential
arospects or consuers in the sales process of an organization. communication for persuading

Importance ot Marketing Communication

A well planned marketing communication strategy provides endless benefit to
them are:
organization. Some of
1) Marketing communications helps in developing a
leveraging on the various marketing opportunities and strategic vision for the organization by
tools and developing the
can make the
organization to come up with creative ideas for plans that
customers. promoting the offerings to the
2) It helps in creating brand awareness of the
more relevant information related organization in thepublic as it focuses on
to features.
3) It helps in securing edge over
brand among the
competitors and thereby results in increasing popularity of your
4) It also helps in attracting the investor's community towards
achieving your financial goals. your organization and helps in
7) Ithelps in generating revenues for your organization as the
on the marketing communication focuses
objective of persuading customer's to buy your product or services and
in sales maximization. thereby resulting
8) Interactive marketing and
personal selling which are popular tools of
communication helps in improving communication with very
the customers and
term relationship with them. building long-

5.2 Integrated Marketing Communication

Ihe American Association of Advertising Agencies defines IMC as "a
comprehensive plan that evaluates
ne strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to
arity, consistency and maximum communication provide
ACCording to Marketing Association, Integrated marketing is an approach to
umless experience for consumers to interact with the brand/enterprise; it creating a unified and
attempts to meld all aspects
communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct
M edia, through their respective mix of tactics, methods, channels, media, and activities, marketing, and
so that all
Ogether as a unified force. It is a process designed to ensure that all messaging
strategies are consistent across and communications
all channels and are centered on the customer"
Insnple terms it can be defined as a method of integrating all the tools of brand promotion such as
all personal or
promote products sellin
services among
direct the target
marketing, customers.
interactive In integrated
marketing. publicmarketing communication,
relations and publicity etc
ements of marketing
ing communication work collectively for increasing the sales and revenues.
5.4 || Digital

Types of Integrated Marketing communication namely external intec
four main types ot integrated marketing
There are
and vertical integration. Let us understand all these f ,
orms of
internal integration, horizontál integration
integration one by
that takes place when
refers to the form of marketing integration
1) External Integration: It an

organization deals with outside sources like or

marketing agencies public relation firms
or for
the most effective strategies for the firm for marketing communication tion.
designing and developing
Internal Integration: It refers to the action adopted by top level management that ensures
2) certain level of happiness and excitement among employees about a new product which is
under the stage of development. Here the top level management ensures that the employees

related to the product to the prospective customer

pass their excitement and happiness new

even before the product has actually been introduced in the market.
3) Horizontal Integration: It brings together the different departments that are working on the
same product but in different ways for instance a department may be developing a new product
whereas the other department may be looking for its distribution task. Horizontal integration
ensures a better flow of information and commnunication between difterent departments leading
to building of an appropriate and best marketing strategy.
4) Vertical Integration: It ensures that the product that has been developed is in accordance ith
the company's policy and fits in the structure of the company. In other words such forms of
integration ensures that the product must be the part of a company's mission and goals.

Process of Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated marketing communication process involves six important steps which needs to be followed
one by one to plan and design an effective and efficient integrated marketing communication strategy.
Let us understand the steps one by one.
1) Understand your target audience: The first and the foremost step in IMC is to know your
target audience and to understand your target audience persona for example:
(a) Who are your target audience?
(b) What medium of communication does your target audience typically use?
C)What is the best and the most efficient way to reach out to your target audience?
(d) What is the demographic characteristics of your target audience?
(e) What is the behavioral pattern of your target audience?, etc.
the persona different strategies and communication channels are
According to target audience
to be selected to achieve the objective of integrated marketing communication.
2) Conduct a SWOT analysis: By conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
and Threats) analysis a
company may get an idea about the various internal and exter
factors that can affect its brand reputation and by analyzing each of these external and internal
environmental factors a company gets more relevant information which
may be utilz
designing and developing its marketing strategy. SWOT analysis also provides us an opportunity
recognize and identify our weaknesses and these
strengths strengths weaknesse
our and
would further assist in designing a marketing strategy.
Integrated Internet Marketing
Communication || 5.5
Allacate budget: To ensure that the
budget, a budget needs to be allocated for IMC.communication plan aligns with the company's

Understand Your
Target Audience
Evaluation and 2.
Measurement Conduct a SWOT

Identify Marketing OF
Communication IMC 3.
Method Allocate Budget

5. Define Unique Define Marketing

Selling Goals

Figure 5.2
4) Define marketing goals: It is necessary and
important to clearly define the objectives for our
marketing campaign for instance:
(a) Do we want to create awareness about our brand in the market?
(6) Do we need to improve the sales of a product?
5) Define unique selling
proposition: One must know what differentiates your product from
your competitors product i.e. how your product stand out from the other products available in
the market in terms of
quality, pricing, features and etc. By targeting unique set of qualities one
can achieve the
objective of increasing conversion rates.
)ldentify marketing communication methods: It retfers to the variety of platforms, channels
and digital media that are available to distribute information
regarding your products or
Services to the targeted audience. One must carefully select such platforms or channels for
narketing to ensure that the communication reaches to maximum and correct target audience.
waluation and measurement: Evaluation and measurement is one ofthe most important step
ntegrated marketing communication that provides a platform for evaluating a performance
r e s p e c t to integrated marketing communication strategies. Evaluation and measurement is
e d with the objective of integrated marketing communication tor example if our objective
s to increase sales then we need to evaluate at the end of IMC that whether our efforts has

resulted in change in sales numbers

a or not. The evaluation and measurement provides an idea
improve and redefine our marketing strategies
5.6| Digital Marketing
Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communication
Integrated marketing communication offers various long term benefits that helps in boostine
revenues and your position as a leader in your respective field the following are some of
that are being offered by IMC.
1) IMC helps in identifying the audience behaviour by gaining insights
multiple levels t:
demographic characteristics, behavioral pattern of audience etc and thereby the companie like
able to target the right audiences. are

2) Itprovides a better understanding in knowing and monitoring the competitors and th

companies can improve the contents of their campaign by directing their marketing effortshe
according to the nature of competition.
3) IMC promotes unified marketing solutions that helps in making the efforts visible on
of platforms that further helps in variety
boosting sales and revenues, increases brand loyalty, saves
money and increases competitive edge.
4) It helps in
promoting the brand image by creating a distinctive image helping the companies to
from their competitors.

5) Through integrating messages and ensuring consistencies, the

companies can succeed in
building trust with their intended audience.
6) IMC helps in
making messages more powerful as by communicating consistently through
variety of channels, the company is actually reinforcing their messages which makes the
message more powerful and effective.
7) By integrating the campaign, the companies are able to eliminate
duplication that helps in
saving money and valuable time ofa company. For example, same images and contents,
designs, photographs can be used multiple times on multiple platforms
which in helps saving
time and cost.
8) An integrated campaign does not only help in building trust among the customers but also helps
increasing morale of team as
integrated marketing communication requires considerable
communication and teamwork.

Challenges of IMC
1) Lack of knowledge and understanding on the level of institutional management, the small
enterprises and their managers often finds difficulty in understanding the role of IMC in the
administration and development of their business.
2) In the conditions of limited purchasing power and economic
recession, corporate
decreasing which leads to limited marketing activities and on the other hand toincomc
in the public space and to
improve the competitiveness, enterprises must work creatively anu
efficiently to achieve the desired effect.
3) It is
costly to launch marketing campaigns across all channels
Managing content across marketing channels geographies and consumer segment cau be

5) Lack of skills, creativity and experience make
integrated marketing campaign difficult for sm
Integrated Internet Marketing
Communication | 5.7

53 Interactive Marketing
refers to
Interactive marketing refers on to one
to one
marketing process which reacts and
changes according to the
ns of individual customers and
prospects. It reters to event-driven or
tch effective than the traditional
much more effectiv
more trigger based marketing which
is marketing. It is a
acting to customer's actions and attempting to meet their customer-centric strategy that that involves
must have access to advanced technology that expectations and demands. Marketers
achieving the essence of interactive marketing,
provides and delivers 360 degree views of customers for

Types of Interactive Marketing

The goal of interactive marketing is to make content
done in variety of ways and some of them are engaging and relevant for customers which can be
discussed below:
1) Interactive quizzes: 15% of consumers
prefer to check out stories Instagram with polling or
quizzing features (HubSpot poll). People like learning things that on
seem customized to them.
Interactive quizzes are the most common,
Quizzes are a valuable asset for a brand asengaging
and viral
forms of interactive marketing.
these give a deep insight into the audience.
information and data collected by such The
way may help you better understand
audience, which further helps you in your target
better offerings.
2) Interactive Polls: Polls are
usuallyintended for the top stages of the sales funnel.
quizzes are a fantastic way to connect with your Though
target audience however they can sometimes
ask for too much information,
abrand hasn't developed enough of
too quickly which the
prospects may not be ready to share. If
comfortable in sharing details about themselves.
with its prospects, the prospects may not feel
Polls are a much easier option to interact with
in such a situation. The users need to
simply click on
this is how polls make it much easier for
a button to make their
opinion heard and
your companies to answer
important questions. For
instance,one could learn whether the audience likes the new website or
prefer the old design.
Internet Quizzes

Interactive 2.
Storytelling Types of Polls

4 Interactive
Interactive Surveys
Figure 5.3
5.8 Digital Marketing

3) Interactive Surveys: Surveys

are aboutanalyzing a persons knowledge domain or persperi.
at a certain given time. Surveys
can be a fantastic tool for gaining feedback that pushee
business in the desired direction. For example Customer satistaction survey. IDigital technologv
has simplified the process of creating and conducting surveys.
4) Interactive Visuals: An infographic that a customers can click on in certain places to start ar
animation or zoom in on a piece of text is a type of interactive visual. Similarly, informative
lists that a visitor can explore step-by-step, complete with images, and visual guidance are
another such example. Interactive calculators and tools are another such example of interactive
marketing that can also lead to higher levels of engagement and return on investment.
5) Interactive Storytelling: Brands can also use stories to connect with the users. Fascinating,
impactful content that shows a brand's human side inspires and provides value rather than
trying to push a sale. Interactive storytelling follows a similar process like that of traditional
storytelling, with the difference that it also includes elements such as animations, multimedia,
etc to make it more engaging and interactive. These interactive elements permit the audiences
to actively take part in the narrative and control the parts they are engaged with.

Interactive Marketing Process and Internet

It is the process of intranets and others networks that may be used to enable an interaction between a
company's marketing, development, and customer support personnel, and its prospective customers. Let
us understand how the interactive marketing process can be carried out? There are five simple steps to be
followed to achieve the objective of interactive marketing using internet and the steps are:
1. Segment and identify potential customers: Any interactive marketing plan must be based on
a careful analysis of customer data. Knowing who your customers are? what do they preter?
and how to locate them online? is crucial for placing ads effectively. This steps includes initial
market research done by reaching relevant groups and can be used further to plan all future
marketing efforts.
2. Create multimedia marketing content: The next would be to develop advertising and
educational material using multimedia tools to disseminate product information and usability
on the basis of audience persona.
3. Follow aggressive online approach: Aggressive online marketing refers to process of strongly
promotinga brand ora product on internet. Such type of marketing uses the latest technology
and allows potential customers to gain a feel for a company and its product online. A carefuly
planned and developed marketing strategies are an ideal way to effectively bring in more
4. Allow interaction with the customer: Interaction and dialogue with the customer is the

essence of interactive marketing. Quizzes, surveys, polls etc can serve the purpose.
5. Analyse the inputs from a customer and provide solutions: Analyzing and incorporating
feedback received from the customer in future marketing tactics and product can provide
company a great business.
Integrated Internet
Marketing Communication || 5.9
Benefis and Chllenges of Interactive Marketing
Benefits of Interactive Marketing

1) Brands are able to succeed in increasing the

hecause the customers have chances of meeting
already customer needs and
ability to respond to their actions.
shown an interest in
the product
marketers have the
Interactive marketing lowers the risk and boosts
interests and desires. sales because it is rooted in
customer behaviors,
31 The personalization associated with interactive marketing results in
increasing conversions and higher revenue. generating more leads,
4) By showing customers that your brand understand
and care about their needs and interests,
brand succeeds in building trust. a

It is one of the best way to enhance customer's engagement and

providing them enriching experience.
Challenges of Interactive Marketing
1) It is veryimportant in interactive marketing to have access to all customer data which is not an
easy task. Without individualized customer intelligence, the marketers cannot
view of the customers. gain a complete
2) Predicting human behavior is a challenging tasks as behavior varies on the basis of social
factors, ones personal history, economic status, situational factors, etc.
3) As interactive marketing is a new form of marketing and there is limited information on how
and where to use it effectively. Marketers are also uncomfortable with the technicality functions
and how to incorporate interactive content in content strategy and prospect management
4) Identifying the most effective communication channel(s): websites, mobile, messages (SMS),
emails, social media, etc. to interact with your customers is again not an easy task. The marketers
must have to understand the medium preferred by their customers to communicate the most.
5) Creating interactive content requires skills and budget which may not be suficiently
with a company.

5.4 Integrated Internet Marketing Communications

for the organizations to ensure their presence
n e t h a s nowbecome the necessity. It is very important
exist if it does not exist on online platform.
It is believed that the company does not
nternet. online presence for all brands.
talization has also increased the demand for
can easily
enhance its sales and
internet, the companies
over clients and the
r n g company's presence and communicate with its potential
efforts. The brands can further reach
public. valuable addition to
the toolbox of
internet as a
Mar of
also believe in the importance traditional marketing
become popular over
8 media. Internet marketing has
5.10 || Digital Marketing

The internet has emerged as a new and a wider market place where the people and co
connect to each other in a much convenient and quick way. With the growth in the number off intern
users, the popularity ofinternet is continuously increasing. There are various ways in which intern
that new technological capabilities a
be used and combined with various elements of marketing mix so
enhance the growth of established organizations. Email marketing, online public relations, inters
advertising, online partnership, viral marketing, social media marketing, blogs, mobile marketine e
the examples of marketing efforts being performed over internet.
Internet is a very popular and an essential tool of marketing before an organization that ensures
communication at any time and in any location. The 24*7 availability is one of the major benefit which
is being offered by the internet for a customer and which is being en-cashed by the marketers. The
interactive nature of the internet that allows the customers to search and quickly locate any information
anytime makes its more popular and highly appealing. The global accessibility also adds to its popularity
Information can be updated and expanded at a very low cost enabling availability ofreal-time information.
Therefore, it is quite important and advisable for the marketers that they must combine the various
marketing efforts and serve their customers on internet. The internet is the only medium that allows
people to communicate in an easier and quick way and also allows the sender to communicate with a
large number of people at the same time.
An integrated approach in terms of marketing communications particularly emphasis on the
elements such as understanding consumer needs and behaviour, use database, customers integrated
media and communication with stakeholders. The practitioner's must understand thoroughly the role of
intormation and communication technologies become
of their
strengths and weaknesses and
marketing objectives that can be reached by means of the new online tools. Thus, it can be concluded
that the internet becomes more effective if it is integrated with other marketing communications of the
company. The various ways where marketing efforts are integrated on online mode are:
Blogs: Blogs also known as weblogs are the informational journals or online websites which present
information ina reverse chronological manner. It is a system that allows an individual writer or a group
of writers to publish their content on specific topics. The purpose of blogs is to connect wTiters to
interested audiences and to boost the formers trafic. Businesses use blogs to reach potential customers
and increase brand awareness
Search Engine Marketing: SEM is a practice of marketing where business pays for advertisements
which then appear on search engine results pages (or SERPs).
that users usually enter on
Generally the advertisers bid on keywords
any search engine like google, yahoo etc while searching for certain producis
services and such searches provides an opportunity to the advertiser for
results for the search queries of the users. These ads are
their ads alongside
to grow
generally known as pay-per-click ads. In ordc
your business and to increase awareness about your business one has to
adopt various means
ensure traffic to a website as
by merely developing a website does not guarantee that you will be appeai
in a large number of searches and therefore SEM is recommended as it will also hep in optimizing your
site to rank well, and keep up with search trends.
Online PR:
Online public relations and reputation management is all about increasing positive

word of mouth and decreasing or managing negative word of mouth'. In other words, it refers to the
variety of activities organized and conducted by the companies to promote and protect the image
Integrated Internet
Marketing Communication || 5.11
themselves, the araducts and policies in the
aion of eyes of the
public opinion of tthe
organization. the
In public. Themost
Manage ation who have access to internet present context wherein important objective is to
segment of population
segment rtant for the and have we have extremely large
extremely companies to look out at presence on digital domain,
line each and it becomes
about the company as the every single piece information which
is aval
i savailablee

the impact of each

outreach and speed with
ery high information could be which the information is spread is
tentive 24*7 specifically when it beyond imagination. The
comes to
public reputation/relations. companies needs to be
Online Partnership: Online
partnerships is a way where the
n other words, it reters to the
combination of various methodscompanies improve their online
ramoting their online services on third-party websites adopted by the companies
nartnerships include sponsorship and co-branding, link
through email etc. Different forms of
marketers. building, aftiliate marketing, aggregators,
lnteractive Advertising: Interactive advertisement is one
of the new form of engaging the audience
wherein one can transform the marketing eftforts from flat,
dynamic and enriching experiences. one-dimensional ad campaigns into
It is believed that if a consumer is
than a consumer would have
provided with an opportunity to participate with the
engaging, innovative, and illuminating experience. advertisement
Email Marketing: "Email
are shared with
marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy where emails
prospects and customers. Effective
marketing emails have the potential of converting
prospects into loyal customers.
According to a survey, email marketing is still ranked as the
topmost effective marketing channel,
beating out other popular domains of digital marketing such as social
media and afiliate
Viral Marketing: If
you want
your contents i.e. videos, blogs, pictures, to viral and you want
people to talk about you, then you must go for viral go
intormation for a product or service from one marketing. "Viral marketing seeks to outspread
nternet person another person by word of mouth or sharing via
email. The objective behind viral
marketing is to
message to their friends, family and other individuals and encourage
individuals to share a marketing
nperson receiving the message is
help brands to create exponential growth since
expected spread to multiple others.
to it
Companies have limited resources in terms of capital. It needs to develop communication
S1dering the cost benefit analysis. Every communication techniques has its own merits and plans
panies needs to identify, evaluate and choose the communication plans that support its overall demerits
marketing objectives.
Uective for Interacive
The inter Marketing Communications
The E arketing communication must support the overall marketing objectives ofthecompany.
objectives of i marketing communications must include:
n e techniques such as online partnership, online PR, Viral Marketing, Email marketing
etc and Print should be used to
n e promotion techniques such as TV, Radio, Posters,
t o r s to the website. This technique must be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant,
and time-bound.
5.12 || Digital Marketing
deliver hat huila. a
the message that builds
should be
able to
the compan'
be relevant to
on-site should
2) The These messages
perception of
the company.

services. pre-determined online nd oftline


should be able
to generate

3) All marketing

Measurement of Interactive Marketing Communication

and track the performance
of their marketing campaigns. There .
Marketing teams must
the performance of marketing efforts like:
various ways to measure

visitors who visit your website and are captured as

Lead Conversion Rate: It is the percentage of
1) conversion metrics. It is an indicator
leads. This is one of the most important top-of-the-funnel
and reflects the effhciency at which a website turns
of your ability to attract the right audience
target audience into leads.
Lead Conversion Rate = Number of leads/number of visitors
For instance: A website generates an average of 1,00,000 visitors each month. Out of these, you
leads/ 1,00,000 visitors =5%
capture a total of 5,000 leads. Lead Conversion Rate 5,000

2) Bounce Rates: The bounce rate method can be used to help in determining the effectiveness or
performance of an entry page at generating the interest of visitors. For instance if an entry page
has a low bounce rate, it means that the page has effectively causes visitors to view more pages.
The high bounce rates indicate that the website is not doing a good job of attracting the interest
of visitors. A website's bounce rate can be calculated by dividing the number of single-page
essions with the number of total sessions on the site. For example, if 200 users land on your
website and 10 of them exit without triggering another request (single-page
(total sessions)
sessions), your website's bounce rate will be 5%.
3) Cost per Lead: It measures how cost-effective is your marketing campaign when it comes to
creating new leads for your sales team. A lead refers to individual who has shown interest in
your product or service by completing a desired action or a goal. The
objective is to provide
your marketing team with an idea about how much money would be appropriate to spend on
acquiring new leads.
Cost per Lead Cost of =

Leads/ Total Leads Acquired
For instance
your company spent 2,000 on your pay-per-click (PPC) campaign and 20 usei
converted leads, then the cost
per lead will be:
Cost per lead 2,000/20

= R100

4) ClickThrough Rate: Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of clicks on a ecific
link or call to action spe
(CTA) to the number of times people were
Click Through Rate (click-throughs/
exposed to the link
example, if 200
impressions) x 100
that ad has a CTR of 5%.
people see an online ad and 10
people click to learn more about the pro duct,
Integrated Internet Marketing
Communication | l 5.13
5) a Performance: A landing page is an
One must assess the performance or the extremely powerful tool for any business.
landing in order to
he improved. Google analytics provides a lot page identify the areas that needs
of information to know the
behaviour of traffic
1:e landing page
visits, source oftraffic, bounce rate, session
more. For instance
duration, conversion rate and
many landing page visit intorms us number of users
e or on which particular day the number of users visiting your landing
are more or is there
number of visitors on your landing page when you provide certain offer orany increase in he
Same way source of trafhc also plays a
discounts. In the
very important role. The visitors to your
comes from various sources including; direct landing page
traffic, referral traffic, email traffic, search traffic,
etc. Understanding this data will
help you utilize that what works the best.
6) Email Engagement: Measuring audience
engagement involves
insights and analytics not only to see how well an email performscarefully monitoring your email
but you'll also want to
how often your subscribers complete certain actions. analyze
7) Key performance indicators (KPIs) include:
Open rate
Click-through rate
Click-to-open rate
These KPIs will help in knowing who all are interacting with each of your emails by opening
them and clicking on various links, images, videos, and CTAs.
8) Social Media Insights: This gives an
insight into number of engagement, fans/follower counts,
CIRs etc. Some of these numbers will
depend upon your brand or product, but you may also
nnd that when
integration goes well, these statistics rise, regardless of the environment.


Digital Marketing Presence:

Key Aspects
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

and its relevance.
understand the meaning and types oftraffic
understand the meaning and types ofkeywords.

understand the POEM strategy and its present times.

relevance in the
of e-mail and
understanding of the concept of e-mail marketing, types
develop an
importance of e-mail marketing.
understand the concept of Opt-in-mail marketing.

and Types of Traffic
website. It is important
for a company
to know
traffic reters to the number of visitors visiting a the
the different trafh website. This would help
to the company's
in understandi
understandi C$Ources that brings visitors
important traffic sources. Every company wants
and also the unique
to n e nature of the visitors know the total number of
increase its websi and therefore it is equally
important to
were on our

visitors on a website
o from each
and for how long they
source the website.
This informatic
matio uring given period
a traffic
to increasing the

decisions related
Cp in taking various
6.4 || Digital Marketing

The website traffic may be classified as:

1) organic traffic
2) direct traffic
3) email traffic
4) social media traffic
5) paid search traffic
6) referral traffic

Organic Traffic
The organic traffic refers to the traffic that comes from different search engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing
etc and for which the company has not paid any cost to the search engines. Organic traffic is the outcome
of search engine optimisation. Search engine optimisation is the process of maximizing the number of
quality visitors to a website by ensuring the highest rank in the list of organic results returned by a search
engine. The entire process of search engine optimisation has been discussed later in this chapter. The
most important feature of organic traffic is that it is free of cost and the impact of such traffic is always
long lasting.

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Organic Search Traffic Source: Google search result

Figure 6.1

Direct Traffic
The traffic that comes to your website by directly typing your websites name in the search engine refers
to direct traffic. A website may experience a direct trafic if it is a as
very popular brand or the trane
bookmarked a website. Direct traffic does not involve any cost but it requires lot of efforts and time for a

company to get direct traffic. There is a very high conversion rate for such kind of traffic.

Email Traffic
The company always shares links oftheirwebsite at the time of email marketing to the traffic and therero
one may find many website visitors visiting the website by clicking such links. To increase the we
traffic via email marketing, it is suggested to perform A/B testing and email marketing automation.
Digital Marketing Presence: Key
AspectsI 6.5
SocialMedia Traffic

Thetraffic that comes

e from social media networks like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn refers to
ocial media traffic. The company setup Google
traffic. The
analytics platform with the
the traffic that visit the website via social media platforms. help of which they can track

Paid Search
The trafic that comes from paid searches are
also known as
inorganic traffic. The company has to pay to
she search engines to increase its visibility. PPC is an example of
is Dractice of marketing where a business pays for advertisementspaid
search. Search engine
a marketing
which then on appear search engine
results page and this is how
inorganic traffic is generated.

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InorganicTraffic Source: Google search result

Figure 6.2

Referral Traffic
lt is the traffic that comes from other websites and other sources such as backlinks. Referral traffic is free
of cost and signifies other people' trust towards the company.
Reterral traffic can also be said as an outcome of website credibility. There are various ways to secure
0acklinks to get referral traffic, like one may get the website published on review websites or may contact
ncers etc. According to a survey conducted by Laire (2020) it was found that 40% of the website
tComes from direct search, 34% ofthe website traffic comes from organic search, 10% of the website
h Comes from referral, 6% from social, 59% from paid and 5% from email. (Source:
6.2 Keywords
the L e Words and phrases that any user on internet uses to find online content, and this is how
brands can conr
hnect themselves with the potential customers who are looking to perform the desired
call to action.
For role. There
increasing the visibility or
platform, keywords play very important

various on online
help the company in identifying the appropriate
keywords for their business like
keywo Keyword planner etc. Brands must focus on keywords that have
a high search rate.
Types of Keywords
Short-tail Keywords: "These are search terms that are made up of only one or two wned
refer to a very broad topic and therefore have a very high search volume as well as co hey
For example- Running shoes. competition.
Long-tail Keywords: These are extended scarch phrases that consist of 3 or more words. They
be used on a specific problem, niche, market or service and hence, have a ea
very low search volume ad
as competition. For example- Best running shoes for starters. well
Mid-tail Keywords: These search terms are usually two to three words
short-tail and long-tail keywords. For example- Best running shoes.
long. They fall between thene
Local Keywords: These are keywords that contain
related to the same geographic location. For
location-specific phrases, that generate results
example- Running shoes for sale in Mumbai.
Customer-defining Keywords: These are search phrases that identify a specific subset of audience.
Here, customers use words or phrases to define themselves. For
example- Running shoes for girls.
Branded Keywords: These are phrases that contain the name
or business.
(and all its variations) of a brand
They are targeted at people who are already aware of the brand and may want to know
something else about it. For example- RedTape running shoes.
Product Keywords: Product keywords are terms related to specific brand offerings. These types
of keywords phrases that directly refer a company's products or services. For example- RedTape
comfort shoes.
Competitor Keywords: They target brand names of competing businesses, products, or services. It
gives the brand an opportunity for a similar audience of interested and potential
Reebok running shoes (competitor keyword for buyers. For example-
6.3 The P.0.E.M Strategy/Framework in Digital Marketing
POEM refers to Paid, Owned, and Earned Media that
provides for a framework for marketing
strategies. The companies do not rely and depend on a single marketing strategy rather digital
they always
to go for various
strategies for ensuring success. We must have observed that in order to increasepreter
visibility on digital platform, companies maintain a website, pages or account on almost all social
platforms such as Facebook, T'witter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., create efforts for SEO, create visibility Dy
SEM, etc. Let us understand all these forms of media one one:
Paid Media
It is also known outbound media. Any effort on the
part of the company for ensuring its Oniine
offline presence that requires
payment falls under this category. For example, companies create vist
by paying to the secarch engines like Pay Per Click. Ads and commercials are the most popular 1o
ofpaid visibility. One must have come across these ads and commercials on different channels
social media and search engines. The objective of paid media marketing is to deliver sponsoredsuads
reach the right audience on online platform.
Digital Marketing
Presence: Key Aspects
|| 6.7
Owned m e d i a m e a n s

etc are
etc are
possessions of the
the company's owncompany. For example a
blog posts,
freedomDioand control
antrol on
on th
the content to be In this form company's website, social
possession. of media, the media
audience. It is highly ost
cost. published.
effective than paid media. The
objective to deliver
is company has full
owned media. The brands have complete control and quality
Versatility longevity are the othercontent for the
over the
way they handle their benefits of
karned Media
marketing assets.
dmedia is also known as
ets due to the organic publicity marketing. It reters to the
and awareness. It exposure and
allows you to interact recognition that
rOugh third-party channels like social with your audience

ctivities performed by the business housesmedia, public relations (PR), and referrals.
that results in It refers to the
fame. By providing quality building
products and by responding to the reputation and earning name and
visibility. For example a happy customer will customer's query, a
just create happy and satisfied surely spread positive company can earn its
customers for word-of-mouth.
publicity and finally earned media. The company has to
The best way to
With the accurate balance of success for your marketing
better and more effective paid, owned, and earned mediaefforts is to follow the POEM framework.
tactics for the business. marketing
strategies, one can formulate
Understanding the Poem Framework

Paid Media E
Owned Media
Paid Ads Website
Earned Media
Search Engine Social Media
Marketing Marketing
Viral Marketing

Figure 6.3
carned and are
strategies suggested by POEM Framework that ensures in
owned visibility. securing paid,
Social mediaMedia
mark Marketing
media platforo g8 can be defined
ha platform to ensure
brand understanding e
the process of developing tailored content for different social
customer engagement
Customer engas
and promote the business. SMM helps in increasing the
6.8 || Digital Marketing

SMM covers all the three aspects of the POEM framework i.e. it is paid media, earned r
media. Paid Media: A brand can boost its paid ads on social media sites like Facebook and Instan
to reach more people. Owned Media: A brand can share and create content while using its own S
media is to with al
page. The objective engage prospective customersand drive moretraffic to the websi
Earned Media: By sharing valuable content different platforms such as social media will help compant
to increase brand awareness. As a result, the brand can earn publicity on social media to attract
number of potential customers and inviting likes and comments will further result in earning
2. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing means where a brand collaborates with an online influencer for the purpose of
marketing its products or services. Anyone who has large followings on the internet and social media
can be theinfluencer provided your brand and the influencer share the same audience. Infuenceran
influence the purchasing decision of the intended audience to a large extent and therefore for securing
large audience awareness and customers, third party channels can be really worth. Earned media
provides a platform for interacting with the audience through third-party platforms.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the process of maximizing the number of quality visitors to a website
by ensuring the high rank in the list of organic results returned by a search engine. Search Engine
Optimization is all about organic results, mean what practices, strategies or tactics, we used to get our
website ranked high in the organic search results so that maximum visitors can land on a website. I
has nothing to do with Inorganic results or paid advertisement. Search engine optimisation leads to
achieving higher web visibility. he entire process of SEOs has been discussed later in this chapter.

4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is a practice of marketing where a business pays for advertisements which then appear on search
engine results pages (or SERPs). Generally the advertisers bid on keywords that users usually enter
on any search engine like google, yahoo etc while searching for certain products or services and such
searches provides an opportunity to the advertiser for showing their ads alongside results for the search
queries of the users. SEM is an example of paid media. The entire process of SEM has been discused
later in this chapter.
5. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on
creating and distributing vau ble
relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a well defined audienceand resulting in proftable
customer action. In other words, content marketing is a proven technique for engaging audience

building long-term relationship resulting in increasing sales. It is of the most cost effective and
efficient of
ways brand
creating awareness, maintaining long-term relationships with the target auale

and in acquiring new customers. For owned and earned media, content marketing practices are ng ighly
recommended to promote the business, engage with the target audience, and boost the SEO rank"g
The entire process of content marketing has been discussed later in this unit.
Digital Marketing Presence:
Key Aspects || 6.9
6. Viral Marketing

ceeks to spread information about

iral a dof mouth
product or service from one
person by
or sharing via the internet or email. The person to another
person e individuals share marketing message to their friends,
to a objective behind viral marketing is
to enen s to create exponential growth since each person
helpbrands to. family and other individuals and
help le others. This is the best example of earned mediareceiving
the message is expected to spread
to cale in a short span of time. The entire process of viral generate publicity and attract attention

this unit.
marketing been discussed later in

7. Email Marketing
Email marketing is
highly effective digital marketing strategy where emails are shared with

nocts and customers. Effective marketing emails has the potential of

converting prospects into loyal
According to a email
marketing is still ranked as the topmost effective marketing channel,
beating out other popular domains of digital marketing such as social media and afiliate
Email marketing is highly cost-effective and has the potential to deliver the highest ROI compared to any
forms of marketing. The entire process of email marketing has been discussed later in this unit.

Benefits of POEM Strategy

The POEM framework is a guide for framing the marketing strategies for any brand. By combining all
the three parts i.e. paid, earned and owned media together, one may reach a large number of audience
and will be definitely be benefited. With the advent of digital marketing this framework is getting more
popular. The following are some of the benefits of this framework:
1) All the three forms of media are highly successful in creating brand awareness.
2) Owned media and earned media are highly cost effective.
3) All the three forms of media have the potential to increase the customers base of any brand.

1) Paid media is an costly affair.
2) Earned media may sometimes be responsible to spread negative word of mouth.
h e results are not always measurable specifically the results ofearned media.
4The expected output like brand awareness may be time consuming.

6.4 Direct Marketing

Direct marketingrrefers to all those promotional efforts adopted by the companies that involve exchanging
inform products, services to target customer with no involvement of any
ut a
company, its or

6.10 || Digital Marketing

Direct marketing involves any marketing efforts that involve direct

consumers, rather than through an intermediary or a third party. E-mail, social
communication to individual
media, catalo
cards, coupons, text messages, phone calls, newsletter etc are few examples of direct Logs, post
Objectives of Direct Marketing
The objective of direct marketing is to encourage prospects for
necessary action that means boostine.
is the soul objective of direct marketing. Direct sales
marketing efforts may not always results in the ultimat
sale rather most of the times customers prefer mate
visiting your website, asking for more information ahouw
the product or services, etc. It is believed that
not result in direct sale but still the chances of
despite the fact that direct marketing efforts may sometim
increase in sales increases by
under direct marketing companies adopting such practices as
generally selectively target people who have the potentials of
converted into final customers. being

Benefits of Direct Marketing

1) It has a
great impact
in the minds of the customers. The
messages with the selectively target customers that creates a sense of exchanges personalized
minds of prospects. The companies can reach the specific audience being important in the
messages. segments with personalized
2) It is believed to be cost-effective as the
of companies are targeting those who have high potentials
being the buyers of the company.
Marketing efforts in terms of both money and time is
believed to be effective.
3) It offers a higher return on investment in
comparison to other forms of marketing efforts.
4) It is easy and quick to measure the outcomes of
your marketing efforts.
5) Being in direct touch with the
targeted audience, helps in customising promotions, emails, and
offers to create an instant bond with the customers.
6) To maximize results, one may combine the direct
marketing methods with the loyalty program.
7) Direct marketing allows one to be in direct touch with
the customers and get to know about the
market demands at all times and
more effectively.
Direct Marketing Channels
The following are some of the important direct marketing channels:
1. Direct Mails: Marketers send
conventional paper mail like circulars,
etc., to customers catalogues, trial sannp
through post by using a list of mailing address. Direct mail uses datab
marketing. Marketers refine the data base by
focus of their selecting target segment thereby impro eticsS
items will be
marketing efforts. For example, a
person who has shown interest in co
receiving mailers for products related to
2. photography.
Telemarketing: It is a very common form of direct marketing. al
It involves contacting
Customers over phone to
persuade them to buy products or services. This form ot Pond
Digital Marketing
Presence: Key
Aspects || 6.11
has the potential generating new customer
on the database. One need to do prospects in large volumes. The
proper research of success
customers are being called. customer data so as to depends
Marketing: Email marketing is
ensure that
aching out the customers. A alarge very simple, common,
wy of mails number of emails cost-effective and measurable
containing different information are
exchanged daily basis.
vation mails are exchanged like
t ing information directly withdirectly with the target audience. promotional emails,
exchang the customers It is
4. Tevt/SMS Marketing: Text
and is very popular way of
messaging allows businesses to highly cost-effective as well
essages to large groups of people at low cost. a
reach individual
customers and send
nessaging to send customers sales alerts, links to could use short message
service (SMS)
reminders, personalised messaging.
or website updates,
E Door to through Leaflets: Local
appointment delivery or

business such
often resort to this form of direct
marketing supermarkets,as
fast food outlets,
salons etc
fvers through letterbox
drops. practice of
This is quite
simple, easy and cost-effective
a well-designed leaflets or
method of reaching
6. Direct Selling: Direct selling is effective way of direct
salesman is employed who sells
a customer's home or his/her products or services directly to marketing.
In direct Selling a

workplace. Door-to-door sales is a customers by either

selling visiting
very common form of direct
7, Social Media Marketing: Social media
used as a marketing tool to platforms that are owned media of a business
interact directly with the can be
the relevant customers and share
product or service. Social media regular updates about
customers to provide feedback
and thus platforms is also being explored to
Integrated Campaign: It refers to the bonding with the customers. encourage
of channels of direct practices adopted by the marketers where
e-mail, social networking campaign that means they combine direct mail, they use a mix
etc. telemarketing
6.5 Email Marketing
is a highly
effective digital marketing
POpects customers.
Effective strategy where emails are shared with
Customers. marketing emails has the potential of converting
prospects into loyal
to a
O nother er
survey, email marketing is still ranked as the
popular topmost effective marketing channe,
domains of digital marketing such as social
media and afiliate marketing.
Ubjerlives of E-Tmail
E-mail Marketing9
mersmersmarketing is
and r about
all about
promoting the products and services,
nesses to keenepreaching out
Out the
potential PrOu
building relationship with the
It can be said that email marketing is helping
informed about latest updates events and various transactions.
6.12 || Digital Marketing

The various objectives of email marketing are:

1) To inform the prospects about all the latest updates of a business and create brand aware
reate brand awareness,
2) To facilitate transaction related details with the customers.
3) To share various promotional campaigns with the customers
4) To successfully drive sales and builds a long term relationship with the customers

Types of E-mais
E-mail marketing is an important domain of digital marketing. One must have seen
variety of emaile
from reputed brands in their inbox on daily basis. We receive a lot of information
through emails Gn
daily basis like we may receive an order confirmation mail when we place an order or any
email and many more. On the basis of purpose behind announcement
sharing any email with the target audience, the
emails can be classified into three kinds and
they are:
1) Transactional emails
2) Relational emails
3) Promotional emails


Transactional E-mails Relational E-mails Promotional E-mails

Order confirmation e-mails. Welcome mail Sales promotion e-mails
Purchase receipts e-mails. Newsleter Product launch e-mails
Return confirmation. Event confirmations

Figure 6.4

Let us discuss them one by one:

Transactional E-mails
These emails are shared with the customers to facilitate transactions related information with
Whenever a customer perform any transaction like purchase,
payment, order cancellation and
email is sent to him by the business immediately on his/her email ID on the basis of nature of transaction
performed by the customer for example:
a) Order confirmation emails- are received by the customer immediately after placing anord
The objective of sharing this kind of email is to ensure confirmation of the order placed byu
b) Purchase receipts emails- includes details of the order placed with a business.
Digital Marketing Presence:
Key Aspects || 6.13

c) Re ncOnfirmation email- when a customer request to return the item

receives the return confhrmation by such mails. purchased by him, he
nino notices- are shared with customers when items are
istomers to track the delivery status of the items by usingshipped to link
the customers to assist
tracking embedded in the

e) Other mails- could be account creation

emails, password reminders email, unsubscribe
Confirmation mail and many more.

Relational E-mails

Relat emails considered to be very important as such emails assist
olationship with the target audience. Through such mails, businesses try to engagebuilding long-term
the customers by
sharing one or the other promotional emails. The examples of such emails are:

a) Welcome mail- A welcome email is the first email communication a business has with its
prospect. These emails enable brands to set the foundation for the kind of cooperation they will
have with their subscribers.
b) Newsletters- To keep customers updated, newsletter, articles through system generated
automatic emails are shared with them.
c)Event confirmations- such emails are shared to confirm the date and timings of an event like
seminar, conferences etc.
d) Other types- like Customer surveys, Referral requests, Lead magnet links, gated content delivery

Promotional E-mails
A promotional email is a kind of email that businesses use to promote their products, services and share
various offers, and campaigns. The objective is to convert the subscribers into customers, and customers
into brand advocates. The various forms of promotional emails are:

a) Sales Promotion Emails- when the company is running a sales promotional event, it share the
details about various discounts, offers, deals through this mail.
b) Product Launch Emails- when a company introduces a new product or a service, it shares the
intormation about the same via such emails.
) Others- seasonal campaigns, giveaway emails and many more.

importance of E-mails
half the past few yearstthere is an extensive growth in the use of email as it has been projected that
of the 2022.Companies are

and r
and world's population will be using email by the end year of the
is still a
is continuously growing and very
smails on daily basis. Email marketing
popular cho
Popular OI
choice of marketers. The various benefits of email marketing are:
customers informed about all
1) Cre Awareness: Emails have the ability
Brand keep to the
check the
Consumers can
create brand

p a a t e s about a brand and hence

Cnail whenever
they find it is convenient to do so
6.14 || Digital Marketing
about the potential customers: There a r e
lot of information uemail
2) Generates
to generate lot of information about a emailI campaig like
marketing tools that can help you like
rates, unsubscribe rates, lick through rates, and etc. This data
track open rates, bounce ddata
onecan understand a lot about the strong
and weak points ofa cam
offers an opportunity to campaignand
the same can be considered in future
building campaigns.
be reached with minimum cost that
3) Cost Effective: A large number of consumers can means
to other digital marketing tools.
this tool is highly cost effective comparison
states that 91% of consumers use email that clearly states
4) Wider Audience: A Hubspot survey
be approached through email.
that a very large percentage of digital population can
5) High return on investment: According to a survey conducted in the year 2018 by DMA, it was
found that, "for every $1 spend on email marketing the likely expected return is 32 dollars, this
means that there is a high return on investment in email marketing
6) Automation: Email marketing can go very well with automation thereby increasing relevancy
and timeliness of your email marketing campaigns. One can use triggers and workflows to
automatically send messages to consumers after they take a specific action and this reduces the
efforts. One can ensure sharing the message with all the subscribers with no chance of mising
out any of them.
7) Personalized Email: With email marketing, one can share personalized messages with the
customers like greetings on Birthdays, anniversary and other important events. By using the
data which has been collected from the subscribers, one can work to provide more personalized
and relevant content that too as per their choice, area of interest etc.
8) Driver for Business Growth: A survey was to conducted to know whether email marketing
campaigns can be driving factor of business growth and it was found that 81% of small business
specifically rely on email as their primary channel to acquire the customers. It can
therefore be said that email marketing is a driver for business growth.
9) Open Rate: It is a wel1-known fact that the success of email marketing campaign highly depends
on how many customers are actually opening the mails. According to get response survey. t
was found that the average open rate of email is 20.8% and it
also found that the avee
open rate of the welcome email is approximately 82% that means that the open rate of weico
is A business can use welcome mails to collect and the relevant
emails extremely high.
information from the customers.
10) Customers wants to get information: According to the survey conducted starter the
by sta a
year 2017, it was found that, "49% of customers said that they would like to receive
mails specifically from their favourite brands', which means pro m
that customers wants to listcls
the brands which they
like and business houses should not hesitate in sending frequen emails

with their customers.

Apart of the above discussed benefits email marketing provides
abandoned cart emails
accessibility to mobile au
can prove to be a way for converting the lost customers into P
p o t e n t i a l

Digital Marketing Presence: Key
Aspects l 6.15

of E-mail Marketing Campaign
problems associated with email marketing could be:
1) commercial email often iritates consumers. Your messages
Deopleor else the recipient may delete email or unsubscribe to it.
people or
must be targeted to the right
1lndelivered emails: A Poorly designed emails may face delivery issue and may not be delivered.
It is suggested that your marketing lists must be up to date, and that the email addresses should
be correct or else your message will not be delivered.
a Design problems:
The emails may have certain
design issues and therefore your mail
encounter functional issues in such cases.
4) Size issues: Size is again one of the issue which one may come through, for example if the size
of the file is too long then the time to open such mails extend beyond the tolerance limit of
audience which will not definitely be appreciated by them.
5) Resources and skills: One needs to be creative to ensure the success of email campaign. Further,
it requires time to build an eftective marketing campaign.

Email Marketing Strategy

To make and build an effective email marketing strategy, the following steps are required:
1) Targeting the right audience: Do not share your mails with anyone and everyone. Carefully
select your audience and create a list accordingly as it will lower the chances of spam.
2) Keep your mails simple and yet attractive:Avoid using technical jargons and select clean
templates while building your campaign.
3) Use an appropriate call to action: In order to increase the conversion rates, it is advisable to
use appropriate call to action.
4 Allow subscribers to unsubscribe: Make it easy for those who are no more interested in
receiving mails from you with an option to unsubscribe
5) Tracking of data: Tracking of data is extremely important. Data offers you an opportunity
to understand a lot about the strong and weak points of your campaign and the same can be
considered in building your future campaigns.

How to Start E-mail

The following steps will help in starting your email marketing campaign:
EIect a E-mail marketing software: There are various platforms which can be used by
like constant contact,
d marketers for building a successful email marketing campaign
etKesponse, MailChimp, AWeber and many more. the email addresses of
cate an email list of interested subscribers: This list contains
communications from you.
Subscribers who have opted-in to receive email
c subscribers by
new subscribers:
Don't forget to welcome your new
shad welcome email for
laring welcome mails with them.
6.16 || Digital Marketing

4) Build a template: Select a simple template and draft your email marketing campaion
5) Optimize your email open rate, clicks, and conversions: 'There are a number of wayct

your email open and conversion rate, share personalized and highly engaging mail.
6) Testing before sharing It is always advisable to test email before officially sending 1
subscribers to avoid any disappointing experience that may hurt your reputation. the
7) Right time: There is always a right time to share your mail and therefore carefully select
appropriate day and time to optimize the open rate of mail and also to maximize the de t the
outcomes for the mail. ired
8) Monitoring outcome: There are various email marketing tools that can help you to
of information about your email
generate lot
campaign which will help in monitoring the outcome of vour
campaign like one can track open rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, click through rates
and etc. This data offers you an
opportunity to understand a lot about the strong and weak
points of your campaign and the same can be considered in building your future
6.6 Opt in email Marketing
Opt-in email marketing is also known as permission marketing. Opt-in email
marketing is an inbound
marketing approach whereby a marketer requests a potential customers permission to share with them
promotional or other types of information or content about its brand. It can be single opt-in or double
opt-in, which has been discussed later in this chapter.
Process of Opt-in email Marketing
The brands invite and convince the website visitors to
sign up for its email list by providing some sort of
incentive such as free samples, free consultations, trial
The logic behind this effort is that the subscriptions etc. often known as lead magnet.
people who have opted to be in your email list want to hear from
you. When potential customers opt in to your email list,
they are
marketing emails with them. By doing this your marketing efforts giving you the permission to send
are in right direction as instead of
sharing emails randomly to people who might not be interested in
your information, youre actually
sharing to those who are interested in hearing from you.
This practice has become
very common now days as by doing so you can create a certified email ist
of potential customer.

Types of Opt-in email Marketing

There are
mainly two types of opt in email marketing namely
Single-opt-in and double-opt-in.
Double opt-in
It means double
confirmation or re-confirmation, where the brand is nce
asking for your permission
again prior to
when you visitfinally sending
a website and emails
join the including your list then
or companys emailemail
in itsyou must
final have
list of seen an email
subscribers. For in ynple
exa ur
account wherein the brand is
sharing a link with you and asking you to click the link if interestc

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