Purchase Intention of Fashion Product As An Impact of Digital Marketing
Purchase Intention of Fashion Product As An Impact of Digital Marketing
Purchase Intention of Fashion Product As An Impact of Digital Marketing
p-ISSN 1907-235X / e-ISSN 2597-615X
Abstract: This research is to study the impact of digital marketing on consumer engagement and purchase intention, consumer
engagement on purchase intention, and the mediating effect of consumer engagement in the relation between digital marketing
and purchase intention. The population in this research was generation Z. Samples were 236 students in two private universities
in Surabaya. Data were analyzed with Andrew Hayes PROCESS model 4. The results show that all hypotheses were
supported. The findings of this research contribute to the online communication strategy of online shop owners to reach
generation Z.
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh digital marketing terhadap consumer engagement dan
purchase intention, consumer engagement terhadap purchase intention, serta efek mediasinya dalam hubungan antara digital
marketing dan purchase intention. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah generasi Z. Sample berjumlah 236 diperoleh dari
mahasiswa dua universitas swasta di Surabaya. Data dianalisis dengan Andrew Hayes PROCESS model 4. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan semua hypothesis diterima. Temuan penelitian ini berkontribusi terhadap strategi komunikasi pemilik online
shop terutama untuk sasaran generasi Z.
social media usage and online advertisement (Vieira et are variations within the group (Okros, 2020). Thus
al., 2019). In Indonesia, internet users predicted to this research is conducted to the individual level within
reach 140 million in 2020 and e-commerce plays an generation Z.
important role in the future economy (Deloitte
Indonesia, 2019). Previous research in Indonesia Digital Marketing
shows that generation Z uses either social media dan
online platform while shopping (Mulyani et al., 2019). Digital marketing channels refer to internet
Thus, it’s important to include either brand owned and systems that have the ability to simultaneously create,
market initiated (Vieira et al., 2019), digital marketing promote, and deliver value from producers to consu-
for online shop owners while conducting business in mers through digital networks (Key, 2017).
Indonesia. Digital marketing aim is about to reach, grow,
The theoretical gap in this research is to use the and retain consumer through the internet channel (Key,
measurement developed by Jacuński (2018) and to test 2017). It’s purposed to communicate, to withdraw
the variable in its relation with engagement and attention to a product not through traditional adver-
purchase intention. Moreover, even the previous tising (television, magazine, etc.), but online media
research has studied antecedents of online shopping, (Jackson & Ahuja, 2016). The benefit of digital
none of them use digital marketing with PESO (paid, marketing for the firm is for the cost-effective (Ištvanić
earned, shared, owned) dimension (Bartholomew, et al., 2017), broader customer reach and inexpensive
2013). The uniqueness of PESO is it combines either statistical marketing research (Jackson & Ahuja,
brand owner and market initiated advertisement 2016). The online media for marketing is known as
(Vieira et al., 2019). From the measurements, the focus firm initiated and market initiated. Firm initiated is
of PESO is more about the strategy to reach the through paid advertisement, own website/account, and
consumers (Jacuński, 2018). digital inbound. Market initiated is through “likes”
The empirical gap is to test the model to gained for the content, shares, comments, and organic
Indonesian Generation Z, which started to be the search (Vieira et al., 2019). Thus, the development of
consumer generation with their own decision to spend indicators of digital marketing resulting in the dimen-
their income. The implication of this study is sion of PESO (paid, earned, shared, owned) (Bartholo-
contributing to the digital marketing strategy for online mew, 2013; Jacuński, 2018). Digital marketing is the
fashion shop owners. The result might help to develop antecedents of consumer engagement (Jackson &
strategy particularly to reach generation Z in the Ahuja, 2016).
Indonesian market.
Consumer Engagement
Brand engagement is a level of cognitive, emo-
Generation Z tional, and or behavioral interaction with a brand.
Engagement is a proactive activity from the customer’s
As an online consumer, generation Z is interested side (Hollebeek, 2011). It’s a psychological state as a
in innovation. They expect a wide availability of result of the interaction, and it’s iterative (Brodie et al.,
devices and processes that will make the shopping 2011).
experience faster and autonomous. Information is The antecedent of consumer engagement is con-
important for them (Priporas et al., 2017). They are sumer involvement (Harrigan et al., 2018), and digital
quick in making educated online shopping decisions marketing (Hollebeek & Macky, 2019; Jackson &
(Lauring & Steenburg, 2019). Different from previous Ahuja, 2016). Furthermore, consumer engagement
generations, generation Z is known as a non- might influence evaluation, trust, loyalty, co-creation,
impulsive-buyers (Thomas et al., 2018). While doing word of mouth, and usage intention (Harrigan et al.,
online shopping, generation Z is looking for the best 2018). Thus, it can be hypothesized that,
deal, visibility of the product, and reviews. Moreover, Hypothesis 1. Digital marketing has a positive signi-
they are less brand loyal than in previous generations ficant effect on consumer engagement.
(Eom & Seock, 2017; Thangavel et al., 2019).
Previous research shows the distinct charac- Online Purchase Intention
teristics of generation Z different from other genera-
tions. Meanwhile, research-based on generational Online purchase intention is consumer intentions
theory or cohort analysis has to consider also that there to make an initial online purchase (Schlosser et al.,
Kaihatu: Purchase Intention of Fashion Product as an Impact of Digital Marketing 63
marketing (Hollebeek & Macky, 2019; Jackson & This research also supports previous research on
Ahuja, 2016) influence consumer engagement. The the influence of engagement on purchase intention
engagement is developed by frequently seeing the (Harrigan et al., 2018; Toor et al., 2017). The more
content, understand clearly the message, impressed, generation Z understands, have a positive feeling, and
and found that other people also “like” the content. willing to spend time to know more about the product,
Moreover, to follow the owned account also develop the more they are willing to buy now, if possible, and
engagement by seeing the content posted and inter- if probable. Consumer engagement also proved to be
acting with other followers and the owner of the the mediator of the relationship between digital
account. Thus, this proves that the owned and the paid marketing and purchase intention (Toor et al., 2017).
dimension of digital marketing influences engage- Thus while generation Z reached and experiencing the
ment. Furthermore, from the side of market initiated product through digital marketing, the more they have
knowledge, emotion, and engagement to the product.
digital marketing, this research found that the more the
Moreover, the engagement develops the intention to
content shared gain “likes”, comments from fans, and
purchase, either now or later.
responded by the brand owner, the more engagement
is developed. The role of influencer is also significant, IMPLICATION
showing that the more the influencer present impres-
sive and informative content, the more engagement is This research is about reaching generation Z.
developed. The engagement expected is shown to be Thus, to make them know that the brand or product
either in cognitive by understanding clearly about the exists, the owner has to make sure that “Paid Earned
brand, positive feeling toward the brand, and to give Shared Owned” (Bartholomew, 2013; Jacuński, 2018)
time in order to understand more about the brand. is conducted simultaneously. Just to post content or
This research also found that digital marketing many followers in the owned account is not enough.
toward generation Z influences purchase intention. Online shop owners have to make sure that the content
This confirms previous research (Paakkari, 2016; Roy has the reach and impress the target market generation
et al., 2019; Toor et al., 2017). The more consumers Z. Furthermore, online shop owners also have to make
respond to PESO (Bartholomew, 2013; Jacuński, sure to participate in the interaction with the potential
2018) dimensions of digital marketing, the more they consumers, to build engagement. The behavior
are intended to purchase now, if possible, and if expected for generation Z is to purchase the product. It
probable. is suggested that the strategy does not only depend on
Kaihatu: Purchase Intention of Fashion Product as an Impact of Digital Marketing 65
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