Intersol Unit 3 Module 1
Intersol Unit 3 Module 1
Intersol Unit 3 Module 1
Using what you have read in this introduction to TESOL and your own
knowledge, what do you consider to be the blocks which may prevent
language learning?
From your own experience and from what you have read can you
comment on this statement?
It’s a well known saying that you can take the horse to water but you can
not force it to drink it. It needs to be thirsty to drink water. Similarly, a
person cannot achieve success in any field unless he/she really wants
to do it.
Studies have shown that those who join the course with some goal in
mind are intrinsically motivated to perform better. The mindset they enter
the class with, directly influences the amount of learning happening to
A learner is motivated either intrinsically or extrinsically. Extrinsic
motivation comes from external sources such as the need to clear an
exam e.g. students who are seeking admission in foreign university are
more determined to score high in IELTS and are definitely more
committed to learn. Whereas, students who do not have anything
definite to work towards, may not persevere due to lack of motivation
and may even dropout. However, some students may have other less
well-defined goals such as desire to be able to speak in English, to
increase job prospects or to be able to gain access to the vast resources
in English. A learner, who joins the course with the aim of improving his
performance at work where the lack of knowledge of the language
undermines his performance, is much more motivated to learn.
Some students may be driven by the desire to fit in the society. In
contrast, some individuals might be motivated intrinsically i.e. their
motivation comes from within. They may learn because they enjoy
learning or to make them feel better. Whatever the reason may be, the
more the learner is motivated, the better the learning experience will be.
It may seem that a class full of goal oriented students makes the task of
teaching quite easier. However, the truth is quite the opposite as it poses
a new challenge in front of the teacher i.e. to retain or increase the
motivation levels of the students. It is the task of a good teacher to
develop the love for learning in his/her students. If the teachers can
make their classrooms places where the students enjoy coming because
the content is interesting and relevant to their age and level of ability,
where the learning goals are challenging yet manageable and clear, and
where the atmosphere is supportive and non-threatening, they can make
a positive contribution to the students' motivation to learn. The success
of a teacher is gauged by how well he/ she manage to sustain the
motivation the learner brings to the class. This cannot be done without
working on the affect component of the class. The teacher must be
caring towards the students and must work hard to build a good teacher
– student rapport. Students should feel comfortable and confident in the
presence of the teacher.
Well planned and balanced lesson plans encourage and motivate the
students to continue to perform better. A well prepared and well
presented lesson reposes the trust and faith of students in their teacher.
On the contrary, unprepared and shabbily dressed teacher fails to
arouse the curiosity of the students. When students have confidence in
the teacher, they are likely to remain engaged with what is going on. If
they lose that confidence, it becomes difficult for them to sustain the
motivation they might have started with. A good teacher endeavors to
make the class more and more interactive and engaging for the students
by including a variety of relevant and enjoyable activities in the class.
E.g. role plays, singing songs, monologues, discussions, dialogues,
interviews, predict and end the story, chain drills etc must be included in
the class.
Last but not the least, sometimes letting the students decide what they
want to learn and giving them control of the class boosts their confidence
and motivates them to take interest in the class for longer period of time..