Washington's Wars and Occupations: Month in Review #64
Washington's Wars and Occupations: Month in Review #64
Washington's Wars and Occupations: Month in Review #64
U.S. combat operations are supposedly over in Iraq – but U.S. casualties in Afghanistan under
Obama have now surpassed those under Bush and continue to climb. A majority of U.S. people
think that war is not worth fighting, but General David Petraeus is leading other senior military
commanders in a campaign to undermine Obama‟s July 2011 timeline for U.S. troops to “begin
leaving” Afghanistan. In the last month, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sent
National Guard Troops to the U.S/Mexico border saying that the troops will help protect the
American people. Military recruiters still target youth in people of color and poor communities:
amid today‟s “jobless recovery” the U.S. military is the biggest jobs program going. A generation
of veterans and active duty servicewomen and men, their families and friends, have sacrificed
and paid too high a price for the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. And while the drawdown
of troops in Iraq makes the front pages, there is an unpublicized military build-up of another
kind on a small island in the Pacific far from the Middle East.
The shape-shifter is changing the way the Iraq occupation is enforced. Fifty thousand U.S.
troops will remain, working with a large-scale build-up of private contractors brought in by the
State Department to support the military. The remaining troops are a “transitional force” with,
according to Obama, a “focused mission – supporting and training Iraqi forces, partnering with
Iraqis in counterterrorism missions, and protecting our civilian and military efforts.”
Tom Hayden expanded on the nature of the civilian build-up: “Thousands of military contractors
will conduct Iraqi police training, protect Iraq‟s airspace, and possibly conduct continued
counterterrorism operations. State Department operatives will be protected in mine-resistant,
ambush-protected vehicles [MRAPS], armored vehicles, helicopters, and its own planes.” How
independent and sovereign can Iraq really be with such a huge U.S. military presence? And U.S.
generals hint that “if the Iraqis request it” thousands of troops will stay after the end-of-2011
deadline for all to be gone.
The loss of life on all sides will continue. The occupation of Iraq has claimed over 4,400 U.S.
troops‟ lives, wounded thousands physically and psychologically, and left millions of Iraqis killed,
wounded, or displaced. Three days after the last U.S. troops designated as combat units left on
August 19, another U.S. soldier was killed. The military announced that the soldier was killed in
“a hostile attack” (isn‟t that combat?) in the province around Basra.
Life in Iraq: the middle class has disappeared, medical care is difficult to attain, there is no
government five months after national elections, foreign troops are still there. People have
protested and rioted in recent weeks over lack of electricity and other basic services. Juan Cole
added it up: “The U.S. has done enough damage, and can best help Iraqis by allowing them to
return to being an independent country.”
Obama has set a July 2011 timetable for U.S. troops to begin leaving the country, but even this
loophole-filled target is too restrictive for the military brass. Gen. David Petraeus and senior
military officials like Marine Commandant Gen. James Conway have begun a political and media
campaign to undermine the White House, arguing that the U.S. is in the “early stages” of a
counterinsurgency campaign. In a press conference last week, Gen. Conway said, “In some ways
… [Obama‟s timetable] is probably giving our enemy sustenance… We think he may be saying to
himself… „Hey, you know, we only have to hold out for so long.‟” Gen. Conway continued, “I
honestly think it will be a few years before conditions on the ground are such that turnover will
be possible for us.”
The latest polls show 60% of the U.S. people opposed to the war. We see what Gen. Petraeus
and the hawks don‟t want us to: things are only getting worse, and U.S. troops need to come
home now.
Month in Review #64 — August 31, 2010 / 2
Regarding Israel/Palestine, the shape shift now is the beginning of “direct talks.” On August 20,
the Obama administration announced that it will host face-to-face Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
beginning on September 2 in Washington, D.C. No honest broker for the negotiations,
Washington has spent the last several decades arming and funding the Israeli military as it grabs
Palestinian land and enforces an apartheid-type arrangement on the Palestinian people. And it
continues to do so: according to the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, “The U.S. is
scheduled to provide Israel with $30 billion in weapons from 2009–2018. The U.S. cannot
credibly broker Israeli-Palestinian peace while bankrolling Israel‟s military machine and
simultaneously ignoring Israel‟s human rights violations.”
Even before talks begin, a crisis for them looms. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu told his right-
wing party August 29 that he has made no promises to anyone to continue the partial
moratorium on settlement-building. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas had declared when he
agreed to direct talks that if settlement building officially resumed (it never really stopped) it
meant negotiations would end.
Now we have Obama, the first Black President. Someone who became so human to all of us in
the anti-war movement, partly because of the great obstacles he had to surmount to get to the
White House, partly because with his promise to end the war in Iraq we finally had a candidate
“on our side.” But U.S. militarism is bigger than Bush, bigger than Obama. Its shape is changing
again: so must the shape of our resistance. U.S militarism‟s shape-shifting ways were born at
the dawn of the U.S. over 200 years ago, and have a long and twisted history staking out and
protecting U.S. interests around the world.
Known as the “tip of the spear,” Guahan is strategically positioned in the Pacific Basin. Like
Japan, the Philippines, Okinawa, and South Korea, Guahan is used by the U.S. military to train
and maintain wartime fighting capabilities and to project military might against potential rivals,
especially China. But the residents of Guahan are getting organized and fighting back, making
the U.S. military nervous that grassroots opposition will undermine their empire-building project.
Guahan has been an unincorporated territory of the U.S. since 1944. Though technically U.S.
citizens, the residents of Guahan are unable to vote for President, unable to select Congressional
representatives who have voting power, unable to determine their future on their own terms.
Under colonial status for nearly 340 years, on Guahan the U.S. military enjoys some support
from residents who see the U.S. as a liberating force from the islands‟ earlier conquerors, and
But as in many other military communities, the local government strategy of trying to use the
military presence and infrastructure building for economic development often has the opposite
effect. Nearly one-third of Guahan‟s population receives food stamps. Twenty-five percent live
below the federal poverty line. Chamorros (the indigenous residents of Guahan) lead all U.S.
demographic groups in the number of U.S. troops killed per capita and in their rate of military
recruitment. Guam is also home to over 100 toxic sites and 12 Superfund sites, a direct result of
the U.S. military presence.
The U.S. military uses its Pacific bases to provide logistical support for missions around the
world. From its numerous bases there, the military is able to supply itself, restock, and conduct
repair and maintenance of military platforms and equipment. Currently Guahan is home to the
Anderson Air Force base, which is capable of handling the largest U.S. aircraft in history, and the
ability to acquire more assets if necessary. U.S. bases on Guahan already handle nuclear
powered attack submarines, F-22 fighter jets, and B-2 stealth bombers.
Guahan‟s strategic location relative to China, North Korea, Russia, Japan, and Vietnam makes it
a prime spot for the U.S. to prepare for military aggression. North Korea is the most likely
immediate target; China is regarded as the main long-range “threat.”
A key reason for the buildup in Guahan is that U.S. military presence in Okinawa has been
contested, with mass popular protests calling for the ousting of the U.S. military, based on
widespread reports of rape of women and young girls and other crimes committed by military
personnel stationed there, as well as the infrastructure costs of hosting nearly 150,000 US
troops in total. Since Guahan is a U.S. colony, unlike Japan or other Pacific nations, it does not
have a democratic voice within this process.
In addition to logistical and environmental concerns, popular forces have organized in opposition
to the military buildup and in support of self-determination for the island and its residents, and
all other communities impacted by military occupation and violence. We Are Guahan
Month in Review #64 — August 31, 2010 / 4
(www.weareguahan.com) is a grassroots organization that has begun to organize residents of
Guahan and beyond to oppose the military buildup using a combination of popular education,
cultural awareness, and intergenerational and multiracial / multiethnic alliances.
As the empire tries to gain approval of this massive project, We Are Guahan is exposing the
contradictions of moving U.S. Marines unwanted in Okinawa to another location where residents
oppose the military‟s presence. Last week, organizers surprised a formal tour organized by the
Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense by staging a community cleanup that
also demonstrated to community members exactly how much of an ancestral burial ground
would be taken and used for a military firing range. Indeed, the buildup is a threat to the very
existence of the indigenous people of Guahan. Less than 40% of the current population is
Chamorro, and it is estimated that within the next 30 years the Chamorro language could
become extinct.
From tiny Guahan to front-page news Afghanistan, the shape-shifting U.S. military is
maneuvering to get its way. The antiwar movement‟s challenge is to keep our eyes and ears
open, to read between the lines, to see the links between these many faces of the shape-shifter.
We have to look for the places where our struggles overlap, and illuminate those links to build
solutions together.
Maryam Roberts is an Oakland-based writer, educator, and member of War Times new
―Month in Review‖ writing team. She has been working on U.S. militarism, veteran, and military
family advocacy, with a focus on gender, racial justice, and queer rights for nearly a decade.
Alicia Garza, also a new writer for War Times, is currently the co-executive director at People
Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) in San Francisco. For nearly ten years she has
been helping to build people‘s power in working class communities of color in the Bay Area and
War Times/Tiempo de Guerras is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Third World
Organizing. Donations to War Times are tax-deductible; you can donate online at
www.war-times.org or send a check to War Times, c/o P.O. Box 22748, Oakland, CA 94609.